##VIDEO ID:-712dWlUdjA## welcome to the August 26 work session if you join me for a moment of silence in the Pledge of Allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice all right we moving on to Citizens comments see none uh item number 3A the uh Arts Center strategic plan I'll turn it over to Joe Macy Arch uh and I'm actually gonna turn it over to Nikki PR manager all right Nikki hi I'm uh I'm Micky prer uh our Center managers uh most often known as new Joe that's to um and just talking a little bit about the Strategic plan so I'll just give you some basic information about what went into creating this strategic plan and uh some of the goals that came out of it and some of the work that the planned work that's coming up and the work that we've already done so uh the plan development began in Spring of 2023 and City staff The Advisory board members as well as the friend of the art center board members got together um and also a consultant consulting company aora came in and helped facilitate uh those workshops in that process okay sorry uh and so it was a two-day process with Aurora uh the first day consisted of looking at sort of where we're at and what are what the vision was going to be for the next 5 years and then the second day was identifying some barriers uh to those goals and then creating some direction and strategies to overcome those barriers and meet those goals uh and the Strategic plan is a fiveyear plan2 so so that first on that first day then coming uh determing sort of what our current reality is you can see uh and these are some of our accomplishments uh and up to the point where the Strategic plan process uh began and this is uh just a few of them there were a lot more so this is a bit of just sort of a summary um so that the of course the big one was the purchasing of that Fine Arts Building um and addition to the build to the Performing Art building as well that included a loading back um L Construction the construction of that V Shing amp theater at cers live of the lake series that came along with that Amphitheater then uh a new event which was the art fall and then also just increasing the size of that Lakeville Art Festival so the largest Art Festival uh today have happened um expanding a lot of expanded community outreach and expansion and increase of programs and that new um building came with like a 300% increase in Visual Arts programming so that's pretty good pretty big accomplishment wild um the other thing that was looked at was uh some Trends in our community here what's changing about the participants that are coming into the building obviously the population increas in they still in the try area um and with the growth in the population then uh the makeup uh becoming more diverse economically and culturally uh which then of course creates growing needs for new programming and social media of course is just becoming such a big part of everyone's lives and then trying to sort of connect out with uh getting people to come on out and have some in real life kind of experiences next thing that uh the group looked at was both the strength of the art center as well as some some gaps or some boulders to some of these goals and changes that will come as part of the Strategic plan implementation so um of course people staff the community the volunteers the boards um such huge support for the art which is amazing um when it comes uh Municipal support so the financial and pH philosophical support of that um art Fender and go just done there uh lville um Arts Festival obviously a strength always growing it sounds like for year to year and it sounds like it's a really popular for both the participants as well as the artist that come in the location is obviously a strength um and then having 20 plus years uh under the sort of belt so to speak of the art center of sucess that's a lot of years of um being successful and in the consistent growth to those years uh and then some of the gaps or barriers um challenges opportunities Maybe um are just making sure that the public is aware public awareness um and as your programming grows then of course you have a need for more staff more people to run all those program all that programming and we're definitely in a growth phase so that's alwaysa a tricky time figuring that out um and then questioning and looking back at is the Legacy programming still the best programming is it still effective or are some some shifts needs to be made um and while there is uh as probably most you know that parking lot that's there it has some good accessible parking to the quite close to the door easy access if you are in a wheelchair if when we have events on site some of the large events then the parking gets very limited very quickly um and then just a very competitive market especially for youth programming and I'm sorry maybe I'm kind of moving through this pretty quickly if anyone have any questions about anything I S so far um so once you know just looking at sort of what the strengths are um what some of our challenges are then sort of determining what should our goals be for the next 5 years and so what this slide um talks about it's not specific goals um but just sort of overarching um goal for the Arts organization so for the ecture so wanting to connect to a diverse community Through accessible experiences accessible meaning you know maybe there's programming for kids on the Spectrum or with other different abilities but also um economically accessible as well uh pursuing different Revenue sources to support the missions um collecting and using data to inform decision so using all the information we have to make smart decisions uh providing more opportunities for for Youth and for service organizations to engag with the art so just connecting with the community even more enhancing all of the the art the events that we do and then thinking about developing new ones perhaps um let's see having us uh thriving state-of-the-arts program uh establishing engagement opportunities that create Community Investments and fostering an artist Network there sort of some of the big overarching goals that let that lead to some of the specifics that I'll talk about a little bit next uh so to kind of break down some of those bigger picture items um the group came up with three strategies and there's some you know different elements to those but three strategies are planning for facility development and Community growth engaging the Community with new programming and collaborating to strengthen arts in the community and then those um were broken down into each section was broken into three different categories too that you can see there I won't take you through each one of those as we're looking at this slide we'll dig into both a little bit deeper um in the next two slides unless anyone has any questions about anything that Stu there I'll just move on to some of the more specific items um and so out have been some of those strategies can and implementation plan thinking about and this is again um it's a snippet I mean there's a lot uh there was a lot more um that that is in each one of these uh slides uh there's a lot more to each one uh but I'm just kind of AED because it was it get to be very with a lot a lot of information and this group came up with just a ton of ideas and ways to grow the art and Serv make improvements and um but just a few items that were included in what would be the implementation plan and this is split up into two categories um one would be the friends of the Lakeville Area art center board and the other is The Advisory board so trying to sort of split some of those tasks um between those two organizations and then of course the staff is working across across everything working with both boards um but having the assistance from those two boards on some