just a reminder please make sure your phones are either off or un vibrate if not it's a $50 fine that goes into the whole Brook vacation fund so leave them on at this time if uh everybody would please rise we are pleased with us to have father Clemente from the St James Catholic Catholic church with us who's going to lead us in our prayer and our invocation dear heavenly father on behalf of the Town Council of Lake placet I ask you that you guide and bless in a special way each and everyone here present and Inspire each one of us to reflect your will in all things sometime is not easy how to guide us we we put all in your care all that this town of Lake PL continue to rely on you and your inspiration and guidance to each one of us we realize that everything we have and everything we do we owe it to you and your and your immense love we will never comprehend fully your imense love for us guide us so that we can be more aware of how important you are to each one of us that we can reflect your love in abundance especially when dealing with the people in the the issue in a town of Lake blet you have blessed us much and for this we are grateful that we may pass on this gratefulness in our action we Undertake and go with blessings today for all the action and The Liberation their lies ahead of us we ask this through Christ Our Lord amen amen I pledge to the flag of united stes States of America and to the Republic for which stand one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all okay I'll Now call to order the Lake blid Community Development agency CRA regular meeting to order uh would you please call the role mayor hook here council member Hayes here council member Worley here council member Charles here council member art okay we go to cons send Agenda One I make a motion to approve consent Agenda One as posted second we got a motion and a second any discussion from the podium hearing none we'll take it to the audience seeing none bring it back pull the council please council member Hayes yes council member Worley yes council member Charles yes council member art yes yes okay number two CRA discussions on plan or project changes based on discussions at the workshop just a quick comment I wasn't at the workshop but if any of the council members wanted to kind of lead what the discussion was or if they wanted to there was discussion about whether to include um ad members which you could do here or you could do um actually is under aard board agenda I'm sorry um but if you wanted to make any project changes it takes a super majority of the board so that's a discussion MST the council whether you do it with the additional two members once you've added those two members or if you want to do anything with any uh facade changes or changes to the projects so just leave that up to council discussion well I think we were um waiting for a decision about what a super majority was one of the questions we had the meeting was a super majority what is that comprised of a regular majority would be three of five or 50% plus one being three of five four of seven would be a regular majority if you add two super majority would be five of seven or six of seven I would suggest the council make a decision as to what super majority is when the council appoints right now we're in a CRA board meeting as I Rec as I understand so you would appoint your two members when you're in your council meeting and I would in that motion Define what you want them to act as a super majority be it uh six or seven I'm sorry five or six five or six because four is a simple maor majority and then also I was doing a little reading on that too and it has to be clarified at that time if it's a super majority of those present or a super majority of those in the total I agree you should clarify that at the time I'm worried about that because there are several ways you can Define it you could say a minimum of five votes then if somebody's absent you've still got to have five votes or do you want to say if two are absent we're going to do it with four votes yeah it's Council decision I would defer to you I think when we get to the council part of the meeting we're going to need your help with that um because it's uh it's to me it's confusing and um we want to get it right of course I agree it's unfortunate was left undefined but you know folks do the best they can and every little thing something falls through and this did I would think spending public money I would say if I were on Council uh I would suggest a minimum of five affirmative votes that's a super majority of seven and if you've got too many people absent I'd still require five affirmative votes thank you okay and just another question just for clarification at that Workshop is that's where the super majority comes in to change the plan which today the plan doesn't include uh facets facets uh but it does include infrastructure so that would be one super majority and then my clarification is we've got a list of projects that are approved some have purchase orders outstanding that would also include a super majority if we were to change any of those you know that are listed so is a super majority for both the plan and the approved projects or just the plan changes I believe the super majority is for your plan changes or your project additions project additions but not changes to approved projects that's a I mean because what came up is there's a few projects that have been on there for many years when do they get stale so something like that so you know at what point do does something that may be older not the priority that something that just came up approved projects are part of an approved plan and can be modified at any time by a majority of the CRA majority super majority simple majority majority okay perfect super majority is limited to uh list of eligible projects eligible which is the plan which is your plan yes perfect and your plan changes in your plan also has to comply there's a there's a whole Florida statute on how to change your plan okay that's helpful thank you you bet okay any other discussion on two I would just suggest that if it it it it sounds like we are going to when we get in council meeting to expand the board to seven people and it would seem prudent to wait on any plan or project changes until we have those seven people on board because we don't want to make you know changes now and then you know two more people come on and they've got great ideas and now we're you know we've already done this so that would put it I was thinking that we would probably put it to what did you suggest Kevin July because we only have a couple of people that have stepped up so we would maybe keep it till the July meeting to see who we have to choose from that was my recommendation for board appointments because we've only had two weeks for this the public to respond to to Applications so that was my suggestion was toit for the July meeting to make those board appointments I think that's I think that's a good idea as well because people need time to to uh find the application fill it out send it in you know Etc so you're saying two weeks but at the last meeting a month ago we approved adding two and we told people that you know we'll be putting something on the website so the people have been aware for a month that we are going to add to that was an approved um motion so your two weeks you're saying is based on when it actually went out on a website to say we're adding two people yes the when we when we got the applications up on the website when we had some clarification and so and we also got it on the next door app it's entirely up to the council okay doesn't make any difference to me so that's if you want to do it tonight you can you have two applicants now so uh prior to prior to this week or last week um you only had one applicant for two position positions so it's entirely up that'll be at the council meeting that's the council meeting yes um there are people here tonight I I believe have ideas for the CRA like to suggest that we take their ideas now and then add to them sure we can we can certainly listen of course sure I like that because the timing is coming up for the budget and that was some of the questions that came out at the workshop how do we get feedback from business owners and the public on ideas that we should consider as part of the CRA projects and timing is really good right now with the budget process coming up okay where you go the next one well let let's see what they want to do with three okay so we'll go to number three CRA project we've got the 151 Dow Hall let me get down to that real quick so anyway we have uh closed on 151 down hall on Friday so it is now our property um we're purchased property the ideaas to make improvements to the property and as a benefit of the community provide additional meeting spaces kind of the plan additional parking um for both the park and Main Street and then possibly a covered patio for birthday parties irrigation and new playground equipment these are all items that would be covered under the in the current CRA plan um I believe I have a this is just a conceptual that we came up with in inhouse it does not include any drainage retention dra um ponds or areas so it would have to change we could be creative with prvious parking and some of the other issues but um I wanted to get some input from the CRA board and find out if they wanted to list this as a uh CRA project um and then where we would go on a priori prioritization as far as funding and it doesn't have to be a decision tonight I just wanted you to look at it the next CRA meeting it meets quarterly so the next CRA meeting is August no until September September September but we have budget meetings is is involved in that so you havec budget meeting so this could be included and uh but this is just a potential um layout so I wanted to get input from the council okay for for example to flesh out the budget uh rather than the extra parking on the right hand side a lot of people had asked for a splash park you know the kind where you push a button and it little fountains come off for you know five minutes or whatever um and uh maybe rather than a conventional Children's Park um do the um for adults also the exercise circuit type of um are you familiar with those and uh something other than just parking in that area what what is the requirement for the number of parking spaces that we would need for this to me my knowledge was is that we're trying to um create additional parking for our new businesses down Main Street and our very successful Main Street um that this was going to help some of the Overflow as well but yes I don't know the actual right now we never had really any parking I don't think for this area other than just pull off the road so this would be organized parking so so before we get because you know there is a a lot of parking on Main Street and we just heard that with that Health Department building we have permission to park there so we probably just need to find signs to put up to say where public parking is I know and I'm not good but on the corner of is it observation where B is parking that's a parking lot that's our parking lot but people don't know it's public there's no sign that says public parking uh but I concur with what um zeber har saying is on the concern of parking where there's Green Space I mean I had envisioned when we were going to buy this this is great we've got a building we can rent it out for birthday parties other little parties we've got a playground and then we've got green space and green space is something you know for Youth and families and so there's a lot of parking there and the parking on the backside with observation um if we took the parking out of the green space and you can probably get eight more parking spots up where you're coming into that green space parking lot but kind of the first question is with this building with what we plan to do is there a number of required parking spaces that we have to have I don't have that answer tonight it is probably based on the size of the building 10 or 12 spots so you probably have more than enough we have more than enough yeah so I mean to me is I'm concerned and I not supportive of putting all that that parking where it's inside the current fenced area today I had no concerns of considering CR money nicer fence area a splash pad um whether it's a playground equipment or I like the exercise I thought of that even for divine de daine Park you know having those little um stations where as you're walking then you can do your push-ups and different things so I really like that idea whether this location is ideal for or not I'm open to that but I'm not supportive of taking onethird of this new property and making it parking the first thing I saw was just the which I thought was genius it's just one oneway parking through the if you're looking at this drawing of the right end and just having those spaces there and not having the other ones this has been a very successful Park there's a lot of people that use it with children so yeah and I'm not sure um I think um Our Town Administrator does have a lot of it of um experien of splash parks I think that we have always wanted one I know Mr Rey was in agreement with me but they it was kind of cost prohibitive but um Our Town Administrator is very well vers in that and I think it's a great idea in Florida especially splash parks I mean I've been to to centers where they have those and it's wonderful it's really a wonderful event where to put it is the question and you know remember right now unless we change what we're going to do we only have $36,000 so that limits us as well but see yeah when we see the budget W maybe we'll get some more money I mean uh the journal Plaza also did some building this year I don't know if that's going to come in too I thought about that over since we met and I thought wow those buildings are probably going to maybe hit this year as well maybe not till next year I'm not sure how that's all going to fall with the taxation but we should be getting some more money in which is to the C we'll be happy to come back with uh an exercise a drawing for an exercise path or a splash pad you can have multiple options this is just was I said this was just one and we were trying to work on parking that um for partially for Main Street so happy to come back and give you some examples and and we'll come back with cost estimates for splash pads and and uh the maintenance of those and where they're at so that's a simple thing to to bring back um that'll be come back at the next c meeting which is the August meeting just so you know I mean for a timing issue there's no rush on this we just closed on it I just wanted to go ahead and bring it up so how does that work with the budget then so the next CRA meeting is August but the budgeting for the CRA meeting is at the same time as our budgeting for the town so I feel there's a little disconnect there of putting items in the budget that haven't been discussed or approved at a CRA meeting y you Eva no I'm looking at you I don't know if you yeah I don't know if we've ever done how we've done that or we added projects during the budget meeting I mean I can bring back design changes won't take long if you want to earmark I mean any portion or whatever you're going you only have $36,000 today you're going to have another close to 200,000 in October so that's a question and a prioritization of where you want to spend the money and certainly it's going to take more than tonight's discussion so um and you're going to approve every project as it moves forward so that's you can include 151 downhall as a CRA project um and don't have to assign a budget you're going to assign a budget moving forward and we'll give you a present you with a budget for various options again I think the quick estimate on this budget Dennis was $200,000 or something like that so just for the paving um so that would take all of next year's money if you just did that so I'm not recommending that I'm just saying that's an example a playground if you put a regular playground in is1 to $150,000 which is going to take most of that money um if you did a splash pad it's going to be a multiple of that depending on whether you're try and delay it and apply for a a uh uh F fer app gramp which would be my recommendation for any of this playground equipment I I think it's a multi-year project that you know would become part of that fer app Grant application for the playground or whatever or splash pad whatever you want to do anyway just options to consider we can bring back a number of different pricing options as part of the budget so nothing gets all it does is put the project in the list until you go and approve yes we want to do this project and we're going to prove it and then we're going to go out to bid and then we're going to have a a real item and then you're going to prove that one before you go build anything so would it be appropriate then to make a motion to add this to the CRA project list and um develop it further as as we move on just to put it at least on the list for development and consideration uh as we move into the next year well it's hard for me to put it in the I can't put a budget number in the budget if I don't have it as a project so yes I would say that you're not you're not spending any of the money you're not deating that this is what's happening next but at least gives me follows the proper order it's now a CRA project and then we start working on a budget to go and tie in with that CRA project so yes there is a little disconnect with the quarterly meetings unless y'all decided to change when the meetings happen so there is a little disconnect on the budget and and the meeting schedule a little bit because this is June and you would normally go have projects approved and we'd be working on them for the budget in July and August so we just didn't have timing we didn't have this property until Friday so I'll make a motion that the um 151 Dow Hall by Centennial Park improvements be considered and be put on the list for C projects moving forward and that design and actual what is going to actually con will be developed as the time goes on that I'd second that okay got a motion a second any further discussion from the podium I guess my question I'm fine with that but I'd also like to hear more ideas from the public that that's going to come up under number four okay well okay but if something comes up on number four that we like better than this motion how does that work that's what I'm saying is I guess I was thinking that we would develop based on our ideas The public's and then determine what should be put on a list with the limited money so maybe I'm thinking that different I think it it it can all go on the list I don't think there's a I don't think there's a limit to the list is there no perfect because we haven't we haven't allocated any money we just want to put it on the list for consideration we don't we haven't even agreed on a plan for yet yeah I agree okay that's fine you can have a list of 12 items and then well we then we just have to narrow them down and prioritize them on the order that they want to get done and that would be at the budget meeting or at the August meeting where you marrow narrow it down then well I I guess that depends on the scope of what everybody wants to have done okay and and if we have dollar f on what we've decided to do or not it could still just stay on the project of course and everything's going to be be based on the dollars we get too so absolutely you know there's there's a little bit of unknown there but but uh yeah no I don't disagree with you it's just we we we just got to have something to go by and figure out what we want to do and how we want to do it okay yeah the council sets priorities and you can make those priority changes at every meeting it's in the pans you can add projects at the other meeting you're just going to have to sign a budget or modify the budget based on what you get right now you have $36,000 So based on the next budget anticipated funds we will develop a budget but that's subject to change based on your votes um mayor can I just so the workshops will be two separate workshops one's going to be the town's Workshop you will have a CRA Workshop which you can talk about your list and your projects but you really don't adopt that until your CRA meeting which is in September so those three workshops are going to be not only just Town budget but you also have your CRA budget that projects I think can be talked about you don't vote at the workshops so you could make that list up and then when you go for your adoption of your projects and Adoption of the budget at the September first hearing and then final adoption that following week and so we would let me understand that because I'm I'm stuck on an August meeting for CRA and C is a September meeting because so it said earlier somebody said August that's why yeah no it's a SE quarter adding on M okay then that makes sense I was going to say the next C is September of which we will then adopt the CRA budget based on Workshop discuss other um list of items you instruct staff of you you know and and that has public input it's all public meetings so uh you know you'll be able to discuss those projects if I may we really haven't developed a fiveyear true fiveyear plan for the CRA which we need to do I mean we have a I asked Allan to put the together a list this morning we have basketball courts we have Taylor Park we have Stewart Park we have John's Park we have Bicentennial Park all which have needs for infrastructure and and replacement pieces and and so uh so he would like to develop a five-year plan so that we're working on anticipated dollars and not really I mean part of part of the issue in the past to be completely honest you started with zero money in your CRA it's incremental financing so and you build up enough money so you're going to do a couple of Paving you're going to do the alley which has been talked about for two or three years um you're going to do some other Paving projects sidewalk projects and it's going to take the bulk of your money so it's it's a slow process to build that Equity if you will in the CRA and where that money gets spent but we do need we do need multiple items a longer list that we can work on and develop that into a fiveyear true five-year program or longer because we we're we just talked about parks and we haven't talked about Main Street and inner Lake and beautification of the town and we can re revise this that any time I mean maybe something came up that was just so wonderful that you know superseded everything else I mean there's nothing to say we can't change but I think we just need to get a plan we need to go forward and make a list I'd like to hear from the public as well so um I think we should you know if you I think we have a motion on the floor yes so we should vote on that and then we should move on to the public that's what I was going to ask if there was any more comments on number number three uh hearing none here we'll take it to the audience Ken lablanc um can we bring back up the drawing of the um the park and and I completely understand this is just a A Sketch of options right I agree with what Colleen says I mean you could put as many parking spaces up on that high end as you could put in there and I would absolutely preserve that grass area for for developing the park I mean the park becomes very small if you do both the parking areas there but what I would probably do is not do either of those parking areas but pave the top end on observation and then take the sidewalk on the left side there bring it to city property and connect it to the county parking lot which is just three or four doors away and and um and just you know make a nice easy access and let people know there's additional parking over there and um that's always available um especially at the time when parents are coming here with their kids and stuff like that um so that's how I would probably handle that but I I kudos for buying it I think it was a great idea to buy that Park um but other projects I would do at that Park is you know that six foot tall galvaniz steel fence is sketchy looking you know I would take that out and I would go to just a you know black rod iron type you know uh not six foot tall fence around the perimeter of the park um you got to have a you got to have something there so kids don't kick balls in the street and Chase it um or kids don't run in the street but it doesn't need to be a six foot tall galvanized chain link fence you know I think everything that I would like to see done in this downtown would be higher end and um so I think to upscale it would be a really good idea and I think you know future renovation of the Pavilion you know to rent out for parties and all that is a great idea new playground equipment I know is not cheap you know because it's got to meet all the requirements of ADA and this and that and everything else so I mean there's there's a lot of projects that need to happen there but I think Master planning that particular Park is a good idea and spending you know as much money as would cost to do all this parking you know when you could just park across the top create a sidewalk and then get on to fencing and renovation and all that stuff I think the money can go a lot further by Master planning a list of projects to do at the park and what the priority is and so on so I think there's lots of great can come from this park so I'm looking forward to you know what you all are going to do there so and I think this is what great about our community that this is the kind of feedback that that we're going to need and what we're going to ask for um yeah this was just a conceptional that that that we put out there nothing is done in concrete here so anything anybody wants to see here yeah get it to us we'll take a look at it and like he said we'll bring it back to council and we'll see what everybody wants to do okay all right anything else uh none we'll go to number four citizens not on the agenda can I make one more oh wait a minute we got to vote on it that's right sorry