##VIDEO ID:Z5S5AuO1sHk## evening and welcome to this working session of the Lakeville Area Schools Board of Education uh for attendance purposes we'll go around and have everybody introduce themselves and then also say Your Role please speak loudly and clearly for the microphones because they are can be hard for them to pick up softer voices uh Kim Baker chair Emily McDonald Acting Superintendent that's not a soft voice good job Brenda Al administrative Services J ker Board of Education I want to d uh Michelle Humphrey executive director of student services Carly Anderson board of education Terry Lyn Board of Education Brian Thompson Board of Education Bill hgan executive Executive Director of Business Services David Anderson Vice chair all right thank you so we'll go ahead and start our discussion topics tonight with the policy committee so Brian and yes Judy uh with uh the board with with Bri resign and we have vacancy on the policy committee so that has been on pause for a bit so we do need a third person that would like to join and takers Wednesday nights we get done start on time get done on time oh after you meet once how about every two weeks every two weeks y it's kind of the plan and we Flex if necessary what times do you meet usually around 6:30 until 7:30 sometimes they dependent P it get pretty pretty good topic cell phone policy so yeah and you know just on that note too we do have the cell phone policy that we're going to have to you know they've got the practices in place um I was at lakevi South today with doing my mentoring that I do with the young ladies there and we were talking about the cell phone policy and so far so good they like it so but we do need to get something kind of tweaked and in place so that we have it ready to go yep cand I'll be uh candy I would prefer to have Kim or Carly I mean if you guys as we create these policies this the 200 series is what we're going through it's the 200 series how the board operates L Ducks yeah I think Carly's got a lot on her plate right now so I'm fine stepping in so that's fine and keep in mind these are these policies come back to the board to review anyway so this is a minary round that we go through to make sure that we're in sync and then share with the board to for final approval well I think any of four of us could do it but um the only thing is um when are you meeting next uh tomorrow would be the next ideal one but I think right now we have we currently have it canceled I think so but it would be well we can pick it back up I think two weeks from now we don't have it cancelled so we we only canceled that one yeah well yeah I'm Gonna Cancel tomorrow so unless you guys are able to make it or one of you two um I cannot do it tomorrow okay how about we do this can can it Flex can like one or both run as we go through these meetings or it's only just for a few more weeks until I got to check my schedule for tomorrow because I'm not exactly sure so give me a second two weeks from tomorrow I should be available okay you want to join that one yeah okay let's do that let me see if I can join tomorrow night although Kim and I also have we have to start working on the um kind of onboarding stuff too yeah so so I'm open to pausing on uh pausing the the policy committee until January I do feel that the onboarding stuff would be beneficial to make sure that the new board members have a good transition plan I'm not sure we need to pause like I think we could I could come tomorrow if we're doing 6 to 7 instead of 6:30 to 7:30 um yeah we can do 6:30 we can do 6 to 7 okay all right is that all right works for me yep guess we're the meeting 67 don't need to look at me so I'll join all right perfect any other updates from the policy committee no okay all right just one last update we are working on the 200 series and so for those who are following along there's about I believe 13 Poli policies in the 200 series which is focused on how school boards operate uh we are I believe on 203 which is how board meetings are conducted uh and then 204 is like the agendas uh and then 205 is the open meeting rules that are associated with it so we are going down that path uh as we review those and get them uh signed off at the at the committee level we will then bring them back to the board level for you guys to sign off and then that goes to uh the district administ ation to make sure that are there anything things that might impact it from from an operational point of view and then we approve it after that so that's kind of high level timeline okay thank you all right so we'll go ahead and move on to the next item we have which is the board member appointment process um so I have been going back and forth a little bit with attorneys and msba on this process because um when director Shenley resigned um there was more than two years left on her term um so what we have settled on and what everybody legally is agreeing on is that the board can appoint um for the year which would be starting as soon as that appointment process is completed and then would go until we have a hold a special election um based on the interpretation of that law uh the special election can occur any time um um based on the dates and I think it's like April or no February May they're in statute Fe February March April there you go there you go and November so um we can appoint for now until we are able to uh put that um seat on a ballot and and run an election for that so basically we're kind of doing both um we're deciding you know who would be in that appointment position but then we also have to put that um on the ballot to run which the person that whoever is appointed would have the opportunity to run for that role if they so wished um so that's kind of the the process that's in place as far as we look at for statute um I did ask himim to print out um the application from the last time that uh that we did an appointment and then I also had some statutes Brenda helped with that thank you so much Brenda um to have the statute in front of us so that we could look at that and make a determination on on um how we wanted to move forward with that um appointment role but basically like our next step would be as a board we haven't really officially accepted that resignation so to make it official I would like it to be on the agenda for the meeting um so that the board votes on that and accepts that resignation and that's just official and done um it's kind of like a checkbox but I I just want it to be on the record for officially doing that um and then we as a board need to decide our timeline and how we want to do this if you want time to look over this application you know when how much time do you need uh when do you want to open it up for people to apply for that position when do you want to interview those are the questions that um I think we can at least start working through tonight A Lot the it has to be November of next year is the latest that it can be corre the Val cor by Statute yes it has to be by November of next year for sure but if we have any special elections earlier than that then it's supposed to be on that one and then the appointment is supposed to be done um as soon as possible after um after her resignation which was August 13th so have there been significant changes in the legislation I was just thinking about like the differences of when Zack Duckworth was elected to the Senate and his seat was vacant for almost a year and then Lind gorsky's position we we had people for a while why was it vac it for a full year well that's that's what I I I guess I'm something that I had sent to Kim was can we just push this into I mean I I think my frustration with this is um in my opinion this should have been on the ballot for November um it could have been on the ballot for November and that's that's what I'm frustrated about probably but I think you know it's if we can't have it on the ballot in November could we push it to Spring special election because we know we're going to be doing a bond but so I did yeah the attorney said that that's not has the legislation changed in that so yes because of when she actually resigned or when he resigned so he got elected in that November but his term went until the end of December so it was January 1st so then we didn't have to do anything until that election so you waited a whole night like you didn't do anything for 10 months more than not I mean that's aren't you saying we would have to January elect next by next November so the way the law is written now and I think there maybe was some changes to it and that's why um but because of when she resigned in her last day was August 13th so it was too late to put it on the November ballot this month so then law statute says you have to appoint um as soon as possible but then if there's a special election coming up you either have to have one or if there's one coming up they have to be on that ballot that would be but no later than November so of the following year so you can go for that stretch without from so I asked the attorney about that about that too and he said that um specifically the time period if if we were to app point now or you know within the next few months um is it required by Statute that we take the first special election that's available if we're doing one um and he's like well you could do any special election on to that you just have to do it by November is the way that it's written yeah but the the difference is is because if she would have waited until the end of this year like December 31st and no longer on in January then it's a different scenario that's where Zach's was versus h designing on August 13th but you still waited like 10 months well and I mean I just I don't like the idea of appointment um I mean I if that's what we have to do we have to do it but and I also don't like the idea of bringing someone into the board right now when we're trying to focus on a superintendent search um but if that's what we have to do that's what we have to do MH what's the requirement how long can we go without filling the position as soon as possible tell November of 20 we have to fill it