specific Tas helps keep us all you know on track and having some uh some of the good answer to as we're moving through um so for the friends they're F focused on some of the facilities um and of course the friends is connected to the Art Festival so talking about events from the grounds and how those are used and whether they're you know ad all that kind of thing um expanding the variety of the programming that we offer and exploring some new program models um finding new Revenue opportunities a big piece of that of course too is developing new marketing initiatives to get more folks to find com into the building um and then shifting a membership program that is been a part of the friend but shifting it to the art center so um having a a more vibrant sort of membership um opportunity for people and then um volunteers is a big part of the Strategic plan as well um being able to bring more community members than uiz volunteers which then of course of that from from some volunteer Association activities with EV that um I so is this Shi from friends to The Advisory Board would you move it over so the membership wouldn't be shifting to The Advisory board but it will shift to the art center so at present it's a member it's like a friend of the Lakeville area Art Center membership oh okay but now what it'll be is an actual membership to the art center um oh okay and the idea being that at the Art Center we it makes a little bit more sense to be a member of the art centry we have a lot of programming where we can offer like for example in the summer some of workshops are sold out very quickly and we have a lot of weight list so that's probably a good way to get um it's a good benefit for members that they maybe get a week early access to registering for classes that kind of thing which the the friends Bo because it's fun to offer but not much in that way so um and and then have it is and I'll this part I'll actually add a little bit so the the friends membership as saying there's not a lot of benefits to it so the the thought process through this implementation plan is to do a joint membership you be a member of the art C Advisory Board the art center and the friends and we'll work out some or look at some typ of a revenue split with them then um so that benef difficult organizations but Ely the intention of growing the membership opportunities and can increasing the number of members of the organization so there's a lot of other models out there for membership programs um over the previous 5 years strategic plan we spent quite a bit of time analyzing those and looking at the structure and lak bills was always a little bit of an anomaly uh so the new plan we're looking at some of those to try to again grow back for those opportunities thank you um let's see and then the last under the list of things that the fund will be and again this is just a smip it um uh is to do some reviewing of Google analytics for both the center and um the art festival and then shifting over to The Advisory Board some of the things they want they'll be focusing on are what the staff both is to enhance um organizational planning to assess our revenue streams uh broadening Community feedback opportunity is um an internship program uh establishing that program and um and bringing into both buildings the Performing Arts and the uh Finance building uh offering a comprehensive offering comprehensive volunteer opportunities and uh finally then connecting with regional art organizations and just local business organization in any other questions on that the friends are um Foundation right so the friends are 501c3 with so they're an autonomous board their own bylaws their own structure there is Crossover with some of what staff does with staff the Aon but they do run their own programming the AR FAL their event that's ultimately something they oversee um but they do support the facility through donations and sponsorships and other things so pretty much everything they generate goes back prce so one way sh perform all right and then okay so we're just talking about some of the implementation PL and then so some of the this uh strategic plan will run from 2024 to 2028 so there are um some things that we've already started to work on so here this slide just shows a few of the achievements that we've already had um that were at least in some way driven by the Strategic fighting uh so uh finance committee forming new finance committee um as a part of friends and getting more meeting schedules more research and development for membership that's already be done um a gr for new death killing was submitted um and then just speaking up new sponsor for artol and these are already things that have already we've already begun work on in some we started some initial conversations um about the properties planing and usage the property disos buildings I guess in uh research and design began in um summer 2024 back and uh joint membership committee has also been formed uh as part of the report and then we started again researching and what other organizations are doing and what our current like this cor track what our current systems will be able to do in terms of memberships um new marketing initiatives we've been looking into one of which as a photo opportunity at theart Festival and then more work on internship and then we'll start some new programming this fall uh Theater Arts programming for prea de grade so a few things we've already kind of got so where the writing is this is it with a friend or is it with just your sta so yeah there's there's two opportunities there well there's more than two opportunities the friends fall into a different categor for uh grant writing opportunities than you Center do okay um so they have their own grant writer they take care of their own Grant applications um and then the art center falls under a different categories we're talking strictly about bate artor gr that is um and so in that respect is the primary grant writer for the art center and the friend Center Ro those two pieces have to be completely separate okay um they can't be crossover between the two organizations because of the way that the State art for manages those a thank you and this particular Grant was um a member of the Friends board is writing the grant that it yes not an art for GR it's a separate Grant with um an energy um this last page uh or this last side just talks um this shows a little bit of a breakdown for the first 18 months these are some of the items that we're looking to do them and these are the deadlines we're hoping to get them accomplished by and I think I might have already time oh no we always run over um question um so like I said we the grant has been submitted but hopefully by October of 2024 the friends will have that Grant secar and and then we'll have some internship doc we'll take your researches down and get some job descriptions put together for internship um and some uh new marketing possibilities also in October evaluating the new programming that we rolling out um in September and then um we'll have some options for membership we can sort of report out and we make some decisions on January I don't know how much you want only to keep going through all of these I know you can read them so um but membership yeah could you uh talk a little bit more about what some of the options are for membership um besides Early Access other types of if you if you want to yes yes yeah so I think some of the some of the programs that we've seen that have been successful and there's a couple of reasons one that a vibrant membership program is important one is um it helps to build return customers obviously um it helps to build um you know their involvement it helps to give us a database also for volunteers and all those things um but the programs that we've seen