##VIDEO ID:sH1TRrjZgcw## 12th day of August 5:30 p.m. in the government center of the town of Lake plet I'd ask everybody to please make sure your phones are either off or un vibrate if you're wearing a hat I'd ask you to remove it while you're in Chambers and do we have Keith carrian here care okay he's not here Mr attorney would you lead us in a prayer please if everybody would please rise for the prayer and the pledge o ruler of the universe bless our town our community our Council and please guide us all as we Implement democracy in Lake pla amen amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all uh clerk would you please call the role mayor Holbrook here council member Hayes here council member Worley council member council member Charles here council member eart here okay consent agenda one a through e I I just have a couple questions for Rachel on that if I may so um just looking at the financial reports um when I look at the totals of the revenue for the current budget to dat which is 10 months into the budget um the budget is for revenue is 12.7 million in to date through July 10 months of the year we spent 6 and A5 million I mean we've received 6 and A5 million so so is there any risk in the remaining two months of the fiscal year us remain receiving the remaining Revenue usually revenue is received um in September we'll get another quarter Revenue coming from the state and there are also some request from funds is out there so we're waiting for the state to reimburse for some of the grants okay so so next month probably you know we're 11 months in it may be the same question okay okay and then on the reverse side am I good or ahead um on the expense side it's it's something similar is um so the budget is 12.7 million which is the same as the anticipated revenue and the year-to DAT spending is only 7.1 million and two more months left so do we anticipate underrunning the budget or do we same thing anticipate expenses coming in in the last two months in order to meet the budget versus even overrun it unless they have some projects that in works or in within the bid process or what have you then eventually they should get done so um sometime there's projects that goes until the next physical year so I'm not sure which projects those are right now okay so Mr Mayor on that is for spending to date with only two months left we're sitting at 56% so we're way under spent and maybe we keep a watch on this for one more month and then ask the staff for any areas that they think they're not going to spend then I'm certain there's a lot of other areas within the town that we could spend that so just something for us to watch take a look at it okay yeah I had no other questions on U the consent um agenda number one and I'll make a motion to accept consent agenda number one I'll second we got a motion in a second any further discussion from the podium all right seeing none we'll take it at the audience seeing none bring it back pull the council please council member Charles yes council member Hayes yes council member Worley yes council member art yes okay all right I guess we've got our favorite Tower person here if you'd like to uh come up now we'll go ahead and let you do your your Tower update how are you today thank you I made Power presentation with more pictures hello we can't put it on the overhead we don't have it I don't okay next Chuck spurk um there's a followup in front of you guys um visited with you guys in in May 13th that time I was expecting grandfather again my daughter had her child and my third grandson they're both healthy and well and was a great moment for us so I apologize for having the gap between May and now to before you again um but a lot of things got done and progress got done and these pictures aren't in any necessary order I just thought I'd give you some visual since that thing's 250 fet in air and we see it in our cars we on foot from down below and everybody's curious about everybody wants to know about so I thought I would just put some of the pictures in there and and talk to them and tell you what's going on with it and what's thing the first pitcher on the front has no Rhyme or Reason um which is on the cover page that's kind of was representative of what it maybe looked like 18 months ago the things I'd like you to note and see on it is there's a lot of telecommunications equipment on it hanging on it there was a open that used to sprawl across the top that represented the tower the restaurant down below that was with stuff um wire and laugh stuck over there those that butterfly High looking thing in the Middle with the decorative block which I think there's a picture in here later is more representative of what it used to look like so the storm hurricane came through and we took that down years ago but the main thing that's been going on as it relates to the tower is this decommissioning of the Telecom equipment and there was a conflict with the telepon telon equipment and people going to the top and viewing it for fire and issues and legal issues and stuff above my pay grade you know 15 18 years ago but the two couldn't coexist so the opportunity arises and as we speak and we talked about I made a conscious decision as you guys as a board has granted the cell phone companies to find other homes and to erect other Towers etc etc I think there's a there's a tower just a few hundred yards behind the Lake plasted Tower and I think most of those telom companies have moved to that now AT&T Verizon Sprints and the last one just to come off the uh Tower was T-Mobile and when I was in front of you the board on May we talked about they would do this second half of June or thereabouts well to to give you an update in status they did come the second half of June two cranes uh ex extensive scaffolding on the inside to take some of the equipment down and it took about two week duration but that equipment is down and not only we made a deal with them and spent additional money out of our pocket we went and cleaned up and took a lot of the telom equipment that was abandoned by other people that decommissioned that didn't do their full job for their lease or their legal requirement to take it down so we took that opportunity joint ventured with the will T-Mobile they were very cooperative and was able to take the The Lion Share if not the majority of it down and we'll see some pictures that later on the presentation that represent that but if you'll notice the dishes and you'll notice the rails were in in in disrepair and of discolor and you can see the staining of the walkway around there etc etc and you know if this was standing on the ground at 7 feet tall you know you get a painter out there and you get pressure clean it and you put some new paint up there and cheap fix and Away you go but being 250 feet suspended in the air it's a little more challenging than that so the next page is just some um brochures I found inside the shopping center some 12 15 years ago and they're just note of Interest I there's no specific reason for them being in I thought they're part of the history and you might appreciate them or see them the far the picture on the far left was interesting and I think it's going to be relative to some of the conversations that we had in May talking about a renovation to the top what's really involved in that as you can see that picture on the left up to what is that walkway was built in one piece and was built in 1961 so potentially what's on top from there up is a cap and it can be modified and things could be done to it they're not integrally one part and can't be separated so I threw that up there I just happened to come across that I thought it would be kind of interesting and see part of the history of the erection and the architecture of this of this Tower and structure so I know time is valuable so we'll move on uh i p kind of cheated or gave you a brief update as far as the um carriers being decommissioned and coming off the tower as I mentioned AT&T Verizon Sprint T-Mobile altel there were about seven or eight in in all and there were some smaller carriers or repeaters and we still have up there for example the amateur amateur radio that we've always donated and and have supported it's been up there so there's still some smaller features up there but the big stuff that the stuff that's visual the stuff that's attached to the side of the Tower or whatever has now been 100% eradicated or or removed so picture on the left I want to give a special Kudos and a special um thank you you have a patriot here in your town named John and I always say his last name improper and I hope to get it right kaput sh chaput anyway he said native resident here of of Lake Placid for some period of time I think the mayor is well aware this guy is unbelievable this guy tends to that Tower like it was one of his children so he is in the business of tower climbing we paid six or $7,000 to fabricate some special equipment and then that picture in the far left you can see John and John's had some medical issues and that didn't stop him he got up there because he loves this town so much and loves that Tower so much he was part of this effort that we did to clean that so special shout out to him but that's him to pick on the left he's harnessed in we built special engineering apparatuses that were bolted to the side of the building for safety the ladder that you see there is just not a ladder it's a special configuration two mold and form on there and this guy not being 100% at his health was part of this effort for a month that's how long it took us to paint that surrounding walkway around it in underneath the next picture in the middle I'm not going to spend any time that was just an example that I think that was AT&T equipment big repeaters lots of cable it's dirty yada yada y the picture on the right is kind of work in progress this is probably at least 60 days old and the only reason I note that is that again the attas that are up on there and on the side of those platforms you know have now since been removed so moving on to the next page what's next um I'm back here in front of you again today to try and provide you an update so paint is the next thing we're working on and again as I spoke if I was seven feet off the ground it would have been done yesterday but what's noty noteworthy in that picture if you'll notice is that walkway all the way around it is painted a gray so that's fresh pressure cleaned and and treated and two coats of paint and again special shout out to Johnny was one of the people that helped us make that he's not a painter by the way but he was willing to help us paint to make that look better those are new rails or or DOA standards or whatever that were part of Maintenance and and those have been eradicated and put up but if you'll note the crane that's in the picture there was two cranes to take all this equipment down this alone just decommissioning their equipment was over $35,000 effort to pay for the two cranes and to pay for the internal rigging on the inside that took equipment that you can't see in these pictures that was also um taken down during this decommissioning I will note because I'm going to get back to it uh later that you can see how the bricks are kind of clean right up and around the walkway because the rain doesn't get to them it doesn't stick and etc etc as the down there a little bit further they're kind of dirty and and kind of an antique kind of looking or whatever but the next point I want to stay on paint for a minute so we painted the walkways as I said we pressure clean the inside I should have some new pictures for you these are again about the crane is here so this picture is from June or July my next being with you I will have pictures of this pretty much done um we painted the inside Wells of the top of the tower black I reached out to and again I want to get their names correct Jennifer Bush your chamber of commment uh executive director and a Keith godson and he is um the artist or or on your mural console that you have around town so I collaborated with the two of those and said hey now that we're getting ready to paint this and the reason I bring this up and we're still on paint is those vertical pieces from the walkways up to the top are going to be finished pressure cleaning they're just about there patched to a certain degree and that's a just CBS block like anything else and a Fresh coat of paint so I thought to myself hey is there something that would be special to the town is there something that a color is there something symbolic is there something that there is some kind of path forward with the public in the tower that means something to me you know when my wife asked me what color we should paint the master bedroom she's really not asking me she's giving me her opinion of what color it should be so like this um I know this is a very significant symbolic icon to the town of Lake Placid I am very open and receptive to taking paint considerations because I'm not partial to any one color after the other I did reach out to Jennifer she put me on to Keith Keith said hey that's a great idea I don't want to make that decision by myself I'm afraid somebody won't like my choices I'm very very busy but I'm happy to donate my time I'd like it better if we collaborate or you know have some kind of Workshop etc etc so just sharing that information with you that's the stage we're at in the next 30 or 60 days this could receive paint and that will be a very significant moving to the second line item on that chart bath um I only want to wear Warehouse up in New Hampshire and I did a $2 million renovation and while we were going on that the police department came to me and the fire department says hey this is a great opportunity for us 185,000 square feet you're going to be doing this Renovations it's going to be empty for over time we don't get many opportunities to practice or train on facilities like this would it be okay if we got your liability insurance etc etc we work together and train our officers and do some training for fire rescue police hostage shooter type situations we said sure that would be no no issue with us so we worked together our Renovations went on they got their training in it was a good experience the reason I bring that up here in front of Lake plet today I am scratching my head as hard as I can and trying to be creative trying to think out of the box I would love to give that Tower a bath I would like to give it and somehow pressure clean this and we're trying to figure out we don't have we don't have City Water there so we don't have pressure it's served by the the water tower so that gives us some limitations but I didn't know if maybe and maybe it wouldn't be a resource that would be just subject to Highlands County maybe it could be another County I was wondering if we couldn't put a reach out or whatever and repelling exercises in a rescue of a tall structure if we can get a creative way that we could come and repel off the side of that or a truck that's a ladder truck that could spray we could work together and we could give this thing a bath on the exterior and maybe treat it with some anti- mold thing or whatever and keep it the shiny star that it could be and restore it it hasn't had a bath since 1961 other than Mother Nature so I don't know if that's possible I don't know if that's legal Mr Harris I don't know if that's something you would entertain but I just want to put it out there third lights um Mr kaput again um about three or four years ago came to us and said hey we'd like to honor or recognize the the high school and in their colors there used to be colors or LED lights from all four sides projecting up on the top of the tower I think it was green if I'm not mistaken we took those lights down when we were re maintaining and doing maintenance on the rails that's we decommissioning this get it out of people's way for safety etc etc we're at a point that we're just about ready after we give it a paint and maybe a bath if we could to putting that back up and I'm told again before my day before my watch there was at one time a pedestal with a the light electricity is there and it used to have a beam of light that shot up the whole Tower um up towards the top in other words Illuminating the entire Tower we bought and have that and are prepared and could put that back up again any concerns any push back on that any input to that before we do do it or if we do it etc etc again would like to put that out there for collaboration or discussions and talk last but not least design considerations this is a little complex but not um I don't know if you could see in that same picture there see the decorative B brick that's below the walkways that goes all the way down to the bottom that's nothing more than held in a channel and it's a half brick a decorative brick to give it some pattern that used to also be between the the vertical concrete Towers up there at the top and then they lab that and then they put stucco on it did I put a picture in here of the postcard I did um flip to the next page or the last page I know there was some push back when this was done and painted again it was before my watch or before my time but if you'll notice up at the top of that walkway see there with that turquoise solid color with was an archway that was created by that stucco that was put onto that decorative brick and it was nothing more than just painted and so that what it did is it hid some the walkways and some of the things are in between those towers and it gave it a certain look so we removed that because the hurricane you know 68 10 years ago had done damage to it and some of the pieces were falling down it's been removed years ago we also took the decorative brick down for the same reason in a channel but what could be done in there it's about an 8ft Gap in between between there's four sides to it we could screw or concrete or anchor bolt into their aluminum channel which could be a design um we could do something that had Lake Placid LP for the town of Lake Placid again another opportunity or another consideration to put a label on it or put something decorative to it that people saw when they went by you could backlight it there's there's a million opportunities and a million ideas to do it what stands in between doing that two people or five people or send people all green on that which we know is challenging in today's