##VIDEO ID:alkQbXav-kg## Government Center in the great town of Le PL in Florida we have with us tonight and it's always a pleasure to have him with us Reverend Ray Cameron from the First Presbyterian Church who's going to lead us in our invocation and our pledge so if everybody would please remove your your caps and stand up for me let's pray Lord we thank you for this season and the carols of the Season Joy to the World let Earth receive her King and so we acknowledge that you have given the gift of government we thank you for stability and civility we thank you for wisdom and courage we thank you for direction and we pray that your blessing would be on the work of the Town Council tonight guiding each and every decision that it would be for the good of our community that it would be uh to the the glory of who you are and what you desire for us that we would flourish as people and as a community and so we pray that you would Rule and even overrule in and through and around every single decision and matter that comes before them and there would be Delight in doing this work for our community and that you would make it come uh to fruition for our blessing so we pray in Jesus name amen amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you Reverend okay clerk would you please call the role mayor Holbrook here council member Hayes here council member Worley here council member Charles here council member art here okay we'll go to consent agu consent agenda one a through e I'll make a motion to approve a consent agenda one second we have a motion in second any comments from the podium hearing none I'll take it to the audience okay seeing none bring it back P the council please council member Charles yes council member Hayes yes council member Worley yes council member edart yes okay number two presentations and citizens on the agenda I have no citizens on the agenda at this time so we'll go into our presentation and first of all I'll call up our chief MC Manis if I could get you to join me up here please I am writing to formally commend you for your remarkable bravery and rapid response during the emergency at25 Lake Rashard drive on October 11th 2024 your courageous actions in entering a smoke filed home and extinguishing a fire that had erupted in the kitchen were nothing short of heroic your quick thinking and decisive action not only limited the damage to the property but potentially saved lives the level of risk you took by entering the resident under such hazardous conditions demonstrates your unwavering commitment to serving and protecting your community your contuct during this incident reflect great CR excuse me great credit upon yourself and the Lake plid Police Department it is individuals like you who consistently Step Up in times of Crisis that embodied the spirit of our law enforcement Community I am proud to have you as a member of our department and grateful for your dedication and service thank you for your Exemplar action and courage you displayed on that day [Applause] if I could could I have the council come down for a picture with her please please mayor for over here everybody know am Rec [Applause] all right next we have Jennifer salisbery bur here we're going to let her come forward and do her presentation good evening good evening well thank you uh Once Again Jennifer Cotto Salsbury with the central Florida Regional planning Council and I'm actually here before you all today really as a followup uh to November when we had talked about uh looking to the future with the town and we had talked about a few things uh strategic planning for the town but also uh looking at the downtown area and lastly looking at the town's comp comprehensive plan and what I have brought forward and is in your packets is actually a scope of work for us to work with you and the community on a downtown master plan and I'll talk about the other two items in a minute but uh this scope of work would really allow us to pick up where the community redevelopment plan had uh in the long-term goals noted the goal of doing a downtown master plan not only looking at our existing infrastructure but uh working with the community uh and really developing that that action plan and that plan could then also be brought into an update to the CRA plan but in the scope we've outlined um two deliverables um the first would be really the lay of the land and meeting with the community what do we Define as the downtown area truly uh and then having Community work shops to talk about the vision for downtown and we'd also like to do that while we have our seasonal residents here as well and then uh through that the first deliverable is looking at that existing conditions report the public comments but also what types of amendments do we need to look at for not only the comprehensive plan but the Land Development code are there opportunities for maybe additional Flex flexibility in the downtown area or additional different types of requirements and then the second part of the scope of work uh is really looking at finishing out that downtown master plan with strategies additional Community engagement did we get it right are we on the right page um but also again addressing that um strategy for down town including infrastructure and planning priorities through that Community engagement I really think those discussions will help start guiding the town council's strategic plan and then lastly with regard to the comprehensive plan the town's update is really due a little later um it's the ultimate deadline is 2027 but we would like to work with the town but ask that the county get a little further along the town is part of that process as you all know uh but then looking at the town's comprehensive plan may be starting in the summer early fall and uh that is really my my brief overview yeah goad I know the county is working on their comprehensive plan and we have our um Lake Classic Regional planning area which spills into theirs how do we coordinate those two and does this include that coordination well that coordination is kind of dual the cities are included as we look at the comprehensive Plan update we've had initial meetings with each jurisdiction and we're in the first part of that update we're part of that evaluation and appraisal report really reviewing the plan itself the goals objectives and policies in place the data and what's occurred in the past 14 years um but then as we move forward and looking at kind of those overall uh updates to the plan the local jurisdictions would be included so that's not written in here but that is something that would already be happening but I do think uh as we look if the town want to move forward with the Downtown Vision plan a lot of those discussions when we have Community engagement also come up to the top on that I mean it sounds like a parallel path but it needs to land in the county at the same time because they adopt our codes we adopt their codes for the area well we can definitely uh look at that I would say that um for that I'm catching you off bus no no you're fine so that's really part of the greater Lake Placid planned area I know we have the you know the core of the town but then that area unincorporated where we have the yeah the area around is supposed to develop the same way our town is right and the county adopts our code so I would ask if we could finish with the County's evaluation and appraisal report and then come back to you with a scope of work for the Amendments which would be that that coordination between the two jurisdictions if that would be acceptable it would help us kind of that out more so the county recently had at least one Workshop that um counc council member iart uh council member um Hayes myself um Town Administrator Charlotte attended and also some of the residents and it was very good it was for 2050 a comprehensive plan and so to and it's a good point you're asking because I actually see what she's presenting today for strategic plan that's IAL so that we can now start to talk about our own needs as they're working on the broader one and then we can feed right into it to make sure that what we're interested in does in fact get incorporated into it versus the county taking the lead on the 250 off they go they have workshops and we haven't sat back and done the comprehensive Workshop um the whole um recommendation that's happening here so I see the timing is perfect with what they're trying to do and then what we need to do and then that will feed in where we can be more proactive in telling them this is what we want now how do we make that happen that's exactly the question how do we get our plan done so we can feed into the County's ear so the county doesn't just monkey with the ear without our input well and I'll say that the evaluation and appraisal report that's exactly what it is it's it's not your draft amendments yet it's a review of the plan and and the is a part of that but that work will be done early spring for the county this year next year yeah 2025 right so let me get there for a second so the scope before you is really focused on the the downtown but there's a lot of energy through the the input on that I can co go back I can revise the scope or give you a separate one but the town is at the table is the county reviews this comprehensive plan um the town's comprehensive plan obviously we have that greater Lake pled area but you also have your overall comprehensive plan hitting all facets of the town so I almost would come back to you with a smaller scope of work just for that greater Lake Placid area as you look at your comprehensive Plan update because your comprehensive Plan update for your overall plan would come a little bit later but um I can outline that I think it would just be that that joint coordination and also visioning with the town for that greater area well you're handling the Cy's ear correct so you will be reaching out to us as the County's ear and we could address any issue the county raises at that time yes and then we do our plan and come back to the county a second time to say hey we found some other things we want to address yep it's not part of their ear but they could still change it out of sync yes yes fortunately you know it's not the the days when we only could amend the comprehensive plan twice a year it's definitely a living document but that evaluation and appraisal report would would review the conditions and the opportunities and challenges and I know we had a a stakeholders meeting with the town uh which had also highlighted a lot of that excuse me my question on this was scope because I keep reading downtown area downtown area so can you better Define what what scope is in is it all of the Town limits or is it just Dale Hall Inner Lake Main Street or or what's what's in scope the scope before you is really focused on a downtown master plan the geography of the downtown town is actually what we would look at in our first Workshop you know what do we Define as the downtown area and that includes you know the Town Council but also Community engagement as well so but the the bigger area that that the town attorney is talking about is the uh unincorporated area to yeah that's not my question so when I see the word downtown does the is this building included in it that actually would be part of the first Workshop it's it's really up to the community on how you all Define that true downtown area and a lot of times communities will say oh you know absolutely this is our core area and then we might have kind of a transitional area into downtown where you have maybe a flexibility and uses as well but actually that's kind of that first part deliverable one is what do you all truly Define as downtown but wouldn't that have an impact on the cost no no it it wouldn't from our perspective no is is this um if it was defined or constraint to the CRA District we could use CRA money well I'm pretty sure that most of the area of downtown would be in your CRA today so yes it actually is an identified priority in your adopted CRA plan so then this the town hall the government center would be excluded part of it would be but as part of this effort for a downtown master plan the majority would be in and I'm looking at the Town attorney but I I think it really meets those goals of creating a downtown master plan which would include a lot of the area in the plan today maybe a little bit outside but in turn if you found your downtown master plan to be acceptable you would update your CRA plan and the cost is [Music] $40,000 okay I'm for this 100% something we need to do but I want the citizens to know that we have the CRA and they are going to be able to pay for a portion of this yeah at this time I don't know how much but at least they'll know that it's it's not coming from our coffers that they're tax are actually working for them right so I want to make sure that that gets out there and everybody understands it we're going to spend the money uh but it's it's to improve the whole lake plet area not just not just downtown right and a lot of times downtown's a catalyst for the improvements in the rest of the area and and you may not end up with the downtown including Town Hall that's it's just that's part of the exercise of the down Town master plan so so now I'm confused on the legality if we use CRA money then it'd be comingling it with other assets that are not CRA District if we go outside of is there a how does that work so it it's actually called out here in in your CRA plan regardless of what you define as the downtown area the the majority of the geography is in the CRA I don't know what geography you all will def Define as your true downtown area or the periphery the transitional area but you would probably go back and update your CRA plan but the goal here is that it is called out and definitely a lot of that geography is in the CR so I I'm not an attorney but I I think that you know this is definitely a CRA project from from the goals of your plan that was adopted yeah I well I'm in favor of it I just don't want to get in trouble so to speak if we go outside this UCC money and go outside of that District I think the mayor was talking about using some of it sounded like General Revenue and CRA money so you may be updating the CRA plan at the same time as doing the master plan and alloc that's something the CRA board will have to determine that's why we cannot say how much of it but I just want the taxpayers to know that their money is definitely going to be working for them so it would be a blending so you would have to allocate certain amount of funding proportionately for what CRA but we're not going to know that until the right after we get started I'd like to go ahead and do this and I'm not sure I was trying to find out how we would fund it because we don't have it in our budget so there's $40,000 and there's four payments so three of those payments would be in this budget cycle and then the last payment for November would be in next budget so we need to allocate from our funds for this budget year um we're going to have to reassign some money like move it from one area to another and then from the CRA budget from the CRA budget or the other budget whatever we need to do we're going to I'd like to go ahead and get this started tonight um I just wasn't sure if I make a motion where the money would come from but um you know for the first to start was it 10,000 Jennifer um and I apologize this actually would be split into two it would be $20,000 in August 2025 and then the remainder when the project is complete November 1st 2025 of 20 so split between two fiscal years but uh but the two payments y so if we if we get okay so in August it would be 25,000 or 20 20,000 20 okay 20,000 and then in November another 20 is that correct that's correct thank you so I'm just trying to figure out where this money is going to be coming from and so we can go ahead and get started I'd like to get started tonight actually if we can I mean I'd really like to get it going so I just need to know how to structure my motion as far as the funding goes if I may uh Dana Rell Town planner uh we had set aside $25,000 for a grant a potential grant that we were looking to get that we did not receive for the US 27 Corridor and inter and Maine so I would propose to redirect those funds because we didn't receive that over for this fiscal year toward this plan and then next year we can include in our budget the remaining amount okay then I'm going to go ahead thank you thank you yeah so that makes sense thank you very much so uh what were those funds labeled um would it just come under planning and zoning department funds it was under contract planning contract planning okay I'm going to make a motion um and then I'd like to hear from the audience if anybody has anything to say but I'm just saying let's to get it going with a motion and see where if we go with that so I would like to take um 20,000 from contract planning that was going to be used for a grant and move it to the funds that are necessary to um move this forward and I'm going to ask to approve the Strategic plan and Downtown Vision and action plan done by approve the central Florida planning Council to to um do the work on that and sign the contract I'll second it okay we have a motion second any other comments from the podium I I had one more question Jennifer Jennifer I had just another question and it goes back to the scope again so so if we'll at the first Workshop decide how broad the scope is so if we decide to include this building and and I'm thinking of outside of the CRA District I'm thinking of Lake June Park right some of the things that people want to do there so if we we there is no issue with us broadening the scope of of the work to include those other areas and and looking at the um the the work scope I just want to make sure if we do include some of the other Parks Parks and Recreation is part of this and trails or is that a whole separate master plan because I've been well discussing the need for a master plan for this town for all of our Capital Improvements so I want to make sure that strategic plan is great but does that include parks recreation and trails or is that going to be a subset master plan that we need to pursue well if I could it would be the the parks recreation and trails within the the downtown area whatever geography that's defined as however your comprehensive Plan update is coming and the greater area the linkages of our neighborhoods communities and schools that all would be included in the Plan update which will be a little later i' like to talk about that in the summer and the fall with you all but and and just talking with the town attorney as well this scope um would then be linked to the CRA Plan update yeah and again I just want to clarify is we have the town limits right which is Broad and then we've shortened within the town limits is the CRA District so this building here is part of the Town limits not the greater Lake plet area but the town limits but it's not part of the CRA District correct the same with you know um Lake June Park so it's like we've got these external boundaries that would be great to have bike PA and walking paths that connect in that at some point or even talk about additional amenities for some of the space around here so I I'm just still struggling with I'm not talking about greater Lake Placid I'm talking about the Lake Placid town limits and then smaller within that is CRA so this scope is really directed at the micro of your it's the downtown it's downtown Lake Placid it will take an existing inventory of all of your facilities parks recreation and the linkages to the the overall Community but this is really that that downtown focus on you know where opportunities and challenges and moving forward if you end up at the end of the day saying you know this is the geography of downtown but we have some of this area not in the CRA then we can come back to update the CRA plan the bigger picture that you're talking about the overall town all that connectivity and linkages that we look at the downtown and how it connects to the other parts in the town limits but that that full holistic discussion happen happens when we really look at the comprehensive Plan update for the town so there'll be a lot of discussion and we'll be taking copious notes uh but the project with the scope for you today is is really focused on that defined downtown area I think as we move forward just like we're doing I'm saying let's do this budget amendment to move the funding just so we know it's covered but we can amend that um once we decide how much are is in the CRA we can also another budget amendment to say that we'd like the CRA funding to pay this much by proving that much you know this area you know out of the funding the the area is defined then we could do a budget amendment to maybe move some money from CRA into what we're paying out of um our grant money from U Contract Services contract planning I was thinking that the CRA the limits of the CRA are larger than the limits of the town of am I am I backwards yeah oh that figures okay I spend a lot of time backward quite a bit the limits regarding what I mean the the limits of the CRA versus the limits of the town I thought the CRA uh area was bigger than the town I thought it was inside but obviously I had that backg I think the easy way to look at it as I described to people is this building here is not part of the CRA District District nor is Lake June so you've got Lake June Park on the far west side is not part of the CRA district and then and actually Wawa is not part of the CRA District it kind of stops almost in that downtown area so that's why it was you know we've got this building and a lot of property and we've got Lake June Park that are not part of CRA so that's why I was just trying to figure out the scope of some needs outside of the CRA district and how do we ever master plan discussion about them I almost think we're confusing the issue and leading and Jennifer's trying to help but we're talking about a master plan for downtown one area Our Town a second area our CRA a third area and our comprehensive plan yet a different plan you got a A CRA plan as well as a comp plan and the comp plan comes years from now so I'm wondering if we don't go back to exactly what's in the agenda package and say we're looking at a downtown area comp plan I'm sorry Master Plan and stop and we'll deal with the others later but that's why I asked the first question what is the downtown area I was trying and she's saying that will Define in the first meeting as to where we need to plan and it may overlap some of the the CRA and and may not I'm sure it will but so here's the CRA that she just put up this is that's the boundaries of the C that's why I thought that that it was larger than the town limits but I guess the town limits are larger than that yes this is this is what we have up here this map that's the CRA area right right make a comment so your your very first Workshop I was to be very exciting so you know we'll do as much community outreach as we can to get the community to attend including our