##VIDEO ID:CZSVrO5NOCw## Lake Blasta Town Council this January 13th 2025 a beautiful Monday evening in the beautiful town of lake plet at our government center uh I'd ask everybody at this time to please make sure that you remove your covers while you're in chamber and if everybody would please rise we have the uh honor tonight to have with us our chairman of our [Music] LPA Reverend Dustin woods from the gra Bible Church and he's going to lead us in our invocation and Pledge of Allegiance let's pray together Lord I Thank you for the gift that it is to live in a community like this and I pray that you would set your wisdom upon our leaders and father that you would govern us as we seek to govern well this real estate that you've entrusted to us father we turn it all over to you knowing you are the good and faithful guide in Jesus name amen amen amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all at this time I'd like to make sure everybody has their phones either off or on vibrate clerk would you please call the role mayor Holbrook here council member Hayes here council member warley here council member Charles here council member Everhart here next the approval of the consent agenda a through e I'll make a motion to approve consent agenda a through e second all right we have a motion and second any comments from the podium all hearing none we'll take it to the audience saying none bring it back pull the councel council member Charles yes council member Hayes yes council member Worley yes council member everard yes okay well now go to number two presentations first on the uh on the agenda is Van ho and Daniel cochr of cwr they're the I believe the project man managers of the us27 uh project that's going on and if you gentlemen would like to come up we'd appreciate it well good evening I'm uh I'm Dan F I have so we got three Dans here actually um I'm with eisan ruso and we are the construction Engineers will you check your mic is it yeah talk please talk into it like okay there you go all right thank you sorry so uh my name is Dan Foss I am with Ean and Russo we are the construction managers the engineers that the Department of Transportation hired to manage and oversee this Construction contract and I'm the senior project engineer for this project so I'm here to kind of introduce the uh contractor uh CW Roberts and their um proposal to alter some of the ways that the contract and the construction will be done um we are we have seen this done uh several times in fact on us27 at State Road 60 or actually Central Avenue in Lake uh Wales we just finished it recently where we changed how the concrete construction was done it was very successful so you know we know this can be done and be done well and very successfully so um and we're here as well to help manage it as we go through that and we can answer any questions about um anything you have as well um related to the the design of of and construction so with that Dan with uh CW Roberts construction who's the contractor for the project good afternoon early evening thank you for your time um I don't think we got the Powerpoint over to you so we had some handouts here I mean what I'll try to I'll try to explain as best that I can um currently right now um the contract um in the center of town um consists of the intersection of 27 in Del Hall and Tower Road to become a concrete an 11-in concrete roadway at the intersection um with the Concrete Construction um there's going to be uh a detour set up and then eventually we've got to put some concrete on Del Hall about uh is it 40 ft into the intersection across the whole intersection um currently right now the plans call for phase construction a lane of a a lane at a time on Dell Hall um six lanes and then there's some other crosses crossovers at the median um so as the plan is approved by the department and under contract we currently have seven different phases of week weekend closures Friday night at I think 9:00 at night um and we're supposed to be done by Monday morning at 6:00 a.m. so we will be uh currently as it is contracted we'd be going in there um over the course of seven to nine weekends um trying to get it complete and as you know the Florida weather um rain is uh always around us storms so the there are only seven phases but that could take upwards of uh you know two or three months to actually get the right timing in to get through the weekend without getting rain it is concrete we're going to be in a big hole Holes fill up with water um it makes construction very very hard um there's a lot of safety concerns what we're proposing um and we're not changing any of the detours that are in the plans the detours in the plans are as um contracted in discussed uh many months ago with the Department those detour routes are not changing what we're asking for is is to be able to go in there over a 21-day period and get it done during that 21-day shutdown so we don't have to worry about what Friday night and Saturday and Sunday we're going to be out there and is it going to rain and um we're trying to get and we would set it up to uh accomodate um what we've discussed in house and with some of the people um time frame when school is over and we're in the middle of the summer and people are off out of town basically um and not a lot of the the the area in that going up Dell Hall is going to be in use um and we would do that in a 21 day period right there um the middle of June and be done before the 4th of July um we we're feeling that it's it's a safety concern not only for the workers but the traveling public um you know the detours every week confusion uh people going to the ball fields um one of the things that the detour doesn't do it doesn't affect the in andout of the strip mall or the gas station they still have access on that side um and again I think it it helps with the the safety the First Responders you know we're going to have to be coordinating with the First Responders every weekend on what Lane is open what Lane isn't open What's the best way to access at this if we can set up a 21-day closure First Responders know that for 21 days this is how we're going to go to a call up in that area um we would be in contact with them um throughout the whole project um you know we would give weekly updates um because we were asking for 21 days if things went well we the plan is to work 21 uh 247 you know day and night with our crews um and you know possibly get done sooner and as soon as we get done we're going to going to open the road um we feel 21 days um buys us some time if we do have a rain event or two we can recover from it um you know one of the one of the uh uh talking points about the seven different phases is a no-oo scenario at what what time we we're telling everybody putting it out there on the message boards that this is going to be closed starting Friday night well come Thursday the weather changes and a big storm fronts coming across on Saturday we cancel um that is going to cause a lot of confusion plans like that with the 21-day closure we're in we're out um so um what else do we want to add here um and that would also the overall schedule of the project you know currently right now let me find the right sheet I think the last page it's it's kind of hard next to last page is hard to understand but it's not is just a real basic bar chart currently the the traffic control plan at the top has us doing southbound 27 from January to March Northbound 27 from April to June and we'd be into that intersection um from July into October um if we had got if we can Inc if we can get the closure we still keep January to march on the southbound April to of June on the Northbound and we then jump right in there in June and knock it out before the 4th of July um this also would help with the overall completion schedule of the project um it's hard to put exactly how much time on it it would take but it could save upwards of two months of us being in traffic out there every day every night um getting the job done getting it out of here the constructibility being able to do the the whole project as one versus little pieces at a time we'd have a lot more uh efficiency uh and the constructibility would be a lot more durable um probably last more uh longer um and prevent maintenance coming back you know in 12 to 15 years we might get a 20-year lifespan out of this as it's designed um I think I've covered it all yeah because currently the way it is we might be uh in traffic we probably will be in traffic during school the change would put us out of traffic during school we would make sure that happens mayor may ask questions yeah um so where would the detour be per plan The Detour right now that's already approved it takes you between the school and the marathon um what's that side street name I can't remember it goes south and it takes you down to um 621 and it takes you back around so that's how you would get to 27 so you would shut down right there at the two stor so you couldn't go down Del Hall you would stop you would the stores would have access but there it would be closed right there at the intersection and then you would if you're coming towards 27 then you would turn South and and look back around to um 621 and then you can get on 27 down at 621 can can we put at least that picture or something up for the audience to see too cuz that's I mean I'm still struggling with exactly where you're talking so a visual would be good well can can we bring up Google Maps or something so we can see that or the gis or something interl y yeah and while you're doing that what impact will this have on our budget we're going to save some money as far as the City of Lake plon or the the county would be an impact budget would be no impact no impact on the budget we spoke to the County as well um and uh you know they uh the County engineer um went through this with us um the county had no objections um and again yeah there would be no additional no cost to the to the city or the county sorry trying to figure out where so I'm still I'm still confused I'm sorry so you're going to go you're going to say the Northbound traffic say Northbound is going to turn on 621 and when are they going to come back no North Northbound and southbound 27 never change it's the the the the uh Dell Hall uh East and Westing if you're trying to turn on to Dell Hall coming from the south you got to go down to Inner Lake turn right turn right on um eucalyptus if if you're coming north you would be turning left onto um Inner Lake and right onto eucalyptus um and that would be for the seven phases that would be Friday night through Monday morning um for seven weeks that we could do the work but um you know weather it could it could be 15 weeks uh Lord help us with that for sure but um and that then that detour um was vetted with the original plans yeah yeah so thank you Eva thank you s so this is Del Hall here well you're G to challenge me today Del Hall here uh southbound and Northbound 27 and Tower Road what we talking about just this little area literally right here that we want to close and build in one shift if we can't the phasing as you can see what the plan has us doing a lane at a time one lane open it up Monday morning the next Friday a lane open it up the middle Still's got to be built with a new island and then you got a lane in a lane and then you got a sliver out in here and a sliver out in here according to the plans if we can if we can uh don't get any objections here we could close this down for 21 days or less and get it get it built and right now the traffic would be coming right here turning right and then going east west or straight we're over here by Tower Road the same thing happens over here goes around and you come in the back way into Tower Road there's a little bit over here that we would be doing at the same time so these detours will not from the original plans won't change what's what we're what we're trying to do is to get the language to change instead of the weekly closures to a 21-day closure instead of three months correct and will people coming from the West on Dale Hall still be able to access the Public's and the Wawa so it'll be it'll be closed be a in this case after that right this entrance right here will always be open okay always yep but you know the signs will be going to be for the plans we have right there they're not going to change going to be set right there um and again is to the right a little more oh yeah oh sorry this one right here oh he back there yeah way down here it's just a it's 60 40 feet of this 60 foot across it's just this big rectangle right here um and also when some when this when we're doing construction and and there's a side road open um we're going to be working at some point of time when we're first in there starting the construction we've got a excavate out or dig out upwards of 16 or 17 Ines yeah and we'd have a 17 18inch drop off right next to traveling uh cars traveling on Del Hall as it stands right now if we can get this completely shut down we isolate not only the public but the workers and and again the First Responders um will have you know a better plan and a better schedule to know how they can get to and from during a call so so this one Marathon entrance will be Clos but the other one's access correct they can still come in here this this one here and this one here'll be open it'll be just this one right here this is helpful putting this up thank you very helpful I think that sounds like a good plan awesome um what we would uh what would cwr be looking to do is to uh to get a letter from the uh uh the city stating that there are no objections and then I could then request uh a modification to the contract plans of the Department of Transportation um and we have some Department people here now that uh work out of the Heartland office and Sebring um they come with support they're in favor of this and and again this could also help speed the entire construction here up um add a little more narrative to it you know we're going to be milling and Paving on each end of it um and be milling and Paving about four miles on each end of the job um the entire way and widening and widening and lengthening a couple of the turn lanes for as as you go out of town in both directions and that could get us currently right now it's 550 Day project um I think we could with good weather and good luck we could say save upwards of at least 90 days this chart shows you ending in July this year with the concrete with just the concrete sir yeah with the the plan is to get out of the intersection and away from town I just don't understand how it takes 500 or something days well there's a lot of other ditching and widening um it's the the total length of the job is 11 miles um is a little over 51,000 tons of asphalt that will be going down um we're going to be fixing some cross slope areas to help the drainage there's some ditching some pipes going in um and yeah we want to we want to get in and get out sir so you'll be out of intersection by July it be done um probably once we clean things up so also with the this there's some curb and gutter um that we're going to be removing and we're in the process doing that now and changing the elevation so we can change a little bit of the Cross slope right in here to get the water to drain right at the intersection right here we we put a little island out here to make it safer uh for the pedestrians where there it's kind of wide open to traffic right there we kind of build a little island out there and and and do that we hope to get that done as well um I would say there' probably be 45 days after the road is this area is constructed we could get some stuff cleaned up we've got some uh light poles we've got to remove and replace um with with some electrical and then there's some work right in here on Tower Road as well cool are you replacing the carbon gutter um some of it not all of it um most of where it's getting replaced is where the uh cross slope of the road is really flat and the water sits so we're going to remove the con concrete curban Gutter and put new new curban gutter in at a at a different elevation so we could do some overbuild with asphalt to uh get a better cross slope to chase the water across the road there will be a lot of a lot of this curban gutter is getting removed and replaced permanently not coming back not coming back yes it's going to be replaced okay yes yeah it gets removed and replaced okay yes and how far did you say you're going down on Tower Street Tower Street it goes it stops right here okay yeah so that this access always stays and this always stays yeah we got to we raise the road a little bit right in here and help with this intersection for uh visibility safety so um traffic coming out of um for instance Dunkin Donuts there that comes out that little that little road that would have to go down would that go down the frontage road yeah they would have to well they could turn right on Tower Street and and over to oh I'm going to really mess up now yeah they could I I I understand they can go back in there can they turn left on Tower Street and and go parallel to 27 yes okay what did I do if you click on the white box on the left hand side the blue will go away there you go there you go wow so basically I'm sorry there is a period of time right there during the construction on Tower Street where you were just asking about the side road right there there is a period of time during construction probably two days that we were going to have to flag and maintain traffic through there because what you have is you have have an elevation change for when we install the concrete that's on 27 compared to the side street because it already comes up at an elevation so what you're going to end up doing is about two days of overbuild and and building a taper going back and it goes it basically stops the taper stops at the Dunkin Donuts driveway so we but we will have mot in there for a few days building that transition to go up the tile that okay so we would have to maintain traffic and that would that would be after the construction on delha was complete that's when I was referring to the other question as far as being done done with some of this but you would be able to come out of there and turn right on Tower Street and then find a way to go north there's several ways that you can go north correct what will we do for signage like detour signage because it's you know may the locals know one thing but it's there there's a very extensive uh uh signage package um basically every corner has a sign on side of the road uh we'll have message boards um and of course the detour signs uh were required by contract to uh maintain those um and uh the department um is VE very very Vigilant on making sure they stay up and can be seen they're not you know graffitied or anything and we have we have aot specialist here 247 pretty much we one of our superintendents lives know 12 miles down the road in Sebring and it's going to be a 247 our intent when we get when we get into Tower Road we would we would go in there um with uh multiple Crews and and get in and get out of there um starting on a Friday night and we would work until um we're done or the the weather might might shut us down we get a we get a bad shower we'll probably stop and leave a couple people to pump water and and make sure that nothing nothing goes wrong so between 10 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. what type of noise could people expect uh most of the time at night the noise would be a motor grader a loader skid steer at night uh later on it would be concrete trucks pouring concrete um not a lot of Jack hameron going on that type of impact tool um we would do most of the excavation uh probably the first night so it would be backup alarms about what's out there right now we're we've been out there at night here the last couple weeks and that be about the same type of noises you would be hearing and just the other comment to us is we just need to make sure we properly communicate it to the public too whether it's next door however we're going to go out and communicate multiple times you know that it's closed and where it's at that that just pre prevents complaints coming back with I didn't know we we have uh the Department uh as we partner with the Department well um they have a public information officer she's here um she is very good about getting uh the lane closures and we put them on uh the different uh social medias and whatnot and uh she's really good about talking with everybody in the office and with the Department uh on making sure that's up to date and yes we would be meeting with the First Responders in person making sure they understood where what how and when and and how we could help and make sure that you know they have clear and unfettered areas to go um and the public information officer would 100% reach out through this venue and to the public on the any changes Andor updates thank you so basically you're you're coming here to say there's a change you've figure out a way to revise the schedule to expedite it and then there are some things that are will change accordingly but you have the blessing of everybody yes the Department of Transportation and their their engineer um are in favor of this um we think it will help speed the project up keep it on budget and on time um you know we run into these summer storms and whatnot and and it doesn't take a couple weekends and if you're schedule changes it affects your money um so it's a it's a joint effort to get in and get out on time and on budget um and really what uh we we come here for tonight is is to make sure that there are no objections to changing the traffic control plan um verbiage only so in the long run it's going to be less effect on the public in general absolutely I think it looks good to me thank you did we did we need to vote on this or just or open it up for public comments I was going to I was going to bring it back to council let I have a motion in a second yes to to uh to formulate the letter to send to the S to them so they can communicate with do not so I entertain a motion I would make a motion to um approve this uh basically new schedule adjustment to the schedule and the 21-day schedule stting the 21 Day schedule starting in June uh for Del H and Tower Street intersection and then also to the council drafts a letter to theot with our support Second all right we have a motion a second any other the comments from the podium all right saying none I'll take it to the audience all right none there go ahead come back let's pull the council council member Hayes yes council member Worley yes council member Charles yes yes thank you gentlemen yes sir thank you very much good afternoon Dennis Murray Town engineer yeah all right next we have a photo presentation that's going to show the uh construction of the advanced wastewater treatment facility being installed right now uh good afternoon my name is Dennis Murray Town engineer uh uh currently the advanced wastewater treatment plant is under construction we began Construction in July we're about 196 days into construction and so far everything is on track and I've got a couple photos to share with the public uh the left hand side is where we started that's an aerial of the uh current condition before we began construction and on the right hand side is the cover sheet of Pen's uh design of the advanced wastewater treatment plant uh on the left hand side you'll see the area to the north of our existing facility it's uh cleared and ready for site preparation and digging of the two clarifiers and on the right hand side you'll see some of that excavation being performed uh currently in the photo that pit is around 95 to 100 ft wide and approximately 15 to 20 foot deep on the left hand side is our um rapid infiltration Basin that's called a rib for short and it's our existing condition and on the right is kind of panning over and you'll see where we began the uh uh the trenching and the open excavation for the two clarifiers uh the left is that same trench box this is in October this is about a month into construction or two on the right is one of the little mini Earth movers that they've got on site uh they're quite interesting they've got two of these going back and forth as we further progress in the clarifier construction this is the pit um a little bit more advanced in November where they've got the the bottom uh rebar being placed and some piping uh on the right hand side you'll see the contractor crom and their very specific equipment that they've designed uh to do the installation of the clarifier walls on the left hand side is a zoomed in photo of the rebar on that that foundation of the floor and on the right hand side you'll see some of the hand holes for the electrical conduit that have been delivered on site and those will bring some of the Telecommunications throughout the uh the project uh here's more photos of the specialized equipment that CR has brought on site they are just very unique and special to the construction uh they act more or less like many elevators uh that go up and down and around and around here's some more photos of them the leftand side and the right hand side are the same type of equipment but just they do different functions but both of them spin in circles and uh wrap the rebar and also uh they'll spray the shot crate on the walls and this is a good photo in December while the uh both clarifiers the North and the South have got their walls pretty much or the the floor is pretty much done and we're ready to go vertical on site you can see some of the headworks being delivered and being prepared so we've got some very large concrete reinforced pipes uh on the left hand side you can see them adjacent to some of the equipment being used and on the right you can see a person working on them for a sense of scale so they're about 72 Ines or so very large uh this was a cool photo I took uh during a construction uh concrete pour uh you can see the rainbows going into the Ready Mixed truck and uh big American flags so I like that a whole lot uh this is a good shot kind of North and