day and age and money so again I put that out there those are my ideas my four considerations because again we are at the final lap this is a multi-year project that it took to decommission these uh the telom equipment off there we're ready to put a coat of paint on it we're ready to put some lights on it um if there's some design considerations we even looked at the crown and the top what to do with that but it's in very good order it's not pitted or rusted because it's aluminum so that we let live with and that we stay with at the moment in time till we get different Champion or different ownership but again something in between but of nothing else those vertical columns that go from the rail to the top it looks in a picture like ah no big deal just get up there and we'll get it done by Wednesday but it's still 30 feet in the air um there's some cleaning to it getting water up there in considerations to get it cleaned off and prep it proper so that it holds the paint these are all you know things that we've been diligently working on so I apologize for you the pace but we have made tremendous Headway the working around even taking the Telcom equipment down it wasn't like giving them notice and say take it down next Friday we had to work within the leases and the contracts and when they could do it when they could turn up their equipment someplace Els so we've jumped all those hurdles and then we've made it past that and it's all safely down and it's all been done by um contractors the OA standards part of the contracts and the leases with the telecoms they they all in all did a great job other than when it wasn't convenient for them they left stuff up there they didn't need to but I think what you're going to see as a council and what you're going to see as a public and what you're going to see as the people is a clean slick building again and we could give her a bath and and put some paint on and put some lights on it and I think for the next 20 30 years you would get a lot of fulfillment a lot of enjoyment from the people and again and my I'm coming tonight with no ask I'm going to ask you to fund this I'm not ask you to do that I'm throwing out ideas I need resolution on this however sooner than later because that leads us to the this is the the the seed of the avocado the avocado is the shopping center and you know I've been working with with Kevin and staff and you know we've we've done some improvements to it to just clean it up but the intention is to put put it on the market and if we go to the last page I'm open for discussions any updates from the town the last time I left here if you guys were going to look into some considerations of insurance or or items what would we to maintain what appetite you would have if uh if any of having some kind of uh ownership or stake in a tower um I guess that would leave a conversation for workshops or committees so that we could collaborate if that was um saw as benefit official legal Mr Harris you and I have had a few meetings encounters and anything I'm not stepping on any toes if there's anything that you are concerned about or not concerned about rather hear it sooner than later um we'd like to bring it to the market fourth quarter of this year or first quarter of next year but I would really like to have a narrative for the town and for whoever's buying the center what's going on with the tower and that the doors are opening because it could be open to the public in theory and with Technologies as I spoke the last time I was here with technology maybe it's not an answer that people excuse me are going to go to the top of the tower maybe it's cameras up there maybe it's something they could control from their computer and they could change and and move a cam around and take pictures or put it on their business uh uh uh uh stationary or whatever so that's a little bit of an update I think there's tremendous progress um you know we're doing on our nickel and our dime thus far and we would like to finish it make the tower and again having Clarity and vision as to what it can or can't be is important to selling it because I could have sold the center five years ago or three years ago or two years ago put it on the market and what I get I get but I really want it to be a good marriage between whatever that Center becomes going forward and that Tower so Ingress egress if nothing else right if you have somebody that's going to knock down that Center and rebuild it you know how many feet from the tower can you get access to the tower is there is there an easement between the two of them for the tower are they separate entities are they together is it the same owner all good questions and and and all not 100% answered just brainstorming and and coming up with ideas um so that we can properly position that to the public public and and get everybody's needs taken care of together hopefully that's all I have I'm happy to entertain any questions um I'm not an expert at this I I I'd love to come up here and say that I've owned 22 of these before and here's what we did before on the other 21 here's the road map um I didn't and I don't and this is a unique piece of property as you know and uh it's probably replacement value from the engineering or whatever I've had Engineers look at or whatever probably two2 and a half to3 million to read resurrected should it ever be the good news is structurally she's sound as can be it needs some love it needs some lipstick and it needs a plan and we're trying to diligently work on that and this is why I'm here in front of you today as a followup to the May meeting I'm happy to entertain any questions if you have any anybody yeah I'll jump in first off congratulations I'm third Grand child that's exciting um and thanks for coming back and you know giving this update and you know you can see the improvements and I appreciate you know what's been taken place um I personally would like to see something done with the tower I think just like you've said and we've said it's significant it's symbolic and it's an icon and there's only what three in all of Highlands County um so today the actual I mean because somebody came and said oh we could spend $3 million and put a revolver restaurant and we you know so there's degrees of what you could do right you could just take it as it is use it as um you know going to the top or you can look at you know something more grandiose I would like to see at least the basic my my question so so the top is functional you know um the elevators are functional so it's all working um and I appreciate um you know the cleaning up the bath I I was chuckling when I read that I'm like a bath and that's like a makes a lot of sense um is there a building still at the bottom I haven't been over there lately it used to be the bottom had the small restaurant the gift shop is that still intact and if so what condition is that in um to be frank it's rough it's a 1961 footprint excuse me um like anything you reach a point from a developer standpoint functional functional and architecturally obsolescence um it's CBS it's solid in and in that again it has good bones so if the roof were peeled off and the trusses were taken off you could add a few feet to it and you could put a new facade on it you wouldn't be able to tell it from publ across the street um to go in there and think you're going to put a handyman in there and you know two months later he's going to put open for open for business it's probably not realistic uh I would say the magnitude again this is a little bit in my wheelhouse a little bit what I do I'm a residential building I've done quite a bit of commercial not quite a bit of commercial that's mated I've done quite a bit of residential some commercial and like I said I owned a warehouse for example um my guess is it would probably be somewhere in the magnitude of $60 to $100 a square foot to renovate it it's 14,000 square feet the base it had a restaurant to your point um miss m Charles um it had a gift shop in there and it had maybe another half a dozen mom and pop businesses in there you know Once Upon a Time it's there and it's intact the restaurant opens up to the tower so one concept or one idea would be to knock down the 14,000 sqare foot uh retail shopping center and working with Kevin and staff and I see Dana out here there's Miss Dana um I guess technically speaking it could be it's almost it's a little over two acres gross including the tower so it could technically house up to 45,000 square feet of mixed use of some kind there's been Concepts or of designs of maybe having two separate buildings and leaving the tower in the center with like excuse me tables around it or something where people could do a restaurant or sit and have lunches or something like that um it could be just one piece and opened up to it the Chamber of Commerce could move down to the bottom of it and take 2,000 square feet out of what could be 20,000 or 30,000 or 40,000 s foot new center if that's the case the market will tell us what they want and and they're going to do studies and they're going to see how much traffic there is and what it can warrant and what's your your needs are etc etc etc I did consult um Advantage reality Carlson I think is his name seems to have done quite a bit of commercial in the area he's actively aggressively after us to list it list list list list and I said not without a plan um so I'm trying to figure out how those would coexist so people were misled I think when it said open at the top and thinking there was a restaurant at the top the restaurant was always at the bottom people came in there they had lunch and while they were waiting for their table or dinner they went up to the top and they took pictures and they went in the gift shop and came home with the T-shirt Etc they charged back then $5 ahead for a person to go up to the top and it was meaningful it was over $1,000 a week income to them 20 years ago and this is when I bought it when I bought it I got a little squeamish do that and then at the same time there were some legal issues about Ingress and egress with all the Telecom equipment be out there in case of fire with only the elevator and it does have a concrete stairway in amazing shape uh spiring up the interior of it um so again there there's probably this many rules and this many laws as to what could happen and not happen I would like to speak to just I think put a little water on this simmering fire about make it a $3 million Nightclub at the top you know maybe nightclub was the wrong way and I don't mean to water down anybody else's dream or thoughts in my humble personal opinion the total footprint at the top is only around 900 or a th000 square feet so I think if you put a significant renovation into it while it would be really cute and really romantic and and really breathtaking could you drive enough Revenue through a single elevator to the top with service and staff whether it be a restaurant or a bar an appetizer or some kind of thing could you really Drive enough traffic and get enough turns to ever pay back an Roi rate of rate of return on investment towards that kind of capital investment and I think that would be challenging um to open it nowadays for something to go to the top as a side attraction to something else going on there1 or15 for somebody to go up enough to pay for staff for somebody that would attend it and go with them etc etc for liability insurance purposes very feasible very possible I think technology as I said to go up there and put $10,000 of equipment or $20,000 worth of cameras that could be remote operated from the ground or that people get views or whatever very cheap very inexpensive and very probable so again you know from the range from your Basics as you said to something that's more extravagant obviously probably the answer is somewhere in the middle thank you so much for doing all this I people around town I'm sure are going to appreciate it a lot my pleasure everybody loves that Tower thank you is it possible to take some of your time someday for me to go up there I was up there when I was a kid yes um I've had that request before and I think I want to take it to the next lap and get it you know things have been coming down wires were hanging from a safety and a liability standpoint you know I I just um for even my own companies or whatever I I've been hesitant so I think that day is coming you know maybe give us another 30 60 days and get you know the next step further or whatever get it cleaned up and obstacle for I mean just until two weeks ago it had $50,000 worth of Scaffolding in the inside for 30 feet up and down you could barely walk through it or get around it you know even have my people up there was a liability or whatever so we're getting closer to that and I'm happy to share that one when I think we're at that moment okay one last um in your what is your vision for when you sell off the remainder are you going to sell the shops together with the parking lot or separate um again I think it comes down to a legal question Ingress egress and and does the owner of that new center have a relationship with the tower not is the tower somebody else is is the tower custodian or something else and I think that will dictate how much whether you need parking for the Tower or whether because whoever's running to do shopping center the tower they have a tentacles to it and they wouldn't need it and it's shared so I think those are exactly um thank you for that point those are exactly the questions I'm trying to Define an answer before I put on the market because once you put it on the market you sell it that person is going to be very pointed on what they want for their needs and for their wants and of course they have to come to you and and Grant to to rebuild you have to approve it and you have some some push back on that but it's better if you offer it in Harmony from the get-go in my humble opinion that you have a plan and and people buy into that that plan and Tower and I think the narrative that I heard when I was here two months ago or three months ago even if we were to look to donate the tower which you know is a possibility but you know a lot of legalities do that and is it economically feasible and and can I use it you know as a write- off etc etc but there's no sense in donating to somebody that doesn't want it right so um we see what the possibilities are and then we try and engineer a solution towards what the wants and and the the wants and the needs and the desires are so that's really why I'm back here again I'm waiting to hear or if somebody wanted to do a committee I'm happy to come up and give my time and roll up her sleeves and spend an afternoon on it and I know your time is limited tonight and I've taken up way too much but I just want you to know I'm taking your interest in your needs seriously you know it it's personal to me as well I love that center from the first time I went golfing in Sebring and I took my whole company and staff and had lunch at that said restaurant and we jokingly said you know what we should buy this because it's so pretty we could take our customers because we were building in Leisure lakes and and and um Lake classd and three weeks later we own the tower so that's that's how that came about now I I see in one of the pictures the uh the trees down below so it in my wishes it would be that the parking lot was redone um either with little shops and trees and walkways and it's just a big piece of concrete now that's not attractive so i' be hoping if you could I understand but correct me if I'm wrong Mr Harris or or or Kevin um anybody that comes in with any kind of plan of any kind of permit of any kind of things there's going to be all kinds of of landscape ordinances things to get this approved you got to do this this this and this so things have evolved and it's happened in every little rural County you know you have to have X amount of to have perous surface you have to have X amount of those green spaces and those trees etc etc so that makes 100% sense but you have to know what your configuration's going to be and where the buildings are going to be to have the layout to a landscape architect but I am positive that I can't come in front of you and say oh by the way just let you know we're knocking that down next week and we're going to build this this and this we're leave the parking lot as this you know everybody would laugh at me on the way out and so the reality to that is that's that will be worked out the plans will not be approved or submitted um uh or you know approved without those considerations put into it and it's all of it it's parking it's turn Lanes it's it's green pieces it's it's ratios of square footage of usable space to parking lot etc etc so there's a lot of work and an engineering to to make it to do it right and I'm sure that it's it's possible and I'm sure we could do it yeah well you're you're a developer Builder so you know all the Green Space rules and all that but but for people that it is reassuring to everybody else that that will be considered that it be part of the plan you know in in defense to that I do know a lot of them but every county is a little different every place that they have their nuances they're a little bit more passionate about some and some things their priorities are different or whatever so I don't want to say it's a crapshoot but it's it's until it's done it's not done and all those things are you know into consideration I mean the Taco Bell that went just to the north of it for example you know there are a lot of consideration there's all kinds of trees in there there's little green spaces they did a retention area to take their water off the parking lot which was not in consideration when you built 50 60 years ago working with miss whle you know 15 years ago we put a French drain in there to keep the water out of Lake clay these are all part of you know Evolution and all part of of making things communities grow so this will be no exception I recognize the significance of this property and I recognize that it's a very prime location and everybody would like to see it you know be something special and I do too but you know at the end of the day the only ask with that is we don't have unlimited budgets right your budget isn't unlimited and developer not if you make it financially impracticable to do it it doesn't get off it doesn't get off the the starting