seasonal residents but like we did with the workshop y'all attended we are going to break out into groups but we are each group is going to have a map on the table and it's going to be draw in what do you think of when you think of the downtown area we'll be able to go back after that Workshop to also look at Town resources work with stff staff to then refine that area but that that's the very first Workshop that's not answering your question but I wanted to let you know the process of of downtown because what what I may think of just having been involved in planning efforts here may be very different than you all who live work and play here um and you know that may uh extend outside the CRA limits but when you look at that map the majority of the the downtown area is already in the the CRA so it's extremely important for everybody to show up at the first meeting to really give their input this is your town and this is the people's town they really need to come and if you you need to put your input in so we really good a clear picture of what everybody wants to do and our mission and where we're going for that we just really need to get the word out when we have that first meeting and and what I was really happy to see that one of the line items specific specifically said uh conduct a community survey including Outreach to the community youth okay and it'll be well advertised so and I like that it's when the snowbirds are here I I mean that's key to get the largest group to give the input any other question to Jennifer uh we'll take it the audience Ken La Blan um land owner business owner downtown and CRA member um I just want to say that I completely support this I mean without a master plan you know the CRA is going to chase you know shiny objects you know let's do this let's do that do shotgun stuff but with a master plan then we could work through a master plan we could have a a plan of action you know the things that we should do first the things we should do you know after that and I also find that you know the historic downtown we don't we don't really have a code that's separate for the historic downtown than we have for 27 so when whenever you're going to develop something downtown you know the code says we should develop it like Walgreens or CVS which isn't the right thing to do for downtown so I'm hoping that through this process we can identify exactly which you know where the historic downtown is maybe what the codes ought to be for downtown um you know where the parking should be downtown you know Historic downtown should have on street parking so you know what's the extense of that extents of that and how far will it go and which streets will it go on will it go all the way down to where Miller's you know Miller area is and stop there and so on Miller a is going to go and so on so I I think this is huge I think it's super important you know to have this master plan and you know I think um yeah the town Town Council can pay for some of it the CRA can pay for some of it um I think it's uh well worth the money um to go through this process I would hope we can get pretty far along before the next budget cycle is uh worked out for the CRA so maybe we could you know bud be budgeting some money towards some of the projects that we identify that we might need to do but um you know November's not too far off of you know the next budget for that but um but I I think it's great yeah I really support it all right say any other comments bring it back pull the council council member orley yes council member Hayes yes council member Charles yes council member edart yes okay thank you so much we are very excited to get working on this thanks thank you Jennifer at this time I'll ask if there's any citizens who have comments this will be your your chance to get up and speak all right saying none we go to public hearings I think that we um we addressed in the first hearing we had we addressed most of the issues um did you want to read the ordinance into the that's what I'm going to do okay I just had to bring it up okay okay ordinance number 20246 I believe that's the first one yeah an ordinance of the Town Lake PL amending conditions of the zoning classification for properly located at 1069 US 27 North North Lake plad Florida to add new allowable uses and address servance errors thank you Dana Rell Town planner for the record this is a quasa Judicial hearing so we will go ahead and swear in any agents which would just be myself and the mayor and uh we'll go ahead and ask for expar communication in just one moment so Eva if you could please swear us in mayor if you would stand and hold up your right hand you allly swear or affirm that the testimony you are about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do I do thank you as noted by councilwoman Worley um this has come before you before we're on our second reading and I'm available for any questions for now I'll go ahead and put the motion options up on the screen but nothing has changed since first reading on this one so again I'm here for any questions thank you I'm going to move to approve and adopt hearing number lptc 24009 RZ ordinance 2024-25 what page is the ordinance on um let me pull up my pages here 126 127 so it's on1 but that's a redlined one what was the question the ordinance number ordinance number 2024 202 24-6 I saw the title um it looks like1 yeah it looks like only the red version made it in but I believe our motion still stands B you want this you want no no no so long as it's in the agenda package I've seen it I just didn't see it in here it's in there it's it's all good thank you I'm used to seeing it right behind your staff report and know my apologies I'm not anxious don't [Laughter] worry hiding well that was going to be my question does a town attorney approve the ordinance yes and this is second reading right yes no third reading no no just just J I draw the line at third reading second second reading and adopt page 121 see the page the right 121 Lord yeah 12 what number 121 page 121 121 how do you make it go there scroll I've been doing that for a week go up above where it says so this is the first time we've seen the ordinance which I don't have any problem but I have just a curiosity question on page 125 it talks about three phases phase one we know which is already done phase two is the police station um and then it has a phase three for telecommunication Towers public parks and playgrounds trail head fire station public utility facilities so my guess is as we get closer to any of that we can always amend phase three to a phase four or what because that's the first time I've seen this property listed in like a brainstorming session of what could be done yes so originally and as you can see some of these items were listed what in what was originally phase two for the property um it just wasn't accounted for that we would have a police station since we know for sure we're having a police station we're constructing it now we went ahead and made that phase two and then for phase three is really a bit of a catchall of items we might have on this property and I just took the feedback that I've been hearing from Council over the last year about the things that I've heard them say they would Envision on the property as a potential and the way that we structur this one you'll see phase two shall be approved as a final PD whereas phase three shall be approved as a conceptual plan development which means staff can approve it it doesn't have to come back before councel if it falls in line with phase three the uses but if a use becomes available that does not fall into this phasing plan or is listed as any of these permitted uses then yes we will come back and revisit the ordinance thank you okay where we at the audience got a motion in a second all any other questions from the podium right none take it the audience saying none bring it back pull the council council member Worley yes council member Hayes yes council member Charles yes council member art yes all right next we have 202 24-4 14 or 15 no I'm on I'm way ahead okay this is ordinance number 202 24-15 vacation of RightWay Frederick D and Jody Miller uh Dennis Murray Town engineer this is the second hearing for the vacation of rideway request let's see how do I get it uh as of right now staff has not received any letters of opposition for the RightWay request if anyone has any questions the agent's here and I'm available to answer any questions I don't know do we need to read the ordinance into the record or can I just go ahead and make a motion or do we need to read the ordinance into the record or they need to read the at least the title okay title alone works okay I can I can do that with my motion where's that you want me to read that whole thing uh just this is 24:15 yeah ordinance number 202 24-15 and ordinance of town of Lake PL Florida pertaining to the vacation of RightWay as particularly described here in and as requested by Frederick D and Jody Miller providing for legisl finding an intent providing for ownership providing for the vacation of rideway providing for a drainage and storm water convey an eement providing for recoordination providing for the implementation of administrative action providing a savings Clause providing for sers error providing for conflicts providing for severability and providing for an effective date thank you I'm going to make a motion that we adopt ordinance number 2024 on sec 2024-25 hearing none bring it back pull the council please council member Worley yes council member Hayes yes council member Charles yes council member art yes okay now we go to ordinance 202 24-14 an ordinance of the town of Lake blast submitting the zoning classification of property properties located at 28 Royal Palm 10 18 28 West Royal Palm Street 203 205 209 211 South Main Street and 11 West washingtonia Street Lake plasted Florida from C3 commercial light manua manufacturing district and C2 limit limited commercial District to C3 PCD commercial light manufacturing plan commercial development district and c-2 PCD Limited commercial plan commercial development District to allow for a commercial warehouse SL office facility and a future retail Plaza and adding section 160-20 of the code of the town of Lake plaid Florida entitled Miller's AC plan commercial development ordinance providing for severability providing for conflict and providing for an effective date thank you Dana Rell Town planner for the record I wanted to go out go ahead and point out some of the changes that occurred between first and second reading we went ahead and amended the section of the code that we're adding it to we were working on the distribution center and Miller's AC at the same time and they were almost assigned the same section of the code so we went ahead and updated that to make sure that everyone has their own code section once this is adopted we went ahead and just made some changes as far as scrier errors I went ahead and provided some clarity that construction of phase 2 may be commenced at any time after the completion of phase one just wanted to make sure a building couldn't go up without any of the other landscaping or other parking requirements so phase one has to come first phase two shall be developed and Ed for retail commercial parking I took away and perimeter Landscaping because that's not a primary use that is something they will be required to have but it is not a use I provided some clarity on what would be phase one and phase two again took care of some scrier errors some of the on street parking was reduced between first and second reading due to the new implementation of a loading area and garbage collection area this is really the most substantial change we added language stating the developer shall design and construct the storm water retention area to accept storm water from South Maine uh right now because of the well we just finished vacating the RightWay but because of the RightWay that was there it was accepting storm water runoff from our road so we wanted to make sure that at no point did someone say well we're going to take care of our retention you take care of your retention and it's a trade-off to make sure that retention is fully taken care of that there's no decrease in storm water management as a result of this looks like I got a little extra wording in there the language um I had some assistants putting this together and they did receive some verbal acknowledgment that Highlands County would be okay with the construction of parking stalls in the RightWay which would be Main Avenue of course they haven't gone through permitting yet so they need to go through all those things but the condition was was Highlands County was okay with it so long as the applicant in the town understood that those parking spaces could be removed at any time so originally the county said well make sure they have enough parking on their property just in case and where we ended up going with it was allowing more parking on the town-owned rights of way on either side I believe it's Royal Palm and washingtonia it's reflected in the site plan you see the new parking spaces added in that right of way uh the town will work you know we we have a good reputation for making sure that we work with the local business owners downtown and to make sure we aren't just going to come through and tear up and get rid of their parking spaces so knowing we're more cognizant of that as a small municipality who's able to work with everyone on the ground I feel comfortable allowing the parking on the RightWay on either side um also I meant to tell you guys this during first reading but there is this new parking trend for downtowns which I'm really excited because we'll definitely cover this as part of the downtown um visioning that we have coming up um sorry y'all I just lost my train of thought okay yes okay so what's trending right now for a lot of businesses especially in municipalities towns urban areas is the trend of allowing applicants to determine how much parking they need so for something like this because it was such a large warehousing operation it would have been a very substantial number of parking spaces required fired but this applicant has conveyed that they use work trucks and they send the work trucks home with the employees who are using them so in this case we really are letting them decide how much parking they need for their development now one day the use of this property changes they're definitely going to have to come back for PD but they they might have to make alterations to their site plan based on what their new proposed uses so I just want to make sure I really wanted to make sure I laid everything out on the table this time and was very clear about what we're agreeing to when we agree to this development and then I wanted to pull up the site plan and I I alluded to it last time I just also really wanted to point out that the proposed loading zone is halfway on the subject property and halfway in the right of way and the applicant is providing the Landscaping updates in the right of way as well as the parking so for the Landscaping we also built in the requirement for maintenance of those landscaped areas but not the parking areas so once these parking areas are constructed the town is going to take over maintenance of them and that's what we're agreeing to with this PD is that an agreement or is that a hope or what is that that the town is going to take over that maintenance I don't think we have it explicitly worded go ahead B there's no develop since the town's doing it there was no reason to have a developers agreement requiring him to it's just part of our right of way just like we do in front of anybody else up and down the street but we're adding Islands I see the islands on there we're add we they not there they're not there now so well they tree their oak trees there now and and they Mr Miller said not cutting down the oak trees we'll leave everyone and put an island around it okay and these islands are going to be grass or papers uh Milli question I am anti- mulch I am am I anti- mulch as well sorry oh no this was a previous meetings discussion prev it was from a inside yeah a little inside thing so did you need to swear people in again for this new ordinance or yes thank you so and we need to do expart communication looks like we didn't do it last time but let's go ahead and do expart communication real quick and we'll swear in the agents and applicant I'm I think just the agent is here so starting on this side have you had any expart communication no thank you no thank you no thank you no no thank you and the swearing in if Mr cool if you could stand to be sworn in I do okay so ultimately the agent is here for any questions I'll go ahead and pull up the motion options on the screen and you're welcome to ask questions to myself or the agent I was going to go ahead and make a motion that we adopt ordinance number okay we have a motion of second any further comment from the podium I will say this has been going on a long time and I'm glad to see that maybe it's coming to the end Mr Cool want to thank you for all you've done to help Mr Miller uh I think this is a a good step to help South Main Street it's just a start and hopefully we can grow and and move forward in a better Better Way in that direction so yes all right any comments from the audience seeing none bring it back pull the council council member Worley yes council member Charles yes council member Hayes yes council member everheart yes thank you thank you all right next is ca1 fertilizer ordinance um I had asked to have this on the agenda to to open discussions um no decisions just to open discussions have a presentation um we're all familiar with the chart that was in the 2020 Swift Mud report that showed fertilizer ordinances being as the top of the list for best management practices for Lake water that was followed by like floating bogs septic tank inspections and then s septic conversion so anyway with the F by coincidence Miss Kennedy had the same as I did I was going to um push it forward and she beat me to it and has done has prepared a presentation um well she'll tell you there are 38 counties and 98 municipalities around us that have these ordinances and um I'd also like to add if you could bring up on the screen Eva her credentials should there apologize those lines are not and bear in mind the lines are not cross outs it's just just a formatting 27 page 57 page 257 yeah or 27 thank you Miss Kennedy for coming and helping us out with this well thank you so um I I you can see that she has a help Hefty background um credibility and um I think I'll just let her go ahead and and again this is only opening it for discussion to see if we want to proceed with any kind of fertilizer ordinance and and it's only a residential ordinance not agricultural so thank you thank you Joy um oh oh excuse me one other correction on here um uh she has a property on Lake June it says somewhere here Lake June point is you're you're on Lake June property on Lake June yeah in the code I'm not sure why those are crossed out but that's that's all accurate up there that was that was an error in the form itself when I typed it the form would those line it was lines it wouldn't let me take them out oh okay um I'll just reiterate that I'm I'm just addressing you as an interested homeowner with property on Lake June today I I um I'm not a professional in Lake Health um I'm not not acting as a paid representative it was requested of me to kind of point that out uh but it might be of interest that I did attend the master's degree program at Cornell University in Regional planning and wrote my Master's thesis on Coastal Resource Management with an emphasis on um water management um so I have an interest in this and some background um so this is about the health of our Town's 27 lakes and as you know they cover a mindboggling 11 ,000 Acres so the importance of this we all are aware of and I know that you have devoted lots of time and money to Lake Health um particularly focusing on upgrading the sewage plant uh so this is just an additional solution to Lake Health to add to that one that doesn't take a lot of time doesn't cost anything and of course it's fertilizer runoff from our residential Lawns uh just like septic tank seage fertilizer runoff kills Lakes by robbing them of oxygen due to algae blooms uh here's how scary they can be uh there's an area in the Gulf of Mexico called The Dead Zone it's 6,700 square miles the size of New Jersey uh Noah says it's because of the excess fertilizer that runs out of the Mississippi River this dead zone makes it nearly impossible for marine life to survive over the last few months I've reviewed um many materials and spoken to several researchers and scientists and and uh here's what I found out in addition to what I've emailed to you I just have a couple of things to look at while we're talking I EMA on the top you'll see uh the map um and as you'll see Central Highlands towns and counties are surrounded by municipalities and counties that have already enacted enacted thanks very much fertilizer ordinances were surrounded by them um 99 Florida municipalities and 34 Counties have already adopted residential lawn fertilizer ordinances so now one might think it's up to Highlands County itself to pass an ordinance I wouldn't argue that that would be a great idea and the question is why should we do it why doesn't the County just pass one I've been in touch with Don Ritter the natural resources manager for Highlands County uh she has tried she said to get the county to pass an ordinance three times um according to her the county quote doesn't seem interested she strongly encourages us to pass a town ordinance as she believes it would be really really useful in prompting the county to pass an ordinance having done some some of the um background information first next handout is the southwest Florida best management practices handout that you're all familiar with and once again you'll notice that uh fertilizer ordinances is ranked number one in priority at the bottom as well as being the lowest in cost the Third thir little group of pages you have there is data specific to our own Lakes June and Placid I just chose those two since they're the biggest um the question is is fertilizer runoff affecting our lakes and the answer seems to be yes and here are the facts that I've come up with I've been in touch with the director of Florida lakat uh Gretchen Les cord um our nitrogen and phosphorus levels have been steadily Rising on those lakes and the question is is are these approaching dangerous levels well here's the good news and and the bad news the good news is we're still in what they call the natural zone of how Lakes are measured as to their ability to fight these pollutants um the disturbing news is that within 15 years if phosphorus levels keep rising at their current rate on Lake June for example will exceed all naturally containable levels with possible really bad consequences um on your handout what you'll see is the total nitrogen and phosphorus and algae rising and the water Clarity