##VIDEO ID:ckLRtK6JLQs## e e e e e e e e I don't know say what no s next time you go to the lake oh sorry good evening and and welcome to this working session of the Lakeville Area Schools Board of Education for attendance purposes we'll go around and have everybody introduce themselves please speak loudly and clearly for the microphone so that they can pick you up say your name Andre role Kim Baker chair David Anderson Vice chair Brenda Al executive director of administrative Services Judy kellerer Board of Education Michelle Humphrey executive director of student services Bill H Executive Director of Business Services Terry oh go ahead Brian go ahead Brian nope Brian Thompson is here Jerry Lynn uh Board of Education Carly Anderson Board of Education Emily McDonald assistant superintendent awesome thank you for that we have just a few items on the agenda for discussion tonight because we do need to wrap up by 6:00 um so the first thing we're going to talk about is board committees um one of the things I want to bring up real quick is I was hoping that we could add some type of um of an onboarding uh group that would work for the board just to make sure that we have that process set in place for new members we'll have three people coming on so if anybody on the board is interested in working on that thank you car yes I would be happy thanks you're welcome anybody else want to join Cari oh you're not joining me I'll join you hey I think we should probably make a rule that uh if you're on the board you're not allowed to wear other school district logos but just saying I don't know I mean we're part of I came from I was like I not all right all right arm armor wow thanks all right anyway we'll start with with Carly and I and then we'll work and if any other people want to join us they can but we'll get some stuff set in place for that and some meeting dates and I'll communicate that with Kim um and then the other reason that I had this on the agenda was Brian had mentioned um wanting to discuss an audit committee Brian do you want to talk about that yeah so I do so thank you for having this opportunity to discuss um sure so with the uh superintendent making uh some announcements and for the next 10 months or so uh you know I think there would be some value that a school board member or a select number of Schoolboard members are part of any key hires moving forward at least through the next school through the next school year um I don't have this respective dollar number that we need to kind of be a part of U I'm going to I'll throw out a number just for like for for a reaction so maybe anything over like $125,000 as a salary then maybe a school board member ought to be involved in some capacity during the um uh maybe the interview process or the interview awareness um I feel like it's so late in the game that we find out oh we hired somebody it's like okay well and then we have to approve it and so there isn't a lot of dialogue around the need for the position the intent of the position is it a backfill of the position and then also is it in line with where we want to go for the next you know 3 10 years or so so I think in the current dynamics that we are in today uh and for the next next 10 months is or so uh that is something that I think we should consider I have a question because um especially for Judy and Terry we've had an audit Committee in the past correct like how did that run like what was the board's involvement what did board members do like what was the purpose of that committee go ahead so this is different than what he's talking yeah he's not talking about audit he's talking about Personnel committee Comm I'm curious to what they did so the audit Committee just got their eyes on the audit prior to the board getting it and it only lasted for a very short period of time because it was just having a meeting to have another meeting of the same thing so we didn't the there was no value to it so we disband it quite quickly um what Brian is asking for first of all the hiring is Brenda's responsibility not the superintendent right so that falls like under Brenda and stuff and it's I think it's highly inappropriate for board members to be involved in that what we do as a board is governance and to oversee that and um we have high level discussions about the strategy and the direction and the path that the district is going on and then the superintendent and his team put it together and make sure that it's within budget that it um highly qualified people and and there's they have small internal educator groups that get together and interview these people and um the decision is for them to be making it and to be honest with you I wouldn't trust board members to be making decisions for educators and what they need they're the ones working at at day-to-day we're not and I think that would be highly um dysfunctional for the whole district and I think it would be dysfunctional for for the board for the administration and highly inappropriate so I would not support that at all you know as a board member while we are supposed to provide oversight and governance it's hard to do that when we just get a a name a salary dollar amount a step Lane and that is it so hang on let me finish so when I get my agenda packets on Fridays uh I see that list and it's very reactive obviously the off has already been extended uh and then I have to figure out and I have to like I literally have to go through the list and say okay did this person replace the the accounting manager that might have got let go two months ago like I have no idea I have to look and find out and so again I think in the current conditions that we're in today I don't think the board May would be the one making the decision saying hey you need to hire this person but there's got to be a way for us to get further line of sight versus being reactive and knowing at the back end uh for for um again how do you provide oversight and governance when you have a list and then you have to approve it on a Tuesday so you so that that's my concern as a board member and that's doesn't seem to me a good oversight in governance that's because you come from a place of distrust Terry did you have something inappropriate no inap com that's where you're coming from appropriate you can stop Terry did you have something to add um my comment is is that this is Administrative we hire one person that's that's the superintendent whatever decisions they make they follow