and have the election in so it says as soon ASAT it says as soon as possible but as long as we're working on that process like we don't have to rush it we don't have to say like we have to have this done within two week time frame no like the board's working on it we're working through the process we're working on an application we want to make sure those things are in place before we just put out and and advertise for someone to and it to make more sense if we're going to go out for a bond election in spring to do it then because we don't know if we're going to go far anything in the fall correct I I did ask that but you said even if we did exra expense just for electing a board member was quite expensive right but I asked and he said we can't wait that long like it's not an Andor like we can't say well we're not going to point point right now because we know we're going to have a special election in the you I have yet to see a proposal that no that's what she just said she just said we don't know if we're going to have one right so so we don't know that but if we do it goes on that ballot there's no I have no issues with starting the process but if this is an appointed position then I would expect the new board members to make that call if we can get the process ready and started so that when the new board members join in January we are further along and they can be part of whatever the final interview process is uh we can collect applications maybe in December or November or what whatever that might be but because new board members are elected by the Comm community that would make more sense that they're the ones electing who the appointment should be for until November so that'd be my point of view that makes sense I agree with that it makes sense well is that something is that as soon as possible well but I mean we can set our time timeline so we don't have anything prepared right now right so like we can say um this is the timeline that you know Loosely how we want to do it in October we want to work on the application um and get that ready uh and then maybe we say in in November then we then we put it out for people to apply and then in December we go through the applications and then in January we appoint I mean we can do that process like that um as long as we're following a process plus we have to start the permanent superintendent surgeon correct yeah so is there a resolution that we have to pass at a at a board meeting at the next at the next one at the L okay and so then do we have to wait so many days for that resolution to like to go through so that for it to for it to kick off the process or so once once someone's appointed I think you have to wait 30 days um after once you're appointed you have to wait 30 days for Community feedback and stuff on that candidate but not before right but um I would I would challenge whether or not waiting five months is acting as soon as possible well you waited 10 that was what the law said you waited till then once you have to wait 10 months you because it was after January that's what the law is and so the law here says that you should be upon resignation that you should have a process in place which something is very simple because we already have it outlined so that there should be a process in place and that the appointment should be filled as soon as possible and so I would challenge that five months is not as soon as possible and we can talk about walking through the process and stuff but it's already the work is already done and outlined so I'm not sure that waiting that long is would be the same I don't really like all the questions but that's just me um I think the other piece to that too is um having whoever is coming on board to help maybe with that individual can maybe help refine what the onboarding looks like too as they come on board or you can use them as a pilot for your onboarding for the new board members as well the appointment for Len Gorski though didn't that didn't happen until December January I don't remember do we know exactly what was updated in the law so there there were changes to Statute in either the 23 or the 24 legislative session um to the statute in particular I don't know what they are off the top of my head so I know that the one main one was that um you could start the appointment process if there was um more than a year left on the term like they they expanded that to two years instead of just one um so I know that was the biggest change but uh I thought the rest of it was pretty much the same they should have defined as soon as possible that doesn't make any sense it doesn't make any sense yeah the legislature did and the bigger piece to all of that and to go back to Lynn's example I it like if you call msba and ask them about this the first thing they'll say is well exactly when did they resign what was their last day on the board you know because it it's all about the timing of that announcement and that decision I think Lynn resigned in August she was in August yeah she was CU she took a job in that's right start the so when did you appoint someone or when January I think yeah so in January so that was six months five months I mean if we vote officially to accept re's resignation in SE at the next regular board meeting in September you're still mean October November December that's 90 days we have to approve I still have to review this document make sure that we know what the process is and type of questions to to to be asked uh I know that there might be folks that might want to run or want to raise their hand for uh you know post November uh and we can accept applications through December uh and then again my preference would be that the new board members are elected by the community decide who gets to be appointed so that's how it should be or that we onboard everybody together my concern is like onboarding people separately at this point I feel like deters our attention from where it needs to be which is but when you appoint someone they take they take right away they take right over right away so they would so they would be on boarded at the same time what if well unless we unless waited until December if there's a 30-day period yeah that's what he was saying yeah we agree we agree with you what do you mean if we did a well he's not really saying that say wants the new board members I want the new board members to decide and they don't start until January 1st we can go through the application process uh I think there's value and even having them come in having interviews that's fine but so we can do them in December but those who are actually deciding who that person is that ought to be appointed uh should be those that are voted in by the community that seems reasonable I think the only problem is that um if they don't attend the interviews in December well they're not going to have the information well agreed yes but they should know I think on November 5th if they'll be here well they should but yeah yeah now I mean and so when we think about the interview process is it going to be a month long it may not be I mean I don't know how many candidates are going to be interviewed or not I don't know how many of you guys had when I think CTO or I'm sorry Robin or whoever went through the process it's not like it takes a month to do interviews we're looking at process takes weeks may take a couple weeks and then couple nights for the interviews and then folks can deliberate and then that person could be in by like mid to late January the whole process takes like two weeks to do y but then if we do that and then we have a special election in the spring potentially and that's where we would decide that person should or not that person but there should be an election for that seat or do we push it it doesn't make sense to me bring someone on for like three months and I would push it in November if that's the only thing cuz it's going to be a costly election for just one board member well this is what I mean like well we still have a renewal we have a renal so we're doing we don't know that but we we have a renewal the renal we have a renewal in November so we're going to have a vote in November so we're still having that but if we do an earlier one they have to be on that next election too many people talking she's more from be able to understand what people are saying so yes we have a renewal as Bill said there's two one of them we could decide to renew on our own or you can put it through election so the board would have to have to vote and decide on what they wanted to do with the renewals first um as to whether the like the election yeah if you wanted someone on the ball November so you're saying is you're going to have election in November anyway yeah yeah okay that makes sense because if you board somebody on in January and have the election in April or kind of weird we don't want it we're not going to yeah and I believe the lawyer said that if you appoint someone they're good for like that for a year is that what he said no we have to we have to have the election say November within that that calendar year got it okay yeah so again the uh high level we vote to approve re re's resignation in September you then we've got the 90 days to review those documents and get it out there and then for folks who want to apply we can have them accept applications uh we can te right away that interviews can be done early January uh then whoever gets appointed they're on board until November and then the community can decide if they would like that person to continue on to finish up the rest of bre's term which goes through the following year as well correct I think it's 26 end of 26 is everyone okay with that process I am I am I like the idea of the new people picking or having a say well the only thing I would challenge that this is probably my own experience is that new board members coming on may have feelings about other people who are applying I've already apologized I know I'll apologize again don't worry I'm sorry no it's fine but that I already apologized right but I mean we also might not have people that were in the election