falling uh routinely on both legs now I wanted to address three possible objections that you may have heard about adopting fertilizer ordinances it's good to get that out in the open right off the bat I think you may hear there's no proof that limiting fertilizer will help reduce algae blooms uh the University of Florida just finished a year-long study this last October that compared the water quality of lakes throughout Florida that had fertilizer ordinances with those that didn't um it was based on a review of existing research and on monthly water quality sampling carried out by lakat Volunteers in Co coordination with the Florida Wildlife Conservation Commission uh the study was directed and paid for by our state government because two years ago a big lawn care company TR green suggested to the governor that there was not sufficient proof that Lawn Care um nitrogen fertilizer uh phosphorous fertilizers were causing Lake damage so the governor put a a moratorium on new fertilizer ordinances while the study was being carried out and the study is included in your attachments one of your attachments that I had sent earlier the year-long study concluded that quote all fertilizer ordinance types did lead to at least one water quality Trend Improvement when compared to lakes in counties without ordinances uh the study used lakat monitoring results which began in Florida in 1986 and monitored 525 Lakes um it studied Lakes for 5 years before and 5 years after fertilizer ordinances were put in place and it found that counties with fertilizer ordinances had improved water quality now this is a good moment to to remind you and myself that the research shows that lawn fertilizers are not the only source of pollution we all know that uh because another University of Florida study in December of 2023 for example shows that um Indian River Lagoon's primary pollutant deceptic tank runoff so my my uh presentation here isn't to minimize other sources but just simply to point out that lawn fertilizers are major players as well um following that study 57 elected local officials all over the State signed a letter to the governor urging him to allow them to continue to pass fertilizer ordinances uh that was in the attachment that I sent you all those signatures and this request was granted now the second objection that uh you would probably hear concerns uh uh lawn care companies uh saying that it would cost them business this is because ordinances call for nitrogen and phosphorus limitations of various kinds during various seasons and always during threat of hurricanes and um and rainstorms this objection can be and has been met on various um levels for one there are substitutes for nitrogen and phosphorus applications um there are a few listed in one of your email attachments also time of year application makes a huge difference it turns out that simply prohibiting winter fertilizer application is the single most effective deterrent against runoff that's the time when the grass is absorbing the least fertilizer because it's not growing so it kind of makes sense so one question here is how to get this process started the whole process of enacting this ordinance um Cape Coral city council um and I picked it because it has an ordinance to protect 100 miles of freshwater canals as well as saltwater Frontage uh told me through Jessica Cen a council member there that um they held three what they called stakeholder meetings in which concerns by fertilizer applicators were heard and uh based on this coordinated event everybody came to acceptable terms the third objection we would likely hear from homeowners and I've heard already and the question is would we have brown Lawns um there's a photo in the back of your little packet there um taken of a picture of my lawn that I have not fertilized in N9 years I do have irrigation but I don't fertilize so just an example that it is possible uh also according to the Miami water keeper paper not one of the communities with an ordinance has reported issues with lawn Aesthetics or has weakened or repealed their laws since enactment they emphasize not one has done that so here's something too a final thing about the strength of a new ordinance um the strength of a new ordinance some might say we should start with a weak ordinance so that everybody can be on board right off the bat um and some counties have done this but um it has not proven to work apparently uh weak ordinances typically rely on voluntary coordination uh occasional bans or limits on fertilizer and weak regulation um and it seems to uh turn out that nobody pays attention to to these weak efforts so according to the Miami water keeper study which is in your mail your email uh weak ordinances do not improve water quality educate the public or change Behavior uh both Charlotte and Mountain Martin counties uh as well as the city of Naples strengthened their orces after they had adopted weak ones because nobody paid any attention to them so creating our own ordinance I've included Cape Coral's ordinance in your attachments specifically because it is interesting in that it shows the original ordinance passed in 2010 as well as the more stringent modifications passed 13 years later uh it's easy to see because the sentences crossed out the recent mod the early you know the the early ordinance so in summary effective ordinances State the months that fertilizer can and cannot be applied the number of feet away from the water the percentage of slow release nitrogen acceptable um the number of pounds per year that may be applied and uh the fact that landscapers need to register with the city so I've included in your email attachments the Florida Department of Environmental protection's model or ordinance for urban Landscapes as a start um so so in closing we now have templates for initiating our own fertilizer ordinance and we could start um by drafting our ideals based on the sample ordinance that the state has prepared or any of the other 99 municipalities we could hold three public meetings and so forth and down the road even be open to strengthening that ordinance um in a few years if we feel that we need to so I hope this is helpful thank you thank you thank you to open the discussion um is there any um appetite to hold uh stakeholder meetings and get the feedback of the citizens to pursue this yes or no I would suggest you put an ordinance on the table for the stakeholder meeting to start the public hearings yes okay okay that would be so they have something to go by yes of course exactly MH so I think we need a motion to um ask our attorney and our town administ ministrator to um maybe copy uh copy some of the other um municipalities um ordinances maybe get them together and bring it back for our next meeting so we could um look at the ordinance and then go ahead and maybe plan for some meetings Dana and I spoke with um the county as well thank you Miss Kennedy uh we also spoke with the county and they did agree and state that this would probably be a good initiative however they as she stated they have not adopted an ordinance but after um speaking with them we agree that we would like to have Town Council allow us to um proceed forward with exploring the opportunities and look at what the potential framework would look like okay I'll make do we need a motion to do that I'll make a motion that we move forward with um u a fertilizer ordinance um appointing uh our town planner Dana and Our Town Administrator Charlotte to come up with an ordinance for our town second I think our attorney should be included in that in that list um it doesn't you know I think well just whatever you all need I mean obviously you have other staff that you may need to bring into it as well um it sounds like your reaching out to some other these cities that already have it to maybe copy what they've put in place so maybe at that point that the attorney needs to get involved I think the attorney should be involved in the beginning why should we backtrack copying and stealing from others is always the highest form of flattering absolutely it is definitely and you do that so well I did prepare verbiage if you'd like me to read it I can't I'm sorry can't hear sorry I prepared some verbiage for the motion if you'd like me to read it sure to authorize the Town Administrator and staff to explore and research the feasibility and potential framework for a fertilizer ordinance for the town of Lake Placid and to bring back recommendations to the Town Council for further consideration I withdraw my motion and adopt Our Town administrator's motion second all right any other comments from the podium I just wanted to ask Ann a couple questions real quick um and I really appreciate the in-depth um presentation is um so the towns that have already adopted it is just residential have any of them adopted for agricultureal nobody no agriculture is covered by uh different okay different regulations U that come down from the state so it's just residential and then it would apply to the complete Town not just people living on the water or certain distance within a water or anything like that from what I've seen the it's a town ordinance but it does relate to fertilizer applications near waterways or drainage areas yeah and that probably varies so I I have a question about how how do you how do you know whether someone is in violation of this ordinance or not it's a very good question I don't know the answer to that I don't think we need an ordinance if we can enforce it I think that's what they're going to have to find out they're going to have to explore the parameters of different different municipalities and come up with what what they feel like is best for our town and we can talk about it and decide and you you did say a weak ordinance versus a strong ordinance there was a difference in Effectiveness exactly the more regulation apparently that they build into it in terms of um reportage by the um providers of the nitrogen and fertilizer for example to the lawn you know Lawn Care personnel for them to report regularly to the town um and uh for the town to be in touch and I would imagine there would be some kind of followup on that um but the stronger the better and and is the ordinance pretty much limiting when they can put down the chemicals versus you know at all yeah basically what they say is um time of year makes a big difference as I mentioned um also if there's threat of hurricanes or big storm STS coming through you don't want to put a lot of fertilizer down right before that that period of runoff so how they how they I guess because the Lawn Care Professionals are in constant contact with whichever person in town is in charge of administering this um they would let them know no you're not allowed to do this within the next week because we have a hurricane coming or whatever I don't know that the homeowners each individually need to know about that but the Lawn Care Professionals do if if I remember talking to you they have uh like an educational program for the lawn companies exactly yeah um I don't know if all of them do but yeah there there there is or are programs out there um it just like in the commercial applications there are very strict programs that the lawn that the fertilizer runoff applicators need to to go through and they do have programs like that for the residential lawn care providers as well yeah yeah the the mo and go guys are supposed to take a class and so are the people that um treat the golf courses and that that's actually there's classes that they're supposed to take I actually went thought I was going to do do that until I found out I had to pay all my own expenses and overnight things on my own dollar and I just said I can't do it so yeah I taught a few classes but it's a it's a great program do they do it but they they're taught they it's a it's a it's a dayong program I mean it's a great program if we could just get that going here maybe even have um the the extension office come here and put it on yeah you know and it's a feel-good thing too if if people understand and LA Care Professionals can promote the fact that they're caring about our Lakes everybody who moves here cares about the Lakes well the Lakes when you own on waterfront property is probably the biggest investment one the biggest investment so life it definitely has a financial impact and if you can get that to people to understand that they're only protecting their asset I mean even if they didn't care about the environment there's a definitely a a dollar amount fixed to the quality of the lake and um so that the lake doesn't die and then what would happen with that so um I think that's another point to get across to people protect your investment it's it's a it's a good thing and yeah and even if there's areas in around the proper town of Lake Plaza that would fall outside of the ordinance there might be an educational um what overflow MH that they will start uh doing the same thing regardless of whether they technically fall under the ordinance you know educating people I believe is never a Bad Thing exactly because you will at least get some people that buy into it just because it's you know it's a good thing and then of course when we do this and then the county steps up um its efforts uh that'll cover a lot more ground too I I have an issue because I I for instance have a professional that takes care of my lawn my neighbor also has the same profession but my neighbor adds additional fertilizer so how are you control him he he's a private citizen he buys from you know the Home Depot or Lowe's or what wherever and he buys the fertilizer that he wants and he puts it on well he's not you how can you control him what he's going to put on you can control you can control the professionals because of of their their professionals and and you know their certifications and things like that but you're you're not going to control the homeowner unless you're going to go down and say oh that one's a little Greener how much did you put on you know you know and I I agree with you and I would imagine that that is probably true of most regulations and things and ordinances that there will be some seepage uh but it might be worth talking to other municipalities as to whether they handle that in some way the the fertilizer the fertilizer spies will be out there with their binoculars their level of GRE are you will you live next to them and you're Town Council persons so we'll give you a pad of code violations that Dana can get you to rip off and I think that when when our staff explores as these questions have come up at every ordinance that's ever been done and I think that with study and and looking at different ordinances that that all will come clear what what will happen and you know there's people that violate the law and but again it's their investment and if they're going to destroy their own investment that's not a wise thing to do I think it fits in perfect with our reuse our water quality everything that Lake Plass is doing right now I think this is a perfect timing an incentive and say yes we're we're we're pro clean water it'll be a good partnership with our sewer project yesk thank you all right where we at we got a motion in a second you have a motion any other comments from the audience hi Jack cley 607 sunsent Point Drive basically I agree with the idea of uh controlling F lawn fertilizer but I think it's just as important to have the county also do it because a as an example lake Lake June uh the north side of the lake and the south side of the lake are not in Lake Placid and I believe that almost all if not all of uh Lake plet itself is not in the City of Lake June the from the uh data that I've seen uh a lot of the uh contamination in in Lake June is coming from Lake plid through the through the canals there so uh you know I think maybe somehow the if the council could put more more pressure on on the county to to get them involved in in this uh project too okay and and they've already showed interest in it so uh interest but they haven't they haven't done anything yet I think if we do this and send it to them that maybe they will and then that'll get maybe that'll get the ball rolling for the other surrounding counties got to start somewhere yeah because if if if they don't really become involved in It ultimately it's like peeing in the Atlantic Ocean to drown it little bit that we would be cutting out from those two Lakes anyway and I I imagine sooner or later it's going to be a state initiative and it's probably going to be mandated to clear across the state so but at least we're I think we're starting to do our part okay all right pull the council please council member Worley yes council member everheart yes council member Hayes no council member Charles yes all right next we'll turn it over to council member whle for our tourist development update um yes I didn't bring this up last month because we had a jam-packed agenda but as leaz on to the tourist Development Council I wanted to there's a lot of new things going on um since that was basically one of my first meetings but I just want to go over some of these things that do um affect our area in our tourism our hotels um our merchants and our entire community so the first thing is is that the council um the TDC Council decided that the regional Sports facility that was going to be out on um State Road 66 they have proposed to move that downtown Sebring the state road 66 project had was going to build hotels out out at that site and basically develop a um separate entity for the Regional Sports facility so the TDC has proposed to move um the project to downtown Sebring and there's a couple maps in here that show you um it's basically going to be at Max long and this is all still in development it's not set in stone um but anyway the first that they so max long facility would expand by 40 acres they'd have to give this is long term now this is not going to happen overnight they have to get an appraisal for the 40 acres that they feel they need to um expand um first you have to have an appraisal then you have to look at the at at the at that whole process and then um the other side where the indoor uh Sports facility would be which would be pickle ball and um basketball um tennis um any sports that can be played inside the old Kennelworth golf course which is if you're not familiar with it it's kind of near 27 in the back like you're going into the downtown area um in that area there the developer there has agreed to donate for the in indoor facility the land um so they would have that at a separate site um so that would be at the old kennol golf course and then the outdoor facility would be at Max long so I just wanted to update you on that because um I believe it is moving forward like it is a long process it's not going to happen overnight but this is just an update for you to see what's going on because it will affect us and it is a it's you know I personally I think it's better to have it in the area where the merchants are and the downtown area um hotels are there already it's going to help our businesses I think it's good that's just my opinion um also there were two new initiatives proposed um for Grant possibility ities which we've been talking about so I thought this was really important to bring to you because this is brand new one of those is a sports facility enhancement Grant to help existing facilities strategic planning to offer more tourism in the community they have to demonstrate tourism activity so you'd have to in order to get this grant you have to um well basically they said tournaments but just demonstrate that you're going to increase tourism then the second one is which we all love the water-based experience Grant which Fosters water-based activities a grant up to $50,000 so this would be like for a splash park but again you must um um you know apply but you um have to demonstrate that it will be active in the summer and um increase tourism and then I just wanted to bring to you because I know sometimes we don't think that we're being treated the same as everybody else um so getting ready for the HGTV we all hear it's coming and it is coming and the all three downtowns will have um a little kiosk so you can get information um the community celebration watch parties will be in all three cities including us um there will be a community Caravan each Town leadership um all three cities visit each other's Community um and so it's going to be an Interactive three municipality event so it's not just going to be in Sebring and then on the public relations update I wanted you all to know that even though we do not get grant money because we're over three years old for the cladium festival they help they help people get a an event going like that's with our um the races on the water drag booat races um but they only do that for three years so what they did they promoted the cladium festival to Media press release event listings securing more than 60 articles that included a live radio interview and two TV spots which showcase Growers so I just wanted y'all to know that because we don't hear much about what they're doing for us and I thought it was important for you all to know that's it I just a couple questions first off I really appreciate getting TDC updates I are they quarterly meetings yes so maybe after each meeting it'd be just a brief update of the activities that's what I was going to do I would have brought it to you on the meeting was October 31st I would have brought it to the November but like I said we had too much on our plate at that time so no I want to do this and especially I mean they've really maken some really good initiatives here with the grants the two separate grants we're looking at splash parks here's a $50,000 Grant that's great and then um you know other things that we need for our already existing facil facilities that's a great thing so I think it's moving forward also I'm going I've volunteered to be part of a review of how that Grant process works they're re relooking at it reviewing it to see you know what doesn't work what works I mean some I've heard you know you can hear well it was too hard and blah blah blah so anyway we're just gonna be sitting and having several meetings and if you have any input on what you've heard about our the grant process for the new events um we we need to anybody that has any information needs to come forward because they're going to be reviewing that yeah so just on those two new grants there's a tight timeline right January 15th and so one for the sports facility could an expanded playground or an interactive playground fit into that scope or is there Our Town Administrator can speak to that okay I actually have it um for my presentation to talk a little bit more about that I'll hold it then that's fine um and then just curious how many indoor pickle ball courts are they planning um I actually I don't know this this wasn't a great picture I don't remember from the first um go around with this the picture was hard but they have they have to have enough to have um a regional you have to have like 16 or something I mean I don't I think it's