the uh strategic plan they have the needs having us involved in any kind of a hiring process I think is it's it's totally out the line it's it's not governance I mean we have board members that question everything that's going on because they don't think it's right or they want to influence it in a certain way that's not our job our job is to do what's best for kids through governance yeah but if we have to approve the budget and we and that person is not a good choice is not what it's not a good choice then we have to pull that person how do you know it's not a good choice you can't Jud but how you how do we know it's a good choice we have to have faith in the people that are running this district for us okay Carly do you have anything to add yeah I mean I don't think it's ideal for us to be ins in ourselves in that way I just think um I I I would just say I think there are varying levels of trust um at this point and that is part of the problem and that's something I've been trying to advocate for and working on is just trust with between Administration and the board and so um I think that is what is causing this to come forth I absolutely do not think this is something that should be um like a routine thing okay um so it seems like the general consensus is is not at this time Brian um but I also feel like you may be getting some of the information that you're seeking with the part of the discussion that's coming up so um keep thinking about things right but you didn't give your opinion so well I'm going to go with the majority here that is saying that not at this time W that's okay that's kind of a cop not really because okay I mean I don't have enough information to say yes I think I need this I don't understand the purpose of it um and I I want to hear the information that the district is going to present to us over that organizational chart to give us that broad overview so that I like I just don't feel like I have enough background to say yep I think we need this like I that's that's my stance I I want to learn more I want to understand more and then um we'll see if it needs to be brought up later yep okay sounds good all right so um any other discussion on board committees nope okay we'll keep moving on here um so this should be pretty quick we just need to check our calendars uh we need to schedule our board retreat to go over our board goals and talk about our survey results and then um I also have spoken with msba and they have a training available um about picking a superintendent that process um it's about a two-hour training for um the dates that they have available after five o'clock because those are the times that I asked about knowing that most of us work during the day um they have a few dates in August September and in October so um it'd be nice if we could get that on the calendar because those fill up pretty fast but it also kind of depends on scheduling and what the board um has available so I'm going to grab my calendar too are you saying we're using as part of the retreat yep oh good idea yeah cuz last time we split the retreat into two different days cuz we we did like 4 hours here and 4 hours at another time I think we can do like 4 hours with the things that we have to work on and then this um this msba training to kind of help get us on track for um that hiring process considering that we have a lot of people that haven't been through that um I think it'd be good to hear it's um when I talked to them they said it's pretty open like they just present all the information to you and then you as a board kind of decide how you want to move forward so um I think it'll give us some things to think about and some direction as wait till the new board is on board well board meetings are um open right so anybody can attend um if they wanted to hear it the other thing is when I talked with msba they recommended starting the process um at least starting to think about that as soon as we as we could so that we could post Maybe by November or December to stay ahead of other districts that were looking so that we're thinking Forefront instead of past but um I talk to Kim I recommended that we do it earlier and not the normal time frame because we need to be out ahead of it idea that's what we did with Michael since we have the heads up so we should just get out ahead of it a little earlier when people are starting to look instead of at the tail end so to get something kind of in place and started by the end of this year is better than the start of the new year that's proactive makes sense um so the dates they have available if you want to pull your calendars up so you can take a look um sorry I'm pulling mine up too if you look in August they have the 20th the 21st or the 28th and that would be five or later as a starting time and remember it's about 2 hours uh the 20th is a Tuesday August yeah no 28th is a Wednesday 20th oh the 20th is 20th the 21st or the 28th the 28th is a Wednesday you're right so are any of those three dates viable options 28th works for what time um five or later 28th doesn't work for me 28th okay so Dave says the 28th doesn't work it doesn't work I can do the 20th what about the 20th or the 21st 21st we've got a meeting already scheduled all right that's just our committee meeting what that's just our committee meeting yeah we could move that right yeah we could I'm not available either those days all right let's look in September September they have the 17th or the 19th sorry did the 20th not work for someone it didn't work for Judy oh um the 17th that is the bowling night it is you're right but the 19th is open for me I'm open on the 19th um I'm good I don't know my son's getting married so you guys can do it without me I the 19th won't work okay okay that's fine you can do it without me don't worry about it it's fine um so there's one on if that's the case Cas then can can go back to the 28th and do it sooner sure cuz Dave you're the only one that couldn't make the 28th right I can make the 20th too I'm flying back from Fargo you can make the 28th I can make the 20 no I can't make the 28th I can make the 20th or the 20 well 27th we have a board meeting I can't meet to 28th so who who can make the 20th one two I'm fine a three you can't of August yeah yeah all right so everybody but one and what about the 28th I'm fine 28th 28th 28th I can't make to 28th of August I told so everybody pute one um and what about the 21st nobody's doing that one I can't