##VIDEO ID:JXsMyIyQ9oI## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e doing just what we just did right yes solely by itself second it all right so we have a second by director kellerer any further discussion on this item okay hearing none I'll put to a vote all in favor say I I I 1 two three four all opposed and then abstentions abstain I abstain as well so to abstain all right so now I need a motion to adjourn this session I'll um make motion all right we have a motion by director kellerer do we have a second I'll second second by director Carly Anderson any discussion okay hearing none we'll put it to a vote all in favor say I I I all opposed motion carries this meeting is adjourned all right good evening and welcome to this regular session of the Lake valer Schools Board of Education this meeting is officially called to order please rise and join us in the Pledge of Allegiance flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all board members in attendance tonight include director kellerer director Thompson director David Anderson chair Baker director Carly Anderson and director Lind the board is joined by Acting Superintendent Dr Emily McDonald members of the executive cabinet Bill holgren Michelle Humphrey and Brenda alre so we'll pass it on to Acting Superintendent Dr Emily McDonald for good news thank you so much make sure you're on thank you so much um I want to start by just uh reminding everyone um that Tuesday September 3rd was our first day of school um it seems like we've been in session for a while all the great things that are happening out there um but we did Welcome Back our students and families uh hugs high five Smiles um it really was an amazing start to the school year we saw a lot of joy a lot of um student reunions and staff reunions and it was fabulous so as we make our way through the first month of the school year um we really are looking forward to learning um and Adventures and achievements to come over the course of the next nine months or so so I just want to give a cheers to everyone out there and say thank you for all you've done to make it a great start to the school year um I do have two additional items um I would like to invite uh Bill holgren up um to the podium um as you know uh over the summer the work doesn't stop um that is in all departments um in all areas um but tonight we would like to provide a special special recognition um to our buildings grounds Safety and Security Business Services team for everything that they do to make our buildings look amazing and feel welcoming to our students and staff so I ask Bill to come tonight introduce his staff just say a couple of words and then we would love to have you come up and shake your hands and say thank you for what you've done okay well thank you for that um we do put on a coordinated effort to have our buildings ready and the things that we need to be repaired and fixed and ready for new school year I'm going to have the my staff in the background go ahead and stand up and we'll I'll introduce each one of them and then we'll have them come up uh bill markart um second from the left he is our facilities manager he leads This Crew here um off to the left is uh bike Gallagher he is our our project coordinator um really oversees our project he runs around the schools and keeps the vendors moving then I have Melissa Gallagher in the middle she um is our supervisor for all our custodial staff she's very very very busy we have a a staff of custodians over 90 now um so very large crew Damien Nelson he is our Safety and Security um grp Guru I'm going to say that but um if if it has anything to do with safety of our buildings um he that's his responsibility um so thank you for that and then Heidi Zer she is actually new I mean I shouldn't say she's new okay I'm I I misspoke she is new to this uh uh crew she is now our new operations manager but she's been working with us for a few years uh with Daman as uh in our safety department and she's done a great job so with that said everybody come on up um [Applause] [Music] um wonderful app you're welcome thank you so much you cannot underestimate the things that they have been doing um all summer to make sure that we were ready um my second piece of good news tonight is I have asked a principal of Lakeville North High School Kim buy um to come and bring some students um today to share with us um about their start to school as you know um we piloted a what we refer to as a slow start or um which allowed our n9th grade students to come in and spend a a day in the building with our staff and with our students and so we thought it would be great to hear from them um talk about their experience so principal booty chair Baker members of the school board and Acting Superintendent McDonald I am Kim booty and on behalf of myself and my colleague sha Murphy I'm here to say thank you today a few months ago we met with you to ask for your permission to have a ninth grade only first day of school to allow our students to really have a solid first day to connect with their high school and to feel ready for the school year while I'm here to say thank you I thought it might be valuable in uh you to hear the experience from our students that were there as Leaders on that day so I will have them introduce themselves tell you their grade and they each have a few thoughts to share hi my name is swe uh Trung I am currently a senior at Le North High School I um think link crew is a really good um thing for the school and especially for our freshman and not only for the Freshman but the new students out from like coming out from District because on the first day it's only them with the link crew leaders and they're not just being thrown into a classroom but more of they're getting to like fun activities they're getting to do all these little things getting a tour of the schools getting to know the schools better from people who have been here for like a couple years now so I think it's just a really a great thing just to kind of help with them and get them used to uh the high school before we actually start class the next day thank you hi I'm Eva Kuran I'm an 11th grader and as to add on to his new student part I was a new student I came all the way from Texas so once I came here I knew not a single person so as a freshman coming in and not having something like this it was extremely hard to come into it and just get pushed into it and not really know anybody but once we had that link crew day everyone met each other there was a group of kids that got to meet each other not only just meet everybody they got to have their their own little group so if I had something like that then I I could have somebody to sit with during lunch or have somebody to go walk around with so it was just something that really put them together and not only did it have them come together it had them feel like they had support at the school so I just felt like it was something that came really well and was very well put together so it was amazing hi I'm Kayla green I'm a senior at North I've been in the school district for I think this is my sixth year um I'm going here to talk about what happened after the first day of school because then we had all of our students back in classes um I'm enrolled I'm