got to be enough to um and that's why they can't go oh we've got so many pickle ball and long Max long has so many and that they all have to be be um able to have it in the same facility and that's why they have to have it large but they can also have gymnastics um it's large enough facility that and it's very interchangeable so that can't not just pickle ball but any of those Indoor Sports uh dance anything that you can have but it has to have enough courts to facilitate a regional event and we are so positioned for this I mean if you look in the northern part of the state there's several Regional facilities we would be the middle of all our major cities and they really don't have Regional facilities in those areas so we're perfect so people will come here and make our communities healthier and then they'll go home to their homes so so the last question is more or less a comment is on the um getting ready for HDTV and the the big signs that are at Avon Park you know as you come from the northern part of the county and you come for the southern I mean I have a concern that it says welcome to Sebring and then a really small letters it says Lake Placid and uh Avon Park and I really think that we need to be vocal about that that I mean it it's like you're coming from down south and the first thing you read when you cross the county is welcome to Sebring no Sebring is in the middle so somebody had a great idea it's just as they delivered it they didn't think think about Avon Park in Lake plaid and we just got in you know I brought that up to Casey at the one meeting about the website when you go to the website it's visit Sebring and then small letters also Lake pled and we can come up with all the reasons they did that but at some point we have to have them fix it are you're raising your hand I am I'm raising my hand because I was not you like the sign oh I hate the signs hate the signs I think we should go fix it now here no here's what happened here's what happened they Casey is is absolutely convinced that Sebring sells our area and that when she goes out to other places and she talks about where she's at everything comes up Sebring well we're feeding that monster by putting Sebring everywhere we are and that's why she's not on my Thanksgiving list because or Christmas or Christmas she's not going to get the Christmas card but but it's all seing and oh by the way we have two other towns they happen to be oh in they in the county too but they don't really count because it's Sebring so I've been opposed to this from the day from day one and we're not going to get anywhere with this as long as Casey's there just saying well I mean I this is a Commissioners right because the commission The Highlands County Commissioners would approve it I mean I have took a picture right somebody sent me of the big sign down there there that's probably 20 ft high and it says welcome to Highlands County great and then in bigger letters in the middle nice blue color Sebring and then smaller letters is Avon Park and then of course it goes on to say the home right of Sebring race home of Sebring International Raceway and I know Avon Park feels the same as we do oh the the Town Administrator from she's she's new too started the same yeah she started right before the exact same day we started the EXA they started the same day she was there and she was very nervous because they had instructed her to go and really say that same message to Sebring and um she just walked in there and she said it they also um are looking to take over the seat on the Avon Park's looking Sebring gets to have a seat because they're the largest municipality that's a given that's the way it's structured then um the municipalities um you know trade off or whatever happens um and she was there to say we want it next time like when my term ends um at the end of the two years they would like to have it but you know so we all told her hey you know you may have trouble getting someone to come and they have to come they have to come so that you'd be surprised that some people don't come so I said and she was standing there and I said well and the second thing is you got to get somebody that's willing to come and show up and and participate so we I'm just giving you all a heads up but she did get up and she really made some statements about from her Town Council and um it's exactly what you all who's the um Highland County L on the commissioner lays on for TDC is it Campbell um Campbell I I just don't think we should just sit back I think we just need to make some noise and try to get some on on some of these signs the sign at the county line shouldn't be seing in gigantic letters well in this in this report it does say that you know they gave me this information they're going to be redoing the signs so now um you know so now would be the time to do something um if you're going to if they're going to be redoing the signs then maybe now's the time to do it if you all want to give me instructions or you want to go ahead and just send something to the TDC I think we do because they're going to carry that theme moving towards HDTV throughout everything they start with the theme it's the website now it's these two big signs I would hate and I would be embarrassed if the kiosk in our town says welcome to Sebring and in small letters they're going to carry that theme it will that's exactly what it'll say and how do you explain that to visitors Oh I thought I was in Lake Placid well yeah look in the small print so I think we need to pursue it with a a little more equal billing of our taxpayer dollars other words like council member you know hey says it just perpetuates it all it does is perpetuate it over and over Sebring Sebring Sebring I don't think the town council's ever taken a position on it I think you should I think I I would like to I mean it's welcome to Highlands County I'll take back whatever y'all you want me to or we can send it just directly we can send it to the County Commission it might be I'm not sure how because the TDC is the T DC is really under the purview of the Highlands County Commission so maybe it would be time to send something to the County Commission um you know that I I I don't know um Mr Harris what do you think I think it would be under the purview of the Highlands County Commission I'm not followed the TDC I don't know whether they allocate or it goes back for approval uh of the commission I'd write both I'd recommend the resolution of the board of our group directed to both frankly I'd say either change the sign or take it down I don't like it I think Avon Park would oh they're definitely on the same page they're definitely on the same page but the County Commission approves everything the TDC does yes I'd write them both I mean address them both in the resolution if you want one I'll work with Charlotte will bring one back next week I mean next month um and frankly make it very strong if you like and you can nice it up if you want you got to come up while he's walking I wanted to say that sign's been there what 10 years and it used to be more of a Highlands County right it recently when did it change to Casey when she came in Casey I'm I'm not sure exactly what date but I know the Avon Park um Town Administrator um he addressed the signs of as well I mean everything that you're saying that she said that day she's she's the one that carried that that torch but it goes to that was at the tourist count the tourist Development Council not at the County Commission yeah that that torch has been carried pretty brightly and it has been the request have been made numerous times it's been ignored it's been laughed out of the room I think if the council is finally ready to get serious about this opportunity that we have TDC is funded by bed tax tourist tax through all of Hollands County broken down by municipalities Lake plaid is a large contributor to that with our hotels all the airbnbs any private residences that are leased out throughout the year for race teams and mid NASCAR at the track there's a lot of dollars that fund the TDC generated in Lake Plage I think if you really want to get their attention let's start exploring breaking Lake plet out of the TDC and form our own TDC keep our our own tax dollars make our own decisions how they're spent in our town in the greater Lake plet Area versus going to Sebring to an independent contractor who makes the decisions without recourse I think that's the only way you'll ever get the attention is if you go at it from that angle could I ask your name for the record I apologize your name and address my name is Gilbert Randall yeah that that whole subject's been approached before and we do contribute definitely um Billy Brantley brought this up before um about the number of dollars that we pay and from our small area that we do pay a significant amount of money in for the bed tax so um I don't know if you all want to go ahead and request staff um prepare a resolution to send to the County Commission I think we should I'd like a independent TDC too I like that idea a lot why that will'll give a wake up do you get as a member do you get the financial analysis and do you know the breakdown between the three cities or do you I didn't get that at the last meeting I don't believe but I can request it and that's what um Mr Brantley had brought up before we know we contribute in and this year we had a drag boat race that's probably one of the few well I can tell you that those numbers are always a couple of months late too by the way because they don't come straight away so the the numbers are a couple of months behind they are public record so yeah you get them yes but I don't know that they break them out by the districts right they just that that they do I think they okay I think they do I think they they want to see income by district and expense by district and then look I would say look at the expense because Absolut spending money on the sign that says Sebring shouldn't be counted against our district but it has like clet in tiny letter so they'll have us do it get out your microscope and read it right right that it's 65 miles an hour so do you what where are we at do we need a motion for a resolution or what do we need we need a motion for a resolution a second and a vote to go ahead and you know instruct staff to prepare prepare a resolution to go to the County Commission and the TDC did you have some thoughts on do you have any idea what um I previously was a TDC coordinator and I can tell you that it really depends um on how the reporting um occurs because what I mean by that is whether it's maintained through the clerk's office I mean not the clerk's office our local tax office or if it's handled through Tallahassee it is much more difficult to try to obtain it if it is handled through Tallahassee it's almost believe me when I tell you it's almost impossible to obtain it used to be handled toass but I don't know if that has changed correct it's been quite a few years since I was involved with TDC and the the reasoning be behind that is because because they they are not required to report to us that information the private airbnbs and things of that nature so that's been my previous experience the other part that I will have to look at but almost positive is is you cannot break off we have to stay under the county you can't be individual so like Lake plasted can't be our own TDC it doesn't work that way so we have to be able to work with the county on that and then I did have a few other comments but I want yall to handle this one first before I make any others on the TDC [Music] so I'll make a motion that um we instu instruct staff in our town attorney to prepare a resolution to send to the Highlands County Commission and to the tourist Development Council um requesting what we've talked about you're going to have to verbalize it though requesting more equal billing for our town with reference to TDC and their activities that sounds like a second do you want to say the word billing or more equal representation to our town okay maybe more equal representation would be a better way to just make it short and sweet right and that can be as much as events to signage to website Etc so it can be the broad word the representation equal representation yeah like it I'll second it okay we got a motion a second any further comment from yes all seeing none we'll take it the audience hearing none bring it back pull the councel council member Worley yes council member Charles yes council member Hayes yes council member art yes yes I just wanted to um hone back in a little bit on the TDC grant opportunities um the sport facility enhancement Grant I have on my list to talk on about next however I did did want to hone in a little bit on the water-based experience Grant I attended an economic development stakeholder round table today that was also put on by the central Florida Regional planning and this is a topic that we've been discussing because everybody talks about a splash pad not just a splash park but a splash pad um and my research and this is just putting it out there for your review typically a splash pad is a a final element whenever you've gone through a a uh Parks and Recreation revamp and revitalization um I believe if we are able to apply for the sport facility enhancement Grant and the conversations that I have had there is potentially an opportunity for us to not only look at our Lake June Park but they will look at all of our Parks as a whole to identify where the placement of certain things like the amenities would be best located in regard to the water-based experience Grant we are missing a great opportunity to look at waterbased experiences and what that means is um if you go home and look just entertain this for a little bit but it's called Nona Adventure Park and um it's a it's a splash at the aqua Park and it's in Orlando and it's right off of a lake next to a college and it will give you an idea potentially if you can Vision cast and envision what we could potentially have here it would not only service our current residents who are in the highlands area but also all around in and then it captures the component of our economic development at the same time with the tourism so I just wanted to add that a little bit a plug in there if I could in regards to the multi-use complex they also had spoke about that um they've gone through the research and planning phase and like councilwoman Worley said they have looked at the location and now they're looking for the financing to be able to move forward there was a facility management analysis that was completed by the huddle up group and I will I actually have it meting to go hit send as soon as we're finished so when we're finished I will send that to council I also make sure it goes to Eva if anyone in the public would like to be able to review that we have also been asked about how we're going to come to the table for these initiatives we it's already out into the community other representatives are asking and I was asked about a recreation committee which I have been told we no longer have a recre recreation committee for the town of Lake plet it's been brought up because looking at the multi-use complex it's going to impa impact Lake Placid um we because we no longer have the recreation committee will need to be able to really be active more in the rpac I mean the um I'm saying that wrong it's not rpac what is it yeah Recreation yes this I'm sorry got too many acronyms going on in my brain but with the rpac meetings so there are potential changes that we're waiting for to come um we are already aware that they are coming it's not that it will be coming it is they are coming now what that looks like I do not know yet when I attended the rpac meeting I was told that we were going to fall under um all the municipalities that are located in a Zone and lake plid is considered zone four so that means now that Lake plid would be competing with um the the college and also with the school board for any money that would come to our our zone so we're going to have to be very vocal we're going to have to know what we're doing I believe that's the reason why a plan will help us in our efforts but the other um other aspect of that is that they are limiting the amount of funds that you will now receive so it is $75,000 for each municipality that is located in that zone in addition to that um our municipality would not be able to have our own representation that is subject to change however it was voiced that there would be one Community representative that is voted on and approved by the county commissioner's office who would say that this one representative now represents all of the municipalities in zone 4 there was um a lot of heartburn there was a lot of discussion it was a very somber meeting because we had other municipalities who in the meeting prior to that were told to come with their wish list and so they did and then they were sitting at the table getting this news so um it was asked would we find out would we be able to come back to another meeting to be able to sit at the table to voice our concerns and we were told that it was probably not likely so basically no um and that's where it stands it will be going before the uh County Commissioners with your direction we will be at the we'll be at the meeting to voice our concerns um just wanted to make sure we are all aware because that now affects us also with another Grant opportunity that we are accustomed to being able to apply for and also in regards to that they have said that we will go towards a um a grading system much like we do for our fap grants yes and so it will it will be based off of that there was a lot of discussion about okay will we have the college in several different areas so now what happens if they award it in Avon Park and they get it awarded in Lake plaid how is that going to be fair so there were a lot of different diverse questions about this in the meeting who who is driving that was it the commission am I off was it the Commissioners driving it or was it the arpac certain arpac members or I mean how how do you go to a meeting that the arpac members are blindsided and now something has to go to the authority group to approve it so who was behind this recommendation it sounds like it was decision joint joint conversation you state your name and address please hi Carolyn Morrison um 119 Sunset Point Boulevard I was nominated and I appreciate the council approved me to be on the art pack for the county um like Charlotte I was at the meeting as well and um everyone was kind of shocked in terms of the reorganization that has been proposed and it was um based on the five districts within the county is what they wanted to do is they wanted to pair down and it's not just the rpac advisory Council it's all of the advisory councils within Highland County that they are revamping our pack just happens to be the first one on The Chopping Block so it was proposed by the County Commissioners from what my understanding is and when it was presented by the the uh town the county liaison I can't remember his name who was in charge again it was my first meeting it was my first and last meeting as the artac representative for Lake plid thank you um anyway we did explain or we did voice the con concern that grouping it by District did make it somewhat unfair because again lake plet is now competing with South Florida State College and then the school board and things like that so we did voice and and the county representative was going to sta representative was going to take it back to the County Commissioners and say that we would like it to be by municipality so Sebring Avon Park Lake plid would have rep representation and then so would the school board and then so would um South Florida State College because they wanted to pair it down from I believe it was 10 regulars and five alternates from a 15 person uh advisory Council to five but there were seven areas that they were coming up with and I apologize for the last two areas that we weren't sure of um but they were taking it back to the to the Board of Commissioners uh and we're going to present that as an option so that Lake plet would still be represented if possible when is that meeting and do you need a lot more of us to attend thank you we we have not been made aware of that yet however what I do know is they said that it was with legal and it was being vetted out with legal right now on the the parameters and how that would look before it goes before the County border County Commissioners so um we will be watching that closely to make sure it comes out as soon as it hits the agenda so that we're all present if the county rpac gives money to South Florida State College in Lake pla does that mean mean that facility or function would then be open completely to the public very good question I mean our facilities are yeah same with the school school's got a great big fence around most of theirs so more to come more to come more to come okay all right next next 61 consideration of procedures for public notice for C pursuant to section 153-20 with Town Council about how legal advertisements and Public Notices are handled and the option that we have my experience in the past and how I've done it with different counties and municipalities I went ahead and included in this package the actual Florida statute and our section of town code that regulates the requirement for notices in the newspaper Florida statute and our local code both require that if there is a public notice for things like zoning changes future land use changes special exceptions and variances that they must be published in a newspaper of General circulation when you reach out to the paper and you say I would like to put this ad in the paper they come back and they say would you like a display ad or would you like a legal advertisement I'm sorry I'm so cold I'm shaking up here okay I'm not nervous I just want you to know I'm just cold it's frezzing in here yeah it's really cold right um so with that being said what is the difference between a display ad and what is the difference between a legal advertisement display ads are usually meant to advertise something so they're posted big and loud real big somewhere in the beginning of the newspaper where there's actual articles written and you might just be reading an article that you have interest in and look over and boom that ad should pop out at you when you do a display ad Those ads that pop out you can add a map if you do a legal advertisement then they're placed in the same part of the newspaper every single time so you know where to look if you're looking for them but you cannot include a map and it's usually one or two columns wide not very big doesn't stand out doesn't jump out now I bring this up because the town of Lake poset historically just did do line ads just these little columns so I can show you an example of this is a line ad here and then it's published in the newspaper amongst however many other ads they have for the same case this would be a display ad so the moment you pick up your paper and this one didn't get published