this term wanting to be appointed I don't know like it could go either way yeah I mean it's just a big responsibility for people coming on who don't have a lot of experience should not it is yeah it is and and honestly I just would rather the community decide so just good onboarding packet all right let's make a good onboarding packet so what's our process here uh let's take a look at this I'll review this and I'm sure I'd like to review this too got some questions here they're a little busy well this is just the application this isn't the process but there's but there's questions in it too so do we need someone do we need to draft up the process this is this is the this is the application for it so it talks about the legal requirements and um they've added the information here about the meetings how to apply what's needed and then the timelines and the dates and stuff these questions were then developed um as to what to ask and have it fill out and complete were these the same questions that were asked during the interview process yeah and then and then the board determines like the process that they're going to use to come in and review the applications and narrow it down to who's going to be interviewed and then you call those candidates and you ask them to come in and and do the interviews and we usually did them I think we did them all in one night didn't we yeah it it was terrible we did them all in one night yeah but but we did it all one night but we also did five but we also did streamed it so that everybody could watch and see what was being done I believe but anyway and so the process is just it's it's that simple you just have to sit down and determine what it is but this is just the application so how do we want to move forward I think this is a good document I appreciate having this so that we can use it as a u a reference point and I do feel like there's while I look at this like how do you then determine and so now we get into the the qualifications how do you determine who to bring in who not to bring in did you vote on each person did you like what metric did you use to determine this is a person that I want to bring in interview which is not or did you interview everybody I think we interviewed everyone no we didn't we didn't no we Nar we narrowed it down we took yeah I applied and I didn't get interviewed I didn't know that um I had a big red X we we talked about a process in which we didn't know who was applying so it was just really just looking at these responses and then we had a metrics because I think we had 15 people and so we put um them all down and then we ranked them across like with question number two how did candidate a do it did I think he was a 1 2 3 four five and we just we ranked each of the questions with each of the candidates like that and then we took the candidates that Rose to the top for me that Rose to the top for Terry and that Rose to the top for Dave and whoever else and then we decided on um which ones crossed over for all of us that person definitely went through and I think we decided on how many we were going to interview based on how many kind of popped to the top we had a lot that duplicated and so then we had a few that Terry maybe thought was good or Dave thought was good and I maybe didn't have on my list and we discussed those whether to interview them or not and I think we came up with interviewing I think we interviewed six at least yeah was that the robin yeah it was probably 10 again I apologize did you interiew Carly stop Kim and I both interviewed so um anyway so then then with that process then we did another kind of a um metrics on how we thought they each did during the live interview then yeah the the background was tough because it was hard to tell who was who I think it would be better to develop some better criteria so we would know who who put the process my personal humble opinion humble so who put the process together on like how you actually implement this like here here's my Charter here's my project plan here are my questions here's how we do criteria here's the timeline is that something that the board is responsible for creating or is that somethingone that HR is responsible for creating and then we can review that at the next working session to see if Renda does a good job and then no it was it was the msba process the board the board did that process based off of what we've done in the past with other appointments I only want to bring back up that it might be I know there I know there is value in new board members being part of this because they'll be working with this person but I also feel like there's value in having our more veteran board members involved in the process so I just want to make sure everybody feels that's how we should do that they could be involved in establishing the the process on how we do this but in regards to the selecting of the person I'd rather have the new board member make that choice so I have a question for you when you first started on the board you were adamant that the description saying as soon as possible for a reorganization meeting was immediately so why is this as soon as possible different the state statute said it had to be done before the first two the the second the I think it was last it said it had to be done as soon soon as possible or within 10 days of the of the calendar year and it the first meeting was not within the first 10 days of the calendar year you elected to have it on the four I believe it was on the 14th or 15th or something like that so so there's no date that says specifically so I guess I'm my question is you were adamant that as soon as possible meant as soon as possible so why is that different here because I think for an appointment this is for new board members to make that choice so as soon as possible mattered then but doesn't matter now stay focused on the on well I'm just curious because I mean I I think that's going to be a concern that some people have with as soon as possible because that is what the statute is yes it is it says as soon as possible with no dates the other one said as soon as possible with dates so I just want to bring back to the question of is everybody in agreement of that um that I just am thinking of when I first started on the board and what I did didn't know and whether I would have been prepared to make a decision about who would be a good board member given I had no experience on the board well I also feel like three of the people that are sitting here aren't going to be working with this person and we are and the new people would be yeah and we would be the senior board members providing that like this is what we're looking for this is what we think like this is what our first year was like this is the time period that they're going to have you're looking for you know we're going to have a special election in November or whatever ever um I I just think like there's so much that goes into that board Dynamic when you're making that decision and we have a different board Dynamic now than we're going to have in a few months like it's going to be completely different because there's going to be you know four new members so um I guess I would weigh heavily on on how we all work together and what um those new members would think um of a person to a point on working with someone that's my opinion I can draft a process of uh I'll put together a project plan I'll put together a timeline uh I can put together the uh what the what what the schedule might look like and key decision points and when they may happen um and then I can bring that at the next working session for you guys to review and if you like it great if not we can make edits I like that idea but I think that also I would like to add on to that that um I would like every board member to look over this uh this document that has like uh the application and the questions and if you feel like these questions are good or do they need edited or are there other questions you want to ask in addition to this or do you want different questions for the interview I think there's a lot that we can look at with the application too and just um think through that process to make sure that we're asking the correct questions to find the right person okay anyone else weigh in on that is that the direction we want to go I me Terry thoughts you haven't said much I can see advantages of going either way um I think one disadvantage if I'm a brand new board member in January and I'm going to interview people the Phil position I'm not I don't know what's going on so that's an issue with me right um I understand where he's coming from elected people should interview and select um the open seat they're El to do that um so I'm stuck in the middle yeah well I feel that way too I think there's well let's start a challenge yeah let's just start let's start and see where we go so I think right now um we're not decided on that date yet we're just trying to get at least the application done and then um a process at least drafted out that Brian has volunteered to do um let's do that and let's put it on the working session agenda for October um because Judy said like once we get this going like she said the process only takes two weeks at right so we can act quickly if we need to if we feel like we have a good strong Direction um but let's get let's make sure that we have the right direction first so I want all board members to take the um the application home with them look at the questions um we can do some editing on that along with um what Brian brings as far as the process next time so there'll probably be like one discussion about this process but also about the application can I say keep in mind these questions are to decide whether you go forward for the interview corre not the interview so so I said if you want a different say you're have two sets of questions these were just to get you to move forward all right so that sounds good so um we'll have on the board meeting October 8 for the working session yet I'm talking about the board meeting in two weeks to accept the resignation and that'll be the start of the