##VIDEO ID:tXgSFT9u_N4## e [Music] good evening and welcome to the October 7th city council meeting if you join me for a moment of silence in the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the for stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all all right M olowski roll call please Michelle vul here Luke helier here John burmel here Dan Walter here Joshua Lee here okay we'll now move on to item number three citizens comments is there anybody from the audience i' like to address the council for okay and moving on to item four additional agenda information Mr Miller nothing to time here okay and we will D Dive Right into our Public Works quarterly report and I'll turn it over to our Public Works director Mr Paul Omi good evening mayor C council members this is a third quarter report for public works like to start off with some um Improvement projects that are wrapping up this year on DOD Boulevard Street improvements uh this is a joint project with uh car or Dakota County on a turnback project on DOD Boulevard the segment one as shown here that's been open um since about uh end of July and stage two is ready to be opened here in October 18th we we're projecting right now weather permitting uh they are finishing up the restoration of that section of roadway right now and um there will be putting down the W course here pretty quick so it'll be nice to have that section of Road open up here shortly the uh we did hold a open house for the county road 50 and I35 interchange um study uh about 150 people attended that open house on September 9th we did get some good feedback and some good comments that we will try to incorporate into the design and uh uh we are going to try to nail down a um an alignment here uh early next year and then have another open house shortly thereafter to let the public know about um some of improve improvements that hopefully will be shortly coming the street reconstruction project for this year is wrapping up as well we're about 85% uh complete with that project only uh segments of the project that are left are 205th Street and Italy 102nd and 101st Street uh those two sections of Road are anticipated to be completed by uh the first week of November uh the well 23 project off of 190th Street the Dr uh drilling work is now complete with that project U we are looking at cleaning the site work shortly hopefully we'll start that up at the end of the month and um that project uh the um electrical building and um pipe work and installing the pump will take place at that time and then uh project will be substantially complete in the spring of 2025 uh for utilities uh repainting of central maintenance on water tower is now complete that Tower was down for about 8 weeks for recoding uh interior and exterior um and and I'm glad to have that Tower back operational water efficiency grant that we did receive um this year uh has been underway since July we did receive a bunch of residents uh requesting rebates and you can see the totals here um we are looking at maybe making the modifications of the the grant program next year include some other aspects of uh rebates for water efficiency so stay tuned for that also utilities um water use for the year uh through September 30th is down compared to what it was in 2023 we're I think we're down about 23% from 20 2023 numbers uh this going to be attributed mainly to the the wet summer that we had then uh utility locates is way up this year about up 11% from 2023 this is uh contributed this is um due to the fact that we have two um fiber optic U companies in town now installing fiber optic in residential and uh neighborhoods so we busy working on that project right now uh for the streets division just updates uh we are in full swing with our fall activities stre um um tree removals um patching potholes as need be for the snowf Flies us sweet sweeping as need be as well getting our our equipment ready for the um snow and ice season moving on to environmental uh resources uh just an update quick update on East Lake as you you know this has been a a couple year project that've been working on um this is uh to remove as much of the invasive um fish from the lake as as possible mainly carb and and goldfish that are in East Lake that are hampering the water quality of that Lake this is a joint power U joint project between Vermillion Watershed on Dakota County and through a Bowzer grant that we received um just this year alone we've removed almost uh 2,800 lbs of invas species fish from the from the lake and we're going to do another sing next year as well too to try to get more of the of the fish out of the lake once the fish are all we hope we'll see some good benefits uh improve habitat for Native species within the lake uh less phosphorous loading in the lake quality and enhancing the recreational Valley of the park and the lake as well imagine the day without water again is scheduled uh for October 18th over mea week um this is open to all ages um uh we're going to be talking about where lak ville's water comes from and um how it's how it's treated how much water a typical house would use and their landscaping and then tips on how to conserve water as well and then also take a tour of the water treatment plant if anyone's interested in uh taking a getting involved with an imagine the day without water I can go to the city's and pre-register for that event um just a quick update on the ms4 permit process we did add a software package to our ms4 in inspection for this year it's been a great tool for us to for inspection in working with a developer and contractor and the ability to submit and correct site issues as they come up and then also for reporting and then also future inspections as well a great tool to taking all that data and uh reports uh this uh program just start up in July and we we've had over 100 inspections already on development sites and other projects um we have been working on a storm sewer maintenance um joint project between environmental service facilities to fill some unneeded manholes within our storm sewer system that are uh Less Than 3 feet in deep I have um little water quality benefits so we've been uh removing the sediment from those basins and the filling with concrete um through the through our different departments and uh this will help streamline our ms4 perming and um and and basically uh help with less L maintenance for our systems we are we did about 60 um some manholes this year filling and then next year we'll probably do try try to do about the same amount as well um our environmental U environmental educator for the