there's typos throughout and things like that we didn't end up using this so but it's just for an example um you pick up the newspaper and you can immediately see what parcel is in question if it pertains to you at not or not or if you have interest in that particular area once you see that you say wait what are they doing there and then you might be tempted to kind of read some of the text on a legal ad I'm like wow the government's doing something cool so that's kind of like you know just as a reader of the newspaper right that's that's my feedback as just a reader um now the reason I bring this to you is because fora statute doesn't tell us one way or the other if it has to be a display ad or a line ad but the cost is extremely different so for a display ad for something like this I've seen Prices range from 1100 to 1,800 that's 1,100 to like 1,800 it depends on the day of the week the number of lines the size of the image if you specifically want color which we do not request that um but there's various factors so I can't ever tell you the exactly what it's going to be the news paper comes up with that for this particular line ad this customer was only charged less than $100 but I've seen them go up to $400 for one line ad so we are talking of over a $1,000 difference this cost is put right on the applicants they go to the newspaper they pay for the ad themselves I prepare the ad they take it to them and they get it published so the question is and this does if we make a decision tonight this does affect Town budget to some degree because sometimes we do have hearings that we advertise like the recent rezoning here at town hall or um when we H I'm sorry road closure road closures and um when we move forward with the vision process and we make all these text amendments to the code now text amendments don't have Maps but do we want it to stick out so the public sees it I wanted to bring this forward to this board because I know that there's a commitment toward transparency I feel like the display ads are a little bit more transparent for the public a little easier to read but I also know that puts more burden on the applicant in some cases es let me go to our filing fees so a variance the filing fee so these are not newspaper costs these are the costs that someone pays the town to file their application for me to process it so you take all of these costs and you're going to add another [Music] 1,000 to I don't know why that one add went up to 18,800 so let's ballpark at400 usually I do see them around 1,400 and I don't always get the prices another reason why I'm not always 100% clear on that but I have seen them and I've been kept in the loop uh relatively frequently lately so these prices will go from 500 plus you'll have another 1,400 let's say for the ad as opposed to 500 plus 2 to 300 for the ad so it is a substantial price difference and then just in the packet just for informational sake I went ahead and asked Highlands County for their their chart what they choose to use you know they have line ads there's certain times where they will use display ads like if they're doing County initiated I think at that I think the thought process is well that's something we're doing as the county we need to make sure we're exercising a higher level of transparency um but for the most part here ldr amendments and permitted uses these all require display ads so I wanted to bring this question before the board and see if there was a pre um a preference or a consensus among the board as to what kind of ads they would prefer the applicants use so I'm a cost benefit person and I think of the cost and I think of what's the added benefit I know over time that people who buy and read the newspaper is diminishing with more social media opportunities so my personal opinion has always been using next door more which we can put posts it's free right we can do things and Eva is doing a great job on the next door uh Publications and that so rather than spend 1,800 even though it's passed on to somebody else it's still it's not getting the benefit because I think the amount of people that subscribe to the paper has diminished versus if we can use the nexd door app and we can we've talked about getting our own town website uh Facebook in the mean time the chief is allowing us to use his and I tell you if it says the police people pay attention to that one right so those would I think that there's some other ways that we can you know provide the need because I think the map is good without the added costs uh one thing that Highlands County noted was that for some of their hearings I I wouldn't pick I don't know which hearings they choose but if I were to do it I would just do it for everyone because it's easy enough on my end um for the mail outs specifically so you know if you're publishing something in the newspaper due to the requirements by Florida statute and our code uh you're also supposed to send mail outs to the surrounding property owners in 300 ft and we can also make sure that the map is included in those that's a good point too how about a hybrid where the first notice that goes out is the display ad and then if there's a second notti notice it's a line ad so I or you you comine the in the first one does it have both dates in first and second reading oh yeah I've been able to combine them for that okay and can you cut down the size of the display ad and still be illegal I have asked that and I have not been very successful most times they tell me no it won't be legible it needs to be at least this large only on one occasion have I seen them reduce it slightly and it brought it down by $200 I know so do we have to make a decision across the board or can we make a decision for um certain types and would be display ads and certain types would be line ads certainly we could do that too for example the more controversial things would be a display ad where and then the mundane road closures maybe would be the line ad well yeah yes I think the challenge with the line ad is you're reading the the description of where it is and nobody really knows what that is and I don't even know what that is but if I see a display ad then I I know what we're talking about but in certain cases we may not need that much um Geographics if you will you know so if if we could just say well we understand there's a difference and and and actually almost do it on a Case by case basis would it help if you saw the what do you call it the display ad what's the simple version line ad the line item ad would it help and and then we can add to go to the website I mean we can also specialize in our town website right because there's three call it electronic communications that we can point to the town website and so we can do a better job of here's this ad here's the broader map for people who would read it but like I agree I'm like you I if I'm interested I might go try to figure out to look it up through the praisers website da so if we can do a you know and again I like the hybrid um but do the line item have it clearly posted on the website somewhere that you know these are the changes that are taking place here's the map and all of that here's to call with any questions next door could post it also and then the town Facebook page but I'm I'm questioning or you didn't you mention something about in statute it mentions that it has to be published in a in a a local document or whatever you said um does next door and Facebook qualify for that they don't but so it would have to be in the newspaper either way correct and it would be the but I think the the difference is that the law isn't requiring the map in the newspaper just the line item that we're do so today we're compliant and what you're saying is there a better way to serve the community by expanding and putting a map which also adds costs and then the questionable how many people really benefit from that so but we could put the line the the line ad and then we could reference within the line add if you'd like to see a map go to next door go to Facebook that would be okay y go to the website yes I like that idea and just to touch on the case-by case basis I couldn't necessarily Do It um like upon application determining whether or not this would be controversial enough to deserve it but we would potentially assign it to certain types of cases so I thought if we want this route that maybe the two types that we only require line ads for would be like a variance because we're just talking about dimensional change like how close something is to the property line right um and then a special exception because the thing about special exception is that they're not outright permitted uses but it's like saying this use would be an outright permitted use if we could guarantee that the site specific conditions of each development wouldn't cause or create a nuisance to the surrounding properties so it's not asking for a brand new use that no one's ever heard of in that zoning District right but if we do rezoning or future land use change they more significant changes also vacation of RightWay I think we just absolutely have to we have to do display ads for that because you can't read the legal description and figure out what road anyone's talking about so in that case if you tell me different I'll do different but I I don't even want to put that on the table right now as a question we'll leave that as a display ad but if we have if we wanted to do it on a type by type basis we could yeah one of the things you may consider for example you saw tonight Rick Miller's ordinance and I used the name Miller right on the title of the ordinance and that that Keys me every time I look at the Town council's ordinance changing this one which one is that you have to read through the document to see oh that's Town count Town Hall so I would encourage name and address top of the list than friendly yeah because anybody reading it if they live next to that address they know right away I feel like a little sitting on the floor I feel like a little kid here with my legs crossed oh boy is it a consensus among Council then would it be fair to say that we have a consensus to expand our transparency through other avenues Beyond display ads wonderful one of the things you need one of legal comment one of the things you must consider in this you can direct do a resolution and we need to I think be very careful how we say that because if you're saying Dana publish in Facebook Florida statute doesn't say that Florida statute says this newspaper of General circulation now have you increased it and if somebody comes up and says now wait a minute this one wasn't in Facebook it was lawful it was in the newspaper I want the hearing canceled and done over or you didn't have jurisdiction do it again so is this going to be supplemental not legally required or do you want these things legally required I think it's supplemental it's like do what we're doing today because that's the legal and then it's with other commun it's a communication enhancement is how I look at it and so then and I think those are all good things it's the transparency and the communication enhancement to the public my understanding supplemental on the other media yeah you could say it's procedural it's procedure for our town that this is how we follow this procedure and do it that way you do the legal and then do the the town procedure thank you thank you this is very clear Direction and um I feel very good moving forward thank you okay let's let's let's go ahead and take a 10-minute Recess 10min Recess recesses e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e that's what I was going to do my my dentist today said that I should take because I have an artificial room basically thing that I should take antibiotics before I get my teeth cleaned I don't understand why but I'm going to call my doctor and ask them I've still got one little place that's not healed on the outside I can't wear pants I'm freezing since July but I had that autoimmune problem so I can't heal so I put off having this cleaning done because I was scared you know cuz if they de clean God I can't handle though if my mouth is won't heal either but it's it's you know I'm just this one little thing that I can't wear pants because I tried even the real stretchy ones it then I got a hole on my skin doesn't seem to work I don't I'm freeze normally this time I'm with my boots and my even if I could just wear tights you know's not doing well with his heart they keep doing stuff she said they're going to the hospital now they're going to do some procedure she said Jennifer if you want to come up we're going to go ahead and get you out of the way she's this this is the head of our chamber Jennifer Jennifer Bush and she's come before us to ask for her alcohol permit again for the uh country fair I think this is just type of a a maintenance type thing get with the chief make sure your paperwork I was going to say I think I've submitted everything just want to follow up this is Jennifer bush with the greater Lake Plaza Chamber of Commerce for the record just want to follow up to make sure um that we are understanding what the first thing I applied for is our 3-day permit which is through the department of um dbpr so business regulation so that is done it's been sent out but I just want to make sure the park reservations are done um the police presence is taken care of I think we've held off on our signs for now just to make sure that we're going to be in cohesion with the sign ordinance I turned in our insurance today and also the vendors to apply for the Peddler's permit exemp exemption um that's the first time we've had to do that so that took me a little minute but we got that figured out um so that was just to make sure that we're okay on the docket for going forward with the country fair okay so guess we just need a motion in a second I would just um I for the record I'm on the board of the Chamber of Commerce and I asked our attorney if I would be allowed to participate in this discussion and his opinion was that there is no special private gain to me through this discussion and that I am not you are he writes really poorly you are not doing business with the town so um he he is indicated that I can participate in the discussion okay okay I'll make a motion that we approve the alcohol permit for the three days of the country fair for the Chamber of Commerce now second okay we have a motion to Second any further discussion right seeing n take it the audience between the three of you four of you should had a question all right seeing none bring it back pull the council council member yes council member Hayes yes council member Charles yes council member abart yes okay thank you just to clarify does that confirm that everything else has been accepted in that packet as far as I know that confirms everything with the acception of the signs we're not we I'll check with ch de you received your for the police services uh the police services were included in the um reoccurring event fee schedule I had presented at one point it'll be the 5,500 estimated cost of police presence at that particular event so so at this time that list has not been approved so it's going to have to come before Council for fee waiver okay so they would still need to yeah W the Fe January meeting you'll come and request the fee waiver because the fees for the list that you gave was not um has not been approved yet to to put include that in the fee schedule for Parks and Recreation and the events there's two separate applications so this is the one for the state because she has to get it in and enough time right she's got a deadline on that right but we still have the Town Council application that we had some missing items but it sounds like the insurance was turned in we we've got the fees from the chief stuff for the garbage and then for garbage we've got to be able to get the information for garbage pickup and such so we need more information I guess for garbage pickup we'll have to develop all then that'll come before the bo the yeah you're going to have to come before the board with the whole fee waivers again until the new fee schedule is addressed correct okay thank you thank you tast if you're going to push this over to January Stay Stay Gilbert Rand the president of the Chamber of Commerce if we're going to push this decision to January do we continue planning and signing up vendors for this event or do we cancel this event because if you're not going to approve this in January what are we to do this is a reoccurring event that happens year after year after year and this year has become very difficult to jump through all these hoops to get these approvals can I speak on that and as the chamber we need to know is the town supporting these events should we stop trying to do these events because you're you know this is this is coming up quick so I I can't speak to anything previously except for to say that when I came on as a new Town Administrator that I follow everything by the book so I received the application and whenever I reviewed the application there are certain steps that have to take place um in previous I I don't know why it didn't come forward but like me signing this wasn't necessarily proper it should have come before Town Council Town Council should have approved it and then I signed it because of a courtesy in the deadline I went ahead and signed it so in order for us to be able to do this in the proper manner for this Council to receive it and hear it it needs to come in in in an earlier time frame the application has always been the same from my understanding and based off of going back in previous minutes and seeing that it looks like everything's just been done late I can't attest to anything previously it's not that the town doesn't want to support that I believe the council is very supportive of that which is the reason why with the mayor's direction we went ahead signed this and then now we're bringing it forward but there were missing pieces in order for us to come forward before Council to wave the fees that means means we have to have a complete in um entirety of application and we haven't we didn't receive that up until we had our director's meeting this morning there were still missing components that we needed from the chief that we needed from Allen and then we needed the proof of the insurance okay but there's nothing changed from prior years from your end so I I mean I don't think we see anything except unfortunately get the proper paperwork signed right I I think you've got 100% support but until these documents are in and it comes before Council you know we can't do it till January Okay so we've got to make the decision but you if that works in our time yes you could St still keep going forward yeah thank you all right 6d2 set a special meeting to award the South Plant lift station mayor Force main B 66 D1 oh I'm sorry I missed six I went down too far 6 C1 bid award for the marqua and North Main Street lift station enforcement I put it on the desktop if you wanted to minimize oh there it is right there okay all right this is your hand out um you received the bids that we had I sent those out when we got them last week we had to review them and come up with a way to fund the uh project because the bids came in Lally double what we had anticipated and we were basing those numbers off of the camp and Conference Center bid which is only two years literally two years ago that that bid was received these numbers were literally double from what the camper Conference Center bid came in at so uh lift station and Force main projects originally was the two lift stations Force Mains were part of the camp and Conference Center originally so getting the camping conference Center's liist Station built to force Mains all the way up and what we needed to do to get their affluent up to the up to the plant so there's two grants that were part of the camping Conference Center project uh Department of Commerce grant for $570,000 and a federal Wastewater grant for $600,000 so approximately 1.2 just for your round numbers when we needed to up upsize the lift stations and the force Mains due to the big uh sepic sewer project it brought in the 40 part of the $40 million Grant so we were going to always use part of the 40 million do Grant to fund this enlarged project uh we didn't anticipate all of the other increased costs of $34 million for Wastewater Plant everything else so we have the low bid on this project was KDL underground we went back to KDL they were the low bid to see how we could cut reduce the scope of the project and the easiest thing is to cut out the force Mains build the two lift stations they're hard to enlarge if you don't build the whole thing build the two lift stations cut out the force Mains and do the force Mains at a future date so the bid tabs the reason there were three bid tabs there was a bid tab for marata there was a bid tab for the Main Street lift station along with that Force main and there was a bid tab C which was the Force main between the two left stations that was um decision that was made previously by Joe when they were originally laid out by Engineers so they were all three separate projects I lumped them into the bid into one project to try and reduce mobilization costs and some of the other costs that would come in and they are all projects that eventually will all need to get done in order for us to complete the camp and Conference project and close out the Commerce Grant and the uh and the um Federal Wastewater Grant those 600,000 those two lift stations need to be done then the camping confers effluent will be that project which was designed as all one project or planned as all one project through srf grants and the CD um and these two these two grants and then the srf fund that completes that project it closes out as far as the state's concerned they get off of their D consent order and then we move forward we can go back at a future date and do the Force main connections between them which then allows us to pick up the other larger projects that will tie into that in the future the septic to conversion projects so all that being said very quickly we had um we met with the low bid contractor KDL we eliminated all the Force main sections out of that which took out tab bid C entirely um and then left us with the tab bid a which we had to modify and take out the Force main section and tab b b which is just the marata lift station so those two together come up for a total of 1, 54729 1.2 of which will come out of those the rift Grant the Commerce Grant and the uh Wastewater Grant and then we'd have about 400,000 that comes out out of the the 40 million so that's what I'm asking for you to award tonight and I guess to keep it simple that also allows us on the which ties into the next one the next subject is we had the South Plant closure which ties into this whole bigger project that that bid is due on the 23rd at 2 p.m the reason I these are all coming to you in December and we need a special meeting is because we've all heard about the deadlines for spending the money and that was a date