South South as we begin the vertical wall uh construction and you can see that process they they frame it with uh just a lot of framing material and you'll see more of that it starts out with wood and then kind of goes into a steel frame this is the concrete uh encased electrical conduit so this is the electrical bank that's uh that's ran through to each of the handholes that we saw earlier and uh they'll be back filled with concrete So to avoid any type of uh digging in the area we don't want any anybody to be able to uh disrupt those Communications uh there's the vertical walls being erected uh previously you can kind of see like the stilt and stick and then now we've got some steel uh to the South clarifier and the north um beginning that process and these photos you can see the steel reinforced rebar being wrapped around the clarifiers on the south you can see where we began to mobilize the specialized equipment um and uh hopefully I've got a video just kind of show these things in action um this is further into December just getting further in construction where the walls are all vertical and now they're being wrapped and being prepped for concrete this is further in construction showing some of the specialized equipment being further mobilized in in place on the left is the South clarifier on the right is the north everything is further finalizing the the the wall construction and then this is a short video uh showing them in action yep so that's a very dry mix similar to a pool walls shot cre and specialized equipment goes up and down like an elevator where the operators um are on the front and back in the middle of the vehicle and then you've got two uh operators on the uh Manning the concrete gun for lack of better term any questions thank you very informative to me good progress thank you very nice any questions of him while he's here is it is it possible for our citizens to go down and look at it if they if they would like they can't get on the construction site you'd have to schedule a day with the contractor and pretty much sit down work there's constantly big equipment moving back and forth across the site so you wouldn't be able to to see what was going on I mean to get onto the site you'd have to be you got to be very careful about that there's a lot of heavy equipment going back and forth loaders and cranes and concrete trucks and so there's 30 or 40 people working on any given day we would need proper personal protection equipment and you know it's an active construction site but what about sharing these pictures in the video in some way our intent is to put it on the next door app and also on the website I think and then um the chief can will put it on his Facebook page that would probably be more efficient than asking people inviting people down to a construction site that makes me a little nervous thank you it really does show people and pictures are worth a thousand words you can sit here and explain that all day but seeing a picture is worth everything so thank you very much especially the picture over time that really shows the progress and I like each month right something different I have just a quick question about um the camp and Conference Center where are we at with the where are they at with what their process camp and Conference Center on the Wastewater line will be the their pressure testing the force Mains they've been doing that for the last couple of days so that piece of it will be complete the lift station will be by next Friday 100% complete however um Duke is is 12 weeks out for permanent power okay so it is the only it will be the only remaining thing after Friday is to have weight on Duke for the design and getting their schedule for their polls and the line to come across so um actually having some survey work done tomorrow so that because that line that comes across there is on private entirely on private property and then there's a distance there across private property but we can get on to the camp and Conference Center property it's a little bit further run stay on their property to bring the service in then we're not dealing with other easements and multiple entities but they're they're 12 weeks out and that will complete the project okay thank you okay thank you uh I wasn't given any but at at this time if the public has anything they would like to bring before counsel this is your time to be able to get up and speak okay seeing none we'll go on to our public hearings ordinance number 202-02 and ordinance of town of Lake plid Florida modifying the 5-year Capital Improvement schedule of the town of Lake blid 2030 comprehensive plan provid providing for severability providing for conflict and providing for an effective date thank you Dana Rell Town planner for the record as mentioned this item is to discuss and vote for first reading on the five-year Capital Improvement schedule for the town of Lake Placid what the 5-year Capital Improvement schedule does or what this ordinance will do will modify our five-year Capital Improvement schedule which is something that we go through every year on an annual basis the capital Improvement schedule is located inside the capital Improvement element of the town's comprehensive plan but this is not considered pursuant to Forida statute as a full-blown comprehensive plan Amendment this is an annual update that we do every year to our comprehensive plan the reason we do this is to satisfy Florida statute requ requirements for review of the capital Improvement schedule and it helps us to identify funding timing and priority for listed projects and ensures adopted level of services are achieved slash maintained usually and it is adopted by reference includes the um Highlands County fiveyear work plan they will not have their plan ready until the end of January but the capital Improvement schedule is uh requires it's done by ordinance requires two readings so by the time we come back for second reading we'll have that plan AA available for our review I have the recommended motion options available on the screen myself and staff are available for any questions I'll move to approve ordinance number 20252 lptc 25.2 C comma modifying The Five-Year Capital Improvement schedule of the Town Lake pla 2030 comprehensive plan and Mo and forward the adopting ordinance to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity for notification thank you second okay I got a motion to Second any further discussion from the podium I I have a number of questions that I wanted to in comments um is is this due I mean the timing of this I would have thought would have been closer to the budget so this kind of hit me cold um but that's fine so can I assume properly that the 2 2425 fiscal year is exactly I'll call that year one of this this 5-year plan is the same that we approved that we just approved for the budget everything that we just approved for the budget for Capital spending for 2425 is column number one the first year in this so just to start by addressing the timing issue unfortunately the Capital Improvements schedule is handled on a calendar year basis and the budget cycle is handled through a fiscal year so unfortunately the timing doesn't quite line up and because of the way that our comprehensive plan requires us to also adopt the school board's uh five-year work plan that's why it has to come before Council as soon as this new calendar year begins which is why we're here in January um is it exactly the same I know that we've added a police car because since the budget was approved there the one of the police cars was destroyed and next we're going to have to purchase two would any other directors like to provide input on whether or not there were any changes from the time of budget to the time of capital Improvement plan just to clarify the destroyed police car is not going to be replaced next year it'll be replaced this year and it isn't being paid for with the funds coming from the insurance company so it does not change the budget for the police car next year's budget okay thank you so it's it's been included as is part of the comprehensive I'm sorry the um Capital Improvement plan but as the chief noted it will not impact our budget but he's saying the insurance company's going to then the capital Improvement plan identifies all major purchases we making regardless of who's paying for it so then the source of the fund would show insurance or something on because it also shows where the source of each of the funds for each of these items is coming from Rachel would you consider Insurance a viable Finance category for the capital Improvement plan but the way it's written it not showing insurance and implies it's coming out of taxes right so if it's not covered say insurance doesn't cover it then it would be coming out of our like I think there's like a contingency plan element to it but if a developer was going to install a new lift station and we added it to the capital Improvement plan the funding source would either be the general fund or the Utility Fund my understanding is because that's where if there was a default on the the out outside funding source that's where it would come from similar to if we say in a grant we don't get the grant we're putting something on here we say Grant we don't get the grant then we deal with going forward or not based on the funding we have used grants before as a funding category yeah yeah we have it listed on here fep Grant and that so my my I think what you're explaining is it's the same thing got a police car we need to buy we anticipate getting reimbursed from the insurance company we have to put it on here because it's a capital need we have same with a playground that we're going to get fur app but if we don't get the f app then we deal with it a different way or we do a we have to do a a budget amendment at a meeting correct um so I think when we think of it there she she so when the the insurance company reimbursed for a vehicle it's almost like on a book value it's not a replacement value so you can't use that money as for as the reimbursement to say it's going to be the total fund source for that vehicle so we anticipate paying for the vehicle and being reimbursed is that right Rachel or he can probably say that um he G to not buy something else in his budget to compensate for the difference so we'll deal with that funding at that point in time with what bring it back to you as a budget amendment or whatever matter however he kind of fund that the rest of the vehicle uh we did quite a bit a bit of extensive research into how we would uh be able to replace the vehicle this year coming in under what we are receiving from the insurance company it is not paying a total replacement cost which was 22,000 I believe is what they agreed to pay I've actually uh discovered other ways to purchase the vehicle um we'll be paying 177,000 for a new vehicle this year on lease for a threeyear lease uh we have a $1 buy out of the lease if at the end of this year we do not want to keep the vehicle we can return it for $1 we don't lose anything but we do have the use of the vehicle if we continue for the next three years we would have to pay 177,000 each year for that vehicle and at the end of it it would be paid for fully and be our vehicle so if we're leasing then we should remove it from the capital Improvement plan that one vehicle yes it should not be in the capital Improvement I don't know who put it in there okay all right so we can if Council wishes to remove that number from the capital Improvement plan that would be incorporated as part of the motion so I think I'm sorry okay I'm I'm confused maybe I was asleep but when did the 1.5 million Public Works complex come about and what is it I'll address that so that was the Public Works complex is something that we put in I I put in actually a year ago so it was in last year's Capital Improvement element and this year's Capital Improvement element again as the utility expands and it's partly to put it on your radar it's our planning from staff perspective that as utility grows we're we're already tied on space and Public Works doesn't have enough space and utilities doesn't have have enough space so we put it on there we don't have a funding source yet it's in the fifth year out or fourth year out um so but that's we have to plan for a we're not going to have enough space we have to start planning for a public utility complex if the fire department actually moves out of the build they build their fire department they move out of the existing fire department then Public Works could move into that facility which would leave some of the space issues but it needs to be on the council's radar and like I said it was in last year's and it's on this year's that you are going to need to a you're not going to have enough space for um in the existing complex so he has uh Public Works has four Bays utilities has two bays but as we continue to expand the utility through these grants and septic to sewer projects you're going to need additional space we already have most of our equipment sitting outside as it stands today well okay but wouldn't that come out of the utility budget you could fund part of the buyout out of the utility budget as opposed to the infrastructure but Public Works typically as out of the infrastructure budget if we're taking over part of that building and I don't know who built it we didn't get into that level of it's a very rough estimate because it's out down the road several years as far as a project before we're going to hire an engineer design anything get costs and that kind of stuff so part of the buyout would come out of the utility budget but that's only going to be part of what he needs he doesn't have enough space today and so if you're going to build a facility I'm assuming that you would build one large enough to house his entire department I don't see this on the CIP from prior years so for me I'd like to know a little more exactly what it is you know um the timing of it because this is saying 1.5 million coming from the general fund that concerns me that's like a big chunk of you know something I'm I'm not that familiar with so and again if we're saying it's for utilities I agree it should come from is there a specific Enterprise or combination of Enterprises sanitation utilities Wastewater uh that it should come from so um my interest would be knowing more specifically about this um before I can support and I know we've got two readings here uh but you know I'd like to know a little more about you know how much space 1.5 is a big is a big number um what is it for and what will happen to the old space so and then I do like the idea is if and I think um councilwoman warley had brought that up in the past of when the fire department is built we have a facility that we need to make a decision what to do with and and so you know to the question could that fit you know the vehicle so that's that's my comment on that one and and is there anything align item on here for a fire department no because that's handled by Highlands County we don't have a fire department that we pay for with our town funds okay so then to be clear to everybody else if when fire department is built it nothing comes out of town money correct that I'm aware like I mean there could be like a land deal in kind or we have in the past donated land that would that we've tried to give them to go ahead and move forward it's given back we've donated the same same land twice given back twice also uh hos Compton donated some land and it wasn't big enough or didn't work so that was given back as well no we need the county to move forward so we can get our facility back it works perfect for what we need it has storage it has uh they've actually taken very good care of it I say the county has taken very good care of it the fil facilities been kept up they use hurricane funds to to enhance it inside it doesn't look much on the outside I'm telling you it's been been taken care of but we need to get that done and I think our Town Administrator has been working on that I know that um there's been pressure of the County Commission but we just they they say there's not land but anyway yeah maybe if we approve it and maybe between now and then we'll have more information on that next month can I make a comment if everything goes as planned the county is has been uh inv Ed to come and present at the next council meeting for February so that they can discuss the fire department plans if you did not attend the County Commission I mean I'm sorry not the County Commission but State Appropriations meeting that went before the board there and so it's already been presented for State Appropriations they will come back and be able to provide more indepth conversations about what has held up the process what um where the location of the land will be and fill in all of the gaps so I've asked the the county ad administrator um the assistant County Administrator who is also in dual role for the uh County engineer and also the fire chief will will come as well um being as positive as I possibly can with reference to the fire station I really believe that we might get a police station built before the fire station and we know how long it has taken us to try to build a police station we're still not even out for bid for a police station because of all the Hoops that we had to jump through if the fire department has to jump through equivalent Hoops we are looking at a fire department about 2028 or 2029 so I think we need to be realistic in how soon that you might get that building back I don't think it's soon yeah and I think we also need to look at when they come next month ask them because I don't think it's a um it's not being utilized as a full force fire station maybe there could be a Cooperative use until we could get back the full facility because it's not being as far as I can see and as far as I know it's not being really used as a full force it's still being used as a u backup facility and it's not being U ized as a full force fire department so maybe we could do joint facilities of it and to get through this Gap I don't know that's that's a question for the county um Alan we're already joint using that correct it's already in joint use and um just to so that everyone is aware the the fire department is ran by volunteers only and at this time there are only two volunteer firefighters who volunteer at our location in Lake class that's it so everyone else is coming in from the surrounding area in Highland County from other fire departments to take care of our town just to put that on record and again they will discuss that more in depth so councilwoman Worley is correct but it's because we do not have the staff who are willingly volunteering so to speak I should say volunteers to man the department here or the station Alan would you mind because it is already currently being joint used you're you're referring to our current facility being joint use yes sir yeah oh fire department uh the fire department sorry I misunderstood the fire department is not join joint use with us uh but we're we're not storing anything there now I thought we had Bays there no we're not currently using no okay I see corrected so if I may um an item that's going to come up a little bit further is going to be the Capital Financial strategy that topic is going to come up for discussion because that only requires one reading not two but we're bringing it today just for discussion in case there's any changes and we come back um which after today there will be changes the capital Improvement plan is for the next five years the Capital Financial strategy is for the next 10 years years 1 through five of the capital Improvement schedule must be financially feasible purchases in years 6 through 10 could be more of a wish list so if it is the desire of council to remove it from the capital Improvement schedule and instead add it to the Capital Financial strategy for further down the road when we have more clarification on when that uh fire department will be built that is something we can do the fire department will be built what I'm I'm sorry the it you're talking about is the fire department and the fire department will be built by when well it's the public work I'm sorry it's the Public Works uh building which the reason I thought that that was up for discussion is because our plan I think our plan was to put our things into the fire station once it got built but since it's not getting built is the idea that we would do the Public Works comp complex instead we we would only be able to store a small amount of our equipment if we were to take that building back over and then we would have to still be split between two facilities not only is it an issue with what we have stored in the building all the way around the building it's also an issue with all of our large vehicles uh with four garbage trucks and five garbage trucks and three brush trucks everything's just kind of lined up so if you need the truck in the back you've already got to pull two more out of your way and we need a wash station built uh for those garbage trucks which was never created at our current facility we have more than 50 dumpsters on site that are lining the entire roadway going out to the wastewater treatment plan we need we've already completely outgrown what we have and we need more overhead storage uh something to store all of our barricades in all of our skid steer everything that sits out in the sun and just kind of gets deteriorated by the weather currently okay so the fire station's definitely out we can't fit anything in there so the question would be then is the council interested in keeping the Public Works complex in this fiveyear schedule or is it a longer term project out into the future I personally would like to know more about it like I said this the first time I've heard about it and that's very helpful um what you're describing um the equipment and I mean is it we really have to go these would be the questions do we have to go build a new one or can we expand you know to uh you know hold some of the equipment that you have or is it because the wastewater treatment plant is encroaching on and now you need all that space so that needs to be torn down so it's just it's hitting me cold on we want to spend 1.5 million for a complex when I'm not certain on the current complex let alone the future and I agree some of the stuff that you're talking about I wouldn't want right downtown on the corner that we could all see so that's not Optics best to be storing inside the town unless it was all enclosed so for to me I mean I would like to put this one on hold because we can revise this right mid year year half year we have to do this once a year so we could revise this next year and add it to it's not for an out year right now anyways right it's it's showing it will be in6 yeah 2627 so we can come back a year from now when we're doing the next five year and now we've had education and information on what it is what we want to do maybe more estimates even and then we can add it to next year's for whichever oute we want is that correct that is correct just keep in mind that if some type some type of Grant opportunity arises between now and then if you all have this conversation next month and decide that a public works complex is a good idea and we don't have it as part of our Capital Improvement plan it could affect our ability to get grants if something comes up in the near future or we have a special meeting like they did with the pickle ball mid year change the capital Improvement plan put pickle ball on it move forward right so we can always have special meetings to adjust it if something comes up certainly I think it makes more logical sense to keep it where it is in 26 27 um and I I I frankly think if we move it it'll be moved out even further but um I think it's good where it is at 26 27 and it was the first five years that had to be uh financially feasible correct but right now is this financially feasible in 26 27 Rachel would you like to speak to that please I will say no because right now they the capital um fund is right now wrapped up in other projects so right now the operating for utilities is kind of holding the the Wastewater some of the fund is there so I would say no I'm not right now so then actually it should not be in the first 5 years because it is not financially feasible so it would it should be moved out to year six well Rachel says it's not feasible for 2627 Rachel do you find it financially F uh feasible anytime in the next five years I would say like um Miss councilman H nil said 2627 it should be okay by then because the sort of septic project is finished when 2026 so then those funds will be kind of a release so that we can they we can be spend then which funds Rachel um so some of the capital funds is in the Wastewater project right now so once those get reimbursed from the the grant or what have you then those funds would be okay then they put those back into the capital account so 26 27 those funds should be available okay so so this would be coming from the utilities fund then Reserve yes okay so this says general fund schedule says general fund so that needs to be so with the project as forth billing that complex it also involves Public Works which is part of General so there will be some fund that'll come from the general side as well as Utility side you bu build it back to them so we would need to know what that prate amount is yeah okay then then I must have misheard you you cuz I thought at first you said it was not financially feasible in the first 5 years and now you're saying it is financially 26 what part of that in Dana the 2026 that's how many years out I mean well like one because it maybe the we for is 2026 so 27 28 so 2728 might be more feasible yeah not guarantee but um so if we moved it to 2728 and and everything fell into place uh it we could move it back up at that point we could move it to 26 27 if we had the funds available right but then the waste water project end in 2026 right right so it's kind of kind of hard to say right now yes I I understand it and and the