##VIDEO ID:SFNdelfFK4E## if we're leaning back you should still be able to hear us now couple quick announcements as you'll find out the agenda is not on the YouTube for some reason it just would not come up but if those out there that can you can pull it up on the website and you'll be able to follow it as we go um the other thing with the sound system if you still have trouble hearing you can go on to autof fetch go to either Google play or Apple Store download autof fetch Express open it up and you'll be able to listen to everything we're see hearing or doing on your phone but I would ask you to make sure that you're using your earplugs we don't want to have a lot of noise out there in the uh in the hall so that that is available uh it's a good thing it's just something everybody will maybe have to get used to but I'm but I'm hoping the sound system is such that we won't need to do that I at this time I'd ask everybody to please make sure that your phones are either off or on vibrate also for those that are wearing Hat Gear I asked you to take it off while you're in the hall and at this time I'm going to ask Reverend Ray Cameron from the First Presbyterian Church if he'll come forward it's always an honor and pleasure to have him here and if everybody would stand he's going to lead us in prayer and our pledge very thankful to be here with you with lights on and air conditioning we've been spared and blessed and we are thankful let's go to the Lord Father in Heaven it is with Thanksgiving in our hearts that we uh gather uh tonight uh for the the meeting of the town of Lake Placid uh we do pray for those who are still struggling without power without water and with many difficulties and we pray your help we pray your protection on those that are uh in the midst of this uh helping in so many ways Lord for the work of the counsel we thank you that your word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path and that if we will use it that it guides Us in all manners of life and every decision we have before us and so I pray your wisdom your grace your blessing on the work that they do tonight and upon this uh our town in Jesus name amen amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all also before before we get started I want to give a big special thanks to our town staff and our Police Department for the way they conducted themselves and handled this through the hurricane I'm glad to see everybody came through it okay uh there was some tree damage some power Let's uh say our prayers for uh the the mobile home park that got hit by the tornado luckily that we had no deaths so Lake PL I believe was was spared uh prayers I think did a lot for that and uh I'm just glad everybody's safe and and we're back to some sort of Normy and I want to put a big special thanks out to Duke Energy I think they went out way above and beyond to get power back as quick as they could because uh there's still people out there that don't have power so let's uh let's pray for them too clerk would you please call the role mayor Holbrook here council member Hayes here council member Worley here council member Charles here council member everheart here I consent agenda one a through e I'll make a motion we approve consent agenda one second we have a motion of second are there any comments from the podium Mr Mayor I just I would like to make a comment that wasn't captured in the minutes and I'm glad it's not but at the last meeting when um Carolyn Morrison had applied for to be the arpac position and Carolyn is a veteran she's a West Point grad a lieutenant colonel retiree and some comments were made that I don't share and I and that basically um she lives in Lake June point and she makes six to seven figes I was really embarrassed by those comments that were made I live in Lake Jun point and I respect anybody that wants to volunteer and to contribute contribute their time so I just wanted to go on record that I don't share that view I don't think the majority of the council does and that we really encourage and we want diversity in people no matter where you live or what income level you are to volunteer within the town of Lake plet I just like to go on record that I you're probably talking about the comment that I made and I have certainly the most utmost respect for Miss Morrison um my husband was a veteran as well and I think what she's done in her military background is wonderful and and to be respected um we are looking for diversity and we have not quite reached that diversity yet with the amount of representation we have from late June point however they are very interested in what's going on with the town and you know who's to say that there's anything wrong with that okay any other comments not seeing none we'll take it to the audience saying then pull the councel I'm sorry I missed the first and second for some reason first was warley second was me okay yes yes M council member Worley yes council member haes yes council member Charles yes council member everard yes okay number two presentations and request to speak uh first is Hurricane Milton Town update I have a resolution I'm going to read resolution 202 24-3 a resolution of the lake pla Town Council proclaiming a local state of emergency and authorizing the Town police chief to establish modify enforce and terminate curfew in the town of Lake placet consistent with any curfew established by the Highland County Sheriff if necessary good evening everyone everyone I'm your new Town Administrator Charlotte Rodriguez and I want to Echo what the mayor said and take a moment to acknowledge the incredible teamwork and camaraderie that was displayed by our staff before and after the storm a huge thank you to everyone that was involved in ensuring that meals were cooked and ready for all of the staff that were actively working to get our town back up and running it was very humbling to witness the way that everyone pulled together to meet the internal and the external needs of our community being that I was two weeks on the job it was absolutely humbling to be able to watch a staff work so tirelessly together a special recognition to smok and grow barbecue for generously feeding Our Town staff on Saturday we also extend our gratitude to the police department for their unwavering support during this time as well as to the Highlands County Administrator Miss Lorie heer the emergency management manager Cory amston and the sheriff's department and all of their teams for the Swift action to take care of our town we couldn't have done it without the National Guard unit Charlie 2116 the field artillery and Do It Best Hardware Who provided essential equipment for our point of distribution Our Town staff did a fantastic job operating the skider and ensuring that everything ran smoothly so a huge kudos to the team on Friday and Saturday our Police Department assisted at the points of distribution with five officers from our department and three from the sheriff's department that was on Friday and four from our depart apartment on Saturday together we served approximately 1,000 residents officers have returned to their normal shifts and with one detail remaining for the Duke solar farm that is um currently waiting until the fence has been repaired I'm pleased to report that we didn't encounter any heavy areas of um destruction within our town limits we do still have um considerable amount of debris in Divine Park and along the ride of ways on Highway 27 which are currently being addressed the Department of Transportation is handling the major roads we have identified a damaged lighting pole at Lake June Park that needs replacement and the park will be closed until further notice due to down power lines and other debris debris that requires cleanup our town team has already collected eight truckloads of debris throughout the area in a debriefing call today with the county it was emphasized that all debris must be placed by the roadside by Sunday October 20th with pickups beginning on Monday October 21st please remember to separate the piles as usual and to place them at least 10 ft away from any utilities or obstruction such as fire hydrants backflow preventers power poles cable boxes mailboxes and vehicles updates will be on the county Facebook page and Instagram and we will also update on our town website and the next door app I would just like to say that as we reflect on this challenging time that again we want to highlight the amazing Unity that's been shown throughout the whole Community it fills me with pride to call the town of Lake clid my family thank you just a quick question should um wood and shingles be kept separate from landscape debris or what tips do you want to give the public um to make sure that we keep the things separate yes separate to the try to try to keep all the Trad and all that stuff separated from and then maybe we those dates are important and I appreciate that so maybe we can put on next door to alert the uh public in and especially keep things separate because I know at times you go by and people keep yeah they well they think the shingles I'm just going to toss it on a pile that's there good motion a second I'll make a motion accept the resolution I'll second it okay next I'll ask the uh police roll call oh roll call I didn't do that you know we're here go ahead and call the roun council member Worley yes council member Charles yes council member haes yes council member ever yes all right I guess police chief over here was over here officer B if you would please present yourself before c Today We Gather to celebrate not just the promotion but the embodiment of dedication bravery and leadership in our ranks it is with great pride and admiration that I stand before you to promote Master officer bacera to the rank of Corporal throughout his career officer Basera has displayed unwavering commitment and unparalleled courage rising to the occasion when lives hang in the balance in a moment that profoundly impacted a family and our community he heroically saved the life of an infant this act of selflessness not only showcased his extraordinary skill but also his deep sense of Duty and compassion officer B's actions are a shining Testament to what it means to be a member of the lake pla Police Department Beyond this remarkable incident Jose consistently leads our department in activity demonstrating not just a commitment to his own duties but inspiring those around him to strive for excellence as well well he is not just a colleague he is a mentor and a guide always willing to lend his expertise and support to others his motivation is contagious fostering a spirit of collaboration and camaraderie within our team promotion to Coral is not merely a title it is a recognition of Jose's dedication leadership and the significant impact he has on our department and the community his ability to lead by example ensures that we continue to uphold the highest standards of service and integrity as we take this moment to recognize officer basser's achievements let us also look forward I am confident that in his new role as Corporal he will continue to inspire greatness and lead us into the future where we remain unwavering in our mission to serve congratulations Corporal Basera we are proud of you and we are excited to see how you will continue to lead and make a difference in the lives of those around you e [Applause] if we could have the council members come down and get a picture with him truly appreciate for e [Applause] next we have Sandra Bass from the League who is here good afternoon my name is sandre bass and I'm the president director of the miracle I have these for information on Miracle to give to you is that appropriate is that better yes I know there's a lot of new councilmen and women on the board since I've been here in the past I've been before Town Council many times about Miracle League and restrooms and thank you do anyone Miracle League started in 2007 when we started we were part of the town of Lake plet it was the Miracle League of lake plet so Lake plid was instrumental in the Miracle League in the very beginning in 2011 we discovered that we could not get funding from other sources because we were part of a governmental in institution so so we became a 501c3 and that's where we adopted the Miracle League for Highlands County just so everyone knows without the town of Lake classet without the board of County Commissioners Glades electric members and many other sponsors Miracle League would not exist in the generosity of all the town's people Miracle League provides everything to athletes at no cost they get pictures they get trophies we have an end of the year party we have a Christmas party which we have the last few years we've had it here at the government center so we're very appreciative of the town and I know there's a lot of talk about the pickle ball courts and I'm all for doing things for everyone in Lake PL that includes our individuals with disability which I think the individuals with disabilities all too often get left out of the picture if you go back and you look through your records I have been coming to the Town Council trying to get restrooms and a place to store our equipment we don't have much and um for many years um so I'm going to go over a little bit of that and we want it the amount of times I've been here I've talked with who was the Town Administrator at the time Phil Williams had many meetings with him um we were every time I went before and talked to Mr Williams he would say that they were already in the middle of a grant we needed to be next on the agenda next on the agenda so they done a a plan in which we were supposed to be in that three-year plan and to our Pac we were the third on the list I believe that was 2017 18 somewhere around in there and we're now at 2024 um we need restrooms our individuals some are in wheelchairs if you go to any of the restrooms at any Town facility I could not take my son Danny now a lot of individuals with disabilities can do that my son Danny could not access any Town restaurants um and there's many more like Danny but sorry Dan I'm just using you for an example so I went in my conversations with the Town Administrator he done a request to Poston I don't know the name Poston something other request for a design and a price which I think was $195,000 at the time um there was some things on there that included a whole lot of pavement that Miracle League did not need Miracle League was willing to help be a part of the solution help be a part of raising the money when I say Miracle League it is Miracle League for Highlands County I just shorten that name call it Miracle League so I had talked to a lot of businessmen and women around the county I had talked to members of our Pac I had talked to some of the county administrators um I believe I was directed to try to talk to the Council of Sebring and Avon Park to see if they would put money in since we have athletes from those towns as well and I thought about that and talking with some of the people from the other towns people from Lake class had go participate in Sebring facilities and Avon par facilities and to my knowledge like plid Town Council doesn't pay Avon part for that Miracle League is for and we've had individuals from okobi we've had individuals from Lael we've had individuals from Arcadia I'm not going to tell an individual who wants to and play baseball that know you live in a different town you're not allowed to we are the only one within a two two and a half hour radius to do this we ages three through adults we have individuals in their 60s who love to play baseball and um so we provide that opportunity when I met with the Town Administrator at the time my questions were simple can Miracle League raise money to help pay for the restrooms would that money need to go to a town account or Miracle League to hold it until we got ready to do that what is the procedure if Miracle League pays for the cost if we was to be able to raise enough money to pay for the whole thing would we have to have three bids because I know that's required by Town Projects now none of us are construction people you put me in construction and I'm totally lost um so could it be done in phases because there was a lot of Paving could we do the restrooms could we divide it up those were my questions so he said he did not know that I would have to make an appointment with the town attorney Bert Harris at the time and ask him and I had some questions about what polston had put on um the 19 $5,000 because some of it I knew didn't apply to us and he said I could go to Poston and have them redo it again I'm totally out of my my element I don't think an attorney that represents the town of Lake plaid I don't think I as a citizen should be have to go talk make an appointment and talk to him because I mean he advises you guys to my know but you all make the decisions so I feel like as a citizen I should be able to come to you as a counsel or the Town Administrator and say these are my questions can you find help me find answers so we can get a solution okay with that said finally after a lot of emails back and forth and different things and not getting my questions answered the Town Administrator finally sent an email he was done with considering the restrooms for Miracle League that if we wanted to pursue it we were on our own how do I raise money for something that is Town property without including the Town Council I mean I just I don't know how to do that so it kind of ended there he didn't want to discuss it anymore and he also in one of my conversations you know he let me know that he was done with it and that many people with a disability in one place just made him cringe because of lawsuits and he discussed a lawsuit with a lady that fell over a sprinkler or something and and we spent 30 minutes on that which I wasn't interested in but he was but with all that said the the courts that are going by Miracle League you know we've been a part of the town since 2007 and I really think Miracle League needs to take priority you're talking about the noise level with the pickle balls the the batting back and forward we have a lot of individuals with autism and it doesn't take much sometimes to really set them off and get them going and even having um the crowd in the stands Sometimes some of our three to six seven eight year olds our goal is just to get them out there on the baseball field you know because they see everything and it's overwhelming for them so the stimulation they can't handle and I just feel like we've chose a time for the most part that is in the cool season it doesn't interfere with um we compete with little Lee because that's an animal all its own and we don't compete for parking we don't compete for anything we we try um we've not asked for any special exemptions I've had a lot of um citizens of the town of Lake plet said oh wellow why didn't you ask for an exemption from user fees we pay our user fees because we want to be a respected organization we are respected and if everybody else is expected to pay it we pay it I don't want somebody to say oh well poor poor little guy you know I feel sorry for no I don't want that we want to be respected just like little league football basketball whatever and so the increased traffic and the people at that field at that time would really really inter feere because we play Saturday mornings we play from our athletes start getting there at 8:00 and we play until about 11 11:30 and having the increased traffic and the increased people would be a distraction for athletes and they trying to get to the restrooms they get so excited about playing ball and to walk all the way over to the restrooms now a lot of sometimes they just can't they can't do it and if they do during the game then they've lost their time because their games are 45 minutes everybody bats twice everybody everybody scores Gaines in in a tie it's a non-competitive game so we've parked over the grass since 2007 we have wheelchairs we push over the grass we have people in Walkers we push over the grass we we we help them just the area the concrete area around the baseball field is is concrete so and we've not complained and we're going to have to replace the field which I have an estimate of 19 97,000 to replace the field it'll probably last about two more years I've already been working with other people to help fundraise because I'm not going to come to the town of Lake classd Town Council and ask you to do it without helping find a solution and being a part of that fundraising now I may come to you and ask you for some money