clerk Eva could you please reread the the motion so we're clear on what we're voting on please usually I go back and listen so if want improve this is just shorthand considerate for consideration and put on projects list with to include design costs did I we're gonna add add thank you Father Clemente for being here we're going to add the 151 Dal Hall by Centennial Park to the CRA projects list yeah uh for and we'll look at it later for further development and input like we just had maybe in a workshop that's it but just at this point just add this to the CRA projects list for development got okay got it are you okay with that Joy you were my second okay thank you okay all right so we got a motion in second go ahead and pull the council council member Hayes yes council member eart yes council member Worley yes council member Charles yes I just wanted to make one more comment um when I was researching the cras we haven't even tapped some of the benefits of the C which is granting ability I went up to Sebring and saw the most beautiful park for children uh very Advanced that was all done with grant money that was done through the CRA so we're just starting to tap what the CRA can do which is get grants on its own and that was the most Innovative wonderful Park I'd seen for children so we're just going to work through this and we're going to get there so I think that's something else we're going to be looking at okay okay we'll go to number four citizens not on the agenda at this time if any of you have any comments or projects you'd like to see come before c now's your time okay come on citizens not on the agenda right you said citizens not on the agenda yeah okay uh I have a question about the uh the the layout for the parking which is part of the uh the new pickle ball courts okay the uh meeting I've been out there looking at the boat ramp we're not place the pickle ball Port will come up under the regular meeting okay it's confusing we have a c meeting and then we close this meeting then we open the council meeting and that's part of the council meeting sorry yeah that's great that's okay sorry but we're on number four CRA project updates we're not on citiz not on the agenda we're on number four oh that is number four citizens not on the agenda a c project up you got an updated one well okay I'm not looking at apparently I'm not looking at the most recent I don't know either but never mind thank you all right um Ken lablanc um sorry I wasn't at the last c meeting I was out of town or I would have been here um so I just like to bring a few things up and I'll be really quick because I know you got another meeting to do tonight um so in the historic downtown things that well one I think a fiveyear plan is a great idea I think you know we should have a fivey year a 10 year and a 20- year ultimately but you got to start somewhere which is a five-year plan so I think that's a great place to start um things that that myself and business owners that I'm aware of in the downtown would like to see in the downtown uh you know sidewalks pressure clean street sweeping we'd like to see um for years we've wanted to see banners on the polls not just Christmas banners but banners that say you know welcome to Historic downtown Lake plaid things like that you know that can point out the Train Museum that can point out the um the clown college the Chamber of Commerce things like that but we've never had an Avenue to do that so I think the CRA could be an Avenue to um to put Banner signs in downtown that are directional I think directional signs downtown which are posts that have signage that go to specific businesses and the way I think they do that in other places the town provides the system and then if there's a business that wants to be on the poll they have to meet the requirements and they got to pay the fee to have the sign made to be added to the city's poll um you know I think that's a good idea um so um um yeah so just things like that are are the ideas that we've had you know for quite a while and just had no Avenue to do it I also think um I think Colleen had been mentioning we need a way for people to bring their ideas um about you know what to do downtown and stuff I don't think everybody um um coming to A Town Council and talking in front of you is is realistic because not everybody feels comfortable doing it but I think even if there is a form people could fill out they could drop it off downtown they could submit it through through online system or something so there may be other people that we're not even aware of that have ideas about our Historic downtown have you considered doing this considered doing that it would be nice if there was a system in place just simple as a comments box box or something like that for people to be able to submit their ideas um because we don't have all the ideas um there's other people out there who do and just you know then you've captured everybody's ideas you either come in front of you guys and talk or you submit a form online or drop it off to Eva or something like that I think would be a good idea and um but I think it you know it all starts with a a master plan um the drainage ditch in front of the journal Plaza you know for years we've wanted to see that turn into a parking lot I know it's complicated because you'd have to put the drainage underground to put a parking lot on top of it the county owns the the drainage ditch and everything else but you know that's where you start planning it now and maybe five years from now it gets accomplished but we've done a drawing that shows we could probably add 28 parking spaces on top of that retention Pond um it'd be a great place to have future parking and I know some people say well we had a parking study parking study said we didn't have any parking problem we may not have we have may have enough adequate parking scattered about in downtown now but maybe not five years from now maybe not eight years or 10 years from now so this is just planning in advance but I think that should be part of our our master plan um as well as um other projects um in and about the downtown so flowers on light Poes um I don't know if you guys realize how much the flowers in the joural plaza get people out of their cars and into the plaza but it's huge um so flowers in downtowns um s if you just go to successful downtowns all over the place the thing they got in common is they all have flowers whether they're in pots sitting on top of the ground whether they're hanging from light poles or whether they're in the ground yeah there's a these are the ones that you sent me earlier and I ran off copies so I'll just send them down the line oh that'd be great yes I had given Joy some copies of um some of these ideas um and so she's going to just pass them down so you guys can see the things that I'm talking about um but these are all different ideas that we have not had an Avenue before to get them into your hands in order to get them you know as part of this so we're hoping that they all filter through and maybe they become part of the plan right so and uh this is just a starting point some of these I think we should try and get our the most bang for the buck we possibly can if everything we go for is infrastructure infrastructure is expensive but some of these things can be much less expensive I mean you could pressure clean the sidewalks you could um streets sweep you can deal with Landscaping I mean those things are not the most expensive things to do those are the least expensive things to do so maybe we can do things like pressure clean to sidewalk Street sweep um deal with landscape areas get some flowers in downtown and stuff like that maybe we've spent $50,000 you know and I also um I know we do a lot of work downtown through volunteerism um for the landscape areas which is I believe has been stated that's a problem because not as many people are volunteering to do the work of all of that you know there was a time when uh I think we were mostly volunteer fire departments and now we're uh we've gone to staffed you know fire departments which obviously cost more money than volunteer but at some point I think as a town and a city county we have to make transitions from things that are volunteerism to things that are just flat out paid for you know and maybe we need to transition more away from only relying on volunteers to take care of landscape areas and rely on you know hiring WQ Jose I Benz you know various companies around here that are all landscapers you know and do it and do it well and so I think we need to consider the possibility that maybe it's time to start doing some transitioning when it comes to Landscaping in downtown and beautification and um and um so those are just some of the thoughts that I think we need to consider um yeah and I'm sorry I have a rookie question um what are you defining as downtown um the historic downtown I'm referring to is going to be mostly Main Street and Interlake you know U so would it be Interlake all the way to 27 and Main Street how far north and south uh yeah I mean Main Street right now would be to New Hope Fosters was right next to it to be up to there but eventually there'll be more construction happening down the street so once more construction happens where there's actually businesses there then they would be incorporated as well talking about going toward the school toward the monor school is that what you're talking about no no the other direction the other direction okay the other direction and then in the other direction it should go um past the journal Plaza eventually there's some property that'll get developed there so that would also be captured so I think you have your limits well I think you have to master plan the total limits of that historic district now and then as developers go to develop and there's right away next to their property and City parking ought to be on that right away you can ask the developer we would like to you to pay the cost of putting the parking on city property in front of your project right and is that historic district um is that delineated yet the historic district I thought we we're going to talk about I think our problem it's it we have a CR CRA District in hisor District is with fully within the the SI District what we don't have is a historic downtown code we have a code that works for 27 works for Wawa right and then in the historic downtown you either fit into it or you have to ask for for variances on everything we should have in my opinion we should have two different codes one for the strip on 27 one for the historic downtown they should have their own codes that are completely separate of each other and they make sense in those situations otherwise you start turning your Historic downtown into a strip like 27 and that's not what we want that's 711s in a historic downtown and that's the worst thing you could do right okay thank you yeah thank you Mr Leon okay any other comments hey everybody I'm Margaret deer um first of all a historic district is defined by the state of Florida and the boundaries are determined based on a historical survey of the buildings um and then you go from there but the state and the department of history and their archives very specific as to how you go about determining what a recognized and acknowledged historic district is and we've got discussion going on to try to get that established for the town of Lake plasted for future planning um and then I think that most of Ken blanc's comments about parking and things like that that there are differences in ordinances for historic district areas and regular commercial zoning but to get added to the wish list as we talked about in the um CRA Workshop I mentioned that there is no sidewalk access to the lake plet Historical Society Museum from Maine all the way down on either side the sidewalk stops at the alley by the Masonic Lodge then it's all comers you got to hit the pavement and walk down on either side and we were told previously that that is a ripe project for the CRA um on the one side um in the lake plid mural Society could speak better to that um the train mural is on padium Cabinetry is that the building is up there and that's private property and it's very Steep Hill um and I told yall that I get a coroner watching people crawl up that Steep Hill to get a picture and that's what everybody does but there isn't somebody's going to Tumble down right into the street so the other problem is that uh there's a fire hydrant on that corner as well which would have to come into consideration but then there's absolutely nothing on the other side so please if you could find it in your hearts and wisdom to take a look and consider what might be done before somebody gets hurt thank you okay we'll make sure that's added to the list thank you all right any other comments um I a few things that uh from uh input from elsewhere um the a dog park that and a dog park and then you know have shading and benches and and then I was thinking as long as you're having benches in the dog park maybe have them so you can play uh chess or Checkers or dominoes and whatever um I don't know would John's Park be a candidate for that or not but whatever to the put on the line item to do a dog park somewhere added to the list sure and then um the uh the na the the tram the uh squeeze that was at Lake Wales yes ma'am to maybe uh mirror steel whatever they did and think about put that on the list I believe their C did that so I think that'd be a great idea put the possibility of a tram yeah on the CRA list and and that would help if they had stations to get on and off to get people from the mu museum up to the downtown cuz that's little bit of a truck for older people and then I Envision that this tram could be um a mural not a mural tour but a on and off um mural circuit um let's see I think everything else that I had okay okay that was oh and then Al so was suggested in addition to the signage in the downtown area signage on Highway 27 and U okay that was those are my additions to the list okay I did check uh look closely at that Highway of the signage on Highway 27 this week because I mentioned I didn't think it ever said downtown it doesn't really say downtown I believe it says business district but what got my attention was there were so many signs there were like four or five in a row and I think maybe at some point we should re-evaluate the signage and possibly consolidate it into one sign that has arrows yeah and then I would Envision not your usual highway sign but something that is attractive and upscale yes to to separate it from the usual fdot sign yes and I don't know what would required from the state but that is a a state road so we'd probably have to we tried to do that one time and that's years ago but we were turned down by the state and that's that's the one problem and anything we do on 27 would have to get approval from uh uh do first okay that was a long time ago process it nothing you know nothing ventured nothing gained so if we if we don't come up with a plan and submit it we'll never know okay anything else I I would like to ask the staff you guys are out going around you probably see blight different things that need to be repaired that maybe aren't and maybe the word isn't repaired but but could really in enance the town is there things that you would like to put on the list so this isn't just you're the public too and you're probably closer to a lot seeing a lot of the things that we could use some um priorities with some funds uh to make L plas it a lot more beautiful Alan kefir Public Works director uh one thing that comes up a lot is the lack of lighting I would say on Main Street in interner Lake during parades uh we were it would be good they had mentioned putting uh different banners or potentially flowers on the street lamps but those are not designed to hold anything they don't have flag pole holders at least not the ones on Main Street don't uh so a different style of decorative lighting something that reflects down to the road instead of just out in every direction uh would be something worth looking at uh possibly lighting through the trees uh maybe some kind of wire uh running down Main Street something a little more decorative could be done as well and the long term I wanted to potentially find a piece of property perhaps back here for a full-size playground structure and possibly a larger splash pad in that area something more akin to what had okobe has and then um again uh it just depends on what the land is going to be us used for but the uh the property there off of Hill Crest behind Bert Harris's office uh that's a long narrow strip that could be loaded with uh plant life foliage and you could make a walk path through there with exercise equipment along the way that could be a place for a dog park uh those are just some ideas that I have had but just haven't found funding for or uh brought up for land usage so okay that's all I have [Music] Mark Schneider chief of police one thing that I would look at is crosswalks on Main Street between Interlake and Dal Hall currently we have one marked crosswalk and that is actually at the intersection of Maine and in Lake I believe they're working on one at Dal Hall but you also have Park and obser or park and bellw in between there that's a lot of territory where where people have no Mark crosswalks no dedicated path across that road I I would look at that to follow up on those two comments I will say that when we really looked at the lighting um the lighting along Inter Lake andal Hall is too high it's actually for traffic it's not for pedestrian traffic so if you look if you go to Sebring and you look at around the circle those lights are lower so we have our lights up like street lights but for pedestrian traffic they should be halfway down really I mean it's about that and I had thought about maybe cutting them off and lowering them I don't know I don't know what the answer to that one is um but the other thing is is that um I have a marked Crossing in front of my place and I'm telling tell you I think that me and my little dog I think one time I pick her up because I had somebody that actually speeded up like they were going to hit us like they don't slow down and I had asked for years to put one of those signs up you know it's against the law the pedestrians have the RightWay and if you just did it at my intersection where you're coming into town and say just like they do on the coast it's a fine if you don't respect people crossing the road we invite people for the murals but then we run them over because we won't even let them across the street and it's a it's the law that says you have to respect pedestrians you have to let them across the street so I mean if we just had one sign like where my place is I'm not just saying my place but I'm just saying coming into town that says it's a fine if you don't stop for pedestrians it's a fine that sets the tone for the downtown area that you do have to respect that we have a vibrant downtown we have mural people we have people walking around and it's against the law not to give yield to them I think that's very important but the whole lighting thing is that the lights are just too high they're not for pedestrians and if you look go to Sebring you look at the height of their lights you will see the difference I don't know how to correct it there I did a lighting survey U while you were on Hiatus from the board and um I it was was cleaning my papers up the other day and I actually did find the readings and while they were consistent across the board uh I felt like they were too low the light readings were too low but um it's possible that we might be able to change the fixture and not have to lower the light we might just be able to change the fixture and redirect the lighting that's there and get more of it to go to the ground rather than losing it up in the trees and the the trees on Interlake by the school there um and and by your your house and east of your house those trees have not been trimmed yet so we're losing some of the light into those trees but well they've been trimmed now Harry S it on he was really working hard off there I know I know they're they're doing a great job but I think um it's possibly we can just look at a different fixture that would redirect the light without having to go into something crazy could I follow up on some of that sure Ken's amazement I'll probably agree with Ken on several things um first of all our fixtures could be changed out to shine light down many of them already have holders for Flags along U Interlake we the chamers done that uh for years in the past mainly American flags Fourth of July but the olders are there all we need to do is buy more Flags to go on them um interesting to hear discussion if we need more light the discussion when we put those um light poles up decades ago was they're too bright I can't see when I'm driving down the road so it it's interesting to see the discussion full circle um flowers the chamber's done flowers in the triangles and at the intersections in the Planters in the past and Ken is right again the issue is maintenance and as Pam fous here I thought I saw her coming her mother I've seen Pam and her mother butt up face down pulling weeds so much many times in those um but but Ken's right you better budget for maintenance whether they're in flower pots or planted in the ground and and that was the prohibiting you know years ago this community just didn't have the funds for that and we were kind of doing the best we could and I'm glad to see discussions of transitioning to maintenance because that was always the Achilles heel okay any other comments since there was discussion about the lights which I agree the lights are too high but I wonder if there's a a cap you can order for those lights that is reflective and shines down um you know I've seen lights before just like those that have a top to them so maybe the cheap solution is if it does exist and it may not but if it exists maybe we just buy reflective caps and they get stuck on the top of those lights or glued or something I don't know how they would do it if it exists might be the easy way to deal with the lighting situation because I real you know we got to step into things we can't afford to replace all the light poles and fixtures but you know maybe there's caps if there's not caps maybe there's different light fixtures on those poles and uh and so on so there're actually globes that focus it toward the street or away from the street and then there's Globes if it goes straight down that would be a big help and and the comment about um maybe the strip behind Bert Harris's office Bert don't kill me you might not like this idea but about maybe a good place for dog park you know it might actually be a great place for dog park and I think you had commented on like a trail around that dog park where you have all that exercise equipment because I've heard that from several people and um and a dog park is really a good placeholder also you could cheaply put a dog park in a day and then 10 years from now you could rip it out and put a fire station if you wanted to and you didn't lose a lot of money you know so um but we've already gone down that path you know and police station it's not going to go there so um but I also think as we talk about this property here and what we could do in this property I think this property is limited so you really need to think about master planning this property out what are all the things you you have in here now but you talking about putting in and you may need in the future because you know the town is growing and as it grows you might need a new utility department or this or that so I think we need to master plan as we think about what goes on this property to make sure we don't you know put things on this property that then we don't have the room to do something else that we have to do in the future because it is a limited property but it is a great property you know and you got parking here and everything that maybe you don't have to repeat for some of the other things you want to put here and some other things could be placeholders too you know um so uh anyways thought one night I'll agree with Ken the dog park behind my office would be great so long as you put more Landscaping in it yeah and quite frankly I do appreciate the concept of the dog park at John's Park but the smoke family gave that to the town and it's uh restricted pretty much to say leave it like it is there's a long story I'm not bore the public with it right now but did not realize I thought it was Tom property understand and too small for a dog park but yeah yeah okay all right any other comments come before the CRA seeing none I'll now adjourn the CRA meeting all being 6:31 I'll Now call to order of the regular meeting of the leak plid Town Council this 10th day of June 2024 and the government center of the town of Lake plid we've already had the invocation but we'll have a roll call please mayor Holbrook here council member Hayes here council member Worley here council member Charles here council member eart here all right we'll go into consent agenda 1 a through F I'll make a motion we approve consent agenda one I'll second right we've got a motion in a second is there any comments from the podium saying none we'll take it to the audience okay saying none go ahead pull the council please council member Worley yes council member Charles yes council member Hayes yes council member abart yes okay number two under presentations we have uh representative here from the chamber if she would like to come forward pretty please she's got a request for fee waivers and road closure um for the cadium festival coming up at the end of July the 26th through the 28th Jennifer Bush by the way chamber director so we are just this is our 33rd annual Festival we look forward to seeing everybody who's here there we see about 25,000 people every year and so we are just asking and Contin the continued cooperation from the town we appreciate all of you and the the service that we get from the town and the town employees the sheriffs and the the lake pla Police Department we appreciate all of that yeah okay I'll