hardest part to say is what will the fire department do between you know 26 27 they're more like 27 28 I'd say we move it to 27 28 and give us the flexibility to move it back to 26 27 if the stars align and the fire department gets its act together that would be move it to year three yeah three or move it to year four I mean so we're staying still keep it within the five year it's just where should replace it and again I don't think it should come from general fund 1.5 million is a lot to plan for if there's a reserve that already has that money set aside that's a whole different discussion I think it would just be a transfer so from that General so you're saying just to clarify that you believe that 1.5 million or something a little less because you want to um we would need to budget for you um Public Works to be using um some of that facility but the bulk of it you do have money that will be freed up from Utilities in the 2026 Year yes so con conclusion is we move it move the date and it and as far as the source of funds break it out between general fund and Utility Fund correct right okay I'm in my motion to say that yeah I've got a few more questions and some other things I think that might be missing yeah and I just I guess yeah just in the middle of this so if we um I always I mean this first I heard the facility is not going to be adequate to take over to house the new utility exp expansion so if we're not going to use it for you don't want it there because you might see you know we could put another building but then we have to you know finish it with stco in accordance with the town ordinances so let's say it's not Fe usable then what we do is we sell that property if it's not usable for the utility we sell it and we take that money to help fund I would say we don't have any other use for it right now so that would I mean do you all agree we would we would sell that property and sure and you could open up the front of that building and make it nice with a showroom in front there's just no parking on that side of the street so anyway I'm just saying so we still need to keep our eye on the ball with that property and we need still need the property back so we can still fund our growing utility partment right or whatever whatever else we decide to spend on it right that's the discussion for the future on that one yeah um there's a street sweeper to purchase in here and I thought we previously when we did the budget meetings we discussed just hiring the company to come in a few times a year year that I think um Allan had said they pay 800 $88,000 I think was it 8 $800 to come sweep the streets so to purchase one for $200,000 that's something like a 20 30y year payback I mean I'm just saying if we sweep the streets five times a year right and let's say it's $1,000 so $5,000 a year it's going to be a long time before we get a return on a $200,000 owned street sweeper so to me I'd like I I was surprised to see this on here because I thought we talked about we'll just use the company to come in and sweep the streets versus own Capital Equipment which in so many years is going to break down we're going to have to replace it anyways so where I was at and I don't know what anybody else has any other comments is to to pull that one out I I don't think we need to purchase an onus street sweeper we've never we've never had the street swept before I would like that scene done but we never had before yeah I I agree with you Colleen after the meeting that we had with u z and keep like plastic beautiful I think it was It was decided to uh do that on a contractual basis but if you look at that street sweeper there's it's on there as as a project cost but there's no money it's not allocated in any of those in any of those years that I see unless it's unless it's over on the side I haven't got the Page open yeah it's out in the last year 28 29 $200,000 to buy a street sweeper okay so way out in 28 29 alen had well so after the Christmas parade and and just recently you had it done right how much so I mean to do the you know the small downtown area I just think spending $200,000 of taxpayer money to own a piece of equipment that we can hire a company to come when we need the streets swept can't say that isn't the best yeah that's not the best decision we should make Alan were you planning on only using the street sweeper two times a year do you do you mean the company that we hire or if we were to own one if you were to own one what would your plan have been with that it depends on the size of the one we had and if we could do it on nights or maybe announce that it the roads needed to be cleared those nights um I think a more feasible thing would to be get not a giant street sweeper like you see in the cities or like the one we hire that comes out if they make a smaller model that would fit in the back of a pickup truck like the one that you see I believe that does p Publix's parking lot that might be something it might be significantly less money uh or we could do like we used to do 15 years ago and just have a couple of our guys go down every morning with push Broms and snow shovels and a gator but it's really just the public events that cause a big issue is there other times of the year you wanted to use it or no not for events uh it's usually just after the Christmas parade because of all the candy wrappers and everything that's thrown out into the roadway yeah but but one of my complaints is when the oak leaves fall and they're piled up by the curb in between events that does not look good so we need more than just after events which is why I was saying even if we did it six times a year right and round it up to $1,000 doll that's $6,000 a year in the budget it's quite a few years before you get a return on a 200 $100,000 street sweeper so I I think having it done more often is probably a good thing I mean it is a good thing um and that would be part of the operating budget that's just my Allan has indicated he's okay with removing that from the capital Improvement schedule then I was wondering where trails are on here you know we talk about the trails we've purchased property to build Trails so where do we have Capital Improvement for Trails we don't currently have any imminent plans for trail development but that's something that we've been meeting on And discussing we had a meeting just this morning to discuss uh the moment we start planning these trails with the Heartland Regional training transportation planning organiz organization and if we get accepted it will be 5 years out that's the soonest that they could get us on a plan if we get accepted onto the plan so with that in mind with new Administration and with uh the current planning staff we have that's something we will pursue but we haven't identified the exact projects yet but we will move forward with that in the future um and then just I have a couple more is um so for playground equipment we have $200,000 would that include I mean people are very interested when we had our you know brainstorming session a splash pad a dog park so would that be incorporated in that or is that just something that we just need to to add on and and if we would had a workshop these would have probably been the time I would have thrown these things out but since we're going forward it's it's necessary to throw some of these things that we've had the discussion that maybe we just Overlook plopping them on this spreadsheet understood uh I believe Harry and Allen deal with the playgrounds do either of you have um thoughts on your $200,000 allocation for playground equipment I see playground equipment $200,000 three different years right so I'm I'm wondering is that just playground is that Splash Pad is that dog parks it's other of the recreation activity that when we had our budget workshops that had came up that would strictly be to replace outdated uh playground equipment that's playground equipment so that doesn't include like Splash Pad that's not playground equipment that that's that's a separate okay so we should probably add a line for splash pad and splashpad SL dog park because I know a lot of people are interested in a designated Dog Park area and what about the uh redoing the U boy SC building is that in here somewhere that's was a CRA that is CRA yeah cuz the CRA we did the fiveyear plan that's why we kind of hashed that out a little more and then the last one I had on here and maybe this is beyond five years but and and so if not next year when we do this I'll come back is a fishing pier at Lake June Park so that's not on here you're adding it's not on here right so these so things that we had discussed during the budget meeting um I was just I took my notes and I said okay if we're doing the 5-year plan we should be having them somewhere in the out years but I'm not so sure that the things that you're saying that are not on here might not I may not say this correctly maybe those things are in the CRA plan but Lake June Park is not CRA District that's true you're right okay right and I don't think we had splash pad and dog park in the CRA so I kind of took a look what have we've done with the CRA okay what's do we need to do here so those would be addition and then the last one is um just the amount on the pickle ball courts I think it's to low right so the pickle ball courts you have 250 for RAC and 100,000 from the no fund so 350 in total but the pickle ball Grant is 407,000 there's years next year another 350 go oh it's you got 300,000 from morac 200,000 in the town General funding 200,000 from fer app how much is total uh two4 six 700 700,000 think it's 700,000 total is it so you're doing it out in two years and the 700,000 is based on the parking plan yes okay okay those are my comments of things that I think might be missing and maybe something that's there that and I guess we just discussed on the 1.5 million maybe push it out a couple years thank you I don't know if anybody had any additional things yeah and push it out and break out the source of funding yes change it to the source of funding for which one for the 1.5 uh uh complex okay so we're going to take $200,000 out for the street sweeper and we're going to take the 1.5 and move it out to what do we say 2728 what we say yes 2728 and and we're going to change the source of that funding because it's going to have to do with what we're going to get paid back that will that will reimburse that if you will okay and and we should add some money in for Splash Pad dog park I think I think that's what the public has asked for under Recreation just not hearing that same thing from the public but if you want to put it in there I won't I won't fight you on it I'm just not here in the same public that you are but whatever I had a question about when we get to the dugouts that with the people that did the estimate for the Dugout so that we could approve that tonight they had a whole list of other things that needed to be done so I can't find in my paperwork right now but I'm just saying do we need to put that in here here and do it like next year put it in a a more recent do we need to do that I mean the dug house for one portion of their bed but they had a lot of other issues in that um in that item on the agenda to be repaired I don't remember the amount I want to say it's 148,000 but we do need to keep up our facility so if that needs to be in here then we need to put it in here I don't think upkeep of the facilities that is the capital Improvement budget that's in a town budget not in the capital Improvement budget maintenance okay we're if we're going to build something new then that would be a capital Improvement budget but if we're simply doing maintenance and I don't mean to you know sure that we get that I just think it's a wrong that's a wrong venue I just want to make sure we get whatever we need for our ball field in there because we've had complaints about that Harry are there any upcoming large purchases you could think of in the next five years for the ball fields the only thing that I knew that was on there was for the the you louder Harry please it's closer to your mouth the only thing that I knew that was on there for large purchases was the playgrounds do you feel like you need anything for the ball fields new dugouts we need bleachers and stuff like that replaced can I make a comment sure um in some of our conversations because we have our director's meeting every week um we've been discussing how we're getting ready to as soon as you finish budget you finalize you technically move right into budget again so beginning in February we February March we should start having a schedule of uh budget workshops that should Encompass any of the capital Improvement items that they would put on the capital Improvement plan so um my goal is to be able to get with our finance director and go ahead and build that out so in February you will get the schedule that we will need to vote on and so ideally the way that it would work is either two weeks before a council or two weeks after we would have a budget workshop and then we would also have our our count our regular council meeting it is a lot however when you do it based off of the schedule that is set forth for government m IP alties we hit this ahead of time instead of waiting until June and you not being able to have the conversations with staff and to discuss it even though there's a different time frame for us to be able to adopt the capital Improvement plan you would still have all the information you need where where you're not feeling like you don't have all the pieces to the puzzle so I just wanted to put that out there that if we if you know that we have this in the forthcoming future that it may be able to alleviate so much of it here now because the staff still need to go through some additional training so that they understand the full process of how a capital Improvement plan works and how it aligns with their budget so we're taking $200,000 out for the street sweeper would it would it suffice for you to put that $200,000 into your splash pad and whatever else I think it would suffice for the public okay because that's what we've been told and they in came to the meetings and said they want a splash pad heard and then there's a different demographics that really would like a dog park a dog park and splash okay for some of the public that came to the meeting yeah and I and KN down doors and they told us I conc a lot of doors we knocked down and a lot of people had the same theme over and over again so what year would you like to put that under what's that the splash pad uh Flash Pad dog park and fishing pier if we're adding the fishing pier what year in the 5-year Capital Improvement plan are you interested in putting that in splash pad and dog park in year two so next year if if fish I was hoping to have time to look into researching different grants we get for a large scale play structure not not the ones you get from game time but a a very large one like they have what is that Dale F the one okobi there's very large structures that we can that we can get that creates U just a larger environment not just one little place that it would be an an inclusive Park and hopefully add a large scale U splash park there as well I didn't want to spend a small amount of money and have a small splash pad that nobody's happy with uh I I would like to chance to find funding for something more large scale just so maybe in three years you're saying so that we could uh take a year to get a really good Grant application in and make maybe even more than one application if necessary or or can we expand the 200,000 playground for next year to make it say playground Splash Pad you know kind of com because that's what you're saying it's like a a combined um playground and splash pad so I mean I'm fine with expanding this adding some money to the 200,000 you've got you don't have it up but the you've got 200,000 for playground equipment in with fer app and I mean I agree there's other grants that are available that we can go after so um you have 200,000 in year two year three and then year five so let's bump that up you know to 300 for year two and three which is the street sweeper and and then just change it from to from um playground to playground Splash Pad dog park may I make a comment please I've worked on a splash pad two years ago and we spent over 160,000 so I'm just putting that out there that it was two years ago and they were very small structures so as Alan is saying um when I say small I'm talking about like this big um and there there's a lot of work that's involved in that and with the inflation of prices it will definitely be more than 160 if we put this in here at least it's something right and it gives us gives us a chance yeah so to confirm that's $300,000 in two years in two years thank you thank you to the street sweeper yeah right fishing pier last topic of conversation we we can push that into we have a discussion for the budget and then we'll have better ideas of even what cost yeah wonderful well we're going to revise this every year so that's say also I just want to point out and I know we've got that 3 acers over there that the fire station has re I can't hear you Deb and something with your mic Maybe okay so the uh fire station has rejected our three acres over there twice and that is a a nice piece of property but the problem with it is if you don't build down at Lake Jun Park you have no bathrooms and I believe if you're going to have a park and you're going to have a very a big facility you're going to have to add in the bathroom and that's going to be an additional space so expense so I just wanted to let you know that you know we're talking about building all this are we going to take it at down at Lake June Park where we're trying now trying to preserve the green space or are we going to move it to another location and then even if it's here we're going to have to have a public bathroom so what are they now 1 150,000 so you can't just say you know what I'm saying I'm just trying to point that out because I think we all lose sight of what else do you have to do when you do that that's a great idea but we're going to it's not not it's not just the facility you have to have bathrooms for people and and future maintenance cost yeah future maintenance cost but I mean just for this project we're talking about that we have to have bathrooms for people and um I just wanted to point that out and um I'll try to mend my motion but would you like me I have it unless Eva has it okay sorry I'm in my motion to say I got of to say move to approve ordinance number 20252 lptc 25.2 C1 CIS with changes as follows to remove the second Lake plasted Police Department car in this fiscal year move the Public Works complex to year 2728 and break out utility funds and general fund remove the street sweeper and include a splash pad slash dog park for 300,000 in the next two years include that within the playground line item just not by itself right there's a playground line item today of 200,000 just make that say playground comma Splash Pad comma dog park dog park and then the amount be 300 we can do that but I worry again we could have a special meeting I'm sure but we are almost in some ways cornering ourselves with those funds to say we will specifically do it all yeah I I think it would be better to have a playground line item and a dog park splash spash pad line it okay that's fine and that dog park splash pad would be only 100,000 because the playground's 200 so we're taking the street sweeper 200 and we're breaking it into two years for the splash pad dog park at 100,000 each at 100 each yeah so the splash pad and the dog par Park will each have their own lines okay no no splash pad they can be combined if you think I splash pad dog park one line well you want them both at Lake June ballfields to we we do need to confirm that that would be the location because otherwise it would go under CRA and we can't have anything on the town budget for three years preceding it going on the CRA so I just want to be careful before we add things I I believe we're out of C limits here but the large parcel that is behind us I think would be the best location for it with the police station coming in an access road could be built and it could be under better security um as because we can gate it allow certain hours the splash pad or the dog park or both it all three could probably fitre on that property and and to put that where behind here now that's going to be another that's going to be another zoning change isn't it Dana I'm trying to remember if I included playground in there it's a multi it's a it's a municipal facility now you know you're going to come up with it you always do I know you are I probably can find something but that's going to give you another six months to your project you might want to consider changing the date wasn't not true do we want to um and this is just a suggestion we have a grant that will be or Grant application that will be submitted for a Parks plan that will provide us with additional data assuming that we receive it um that would be able to outline where the best use because they look at all of our properties I know that that makes it where we kind of table it here but just a thought because we are that that will be submitted tomorrow and since we can amend this at any time we could always add it once we get additional feedback do we have to signify a location and we just say it's a line item and we put it where we can we don't necessarily have to determine the location we just have to determine that it would be outside of CRA limits at this time in order for it to get on our list okay okay we that I I'd say we go with it right because we can we can take it off or change it in future you know budget cycle okay so the goal is splash pad and dog park to have their own line items each with $100,000 for two years or in two years 100,000 in the first year cycle on here and 100,000 in the second so 100,000 in but her question is two lines versus we had talked about just making it one line of 100 are you saying we have to break out one line for splash pad and a SE with a dollar amount whichever you prefer I'm just trying to I think we're trying to make it easy if that's okay with the process of having you've got playgrounds for 200 at a splash pad SL dog park for 100 okay and the same years as the as the playground as a playground kind of it walks with it gotcha will that work from your end yes I can make that work and the street sweeper goes and The Complex public works moves out I think those were the changes again should we do it again one more time okay so I'm in my motion to say move to approve ordinance number 20252 lptc do25 2 CIS with changes as follows remove the lake pled Police Department additional car move the Public Works complex to the year 2728 and break out the costs to the Utility Fund and the general fund remove the street sweeper and add the splash pad slash dog park for the same years that the playground is slated for thank you and I need an amended second please and I'll that you're you're amending your motion to that and I'll I will amend my second to that as well thank you okay so we have a motion and second any further discussion we'll take it the audience saying nothing bring it back pull the council council member Worley yes council member Hayes yes council member Charles yes counc yes next is ordinance 20 25-01 Lake pla Church of Nazarene Holsted engineering Incorporated Dale folon and ordinance of Town Lake PL admitting the zoning classification of the property located at 608 West ENT Lake Boulevard Lake pla Florida from C2 limited commercial District to C2 PD limited commercial plan development District to allow for a church and church uses and adding section 6-22 of the code of the town of Lake plet entitled Lake pla Church of the Nazarene plan development ordinance providing for severability providing for conflict and providing for an effective date thank you my name is Dana Rell I'm the town planner for the town of Lake plaid and tonight I'll go ahead and briefly go over the request for the Church of the Nazarene this is ordinance 202 5-1 and hearing number lptc 25.1 RZ the owner is Lake pla Church of the Nazarene the agent is polston engineering and the address is actually 512 West Inner Lake Boulevard the applicant is requesting a rezoning from the subject property described above from limited commercial District C2 to limited commercial plan development District C2 PD and then also being in inserted into our Land Development regulations on the screen you can go ahead and see the aerial map displaying an image of the property on the left hand side those are the existing conditions as the property exists today and on the right hand side you can view the future land use for the property and the surrounding properties the property has a residential office future land use and a current zoning of C2 limited commercial District on the right hand side you see the proposed zoning which would be C2 PD there's no request for uh increase or decrease on the amount of intensity that would be the amount of square footage of building you're allowed to have on the property it the code currently allows up to 50% for churches and what they'll build what they're proposing to build is under 50% but um they're just keeping the standard the same so to a little analysis of the surrounding properties we have commercial operations to the north and east directly to the South we have the Lake plid High School and to the West we have vacant properties that are zoned for future commercial and multif family development there were no substantial comments from staff potable water is available to the site it is currently hooked up to potable water because the site is currently developed as a church the reason for this request is because um the church was built prior to zoning code which means that when zoning code was applied any future development had to follow the zoning code but apparently in the ton of Lake plid there's not a single zoning code that allows churches to be built without special permission so part of the