block so there's a balance right okay thank you I I just want to say thank you for coming today and congratulations again on your grandson granddaughter whatever um it I was by there today drove on the back um and and the bottom of the tower all that shopping center part is definitely in disrepair there's a a bunch of just roofing materials just junked up on the top of the area that's to the far south that used to be oh I can remember it being a flower shop but I'm sure it was several other things uh during the time but um the tower looks so much better and I I walk in the mornings and and drive by there to meet my friends to walk and I'm always looking what color is it today so I think color is really important and we appreciate you taking um your heart in it you appreciate it so to that point before we dismiss that we go I mean but I don't want to leave with more questions and come back in two months and just go round around if there's if there is consideration or there is some kind of subcommittee that we roll up our sleeves and come with more polished ideas of collaborate as opposed to just pitching something you know in a vacuum I mean that's that's what I think that should be our next goal as as the the town and Council and staff and and me as the owner and and the people's interest of need so yeah I think that's a good Next Step move forward cool yeah I would like to thank you as well for coming being steady and coming back even though off all your family and your personal issues and congratulations as well and I think this all comes back to the property is very valuable the the what we need to do is need to decide what to do at the tower so you can sell your property which I think at one point you said it'll sell and it will so quickly because it's in a prime location and basically the middle part of the town so this is the issue so we you to move forward quickly you're still working on the building to have us involved and I know Kevin had started working on um insurance and maintenance because those are the issues if a private entity or a foundation or we were to take over the tower a private entity then um we would have to know all those figures so I think if you wanted us to do that then we have to you know once you get to a point we can have access as far as the public being trying to do something with it I think we need to have access at some point and then I do agree I think we all need to go up to the to top of the tower as a council um and then you know we can not talk or whatever you can talk um the tourist Development Council may be helpful um because that's what they do tourism and but um we would need to have access and I do think think if we could figure out what to do with the tower and everybody wants it restored and everybody wants it to be usable then you can sell your property and have a beautiful Plaza there I know when you first came to the you had a plan I remember your plan before the the bottom fell out that you were going to tear you know redo the whole thing so we can still do that but I think as far as the timing goes I do think that people if you can get them up there as far as the public having any ownership in it we have to give them some access to see basically what they're getting so anyway that's just my opinion I just a note I won't be going to the top of the tower God made me close to the ground for a reason and I'm going to stay there I want to tell you a true story I have not been to the top of the tower myself in 12 or 14 years so I have a pce maker and with all the telom equipment up there like going through security at the airport they advise against it because it could interfere with the signaling or whatever so I did go up there eight or 10 years ago I've had a pacemaker for almost 18 years now and I was took ill um or didn't feel well for three days coincidental not coincidental whatever so now that all that equipment has been removed I'm actually planning my void maiden voyage back up there in the very near future but I wanted my guys again to to get it to a certain point that I didn't go up there and like what have you guys been doing so um I share your I share your interest in your concerns you know video cameras and and and U what do they call those things um what's the little things that fly around take to bit drones they're amazing you know what they can capture in offer to somebody like you miss and me that hasn't been up there it's an amazing view it's a piece of History I see the picture here this is good I'm I'm good with the picture yeah there's there's a few of us in this room we here when it was open and we've been up there many times and uh it Lakes haven't moved there this is beautiful it is quite a view it's uh it's quite an attraction and uh I I just hope we can work together and maybe what we need to do is come up with a a Citizens committee committee and come up with some ideas but I I like what you did with the lights yes what John did with the lights that was I give credit to John somebody in town came to him and John asked me if they could do it and I was of course not opposed to it had a lot of good comments about the so we can put color lights different time of the year doing different things I think that was a a great idea that was really I applaud you for that and we can return to that but again the next step is we need a coat of paint up there and if there's a preference on the color if not maybe we just go white and that does it for now and it's clean and it looks good and we put the lights up and then something could always be repainted again but again it would be like painting your your ball that you have in town the your water tower right your water it's not an easy task and it's not cheap and they're going to charge you really you know charge us really well for it so to get it right the first time that's going to at least suit somebody for a small period of time would be much better than saying well it's painted and as my wife would come through the room and say I sent the color I wanted and so we repainted so so do we need a motion to convene a committee to work on this because that's yeah that that's up to you if you want coming fast yeah I would like to I would you know based on his presentation and the recommendations especially with some decision we get some volunteers from the community and you know Eva can put something out on next door we can get some um we can have Dana or Kevin lead the committee um if if we could get a volunteer committee that is a committee and not under sunshine would that be go faster or how can we do this probably would go faster but probably wouldn't be legal if you're doing a committee for recommendation to the council that's right okay we'll just have to look into that but so so so if you want to so are you saying we should not endorse the committee or we should how about a workaround just like the uh the merch Association they don't they would help him and not report to us I wouldn't refer it as a workaround I would call it not our committee I mean I have no problem with putting it under sunshine I mean I don't have a problem I would just like to do something tonight so we move forward not just agree and then and we're going to walk away say well who's doing what you know because he's got decisions he wanted on paint he can go do that you know he talked about the light going up and some different things and I I think I heard Kevin's running in you know different costs um so I think that there's so many pluses to move forward and I don't want to miss his opportunity to sell it you know he's got here bring to Market fourth quarter that's coming up fast so Pam did you have something you wanted to p f member of the public y'all have had the liberty of looking through pictures and a presentation the rest of us have been in the audience looking at or just listening and not really getting grasping what's really happening um the tower would be great to be reopened that's great This Town Council this town has a lot of other issues that are priorities in my opinion that keep on getting pushed back we keep on opening up new issues and we haven't finished the rest we have a water quality Pro uh problem in Lake plid Area Lake Pearl just had a blue green um the algae bloom there's just a lot I understand especially the New Town Council Members you want to accomplish the splash pad the dog dog park the tower but there has to be a priority list we need to finish the things we've already started I would just ask ask that and before you start going on with the committee the people in the audience we didn't get to see any of the photos the people at home that are watching this they didn't get to see anything either so I think it needs to be more organized for you to ask Town Council to come up with a committee or recommendation thank you so would it make better sense that we would just table it for now and bring it up next time yeah and that way we could we could address those get a chance to get some information out yeah if you if that's what you want to do I would suggest I would suggest we table it I would suggest we put these charts out on next door and let people know that this was a presentation I mean this is an excellent presentation it would yeah I think the web I'm just and it's unfortunate that it wasn't able to be put on the screen and that so I don't disagree with that at all because the transparency is something that we want I'm just concerned of tbling it for another month it just puts it behind another month so we've got our town website John we've got um the next door I I me personally I like to go faster versus delay it I I would suggest putting it on the website and we if you want to refer the people from next door to the website because next door you know there a limited audience you have to join next door so uh the website would be a more transparent if you you like that word um place to put it councilman woman uh warley had a suggestion as far as getting the word out let's give let's give one to John our newspaper reporter let's give him the packet to help with that we have some extras we have the extras here somewhere yeah I mean I think all of that's good because some people don't get the paper so that'll cover them put it on the website these charts if they were part of the packet then people would have been able to see them and then ask for people that are interested to you know help produce some ideas to get with Eva I mean because we are going through the budget right now right so we're going through the budget process so if there were to be needed to be some funds allocated then that's where you would make sure they're included in the budget if I if I can suggest this um I put those photos together literally yesterday or touched them up today because I thought if I could speak to them I could help understand better it's my oversight and apologies is there a method or the process that let's say I came back another month around I can get you better photos those photos are already six weeks old and there are better photos to be had there if I were to submit it would it be able to be put up on this um screen for the next time did I submit a file or a memory stick or something like that yeah you'd have to get them to them ahead of time so that okay so I'm willing to do that if if that helps and and maybe as opposed to releasing to the public which again I'd use some of those pictures to illustrate again to the narrative The public's uh defense which I apologize it's hard to understand that without the words but I could put at least current pictures together and show where it's at and so do something a little better maybe next time so maybe it's pre much T to give this packet to the newspaper rather give them uh a different set of pictures freedom of the press I have it was up to you I maybe I have no saying I'm just saying that I can bring you more current photos next time and submit them to you earlier and then perhaps to just answer the the the call outs to so that they could follow along I I could come back yeah but are you okay with I think maybe are you okay with having indiffer it's up to you guys and I I still think we would make a a better decision with more input if we just table it till next uh month we'll have the pictures we'll put it out to the public tell people anybody that wants to be interested in getting on with this project um come to the meeting let's talk about it a little bit at the meeting and maybe they can even uh determine when they might want to meet later you know just to to make sure that the word gets out to everyone that we are going to talk about it and if you want to have some m point want to be part of the process to come to next month's meeting just quick comment if I may um we can certainly put that out there and with an anticipation of a committee if you want to see you not waiting you don't I don't think you need a motion if you want us to go ahead and just put out interest in a committee for the tower right kind of discussion and we can post those pictures as as Chuck gets them and see where they go um this as far as insurance goes we have talked to PRM the only way to get an accurate estimate is to have a civil engineer come in and do an evaluation of the Tower so I think we didn't ask them that's a little further in the process if we decide that we the council decides they want to pursue that seriously then I think we go there they will ensure the tower we know that it's based on cost estimates 5,000 a million something like that you know so um that's doable elevator maintenance is simple some of the other maintenance things are not difficult to put together when we kind of have a Direction so I I haven't spent a lot of time on it but we did talk to PRM we did find out yes we can Ure the tower and we can get an estimate but we need to have Mr spks had I think two Engineers come in and look at it for his own benefit and make sure it's available but the insurance company will not do it without their structural civil coming in and the look at it so that's kind of where we at that but we can certainly put up something on our website and nextd door app for people that are interested to come to the next meeting September 15th huh September 9th September 9th and if they're interested and participating then they can show that at that time maybe and would you include these charts now just as information and then we're going to have a follow-up meeting in September so in the meantime any interest comments you have have to you know not only come to the meeting but you know provide them ahead of time Tower development committee Council if I may Dana Rell Town planner for the record um I had a really great opportunity in the month of July to attend a conference I think I notified all of you about it it's called The preservation on Main Street conference um I've been mulling it over it's something that I definitely wanted to bring to you so I wasn't really prepared to bring it to you all tonight but just as a thought and a potential action item for you to either mle over or maybe make recommendations on as the month progresses is there is a program called Main Street America and it is like Bridging the Gap for economic Vitality in your downtown area as while still preserving the legacy of yesterday and it's almost a little bit similar a little bit similar to the chamber but they each have their own place here in town and I haven't floated this past anyone so tell me if I'm crazy for this but we have a new Association starting in town they came and spoke to us last time about the Merchants Association but something I realized when I was at the preservation on Main Street um conference was that all of these Main Street programs are started by Grassroots efforts from members in our community who want to do handson work to make an actual change whether that means going busines to business and asking for certain things or wanting them to be part of certain programs um it it's a total Grassroots effort which is exactly like what we have going on with the Merchants Association I also understand there have been some conversations with the Merchants Association as to how they should be uh formulated in terms of like a 51 C3 if they need an LLC if they don't do any of those things at all and they're just a group of people that meet to stimulate business in Lake plid as is their right to do um so if I were to run into members of The Merchants Association I might plant the seed of them potentially becoming a Main Street program if you have a Main Street program you have an executive director that executive director would help stimulate um revitalization exactly like this very similar to this and might be able to spend some of their time sitting with that property owner or that business owner to help them find financing or like I said run programs I think I'd seen some interest in having a golf cart drive throughout town and someone has to be responsible for putting that on and the Chamber already does the mural society and keep Lake plaid beautiful and there's only so much we could put in their hands um so I just I just want to throw that out there as a potential program that we might consider and continue to look into to determine if it can assist in areas like this or if the the Grassroots efforts we already have going on in town could uh potentially be reorganized into something like that okay all right now we'll go to she wanted to speak we've been discussing the tower for a long time and I like the idea for a committee I don't understand why we can't start a committee now and then we talk about the insurance we need to start progressing and I think a committee beginning now would help I just think we want to get a little bit more organized um and what's your name again oh I'm sorry I'm Rosemary Heath and I live at um 588 Sunset Point Drive thank you okay I'm sorry to get organized how long do you think that would be before the city is planned to become more organized and find out the insurance are we talking a month 2 months 3 months how long will this take yeah he's asked for another month so so another month realistically I think that's what we'd be looking at thank you very much okay any other business on that all right we'll go into public hearings second reading of ordinance number 2024 d 07 leate Holdings L LLC annexation and ordinance of the town of Lake plid providing for the annexation