##VIDEO ID:fkC7JKgpcz8## good evening and welcome to the October 21st City Council meeting if you join me for a moment of silence in the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the nation God indivisible liy and justice for all okay M rovski roll call please Michelle vul here John burmel here Dan Walter here Joshua Lee here okay we'll move on to item number three citizens comments this is an opportunity for anybody that would like to address the council for up to three minutes typically is for items that are not on the agenda not seen any we'll move on to item four any additional agenda information Mr Mr Miller nothing tonight here okay uh we'll skip over five there's no presentations on to our consent agenda these are more routine matters before the council any uh thing to highlight there Mr Miller nothing to know it tonight okay very good we're going to be out of here quick um Council any issues that you'd like to further discuss on the consent agenda if not I'll take a motion to approve I uh move to approve the consent agenda okay is there a second second okay any further discussion the consent agenda seeing none all those in favor say I I opposed consent agenda passes we'll now move on to item 7A Lakeville 35 Logistics Park North Edition preliminary plat in cup and I think Mr bus or nordland will be presenting very good welcome thank you good evening mayor council member members and staff my name is Ed far with Edward far Architects representing likewise Partners yep and you've met Steve bus already also with me this evening is Eric Miller from sitech in case there's any questions civil or Landscaping so uh really we just wanted to introduce ourselves and thank you for looking at our application we're here for preliminary plat this evening dividing that large parcel bisected by County Road 70 into two triangles we're looking at the North half about 190,000 ft speculative office warehouse development this point in time probably breaking ground uh first thing in the spring um working on that intersection with County currently uh but otherwise we agree with all the staff report conditions I think there were 10 conditions in there uh we had a nice Planning Commission meeting and uh look forward to your comments approvals and if you have any questions we stand down for that thank you okay Council any questions m g Ro you have a staff report thank you thank you mayor members of the council yes representatives of lpdc LLC have submitted application for a ponary plat and conditional use permit on the screen is the northern triangle this property is bisected um with juniper way or County Road 70 um there is an opposite triangle to the South the property is zoned op Office Park District so the proposed use of uh office combined with manufacturing and warehouse is a permitted use um there's the survey and here's the preliminary plat so the north portion or the North triangle as I refer to it is what they are proposing to develop first and this is lot one block one and then an outlaw for the southern portion and the plat will be known as Lakeville 35 Logistics Center North um again you can see on the site plan the proposal for 1,800 or 89,00 and 78q ft building um the access for the site will be at the northwest corner originally the thought was it would be at the opposite corner for a full access but in working with um the county it's become apparent that they would like this access change to the northwest corner to accommodate um improved visibility due to the curve of the road at the opposite corner so this will serve as the main um main access so right in right out um trucks will enter the facility they'll be able to pull into the back the dock doors will load from the back or the north side of the site employees and visitors to the site will be on the south side of the building um there is some grade at that corner there is a small um Wetland that was identified through a wetland delineation it's determined of not of high quality or necessarily to be preserved but it's been incorporated into the drainage basin area um in that portion of the site right all of the setbacks parking requirements are being met um again you can see a little bit easier on the aerial for the full access location and this is the only access that the site would have it doesn't have access because of the northern properties doesn't have access to 210th Street um again you can see the grading plan Landscaping um in the op District 40% or 30% of the L entire site area shall be landscaped they're providing 40 % um you can see trees being provided um along the edges of the a building as well as building perimeter landscaping and then the elevations um they're proposing a building that has um I believe it's 39 ft in height um in compliance with the op District um will be constructed of a smooth textured pre-cast panel um again one of the things in the op District we look for is to really kind of create um a design that has you know separated space so it breaks up that building um they're doing that with a different shading of the pre-cast as well as the accent material in the blue the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on October 3rd there was no public comments at the hearing and the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval and I would stand for any questions okay Council any questions well you answered my question about the uh Wetland because I was curious when it was identified as a wetland in the corner how uh dry uh dry pwns would accomplish preserving that but it sounds like the quality was determined as not being a quality that needed to be preserved but that this meets the the Wetland requirement I that's the part I was trying to understand how a dry Basin uh protects or preserves the Wetland in that area um I'm not a wetland expert um I don't know if the engineer wants to found on that um he can probably do it better than I can sure thank you I know we've researched you know we've looked into this and obviously our natural resources team has reviewed this and um blessed it but um Mr Miller might want to expand sure thank you um yeah the West the Wetland is located in the Northeast of the site it's a very small depression 144 square ft uh it's where our storm water facilities and also a drainage Swale to accommodate run on from the property to the north need to be located and so 144t impact is within the Minimus uh allowed the DI Minimus right