that have been very successful have uh provided yes Early Access for registrations um but also potential discounts for classes or um being able to together pricing for um like season tickets those types of things all structured right now because of how it was structured we weren't able to do any of that through our database it was all through the friends um by switching it we're going to be able to utilize software that we already have and then again use that to build that return customer we have a lot of return customers but I think it's going to just create another anue for grow so yeah so there's there's quite a few reasons of yeah the SEC item has come up quite a bit over the past few years so yeah been to get able to commit to come in advance but [Music] also a couple questions about kind of the whole process one was there any kind of conversation about um um increasing daytime offerings uh whether it's like targeted to to seniors and partner with Heritage Center and I did see that I think Parks is going to start doing some homeschool stuff at Ritter so any like daytime conversation so you probably have more information about this but we are we will be offering starting in the fall there will be some Daytime programming for pre so we will do some of that um and then the uh Visual Arts programming too like in the new fall schedule there are definitely some Daytime um adult classes primarily and I believe there's one or two um homeschool Focus yeah classes during the day time and I'll just add yeah to add to that the um historically we've had a pretty robust daytime schedule for the visual arts programs um it's the performing arts classes just because of black of space when we had just the one building that really did suffer with daytime offerings that's something we need to jumped on already and has some new programs going schedu for fall that we okay definitely focus and then my other question was was there a conversation about just the site um obviously we acquired the new building is it working out do we need to think about facilities we own a lot of land around there um between that and the parking lot and then the lot behind it and so just think is there like what what conversations going on and and does a jive with the downtown real guy those type of things yep so uh that is uh you one of the tasks on that first 18mon plan is that joint facilities committee and part of that is to look at how all of those larger festivals are using the site how the art center programs are using the site how it's working with the new um down development guide and then also the parking study that um planning uh worked on last year uh because there are some changes to the grounds on the Northern end of the site leing to that um so that the plan was to look at all of those together and try to create a site plan that maybe helps with the festivals um you know look at how we're using things to think so Council questions okay thank you boss for appreciation the update we look forward to hearing more thank you um okay moving on to the next item City commission appointment process and I will turn take that um as I'm doing that Alan could you load up the so um at the annual goal site in Retreat one of the items that you asked staff to come back with was just a a further discussion about the city commission employment process um and I put in the memo what you've done recently and um as you know you changed it a little bit this past year and that you held almost all the interviews on one day um on a Saturday this year and I think that worked well um from what I gather um so um you know there's that so you can talk about if you want to continue with that and then there's also um just a request to talk about um or do a little bit of research on term limits currently we have no term limits on our city commissions the only thing that we do have is a limitation on how many times the somebody can serve as chair of the Planning Commission um so that's all we have there but um I did put in the memo what some of our comparable cities do and it's all over the map some are similar to us they don't have many term limits some have different staggered terms with exceptions and things like that so um just wanted to bring it back to the council and see if there's any desire to to do any changes as we move forward for next year okay very good um let's start with the process everybody any thoughts or recap from last year I uh I thought the uh single day process was I I liked it um it's all in one it was a lot easier to keep track back of of candidates and it it seemed to flow pretty well um so I would encourage continuing with uh with that yeah I think the only thing for me was if and it's so hard with people schedules if we could do one board in a chunk if possible like all the Planning Commission at one time at one time day but no I liked it too it was better than um you know spreading it out of a multiple weeks you're were able to stay a little more focused on on the task you guys come yeah I think but maybe a if you're going to do by you get it arrange that way it would be nice to have just like a small break in there to be able to organize because ultimately what we're getting to do you know then we get to the end be y more efficient my my only has think we should continue to do it on that one day but on a year where it's a very popular um commission year where we have a ton of applications that's when that will become really challenging um and I don't remember who brought it to our attention uh some other stor County process where they need video submissions so that there could be a first round uh kind of riew from home so if we needed to do some Cuts before doing those in interviews I think that might help us on a year that has too many yeah on one day I'd be hoping that if if we did get a bunch to maybe I mean that's because we don't really have it written down per se it's just we get to decide Poli is but I'd be fine with that um I did have some thoughts about term limits I don't know the rest of you I think in general I think something makes sense the one thought I had was planning should probably be a little bit longer uh only because I should I think they should at least get through a comp plan and have some experience before that so if you have like a you know four or threee terms this 12 years you know the true confine process in but I don't know what you guys think about ter moment I uh you know I I I was thinking about that and I don't have an issue with them I I agree with you L that it would be long better to have like a longer term limit but just having it stop I see that there's one city here uh that will do what is it Bloomington no more than six consecutive years then a gap before a new appointment um so something I I encourage a longer one and I don't know if we have to decide well Arts commission is going to be two years the plan is going to be three or four years if if we want to do that or just make them all the same but I uh I think there's some benefit to it um but I would I just would not I like Bloomington deal where it's like okay if you turned out that doesn't mean we're absolutely done you that you come back I think getting some fresh perspective yeah I mean you if you're going to do you is two threeyear terms and planet has three threeyear terms for the one-year Gap um I think your comments on on planning are are critical CU I you know having then on a Planning Commission I know it takes at least a year to figure out what the heck's going on and whether you should say something cuz it's complicated and if there's a lot of processes there um but I think generally though I'm um I don't think I'm generally a fan of ther I guess on this I think that's kind of our job to assess that and I think we you know the last couple Cycles we