but I'm not going to ask you to pay 197,000 just like I not ask you come to you and ask you to totally pay for the restrooms Miracle League has been fortunate and we have some money we went to the rec board I've talked to different members it's been a while and they were willing to put Miracle League on something separate besides the like pla Town agenda so that it didn't interfere with your other projects you have going on what I'm here to ask you tonight is when you're considering facilities Parks places to go you need to include our individuals with disabilities and we've talked about an ADA Compliant um playground most ADA Compliant playgrounds is has concrete around the outside and then on the inside where the swing sets and the slides and all of that is is mulch I can't push Danny through that mulch he can't get to the swings he can't get to any parks so he set inside this circle while my granddaughters go and play on the swings now how inclusive is that I mean this is 2024 when we build things even with three steps we need to look at ramps we need to look at how are is everybody going to be included people that parents that go to the football games the basketball games how are we including them when they have a child with autism who has a lot of sensory issues and some individuals with down syndromes there's a lot of different disabilities wheelchairs how are we including them so that the parents can enjoy watching their child play without having a meltdown and watching all the looks from the people in the audience doesn't she know how to control her child no not a child with it's not that they're not under control a lot of times it's just a meltdown and there's a big difference and parents are expected to explain that all the time and we get tired of explaining it we get tired of the looks so what's happening a lot of times is Dad goes to the ball games with the kids mom stays home with the child with a disability or mom goes to the Ball Game says he turn and we leave the child with a disability with Dad this is supposed to be a family event and I would love to see like classid be the first to have an interactive playground one that the entire family can get out there together not me watch from way over here and watch my little brother play and it's the same at the Miracle League I would love to have an interactive playground because a lot of times we have parents that bring their child with a disability but they have other siblings who get bored they don't want to watch that game they need a playground to play on while their their um brothers sisters playing baseball and the individuals who are waiting to play they need a playground something that they can actually get to and be a part of and we need restrooms now I was able to be able to buy a shed and put out at Mir colag we bought that shed for $2,800 and I was told by the Town Administrator once I put that out there what if Miracle Leakes went away whatever it became Town property it was no longer Miracle League's property which was fine because that's all we needed it for is because most of our board members are getting older and it's hard to take that equipment very far the baseball was nice enough to let us use their con session stand we got ice we could store stuff there through the season but that's a long walk for us to carry all of that equipment back and forth the portable tables everything so I I really want toess when planning things let's include our individuals with disabilities let's include the entire family like classet has been a great town to raise children in Danny went to Lake plet high and thanks to Dr Melissa son his experience at Lake plet high was awesome she included him in everything I have to tell a funny story though because it does fit in with this he was going to her class regular ed class he was the only one in the wheelchair he had a power wheelchair at the time which probably weighed about three 400 pounds and then you have Danny and all the stuff on the chair um they had a fire drill she hadn't planned on that the exit was steps so she got her students and they all lifted Danny and got him out it was just something that we thought we had planned for everything but we forgot about the fire drill so we need to take into consideration those little things and include everybody and I do want to thank the town of Lake plid the people of Lake Placid for accepting Miracle League into their town I was asked many times why we didn't go to Sebring Sebring was Central why didn't we put it in Sebring Sebring didn't offer it to us the town of lake plid did the Town Council the people of lake plid so please don't forget us and I I think that's everything I wanted to cover do you guys have any questions of me so glad you lot of things that I wasn't aware of as far autism and the noise traffic and that dma with having he 513 that all the history can something I hope you can too because we've been there for very long time I advocate strongly to have things for everyone to do whether you're three whether you're 65 whether you have a disability or not we need more things for people to do but please plan accordingly I I just would like to thank you also for coming and educating us I actually volunteered this last Saturday and it was probably just one of the most rewarding experiences because our Miracle League allows adults a lot of them don't allow the adults and to see the smiles on everybody fa faces um for that activity and you know I talked to Sandra because you know you've heard us say that the pavement over there it's not like there's potholes it's actually sink holes and dips and things like that and so I went back and did some research and we talked about the restroom we talked about interactive playground interesting to note nowhere in Highlands County is there an interactive playground that could be a niche for us to attract people to come in if we do it right and to you know visit our restaurants and that um but so I did go back and do some research in 2019 there was three projects you know and Miracle League was the third of the three one was to do pavement on the boat beach side the other was pavement um over on the ball field side and the third was restrooms uh in pavement for the Miracle League somehow all three of those just and they were submitted to Highland County too because Island County asked for a 5 10e plan of what are the um different Capital Improvements we want so I was surprised to see that fall off and we had a good discussion about you know what her needs are and um it's unfortunate we just finished the budget but yet we've got our pack and some other things and I think it would be of great interest for you to meet up with Carolyn Morrison who also has a special needs son um and then you know Charlotte's also on our pack because I think that we can team together to go to the county and probably other grants for to meet a lot of the needs that you guys deserve well I'm always open you know how to get in touch with me I'm like I say I want to be a part of the solution I'm not coming to you just say and asking for money there's a lot of avenues that we have that we can raise money but I've got to first number one know that it's okay with the town that we do this on their property number two do we have to have three bids I'm not a contractor I'm not willing to subcontract it you you wouldn't want me to um so working together but I can help Advocate and raise money for the projects that we want to do miss bass if you'll come by or call the office we can set up a meeting and I we can get your questions answered and we can work together on a plan thank you would appreciate that in my packet I did include the schedule which has been altered a little bit because of hurricane the Hurricanes um but I encourage you to come out watch a ball game talk to our individuals that are out there see the smiles the excitement especially on trophy day we provide hot dogs for them we everything we provide is at to the parents other than gas to get them there because everything is so expensive Danny's wheelchair for instance it's a manual wheelchair if I had to purchase it it would cost me right at $20,000 that's a lot of money and it doesn't even have air condition doesn't have a radio just no I know right Danny I've been telling the vendors they needed to put a radio on it in air conditioner thank you for your time if you have any other questions I would love to be a part of how we um plan for the future with individuals with disabilities wheelchairs sometimes a regular wheelchair is easier to navigate than like Danny's wheelchair which is specialized and we have a lot of individuals in our town and in our County that has these specialized wheelchairs man add one thing too okay I was at the meeting at the County Commission when they approved Miracle League originally and what I was amazed at and actually broke into tears is I thought it was for the uh disadvantaged people but it's not just that it's the families it's the neighbors it's everybody in their life that gets pleasure from this because the the individuals that participate aren't allowed to have family members help them they get to sit in the stands and they get to see their family members and their loved ones or it's just amazing how many more people of effects you think you're doing it just for them but you're not you're doing it for their Community their loved ones their family their their neighbors and it's just it amazed me because I was just thinking we're going to do it for these people oh no we're not doing for the challenge people we're doing it for a huge group of people now the JC's in the town did get together and we did an ADA and I Harry's educating me on this and I'm still not totally educated on the type of ba bathrooms you need but we do we do have an ADA Bathroom that we built over by the elementary school that we should be sharing and we need to work on that okay because I'm not sure it's being shared but you supposed to be open when the school's not in it's supposed to be open for people in wheelchairs and that and nobody knows it exist and then our past Town Administrator said when we redo our playground that we should do it ABA but I think we need to work with Harry and with you to make sure it can accommodate maybe a little bit more because I understand the bathrooms need to be a little bit more but I am telling you that it is amazing how many people the Miracle League actually affects you think it's just the people participating that it isn't it's the community it's huge it's huge it is Melissa son Dr son from Lake class at high she has a day every season and she brings her SGA students out and it's a mandatory day that they come out and they volunteer and so it's to educate them about people with disabilities what to say what not to say and one thing I will tell you sometimes you don't know what to say and that's okay because if you say the wrong thing they'll probably laugh or tell you just like anybody else would why'd you say that that's stupid you know um they just want to be treated like people they have a heart they want to go she done a prom for our individuals one year oh my gosh that was awesome um so they they just want friends sometimes it takes them longer to say hello or or acknowledge you when you say hey like for instance my son Danny he looks to the left all the time if you come up to him on his right side he can't turn his head to look at you on the right side so it's not that he's ignoring you it's just that he can't turn his head to the right well miss bass what I'm going to do at the end of this meeting and it's not on the agenda which I kind of wanted it to be I'm G to ask for a workshop for our whole Lake June Park to be maybe held on a Saturday I hope I hope the council will agree with me to go ahead and give our uh Town Administrator and our lead person Mr Harry over here um that we can have a workshop and you can come to that workshop and you can you know let's specialize on this let's roll up our sleeves and find out what we need to do at Lake Jun park because it's not just your issue trust me it's a lot of different issues and I'm would hope we could you know hope you can come and you can bring your ideas and write them down let's be specific don't bring any preconceived ideas at the end of this meeting I'm going to ask for that and I hope the council will agree to that to appoint you know our Town Administrator to work out a workshop for the the whole park not just you but everything we the you know we the I hope we can do that at the end of the meeting but we're not there yet so thank you very much thank you I just have a I agree with everything that everyone said I'm sure that the Miracle League is wonderful and I would love to be able to participate unfortunately I work on Saturday so it makes a bit of a conflict but um I'm looking at your speaker thing here it says parking for Miracle League pickle ball courts and plans for M for Miracle League did I understand you to say that if the pickle ball courts are over on that side of the park that the noise that that makes is going to be a problem for the autistic people in Miracle League yes ma'am it would be okay I just want make sure abely that constant banging and all it would send some of them through the roof and and they would have meltdowns and sure yeah I'm familiar with with that unless now if the if pickle ball courts are on the other side of the park it's not going to cause that kind of a of a problem because it will be far enough away right I would think so yes unless the pickle ball players would be gracious enough for the six Saturdays six Saturday mornings to not play until after 12 o'clock or one o'clock that's an option and the other thing I wanted to mention one other thing and I apologize when you do parking especially at the Miracle League field I was just at Advent Health today I took my son up there to have x-ray their parking places probably isn't as wide as this Podium and trying to get Danny's van in there let the ramp down let the you know there's so many considerations and I can't believe they made parking so tight there I have to take two parking places so sometimes you need you know extra wide parking places throughout the whole thing not just three or four handicap parking places because we probably have I didn't count them I was going to my out so I couldn't print a lot of things for you guys to tonight and I apologize for that but we probably have 10 15 individuals in wheelchairs specialized Wheelchairs and we probably have I don't know five or six who use Walkers and they're very wobbling but people don't realize how much space you need to get to access your vehicle I understand that completely good suggestion and I will be happy and consider it an honor to be a part of the planning and I will make sure the Town Administrator has my contact information to I'm not a political person I don't like to be involved in the political Arena I love working with the individuals with disabilities that's my passion so thank you for listening thank you for coming thank thank you for the presentation Miracle League has been part of this town for a lot of years and we want to stay and make sure we stay good partners with you yes sir I do get with get with Charlotte and we'll see what we can dok also at this time I'd ask Karen Denning she's from the lake plastic gardens club who has requested to speak I just want to uh bring to your attention that the lake plastic garden Club is going into their fifth year of using the community room here at the government center for our monthly meetings and our meetings run from September to May and we have approximately 60 to 70 members who attend each meeting um we are very appreciative that we've been able to use the community room uh for these each month for these five years um and being at the government center um we have not had a fee for the room rental other than for the audio and video fee and so it's made it possible for us to award scholarships and camperships for the Youth of lake placd and this past year we were able to award scholarships and camperships uh that total $10,000 and for a small club we feel that's fairly good um besides the scholarships and camperships our funds also provide Garden therapy at the nursing home each month where we assist uh about 18 residents to make floral arrangements which then they take back to their rooms um and we have quite a bit of fun with them it's a a highlight of their day we also weed uh out at the for the little acorns which is out Royce Ranch each month and the seedlings when planted out in the scrub provide habitat for the scrub day and then each month we work with the youth group where we um assist youth uh giving them hands-on experience as far as planting flowers and vegetables things of that sort uh we are a 501c3 organization so any consideration that you can give to our group as far as the room rental which is coming up uh we would appreciate it so that we may continue with our community projects thank you for your time any questions thank you Mr Fred harzel as requested speak I don't know if there is one but if you'd like to speak you have the opportunity was to my understanding state your name and address please my name Fred hartel live here live here in town for since 1957 matter of fact but anyway uh I it's been brought to my attention that they're going to or looking to build some pickle ball courts and I don't have a problem with pickle ball courts I just was led to what I was told was that it was going to they were going to take part of the parking area at the ball at the um boat ramp over at the ballfields and that the when you get a busy weekend that parking area is cramp packed and I just don't feel like that'd be a good idea me I mean the lakes are a big draw point for the town of Lake blet as far as the downtown community and downtown businesses and so on so that's I was kind of thought that they were going to do the presentation on that this evening so I evidently I didn't read the agenda right thank you sir Fred if we have a workshop come to that we'll have to wait till the end of the meeting to find out if we're going to even have one okay we'll now go into public hearings I guess first on the agenda is ordinance 20244 Mr Mayor can oh no that one's I'm sorry that one's been that one's been removed from the agenda we now go to 20241 award Davis Trust there it is ordinance number 20 24-11 a small scale app comprehensive plan amendment by ordinance of the leak class Town Council provide findings of fact emulating the County's North Lake Placid comprehensive plan Amendment assigning mixed use as the future land use with site specification conditions providing for an effective date I'm sorry I still haven't found it on my computer or on my Council comfortable with moving forward oh there go thank you make sure everyone's situated thank you and good evening my name is Dana Rell I'm the town planner for the record and it's great to be before the council tonight before us our first item on this agenda as it relates to planning is hearing number lpcp 24002 SS also ordinance number 2024-the by Ryan company's us Inc who has been granted permission by the owners to make the application for zoning and future land use change and the applicant I'm sorry the agent representing the applicants and owner tonight is Kimberly Sav the address of the property is 1249 us27 North and it's located on the Northwest intersection of US Highway 27 North and St John Street the applicant is requesting an amendment to town of Lake Placid future land use to the town of Lake plid future land use map that implements The Highlands County North Lake pled comprehensive plan Amendment and assigns Highlands County mixed use as the future land use with site specific conditions the request includes text amendments that relate directly to and are adopted simultaneously with the smallscale futureland use map change so a lot of times I get up here and I say I'm gonna try to be really quick but in this case we have a lot of information to go over and this is a very detailed submitt so we're going to go ahead and get into all the nooks and crannies um I passed out an updated staff report as tonight is first reading this means it is an introduction of the ordinance we are not actually voting on the validity of the ordinance or um you know if it will be the final adopted ordinance but tonight is a good night us to request any changes to either of these ordinances as necessary um that would make it more harmonious with the surrounding area or uh better meet the town of Lake placid's