also in a bunch of other things at the school and then I started to see the Freshman come out of their shell like unlike I have for the past 3 years I know my class didn't come out of our shell as much as they did like at um outside of school things like football games things like that like they're not scared to come up to me and say hi or like yell across the cafeteria and say hi um which is also beneficial because not only do they have friends within their grade but they also have somebody look up up to and like when it comes to like in the spring when we have to register for classes if they have any questions I don't feel like asking a teacher then they can also ask that older student for guidance and things like that CU sometimes teenagers like to listen to other teenagers instead of adults um so so far like I've seen like the Freshman not only interacting with each other but interacting with the other grades which is a much better for school opposed to like grades like arguing against each other thank you [Applause] so we really appreciate you coming and sharing that with us um would you mind coming by and shaking board members hands like we would like to thank you for your service thank are you Communications if I just say something quick yeah um we really appreciated that so um do board members have any comments on um what was just shared director Carly Anderson I just want to thank you all my I have a a ninth grader this year and I brought her to school and she did not want me to be by her at all when I brought her to school and so luckily principal booty um accepted me when I came to the door and so I was able to see all these freshmen or ninth graders coming in um and all of you welcoming them and then I saw you all go to the gym and it was just this like energy that I don't I don't have any experience with the energy but it was such positive energy and just knowing kind of the worry that my child had going into high school just it was such a smooth transition so thank you and can I'd like to also from what I understand too in talking to principal booty is it was a positive situation for the other grades as well because of what they were doing on that that first day so they didn't feel like they lost their first day and how they managed their first day of school virtually worked very well for them as well so it seemed to be a win-win win for everybody any other comments okay we'll keep moving on uh for board thank you very much for board Communications tonight uh we did not have any particip participants this month in public comment or in a stakeholder session um but the board did participate in the chamber of Commerce Bowling For Education um we had director Thompson there director David Anderson and myself um and then we had invited some students to bowl with us uh director Thompson since you invited the other members do you want to talk about who you who you invited to bowling yeah we uh so the bowling of Education team uh no the bowling for Education event uh the Board of Education sent a team and uh we were fortunate to grab a few uh high school students to be a part of our group uh uh uh we leveraged The Varsity bowling team and so we uh they I said hey we need a few folks Mr Coach perer and he's like all right I got some he's like what do you want them to wear or what's the dress code I'm like tell them to bring their uniforms so so uh we it was a good event it was a fantastic and I appreciate the two gentlemen that joined us y yeah we also had my son joined us from um he was on the Special Olympics bowling team so he really enjoyed talking to um the students and we had a good time talking with the students too and then we had um was it the um someone from Lake View Lake View oh Michelle Michelle Michelle yes yeah that was really good uh so I had to just quickly look up I apologize will Gerber uh Cameron Z Zat and appreciate the two gentlemen joining our our Bowling For Education team unfortunately we didn't win first place but we were close we were were close I don't think we were close but we had fun yeah yes director kellerer did you have something to add yeah and um I was I attended for a short period at another event I had to go to after so I didn't Bowl but we also had some of our elementary principles were bowling on a team and then we had Lakeville North and L Lakeville South principes and Deans so it was really fun to see but um it it just it's really heartwarming to see our business Community come together and and raise money and I mean they do a lot for our teachers and this is just one piece of what they do but it was it was really fun to see everybody there and then just enjoying themselves and there were a couple of businesses that were there a week earlier practicing so they do take it seriously they definitely do all right so um the board also had a board retreat last week where we worked on um updating our board goals that we had uh the goals that we had from last year were kind of our Baseline and we were building some data towards that uh so we have a few edits that uh we're going to make and then that will come to a working session our next working session that we'll talk about um as a board and then I did have one other part of communications that I wanted to bring up for the board um our last working session we discussed a meeting on October 1st to go over the RFP for a superintendent search agency um I'd also like to add to the agenda that night um the appointment process um for the board vacancy that we have um I'm hoping that moving that up we can just get that process moving along a lot quicker and smoother so um that'll be added to the agenda just so that the Public's aware about that um don't have any other Communications unless other board members have some Communications or have attended any meetings yet this year nope okay all right we'll move on um so um do I have a motion to approve chair Baker I'm sorry you know when I mentioned you early about those four items it's not actually to pull them off the con consent agenda I just have a question about the four of them before we approve the agenda in case they belong somewhere else okay so I guess uh a couple of things typically and um you know the consent agenda is for items that are routine in nature and so um these last four items item i j k and l aren't typically routine in nature and I know we've can you read those out loud just for people that are listening uh City of Lakeville temporary easement the appointment of the interim superintendent uh the acceptance of director shind ley's resignation and the acceptance of revised uh interim superintendent contract so I know we've been running a lot of items under our consent agenda and you know it's kind of to the point that I don't think they're always routine in nature so I just want to make sure um as we talk about transparency to our community and to our staff when we bring these along um I'm thinking that there might be some better placements for these and like the city of Lakeville temporary easement is not routine in nature it is um a vote that we need to take um to you know show um a partnership with our city and so I'm wondering why that wouldn't be placed under recommended actions and then um so we could share a little bit with Community about