summer um did a great job with leading the Explorer um a Ritter Farm um project um we did have a bunch of uh uh educational events uh scheduled on Friday through the parks uh and recreational department at at our at moo environmental Learning Center um educating all ages on different aspects of environmental stewardship providing um and then she did provide as um assistance with vegetation management inspections when she's not working on some of the Outreach projects through development ponds and inspections and invasive spec inspections as well and then creating information brochures and graphics for um for the environmental resources area moving on to the Forest Street of division um EAB and um our shade tree y inance uh through the fall inspection we are anticipating to remove another 130 um ash trees from the RightWay over the winter month um and uh we are looking where we did in uh inject 841 trees uh that we would like to keep um for EAB management um within our rways and it parks and the breakdown between the parks and the rways are shown there and then for the U private ash trees uh we did work with 240 private um um Property Owners to remove um trees that are infested with EAB under this year's um um ordinance work uh we did finish up our 2024 2025 private ashre inspections and we did find another 640 properties that have in infested uh trees that so we're going to be working with that those Property Owners um that Outreach as well so um it's U still a lot of a lot of work to do there and then we do still partner with uh rainbow tree care if and Property Owners wanted to U Save their ash trees um and you can work with uh Rainbow Tree Care for uh injection of their ash trees um at a bulk rate through the city for our EAB uh Grant um as Council knows we did receive almost $340,000 for removal of ash tree invested ash trees um within our Parks um this year um we're just starting up this project so um this fall we're going to be removing 58 trees from our Parks system and then replacing them with about 116 trees of various varieties uh throughout our Parks as well so it's about a 2 to one replacement ratio that we're um working with for the forestry division we did add additional staff uh Grace Benson started with us in September has our new forestry Tech she comes to us from the city of mitaka she has a great background in forestry management and public Outreach and Michelle tyberg uh she's our new climate impact coordinator remember this is a one-year term with her this is through the miracorp um program and she will be assisting a forestry staff environmental staff on a bunch of different projects um additional um Outreach that we've completed we had our first annual TR identification walk at Ritter Farm Park in September um this was the u a uh Forestry Department staff uh led to identify over 20 different species of trees within the park a short walk in environmental um short walk from the environmental Learning Center so that was a a great event and we're going to plan to have that again next year and then uh real quickly uh facilities we did assist the liquor department with installing a sign um bidding out a sign for the Koke liquor store that faces I35 for better exposure to um to the liquor store from from that traffic then just highlighting some upcoming events that we have planned on paper shredding again uh we're going to have that on October 19th from 9 9:00 a.m. to 12: 12 12 till noon at the central maintenance facility this year pumpkin composting at uh police station on November 2nd and 3rd you can drop off your pumpkins at that any of those dates uh shoe recycling at Fire Station 1 on November 8 11th through the 18th holiday uh lighting recycling uh at City Hall and at all of our liquor stores from November to January and then we do have ongoing um recycling of U oh actually furniture and mattresses uh we do have a grant or rebate through Dakota County uh for mattress and Grant drop off at the Burnsville site on that ends on December 20th and then uh sports equipment drop off uh at as Arena all year long um and then uh Pharmaceutical disposal at par police station and food scrap drop off at the uh water treatment plant all year long as well so with that that's my update for public works and I stand for any questions you may okay thank you very much any questions or comments okay thank you Paul have a great evening appreciate it uh moving on to item six our consent agenda is there anything you'd like to highlight Mr Miller thank you mayor council a few items item 6G is the appointment to the youth advisory commission you interview these candidates I believe last week or two weeks ago and we appreciate the new applicants and those who are returning to to serve on that item 6h is a donation of just over 24,000 or a value of over $24,000 from the Lakeville Public Safety Foundation to the fire department this is for a a training mannequin adult-sized mannequin that will be very helpful to the fire department for training purposes also with the fire department item 6r is a $5 million Grant uh from the Department of Homeland Security for a safer Grant this is going to help uh pay for 15 new full-time firefighters in the city and so we're very thankful that we are able to to achieve that this year and then lastly item 6t is a master agreement with the lakevi baseball association for facility use and sponsorships and this goes along with the the sponsorship pledge that they have made and commitments that they have made for improvements along at our Fields most specifically Grand prade Park okay very good Council any item you want to discuss further if not I'll take a motion to approve the consent agenda I move to approve the consent agenda is there a second second okay any further discussion by the consent agenda I see none all those in favor say I I oppose we have passed consent agenda we'll now move on to item 7A public hearing for the proposed 2025 20 to 2029 Capital Improvement plan Street reconstruction plan and the intent to ISS isue Geo Street reconstruction bonds and geoc capital Improvement bonds and I don't know which one of you gets to go first sure thank you Mr Mayor I'm going to start us off we're going to do a little tag team here with uh Zach and I so um this is part of our the public hearing process for adopting our CIP the street reconstruction plan and then the official intent to reimburse um when we do issue bonds so um that your next slide thank you okay all right so first off I want to thank um City staff and the council that this is a very it's a long process very uh a lot of work goes into