needs or even the developers needs so that's my disclaimer I also have another disclaimer that when you look at these Maps you will see the um here I'll show you for an example the prop line keeps kind of Shifting um I haven't felt the need to invest in really good decent mapping software in the town because we get very few of these requests so these maps are just visualizations of the area but it's not necessarily the exact property line there's a survey in the packet that shows what the exact property line is proposed to be and um how the property will be parceled out so what we're seeing on the screen right now is the entire property at 1249 at us27 North and the applicant proposes to break off approximately 25 acres which is that area shaded in blue more or less these two maps show the existing future land use and the proposed future land use now this is where it starts getting complicated this propert and I'm probably going to skip around my slides and and I'm trying to give a highle overview but this is probably the most intricate planning um project I've ever worked on so to give a little background these properties not only this property but all the properties on on this map here the property that we're talking about today is a portion of this green area right here but all of the properties shown on this map received a future land use change in 2010 nine Property Owners got together and made an application to the Highlands County Board of County Commissioners because it was in the unincorporated County at the time and asked for a zoning change to mix use future land use they asked for a certain number of homes and uh office square footage and Industrial square footage and they broke down exactly how much would be allotted for each type of use the green which is the property that we're talking about was allocated the use of employment distribution there's a little bit of a disconnect if you look very far into the ordinance and into the conceptual plan you'll see that this conceptual plan calls it uh employment distribution and in the ordinance itself calls it industrial square footage uh distribution isn't necessarily industrial so we aren't necessarily using that language for this request um but it does it is a distribution use so it falls in line with exactly what the plan was in 2010 when these Property Owners came together and asked for this future land use change as part of that future land use change there were conditions imposed uh that both the owners of the property had to agree to and the town of Lake clet had to agree to if a property is annexed in the town like this property is this particular property was annexed in 2019 if this property is annexed into the town it can be developed under Highlands County zoning and future land use but in this case it could not because there were certain conditions in the future land use that never came to fruition those conditions were timelines that basically stated a certain amount of development needed to happen by a certain year and there's three categories it was like a phasing schedule and there was also requirement for a development agreement to be recorded amongst the nine property owners that development agreement would have further identified exactly which properties had how much square footage to develop because as I mentioned we have a phasing schedule but it didn't detail which property owners would receive which entitlements um for square footage or density we know the use but not how much basically and that would have been determined at the time of development agreement so this plan was put in place in 2009 the property I'm sorry in 2010 the property was an nexted in 2019 and now in the year 2024 this is the first request for any of the properties in this 1,500 acre planning area as the town of Lake plid we have a duty to do do our very best to comply with this plan even though it was developed in the unincorporated Highlands County because we have our LPR which is the Lake plid Regional plan overlay District we've discussed before and this particular area means that we planned we got together with Highlands County and said this will be the future of this area so it's in both the best interest of the town of lake plid and the Highlands County Board of County Commissioners to work together in this area so that our overlay uh comes to fruition and remains in compliance um and then it's also important that Highland County does the same thing for us so when we worked with these applicants to put together new site specific conditions for this future land use we tried to work with Highland County and do it in such a way where respecting the existing plan but also filling in some of the blanks the things that never came to fruition so again that question of how much how how much square footage is allowed on this property um and more specifically you know exactly what kind of uses are going to occur and and these types of things that we're going to hone in on and narrow down through this hearing process but it's important that you have this background on this property so that you understand the overarching um framework that we're trying to work within uh so in the packets you will have seen that there was an ordinance it was ordinance 09125 that's a Highlands County ordinance um and again that's the ordinance that we're working to respect so we aren't amending that zoning that future land use outright because it's Highlands counties and they have their site specific conditions but we are assigning our own zoning let me complicate it one more time so when we adopted the Lake plet Regional plan overlay we also adopted multiple future land use designations belonging to County so in our in our comprehensive plan we have adopted the Highlands County mixed use future land use and as a result it was the recommendation of our town attorney that we use that future land use that we've adopted and apply it to this property so this is we're applying for a mixed use future land use I can only make it more complicated from here we're applying for a future land use that is a town of Lake Placid Highlands County mixed use future land use it is adopted into our code but it is a Highlands County future land use again trying to respect the existing planning are are so that it doesn't become completely unraveled so as part of this there were site specific conditions that are proposed they consist of land use restrictions which specifically State the property will be limited for employment distribution uses and consistent with the lake pled Regional plan overlay District that the property is limited to 120,000 square feet of distribution center uses consistent with the develop plan and established by Highlands County ordinance 09125 so they submitted a plan it has to be consistent with that if anyone looks at the plan and is has concerns or is not happy with the plan then we definitely need to discuss that and address that today um it's saying that the plan will be consistent with the old ordinance but it's also going to be consistent with this new ordinance and there's a timeline of of December 31st 2030 so that basically means regardless of whether or not they break it into one phase or two phase the entire thing needs to be constructed by December 31st 2030 in terms of site specific more site specific conditions um it's a little redundant but we go ahead and we limit the the uses again to product assembly and we discussed this with some of their attorneys that some of the products they bring in and they do have to assemble on site so they wanted to make sure that that use was covered warehousing obviously products are shipped in they're stored and then they go back out and distribution center uses as defined in the planned development ordinance so in the next ordinance we go into a little bit more detail on that so going back to that plan we were talking about the North Lake plastic comprehensive planning area when that plan was designed again it called for a development agreement Not only would that development agreement have established how much intensity and density each property owner was allowed to have but it would have also obligated the developers to each contribute a whatever they determined to be their fair share of infrastructure improvements you all have seen the area you live here you know right now it's just orange groves right so we don't have much infrastructure out there we needed a new road a safer intersection across from the hospital um we need water lines out there all of these things right so because this property has been annexed as the town and we can come in and say will accept your proposal in compliance with the North Lake pass of comprehens a plan area which would have required Water and Wastewater connection so we're going to require that too and we need it to be safe so the requirements that have been built into the site specific conditions are that 100 foot RightWay for a county four lane Urban collector Road including a 12ft path from us27 at the intersection of tamoka Boulevard South to the existing St John rway will be constructed yes okay they say dedicated or otherwise conveyed so on St John's they're dedicating more land as far as I know there won't be any improvements to St John's for this development because the developer is building a new road in front as well and so that requirement is that on St John's Road sufficient okay I swapped them sorry but on St John's Road sufficient land for a 130 foot rideway when combined with the existing rideway for a County Lane Urban collector Road extending along the eastern boundary of the property line to the northeast corner of the subject property the developer shall if permitted by fdot install a traffic light on us27 at Soka Boulevard South and we'll go a little bit more into the traffic shortly the utilities that we required as I stated earlier we will require Water and Wastewater connection and it's part of this plan I'm sorry the site specific conditions we are requiring that the property be rezoned to planed commercial development which will be our next agenda item based upon the commitments here in and in the compan uh companion planned commercial development ordinance we would be finding that the conditions of the North Lake plet comprehensive planning area have been met and that going forward no other amend could happen to this particular property unless they came back and go through the same process that we're going through now which is a hearing before local planning agency and two hearings before Town Council this is a lot of uh text I don't expect you to read this but I mostly put it here for me um intensity analysis so usually when I get to this point I have a whole chart and I say this is what the intensity was and this is what they're going to and this is what the increase is but it was never hashed out the first time so I don't know what the increase would be but this is our opportunity to kind of review uh what's being allotted to this property and the other properties so as part of this um request there have been no other applications industrial uses in the in the area are limited to approximately 191,000 square feet of industrial square footage and we're categorizing it under this limitation for these purposes um the property owner has requ or the applicant has requested 120,000 square feet of distribution uses on approximately 25 acres so going forward if we have additional requests [Music] are allotted square footage might vary it might differ from what the original North Lake CLA comprehensive plan area originally allowed uh we haven't determined one way or the other if we would require everyone in that comprehensive planning area to stick to the 191,000 square feet if they can meet all the infrastructure improvements and requirements for safe development and traffic concurrency and there's no concern um it's one of those things where the town can they have different Authority as the town and they can say we like your plan but we're also going to add our spin to it a little spin we're going to give someone more square footage than maybe you all originally would have done in terms of Department comments you all might have noticed we had a hurricane or two this uh this past month and a half so I don't know what it was I didn't really get many responses I sent the email twice um a lot of either no comments no objections or no responses so there were very little comments as I mentioned um no objection from fire Services Highlands County is just saying you know we all have to agree on our traffic and our permitting and we'll take care of that development services didn't have a comment now remember I just want to emphasize that we were only obligated to send mail outs to the surround the property owners in the surrounding 300 feet but we also notified every property owner in the North Lake Classic comprehensive plan area sent letters to every member of the board of County Commissioners Administration and the development services department of Highlands County so if for some reason they found our application to be inconsistent with their planning area that would have been their opportunity to make a statement or a comment in terms of public facilities and services Town Water and Wastewater will be required we have capacity for both we have capacity for solid waste as collected by our town and um taken to the Highlands County landfill The Highlands County Board of that's an old remark I'm sorry we there is no um student impacts generated from this development so there is no acknowledgement from The Highlands County Board of County Commissioners we do not uh Highland County School Board we do not have to coordinate with them this time for um commercial review okay so I said we'd get back into traffic there was a traffic analysis done and if I understand correctly I think they're still going through the traffic approval process Highlands County unless it's okay uh so they're still working on that and they have additional conversations to be had but their traffic analysis basically showed that St John Street would be capable of handling the traffic as proposed and they there might be a traffic light coming again it turns out that even if we all say we think a traffic light is a good idea and it's the best option for the area fdot might think otherwise so so they are the final decision makers on that traffic light but this traffic study seemed to set it up to say that it looks like we're going that direction and it's I think there's another analysis that was going to be a part of this in terms of recreation and open space the open space requirement in the so this there's like a little bit of crossover between the zoning and future land use right now um but based on their site plan they would exceed any open space requirement that would be required by our code they're going to request a plann commercial development without an underlying zoning District so it's not necessarily comparing Apples to Apples and there's no requirement a specific requirement for open space in the planed commercial development District which we're going to discuss next hearing um but this is just a note to say they they mean that they exceed anything that would have been required and the developer is planning on contributing funds to the multi-use path that would be required along the new right of way and that is one outstanding item that isn't fully addressed at this time and definitely has to be worked on before we bring it back to Second reading um it's part of the ordinance you will have seen a blank there and we have options we can either come back on a separate resolution if the applicant is open to that or we can go ahead and try to Hash that out by the time second hearing is finished on exactly what their numerical contribution will be but again I think the Hurricanes kind of got us this month we process we're trying to keep everything on track but we couldn't quite line everything up just right this time we'll get there so on the screen are the motion options at this time I'm available for any questions as well as the agent and the applicants we also have Highland County Economic Development in the house um so I will turn it back over to our mayor thank you yeah it's your turn it's my turn thank you Kimberly saap representing the applicant ran companies us I also have representatives from there if there's any specific questions that the council members have I think um Dana did a good job kind of outlining our requests for the comp plan Amendment um again we're just implementing the prior plan um and I think we've hashed out some fairly specific site specific conditions for this project do youall have any specific questions at this time only I've had a couple people ask me what their timeline is in other words when when would you like to be an operation they're looking at starting construction early next year and then being open by the end of next year so with 12 to 18 months that's what I had heard from someone but I just wanted to to make sure that the information we pass out is is correct correct okay yes the R Mill is is strong and yeah in that case good and how many jobs do you think it would bring into this area that you know I know I'm putting you on the spot but I don't have an estimate at this point time you would wouldn't be able to estimate at this point okay yeah we can have the next meeting I'll and get that for you all right okay very good I have some questions I think mine are mostly for Dana though oh okay but but don't they could um just on the first complicated Highlands County in that where you said that the nine Property Owners had conditions so did all of those conditions expire or is there anything technically legally that needs to be Unwound in order for this to go forward not necessarily no because we are a municipality we don't necessarily have to comply with every condition in that existing future land use especially in this moment as we're assigning our own um an an option A solution to the entire planning area that would be amazing if we could get to happen would be if now I think it's 10 or 11 Property Owners so all the property owners have shifted around changed hands some of the property owners are the same and they just own different land in there it's just everything's you know um the best outcome that you could possibly hope for as a planner would be for everyone to come back to the table hire an attorney on their end get one development agreement together between all Property Owners bring it back to the board County Commissioners and since it's annexed probably us to it's just the feasibility of getting everyone back to the table when it's not you know they don't have a proposal in their hands this particular property owner does so to get everybody back at the table is very very difficult and before this proposal came to us this is an issue that we had been working on for over a year and a half and had been struggling to try to figure out how we can solve it and so this is we came up with for this particular uh property then second tamoka is okay with the light has there been any it looks like the lights right at the tamoka it would benefit in our in our VI it would benefit tamoka so you haven't heard from them either way which means they had a chance to comment and they didn't no I don't think anyone in tamoka would have received a letter but there were posters posted to the property on 27 in St John Street so and in the newspaper so it was notified um the same as any case would be and no I haven't heard any response from tamoka there were there were some letters across I don't think individual Property Owners but I know the doctor's office businesses across the street in tamoka were notified because they were within the 300 okay okay and then thanks to Milton is why we skipped over the LPA this month so this will be first reading and then it'll go to the LPA and then the next meeting come back to us for second correct okay and then last is because this is County so from here this goes to County and then to state or does it jump right to State no so actually it won't have to go to County um the only thing that really went to County was notification so that was their opportunity and then the most recent case you all have seen has been a large scale so that means it went to us the state and then it's going to come back to us this is a small scale so we're going to hold our hearings back to back and then we send it to the state just for notification they don't review it for any kind of compliance or anything of that nature we're just notifying it and