bring it back to council need a motion in a second on the fee W fee w h fee waivers and road closure for the cadium festival make a motion to uh approve the fee waivers and road closure second okay we got a motion in a second and comments from the podium hearing none we'll take it the audience all right bring it back to the clerk go ahead and pull the council please council member art yes council member warley yes council member Hayes yes council member Charles yes thank you for all your hard work thank you very much we appreciate it yeah this is always a great event and uh uh we sure look forward to seeing everybody coming to town for it all right second is ladies with purpose they have a request on fee waiver and road closure I believe it's the at the same time uh I don't know if there's anybody here or not for them that would like to speak and please state your name for the record Tia Hobs say it so she can hear it please Tia Hobs okay thank you so the purpose of it um and it is during the same time as the cadium festival um down by the Journal um it's just because it is something new that is presented to late plet um we're just trying to get the foot traffic um until we get up and running and established um so we have asked that it be uh during the same time it's about 4our event um on that Saturday so it's not the entire weekend okay and where are you talking about it's in the area of the journal oh the area of the journal okay and when you're you're talking road closure what are we looking at so we're looking at the southbound area um I'm not sure where the I don't have the paperwork but um it would be the South area of Main Street up until the road that is a little bit down from uhon so it's a small area the actual road closure would be Main Street southbound from Dow Hall to Belleview it would be one block only southbound okay I see the map now okay and what day would that be or multiple days just the 27th it's the Saturday of the cladium festival and what is your organization so we're just a group of ladies we call ourselves ladies with purpose so it's five of us six are you are you a nonprofit group no we're not so you're like a a social group correct okay and so it's closing Main Street just so I can understand here because I so it's closing Main Street and you would reroute the traffic over what down maybe I can look at this a different way from Dow hallard come down Pine to uh to East bellw and then West to Main Street and then South and then the closure for the cadium festival is a block over right no it's blocks down from the traffic light traffic light East I three blocks four blocks something like that for the cadium festival the road closure would be from Interlake it would include Park and Belleview would be the um alternate for that as well okay right so traffic would come down Oak to Belleview and then down Belleview to Maine so it would would fall in line with what is actually the road closure for the cadium festival I'm trying to Envision what what's going to be on the street there is this going to be vendors is it going to be food trucks or what what's going to be on that street correct it will be uh the traffic um vendors and food trucks yes vendors and food trucks you that might so the the Street itself will probably hold the food trucks um but the vendors would be on the property of the journal the smaller vendors would be on the property of the journal so for example we would have a prayer booth that would be actually set up on the property of the journal but we would have a food truck that would be set up on the road okay and Ken I assume you are on board with this okay so I would question to Jennifer Bush what's the the food trucks that would be there versus the food trucks that are with the cadium festival versus um nonprofit food vendors in the cladium festival like the Rotary Club but they're not nonprofit they're not a group they would have to I don't know who would sign for for the liability issues with the town contract I don't know how that would all work I guess that would be up to a town attorney you're talking about the food truck question for you the the food truck never that's what you're talking about I'm just saying about this group's not a group as far as a nonprofit they're not organized somebody has to sign a liability I think I mean it would be up to I mean our town attorney needs to weigh on this at the end of the day like a loose group comes in and they have to be responsible for certain things so I I we I I mean all the years I've been I've never had a like no non organization come in and Clos roads in that usually it's a a group like it's organized and there's a somebody be responsible as far as the insurance and that I I don't know I don't so if we needed to provide a actual business no I I don't know I don't know no it's up to our town we just never I don't I've never had this happen before where a group of people come in they want giv you an alternative so if we had to provide a business to sign for us that had liability insurance I could do that because my husband does own a business here in late Plaza well I'm just asking for guidance yeah I'd say let's pull the file because we had this discussion come up on uh closing the road for the farmers market I believe wasn't it Ken yes and we had Insurance there was quite a discussion and list of if we're going to close the road here's what we'll need to do um I would assume well Council can certainly change their minds but the starting point would be to look at the list we developed last time I would rather not try to craft that decision sitting here today I would suggest you refer it back to staff um and have your police police chief involved with the discussion um just to bring up one issue that has been brought up to me already by My Command Staff U when when I initially looked at this I wasn't thinking about the parking issue for the cadium Fest and trying to get the vehicles out for the road closure I believe that's going to probably wind up being a logistical nightmare to get the people actually out for the road closure they're going to be parked there for the festival I can't see us actually shutting down an entire block of parking from the cladium festival and it may cause issue trying to get the people that are actually parked there out to shut the road so it it's going to become a problem I'm not even sure if I'll have the bandow to be able to accomplish that I mean I know that already because you know I live and work where I am and typically with the cladium festival it goes the parking goes all the way out to 27 yes I mean on both sides of the road and shutting down another road during that time I think would create chaos as far as I'm concerned it's not that you're you're not you're having a wonderful event but there's a huge event going on that's already taxing the roads as far as I can see I mean I'm I call it in like okay they're already up to my place now they're already down to 27 you know I mean that's how it's already jammed up right now for the PL in fexel and literally thank God that was such a wonderful event for our town but I just don't maybe you could do another event another time you know but I'm I'm not saying that we shouldn't do it I'm just saying that I just don't see how it's going to fit into what we already have going on I just don't see how it can fit with the traffic I mean I live down there so I see what goes on the other question got what about the other businesses south of UK the restaurant and those along there that this is going to impact them greatly have they giving you any comments on okay I think that those are other things we have to take into consideration could could your event be done at the plaza without shutting down the road I think the timing of the cadium festival with all of the activity is the concern of shutting down another road for a number of reasons and I know we want to hear from Jennifer about food trucks because I I you know you don't want competing things going on with the cadium festival but you want to take advantage of the crowd coming in you know for your group so I think the the biggest heartburn you're going to see is closing a road down and then I want to hear from the cadium festival is there any concerns that they may have with um other groups starting to do some things probably not but unless it's food trucks are coming in over there which is going to take from different areas yeah so I can let her speak to that but I did because and it's not clear to me so the road so if the it's the whole Logistics if the road closes down what are you doing in the road is it people in the road or is it was the food trucks in the road is it tent tents were going to be set up in the road so what was the plan of utilizing the road for the need to shut it down so in my first answer to your first question was I did speak to to the director herself to make sure that she didn't feel like there was any competition between um but she can also answer that question as well um but it would we did try to cover all bases yes the food trucks would be in the road so people would be able to utilize them so they would be um back and forth between uh the plaza and the food trucks so uh far as the businesses are concerned those people still are would be able to utilize the business that are there and we're able to bring in because even though we have offered to have this in Lake pla we're trying to make this a countywide um Christian block party so we are trying to evolve other churches between Avon Park steing and Lake plet to invite their um what do you call um congregation their congregation to the event as well so that means more people would be available not only for our event those businesses but also the country fair if they want a a cadium festival they wanted to uh participate so do you think the draw to your group is because of the food trucks so I'm again I'm I'm show still trying to work through is have your event at the journal Plaza not close down the road take advantage of the um the draw wouldn't be the food trucks themselves no um but it was it is a way for us to bring money into having that event and so besides just um you know the road closure itself you know we have to be able to put up whatever we're trying to um do for entertainment so that was just a part of to help mitigate some of the fees just um as and aside I recall that um a rotary club that I'm that I'm with Lake pled morning rotary um paired up with wet dogs last year and an after the festival party at at the area that that you're talking about in the middle of the journal Plaza and it was quite successful for both us and and wet dogs and I believe that Michael Noel is planning on having a band that night and I also heard that Morty and edes was having um it was their anniversary and they too were having a DJ or a band or some sort of a function so uh that wouldn't affect in the beginning at the like that we're supposed to go start at 2 o'clock I believe but as the night wore on by the time we get to six I think there's going to be a little Crossover with some of those functions and I would still like to hear from Jennifer about the food trucks because that's always been an issue from rotary too the food tracks so we have um all the nonprofits that will be in Stewart Park as they always have been and thankfully this year um our chief decided to close off an extended portion of Park Avenue bringing it closer to the chamber office we have four food trucks that will utilize that area that is all that I have is four food trucks in that area and that's on park next to the chamber office so that will keep them away from Stewart Park and we vet them all to make sure that they're not competing in food with what we already have so that we give a good variety and we also make sure our nonprofits are doing well in Stewart Park um yes when we spoke originally and she called me I she actually talked about joining the cadium festival um and bringing her event in with ours right now we're tapped out at 160 vendors and I think we're taking up all of the real estate for the area that we have closed Stuart Park and inner Lake Boulevard so I wouldn't have any ability to add her event to my event which then she said she could go to journal Plaza and do it at Journal Plaza my concern is the road closure is from 1: to 7: on Saturday we will have two buses that pull out of the Women's Club on Main Avenue and they'll go up to Dow Hall Boulevard turn East on Del Hall and head back out on 27 I just need to make sure that we're not going to have we have two buses one at 1 o'clock and one at 2:00 and as long as we don't have any issues with those buses taking off out of the the Women's Club we don't have a problem with it okay I I'm I'm confused you said the road closure was from 1 to 7 that's the time frame so I thought you said four hours the event is four hours but they request for the road closure to be an hour before and an hour after okay yeah I was going to ask that question so uh uh and have you talked to the police chief about uh Chief uh do we have we've discussed it a a couple different times at the time when they initially put in the event closure we had less officers requested for the cadium festival um since then there's been a request for traffic control for pedestrian traffic between the mural society and their tour bus as well as pedestrian traffic at Interlake in Maine they would like to have an officer there so I've had to commit two more officers to the cadium festival that I did not have committed initially with the additional Manpower at the cadium festival I do not know if I will have enough to facilitate a road closure on Maine for this event as well yeah that's that was going to be one of one of my major concerns how if you were going to be tapped out or not so it we weren't at the onset but like I said the chamber has asked for additional Personnel for that so my question will be at what point could he find that out because he's not saying he doesn't he just doesn't know at this point well that's yeah here if I may I don't know um to two statements or comments um we would need insurance we're currently back and forth in the middle of a lawsuit from somebody that fell during the cadium festival last year and so it's back and forth between the chambers of insurance and the city's insurance so it would be a town of Lake plas additionally insured insurance policy for the road closure um possibly an option is because I believe at the uh Christmas Market the food trucks were all sets set up in the parking spaces so they're you served off of the sidewalk area and then you're not having to close the road because they're not doing anything thing on the road side just as an option possibly that you could still block that off and not be not close the road and still have your food trucks I don't know if that's an option if anybody has any comments I just that's top of my head to facilitate that we would have to actually shut those parking spaces down and mark them off the morning of and try to prevent people from parking all day in those spaces if you allow parking there I cannot guarantee that we can get those cars out I see it like this and I've lived different places gas Barilla um guava over in Tampa um there's an agreement with the people that put on those um events they've done it for a bazillion years and they are allowed the latitude to decide the vendors they have the road closures for that day um on both of those events in respect to them because I have done it I'm how many years now Jennifer okay so it's easy if you create this wonderful event and then everybody wants to come along and kind of not saying this you're doing but tag on to it so there's protection for the people that have done this for a bazillion years and what I don't understand is why don't you just choose a different day when there's not going to be traffic problems and all that we need more events downtown that's what we're trying to achieve here we want more events downtown just do it a different day when it's not going to cause traffic problems it's not going to cause issues with the the way it's been set up for over 30 years and then that makes us get more people downtown and another event I think that's fabulous but not to do it the day that this other event has done it for years and years and this has been kind of way it's always been and it's the way in big cities like gas Brill in that there's some protection for the vent holders so they have some kind of control over the area that they have control over because they're responsible for it and they have to make do with it and they have to do the traffic and they have to do that but I think it's a great idea just do it a different day so what you are presenting is the option and it's not an option that has not been thought of if well I don't know because I still say that you know we've never had anybody come up here with no so if let organiz answer it is an option um we have again talked to the director who says at least when she talked to me it did not feel like or was presented as a competition and just as the cadium festival or the um Country Fair it started from day one and that's all we're doing is presenting a new Option starting from day one that could be a 33e event held in Lake plet but with the foot traffic until we are known and established that's what we were doing not necessarily pigging backing off anyone but it does allow the foot traffic to come back and forth between the events and just as she stated or I'm sorry just as the sheriff stated uh Captain uh Chief sorry I'm G get it right the chief stated it is the same route um we're only closing off a portion that block on the southbound she still has the same route for her bus um travel bus to be able to get to where they need to so again there's no hindrance um but you're trying to do it at the same day we already have an event that is correct and we I'm saying do it a different day ahead of time do it a different day create us a new event that would be fabulous I'm so excited about that that's what we're trying to get but don't do it the day that we already have an event we already have a good event do it another day show yourselves out do a big event on another day that's fabulous I understand what you're saying Miss Worley I'm not sure if you're saying we as the board I'm just understanding that you have presented the option for us to do it a different day we are here to try to do it on this particular day um I'm not trying to argue with any of the the board members um we have presented you know the expected expected route um he has not stated that he does not have the police um profile or members to be able to do it at this time it's just a possibility possibility does not say yes or no and I'm not talking for I'm not talking for the other council members they all have their very strong opinions I can guarantee you that um so I'm talking about I think we the people the people that I talk to the people that I represent want more events downtown they want more things to do these are the people that live in like classd that they love it they want more things to do so that's who I say we me the people not these good people up here that have very strong opinions of their own and I definitely agree because I am a citizen of Lake PL I've been here for over 20 years and so have the the girls that are with me they've been they are born and raised here and so we are very very well well that we want more events to happen but it's just a way to get established we can all always this is not a permanent day set and S to happen every year again we're just trying to get the foot traffic so we are known we we can uh present it to the people we can have people out there in order to know what it's about see the goodness in it and then be able to move around throughout Lake plet um because then we're you know we're established again they'll know what it's about they'll know what they're coming to and this can be moved to a different time frame but as of today we're trying to do it on the 7th of July may I inquire you tried to pass the ball to me a moment ago tell me again why you want to close the road so the road closer is mainly because of the uh food trucks that would be involved how many food trucks we don't have any established number at this time so if we find another place for food trucks we wouldn't need to close the road correct that is correct or if we're able to close off that uh parking area then no we wouldn't need to because I mean I hate to see us close a road in such an already congested time if we and I'm going to restate I'd come back and let staff work on finding a place with the chamber be at the county parking lot across from Kenny LeBlanc um to put a few food trucks uh cheap would that work again if we're if we're going to close it for that we would have to close it that morning once the cadium festival traffic starts parking actually getting them out and shutting it down is going to be very difficult oh I totally agree but I I it seems to me that it would be easier to either case you're going to it is definitely easier to close a parking lot lot off than it is to close the road in the middle of the day yes and a day or two in advance she should know how many food truck so how many spots you need to reserve you will you will lose that we will lose that many spots but we don't need to also lose a road was my point yes I I appreciate that's actually a great idea um depending on the number of food trucks it would be directly across the street uh my recommendation for that you would still need assistance with traffic control as that is a main artery through there and to have that much foot traffic crossing the street there may become an issue I know that in previous years recent previous years Jennifer can attest that um at least our some of our um nonprofits that have food vendors at for the for the Cadian Festival are upset with the food trucks because they take a lot of our business and we are there to raise money for uh that our particular prodct projects throughout the year and when the food trucks come like we serve our Lake plasted rotary serves hamburgers and when a food truck comes and serves hamburgers it is definitely a kick on our sales for that particular day so that's why we've been very careful and Tred to work with Jennifer and um trying to get the food trucks that come that don't serve exactly the same things that we're serving um with our for our nonprofits and there's what Jennifer four or five of us that serve food I know there's hot dogs and 's barbecue and there's fish and there's hamburgers um and these these are all food vendors that we do that we all volunteer uh and raise money for our project so that would um be an issue I think Chief if you could try to explain a little clearer uh why you can't exactly say whether you would have officers or not that you'll be using some reserves is that the case yes we would have to we would have to use Reserve right now all my full-time officers are committed so I would have to go to reserve a lot of them hold full-time jobs and cannot come in on those days um that's why we've relied so heavily on the fulltime for this cadium festival and again when the initial request came in I had the additional officers to be able to contribute but then additional requests from the cadium festival came in for officers for Traffic Control I had to reallocate what I would have been able to do this with to the traffic control since the cadium festival was took precedence it takes precedence on those days so I reallocated those officers to that I have put it out I have not heard back from any reserve officers who would be willing to work it at this time again that would be something I would have to wait to see if they could I cannot order them to quit their full-time jobs to come here and do this thank you for that clarification just to clar CL ify we why we have asked for additional traffic control this will be the first year that we actually have trains running and buses last year we just had a two-day festival and we had the trains and that caused a lot of traffic coming across from the Women's Club area Stuart Park area going to the trains this year we will have buses going out to the field and the trains running on Friday Friday and Saturday as well so after our committee meeting we felt like there we needed more presence to get people safely across the street to the trains and vice versa the trains come in we they bring their own following there's a following of train people they will come strictly for the train and then when they get off the train they're like oh there's a festival and then they come to the festival or vice versa the people who have bought tickets um to get on the trains that are now part of the festival as well so this is the reason we did that is because we'll actually have both things happening at the same time and just to point out for Traffic Control there since it is divided you will need one for the Northbound one for the southbound for the traffic control there um you can also not leave a person for eight hours directing traffic in the heat at that time of year so I have to have alternates to fill in for them as well to give them breaks so they can get water and get out of the Sun so it's going to take four officers to do that area I don't think that there's a quite understanding I'm I'm sure do you live in the Town Lake plid yes I do you do okay so you know that we're only 2400 people we're tiny and we have a tiny Police Department I don't know the sheriff's office has 100,000 people and they have a really big Sheriff's Office that's why the difference and why we don't have officers we're only 2400 people we don't have a big staff like the sheriff's office is for the county which is 100,000 people that's the difference okay well my thoughts are we have the the problem with the police Staffing there's the traffic congestion and you don't know how many or food trucks you have which tells me you don't know what the food trucks are going to be and whether or not they're going to be competing with the nonprofits so I would am not in favor of it on this day well we definitely haven't