that I had heard and was aware of what I was not aware of is an attachment eight um of the large $40 million Grant and on page five of that attachment is a line that says we have to have all the um funds um let me get the right the specific language all the funds allocated all funds must be obligated by December 31st 2024 it's on page five of that attachment I had not seen that until recently um just before I started adverti uh getting these bids out because I rushed to get the bids out I thought we had time um but we need to obligate all the funds so between this one and the South plant that puts us in the point to obligate all the funds and so we're not in danger of of losing the free money I will very clearly say we obligate all the funds it does put us at a risk of having to borrow some money if we have larger than expected change orders on the Wastewater Plant now we have a million and a half dollars for that those change orders we don't expect those based on the experience of this contractor this engineer building a very similar project that they're currently in but that is the risk but I would rather risk having to borrow a million half dollars than give the state back a million half dollars in free money so because that's a guarantee if you don't obligate the money you're going to give that money back to the state so that's kind of where we're at in a nutshell happy to answer questions um I have a very long recommended motion um that I kind of cleared with the attorney earlier today to make sure we kind of covered our bases but uh I'll answer questions and I know I covered that very quickly can you break so the U recommendation is million 547 is that it's I'm looking at it as 836 589 from the first project um and then 71074 million 547 is that what you've got to yes that's correct that's what the so the the bid was 3238 for All Elements by reducing it your looking at half of that a million 547 and can you say again where you were recommending we break that from how much is coming from the Grant and how much elsewhere so approximately 1.2 of that okay 600,000 570,000 so there's a slight less a little less than 1.2 1.2 of that is coming from the two the 570,000 Commerce Grant 600,000 Federal Wastewater Grant those two grants 1.2 million okay the the rest of the balance of that will come out of of the $40 million Grant so it's all Grant funded still none of our no Town dollars associated with us so it's all Grant funded I was trying to make sure so I did not bring that chart So currently we have about $2.4 million unallocated from the 40 million from the $40 million 2.4 yes okay so we have 2.4 I expect about a million of that will be in the South plant um bid somewhere in that neighborhood not sure to get that Force man and lift station built we won't know until the 23rd and then we have another 400,000 of this that's tied up which still leaves us some money for change orders so on the plant so it doesn't a catalog all of it so what I'm what did we leave out cut out right now that you haven't heard me mention at all is the tamoka plant so the tamoka plant we're not going to have enough money to cover that that's going to have to be in the next I say the next one of the next preferably the next Grant application because we will not have enough money to do that lift station and that Force main um project thank you so now go ahead and make the motion for discussion okay I move to award the North Main Street lift station modifications bid to the loow bidder KDL underground and development Inc using one the reduced scope bid sheet a of $836,000 10,744 eliminating bid sheet C for a total awarded bid of 1,547 293 and authorize the mayor to sign all contract related documents once complete second all right we have a motion second you a question so okay the total in Grants is about 1.27 um the contract is 1547 odd numbers so what difference is $276,000 we have to get from somewhere and propos in to take that out of the 40 million Grant that's correct is it legal by the terms of the $40 million Grant to use that money yes it's all part of the it's part of the larger project so yes it is legal and the the grant administrator for that has to agree but it's all part of that it's all it's in our tasks as part of specifically closing part of the South Plant getting that effluent up into our plant and that is part of our task process okay in the $40 million Grant okay and so okay then my other comment is that the um the Utilities Commission was set up and it was comprised of people with technical expertise and it was set up for them to advise the council not for the council to be making decisions ahead of the Utilities Commission so um I know timing with this December deadline is pushing it but I really don't like the idea that the council is telling the Utilities Commission they're they they are our experts um because I had some questions on the bid itself and I don't think we want to take the time to go through it tonight but um questions that the Utilities Commission may have wanted answered before we approved this and I don't disagree at all I just like I said so so and my just um last question Kevin is um so who came up with the original estimate that was you know so so the original estimates were all was it our designers of our the original estimates were all now close to four years old of the original the original estimates was actually less than 1.2 million I revised the estimate to be 1.6 when we went out to bid based on the camp and Conference Center bid which was less than two years old that contractor go underground was that contractor he has doubled his literally the price of the lift station doubled from the price that was bid two years ago so that's where the pricing has gone on that so we were basing it off of some pricing that we had numbers on that we thought was reasonable pricing but in that two-year timeline it's literally doubled for the most part doubled entirely the other contractor KDL bid $700,000 instead of $900,000 for just a lift station the lift station for the camp and Conference Center which is similar size and scope was a $420,000 lift station were you surprised to only see two people bid on this project um I was not terribly surprised I thought we had at 30 something companies that pulled plans on this project I had a lot of conversation with the called the hland group they asked a lot of different questions that we responded to they're having a lot of difficulty getting pricing both go underground and KDL made that com uh comments at the bid opening that they were literally they could not get suppliers to give them prices and they were literally finishing their bid right before they drove town here to open the bid um KBW was having the same difficulty they were trying to get the bids put together but they were having difficulty with their suppliers they're the people that did the pipe bursting project for us and they do similar types of work um and I don't know about the henderland group so why they didn't bid but there was a lot of conversation there were a lot of people that pulled the plans there's a ton of work all on the same part of the same funding that came in through the federal government that we got and so there's a ton of work on the coast these are local contractors so you got to look work close to home and they don't have to travel to the coast so it's I think it's a they're looking at who the plan holders are and saying you know one of the ones at excavation point told me specifically that he was not going to bid on it partly because of the size of the list stations and the scope of work that he was looking he could he's very busy and he has time and he doesn't have to try and do that complex of a con of a project so that's why they did not bid on it as a third local contractor that might have bid on the project and then I have one last question but I it's to the attorney too suggest Mr Harris I have one last question to Kevin but it's probably to both of you now that tamoka is being pulled out is there and and some of these other elements are being pulled out is there any risk on the overall right the overall was for 40 million written for all of these things and slowly as cost of are coming in you know not surprised we're like pulling things out so there's no is that an amendment that's going to need to be done to the grant because originally I believe tamoka plant was in scope and now we have to pull it out because of costs so it's like what impact does that have on the original Grant right it was part of the as part of the task on the original Grant we have to have that agreement with and we've had a number of these conversations with Mitch Holmes is the uh administrator administrator of that he's not the administrator of the grant he's the director of that part of the department so UMO Michelle Ramirez I'm sorry I'm running through our grant administrators Michelle Ramirez is our grant administrator for that that loan portion but it's above her that she will not be able to make that decision about dropping that out but we will have that conference call to to make sure that that is okay because they they're ultimately Greer but they have we had that we've had those conversations constantly with them about the increased cost and dropping dropping the projects as we've had to drop the projects out and what we could keep in and drop out so there's a priority list and they understand the priority list and they also understand where our funding is at so so it could result just in an amendment a change in the the scope of the original Grant another another right okay yes ma'am we should probably expect that right yes okay thank you can we make an amendment first of all let me make sure I understand which grants have the uh end ofe deadline is that the that is the $40 million Grant okay so if we don't allocate from that to this we still would keep that money in as a contingency if you could say all of that if you if you allocated the entire 2.4 million to the contingency of the Wastewater Plant and didn't award the South bid or these bids the problem is let me back up first we need to complete the two lift stations in order to satisfy the agreements with the camp and Conference Center who are on a deadline with the EP under consent order so so that's the one that has the end of year deadline that's not the one that has into of the Year deadline that's just where we need to award the grants for the lift stations okay the 40 million Grant has the endof year deadline we're using part of those funds to fund this project so if I don't use that part of those $40 million funds I can't do this project the the question the reason that we're trying to allocate the special meeting the next part of the process is special meeting for the South Plant award is to allocate those funds specifically for the South Plant closure and forc me that's the reason for the special meeting okay so I'm being dense here why can't you just say that the U whatever the 270,000 the 2.4 million why can't you just say I'm keeping that in the 40 million slush bucket as for contingencies or overruns and you not lose it well I'm not I'm not risk of losing I'm trying to get this project awarded and I have to allocate all the funding to award this project I can't award the project the lift station project so this contract we can't award unless it's funded some of that funding comes out of the 40 million there's not a deadline issue on that unless we're just not going to award this bid tonight if you want to hold the bid for another month if that's your goal is to hold the bid for another month for the Utilities Commission to review it then that would be the reason to award to hold the bid for the month that's not the that's not my overriding concern for this piece of it but you're also going to have another bid that Utility Commission is not going to see which is the South Plant which that's a separate project and a task list on the grant itself and I question whether you could award that one in January because that's alloc shifting your allocating funds that you want to reserve for the Wastewater Plant now you're going to turn around and say oh we're not really allocated for the Wastewater Plant we're reallocating it to the South Plant bid award I question whether you can do that and consider them obligated I I'm still being dense it's it's allocated out in the 40 million for contingency if you want to if you want to take that risk then I would say you could you might take that risk and say all 2.4 million that is remaining in the fund is allocated for contingency on the Wastewater Plant as entirely within the council your authority to do I would caution against it so if it turns out that we don't need that 2.4 million it's just goes away right if we don't so we actually lose it yes you give it back to the federal government okay this is a federal requirement not a state requirement so what I'm hearing joy that he's saying is and I'll just cut to the word award purchase orders have to be cut by the end of the year amounting to at least 40 million that's that was an oversight in that thick Grant language and then by the end of 2026 money has to be spent I think that's those are the two key so I I think what I've heard is we've only committed or awarded or purchase orders so basically you're trying to FL flesh out add up get more money into the 40 million hoping that you'll still have enough for contingency I think it's is it more correct well I'm I'm trying to obligate all of the 40 million right in purchase orders in purchase orders that has to be done by 12:31 if not and all of a sudden we come back next year and say well we want to issue this purchase order we were only 39 million we missed that key date MH that's that's a key right now that's my concern unless it's not set in stone they may be forgiving and say yes it's okay I just like I said I didn't set the deadlines I wasn't aware of this one and I just missed that and that like I said it's the only place I've seen it I hadn't heard it and I had not read all of those and if I'd read it I probably wouldn't have caught it but we had to get this was part of there's currently an audit being done by the inspector's General's office of D on our 40 million Grant so they're making sure we cross every T and Dot every I and so we're having to do additional paperwork and say this this item is here and it's on this page and so this is we were missing an attachment 8 signature from two of the engineering firms that we have to go back and get we have it from penon we have it from the K contractor we have it on the $36 million but we don't have all of it and that's where the attachment a came in which is I wasn't even aware of where that was but is the South Plant Pew is that that's the Pew plant yes that's the very old plant and that we plan on selling the property getting some of that Revenue back we have some leeway to and I don't worry about a little bit of money because we can take the money and buy lift stations but I don't want to try and buy $2 and5 million dollars worth of lift stations if we don't use that contingency I'd rather that be a much smaller number and then we go buy 500 or th000 or whatever we think we might use in the next several years or a couple of years but I don't want a 10year supply of FL station sitting there that's our contingency is that we can go by with the remaining funds but if we have 2.4 million tied up into contingency for the Wastewater Plant and we're only going to use I you know 500,000 of it then I'm going to buy a very large number of that's my only those are my only Alternatives I'm working within our task orders and the Grant and our Alternatives of what we could do is that another way if you don't take the 200 plus out of the 40 million it comes out of other utility revenue if you want to do that conference center project correct it will have to come out of our reserves if we don't in order to award the contract we have to have funds available to award the contract so it either comes out of the 40 million it either comes out of the 40 million or it comes out of utility reserves okay yeah i' much rather use free money yes yes yes yes okay I just it's unfortunate you miss the deadline wording I agree it's it's a lot trying to get all the project done and that's a staffing Staffing issue that goes back to when I when and why I was hired and then just has continued so okay anything else we have a motion in a second any comments from the audience quickly what was the motion she read it yeah right got it Jack cley 607 Sunset Point Drive I don't know whether you'll be able to answer this or not Kevin but the remaining projects that are part of this overall scope can you tell us approximately what the uh what do I want to say what the current what the estimates are for that work we haven't updated part figure we haven't updated any of the uh cost for setic to sewer conversions yeah I don't mean updated costs I mean what the the cost that we have gotten from the uh design Engineers so far they're well they're all based on the three-year-old they were total $80 million a year two years ago so we haven't updated any of those numbers since then we will know when we bid out when we receed the 2 and A2 million and we bid out an actual small Force Main and some of that then we'll know those project cost on that piece of it okay but we haven't updated any of the individual projects other than what we did other than based on what we're getting bids at you can pretty double much double any of those project costs from two years ago and double them right so the the 80 million that you're talking about which is an old number that includes the 40 million that we've all basically that we've already committed right so we've got another 40 million which will probably be wind up being more like 80 million when we're done if based upon what's happening so far is that yeah and they're all individual projects and you'll build them build bid them as or build them as you get grant funding to move forward with those projects okay thank you they'll be on smaller Grant basis thank you okay bring it back pull the council yes yes yes yes all right 6d2 set a special meeting to award the South Plant lift station and Force main bit so that would be the only thing on the agenda um I fully expect that we'll probably have the same two biders on the south plant enforce main that's the the plant on 29 it is a much smaller lift station than these two and it's a shorter section of Force main that's why I said I expect it to be under a million dollars um those bids are due on the 23rd we need between then and the 31st a date to have hopefully a 20 or 30 minute meeting Max so the bids are due on the 23rd at 2 o'cl uh if anytime you want to do it after that I think I'm fine with if you wanted to do it that Monday afternoon at 5: or 5:30 which is a Monday I don't it like I said anytime after that I need a hour hour or so to evaluate those bids just quickly to make sure they have submitted all of their paperwork with the bids but anytime after that I think it's fine did you did you say a date and all that I said the 23rd at 2 o'clock is the bid opening so we could do the 23rd at 5 that's Christmas week we could do the following Monday or any of the dates in between other than obviously Christmas Eve or Christmas but or we could do the following Monday which is the 31st 30th 31 31st um I guess that's actually New Year's Eve so or we could do the Thursday or Friday after Christmas it's just I don't know what your schedules are sorry corrected the 30th it would be the day before Christmas Eve I mean um New Year's Eve New Year's Eve yeah so it would be the 23rd or the 30th would be the Mondays so for me personally I'll be out of state that like three weeks that period so I won't be involved my caution would be if those bids don't come in on the 23rd right so to put it in the following week in case you know they don't come in is there a risk that they miss it they have some more questions no there's no extension of that deadline so if the only the only danger would be that I got no bids on the 23rd but I've been assured by KDL that they will be bidding on the 23rd and I'm sure go underground will they've already run most of their numbers on lift stations and Force main so they already have a lot of that already prepped for this next bid it's just a much smaller lift station and earlier you said a million dollars for the South Plant was that our original estimate that's my estimate just based on conversations with the current biders but this is same fiscal impact of 1.6 that's 1.6 is the was my fiscal impact for this bid award not the South Plant did I put oh I did I'm sorry I did put 1.6 I put the I'm sorry I put the 1.6 in when I prepared the agenda package for that number based on the conversations I've had with the biders on the one that we were just talking about a minute ago it will be a much which would have been a one point I used the bit bid sheet a which is a 1.5 bid but it's a much smaller lift station and a smaller Force main so that was just a general conversation that they think it'll be but but this Falls within that prior conversation is it comes out of the 40 million it comes out of the0 it comes entirely out of the 40 million right that's what I have okay yes well personally I would rather meet um when so they open the bids and then if we're meeting right after the bid opening then we we vote on which bid we're going to accept yes okay I would rather do it the 23rd than the Christmas Eve I mean you know be here when the bids are open vote on it be done with it because I have family and I think everybody's going to be busy the day before Christmas so I would rather do it on the 23rd I don't know how y'all feel me you're going to be gone I'll be out of state I'm okay you're okay okay so is the 23rd five o'clock work is that that's fine with me what date is that 23d 23rd 23rd's the Monday I'll make it work Monday the 23rd at 5 o' 5 o' I'll make it work okay okay thank you thank you Kevin thank you all right 63 Town Administrator report St okay did you say 5:00 5:00 so thank you Council women and mayor for allowing me the opportunity to come before you we did not get to present on this last month however we did um record it and so it was on the YouTube channel if you did not get to see it I would say go back there because I'm going to try to keep this short and not go through the whole goals and objectives but I do want to highlight on a few items that we've been working on Staffing of course Rises to the list with us being a very small municipality and trying to handle a lot of different objectives one of the things we have been doing is looking at our enhancing our operational efficiency and staff coordination we have also been looking at strengthening our financial management and our long-term fiscal Health improving our community engagement and communication strengthening infrastructure and public services long-term planning and economic development and then it comes to our Council priorities So based on Council input the focus on the top priority areas for the next