do the 21st so we have four or three on don't but one person you can't worry about you're well I'm just looking at how many can and then we going do the 28th if you need to do the 28th other dates that they do the 17th and the 19th of September yep so where we're at here for the m msba a Saturday I am not I have a surgery early 19th no earlier in September I just don't know like it's a four we recovery so I don't know what things are going to be like get that so we have two times so we have um on August 20th everybody can make it but you is that right Judy Judy no Dave Dave and then on the 28th everybody can make it Judy sorry switched it yeah you said 28th yes or the 20th the 20th everybody can make it but me Judy and on the 28th everybody can make it but Dave in August in August but have it's is it is it for the presentation to find a new superintendent yeah well I won't be involved in that anyways so true okay is that going to be session stinks about that is we have a board meeting on the 27th and then we have that on the 28th which is fine but how long is the uh presentation generally about two hours two hours and that's what I was saying the September 19th but that's one you say you're not sure about yeah and I think it's important for you to be here because you're one of the people that hasn't been through that process yeah um we can do either one the 20 20th or 28th this one open house for schools is the 28th on to the 20th so I'm fine with the 20th let's do the 20th the the more that we know the faster that we know then we can plan accordingly what time we could do anything five or later 7 o'clock no it's too late I fly in I I'm I'm home by 4: I fly in for at 3: I would say 6 o' 5:30 or 6 are we are you doing anything with ready said achieve that's that night uh at night oh it's like 11 to 5 all right so we're going to try August 20th on at 5:30 or 6 um and we're going till midnight right no it's like two hours well no for other stuff too will there be other things that we'll be discussing or what's the intent I just want to make sure just to learn more about the process okay and then so that'll help us make decisions about how we want to do our process moving forward because it's the board's process and we can kind of talk about that and how we want to um do that okay um in the interim will there I'm sorry will there also be another session where we talk about board goals superintendent goals stuff well that's what I'm that's the other date we need to schedule is the board retreat okay um which should be about 3 to 4 hours so that would be an evening where we start can we just combine them and do go till like 2: in the morning no um no we can start at 5:00 and go till like 9: welcome Michelle um yeah or we can do 4 to 8 whatever um it's only going to get worse I I didn't file I would rather do it earlier rather than later so if we could do that in August or September too that would be great August is kind of running down so maybe September thoughts on a date slash time for that I would appreciate later in September later in September when are our board meetings the 10th and the 24th and the 2 for us could we do it that's the 17th again um what's wrong in the 17th that's the bowl for Education ah for the chamber thing we don't have to do it on a Tuesday um we can also do it like Wednesday or Monday or whatever works for people I know Mondays are usually City Council meetings if you plan to attend that but um you may want to suggest to go a little bit sooner I mean generally strategic goals are done before the right start of a calendar year or start of the fiscal year or start of a great school year and so we're going to do it late September which is fine if if that's what accomodates most folks schedule uh then I think we just want to level set expectations of what can be implemented what can be done things that we want to change can we do the 28th of August I agree what what's wrong with the August 28th 28 yeah that's fine we can do that I can't make August 28th plus she said there's the open house but you you go for it seriously did I join you yes okay all right August 28th at what time do you want to go from 7 it's it's like 4 hours no way can we do like this is four hours right like three to four the earlier the better generally I think they it's hard to do those strategic plannings in like one session so there may be value that I don't mind having it maybe just a couple hours but I in the spirit of being transparent we should probably think about all right what does a part two or a work session two might look like because I don't think it's going to be done in two hours but it could be I could be wrong I don't know very many school board initiatives that can be done do you want to just schedule a two-hour session and then we try to find another one later on that we schedule so that we have some time to process yes does that sounds great okay yeah so let's do hours is too long right August 28th and we'll do 6 to8 perfect 6 to8 and then policy committee was scheduled for that night so you need to find it okay we'll adjust that that's fine um and do you want to schedule the second session already so that we have it on there and it's accountability sounds good okay two weeks later same day two weeks later is September 11th right yeah I mean I'm definitely going be out for that one that's okay another policy commit tonight I'm gonna say I'm GNA not be available on that one how about the 12th Thursday I can do the 12th or respect for Carly with the 19th work better because you could tentatively maybe make that sure maybe I have no idea you probably won't be able to no I want you involved all right let's do the 19th six to8 yep in the that's a lot of me donating a kidney afterwards I'll give you some more so I think that takes care of those things um so let's move on because the bulk of our discussion should be about this next item which is the organizational chart overview and I think that's Emily that is me thank you so much just trying to see if I can get it up on the screen there for you back I got yeah oh thank you that doesn't cut in welcome to by the way fantastic voila see if I can make this a little bit bigger all right well um thank you so much I had a request to uh just sort of provide a the highlevel overview of the organization organizational chart um at the district level a couple things to note um we still are in the process of doing some hiring um so this is not complete