what that item is about um the appointment of the interim superintendent and the um and then approving the AR excuse me revised interim superintendent contract I don't think those should be on the consent agenda and shouldn't be together because in order to appoint the interim superintendent I believe we first have to um accept the agreement make sure we all agree with the contract and um so I I do believe that those should be maybe voted on separately and independently under recommended actions and then the acceptance of director schindley resignation um technically that there's nothing for us to vote on boards don't have the authority to vote on resignations because resignations are what they are and if we vote Yes or no they're still resigned and so I think what is required by law with the resignation is the fact that we just have to declare that on August 13th you know that um evening we received a letter of her resignation and that there's an open seat for the appointment so I think technically so I'm just wondering if I mean I'd be more comfortable voting on the superintendent interim appointing the superintendent and the contract separately under recommended actions as well as the temporary easement and then just um finishing up board Communications or a quick report on the Declaration of director shiny's resignation sure I don't have issues moving those items um do you have any board discussion on that everybody okay moving those items do we have a motion that it that we can move items i j and l to reports with recommended actions we'll do we'll do that one first well do you do you want to just approve the the agenda that way just do the approval of the agenda with that or do you want to I that that's why I was bringing up before we actually approved the agenda so we could place them and then make a motion for the agenda in that format okay so you want I J and under recommended action please and then you want director Shin ley's resignation under Communications or a quick report if you're done with Communications we could just put it under a quick report okay I can move that to reports thank you and I'm sorry I did I meant to get this to you earlier and we kind of ran a little tight I'm sorry that's okay um so knowing that we've made those edits do we have a motion to approve the agenda um with the edits D um requested by director kellerer moving items JJ and K IJ and L to reports with recommended actions and then um just a report for uh director cley's resignation so I'll make a motion for those changes okay so we have a motion by director kellerer do we have a second a second second by director Carly Anderson any discussion on this okay hearing none we'll put it to a vote all in favor say I I I all opposed okay so motion carries um do thank you're welcome do I have a motion to approve the consent agenda um obviously would be a through h on that because I'll make moved all right so we have a motion by director David Anderson do we have a second I'll second second by director kellerer any discussion on the consent agenda or questions okay hearing none we'll put it to a vote All In favor say I I I all opposed motion carries all right so we'll move down to report so I guess that will be um uh the acceptance of director cley's resignation uh usually at this point um we would be hopefully you know doing a process with uh the resignation and then also announcing like our process to fill that seat we are still working on that as a board so the report tonight will be that um director Shenley um resigned we received a letter on August 13th that she would be resigning and now we have an open seat on the board that uh we need to fill so the board is currently working on that process and as I stated earlier on October 1st um that'll be added to that working session agenda to move that process along so that we can report out to the community our process for filling that seat all right so we'll move on to reports with recommended actions um so I guess uh we'll go with item a there first which is approval of the pre preliminary pay 25 Levy hi Bill that's chair Baker members of the school board and uh uh superintendent Emily McDonald um tonight we get we're going to talk about um our the school levy that will be in place for um calendar year 25 it'll be for our school um year 25 26 so this is a year for now before we start using any of these uh funds see if I can do this right sorry we'll hold it the right way okay um September 8th of each year is the year is the date that we receive um the maximum levies that we can um bring forward to our public from this from mde um so it's the first time we were able to see anything was September 8th and of course um I work with MDA mde for the last uh several weeks trying to make sure that our numbers are correct um we talked about that at our work session where the numbers I brought forward that that day were our best estimates at that point in time um we'll work through these numbers again today and you'll see they actually are less than we talked about so Levy wise that's good news um so tonight well on the we'll ask the board to approve the preliminary Levy and we'll ask you to approve it at the maximum as you know we have a operating levy on the ballot in November and if we lock in a number now we'll never be able to add that on so if we we make a motion with the maximum we're allowed to add that if it passes in November and then in December at our meeting on the 17th um we will do a truth and Taxation hearing where we'll go through this information again a little more detail and then uh a vote to certify it at at that time I just want to make it just a point that December 17th um this will go on everybody's tax statements of when that meeting is um so if if we're not going to have the meeting on that date I need to know like by tomorrow because all this information goes to the county uh tomorrow okay okay we're going to talk about the variables in the tax levy um our market value NE tax capacity um look at the sales ratio that comes from um the Department of Revenue in Minnesota and the adjusted net tax capacity here you can see how it's changed over the last few years our market value and of course they use the market value um when on our operating levies that's how they disperse that across this number and you can see that right after the pandemic when we saw that huge um inflation you see that our our market value actually went up 24% that that particular year um so quite a bit as you saw many many homes and so forth went way up in value um that year now in 23 it slowed but we're still seeing some pretty good inflation the reason you're not seeing anything for 24 is because those numbers are not final till after the calendar year is over so we won't have any of those numbers until we get to January so our NE tax capacity almost went up the same um if you remember about net tax capacity is is the state looks at everybody's value and any Val any home or business that's worth $500,000 or less there's a 1% um rate that goes onto that anything over that is a one and a quarter and that's where those numbers are generated sales ratio what that looks at is what is your house um appraised at and what could you sell it for so they watch the sales prices of homes and