put anything in stone so we wouldn't commit to something if we don't know whether the road will be closed or not if it was a issue with what they were serving then definitely uh the director could have gotten with me or I could get with her far as what would be served but I'm not going to put something in stone for someone until I know what is happening here today so I can't present to you anything when it comes to what food trucks and how many of course uh for that area we couldn't fix six to eight food trucks I mean the trucks the trailers are large so we're looking at three to four at Max and that's to allow you it's going to be like a fundraiser then right so you'll make the profit off the food trucks so it will be so if there was profit yes um it's mainly to pay for any setup tables tents um that we would need for the event yes that will all be over at the journal Plaza that will be yes any other questions or concerns what about setting up the Scout house yeah I mean my my thought is similar to the others is I think another day would be the best or I'm not supportive of closing a street so either another day which could allow more activity for the town or to try to put it all at the journal Plaza to accommodate you know you know what your goals are and not close down a street maybe if it were another day you could utilize Stuart Park and utilize the whole park I don't know maybe it's a you know I don't I don't know what the schedule is for that or how you do that but it might be a thought well I think we need a motion in a second with reference to the road closure is that the is that the it yeah to okay to allow them to hold the event and road closure all right that's two things whether going oops I'm sure I've gone too far here so it appears that the agenda item say says first annual Christian block party road closure request for fee waiver so I guess the motion would be to to deny the road closure request for fee waiver due to the conflict with the other events going on in town that day and possible lack of uh law enforcement coverage to handle the event is that kind of what you're looking for crickets hello help here you making the motion or yeah she I'm looking for the wording of the motion um is to to make it the intent of the council is to uh um to deny the road closure request and fee waiver for for the first annual Christian block party I'll second okay all right we have a motion in a second any further discussion from the podium okay we'll take it to the audience yeah this is the time um with her so if we change the date do we still have to come present it to the councel yes yes ma'am okay so it's not a problem that we have the event you just want it on a different day right okay so and the paperwork has to be redone if we change the date okay okay all right we got a motion a second I'll ask the clerk to POA Council council member Hayes yes council member eart yes council member Worley yes council member Charles yes all right uh good evening guys thank you so much for um giving me the opportunity to speak I want to oh go sorry go ahead right here oh there it is all right next is uh 2C Lake June ponon rental fuel tank you hi good evening uh ladies and gentlemen esteemed Town officials thank you guys so much for the opportunity to speak speak with you I do want to apologize for my cap wearing indoors especially at a government center um I just had some recent skin cancer removed on my head and it's a little embarrassing so I got a combover going on so um but thank you very much for having me and giving me the opportunity to speak with you I'm here to discuss an important proposal that impacts not only beautiful Lake June but also the well-being of our entire Community Lake June is a cherish resource for locals part-time residents and tourists alike it's home to approximately 538 vessels stored in boat houses by private residents without accessible trailers on site currently many of these Boat Owners fuel their vessels directly in the water often using unregulated gas storage and improper gas cans this practice poses significant environmental risks as it fre frequently results in spillage and contamination of our precious Lake without accessibility comes negligence and this negligence threatens the health of our Lake and its ecosystem to address these concerns I propos proposed installation of external double walled above ground gas tanks at Lake June this facility would provide a regulated and monitored fueling option dramatically reducing the likelihood of fuel spills and protecting the health of our Lake by offering a safer and more convenient alternative we can mitigate the risk associated with unregulated fueling practices our commitment to this initiative extends Beyond simply installing the tank we will secure all necessary licenses and permits develop a comprehensive spill plan and regulated storage and comply with all state and federal laws our goal is to promote the overwhelm Wellness of Lake June through environmentally conscious practices moreover this proposal offers significant benefits to our community for the elderly who struggle with carrying fuel for tourists looking to enjoy our lake with their personal vessels the ability of regulated fuel access adds an attractive amenity it enhances convenience and supports local tourism contributing positively to our economy late June is not only a cherish resource but also a focal point of our community's development a recent tourism and development presentation at the county highlighted the need for more Lake accessibility including the availability of fuel this underscores the broader community and economic benefits that our proposal can bring I am pleased to report that our proposal has garnered support from various stakeholders several residents and environmental activists their backing underscores the community's recognition of the importance of this initiative to today I seek your guidance on the next steps to engage with County officials and formally present our proposal we are Eagle to eager to collaborate and work towards implementing this Improvement that will benefit our park and ensure the continued well-being of Lake June's natural surroundings thank you for your attention and consideration together we can make a significant impact on our community and most importantly to me preserve the natural beauty of late June for generations to come yeah just my a couple comments since I actually asked uh Kristen to come make this presentation to us it's going to come to the county they have to advertise we we own the park we lease the park for those that you haven't been around coming to Lake June as long as I have there used to be fuel at the park underground tanks years ago we used to fill our boats there pull over fill we didn't have to fill with five gallon gas cans which I do now and uh I'm one of those people that invariably seem to spill some of it into the lake and so I think it would be a great project personally and so I asked to ask the council for support since we own the park we lease it to the county but I thought it might help for her um project of trying to get gas into the park so yeah I don't know when it was but I don't know how many of you remember but there used to be a bait station and gas tanks there I can't even tell you when it closed but it was there and it was uh uh it was a valuable asset at that time so just want everybody to know that yeah this issue came up years ago and for whatever reason um I think that they wanted to use the little house there to sell sandwiches or something somehow the wheels fell off but you would be shocked at how many people came out in favor of this we have a lot of elderly they have a lot of pontoon boats they cannot get fuel into their pontoon boats to enjoy the lake so what does happen is a disaster people walking out there trying to put um gas in their seos or whatever wave runners or whatever I am totally in favor of this I think done properly and obviously the um State's going to make it be done properly that we should be in full support of this just for the for the preservation of the lake and also for the well-being of our elderly and just in general it's just a good idea I mean I can't think of a better idea for our Lake we all I just want to make a real quick comment to um this is really important me I I am an environmental access or sorry I can't even talk today advocate for the environment and uh do the lake plastic cleanup so this is really important for me environmentally that that's really why I've decided to proposal to propose it um we also would Implement a line of sight fueling plan which essentially means means we fuel that boat or we're directly in the line of sight for that person so it would not be a they come up swipe their car fuel their own boat it would have to be within line of sight okay and I'm I'm sure I missed it I'm sure you said it but what what is the size of the tank you're proposing and was is there containment so what we're proposing is um we looked at some of the the issues in the previous with the previous G it was underground we don't want to have an underground take so we're proposing to have two double wall 500 gallon tanks in containment and it would have a containment center yes correct so it has to have a spillage containment I don't know the exact measurments of it but it's regulated uh for your tank size oh yeah very regulated yes thank you so I agree I think this is something that's been missing for years is being able to fuel um on the lake so I totally support it uh where do you propose putting it over at Bishop Park so I actually propos proposing to have it by our small building um there's an area that is not accessed as much um with the public which if you're looking at the small building that we're in it's right to the left of it um so and there's also a walkway that's far enough away from that to sort of mitigate and also we would run the hose underneath the dock but above the water so it wouldn't be like a tripping Hazard or in the way because we do not want we want to make the park you know as accessible as enjoyable as possible um so it's really to add to that value and not to take away from anything so I understand right now you're just looking for a letter of support for the county uh yes sir so I've made a a a informal proposal per se um in a form of an email I know that it's going to come up in the future uh but I would like the support of the town since the park is in the town and I love the town and and at that point we could probably ask for a site plan just just to see what your plans are where it's going to go and how things are going to be done but I think this is a wonderful idea that probably should have happened many years ago and I applaud you for what you've done so far and uh what you're continuing to do so uh I don't know if need any more or not I ask the council for I'm going to go ahead and make a motion that we ask um um the mayor and um the town attorney to draft a letter on behalf of the Town Lake plid to give to the in support of this project to the county um I'm sure that you all can find the words appropriate words that also with our standing as the actual underlying owner of the park um that we go ahead and support this project that's my motion second okay we got a motion a second any further discussion from the podium all right hearing none we'll take it the audience okay yes hey I'm Margaret deer it's sounds super fantastic but given that we own the property are there any built-in guarantees that will keep the county from putting that out for contract so that we make sure that our own Lake plaz resident and ke gets a contract I mean that I see you shaking your head I don't like that answer I mean it just seems unfair I I mean we own it and yes we lease it to them but I don't know I'm I'm I'm going pray that everybody sees the right thing but I mean these guys deserve it and that I mean there should be some sort of guarantee it's just my two cents I don't know if that would ever happen I don't know what your I'm sorry I was stealing her notes so I could help use those in writing the letter what was the question about no we've Le we've leased it to the county it's their decision period full stop yeah I I know I know 60 years at least so you could write a letter of support if you want absolutely there you go it worked last time so you can get a lot more signatures on that letter words matter yeah okay bring it back pull the council council member Worley yes council member Charles yes council member Hayes yes council member everheart yes thank you for your time okay where we at here we go 4 a oh wait a minute we've got other people do you want yeah we'll bring these up first um I have a couple people that like to talk Marlin Berger you what oh okay it's part oh oh there's nothing on here that's okay all right so we'll wait all right then we'll go to uh 4A resolution 2024 -14 Harland National Bank I think this is just ver Beach to clear up our agreement with the bank on how we're doing Banking and so on I make a motion that we approve resolution 202 24-14 Harland national banking as stated in the agenda yeah let me read it for the record a resolution of the Town Council regarding Town official banking with Hartland National Bank there okay all right we have a motion second with the correction of the scribers error in the title I have to do you me your first I have to I I'm sorry I can't make that motion I'm sorry because I'm a stockholder in Heartland National Bank so I have to recuse myself from this whole item so I have to withdraw that motion okay uh we'll reiterate the motion by NE Hayes council person Nel Hayes and with the addition of the correcting the Grier's error second okay all right we have a motion and a second with the correction are there any other comments from the podium I just have some questions on just the process is um I understand that this is replacing Ray Royce to be a signature and uh with Deborah warley but um do we require two signatures on checks or just one two signatures so two of the three would sign or there additional staff people that are authorized to sign so just okay that's all it was just a process question okay all right any other comments take it to the audience bring it back pull the council council member eart yes council member Worley yes council member Hayes I have to uh not vote and I will file the paperwork and council member Charles yes okay go to 5A Number One dragboat racing information um I I guess Kevin put it on with my name is after the last meeting um I happen to see on the drag boats website like plus that is scheduled for the weekend after um Labor Day and I personally don't have issues with that what I wanted to make sure is you know the communication that needs to be done with who kind of the marketing that's a good thing for the town to bring in people you know for drag B races but then it's going to be who's going to coordinate because you've got I know Kevin came to our homeowners meeting in February and and kind of um describe what was going to take place and it could be up to 50 boats coming in and they'll be displayed so people can come look at them that means boats and trailers coming in and then um sometimes they set up bleachers right for uh people to viewing so it's the um who's coordinating with the organization or the TDC to make sure that every you know we've got the proper police you know protection and uh it's it's going to be pretty congested down there if it's going to bring in a thousand people with food trucks 50 trucks um with boats on them so that was why I thought we should put that up there so that we can one make the town and the council aware that this is happening you know it however it slipped through without us knowing it was going to happen that's not my issue it's it's happening it's being advertised on their website and elsewhere then we need to plan for it yes and uh so to back up as far as the council goes it was brought to the council all the park reservations are currently entirely in the uh purview of the Town Administrator I did bring it to the council prior to this is about going back to February I believe um to find out if anybody had any issues the only issue raised was with councilman Hayes which I addressed with her um after that the uh drag booat racing group went to the TDC and approve and approach them with the project they have we're they're not asking of anything at this point from the town as far as fee waivers or any of that we haven't gotten to the details of the actual day of the event and planning with the with the group I've had two or three meetings with the group but we haven't gotten into the details of what they do because they'll be providing most of of they need an ambulance on site they need a rescue diver on site um some of those things how we handle parking we have had a brief discussion with their City staff about how they handle that for the Fourth of July when we Clos the ramps and and we have a lot of traffic that parks on the flat area which they'll still have that availability and uh and they are boats and trailers because they only put their boats in they put their boats in for the race and they hit the race it's a drag race it's a short ramp and it will be ending at the park so uh or close to the park out in the water it doesn't impact anybody from using their existing docks other boats they'll have an area booed out so that um people can watch from their boats which I anticipate a lot of Lake June residents will um and then they have observation from Lake June Park or Bishop Park wherever depending out what the draw is um TDC has approved a 19,000 approximately $19,000 Grant to cover some of their expenses and that's a that money is not given all Upfront for anybody that knows the TTC operations I just I went to the meeting when they were presenting it and uh so they have to approve their H hotel stays and based on that they get their their funding from the TDC so as we get a little closer into July and August we'll have a lot of the details fleshed out and work out parking and how many anticipation and where where the rest of it goes but we haven't got into it yet we've been concentrating mly on on cadium festival and getting the things cleaned up and trees and and things done we needed for the cladium festival but if anybody has that's it in a nutshell of the information I have to date okay there's no other questions and we can move on to the next item okay 582 the TDC proposed multisports complex this is just an update I guess Deborah um yeah so I was appointed um on last Tuesday U to the tourist Development Council I did have a prior meeting with them as a kind of um introduction meeting and the people that were doing this which are these people and we do have this book that um I can share okay but um really if you want to find out up to date now it's called Uh Synergy Sports is putting this on and they did a great presentation at the County Commission meeting which you can go and watch online you can skip through I would suggest you do that because I cannot begin to explain everything they went through um even at that meeting and what I went through with them but it is a uh New Concept um I I um I think that basically the people that do this uh synergy they're actuaries they go strictly on data they go strictly on numbers they are uh focused on um you know what will work as far as the numbers go and um it would be a joint partnership with um private financing it's an $80 million project but it does seem with their presentation that this would work because we are two hours from everywhere if you've ever tried to order anything online and they go like well I said no I'm two hours from everywhere and they go like well how far are you from Tampa two hours how far are you from Miami two hours I mean you have to go through the speech with them every time so we are two hours so we're centrally located um and also there's none of these uh Regional Sports so you know in the beginning I thought well we're putting in pickle ball courts so maybe we could with our new pickle ball courts and the other pickle ball courts we could maybe attract a tournament or something no they want them all in one place so the regional and the tournament people want everything in one place so this developer office 66 as land owner has a vision that they want to donate the land for this multi complex because they plan on building hotels and auxiliary um structures to to take care of the people that come here to our County but this is an effort to um bring a lot of people to our County to spend money and go home so that we don't have the responsibility of taking care of them the rest of the year their big motive is and when I first went on the last time I was on the TDC Jim Brantley was a great mentor and he taught me about children if you you can bring golfers most of them don't even bring their wives but I mean that's great and we have people come but when you bring children they bring their M their parents their stepparents grandparents you know their aunts and uncles their siblings I mean they bring this whole crowd with them one little person so the idea is to attract these uh tournaments to bring all of these people to Highlands County to spend their money and hopefully was talking to a business owner today hopefully through the summer where we all our businesses die and I don't know the far-reaching but it's just in the be in the in the informational stages so I just thought this was really important I'm going to be reporting back to you what the TDC is doing and um also about like with this the boat racing and there'll be a followup with that and what the results are I'll bring that back to you so I'm going to just I think this is an important project for our town to keep track of and if you wanted to watch that um the County Commission meeting they did do a good good presentation and why they think that this will work so anyway I just thought I'd share that with you all what do they say next steps is um the County Commission wasn't even allowed to kind of even there's some kind of um as far as Government goes another rule they couldn't really pass it to to for proposal they have to wait it's going to have to go through they they kind of gave they weren't allowed to say yes we approve this or we want you to go forward so they have to wait for another month or two to the first to July before they can even move forward to say yes we want you to do this proposal um so it's just in in the process stages and because of this new law um they're not allowed to even promote you know say we want to pursue this until July 1 but they obviously do want to see the out you know Pro progressively If U their new figures and that sort of thing so it is moving forward so I would see maybe um the end of July August that they're going to have more information um and maybe some actual proposals but they have the Synergy group does have other projects going around the United States there's uh and watching those as well in the next month or two seeing how those are going to be turning out but it's it's very interesting and it could make us the center basically we are the center of the state make us the center for regional Sports what I was surprised about and none of us down here heard which to your point um lacrosse has come to our County three times for um tournaments or whatever I guess it's the new football because of people not wanting their children to get head injuries so lacrosse is coming on strong um in the United States just like soccer did um so they already had these people come back and this is what they're saying they're tired of Orlando they're tired of the Cities they want they're just tired of the traffic they want to come where they can um you know it's healthy they want to come Place healthy you know that projects that and get away from the traffic and get away from the city so that's their whole point but I'm just saying we need to connect better so if we knew a lacrosse tournament's coming in Sebring we need to tell our Merchants we need to give heads up hey lacrosse people come on down here to Lake class so um I'm going to try to do that um but I was surprised I mean that was kind of shocking to me so anyway that's what I'm going to try to do and bring it back to you guys and maybe we can somehow interact with the TDC uh in a better way in a more effective way and get our businesses uh healthier excellent I'm just going to add a couple of quick comments to that um I didn't sit through the County Commission meeting on that but I did sit through the TDC presentation on that what they're proposing is to pull in the National tournaments and the large Regional tournaments the um this doesn't compete against if you have eight pickle ball courts you're going to have those are the local those are the local people having that tournament that's a that's a local tournament not a regional tournament if you've been to Wide World of Sports in some of their tournaments my kids played 3b3 soccer we went spent five years at Wild World Sports at Disney um there during those tournaments and there were baseball tournaments going on and there's basketball tournaments going on and there was indoor shooting one year going on um the competitions that they're talking about bringing these are on a national level and it's not really a competition now you may put a local Lake plasted team travel team or something into that tournament but it's not really competing with what we use as our local Dixie league tournament or little league tournament or soccer tournaments those are a local level those aren't hundreds of teams from all around the country and U or even all around Florida so just a quick note on that okay next is five and and I guess you'll bring back information as it's available oh yeah that's that was my intent and I just and I imagine at some point they're going to want to a letter of support from us or something but uh which we'll have a lot more information yeah and we'll have more information to be able to to give it at that time and even if you know it's going to be on a future agenda at the county let us know okay yeah more people up there to attend sure