comma under section 171.000 4 comma Florida Statutes comma of lands continuous to the town of Lake pled comma Florida comma owned by leate holding comma LLC semicolon and providing for an effective date period and again this is under second reading I'll make a motion that we adopt on second reading ordinance number 2024-the I'll second okay we got a motion and second any other discussion from Podium all right hearing none we'll take it to the audience okay seeing none come back pull the council please Council sorry council member Worley yes council member Hayes yes council member Charles yes council member everheart yes uh next is under first reading ordinance 202 24-13 amending chapter 3 clarifying duties of the vice mayor uh ordinance of the Lake plid Town Council amending chapter 3 three in parentheses of the town code by deleting the requirement for a second regular monthly meeting semi colon clarifying the duty of the vice mayor when presiding in the absence of the mayor semicolon and providing for an effective date period I think was placed by Mr Harris Mr Harris did you have some comments the last meeting when um vice mayor horley presided she asked whether she could vote in the instance of a tie I did the research um looked at our code uh state law as well as um the common law and found a Florida Supreme Court case rather old but still it's the law that said um a person can't hold two positions at once I.E council person and mayor and based on that I believe we should amend the code to make clear so no one forgets and that's one of the problems we all know it today that the vice mayor shouldn't vote and preside but a year five years from now some of us may not be here so I suggest you put it in code um my practice generally speaking is when we amend a code I print the entire section for context so you see a lot of things in there that really don't apply to this that's just the existing code so you'll know where you are um and I saw one that I'd like to bring up and that is eliminating our second meeting the last time we visited this Council was ready to say we're not going to represent to the public there are two meetings a month because we generally don't have them and um I argue ued that well you ought to keep it on the books in case you need it and you can always just cancel it I don't think we've had that second meeting in a month since we stopped by monthly meetings that's been what a decade or so yeah so I wanted to withdraw that opinion and say strike it we don't use it we can call a special meeting anytime you need and I think that would be the better practice well I of course agree with this so um I'm gonna move that we have you all you have any okay I'm going to go ahead and make the motion that we uh approve on first reading of ordinance [Music] 1.5 and and Mr attorney this is to you is it's it's not being changed but it's a clarification here B so B says the Town Council shall conduct business in the presence of a quorum three members excluding the mayor constitute a quorum so when we have a meeting that the vice mayor that the mayor can't make it and the vice mayor becomes the mayor do we then need three other Council people so in other words we can't have the mayor and someone else be out no right I just want to clarify because I know in past meetings that's that's the way I understood it that's the way I read it but that's a question for him a quorum is generally speaking 50% plus one you have four council members so that means three need to be present um there was concern going decades back um I think Clint Smith raised it a billion years ago um whether if you have the mayor and two does that constitute 50% plus one and I'm taking the position no it does not um in this instance 50% plus one if you've got three councilman you know I'd like to think about that before I shoot my mouth off yeah because it's a really weird question I mean that means it's a good question you mean it's a good question no it's it's a very fair question no and when I read that I'm like hm does that mean then we can never have the mayor and someone else gone because then the third council person becomes the mayor so think and we may want to say whether the 50% one plus one rule would let us proceed we may think you may think as a matter of policy hey if it's a mayor is out and one other council is out we should not do business right right and I tend to think that would be the better answer right and um it's not going to change anything in the wording or anything it was just as I read that I thought okay let's get clarification so we know going forward well let's add another provision and write that out so that we know the answer and we've established a policy so I would suggest uh if councilwoman whle would modify her motion to approve it on first reading with and direct the town attorney to modify the Quorum based on what she said and I'm not sure what that's going to mean let me come back with and I'd like to still discuss it but I what Bert said yeah I made commotion as stated by the town attorney I modify my motion to stated by this and and I'll modify and agree with the SEC with the I'll second the modified version okay okay and in through the years there was some question and um it was decided okay so say that you have three council members and I'm sitting in as mayor so there's three um and then one of them has a conflict um um because they have a conflict they can't vote they brother's doing it or whatever um there's still a quorum and this clearly says in the presence of a quorum if somebody has conflict and conflicts out you know then you still have a quorum you still have a quum and that was the question at one time well if somebody has a conflict is that still and they can't vote does that still a quum well this it's clearly says they presence is what it is is so if one of the people or two or whatever that's the way that we were interpreting it so I don't know if we need to clarify that but it's I think it's pretty clear in the in the current ordinance I I would agree I mean if a quorum and the ability to vote are two different things yes yes okay so where are we sure we have to call the vote yeah okay is there any other discussion okay clerk would you call the role please council member Worley yes council member Charles yes council member Hayes yes council member everheart yes uh next is ordinance number 202 24-8 an ordinance of the town of Lake plasa comma Florida comma pertaining to the vacation of RightWay comma as particularly described here in comma and is requested by Robert Marshal semicolon providing for legislative finding and intent semicolon providing for ownership semicolon providing the vacation of rideway semicolon providing for recoordination semicolon providing for the implementation of administrative action semicolon providing a savings clause semic colon providing for Sovereign error semicolon providing for conflict semicolon providing for severability semicolon and providing for an effective date period okay and if uh this would be a tag team I think between the attorney between Dennis myself but on your desk and I'll pull this up as close as we get it um is a little bit clear picture give me a minute to get this down but of the area that we're talking about so you know exactly where it is um some of these pictures are not as good um but this is the from this point back to Oak and this little piece these two pieces here are the V the alleyway that we're talking about abandoning it does not include this um approximately 60 foot strip approximately 50 feet um that comes along there and I'll turn that over to Dennis to elaborate uh Dennis Murray Town engineer the application is for the vacation of the rideway and it's less 50 foot on that West Side um the uh petition requests for the following reason the alleyway is narrow does not meet the minimum standards for roadways within the town the applicant owns all of the property on either side of the alley and wishes it to be vacated the applicant would like to combine the propert properties into one parcel to fence and utilize the building as one property so this is a little bit better picture so you get an idea so the applicant owns this property and this little triangle um the alleyway goes through here we do not have any utilities there but there is power that runs across for from du energy there is an access door the reason it stops here is this property owner uses this alley to access their property in here so that's why that piece is not part of the request so I'll make a motion that we approve ordinance number 20248 is read into the record set a second we need a second discuss we have a motion a second on the podium any other questions a second I I just want to clarify again what and I think your last chart in the package is pretty good it's be because you're not vacating all of that right it's like so I just want clarification of what exactly we're vacating here that very I think it's exhibit a that you had where it kind of shows I mean those are good charts to start with but just the picture of be because the 50 Feet I think is another business is that it's it's Gator Co right so the vacation is stopping before Gator Co and that so we'll only have a Porche of an an alley we still own as a town I don't know where it is Kevin um it's there's a lot of background so I'm getting there there we go that that that's kind of a little more helpful so so that other picture you had which shows a little triangle the where it's not red that's the gator C building and that's the 50 ft yes yes okay yes ma'am and so the so the proposal is to vacate all of the red yes ma'am that and then leave the so we will continue to own that 50 feet of an alley yes okay okay any other concerns from the podium all right we have a Moote of a second but I'll open it up to Residents now and I do have request to speak from Donald and Melissa lesby hello okay we own the property State your names my name is Melissa lesby I'm Donald lesby and the address of it's 600 Maine okay and um I have some pictures for you as well if I can bring them to you sure is that okay that's fine all right we can share we can if it's okay I'll just read what I have that way I don't ramble or fumble around um as property owner that AB buts to the right of way that's before the council to be vacated ordinance number 20248 I am opposed to this action and I'm speaking for my husband who is not very fond on public speaking so uh own the property at 600 Main and have operated my business Gator colon and Landscaping from this location since 2014 for more than a decade I have utilized this ride of away in order to receive deliveries to the bay door that faces the rideway alley as well as to enter in and out of my shop with the trucks and trailers necessary to operate my business prior to the current owner taking possession of the neighboring property who now presents requesting the vacation of this rideway the previous owner and I shared the rideway daily as it was needed for the previous owner to receive deliveries and move out shipments as well it is also shared with the other AB budding property owner John carahan who shares and utilizes this right of way as well the right of way has in no way been abandoned nor sat unused it's used daily and it's vital to the daily operations of my business as you can see from the pictures uh Florida has well established its acknowledgement of R of ways and Alleyways and the property owner rights therein they govern these outlines in Florida statute chapter 177 I'm requesting that this R of way not be vacated but remain as it is critical for the daily operation of my business and also I don't know if you can accept from Mr carahan who is out of state sent a letter for you because he is in opposition to this as well he has the abing property that you will see that utilizes this Alleyway and I see what you're saying with the 50 Foot there but that's why I have the pictures there because this has been a all a through a thorough way there the previous business and as well as ours the utilizing of trailers back and forth into that your 50 feet is not going to be enough without clogging up Palmetto so when you have a delivery from a semi Tru that's filled with sod or various other things they right now utilizing the alleyway can deliver through there unload their deliveries and then go out if they have to park in the middle of paletto you're going to completely clog that street and so forth that's why the alleyway has been utilized in such a manner because you have big trailers big trucks coming through and through so in order for them to utilize 50 feet to try to back in and out that's not going to be feasible so you are then going to have like I said semi TRS sitting in the middle of paletto with whatever it is they're bringing or delivering as well as our vehicles that have to utilize that bay in and out on a daily basis and that's why it's necessary and that's why it has been utilized has not sat abandoned it's not been abandoned not for one day we know for 10 years so that's what we would like you to consider in the vacation of the entire Alleyway where is the other business located that she's referring to that's a res this map up here that that building yes but I no he's saying this is property that belongs to John carahan yeah that's 100 that's the other building that you're saying they also use this alley and they gave you a letter saying correct he's out of state on business would be aing on this he but that's a house correct correct okay a house or business I mean it's a that's no that's a residential that's a house there duplex yes and and that's this person who's opposing it okay I'll pass that down this is but he would have no right to use the alleyway because he doesn't touch it would he he drives his dump truck and trailer through there when whenever he needs to use it he's always done it he's lived there for 35 years and had access to it but he has no right to it because he doesn't touch it correct his property does Touch where where right there does it not no no he doesn't touch Robert's property does Robert own that what's in green right there yeah no he doesn't no Robert Robert owns Robert Marshall does as correct it's kind of a weird parcel but yes he owns he owns all that so that that so that property does a butt to it yeah yeah so he couldn't go across that property anyway so I thought earlier Kevin that house building that whole area we said that the except for Gator the same guy owns all that did I misunderstand that when you you were circling wasn't including that building here's this is John carnahan's house house okay this piece in here this piece in here this piece and this piece are all owned by Mr Marshall okay the second the second um little alley coming off the top where your pointer is right there we don't we don't ever use that one that one gets cut off straight that that's fine the long one is the one that gets used every day as you can see in the pictures and all and like I said we can't run our business if that way gets closed off it's and what's the underlying reason for the request to the town to vacate the alley just more land for yes at that point I was going to ask Robert if he wanted to come forward but I say he's got his representation here also okay thank you Kimberly sap representing uh Robert Marshall and Robert Marshall's here also speaking to the reason for vacating is one is unifying because it's cut that's a the one triangle that's that Donald didn't care about just kind of cuts that piece in in half really does no benefit to anybody um and he is going to be looking at fencing it for security he has um four-wheelers that go up and down at night um along that that alley way way he's had people um and I can let Robert speak to that um throwing rocks on his roof throwing him against his doors at night um just you know I think it's not the best side of town um and so it's just for security to kind of combine and kind of keep it secures the main reason um and just make it cleaner than what it is right now um the the reason why we didn't go all the way through obviously is because Mr lesby has that bay in the back he has three Bays along pal Meadow to access for semi deliveries he doesn't get I mean I should have Robert testify as to what he's witnessed as far as how many deliveries he gets I've never seen any semi truck or any deliveries come down the alley to be honest with you he does come through with his trailers in the morning and and approximately parks there I don't know 30 40 minutes loads up and then in the evening has a trailer come in and unloads towards the back door he also uh comes through my property to put his uh equipment in there a pickup truck or something but I don't really ever question him using my property because I thought we could be good neighbors here you know I'm just trying to um get it vacated for Safety and Security for my belongings in my building and it's just it's just a free-for-all back there to be honest with you you know the he will still have full access I mean it's a 20 foot Alleyway I mean a semi isn't going to go down a 20 foot Alleyway and make a delivery um they're going to stop in pal if they do have one just like they do on Main Street when they deliver to the stores along Main Street um for the brief time his trailers can go in and and back out if they need to if that's what they're going to if they need to go to the back door rather than use the three Bays that are along paletto that are available for him um so that's for us it's since we own both sides of that road nobody else really needs it um he still has access from paletto and along the alley in the back to get there Mr carahan I'm not sure I know we tried to Mr Marshall tried to buy the property um but he has no rights to any of those access he is his access is I think Oak is his main road is Oak Avenue just so you know like I said we've been there since 2014 and when I bought the building that was a cladium building next to us uh Harrison I believe cladium F so when I bought the building he come come to me and said listen you I mean we have the semis for delivery for cladium and all that we'll work around each other but this Alleyway is open for public use so we never had an issue we always worked with him he's worked with us he just now bought it what a couple years ago year and a half ago um speaking of rocks and kids and all that