uh right now in in Lakeville you'll see that when you sell a home the appraised value is only about 93% of that actual sales price so that the value that we're selling Homes at is about 7% higher uh than what it's oppressed oppressed what it's um appraised at at the County's level so what what they use that for is they take the ne task capacity and look at what that sales ratio and like hey wait a minute everybody's house is maybe really worth a little bit more um so we use an adjusted net tax capacity so if you Dev divide a number by less than one you're going to get a bigger number so they take the net tax capacity divided by the sales ratio and we get our adjusted net tax capacity you can see there that we're now at $152 million and that's the number we use when we spread the tax across across the district now to talk about the numbers this first slide is entirely operating Levy um all the different pieces of it our equity revenue is a Formula that the that the state of Minnesota has put in place because they recognize they haven't given schools as much um revenue or funding as as they should so they allow school districts to Levy money that they don't have an operating Levy for and there's a formula that that goes and ours ours generates about a little over a million dollars and what we'll see this fall if we pass the operating Levy that number for us will actually go down about $180,000 so will be down to a little under a million because we'll have a higher operating Levy so we can Levy Less in this area uh transition Revenue this is actually been sitting around for quite a few years but they made some changes about 10 10 years ago and they wanted to keep every hold everybody harmless um so we're still getting about $4,000 um because of that change and that'll just continue to shrink over the years and it'll soon be gone local operate operational Revenue now the this is $724 if a School District without an operating Levy would like to Levy that amount they can do that and in our case what they what the state does is takes operating levies that we already have and they put it into here and allow us to continue that $724 so for operating levies that we had in the past they have rolled over into this up to the 725 I'm sorry $724 per pup unit then the remaining piece the operating referendum that's what we actually have in our operating um referendums this is um we talked about next year we have one that's um going to need to be renewed in order for us to keep the same Revenue as we're getting now um again we're generating about $24 million from our operating levies that we have in place right now just to clarify on on that question there that one can be put to the voters to renew correct or the board votes on it you can do it either way that be the board's decision okay whether they want to do that or not okay so um the area of the levy that goes against the referendum market value you see here is at $33 million for calend year 25 and it's actually a decrease for two reasons number one we don't have um any in um any Levy adjustments from years before that are positive and the other thing is if we talked about it briefly but our enrollment counts have really slowed so we didn't get the full 200 students we thought we were going to get last year we got less so because of that this is based on how many students that we have then um we actually are giving money back that we over levied because our enrollment is less so that's that negative 800 and 7,000 moving on to now the net tax capacity now all these dollars we're going to talk about briefly here are all restricted dollars we can only use the dollars for the programs so our achievement integration Grant is um at 564 th000 they look at our our um number of minority students where this um number is generated from and remember that the levy is only a third of the total dollars we get in that Grant we get two-thirds of this about a million dollars um from the state of Minnesota as Aid uh safe schools this is money that we're allowed to Levy for for our school resource officers and security um in our buildings you can see here small decrease that's again because of our our enrollment going down uh safe schools district 917 as you know we are a member of District intermediate district 9917 and they don't have any Levy Authority so all the member districts uh that are in this particular um intermediate district levy the dollars and then send them to District 9917 again small decrease because of the um enrollment decrease vocational we get some reimbursement for our rec our vocational programming um it's about 20% of a salary that we have for a VOC a licensed vocational teacher that we are able to Levy for to help fund that those programs uh so again a small increase but yeah uh re-employment that's of course if anybody's been laid off and is asking the state for unemployment dollars this is this is the that we've paid out that now will Levy to cover those amounts and um remember that unemployment now there's two pieces this is just regular unemployment if you remember the summer unemployment that those dollars were getting reimbursed by the state of Minnesota at least temporarily until those dollars run out and that was a lot larger number it was around $800,000 just so you have an idea what kind of dollars we're adding our Q comp program this again is a shared Aid Levy piece so for our qon program we Levy a million and we get about $2 million in aids for a total of $3 million our opab or other post-employment benefits these are um almost entirely health benefits that go to our retirees up to a certain age um this is Works off an Actuarial study that we do and then at the end um if we if we don't spend this money um we actually under Levy and put it back down but the actuary is showing that we need about $1.8 million for fiscal 26 a little bit increase there of$ 132,000 our least Levy dollars these are dollars that are levied to May our make our lease payments on any type of lease spaces that are educational and in nature um so our community ed building those payments for lease that comes from this area our additions that we've put on to our buildings uh the payments for those come out of this you see that we're at the .8 million in payments at this time uh lease Levy for intermediates the same way um they don't own their buildings they lease their building so we Levy along with the other member districts and then send the money to them so they can make their lease payments and then uh prior adjustments um we again because of enrollment these numbers are going down a little bit so at down 167,000 so in the total designated components you see the last year we had 9 7.9 million and we're going to 7.7 so a decrease of $230,000 in this area of the levy we look at our Capital um components operating Capital um this do does again have an aid component not quite 2third but they they cover about 60% of us for us in this area our ltfm if you remember we have two two places our ltfm run through this is the general fund portion and then we um have another portion that runs through fund six our building fund um which we borrowed borrowed some Bonds on this past year to take care of all the all of the uh um projects that we're doing remember we are spending um uh