that'd be great that'd be great um I'll say my other comment till the end it was about the fire new fire station yeah going up there is an experience because we did come up on another issue so yes I definitely will tell you when things are coming up that will affect our area and our businesses okay next is 5 D1 special Town council meeting I guess you want to for the end of this month yeah do you want me to go over that so yeah so typically um Rachel they're all involved in their audit now the final audit will be uh documentation will be presented to you probably the last week in June will'll give you a date for a special meeting um it'll be advertised in the paper will be advertised on the website um and that and that meeting is usually the audits presented from the Auditors any other comment okay um then you move on down to we're going to get ready to uh advertise for our budget workshops I've given you some well actually I jumped ahead sorry so it's your regular Town council meeting in July you'll be presented with um the estimate to base your your proposed millage rate um that's a proposed from the council that we work the budget with your idea is you don't you can't um raise it after you vote on this but you can lower it come come final final so you can start somewhere and bring it down um after that we'll schedule the workshops I give you a couple options three options we're going to go ahead and advertise for three last year we only advertised for two budget workshops um with new Council we'll go ahead and do the three um choices between Wednesdays and Thursdays so you can see the dates if I can get a idea from everybody if they're available either on all the Wednesdays all the Thursdays you know just get an idea so we can advertise those I usually advertise like I don't know about the others but on Thursdays I usually have commitments already so if we could do it on Wednesdays it would would would fit me better I mean I could change my plans but but uh Wednesdays would be better for me on instead of Thursdays and I'm just the opposite I've got all Thursdays the the 15th is a little tricky but I can work around it but now I could do Wednesdays but I can't do 5:30 but I could do 6 or maybe even as late as 6:30 I just can't do 5:30 I can't can't make it here by 5:30 so my conflict isn't a Wednesday Thursday mine is that first week I'm on vacation that first week um the July 31st August um I don't know if that one could be pushed to the the Monday after whatever first second you know the fifth or something uh but that's my conflict with any of the date the other dates are all fine for me and I have trouble on Monday too Monday again I I was just saying into the next week I didn't know which day but the week the first week of that I'm off I'm out of the state okay well my life's real boring so I don't have any conflicts same here I'm good anytime get a life Deborah like I say I'm supposed to be gone August 15th but um if we if we needed to meet on that day I I could work around that so Rachel I came up with the DAT have to chime in um so we have one that's not available the first week right so the first Workshop council member Charles is not that last week of July I'm right can we move that one week earlier don't have time we're trying to coordinate because we got to give staff time to get numbers right you know in there so so and we could do a maybe Tuesday anybody have issues with Tuesdays Tuesdays would be fine Tuesday's good A Tuesday before that first week that's fine so that would be um I'm sorry I lost my place that'd be the third that'd be July 30th no that's the week I'm off I'm off the last two weeks of July oh you're last two weeks of July actually the whole month but I'm right after the town meeting I'm gone in July so it's like three weeks that's why I was well August 5th is going to be a LPA meeting we could do Tuesday the 6th we try to get it early on because we really do have to stay on that timeline for the first hearing and second adoption so right that's what I figured so would you go so we can move it to this if you went to Tuesday August the 6th then would you follow up with Wednesday or Thursday August 14th or 15th you would get us back on that schedule that you proposed is that correct yeah so you're saying um August 6 that's a Tuesday okay how about August 6th August 14th if it's six o'clock I can do August 14th I can't do it at 5:30 I don't think later it will hurt anything well so we'll do at 6 PM are we okay with 5:30 on the 6 yes ma'am okay it's a Tuesday yes what was it next one so in the 28th are we all good with the 28th if it's six yeah yes so let me just clarify August 6 5:30 August 14th 6: p.m August 28th 6 p.m. everybody good I'm good with all that okay and then then after that you have your first uh your final adoption dates which is your first hearing is on September 9th um that following Monday I have a two-day window to advertise and then we do the final adoption so there's also two advertisement that I do extra because I just like to get it out there for the budget so I do two weeks prior to that first hearing just in the newspaper and I'll I'll put it on the website too but I do a first you know so that was an additional one that the state doesn't really require but we do that and and just so you know we schedule three but depending on everybody and how it goes we may be able to do it in two uh you know we don't have to do it in three so just uh just try to keep that in mind also okay that's it all right next we go to 5 D2 Main Street lift station property acquisition oh be B going to do this okay this pertains to the extension of the Wastewater collection line to the camping Conference Center um that extension has been over time expanded and enlarged and this is the expansion of the line just before it comes into the plant before you on the screen is the tiny portion of land we need to acquire um that is just it's on North Main Avenue North of uh Kenny leblanc's area and that shows the very small area we've already got a lift station North of that that's the fuzzy thing you see that's not exactly doesn't look like it's in the Triangle but it is um um we've negotiated purchases from other land owners for Lift Station sites around the town one uh south of the high school on Green Dragon Drive most notably um when I approached this landowner um the Jensen uh they requested initially the same price as the other land owner and I did the math and it was probably 2500 bucks and said Kevin and I agreed would certainly recommend that to the town uh they came back and um Wanted more actually said they didn't care if they sell it or not and requested ultimately $25,000 I did the math and just under a million bucks an acre for undeveloped frankly unusable land in Lake Placid and admittedly that flew all over me a little bit um I'm used to folks contributing to our town and helping us grow and do but in it's their land it's not ours and I appreciate the town needs to buy it but at this point they have not been willing to move on that or commit further so you can write to check for if they'll still do 25,000 I don't know or we can come commence uh condemnation proceedings um I would refer it to a different Council I've not done condemnation work in my career um for the town just haven't needed to um so the proposed resolution I would need to make two changes um I used the word approximately a million dollars I'd like to change that with the exact calculation if you will approve subject to that modification I'll get with Kevin and we'll do the number based on 25,000 for his request um and I would change it from time to no that would be the only change so the only thing I would add to that is you see in the in the drawing so I included a the the full parcel which it goes all the way to the building but he does have parking on part of that and if we were forced to go into com condemnation or emminent domain then you might consider taking that whole piece of that triangle property which you could use for storm water um it's not big enough for much else I don't believe it's a buildable lot uh but that's still the only piece we need is adjacent to our existing lift station we're expanding that lift station as part of the overall larger project with the Wastewater Plant and uh so it doesn't work very well anywhere else um you could put it on the other side which you'd still negotiate with them a smaller piece but then you put part of that on County owned right away which you run into the issue if they want to expand the road and then you run into issues there so that's the only comment there and I just need direction from the Council on on what they want to do and how we proceed and uh just be aware that whatever you set it depending on how you set a price you going to kind of set a price for any future land purchases this is not the traditional um condemnation resolution where we address public purpose and determine the amount this is simply authorizing staff to go forward continue negotiations uh with high counsel if necessary um but begin the process shall we say including appraisals and I couldn't remember it's Daryl and Lynn Jensen so Kevin just the striped area is can you just just trying to clarify so over here to the right the striped area is the existing so just to the right the red if you look at the red hatch Square that's 50 by 5050 um the area to the right of that which is very fuzzy is on the uh is where the existing Town LT station is so the little blue last of the triangle there it is right in here if you see this this is our existing Main Street lift station and uh and that will be expanded so there'll be a two more tanks that go in adjacent to it a permanent generator which there's not one there now and this becomes basically an additional wet well additional storage we need we need additional storage for the capacity that's going to come running through that the station so what we're talking about is that hatched red hatched area they want 25,000 and that works out to be a million dollars an acre just under a million and the rest of the blue they still own it correct and Kevin's point is if we're going to the trouble of condemnation we need in that area um for future well no for for drainage I'm sorry for storm water management okay yeah we wouldn't be condemning Just for future you're not allowed to do that but you can condemn for a public purpose and a Town Administrator is saying we need storm water management there as well so if I'm reading it right you offered them [Music] 2300 2300 and they want 25,000 yes I well I didn't offer I was trying to find out because it's it's not my place to make an offer I was trying to find out what they would do they came in initially with 60,000 an acre which is what we've paid for other lift stations they are smaller they're unique I get it it's it's a higher than normal uh Grove acreage price for example uh but that didn't set and he wanted significantly more money almost times 10 okay so as as honorous or Aus as it is the $25,000 what would the town be spending on legal fees and so on and so forth if it went to condemnation I can't answer that question I'm I'm just trying to weigh you know it it hurts to pay that money but in the long run is it the more effective thing to do I would I would ask that you or excuse me I would recommend that you adopt the resolution this is not committing you to anything other than continued negotiation tells everybody we're serious we're going forward and next month I'll bring back with uh bring back um a proposed uh agreement with Council and price so you'll see the exact numbers as well as the cost of the appraisal because the flip side of that is then word gets around now we're paying a million dollars an acre I know I know that's not a good good yeah and then there's okay for the time frame of it as well though so how quick to I mean are we being held to the gun and do they take that under consideration and condemnation that it's an urgent ma matter or how does that work so we still have time um on bidding the L station so we're not out of time year yet we are cranking through our time we we are on the same deadline of that 2026 but we needed about a year before that so we have time as far as the lift station that goes on acquiring the property that's not that's not the issue um as far as our time goes so we still we still have time to negotiate eminent domain in the takings and the procedures of when you take imminent domain I have been involved in an imminent domain case in Henry County so if you are if you got to that point you authorize that we would take the property the negotiations the court case whatever follows after that the litigation then goes may go all the way to a jury trial you get an appraisal they get an appraisal and you present what is fair and reasonable appraisals they but we actually take the property immediately we have access and use to it and then it runs runs through the process through the litigation process but then and they all but they also have to weigh in their mind what is it going to cost them I mean take the take what we offer them now which I think 60,000 is a is high price and do they take that offer or do they have Agony for the condemnation process so I think I don't know if it was me I would take the town's offer but that's the negotiations well I I did understand I don't know this is way back I did some research on this because we were for whatever reason we were buying some land maybe when I don't know why but um I did read up on it and we are allowed with you know even if we get an appraisal for on behalf of our citizens to pay one and a half times so 50% more than the value of the property without going to any procedure so in other words we can pay 50% more than the value of the property that we know is really the value but other than that I don't think we're supposed to pay more than that as on behalf of the citizens I mean we're spending their money and that that's what I understood at that time that that's been years ago so I don't know if that's the rule or not like hey you know we can go overboard but we don't know if we can go that overboard because that's a lot of money maybe we should just have Burke bring it back and see what the next step is because I don't want to do anything that I'm not supposed to do either I don't think any of us do we can't overpay for property no well I I agree with what Joyce said that we I don't want to set set a precedent to other people where we may have to purchase property in the future that we are willing to pay a million dollars an acre I think the 60,000 was high to begin with the appraisal may show that it's what else are you going to use it for it's it's like unusable property what with setbacks and that how can they use that property at all well I guess the point is to give authorization to continue negotiating right right so we need to do the resolution is that what what we're going for ber we're going to approve this resolution yes if you could approve the resolution with and authorize me to uh correct the million dollar per acre because it's not a million it's under that and I want to be precise I'll make that motion hold on let me let me put let me read the resolution into the minutes resolution of the lake pla Town Council regarding the comination of property owned by myachi Malachi yeah Malachi 310 LLC darl L Jensen and Mary L Jensen okay second all right we got a motion a second any other comments from the podium hearing none we'll take it the audience Ken Leon um I used to run a space from this landlord and um one thing and it was right down the street from there and one one thing I noticed there's a bunch of drainage grates that go across the joural plaza um North to um the alleyway that's supposed to be between the building to the south of that drawing um and what would happen is all the water that comes through there was coming out through the last drainage grate it's supposed to go underneath the road to the AC cross the street and go into a retention Pond there but it doesn't work it's not suffi doesn't suffice so the water would come out of this uh when it overwhelms it would come out of this and go to the alley and then go uh basically into the French train which is the train track um but what it does it washes the road out so I know we're about to pave that road in the back but if you get this property it's a great location to pipe that continue that pipe and get it to um storage on this property so I think um the idea of getting this property beyond what you need for this sewage lift station is a really good idea because it can help solve a problem that we've had for many years that end of town and again there's nothing else you could do with that property you can't possibly build a building on it so um I I agree with you guys spending the money to buy it spending one and a half times fine you know I also agree that you shouldn't be overpaying for it um so but I I think it is a good idea to buy that property and hopefully you know solve a problem that we've had for years and uh I don't think it's going to go away until you get some kind of property like this that you can solve it with so I think it's a good idea somebody's going question my wisdom I'm gonna agree with Ken a third time tonight that that pipe actually goes toward this parcel before it comes under you're right it would be fairly easy to redirect the drainage yeah uh into that exactly I recall that one vividly it was a nightmare okay yeah I mean yeah yeah maybe you could put it underground and do some parking above ground in the future there if needed I mean I don't think there's a need for parking there right now I think there is a need for drainage there you know retention Pond there right now that's a definite need yeah okay thank you Ken all right no other comments bring them back PLL the council council member Hayes yes council member Worley yes council member Charles yes council member eart yes okay next is 5d3 R rpac request for Lake June Park and pickle ball courts okay so this was tabled from the uh previous month's meeting um one of the large concerns from councilman Charles if I corrected um was the space that people use for playing so we shifted the pickle ball courts so um we actually wrote out there a couple of times looked at the facility there's actually a guy that on a regular basis throws the discus from here out um um and then so this is a dry pond so it's not in it doesn't turn into unusual property but we did shift it down to keep a large area in here on the flat section we're not um we're not impacting the soccer fields which are still to the South and and goes up the hill so but um we brought that back for Council discussion and consideration so it does extend the parking add some additional parking spots but you don't have to you could always cut those short they don't need to come down here again this is is a conceptual this is not a by any means an engineered drawing these dra drainage ponds are going to change based on what the engineers come up with with Southall Water Management this is this is strictly conceptual um open to anybody's interpretation I don't take any license um on any of it and don't take any insult if you don't like it so um kind of make the same three comments I did a month ago uh the feedback from the community when we did our um door knocking on the pickle ball court was three things one the location two the overall rationale and at that time it was to spend 78,000 for Town money which is now 200,000 for Town money and so I appreciate moving it back a little but I still think that location right there and all that green space you know the the Lake June Park is being overtaken by a sports complex now because the people you know now there is parking there but they picnic the kids play there you've got the playground equipment to the left right the playground is over there to the left which is now kind of cut off with parking pickle ball courts um and I'd like to see the location go elsewhere not in any of that green space there over on the other side Kevin and I'd mentioned this before off of Jackson Road between the ballparks looks like you know there may be some room uh we have a lot of other um land that we own throughout the town maybe there's another location that's more conducive to pickle ball than to take up the green space that's being used for the picnickers and the beachers um and that and turn it into more uh Sports activity there so the location and then the other is $200,000 from town budget is pretty expensive of being a high priority versus some of the other things that we'd like to see in place for families and the youth I might add um which I forgot this um feature of that Sports Complex if it goes through is that when it wasn't being used for regional um Sports it would be used by the community and um the indoor court was for basketball gymnastic Plastics pickle ball um all kinds of indoor activities which would have been air conditioned as well so part of the selling selling point was is that the the local people could use those facilities when they weren't being used for regional tournaments so um that was going to facilitate local needs just to throw that into the mix although we don't know if that's ever G to happen but I'm just saying that was part of the selling point on that to create these wonderful Sports arenas for local people as well can Phill please fill me in on the history of um why the location was chosen to be um Lake June Park versus some other place let me if I may I'll address two or three things at one time um I wasn't part of the discussion to decide at Lake June Park but that is where you have Pavilions and facilities and and restrooms and it is designed and built as a regional park so I think in it's been substantially funded by the county um over a million dollars I believe that they have spent on part of this as a regional park so I think that may have driven into it if you move the pickle ball courts over to the other side then you're going to eliminate the parking that is on the other side for the other ball fields and the other playground that's on there that's not pictured in this picture so so this was the site was chosen by the council not by me um might have been part of the fill I don't know but it was it was approved by the council the if you went back to the original proposal which was a lot less parking and Paving the increases in the parking and Paving that benefits the boat ramp and the the 80s something number of people that Park here for the ball fields these this is a a new Pavilion And this parking facilitates access to the playground because right now you have dirt parking back over here and then you have to walk to the playground so that's the concept on the design if you choose to move it somewhere else then you've got to decide where that somewhere else is going to be and then you create a facility there with Paving uh if you're going to have uh bathrooms restrooms available then you've got to look at building those and what else you're going to the ancillary um pieces of that if you wanted to go back the uh budget's very hard to see I don't know if I can pull that up um so if you wanted to go back to a $78,000 match and just build Park pickle ball courts and not do the parking um matter of fact you could make it a lot less than that and if you just wanted to build the pickleball courts and the um by themselves you could probably do it without any count City match you'd build a pickle ball cour with a $200,000 Grant it's 243,000 you still got lighting and other subsurface things in the pond so you might do that with an rack match so you have options there it's entirely Council decision if you you cannot move this grant this grant was specific to this project it's specific to this site you can give up the grant um that's entirely council's decision you haven't accepted you've applied for and awarded the grant you have not accepted the grant yet so you can give up the grant you can probably write off getting grants for another two or three years but that's entire again entirely up to the C if you want to do that but you will not move this pickle ball court or reduce this pickleball court in this grant this grant was very specific in the application you have to provide them surveys of the property and the boundaries and you make representations of where you're putting it so um so that again you have options of whether you build it or whether you don't build it you don't have to accept the grant so if you choose to move it somewhere else it becomes much more expensive unless you have somewhere unless you going to put them at Stuart park where you already have a restroom oh no thank you I didn't realize that the grant was tied to this location oh yeah yes okay I think it's important we realize too that um if we we've been we have this grant if then we don't use it and we look like well we're just putting in for Grants and we don't really care about it and we're not going to get approval in the future um for Grants like that and our our town really needs grants so no please please don't misunderstand I'm not saying that not to do it I'm just trying to get the wise and the background sure sure okay so Kevin it needs to be in Lake June Park has to be if we get has to be if we get the grant money that's what that's my question so but it doesn't need to it could go I mean we again I'll keep going back over by the ballpark side there's room over there it could so it could be elsewhere in l as long as it's within Lake June Park I believe you could move it somewhere in Lake June Park if you take the other side of the park where you want to put it you're going to take the parking that they use for the football fields and the other baseball fields so there's this is a lot more space on it than the other side of the park I believe that's a difficult situation if you're going to if you're going to put it on the other side yeah if you look at the other side there's a large drainage Pond that covers par part of that I looked at that to see what the difficulty was um so again you're going to eliminate the parking for that side of the park and you have on Game Nights 30 40 cars park