reason for their request for PD today is simply for the use to allow the use of a church because they're expanding that use so now they have to make sure that it's whatever the expansion is meets today's code or they can deviate from that through the PD process which is what we're going through today the property is currently on a septic system they plan to stay on septic until water I'm sorry waste water becomes available to the site uh right now water is currently available not too far from the high school approximately 1,100 square feet um linear feet you said water sewer thank you sewer I'm famous for doing that so thank you um yeah Solid Waste is the properties currently served by Town refuges they have not required the need for a full-size dumpster they're happy to use their carts we've asked as part of the PD to please screen their carts put them in a discret place we've given them the latitude to be able to use a dumpster in the future if necessary and if that's the case they will need to screen it the project doesn't uh generate any student impact so additional coordination with the school was not required a park is not required but open space is required there were a lot of questions regarding trails and paths at the local planning agency meeting so if you watch that just know I have updated my staff report I've included additional information I included information regarding the Coler to pulk trail map now if you look it provides three Alternatives Collier to pulk even though we have ABC does not identify any any one of those three Alternatives as the better alternative they are just options for the trail when it finally gets constructed there are no imminent plans for funding of the trail that will be up to us as a town right now on this portion of West Inter Lake there is a sidewalk that exists and connects to Dain park on the northwest side uh let's see is my mouse work right in here and north on Tangerine and running east west on West Inner Lake there is a trail the town purchase land to be able to place a trail there again we realize that's going to be at least five years out if we can get on the next funding schedule um but I multi-use paths are are generally required on collector and arterial roads but we didn't require that for this par or they've asked for deviation from that and I have no opposition to that deviation because there's an existing sidewalk that connects everything and I wouldn't ask them to rip up their existing sidewalk to put in a 10- foot path that is going to lead to a 5- foot sidewalk more information on the Highlands County Parks and Recreation m plan they also show a multi-use path proposed in that area and when we go forward and we actually do request funding we will coordinate with Highlands County because there's something called lap certification which makes them able to manage their own projects and uh we work with them and collaborate with them regularly and we believe that that will be a great partnership so what we really need to talk about today are the deviations from the code I just want to make sure that council is aware what the request are the applicant is proposing three phases the first phase is to confirm that what is there is allowed to be there just like what we did with the town hall PD that is you know like I said it was constructed before zoning so we're just confirming they have like a memory Garden that comes right up to the property line and it's these nice little pergola structures but they don't necessarily really fall into any of my zoning link lingo or building code I'm calling them pergolas but they might not even be that it's just artistic structure so we recognized that and made sure that that's allowed to stay there phase two would include the actual addition itself to the church there's a time constraint on that and phase three is an optional element of their plan to allow them to expand their parking in the future they would be required to do commercial site plan review um we allowed the principal permitted uses right now they have a one or two sheds on the property um I believe they plan to consolidate that put that into one building and move that a little bit closer to tangerine and so we said anything under 2,000 square feet because that's the exemption that our code allows for commercial structures if the town engineer allows it that they could potentially add you know a shed that they still have to meet their open space requirements so that'll be limiting as well no variances can be issued this is standard for any PD once a PD is approved nothing can be changed unless you fix it by PD again they're not proposing any major discrepancies when it comes to height they're complying with the 35 foot requirement they acknowledge that those pergolas I talked about have a maximum height of 10 ft again the lot coverage is 50% and they have a minimum open space of 30% but they're going to exceed that because one of the deviations they're requesting is to not uh is to allow parking over grass exterior building materials they've agreed to comply with the commercial architectural standards in our code in terms of deviations from Landscaping so because it runs along a collector Road it requires 10 foot of landscaping buffer yard along tangerine and Interlake the applicant is requesting a width of 7.6 feet the same amount of plantings they would fulfill any planting requirements but they are asking to reduce the width and it's along a road um and then because of the fact that they're requesting all of their par over grass which I don't have an objection to because they also committed to not uh they're they're allowed to do churches and church uses but they're not allowed to do a thrift store or a school or any of the more intensive things that sometimes churches do as Ministries so they've agreed to limit that and so this parking really should be infrequent one or two days a week you know bible study on Wednesday and church on Sunday um so for that reason that also is kind of the Catalyst that sets off a couple other deviations from code and we're going to get into it in a minute but one of them would be curbing we generally like type f curbing throughout the town but can't hop a curb to park your car on the grass so that got knocked out real quick and then the canopy tree coverage so I'm back on Landscaping this is what brought me here and I just rabbit hold a couple times but canopy tree coverage requirements so usually say you have a th000 foot parking lot you are required to cover 50% of that parking lot with canopy tree spread in our code it identifies the square footage that we'll use for a canopy tree so for example an oak tree I believe is 1,964 square fet so almost 2,000 square feet so if I have a 1,000 foot vehicular use area I need to cover 5 that means 500 feet of canopy tree coverage needs to be provided next to the parking lot the reason for that and it says in our code is to try to lower ambient temperatures from the heat of the asphalt so initially I said all right well you know you're going to have very limited asphalt I don't expect that the temperature has to rise or is going to rise much because of your development um so I didn't necessarily oppose not requiring canopy tree coverage requirements now the local planning agency when we met at our last meeting advised that they would like to see canopy trees still provided on the property to meet the requirement but it wouldn't necessarily have to be next to the vehicular use areas because of the conflict but to still keep that beautiful intense foliage and that nice look um so they did agree to that we weren't able before this hearing because it's one day turnover we weren't able to agree on language for that until the package had already come out um so we can make a vote on that it's part of my recommended motion today if you wanted to do that but on second reading you can expect to see a change where they have agreed to provide the canopy tree coverage just not next to the vehicular use area so parking the other thing with parking is that they're requesting spaces not all of them but some of their spaces on the perimeter to be 10 by 18 instead of the town's required 10 by 20 the town the town's parking requirements are a little larger than other areas because we have so many trucks Miss Worley I think might have spoke on this before but we we have so many trucks and we have just such a country atmosphere in Lake plid that there's so many people that really need those larger parking spaces in this case I went with something that I had also recently talked to council about which is the idea of when developments come in allowing them to really determine what their needs are for parking so that as a town we're not requiring too much parking or too much um asphalt or vehicular use area I took that approach with Miller AC and I'm taking that same approach here if Council has a different thought we can go that way as well uh so we talked about the parking space size and obviously the fact that they're requesting to park over grass the Water Management you know they'll comply with that and then this is where I added the language for them to be able to use a dumpster if they need it but if not the town does allow businesses to use carts if that's their preference and and if it fits if they consistently don't fit in the cart then Allen's gonna raise a flag covered those I have the site plan available on the screen if there's any questions on that this is the layout so I use this to help make some of my determination as well because I don't we don't as the town as zoning professionals and planning professionals we don't regulate the interior of a structure but I wanted to see what was going on in there because if they per if they increased the maximum seating capacity then that triggers a slew of other requirements and um it would maybe have me look a little closer at the septic or something like that because they'd be increasing their usage but the the thought process and this is like standard when we're evaluating churches the thought process is the main seating area is what you use to evaluate your occupancy fire might have a different set of Standards putting that out there but that's where you're going to evaluate your parking requirements because it's based on the main seating area and the pro the thought process is that you aren't going to to be using both parts of the church at once you're supposed to have your church service and then everybody comes out for Fellowship after church or on a Wednesday night again you know we have our Bible study they all meet in the main room there so and then they also added a kitchen so I do want to correct myself I did misspeak at the local planning agency meeting this rendering that you see here is actually what the church is supposed to look like so this is supposed to to be quite accurate it's supposed to be gray it looks like concrete stucco um these kinds of building materials now there were other renderings these are my other renderings right and these give you a better idea of what the parking situation might look like and gives you just a they're it's unlikely they're going to use palm trees because it's harder to meet your requirements when you do that um but this is more of an idea of what you might expect on the site the site itself so those are the trash carts so the handicap parking is paved because when you have Ada parking it needs to meet a certain slope so the local planning agency made a motion on January 6th they asked for changes the change that we mentioned which was keep the canopy tree coverage requirement by meeting 100% of the requirements within the required buffer yard I think that's how we ended up writing the motion but the local planning agency actually wasn't committed to making sure the canopy tree coverage was in the buffer yard they simply wanted the canopy tree coverage anywhere else on the property that would be meaningful full so you know maybe not in the bottom of the retention pond with an oak tree or something I burn much like that um they wanted to make sure that we had coordinated fully on the multi-use path and they also wanted to make sure that we had a good understanding of what the water situation was just strictly based on the way that the capacity letter was written in the language that was used and so to to be clear the town does have capacity for this development whenever it's ready to connect or whenever the lines extend and they have to connect I have motion options available on the [Music] screen and the agent is also here available for any questions um this is actually a quasi judicial hearing so before we open up for comment I will ask for expart communication and for Eva to swear Us in so Eva if you would please swear us in and this will be Vlad and Marvin and any expert Witnesses pleas s and before we move on to sending it back to council if I can go ahead and ask about experte communication we'll start here and work our way down none thank you Joseph Dana thank you no thank you none none thank you at this time I'll go ahead and turn it back over to our mayor okay go ahead J wait questions if you have questions I have questions okay my name is Marvin wolf I'm with Poston engineering and I'm Vlad also over bolon engineering I have questions um kind of skipped right over that lighting section that was in there and it's only a two uh two line section we could go back to that there it is number o lighting exterior lighting fixtures shall be shielded do not shine toward any adjacent properties and adjacent roads I agree with that the lighting shall be directed to shine onto the subject property to reduce any negative impacts on others I did not see any lighting fixtures in any of your mockups as far as trying to light up the parking area we we did show a few lights on our plan view it was difficult to show them on the mockups okay but we can potentially get you some additional sketches showing the lighting fixtures okay my concern is that my concern is that the overall light readings on the property where the where the cars will be parked which is where is the biggest concern for people's safety that that would be consistent with what the standards are for appropriate churches which would probably be within somewhere within the 5 foot candle range is that right Chief y so and that's an that's an average foot candle range across the whole part you would have parking including the grass section because that's the that's the dangerous part for people getting in and out of their cars at night so the nting of the heads means that you would approve that so perhaps a request is to provide a lighting plan that shows no more than five foot candles at adjacent to the property line no that would mean a lighting plan that would that would constitute at least 5 foot candles average across the part of the plan that consists of parking um he's like he's looking at me like I'm not so sure how we'd do that okay because I'm well we also have to make sure that we provide it so it's not U pointing out toward the rideways orj properties probably box lights so would that increase the the lights you're thinking of yes that would increase the number of lights that we had shown on the sketches oh yeah we probably have I think you showed well well there were mainly box lights on the building plus I think we had two or three in the parking area right you'd probably have to have six yes we'll have to we have to go through the um calculations to determine that right all right thank you did you have more no l it okay any other questions of course entertain a motion with the changes made no I have a I have a couple comments okay so where the sidewalk is leading up to or say there's a sidewalk there is all of that big enough on multi-use path and they just put sidewalks there or is it too narrow for the joining property as well um can you show Google Earth the street view um I don't know if I I'm just saying well the what the reason I'm saying that is because currently there is 15 to 20 feet of grass area from the edge of pavement to the sidewalk and there's is approximately one or two feet from That Sidewalk to the property line so there is enough room 10 ft within the rideway but they don't have swes they don't have drainage they don't have coverts in that area at this time because we have that soil in that particular area is very high percolation soil oh I know so if they did build something there would be plenty of room to put a sidewalk multi-use path 10 feet wide I believe is what they're looking for within that area I just don't want to limit us on our just because there's a sidewalk there now I don't want to limit us in the future for a multi-use path because that's in the area of our schools right and I and I mean going to the ball fields or going down to um Tangerine to the park the I know the middle school at one time had a program where if you were in the 10% uh grade wise then you got to go down to the park and have a a party or something well we we send our best and brightest down a street that has no multi-use path and no sidewalk right and I just I just I always wonder about that I just anyway but I'd like to be able to preserve it even if there's a sidewalk there that we have enough room to put multi-use paths because I believe in those rather than sidewalks okay so if you I don't know if you see the the video here or the screen there is plenty of room along Interlake to have that additional five feet of walkway along Tangerine though I believe when they widened the access there for tangerine they did not acquire enough rideway to provide a sidewalk 10t wide or multi-use path along Tangerine you're talking just to the school because I think right from from Interlake to the school what she's showing now now there's only that small strip of grass area and then again maybe one or two feet toward our property line that is right away I think it because the plan on Interlake is to widen it to four lanes so if it gets widen to four lanes to councilwoman's Morley's question is you know it may in the future not be wide enough don't know what that means or you encroach a little more on the church's property well you would have to essentially looks like she's right I think thats deal with the county road rde away saying they're going what we're going to do it can't do that it's not ours right but again the counties has a detail section for having a four-lane road with multi-use path and I believe they have it within 100 ft of rid way and I'm not sure what the I don't have it in front of me right now what the actual rway width is for Interlake yeah I mean 80 80 okay it and it goes it's different sizes in different areas probably it is I have yeah but the good news here is there's no building going along here so so if there's not enough land and you need a couple more feet for the multi-use path the building is going up against against the high school not along Inner Lake so that'll just stay all open grass area yeah it will be it will be part paring are right which is grass and and this is to the church's um knowledge as well again I did question the size of the parking lots you we all know that whether wherever you go in Lake plasta there's mostly trucks and bigger vehicles so that's why we went to the different sides on our parking but I mean if you think I mean whatever everybody thinks I'm just saying you as as a church I would want to accommodate the people that are there and make sure that there was enough space and parking for the people that are going to come there and I'm telling you I've gone to things that are it's everything in the parking lots of truck and some of them are long bed and that's why in our area that will change eventually I won't be here but that will change eventually it we be all City cified and have little Beamers and all that but right now we have trucks okay so to the question of the parking space size the majority of the parking spaces are 10 by 20 okay any vehicles that are buting up against each other they are 10 x 20s what we try to take advantage of by doing the 10 x 18s or when you're actually parking and you have grass on the front end of your vehicle so it gives you that additional two extra feet for front wheels to overhang potentially so that's where the the perimeter areas would be the ones that actually are only 18 foot but if you could actually draw a line and say it's 20 feet because again we're not Paving it on those parking spaces so you actually have more space than really 20 feet if you look at it so again any any any spaces that are budding up to each other along with a handicap spaces are a minimum of 20 foot in depth okay and then I had one more comment I'm very concerned I there's one other time we um allowed somebody to park across the street on a lot it's a disaster they put in some shell because the grass didn't work and it is not good and and it it's not where you um come right into town it's not going to our beautiful Lake June point or to our Parks or anything I'm just I'm a little bit concerned about grass and the use and what it's going to look like in the future you guys have been good stewards of your property absolutely your property looks wonderful all the time I agree with the canopy trees I'm a little bit concerned because it may get out of hand when you have your you know you're hopefully I know you're building this that people will come a lot of people more will come right expand the church but I'm just saying I'm a little bit concerned that's one of our main entrances to our Gateway to our area so I just was I just wanted to voice my concerns I'm not concerned about the grass because I drive by your place you know whatever how many times a week and it always looks good and my church we also park on the grass and it looks good so I'm not worried yeah and I'm the same I drive by that church and every Sunday I mean I don't think there's any overc capacity right so um everything is very pristine and that so I I and the same thing that go to the same church as joy and we park on the grass and underneath the oak tree and I don't see any problem with that so um they have been taken a good care of this place and I just want you to know that when we design a a grass parking we also design it to have some base or sub base so it's not going to get destroyed so it's going to be designed to have some W on so I love the grass as far as the versus pavement yeah great and I I do agree with the addition holding the regulation on the canopy trees because it isn't it's also trees diffuse 60% of the runoff and as you mentioned we have a lot of problems with runoff in our on our Ridge so the trees diffuse the runoff 60% that's why people stand under trees and get struck by lightning and lightning storm because it's not as raining as hard under there so the trees actually help with our runoffs so I would agree that we keep the canopy trees I'll make the motion if you put it back up there um I'll make a motion to approve hearing number lptc d25.1 RZ ordinance number 20251 on first reading uh with changes as follow require the canopy tree coverage but allow the canopy tree coverage to be located away from the vehicular use areas and then help me with the wording now for the lighting so that the lighting on on the parking areas would be consistent with industry standards to a average of 5 foot candles across that property okay second okay we have a motion a second any further comments from the audience yes hearing n bring it back pull the council council member Charles yes Council membery yesc Joy made the the second sorry it's okay yes Council got it yes I didn't hear my name but yes anyway counc I was confused Joy sounded about the same is that a yes council member Hayes yes I'm yes thank you gentlemen all right next we'll go to number five resolutions we've got uh looks like five of them first one is uh 2025 d one resolution recognizing house competence services to Lake blet I think that's 02 sir that's 20252 oh it says 01 here says okay yeah I see that says 20252 okay for go ahead do you have it EV is it on here the actual resolution the lake pla Town Council was duly assembled on the 13th day of January 2025 the Quorum was present Mayor John Holbrook presided among other things the Town Council took pause to reflect upon Hosmer Le Compton's four Decades of Public Service to the citizens of the town of Lake Placid upon motion duly made and seconded the following resolution was adopted by the lake pla Town Council whereas hos Compton has been a vital member of our Town's business Community for over 40 years working as a printer building contractor and realtor and whereas hos Compton as a building contractor invested his time talent and treasure to develop North Bain Avenue by constructing Compton Plaza modestly named and whereas hos Compton worked to improve the town of Lake plid through his Service as member and president of the greater Lake plad chamber of commerce through which he created and published The Motto Tri Lake Placid first and whereas hos Compton was a founding and dedicated member of keep Lake pla beautiful Incorporated through which he donated time and treasure to plant and maintain the town's landscaping and beautification projects and whereas hos Compton was 40 for 40 years a member and chairman of the lake plid local planning agency an integral part of our town government working for the responsible growth of our town and whereas hos Compton was appointed by the Town Council and the board of County Commission to the Lake Placid Regional planning committee and by his peers elected its first chairman with the charge of planning the responsible growth of the entire Lake plid area and whereas the Lake plet Regional planning committee worked four years to produce the Lake plet Regional plan which was approved by the state of Florida Department of Community Affairs adopted into town code by the lake pla Town Council and adopted into the county code by The Highlands County Board of County Commissioners as the plan for the growth of the town in surrounding unincorporated areas the plan addresses the density intensity water sewer roads