getting it part of the legal record of the State of Florida so we're the authority on this one yes 100% good thank you and then don't forget this is on right so I have a question if I read it right the 2030 completion date that if the full 120 isn't built out by that time they're done why was it chosen for a specific date I'm not sure the specific day really matters I think it's more of like a month and a year and I think there was a negotiation between our attorney and their councel let me rephrase it why was there an end date to basically have an end date to have a contract right if there was I mean if we're in the middle of construction and you know if we do a phase one phase two and we need additional time it's in the ordinance we can come back to the board to ask for extension of time okay but I think just in in planning they don't like having in indefinite indefinite forever I'm being obuse I guess right why have not 2035 in other words if you are on the brink of whether or not to do the full buildout and you're close to the deadline and um I know you can get an extension but if you s say well no we've got this deadline we better just drop it at 75% we're losing we're losing tax money we're losing tax money by halting the full build out um potentially or maybe delaying it to some degree but I think historically and we it is the discretion of the board if they want to go a different direction um historically it's been the opinion of the town that the economic circumstances could change the uh environment can change entirely between now and then additionally we do comprehensive plan updates every seven years are called evaluation and Appraisal reports so and our comprehensive plans are in 30-year periods so there's always like a a period we're planning for you know and if our comprehensive plan only extends out 30 years and then we're giving an indefinite approval how can we make sure in 20 or 30 years that this still meets the goal okay so it's kind of a never mind I think I think it makes you know I think you brought you bring up a good point but either way and Highlands County they generally don't apply um completion or expiration dates for the most part so it really is a preference of the board but we would have the applicant would have no issue going to to 2035 to give us additional time the date is certainly up to you all I think it is good to have a sunset because if tomorrow after the final approval they decide not to do it whatsoever and it it's pretty common that they folks will come in and ask for vested rights and for whatever reason you don't move forward with the project you don't want to find yourselves in 10 years wondering well what do we do with this 120 they sort of have it locked up are they ever going to do anything so that just gives you some more flexibility if the the good ideas and intentions today don't come to fruition that makes sense okay all right any other questions from the podium I just wanted if we did a timeline on it what the applicant would want on that timeline I think we initially proposed five years and now we're at 10 years out or 2030 so what is that only six okay so so they've negotiated a little bit more time at some point and he said the end of next year or the first phase and my understanding in conversations with them is that so the first phase is supposed to be built out within 12 months to 18 months but they kind of wanted to hold space in case they want to come back and add more so just know that the first phase of this development is not going to amount to 120,000 foot right off the bat they're holding space so that they could do that later on all right any other questions we'll take it the audience any questions from the audience come to the state yes come up state your name and address for the record my name is Britney and my physical address my physical address is 319 Flamingo Street Lake passet Florida I just have a question are you able to disclose what this projected project is I didn't hear anything about what it is going to be I yeah I'll say it's I think it's already been disclosed but yeah go ahead well I'll defer to the applicant over here going to be the okay owner of the property at this point okay all right hearing no one others bring back pull the councel motion do we have I need second that's right so I'll I'll make a motion to adopt ordinance 202 24-11 lpcp 24.2 SS on first reading I think we need to approve it did you say adopt we need to approve it first reading first reading I said yes approve it approve on first reading second okay we have a motion of second anything else all right bring it back pull the council council member Charles yes council member Worley yes council member Hayes um I would like to vote however um I would like to just throw it to our attorney tonight because the Davis Family Hayward Davis was my husband's sister-in-law's brother and I want to make sure that okay with our legal council that I can vote you can vote that U familial relation is more remote than what the statute requires for Obion so you you may vote given how far away that that kinship is you can uh then with that said then I would like to vote in favor thank you counc member yes thank you next I believe is number 12 get the ordinance up here for you all right we got ordinance 202 24-12 Davis trusts Ryan Companies Kimberly sap changing the official zoning atlas of Highlands County Au agricultural District to PCD plan development district and adding section 160- 21 of the code of the town of Lake plet entitled Distribution Center plan development ordinance for a 25 acre portion of property located at 1249 us27 North I am not sure if it took me so long to pull up the short title I'm not sure if we read the correct was it this paragraph you just read into this paragraph is different than one I've got you want me to read dis yes sir yes okay ordinance number 202 24-12 an ordinance of the town of Lake plet amending the zoning classification of an approximate 25 acre portion of the property located at 1249 us27 North Lake plet Florida from Highlands County Au agricultural District to town of Lake pla P CD plan commercial development to allow for a dist Distribution Center use thank you okay piggy backing off the ordinance and public hearing we just had um we do need to read um read our the public into the record if they have any testimony or comment but before we do that can we please go down the line and find out if there's been any exper communication regarding this ordinance if we could can we start with Miss Ard I did not bring I did not bring my notes oh no other than talking to staff I believe that was it okay thank you Miss Worley I don't even believe I talked to you too much about this I don't think so thank you Mr hook oh excuse me correction staff and a representative from the Ryan company okay thank you no okay Miss Hayes we we had a meeting with the Ryan company but some time ago but other than that none thank you and Miss Charles the only one would been Sarah Rogers the economic development but I don't think that's an next Forte other words no discussions great thank you as of this time there have been zero letters received in favor and zero letters received in opposition to the request the property again is located at 1249 US Highway 27 North it's owned by the Davis Trust and the applicant is Ryan company's us Incorporated with the agent of Kimberly LS the applicant is requesting a rezoning for an for an approximate 25 acre portion of the subject property described above from Highlands County Au agricultural District to town of Lake Placid PCD planned commercial District to allow a distribution center and add section 160-20 of the code of the town of Lake plid entitled Distribution Center planned commercial development District so up here on our screen remember the boundary lines are probably a little bit different than how it will really turn out just bed my eyeballing of mapping right now there's a zoning of agricultural and they're requesting planned commercial development we can see the surrounding use uh surrounding zonings on the surrounding properties which are a mix of Highlands County commercial limited business district multifam and agricultural we've discussed the intensity of this property that before there wasn't anything explicitly established especially not in zoning because it had inconsistent zoning in future land use at the time when they applied this they were just working to um invest and entitle the property with certain rights so they never did make it to the zoning portion um again they're requesting 120,000 square feet out of the 191,000 that was originally allotted as part of their future land use allocation the surrounding properties as mentioned before have zonings of County Au B3 R3 these are business districts multifam districts and agricultural districts the underlying future land uses also match with the exception of the surrounding properties that have the inconsistent agricultural zoning and mixed use future land use to the north again just really didn't get many comments back for this development they will be required to connect to Water waste water uh we have capacity for solid waste there is no student generation student impacts generated from this development the traffic analysis indicates that a light may be possible at the new intersection of tamoka they will exceed the standard for open space and they are also working on defining a contribution for the multiuse PA so these are the conditions this is where we can really get more into the nitty-gritty um not only does the property have site specific conditions for their future land use but they narrow those conditions and are even more specific when it comes to zoning so as mentioned earlier this property will not have an underlying zoning District the Zoning for the property is just PCD planned commercial development this means they have come to us with a proposal regarding every aspect of their development and it is completely tailored to this development um and if they ever change the use they would have to come back through this process the site plan is a required component it's part of the ordinance and I I have it on the screen we'll get to it in just a couple slides and they're requesting an intensity of 120,000 square feet we are also adopting the Landscaping as part of the PD so when we get to that as well please advise of any concerns you might have um because it will be completely binding and we aren't leaving much left to the imagination for staff to approve when it gets to that level we want to make sure everyone is on board with this development so the principal uses and permitted structures in this building are going to be for receiving storing assembling displaying shipping Distributing preparing selling and serving as a pickup dropof location for products spright materials Goods groceries um Food and Liquor items so when this comes back for second reading there will probably be a little bit more tweaking because I want to take some of this language and insert it as an accessory use it says you know they can handle and store hazardous materials in the ordinary course of business um so we just want to make sure that that's really just an accessory my understanding is you know someone might mail a car battery or there's they I'm sure they can expand on that but there's certain things that might be distributed that um might be considered hazardous but it is not like a hazardous waste holding facility or anything like that and then they also want to be able to you know have electric vehicles on the property if they choose to go that route so some of this is more of an option for them uh because there's so much driving associated with distribution centers they might also want to install their own fuel tanks or uh have a pump for them to Pump Fuel no variances are allowed after this is apped any change or modification to this zoning will have to come back as a zoning change in the same process that we're going through now all buildings from northsouth east and west will be required to be set back 75 feet from every boundary and I said all buildings but I meant the primary buildings if they need like a little storage shed or something small like an accessory structure we're only that is under 2,000 square feet the setback that is proposed approximately 20 ft from the property boundary the site shall be designed to limit noise and activities adjacent to the assisted living facility so that's something we've been cognizant about as we've been trying to plan for this property is that there is an existing uh assisted living facility on the West Northwest however we're oriented on the side of the property um directly adjacent so we want to make sure that there's no impacts which is why you'll in the Landscaping we've asked for that whole side to be landscaped and to provide a nice visual buffer in addition to the the space and there might even be a wall that comes into play uh the site shall contain 40% open space so they again exceeded the open space requirements and all exterior construction materials and finishes shall be concrete tilt up walls and they will comply with the commercial architectural standards established in section 15417 the most important thing about the commercial architectural standards is that we don't allow you can have a metal building but the facade cannot consist of more than 10% metal so rest assured this isn't going to be just a giant metal building town of lake facd would never allow that to happen um and they specifically ask for concrete tilt up walls so you know that's fine it's more visually appealing but if Council has a different thought we can go there too the property shall be irrigated and landscaped according to the landscape and irrigation plan that is attached as Exhibit C I'll show that to you in a minute all sign shall adhere to the town code because this is in the LPR the sign is pretty small it's like an eight foot Monument sign so they're not going to be with like a 24 25 foot sign that you could see driving down 27 the the property will contain not less than 160 parking spaces and I will probably make a tweak to that by second reading just for a little bit more context and information of course the storm Water Management District must be in compliance with all local state and federal regulations and this the next point of noise mitigation is where the Wall comes in the site plan has been prepared to limit noise to the surrounding areas especially the assisted living facility but the developer from my understanding usually has I want to call an acoustical engineer who does a report on the property and if there's a certain amount of noise that can be heard I all the science and I'll leave that up to them um but that might trigger the requirement in their eyes for a wall um and the wall we put a requirement shall not exceed 20 in height the building itself will probably be around 40 45t um so it still will be shorter than the building um but that's specifically for noise mitigation so we're not necessarily requiring that they automatically put up a wall they need to go ahead and get a study and if it's required they will they will put a wall and then we also put in a requirement for how far away it has to be so if it's a 20 foot wall it has to be at least 20t away from the propert in terms of fencing we will allow fencing any fences walls or Hedges that it exceed six feet in height must be set back at least 5 feet from the property lines and interior to any landscape so we required nice buffering but we aren't going to let them put a fence on the outside of it we're going to make sure that the landscape is on the outside and the fence is on the inside so it looks nice open yard storage shall be prohibited so everything on this property and within this facility needs to be conducted within the facility obviously with the exception of loading and unloading we're requiring Water and Wastewater Services concurrency is underway um all utilities will be maintained underground which is more standard language that we've inserted in lot of plan developments in the last 15 or 20 years and then this is our question mark that we're going to be working on and coming back to you with the developer shall pay before the building permit to the town the sum of insert number here to be held and use by the town for the construction of a multi-use path within the town so we've got to work on getting better numbers for that and then we T these are the same these are actually a little bit more intense Transportation conditions so the owner and developer shall dedicate to the board of County Commissioners the necessary rideway along St John's to mount to 130 feet wide they will also dedicate to the Highlands County Board of County Commissioners aund foot wide RightWay this is the new road that we're talking about as far as we know Highlands County has been gracious enough to accept responsibility of this new road because it connects to their County maintained Road and us27 the developer shall construct the two-lane portion of new St John's Road shown on the site plan and the developer and owner shall convey to the bard of County Commissioners sufficient additional land for storm water retention as required by the Water Management District and external roads shall be constructed to County standards and even now even then with this information in hand Highlands County and the developer will probably continue to refine and tweak their exact plans for for how the road itself will be developed but since Highlands County handles our transportation and they're the guiding force behind our transportation and these are County Roads we defer to them for this information it a you know we go over the traffic study and then we are also asking for curb and gutter along the new St John's and that's that's something else the town has been focusing on recently we really want to make sure we have curb and gutter that it looks nice it's kept well it uh is maintained well and sticks around for a very long time and that's what cbon gutter gets us so this is a site plan kind of one of those things that's a little hard to see on a PowerPoint but you can see as of right now the gray area the darker gray area in the Square that looks like a building is what is currently planned to the left of that is what could potentially be constructed within that six-year time frame all the parking is for employees and for their vehicles and there's the solid line around the development if my mouse is working right now let's see here we go this is like the 75 foot setback line inside the setback we have retention so that's good it it provides a little additional space and buffering right here is where trucks will come in and then and this is the landscape plan so because of the way the surrounding properties are zoned intense Landscaping really isn't required but they have gone above and beyond right here with the assisted living facility providing additional Landscaping they're providing it all along their collector road which our code does require um Landscaping along arterials and collectors a 10 foot wide stretch St John's is considered a local Road it does not require Landscaping the one thing that I don't see here that we'll try to hash out by second hearing is our canopy tree coverage requirement which basically states that if you have like, square feet of vehicular use area then 50% of that has to be covered with canopy trees now we've taken a bit of a stance that if they're requesting a deviation from that that might be suitable again up to Town Council um because this this site isn't open to the public it's not going to be somewhere where the public come and use the parking lot and park their cars this is a work site this is where people are going to come and and do their job and they're coming in and out and it's not necessarily for the enjoyment of the public um so there's a little less of an a push to make sure that they're going above and beyond in that area so on the screen you will find your motion I'm available for any questions as well as the applicants and agent and at this time I will turn it back over to the mayor okay uh at this time I'll ask our town engineer if he has any comments if everything looks good to you okay thank you okay bring it back to councel I have a few questions um can you just put the start before up just to so the green and the gray is all parking and the and the big rectangle is the actual Warehouse correct and and so and then the bays are in the front for the trucks to load and unload is it's a 24hour operation yes