now is around 4,300 Square ft so it will be an impacted Wetland based on uh the Minimus requirement that will permit with the city that's sure thank you um the other question I had which actually is for staff um is with this uh access change can you predict how this might impact access to adjacent par parcels and and their access to County Road 70 and if that changes because of this movement um you know we have not um you know par Parcels to the north and west of here also a but 210th Street to the north um and so they have access that this site doesn't have um there is potential for them working with this property owner um the immediate site um to the west to work with this property owner to have a cross- a seasment to be able to utilize this as a secondary Drive um but because of the grades on some of the properties to the West that are so significant I mean it's a 40 plus foot drop um we believe the access is better to the north but it is possible um the county is the one who dictates the access versus the city um there might be opportunity for the site to the west to have a right in right out I don't know that for sure we have not researched that we have had conversations with both representatives of the partnership that owns the property as well as their um real estate folks and have basically said the same thing really need to start digging into it with the county but I believe the access should be provided to the North or utilized to the north sure and and I think that was kind of my initial Instinct was that if access to 70 was something that was strong and desired that a joint agreement with this current parcel might be something to explore certainly for full access in the future but okay thank you can so just tell me a truck coming off of 35 W from the south um coming east what the where the heck are they supposed to do the U-turn they're not they're going to open up that median so it's going to become a full access I thought you told me it was going to be a right in right out oh you'll be you'll be able to do right and right in and full access right and left turn movements so you'll be able to oh okay yep sorry if I didn't make that clear I must have Mis under Miss it's a bigger undertaking um moving this access because there is a full technically at the South End that was established in a location that was there prior to the improvements to County Road 70 that's why all of us were kind of locked in on that being the the primary access but in working with the County due to the visibility they're not satisfied with that and so that we're having to move it to the Northwest so the developer is participating in that Improvement and that cost um it'll benefit the properties to the South as well um but it is going to open up that median for full full attorney movements okay I need to open my ear so thank you okay I have a question for the developer folks so do you have any and this is more on the business side of think it's not the construction do you have any sense of what type of business will'll be operating here's the reason I'm asking this has nothing to do with your application these fields at Lakeville South have real trouble access for people with mobility issues to get to kids games on the weekends so I'm just wondering in the future is there conversation about letting people Park here cuz it's a lot closer walk to some of these fields this is completely separate from your application but if you're not operating on a Saturday and Sunday I'm just curious like is that an added bonus we're getting out of this deal I'm just oh well we have this is the first time we've talked about it okay um so I think on weekends depending on the so we don't know the users but we expect typical kind of manufacturing office warehouse users um if we don't have weekend parking needs from the customers or tenant customers in the building we'd be open to a discussion about that if it helps the city and the school district easy enough um any other questions yeah Michelle okay this is just it's a a petty question but I have to ask it because it's the building is on the north side of 70 the white gray blue is driving me nuts I don't because it doesn't for me it doesn't just flow into the schools the houses that are back there and I guess I'm just torn as to whether you're set on that color or um can you Jazz it up a little to make it a little um eye worthy I guess so sexual challenge um the uh frankly you'll probably see a lot of blue gray white um office warehouse buildings like this around town on the other side yeah there you go there you go um the market shows that uh tenants are attracted to this color palette quite frankly um and that's fine uh the light tone of course the White and the Grays light Grays uh make the large mass seem smaller darker colors would make something feel larger more substantial so that's why we kind of keep it light on its feet and use darker colors as accent colors to warm it up I did use those blue arches at the end have wood tone interior faces so as you approach each tenant space the wood tone is approaches your eye and and presents itself to the people that are actually getting out of the cars and walking into the tenant spaces at 50 m an hour passing on County Road 70 you may not understand that with the eye but the layers of the design open up as you approach the building like that so uh again the light tones neutral tones just to keep it light on its feet the darker punctuated Blues to announce tenant entrances uh again very much Market driven and then um and then try and warm it up with other uh proportional and wood tones on the way in the building yeah I I knew it was going to be a mute point but I figured I better ask it's a fair question no I it's not worth dismissing it all I know like gonna be an eyesore for a bit till everything else gets built up out there but if it were on the other side it's so justifiable because that's the industrial park on the other side you as a citizen you know that that's where it is and you are now an outlier because you're on the other side where citizens like myself think of school hous is even though it's perfectly normal for you to go there you know and so and and I'm just thinking about you know when you're driving on 494 you know you don't see a lot of the we you see the um more brick looking the more you know if I remember correctly I haven't been on F 494 for a while but um they don't jump out