Transportation building standards annexation sign in Building height and many other Concepts intended to maintain and improve the quality of life in Lake plaid and whereas hos Compton's next adventure is the construction of a hospital in the remote and underserved regions of the PV I don't know if I was I'm like I don't know I can say that right Andes now therefore be it resolved by the lake pla Town Council that the town of Lake Placid recognizes Hosmer Le Compton's 40 years as an outstanding citizen leader and servant for the people of Lake plid Florida hos Compton is bestowed the honorary title of chairman emiritus Imus emiritus emitus shall be addressed within the town as Mr chairman and the newly acquired property on delhal Boulevard shall be named Compton Park resolved and spread upon the pages of the Town minutes this 13th day of January 2025 I do have comments that were um emailed to myself and the members of the council I believe and also our town attorney as well was included in that do we need a motion in a second to discuss it in that regard or because if we do I I would make that motion okay okay I'll make the motion to accept the um the the the resolution the resolution thank you if you want as written do by number 20252 I guess yes thank you thank you 2020 resolution number 20252 of the Town Council celebrating the Public Service of Hosmer Lee Compton okay motion a second I'll entertain comments this was received by Miss marleene Barger I don't see her in the audience but she did ask me to read this she made comments that she would rewrite the statement of ha's time on the LPA to read whereas hos Compton served as chairman and member of the lake pla local planning Agency for 40 years and through his vision secured the town's tranquil tranqu tranquil sorry these braces are giving me a fit today um Ambiance and Serene nature for all to admire and enjoy today for years to come and this is particularly important because hos was the leader in preventing big box stores inside the town's limits this is worthy of the town's recognition I think my words State the importance of ha's efforts perhaps one of you have a better suggestion per perhaps two of the whereas items on Regional planning committee could be combined as follows whereas hos Compton was appointed by the Town Council on the board of County Commission to the lake pla Regional planning committee served as its first chairman and worked four years to produce the lake pla Regional plan which defined density intensity water sewer roads Transportation annexation signage Building height and growth standards for the town and surrounding unincorporated areas all of which will protect and preserve quality of life in Lake plaid the last whereas dealing with Peru is irrelevant with regard to the intent of this resolution suggest that it be deleted all the other whereas are fine I certainly hope the resolution will undergo artist enhancement for printing and framing then she came back with as I think more about this was the town not seeking to name a park after Haw a proclamation would be more fitting the mayor signed a proclamation for Harriet and Bob Porter in May 2022 Bob and Harriet executed a Clear Vision for historic and professionally painted murals inside the town what they started in 1992 is now known worldwide for it murals in many towns in Florida have started their own murals our beautiful murals bring thousands of visitors to Lake placet each year these murals have received and or sustained our many businesses for many years particularly in the summer months the the town did not name a park after them attached as a proclamation the mayor and clerk signed it was printed on cream linen paper and professionally framed again thank you Marlene barer Proclamation is an act of the mayor requires no consent or approval of councel a resolution is an act of This Town by the council hence I thought it would be better yeah broadly stated than it's signed by this thing shut off I'll jump in with a couple comments is um and I think recognition of a lot of the contributions that hos has made to the town as appropriate um and I appreciated getting that background on harri on on the porters right because you know I'm always big on consistency and what is the process and are we consistent in that and I did try to go back to see if we've ever named any parks or things or roads in that um so I have no issue at all recognizing hos I have a concern and I'm opposed to naming a park after him and I'm more opposed to this park because remember we had a citizen at the last meeting so H H and I don't mean this negatively but he didn't contribute to the purchasing of the park right if the land that he had purchased for the I mean you you had said he gave us donated some land that's kind of appropriate when somebody gives you something maybe then you consider naming something after them but when um the citizen told us that we could have got that Park donated to us and there's a little background there I have a greater concern of then naming a park after him when maybe there's a little background of how we acquired it in the first place so I totally support recognizing him whether it's the proclamation I I think what they did with uh the porters was pretty cool too I mean a proclamation sounds cool here you he you're the mayor is bestowing something on you or if it's the Town Council either way um but I my concern is uh naming a park after him i' just like to bring to your attention or anyone that doesn't realize it um the porters did you know obviously they they drove the bus when it came to the murals and and they're obviously a strong part of our town but if I'm not mistaken there's a mural with them on it and I think that's a appropriate for their recognition of their contribution and in the same vein I think in this regard it's appropriate to have a park that is um that is a name for H because um I I don't think it really shows even though that the resolution is is nicely done I don't think it really shows what a driving force ha was during those 40 years that I was here and some people although have been here a long time they've not been here 40 years almost 50 years now and he was definitely a driving force in the in in the beginning of this town and to take it to where we are today so I think it's totally appropriate that we name a park uh for him whether it's this park or another one uh I'm not real sure but I think it's important that we would do that and thirdly I just think it's important to leave in his um dedication to the Peruvian Andes and to building a hospital over there he's been very involved in that project over a number of years and I think it goes to um showing and underscoring the heart that he has for people in general the the point about again I agree every everything that has has done for the town is one you know just amazing but um the thing about the Park the circumstances of acquiring the park um does put a cloud and there might even be a better place to name after him was that last there may be even a better place that could be named after him yeah maybe it's maybe there's a better place even than that Park to name after us I I recall a few years ago when Phil Williams retired there was a discussion and a motion to name Lake June Park after him and that was you know turned down I mean he didn't want it himself but so and and the porters their faces are in a mural it's not a mural on the porters so just to clarify there I mean we could put H's face in a mural too we could have you know part of a mural that could be a nice um but I don't think that's as appr appropriate for ha as it is for the porters it's certainly appropriate for the porters my bigger question is the process of because there's a you know if we're going to start process of naming parks and things after people it'd be nice to have what is the criteria for that and again not taking anything away from Haw it's just I personally am not there that that warrants a park named after him I have to say I don't get many comments from the public but I did did have comments that why does the park get named after one person and not another maybe they thought that maybe somebody else had done more so at this time I would say let's just maybe get some better ideas get some maybe come up with a better idea somewhere better for him to be recognized even in the park and maybe um get rid of that questioning what how parks are are done and whether they think somebody else should be named after the you know I don't know I don't get many comments but whatever reason naming things comes very important to people just want to let you know so would you want to amend it to uh exclude the park name I would what now so the mo would be simply to adopt the resolution without the park name would that work yes ma'am it would I i' I'd let that work I'll I'll actf to that okay do we second it second well she's second so yeah second so she has to approve the change believe the motion and second was oh sorry sorry I'm I am in my second and you think a a a proclamation is a resolution is more important or impactful than a proclamation absolutely yes okay yes in my view it is because that way we all sign it and I think it it just shows it comes more from the town okay instead of just one individual all right so we have a motion and a second true any comments from the audience bring it back pull the councel council member Hayes yes council member Everhart yes council member Worley yes council member Charles yes next now I'm not sure what it is 2025 oh okay instead of 20252 it's 20253 okay it's the uh we're thanking fdot for the Landscaping budget and just so you know that comes to about .8 million does so this is a a resolution that I think we need to send just just to let the State of Florida know that we are grateful that everything that they have done not only for HS County but especially for lake plet so so I move that we adopt resolution number 20253 thanking fdot for the landscape renovation budget second we have a motion in a second any other comments hearing none from the podium we'll take it to the audience right seeing none there pull the council please council member Hayes yes council member Worley yes council member Charles yes council member ever yes okay this next one looks okay 5C resolution 2012-05 um for the Heartland National Bank line of credit they have uh really worked hard with us with our financial group to uh get this resolved and uh I'd like to see us approve this one we' like to keep the bank on our side also all right I'm on a roll I move to approve resolution 20255 resolution of the town of Lake plid approving and authorizing the execution and delivery of the loan documents with Heartland National Bank to fund certain improvements to the sewer system second okay any other comments from the podium I just have a question uh the 52,000 what is that for where the um the impact the estimated the fiscal impact is 52500 out of the Wastewater operating account is that interest that's interest okay thank you okay all right uh no more from the podium any from the audience right bring it back pull the council council member Hayes yes Council membery yes council member Charles yes council member yes okay next is resolution 2025-the resolution for the highs County quilt Guild public event sign permit you uh discussed and wanted to no wait a minute is this the one with the South entrance sign this is a Quil never mind I'm sorry me resolution okay oops this now this is a a resolution of town of Lake plet Florida approving public event signs as requested by the Hinds County quilt Guild providing for severability providing for conflict and providing for an effective date the way I understand that they want to have some sort of a quilt show and they they just they just want to advertise it uh accordingly I believe they've agreed to all the conditions and terms that you have set forth correct I believe that this application meets the standards for the signage does go back to the ultimate question of what is a public event and if a an event held on someone's private property should be eligible for signage such as this um we do have another item on the agenda tonight to discuss signage so the black marks on this site plan indicate where they'd like to place their signs and this is the proposed signage I'll go ahead and make a motion to approve the Highlands County quilt Guild for placing the signs that have been presented to the town for approval I'll second it okay we got a motion a a second any further comment It's a Wonderful show this is country uh February is this during Country Fair um that we I didn't see a date that's what I it's January 29th and February 1 yeah I think it is February Ben my only curiosity is 10 extra signs around so they don't interfere with you know Country Fair and other types of signs the Chamber of Commerce did not submit any requests for signage during their country fair no I don't think we have signs for the country just said okay I don't I don't think that okay where we at Motion in a second we got a motion in a second any further comment from the audience P the council Council membery yes council member Charles yes council member haes yes council member art yes okay the last one is 20251 I hope that's yeah a resolution the tal Lake plad Florida adopting the 10-year Capital Financial strategy of the town of Lake plet providing for several ability providing for conflict and providing for an effective date thank you so this would be an extension of what we discussed earlier tonight we won't be making any votes um but if Council has a consensus on any changes to the Capital Financial strategy I'm happy to take that into account and bring it back for the adoption of the resolution at the next hearing say that again what's What's the timing so resolutions are only required to be read one time but since we are also bringing this concurrently with the capital Improvement plan that is required to be read two times instead of not letting you see it this time we're just bringing it before you in case you do have any changes or requests or alterations and then we're not taking a vote on approval today we'll do that next time at the same time with our Capital Improvement plan so what are you looking for today nothing my fishing pier added in the out years right potentially y that would be so the changes that we did on the capital Improvement schedule will be reflected the second time around yes ex that's only five years so now in years 6 through 10 are there additional things that you'd like to see and then that's just a placeholder here I'd like to see a fishing pier you could put it in year seven I don't know how much money but I'm sorry give me one moment I came for the quilt Guild thing so I didn't bring my paper I'll be right back while she's grabbing something a little history on that is the existing Pier was funded by we got into a real dust up with them after the fact this is 15 years ago they didn't want swimmers even near the I'm sorry existing fishing boat round they didn't want swimmers near coming and going so I assume you're looking at the far side where it's Where The Boat where the pump Po and everything needs to be cleared and I would do it like Bishop Park take it out farther and and I would have at ADA Compliant where you know somebody with a wheelchair can go out and go fishing and then you still so the way Bishop park has there design they have the swim area then they have the pier not taking it with it at all I thought it would be avilable but just know we got aroundc because we took money whoever money we can take I'm happy with that I mean there's no argument we can so I'm sorry can you repeat that so fishing pier what is the dollar amount and I I threw that dollar amount back to you oh I have no clue I we can get that yeah but but and you said two years out from 20 I'm saying you're seven you're seven okay thank you all right so Bert I don't need a vote right consensus is fine I'm sorry on what on the resolution yeah because I'm not passing the resolution tonight do I need an actual vote do not okay do do we need and again back to passing trails and these out years should we put some money out there year seven8 n somewhere you know I'd love to see that I do too I mean the public wants that bad and we purchased land for it and there it sits so I I throw some money in there in year seven eight and nine for pass and trails I hate having to wait that long but yeah I do too make six seven and eight then right where are we should check to see where we fall within the central Florida Regional planning with the trail connectivity M yeah 678 and you know what maybe we have to pursue different grants than the makes it better let's put it as 67 and8 you're 6 seven and8 that way we can section it in that sounds great okay those were the ones I had you need any more from us no that is it but I will hang out because I think I'll be involved in the next one okay all right next is C ca1 roadside vending ordinance moratorium and code review I don't know do we need to read it I think if she just if she just wants to go with it would you like to read it or want me to no so we only really need to read in resolutions or ordinance captions so if you'd like to go ahead and launch into a little background and overview um as to you know how this got on the agenda and what you're looking to do well okay the last meeting we uh there's a I don't know the the code and food trucks aren't aligning the old code so I brought it up and I think the summary here says it says it succinctly much better than I can as far as the back history if you prefer to read it you can read it okay so it's it's basically the current roadside vending ordinance uh sections 117-116 through 11 17-19 the code uh governs the permitting operation zoning requirements for roadside vending including food trucks the recent increases in food truck activity have brought attention to the concerns about safety zoning compliance and Equitable regulations in addition there has been recognition of the positive impact of food trucks bring to the community food trucks have been a become a popular attraction contributing to the town's revenue and tax base while fostering Community engagement and vibrancy to ensure these benefits are balanced with Public Safety and operational standards a review and potential revision of the code sections is necess necessary and then uh on the back of the proposals um I think we have already authorized staff to review correct correct well more than anything it's now encumbered in the master planning process okay and um what I'm asking is to consider in the what to do in the meantime uh Dana is stuck between enforcing the code AS written versus we have a code that doesn't uh match today's environment so I would like to open a discussion as to whether or not we want to put a temporary me memor moratorium on enforcing the code until we can go through the review and possible review process um and it could be um let's say 180 days or less depending on the review process process so I'm opening for discussion so I I'll just excuse me profess my ignorance does this mean if you put a moratorium on you're trying to put a moratorium on enforcing the code as it is written does that translate into we leave the food trucks alone for the time being and we don't allow any additional ones but we keep the ones that we have now and we allow them to operate the way they are currently operating until we figure out how we want them to operate well whether or not we allow any additional ones is a good question I don't know that could be part of the discussion but does it does a moratorium mean that we just leave everything the way it is and we allow them to operate the way they're operating now until we have time to discuss it and figure out what we want to do going forward is that right correct and and and I think right now the food trucks I would say as far as there were still um be required to have the proper licensing and insurance it's there would be a moratorium on the location where they choose to vend right but but they can do what they're doing now for now that sounds like a more atorium or new permit enforc way I think the way it's written you're saying none of them could be there no no no no no moratorium on enforcing the current code I'm on to what has been in practice now for a couple years right the current code says they can't park in the right way but they've been parking in the right away but this is saying motorum on new permits which does mean those that are in that's what I'm just that's what this says that Implement under the proposal go to the proposal okay I'm sorry I didn't I didn't catch that part with under the propos somebody else wrote it for me uh for me um more new roadside permits so well we could do that quick question how much is a permit for a food truck today food truck permitting is 100% preempted to the state and there's not any permits that we can issue at the local level to regulate food trucks so who would this motorum on new permits before what my understanding is I think it was worded maybe differently than it was meant so disregard the language here on this cover sheet but I believe that miss eard is asking and usually this isn't how a moratorium would be enacted so I'm going to use different language um I believe councilwoman eart is asking for us to not enforce food trucks until the food truck code is amended I would like to make a comment our roadside vendor in regulations do not only apply to food trucks I received a call last week of a business owner rightfully so because they saw how the food trucks operate in the right of way and they would like to put tents out in the parking spaces for a popup sale for their business so if we do not if we take the action not to enforce this this code that means that any food truck that comes to town and wishes to sell in the right of way would be allowed in addition to any business owner or whoever wants to come set up a tent in our road um it because there is no permitting requirement for food trucks we can't say no new permits going forward because we can't regulate the permitting of them um and I think that's why the code needs to be addressed if it is council's desire to have food trucks Vending in the right of way because there's no if we rip off the Band-Aid and we don't regulate it at all for likely the next 365 days because I expect it's going to take a that full year for that master plan to come to [Music] fruition um we don't have any standards to even say you're this close or you're this far away from the road like from where people are driving you know you're you're set up too close to that area or if I believe that there's certain areas in town where they might arrange for a food truck to come because they want that food truck but what would stop another food truck from saying today's my day I'm going to post up here and no one can rent this to me no one can tell me not to because there's no rules or regulations can't the owner of that property tell them they can't it's us yeah in the right away so we do allow food trucks on private property I want to be clear about that right that's that's what I'm thinking so the the food trucks on private property are controlled or can be controlled by the owner of that property corre we're talking about food trucks that set up in the right of way correct so um give me an example of one of the food trucks that sets up in the right of way so I can get my head around it uh El ranito is it ranito Rito you want the location or the name of the truck well I don't care about the name of the truck I'm just thinking about the location the journal Plaza right there when you're stopped at Dale Hall in the unloading Zone okay there's a couple nights a week always a food truck right there so it's very busy and very popular I mean yes so is that is that considered right of way or is that private property and that's us correct it is in the right of way it's all in the right away Michael is any of that on on uh your property yes please Michael Noel Lake June Road 74 Lake June Road Lake plid I'm also the um owner and interested party in a couple businesses at the journal plaza where over the last three years we have had food trucks parking in the right away the RightWay area that they are occupying is a loading zone which is inactive during the hours that they're there and it doesn't block any traffic so or rather parking either so I I would ask the town to cont those areas that would meet certain criteria such as loading zones that do not obstruct roadways or parking places and I can give you a real good example of one the journal plaza where we've got a history of operating in that manner with those food trucks there are other local restaurants that are able to do business it doesn't interfere with their business there have been no incidents over the last three years that have impacted anyone in that area now food trucks are a special breed because they don't require permits because they're permitted at the state level and in most of those food trucks cases they're actually better equipped than most of the kitchens that you'll find in town because they have full hoods exhausts and things that they can prepare foods that other people can't so it does bring a variety down there now those trucks aren't the same as a business saying I want to put up tents in the parking places in front of my business that would be very easy to differentiate in my mind between a licensed food truck and someone who wanted to expand their business in the parking spaces so I I don't see the conflict there but if there's another question that I can help clarify I'm happy to okay I I'm just picturing um obviously I'm familiar with the with the food trucks on at at that the plaza but I also remember when we had the event uh where we closed the the street that the chamber event that we had there there were a couple of additional food trucks and they operated within the parking spaces but that was because they could do that basically because we had the Street closed right correct okay and I would ask for a little