close to $13 million on our all of our ltfm projects in a year's time our capital projects Levy this is another Levy that does need to be renewed um a year from now um but this these funds are Genera to pay for all the onetoone devices that our students have it also is our stem programming for any equipment needs and there's also a safety component we we use this money a lot for um updating our cameras and so forth and keep everything running again prior year adjustments we're seeing a decrease here again it's enrollment counts that are are driving that down so look at the total general fund you see that um overall uh we're going from 56 billion to 54 so a decrease of a little over $2 million in this area of the budget Community Education um you'll see a small increase here under the basic well actually I should let me back up there is a small increase to the basic Levy but um we are actually getting an aid portion this year which we have not had in the past so it's kind of nice we're getting about $115,000 from the state of Minnesota so even though it looks like here the actual total budget for um Community is going to be up about $10,000 you service is that something we'll get consistently now from the state I I don't know the way the formula you know every year they kind of tweak it okay so it was just so I would assume that we would in the future yeah um this is the first time that we've received any Aid ever um youth service this is a per capita so as our our population goes up in our in our district these numbers go up if you remember most of the time they look at the census the latest census and they use those numbers to generate the funds but if you remember we we brought forward information to you over the summer actually I think it was in May um looking at our population of our our community and saying well we really are this big now and we had some proof of how to do that and they said okay so then we get a small increase here here of $1,000 for our youth service and $438 um in our after school programming ECFE here's another area where the formula changes every single year and we really don't quite know what's going to be in the levy what's going to be in the aid but we get a a large Aid portion here um but you see it's a little bit shifting back to the levy side of $34,000 but overall their budget um is larger than it was the year before our home visits this is just replacing exactly the dollars that we spend on on that program same with the disabled adults so at the end of the year if we spend a a little less of this then you'll see a negative Levy um the next year our school age care this is this is for our before and after school programming for any specialed students where they need a little um extra Staffing to take care of that um we're able to Levy that and uh have more staff in those programs uh so small adjustments here a couple thousand dollars um but overall you see an increase here of 40 148,000 but that's because we had a large negative adjustment the year before you see that of 119 of course that's that's going away so even though we're back to where we were it looks like an increase but it's really just going back to where we were here before uh Debt Service uh here of course these are the bonds that uh we have scheduled out to pay so we only Levy for what we we need if you remember we can Levy 105% of the actual payment so that if someone or a group of people don't pay their taxes on time we still have the funds we need to make our payments and and again like I say last year you see that reduction for debt access we had a little more than we needed in that fund so we actually under levied give that money back um we'll see that again next year as that fund tends you know it fluctuates back and forth but it gets to a point where we have too much and we we send it back of course abatement um that's for anybody who's you know gone to the county and said hey my taxes are too high I'm really worth you know my house is really only worth this and they give them the break in their taxes we they turn around and allow us to Levy the short shortfall okay so we put all the levies together each fund you see we have a small decrease in our general fund of four 4% and actually those are some larger dollars because of the Val the volume of dollars that we have in there Community Education that increase of 148 actually generating 12% of course these are much smaller numbers and then uh Debt Service we're seeing an increase of 9% but overall you say every year we try to balance this Levy as much as we can um so now we'll see really no increase well it's actually a decrease for our taxpayers um going into um calendar year 25 and just I guess with that said remember that the the uh dollars that are on the operating Levy in the fall are not in here yet and that would go on at a later time if that passes and that does push us up to about a 3% increase overall if that happens okay what else I got oh here just give you a kind of an idea of of the where the volume of the of the levies at you see general fund at 69% Debt Service at 29 community service about 2% it just gives you a picture of kind of how that's distributed so that said are are any questions director Thompson thank thanks Bill for this overview and again there's a lot of content for for folks to try to digest uh we did talk about this last week during the working session uh and just want to make sure that that uh I provide some clar but also my understanding is accurate so this total Levy here is what the community of Lakeville ends up paying so it's about 78 million we have a $283 million total operational budget so in general our community pays about 27% in taxes out of our dollars to fund our operations and so of that $78 million uh some of it is part of our control of what we can tax and not tax but majority of it is already uh pre-formulated by the state and there's not a whole lot of levers that we can pull to decrease that number is that is that an accurate understanding yeah when we talk about um a maximum Levy that's what they tell us is the maximum that you can do but in most cases if there's an aid an age an aid component to a levy line if we ever under Levy that particular line we're going to lose the aid also just to be aware of that so if we would under Levy though here then we're talking about cut in our budget to make sure that we can get through the next year y director Thompson and so as I'm looking at the the your list that you went over the the two largest factors that that allow us as a maybe a board to to potentially make adjustments that impact that total Levy of $78 million there one is the I believe this the line item referendums number four for the unassigned components right now the referendums which is our levies is about roughly $24 million out of that $78 million and then the second lever that we could potentially uh is the is it the capital projects Levy or is that a is there a different one oh yeah the pro the the capital projects Levy which we talked about for our technology device and so forth that could be under Levy okay yeah so so there isn't a lot of lovers that we that we can pull to reduce this dollar number uh where the community can make the choices of if they choose to discontinue any existing