it is a work in progress we still are waiting on some updates from some individual departments that maybe have had some changes um but I'll walk you through sort of where we are today um once this does get finalized we usually try to make sure that all of the updates are to the best of our ability are completed prior to the start of the school year and then this is of course is a public document so it it's on the generally on the website it's not on there now because we trans IED websites and it was old and we needed to make some shifts so what I'll do is just point out a couple of um shifts that have happened um over I don't know the past year or so just so you have an awareness of that I know we've talked about some of these things in individual pieces um but I'll just sort of cover them as I go through um so obviously in in the organization um uh we have our superintendent um our superintendent currently is responsible for oversight and supervision and remember that the organizational chart is really mostly about supervision doesn't really identify necessarily specific work it identifies titles of jobs but it's basically how things operate in terms of supervision um so our superintendent's responsibilities right now um are to superise the executive assistant who you know and love Kim Elson um the executive cabinet um the principles and any building administrators like um uh like our uh administrator of Alternative Learning um which is uh oversees our Pathways and Lakeville online program so essentially building leaders um as well as the Director of Community Education so those are the people that that report directly to the superintendent in terms of the executive team um we currently and I'll I'll go back back up in just a second but I'll give you the overview first currently we have four um members of our executive team including the superintendent that makes 5 um that includes the assistant superintendent position and then three executive directors executive director positions um we did have a fifth executive director which was our executive director of uh PR um and Communications um that position was transitioned to a director position um just in the past couple of months so while we work very closely with that person that person is a is now a director so if I start then at the top um who does that person who does that person report to never mind we'll can come back to that that person that person currently is also reporting to uh the superintendent okay yeah um in terms of the assistant superintendent position um there are four core areas that um that I oversee um that includes the the teaching and learning Department um our mtss Equity Department our technology and data services department and early childhood which was a shift about a year ago um we made a decision to in order to best align the system prek K12 um and really make sure that we were supporting our earliest Learners um I've heard some of you talk about you know you have to while you're plugging the holes of the cheese you have to start from the bottom up up right so how do we provide um the best experiences for our early Learners so they're prepared to enter into our system so so that shift happened about a year ago um in terms of our executive director of administrative services that is the human resources department um and I'll get into a little more detail on each of those in a minute um Executive Director of Business Services those are things like uh Business Services facilities and plant planning student nutrition essentially the business side um of the organization um and then we have our executive director of student services which is uh both student service services and supports as well as special education um which is obviously a a big part of the work that we do here um I would say in terms of the executive director while we all have our own um areas of expertise and items under our purview we work very closely together um from an organizational and strategic standpoint um and then our dor of communications and public relations um oversees our communication Department which currently includes um three people which you'll see in a minute C can we ask questions along this way or what do you want me to do to wait because I've got two questions right off that was Communications part of the executive team before and that was a change it was so it wasn't and then it was and then it wasn't so it was a it was a director position okay um then it was elevated to an executive director position and and now it's um a director position again and and you know that's based on feedback and sort of what organizationally um is really needed but what I'll say is I mean we we work very closely with um Grace um in everything that we do so but isn't it also because it's a very very small yeah that's what I was going to say what three people yeah it's three people yeah it's a executive director I don't know yeah much less oversight seems like yeah Le less over I mean certainly they're they're all very very gigantic jobs um especially when you're talking about communication um I I think when you think about the day-to-day operations of the dist District you want the expectations to align with the title and the and and so I think that was part of the conversation as um as we were transitioning one person out and sort of getting their feedback around the position um because our previous person had worked in both under both of those titles in terms of what the what that position needed so uh so the two questions I have on this one uh can you help me can you clarify a little bit because if you screw up a little bit more the the assistant superintendent you know and again I'm not in the education space so I don't I don't know but I've always seen I kind of thought the assistant superintendent is um Jack of all trades kind of like a chief of staff and they kind of span across the um the various department so I'm just curious like like a teaching in learning like executive should be in that capacity and so and that would free up the assistant superintendent kind of flex where it need need be so that's my first question why the district elected to just have a superint assistant superintendent in that role and then the second question is I see technology and data Department within that space if you got teaching and learning mtss Early Childhood that all seems educational whole thing is educational but teaching more specifically related and so