have um we remove I mean not removed but haven't reappointed people with the long um some long longevity on both parks and planning and I it's not plan to I think Finance is another good example too of uni me some unique skill sets for that that um that it's going to be um challenging to find at some some cases so I think that we having the attendance um schedule that we so that we know their attendance I think the other thing is is that I think we're qualified enough to think know they're still bringing value um to our question we usually ask them you know those persons that are asking to return usually were asking them something to the effect of you know what value they have brought um that type of thing so I think it's really up to us to DET you think somebody is not qualified any and I realize it's you know in a lot of ways it just works itself out people's lives change and so we do have people that don't um come back because of their life uh changes um I don't know I I think it would be I'd be concerned that we're always finding the quality candidates that we need because sometimes we're looking at some of the people that apply aren't really up Stu compared to what we already had I think that's where the issue was that you do have L quality C and as I reflect on the conversation you've had it's really hard to allow someone new into the process because we had such big people in this Ro and because when we start talking about qualifications certainly the person that's been on the board long longer at all in comparison to the new person is going to have the qualification more so so where I see the challenge is offering opportunities to newer residents um or younger residents um because we we've had these discussions before and how how do you turn down the experience uh person individual so I as I look at the the comparable cities I really did B the Aina or PR models where there was a gap because it allowed at least an opportunity but not a a definite end forever it just created that space because I just know how our conversations have been and it's really challenging to they know um I'd be open to the Gap concept um as well I mean but I I um not an AB but I don't think and that's that's what I said earlier I think the Gap is important and that is a challenge that we have each time is you got somebody and it would just be nice for some openings to to naturally happen um or find some way to get people that are less qualified with they're trying for this and and they would like to try it we do that sometimes with they can prevent the one year turn the AL the alate terms where at least get a taste of it um it still could be quite some time I just think I I just think for some way to have some kind of a of a term limit and then just but not just telling somebody now you can't do it anymore and just come back in year so what if they are an there one of them we alter I think you see different models than other cities where the only terms that count by fulls not the alternate but the alter uh position has is always is it one is it no is it yeah it two and not all of them have Alters right and I was intrigued with the ones where they said hey we do have a term limit but with the unanimous vote we will overturn it's almost to your point Michelle that we can make that decision but we're making opposite way and if there's somebody that we feel is has Justified that they're adding a ton of value we'll keep that person on versus waiting till somebody's not showing value making a decision because for me it wasn't as much about value it's I think anybody that's serving in one of these positions is is committing I think a lot of it is is just providing opportunities but I would like to have some options because there are some really specialized committees where there aren't a ton of people with the expertise level so I need to take somebody that has huge expertise and go well you know you have to take a year off uh I would like the option to be able to say we're going to keep some significant expertise in the group but they're not going to apply the so I mean in most cases they're going to know that they're terms up request it be interesting to see how these cities deal with that I don't know what this doesn't say what their process is it just says that they do that so it' be interesting to see how a city that does have you know you can be extended by unanimous vote is that something you do before the process is something you do after the process you have't V into the process I don't know how that works what's our cheer limitation for planning 3 years um I believe it's 3 years three one year terms I think it's three onee terms like executively yeah I mean Planning Commission is actually the only committee commission that's in code the rest are established by resolation and it's and it's required by [Music] Statute so anybody have a bright idea on where what direction you want to go or mix the models it sounded like woodberry's unanimous vote next with's is what some people said I think it's one of those things that I mean unless we have some overwhelming opinion I mean it isn't going to HT to keep it out it is but I would say I would want to do something uh we did establish term limits I think longer longer possibility of service and the ability I just want the ability to say now I think somebody needs to stay on here because I would hate to have some high level of expertise walk out the door because we said a ter so the other question would be if there were term limit and you finished your one turn and now you would like to do the second ter do you reapply to the council or do you just giv your ability toate your time that's a question wonder if these cities don't do interviews in between terms we do um I don't know for sure um just anecdotally we're one of the few cities that interviews incumbents because we don't have terms right so that's you know make sense for interv I'd be in favor of moving that direction if we're creating this process for of not interviewing not inter assuming you know there's a favorable record for the term um that's how we lean anyway um over the past few years last years the incumbent always has the ADV [Music] so do you have um you have you have let's say the finance andol the Inc say yes they for another time which doesn't leave any opening not poting opening for that committee no I think in my opion the council should cuz you're not appointing them to 9 years or whatever you're appointing to the term so the council still say even without interviewing we're going to move in a different direction so you created term limit right but you're but it's you still at the three years it's like an option to renew almost right where you still have to apply yeah you still have to apply so you're going to come back but you wouldn't have to interview I think is what Joshua is saying so we' interview just the new people and we look at the list and say oh okay well based on what we understand about this person's performance we still feel fun with them there kind of thing because a term limit doesn't mean that oh okay I just got appointed so I'm on for nine years it's the term and so we still have that um that decisionmaking U voice that you were talking m Michelle that yeah you're performance might not have been up to Snuff so we're going to we're going to go a different direction um or you know what but you're really an asset that we need so we're going to extend that if you want so but it's not a guarantee a ter limit isn't a guarantee to I get my five threeyear terms I still like getting the interviews because I feel like we learn a lot on you know advice from those people on what they think we should be focusing on it's actually I appreciate the one-onone time for 10 minutes to get feedback well I think then like this this