clarification there it it is a state road but the right of way to my understanding from council members in the past is actually maintained by the town right is anybody able to clarify that for me I think the RightWay is maintained by the town right uh Main Street the travelways on the county jurisdiction parking area sidewalks or the towns is my understanding I don't think we've been able to find at least that's my understanding of Staff level discussions I'm not aware of any document that says that if there's ever a lawsuit there's probably going to be a lot of this going on well and I know the same would apply for Interlake because that's a straight State Road or County Road as well exactly and those parking places are maintained by the town any permiting required outside in unincorporated Highlands County would obviously have to go through the county for approval but since these are properties that are town properties maintained by the town I think you would have a little bit more latitude and control over those areas once again that met the crer that said no it's not blocking traffic It's not taking parking places it's a designated loading zone I don't know of any of those on Interlake that would be that same type of opportunity but certainly if someone presented this that I would say sure because it matches those criteria that they're currently something that could be part of your future code maybe I wouldn't go quite so far as you did by saying it doesn't involve the county because when it's on the County Road in a public right of way they do Express a concern and any concern that we do even on our portion they will claim have claimed it impacts them not ready to say hey don't worry about the County that that remains an issue we need to well I've called um RH and Bridge and engineering and neither one could answer the question so I could have gone to code but they would have sent me back to Road and and bridge and then engineering so that's always been the history that I've known especially in terms of budgets because the town doesn't want to take responsibility for the traffic way and the county doesn't want to take responsibility for those rways so that seems to be the way it's always practically oper it is just because that's a lot of money either way I think that we may get clarification from staff and my understanding through the years is that the county owns the road and the rideway we pave it we maintain it that's what no because we just recently went through a thing with the county because we were trying to put pavers down and they said you can't do that how can they tell us what to do on the RightWay when they shouldn't be saying anything then because they we just went through this because they permitted that process for drainage and the papers were in the drain am I was in the crossw walk area it's part of the CRA project where they had said that we would have to get a permit to um to put in some type of Pebbles and pavers if that was the route we were going basically what they told us was we could only put mulch or um sod in that area because they own the crosswalk so they own the right away so I I don't want to get into the discussion that would occur later I think what we need to address is what's in front of us right now that do we want to approve a temporary moratorium as it's written can yes or no can we craft something the wording such that um uh there be a moratorium provided the food truck is properly licensed and permitted by the state that would take care of the tent issue I just I have to say I I understand that the tent issue was totally separate in a lot of our minds than the food truck issue but the way our code is written it is one umbrella yeah but that's that comes in under the discussion part not under what we're trying to do tonight right so but I'm saying if we apply a Mortor I I wouldn't know how to separate it would not it would okay I'm trying to craft a not a blanket moratorium on the whole code just a carve out to uh not enforce this issue could I make a ask a good question wouldn't it be allow a deviation to allow food trucks until a revised there's nothing in our code that allows that type of deviation so if we can do a moratorium for this then why can't we do a moratorium for the sign ordinance put up our little Wayward signs and put up banners I mean I don't understand that I'm going to make one more comment and I think we need to T the town attorney can we'd even do a moratorium when we have code but they don't have bathrooms and if they're just going to willy-nilly set up on a rideways where did they go to the bathroom where did they wash I mean I guess they wash your hands inside but I've just all these roadside vendors ask me you're eating their food where are they going to the bathroom right there in the journal Plaza is the rest as an open restroom yeah yeah M Mike in before we turn over to the town attorney because I want to add my question um my concern is liability to the town okay I I support the food trucks and I think that they're um positive um I I will later make a comment regarding restaurants and brick and mortar on something I can think can help but my biggest is the liability to us if that food truck with a propane tank catches fire you know something where you have people will get injured so the you know we'd make need to make sure but again this is to the town attorney how we protect ourselves on allowing anything to be you know conduct cond business in the public right away um so M Mr Noel is part of the permitting and Licensing a requirement to have insurance and does it indemnify the town or that's where I would want the town attorney to be looking at some of those um contracts to make sure that we really are protected that that's my number one concern is public RightWay public responsibility and liability and how we can work around make sure that we're protected there to you loud and clear tough issue um my initial thought would be let's leave it like it is for the moment please continue this discussion tell us what you're trying to accomplish then let staff figure out to recommend to you I moratorium sounds all legal but it's basically saying we will or will not enforce our code I trouble over that although that has been what we have effectively done by allowing the existing food truck to park in the right of way in front of Journal Plaza nobody's died yet personally I believe that's God this I'm not against food trucks and they've worked out great for your area that to me seems like the worst intersection in town to place anything in the right of way but so be it give us an idea of what you want the consistency I've heard so far tonight is make it clear you can put them on private property loud and clear number two over the past few years several of us have discussed what about around Stewart Park those are not thoroughfares county is not at all involved there's plenty of room to park there's plenty of Park to go sit and eat and there's a Resturant that that's not going to answer um Michael's question of what to put there I get that but those two issues we could bring back in an ordinance pretty darn quick that could designate comma and then a blank to say tell us where else you want to designate um and we can do that at first reading uh bring it through the next LPA I'm not thinking of a year out I'm thinking we need to expedite this simply because it's gotten pretty exciting to everybody involved um then I'm gonna get out of the way and let y'all decide what to do about the one in front of Journal Plaza that's that's going to be a tough issue well let's don't forget also even our Christmas parade there are vendors set up on the North side of Interlake with food uh the cadium festival they have food trucks what they have six or eight of them last year and then were the Halloween event I mean supposedly the the roads are blocked off but it's still public parking right and uh we've got our country fair coming up up here in just a few weeks uh there's there are vendors that set off off the circle I mean this this is encompasses a a lot of different things that we need to uh address and and and look at and I agree Li ability is the top of the list that's my top um what always concerned me in addition to the propane tank is if I eat at a local restaurant and get food poisoning I know who to go to or was F the next day they're gone I I I would I don't know the state law I know we are preempted to a degree he's absolutely correct about that um but I would hope we can at least track who's behind the food truck and where they live in the event they do damage to our citizens yeah good yeah I just want them on file here we can't that that's great but I want a copy of the license here we can't get a copy of the state license I mean we could ask but we're not we're not allowed to require them to register with us I didn't I just want to see their license we can't require that that's what Dana is saying we can't require that please if we're going to talk come come to the podium I had one of the nonprofits say that if the food trucks come back again to the cladium festival next year they don't even need to set up they they can't compete they each of them sell a specialty food and then food trucks do a variety and they said why should they go when they didn't make much money this year because of the food trucks coming in and they can offer so much more and they there and then the money leaves and they're here to try to help their organization and their people and they said why should we go what let's just then turn it over to them and let the people take the money out of our area and spend it somewhere else I think that's probably a different coners but I agree with you because they never used to let food trucks in it was all about the local charities doing that so whoever made the decision to let the food trucks in you know go after them the food trucks are all licensed they all have insurance the property owner at Journal Plaza has copies of those insurance I believe he's a named insured on those policies so all the vehicles that you need for the protection I believe are in place you can find out who they are we do maintain a schedule it's even published on our website so you can see who was there when so we have a record of who it was if you get a bad hot dog please let me know I'll help you track it down so basically what we're saying that we would like to do right now is to just let everything lie at the moment until we can come back and and work it through Workshop it through or whatever we need to do right I would rather do that and try to make a decision on the fly with a commitment though to bring something back expedited if it doesn't put you in a bad position to well she's already in a bad position because we've been saying don't enforce our code because it works I I get it everybody over in journal Plaza is Happy somebody's got to take a hard look at that for a long term and frankly it's not just the journal Plaza um we do as much as an area not just the journal Plaza but the shops on Maine to draw people to Lake Placid and it's if you talk to people that have visited Lake Placid one of the main reasons that they like our downtown is because the journal plot happens to be the social center of town and then part of the formula that makes that work are food trucks so yeah we'll lose an element of that it won't hurt my business Ellie and Joey will stay up longer and they'll cook different nights for us but it does lose an element of character that we've developed down there for over three years now that people do like and not just the people in Lake classid but all people that travel here from afar across the country we have people foreigners telling us wow we wish they would do that here we have people from as far away as Sebring saying I wish they would do something like this in Sebring so we have created something and yes we we don't want to lose an element of that but that's obviously your your job to totally agree that it's worked if I may just and I'll quit I promise the question is how to make could work safely in my mind is there any other place other than right at that intersection to park the food truck there is there is on private property a concrete pack in the rear of the building the problem with that our food trucks have already experience drops in sales one of them share their numbers they were down over 50% because their presence up front is like a billboard people do see it it draws in traffic people who might not have been coming down to see our band see the Food Truck Stop have some food hear the band and stay so yeah it's there's good Synergy there but yes the drive by traffic of the food trucks are important what about the public parking lot across the street it's across the street and wish we had flashing lights on every crosswalk but it's it's not going to be the same the billboard that you see for an auto dealership that's 10 miles away is not the same as the food truck in front of the Entertainment District I I I get it you get more public exposure if you park in the middle of the road no no disagreement we don't know because we haven't had anybody parking in the middle of the road yet well I think where you're parking is in the right of way I shouldn't have said middle that's a little loose language but you do get the idea parking in the road right of way gives you better Expos or somebody better exposure and to me across the street parking lot well it's actually pretty protected there because if you look at your parking that runs up to the loading zone then there's the loading zone then there's more parking so these trucks are actually pulled back in as far if not further than those cars that are parked there in the spaces they're sticking out more than the food trucks are not going to be my decision to make Michael I'm no I'm just sharing just sharing information with everybody who might might not be as familiar with where the trucks are parking should we what do you think about you obviously have sorry I'll shut up in just a minute you say what do you you think about um let's say they went down and parked in front of Main Street America is there a loading zone there no but there's public parking so we're you're saying no in public parking just in loading zones sure so somebody on in lake has a similar situation where it doesn't obstru traffic doesn't take parking places sure why wouldn't you consider that CU we're not going to solve I don't think we have time to be brainstorming on here there in this um the couple comments I want to make um is you know to Mr Noel's point is some people see the food truck and they get take out they just stop take out and take it home to eat so you have a variety of clientele a lot do visit the plaza have a cocktail you know wine beer and um frequent the food truck so I I think there's a lot of value that the food trucks are by moving it over to Stuart Park is not going to give the same because the main draw is either I'm taking it home I'm going to enjoy the music and I'm going to enjoy the stores that are open there I'm going to buy from the food truck and I'm going to sit at those bicnic tables and enjoy what's going on you won't get that same from Stuart Park I you all know that my son lives out in California I frequent there quite a bit and there's some breweries we go to that you know we love and what we love about them is similar to what Mike has They don't serve food they have the picnic tables but in that location are a number of restaurants they don't have the food trucks there but the brewery itself lets you know which restaurants you pick up the phone you place an order and in this case six of us can one gets chicken you know one gets Mexican so there's different restaurants that we get the take out within a few stores we walk back and we continue to enjoy the beers and I talked to Ken lablanc and I said you know the feedback I get a little opposed to it is our restaurants that they feel they're competing with a food truck will not so and so what Ken and I talked about is I shared with him what they do in the breweries that I visit and I said would you be open to just having shies uh the Puerto Rican restaurant across the street Morton Moran edas but the local restaurants menus available so people know I got the food truck but not necessarily everybody in your party wants a hamburger that night maybe they want a pizza and Ken even volunteered yeah I'll even put up the type of board with those menus to help promote more the other establishments not just their menu but their hours because you hear a lot well the other ones aren't open at night okay so maybe they will maybe they won't but if we promote that's a gathering point that you know area is a gathering point for people to come and if we promote the other restaurants menus the hours and a phone number I think we can expand it to to kind of compromise for everybody now the location again the liability is my biggest concern and I don't of insurance um to protect ourselves but I don't think elsewhere in the town we have loading zones so maybe that loading zone created what's what could be a good thing for um giving additional food a variety of food to people and then bringing people into that area that area is hopping whether we like it or not I love going through I see the lights I see the people sitting out can't believe in the cold weather they're still sitting out but the variety that's up there and I went there with my family when they came in some of them went in to the owl and they had the car chudri in the wine um I took the grandkids and we ordered a pizza and then we got a hot dog so we had like six of us and we're eating three different establishments food but we're sitting at one picnic table that's the beauty of that location so I I think what Ken was accepting that he would take on to help with the local restaurants more awareness I think that's a great idea um we we can't solve the thing tonight my intention was to somehow Bridge the time span between we can have the code reviewed maybe we realise it maybe we don't I'm just trying to bridge the time between now and six months or nine months from now you have to come my name is Elizabeth oo I'm the one of the owners of Morty and Edna's um microphone down a little there you go hi we support 1 million per having food trucks out there not not only is it beneficial it does attract people but as a restaurant there it does create other options because not everybody wants to have what we have when I don't have a food truck out there we're insanely busy which is great however with the food truck out there it does alleviate for out and Otter myself even the ice cream shop we don't get slammed and there is enough for everybody to go around on the nights when we're at capacity where we have an event going on on we love having that food truck there because not only do you have the options but then again that gives us some relief as well where I'm not feeding all the masses and like she said it's like having like an outdoor food um food court which I think it's amazing because like she said you sit at a bench he's eating this she's eating that and it's so worldly is the best way that I could describe it um so we back it we love it I'll always ask Michael who's out there we'll support them 1 million per and whatever we have to do to be able to get them that opportunity because this could be the opening for them to have their own brick and mor future so I just want to extend that courtesy like it was extended to us where we came from nothing and then suddenly we were given this opportunity to do what we're doing right now so I supported a million per as I said um and anything that we can do to help that and keep that culture we would love to be a part of that's it thank you thank you I I guess if you come up with ideas let's get it to staff and see what we can and in the metime in the past three months it seems to be working what do we need to do different what is working we everybody just left it alone and kind of enforced most of it I guess on the vending but we I sent what do you need from us what do you need from us tonight Dana anything this is Miss eah heart's item all is it acceptable just to let things even Keel for the next whatever six months or is it going to be is she in a position that you have to enforce the code I I have been tasked with enforcing the code I am the supervisor of Code Enforcement um I'm hiring I'm working on hiring a code officer right now I do believe it is in my purview and it is my responsibility to enforce the code AS written um the only reason it's been left this way since I first initiated the convers ation with the journal Plaza is because I have been out a code officer but I did send them a letter a week or two ago asking them to please comply with the code um I don't believe in not enforcing the code I think what we're saying is we want you to not enforce the code as it's written right now for a specific period of time with reference to food trucks in our town in loading zones in in in loading zones in our town okay so I would make if I need to make a motion to that effect I've just made it I'm G to disagree because basically we could tell Mark hey if uh somebody's parking wherever just don't give him a ticket because you know I don't think you can ask somebody to do their job and it's the law and say break the law and and okay we're going to decide which laws you break just to give you some clarification on this you're actually creating a horrible ethical dilemma for her and putting her in an extremely difficult position there either needs to be the moratorium to stop the enforcement or we're going to go forward with enforcement you can't balance in the middle there is no middle ground there you have to do one or the other so but we can Implement a a moratorium on enforcement yes you can as a council that's your pervy but by by saying Dana don't enforce that without a moratorium you're putting her in a horrible ethical dilemma and it's going to come back and bite her and you cannot put her in that position it's not right to ask her to do that exactly and that's why I phrase it as a moratorium Mor Provisions with certain Provisions within the moratorium defining what the moratorium applies to and and the length of time for the moratorium yes well so you're doing the moratorium to break the law now see again I'm going to say we have put off doing the banners and doing the signs because we're waiting for the the process to go through to change the law because we can't be breaking the law when we're not making everybody else and we're not letting anybody else do it I just don't I'm sorry I I think we need to go through the process I'm sorry because you're asking okay let's tell Mark over here you know don't give tickets out in the school zone because we're getting too many complaints okay and I I just don't see that let's do a moratorium on tickets for 30 days I I think that if if we're going to get picky like that I want to see you come to the house on my street that we've been complaining about for code enforcement there's two houses now that we've been complaining about for this whole time and I've seen nothing there and I see no paper trail uh so if we're going to if we're going to nailer on all this code enforcement I got a lot of things for you to do okay so I'm going to go back to our parliamentary procedure that we try to operate in here I have a motion there's a second where are we if you don't agree with it you vote against the motion but there's a motion on the floor and a second is there a motion on the and would you repeat your motion the motion is to is to implement a moratorium on new roadside Bing permits including those for food trucks as governed by sections 117-116 through 117 -9 of the town code the moratorium would last for a defined period and I'm going to say 180 days because we need time to allow for a thorough review and potential revision of these code sections I would second I would second but would I have some revisions I'm sorry I would second but I would like to add a little more to it go ahead and that well first of all it does not um uh it it's limited to food trucks and it does not obstruct traffic okay and they are have all the proper State Licensing and permitting good and insurance and insurance you cannot do that in a moratorium I love you but you I know your heart is pure on that one but you can't have an affirmative moratorium you can stop enforcement okay but you can't require Comm did you do blah blah blah okay I I I don't I agree with you too but if we can't do that we can't and then we just separately ask the journal Plaza who coordinate the food trucks to make sure that they have in place the the items which they do currently food trucks are required to have their permits anyway we don't need to add that in there we go up and ask them for their permits they're required to provide them okay ites it's not something that we have to do they already have to provide that also if it is obstructing traffic it's not allowed anyway that's covered under State Statute not Town ordinance all right so we don't have to mention that no okay but insurance I mean and and he has that but we just as part of this verbalized to him okay well then I will does the insurance protect him or the town well that's I think it probably protects the food no he said that they're listed as a be yeah yeah no that would be helpful before we uh moratorium something let's make sure we've got named insures I agree with you can't block the flow of the traffic but you said one other thing earlier that I'm not so sure I agree with um doesn't moratorium require come back to the motion you originally said and that we talked about just a moment and that would be moratorium on enforcement in loading zones that gets him what he's been doing it leaves everything in a status quo until we can get this thoroughly reviewed um I'm sorry I don't have all the answers tonight I just don't I don't think we can have the answers but okay and I will take away my amendments to you on yours go so we're back to implement a moratorium on on