process all right so we'll move on to our next item for discussion which is the superintendent search firms um I sent a list of one two three four five to you that included msba School executive connect JG Consulting bwp and Associates and Ray and Associated um are there thoughts about any of those like do we want to send rfps out to every single one like just what are what do board members think about so we don't have to send the rfps out we can just post it I mean we can send them out to select ones if we want but yeah they should be watching if if they're worth anything they know we have an open and they should be watching for a posting for an RFP yeah I I totally open to to anyone that any group that wants to yeah I I'm in alignment I I don't know what the rfu process and I don't know what Communications that you send out to folks but I did take a look at some of their websites and you know in the spirit of being transparent and candid like their websites were not very good and so I mean maybe that's there weren't I mean if you're going to talk if you're going to if we're going to bring in the top person like like spend some money and have a reasonably goodlook website and and how we communicate and how you find and how what your search your search search methodology is candidate Pro candidate uh screening process like that information is not there and so um I'm not saying that they're bad firms I'm just saying that their design experience wasn't very good so um we have the process here the RFP process or the RFP that we used for the last time um so we have that here and it talks about the timeline and kind kind of some of the guidelines very very basic um and then what happens is again they we get like a dozen of them that come in and we decide like which three or four we want to have come before us and present to us and then make a decision at that time with who to move forward from what they have to offer and what their overall cost is for it so I think one of the things that we discussed at the um the training that we went through about picking the right superintendent um was that some companies allow the board members to look at applications and some don't um and I personally want to be able to look at the application yes I do too you're not oh yeah you are so yeah but all all that can be done yeah during the process you'll find at least in my experience i' I've sat to it I think twice now that you'll choose the four or five or six whatever group that come in to make the presentations they're totally different they each have their own philosop it's interesting to compare them because it's not everyone is is different in many ways so it it's that gives you some background information so you can make a good decision right so Bill when you post something like this uh what is a reasonable amount of time to leave it open for folks to respond back to us and then then when we get that response back from them do you do you like consolidate or how do you then share that with us for us to kind of review and discuss and for at the next board meeting or B how does that work what is the normal process well when when when the school district signs out any type of RP it's usually a two week period that wait give them time to respond yeah and once we get all the RPS back and we put a grid together so when you say we put a grid together is it you who puts the grid together or do you share that with the rest of the board members for us last time it's the the board handles it last time yeah the board did the work RP not going to business side whatever team needs to be hiring whatever firm we do the rfps on this this situation yeah so the timeline that we did last time was like November 15th is when they were distributed did 11:30 is when questions were due by 126 proposals were due we reviewed them 1210 and by 12:15 So within one month we had the search firm selected to present and then we determine the the presentation so the actual total RFP process from distribution to selection was 15 or was a month um so but this when it comes to the superintendent process the hiring and the appointment and stuff these are all board and activities in the chair and that that's all for the board to decide what that process is and does the work for that this is our our role here so I've got this RFP from the last time and we can take a look at that and have the scope of services and the submission guidelines and whatever else it's a pretty basic RFP piece but like Terry said when you start reviewing them they're very different on um how they do it and how they pull for their search for their candidates and the costs and what they allow and what they don't allow so we should probably be doing this in October we should be I agree in October like whatever we develop oh I think that whatever the RFP proposal whatever RFP request that we want to put out I'm assuming you have to vote on that I don't know if you do well we have to have conversation we don't have another meeting and of what to put in the RFP or what information we want or is do you flip it because we don't really know exactly yet it's more of like we want them to let us know you're the expert you tell us how how would you do this process how much would you charge what is your method of making this work and then we then review those uh request for proposal I mean it's pretty simple our request for proposal is we need to hire a superintendent what's your method of doing that and you don't have four you don't have four presentations rfps on one we're not we're not sharing with them here's our criteria here's what we're looking for here's our whatever it's like it's for asking them if we we need a vendor to walk us through this process and that's what they would be sending up to us and then we decide the RP is pretty General right well it's it I mean we went through the details of what we wanted for the scope of services and stuff we told them Services yeah yeah we told them that we wanted extensive references we told them you know we told them everything that we wanted and we wanted them to um you know have a transition plan developed we you know we went through all of that so I mean I want to be able to review applications so my question is like if we back if we actually time track of this cuz when I said October I mean like it's launched in October because we as a board still need to be able to review and agree to whatever the RFP looks like y so that would happen October yeah GL our next can we discuss that at a the end of month well and what a regular meeting it should be a work working session so that's got to be our first one in October I mean if you put an RFP right now saying that we're in the process of looking for a superintendent and then and it keep it it super Genero generic and not have a large scope of services yet because there are things that I don't know yet what I like to know is I want to learn from these vendors as they share with us what is their process how do they do things and then pick and and pick and choose like which one is the best one which one does things that might be different from another this is a learning process for me we have two options either I go learn all this stuff by myself or learn this with you guys as these rfps come in and then once they do come in then we as a decide then we can decide all right I like this I like that I did like this and then we kind of start to formulate what we're actually looking for in a vendor versus because I won't be able to tell you like this is what I'm looking for in a vendor right off the bat like I'm I'm waiting for them to tell me S themselves so you'll refine it after their presentations because you know the RFP like Terry said you know it's got some of the things in it but doesn't have the level of detail of what we want that comes through the presentations and the answer and question session and then once you can see there are some firms that are more flexible than others with being able to provide you what they want and that helps you figure it out from there so again the RFP is just something that gets you started and then they just dump these packets on you that you know that they're dumping on everybody and um and then it's just really determining who you want to come in and interview so why don't we most of them have a menu to in other words you as after they make their presentation as a board you don't have to buy everything they're selling right you can choose what you'd like from that menu so it's September 10th we have a regular board meeting on September 24th we have a our next working our next scheduled working session after that is October 8th why don't we add another working session on October 1st or we talk through the RFP process so that way you know would it be easier if the if we just send out the current I mean make it the meeting shorter by sending out the current one and have people make suggestions or say like it or changes or whatever then it's not done in the public we can't we we can't talk about that over email it could be out we can review it no no I meant we each get a copy of the old RF RPI and whatever look it over and if you want to make changes bring those ideas by I think dumping in honest on a on a work session is something new doesn't give me enough time to look at it get IDE session would be for discussing like my thought would be the RFP would be the old RFP would be sent out ahead of time right we would have opportunity at the work session to that's what I'm saying I think we're on the same page wait that's what I was so you don't want a work session to review the old RFP like I'm confused we do we do well that's what I was offering on October 1st he's just saying he wants it ahead of time which to yeah obviously yeah I'm open to just put it out there right now and then let them submit their proposal to us and we would review your RFP and all the proposals that have come in and we could do that on October 8th and that would give folks I mean that's eight weeks well you're saying send something out now right now because we don't we don't we just want information about