we've never had an issue I don't see anything me and Robert spoke personally me and Miss Kim is spoke multiple times on this originally he come to me and he wanted to he was going to sell me the corner the Little Triangle piece directly behind my shop so that way I could have full access coming and going in that Back Bay with whatever needed to be delivered and whatnot as you see where the trucks and all that are pulling in the Back Bay and deliveries and everything then that's kind of shaded away to where he don't want to sell that piece now and then like I said most recently then he just tried buying the building he's like well then I'll just buy you out just so I can vacate it but that's our building we're not going to leave there that's where the business is run out of there's never been an issue with anybody busting windows or and we've never had that experience since 2014 and like I said my business runs off of that and it's very vital and like I said I have no problem with getting rid of the other little Cut Road so he can fence that off but if you block that Alleyway then we're gonna have to come up with a whole different deal because yeah that's that hurts my business okay I didn't know if you had something or not no Dana no just hear for support okay would it be feasible Robert just if we vacate that short section and you put a fence along the um diagonal 105 foot thing and yeah I offered it to Mr lby but he didn't want to do it I wanted to vacate the whole Alleyway and then fence the whole thing so he could have accessibility to the back of his building and we both have a little bit more security we didn't want to go along with it okay well I'm confused you own the um huh come to the microphone come to the microphone please okay are you okay I'm talking cling rather than vacating the the angle portion and then vacating a lot uh just a longer and stopping the parallel Road at a different let me try to let me try again okay so there's the the short section I think Kevin you've got your cursor on there yeah so we vacate that and then Robert you put your fence along the diagonal there that right along there and keep the alleyway would that work no because it still doesn't offer me security to my building you wouldn't believe what goes on back there when I'm not there you know there's tires dumped um there's been two giant young men walking through there with baseball bags hitting rocks on the top of my building um every morning I go with my bucket and I pick up all the trash I've had my cell phone stolen and somebody ran out the back with and the police department recovered it for me um there's been four-wheelers going through there 30 40 m hour cars I don't know what they're doing back there but I would think it was some type of drug dealing and Mr lesby is not there during the day to see all this you know okay ready so if the vandalism and the issues were not an issue would we be still having this discussion to vacate an alley that's what's driving it yes I mean he would still want to fence it for for privacy in in any way I mean that's the main thing is just to keep it secure not only just because of the vandalism but also for privacy you know when Mr lesby mentioned we can't sell him because he can't drive those those lots are are zoned residential so we can't store we can't park we can't do anything on other than be kind of park-like and that's kind of really why he liked the property is as many of you know Mr Marshall has classic cars and his Volkswagen and he does his repairs and remodeling and refurbishing inside the building and if he can fence off that then that area with the oak trees is kind of a peaceful place for him to to relax when he's in between work um so that's really I mean part of it is even if the I don't know if you could ever get rid of crime but that may not ever be a possibility but yes so that would be the main reason is to get it to where he can fence off from basically the back of his building all the way around to secure it so that I can while I'm there working I can open the doors and not be scared that somebody's going to run in and rob me or do whatever you know that's a are we aware of this Chief yeah that's what I I mean aware of is someone going to run in and Rob him I seriously doubt it um no I do not believe the crime is as bad down there as is being portrayed I do believe that his cell phone was stolen and it was recovered and returned to him the rest of it has not been reported to our agency um you would have to actually make those reports for us to know about it our officers do Patrol the area our officers do drive down the Alleyways thank you and and also let's be honest if if we do this and he puts a fence up that's not going to stop people from going in there unless he puts an eight High foot fence uh you know locks on doors are only to keep honest people out if somebody wants to get in there bad enough they're going to too so you know I understand Robert's concern uh you know it's not an easy decision but uh we do have a motion in a second on the on the table is there any other discussion I'd like to give Council some options okay I see my job tonight is giving you your options first of all if you vacate an alleyway the center line becomes the property line if you vac let's use this one for example if you vacate this Alleyway half would go to this owner half would go to this owner in this case it all becomes Roberts if you vacate this Alleyway here half would go to Mr lesby half would go to Robert curious whether Mr lesby would be interested and Mr and Robert Mr Marshall would be interested if Mr L gets the entire alley here to stop there Mr lesby would that give you adequate room to do what you need if you owned the entire Alleyway 20t so it only be 20t from the back of the building no your building it appears to me your building is some number of feet from the alley at itself but the proposal is excluding that whole 50 ft okay I realize that but I'm the alleyway runs directly behind correct so then it would be another 20t if you got the entire Alleyway I don't know how wide the alleyway is Kim says it's 20 feet wide if you got the entire Alleyway plus what you have there would that make you happy we would be able to come we still would be a to access uze back back door it looks like it would give you probably 30t behind your building it's not it's not just me with vehicles coming and going it's the trucks pulling the trailers and everything else I just thought I'd try I'm not trying to press you into it here the trucks and the trailers were on Palm metal on the road if we and that's if you look in the one picture look how far back I am there so if we come just thought I'd try that as an option you also have three other entries on the other side don't you correct that's in the front that's where all the trailers show all that I just thought I'd try that splitting the right of way differently um my recommendation would be if if you do close the alleyway as Robert asked you're basically giving him significant land which is fine I have no objection to that my concern is on the front both of these folks have probably 10 or 12 feet of land between their building and the right of way of South Main Street whoever poured this I don't know if they got a building permit it was before Robert I'm not throwing rocks at Robert good man I've known him for decades um but this is our right of way and if you ever have to expand your road this will not be an entrance to either building and I'd sure like if you're going to give him land here owledge that this is not going to be his entrance at some point the other factor is how will this land be used I would suggest and I've heard discussions of fenity in outdoor storage you've got another problem with outdoor storage already on South Main Street or two other issues I would suggest doing Robert's Land If you give him the right of way as a plan development ordinance where you say these are your uses Robert you may and it governs what would be stored outside I think you might have missed we we can't do outside storage there that is zoned currently residential so we can't do basically it's going to be vacant unless we come back to town Council and ask for an amendment to our zoning and land use that was our main reason why we didn't want to sell piece to Donald is because he couldn't use it for what he was wanting to use it for which was a driveway because it's a residentially zoned piece of property what is residentially all of this or this too the no just the that piece in the back this that that and that yes well if there's no outdoor storage then I'll withdraw my concern yeah that's yeah we I looked at that and I talked talked to Robert about that when you raised that at the last meeting we had I just didn't want to make South Main Street any worse no and we don't I know Robert does not want to make it worse either um and I would like something in the ordinance if you close the road acknowledging Robert has plenty of access in the back and will not be using the front as access off of Main Street there's simply not enough room are you going to make everybody else not access I mean possibly right today no whenever we have to expand okay if if and when okay that still main stre I mean right now that would be he would have to give up because he doesn't own it just like Mr lesby Parks his trailers along the side and he technically can't do that because they overhang into the RightWay and the front they over I mean that's a whole problem I know our town has a history of being rather loose with South Main Street right and I think that is in the future going to be a concern and I just now is the time if we're giving Robert land to say yes your access will not be here correct right and if we had to get get access or parking then that would be what with the property in the back would be a rezone for and we can do that as a deed restriction rather than a PD ordinance I don't care but something writing it down yeah and just for everyone's benefit this is this will require two hearings so this is the first reading and second reading will be in September so this clarification was helpful that the area that's projected to be fenced in really nothing can be stored there so it's just fencing in the complete lot could an alternate be if the primary reason is Safety and Security just fence in the current building area because nobody's going to be breaking into the empty land right you're not going to store anything there so you know and and again what what would prevent you from just fencing in because then we the current because we have a we get access from the back also we that's where all his bays are also in the back aha the way these buildings are built is Mr lesbi is on the side and he has one he has three Bays on the side and one in the back is that a human door in the back or a rollup it's a rollup door it's a regular six fo six foot it's a normal door yeah and Mr summers's own this property how long I here two years a year one year yeah and Mr lsby has owned his property and and okay so okay thank you I have an issue with saying that there be no access to that building off of Main Street you have to I mean I can't see no access I mean that would be like selling telling me my property I couldn't get on to Interlake Boulevard I think that's what you're saying there's no access at all to those buildings either one of them now you all aren't on the hot seat but if this is the trend and they want to widen I mean don't the businesses have to have some access that's right it would be in the back Roberts would be in the back Mr W on the side have a storefront and have access they could have a storefront sure but okay so I'm just saying no access to me means no access no vehicles just Vehicles you don't know you can't guarantee there's going to be parking there in front no no I'm not saying that I'm just access but there's still room for human access a lot for both sure sidewalk well that's going to be down the road but I'm sorry I don't agree with it like at um down at home and office um Supply there's parking this was designed to have street parking originally in the 1930s on the street and then that was the parking and then the access is to the building but I can see you know what you're saying but I don't know I just you and I have always disagreed on parking on the street because that's the way the PD was designed in the 30s is parking on the street I know we don't agree on that no no no no actually I'm changing that position but I think the town ought to have the right to control it it's their property whether it's Town property I guess I'm uncomfortable with um property that's been utilized by a successful business entity that has concern out that will impact their property if um this alley is vacated I think my my question is um to quantify how often you need that Alleyway for semis if it's you know once a month once a year twice a month it's also the oper the daily operations of and the way the building is set up and has been utilized the way that it's set up inside that's why the pictures are inside there you know all of their air compressors all of that because that's how it was designed first because they can come in and back into that that bay they can come in from this side of the alleyway or that side of the alleyway they can back into that bay do what they need and I know everyone keeps referencing the other three bays and again that's why we put the pictures because the equipment that's stored in there is stored the trailers like that and then the other bay to be in and out and that's how again that it's operated for 10 years and so that is our point is that when we purchased this that Alleyway was there and was being utilized Again by us and by the previous business so for a decade now we have utilized it in that manner and business day-to-day operations of the business utilizing an existing Alleyway that was made available and a part of the business when and the property when it was purchased so now we are being asked to somehow restructure everything that is operated this way for 10 years and again the proposed security issues and once again we have operated there for 10 years we have filed no reports of any sort of vandalism we have thousands of dollars of equipment in there all the time um and usually have a bucket truck that stays parked outside it's not fenced in we've never had any issue like that and I feel like Mr Marshall or Summers I don't I I don't know I said Marshall someone said Summers um so that you're familiar with this area when you purchase property here you're familiar with this town you've lived here obviously for a long time so you know you know you're you're professing now this sudden you know you know crime in waves or whatever um but again we I don't think that that is substantial and there's not a lot you don't have multiple police reports we don't have multiple police reports of vandalism or problems with the property and so to present to an arue just because I'm going to put up a fence for that reason um that there's no proof you have no other than the cell phone um to completely ask a property owner who has been there for over 10 years to completely restructure everything just for like it was brought up well fence inside the building if you you can't store outside of that anyways um if if security is the issue you could fence you know the area so someone doesn't walk in on him in the middle of the day and Rob him um he could have the have it fenced in so that is our point is that we are being asked again after we have utilized this and if this had sat vacant and abandoned would be a very different story but it is utilized daily okay so I I heard that you use that Alleyway I thought I heard you say you use that Alleyway for large semis like s deliveries yes ma'am there are deliveries and as well as everyday our trucks and trailers yeah well that that's kind of what I was trying to get at is I would I'm thinking that your trucks and trailers could navigate into there if let's say let's say it was blocked off you know the stubbed out I'm asking if first of all two things can your trucks navigate into there if it's stubbed off then secondly how often would a side truck have to go down that long alleyway okay the navigating into that because likely if the because if he fences all of that if if it's vacated then the ability to maneuver and back a truck with a trailer around and into that bay it's impossible without when there is a fence there you will run into that fence if you are gonna maneuver a truck and trailer from that side and try to come back into that bay the way that they do on a daily basis basis and the saw deliveries well it's not it's not only saw we got we uh have pallets of fertilizer and all delivered we've got Tire orders that come that big yard roll trucks that's what and all the access they all have access to the back door there that's the only door that they got to key to on the inside anybody that's not an employee so and that's with my alarm system everything is set up to where they have access to that back door you know because that's what they used to running is that Alleyway so what okay so you you want the alleyway so they can can make it right straight through correct that's what we do every day 5:00 in the morning 5:30 in the morning I pull up right here on Oak with my truck and trailer we come down right behind the buildings then that's where we start parking to load working on stuff we work outside right there because as you see there is no room in front of the shop there on Palmetto you know because at one time we tried to get a per to fence it off but you can't because of the rideway and where the telephone pole and all this so we can't put anything on the outside there in front of the shops and all because you can't fence nothing you can't do any of that so I'm trying to get to a compromise if we stubbed off the road let me back up so actually when your trucks are turning around in the morning or what at beginning and end of the day to get into your Bays you actually need the room to back onto his property not down the alleyway that was my question too so you're actually backing on to his property to get in there no we don't not pulling down the alleyway we don't have to but if he you said if okay you got the whole if you got the whole Alleyway I mean are you have that that Alleyway and he