year we had everybody scheduled right then I think some some a couple of them we decided we didn't need because they the only options so I mean I think that's something play by here ever appli decide be a y I mean I would also think that if we were leaning towards not reappointing somebody that we would still give them a chance to have an interview you know right just make some kind of like the case so I he still interview please um I I don't know where we're at with the majority of f on the the Hy model I'm fav with that so two of us sounds like Michelle does was not wanting ter over I think I'm I'm I'm still a no unless um the only thing I would support would be there would be a the Gap it's not a permanent termin of it it's a yeah I mean one that's what I'm proposing yeah I I would go one more step and make it a triple hybrid because I just don't want to lose the ability there are some some circumstance ances where somebody brings something that nobody else is going to I would just hate to you know it would be a decision we'd have to make to extend that but I I would say the bloomage and Edina with with some terms the one-year Gap I talked about that before but also that we have the ability to um to extend the term I I think that's L and I both yeah saying so what we're proposing is no more than two three terms except for planning get three threeyear terms onee gap before new appointment after the term mhm or uh if you meet your term limit but you need to be kept it can be extended by so yeah that's for what a term or one year for another ter for another ter I don't think we want to get out of cycle yeah so John you're okay with that yeah I'm good with that okay so just so I'm clear I heard um exactly how you is two threeyear terms Planning Commission is three threeyear terms a one-ear gap if you've maxed out after that Y and anybody can be extended for another term by unanimous vote Council yep [Music] okay we will work on um an ordinance an ordinance and we'll brand that then the other piece I don't know if that would go inance but just that we would interview yeah that that's just part of our I wouldn't put that in the ordinance all right thank you everybody um we're done so let's let's try get through the budget stuff with Julie and then depending on how that goes maybe we take a break before we do the CIP does that work for everybody Julie you're seven minutes ahead it doesn't mean you have seven more minutes so going into this budget season um you had the challenge of the tax tax page City not growing all that much so 3.4% for tax capacity 2.8% that was in construction the 6% in valuation increases so not a lot of um pushing there for all the growth things that will have the growing um the fire department model and adding those 10 fires and it's to do so in another six in 2025 both MERS are go to the budget um the way we have positioned the budget we are not including in in the numbers that are includ to the tax not including the requests that you um that were just develop we did include the six full fire that Council already approved in the last budget cyle of the addition um but at this time and we actually there was four in the last budget cycle that were um start November 1st of 2024 instead of that we're going have two starting November 1st of and the other two starting in June of5 um timing issues and just the way the filling a position is gone that even seems more feasible been add more top of really asking enough we that or get that um a lot of things that changed there are some on time cost in 2024 budget that all those us um the overall picture so if they kind of like AIT set the additional increases you know when we're going when we look at the expenditures in the general fund you know there's there's one kind cost Sol Supply 245,000 the whole BMA implementation you know that was the one 370,000 so those decreases from last budget for this help pushing the increases that we receiving and all that other those other costs um the way we have structured it also we've got the debt Levy set at um the 105% required portion of of to what we need to need the bond and for interest we do have some wle room in those Des fund um so we could play with that and bring down some of that that so would take away our contingency abilities in the future years not say that it was jeopardizing it just was less than most interest amount um the other thing that is also affecting the increase is the having to add in Dollars into the building equipments and Technology funds so those three together is $600,000 worth of our ly um where last year we weren't having to anything in those um so and that's those are real needs nothing in 2025 in those budgets is a unrealistic or unnecessary those are trying to keep those fund balances positive um of course the big big piece of the whole ly increase is the part of referendum ly and been noted in the council packet that was um of the 13.4% that was 2.4% of the of the so um and we knew that going into this budget we knew that this was going to be our big hit year um so we trying to look that what C is comfortable with what we going forward into the September proposal because that's the what will go out the notice the property in November so the good news is with um the way we have a structure right now our tax rate would still be less than what the tax rate was in 2009 when the big di in the market hit um our tax rate is still tax capacity rate here um um and if you look at and there's another question for Council to think about do we want to have comparative information of to the other County cities County cities or to our comparable cities and what their tax rates are tax are and their increases in their because we're not the only ones that are seeing dou especially cities that also BL those for fires um so we're not alone in battle but it it's a painful battle for sure um I was trying to record you say include comparative would you back notice or [Music] in here's where we sit compared to our neighboring cities to county or our conserv CI side those other cities um and I think it's important to money because they all we are still low if not so low so you know it's it's kind of to help keep perspective also um so just a thought and you know Hing to get any feedback on what counil feels about having that kind information and sharing it because a lot of other cities actually their counil want that and they want every me they talk about what's everybody else's numbers um and I know it's not always Apples to Apples because we all have different needs and all some people are so um but so well and let me just touch back to the when you're looking at the way we structur the budget now um just looking at that Medium home value if we put the budget in place that we've got it not adding new positions other than theal players that Medan home valued at a 41,000 would be $151 a year increase [Music] and there was a lot of changes on the general fund Revenue side of it other than the property taxes um we able to increase something charges for services and Par increase investment income based on how the market spend um this last year hoping that there'll be some continuation of that for a while at least um so the other thing that I just wanted to mention with the um saer Grant you know we did apply again for this second um what we would get in the first year is 1.7 million um and realizing that that could offset all of them position on in place but again understanding we still got to build out model so there's a lot of information in here and I don't want to like go Overkill anything um but just name there any questions on what was in the P we're not not suggesting these any general fund reserves and what that would leave us at the end of 2025 budget is 50% of fund Downs um it would be a 48.5% fund balance