levies or not add any new levies so this coming November there is a proposal for $4 million added and that would be added to this total Levy which would be roughly then $82 million is that is what we would tax our community to run our operations correct okay um and so so I appreciate that for that Clarity uh the second question that I have is that the pay 24 is 78.2 million and pay 25 is 78 million so you're only looking at a $200,000 difference from this year and next year my concern is that this is like a year out or two years out and so I'm assuming that things are just going to be costly more in the next one to two years potentially and so are we going to have a problem because we are not increasing our tax levy in two years from now because of all the things that might be occurring between now and then this is like I say totally based upon the um enrollment that we have so when we had to pull the enrollment down that's why we're not generating enough funds and we actually have some under well under levies but some negative adjustments that pushes it down that's why we're down $2 million in the general fund so yes for um fiscal year 26 that's going to be noticeable when we put our Revenue together because we won't see any increase in the levy portion we'll still see increases in the um you know our our general fund formula as long as we still have uh new students we're we're still seeing increased enrollment about 1% but we have one year here we kind of have to fall back and say no we love you too much we have to give the money back um so that's about a $2 million gap I would assume is is what I'm hearing and so if we don't get those students back if our romance don't overe exceed our projections for next year then we've got a $2 million gap that we got to solve uh and and that's where the general fund or the unassign balance or the savings account is so crucial for us to kind of carry us over in these variances that we have with student populations that come in and out um other than us trying to promote the online link program or getting other parents to come other parents to live in our community with kids uh we've got to figure out either our projections need to be at more conservative level uh or uh we've got to attract more parents and more students to to help offset because again uh there isn't an increase in levies but there's going to be an increase in cost in in expenditures because you've got less kids you still got to do the same bus route if you've got less kids you still got to pay the AC bill and the electric bill and so in the next one to two years this will be something we need to be thought thoughtful of uh for for that so my two sents no question director Carly Anderson um Bill do we have a sense of what um those I know this happened a couple years ago during Co when we lost a bunch of students just related to things going on at that time and then we hopefully a lot sorry a lot of those students came back in but do we have a sense of these 200 students that we anticipated who are not here is it like building that didn't happen yet or is it related to students leaving the district do we have any sense of that it's it's much more related to the growth of buildings in our district the actual new housing that's come on is much slower Pace mainly because our interest rates went up to 8 and a half% on our new home and that's a big payment when you're buying a brand new home a change um so that's where we're seeing a lot slower growth in our in our homes being built so a lot less students coming at this time we're still seeing increases but not as we're not seeing that two two and a half percent as we saw a couple years ago so when we have to give that money back cuz I know we've talked about this with the co stuff so I know it was like a big thing back then what is the time like I know you have to know the numbers approaching in in terms of the October one date but when when does this become clear that now we have to give back $800,000 like how does that impact our overall budget at this point okay well first of all it's already clear we have to give this money back right but it is fiscal 26 it's not going to affect our 25 year okay okay now in the 25 year though when I bring forward the revised budget we will see a small decrease in the enrollment and there where we'll see a decrease is actually going to be in the in the state aid pieces because that's immediate that'll be in the current year we only get paid for the students who actually come through our doors and finish the year with us okay so we will see a decrease in our Revenue a little bit okay any other questions director Thompson and so if we don't approve this we don't tax $78 million you're right if if you don't approve this um yeah then there's $78 million that we won't have to for programming or to make our bond payments okay hearing that there's no more questions do we have a motion to approve uh the pre preliminary pay Levy for 25 so moved okay so I'm going to give that one to direct Lind um and the second to director Carly Anderson have any further discussion on this item okay hearing none we'll put it to a vote all in favor say I I all opposed motion carries 60 okay thank you thank you all right so we'll move on to the next item which will be um the city of Lakeville temporary easement is that you again Bill yes oh no it's okay thank you for the for responding to that um okay we talked about the um temporary easement at our work session a couple weeks ago um the documents are in your packet I didn't know we were going to be presenting tonight so I don't have anything to put up on on the screen but the the city of Lakeville is doing a a um rooll project on on 185th right on the north side of uh centry Middle School where they're going to be whing some Lanes um actually they're going to put four lanes from 186 all the way over to County Road 50 so it's be really nice Improvement but in the meantime they need to take some of the space along the side of that road to work um so it's going to run from March of this of 25 through June of 26 is when this EAS is going to be in place so we won't have use of that sidewalk along that road um if you see in a second a secondary document too that they are actually going to pay us something for the use of this um in the amount of $4,800 we are going to lose uh some trees right along that Corridor um but hopefully we have space to put some new ones back in when we're done but um we we will get a payment of $4,800 during that time um so that said any other questions so with the loss of the portion of the sidewalk there um you don't anticipate this impacting any student walking routes to the building no that if if you remember where that that um building says all all the all the housing is to the west and not to the North or or to the east any further questions no okay so I will make a motion for to approve the city of Lakeville temporary easement all right so we have a motion by director kellerer to approve the city of Lakeville temporary easement do we have a second second second by director Lind any further discussion okay hearing none we'll put it to a vote all in favor say I I I all opposed motion carries 60 okay thank you thank you all right the next item on the agenda is