them so you're saying send out the old RFB well not we don't I mean it's how much information do you need an RFB I don't know it's a simple RFP is one page got it okay and you already have Judy can you read what what those things are that that were specifically on that RFP everybody have can you just forward it to the board right now I've from 178 I just sent you one oh okay I just sent you one I'm okay having a meeting on October to review that again or to review that document well what you're saying I think if we can come to an agreement about what the RFP looks like that send out so would be good to send it out sooner basically what this are p is the first page is the introduction to just let them know that we're doing a superintendent search the second page is the timeline in the process the timeline I already shared with you and then just describing what the process would be and which is whatever RFP usually has then submission guidelines has the scope of services just 10 simple bullet points and then the submission guidelines with what they need to include in their submission and then the last page of it is really just about us that we're student focused community connected our mission and our vision so if they choose to customize it to us they have some of that information so that's what the RFP is okay so I mean it's pretty basic and um it's got timelines on it though well right it has to be updated right well if you got if you have the first date the other ones just fall in line so if you pick a first date You' got to meet but yeah who's executive executive consultant Services what okay I'm sorry I saw it it was no we're asking them to provide us executive consultant Services I that's pretty standard and you don't send any out to any specific ones no because I would like to hear from msba they'll check it okay I mean they'll check it I mean they I mean people check the RFP websites all the time looking for it and when they know you're looking for a superintendent they're probably wondering why we haven't got anything out there yet so well so it seems like we would have to really like Kim said there's several dates on here so we'd have to know what the timeline we have to decide that today I should more time to review this there's like so tiny well if you need more time to review that's when we would need to uh do that October 1 right yeah so Brian if you want time to review it then let's set up a separate work session yes let's do that October first thank you is that good yeah yeah all right I don't mind having in October 1 or or the eth it doesn't matter we need to set up another or do you want wait till the eth does it matter um it's the day after Halloween wait no it's not what try to find you're getting as bad as terad is Dave he's looking for I'm not sure kind of trying to think of what else I mean yeah whether we need an additional or let's do it on the E let's do it on the eth I I got to create this application process let's this part we should do on the 1 and then we'll have the other stuff on the eth if we need additional time but I think we should add the meeing on the first does everybody agree with that sounds good yes okay um so that'll be at our regular work session time six o'clock on the 1st we have to make our other executive cabinet members come to that or con the board members I don't think they would need to come if you don't want to come no I don't think so I need no are there like h j questions that we need to not ask in this proposal that might be help to I don't know you can bring your book cuz all those questions that you shouldn't ask are in that book that I gave you he doesn't intentionally mean to torture you he just wants you to be there I he just likes you wants you to be I do know all right so we'll move on to um upcoming recommended actions bill you have the primary pay Levy presentation or recommendation for us thank okay tonight um we need to talk about actually fth school year 26 that's what this revenue is for it's not for the school year we just started but for the next school every year the school district brings forth Levy uh for the community to um you know pay for our program okay if if we start on the front page where it says general fund just walk through these pieces we don't have any um increased or new Levy um revenue streams but we'll talk about the changes that we see right now um going what I need the board to do is to we need to approve a preliminary Levy the end of September and then we do a final in December remember we did the truth and Taxation hearing and then that's when we approve these are all preliminary numbers state of Minnesota and I just received these numbers yesterday so it's always a big fast crunch trying to get everything ready and the numbers that we've come from the state some of them are not correct yet I get I get the information yesterday I've been on the phone and trying to get things straightened out so some of the numbers and I'll Point them out some of these numbers are estimates and so I just want you to know that and that's when we have draft on the form but it'll be pretty close um to what this and so the pay 25 is the column that we should be looking at and that is what needs to be approved in December correct okay and that then that determines what we tax the community for for the for the calendar year 25 that's the community's taxes that go bill can you just clarify what needs to happen by the end of September well by the end of September two weeks from tonight I I'll need you to approve just like we did last year approve a preliminary Levy that's that will the numbers on this form will have the issues that I found corrected by then so the numbers are going to be a little bit different but you won't see any major swing okay what if we don't approve that preliminary what if we don't like these numbers like I don't know well then you're going to be out 80 million is that simp really yeah if you don't pass it they're not going to collect it that's all it is well what if we have questions on certain areas on on the funding of taxes like would do we have like is there any is there anything that the board can even do in these in this PID 25 okay first first of all the numbers that are on here is what the state allows us to LY okay there's a limit we can't just Levy what we' like to this the uh City or the county they can pick a rate and if they need a bigger budget next year they just increase their rate and they collect more taxes we can't do that everything's based on how many students that we have in our buildings and everything's based on a per pupil except for small couple small pieces but y to get to it okay um if we look at the very first piece where I have unassigned components that is our operating levies we have multiple operating levies that we just talked about we need to renew one of them here next next fall and we have one actually a new one that we're asked for on this on this fall so if that passes this number will change this is this is not assuming that that is going to pass this is currently what we have okay what does equity revenue mean equity revenue is a Formula that the state allows school districts who do not have operating levies to get some sort of operating Lev okay you see that that number for us is much smaller than our operating Levy and something else to point out is if we do pass the new operating Levy in December I mean sorry November this number will shrink for us because now we've got a new Levy it'll drop about $180,000 just so everybody's aware of that even though we get we get new operating Levy but now our Equity Levy is going to go down so at this point what you're seeing there and in some small negative numbers is this past year our enrollment did not come in where we projected it to be it is less okay we thought we were going to have about 200 new kids well we only had about kids okay this is all based on how many students we have okay then we get Negative adjustments because we there'll be too much the year before so then how much do we how much is per kit that we on average 10,000 or 8,000 our operating Levy has moved up to 1,800 the rest of it's all state8 this is on the tax side our operating Levy board pay 25 is it uh $1,919 per per student per pup per pupil remember that um when we count our pupils it's not just the ADM the every daily attendance but once you get to seventh grade we get the number multiplied by 1.2 okay so that get more pupil units than we do ADM and this is based on people okay so if we have 100 people less then we were projected that's a that how much like $200,000 that we did not that we won't get that we thought we were going to get got it which is going to decrease our general fund expectations balance that we thought we had well it's going to it's going to lower our Revenue yep remember this is for 26 we have a long time to put a budget together before 26 okay so we can see that we're going to get lesser or more Revenue than we can make choices in our programming before we get to the fiscal 26 budget okay but yes it will affect the revenue side absolutely because we put Staffing in for those for those 100 people I mean that's an extra two three teachers for the current year because you said that we had we got 100 less this year yes we do the year we just finished we had 100 less students than we anticipated and we hired staff to accommodate this the the 12,200 that we were we thought we were going to have but what what you'll see is those students are spread all over the district so it's not 10 in one area one building even is you know one building might be five one building might be seven there not enough to change that yeah so a couple of things that might be helpful Brian we staff based on actual numbers so when Bill so pay 24 is that is are obviously already done we're already in that cycle and so we do staff based on actual numbers the difficulty is obviously students could don't come in nice little clumps of 20 so you know that's why we have variation in our class sizes um and variation in our course sizes is at the secondary level so um so we don't we're