new roadside vending permits no enforcement of the existing ordinance in loading zones okay so Implement a moratorium on enforcement of existing help me ordinances on existing codes for food trucks those just those in those codes 117-116 through 117-119 um for food trucks in loading zones for 180 days chief does that cross anything you can think of you're good a second Michael you're good Michael okay second a motion in a second before there's any more discussion anything from the audience bring it back to the podium all the council council member Hayes yes council member ever yes council member Worley no council member Charles yes all right looks like we're going to be a few minutes yet let's go ahead and take 10 thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e we just haveed that room Town attorney I assume you have nothing correct all right so we'll go to planning sign code updates Dana Rell Town planner for the record before you tonight is an agenda item wanting input on the procedures for text amendments regarding sign code however I'm unsure if you all would like to proceed with sign code amendments or food truck amendments as a priority at this time can I please get some direction on that I know the merchants want the sign ordinance to go forward so we can do the um the little signs you know the directional signs and then the banners they're all wanting something to work on and I had told them well maybe we could work on the uh what it's kind of look like work with Dana on the size of the banners and start designing them because once we get through the process then we'd have it but I would like to see that move forward but I understand the food truck thing is a big issue I agree I think we just stalled food trucks to sometime in the future we we've got 180 days for food trucks that's well you know but this we've been talking about and and I like the workshop so and especially with um HDTV potentially coming and we don't know what time zone so time frame yeah I think we should go ahead with this sign signs yeah okay wonderful so with that in mind I have proposed a schedule I made a note at the bottom that public workshops are not a requirement for text amendments generally if there's input on text amendments it comes during the hearing process in front of the LPA and in front of the Town Council when it goes in front of you all two times it's also required to be noticed 30 days in advance and in a you know the newspaper of General circulation so I'm proposing public work work shops because I believe that that's this council's desire and I wanted to make sure this was the schedule that made sense for everyone I proposed one in the evening and one during the day and I did both of those at the end of the week so that maybe if somebody missed those at the end of the week they could do come to a local planning agency meeting or a town council meeting in the beginning of a week okay I think the schedule is good for the public I just have to say that on Friday February 28th at 10:00 a.m. I am not able to make that because I work at that that day and that time I can make all the rest of them though okay my first question is do you think with this topic two workshops is really needed and would get that many participants I mean I'd hate for you to set up all the time and that you've got three come to one and two come to another so it it felt to me that if we could do it with one I mean February 14th Valentine's Day at night probably you're not going to get a lot of people to be attending a workshop on sign ordinances you're right never mind I don't want to attend that one either so that would be my question is it feels to me couldn't we do this in one Workshop I mean we want to get public input but yet I don't want to overburden staff with setting everything up and nobody attends or just a couple I think um if we're 30 days out we're past the February 14th to be tomorrow so we can't get it in there by tomorrow but if we did Friday February 28th at 5:30 because this is basically affects merchants and at 5:30 maybe their businesses would be closed Plus for personal reasons I can make it that's a happening Friday night is a half is a is a date night go out and so we want to go Thursday February 27th at 5:30 you know you've got three public hearings on it I question the need for any workshops you get public input on all three of those that's what they're just that's what the law designs the ordinance for yeah that's good point the question would be to staff is is she looking for input in order to prepare the the planning meeting recommendations and that so the workshop at least will give the public input so then she can put together okay what is the changes that are needed so it would just be how do we get that public input I agree for a public meeting because look what time of night it is and we're trying to fit it in I think it's a hot subject I think we're going to have you know hopefully people will come if we get we get the Merchants Association quaz quaz merch to put out the word I think we'll get good participation at a workshop I do I don't whenever you all want to do it so and I would I mean so do yeah I was going to say can you skip a workshop and we do a February 18th Monday on 18th no conflicts there you said February he said oh February 18th we're just double checking the what day of the week is that that the when's the LPA the first right okay that's but yeah council member um warley do you think we need two workshops or can we do it with one we advertise if we have a long Workshop I think maybe we could knock it out on one I think you lose interest after two I agree yeah so we we plan for one we advertise it good we spread the word through the associations that our of interest and knock it out one it goes to the LPA and then it comes to us for two meetings can I make a comment it just may with the times if you see there's different times because some people who work may not be able to attend a day workshop that's reason I'm suggesting 5:30 you skipped the whole month of March well because my thought process was that after I elicited all the feedback that would give me my time to do the work so we're looking at Tuesday February 18th is that a Tuesday or a Monday Tuesday 18th is Tuesday it's Tuesday okay so Tuesday Monday the 17th I think we're more looking if Thursday is the 14th let 15th 16th 17th Monday would be the 18th no Monday's give him this no my date must be wrong no you're you're in the year the 17th is Monday the 18th 2024 the math ain't ma okay yeah 17 okay Monday at Night February 17th yeah I was contemplating two methods of doing it you all saw how it worked for the ear process for Highland County we all attended that um I don't think I'll have enough staff to be able to do that but there's this really cool app that I was thinking of using where you can ask questions to the audience in real time and then anonymously puts the results up there so it could be like an interactive um meeting so just letting you know my thoughts on that um other than that that's all I needed so thank you I'm sorry we um the February 17th is that 5:30 p.m. oh yes or what's the time on that I I agree with 5:30 are 5:30 oh I see what the problem was 14th is okay thank you that's it thank you okay we'll go to the Town Administrator so on the Christmas parade parking um the statement of issue is there and some of the key considerations that we have discussed has been including um implementing a policy of no overnight parking and budgeting for pedestrian barricades to enhance the safety and organization organization of the parking the chief is currently in the process of obtaining quotes for the necessary barricades and he may be able to provide a little additional information on the importance of this with the recent drive into to pedestrians and things of that nature or um not pedestrians I'm saying that wrong AR Vehicles backing into pedestrians and the floats through this Year's parade it was it was terrible um I actually thought we were going to lose Mr and Mrs Claus at the end of the parade it was so bad with people backing out almost hitting them I actually had to put my patrol car between a couple Vehicles because they didn't apparently didn't see the lights or hear the siren and we're still coming at them so I had to put my patrol vehicle between them and the car backing up to get them to stop it it it actually if you looked from when the parade started along Inter Lake Boulevard as I as I led the parade there was plenty of room for floats to move down in Lake Boulevard before I came through at the end it had moved out to where there was barely enough room for floats to get through from where people were throwing candy and kids were in the road and instead of going all the way back they were sitting in the roadway it it's it's extremely dangerous to have that there U my recommendation is to remove parking along Interlake and put up pedestrian barricades to prevent this from happening in future years I agree I do too I think we've been miss dodging the this was serving more of a informational so that you know we are working on it and what some of the steps are that we're taking so you don't need a decision from us you can just move forward and and would you do it the same as like I think you had signs up that said the day of the parade that the road is closed as a certain time no I would actually put up pedestrian barricades the night before to ensure that Vehicles were not parked there and I would recommend putting those barricades up the night before to block that off completely so that Vehicles do not get in there so there would be no parking on in Lake the day of the parade the Saturday of the parade yes because what they're doing is they're coming and they're leaving it overnight so that they Reserve their spot and they're driving the next day and another vehicle so that they can walk to the vehicle that allows them to be up by the some of them do but some of them like to get out right away yeah do we need to do Main Street also too uh Main Street we don't have that problem on okay we we really don't have that problem on Main Street I I'm not sure why but we don't I would recommend The Pedestrian barriers along Main Street as well just to keep the crowds back yes I think we need that it's so dark on Main Street I have a couple different options I'm looking at right now for The Pedestrian barricades we could go with uh what you would traditionally see in Times Square the metal barricades that are used to keep people back or we can go with uh more of a traffic cone St Style with a red rope or tape to keep them back um right now the prices I'm getting and the quotes I'm getting the metal barricades are extremely expensive it may behoove us to start with maybe a couple of those and use the cones and rope in in the interim until we can get more is there any opportunity that Sebring or Avon Park have something that we can just borrow um I have a an actual email from our FDLE field representative this has actually become a huge issue among law enforcement recently the only place that has vehicle barriers or barriers like that right now that we could borrow from would be Fort Meyers and I do not believe that we would want to put the cost up that we would have to to transport all that up here yeah I was thinking as each of them have their activities if there's something nobody's really ever put that stuff but you bring up a good point is it's very dark on Main Street I mean we can't even read what the signs on the side of cars are and Main Street is very dark I don't know if there have ever been a discussion on temporary lighting or something you know for the parade because you know there's a few sections there the kids they all go to get their candy right and it's just dark I'll mention that at the chamber okay I mean I I view it from Main Street it's always dark over there and I'm trying to figure out why and I think it's because the trees in the medium are blocking a lot of the light and the businesses a lot of the businesses on the one side don't have the lighting the lighting on Main Street is down the medium the lighting inter is on each side that's what I'm saying and that's exactly problem okay good Chief you're talking about closing down Interlake the night before I I'm saying we definitely need to close it down yes it would it would to set up the pedestrian that are open Saturday I that's one of those things we would have to deal with I mean if we allow people to pull in there and park when we start to put up The Pedestrian barricades they're either going to run them over to get out or they're going to leave their vehicles there which is going to cause a whole another issue they okay so one side of the of the Road is closed off anyway okay and so then so then everybody comes and Parks their trucks and it's there's no parking anyway there's no parking the people come and park their trucks and then the other side it's prohibited so the businesses really I mean it's the same it's the same and then some businesses at parking and some people don't um but it it's there is no parking on Interlake because the people bring their trucks and they start leaving them I mean early no no they I mean when you want to do business you park on the other side of the street I mean I haven't noticed on Parade day that the whole souths side of inner lake is completely filled live there and I'm telling you it is and there's no sides are actually we start at a lot of people doing yeah even yeah even the day before we start at 300 p.m. the day of the parade we start at 300 p.m. and put an officer on inter Lake to get people to move cars who have come in and tried to reserve even the parking spaces it says no parking in so it is on both sides we have to come in and actually call people to come get their cars because if you don't they're going to leave them there we would start early with being able to educate the public putting it out there so to get that out there um I would even venture to say we make sure they know overnight they know that there will be no overnight parking by putting it in the newspaper and letting them know that um they'll be towed I mean they may get busy but well you I mean we can put those I call them the little orange signs that says no parking and you had the times you could start putting those even out earlier days early or something well he does that anyway we we try to get those out earlier anyway but it he does that the day the the day before um I'm also going to recommend that we also begin looking at vehicle barriers on the side side streets and Main thoroughfares for the parade right now all we have are small barricades that we put out there that will not stop a car from driving through there yeah I noticed that and and then also these notices let's get them into the businesses maybe they can put because one they need to know that it's no going to be no parking and maybe if there's even a sign on their window or something as customers come in during the week oh okay no parking on Saturday okay good good um I think it's out of order on here opposed to what's on our agenda let me skip around um public risk staff training uh this was again another information around the recent civil rights concerns and complaints that have been brought to the town's attention highlighting the need to ensure that all staff are equipped to handle the matters approp and follow the necessary steps in response the town would be conducting training for staff to address these issues and pro promote awareness we currently have two quotes that were in the packet again this is really just to bring awareness that we are being proactive um Rachel Osborne our HR Director also Finance director is Seeking a third quote so that we will have it either way it's under the threshold where I can just go ahead and initiate but we wanted you all to be aware of the steps that we've taken budget amendment for Lake June Park Dugout roofs this was put on here by um Harry our facility director I got the request of the mayor some updated estimates for The Dugout roof Replacements at the ball fields um one of them came back the same amount the guy said he would for American Roofing said that he would do it for the same cost since he already estimated it that said he would eat the difference in the cost that one was for $34,500 that's 6,500 over the budgeted amount the next one Mid Florida they gave me two different estimates I'm not sure the the mayor requested one from him I'm not sure what they talked about on that one but I have both of them in the packet one came in at 47709 that's the one that you and uh Mid Florida spoke about the other one that brought it up to being able to uh ensure that the manufacturer warranty would be covered came to 39749 and then the last one came in at 47160 so Harry which of these is going to meet our needs the best I think all of them do um the the the cheapest one is 34,500 the so the three bids estimates the one from Platinum one from mid Florida and one from American roofin are all pretty much the same American roof did not put as much information on theirs as the others but he ensures that the 25-year metal warranty will be upheld by the manufacturer and that was the question that the mayor had at the last meeting I'm not recommending you go with that one were able to read all of them over so just so you're recommending that we go with the 34,000 I'm not recommending either one of them just put them all in the packet so everybody could read them and make a decision from there I mean I think that one is fine but also I'm not a roofer I uh rely on the mayor's information to me I'm not a roofer either as long as as long as he's willing to provide the uh manufacturer's warranty and he's going to give his warranty I I see no problem are these reputable companies do we know anything about the companies though American rofin has done uh repairs for us before okay so you've worked with them before good and they do pro they they do uh require a 20 20% non-refundable deposit two of the three companies required deposits one does not I was trying to compare the who was doing what and it's like apples and oranges um the American Roofing does not include replacing any rot they're replacing all the would it says right there all of it then I miss that okay in their original yeah he he's following his original bed okay it says priceon includes all Lumber pearlings replacement of all rotten wood plywood they don't have a limit on theirs on the sheets of plywood the other two do okay oh there it is right in Bull print how can I it okay okay um all right I assume youve got an agreement form to sign or do you need one we need them to vote which one we're going to do correct well I wouldn't just sign a proposal no okay so we need a motion to make a budget amendment in order to accept that bid of $ 39,7 494 is that what we're looking for here what was your comment har if that's the one you choose to go with either one any of them we need a budget amendment yeah right the the question I had asked earlier was okay so I support getting these done there's no issue there um but the two Miracle League ones since the season's over could that be delayed into the next fiscal year I did go down there and look and I I asked them what condition those were in one of completely rotted through okay well then that there's the answer is no y we need a budget amendment so first we have to decide which one we're going to go to then I think then we do the budget amendment to that effect of the longer you wait the worse they're going to get right what what did you budget how much did you budget 28 28 so basically if we go with the 34 five we need a 6,500 budget amendment and the difference is the I ask him what he no this one's 34 American Roofing the Miracle League wasn't included in the original estim right that's why which would bring it to $6,500 more than what we page 167 I mean I'll make the motion if that's unless any I'll make a motion that we uh go with American Roofing to replace the dugouts at L tune uh Park and approve a su ,500 budget amendment I've got a motion to Second any further comments in the podium see none how about the member of the audience bring it back pull the council council member Charles yes council member yes council member Hayes yes council member ever yes thank you Harry thank you for all the work I know you've done overtime on trying to do this twice so thank you okay I think there's one more that correct yes 6 D4 Inter Lake Boulevard previous concrete parking stall installation so this hopes to resolve an isolated drainage problem but more or less we're going to use it as a pilot for other opportunities in town that we see so there's a section of parking stalls along in Lake that were disrupted during the pipe bursting project they were disrupted because they have a couple valves and we looked at repaving and it was in their contract to repave the area but it was brought to our attention that the Stalls and the configuration of the parking floods excessively it always has it floods in that location so in order to look at so or in looking at various Sol Solutions uh a lot of which were very costly this seemed like the least impact and presents unique opportunities to highlight some of this best management practices and unique materials that are at our advantage so there's a product called pervious concrete it's a Concrete based material it looks like concrete it's just has a lot of voids so it's more like a Rice Krispy treat and when placed in the right manner by the right certified contractor using the right mix and done correctly it will work very very well uh in my previous employment I spent over two years marketing and promoting concrete products to the state and marketing and promoting uh the use of bmps through the water management districts uh in fact every single one in the state so this was a product that they used in order to meet some of the criteria for nitrogen and phosphorus loading and some uh some treatment of the water before it goes into the waterways so before you is a is a motion to um allow us to engage with excavation point to bring one of these specialty contractors in and uh pave three parking stalls with this material and as we look to the future we'll be able to look at these stalls and evaluate them on their performance and see if they're appropriate for other locations um and I'm open to any questions I know that's kind of broad based but uh and I've got a plan I don't think it made it do you have a picture of what we're talking about and of what perious here's my concern right three stalls and how many are in a row and now it's the Optics on our main on our Main Street we've got different parking stall structures if we were to look at there's $6,000 of structure right 18,000 for three so that's I'd like to see what it looks like and then my concern is three out of how many in that section and how will that even look the surface will look very similar to what's out there today um it's not a surface that you can paint because of its paracity um there are other materials you could use you could use uh chewed up rubber you can use asphalt I've seen glass uh the most successful pavement material with the highest durability and public right away in this application I feel confident that the concrete product would do it um if we look at some of the the coloring of the main drive and the parking stalls along Interlake they already have a different color to them because of the paving that was done you've got a resurfacing along the main and then the parking stalls are kind of left and uh you know we're repaving some of them and not repaving others um so it would look slightly different but it's not going to cause any type of sight visibility uh you know concerns while driving um you know the biggest difference it's going to be dry it will work so you said you can't paint it no ma' we can't paint you can I mean you can paint a little bit of it but you'd be parking stall lines on it yeah be it's like taking a Rice Krispie Treat and and putting a piece of paper over it and then expecting the water to go over the rice kisp you know the water has to go through the surface of the pavement to go through it what you're saying is the pavement makes it impervious you can paint the stripe on or can you can paint a stripe but it won't ret it won't the water won't go down where the thermoplastic bit Yeah and then if you stripe it make sure you only stripe it once you can't redo the stripe you can't take it off once you've applied it it's a very coarse very rough surface so you can paint it but you should not paint it you can paint it you can recommend painting the parking stalls it's a 4 in white stripe it's not going to affect the paracity and you know but you wouldn't want to paint the entire surface black or darker darker gray to match the existing surrounding areas um the surface can be seen in uh a lot of other uses I think in Kina Beach or some of other locations there's lots of lots of various uh applications that we could look at pictures um yeah I'd like just to say this is the front of my place and 21 years I've lived there and we used to Flat in front of my house but um I put that's why I put that big porch on and I filled up okay but it floods out there and I've fallen out there because once the once the sil once it finally drains down and it's about this deep okay because if you look if you came over in front of my house all that water from across the street and then from parel's therea comes to that corner and it doesn't go anywhere but there but once that water goes down there's a very fine silty black stuff and I F because it's like being on marbles you cannot get your footing I'm pretty agile but I'm just saying I fell keyed my car if I'd been an old person which I am but anyway I feel I didn't break a hit but I'm saying it is not like you can't use any of that parking in front of my place okay what I was very excited about was because I don't think there's a way to fix it unless we tear up the the bed but then it's just going to move the water down the street into