um look looking to learn more why technology and data really shouldn't be under maybe like Business Services on like foundational facilities plant things that enable a business to run bill needs more work well well whether whether you need more work or not or you need some help I mean I think logically I'm just wondering how a how a u uh Community member would be like all right I see the assistant superintendent you see education education technology education then I go to bill and it's like Haj stuff right so technology those are my questions curriculum and education yeah so let me respond to your first question around the executive director of teaching and learning position um we needed a we needed a assistant superintendent as we were becoming a bigger system we didn't have one it did not exist and so what happened over time is because we could not financially support an executive director of teaching and learning and an assistant superintendent okay we opted to restr well it was before I was in this position but they opted to restructure that position to have the assistant superintendent to be able to take on those superintendent duties and and sort of be a jack of all trades um as well as cover down on the teaching and learning side so we made some Personnel we made some Personnel shifts in that but ideally yes ideally you would want a number two for to the superintendent to like oversee all operations um that frees up the superintendent to be able to do the Strategic work and do some other things um and then have someone specifically focused on on teaching and learning I think Brian this is really one of those things where um I know that we've heard people say that you know oh we have some staff of the do which you know that people say that all the time the reality is is that for a district our size we're fairly lean at the district office level um and as a result we have people Bill BR that have taken on more duties related to that to your second question um we a number of years ago we had technology and data services under Business Services it did did not work so we strategically moved it and it didn't not not because Bill didn't do his job it didn't work because when you're talking about the integration and implementation of Technology you're talking about the core of teaching and learning practices you're talking about what is it that teachers need to be able to utilize technology to high levels to be able to have students to be able to use their technology at high levels so we actually shifted that the reality is there is the instructional technology piece then there's the infrastructure piece so the infrastructure piece from my perspective was a piece that I had to it wasn't when I started when when that was moved wasn't maybe necessarily Under My Umbrella of expertise um so it was a Learning Journey um but we also have great people in those positions that can kind of help because if the technology doesn't work or it's not fast enough or people can't get on if you don't have the in infrastructure you can't do the teaching and learning so it didn't make sense to say well Bill you take the infrastructure and I'll take the teaching and learning piece so um so that was I think well can I also add you at the our technology and data Department lead director is from the world of curriculum yes and that's where she came from so exactly it I mean we see technology more on the in the instructional side and the curriculum side than on the fact that it's an iPhone or an iPad or yeah I I think it goes back to Brian it goes back to like strategic strategic core purpose like what's the purpose of having technology and then how do we make sure that it's aligned with everything else whether you're talking about um family and student facing schooly Pages or seesaw pages to wiring to Apple TVs to um you know we standardized technology classrooms what does everyone get and what does everyone have access to so um and I will say from my perspective that it it works better although it seems out of place it works better to have that closely closely connected to the teaching and learning side okay thank you for your Clarity and and if we could and if you could having a assistant superintendent not playing that capacity would be probably optimal say that again having having the assistant super superintendent in that role right now leading all the teaching and learning people having that person kind of Branch out and be the number two for the superintendent would be the ideal optimal back it's ideal if unless you're going to add an executive director yeah which we which is not super palatable and and we haven't been you know resourced to be able to do that so yeah so I would say it to me working in the system and and I will say too that over time this has not been stagnant like like as we have looked at the needs of the organization and the changes of the organization we have made changes and the skill set of the people that's right and it will still and and we still have some more coming which is why this is kind of a draft so okay so can I should I I know we only have that was helpful at least at high level thank you yeah so I'm going to I'm going to go just um a little bit in the time we have um again draft um so we'll start with Department of teaching and learning um what you're going to see is we have two directors here we have a director of Elementary and a director of secondary they oversee all of the all of the the buildings um and work very closely with the principles and they're responsible for making sure that we are implementing all of the things that we need to be implementing not only from a strategic standpoint but also from a statutory requirement standpoint um what I can tell you is um so we the administrative assistant you'll see 1.5 there 0.5 of that was a cut when we did budget cuts it was um one of the things that we reduced um that's been um a challenge but we're making it work certainly um each director has um two non-affiliated coordinator positions so those are these two right here um the rest from Specialists down those are all teachers those are all tosa positions so our specialist osas they're part of the EML contract um they help support um they work most directly with teachers on implementation um and support for instructional strategies and those types of things the literacy lead that's new that is a re statutory requirement of the read act that is uh we just did we just let