not overstaffed um because we staffed based on actual numbers we just are for pay 26 then we will just have less Revenue than we intended on which then when we staff for that again we go back and we staff based on actual students and actual classes does that is that helpful yes thank you yep so what you see here in operating Ling you see and on the actual referendum you see estimated there of an increase of1 1.5 million okay but overall in our operating level you see that we're seeing a small decrease mainly because the year before in 24 we had a huge um increase in our students more than we anticipated so we receive more Revenue in that adjustment than we did before so now we won't get that adjustment we won't get that extra Revenue so you see that overall the taxes for the operating level you be pretty flat okay and that's where you're going to see in the next area we go through now these are ass sign components these are restricted dollars in all of these areas you'll see most of them have some small decreases and that's because our our Revenue I mean our enrollment is going to be a little bit less than we anticipated now achievement integration that's based on how many minority kids we have and that's still growing we're seeing more minority kids on a yearly basis and that's why you're seeing a small increase here $26,000 okay but we're a safe schools and our safe school money for district 917 that's again based on our enrollments you've seen some small decreases there of $8,000 $3,000 um vocational that's based again on how much we're spending in our vocational programs in our high schools so a small increase there that's mainly because we're paying those teachers a little bit more dollars um Reemployment that's unemployment now that's not the employment unemployment that we were talking about earlier that we don't have any money for okay regular unemployment somebody that gets um um cut for some particular reason that's that goes to the levy every single okay our doesn't run super high you see here that this I mean we did pay out though um you know $68,000 in a year's time for unemployment the other unemployment the summer unemployment which is brand new just went through our second year of that that get reimbursed by the state of Minnesota at this time until they run out of funds we're hoping for one more year okay yeah where is that on here somebody number nine re-employment is small increase because we you know we had some Cuts here a couple years ago how much did we spend last summer oh for the other piece yeah for the required mandate but we're right under about $800,000 okay so that's why we worried about that number because the state of state of Minnesota the money that's been set aside is limited when it runs out unless the legislature makes changes now we've got to cover that $800,000 okay shall advocate so yes Lobby your legisl U the the Q comp program um this is onethird of it comes through the levy two3 of it aid from the state of Mur so you can see here the amount here 1 1.8 million I we get almost 4 million so for that program our lease Levy remember lease Levy is any any type of property that we have leased to use for educational space we can Levy to make those payments so um over across the street our our community ed programming and the ABA programming those costs are levied to make those payments the additions that we put on the elementary schools for lease Levy um eligible better I the right word to use so those payments come through the levy to make those payments um and we're right at the top I know we we've talked about that in the past like well could we use Le sub to add on to this or that no we're at the cap and we get least Levy but it would have to come out with the general fund we wouldn't get any we could Levy any more dollars to make the payment uh the leaste levy for district 917 is the same way of course you know they can't Levy themselves so all the member districts do do the levy so they figure out what they need and then it gets split up across all the member districts and then some prior adjustments again we won't see those positive prior adjustments we're going to see some negative so it's coming down so overall this area you see that we have a actual decrease at this point in time for all these areas of $200,000 now the capital portion the the operating Capital that is based on a formula not necessarily on students but on how old our buildings are so every single year all our buildings get one year older and we get more money so that's what you're seeing there that increase of $173,000 because all our buildings are older it's going take more to maintain them fix them okay ltfm is really run the same way ltfm is our remember that's our long-term facility maintenance dollars you see they're about the same again it's about a flat Levy and this is definitely a an estimate at this time this is something that wasn't even included in our dollars from this from the state of Minnesota wasn't even included in the paperwork that we received that's decreasing it's yeah well it's 3 yeah $34,000 but there's a formula that pushes some of these dollars actually to The Debt Service Levy depending on how big they are and how many STS we have until we get those numbers I can't tell you exactly what and we could actually pushing some of these numbers out to you you know before we get to the next four meeting so you have a you know heads up before we have to actually vote on it okay uh okay um a capital project Levy now this this is one area that's not based on how many students we have it is a it is a tax rate of 2.8% of whatever our neet tax capacity is so since our City's growing our net tax capacity is growing that's why this number is growing so um for Capital project Levy you're seeing here an increase of $300,000 that's because we have more capacity taxing in the in the uh in the city and the truth is your own home will be about the same for this particular place because we have new homes and new businesses that come on that's where that increase is coming because their n tax capacity is large okay so overall you see the general fund at this point the estimate is negative 106,000 so it's flapped from year to year we're going to see a huge huge change only place only way we see a change here is that we passed ly in no yeah so so so two questions here just want to make sure I understand this correctly so uh this $56 million for PID 25 we have to approve that in approve preliminary in September based on if any Levy if the levy passes in no in November as well I'm sorry we have to approve it in September at the preliminary uh and then if the levy passes in no November then this PID 25 will increase to to a certain whatever it'll increase by $4 million by $4 million okay so so that means that then roughly $6 million is what we will be taxing our community for 2025 for the general fund for for the general fund we got a second side to go yep and so right for yeah that's the second side for the general fund and so of the $56 million in our $28 million budget right now in the general fund that's 28% that our community is paying in taxes to run our schools and so because we have 12,100 students versus 12,200 that were projected if we add 200 students this year right we're going to let's say they sprinkle in throughout the course of the year we need to add more staff for that but we won't get paid for those students until next year correct for yeah that's what that's where you see these prior adjustments yep so we would actually get credit for 25 we would just receive the money got yeah so that's we we get like a back pay back for the if I can add one piece of that we would only be adding staff if we exceeded our formula for the for around class side guidelines and or if often times at the secondary there's a little bit specifically at the high school there's more flexibility in terms of schedules where you can place students in spaces that have space um so that we have a little bit more flexibility there but that would be the only reason why we would add staff is that that child coming in would put us over whatever it is that our um our guide guines and then the process that follows the guidelines is yeah and that's again and I think that's why I keep harping on the the general fund is because we need to have money in our savings account to offset the the revenue that will be coming at the end of the year uh to pay for the staff that we need to hire at the beginning of the year if the project because the additional kids that we that could that come in um as I look through this list $56 million that we need to approve potentially 60 if the passes there's really nothing here that like we as a board get the throttle up and down in percentage wise like this is the state formula it is what it is if you vote no then roughly 56 million we don't get is that my understanding just be super clear there are there are a few areas that the board could decide to under Levy in some boards do that but at the same time when you under Levy if there's an aid tied to it you lose the aid too not just the levy both okay okay on the back side go to fund four um you'll see there that we actually have an increase this this year for um Community Education but it's because of the negative adjustment the year before you see that negative adjustment on line eight $120,000 well that's going away it's going back to the way it was so we're looking like a huge increase but it's really just going back to where it was because they overpaid us the previous year yes um on the basic Levy number one one right on top you see it looks like we're losing dollars inity yet that's that's not true we're just less Levy this is actually the first year I've seen in a long time we're actually getting aid for Community Ed which we haven't had I don't I don't think forever okay so we're actually getting $20,000 of eight from the state of Minnesota so put that against this this negative 5,000 It's actually an increase of 15,000 for Community Education okay and these other small changes because it's based on per capita you remember the the memo that