the appointment of interim superintendent as identified official with authority which is the I wa um do we have any chair can we could we do the um revised contract first make sure that's approved we can do that thank you sure all right so we will put that on hold for a second and we will go to the acceptance of the revised interim supering contract superintendent contract um the board had voted on this at an earlier session um there were some edits that um that needed to be made after we had voted on it so this is those uh revisions um the board was sent those revisions uh so uh do we have any discussion on this or I just have one question and it's it's one word and I don't know if when I first read under on page two under article four under the compensation it says we'll be paid an annual salary of 250,000 for 9 months so right so then that part of that edit was um describing what the duty year was instead of the contract year so then the duty year was defined as that specific term uh perod of time from September 30th through um June 30th and then the edit through the rest of the contract was changing that from school year to duty year yeah yep and then I just because it says we'll be paid an annual salary for nine months so I just in my mind that was making me pro-rated and so I'm just wondering if we should just take out that word annual and just say we'll be paid a salary of 250 for the 9 months Duty a year and just strike the word annual to not cause any confusion that makes sense to me I don't think we have to redo the contract or anything for signatures we just need to strike the word strike it out with initials if if that would just just for a simple Clarity sure and with if the board is okay with making that strike and change then I would make a motion um to accept the revised interim superintendent contract okay so we have a motion on the table to accept the revised interim superintendent contract by director ker do we have a second a second second by director Carly Anderson any further discussion okay we'll put it to a vote all in favor say I I I all opposed motion carries 60 thank you you're welcome all right so now we'll go back to the appointment of the intern superintendent as identified official with with authority which is the iow wa it means that that superintendent is acting um on the Authority for the district um and do we have a motion to approve that I'll make the motion all right we have a motion by director David Anderson do we have a second I'll second second by director Carly Anderson any discussion or questions on that item okay hearing none we'll put it to a vote all in favor say I I I all opposed motion carries 60 all right so I think that's all the items that we had moved down to the report we don't have any additions to the agenda tonight so Dr McDonald it's back to you thank you so much chair Baker um I want to start by um just providing a quick update around our um Levy referendum that will be on the ballot on November 5th um we have been making our way around to the buildings to um share information related to The Levy and also in public forums as well um I want to say that we do have two meetings coming up that are open to anyone that would like to attend um let me give you those dates exactly the first one's October 24th um that one will be at Lakeville South High School starting at 6:00 p.m. so if you want to come hear more about the levy and what's included and what we're asking um that would be a great day to come we're also having an open meeting on October 29th at 6:00 p.m. and that will be here at the district office additionally to that um once um uh interim superintendent Balman joins us we will be producing an OnDemand session that will basically be the presentation on video available anytime anywhere on our website so if people can't come to the meetings they can access the same presentation and the same information from the comfort of their own living room so you got to love technology sometimes um in the meantime we have also developed an a video um internally to help people understand sort of the overarching concepts of this Levy um what's included what we're looking to do as a district what the um tax impact um would be for uh individual taxpayers based on their home value and I think we are going to share that um brief video with you right now one of the things that's so amazing about Lille schools right now is that we're growing at a rapid rate and as we grow we continue to bring more and more amazing students and families into our schools unfortunately the support staff has stayed the same as we continue to grow if we are not keeping up with the needs and the supports that we have we will continue to grow a gap between what our students need and what they deserve to have as they move through our school system this referendum seeks to expand teaching and student support staff to keep up with that growth if voters in our community approve this referendum this fall it will provide consistent educational support for students from preschool through graduation if approved this Staffing will increase academic achievement career in college readiness and strengthen personal Social Development we are really struggling to have enough supports for students I think if students are brave enough to say hey can we talk I want to say yes I'll send you a pass for later today not I'm so sorry we will try really really hard tomorrow to talk when we have more supports in place we can provide more services and when we can provide more services there's more options for students the staff here for all students they're for anyone that needs help anyone that needs guidance having that support not only helps students in the short term with how to navigate school but it helps them navigate long term as we continue to think about how we're helping students with their career in college readiness we want to make sure that they're as prepared as possible so much has fallen on the classroom teacher to be the manager of of art of music of digital technology of your postsecondary plans of your behaviors and as we continue to grow we're finding that our teach teachers are being stretched incredibly thin all of our elementary schools we don't have full-time art and music teachers so our teachers right now are having to to job share between buildings we need the digital learning specialist to be here to support staff with their digital learning and by supporting staff we're supporting students when they're not here we can't do that they're here half the time if we would be able to restore those positions it would help support students and staff at our building if this referendum is approved the the tax impact on the average valued home would be $13 a month one of the things that makes Lakeville area schools so great are the people that work in the buildings by adding in music teachers art teachers digital media Specialists counselors what we're doing is we're supporting an already strong system and giving them the Boost that we need to hire and retain the very best people I believe that strong schools create strong communities I want my kids to be in a place where we have that support and I want that for all kids please learn all that you can about the upcoming referendum early voting