of 15.6% so it's still very balance so you know Council has any strong feelings about possibly using some fund balance just been not saying it's something I recommend but it's an option um you a question can I get a question about the debt service portion of so if I'm reading it correctly 3.5% of that 9.63 is just existing that service is that right with the them am in in the wrong yeah Park and so a third of it is is that's yeah are you're right the park referent is 2.41 but our hands are tied on that you're right Dan and you know it should be noted that starting in 20 with the 26 budget that number will be built into to the ly so we aren't going to be issuing any more debt for the park Bond referendum and so you won't see a similar our commits are a 2% increase it's already built because it's built in answer answer your question earlier I think it would be helpful just to you know if we kind of have an understanding of where we are in the county because people always ask that question so just having information is good obviously pure cities you know the same ones that we're always looking at is also helpful um you know I the first thing I thought about was thinking about the fund balance and how we can use that to be a little more aggressive on the the levy I mean I you know um clearly the economy is slowing down it's impacting our ability to generate revenue and you know when you don't have a single apartment come in this year other than Historia it's a signal that you know there's there's other stuff at play um you know and I think the other thing is you know obviously home valuation have slow down increase so a lot of stuff of play obviously is making this a very challenging budget which is why we all went in Gass last year when we saw the you know what this was going to look like and now here we are so well and for me I think also on top of the um I know that's a separate discussion but the franchise te discussion on top of this too I know yeah two years 10% increases 29 years in one year I don't know I'm getting older so the Inc come in my household is y going down my husband's now retired too so getting that property tax bill is always the Killer and it's not just us the other entities is on the bill but you know knowing that I have to budget another I and it doesn't sound like a lot but you know 150 here 144 net um whatever it's the school district's referendum passes whatever that increase is just and it's just rolling on top and we've known as a council that this was the tough year you know we've for years we've known this was going to be the tough year so um but I don't want to jeopardize our credit rating by doing something like not to to mess around with the de or I think that was wouldn't we fine um covering our de pie I would never risk that um there's a there's some pushing in a couple of Debt Service F but we could use that still not jeopardizing the component of any of the bond isues oh I I miss no I'm sorry if I wasn't clear no I I prob just my doesn't the same with everybody else um so you know in I I understand we have we've made some really big commitments by wanting to get our Public Safety up to our and we're going to have to bite the bullet on it and I real that that's what I have to pay for when it comes rolling in but it still I'm not going to anyone experiencing I'll yeah right when What's the timing on on getting the safer Grant um yes or no I feel like it was like November last year yeah November after the preliminary is adopted we did get you know I'm not going to say we're reading TVs or anything but we did get um a request for more information this time which we did not get last time so um that's a POS it's a positive sign you know um and know just to know I mean while we would receive if we do get it um 1.7 million for next year we would want to work out some sort of schedule where you know if at the end of those three years we're faced with a $2 million will we wouldn't necessarily recommend that we absorb all that one or take all of that off of the levy we'd probably put some away so that we'd kind of feather in that Levy increase when it got to that point I think though there's some cities in the county at least in the congressional district that have gone back for a say for around two you probably can yeah I don't I cuz I always thought it just was your first couple of year implementation but you can go apparently not because that's you know like a lottery yeah a couple thing oh I was just going to say a couple things um first of all just a reminder this is the preliminary Levy um that we have to adopt by September 30th um the current plan is is we'd bring this back uh at your next week's meeting if we are to get some guidance tonight if not we' um then bring it back at that second meeting in September we always tweak this right and we always try to figure out ways to lower it between the preliminary and the final and we would continue to do that um the big some of the big changes in this are obviously the increases in the um equipment fund facilities Technologies and things like that um and that's one because we have some needs and some requests but two it's also to as we formulate those plans when you look and they're in your packet over 10 years um we do try to preserve those fund balances in that so that we don't have some massive spikes that being said there's some pretty expensive equipment coming up in the next couple years um and so um I did ask Julie and she looked today we might have some um some leeway in some of those funds especially as we look at at our contributions from the liquor fund so um that would be one of the ways that we would look at supplementing those funds between Whenever you set the preliminary and then the final letting um because that would help obviously I'll set those pretty extensively Jos um I guess my comment towards this is that looking at the increase I hold harmless Park reference because that was vo approve uh [Music] bonding um but the remaining increase I do I think all of us would be more comfortable if it wasn't double digit increase um and I think if I did my maap correctly that that requires that least $500,000 cut somewhere um to get under if if you take out the park referendum right correct yes so not the total uh Levy increase would be above 10 but it would be basically it's 11% 12.4 if I mean 13.4 with the par right right so that in the percentage point is about half million um so to me that's my Target because for a couple reasons I think it's it's helpful talking to Residents about these increases I about a few different things is comparably to our other cities I think we have hung our hat um on the fact that we are on the load it's not the lowest city in the county um that wasn't true last year second so usan are always neck and Ne so I I think we're usually proud to be at the the lowest and of the tax um practiv in the county uh and the county is always the lowest count so those are you know important factors um but we're growing fast so I can rationalize the increases and as I was looking line by line at everything that we for I couldn't identify personally what event did um and so I don't know what the right combination of uh fund balance versus cut versus increase in revenue for the liquor I don't know what combination is but I think that's the number in my head but like somehow um but I don't know if that's feasible um from a staff perspective so you're wanting to go through the September 30th adoption of something [Music] toide yeah uh it's a it's a double digit increase I don't think it's a surprise to anyone sitting in this room or or you know I've got a lot of conversations to uh at people's doors and and talking with citizens and I think the big thing is is there's two things number one it will be helpful to have that