has a fence there you were saying that you would hit the fence correct right now where it's at yes but that means that means that you are encroaching on his property if a fence would stop you I'm talking about if it's fenced across the alleyway right there so if if the alleyway is vacated right there and it is all fenced in to maneuver the trailer which now you can maneuver strictly on the alleyway not on his property does that make sense I'm talk because do you see the the alleyway because if that's all fenced in across you no longer have access to the alleyway like going at a North to Northeast angle or I he he would like to put a fence right there where your hand is go straight up okay right there you would like to have a fence coming exactly okay right there across I'm talking about yeah we don't have to be on his property now but if that fence is right there behind my building and then going along the alleyway yeah that blocks everything off you can't make that turn wide or nothing because that would be his he would be able to fence that behind that in as well as well as blocking what the alleyway is right now so then yes it does greatly limitate limit your maneuverability and it would be imp possible to maneuver a truck and trailer right there in what is now the alleyway you can do that without being on anyone's property I'm lost I like yeah you know I like the idea of vacating Alleyways because we put it on the tax roll you get it on the tax roll that's one of my hate to say that to the public but it's it's on the tax Ro then and it makes the land more valuable but the praiser would have to decide all that but I'm just saying that's typically when you join the one little short road and you make that property I don't know if that would and at least it's on the tax towards that from the public taxpaying business who's operated in that I would like you know I feel like we have a voice in that as well I understand what you're saying as far as um you know the tax purposes and so forth but we also a local small business and our operations are dependent on that and I think that that's a valid you know something for the council as well is supporting your ability to function and just as Mr Harris pointed out the lines you already see if in the future you are limited already if you decide to widen whatever Road from Maine to pal pal all of it whatever is decided done in the future you know then you're just going to further limit what space that you have if something like that should arise well again I'm trying to get to a compromise I understand so Mr Summers What If instead of putting the fence right at the like say the north to Northeast line move it back from the property line move it back and uh like 10 15 feet from the like say to the corner of the house corner of the building rather than right up to the property line would that give you enough room so the the alleyway wouldn't be vacated it would be vacated up to the edge of the where the building if you went straight back across alley what I'm trying to say I would have no problem with that I would have no problem with that like I say when I when I work there during the day and I have the two bay doors open in the rear it's a free-for-all back there that's all I can say you know I like tires dumped I've had people racing through there it's just it's you know what do I got to do I'm trying to work on something and somebody's bothering me back there you don't know what's going on that's all I would have no problem moving it back to my prop to the uh building line yeah that work the issue that we continue to run so what goes on then if he sells next month and then whoever buys his place doesn't agree with that or is not okay with that you just don't vacate the alleyway you vacate the alleyway farther to the building instead of at the property line but what if he sells no how does that matter doesn't matter it's it's on the property line the property his propert the his property line would go from the corner of his [Music] building wait make a jog make a jog in the property line is there any way that I would be willing to meet with him and let's go and get measurements and stake it out to where we can see what we can actually try and work out in that aspect I mean I'm willing to do that but just to say no we vacate the alleyway now my business you mean shut my business down that's not no that don't work good I recommend you pass this on first reading and allow the parties to discuss further and bring it back to Council next month as you will do anyway you're saying pass it or table it what well you've got to have two readings so just declare this the first one approve it on first reading and then you can either adopt or deny next month and that gives them a chance to visit hash out their differences so we're we're approving vacating the Alaway only first reading it takes two okay you approve and then adopt on the second and then I would also if if Mr Harris feels like it's going to be a problem in the future um perhaps you could we could look at that too at the next at the next reading okay which would be when we adopt whatever everybody decides well and and when I was over there the other day Mr marer you mentioned about you didn't have a problem if if uh the lesbies wanted to get down that road if you had a gate that you would have it open when they needed it so that hasn't been brought up this evening no absolutely I could fence it and he could come through there any time I have no problems with my neighbor going through there it's just the people that I don't know that are going through there that really shouldn't be going through there yeah I have no problems with him coming through there not at all I'll put it in writing whatever I got to do it doesn't matter would that include all his delivery trucks I think that's what I never saw a delivery truck in a year but they do come in and and load their um mowers up in the morning in the evenings but I never I've never seen a delivery truck but of course it would yeah no problem so maybe he would have a key to the fence absolutely I I don't even know if I'd put a lock on it I just wanted to secure it you'd have to put a lock on it if you're going to achieve this security that you wanted the night okay otherwise there's no need for offense I got no problems with my neighbors coming through there not at all so that might be the compromise we're looking for Joy this this is a commercial property it's not a neighborhood and that's what I said we've used this for 10 years now to just take it away and like he just said he want to put up a fence with no locks yeah well you could that you know there there's crime and everything else going on which there is none well maybe there is but if there isn't today there'll probably be in six months could be the the apartments and all right across right directly in front of me that that is whatever you want to can I say also that that is the reason that the abiding property owners are notified because that is what the legislation even under the municipality uh government that you have the that is why the property owners are no are notified in these situations for Alleyways rways easements and so forth because if someone is in opposition that that's the hinging point from a legal perspective as well that's why as Property Owners we can oppose it because that is how the the governing statute is written concerning the vacation of these and there and this is the reason why that the other property owners if you've ever read through the statutes that's why you publicly notify because as Property Owners we have the right to oppose that and the cause for vacating it requires everyone's agreement that as property or a 50 or 50% of them um to agree if it's what I'm not a lawyer by any means but I'm just saying that there are guidelines that give Property Owners rights when you share an easement or a rideway or an Alleyway that has been established for so long and like I said before it has not been an abandoned Alleyway by any means it is utilized and that's the reason property owners that share that have the right to oppose it and that's what we're doing is opposing that and on the other I he put up a fence on both ends like he said and give us a key well now what happens if one of my guys runs into his fence turning to Sharp accidents happen now who's going to be responsible for all it is you know I mean there there's a lot that can go into that aspect of I'll just give everybody keys and everybody can come and go and now you're opening up Gates and and everything at 5: in the morning or when it's raining and everything else that for no you mean there's no reason for them to be there has has not been in what 50 years there there's never been a reason for it and I work perfectly fine with the previous owner on using the alleyway there's no reason that I don't say the same okay well we have a motion in a second mayor can I know who did the second I missed it when we did I believe I did you did okay and again this will be on first reading yes yes is any other comments from the audience clerk go ahead and pull the council council member Worley yes council member eart yes council member Hayes yes council member Charles is a tough one my answer is no I I don't like to get between neighbors or businesses uh so it's tough for me but um based on all the information that's been provided no okay I I appreciate the fact Robert that you're willing to talk to them and I appreciate the fact that the two of you will get together and see if we can't work out a common solution before the next meeting this is by no means done so I want you to understand that but when when you look at the pictures I can see this being a problem both ways and I I I think the two of you working together is hopefully going to be uh you'll come up with a solution that's favorable for everybody on one other question something that he offer prior the one corner lot that's directly behind my back Bay you know originally when he come to me and he's like hey I'll I'll s you that I fence off everything else we get rid of the the alleyway that was the first discussion that he comes me with I was okay with that I said that's fine then that way I've got that whole access but they mentioned something about you couldn't even drive over that what if I mean are we able to drive and use that piece of property we don't have a motion yeah we uh that's the reason we just passed it so they can go talk among themselves this is not something to be but they're saying that the town since that's a residential lot so yeah we something that's we can't discuss right now I have Clarity um that on the second motion because you've had three to one vote so if there is no resolution made it's essentially passed is that what I'm understanding that it's essentially vacated no it's got to it's got to come back to us it's got to pass twice it's got to pass twice okay so you vote twice yeah I just want to understand and if it comes back and the vote goes the other way it won't happen Okay that's what I was curious about so it's we're we're we're just basically at a stand still right okay thank you thank you do you want your pictures back okay okay thank you could could Colleen see that letter that went down that way the opposition letter the opposition letter from the resident it went that way I'd like to see a copy wants it the position that want now from John carahan pay attention they gave us a letter of one person we down here and really he doesn't have a dog in the fight he doesn't even to touch a property of course he okay next we go to 3D is withdrawn 3D but that has been been withdrawn so we don't have to worry about that we'll now go to 4A resolution 2024 d1b or is that 18 18 which you can do all in one motion all three in one motion if you so care I don't have a problem with that the banking right just just a quick note on needs to be done so I just will be abstaining from all of that because I'm a shareholder in that bank and I have form8 right here is filled out for all three of those resolutions okay just quickly for clarity the bank wanted these placed back it was the motion if you'll remember was a little convoluted and they wanted to bring them back so it was clear as to what they were doing sign signers and and uh so that is why these are B you approved them last month but with modifications and these are back so you could approve them as is I'd ask Bert because I'm a signer on here do I do I have to abstain as well because I'm Aigner on one of these no ma'am okay just just make sure you're good thank you okay well I'll just do it and and we can discuss it I'd like to hear from council member Charles but anyway okay I'm going to make a motion that we approve resolution 20 24-18 Harland Bank authorization signers resolution 2024-25 22 Heartland Bank wire transfers clarification on the second one there were two options um on 20 I'm sorry 20249 yes so the first one just had uh vice mayor Worley mayor and finance director or did you want me to did you want to add me they asked at the bank to for the um line of credit okay wait a second I'll amend my motion to one or two that's the only the rest of them are okay then maybe we should take them one at a time all right let's just do them one at the time then we can talk about it resol okay I make a motion we approve resolution 2024-the signers I'll second it okay have a motion and a second any further discussion saying none we'll take you to the audience all right bring her back pull the council council member Worley yes council member Charles yes council member Hayes abstain council member art yes okay now we'll go to 20249 so this is the one you're saying that this is the one two option difference is we go from three to four and why are we doing that the the bank just said if you wanted that as an option because you had had added me as Aigner to the other information as town clerk you don't have to it can just be the three but she just gave two options one not adding me one adding me the to CL and what what what are the differences of adding you it just gives us another person this is another person and were you authorized with the old bank for line of credit no I was never authorized you put me on a signer the last meeting on the the first resolution they wanted to know did you want to add the clerk to this one prior prior resolutions included the Town Administrator you removed the Town Administrator from all the resolutions so this one just gives you the option if you want to add Eva because you made Eva the signer on the other resolutions for the other items so it doesn't matter and we'd have to have two signers on on on approval for everything is that correct I mean we always have to have two signers so on this on this um Advance on the line of credit there has to be two signatures on that or just one I think for check writing is only is two signatures required but for the line of credit only one is needed just to draw down the funds so that gives us three people the mayor the vice mayor and Rachel and I'm comfortable with that I don't know that we need a fourth we haven't even had a fourth in the past okay I'll make a motion for res we approve resolution 20249 Harland Bank line of credit option number one second all right we have a motion second any further discussion all right he none take it to the audience seeing none bring it back pull the council council member Worley yes council member edart yes council member Hayes abstain council member Charles yes okay make motion that we approve resolution 2024-25 Harland bank wire transfers I'll second it got a motion in a second further discussion from the podium hearing none will take the audience saying none bring it back pull the council council member Worley yes council member Charles yes council member Hayes abstain council member everard yes okay takes SC now we go to 5 C1 interlocal agreement North Main and DOW Hall this is the same interlocal agreement you saw a month ago the county attorney and I have resolved our differences and now recommend its adoption so the amount of money stays the same and pretty much everything that you went in was stayed the same yes well the difference is on maintenance uh accepting it for maintenance we put in some language that said we're not accepting for maintenance right you but the money is the same okay so I'll make a motion to approve the revised interlocal agreement between Highlands County Florida and the town of Lake plaid for North Maine and D Hall improvements second all right we got a motion to Second any further discussion from the Pod yeah Kevin just for quick information the uh estimate on a contractor doing this project because it's a little more complex and we originally anticipated is about $99,000 um County the county has stepped up on the other piece of it we were going to have to remove the flashing beacons for the uh um um crosswalks pedestrian Crossing The Pedestrian Crossing and but I believe County transportation or whatever the right department is is going to pick up those so we think we're still Joseph defonzo the assistant County engineers in the back I'm saying it correctly that that it's going to go forward it's just a lot more money than we anticipated like everything else that is increased in price the county stepping up and picking up the other piece of that and we thank you for that awesome okay take it the audience seeing none bring it back pull the councel council member Hayes yes council member eart yes council member Worley yes council member Charles yes thank you for sitting through all of this next is 5 D2 resolution 2024 D21 limited and conditional pledge of Revenue to the Florida state revolving fund did I miss one1 well I thought I went there okay I did miss it okay no we'll go back to 5 D1 we have uh we have an opening on the r pack just a Todd Moore and Eva Cooper have expired okay I'll I'll make a motion that we adopt the or approve the recommended motion which is appoint Dana riddle as the alternate member for Town representative on the recreation and parks advisory committee I'll second okay got a motion of second any further discussion on the Pod yeah I'd like to know some background on this I I wasn't aware that we had an opening number one um and so and and to be honest though I did see the other day just like I think like Thursday or Friday I went to look for to see if um the budget