Kimberly sat for the applicant okay so so and I think you've kind of answered it Dana but I still want to go over the only concerns I I think I would would have would be noise and light pollution with the Assisted Living Center and that and so it looks like um and I'm glad to see that the bays are in the front because that'll minimize a lot of that noise corre but are the trucks the type with the backup beep beep beep beep and are they going to hear that all the time yes I mean they are semi trucks and that's why we put in the the requirement or the or the ability to put in if we needed a wall for for sound ation and we put that in I don't know that we're going to need that um but if we did we didn't want to have to come back for another variance for that purpose so oh good good evening Mr Mayor members of the board Max BOS business address 201 North Frankl Avenue Tampa Florida um I'm the vice president of ran companies uh the developer here uh sorry and uh just to expand on on answer that question so there are about 10 to 12 uh trucks coming on 24-hour period it's not all day long coming and going um and the new mechanism is when they put the reverse there's no that big loud noise anymore it's more of a humming noise that they makes so it makes everybody aware but it's not really that loud okay and that's helpful and then the light I think you're saying from the parking lot right the lights from the parking lot because that's kind of in the back corner there where uh the Bedrock is so that'll have filters so so that it won't any way not be aimed at the and that's why when you look at the design that they that they did all the parking is basically Street front and away from the assisted living facility to facilitate that and make sure that they don't have light pollution or sound pollution and have they given you any comments or has anybody met with them so they know what the plan is for the neighbor notice of have we received any comments back or any feedback or anything asking about the neighbors yep Bedrock much not the agricultural neighbors as much as the assisted it's Bedrock isn't it the assisted facility I haven't no I haven't heard anything I think that might be helpful before goes to LPA just to make sure that they're aware and you know I appreciate it sounds like you a well-developed plan taken a lot into consideration I'd rather hear things before than you know after um and then this one would be probably towards Bert but you know we have backup here but that one chart you had that whole list of um things that they're allowed is haard hazardous conditions underground fuel da d da so that I'm would ask to make sure that the attorney has gone over any of the conditions that they're allowed to do which sound like more Manufacturing than you know a warehousing it's not we went through and Bert and I met with them and with their in-house attorneys on that and yeah that is yeah I mean as far as I guess he had a similar concern when when you mention hazardous materials you know but if they are transporting any kind of hazardous they are going to be under such strict stricter regulations than the town could ever even come up with okay as far as if they're going to be scheduled when if they're lithium they're going to be packaged a certain way and transported a certain way okay and so it's not really the towns concerned because they're going to be federally regulated my last one's an easy one what is a concrete tilt up tilt up wall uh Tyler L my address is 3201 West D Street Tampa Florida um the Tilt up wall basically is a it's almost if you want to say like a pre-cast panel but it's poured on the slab on site and what they do is just it's like a yeah there you go uh six to 8 inch wall poured on the actual slab that's going to be there forever and tilt it up that's it but I mean a lot of times in other places you know they pre-cast it off site and then bring it on site this this form of constructions cast it on site thank you yep that's all I had yeah this this is a pretty standard construction I'm an accountant in finance not an engineer I was thinking it was the garage door that was going to flipped up that well you're going to get an edication okay all right just Tom will entertain a motion in a second I'll go ahead and make U Mo move to approve hearing first the first hearing upon first reading lptc 24.6 RZ ordinance 202 24-12 for first reading second we got a motion and second any further comments from the podium saying none I'll take it the audience hearing none bring it back pull the council council member Charles yes Council membery yes council member Hayes I still have to uh bring back the fact that the attorney says that I can vote and can indeed and thus I will vote Yes council member art yes thank you very much welcome to Lake PL upon first reading yeah from from the looks of this it it looked like they've given all the consideration they can to the assistant living facility and I really appreciate everything they've done so far okay next uh we go to item D it's a request to build single family homes on separate Lots uh for the property bearing parcel ID Dana this is with you again thank you Dana Rell Town planner for the record I'm wanting to close this here we go okay so uh I'll just start on my statement of issue here there there is a property someone asked this question earlier today so I'm I'm going to try to get in front of it and see if I can help to answer this uh there is a property it doesn't have an address assigned it is on Hibiscus Street close to the college made a map here we go so this is Hibiscus Street right across here is South Florida State College on the right over here is the old old bank I don't remember which bank it was um and then everything to the east from I'm sorry West from here on out is residential on the south side and on the North side is commercial so you see this blue line that shows the parcel line within that parcel there are two lots you see the numbers one and two you see a dashed line down the middle of this parcel these are two platted and recorded lots of record that means at one point the plat which is like a map of the properties basically came before The Town Council and the Town Council said yes very good record it based on this plat you can build one home on each lot but then in the 70s zoning happened and it was at that time that there was a rule proposed in Our Land Development regulations that says if you own two lots that don't comply with our new zoning regulations then you can't build on them separately so in this case these two lots don't they're zoned r1a and they do not meet the WID requirement or the minimum lot size requirement and I have those actual requirements up here so in the r1a district the minimum lot width is supposed to be 70 feet with the minimum lot size of 7,500 Square fet these Lots were approved and platted with a minimum width of 50 feet and a lot size of approximately 6,750 square feet so the moment zoning was applied to these existing Lots they became considered non-conforming lots and in order to build on these non-conforming Lots today if one home was requested I could approve that without having to come to you all but if someone wants to build on each of these Lots separately it requires permission so this isn't even like an ordinance or resolution this is just a vote and Town Council has the say on whether or not these Lots could each contain one home if you look in the area I wish I had more maps you could see it's substantially developed with one home per lot for the most part there's some vacant Lots naturally and some lots are built across too um tonight we have an agent with us the applicant is Ken La Blanc of Ashworth homes and his agent is Miss bashang uh if we have any questions for her but we also have a survey I want to make sure I show you this we have a survey showing the width of the Lots here this is the width and the length of the Lots each approximately 6,795 square feet now um with the Lots this size there is a minimum living space requirement of 1, 1500 square feet the applicant can meet this requirement these properties can meet the requirement of the minimum living space of 1,500 square F feet I do believe the applicant is going to come back and they will go to our local planning agency not to the Town Council because they would like to build smaller homes under that requirement for like afford more affordable housing it might not be affordable housing but more affordable um so just kind of so you know what the next step is if this gets approved they might make that request but other than that that is the request on this particular property and I'm available for any questions as well as the agent Mrs Bashon I'll turn it back over to the mayor and let's see if I put a motion on here and I have a question for the attorney okay go ahead okay I'm in negotiations not not finalized at all um with the applicant for buying my property down the street now I had approval from the Town Council I have four lots a home exists on one and I have two lots on one side um one of those is a different subdivision and then the other two are that are vacant are in this subdivision and so when I agreed to put sewer on my property where the house exists now I want you to understand these should be required to hook into sewer okay so we're trying to get people to hook into sewer okay these Lots we should okay they hook into sewer they hook into water down my guess my question to the attorney before I get on my bandwagon how much I believe in trying to build on these Lots okay because I have talked to the this applicant about buying my property can I vote on this or not if those two deals have any connection with one another then no and certainly that's the safe answer is to abstain to avoid the appearance of impropriety but if the two if the deal to buy your property is completely separate and detached from whether or not this request gets approved then you can vote okay well on I think I should maybe I should abstain just on the be safe side just to be it is easy and free for somebody to file a complaint with the commission on ethics and they will drag you through a knole yeah and I don't want to do that I'd rather not vote but I want to tell you how passionate I am about the downtown area that's where I live I bought these other properties um my son already has designed houses for the three lots that are vacant if you go Phoenix we started rebuilding the downtown on these small Lots with very energy efficient homes and if you go down there my son designed homes that blend in with the um the frame homes which I have and the concrete block homes if you just go down there you'll see how it Blends in and it just was a beginning of the buildout downtown we have a lot of small Lots downtown and my vision was if we could build out all these small Lots into something that was um you know nice called it the Cottages The Cottages downtown if we infilled all these small Lots with nice homes affordable homes but these are also very energy efficient we built but I'm just saying if you did that our whole downtown would revitalized I am so passionate about this I can't tell you also like in this little area there's there sewer and everybody's saying oh hook into sewer hook into sewer here we houses ready to hook into sewer okay I did it I'm on the low pressure um but all my three house my lots are all stubbed out for sewer so if I had not been able Dana researched and found I couldn't find the letter I got from the town to say I could build on each of those individual Lots um they're all stubbed out for sewer we want to get people on sewer here's a chance here's an opportunity instead of trying to get people that don't want to on sewer we have an opportunity here and hook them into the new Waste Water Treatment Plant the re plant so I'm just saying to revitalize the downtown whatever we can do I think 1500 square foot minimum is insane it's insane for most of you know what it is in the county 750 square feet 750 square feet minimum to build on a lot in town it's, 1500 square feet a big subdivision like a really kind of exclusive subdivision 1500 square feet so what I'm asking you is let this project go through but when we do our revitalization we do our overlay these Lots were platted back in the 30s the 30s we have a PD we have this downtown area planned everything's planned and I think we should go with the original plan and some of the ones that do have Alleyways you can come in the back put the garages in the back and have the street front it's just such a great idea to to revitalize the downtown so you can tell I'm passionate about it but anyway my lots are fine I'm just telling that I don't think there's any such thing as being grandfather in but this would this is exactly what that does this is a very common type of ordinance because these were buildable Lots back when that flat was approved by the the county so and actually I I think it's a great idea I I'm I'm definitely for it but we'll turn it back to council and see what they want to do I I I agree because the the home next to it is on a single lot true the one over is on two lots but I I'm in favor of it I like the idea as well all the things that Deborah said I I know that area quite well and U I think two good looking homes right there would do a lot for that I like it because it allows some affordability and walkability is that's what we really want to start doing in wherever we can in the downtown area so you're looking for a motion need a motion in a second we'll do a mo motion uh so I'll make a motion to approve on first reading lptc 24.9 request to build single family homes on separate lots for the property baring parcel ID p-06 d373 0-10-1 D1 Lots one and two is that too much to read I second before she takes another breath yes we could just uh strike the words upon first reading okay because we won't come back for a second on this okay oh does this go to LPA or no this just is us this is final decision with us with Town Council but I did mention the LPA because on a separate note they'll go back for a smaller square footage now they'll still have to meet other requirements right but this is for our gives them the opportunity to build two houses all right so we have a motion a second any other comments from the podium I didn't get a second those two they did it the black end over here that's the all right hearing none we'll take it to the audience for the record Charlie Wilson 763 Sunset Point Drive the the lot adjacent to it was that actually part of the bank or is that another residential lot yes it's part it's owned by the bank and I noticed a portion of the bank parking lot is in there I was just questioning whether that that was part of the same parcel there so there's not another lot next to it that's residential that's commercial correct it it's Zone commercial okay thank you okay bring it back pull the council council member Charles yes council member Hayes yes council member Worley I'm going to estain due to a business relationship with the applicant I'll the proper paperwork council member ever heard yes thank you okay next is resolution 2024-25 a resolution of the Town Council of the town of leak Blass in Florida amending rental rates for all Town Park facilities sending rent rental rates for the town of Lake plasic Government Center to include inside town limits and outside town limit rate structure repealing any fees in Conflict here with to establish Town facility and event policies rules and regulations for all Town facilities rentals and events providing for severability and conflicts and providing for an effective day okay this became before you as a little workshop at our one of our budget workshops I'm bringing it back before you one of the things that we um figured out that a lot of our town Parks have been done with grant money so you really can't do an inside outside town limit on the park facilities because they're paid for with County grants or state grants so you can't outside Town limits on that the building the government center we can do that with um so couple and then the same with Dale Hall at one point when we when Dale Hall is D Hall will be we can do an inside outside there unless we are going to use fap grants and stuff like that it would not be able to do the inside so I kind of separated the government center these rates and then all Park facilities um um recommending a $25 bump for all the park facilities regardless of inside outside rate um I gave you a lot of historical at one time it was like $200 and the last uh years it's been $50 for the parks 50 and2 so we haven't really had an increase in any facility increases to assist with keeping the parks nice so so Council consideration is the resolution I presented from town Parks government set of fees rules and fee wavers um the fee waiver policy um that establishes a council approval requirement so for fee waivers um we gave you a list of Chief gave you a list of the you know the ones that we have but anyway I got T re encour there it is and then Alan will be getting some prices for us on how much it costs for Public Works the thought process is to include those as automatic to be included our budget process so we just go ahead and allow for the all for those those fees to be included just as an expense to the budget um and then also on the not for profits for fee wavers for general for this building um to allow possibly for especially for this building um for not for profits to have at least one automatic W just something to give back to the not for profits but still being able to collect because the majority of the people or groups that come in here are not for profit we are seeing um some issues in the community room we have a broken door we have some of the linat coming off and just things that natural upkeep and by charging just $50 or zero dollar we there's going to be some expenses with this this the building and then also for in town out time Town rates most of the people that outside of town limits and not the town taxpayer that pays for this so so that's what the reasoning for that recation Eva would you mind um elaborating on how much the cost of that door will cost the town cost of the door I think was 15500 just to fix the back door just to give perspective and then we're starting to peel off we have stains in the carpet starting to over time so are you saying an organization that used the facility damage the back door sometimes it's hard to pinpoint we've gotten better since so I took deser one Phil left and we have gotten better we have now a check off list for our staff so after every event now we're going we're collecting more deposits on some of not for profits but some of them not for profits to get deposits from them but there's been just so so much inconsistency on the old form and everything was zero to 50 and and so I'm just trying to we're trying to tighten everything up that way it's easier for not just for staff but for the public to understand exactly what know what we expect what like for the Garden Club what what are we charging them now for the hall right now when Phil they were on one of our first groups to come in and they they're great and then he did a fiveyear which would end in May of 2025 um and he was charging done $25 just to use the audio again there was not a lot of consistency so they were first group that kind of came and what what are we going to increase that to the way we have it set up is the way I'm presenting it looks like it's $35 a month or $35 a time that they would use it am I reading that correctly it's $25 I was thinking it would be non-resident okay $25 non res would be $150 okay but 25 we're going to do the resident fee for them in $25 a month so the $150 would be one time fee so it's $150 per month so if you go to rent the community room it would be $150 in oh I'm sorry I was looking I looked at conference room not a community room so the $150 would would cover them for the year every every month every month $150 a month I $150 a month and then the recomendation to do one for not for profit one feaver so take off $150 but if they're going to meet for what did she say eight months that would mean they would still for seven months they would pay $50 that's a lot and what do they pay today 25 2 so it's going from 25 to 150 well that was the recommendation for insight it's up to counil if you want to do a separate rate structure just for not for profits we can do that but this is was what I saw when I did all the research looking at other municipalities a lot of these organizations do a lot of good for our community