quarter would really like to be able to hone in and find out what you want us to focus on because we have so many demands there are a lot of different things that are coming at us um I've been able to put these in uh they're not in any specific order but from 1 through 11 the feedback that I have received re from many of you on the council the first one would be communication Community engagement and involvement the second would be a strategic plan which I believe we are addressing that already so I think that's great we also will be re-evaluating our 30 30-year comp plan which is considered our master plan Park development enhance Parks and Recreation with connectivity Road pavement plan A Street scaping plan Youth and Family events God bless you improving Our Town infrastructure Economic Development and Public Safety I had said if I could have a drum roll tonight would have been the night that I would have loved to had a drum roll because it appears that we've been able to hit a lot of these areas already and it's only been like day 67 68 for me so on the council priorities based on the discussions we have these top areas and these areas represent vital aspects of our community's growth in the future however I believe there is an opportunity to combine several of these initiatives to streamline our efforts enhance their impact and maximize the resources that we already have available here's how I Envision integrating these priorities Priority One Economic Development Economic Development which was item number 10 is a key area where I believe we can achieve significant progress through a collective focus on multiple priorities to make our town more attract acve to new development we must emphasize creating a business friendly environment that would support growth while also enhancing the quality of life for our residents by leveraging key assets such as our lakes and our natural resources we can make the area a prime location for new residential commercial and tourism related developments working closely with the County's economic development team we can pursue joint initiatives and I just want to say that in my time that I've been here the county has worked worked phenomenally with us so I have not received any barriers or push back there's been a lot of collaboration between the tourist Development Council and also the Economic Development Council we've also worked really closely with um JD who is now the new assistant County Administrator so there's been a lot of collaboration I believe that that also helps us to support the growth while also enhancing the quality of life by leveraging the key assets such as our Lakes oh sorry I'm rereading the wrong part I apologize working closely with the county um we can pursue joint initiatives that highlight our Region's strengths such as our Scenic Lakes the recreational opportunities and proximity to other growing areas these efforts will help us attract the businesses the developers and the investors who are looking to capitalize on our location and our infrastructure moreover the integration of Economic Development into other initiatives such as the development of our Parks which we have talked at Great length about it's a huge asset that we have that we're not leveraging off of this will further enhance the attractiveness of the town for both our residents and the businesses alike priority two which is our strategic plan and our comprehensive plan reevaluation I recommend that we combine the efforts related to the Strategic plan and the reevaluation of the 30-year comp plan which we've discussed already when Miss Jennifer was explaining it earlier um I wanted to be able to interject and say that what she Wasing talking about doing the CRA plan or our downtown revitalization plan that what she was saying is it will overlap with our strategic plan so in really in reality we will come in where they will just come in Tandem and by the time we are firming some of those up the county will be finishing their plan which now we were are are already completing with being able to participate in some of the workshops so it sets the groundwork already for our comprehensive plan that we have to have in place by 2027 so they will actually create a ripple effect where we will move from one to the other to the other and if all the stars align the way that we would like for them to if we are able to get our um Master Parks and Recreation plan from the county in reality we will end up with four plans and what I have heard a lot from this council is that we would like to have a more robust plan that we can follow and tailor to the town of lake plid so in the in the combination of this it's a perfect time to align with the efforts with the county and the 2050 plan that is focused on our long-term growth and the planning for the future by coordinating our strategic goals with the county we can ensure that our town is positioned for the sustainable growth that is also considered smart growth that will attract both new residents and businesses if the town entertains the Strategic plan which we already agreed to start with our first plan but the Strategic plan will be another piece that we'll have to look at and Jennifer is going to get us the cost for that piece that will allow us to be able to have the Downtown Vision and action plan with the Strategic plan where they overlap priority number three is our town infrastructure and our efforts to improve the town infrastructure would be number nine it should prioritize with the road pavement plan which is number six and also a street scaping plan which is number seven and the downtown revitalization plan Street scaping will will be addressed as well in your email um right before the the meeting I sent out an example from the town of Bowling Green for you to be able to look at you will be able to see that if you compare it to some of the other surrounding areas that have comprehensive plans that they're talking about there's a great difference between the plan that we receive from Central Florida Regional planning and what you may see from other areas like Spring Lake where they had they used the Catalyst group the reason is because Jennifer is a they this I shouldn't say Jennifer the central Florida Regional Planning Group is a government entity and so they are positioned with more information than most others are so they will not compete with anybody else she had said that in our meeting last month so we get a very robust plan that outlines our codes it adheres to all of the regulations that's already set forth by the town and it also gives recommendations that will align us for grant opportunities investing in these areas will improve the overall appeal of the town both for existing residents and for potential developers well-maintained roads upd upd ated Street Scapes and improved connectivity will make our town more accessible desirable and competitive for new commercial and residential developments the streetscaping plan can be included in the downtown vision and action plan as IT addresses specifically to landscaping and pedestrian lighting that's where keep Lake pla beautiful would be invited to be able to attend the workshops because in the workshops for the council who have attended those you've seen how they they communicated with us they discussed all of the areas and so they would come to the table and bring their information the ideas they have so that we can make sure that we're respecting them as well they will discuss pedestrian lighting Street trees and building closest to the sidewalk and on the street amenities even as the benches that we've discussed in the concerns that we have there priority number four is Public Safety Public Safety is number 11 on the list however we know that comes straight to the top it remains a top priority and we will continue to collaborate with the county on initiatives related to the fire department and explore ways to enhance our Collective efforts this topic was discussed at the county level in their County Commission meeting in November and we are committed to further enhancing Public Safety through the Partnerships Additionally the new police department is underway and we have received the plans from cool and cob engineering which also went out to council we want to move this project forward to improve the safety infrastructure and further our community's overall resilience priority five would be our parks recreation which is included with youth and family events I propose combining the efforts related to park development which is number four enhancing Parks and Recreation connectivity which is number five and the youth and family oriented events which is number eight into one area by working on these initiatives in tandem we can create the vibrant connected spaces that encourage the community engagement support the quality of life and serve as the key attractions for our our resident and new business businesses and also attract new residents who would like to relocate here I would like to emphasize on the importance of continuing the save our Lakes project which was presented this evening and clearly everyone here already agrees that that needs to be be a priority it didn't make the list however it wasn't because it wasn't discussed it just was not said that it needed to be a priority it's almost as though it was viewed as that we're already addressing it and we just needed to continue with those efforts so I do believe that it should be listed as a a a priority and um Miss Kennedy's concerns tonight and that she presented was also a reason why we wanted to bring that forward the health of our Watershed is critical that was one of the conversations that when Dana and I spoke with them today from the county it's not only preserving the quality of our lakes here in Highlands County but also it supports the ecosystems and communities in the surrounding areas primarily the lake of Kobe area as well implementing the measures such as fertilizer ordinance can directly benefit our Lakes ensuring that their Vitality for sister counties and future Generations is carried forward supporting the lake Health aligns with our commitment to environmental stewardship and resilience and it also enhances both our community sustainability and the economic development prospects our Lakes are Central to our long-term strategy for growth and tourism and they serve as a Cornerstone for our efforts to attract the new developments and Investments to our town by maintaining and enhancing Lake Health we not only protect our natural resources but it also strengthens lakes lake plased position as an attractive destination for our residents our visit visitors and our businesses alike so I tried to condense 1 through 11 into five areas with the aspect of the Lakes which could potentially fall in there in some of the other areas with a reevaluation of the comp plan it could also be included in our Parks and Recreation we can really disperse that up among many different areas as things come up we'll need to have priority list so that we can make sure that myself and the town are working on the priorities that you have but I thought that this would give us a good snapshot of five different areas and some of them are already working we've already got them into play which is very exciting any comments or questions on that before I move to the next part this is Fab fabulous thank you very good thank you yeah and and I do like the way you've condensed it down and not just for priorities but also to ensure that staff isn't overloaded right there's a lot coming at everybody and a lot of other things people are interested in so this type of priority list I think blessed by and supported by Town Council will help give that balance I'm just curious where sidewalks would fall would that be under Town infrastructure it actually will if we put it in our um downtown revitalization plan it can be captured there but when we do our comp plan it will also be in there for connectivity for places where you can where you able to have walking distances okay thank you the walking paths and things of that nature yes ma'am and thank you for your comments councilwoman Charles thank you for your 67 days very good yeah Bravo I like thank here's your drum roll yes thank you it was very exciting it's been exciting okay let's see if I can move it down I'm going to go ahead to the Town Council projects and project updates scroll up Eva's helping me here so the pipe bursting project we are still in process of repairing irrigation working on the sidewalk and curbing Public Works facilities streets and parks are working to identify the locations of all the irrigation lines this has been completed in conjunction with the contractor and the process slowed down with the long holiday weekend um we spoke in our director's meeting earlier today and there will be a scheduled walk through with the town engineer and also with our utilities director to address any potential areas prior to the parade this weekend because I know that there's been some concerns brought forward to us about what that was going to look like or is there going to be any safety hazards would they be able to still stand near the area so that is um that is on the table for us to be able to try to set up this week we were hoping to be able to do it on Thursday but again that was earlier today so we've got to coordinate that are there any questions for the staff regarding the pipe bursting project that they could answer I I just wanted to comment on what you said because that you know certain of the areas where the repairs you know the the the curb and it's busted up concrete and that you know the only concern would be let's make sure that's very well marked for after the parade this weekend it's dim lights are out and people just start scattering everywhere and we would hate for somebody to not see the marker rope but yes ma'am it's like busted you know there's a lot of different are where're yet and I don't think we're going to get it fixed in time but so wait but we need to make sure whether we put cones there or what it's very well marked for yes ma'am we discussed that so we will of the parade people thank you yes ma'am you're welcome anyone else no okay the wastewater treatment plant in the next three to four months we anticipate significant progress at the wastewater treatment plant with two large carousels they will be 55 feet in diam 55 feet diameter tankes each 20 feet deep rising out of the ground I'm pleased to report that the project remains on schedule and we are making steady advancements toward our goals of course I got that information from Kevin because I'm not an expert on that but he is available if you have any questions him or Dennis and the police department which is very exciting because I know this is a standing item that we have been working towards the plumbing electrical and mechanical plans have been received and we provided them to the Town Council we did have an issue we thought it went out last week however we've had some internet problems and it kicked back so that's the reason why you received the plans this morning in your email for security purposes they are exempt from public review I am very excited to announce that the USDA application update meeting was held at 1 pm today where we received positive and complimentary comments regarding um stie Tyson and the way that she presented it and that it was a perfect application of course perfect in in our eyes means that they didn't notice a few things but it was still considered out of the eight years of review by the reviewer that it was one of the most exemplary that they had received so I thought that was important to notice anything else on that we're good keep rolling I'm going to go on to fdot since I'm standing here our fdot or is that okay mayor for us to move on to the next item say yes next item yeah I'm trying to find it hold on here I I I I can't see the page 369 the number over on the other side9 what are you looking for D4 are you good I I can see it I wanted just keep going okay so for fdot the traffic alert for State Road 25 us27 at the intersection of Dow Hall Boulevard and Tower Street in the town of Lake plid it went out you may follow the link to their Facebook post from the Florida Department of transportation's Southwest Florida district one page for any further updates and continual updates however I did receive a traffic advisory it's not in your packet I can read it if you would like me to um I was going to just so we have it recorded and also if anybody Tunes in that we have it on here with approval is that good go for it okay so the traffic advisory for the lane closure on State Road 25 us27 at the intersection of Dow Hall Boulevard and Tower Street in the town of lake plad in Highlands County nightly lane closures will begin in the intersection of dhall Boulevard and Tower Road on State Road 25 us27 is part of an ongoing construction effort in the town of Lake plet Crews will start nightly closures on the Northbound and southbound inside Lanes of State Road 25 us27 on December 5th 2024 from 700 p.m. to 7: a.m. this did get noticed out just so the the council is aware we sent that out in the NEX door app it went on the um the Facebook for the the chief put it out on the Facebook and it also went on the town website this phase includes critical Preparatory work such as demolition tree removal and curb removal along with the installation of temporary Asphalt in the median to facilitate future Lane shifts this work is part of a larger larger project that began November 20th 2024 aimed at reconstructing rigid pavement on State Road 25 US 27 from north of Tower Street to south of Tower Street as well as milling and resurfacing State Road 25 US 27 from Shoreline Drive to Davis and Gaines Road motorists are encouraged to use caution in the area and stay alert for workers equip equipment in the construction zone and then it gives real time updates where you can find that information and it's visit www.l 511.com to stay informed on local projects in progress any questions on that or we keep moving question move on move on I think that's it I think that's it that's it y now we're budget amendment right yeah okay okay thank you next is 65 that's budget amendment request from Harry so earlier this year we did the uh our our budgets and I had a company come out and give a estimate for the roofs on the dugouts at the ball fields and I don't know if it was a lack of communication or misunderstanding but they didn't include the dugouts at the miracle leag field so when I requested that to be put in the budget didn't include that so I had them come out and that's the amount that I went off that I thought it was going to cost for the uh roofs out there so I had them come back out and reestimate that and had two other companies come out and it's come in between 6,300 and $1,980 difference between the three estimates so looking at all the estimates they're all about the same work to be done so I was just seeing if we could request that an extra $6,300 be added to that to be able to get the roofs done out there and um talking to Rachel she said it would come out of the general fund so do you know anything about these three companies quality wise warranty wise American roofings actually done work for us before and they're the ones that came in the lowest yeah the lowest they've done work here at Town Hall and at the ball fields before good to work with yep very good people they actually donated during uh Irma I don't remember the name of the company that there was a roofing company that was they got in some trouble and started some Roofing at our facility down there and it didn't get finished and they came in and they donated the rest of the work Perry I don't see it in here what's the pitch of those roofs theit I don't know they're they're pretty much flat on the dugouts they do have a little pitch to them but the problem I have with some of these it shows a 26 gauge galon rib panel I'd like to know what rib panel they're using because uh a lot of these panels cannot be warranteed under 4 and 12 so I think we need to find out that the manufacturer is because they got to have a manufacturer's warranty but this is where a lot of people got in trouble during the the Hurricanes they had a lot of these roofs put on that do not meet the the requirements that that that they need to be uh I think we got to make sure cuz that's they put 5V crimp on those that was not going to work there I don't know that they were changing the pitch of the roof they just all came out and well they said they're removing 5V Crim so they're removing the metal roof and it's already there that's what I'm saying that that that roof is not designed to be on a flat so that that was a failure when it started uh so I I I would think we need to do a little more research and make sure that the p we're getting will meet the manufacturer specification okay that's my only concern mirac col league is flat I had taken some pictures of the Miracle League and a minimum are flat roofs and I think all of them they're all flat but they all have a little pitch the water's got to run off yeah I mean yeah an angle right I'm pretty sure the ribs on those will have to be fairly tall to to meet standards but I'd like to find that out okay so are we tabling this issue until that can be resol are we tbling this issue until that can be resolved well I think you can go ahead and approve it you know uh based on getting the information that's required um did you I sure thought we had a credit from local companies puras local and I'm trying to find it all three of these a local two are like classic one Sebring the lowest bid Sebring the U that's American Roofing Sebring but I think the L pled companies get treated preferentially yeah we voted on that you could be there was a a kind of a If you bid a little bit higher in the town I don't remember the Figures were either but you actually could win the bid even though you were higher because it was in the town limits I don't remember the figures so we've got 12 12 roofs is that what I eight mainfield two miracal League two Southern field so 12 roofs at about $3,000 a roof I I don't know if that's a reasonable high low or what but that's why I like to look to the mayor who has more knowledge in that area I'm not going to find it tonight that's I'm sorry Deborah we put that in the code of ordinances didn't we I don't remember I don't remember where it went but we did vote on that that at one time I know we did yeah we did I just don't know where we where it would go whether it was a resolution or I don't know that we put it in the code this is more procedural would it be a problem if we tabled it till January not at all and what are the things that we need you know one is the local versus not and then one is on this rib question that's that's an answer that we need because some of them are you know bidding on the the rib so they may have to to change their bid or they're all they're all bidding rib panels but I just want to make sure that they're and I think our engineer will probably agree with me but uh I think we just need to