over there in that parking area which you'll take up with pickle ball courts so you're going to eliminate the people that are using that baseball field you have over a 100 cars parking there on multiple nights during during uh the Little League season yeah I mean parking is becoming a problem you know on the weekends today over at the park I mean I think as this come has come up a lot of us have been paying a lot more attention to the number of boats with trailers the people parking and that's without pickle ball a splash park or other in the in the soccer that I'll talk about later so I think right now we're starting to run into um constraining parking on the weekend where they're just parking everywhere uh because it's not controlled and you know and I had mentioned before we we probably need to determine in 5 years how do we see that Park what would we like to see in that Park you know if it's pickle ball today where is the pickle ball it's a splash pad a lot of people want to see a splash pad down there too um so that I think we're getting into a lot of interest to do things and then where do you do it and where's the parking this parking is not enough for boat parking as we see it on these summer weekends now again parking is strictly conceptual but if you wanted to change and move more of that to uh some other areas or make more of it boat parking and that's an option so obviously Memorial Day and summers are big big boat Dames we've been uh tracking parking during the week we don't have anybody there on the weekends count obviously the weekends are the big days during the week it's four or five boats um generally on average and uh sometimes upwards of that the big parking days are obviously during um during the Little League season uh I've been out there a couple times Counting Cars and and uh 80 plus cars on this side 30 cars on the other side and that's night after night those are the big those are the big parking areas the uh boat parking yeah this is still only eight or 10 boat spots so uh the rest of them would have to park if they were going to do it if you decided to do it they'll park over in this area where they parked today that's actually part of a drainage Pond um but it's a shallow drainage Pond and they pull in there and park there and they still park over in in this area even though they gets gets really problematic if you're going to try and actually put a spot in this area um a desert designated spot because of accessing you got to be able to get in and out of with the boat trailers and where your traffic patterns are going so you make those turns and you'll be able to get back up into uh and make the boat ramps so the circulation is is quite an issue for both trailers and traffics we've um looked at a number of different probably four or five different uh parks and boating facilities trying to figure out where the where it made sense and what we we could make and again this is conceptual that when we showed it to Pon said that's not near enough drain dry ponds and you're going to have some other going to continue to be an issue until we actually have an actual design or you decide where we're going whether we're going to move forward or not okay so what are you looking for um I'm looking for a motion if we're going to have a motion of whether if you're not going to do it then we need a motion to deny the Grant and we will discontinue worrying about this pickle ball subject or to um accept it and move forward with an rpac request so if you want me to change the rpac request then we will also need to have that discussion um so the if you want to eliminate the parking we can go back to the original R pack request for or 78,000 that's entirely up to council um you get to decide what you want to do this $286,000 including the sidewalk Earth workall the S and base and the uh and the paving so most of that goes drops out 200,000 plus of that is strictly the uh Paving of the parking area um and I believe you can get some of that funding from our Pac if you just decide that you you want to do uh Paving then it's 50% you and 50% our pack typically so you could just work on Paving if you want to do that and deny the grant so I think those are the those are the issues of whether you want to accept a grant move forward with the pickle ball courts or not is the really the bottom line and I so and it ties into you have people that want to speak on this do we need a a motion in order to allow people to speak speak okay um I'd make a motion that we accept the grant as we originally decided to do it and leave the pickle ball Co courts essentially where they were originally planned uh my notes indicate that it was exactly one year ago uh in a meeting in July 2023 where we talked about the pickle ball court project and if I remember correctly it was to try to keep the activities into uh one area so my motion then would be to keep the pickle ball courts essentially where they are and proceed with the project and the grant as it was originally U accepted by this Council okay do we have a second I'll second it you'll second it second all right we have a motion and second any other comments from the podium so this would be at the $78,000 Town contribution that was the original rpac request so we'll cut out the paving and just do the pickle ball courts with no paving at the 78,000 um dollar contribution and in the location not this design but the one that was closer to the Pavilion believe that's I can understand the motion I believe that's the in my in my estimation that is the motion okay we'll take it the audience at this time Marlene just a couple concerns on the pickle ball Courts at that location I think one question next the location concerns me for a lot of reasons next I think we already discussed the one one question do we ever think about another location other than the park was another location ever considered or was this the only place or was it considered simply because there are restrooms there was considered because we thought it was a good idea whose idea Council next at $700,000 next the most important one of the most important things is pickle ball noise and I wonder did the Town Council do any study about noise and pickle ball noise it's measured by the pulse next there have been many studies on it and there are health risk to the noise and the noise is by the pulse which can be as high as 117 DB that noise carries a lot in heat it carries well over water we have million-dollar homes adjacent to the park I doubt that those people are going to sit outside and listen to the ping ping ping constantly going on there are a lot of concerns a lot of towns are having lawsuits against the pickle ball courts I'm not opposed to pickle ball courts I'm just opposed to them in areas that'll be disturbing to the community next more information on it I have a ton of websites that you can go to to get information about the noise next this was taken on the at Labor Day weekend I want you to observe how many cars a lot of the cars that are parked there on the road is where your the area adjacent as your exiting the top there's a lot of activity down at the water and there's a lot of parking area here was very crowded that weekend next this was this past weekend couple points that I want to make cars again parked in the same areas where you saw them on the Labor Day weekend and this time the four Pavilions down by the lake all four of them were occupied the kids were in the lake having a great time they were picnicking and having a wonderful time imagine now they're trying to have a good time on a weekend and people are playing pickle ball the noise will be just unbearable next the area that's in circled shows it shows the houses along that are close some of those are well over a million dollars and I doubt that those people are going to hear it any more so than if you have families go down to the park and they're having a picnic on the beach and adjacent to the water they should be having a peaceful restful day the pickle ball court sound hardly makes for restful day if you go back and do the health study it's very damaging to the human body next so let's take a look at some areas that are potential here we are here if you look at the three adjacent Acres just slide it up and move it above one area would be behind the court the town hall that you have here or the 4 point the 7.42 which is directly beyond that we have a lot of land up here we have parking available for it you could have Pickle bar tournaments you can have a lot of activity that takes place here with a lot of excess easy in Easy out so people can come from all over the noise level would be greatly reduced because you're not you have no neighbors well I don't know the cemetery might get a little bothered by it but other than that you're not going to have residential areas and people trying to have picnics next and here's why you do have accessibility you have the parking as I said the noise level you're not disturbing anybody next new Concepts for youths and families it's one of the things we've talked about and we've learned about in talking with people around the community they want more activities for youth next a splash park so where are we're going to put the pickle ball courts and all of that how it if we have splash park down there for kids and make it more enjoyable next can you imagine next now we do have some families and youth and families being able to go down and enjoy the day at the same time we can be having Pickle bar contest and pickle ball tournaments at the Town Hall on property that's here and everybody's happy thank you okay Charlie for the record Charlie Wilson Sun I reside at 763 Sunset Point Drive this uh site was chosen with Harry bill and the group The Town Council at the time that's where it was determined the houses you point to this is a regional park that's been there for 41 years do you not think the people who purchased the lots and subsequently Built Homes didn't realize there's a park there I'm here to tell you how many pickle ball courts if you ever go if you go to Sun and lakes and Sebring which I'm a member it's approximately 350 ft from the parking lot to the courts you can barely hear it and how you screen it and how you vegetate you can use vegetative bearings we're not marene I didn't interrupt you I didn't interrupt you no no no I'm speaking to you I'm yes there's all kinds of noise do you know how many Deb a boat has launching the same amount do you know how many a jet ski goes by way higher than that do you know how many screaming kids are out there playing baseball playing soccer there's noise there's no expectation that there's not going to be noise next to a regional park if you'll pull Zoom that picture out for me if you would please got to go here these million dooll homes of which one has a dedicated pickle ball court in their yard four doors down let me get so this entire thing is me to get the splash park it's to kill the pickle ball thing I don't care what anyone says it's it's someone else's agenda this is been gone through where were you three years ago when we were talking about this you come to the meetings every single week you've been hearing I have heard buckus out of you regarding these issues up until tonight isn't that convenient the night before they vote on it to go to arpac very convenient you haven't said one word and you this has been discussed for two and a half years now I can go chronologically through the dates we started talking seriously August of 8th of 2022 on January 9th meeting 2023 we decided the next meeting we were going to get more research and and go determine whether we were going to go for an rpac um GR February 13th we decided to go we went to the rpac rpac would not give us the grant unless we got the furb grant which is specific to the site specific to the site we have to give the legals we've already got engineering that we had to do for Swift MTH for the permitting so there may be some variances within that area you you're you can move it but right there the I believe it's one I don't think it's one one of those houses it's one of the new Brantley houses it's one or two over which is out of the frame there they have their own pickle ball court in their yard so they have neighbors they're going to hear a pickle ball so apparently it's not going to be that big of a deal where you're talking about is pro approximately 400 feet away from the road three to 400 feet and then with the road you're talking 400 feet his home is buffered by a fence in that thing in his big garage that had recently had the fire there so this is is I just find the timing very very curious as to why all this comes up now when you've had three years and you never once said it to the previous Council you had any time concerns about it but now tonight the night we're supposed to make a decision whether or not to go forward to our Pac and all of a sudden it becomes an issue so I find we've worked hard for this there's a group of a lot of people that play in here a lot of people we're citizens too the benefits of anyone that's playing racketball and paddle Sports there's just been research coming out have a higher percentage of cognitivity than people that don't exercise and don't play padal sports um there's all kinds of Youth going into the FL a High School Athletic Association is considering making it an athletic High School sport the NCAA is considering it as well you go up to Charlie Brown Park where at there's up there you've got teachers after school in the middle of the day right after school they're going up there and playing it's young people it's older people it's great exercise and yes there there's a lot of things that people want Splash I'm not necessarily against those things but not at the expense of something that we've worked hard you turn down to Grant to fer out you lose your credibility you're going to have a hard time in the future being taken seriously up there to be ranked as a project just because you don't like it and you've never said a word about it prior to tonight I find that awfully suspicious and I would respectfully ask this Council to consider giving Kevin the authority to present this to our Pac and approve it for this community there's people here that may want to speak tonight to this um and there's hundreds of people there's I have an app where to play anywhere we go I go to places all over you hit where to play and it pops up yeah Josie mentioned Spring Lake that's a nice Court out in Spring Lake it's still 20 miles that's the nearest public court other than sun and lakes was a John is a member down there that's a quad Quai governmental thing that's not really open to the public and it only has two dedic two well some are tennis courts but how many are designated actual pickle ball courts yeah portable on tennis courts not true pickleball courts so I respect respectfully ask this Council we've been dealing with this for two and a half years and it seems that everything that has come up before this council with me watching we're Rel litigating everything that's ever been done up here it's not that I'm against your ideas but my goodness we had people if you look at the Grant application look at all the people that signed it well we had people that want well everyone wants the world but we had to go through a specific process we had to get all the people's signatures on a petition we had to do this we had legal expenses that we had to get because the property's kind of funky and the we had legal expenses tied it all together there was some tital issues that we had to get cleaned up we had money involved with Pen's engineering because it is going to affect our Swift Mud permit for down there it's a perfect spot it's centrally located with the trails that are going to be coming in one day potentially down the road it's a great place for past people to ride their bikes down to plased lakes and everything and what I do recommend you guys do in the future and your fiveyear plan is you see a lot of these Groves around here dying you better start looking for land to expand because we are growing and that's going to be a wise thing it's not that I'm against any of these ideas that you have I think some of these are great ideas but this one has been in the work it's specific for this site there's a lot of people in our community hundreds you can go on just the the there's over 200 people on the Genesis Center website for our pickleball thing there's hundreds of people that play people come it's a destination hey they got courts let's go play there it brings in people from out here out of town that may want to live here or just visit here and play here there's a lot of advantages to it so the sound thing to me is is not an issue it really is not you can screen it you can buffer it with vegetation it's screened now it's not any louder than anything else that already currently happens down at that Park and I thank you for your time and I respectfully request that if you do do this you may want to separate the two um and give some latitude on your matches however you all seem fit that separate the the paving portion from the pickle ball portion because there's hundreds of people that have been waiting for this for several years and I'm at I'm just very passionate about this and so is a lot of people in this community and I'd like to get it we just and it's not y'all's fault this the fap thing we went through the process with the county they told us Harry was in the meeting Phil was in the meeting we will fund this project great project get the fer app Grant we applied for the grant through no fault of ours for whatever reason this year it took six months normal longer than normal to get gone through and approved we finally got it I'm ready to start moving forward on this but this is going to be a hub and I suggest looking in the future maybe purchasing some more land in that whole area to because you're going to have to expand things the way we're growing at some point I just thank you for your time and consideration thank you okay yeah he's next Jack cley 607 Sunset Point Drive uh I I want to talk about the the parking portion of the of this project uh the conceptional plan that you you've provided us shows 11 boats uh boat trailer parking spots I've been out there for the last three Saturdays counting the boat trailers there and and all three Saturdays there were 19 or more boats there so you definitely don't have enough and and you know the way it is now they Park you know wherever because there's no particular designated areas but you you definitely need more than 19 are uh spots for boat trailers to be parked besides that you're talking about the drag booat races which are going to have supposedly 50 boats which means 50 Boat Trailers right now let's say we we build this complex pretty much the way it is as far as the parking end of it I'm not talking about the uh the pickle ball courts right but the the the parking end of it right the project obviously won't be done for the the uh drag boo races this this year but maybe it will be done for the drag boo races next year and the year after and 11 parking spaces is just not going to hack it hack it for for 50 drag Boats Plus a few trailers for The the jet skis that they use to uh supervise the the race if your intention is to drive the boers away from this area over to Bishop Park well then this this layout is okay right Bishop park has uh quite a few more parking space spaces they have [Music] uh they have about 67 parking spaces over there for that could be used for boat trailers right so it looks to me as if I don't know how to say this we're trying to put two lbs of something in a one PB bag and it's not going to work in the long run if if anything 5 years 10 years 15 years down the road we're going to have more boats and boat trailers in this area I mean the lakes in in this area they're the biggest draw right people come here for for the boats right and to get away from congestion in maybe uh uh Broward County or some someplace like that but but the the lakes are a big draw and we we want to keep uh providing them with the access to these lakes and that includes someplace to park their trailers thank you okay my name is Rosemary Heath and I live at 588 Sunset Point this issue occurred when citizens began talking to other citizens I I sat outside or stood outside of Publix for days speaking to the citizens and pickle boil never came up we need $200,000 how can you justify $2,000 for a pickle ball court when our town needs repair our playground needs repair our playground is so worn that some of the equipment needs to be condemned have you any of you been to the playground you go down that slide and there's no um there's nothing there to protect the children all you see is the cement all the um protection that they poured or put underneath SL um the slides and the swings are all gone a little child goes down that slide and goes underneath it 2-year-old year um three-year-old and they slip and go under that slide they're going to hit cement that's this high and Jagged because there's nothing covering it I have pictures to show you you walk into the park and you all you see is this plastic paper here and there which was underneath what was supposedly covering the ground and making it safe for the children and the town if and the people they want a place to gather they want a place to go with their families you have grandmothers here that have no place to take their children wouldn't it be wonderful they if they could have a safe playground and a splash park I don't know who's going to be playing pickleball at 2 in the afternoon with it being 100° I know from experience that in um Palm Beach County we have splash park by the um Zoe and children and parents are lined up there before 9:00 to play in this park we have to chase the children out the police literally have to come and tell everybody they have to leave because the children don't want to leave at 5:00 and this is every day every single day rainstorm everything and if it storms if there's lightning and thunder everybody's rushed under cover and these children and parents wait till the thunderstorms are gone and then then come out and they play again we have a town a town that needs repair as well the streets or the sidewalks need repair the buildings need repair um my notes I'm nervous I'm sorry um um there is no maintenance right T right now keeping this quaint little town the charm that it used to have downtown needs repairs as well um there's parking voids we talked about crosswalks um it needs beautification it needs flowers it needs something it needs pickup it's ugly right now and I don't know what else to say I just think the citizens the people I talked to and they were hundreds they wanted activities for the adults for the children for themselves and pickle bow isn't for everybody and it's definitely not for you when you're it's 100° outside but our town is to walk around our town and see flowers and talk to people and go into the stores you'll do that when it's 100 degrees outside a splash park or a playground the children were playing a playground at 90 degrees 100 degrees I took my kids every day to the park the whole time from the time they were days old till they were in high school I I don't see putting pickle ball ahead of all the citizens yes you have some citizens that want pickle ball but I think you have far more citizens that want something for their kids themselves their parents and I think you need to take the citizens into consideration because you're not doing it right now not when you're taking all this away from them my name is Chris Nelson I'm part of the group that came here from Genesis Center pickle ball courts we were playing tonight and I wanted to a test to we have people there from eight years old to 90 years old playing pickle ball and we're playing indoors with no acoustic panels I can attest that there are no 110 D sound levels everybody's comfortable uh we're having fun we're playing and there are no um physical issues or hearing issues on in an indoor court or three courts I should say 12 people playing simultaneously so I don't believe the noise is an issue at all I've been playing there for four years now at the Genesis Center and it is for everyone there's a lot of people that are playing like like I said we have kids come as young as eight years old and we have players as old as 90 years old still playing pickle ball okay thank you thank you hello I'm Josephine cley little concern here I spoke before on the pickle ball courts I you know we're tired of hearing it but here you have are we going to have tournaments at this pickle ball courts has anyone spoke about tournaments okay do you have any idea who coordinates that you need someone to coordinate it you need facilities okay uh if you ever watch it on TV even the small time tournaments takes people okay volunteers scheduling okay so I don't know how what the thoughts are on how much tournaments you think you're going to bring in I think it's wonderful to want to accommodate the people but you cannot compare an indoor facility to an outdoor facility I'm a pickleball player I like them both indoor facilities is totally different okay you're not going to have it it's just different there's no comparison so here you are you're going to have put out $200,000 where originally it was going to be $78,000 and with not only that I didn't get an opportunity to talk about the drag racing the drag racing is has anyone on the panel been to a drag race on the water anybody no okay I'm sorry I didn't hear your question could you sure has have any has anyone been to a boat drag race that I have yes okay now you're estimating possibly a thousand people could attend this drag race possibly and I can't even fathom where you're going to put them now I know I I went to the park this weekend again the week before and I'm seeing all these boats and trowers all over the place now if you're going to bring in 50 boats 50 trailers does anybody know whether they're going to be able to ramp the trailers or are they going to take it off of a front-end loader and then put it in the water can can I just ask um for the record is didn't we already