that's what I'm saying that's that's a big increase don't know how we should structure it but I think we should be more caging of what they're doing age and allow them the opportunity to do what they need to do to help our community and it's not it's not just the room we have a full Comm commercial kitchen right you know those are expensive appliances yeah but I don't know if they we were blessed to get that and this is all what plays in I don't know if they're using that they do sometimes but I'm just saying it I mean if if you're going to cook and stuff like that that's one thing but we do whether they use it or not we're going to have to replace I understand that you know we're paying for the electricity we're paying for the water and sewer we're we're paying we're paying the maintenance we have to have somebody here to open it up we have to have somebody come back and close it up uh there is cost involved but I I still I still think for at least the nonprofit uh that in town that that do a lot for the town we ought to maybe try to come up with something to to help them out plus our community just my idea I agree with that I I think that if we've got a business in town right and it's a nonprofit uh that we should be a little more flexible I mean again I've seen where you rent the room for a certain price and then you want the kitchen that's an additional you want the equipment that's additional so there's kind of like a rolling scale of what are you going to use it for but I do feel that there's needs to be some type of consideration to um our nonprofit businesses uh that and I'm going to say within the town limits Maybe Maybe I'm Wrong in saying that but you know it's a town facility we're paying the taxes we're playing for the clean you know our taxpayer dollars are doing that that we should give consideration to business that are supporting us I mean maybe we can get them to do some of our weeding I'm just joking so so clarification that the great structure does not include separating out cost for using the kitchen it's one Fe I think I think somewhere in the chart there's um when you want to rent the uh community room if you want like for certain areas if you want garbage collection if you want this and if you want different breakouts yeah maybe do that for this because some people that if they don't use the kitchen why should they be charged for it I have to say it's made it very difficult because most of the groups use the kitchen they may not use the stove but they do use the kitchen so that just adds another figuring the way I looked at it when we did research when you're researching these facilities Community rooms or town you know these these Halls it's one fee for the entire okay uh room so including so most of the places do that or what about a breakout if they do not if they have a during working hours and there's no lock up or open up so the lock up is not really an issue any longer other than because we have now the door locks that they get a code for the weekends Harry will meet with the the people and give them the code to get in and out so we do not have staff on the weekends okay so there there's no there's not any of that anymore okay that good have they been paying $25 a month I'm sorry have they been paying $25 a month yes yes well I agree with what everyone has said I think going to 150 is a huge jump for organizations like the the Garden Club that don't have a big Treasury and that would severely limit their opportunity to do the good things that they do for our Community um but I think we probably have to go up a little on it but um and of course we can't just do it for the Garden Club we're going to have to do it for all the nonprofits that come you know that's the key word nonprofit yeah we have to do it for all nonprofit but um what are we comfortable with are we comfortable with $50 and are you know I mean I think we have to go up a little but um I think the 150 is a lot I look at it as what's our goal our goal isn't to make money our goal is to meet our expenses and if it's during the day the room's empty but there's going to be cleaning or there could be other things so I I feel you know just in my thought process that you know um that we should make sure we meet our expenses and if it's a weekend now you're talking you need staff to come in you've got maybe a little different so I mean I I I don't think we're in the business to make money on renting out our rooms that was never our purpose uh in fact the reason we we spent the 300,000 to buy the Bicentennial Park was oh we could have use it for birthday parties we can use it as a smaller for a lot more things and not that okay now we're going to get a good payback with our residents paying for it and staff's intention is not to make money we were just looking at the wear and tear that's starting to happen in that room and and what the cost going as that goes up eventually you're going to need new carpeting new flooring you know you're going to need it painted and like I said there's a lot of Picos peeling off that's going to eventually need to be redone so that's the only reason staff went and looked at surrounding areas that's still lower than most of the surrounding uh venues around here so that was the only reason the other reason for the inside outside Town rate was majority of the folks coming in here live outside of town we were looking at we were looking at the taxpayers for that because actually taxpayers pay for this agree totally so that's why we were looking for Our intention is not really to make money it's just to make sure that we're keeping it maintained and carpeting is definitely to be the next on the agenda because it's it's starting really start so so do we have any type of analysis that we've done on like in a year how much is the income that we've brought in with renting it and then second is um um what are the estimated costs that we're going to need because that's kind of what we should be looking at as far as well what do we think that our annual expenses for upkeep is and then are we charging enough with the rentals that's taking place and then at the same time add some extra because you're going to need to do the carpet the painting and the other replacement that's kind of how I look at it unless our goal is yeah let's run it out and make some money here and it isn't but to get the cost analysis kind of hard right now because there was such inconsistency on what we were some we were charging some we weren't we weren't being consistent um so it's kind of hard to say without now little by little it's gotten a little bit more consistent um we are able there's been a couple of times that we have kept the the deposit you know now that we're collecting them and somebody has left or put nails in the walls ands so so those kinds of things I mean we could do a separate fee structure that could be you know inside for the locals and then for not for profit maybe 75 just a flat rate but staff is not looking to make money we're just looking to see make sure that it's $1,500 door I think 150 a month make some good money yeah I mean I went by surrounding municipalities I went a lot of surrounding areas and that's the only reason that that number actually was even lower do we have an idea how much we've collected in the last year I do not have off the top of those are tell you it's not it's not a lot yeah if you want to put it off till next month we can but I am just telling you when we get these we've been in this building how long have we been in this building 2017 yeah so 189 I'm just saying you can you can look at the expenses okay the carpeting is now and it wasn't used very much before we came here so you can say okay we've had this much use on the carpeting how much is it going to cost when we replace it it's not a few hundred dollars it's thousands when we have to get we have to replace a commercial refrigerator it's thousands it's not like it's just a little bit of money you know what I'm saying it's like expenses and you can do it we can plan we can say okay the carpeting is this long this is how long and this is what we're going to have to come up with in about this many years and we can do the same thing with all the other but it is hard I mean I haven't seen one group whether it's a funer or anything doesn't use a kitchen now they may not be cooking and they may not be doing stuff normally they use the refrigerator maybe the freezer they use wash things right they're they're using the facility the whole facility and it is wearing and when we bought the building we got all the tables and the chairs and all that for free but now we're using them and they're getting stored and brought out and they're they're going to wear out and then what are we going to do are we going to ask the town people to pay for a community room that everybody uses I'm just I'm just looking at it that way yeah we have it we you know I'm a planner so I'd like to say how what is the use of this carpet so we got to make this much money to replace it in a few years well we've been using up that time being here so um but I also you know I don't want to change the subject until everybody's ready I'm just saying and I'm not saying overcharge people I'm just saying we have to protect the town interest and make sure that we're not going to end up replacing all of this because we're good host we a very good host I I'm just curious um how many uh trying to say this without sounding really stupid uh how many non for profits do we have that use this community room majority quite a few majority of them majority of the people that rent this facility are not so the majority are not and we have some smaller groups some groups so am I am I correct in thinking that we could we could kick this uh there's one fee for the not for profits down to let's just pick a number let's say $50 a month and but keep it at the 150 for all the others that are not non for-profits and we would have enough money to cover what Miss Worley is talking about is the expenses you think folks I think so would you still have the out of town limmit 300 or did you want to reduce that that live not not the property people that live outside I would have I would I would expect if somebody is going to use this and they don't live in the town liit limits that they really didn't um have as much put forward to this that the other so I would charge them more I can tell you that I used it for a A Private Client out of not a resident and certainly not uh not a nonprofit and you can't rent half of that size for at least two or three times the money you look space and that is the deal even at $300 that's a sweetheart deal right and that's what I was going to say I I I'd like to kind of break it into almost three buckets okay one is kind of to the staff is we do need to start estimating what are all of the you know expenses carpet everything and then what's the best date that we may need to re re repair replace that I mean that's just something for us to be smart as far as a future budget so I want to take that to the side but those are costs that definitely need to be on our radar um the second I think that we do need to give consideration just like mayor said to our nonprofits in residents right our businesses in town that we need to give them um a lot of consideration because they're all doing good and and they're supporting the town in various ways I totally agree and that's what I was going to say you can't rent for birthday parties you know for weddings for showers even knows the variety of reasons people are runting it um for $751 150 so I I totally agree that needs to be a a a competitive price if they were to go and rent you know paop Farm or some other you know the the anets or the Elks or somewhere that we need to have a competitive price not per profit as much but a competitive price and I do believe depending on what event is clearly a deposit and probably a cleaning fee because on some of these where they're using the kitchen they're having showers you know funerals whatever full service meals we know the carpet is getting you know stuff on it and that so I mean to me anywhere that you go rent for for a private party you're paying a deposit a cleaning fee and an hourly fee sometimes or a three-hour block or something like that so what we have done because we have limited staff to be I mean we have Jose but event they know that they have to clean when they're done if they don't clean that's when their deposit can be reduced instead of having a separate cleaning so they know that we leave them we have the vacuum we have everything ready for them they have to take their garbage in the back they get their full deposit now I show up in the deposit from 15 to 200 to change that Dynamic but we've only had it a couple of times like the Garden Club they do a wonderful job there I mean I'm not trying to we're not trying to as staff we're just trying to get some balance in there so because we see it you know the wear and tear so but if you want to do a separate rate structure and we want to do $50 I can just go ahead and insert that and correct the resolution to 50 $150 for in town limits people with addresses within the town limits um and then 300 were addresses that are outside of town limits the only question is for businesses somebody doesn't live in to limits they have a business in the town they're still paying some sort taxes would we include allow that that would be one question I feel business is is resident now my only if it's 25 today and we're going to 50 that's 100% increase for our nonprofit the only 15 well and I'm not going to a thousand either but I I still feel if if you're renting at eight months eight months of the year nine months of the year so they are the only ones that pay 25 is basically been it's Z to 50 for the rent that's what was on the old for when I took over I charged $50 now had some I me went by what was done you know instead of the zero to 150 because it very subjective for somebody that's trying to organize that some some were paying like the Garden Club was paying 25 some were paying none so it need to tighten up something you have to have something if you want it to be 25 for everybody or not for profits you know that's up to you but as long as we have a set dollar amount that we're not can choose who gets that how many organizations use it every month oh we're pretty busy most of the time right now we have the Garden Club we have two events a year from the Women's Club sometimes three we have a graduation in May no I I understand that but I I me how many rent a building every month for nine months how many organizations just the one just the one organization does maybe there's maybe there's something we could do on a yearly basis with them then instead of a monthly basis that would be feasible for them and us just something to think about so do we want to hold up this whole fee schedule because of this one line or can we approve this whole schedu Inception of this line and we can come back uh and and revisit it maybe next month and after doing some research on the things that Charles brought up and things like that can we do that I think I was thinking that was just a whole separate right that we need to figure out what the costs were yeah I mean that's that's that doesn't need to be in this meeting I mean I'm fine to come up with what is the I think where we're apart right now is for nonprofits monthly yes you know and what I just heard is the garden CL Club has kind of had a little side rate going on for them but I also heard some businesses have another side rate where they pay nothing and so that's going to bring them up you know uh to pay in something I just where I struggle is going from 25 to 50 Without Really knowing what the costs and you know is that enough or do we need to do the 150 I'm just just throwing gr out numbers but I'd like to be able to see if this is the only thing let's knock it out come up with the price and move forward my only other question would be I'm assuming that when this is made it's for reservations prospectively not retroactively so somebody already signed I have told we have I have reservation form sitting us right now all the way in 2025 that I have told them that this was becoming coun and that I would get back with them on the see see where I guess I'm thinking is if somebody's already got a reservation that it was based on a fee structure at that time you know that because they're doing some planning that that would be the fee structure so and it would be new applications as they're coming in I think what she's saying is that she's she hasn't given them a price because she's waiting to hear from us is that what she said told them when they send in theirs for 20 I'm talking about we have quite a few reservations I 2025 I told them I will hold it I've given them a ballpark I said Council may come in L coun I don't speak for counil but there's going to be a feed change I only had one person say never mind they were outside she actually turned around and basically she's saying that she hasn't told them so they're all aware I called them and talked to them May of 2025 I really was like that's all so far in advance that I wanted to just wait to count to decision so the question is whether do we grandfather them to the old thing because you have the paperwork I the paperwork but they haven't received final approval right so yeah so what I'm hearing is she's already told them that look it I'm going to sit on it until it's approved and it's going to change I was thinking if somebody already had the on the calendar and they had paid for those grandfather the ones that I've had that I've been kind of because this is majority of this has been done since March we of been waiting so those was they didn't a the whole idea is just to start up a so are there are there not for profits that are paying $50 a month yes so you can't to stay with that that's that's what I was thinking if you go with 35 or 40 then you're going to lose the money that you've already got regular people but but the garden club's the only one that's doing monthly did you say they're the only ones that are here monthly yes and the other ones that are getting charged 50 are they like just quarterly once a year yeah twice a year you got the Women's Club and I think on the woman's I end up Char last and we also have we go through cases of toilet paper you would you know when we have large groups here so that's all we were just kind of looking at trying to balance that out and there's administrative costs associated with so I mean the 50 for most of the not for profits have been fine you know and and I understood I was taking the 150 from other areas but you know very well understand in fact I'm the one talked to Karen and gave her an update and you know because you know we like so could we say um $25 a month for not for profits with a with a minimum of six months meaning once once a month for six months or more in a year anywhere from six to 12 months in a year and then um anything less than six months they would pay what are we paying now I feel that's an administrative difficulty for staff when we start doing well how long are you going to rent it and how many months are you going to rent it and who are you I I personally after listening to all this would rather this especially since she's charging 50 now I'd rather go with the 50 and as the mayor was suggest and see how we can work out separately if we're allowed to do that you know kind of any adjustment of fee for the Garden Club because they've been using it they're paying 25 they're using it the most nobody else is using that they're a good Organization for the town and maybe we can get some free weeding done in return is is it is it bad to say grandfather than at 25 provide provision for Council to establish a rate Case by case basis I don't like the word grandfather rates especially they're doing a service for the town not just well in a case by case basis we're going to have them on the agenda every month they will likely all come in every time they'll drive it crazy that's why I was thinking that grandfather for the garden trouble is like a wide brush just for that so doeser you're doing that now right I just assume oh I assume because I read somewhere that if they just use it once a year they're waved yeah that's what I'm saying to give give that's option yes it's built into the resolution to allow staff to say one one waiver yeah one waiver the annual meeting that somebody has for example the Garden Club has two to three events one of those events would be wi and then the other two so