to to verify that the panels are going to meet the manufacturer specifications okay it's 4 d5.4 Berke what did you say your local your local preference bidding is 4 d5.4 I didn't hear it 4- 5.4 for local bidding prefer did you hear that well no wonder it's not in my book I'm out of date I need to go to the website sorry 4514 can you read that to us uh it's in purchasing Contracting local for procurement for tangible personal property material Services construction improvements the town may give the local preference to local businesses and making such purchases let's abbreviate it 5% of the total total purchase price for contracts between 10,000 $249,000 4% for 50 to2 53% that drops down so um I think that's the it goes on and on but that's what you're pretty looking for I guess a uh warding a been only not the actual production the following sums but that's just uh but you do have a local preference I guess it gets into some detail how you do that so you said the word may not you're not required to it gets into certification any entity claiming to be a local business a lake plid area business or Highlands County Business shall include in its bid documents a written certification of such to the town can I make a comment in the conversations with har though I've leaned on his professional um opinion about this and you said that you had a very good working relationship and then I just wanted to reiterate that you said that the one company also donated towards our efforts to the town as well y okay I just wanted to make sure do we know if any of these companies make the panels on site I did not ask that it's another concern you got to be careful with because they buy the metal from the manufacturer but once they run that through their machine they become the panel manufacturer which eliminates the metal manufacturer completely it falls back on it falls back on the uh the roofing company themselves so uh yeah I think we got some questions we need to answer be before we go further with this so the American Roofing the one that he's leaning towards as a seven-year workmanship um guarantee my question would be so I support this of course but I what about the Pavilion roofs we have a lot of Pavilion metal roofs that are peeling off and they're they're in disrepair one Pavilion that the roof is coming off of I haven't replaced that because it's supposed to be taken down with the the project that's going on out there with the Paving and stuff that that Pavilion is supposed to be removed so it didn't make much sense to me to replace a roof on a pavilion that was being taken down so there's like three over there there's you know there's there's only one Pavilion with a messed up roof that's lunch with with that the Metal's blown off of yes just one there's one that's sinking into the ground you mean with the with the fur app or the rpac is that the project you're talking about which project with the paving project okay yeah okay sorry which I don't know if that's been decided yet finalized right the where it's going to go so okay I don't think we ever finalize anything it's never final so we're going to bring this back to next month's agenda just so we can yeah get this going thank you har I'll make a motion that we table this agenda item until um January uary 2025 have a second second this bid says it's valid for 30 days and we've all already missed the bid date so I don't know if that has we we probably need to go back out and make sure tell them that we're g another month make sure that they honor the cost yeah all of them are saying 30 days any discuss question now another another question Harry I I I I see we at least one of them give you an estimate up to 40 sheets of plywood what if we don't use 40 sheets are they going to give you a credit so because that's that's included in their bid I asked them because some of them only the the one that did the 40 sheets he he only had just a few on there and the other companies had more well way a lot of them do it is in their bid they may give you so many sheets of plywood then over and above that they're going to charge you a square foot price that's why he put four on there because but this one states he he's included 40 sheets uh so in the contract if he only uses 30 are we still gonna have to pay for 40 I can find out yeah that's a good point because the other one is saying replace any rotten wood at below pricing so that means there's more money coming once they tear it off so and that's why most of more on a square foot basis yeah and the uh detail on the although they're you know a good company you like them the detail on American is not broken out as well as some of the others all right we have a motion in a second if there's no more comments pull the council please council member Worley yes council member Hayes yes council member Charles yes council member art yes and the last thing on mine is 6 D7 the Lake June Park tenative dates for the drag race event we were contacted and asked about the drag race event again um the dates have instead of April 26 to 27th they have proposed for it to be from May or May 3rd and 4th with a setup date of 52 and a cleanup time of 54 so they would actually have from 52 to 54 they were um they really enjoyed being at the park and having the event we've had a lot of positive feedback um councilwoman whle could probably comment a little bit more on that from the TDC aspect and she's also been heavily involved with trying to coordinate this event again we've um um she's passed it this way and so now we're working towards getting that together we received the application it was um actually revised this morning when we received it so that's why it's not in your packet but we wanted to be able to get a vote today for us to be able to secure the date with Council approval and then coordinate with the Chamber of Commerce and our local TDC for the support and advertising and then move forward with the rest of the application process if you approve that yeah they um it was um they they came right after the cladium festival was done which was you know kind of everything happening at once which this spreads it out and it's not as hot they didn't have the vendors um didn't want to stay the second day because they were so hot it was miserably hot um everybody I talked to enjoyed it um but there they actually would like to do it um the third and fourth the April date they found out there was another boat race in Georgia somewhere so it was it's like cannibalizing the the boat people the people that would come to our race but I think this is a much better day we don't have anything going on in there and even in August um I know that the hotel stay busy with the lake people so they're already getting money and people in but in the May 3d fourth that's when their slack time is so I think it'll be better for our hotels and our merchants and all of that as well so I I mean t the chamber said these dates are good I think I said third fourth not the second through the fourth um and then the TDC doesn't have a problem with it but it does have to go to the TDC board to be voted on and approved because they're changing their Grant um schedule i' I've got a question about that because sometimes the TDC gets real funky about whether it's in season or offseason and April would to my mind would be season and may is going to be off seon does that give them a boost in in in that it is now in off seon yes well they couldn't they will not let you have an event January February or March so this is outside any other month you okay I thought April was in there too but so April or May doesn't matter to the TDC okay cool yeah and I think they change that since I mean I think they change that from time to time because they used to be there used to be more months you couldn't have an event absolutely yeah yes and this will be I think it'll be a better time of the year for everybody and that but it's every I think we have an approval with everybody else for these dates but they have to actually vote because of the grant they actually have to vote for the change in date so I agree I think May is better because April that's the end of Easter week and that is a very busy time for our residents and our visitors at that lake with their own boting so I think closing it at the end of Easter week which a lot of people have the school off and that would not be good for our own residents so it sounds like me so does everybody agree I don't know that we need a motion do we need a motion I just needed you to tell me we we just are you okay with me okay okay thank you thank you I do have um just a few more things to wrap up in your um on your desk you should have received a letter from Clark Pest Control we wanted to make sure that we noted here that we did evaluate the playground at Lake June ballfields to make sure that about the ants situation that was brought forward um Clark Pest Control went out and they provided an evaluation at the playground and they stated that they found no ants at the playground they did find four native fire ant mounds outside of the playground area but it was 20 to 30 ft away so we just wanted to make sure that Town Council was made aware that we are addressing any issues that come forward however because it was in a public meeting we wanted to publicly say that we did address this and try to eliminate any risks um they recommend treatment um to treat those mounds and any Mounds that may pop up in the future with any and SE asde and to continue to treat the general general area with bait so that's what we will do did did did they also look over by the beach area they walked the area Harry walked with them it's the beach area too it's come it's coming from when you come from the beach area when you cross over to go to the Pavilion you know whether they're the actual Mounds or little satellites that they pop up I I can't answer but yeah there are yeah and then um and then a request for us to in our January meeting me because we are due to discuss the fees that is on the agenda we were supposed to bring that back so we'll bring that to our January 13th meeting and um the staff would like to request for us to have a workshop following that and for two weeks after that if possible for um tentatively January 27th for your consideration so that we can actually Workshop it opposed to a special meeting and um our town attorney and I spoke about this because we could have a special meeting where you could vote on it that night however we would like to be able to present you with the information and give you a little time to be able to mundle over that before it comes back so it would technically come back before us again in February um we would rather make good sound decisions and make sure you have all of the information and have time to look it over before a decision is made however it is absolutely up to you if you say that you want it to be a special meeting then we can have January 27th be a special meeting at the same time I like that I think there's which one do you like the workshop Workshop there's a lot of information in there to go I mean a lot of fees and and I'd like to get the staff feedback and other people's feedback like we did with the you know the Garden Club and the other people just remember what a workshop is you know that we can't make any but can ask questions yes but we can get to your information out there okay as long as everybody understands the difference January 27th thank you uh we skipped over agenda item here the most important we did too the most important one Rachel's not here so I'll speak on Rachel's behalf for the budget amendment we have got to do one e line item the budget amendment for the year TR and up the actual to the forecast so that we can approve that and then she has to submit it to the state so somehow that got skipped over oh agenda item 1e line items budget adjustment for 2023 to 24 on page 63 of the packet that is included in the consent agenda so it got passed based on the information oh really so in in the was in the cons it wasn't a separate item that's fine then my mistake I say yeah I was going well I thought in the past you kind of went over what some of the things so I would like to comment to the staff then on that that you guys have done a remarkable job I mean this is minimal adjustments except for Kevin and the grants right for the sewer but that's to be expected but I I do appreciate all the hard work that the staff does you know not just developing a budget but then really attaining the budget so very good job and I mean they really did a good job of U minimal adjustments there anything else I have one last thing oh um so January 27th is a Monday oh that's right we got to set that so I know are we going to do a evening this we would request for it to be at two however I know people work so we don't know that that would be possible but two does not work for me okay but I mean you can have a workshop without me but two does not work for me Monday no day or is it a weekend or now Thursday's only day Thursday's at two could make it okay so if we moved it from January 27th to the Thursday is that what what I heard um Thursday would be impossible for Thursday would be possible but I okay I might I have to check my calendar I might have a I might have a board meeting out of town that's up to you what is it down that's on Monday it's on Monday I could do that a workshop on fees yes ma'am I won't promise say that date again January 27th one more that's on Monday oh is back to the MonDay that's back to the Monday I'm not going to promise I'll make it o00 okay got something else just I wanted to recognize our staff it's we always put it at the bottom um but an anniversary on here for Sergio Olivia Olivia Jr um he's been with us for 17 years and so I he's not here but I feel like it's important to highlight this because since I've been here we've had staff with longevity um he works in the Public's work department he's a garbage truck driver and he's always willing to help anywhere needed he's a team player he's been promoted twice to lead the commercial driver that was in 2018 and 2021 one of the things they noticed noted about him is that not many commercial drivers stick around for the commitment it takes to be a sanit ation worker but Sergio is the longest employed sanitation driver in the town that we have had um he rarely uses his sick days and everyone who knows him likes him so he's very well-liked um he's a softspoken gentleman with a very kind personality which his peers say is very rare so we just wanted to recognize him even though he's not here that we have um we have a very good we have a great team I'm honored to be here and work with everyone thank you okay we'll go to staff anybody have anything how about the audience marget come on girl this is your this is your one and only shot sorry Margaret dear for the record I'll make it really really fast code enforcement I know we don't have an officer but I saw that now I can buy Bitcoin up there at the gate station and I notice because of the 18 by 24 corly signs that are on the side of the road if we don't look out this stuff gets a mind of its own and those 18 by 24 signs are going to be all over town cuz somebody sees one person getting away with it and then we're going to have a boatload of them more so number two please can we get the picnic table back at Dain Park that got taken out at the cadium festival I walk there every day and the folks there's only one table on one side and the one that you know y'all know the one the cars took out um anyway some of the folks in the evenings know that I come to the ccil meetings and they'll stop me and flag me down and and ask me and then finally last thing the Dragon Boat Races um Jeb I get that there were people that came and they enjoyed it but you start talking about Merchants merchants and vendors are two completely different things the merchants in the town El PL had got no benefit from that drag booat race whatsoever the vendors at the festival however are a different story so understand that when you have that event down there that Park you have vendors that are coming from outside of the area that are keeping people there the food trucks the people are eating the food at Lake Jun part they're not coming to town and supporting the brick and mortar the vendors there the craft vendors they're not going to come to journal Plaza or to in Lake and come shop the shops there because they've got the people there to set up for the festival I'm I'm not judging it I'm just saying let's let's see what it is and call it what it is and try to see if we can't generate more with more notice this year Lake pled Artisans craft people and food vendors for that event as opposed to hurrying and ragtag and bringing from all over the county because there wasn't a single Lake Placid vendor at that event last year let's just keep that in mind but thank you all very much Happy happy holidays thank you thank you Margaret I had a couple items I was going to bring back okay yeah no they're done so I was going to bring it back you can go first so I just wanted to talk about the Christmas parade and more important parking that's allowed by vehicles on the south side of Inter Lake and concerns regarding safety um it's there's no parking on Main Street in Inner Lake you can't park on the one side but what happens is everybody comes and Parks their pickup trucks and their vehicles along the Southside and then the I've watched little kids try to squeeze through to run out to get you know the gifts you know the people that are walking passing out candy and and here comes a float and here because there's a line of sight is bad and then when the parade is over uh now you've got all this mass of people trying to leave and you got Vehicles trying to leave on what I thought was a closed Road so um I actually called the chief to say to give me the history of you know most towns when you have a parade they close the streets that you aren't allowed parking and that and um he had mentioned that you know years ago one side was closed and they were supposed to rotate it but um I think there's the support for so safety and you you can comment too so I don't know if that's something that can be done for this year I really am concerned more with watching the safety of children and pedestrians on a parade that should be a closed Road you have any comments that you want to make um as far as the safety goes I believe we've already discussed that earlier um just the the vehicles that do like to back out into the parade as it's going on we've had that happen a couple times it is a safety issue um I don't believe that there's anything we can do for this year's event I believe it's just going to be next year's before we're going to be able to do anything okay yeah and and sometimes people will put their chairs in front of their vehicle which is in the road and here comes the float so there's a number of safety issues that I think that we should you if we and I get it you know maybe it's too late to close it we need signs and everything like that so the timing isn't good but I would like us to um make a decision and consider actually closing the roads so that Vehicles can't park there either we can we can work with the staff and with the chief to develop a plan for fut body else you know has any concerns well comments or I mean that is that something we can just make a decision to do okay I've been participating in that parade for probably 30 years it just hasn't been an issue and I've also participated in the Sebring and Avon Park parades for about 20 years both of them and um kids are going to run out you can tell people we stopped hanging out things in the Sebring parade many years ago they still still run out and um it's it I hate to tell you it boils down to the parents to supervise their children and and that's not the trend today but parents have an obligation to supervise their children and yes I understand we want to try to create a a safe environment for them but um there's also you have to be able to to view the parade so well actually you can't view it when there's a pickup truck there and you're tring you're if you're on the bed of it you can um second thing is I just wanted to mention Carolyn Morrison earlier who uh we put on our pack um Highland County voted her to uh be part of the veterans Advisory board so I think that that's great that Lake PL it has a representative um on that board and then um Charlotte earlier you talked about in the past we had a recreation committee and I agree I I'd like to you know maybe work with you look into it to see how we can start one back up again I think that there's a need for that um so maybe some of the history of what it did and why we dissolved it or disbanded it um and then last I just would like to wish the staff and um and also the council and our um citizens in attendance uh a very merry and blessed uh Christmas and to be safe and uh all the best for a happy and healthy New Years now um I'm just you know for the record say happy uh Happy New Year merry Christmas happy holidays and uh thank you for all that you do for us for us as a council for us as a town we do appreciate it okay I could say ditto well I'll say ditto we'll be ditto down here at this that's all I have yeah you all just have a wonderful holiday please ditto same okay you got any further comments okay we didn't talk about the Christmas party but it's this Friday 11:30 to whenever so of course you're all invited to to come down here at the uh woman's Women's Club no no community room community room and uh what time is it what time 11:30 this Friday and I to get and and of course you can bring your your husband or significant other uh and we have a good time Foods provided by I guess several different entities this year so the the food is great have a good lunch and uh that way we can tell staff give them all a Merry Christmas before we send them home uh there again I was going to bring up the parade I hope everybody attends it looks like it's going to be a nice night might be a little cool so dress appropriately but uh uh we're looking for a great time Saturday night so and uh turned over to our he's got I just handed you a resolution not for adoption tonight but two of them are examples of different ways to say thank you and I'd like you to consider those and maybe we could discuss them informally at the special meeting and then adopt at the next regular meeting and present hopefully if and what I'm looking for is do in one of them I quoted people and the other one I did not let me know if which one you like give me a call then we'll have our formal action later so this is just example not committed to a thing and we've done this several occasions and it it's turned out rather well and and it's like he said it's just a nice way to doesn't cost us a thing and we I think it's important for our town to say thank you to people that volunteer and people that help us good okay okay thank you for doing that and I don't charge right things like that no any other thing to come before councel yay meeting Jour hours early yeah we're three hours early