approve the drag racing is it is it a a yes didn't we do that already I think the comment time for the drag racing has expired from the meeting tonight yes ma'am you didn't give me the opportunity you did not give anyone the opportunity I sat here I think it's in the record that we did that I here for two hours waiting so but I'm just suggesting you know if you've made your decision you realize the you're going to need an EMT on staff you're going to need more police on staff when you have this drag race we have no beach okay so where are the spectators other than those that will be on the water watching how are they going to watch this and the traffic the traffic is going to be horrific bringing in 50 trucks with 50 towing a trailer and the area is going to be quite congested so there you have I think you said three times you're going to have this you contracted for three times for the drag race and that's one a year okay so now you have locals where are they going to watch this if they can't watch it from the water not everyone can do that so that's sort of not fair but hopefully you've planned knowing that who pays for this who pays for the EMT on site who pays for the police force is it we the taxpayers or it's the place that has organized it Georgia I believe it is is the organization in Georgia the organization is it in Georgia I don't know where their headquarters are um for some reason I thought someone said it was in Georgia um Deborah do you know no that was discussed before that was all decided before I went on the TDC which just just like last Tuesday yeah so so are you're saying this outside organization who does who is having these races here are they going to take on that responsibility of police coverage or are we paying for that they're going to take responsibility of etm EMTs on board that's that's their responsibility that's our responsibility no their responsibility okay so that's their responsibility where are we going to put all these thousand we're g to have maybe possibly you're hoping and I believe in Revenue we need Revenue I don't disagree with that we want business but have you thought about maybe the congestion it would be in the area um you know again as my husband had mentioned Bishop Park if they have to ramp these boats put them down the ramp there's two I believe there's two ramps there there's only one ramp here okay and one thing I noticed that you said Bishop Park is we lease it to the county correct okay um I noticed how much nicer their Park is their their um shaded areas everything is so much nicer than ours do we pay to keep up our park or do they because we lease it to them does the county pay for that why is there park County pays for all of Bishop Park we don't pay for the bishop Park le pay nothing for me correct okay but we own it I I don't understand that if we own it you know okay so but we go take a look at it sometimes see how much nicer it looks so I know you want to upgrade our park with all these events coming but again 200,000 for a pickle ball court and I'm one of the people probably that also you know I enjoy pickle ball but I want to think of everybody how's it going to work for everybody and how much congestion are you going to have and supp especially please look at the traffic on when you do this uh uh drag racing because that's going to cause a lot of traffic because you don't put all the B uh boats in the water at the same time you maybe put two of I think maybe eight boats or 10 boats each time they do a different cycle okay so that's a lot of maneuvering so that's why I get concerned also with the pickle ball court how much room is there you know for this area are we going to buy more land to expand so we don't interrupt the uh um soccer fields I mean there's a lot of interesting thoughts here I I don't understand how you can think you can get a thousand guests at this ramp and be Spectators some of them and and the revenue you're looking for revenue for the town how Saturday's Town usually closes down early Sunday they're not even open so how much revenue are we going to pull for those two days but I know you've already made your decision but I don't know that you really researched to see we're putting out they're going to be putting out a ton of money how much of it no it's not going to cost us anything so but what about our roads just for people to get around you know I mean you need to have your locals be able to get around where they want to go so and that's kind of all a con concentrated area so you're really how many so I'm just trying to give you an idea here so it'll cost taxpayers nothing but we will be very congested at that weekend I mean I know it can and then with the pickle ball courts I think we should go back to the 78,000 what was originally proposed if everybody loves pickle ball they'll come out and play pickle ball they just I I think it should be moved over to what was suggested earlier to further away from the boat ramp because thank you just wanted to get my thought out there to you all right any other comments yeah Ken Ken LeBlanc um so I don't really have a dog in this fight other than my kids go every other day to Charlie Brown Park to play pickle ball I've seen I know a lot of people that play pickup ball I know I have to go and do it myself uh and if I didn't have to go to Charlie br Park to do it I probably would do it if it was here um I think the town of Lake pla's mandate should be to always make the town of Lake plast at a more livable place in all ways right I think that's what this does um I I love the idea that the parking is going to get paved and it's only getting paved because we're talking about doing pickle ball if we weren't doing pickle ball we wouldn't be Paving the PVE the uh parking which should have been paved many years ago but there was no funding to do it I do like you know carleen's idea of pulling down the pickle ball parts and leaving some more area up there for for kids to run around and play I think that's not a bad idea at all um I think you know when you talk about you know we don't have enough room for uh cars with trailers um for the boats be careful what you wish for because the more you put there the more people end up on the lake on boats and you know my family had a house on Lake June and when my kids were growing up and we would spend time on the lake and it was scary when the holidays came and as many people got on the lake in boats and Jet Skis that don't usually aren't usually on there it got scary you know and so I think you could you know it there is a s yeah there's plenty of them up there at Bishop Park there's some of them here but I don't know that you want to have an unlimited supply of places for people to park their trailers because you're going to get an unlimited amount of boats and Jet Skis and everything on the lake and then you're just going to get more people in the hospital getting run over by boats and Jet Skis so I I even you know even though there's only 12 spaces there maybe I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing um this is not a lake that we have bass tournaments on like Lake of sooga does which has a huge facility for parking you know cars and boats and trailers and all that because they have bass tournaments so and this you know these things take five years to happen you know it's been going through for three years and I know there's some new people on the board that you're having to deal with Legacy stuff that you weren't involved in from the beginning so it's hard for you guys to have to deal with this after the fact but just know that one day you know you'll go off the board and somebody else will come in and your legacy stuff you know your stuff will be their legacy stuff you know and so I think some of this stuff you have to make hard decisions on and uh and allowing things to go forward but I really don't see the downside to this you know and as somebody who spends over 40,000 a year in property taxes in the town of Lake plid this is exactly the type of thing I would like to see you know I like to see my tax dollars go to um because it does make the Town Lake plet a more livable place and I don't want my daughters to have to drive up the Sebring at night to um to play Pi pickleball you know when we could have them right here and this location is our Sports Complex it's where we have soccer it's where we have football it's where we have you know baseball and softball and everything else so why wouldn't we put it right here in this location it seems like the perfect place to put this um you know because there's other activities likely going on at the same time you know in many cases um other than this might be you know also going on at night but baseball goes on at night too so I don't see the downside to this you know I think you know parking might be tweaked and things like that but when else we're going to get the opportunity to pave all this parking you know that's all Shell Rock and and potholes and has been for the last 20 years that I've been here um I I think it's time that the Town Lake plet starts upgrading from Shell Rock parking you know to Asphalt parking and uh and just facilities you know that are good facilities for our community and stuff so I mean and and just keep in mind we are never going to have a perfect project it's never going to be a project that satisfies everybody's requirements you know we just got to get as good as we can get I mean this is government for Christ sakes I mean it's you know it's it's not easy you know so you got to get the most that you can get the most money that you can get and a budget you can afford to make projects go forward and actually happen right because you imagine spending years doing things and then in the end it just never happens you know because people pop up with concerns and various concerns and stuff yeah there's concerns you know is it going to be noise yeah baseball makes noise football makes noise soccer makes noise and pickle ball makes noise you know it's not a reason to you know stop a project you know um so I I really don't see the downside of this project you know I mean I think it's a great project I think it's you know we're only spending $200,000 you know the money rest of this money is coming from all different sources and uh and that's happened through many years of hard work to get to this point you know so even even if you don't think it's it's exactly what you want you know I think it is a project that's worthy of going forward and reality we probably won't see it for two more years you know once this gets to this point you still got to draw it and everything else but I I think it's it's a good project that's worth going forward thank you John my name is Chad Heath I live at 588 Sunset Point Drive in Lake plid um actually I I think it's fine people want play pickle ball but I don't know why it needs to be adjacent to the water I don't say it uses any any portion of the water my question is really why there why not somewhere else in the in the distant not too distant future we're going to see the facilities for the beach and the boat ramps expand we recently had a subdivision under review here in front of the council and we some pressure was put on the developer and he removed the boat ramp that was in that his understanding would be that this this boat ramp would be available for the 100 homes that he was about to build there's going to be congestion here that's my only comment if you could find I'm not against spending the money I'm not against people playing pickle ball it's probably a lot of fun I never done it but probably great why there why block the the the shoreline why consume that precious space that's my thought thank you okay so we got one more we have another good evening my name is Jeff linou I live over on Oak Beach Boulevard North of uh Lake PL and I'm here uh as a private citizen not necessarily a resident of Town Lake plantd but I'm also the USA pickle ball Ambassador for Highlands County you have in case you're not aware you have two of them two of us who go around representing the sport of pickle ball looking for the growth of the sport and I come to you tonight with a number of my friends who I play Pickleball with to uh ask that you move forward forward with your project at uh Lake June ballfields the park um for one and one reason only although there's a variety but the main reason there is no places to play in Lake Placid as an ambassador for USA pickle ball my phone number is on their website for people who visit this area looking for places to play so when you have visitors coming to Lake Placid and they call me wondering what the latest schedule for local place to play I have to send them to Sebring because there's no local places to play here in Lake pla somebody brought up the Genesis Center I run that program there we have three indoor courts um it's a great place to play it's a Ministry for the church we're not in the business of of pickle ball we just want people to come and utilize the gym but we're not the answer to the need for uh pickle ball courts in this area I have 280 odd people on my uh uh list just for the Genesis Center who uh have expressed and come through our program to play pickle ball um and I'm just one location so this Sunica states that was brought up earlier with their Four Courts they just passed a uh I know local rule that you have to be a guest of somebody who Liv lives within the special improvement district whatever they call that before you can play pickle ball there it's not open to the public um that's why you need these courts there I think this location is the perfect location it's a sports complex I get a lot of the comments made I understand uh the concerns uh pick a ball projects all over this country deal with these the same concerns but the bottom line is it's the fastest growing sport in this country fact it'll be a f one of the fastest growing sports in the world um we have to accommodate the need and right now Lake Placid uh has a need for pickle ball courtz and someone brought up the fact about why having lights season here in our area is the busiest time to play pickle ball it's the greatest demand for the sport it gets dark what at 4:30 what are people going to do in the evenings uh if they don't have lights in the pickleball courts I guarantee it during Seasons those uh pickleball courts will be busy so again I'm available to answer any questions concerning uh the sport of pickle ball and uh uh the need for those facilities here in Lake plid and I could be reached out at any time so appreciate it thank you thank you okay any other comments we have a motion in a second so bring it back we'll pull the council could well could could I hear the motion again it's been a while except the grant um to leave the pickle ball court as it was approved previously is that basically yeah to to leave the pickle ball court as it was originally approved from the previous Council and to allow it to be moved slightly forward if that's uh if if that's necessary to to add a little bit but basically to keep it on that same plot so that we don't lose those grants and we can move forward with this project but that's important because before the motion was exactly like before in the same location so now it's tweaking it a little or what I mean because to me it's important and I've said that it's the location to get it further back towards the soccer fields or somewhere else so that we have the Pavilion where the picnickers are you have the straight over to the children's playground so you have that more green space for the families so that's why I just want to clarify because that tweaking it changed from the original motion it did not I made a note right here when I said what I said because I was just afraid that might come up and what I said was right what I wrote down in my notebook leave courts kind of as it is except to move it a little now that was poorly worded but that's exactly what I said and that's why I wrote it down when I said it and that's what was seconded by Miss everheart so quick clarification this is the what you're looking at on your screen is the original drawing which puts it up next to the Pavilion and if you're okay with it the revised drawing puts it to the south of the Pavilion so that's the clarification if you're okay with it in this location that puts it south and leaves that buffer area there yes okay please um the original just again for clarification so what we will build with the with this motion is we will build the puckle ball courts which was the original motion with the dry Pond we will not do the paving will move into some point in the future could that be pushed towards the soccer fields more or was that can we push more than that we start running into some elevation issues if we go much further because it starts sloping up towards before you hit that big slope up so you do have if you look at that big tree that's probably 50 yards or 60 yards from the trunk of that tree for open space so it is a very good open space there and for people to play in but you do start running into if you go any further to the South you're going to start running into some additional expense because of the elevation issues yeah it was also my understanding that the main point of the motion was to proceed with requesting additional grant money no it to proceed with the grant money that we already have we don't need any additional grant money we already have the grant money and to proceed with that grant money because if we move it off of this location we lose that grant money no no no not to take it off the location okay now we're we're okay with the grant money okay let me let me weigh in here okay so on the break break down it says rpac money requested have we received that request no that goes to I think that's the question that's what we're talking about it's not grant money it's R pack money so we still need to request almost $300,000 and if we don't get that then I think that was what your question was here it is didn't we get that R pack money we have not requested the rpac funding yet that goes into the August budget meeting be recognized okay so it was it 299,000 we have that's part of the reason we raised the match um so we have a almost 60% to rac's 40% we have not requested funds from arpac in several years they actually asked the question of when we were going to have our next Grant request when I was at the last rpac meeting they have currently have approximately $650,000 in their budget and they're going to run into the next budget cycle which will add to that um they've approved just approved two projects to Spring Lake in the approximately amount of $200,000 so I don't think it's an unreasonable request or expectation considering the match so but that is again just for that clarification and information thank you I think so the motion probably needs to be wed so that um and if we have proposed motions that helps a lot um that that we p proceed we proceed as planned going forward requesting the rpac money at this point of $299,700 better well we do still need to ask for more money we are still not there I'll go along with that adjustment because you said it better but I I feel like um we feel pretty confident and I think um Charlie weren't you in those meetings with arpac and you feel pretty comfortable that that money was going to come through we still have to ask for it w to be recognized by the mayor okay speak yeah goad okay um you there's a possibility because we applied for a Paving portion of this at one time and when we got the bids back it was way way above um what they were willing to give us and I mean it was over double the price of what we initially thought it was by the time we got the bid for it so we ended up giving that back the last R pack money that we received to my knowledge and here correct me if I'm wrong was when we redid the lights on one of the baseball fields and that's been four years ago we haven't had received any rpac money in four years so we're kind of doe it it it's it's cyclic with the the monies are very tight with the county and it's kind of rotated between Sun and lakes Sebring Avon Park in Spring Lake we've been out of the cycle for a while so what you may want to do is is break it into two separate Grant applications and maybe have a different um and allow the city manager a range to go to because because we've been out of this and we've always argued in the past that because we are the smallest municipality in Highland County you know we have 2500 residents and basically a third of the population the rest of our County people that are using it well the County's helping pay for it so that's kind of been our our line all along to get the other municipalities go with higher higher matches because they're close to to a 40 to 50% match of County to Citizen ratio so that could be an option for you to consider and is to break it off and uh like Spring Lake recently that and I've heard through people that have been on and served on the rpac it seems to be cleaner instead of one bigger one you you know just kind of breaking them out and itemizing how they are and what your matches are per um we went in with a lower match on the pickle ball court only before the asphalt project but I think it's a good thing if we can get it but I don't want to I don't want to mess up necessarily the pickle ball courts I would like then there would be no parking there would be no pavement for parking than just pickle ball courts correct or you might have you might be required to put in a handicap spot or two I'm not sure about that uh to be ADA Compliant I'm I'm not sure but but other than that the reason why it was chosen number one because we do have the Pavilion there people could take a break into some shade and the restrooms were there and it is in the Regional Park that was the initial things we looked with Harry we tried to keep it on that lower tier where we're off the the bigger Fields where they play and practice up on the top shelf and it worked better for the engineering with the drainage so that that was the rationale behind all the decisions were made to get to where we are today thank you Charlie Charlie so if we split it so people that have in there had the 78,000 original the the town was going to contribute the match yeah so if we split it and just do the pickle ball courts with the 78,000 from matching and then get a split it and get another one to do the paving is that what you're saying correct and and maybe have a little bit higher match on that you may get it you may not but that's something that you know I would because unfortunately with government and sunshine people are going to hear what you're saying but you always try to to give a range and try to it depends on their budget it depends on what other projects have been funded and the fact that we haven't had any funded projects in in like four years would probably help us in this endeavor and given the um the ability to the Town Administrator to a negotiation range to work not to exceed because that's how it kind of works you're it's a negotiation while you're in there and then they vote on it they're not the final Arbiters of the decision they're the recommenders but generally what they recommend gets approved by um the County Commission County Commissioners I would say with a very high percentage so and that's all I have I thank you for your time okay well Kevin where are we what's what are the pigle ball courts going to look like with no Paving and all that shell being trampled all over them I don't know my thought is let's just go for it and then stay in dark ground but I don't know I'm I mean this is you know I wasn't part of these discussions and the only thing I would say is that it is true there's a lot to be said that if we have gone and we've asked for this money and we've pursued it and then all of a sudden we drop it it does make us look like we're not following through and we're not standing where we we we we're you're we're just being nsy pimpsy anyway I mean if we started something we've been going down that road and then we just stopped then how are they going to know the next time we ask for money that we're not going to do the same thing so that concerns me probably more than anything now how we structure this um going forward um I I don't know what would you say would you go for the whole thing or break it up or we can it is immaterial to me I I just we put the proposal together thinking that they have the funds available we haven't asked for anything in four years we could break it up into two two different projects and then they're going to give us a little bit not why would they give us all of it I mean there's no point to give us all of it if we're just saying well just give us a little bit so Spring Lake got two requests in their last in the last meeting so they were both smaller but they totaled to close to 200,000 um they presented a 5 to 10 year plan which we're working on because they like that idea to see where we're at and quite honestly we have made some significant Investments on our own without asking rpac for any money $300,000 for Bicentennial Park and we're talking about making that a CRA project now that's going to be an rpac request for that playground Splash parkk whatever y'all decide that's going to be part of an R pack request we put Taylor Park in at our expense entirely which could have been an rpac request so we can make that I I think we have a good argument I don't know um I've only been to one meeting at our Pac but we have a history we have a project if you want to pull it out and do pickle ball Courts at the $78,000 match we'll build just a pickle courts we'll go back into the next week can go back back to the next meeting we can make it two separate requests and work on Paving as far as it gets us so they're never going to give us this is my thought they're never going to give us okay if we go in and say okay let just give us a little bit that that's what we're going to get I mean I I just feel real strongly about that I mean I'm sorry Mr Wilson I just you know we are kind of the stepchildren I feel a lot of times so I think we should go for it and we should all show up and say we want it