our Rotary Club that has a banquet at the end year we only would meet there one time we would be W so we would that would be up to you if you want to make that but we but we would charge the Garden Club $25 a month because they're there every month but if you only come once you pay nothing well I'm kind of just trying I'm just I'm just trying to get it in my head you know that was just two examples from other municipalities that were doing that does sense that if you does this make sense that if you're there every month you pay 25 but if you're only there once you pay nothing maybe EV if they hold more than one event we can wave one so if you only have one event you're going to pay but if you have more than one event with us I see and that's to just just to make the the try to clear this up a little bit when she's discussing having one event a year she is talking about a country fair a cadium Fest things like that that is a not for profit that we wave once a year okay but the community room community room we're talking about the community room fees you're waving those that once a year not we're just dealing with not not for profit strictly not for profits those group put one group two today a nonprofit organization that uses the meeting for an annual the room for an annual meeting doesn't pay I I mean just today that's today and I think you're saying that will continue but if you're going to rent the room more than once a year then you're going to pay and you're going to pay for a nonprofit you're G to pay $25 a month or a Time $25 5050 $50 and today they pay 50 so we have more AIT that more than one event we weigh one Fe we weigh once if you have one of that here I say the you pay the fee it's when you have multiple events that we would allow that Council would allow for a so that's a change for this fee structure had we've never had this process at all so your rotary would then pay for their you said the Christmas party but we just didn't pay the Garden Club is the only one that's because it's at been set at $25 if I just trying to make sure I've got this right because it was originally established that way under previous administration because a room wasn't really being used and it was a five five year five year agreement corre but everyone else pay 50 so if they have a if they have a fiveyear agreement then why are we talking when does there so even if we kept it at the $50 then it would be a $25 increase for them opposed to 15 I'm not sure where we are are we still saying $25 for the Garden Club and $50 for everybody else if we leave it at 50 then that means it stays at the same and it doesn't increase for anybody yeah so the Garden Club LA May everybody would be 50 and if they have more than I'm just talking it for so if they have more than one event you have the ability to how is the how do the club about that how does the Garden Club feel about that y that would be okay Margaret well you you're dying over there I can tell come onas the lake classet Historical Society you guys bought this building knowing that you were going to have to repairs and maintenance on it and you got a commercial kitchen and I'm sorry that that equipment's expensive but when you bought it you knew that you were going to have to replace it the taxpayers bought it sure there should be some cost for private events but us nonprofits we're providing services that the town doesn't there's no cultural Affairs there's no recreational Affairs the garden club's providing activities for their citizens the museum sure as heck is providing services on behalf of the city or on the behalf of the town if somebody wants to come in here and have a meeting during business hours when there's people's staff sitting here all day long and all they're using is the refrigerator and the ice machine they should they should be paying this much this much for a two-hour meeting I understand that there should be some sort of cleaning deposit or some sort of cleaning fee if somebody's messing it up but I mean really y'all you going to run people off you can go to the library and use the library rooms for free did I mean is that really what how we want to treat our nonprofits so Margaret how many times a a year do the historical society's only used it once used it we have the luxury of of having some space but what we'll do is we'll end up saying hey Garden Club y'all want to come over to the museum and meet and then you're going to end up with a building that's vacant that nobody wants to come and visit or participate in at all I mean I get it I get that we need to pay for this building but I would not put the onus on the nonprofits that are having business meetings during business hours that's not requiring any additional any additional staff that's just my yes I was dying to say I got to protect my my nonprofits my peeps thank youall I know you'll do the right thing so you think nonprofits should pay nothing ever ever if it's if it's during Administration hours not outside Monday through Friday 9 to 4 say a two hour meeting window but but you're not taking into consideration that the carpet will get dirty whether it's Administration hours or not well I mean now the carpet's going to get dirty anyway right that's what I'm saying so why would they pay zero why in the world should I mean you want to we're not paying to come to Town Council meetings and we're dirtying up the carpet we're not paying to clean it we have to I mean that's the truth I mean that's just the truth I mean that's the way I see it unfortunately we have to do this but I get it but that but again the town bought this facility knowing that they were going to have to pay to have it cleaned that I think that having nonprofits come in and they going to dirty up the carpet but if you want to nickel and dime everybody to death then you g to get nickel and Diamond I I mean I is that the message that we really want to send otherwise I'm gonna be standing up here saying all right what is the town providing for it for this what's the town providing for this and what is my rental money giving me well let me say one thing okay the library love love the library you know I'm a library girl okay but they are owned basically by the county that's a hundred about a probably over little 100,000 people do you know how many people were 25 200 people men women children that live in the town I'm just saying we we have to look at the expenses and then I'm goingon to ask you I'm gonna ask you this and if your town attorney was here he would answer the same thing you charge a $35 a year fee for a business license fee $35 a year I don't believe in that is it really going to be worth to somebody like the Garden Club for you to collect what an extra thousand in meeting room fees I don't believe in the $35 so you're talking to the wrong person but I mean is it really worth it at the end of the day is it really worth that extra, that you would get charging nonprofits to use the community room that's my only point that's my only Point given the services that we provide Lake plid residents and you're going to charge us just to have a meeting here that's all I'm asking you to consider and certainly not to the tune of $150 every time that I think is criminal that I think is is awful that's off the table anyway we're not going to do that but that's what it says but we said no we said didn't we say that you were going to have a if you have an event you get an exemption the only aberration is when they come every month right but but for a meeting I mean you call it an event or call it a meeting but I mean this is a meeting anyway that's my piece thank you so um even then if we have enough outside business in the nonn for-profit area would cover the expenses for the not for profits if we charge them zero because I don't want to look like we're being fiscally irresponsible and I don't think Ken will let us do that anyway but but I mean do you think would it cover that gets back to the question I asked earlier is how much are we making so maybe we need to get some more details of between the nonprofits and the outside maybe in the last year how many how much and then separately the best estimate of I mean the commercial ovens and that I mean yeah they're going to need to be replaced over time but trying to say which organization created that it's a whole different but carpet and other uh what are those expenses that we're talking about to be able then to do that analysis of where's the breaking point and I respect um Margaret I respect the com you make and just to clarify that 150 became off the table right away right away it's it's minimum 50 but what we're finding out now is some get 25 some get 50 so it's what's a sweet spot there and maybe we don't have enough information today oh some are zero some zero it just depends precedent that was before so I think we just need to get some numbers so we can make an intelligent decision because you made some excellent points right is um and we do respect nonprofits and at the end of the day if we price ourselves out of it they're just going to go to you know the Masonic or another building um and then it's going to be an empty building well I'm just uh I I want to support the nonprofits and U Margaret I agree with you for once write this down but um but u i I think we as as Colleen said I think it's important that we know to be fiscally responsible as a as a council do we know that we have enough outside sales that would give us enough money to cover the basic um cleaning and you know Etc I feel like the the ovens and all the commercial equipment and even replacing the carpet or Furniture those are capital expenses I I think that's in a totally different pot of money and a totally different section of the budget that I just want to make sure that we're charging we're I want to make sure that we have enough events on the on the books or conceivably on the books that are not non for-profit that are outside events that are going to bring us in enough money to consistently clean the carpet and you know just maintain so that's my question I do want to say thank you I know Eva has done a tremendous amount of work yes a tremendous amount and I mean probably a lot of this is even eye openening of the inconsistency that we have today and then I know you're checking with other organizations what they do so I don't want to discourage you all this is this has been great work that youve put together and I think we're close to the Finish Line we just I think to help us to take this responsibility seriously I would like some more information so I possibly will be a reduction in some of the rental here because I know the groups that are coming that that are paying 50 and so that might be I'm just saying as we look at costs that that's going there's going to be a fluctuation for sure it's competitive pricing for that's expect that's expected because right now for some of those groups I'm not talking not for profits right now I'm talking people that come in and do a baby shower and do these other items or even some of uh the little groups that they tell me they're not for profit we hav but I tend to that they have their 5013 to prove they not right you have to have to bring that some groups that I know are not really um you know some of the smaller groups that have come in so I mean you know we can we can go back and kind of see what the expenses are at this point maybe get some estimates um so we want to hold off on like next month and I would really be interested now in you know the users that are using it just the number how many and and also on the weekend I think that that whole weekend is a whole different animal and and um so during business hours whatever information you have I think would be helpful for us between the the the nonprofits and the nonprofits so just for some guidance because I've been talking to people that wanted the for next year kind of put them on a do you want continue to put them on let them pay with 50 if it's a nonprofit why wouldn't we go ahead not some of these are not nonprofit gruties put put them on tell them sorry it got taed have to wait another month do they know what the fee structure increase would be I've given them a ball yeah so I mean then they may so so far um only like I said only one said never mind they outside do we have to have a motion to table just real quick a turn this is a true story turnning s okay so in 2006 Target was looking in our area and they were working with me so they didn't want to come down here they wanted to meet up in Avon Park for whatever reason I rented a conference room two hours and I paid $150 for two hours just to have a meeting there okay I'm just saying 2006 where was that up in Avon Park well that's there again that's Avon Park we're Lake CL no I'm just saying it's a I'm sorry but we call this a mu a community room been down here it would have been when we bought this building we wanted it to be friendly for our our residents I just don't want us to knock ourselves out of the ballpark I'm not and overcharge I think that's to me I'm sorry that's still that's a great deal that is we're not knocking it out of the par I you all I'm fine with everything I mean I just think we need to get let's just get a cost on what it would cost to replace the carpeting just one thing in that in the in the community just one cost how much is it going to because that carpeting is getting used and before we bought it it wasn't well and and there again that's why we have a budget and I'm sure that's we have that in the budget to take care of things like that I don't think we've planned on that's that's just something we need to look at but right that's and I I I just think we need to take care of our our nonprofits just because of what they do for our town and our community and uh the others yeah they're going to p their fair share I think that's only fair but we we just I I think we just need to step up and take care of our people I I agree I think everybody agrees with that can can we just uh take no action and move on because uh it's getting close to my bedtime now may pamp andess 12373 Lost Lake plid um just a couple things the Boy Scout old building uh the old Bicentennial Park so you paid 300,000 for it like four months ago you're talking about opening it up to the public you did a phenomenal job collecting all the different information I was impressed I skimmed over it but that building is not in here so if you're going to table it perhaps yall need to have that discussion on whether that's going to be included or not um and is it open to the public just a little bit of History the previous Town Administrator two or so ago discouraged the use of this town hall for outside events good bad that's in the past so if you pull like what happened the last five years how many people rented it out how it people were discouraged from coming here so just take that into account please the lady that spoke I didn't know her her name she spoke about what is the Distribution Center that's coming in i t drought side was her first town council meeting she came because of the fees apparently she has it scheduled for November and it's gone up from $150 to $300 and she was concerned about that hadn't heard anything about it before and um because all a sudden now it'll go to $500 but I when I'm hearing if she's already on the books she's outside the town limits but she um she's on the books for November then is that what you're saying I guess so if it's going to be tabled so what I did was as I talked to everybody so at a certain point I knew this was coming in October so I did put a halt for November December January February March but I told them I was saving their their day their day was not going to be taken up by another another event so I told most of think no it's not she said she was up so I just think that and then the garden CB to me it seems very simple they had a five year maybe do a fiveyear I mean discount for those that have more than one I mean you can do it differently but um I think I don't have a problem the J I was in the JC's for 20 years we we built the fire pit at uh Stewart Park P $5,000 and then the town would charge us $150 to use the grill to doing barbecues raising funds for the fireworks and the C it's just a part I don't I don't take any offense to that that's part of the community you have to raise funds so what's your point my point is I don't have I don't have problem I mean being reasonable just try to be reasonable and I think that's what you were trying I think that's what proposal was being reasonable except for the 300 but all right so we'll just table this and get back to you next mon pleas well I still had one more question okay forget all about this okay the user fees at the park and I'm GNA work with the park director on this but um are they paid to you or they who are they paid to so the user fees we're not talking about the rental of the Pavilion I'm talking the ball fieldsi at Lake J Park they come in they pay the front desk okay so they do those those user fees do come from the T through the town through the town okay I didn't know I didn't know how that work money is tagged forit for the park okay yeah I didn't I didn't know how that worked honestly and as long as I've been on here yeah so that $20 user fee per person down there is only for capital projects it can't used okay so is that per child or okay so per child that's what they pay whether in town out of town or whatever yeah we didn't even touch that it's an we didn't even touch that okay user I I kind of thought that but I didn't know who collected it so we do have an accounting for that thank you were we okay with just as I come back because the parks about upping that $25 AC 25 pavion the rental par I think we should table the whole thing yeah I still I think we're almost done I want to have a workshop dire the we got to get a handle on our I think so but but also is that enough for you to maintain the perks cons okay anything else on that all right we'll move on next is resolution 2024 d29 Mayor John H Brook's appointment and Lake Town Council concurring resolution for the appointment of Charlotte Rodriguez This Town Administrator I will tell you the past couple weeks she's been put under the gun and uh she has as far as I'm concerned come through with flying callers so uh appreciate you being here look forward to serving with you and uh let's uh let's have smooth sailing I call trial by fire I'll go ahead and make a motion we adopt resolution 202 24-29 appointment of Charlotte Rodriguez as Town Administrator God bless second we got a motion and a second any comments from the I just have a question that I was surprised that we didn't have under the job responsibility the scope of work the thing that came to my mind and I added a g is approv Town employee hiring and termination doesn't she like we've got a utilities director so I know that there's staff that's underneath you know as we have open positions isn't isn't her responsibility in the end on those decisions not it doesn't come to council those are so I saw answer that I saw the supervision you know Direction but it's like okay let's start with the hiring and then if somebody doesn't work out it's the termination so we took the this is the orig the resolution that's come forward because the town has a strong mayor the mayor is the CF C CEO CFO CEO CE he has the ultimate decision so what's happened in the past is that the Town Administrator would go to the mayor and discuss it but the Town Administrator would be the one is that correct mayor because I know this has come pretty good I've always left it up to the department heads yes but they they've always kept us as it should be yeah I just didn't think that I know before we had a couple utility employee openings you remember Kevin was trying to fill them fill them and finally he just filled them and he came and just informed us now I didn't realize you had approved him hiring I was just thinking that that's all part of the Town Administrator as it should be right it's to make sure that the Staffing's there they're doing their job and you know the the termination and then as you're having your weekly meetings whatever you have with them she would inform you so that was just to me me it was like another responsibility that I thought was missing and if it's something that the Town Administrator is responsible for we should add it if if it isn't then I guess it's fine as it is I think under our current structure that that falls under the mayor the way the way our towned for for staff yeah yeah okay I might come back with your no no no I don't