came forward a few months ago where we we told the state hey our our community is growing faster um than we thought here's our new population numbers then they allow us to levy on the new population numbers and it doesn't just stay on the past census so Steve will bring that to us every year as long as we see grow so that's why you seeing small small changes in community ed and then Debt Service of course this is the actual payments that we need to make for the year our bonds and remember this includes an extra 5% we're allowed to Levy extra 5% in case people don't pay the taxes on time we don't want to be short funds to make the payments on our bonds so we Levy that extra 5% um but then you'll see if you look on on Under The Debt Service portion under number two we see that reduction for debt access so that's money that we've levied extra that we didn't need and now we're giving it back okay I expect this number actually to get larger when we actually get the final number from state of Minnesota I think dead excess number the negative number will be larger number actually bring the ly down um and again um the way we when we we when we sell bonds we always look forward and look at the way that net tax capacity is growing so even though you're seeing larger payments here the net tax capacity is also growing so that when we look at the actual taxes on a particular household it's about the same even though you're see an increase here in the actual so overall um we're seeing about a $2.8 million increase that's 3% and that's all coming from our debt service really category really at this time it is yes it is and and why can you can you repeat that again like why is that um $2.8 million get into The Debt Service it's because when we put the payment schedules together on the bond we look forward and look at what's happening with our Tech ta net tax capacity so as our community grows and there's more more um properties to tax then we we we automatically make those payments in the future larger than now so then when everybody pays their tax it's about the same member year that's the point okay because you'll see but I just talked about it it's a 3% increase but you won't see a 3% increase on your taxes on your house you won it'll be like most of the time really only increases that we're seeing is on the on the operating Levy because it's tied to an inflation Factor the superintend okay now this year is at 2.2% I believe um but it's going to be less than that because of the the negative adjustment so there's a lot there's a lot of numbers for you there it's we haven't like I say we haven't changed what we Levy for um over the last few years only changes we see is on our operating Levy if you remember last year the same thing happened we we brought you forward numbers and then when we passed the the one Levy in December well then that number in December was a bigger number by I believe it was a million dollars that was add at that time so Bill could you just clarify what your expectation is around significant changes to these numbers what those areas are again sure thank you the biggest the biggest changes what you are are what we're going to see and I think most of these are going to be on the negative side more than the positive side um when we when the when the the enrollment gets solidified in the in the um in the numbers from the state of Minnesota we're going to see a bigger decrease on the on the referendum and we're going to see a couple other um bigger increases in all these little tiny P 2% more um the other piece the other piece that is not correct yet is the ltf I think we're going to see monies shifted to fund s that's just the way we're we're one of the districts where where we can Levy more dollars than the average particular School District okay most most school districts for ltfm get $300 $380 per pupil and that's all they get okay but the larger school districts we have a lot more real estate that we need to be taken care of are allowed to do more okay um because of that some of the taxes that we receive have to go to make the payments on the bond so they ship that automatically for us we have no control until I get to but we have control over how much we spend on maintenance and update correct so Y and that number from what I recall we've been trying to keep that at $20 million a year annually okay we're trying to keep that flat but always when we look at our Levy I want to keep it as flat as I don't want to see it go up 10% down 10% up 10% we don't want to see that we want to see as flat as possible so when we talk about you know a 3% increase possible um that's about what the inflation rate is prust so so we're very close actually seeing that is I've been under the facility committee for many years we do not over spend on maintenance improvements okay we don't spend enough you don't spend enough I know I know so I just want to reiterate oh sorry Brian I just want to reiterate just really quickly that you know the intention here is um that we want Bill wanted to just provide an opportunity to walk through this so that the first time you're not seeing it the first time you're seeing it is not at the regular meeting um and we talked a little bit about that we know some of these numbers are going to change so it's certainly not set in stone but just to give you a better sense of where we are what we think might change it's really up to the state of Minnesota and he as he said they literally just their timeline for us is very very tight and they just got those numbers he's been working day and night to put these spreadsheets together so um we'll have a a more accurate depiction at the work session but at least when you see that you'll know what you're looking at the regular business the regular business I'm sorry what did I say the regular business meeting yes and so then he'll just update we won't have he will update this won't have to go through all this are we going to go through think what I would plan to do is bring you and then highlight the numbers that change okay that makes sense so so so again just recap uh this this year the community was taxed $78 million uh we're projecting to tax $81 million for next year correct which is about a 2 and a half% increase with XYZ but if the Le if the levy passes in November that's a $4 million increase in addition to the 2.8 so we're looking at roughly like a 5% increase for PID 20 PID 25 and so y so it's not just inflation it's INF inflation plus the levy and so so that we just want to make sure that whoever's listening understands that's correct if if we if we pass the levy in November the numbers will be more at 4 million y so be $85 million instead of 81 ahead all right so the city of Lakeville temporary easement is that you as well yes that's me this is I just wanted um the city definitely wants the board to take action on this but I just want to give you an just let you know what they're planning to do and how it's going to affect us yeah um It's relatively minor to what's going to happen to us but they're doing a a large um rooll project 185th next summer right in front of um Sentry Middle School okay they need between us and the Waterworks that road is going to be worked on and actually to the West it's going to go to a four lane road all the way down to 50 West okay to 50 oh by my neighborhood down where the round is between the stop light the stop light and the roundabout yeah that makes sense okay so they're adding turn Lanes adding Lanes anyway all it's going to affect us actually start with the very last page is a map there we go um right along 185 this is hard to see but there's some blue lines lines okay yeah that they have to dig that up okay okay when they're when they're done they got to put some storm sewer through there and go across the street that's okay yeah um they're they're not going to hit any of our curbing but the sidewalks going to be replaced all going to be pour out okay and we're going to lose a couple trees okay um so that's why it's temporary cuz it'll go back it'll look like it did before okay um the third page shows you though what they're what they're looking at paying for this eement and really just the loss of R trees they're paying for you see that $4,800 the city to pay us for the inconvenience of us not be able to be using that sidewalk and losing some trees are they replanting for trees well I know the same age be the samee to make us get 4,800 for to plant the trees that would be nice I I I know that the city has a policy of a tree go out take one down you should put one back up yeah I actually I'll verify that thank you I think they're going to pay for the Tre and you put it in I think that's what they're going to do so anyway I need the board to take action on this at the next meeting um if there's a lot of questions I guess we can you know bring it to the action items otherwise I just just put put on the when will they do this I believe it's next summer next summer okay not during the school year no it's during the summer says March 1st the plan is to have the road done before school starts a little closer than we just had over at chrisa yeah are there any activities that happened at that school during that time frame I I don't know if there's well there are yes this school remember has new pool so very busy all summer long um but of course we don't need to use this bag parking lot they're very good with working with us and transportation and stuff to figure it all out well they just had that road in front of Sentry closed for the other we made it that was more inconvenient actually neighborhood it does say it starts on March 1st that's what yeah expires it gives them much time to do it I'm sorry what are those days represent it's over a year from March 1st to 2025 June 30th remember lots of time when they start working they're not digging the road up right away they're doing a lot of utility work in the ditches so far things that have to move to be ready take their okay but there will be no construction going on when school's in session like I I can see a seventh grader like hanging out what's down there I don't know