the Lakes so this is what they're using he um mentioning that it's used at the parks now they ripped up all the pavement they put this down because instead of the water sheeting off and causing pollution in the golf and in the LAN it's going down what made me really excited about this is it's not just because it I might not have flooding in front of my place anymore is down by where the historic Depot is there there's almost no way to fix that we've tried to crack that nut for a long time and if this works can you imagine we don't have to put in big retention this is the other thing you don't have to put in big retention we also have parking that we're proposing along South Main with other developments so this could set a standard we've got more developments in downtown areas that I'm I'm hoping to include uh this material so this is kind of a pilot project that's that it's going to change the town because I feel in my heart that it's going to work so I'm really pushing for it I've seen it work I promoted it for years uh we can uh the Florida conrete and products Association they paved their entire parking lot in this material and when we did presentations we would send a a ready miix truck like in the photo I had with the the um with the rainbow one of those trucks we filled the entire thing up with water we brought it to the pavement we brought everybody outside we told the operator now let it rip and he opened the gate all the water left immediately and it just went underneath the pavement it didn't do anything and um yeah I've seen it I saw it years ago in a a magazine um it was like a city picture a city Alleyway with buildings on each side and there was nowhere for the water to go and the alleyway was just flooded they put this in and there was nothing so why are we doing it at Interlake and Magnolia when possibly we should be doing it in front of the depot uh well we when we originally talked about I am advocating for this I mean I can't even have my business can park in front it's been going on 21 years okay so anyway but that's a larger project this is a very small area to make sure it's going to work because I have the same flood problem that they have and instead of going in and and spending a lot more money on a big area let's see if it works and and you know before I convince all these developers that I'd like to use it I'd like to convince the council to use it I mean we really need to see it I mean we we we Ted about our high infiltration rates we're on our Ridge all of our ponds never have standing water we can really take advantage of that I mean there's some engineering you know uh materials that uh that do take advantage of that uh the perious concrete in my opinion is the best resource in this location um there are other porous surfaces but um in coordinating with also the County engineer uh he agreed with me that this was the best application for this location um and we've applied for for the permit and we've received it so we're kind of now coming to you because of the cost it really wasn't in our budget um it's how much more than concrete is it I mean it seems costly right $6,000 a parking spot well if you look at the cost of a of a 3x4 concrete manhole and then to move the water from one area to another I need three of them uh concrete reinforced pipe in conflict with the 12in water man would take ride of way land acquisition to move water is expensive um so is you start so this is like an alternative that it's like a you know you you park on your pond is the theory so you started out and said that the pipe bursting did isn't repairing it and it sounds like they should the pipe bursting company it was part of the contract so are they going to give us funding from that that we could use for this I that to help reduce the costs I think there was some negotiations on the funding and how we moved some things around I wasn't included on exactly that but this project was slated to be retained for uh uh a different solution I don't I don't show what you if we were to pave this area area it would have maintained the the flood so we identified it as a concern to try to address the issue so we didn't get but I thought as part of the pipe bursting they were to pave it forget the water and the issues that we had but they were responsible for Paving it correct and now we're saying well let's wait let's go a different alternative so my comment is that the savings from them not Paving it are they giving us those funds no ma'am because there was a negotiation in the contract cont ract for the funds maybe there was a change order on valves that wasn't included in the original bid to not pay three parking spots um Kevin McCarthy was negotiating the contract and the bid items for this so I can't comment on what was exchanged for what I can comment on a solution to solve the drainage concerns at this location and I can provide the best recommendation to the Council and to solve those Solutions I just I just feel like if Margaret deer were in the audience tonight we'd be hearing a lot about doing this down at the Historical Society because they have such issues there and although they're not a business per se um they are they they are you know an entity in our town and I know that there there are concerns there as well so um again back to my original Point um well you're going to spend a lot more money we're talking about a couple parking spaces and to see if it works okay and I put an the whole the whole no it's it's almost in front of the purple iris right I thought I was looking up at the corner I used to live there but it's no it says magnolian in Lake I've got a map if can I know where it's at know where it's at I used to live there I know where it's at no I don't think it is down there right Magnolia is on on the Magnolia west side of haril yes it's on the west side of haril and that's not down by her I know she's on the east side of Hearts I know that I used to live there I know that so so I understand and I think Dennis I think it's a creative idea right we got a problem it's torn up now y there's a interesting concept but we're not 100% right so here's the heart souls and the purple iris and all of this right show me no but this isn't by deor War deor wor is on the other side yeah right by brantley's there across from this is Logan's where's the three spots which this is heart souls in them what am I missing heart over there gotcha so it is it's in front of the um the real estate company gotcha I know is that the only spots that aren't completed from the pipe bursting yes ma'am I think it's a creative idea that you're saying is look at heart is we pave it I mean it comes to this corner going to have drainage issues and floods back here's a concept it's an expensive concept me to me it's expensive but if it's something that can help in the museum and other areas it's expensive compared to what concrete Paving but concrete Paving would still flood but that's what I said other things considered if you just look at the paving it's expensive and I guess that's the that's the intent is that this is not this is not a pavement project this is a pilot project to solve our Town's drainage infrastructure and flooding in the downtown Corridor if that's the case then to Nell's point you could do it where you have the biggest flooding I agree I what I'm saying is you're taking advantage of a hole that's already there and not paying cost for the concrete to fix it that the intent has always been to pave the train depot with this material in my mind's eye oh but I can't convin I I can't show you how it works unless we see it in action so this is three this is say it again so why don't we see it in action there yeah so actually like I said I saw in the magazine the befores and afters of an Alleyway and you have the I I I would love to put a plan together anywhere you'd like I I was trying to solve problem yeah I mean I some money right so you we could because it's we're already doing the work in that area was part of the reason is it's already being done and so this would finalize it because we've been getting questions um on what are we going to do now that we're doing all the other improvements with the pipe bursting putting in the plants and are we going to fix this area as well so yeah it's good but I don't need convincing it's it you it's a demonstration project but I do not need convincing yeah you seen it and Rachel is Rachel is this type of expense fine to put take out of infrastructure because it's like in a sense repair oh if it's a overlay and this is then is this is for parkings parking St okay yeah as long as a overlay and it's a a pole project then it can be but if you just patches and just fixing parts of it then he cannot use infrastructure but how he's presenting it he can okay I'm fine with trying it I mean I I would like to see a picture of it because like I said the Optics it concerns me that we got three but to councilwoman warle warley is like they're always underwater and you can't see those parking spots anyway so but if it works they're not going to be underwater but if it works then I what he's saying and I agree with the museum and elsewhere then if it doesn't work then we're not out anything we wouldn't do it at the Museum if it does work now we've got the pilot to do the museum uhuh versus do all the museum and find out it doesn't work we could do three parking stalls at the Museum and see if it worked out the museums isn't as well but that means cost to tear up the three spots I think the difference is this is torn up this we need to repair any money for it well that's a different that's why I asked the question that's a different the answer was no the answer was it was negotiated for something else the answer is Charlotte can you just chase the answer to um the question on why the pipe bursting company isn't giving funds to repair that area I think the question is is what does it look like as oh you're showing that okay yeah yeah that's that but I mean okay in in the meantime um but the the damage is there my understanding was not because of the pipe bursting is that correct from I don't believe it's been a historic flooding time it's not because of the pipe bursting but it's all torn up right now and they didn't pave it so now it's torn up and it need to be fixed somehow and I would really think that you all would okay you're going to improve interl and you're going to do all of that and then you're going to leave this area that people can fall I see what you're saying Char my comment was we entered into a contract with this company to tear up sidewalks put in the pipe burst the pipes right and do all of that and then it was to put in the curbs and pave everything put it back in the condition that they started in this section we're not going to do that okay fine I I like what he's saying but my comment is but we paid a company as part of a contract to do everything they've decided not to do that one area feels to me there should be some money like to point out to the fact they've also done work that was not included in the bid so they installed valves that were not included so instead of receiving the change order we have presented the council with no change orders on that project like you said nothing has been presented so I'm not sure the exact negotiations but normally you would absolutely have a tradeoff I think I know Kevin made some tradeoffs to say to get the vows I believe I recall during construction they discovered there were a couple of additional T's where lines came off that they didn't know about they install vales and that would cost another xll so he said I'll do this and you'll do that okay I just want that answer that's all fair enough right right I don't want us all speculating in that that's all but you know just to hold our vendors accountable in in and I'm fine with that if they did that I think that's that's good but should be Doc in that exact location you'll find three valves that they were repairing so that's why the pavement was ripped up they had to reconstruct those valves at that location so that's that's why the pavement was ripped up and they reset the that's why I didn't have water for like two weeks at night and and I couldn't I was went through like 30 what 45 days of not sleeping and it all comes together right there from the plant to that that's where it all comes to right there do you need a motion what do we need here I I mean I support p going to show you the photo it looks good show me where it's at the benefit of having me on staff is that I I I was marketing and promoting through the concrete and products Association for years so I have extensive experience if you guys have additional questions um I was nrmca uh uh pervious concrete uh teacher I went out and taught the certification classes to the contractors so the gentleman that I invited is nrmca National recognized Ready Mix concrete installer for perious concrete that I certified myself so I called him and asked if he'd like to do the work if he's still a business coordinated with excavation point to to manage the project and so um you know if you have any concerns or questions you know feel free to to ask I've got a design that didn't make the presentation but is this parking lot all the perus is that yes ma'am and it's flat so it acts like a pond so there's no grading changes there's no Ada problems or challenges I should say so uh the entire parking lot is a flat surface and we would park Ready Mix trucks uh right here and full of water and just let the water uh discharge onto the pavement and a good show and tell And this parking lot I want to say now is almost 15 years old or more so do we need a motion is that yes okay I I'll make a motion to uh approve using pervious contract um parking stall to use the perious contract concept for three parking stalls on Interlake in Magnolia and a um a budget amendment of 18742 out of the infrastructure fund second second all right we have a motion to Second any other discussion okay hearing none we'll take it to the audience again put a thumb up for me all right way to go bring it back pull the council counc Charles yesc yesc no no should be at the Depot NOC yes thanks Dennis right I just um I have an it's in my my report I wanted to give an update on the police department Eva are would you mind pulling that do we have the picture is it up here it's up there your hover over your PDFs at the bottom I have it on my phone oh here it is I see it now sorry here he is I have it here do you want it screen okay yeah yes ma'am I have a picture so the progress continues on the new police department project with the following action items and updates that are currently underway utility and water main coordination the town is to provide a fir flow test result for the hydrants on the west side of us27 a surveyor is scheduled to be on site tomorrow for additional utility markings that were requested by P and cob um the town is supposed to ensure that all utilities are marked and flag before this date so they're supposed to be working on that I know Kevin's not here but he already had that in the works um this is just a a rendering it's the design and building coordination so they were going to provide us with the rendering they told us they would last week they did um it is not for the site it's just for for town to be able to review the way that they plan for it to look the current building plans would be sh shared with the police chief for coordination and any updates the permit submissions have been submitted by cool and Cobb to the state and Water Management District for approval the utility design has been submitted to LPA comments from the town engineer and utility director have both been addressed and the county has completed its review so the next steps we have full civil plan set that will be reviewed with the town planner who will then initiate the commercial review process um we received a USDA support um needed they needed a letter of support and we did receive that from the county um commissioner Arlene tuck signed that and submitted it to us we are scheduled for bi-weekly meetings and the next one is scheduled for January 22nd so it's to provide an update and let you see that it is moving forward and then I have one other item that was in my packet that I just wanted to kind of highlight and hone in on a little bit quickly because I know everybody is tired but I've had a lot of conversations with many people who believe that they are the town of Lake plet however they're not the town of Lake placet they are in the green area that we see here most of them but it's very difficult to get them to understand that and so I wanted to bring it I know there's not everybody here hopefully if people listen in and then we um are going to put it on our website so that they can also see where boundary lines are because they will complain about things they will ask us to take care of it not realizing that the town of Lake plaid is really only comprised of about 2400 people they believe that if they are in the lake plid area with a zip code that's in this green area that they belong to the town of lake plid so it's just for clarification purposes and to try to provide Clarity and ensure that the residents are aware that you know they understand who is responsible for what that's all I have folks um University of Florida I put these out on everyone's desk or on your your your seat and there were others that were for people to get when they came in but it's the Florida Lake watch they're seeking Highlands County volunteers this is done through the University of Florida it is a commitment it's about a two-year commitment but they need people to help with doing samples and things of that nature they're looking for Highland County residents who are ready to help them um they said roll up their sleeves and get their arms wet and help them to be able to get some of the M Mo much needed data for them to make better informed decisions about the lakes and our Lake quality so everybody has that all right anything from our department heads I just wanted to mention that the uh picnic table was ordered and uh should be in this Wednesday uh for daine Park the one that was damaged uh so a brand new one should be installed early next week at the latest and uh uh if anybody's noticed that uh daine Park hasn't looked the greatest it's because every year uh we have Ry grass seeds spread uh basically so it stays green throughout the winter time so we because of that we have to stay out of that park for two to three weeks for it to take uh take root and Sprout and uh we've just today started mowing it again and I think end of last week we did all the edging and and weed eating as normal and we'll be doing all the normal routine before the festival as far as pressure washing the sidewalks the benches and repairing any uh power outlets that are shorted out on the light poles as usual that's all okay thank you um two common items and then a question um first I want to thank the mayor Rachel and Dana for the Christmas party that and everybody who participated that was a lot of fun and and for me personally getting to know the staff and and a lot of the employees I mean what a bunch of characters and it just was a lot of fun so thank you um for that and I think that um I need clearly the staff and all the employees enjoyed it too and we try to make it fun yeah yeah um and I want to thank Charlotte uh for all of the communication that she's given us I I mean I I appreciate the weekly updates I appreciate um text um because as we're out in the community people are asking us questions and and there's nothing worse than being a council member with I don't know I don't know I don't know so the information that you are providing us quite frequently is very much appreciated and it does help us uh be knowledgeable about what's going on because it there's a lot going on by the staff and they've got to be overwhelmed with all the projects they're doing so I just um appreciate um those updates and appreciate what all you do um the last is just a question and maybe it's a question to Mr Harris as the make Lake plaid beautiful um I've always been curious as to what's going on with the landscape in in front of the government center and around the flag pole there is nothing and this is our showcase Government Center so do we have a plan to put shrubs flowers something and especially with you know the HDTV coming you know this is this is the main area this is our government center no we've never undertaken Government Center as a project we' all talked about it a lot you think the town will budget some money for I think somewhere we need to budget money for it I mean to me it you know every time right every time I walk up I'm like ah so how do we is that can can't hear you Harry yeah I know you have the answer for this though CU it's been in your director's reports I thought it one time before new Council took over that Ry was talking about putting in the budget for plantings and stuff at Town Hall the last I heard they were we were trying to wait until we got the police station built and then we were going to do the landcaping AL together start which yes yeah I'm more or less right up against the building though in the flag po that's separ I've been asking that for two years yeah yeah so I mean we're still I year and a half away or whatever for that building and so Lake pled beautiful doesn't do that Lake Landscaping we haven't we hav focused on the roads okay remember this is pres one of the things that I think that kpb needs to bring forward to the committee is proposal you heard me talking about kind of long range plan the first thing I've listed to the commit go was um what are we responsible for yeah that's important and which roads which parks and I think that needs to come back to this Council and say not so much that this is the area of grow make that decision yeah one of no I was going to say I don't care who does it I just we need to get that on a listing as a priority to do is start figuring out what would under these trails and paths the 30 Footers would be would look so cool if they had the 10 foot sidewalk some Landscaping trees and street lights that would add a lot to the yeah right but in the meantime I think the Landscaping in front of the building and the flag pole should be a priority especially with htd HGTV coming so I don't know Charlotte if Alex twq can give us a a design or an estimate or something well he he would probably he would probably do give us an estimate yeah he would be the one I would call to to check out our irrigation it was checked out when we first bought the building but I'm not sure in what condition it's in now it works yeah so that that's a plus yeah so yeah uh we could get with ianz Nursery yeah uh we can get with anybody and come up with a plan and a cost and then and bring it to a meeting and get approval let's do that okay thank you yeah I'll plant flowers that's all I have Harry I think you've been trying to address the flowers in front of this building for a long time and I think your issue there is is the irrigation is it not around the flag pole okay so um you just need money for flowers in order to make that happen Rachel do we have some money for flowers for Harry Harry get with Rachel plant some flowers real easy let's get this over with um I want to thank the staff for sorry the voice is gone but um for addressing the situation at the graveyard with the Hogs they caught caught the hog I guess and it's much better now I haven't seen anymore and it seems like it's mitigated nicely and I swear I don't know how you keep that Cemetery so nice but you you do a great job and um I appreciate that and Charlotte I appreciate um the job you're doing as well so thank you that's all I have mayor can you imagine de a lot of work went into it I I saw what they did for the Christmas pray you know they had to trim up all the trees in front of the college to make room for the floats I didn't think about that they were out there and they were chiming away and they said yeah because when the floats come by they get all torn up because of the trees so those little things that we never know that they're doing I just happened to see that one thing they take care of us it's great and ditto for our new Town Administrator she's fabulous um I just want to tell everybody Happy New Year I hope yours is a blessed year um and I I really appreciate the director reports and if it's possible it'd be nice for the people to know how much you really do um and every you know everybody because you outline you did this and this and this if you could put it on the website or something and it's amazing um let's see and then um as far as Landscaping in the town hall definitely if even if you just put down mulch just and we don't even like Mulch and I don't like mulch wait a minute wait a minute did I hear you say mulch I'll say that again put down mulch no papers are you kidding me and um and then um the last thing is if there's uh some way that uh I think we had kind of talked about a suggestion box or Community feedback place um because we're trying to you know keep we're doing much better on Communications might' be one more way uhhuh thank you I'm sorry I want to say one more thing I think a lot of times we see a a lot of the work that everybody does up here and we forget what Eva does behind the scenes to make all this stuff happen so Eva thank you very much for all you do and well she's in the director reports too so that would become obvious while we're talking about Landscaping I would add some sod maybe be Bea sod to the list I think the grass is all weeds okay okay any anything else come before Council I want to again I say it all the time I I think we got the greatest staff in the world uh I I get almost no complaints at all the only complaint I get is against Rachel and Eva and you know but I address those daily no we get along fine I I uh I appre appreciate all they do uh again we got a great staff we just uh we just all got to work together as a family and that's all I ask of everybody so if there's nothing else to come before councel meeting adjourn