someone go last year no I thought there was a a reading specialist we let go so we had a position changed because of the where it was um allocated they were using specific funds to for that position and those fund that funding source we didn't have anymore so we had to change it correct well Don's POS Don had she had a she had a reading specialist license she was not our district okay reading specialist so um she had a different position and then she moved into the coordinator position um and then has had an absolutely incredible opportunity that she has taken advantage of moving forward so when you look at um if you look at the elementary side this is statutory um we have two young scholar Specialists um those two people are funded fully through achievement and integration and then we have our idss coaches who are also teachers they work directly with teachers on coaching um and on their goals and on their teacher development and evaluation process um those are funded through our Q comp um plan so all the pieces in green there are uh funded through restricted dollars um and are like requirements of plans that we have so those coaches are those kind of like do they kind of operate as a mentor for teachers um they don't instructional they do they do yes um they have very specific identified tasks that they do um and because it's they because they are funded through TDE Q comp um a lot of that work is very specific to their uh teacher development and evaluation process so but they do go in and meet with teachers they have a they have a case load essentially of teachers that they work with each year they go in and meet with them they help them work through that process um has a question oh yeah Terry back to the top again just a little bit what's the role of the coordinators you have two coordinators in elementary and secondary yeah so the coordinators they lead um they basically lead all of our curriculum review processes um in the district they lead like for example we're doing some work around gifted right now they work with leaders um as well as um they I would say they work more with leaders and teachers like one of them for example oversees all of our stem okay so they're working with the stem teachers they ma yeah yeah so so that's their those are their roles and then on the secondary side um our tte Q comp lead is um also a TOA um that person supports uh our overall program um and helps with some coordination and also does some um uh coaching as well so it's a kind of a split job so one question real quick since so the Early Childhood is under you yes and then but you also oversee this Elementary and secondary and all of these people does Early Childhood have a slide like this where they have additional supports or they yeah I'll get to that when I get to that yep okay hey so so I've got a finance question because this is this is my mind is going crazy right now because when I hear tosa you're telling me that they're on the EML contract correct meaning that that we potentially uh the step 20 MBA or master's degree they're making $997,000 according to the new contract Plus benefits so we're looking at $150,000 high level that's high okay 150 high but it is high but high level nine of them in each category in elementary and in secondary so we're spending over potentially which I don't know the numbers $2 million in in these 19 resources or 18 resources do they have to be Tulsa is Tulsa the best option that we need to have just curious because I don't know yeah so they do have to a couple things number one when you are looking to just like from a from an Effectiveness and implementation standpoint when you are looking to hire coaches you're not going to hire a third-year teacher you want teachers that have had a lot of experience um to be able to help support people like in their so they have to you know they have to have some knowledge so so you're right in that a lot of times we see them on that far end um of the salary schedule because of their expert we're actually that's actually kind of what we want um the CU comp plan um is a plan that's approved by the state um and so yes they have to be so yes so they have to be tosas and and our plan is funded it's additional restricted dollars from the state to implement the plan so these are not gen general fund funded positions um they are Q comp funded positions now there's been a couple of years where because of the quality of the people that we hired and where they are on the salary schedule and their expertise um that we have been slightly over and had to offset with the general fund but we're in a better we're that's not an issue anymore from what I understand the yeah so the ones highlighted in green are coming from restricted dollars Q comp not coming from the general fund but if you go further up the ones that are highlighting blue this one this is also funded through the qon plan okay and then um is it required to use Tulsa I mean let me rephrase that for the nonc for the for the noncom funded funding sources so the one if you go further up you've got three the elementary tnl um do they have to be on the Tulsa contract well these the coordinators are not so one of the things that we did Brian during the budget reduction process was we actually those positions were shifted from tosa to coordinator positions um it for number of reasons um they work more days um the the you know the the pay is different because they're not on a salary schedule so those types of things but our but our two these two Specialists are tosa actually everything specialist down is Al TOA so those are all teachers on special assignment and they and then that means that they also work the teachers contract which is 182 days n months out of the Year 186 so we're paying great okay makes sense um just because of time I'm going to keep going keep going and again I know that uh I don't know if you've had opportunity to look at this on the website before but I will say that because it's still work in progress you you'll have some time to kind of process through it a little bit more deeply okay mtss and Equity Services as you know we combined these departments just recently and um uh eliminated the director of equity and director of mtss positions that was two positions we moved that to one position director of schools and continuous Improvement um the the point of that was really to help align um our work and embed our work in a different way um that person who we have