meeting had been posted and then I saw a blurb that says we have an opening contact Eva so uh because so so based on it was it only advertised just on the website because I I don't remember it coming to council that we're going to have an opening and how do we and and I'd ask actually like to see somebody from the outside Todd was from the school or from the outside so rather than have Kevin Eva and Dana not that Dana wouldn't be lovely but rather than have three you know employees from our town represent us is try to get somebody from the outside also so if I may was any interest Todd and Eva's terms are both expiring so this is the question this is actually going to be raised as a uh so we have had it's believe posted on next door and the town website website on both that we've asked the community to participate for an applicant for an outside um I mean I know we did for the Town Administrator I don't ever recall seeing for this it it is on the website it's on the website but not on next door yeah I did put it on next door yeah I did not see it either on next door I'll double check yeah no I saw the Town Administrator that was out there and um because we just appointed you from Harry's position right and Eva expires in December and the other guy expired in July at the same time that Harry did but anyways I mean I personally would like to see somebody also from the outside the town hopefully and maybe we could better communicate um so that we could get Town employees to represent us but also somebody from the community how quick do we need to do something okay if I may finish thank you so the recommendation was to make Dana an alternate we were still looking for somebody from the outside we've had one person contact us to fill that other voting position which is Todd Moore's position Eva the recommendation was for Dana to fill Evas as an alternate not as the voting member so just to be clear we were looking looking for one town employee and one at large member to to fill that position with Eva as a alternate the question I had that went along with this is for attorney because Eva would be my alternate and it is a question because we may want to withdraw that um if she's my alternate can we discuss if okay why don't you let let me look just read through that if an alternate can discuss give me just a minute you'll have to C to something else that's fine because that's the question it is different just for the council's discussion so it is different than the alternate board members that sit on the LPA because they are the alternate for anybody to sit on the LPA where this would Eva would be my alternate so she would be voting in my place and that's a very distinct difference in that she votes in my place as opposed to anybody that's missing on the thing if the way I understand something that's coming before the council or before the the body not I I appreciate your distinction y so that's that's a question right so that's a question that we had today at the staff meeting otherwise I would have already addressed it and tried to have an answer so um it is not a rush you can wait till the next meeting you can wait for and again I have nobody other than Dana had volunteered to be an alter either one if she's a voting member as like Todd was and there is no question we could never have a discussion and we have to have discussions about Recreation and how we do the CIP on staff level discussions and that would bar us from having a discussion other than at this public meeting or at the arpac public meeting which kind of defeats our purpose from the town perspective so the whole thing can easily be pushed to our next rpac meeting is in their quarterly meetings the next rpac meeting is Thursday and then we've got three months to decide so there's no push on this there's no rush on that and there is a question about we may want two people from the general public to be represented there as the alternate as opposed to two staff members because it does create issues in that in that standpoint so I'm fine if we want to table this whole thing that would be easier from a from a like day-to-day operation standpoint is if you had no staff members and two outside people from from the public because you wouldn't have Sunshine Law at any problem that's why we need the clarification because if I want my alternate to vote the same way that I think the town should then I would want it to be my staff member that's voting the way that I would vote that's where I see the distinction in in how that alternate sets up I think we need to study that and give the attorney time to dis to do that so that's why I think it would be appropriate to push this back into the next meeting we have two more months easily I I say two more months I'd like to push it to September because once you make a recommendation it has to go to the County commission for approval so it goes on their theirs after ours so it would push till the September meeting there's no rush so so our pack when I read it Kevin it says that you know each town has two so we get two members and one alternate and in the past our two members were Todd and Harry so one from the community one from um the town and then the alternate was was Eva okay what you're saying is not clear to me I always thought an alternate be would be if one of those two members couldn't make it then that's the person that goes to make the town have two participants but you're saying her alternate is for you or would it be for either maybe it's because we don't have that third right now I mean because I guess I was thinking she's a member now you're a member that's the two members that would go to this rpac meeting that's I think where we need clarification okay the attorney general and ago 88- 45 Alin since the alternate is authorized to act only in the absence of a board member or commission member there is no meeting of two individuals who exercise independent decisionmaking Authority at the meeting there is in effect only one decisionmaking official present therefore a meeting between a board member and his or her alternate is not subject to Sunshine absolutely amazed because I sure thought it turned on to be discussed now that doesn't answer Colleen's question no it does not if you've got one alternate that would replace two members I don't think this would fit I would agree and I think we need to read those bylaws and make sure that they're interpreted correctly according to the law so that's I I agree with that 100% I withdraw my motion table it to September meeting I will draw my second and table for September okay all right where we at next is 5 D2 resolution [Music] 2024-25 by the town to repay the loan it ties in with the next one which is a bulk service agreement so it's conditional because we are the loan and grantee to the srf fund so we have to approve we are receiving the grant we conditionalize it because the agreements that we have in place with the camp and Conference Center says they are going to pay us we are going to pay the loan so these are identical to the Wastewater this is in order to get the water line that's put out to the camping Conference Center so these two agreements the resolution and the agreement next to it um are what is needed to finish the loan application so that then we could go out to bid on the uh on the water line to the camping Commerce Center okay I'll make a motion to approve resolution 24 2024-25 all right next is 5d3 water bulk service agreement with the district Advisory Board of Southern Florida District Church of the Nazarene Incorporated and this is the bulk service agreement goes along with that you'll notice we um there are some minor changes that the attorney might make have to make we did not get the uh any comment or modifications back from the camp and Conference Center so I do have that allow attorney to make minor modifications so we can complete that so I'll make the motion to approve the water bulk service agreement with the district Advisory Board of Southern Florida District Church of the Nazarene Incorporated and allow the attorney to make minor modifications as needed for completion and authorize the mayor to sign okay second all right we have a motion a second any further discussion from the podium hearing none we'll take it the audience okay bring it back pull the council please council member Hayes yes council member Worley yes council member Charles yes council member art yes okay now we'll go to Mr attorney you got anything no sir okay all right Kevin okay um update on the drag booat races which are still scheduled for September 7th and 8th um I have before you just to so you can see is a kind of conceptual we actually have a conference call tomorrow with all of the parties um associated with us the town is providing the park I did a layout to make sure we had some basis and this has been emailed to um the drag but Racing Association the TDC and um the other parties that are going to be on the call which include the chamber so uh we do not know yet a number on vendors or a number on food trucks they were shooting for four or five food trucks so we have a place laid out for them over here on the left we have a place for vendors depending on we've only had one request so far that I know of but it's still a little early on there to put vendors over in this area um then we started laying out where and how many boat boat trailer combinations we could put and and I wanted to make sure that we had enough space for the 50 50 boats anticipated and so we have these areas these areas I mean you can see the prox numbers they're generous in spacing so they you can easily fit when I say four boats they can easily put four boats in there or two boats um and this in here so we have e easily space to fit there 45 to 50 boats um I didn't Place anybody in here so we do plan to block the road similar to what we do on the 4th of July so we will have barricades available for Allen that would block the road here visitors parking would come in make the turn here and go back and that leaves a large area in here for cars to park it's still a uh still a very large field area before you get up into the soccer field they are making their arrangements for the dragboat racing is making arrangements for the sheriff's boat they may have sheriff and Fish and Wildlife um they've had discussions so the ambulance I believe is in place or pretty close to being in place the uh other item they've got to make arrangements for rescue diver and so but those those items are in they they Mark out the lines they were actually going to try and come last weekend and do three or four boats to run it just to see what it looked like but um choc storm Debbie kind of shut that down so uh but um but they're getting kind of flushed out on what they're they have left to do as far as their plans and where they're going but we'll have more information and I'll give you an update just by email based on where the conversation leads us tomorrow after on the next uh conference call I would recommend the council authorize the town he doesn't know this is coming the Town Administrator to allocate space to State County other public entities as well as private entities at the park for the race somebody's got it needs to be able to say Council authorized me to put you here Buck needs to stop somewhere now unless you want to do that Foss I don't have a problem with it I'm not clear on what you're saying authoriz space for County say say that again whoever is going to be parked and set up like food truck yes somebody needs to designate you go here you go here totally agree I mean that this whole thing if we don't have somebody directing traffic telling them where to go you know including local police presence whatever that's going to be and and let me change that to the Town Administrator comma or his design he may tell the chief of police you go do it yeah that's that's fine but I agree I don't mean to overburden yeah yeah I mean we can't delegate this to TDC or somebody that this is our property we need to know what is the plan and when there is a congestion because this the first I've heard now that that which is fine Road's going to be closed going in well we we also probably need to get some communication out on our websites and next door they've done a good job of communicating on their Facebook and you know they've got last I saw 125 people said they were coming and 2000 liked it this is on the organization's website the the southern drag and visit SE bring.com is communicating and it's talking about what time it opens up on Saturday and Sunday you know and where to go so it's directing people to come here so that's where it gets me a little nervous of if we're talking 50 boats if we're talking you know a thousand people or whatever it's going to get crowded and then you have the normal people right not the normal but just regular people people use that way to go home and things like that so it'll be cut off after the circle yeah is that what you're thinking somebody coming down Heartland if they want to go to the park the circle doesn't affect anything it gets blocked down here because anybody that's coming to the event we'll have to come around the sidewalk and then that's where right in here this right in here and they come back into visitor parking similar to what they do at the 4th of July so visitor parking will be back here it won't have any impact on the circle okay unless for some reason it backs up here and it shouldn't this is a large parking area will they have parking attendance that will be directing people on where to park uh that's a good question and I'll have that for them tomorrow to find out what they how they anticipate this and what they do at their other events okay so being the first one it's and the further south they're guessing they're I mean it's a uh really they're not sure if it's going to be a great very well attended event or they're just not sure because they've never run run one this far south so it's a uh they're kind of in the dark on some of it so we're going to block the road here and then we would block this one here so because these people we want them to come here if we block this back here it gives some extra boat parking space in here yeah the the challenge to just be careful of is the person who it's the weekend I'm coming to put my boat in and they got past the turnaround so you're going to have kind of some of that that like no no no it's closed um the sebring's also advertising Bishop Park too you know directing people to go um watch over at Bishop Park so you've got some some good activity and then is somebody making sure that all of the proper insurance policies and coverages in P place to protect the town yes they've already provided us with an insurance policy but I'll double check it I got to ask that question a lot and also um I was asked who's going to clean up and that I think is part of the contract is what I was told is that they're supposed to clean up after themselves like basically the event people are supposed to take clean up that's correct okay chief are you anticipating a special detail in this regard um I spoke with them and was told they did not need any assistance from our agency do you concur with that I just was I do not do you buy that I do not I believe we need at least four officers down there each day my my concern is if there's going to really be that much people there's going to be congestion down there there's going to be possibly frustration and I I think that you need to put your folks on alert uh they already are yeah I think to protect the town the Integrity of the Town absolutely yeah so so the they are providing their own enforcement they didn't think in addition that was not clarified um they were I was given the message to contact them about what they need I did I helped them get in touch with the people for the county for the boats and all that and I I asked them if the how many officers they estimated we would need and they said none we don't need your agency so I I think we we need to remember that the chief has a responsibility to our town and and make sure that Chief understands he has our authority to do what you need to do to protect our town absolutely I agree and find out how many officers are planning well as I said I can get for a day down there if needed are you included in the planning calls or no am I included in the planning you said you're having planning calls no no he has not been incl did you need a motion Kevin or anything or were we just information I was information our attorney recommended that you do a motion so that would be on the attorney's I again I defer to him to the legal side of that a motion a motion to what effect you need authorize the to authorize the Town Administrator or his delegate to be able to determine who parks where and control our Park during this event I think we all agree that the Town Administrator needs to be empowered to direct his staff I would think that I mean that we're saying it publicly but that's kind of what we do anyway but um do I don't think we don't need a motion do we we just need we we need a motion to allow the county the the Town Administrator to tell people that are not on staff our guests in our in our town where they're going to place their particular vehicles and so to that end I would make that motion second that motion okay we have a motion in a second any further discussion from the podium I I want to make sure that it says Town Administrator or his designate right that's the way it was worded Town Administrator designate to control the park and parking for the event for the event that correct yes and I would assume he's probably going to do a plan for that in advance so it's not a last minute kind of what he's got but yeah we you can f- tune it and it will be fluid yeah okay all right take it to the audience all right seeing none bringing back pull the council council member Hayes yes council member Worley yes council member Charles yes council member abart yes Kevin could you just email this chart this is a good chart yes yeah I want to say that too because we can just forward this to people that ask us to well and I will do that after our meeting because I just based on comments and conversations tomorrow this may change a little bit and then I will send it to you along with an update from the from the meeting so so this has been on um the Sebring website and it's been on