uh tax capacity rate information for two reasons number one it does show how we compare but number two um it provides a case for reasonableness uh because I think you know when people when budgets go up people go well what's going on well we're funding Public Safety we're funding um you know additional Parks uh and Personnel I don't think there's anything in here that's not Reon we gold plating the toilets or you know anything like that or you know sending Justin to Maui Maui for you we aren't doing anything like that so I think I think it's reasonable um and I'm confident that if we adopt a levy uh and once again yeah I agree hold hold harmless the um the uh the park referendum part but if we adopt that and you know staff has always been really good about starting from mayor and going okay where can we find what we're going to cut um I don't think this is a surprise and I think I can justify it talking to people that it's reasonable um I would really really think hard about the fund balance I think the higher the better for that especially when we start thinking about our bond rating um we could make a decision that could Cascade and cause some some issues so I think um part of it is is is considering what the uh Bond rating is that are getting and the interest rates that that provide and that's a tax saers rep people that's another argument that we triaa and that gets you that's saving you more citizen um so I I I think I think we move forward uh wish it were single BDS I would love to see it at single bits um I just I'm not I I I'm not confident that that will happen but I'm sure that you will work really hard to to see what we can do and uh make the cuts and the adjustments that that we need to make to defer this because it's not I'm not even sure it's just this year I think we're going to see a little a period of time where our infrastructure our personnel and our equipment and everything is catching up with our population growth which is slowing and so it's it's you know this is this is part of what uh uh we're going to experience with uh the economy the way it is and the valuations and all that it's good to know we're not in it alone so in theory we could wait to adopt until September 1 yes you have to do a special meeting if you wanted to um or I mean we could we could hold a meeting whenever to adopt it you just have to do it by the 30 by a 30 okay can I ask one um about the six firefighters um is there a reason we have to do all six firefighters you know we're doing six each year is there a reason that can't be stretched out more I I think I assuming there's an operational rationale for it yep so the current six that you have right now are two per Shi so you create three shifts covering 247 and then the next six are just adding two to those but you come out with four on there from the you remember back from the the study that we did our our goal is immediately staff one truck and then followed by Staffing the second truck so the next six gives us uh two full time to St the second truck and then we back fill the next two positions with the Fay on call so it's it's a mix a combination hybrid they got four fulltime on and four pay on call that are are filling the you remind me there are different stations right correct yeah now they're Staffing that station for next year we'll move the second truck at station one and I I can't remember from your presentation but what's the uh what was the percent of multi incident like an incident's happening here and then all of a sudden another one's happening here that requires a split response so in the first quarter of this year we were 1704 call that were simultaneous uh the second quarter it jumped to it doubled by 100 so it went up to 275 I think it was um we had up to three incidents occuring at once now they're like 10 times in the second quarter the rest were uh 260th calls I think it was roughly or 240 uh or two calls final continously going on and those are mostly all medical related uh medical and then like today has been a rash of fire L and that's just due to the heat that we're having and we also have heat call so today I think we had three calls that simultaneously ater today and like our first six that we hired it was three officer or three firefighters three captains right correct next year it's going to be six firefighters so not any more officers well and you had last week thought I mean I thought the early data showed that that was working working well the the vision is being realized it's early I know but I mean for me this is um a double digit increase is problematic for me um but Public Safety is is the priority and I think we have um it's not like we've overfunded that in in either areas police of fire in the past um so some of it were playing playing pet jop here so I think that's kind of where where um it lands for me I'm I'm not happy with that with that double digit especially as we're talking about the uh the franchise fee is not a whole separate you know separate area so I don't that's not overly definitive I know but it's kind to what I'm at and just as we're talking franchise fees um if we move forward with that or if we don't um um we would be the first projects that that would be funding the current plan is is the first center that would be starting construction next year so we would issue the debt next year first payment in 26 so I know there's still discussion about whether or not you do the franchise fees or you put that on the levy that's not a decision you have to make you don't have to Levy for that in 25 I guess is what I'm saying okay um I mean from a staff perspective doesn't sound realistic that between fund balance and taking a look at that we can find the percent or yeah I mean what I heard was I mean if you wanted to hold harmless the park ref running that's 2.4 and it we at 13.4 so that would mean um you know to try to get it down basically a percent or so so so final L 1241 the the preliminary ly that you want to see next week yeah I think we can we can do that do that we'll keep looking yeah okay any other comments just the other thing you have throughing over you guys is that you have to be able to explain it want of [Music] so the story you have has to be explained very simply I more questions from double I mean the one thing I do want us to think about those counil like typically we get the preliminary it's no promise it does we do see you know some savings and things down the road and now if they do it now we might not have some savings on but the other thing is in the future I want us to think about I don't want to be setting up a system where we're always expecting cut so they just come with a bigger budget cuz I felt like in the eight years I've been here it's they don't come to present Cuts right they had the conversations and say hey we're not going to hire these Physicians you know they're telling the budget people you know so I just I don't want us to start thinking about added to it years P this will be the first time that the council hasn't spoke up and said um those officers that you didn't put on there we won y you know those employees that you have listed that you said that aren you know we want so I mean we've added to it most most of time Y and then still I'm just saying they I know this you goes that they it's they're not showing up with an inflated budget so yeah okay thank you thank you um do we want to get into the CIP or do you guys want to take a five minute break or I don't think there's a whole lot of new stuff here so I'm confident that Zach and Julie can go through let's do it pretty quickly oh [Music] yeah so um I'll just kick it off uh the long-term or the sorry the financing PL for building equipment tax back with b as well as with the budget Levy um so la out in there you know the levy requests um for