think we should be involved at all if all of a sudden you know utility um the meter the person who goes out and reads the meters resigned and we have to replace them go do it I don't think that it even needs to come to coun so if you all could pass this resolution we could look at the issue we need to bring back clarification so my second is still in we have a motion in a second any comments from the audience call the councel council member Worley yes council member Hayes yes council member Charles yes council member art yes and the last thing on the agenda is 5 C1 annual town holiday sanitary pickup schedule and town meetings so it's me again these are all pretty straight forward pretty straightforward the only thing I bring to attention is for the November 11th Advent day we're off town code tells us that if we calls on a regular meeting on a Monday we hold it the Tuesday after so the November meeting will be the 12th on the Tuesday um and then the other one I'm seeking guidance on the Cs I'm sorry we talked about doing every other month so you guys were consensus to that but now move it away from the night of the Town council meeting um we had Charlotte I think we we talked about it because we had one last month right so if we had one last month then we would have one in November and then we would have one again um in January and then March we would have our final report so it would actually follow suit if we're able to set it up that so and then we're looking at the days of the week to hold it still have it on the same night as council meeting personally do I I mean I I like it at the same night first thing and I think as we're getting more in sync that you know it's not going to be hours of a meeting so I mean I would rather see it the same every other month same second Monday right before the town council meeting versus to try to do it the third Monday or the second Tuesday or something different that's me personally I agree same same night yeah I I prefer that as well as a working person I take Monday out of my work schedule and so having it all the same day is helpful to me so I will adjust this to every other month be on that Tuesday the 12th November and I'll update this this gets advertised in it's added to didn't I see somewhere didn't I see somewhere that in November we're going to have the council meeting a week later because of a holiday a day after the day after the day after the day after so yeah so Tuesday Tuesday it's Tuesday November 12th so but I would need a motion to approve the set schedule uh so I'll make a to approve the the uh holiday meeting notices it's holiday and sanitation schedule from October 1 20124 to September 30 2025 I'll I'll second it we don't need to do the town meetings in with that sorry you didn't include the town meeting so I'm wondering in your motion should we include the town meetings but modified to have the C be every other month yes you could do that modify it to add the C I'll modify it to include the town meetings with the CRA to be there every other month thank you second all right have a motion a second any other comments audience bring it back all the council council member Hayes yes council member Charles yes council member Worley yes council member Ard yes okay any comments from the audience two questions don't know if it's to L name and address please Josephine cley 607 Sunset Point Drive thank you um I hope I'm not out of syn but I have two questions um do we have any idea how much revenue we did with the drag V boat races since that was very important to why we had this entertainment did we get any feed on what was spent like Highland County for instance we had the drag booat races a ago and the purpose of that was we were hoping to bring generate Revenue do we ever get some statistics I've not heard anything that comes that would all come through the tourist Development Council and um that comes from basically or Deborah's on the TDC Deborah's on TDC or or Charles Maybe is on TDC as well no he's not on TC okay okay I was I've been in touch with the person the event person that did that and he's still applying for the grants he said he's having some problems because if they paid C I don't quite understand this but you know as it shakes out we'll know but that um if he paid cash for some things he's having problems getting rein rsed so I mean there's all kinds of things that go on and it happens over a little period of time before and I don't know if they're coming back or not I hope they will I asked them to and Kevin was nice enough to go down there and spend hours with the guy I went and went down there Saturday and Sunday and um it was a great event nobody had any complaints just y'all know nobody that was down there I went around and talked to people they were totally happy I I didn't go in the bathrooms because there was kind of some people waiting but I did ask I said I know this is kind of weird but can you tell me does it look good in there and he said yeah it looks great and he says I'm happy and I said okay you know I just you know I did try to go down there but we will know um in the next great yeah and and I want they know we want them to come back okay now I just have one other question because I know everyone wants to eagerly get to bed tonight um I had many questions asked many people asked me questions when the power went out and we didn't have internet now we were all fortunate because we you know we have our phones the question was were we to boil water because we lost electricity and a lot of people didn't know they would come to me and ask me and I would say when in doubt boil water so part of that question is going to be do we have like a generator back up when the electricity is down we had no problem with water the only time you have a boil water notice is if a line breaks and and that's and if if there was a line or something that was was broken yeah somehow we would have got the word out to people that was my question like there was in some of the counties I can't remember but we we just never had a problem with that our water was our water was fine good because you know I just really didn't know and I didn't want to give information you know so but when just the electricity goes down we're good in our town is what you're saying but we have General backup on the water and and also on our lift stations so we we were able to to take care of all of our our customers okay and Josie as far as getting the word out as far as getting the word out there's the automated phone uh call with the reverse 91 reverse 911 where you would a phone call recording to say there's a am I correct that there's a recording that says boil water notice till further notice we we definitely get it out there everybody well that's good because I could share that with people because they were asking me and I'm like you didn't I only remember we had an interruption in the sewer that was different when we were doing yeah we don't have our utility director here but we do have well I thank you very much we have chapter Leanne beus compliance coordinator for the of Lake plet um we do have everbridge which is the reverse 911 program um so whenever we have a boiled water that does come out almost immediately as fast as we can thank you any other comments I'll go to my department heads anybody have anything okay we bring it back to council you want to start we doing this what you that agenda forend is that Eva had one just because the arpac membership is Kevin as the administrator and and we should uh replace him with charet and then oh yeah to replace yes I forgot we did that to us yeah this is uh it's a it's a walk-on agenda item uh Highlands County Recreation and Parks advisory commit M and rpac appointment recommendations uh statement of issue Council consideration recommendation to the County Board of County Commissioners to appoint Charlotte ganis Rodriquez replacing Kevin McCarthy to the recreation and park advisory committee and to also recommend appointment of Dana redell as the alternate member to replace Eva Cooper Hitman as the alternate M of back but we did Dana last month right we did Dana and Carolyn Morrison last month I'm gonna ask you to do it again because I'm not okay whether we sent the letter in this way we can send the letter that these are our three our three um folks would be then the main would be uh Charlotte Carolyn with Dana as the backup okay so I will make a motion to that effect okay the record I'll second it all right we have a motion and a second to approve the walkon any comments audience saying none P the council council member Hayes yes council member Charles yes yes yes okay anything else I I just I have you know I always have something of course um it appears to me that we're going to have a distribution center before we have a police station so I'm not a happy camper and I'm hoping that our new Town Administrator can follow up on that because um the conversations and just casual conversation that I have with Mr Co because he plays at my facility every week he says we are ready to go we can go to did even before we go to this uh ridiculous uh zoning thing that we have to go through which is not even on the Zoning for this month it has been pushed back another month because we had so much work for the Distribution Center so I would ask that Our Town Administrator St on that please we need to get this building started we need to get a fork in the ground or no one is going to afford to build this building and we need it now this Distribution Center is supposed to be done by December of 2025 do you think the police department could beat them in the race to get a building built would be nice um we had a meeting today and Dennis is already in the process of scheduling us for I believe sometime this week for for us to meet with them for to go for to go forward to go forward with with what with with uh with to build this thing we have do we have the proper U architectural drawings and everything for which we can that's what he's looking at placement because go ahead we're still waiting to see if we have architectural diagrams from K and cob we've received nothing from them that's what I that's what I want to make sure you know and I would like to for you to follow up on that if it's okay with the mayor because if we don't keep the foot on the accelerator we're never going to get that building built thank thank you you're welcome is that it that's all that's all oh my goodness that's all look it's 8:57 deah yeah um as I mentioned earlier in the meeting I would like to have um Our Town Administrator and our Parks and Recreation director um schedule a workshop for just the Lake June Park I think we need a workshop on all the parks but really really we have seems like we have a lot of critical things down there um going on we we still never established the parking um where the Pavements going to go and all of that we still have some questions about pickle ball we also now have questions about the condition of the ball fields so I think we need to have it and it was suggested to me that we do it on a Saturday so that folks can come um I don't know if that agrees with you guys but I hope you'll agree with me to have a roll up your sleeves Workshop just on Lake June Park and really get it down and do a master plan or do some kind of plan that we can all agree on and hopefully everybody will come with an open mind and we can get this thing done that's what I'm hoping for so I hope you guys would go with me I don't we I don't think we need to vote because we've done this before well we could just agree to have our Town Administrator and Parks and Recreation get together to plan a meeting um sometime soon Harry do they um they play in the morning on Saturday morning do they play use the fields on Saturday morning so could we have it Saturday afternoon it doesn't matter to me whatever time you all think is a good time afternoon works for me because I go back I'm sorry I'm still working and Saturday morning is tough for me but I can do Saturday afternoon everybody agree with that so you'll finish afternoon oh I I do Saturday afternoon I was just excited to see on the agenda the regional plan for a master plan that got pulled off so well it's up to whatever staff can figure out is is in work with us I mean I'm good anytime I can do my schedule around once I get past this week this this coming week then I'm good this coming week is wicked but I'm out of town this whole next week well let her just get in touch with us and let us know that's okay with you and then we don't have another hurricane so I'm please don't even go there oh no please I'm good with that my only caution is it needs to go beyond Lake June Park I was pretty excited to see master plan on you know for our parks on the agenda but because of I think an emergency it had to get pulled off um so I think it goes beyond just Lake June Park we have a lot of different parks and a lot of different interests and needs that I would hate to just concentrate on one and then we can get professionals come in to do the right workshops I did have a conversation with Spring Lakes Don Elwell had given me their master plan and so I met with them um it's pretty exciting how they do it how they go out and they do all the different meetings with all the B clubs and you know the different groups and then they do um Town workshops like what you're saying uh where people give input and then they have a website where they do you know red and green and you vote on what you want and they so it's a process that they go through and um you know I'm talking to Charlotte the central Florida Regional planner was going to come and you know another great idea so I I would caution us that if we're going to just focus on one park because there's a lot of recreational needs want that we're not going to crab them all into one it's going to be the overall Park I don't want you to misunderstand me but I think if we can just get Lake Jun Park we've got some grants hanging around we got parking we need to go ahead and finish that Grant just it's it's a big nut to crack with all the different people that are involved down there Miracle field the ball people everybody down there I mean there's all kinds of different people and I just don't know how many hours you want to I mean and get the biggest thing and then look at the demographics and look at all parts because the other ones like um Miss vest was saying we've got a whole new park down there on Dow Hall and that's a whole another thing so I would just I mean if we could just start with Lake Jun Park and get that done and get it out of the way and then look at all the parks together I agree I mean I'm just saying we have some immediate needs and we need to to try to to do that to move that along and then look at all our Parks we got a lot of you know stuck around different places we can integrate all the others start we start we we start with Le park because it is multifaceted and and the biggest place and we still have this pickle ball issue hanging right up with there with the police department so I think we're going to get invol to you know 2035 or something for the record Charlie I just wanted you to realize that the warehouse that we were talking about the 120,000 square feet could accommodate 100 indoor pickle ball can we put the police department there just saying square footage wise you can make that work but um no I appreciate everyone's consideration and I think it is um the last meeting was so long everyone was tired there was a lot of things going on it was a very busy meeting I for one did not notice that the courts were oriented differently and proportion differently till after the fact which didn't help anything I think it's wise to have uh and I agree I think I think you need to have a townwide master plan renewed but at this time and I know you think I'm partial which I am with the pickle ball project but this has been going on long and I I've spoken to each of you about you know a proposed alternative that I think solves a lot of the issues that everyone may have in preserving Green Space it's kind of a Wasted Spot and it keeps it away from the other side of the park like we heard to but this way gets everyone together and we can kind of work it all out hash things out together but I appreciate everyone's willingness to work on it and I do want to commend uh the town staff this weekend everywhere I went everyone had a smile on their face just with broom shovels down in Lake and Main Street I didn't even realize they were running to garbage I just got home and I saw the truck go by and I ran in there and I ran down before they turned around and they were gracious stopped dumped it but everyone was I didn't see one employee that was foul or upset they were just happy to go and they were busting it and I Alan who who did the park around Dain yesterday was was that city employees or was that some private people he did have that Park in half a day and that and he needs to be commended to take that on by himself that was it was a great job I walk it really did a nice job on it so but thank you all have a good evening Jo yeah I do I like to have um one thing one thing put on the agenda for next month um an open discussion about um a residential fertilizer ordinance now when we went through this whole Stewart thing remember that report that was put out by Swift Mud in 2020 and they listed all the things the remediation things we could do and there was the U fertilizer ordinance there were um Wetlands um septic tank inspections and then s to septic conversions it's going to be some time before we can get all of our septics taken care of so in the meantime I'd like to have like an open discussion with with the citizens and the Council of course and get a feel for what they would think about a residential fertilizer ordinance now an Kennedy has done a lot of research on this background research and she would like to do a presentation at the next meeting I think it's a great idea and what we should do is once we get ours done we should recommend it to the county and go up there and storm the county and get them to do it we need to protect our legs interesting she found out that all the counties around us have ordinances and I guess there was a moratorium on that at some time because the lobbyist for the fertilizer companies you know stopped it but that moratorium has been lifted because they realized they didn't have enough data and and now it's back on the table so anyway just an open discussion and see where it goes and also my alterior motive for saying this tonight is then we can get something into the newspaper ahead of time so that the pop people know this is going to to be on the agenda and then get their two cents in so some of the some of the fertilizer people would know to come as well you know the people that well they yes open discussion got to be open go right you know yeah I want my guy that does my lawn I want him here apparently she has talked to the fertilizer people and um but she knows the details on that she's I think she's done a lot of work would you have her present or she yeah an Kennedy would be the presenter so with that's okay with you to have that on the agenda sure she's already written it down it's already started oh we could put it in the packet okay I don't forget that we'll bring it back to our town attorney nothing further sir what thank you we finished appreciate you being here in Bert's absence yes sir glad to serve hope we uh see more of you okay Charlotte it's your turn it's my turn it's it's been eventful no it's an honor to be here the staff are are phenomenal I could for a better staff and I can't do anything without them so they um really showed me what they were all about in this first we're calling it baptized by fire two weeks and we're into the third week so it's a joy to be here thank you well thank you to the town staff really did a great job fabulous yeah I just yeah I just and there again like Charlie said I was going to bring that up not only Town staff but just residents out of the blue that step forward uh of course they only got part of the park done but my gosh what they did was was phenomenal in a short time uh we still have work to do uh there's still people without power uh there's a lot of clean up but uh we'll get it as as best we can but I I just hope everybody out there just realizes what a what a great town we have and what a great staff we have and I'm I'm just really proud of everybody and and what they what they accomplished this this past week so anything else come before councel meeting adjourned