starts September 20th and election day is on November 5th thank you so much um as you know early voting started last Friday so that's exciting um and then obviously that goes until November 5th um one of the things that uh about this particular Levy is that it is really focused around providing additional supports um for our students um as we have talked with um teachers and leaders um and parents and students across the district over the past year so um it's clear that this is a high priority item um these are high priority items um for our students and what they want um to be able to have access to so we're excited about the potential about of what we could uh bring to our students and our schools should the voters choose to approve the levy um we are continually updating our website um we have a very robust FAQ as we have been around and been answering questions we have been adding those to our FAQ to make sure that people have Clarity on what it is that we're asking and what that impact would be to them um personally as a resident um so I would encourage you to check that out as as well there's also resources if you need to access your um polling place or if you want to calculate your particular individual tax impact to this Levy there's a calculator that does that as well so um so we'll continue to get the information out um and hap happily answer any questions we have a phone number um on the website as well as um an email address and that um those are answered um every day so if if you have questions or you hear something out there please let us know because we want to make sure that people are clear on what it is that we're asking for from our community um my second item is we had the opportunity to recognize our district level maintenance business custodial Safety and Security staff um but custodial and maintenance appreciation week for the district is actually September 30th through October 4th um we would really encourage people to take time to thank the building custodians um the people that you work closely with and the mainten area at your building um to they ensure that our spaces are clean every day maintained every day um to again provide uh an excellent learning environment for our students so if you have the opportunity September starting next week September 30th through October 4th um just take a minute to say thank you um and last but not least um I would be remiss if I didn't point out that it was um Board of Education appreciation month this month um and so I wanted we may have a visual hopefully um but I did want to take a moment to extend a heartfelt thank you to our Board of Education um this job is more demanding Than People realize um and for the small stipend that they do receive they are out there talking to community members they are Fielding emails they are taking phone calls they are out at events they're advocating for our kids and they're advocating for our system and our staff um and it is tireless work and it's heart work so um I know a lot of times you see the boards sitting up here but they are everywhere and they are really trying to do what's right for our students so I want to say to you that um your commitment and service to Lakeville area schools your dedication to the education and well-being of our students is truly commendable we clearly not do this work without you thank you for for your advocacy of our schools um your willingness to listen to our community's needs I know that together um we can continue to create a bright future for our students um and that starts here at our table so um thank you so much um we do I do want to share just a couple of words since we didn't get our um visual but one of the things that I asked each individual board member was to share um why they do this work and of course there's many reasons but I had them just give me basically one so I want to share that so um Kim Baker who is our Board of Education chairperson who has been on the board for two years says as a parent I want to be part of the solution when it comes to advocating for students I love Lakeville schools and I want to serve the district as a small token of gratitude for what the district has done for my own kids it's powerful um David Anderson who has been with us for four years um and finishing his last year um he is our Board of Education Vice chair and he says after being in education for over 40 years I'm passionate about giving back to our Lakeville schools and supporting all of our students especially in special education I know that's been close to your heart so thank you for that D Dr Carly Anderson who has been on the board for two years um she serves as our Board of Education clerk um a lot of this right a lot of signing of things um she says I want to be an advocate for kids it is important to me that all have an opportunity to thrive I also want to advocate for optimizing mental health care and prevention to create a healthy and supportive culture for all of our kids so thank you for that um Brian Thompson who has also been on our board for two years he serves as our Treasurer um his quote says as a Lakeville parent with two kids in our schools he knows our schools well uh he wants to help us provide business insight and guidance and systems processes and governance and best practice and we appreciate that because that is core um to the work of the Board of Education um Judy kellerer um Board of Education director who has served for 28 years um she says I am passionate about quality education for all students I originally got involved with a school board as a superintendent at the time encouraged me to join um and I think I can say that um that was uh Dr Carl walstrom who is still very active in our community and um uh who I know very well as well so um thank you for your service Judy and then finally last but certainly not least um Terry Lind um Board of Education director he has served on this board now for 12 years um also your last year um as an educator myself for 40 years I've always felt a dedication to our children and their education I am passionate about providing the best educational experience for all of our students no matter the need so I want to just again take a moment to thank you for your service you are appreciated your gifts are important thank you give them a round of applause um and our our school district uh flourishes um because because you bring the voices of the community um to the table and and we need that so I will end it with that thank you very much thank you for that Dr McDonald I really appreciate that I want to add I think the the time on Terry's sentence there is a little short uh he serve the district as an educator and a principal so I want to honor that service too and that's very much appreciated Terry so how about 50 plus years right it's a lot of service to one institution so thank you so much for that I appreciate it all right so having completed all our business tonight I will entertain a motion for adjournment so moved all right we have a motion by director kellerer do we have a second second second by director Lind um any further discussion hearing none we'll put it to a vote all in favor say I I all opposed motion carries 60 and this meeting is adjourned thank you and have a wonderful evening e e