and stand our ground and by golly give it to us well and and there is no question that needs Paving absolutely um but then also for everybody else that has the 78,000 in their head this is why it went from 78,000 to2 200,000 two separate projects combining and why the r pack request I don't remember what their number was but we rais that our pack re West number substantially too but Paving needs to be on the other side by the parks and that that Road from Jackson needs to be continued on so there's more Paving um that needs to be done whether it's done in phases or what because the other side by the ballparks by The Miracle League there's some big potholes and big dips over there huge so we have a motion in a second it was nicely worded by Miss warley I think we probably need to act on that all right let's pull the council but is that the 78,000 because we just circled around again no no it's it's the 200 it's go for it can can you read the motion so that we all know what we're yeah a lot of times when there are long motions I listen back later so because I'm not a court reporter so the ask I got was proceed as a planned as planed going forward requesting the arpac money adjust the court for more play space that was a debor worldly wording say that again the initial rpac proceed as planned going forward requesting the rpac money adjust the court for more play Space so that's just the court no the rpac money would motion includ the total amount 200 oh yeah I I included the total amount the request amount of $299,700 leave everything the way it is with asking for everything that's that's posted on that paper so I want to clarify cuz the initial was 78,000 and and then at the last meeting was when okay we have this matching to go in for the paving and I don't recall the Town Council has ever had the discussion to approve the 50% match at the higher of the 200,00 000 that's where we had this discussion we said let's table it so when we say well now we want to approve that's not what was approved we're saying now we want to approve that and I cor right I don't recall a town council meeting where the 200,000 match was approved that is correct the $200,000 match has not been approved that's a 29% match not a 50% match right so just so the motion is you know if if that's the new motion to now go forward to approve the 200,000 because it was 78,000 but that does include now the parking Paving which I can't see doing one without the other I mean we need Paving down there I think we need Paving more than pickle ball courts almost but um it's it's all in the mix I mean if you want to go back to 78 and just have pickle ball courts they're not going to have any Paving and then we're oh we're I think we're kind of shooting ourselves in the foot I think uh we need to go ahead with it as as it is here with the match and um that way we can we can make a decent nice sports complex with us and hopefully everything gets approved and we can we can move forward we can always backtrack if we if we don't get approved we can always backtrack but they should give us the money as M warley said if we don't ever ask for it we're never going to get it so we we've spent a lot of time on this months and months says as Mr Wilson brought to our attention and once again we need to move forward you got it I think so we're including now this presented yes just like that am I including that in the motion yes so the motion reads right now the way the motion read is proceed as planed going forward requesting the rpac money adjust court for more place base and am I including the 299 well I think when I said the including the requesting the rpac money of 299,792,458 [Music] on the first you agree with that okay all right so we have a motion in second go ahead and pull the council council member Hayes yes council member art yes council member Worley yes council member Charles no and I respect you for that totally okay thank you we now go to 5 D4 Advisory Board appointments I think you got what several so just you have and you can make your decisions about what you have and I think we attached the uh did you did we put the no we did not um also I'd like to point out somebody contacted me just at this meeting and wanted to know where the application for CRA was so just to put that out there that so so far we have one interested party lpra one interested party in the LPA we have two openings on the LPA I think two possibly three and then we have LP three LPA and then we currently two possibly a third interest in the CRA so um you had stated at your previous meeting that you wanted them to come make presentations or talk to the council if I understood that correctly so I did not ask them to come to this meeting since we didn't even have in that time think we voted to do that I think we talked it I think that Miss Hayes Wanted that I don't okay well same as what when Miss warley was said I'll take the open Council position and she just came and introduced herself and gave a little background so yeah whether that's a presentation it's more or less a just give us a background okay yeah I'm not looking for a PowerPoint here I'm just like you introduction exactly let me reward that introduction so is I'm just if we can decide on any of these so the person who approached you today can you say which position they approached to on C CRA but you've already got two so so the utilities we still just have one person so that could be somebody we could in the LPA you said you have one person just the one person and those positions I think have been open for a long time maybe I don't know so the LPA you had um the reason you had a alternate that has been open and you also had hos Compton resign so you have an extra opening there um the lpra is open because Miss art got elected to the council okay so that's a new one and then you chose to add their two people to yes and you still have to take that vote I believe it if you want to take and add those people you have take the vote to add the people whether you do it at the time you add the actual names or you say we're going to take a vote and add two people to the CRA I think is immaterial we already said we would add two people to the C yeah we we did but I think that was my confusion from last time was that did we make did I make that motion and did that motion pass in the right Arena or do we need to make it now again um was it was it done was it done correctly the first time yeah on the minutes and everything but it was in the cons as long as it was in as long as yeah I know it was in the minutes but it was in the town council meeting minutes right it so then we're good with it so we're good with it we're good with the extra two people okay cool well if there's only one person for the um blue PR and it's been two weeks three weeks I think we could go about two weeks it's been a month well it's been a month since it's been a month since we it right acknowledged and asked for input and then so can can we go forward with at least that one I supp absolutely sure yeah um the uh the the person that put his name in was Jack cley yes correct and I had made copies of his res I had made copies of his resume he had given it to me earlier and it's probably in that application also I don't yeah I don't have it okay well I have oh you have I have what he gave me yes so yes it's is going to be resume uh he I believe he's qualified I can read it off I'm just curious as to why if these positions have been open for such a long time what is the big deal if we leave it open one more month just to make sure that we have that we haven't left anybody out they haven't been open for a long time it's the utilities one is with joy being placed on the council and then I think it was the last meeting that's where Kevin had brought the process that we need to uh replace uh Joy from the utility but then how's Compton resign from one of those boards that's a different I I maybe take them one at a time yeah I'm just doing one at a time I'm just doing the utilities right now but I just don't understand the because these boards need to have the people in them and it's very hard especially in this specific position to find someone that's actually qualified it's very technical position and that's why we even take people that don't live in town and that you know basically if you have the qualifications you can sit on that board because we need really smart people well one of the requirements of that commission is that they have technical expertise exactly exactly yeah but this is the only person in the county that has technical expertise that wants to do it so far so far well that's why I'm saying I mean I think we ought to leave it open another month plus the the person isn't even here because we didn't invite him so you know he was here and he spoke earlier yeah I know do you want to I know give us his background yeah go ahead I mean because I personally would like to if we've got openings and we can fill them let's fill them okay so um I don't know which if it's in chronological order going forward or backwards but he is 12 years with Furlow Associates designing sewage collection storm water and interior Plumbing Systems he was 11 years with stone and Webster engineering and I know that firm it's a big big consulting firm 11 years designing Wastewater domestic water fire protection system systems for both above and below ground applications at nuclear power plants uh one year at Liz yusi uh construction inspection startup and testing of a 13 MGD sewage pumping station uh one year as fital Associates uh construction inspection startup and testing of 10 sewage meeting and sampling stations 10 years at Hill International construction inspection startup and test testing of seven sewage pumping Station 3 miles of underground sanitary sewer and the world's largest in vessel sewage sludge composting facility UH responsibilities also include review of contractors monthly payment requests uh 12 years City of Hollywood Florida construction inspection startup and testing of various projects consisting of renovations to City Hall police buildings community centers Parks and Recreation and Street rebuilding projects Street projects included sanitary sewer and storm sewer piping piping along with Street lighting brick paper sidewalks irrigation um and responsibilities there also included review contractors monthly payment requests oh and ston and Webster is a well-known Mega consulting firm did you say you have copies I had copies and and I somehow all I have are two of them left three three two it's okay I understand but I can hand them down been there done that hand that one down thank you you probably already know him right why don't you make the motion so you get his name right okay so I would make a motion then that Jack Conley be accepted for the lpra position second second all right we got a motion a second any further discussion from the podium okay saying none we'll take it to the audience Pam I attend normally utilities meeting um just two points has this been before the Utilities Commission yet so I just ask you to consider I know you're here you're going to vote on it but I read the packet tonight and it says I thought it said like decision until July meeting I know that was your recommendation Kevin but um also if I was the chairman of a committee if I was on a committee and then I was told by Town Council at the next meeting that they had appointed some without prior knowledge um I think you ought to take that into account and also um I think he's well qualified based on what you wrote or you just read but also I've attended these meetings for years and and and except for the joint meetings between Town Council and utilities I don't remember seeing him in the audience as a participant so he may be qualified but will you get into the same thing where he's new he has great ideas or has Insight we're going to rehash the last three years Utilities in this path so I guess when I look at things too I look at the impact on staff and um I I think a lot of good ideas were brought up tonight but you only have so much money and so much Manpower thank you okay we'll bring it back call the council council member art yes council member Worley yes council member Hayes I'm going to say no because I feel like I'm being forced to make make a decision not because this gentleman is not qualified but I still feel like we told the people we would leave it open longer and we're not so I'm going to say no for that reason council member Charles yes okay what's next so but so LPA we had one person for two openings yes we had one person for two openings um we have two openings or three I think we only have two but anyway we're going to call them two for tonight and uh hos brought his actually resume in I don't have it in the packet and I apologize for that uh he lives in uh same subdivision as Water's Edge uh Garcia Garcia Alejandro Garcia maybe I can't I'm sorry um don't remember his name I'm terrible with names so uh but he did he did submit his resume he is qualified for the LPA he's um so I don't have his name but if you wanted to appoint him since he's the only one that's supplied um that's up to you and you can we'll know it's the only applicant we have we do have multiple openings on that board I think we need his name I know and a resume or information on him get it if you want to go to the okay well why don't we just go ahead and let um those LPA and CRA go till July is that okay with everybody and then that's it we're going to get fill these positions because we we need to I mean people don't show up and then if we don't have a quum and we've advertised and nothing moves forward and we have enough trouble moving forward now I would agree with that let's uh let's do the other two in July that okay to wait till July okay do we need a motion for that I don't think so so all right we'll move on to okay next is 5 D5 Tangerine to enter Lake sidewalk to Trail request okay so a little bit of history on this one um the this is actually I wrote it wrong Tangerine to catfish Creek along Interlake the county has what they call Transportation alternative funding they have funding to build a sidewalk on the south side of Interlake um five foot wide sidewalk we have been talking to them and do trying to get them to move it to the North side where we own a 30 foot rideway and change that to an 8 foot path um there's some question about whether they can delay that there is also in conjunction with that the cure to pul uh suntrail which is in its infancy and design and won't be fully vetted and funded for8 to 10 years but I think there's opportunity this same path is Do's primary path for that um suntrail portion so my one of my my goal was to uh have do delay the funding of the sidewalk we're going to end up with a 5 foot sidewalk and they could take that 500,000 plus and add 300,000 or 270,000 to it and put in a 12ft asphalt 12T paved asphalt path which is a multi-use path on our property um if they would do that then we have a segment of the trail and it's built to SunRail specifications so then we're ahead of the game for additional funding um barring that then I would say the county needs to build their 5 foot sidewalk on the southide like they planned and we keep our property open for a 12- foot path that will actually be usable for bicycles and and pedestrian traffic I think the majority of pedestrian traffic that's going to come out of pled Lakes Lake June point would be on bicycles and not Walkers so uh there's no shoulder on the side of Inter Lake I think it's a hazard for people to ride on that road although people do it every day I pass them on a regular basis but my request is to write a letter asking them to delay that officially asking them from the town to delay that funding request and try and add to it and make it part of a uh a SunRail path so may I add may I add to that I absolutely support and agree with um Kevin's approach I would um suggest we consider an alternative and that would be to ask the to fund the additional 270,000 to widen the path because they have built a tremendous number of trails and paths in the Sebring area and not yet here and this grant is a pretty darn good start we've acquired the 30 foot right of way for it and that's a would be a fair contribution for them to support and then we continue the maintenance okay I agree with all of that so um I don't think we need a motion just as long as you are good with it then we'll write we'll write letter as long as you nod yes or no I'm yes I would love for you to write a wonderful letter I think they'll do a very good job of it they're going through a budget now so it'd be timely to say would like y okay if you let me know when you're going I'll show up if you're going all right is there anything else to come before Council Alex Ramos Alex Ramos yeah that changes your mind okay I'll go to my department heads we have anything you want to bring before councel no everybody fine any other comments from the audience once again my name is Margaret deer um thank you all for your service it was great to see our neighbors so passionate about the issue with pickle ball and I understand that Council would like more input from the public but to see Neighbors pitted against neighbors and verbally accosted in a public forum was extremely uncomfortable and it felt like it got a little out of control that I wasn't quite sure who is running this operation that I didn't think that there should be cross talk between this Podium and the audience and I would just hope that in the future that maybe we could try to manage that a little bit a little bit better thank you okay all I will'll bring it back to the podium U just two things real quick is um the soccer an update on the soccer we have the person that's starting a soccer league and a soccer club and he has just under a hundred people that have signed up for it and so I know Harry's been working with you the soccer fields are looking good um and this weekend is kind of the kickoff where they're going to you know have I don't like the word assessment but all of the um it's the kickoff at the park for all of those interested in soccer so I think that's a good thing to get that back up and running um and then the other just just a comment the workshop uh the CRA Workshop um Mr Mayor you weren't there and Miss warley did a great job you know uh as the vice mayor for uh that CRA workshop and then um our attorney came in late so in fact we didn't even know that Bert was going to come which was fine so we all kind of scrunched together and I I liked being having the council members all closer together and I've done some research on the other you know different other cities and towns on their Diaz makeup and you know some have the attorney and the Town Council and the clerk down there others have them on the ends are on the side and I like when like right now I'm seeing five microphones before I can see you know um joy down there so I'd like to ask our consideration of just rearranging where we have the um the town attorney on one end the Town Administrator on the other and then we the five Town Council Members are all in the C in the center okay gives us a better chance to have those discussions amongst the council members but solicit the attorney and the administrator's inact when we need it give us something to think about well how do we do it is that need to be a motion or can we just decide on it now or I mean I think we should maybe we don't all agree with it well that's why I'm asking I don't agree you can't see over my head I didn't say that I said it's I didn't say that at all I said it's the discussion amongst the five council members you said you only see microphone I between Joy I see five microphones yeah can we just do it next meeting let's put it on the agenda and really sure that's fine give everybody that's I said how do we do that give everybody a chance to think about it okay okay that's all I had okay now um the the young lady that came up and spoke about uh pavement and beautification concerns um I I'm afraid I'm sorry that she's not here now but she was also not here when we were in the CRA meeting so she didn't understand or didn't know that we're already considering those things that she brought up um so I just want to make sure that she knows or goes on record that we are talking about paid and beautification concerns and we put those things on our CRA list but that's a different pot of money than what we were talking about for the pickle ball courts so understand that that would also be done as well and um I got the idea when we finally made the final decision to put the police department the new building here on this property and I always go that way and it's not even there but anyway on this property that this property would be a municipal um complex if you will with um the area out back hopefully for fire department or EMS station or both to the to the Future so and I um agree with Kendall Blanc in what he said that we should have a plan for this if this is going to be a municipal complex we should come up with a plan I think that's a good idea thank you Deborah um yeah the only thing I wanted to bring up is while I was there at the TDC appointment um the fire department came up and um Arlene tuck did a great job our County Commissioner of you know pushing saying we were on the back burner they need to move forward and then the the response was we are moving forward and um and I got up and spoke because I don't think that they understood that we own the building so I said you know oh I have to say to Don lwell took up the challenge and helped arleene and he was on our side and let's move forward and the what the outcome was is I did get up the only thing he said please don't undo everything I just said and I said I'm not going to I just said I just didn't think and I told them I said you we own the building that you're in and we need to move forward because we're expanding our utility and we need to know what we should do and I said so we should be in the loop totally in the loop every step of the way because we own the building and we don't want to have to build another facility when we have that one if it's going to be available so anyway I told him that and then um Ray Rey got up and really Champion the claw and I was so thankful that he did so out of the outcome of that Don lwell said they are going to have a memo every meeting with an update okay every meeting they're requiring it so that there's no slipping through the cracks anymore they're going to have to be accountable every meeting that they meet of where they're at with our new fire department good okay Jo um I think Colleen is a little bit Colleen's being a little bit modest about the uh the football what whatever when we were door knocking and listening to people and there was the um thing about so lot people mentioned soccer and we got a couple names of people who would volunteer or who were interested and that's how she got the name of uh Dan what is Dan and I think you probably brought them all together Kevin uh two things gentleman sitting way back in the back can you hear us okay tonight okay then then we're making then we are making progress we are not done but we are making progress so we could not get access we said we were going to have the mics have been adjusted to some extent the amp's been changed they could not install the speakers in the back because you can't get access to some of that area but they can get to some of the area so we have to modify our plan for the speakers in the back but there will be speakers in the back hopefully before the next meeting um it's an access issue you can't get through crawl spaces there's firewalls up there so our plan for the speakers had to get modified so I just wanted to double check on that so we are making progress on that that's good to know um the council already knows I as of today for everybody else knows it um I will be remaining as utilities director I'm not leaving the town but I have turned into my resignation as the Town Administrator so I think we just need discussion or quick discussion or approval to advertise for a New Town Administrator yeah you need a motion I don't think we need a motion I don't think we need a motion I mean he's he's officially resigned so it's something we have to do so with regret yes and he's not going anywhere so okay all right Mr attorney uh I unfortunately I will not be at the next meeting uh we had a chance to go to uh Alaska and go fishing and the only date available for the next two years was July 8th through the 15th so we jumped on it and took it um otherwise I would have not taken that date if there was others available but I will not be here so Deborah you'll be I don't know if I can feel those big shoes but I'll try you know I ran it to Mike eisenhard and he said he had told you invited you to come actually Mike gave me the name and number of of the owner of this Resort and when I called him he said that Mike is right that they normally stay booked for two years in advance but just the night before the gentleman had called and cancelled their reservations from from the 8th through the 15th and he said if I wanted them I've got it so we jumped on it so that's great it was just one of those things that I you know I've always wanted to do it my wife was my beautiful wife was in agreement so she knew it was on my bucket list so anyway that I I will be gone but uh I appreciate all of you being here and and I I know it's in capable hands so that's right that's right so so is there any other thing to come before Council yes you your next meting a timer well you know and and we can do that but you know Greg this is this is the only time we've got it right here and this is the only time people can stand up and really tell us what they think and what they want and a lot of times to do it in three minutes uh now if if it starts to get out of hand yeah I I definitely will but these were important issues and I just never want to handcuff people and only tell them I I'd rather them have a few more minutes and say what's on their mind and and then we then we make the decision we have to make but but I appreciate that comment okay nothing else meaning