the organizer website and it will be on next door I'm trying to know to make sure that people let's say they uh plan their weekend to use the park and then they get there and whoopsie I'm trying to give advance notice wherever possible and I'm I've asked for the flyer that they're using on the TDC website or the visit Sebring website so I'm waiting that to come to me so I can have Eva place that on next door and our website so I don't have that in my possession okay they have it in their possession but the TDC Lane at the TDC or air Adventures is the one that's promoting it so I will have that I expect tomorrow should there be a um some something like posted the weekers two weeks in advance at the boat ramp or I'm trying to think of ways to get give advanced notice that's a good idea is there a bulletin board down there yeah I I think that would be a great idea so that you know just we can we can put it large Pavilion um and for the people that may or may not be noticed uh it's been my experience a couple times that I've actually had boats sitting here that I've stopped and talked to on the 4th of July waiting they're like let's blocked off I said it's going to be blocked off all day so you need to go across the lake to Bishop Park so anyway but yes and so we can put a sign up that says boat ramp will be closed on that weekend okay okay do you have something concerning this I'm rosem M Heath um 588 andet Point Drive um originally in the paper they said that the roads were going to be paved paches were going to be put up and the area that has all the vegetation next to the beach was going to be cleared so people could watch the boats that's what was in the paper it's never been discussed by me or the council about clearing any land no they were going to do it all they were going to put Lees they were going to clean up put they were going to pay this was all in the paper I don't have the article with me but it was all in the paper I don't know where the paper got that information so the bleachers the the bleachers are going to get moved by us by here so there will be bleachers down there we just move them from our ball fields they're not being used that day so we're going to move the bleachers I don't know about road paving I don't know about clearing any other I don't know where that came from so whatever got printed it got printed and I'm not responsible for that so the bleachers are going to be where the people would go on the beach so they could watch sit and watch yes okay are there going to be bleachers at Pope um Bishop Pope Park no it's everything's going to be contained in Lake June Park now my other question is is a playground going to be available for children and if it is are you going to have the mulch down is it going to be safe I mean you have a playground there the playground has been mulched pardon me the playground has been mulched oh okay was there day before yesterday it wasn't the other one was mulched you have both of them mulched now both of them are mulch so you were there before Friday so I was just concerned for children getting hurt okay okay I'm I'm happy thank you very much oh and I wanted to say I was really thrilled to see how clean the town was how mulch was placed all over the town he did an excellent job and I just wanted to let you know and thank you I appreciated that and thank those guys you did it all they're all back there the guys in charge wow okay all right we have any comments from our department heads no okay I'll bring it back to the podium um just two things one is I have been um invited and accepted to attend the Highlands County Sheriff Citizens Academy it's a seven week um of classes behind the scenes everything the sheriff's department does so I was and uh commissioner Roberts is actually in my class so uh that's nice the second thing I was just wondering if there was any update on the um Town Administrator position yeah good we have interviewed several we are in the process now of grading them and hopefully by well we're going to do it by next meeting I will bring back a recommendation is that a council decision yeah so I would yeah it's it's my decision but I bring it for you guys to yes so so I would just like to clarify that uh because the mun code says that the mayor will appoint the following positions Town attorney town clerk um chief of police attorney with the consent of Town Council that's so I will we will I will make my decision and I will bring it to you the mayor will appoint with the consent of which I read is we're approving and I would like to interview you know I I'd like to talk about the process if the process I'm I'm fine with narland it down to a couple people but then if that's somebody that each of us is going to work with I would like to recommend that each of us separately meet with the person and do an interview so that we can you know approve so I mean I guess this is the first time we've had some a position open from the outside it's all been internal promotions um which is good but you know I would like to interview you know the final candidates that we think are worthy of this position I guess we could arrange that we'd have to see if are we going to bring them were you going to bring them in or just zoom at four different times are you zooming them or bringing them in into IID are you narrowing it down to a couple yeah I mean we could really just bring them in and we can each have 30 minutes or an hour to boom boom boom meet with them not together you could also do at an open council meeting we all four of you talk to say the top five or three a lot easier that might be intimidating to the person we're going to do a Town Council suck it up man but I mean I I personally would want to talk to the person and ask some of the tough interview questions too it sounded to me like you you were going to make the decision and then just bring it to us and say this is what I've decided this is but if we didn't out of the 30 applicants okay or 30 however many there were th this is the one that I felt would be would fit our our family group but if we didn't approve you would reevaluate have to okay well how can we approve somebody we don't even haven't even talked to yeah well that's what I'm saying we can do that if they're willing to come over and meet with you individually or or at a council meeting council meeting yeah I just said I think at a council meeting would be a lot easier because you know that way they would they would come and meet with all of us at one time you well one thing if we did it with the council member meeting is that they would be asked a question everybody would hear instead of being asked a question over and over and over I don't know I I'm fine either way I think it might be and and if you fast forward we do it at a council meeting and if it's multiple do we bring one in and then we say thank you and they leave and we bring the second I guess I I'm I'm feeling that it'll probably get narrowed down to two or three something so then those the final candidates that we would interview so just thinking logistically of talking to those two or three at a council meeting which is fine you know we'd bring one in and then we excuse them bring the second one in excuse bring the third in and then have a discussion to make the decision then is that what we're thinking well that's I mean that's up to you yeah I'm just talking out loud as a process sounds logical to me okay Mr inter on administrator what would you recommend we do rather than I mean if if you go that route then we're going to have to do some type of scoring system which we can present you some type of scoring system um so that you can score them and then evaluate them I don't that's going to be a in my experience they've done individual interviews and you score them individually so that you don't kind of get into the public forum of interviews it's very difficult interview when you're you're doing it in my experience it's a difficult point to do it when you're doing it in that interview it's better to do one-on-one I think you get a better feel a better discussion it's entirely up to you so uh but you're recommending we do it individually rather than bring it to the public forum well either way I got to give you a scoring because or you can bring it back in and discuss it at the meeting and make a decision I think the process works better if you're doing individual interviews as opposed to sitting here and going back and forth and then trying to make a decision on those so it's entirely up to you but if you want it like you said we can schedule either way we can schedule them so they're going to be here do four interviews in the morning four interviews in the afternoon if it's two people um or three right now I think we were leaning towards two out of the interviews we've done I think two kind of have risen above um but if you can't come to an agreement on those two then I've seen it where it goes back to a second round so it's entirely up to you I mean ideally I think the individual is is better it's it better for the person too that they're not sitting in front of six people you know that is probably even videoed in that um and you know I've got I've got a lot of experience and what we would do is we'd bring the people in right you bring in two people and we're in different conference rooms and you know one is with one one's with another and then they have a schedule you're going to meet with Nell at this time now you're going to go to this conference room this conference room this conference room and so then the second one the same thing and and then we later as a group get together and have that discussion or scoring is also another way we did it we did both scoring and then we got together to have that final decision now that we couldn't probably couldn't do outside of the meeting you know but at least the scoring in that but I mean ideally to me it would be individual interviews that's fine with me I wanted to come back and support the individual interview because of something I believe you brought up and that is each of the interviewees would have the right to sit in the audience and that works to the benefit of the one that goes last and to the detriment of the one that goes first absolutely no I'm totally that's fine if I was interviewing for a job I wouldn't want to be in a public forum and it's more personal like I don't know I agree I'm good with it whatever well they may want to meet us and say no I don't want the job after that we may run them all off yeah how many did we have that applied we had about 35 I didn't count I can't tell you the totals um so Eva separated them out took their the ones that had governmental experience which narrow it down to probably 10 or 12 maybe that had some level we had people that applied obviously didn't read the job description um and then some that just were completely unqualified so even then I had discussions and the mayor had discussions we are narrow that down we did a zoom interview with um a lady from Maine and then we did two in-person interviews with Florida candidates so um again we can have a discussion I would if it's okay with the council and the mayor and the then I would probably say based on our discussions um this morning that we would bring you back to to set up interviews with are those locals yes so what happened to the person from Maine just a discussion about what's the best fit for the Town um qualified absolutely and uh just the three of us having discussion after based on the interview we had a set of 12 questions that we asked each of the candidates so we were kind of so we based it all on the same type of questions we also gave them all the latitude to answer anything else provide us other information it wasn't completely as rigid as some of those um type of interviews can be so uh anyway um I'm just looking at dates if I know we have the week before the meeting is Labor day Monday so there's no that week may be difficult I don't know if about the last weekend and the last week of August before you get into that Labor Day weekend Tuesday or Wednesday 27 28th I'm just looking for a date that may work or if y'all can all make yourselves available if on one of those dates because we're going to have to set it firm I can be available those I'm good what were those dates I'll just 20 27th 28th is Tuesday Wednesday September no August so that we can have a so you can make a you'll do the interviews and then on the 9th we'll have the meeting 27 and 28 you said is that Tuesday Wednesday that's a Tuesday Wednesday well there's a budget workshop on one of those days the Wednesday well hopefully that'll be done hopefully we don't need it but it is on that Wednesday yeah at night right yes at night yeah that actually that that 28th is going to be a tough day for me that's the only tough day I'd have to do it in the morning so well we can schedule them all in the morning if we can we'll figure out enough rooms that you can interview and we'll split them so you'll go from one to the other and so that shouldn't be a problem good need one two three four that was all basically we need 4 hours in the morning so start at 8 finish by noon okay okay we'll get with the two applicants and he'll get back he'll get back with send us the resum anything else nothing I don't think I have anything else that was my other question so she took it Deborah no um the next door thing is is good that you give the links for the packets and all that I'm wondering if you could just uh put up the agenda that would give them incentive to see if they want to go into the packet that's kind of hard to do they're still going to have to click on something to get to that document no can't you like do a screenshot of the agenda or a it it's not an easy thing to do um so if we start doing those kind of things and start putting stuff here and there it's going to end up being honest is going to be end up like the last website where we're just putting stuff on and so I've been trying to keep it uniformed um I just don't know how to do that so it's going to either have to be a completely different page for them to go to they're going to need to know to go to another page to look at the the the copy of the agenda no I think what I'm saying you put the link up on next door for the package on the next door app or I'm talking oh no I'm talking about next door okay you already put the link up yes and then add a photo or something that just outlines the agenda not not the entire packet just the next door app that's more flexible it's the website not as no no no I'm talking about the next door app next door app I probably could do a copy paste I'm okay with that yeah because I think that might give getting concerned with the website because to move some of those things on that website is not no no what I'm thinking is that I misunderstood that yeah because what I'm thinking is that okay I see the link and it's like oh whatever but if I saw the agenda and it would Pig my interest that there's a certain discussion about the Tower or whatever then I would take the time to click on the website and get the whole it's going to be a long post though you're going to end up having look for that like the onepage agenda sometimes it goes into two [Laughter] so I'm just to saying this agenda was two pages okay well so it's going to be just to let you know what it's going to look like they'll need to if they like it they'll have to find that link is going to be at the bottom or I can maybe put it to I'll play around with it all I can promise I have a question about next door we're we're all so excited about next door um next door is limited by where you live so when you put things on next door how do we know that is that just for the people that live in the town of Lake plid yes because I never see what you put on next door yes it's within the town of Lake Placid I sent them the strap uh the the map and it's within the town limits I guess I I send I did send a another file to them remember we get next door free I sent another file that I got from the county that picked up the surrounding areas because we are our regional utilities and that would be nice to be able to do both want knows that was months ago I've emailed him a couple of times and I've gotten no response so I don't know if it's too big of a wide of an area yeah they allow for government entities to have whatever their boundaries were I've asked for something special and I've never that special being expanding that area well that's that's odd because I'm on next door and I see people commenting from Buttonwood Bay Leisure pled l County they're in the county me too I'm on next door too and I and I agree I'm I I mean I guess basically I'm in silv shes area because I live in Lake blue but they go from Buttonwood Bay to plasted Lake to all all these other places but I've never seen what Eva has put out our next door maybe maybe I I just I don't see unless the the air GIS because it's next door so I I have no control over this part of it and all I understand is pled Lakes button wood all of those places you're naming are in the county so that that file that they ever whatever they did throws it out in the county town of Lake Placid is I got 400 and something people on the next door app right so whoever is within the town limits and that's what they picked up on so I will email this gentleman again but I did end up getting a a a a file from the county that the gentleman asked for gave it to him I've emailed him a couple of times about expanding that and I have no response so interesting um and it is something that's free to us as Government entities but evidently you know ACC keep track of that for public record sake of one yeah next door I'm very comfortable next nextd door app with public records because first of all the only thing on our end is just what I post now if somebody posts something to me or to to us then that comes but I I don't see all that conversation between people in general but you keep copies of every day of everything that's on that app yes yes I got to double check how to do that faceb Facebook is a lot harder to manage than this next door so I got it just comply with the law or don't do yeah Co okay anything else I'm done thank you sir are there any citizens in the audience that would like to speak we run them all off thanks are you sure all right is there any other business to come before the council meeting