at you I guess and um so that's just my thought process so thank you thank you for your perspective okay other questions comments if not I'll take a motion I move to approve one a resolution approving the preliminary plat of Lakeville 35 Logistics Park North Edition and two approval of a conditional use permit to permit a warehouse building in the op Office Park District and adopt the findings of fact okay is there a second second okay any further discussion the they see none roll call please vermal I Walter I Lee I bulk I helier I you're good thank you um we'll now move on to Item B Crown Lakeville Apartments pimary plat and cup and I believe Tom LEL Mr lell are you presenting welcome mayor council members thank you for meeting with us tonight we are uh working at 182 unit uh one-bedroom two-bedroom apartment complex it is north of uh 210th 70th and it is west of kakuk the uh we've been it's a challenging site it's a h into the side of the hill we are using underground parking to to make it work uh consequently what when staff makes a report you'll see that one of the things we're talking about tonight is we have have an unusual amount of exposed parking because it steps into the hill so we're asking for help dealing with that uh when we went to the Planning Commission we had the residents of the north there they asked us to complete a full nor fence across the North End of the site which we agreed to and the color black we agreed to that also and the other question was there's a tree that may be right on the line and we'll work with them on I'm I'm not clear if they wanted it removed or saved But whichever will make sure meets their uh their needs I have Mark Anderson from setech with me tonight if you have any technical questions on that and I'm here and happy to answer any questions so thank you for your consideration okay there no there is a staff report all righty thank you Crown um LMN or crown LMN LLC is um applied for um as he mentioned plary plant and then conditional use permit for a few items um specifically construction of the building is greater than 40 square 40 ft in height and exception to building materials because of the underground parking um but some of these plans will help that all make sense um again the property um area is located north of 210th Street the property is zoned and guided for high density so the use is a permitted use um within the zoning District um this is the pul plat um they're plating in one lot um a single lot for the proposed um multif family there'll be two buildings on a single lot so that's one of the reasons for the conditional use permit there is a wetland on the property that will be preserved um the Wetland is being um conveyed um via an easement a conservation easement to the City versus an outlot it's a little bit different but it provides the same level of protection for the easement as well as the buffer um the underlying property owner will hold um ownership of it um but the easement will um go to the city um Environmental resources staff and planning staff worked with the applicant um on this option and supported it um we don't always support it um when you have an easement around a wetland in more of a single family area because there's more likely to have encroachment people don't understand the conservation area in a multif family area that's going to be you know less likely to happen um and there will be signs around um the Wetland to identify that area um here's a site plan you can see the two buildings one is L-shaped and one is um just directed North and South um the lot is just over 8 acres in size um the East building has 94 units and the west building is 88 units for a total of 182 70% or 128 of the units are two-bedroom while 54 units or 30% are one-bedroom there's 160 surface parking spaces and 130 spaces Underground in the East Building and 114 in the west building so the ordinance requires 364 spaces based on the unit count in the bedroom type and 377 are provided there's three garage entrances one at the south end for the East Building and then there's two for the West one on the south and one on the North those garage levels are divided so if you go into the South one to access your space you're not adjoining the other um level of the garage space there is quite an amenity area being planned um at the North Corner um of the buildings or where the buildings meet um that will include a patio a pool pool Splash Pad a playground and then there is a small dog run also provided um as Mr LEL mentioned there is significant grades on the site slopes on the South and West slope up from the building and the north and east Corners slope down so there are several retaining walls on the site the Landscaping plan um is on the screen meets all of the requirements there's um trees um provided along the South elevation um and the South property line as well as within the parking lot areas and ab budding the building um to provide that building perimeter Landscaping um I'll describe the building elevations a little bit so there's two buildings that um will look identical um each will have a pale more gray brick um paired with dark inset and trim materials to really kind of divide up the building again it's four stories of living space um the cup request for the exterior materials really is dealing with um the notion that um from grade level up it meets the requirements at 50% or even a little bit greater um on Building E we're at 52% but because and you can see it more on these elevations because of the underground parking and the grades there's a little bit more of that exposed concrete block and when you calculate it all out based literally on how the code reads they're slightly below that 50% and so that is the reason for the cup we weigh that against the benefit or the overall exterior which is a good appearance um and lots of elements to it and it also has the benefit of providing that underground parking so we're weighing that in support of the cup and so it makes sense to support that um similarly with the west building um they're at um 52% again ground up um their exposed is a little bit greater you can see on the color elevation as well as on the black and white um just due to the grades and having the two levels of underground parking again we're weighing that cup request against the benefit of having the underground parking um so those are the really the specific cup requests is for the height