each of those plans the facility plan um right now as it stands 100,000 in the levy for 2025 equipment plan 200,000 of the ly in 2025 and Technology 3,000 in the ly um and as Justin mentioned you know we got some big equipment stuff coming up very shortly here um and of course you know as the continuing to grow and the need for more vehicles and such was more St so um just trying to keep those fund Bal with those ly request so with that I guess I'll I'll play over to Zach because he's the master [Music] project he has other questions on the project but um there there's some there's some big big big things happen so maybe just go over the things that are different in the CIP or any changes from um you can uh you can see on the map here have a nice presentation for you just got to wait a month so this will just a little snapshot but um we we did do a couple of things uh as Mr Miller alluded to uh we did push uh a project back another year so this is D Boulevard South of County Road 50 to 210 Street uh recognizing some of those um the budget constraints and and uh some other funding we pushed this back year uh we also then going in the Northeast side of town uh this is a um roadway segment connecting the fan subdivision and the forsh sub division we pushed this back a year as well this is a a highway bridge uh crossing the North Creek and then uh the other significant change um that um appears to be happening is the County Road 50 I35 interchange is looking more and more like a 2028 2029 construction we're still advancing there hasn't been any delays in our management and Des of the project is just the realities of the different funding sources and the processes that are in place uh will require uh more than likely a 2year construction in 2028 uh the other things that we do did do um that are reflected in this map I I don't have them quite memorized but we did shift a couple of our collector Rehabilitation projects so similar like you see today with aaba Avenue 175th Street Indiana we have kind of broadened that out a little bit um basically we took uh one full year and spread it in to try to again um take advantage of the infrastructure and kind of uh spread out some of the costs and that's reflected in the old three projects that that you see on the attached map here can you sorry um the the 202nd Street what's the 26 yep good question so oh I'm sorry 2606 yes uh that is an addition I follow that was another one so 2606 I can actually is that the roundabout it is the roundabout and I can give you a quick that um so we are uh the county is leading and funding the vast majority uh of a roundabout at the intersection County Road 50 and Hamburg Avenue our costs are really limited to street lights and operations uh which is is really uh small in relation to the whole of the project the uh the county has that program for 2026 um but the status of the design is that we are working working together to try to get that constructed in 25 2025 uh we still have some sensitivity analysis to review but uh that is the goal of the project would be to complete that towards the end of next summer but again uh that is County finance uh the other items that you'll see maybe different than years past is uh 2615 uh and these are uh The Greenway Trail projects uh in partnership with the qu County those our primary Finance by the county as well uh we'll be finishing the lake Maring piece here between downtown and the trail headed a farm and then we'll also be working to complete the North Street Green R Greenway here yeah so um you did you did you did say 2510 was delayed or it's not the only reason I asked that is is it a challenge to have backtack projects on that road I mean I guess there are some so if you're going to do the roundabout does it make sense to have one construction season on 50 I guess yeah and and I should clarify 2510 is a county Le project it's a Mill and overlay oh okay it's so it's not a it's it's not a reconstruction uh that's just uh I put that on there mostly to demonstrate that um there would be some inconveniences but they're not reconstruction like we would see uh it's the count the little overlay so generally take about 1 to two weeks it's still open to traffic but we use that as an opportunity to Du to our utility rout maintenance for water then also some trail so that will stay on track up for 25 yes correct uh other than that any other specific questions uh and with in relation to any of the projects um You' like to see otherwise um the goal would be uh September 19th is to go before the Planning Commission and get the recommendation in relation to the comprehensive plan that's what we're required to do every year uh we'll give this presentation that highlights some of these projects and then um once we're all set we'll come back with um final recommendations uh the other thing that I would mention is the county has advanced their process this year as well too so we're more where they would be toward the end of the year we're a little bit closer now so we're um there's not kind of that um sequential phix it's more in line with our questions okay it all right um mov moving on to items for future discussion committee and City administrator up okay uh I just have one update um Justin and myself and Tina Chris and Dave met with molers today to talk about how the city and the development Community can work together when you think about some of the housing stuff that came out of the legislature it's good two-hour meeting we'll come up with some they're going to come up with some stuff so are we and I think we've got we're in a pretty decent spot but I think with that we're going to have them come and give us a little bit more information about what are some other products and building strategies that might be uh Advent P to the city so it's kind came out good meeting yep um a committee just just before this um two major points I guess to talk about one is we reviewed some of the inses for health insurance premiums um those rates the increases were much less than anticipated so that is very positive for us um it's in reflected in the budget the savings are in the budget yeah un sorry let me just kind of just pause for one second can the other thing when we're doing the bud budget presentation can you highlight the expense related to pay leave that the state is mandated um there start 26 oh it's 26 I thought was 25 great so yeah next year Josh point I mean we did get a better rate for health renal but in trying to get be more competitive with our other CI we had to in increase the employer share of the contributions so lower but it's still lower it's still lower than it's lower than what we were projecting uh I think initially the comment like we anticipating 15% including that for the budget projection uh the other thing that we started discussing the city evaluation process that time we just wanted to make sure that questions the the new director in h so um and I don't think there you'll do changes but we did ask for a littleit of look at consolidating some of the questions on our 30 for great appreciate the leadership on that thank you do you guys have any input into that process that we should be aware of as we do it you know when you get your survey out and the information that rece to be able to fill out your on your surve any I I mean I need it's pretty smth process but I almost been through it once and I thought it I think it's smooth but yeah there's always it's always good to look at the questions see if can combine [Music] some that's good [Music] okay um the only other thing is our next meeting is Tuesday because Monday is Labor day so we'll be back at City all on the 3 other than that with that I'll take a motion to adourn Second PA fa say hi hi post I just give you heads up on WEA looks really bad good thing we