I mean they big hes you it all fenced off we don't have to pay anything they're paying us $4,800 thanks Bill and if trees and you want to put on a consented J okay thanks Bill thank you Bill so just to review board members have a little bit of homework U make sure you check out the application process uh and review that so that you're ready for a working session on the first and then also um Emily provided you sorry Dr McDonald with a piece of paper said connecting to your purpose please have that filled out too you want it back to you you want this today or at the next meeting or do you have a PR no I would like it today um and it can go to Kim it just is your name and uh how long you've been on the board and then one question so um I'm just working on some things for our regular meeting um as it is uh School Board appreciation month so if you wouldn't mind responding to that question and giving it to him um I would appreciate and if you on your D are there are we getting a certificate I got one from 917 I'll grade it I will grade it you know you give a c certificate that would be and um the other thing too is that if you drive home on your drive home you think of a better or different answer you can just email it to Kim and we will update your form but just for right now whatever you're thinking um if you could share that tonight that would be great because I need some lead time sounds good so thank you all right thank you madam chair all right so we'll go ahead and uh we'll adjourn this meeting for tonight because we have finished everything so thanks and have a wonderful night it's a session all right treasure and clerk I need your for --------- ##VIDEO ID:u7zM8AhKvyU## good evening and welcome to the special session of the Lakeville Area Schools Board of Education board members in attendance tonight include director kellerer director David Anderson chair Baker director Dr Carly Anderson director Lind and director Thompson the reason that we are meeting tonight now that we've done board introductions is to approve the interim superintendent contract uh the board met at our last regular session and approved um the hiring of an interim superintendent Mr Balman so tonight we are meeting to uh discuss and approve that contract so at this time I'll open up the floor for discussion on the contract anybody have any questions or concerns director kellerer so I um thank you for cleaning this up and clearing up the edits and stuff that were requested but I see now that the section about the per hour is out of here and stuff director Anderson could you speak to that we just decided to make it uh simpler if you don't want it that way then so we can discuss it have the changes been shared with this um the superintendent with uh doc uh Mr Balman yes and then the the other change that um we just made as we were reading through it um uh the juneth holiday was added um as that's a a holiday that's mandated by the state now so we did add that one on there because it wasn't listed on that contract director Thompson yeah I had a chance to review the contract t i um for what we're looking for as an interim superintendent the financial implications are um significantly in in for the benefit for the district uh from prior contracts and So based on what I saw uh cost savings and I think for the interm role and what we need our district need needs uh flexibility uh for U him to even consider it continuing on in in a some sort of transition support when we select the new superintendent so having him having that in the contract but also uh Mr Balman graci gracefully uh enabling us to have that transition so that any transfer of knowledge can occur I appreciate that so I'm in favor of the contract so what uh director Thompson is referring to is that uh Mr Balman offered a transition period when we hire a new superintendent that would occur over an eight 8we period for 20 to 30 hours approximately a week um or whatever is needed by the new superintendent when we hire director kellerer so just this section four with the holidays then so that's now 10 PID so yep I just fixed that sorry 10 paid and so you added that one jth yes yep and then um um at the um where is that transition where's the discussion here about the transition oh the transition pay in here it says to up to so many hours of consultation per week we don't have that filled in so okay that's Pro that was the edit that I was making with the holidays so it was 20 to 30 hours or up to 30 hours is what we said 20 to 30 is what he wanted to put yeah but I think the attorney said it would it'd be better to be up to 30 so that way if he was under 20 that it was fine yeah okay so that's going to be up to 30 so then that's that's fulfilled then [Music] okay and then um there were some other things that uh occurred with the contract which um we were figuring out with legal one of those was that uh Mr Balman had waved his right to Insurance uh he did not want health insurance offered to him but um based on uh the legal requirements of that it is required be in the contract and then he can just wave that later so that's why that is included as well yep any other questions director Thompson uh I'll make a motion to adopt director Keller who did you have did we get I'm I'm looking here real quick in this updated version did the 30 and 60 days get ironed out in 60 days for the termination I you know it said 30 days notice in one spot and 60 days in another did that get cleared up I'm scrolling I'm I'm I am too I'm trying to scroll to see section two of the oh there it is section two so it's now 60 days notice yeah okay so I think it was just that up to 30 in the holiday were the last ones that weren't fixed and I can fix that real quick I know I just fixed the holiday one so any further questions okay I actually do have so this contract is for nine months but are the other superintendent contracts we have for for 12 um yeah because this is an interim contract and not like a formal um full superintendence contract so the way that we did it is we wrote it for the for the year um but then after that year is complete on June 30th 2025 well not year those nine months the school year yeah the school year the end of the fiscal year then it would go month to month after that if the if the district has not found a superintendent yet yeah I'm just thinking a 9-month term versus a 12-month term and the salary difference there okay does that make sense no like we're paying 250,000 for part of that though is a transition period one to two months but then we pay additional but that's prated Y and then and there's add additional cost too in here with his um with the sick pay and um or sick leave and and the vacation yeah so so I think the previous contract the previous board gave that uh contract seven weeks and I think there's four weeks in this one so it sounds like it's a better deal in this contract from this board and so uh there is yes sick pay there is vacation pay uh but overall as I looked at it there's almost a 20% reduction from the previous contract that was made so there's cost savings for the district to uh from a financial point of view so you're saying that kind of evens out when we look at the N9 months pay versus because we have less vacation and then the health insurance that's what I see so does that make sense to you yeah we also I appreciate the difference in the vacation pay but not necessarily a decline of healthcare benefit like I would think the salary would be based on time 9 months versus 12 like it's his choice to decline and sorry I just I didn't I would have sent that it's his choice to decline and he declines it because he gets his health insurance through his VA with his military service so that I'm saying so and that's where the investment then the tax sheltered annuities there's an investment of 15,000 into that plus his salary plus um paying for you know the dues and the business expenses and the insurance so um you know in the end the 9 months versus a year kind of Nets out to being pretty similar so okay no because I think I mean the previous salary I think was in the 270 range so there's to start 260 to start and then 265 27 and then if it's $ 250 it's a $20,000 savings plus the district isn't uh I believe for an individual who's on a a plan and I think the district contributes $25,000 in premium so there's right there $45,000 in savings plus I believe the previous contract had seven weeks of vacation so we're offering four so there's Savings in there and the fact that I think Mr Balman is uh is able to provide a transition plan uh instead of jumping to his next Endeavor right away there's benefits there so overall comparing it to previous contracts there is like cost savings between the two well and there should be because this is an interim role and not a full-scaled superintendent ship so um it but it looks like everything was cleared up so thank you for taking care of all those edits I sent over this morning and thank you for that appreciate it well they were they were just clearical things that were in another drafts so it was just a being at the law firm so there really wasn't any edits that needed to be made well there were St well there were a lot of there was there was a few edits but there was already they were already in another draft so we're definitely submitted so anybody else no okay do we have a motion already have one we have one y go ahead ter I'll second did didn't you already make I did but was sure Mr Lind had a questions all right so we have a motion on the floor by director Thompson to accept the contract and we have a second by director Lind yep um any further discussion on the contract okay hearing none we'll put it to a vote all in favor say I I all opposed motion carries and that contract is approved uh do I have a motion for adjournment tonight so moov I have a motion by director Carly Anderson do we have a second we have a second to adjourn yes we have a second by director Thompson any discussion there none we'll put it to a vote all in favor of adjourning the meeting say I I all opposed motion carries and this meeting is adjourned thank you e