just hired um has two coordinators um we have our mtss coordinator and our Equity coordinator um everything on this side of the on the equity side of the the or chart here is funded through achievement and integration so those are restricted dollars those are not general fund dollars um the the the people over here on this side um are funded through a combination of uh mtss Grant um what else bill there's some there's some other things but well most of it's the mtss of course know that is not forever but it's we're using it now for the next two years and there is some general fund dollars here yeah and on our continuous Improvement um side besides mtss our our district daak that's a requirement that person over sees all of our testing so they she will she's new to us but she will work with our buildings on on any kind of testing whether we're talking about Kats or we're talking about MCAS or we're talking about fast Bridge or we're talking about um that's a key position um and then they have uh then there's an assistant position right now that's just that's open because Bill stole our person and she went to business services so um all right in terms of can you go back one more I'm sorry so last week you we're talking about uh academic academic advisor counselors yep and we're having three going into the high schools and each one and I'm looking at this list and there's like nine Green School Success Liaisons yes so while they're by a different category which is great are we ensuring like like how do we make sure there's an overlap because if I need to like do I have to go see Kelly Kathy naida over the counselor like I just want to make sure that we do you know what those are that roll is I don't even I don't like a school of success liaison isn't that like because you got now four Deans in each high school and you got three counselors in every single high school and I'm school Success liaison are for different like different groups of so there's different people hired to kind of be representatives for different kinds of families and groups so we have like an American Indian one and a black um Somali Somali so like there's different they're cultural Lea yeah they're cultural liaison we refer to them as Student Success liaison they don't they're cultural they don't do counseling work they don't have counseling licenses they don't they don't actually do c their primary role if I could explain it briefly and quickly is it's complex but I would say at the root of it is their role is to help students and amilies navigate A system that maybe don't um have experiences or don't know how to navigate a system so like families that maybe are non- english- speaking um families that maybe are new to Country um they work to ensure that second that tier 2 layer of support um for our marginalized and underserved students so so I know we've got just a few minutes left and I just want to make sure that I have a chance to kind of read if this is okay because I sent an email to the to you guys and and then um and and want to make sure that we're aligned with what the rest of the board wants because if we're not if we're I'm not going to get it that's fine too so I think the uh so I sent an email asking what did I ask uh I would like the U I would like the documents beforehand uh names job titles one to two sentences of what each role does uh you know how this role impacts with students and how they help students uh what their what the cost of each role is and Union designation is this role legally required or not the Department's annual budget uh resources and non-resource cost uh and the average cost of the Department per student population uh is it statuto required and this goes back to what you showing like hey funding is coming from the AI budget or mtss I think that would be helpful for me so while there may be a few more slides to go I would like that information and I think that information also should be out to the public if this is going to be out there as well in the spirit of being transparent but I was were you taking notes yeah well I was advised that no is this a board request or is this an individual request the board has to decide if this is something that you want or that the the administration should do or not so I'll pause here because it's like that's what I needed but if you guys don't need it that's fine and then then I don't get it so so I find this really helpful just like hearing about all the different departments and what what you're doing and then also like where the the funding comes through and that's just trying from understanding of understanding what Bill presents to us so I I feel like it kind of brings some pieces of the puzzle together for me and then also when I'm thinking about we compare our academic scores to these other districts that are similar size um but I think we always miss out on comparing like what student supports we have to these districts of bigger sizes and like wetta and um minona like right like they've kind of rebounded from Co but when I compared when I pulled this up because I knew we were going to talk about it and I compared their supports to the ones that we have in place like we're doing the same amount of work with like half the people um so I mean I know on paper like it it looks like a lot but it's really not when you comparatively look at those those districts that are the same size as us and have the same amount of students right now and the people that are trying to support all of the people that we have in the classroom right because I mean I I keep hearing from teachers that they want more supports um and these are the things that you know some of the things that we're missing so I do feel like it's key information and I do appreciate Emily you taking the time to go through it I don't know how detailed we need to get into it but um I mean there are some financial documents like like I know there are some school districts that have a a department executive summary that says here's how many resources we have this is the average cost of our resources for the number of population that we have here's everybody in our department and how much they cost and here's the overall mission of this particular department so I I know again I don't want to get into the weeds of management absolutely but how can you effectively oversee and govern when you don't have this information and so that that's just my point of view so I think okay now we continue I feel