differences and the overall um material differences and the two buildings on one lot um again here's is um one of the buildings floor plans I didn't have them both up this is the underground parking and you can just get a layout um feel for the layout of the units the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing um on this item on October 3rd and Mr L was correct um in the two folks that addressed um the Planning Commission and their requests and um again the applicant is happy to to honor those requests which we appreciate as staff um and the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval Council any questions I had a question for the applicant will the parking underground parking come with a unit or is that so I guess you have any sense of what the mix on the above ground versus underground would be we have mayor and council members we have adequate underground parking for each resident and one space would come with each uh unit okay joh uh just a question about your management how uh what's your management model for for this property our property model I'm not sure how do you manage it is a 247 do you have on-site manag we have on-site management and something like this we we our management company is uh will be 50 years old at this time next year surprising looking at my youthful appearance but uh the uh so we've managed a lot of Apartments still due and yeah this is a sizable project so there would be on not living on-site but on-site staff you know you'd have office hours and we'd have 24-hour available okay response right thank you question yeah Michelle um so this is a question that came from the Planning Commission meeting you are not going to have the answer Tina's okay Tina might not even have the answer but U maybe you will have the answer I I I apologize you just might cuz you know your demographics of the 128 TW bedroom apartments how many do you think of your clientele will actually have children attending the Lakeville School District you know it's it's it's impossible to give you an exact number but the two-bedrooms Do Not yield the high number of uh children in fact what we're finding now is the market in a two-bedroom is people want home offices and usually a two-bedroom two is also a divorced parent uh probably needing a room for um visitate their weekend or whatever type of visitation rights certainly happens well it the only reason I bring up the question is because that is a concern of citizens lately with the crowding of the schools and then to see another apartment go up I know that the there's a demographer that has a ratio of what to expect like out of town homes I just didn't know um the this day and age what to expect out of um an apartment building and I figured it would be pretty low yeah you know the apartment's more Emeral tenant uh you know we build uh tow houses for rent for example there we get more children uh you know these are smaller units so this will be M you know not much few fewer than you would see in a townhouse project or so that yet you put in amenities for children so we put in amenities to rent units you I'm sorry we put in amenities to rent units people come and look at them they seldom use them okay makes sense the workout rooms you you have to dust right I don't it makes sense um can I I know this is a silly little question because this is the way I am sometimes but are those windows that you can see for the parking garage the part that you know is the underground parking are those small windows that I'm seeing or they're not so you look at cars they're designed to break up that wall they're what are they're windows but they'll be dark and they're designed to make you want to create some fenestration in the wall excuse me so you're not just seeing solid wall that that was my concern is that somebody theft wise would be able to see into the garage and and see the great looking cars that are under there so correct and and I assume you have some sort of security for the building oh yes all right those are my little questions okay Joshua uh director goodroad with another uh conservation environmental question for you um how how is a conservation easement managed differently than what we would typically put here and this case it'll be very similar because the easement will be to the city and so we have you know the same as if a wetland were in an out lot um to be able to protect it inspect it have access to it it'll operate the same way so I mean in terms of mowing to close I mean because that's part of the the easement right is to ensure that there's still natural wildli along the edges there yep there is a required buffer and so the applicant owner will then have to communicate with whoever is maintaining the site to make sure they understand the areas to avoid I think on the east side of this Whitland there are similar signs that say that this is a conservation easement on the north side of the medical building so those I'm guessing would be the same signs that are on the the west side of this too okay thank you yep okay uh any other questions John ready for a motion I am uh I move to approve uh first the preliminary plat of crown Lakeville apartments two a conditional use permit to allow a more than one principal building on one lot and B construction of multiple family residential buildings are greater than 48 feet in height and see an exception to the exterior materials requirements and three adopt the findings of fact okay is there a second second okay and is there any further discussion you see n roll call please Walter I Lee hi bulk hi helier hi verl I very good good luck um with that we'll move on to unfinish a new business seeing none uh announcements our next work session or our next council meeting is a work session next Monday night here at City Hall in the new Lake Maran conference room our next council meeting is uh Monday November 4th here at City Hall and then just a reminder this weekend is uh DL Buu in downtown Lakeville on Saturday from 11:00 to 1 and a new feature this year is adding a food drive for the open door Pantry so if you head downtown this weekend please bring canned good items there are four drop locations uh including Lakeville Brewing higho the Lakeville mall and Dairy Delight as locations for dropping off food donations this weekend and with that I will take a motion to adjourn it's all moved is there a second second alls in favor say I I post we are adjourned