like this overview is helpful but I also feel like since she said it's like a work in progress we'll probably need an update um and maybe get you know talk more about it all right I'm going to go anybody else have any questions got eight minutes I know okay 8 minutes I'm not even through my part yet yeah just got started let's get to Michelle what is she what is she doing director of uh Tracy broville director of Technology you can see that's a combination of both instructional um technology uh folks as well as Data Systems folks um they do an incredible job to make things work make sure they work correctly make sure teachers have what they need and make sure that our data is protected and our students are safe so um so there's a lot of there are a lot of positions in there the greens um are assigned to specific buildings so we have infrastructure people and then we have individual building people that are there to address issues as they arise finally in terms of Early Childhood um as you know we hired a actually we just changed the title to director of early learning um same you know same contract just different title it just made more sense um and they she has uh two support people and then you see we have our preschool folks our early childhood and our early um our ECFE family education um while the Early Childhood special education is at cleck um that is actually supervised through Michelle's Department because because they have the expertise there around the sped but we work Molly oversees that whole building um so we work closely together but it's not under my purview in particular human resources we have um a very few people doing doing a lot of work for all the employees um in the district um so we have benefits um we have people that work specifically with um contracts for uh groups different groups in our district um we I can tell you we access those people on a daytoday basis um we have uh you can see depending on which group we have different people that have different areas of expertise so um and then we have teachers on call which we continue to utilize to fill our subs um during the school year um so that's all under um Brenda and then Brenda has one manager um Jeff tickle so you need more people she does need more people um those people are are working constantly and then um for Bill you can see he's got the finance arm right here with the controller um he's got facilities and plant planning um payroll um health and safety which is really um we're talking about that particular piece and whether or not we want to look at a realignment there with our other um health and safety people uh to appeared to be under student service well that's what we're talking about Dave is that right now we have two we have a Continuum of of service when we're looking at safety from proactive to responsive and what we are talking about is do we need to bring those two pieces together because right now what Bill's overseeing is really the physical security pieces um and then what student services is overseeing are things like our Reporting System early intervention um threat assessment those types of pieces um and then Bill also has student nutrition so he works very closely with our Nutrition department that's a Lot bill bill needs more people Bill's got a bill needs bill needs a few more people too um and then Michelle's Department um we have two positions um we have our interim director of special services and of course a key um position in our district really oversees all of our coordinators um and then our building coaches that are working directly with our teachers those behavioral coaches are uh teacher facing to support um uh sort of like what's happening within a classroom um specific to special ed so I know that probably you're thinking well aren't we looking at Behavior people for the levy these are specifically specialed funded so therefore they cannot work with general education students and quite frankly um those uh those coaches are very busy as it is they can't take on anymore um and then this director of operations position um I just want to mention really quickly because we are just about out of time um when we when we combined the mtss and Equity position and teaching and learning when we made that one position that left an open position so we reallocated that position to student services to help manage the significant workload in that department to create the director of operations so that's a new position it's not costing us anymore it's just a shift of position out of teaching and learning into um student services to really sort of manage those the federal programs piece as well as the threat assessment pieces and Etc so that um that position remains open um we haven't we haven't posted for yet because we're still in the process of sorting out uh you know Michelle's been here seven days so we got to give her a little bit of time Michelle to figure out what she needs um but you can see it's pretty much nurses um it's it's the student support pieces so it's special education nurses um the due process there's uh this department also works with um our counselors you know our current counselors that are coming in our elementary counselors that we've had um and then lastly uh we have um our director of communications and right now they have um she has one coordinator um has just posted for um a position but otherwise has two special and and um she also oversees the uh receptionist currently so so yeah we could use more in Communications too yeah I mean yeah we're pretty we're pretty lean all around um it's our biggest thing like that's the thing that we need the most help with I think so that's the that's the speed or chart the speed or all right so knowing that you still have some things that are in the works um we'll try to schedule this for a later work session and and review and maybe dig a Little Deeper Brian we'll see it's up to you guys I mean that's what I was looking for but sounds I didn't go through Community Education I mean that is uh it's a absolutely essential arm of what we do it's a separate arm it's separately funded um there's really no crossover we had a little bit of crossover in terms of general fund but pretty much this is a self-funded program um so I'll make a motion we have to be legally out by six so we have be done at 559 all right make a motion to adjourn I'll second all in favor say I hi motion adjourned even yeah well thank you thank you for jumping us