it um so appreciating all the work that staff does and then also counsel in your direction and your review of what staff has presented uh we do start in may with this and goes all the way up through now October and even then as we're um working through details as things continue to change um and and updating councel with those changes that come along um just a reminder the CIP is a planning document it's not our budget we still bring thing uh projects and Equipment requests to council feasibility reports still have to get through Council approval budgets are adopted um this is not the budget process um also the 2025 projects and the equipment Replacements that are in the CIP document are pretty firm um but they still like I said still require that budget approval and then our future years are just a a good indicator of what's coming down um coming up and um but those things can certainly change timelines um costs but the it's is best indicator that we have at this point in time so as um when we start the process out staff is going through and updating their equipment and facility changes and improvements technology requests and then our city-wide projects um throughout that time uh it's a it's a coalition of of work between all these different departments and the finance staff and and pulling all the numbers together uh we brought the preliminary draft to the council at the August 26 work session and then it went to the Planning Commission for their review and approval at their September 19th meeting what we're showing here is this is the complete uh project summary of the entire CIP for the five years what's in the boxed portion so it it's it's quite Hefty lift but uh $316 million what we focus on right now is the 2025 projects at 66.8 million and this is um a breaking down the street reconstruction or the street plan um we've got our regular Street reconstructions each year for the next 5 years and then also the street collector rehabilitations so these pieces um this is part of what we're bonding for in 20 or plan to bond for in 2025 um there are special assessments that also come into play with with these projects and with that I'm going to let Zach jump in here and do his part portion and then I'll come back very good thank you practices this afternoon so it did work it did all right my apologies mayor council members uh this is a uh a story map that we created uh it shares the story uh that director stall shared here about the 2025 2029 City Lakeville CIP it's got a lot of information uh it's been shared with you at the work session it's also been shared with the general public uh at the Planning Commission so uh we will make this available on the city's website after this meeting and then uh after we review it one more time uh but I'll just highlight a few of the projects here um as director stall said uh this is very much a living document uh some things are actively changing uh some I was able to make changes in here today um but others we still working through so I'll just highlight a few things uh we have our annual Street reconstruction projects as we talked about uh scheduled for construction in 2025 we're making great progress we're at about 90% plan level but uh the expansion of 185th Street between Kenwood Trail and iava Avenue is still on schedule for construction starting next spring and that'll go from uh its current two-lane configuration to four lanes uh we did receive a safe routs to school Grant uh to support this project and this is a partnership with the county uh this is one of the changes that I made uh the county has programmed a roundabout at the intersection of Hamburg and County Road 50 uh we have it programed for 2026 um as in the last 7 to 10 days uh we're feeling a higher level of confidence that this will actually be constructed next year so still have a few outliers that we need to work through um but we've been working really hard to advance this project to next year and uh as of tonight we're pretty confident we can meet that goal uh the freight rail car storage and transload facility is a carryover uh we did push this project back this is kind of a uh a city county partnership with uh adjacent development uh this will be uh the extension of Cony Road 9179 street from the Pheasant Run subdivision over to Brook Shire uh we did push that back to 2026 construction uh that'll be future County Road with the bridge spanning North Creek this is another project we pushed back one year this is the hoo Avenue modernization this is from City Hall to just uh basically the water tower at 190th Street uh this will be modernization to urbanize the roadway to get rid of the roadway ditches also to put Trails on both sides uh highlighted by a pedestrian underpass uh at this location as well and turn Lanes into All Saints do Boulevard modernization uh is uh scheduled for 2027 that's the piece south of 50 and between 210th Street where we just put the roundabout in a couple years ago that's two and we at this time too I want to just highlight that we'd also look at the intersection of Cony Road 50 and and DOD Boulevard as well that would be part of the project uh that traffic signal is aging uh requires replacement and that's a good chance for us to tie it into the project to see if any traffic control changes are required and then finishing out DOD Boulevard we'll have the uh modernization uh south of 210th Street to County Road 70 and that's a programed for 2028 we'll see how things go could be pushed to 2029 another project that we're um actively working on here and and made some last minute changes to this slide here is the County Road 50 Interstate 35 interchange uh we have this uh we're making good progress uh director Omi mentioned the open house we recently had uh based upon our current engineering design uh we're looking at a 2028 2029 build uh we're still trying to secure dollars for this so there's a number of moving Parts um but as we work through this uh also trying to work through some details with mot uh this is what the city and county are moving forward with at this time uh as as director Ry said too we should have I'd say within the next four to six weeks a pretty good idea on what the layout would look like uh with the goal of submitting the um uh preferred design to minda by February 1st so stay tuned there'll be a lot of information coming up on this park and Rex uh Park and Recreation will have a completion of two collaborative Greenways between the city and the county this is the North Creek uh through branch and Farm uh this will complete a trail segment all the way up to County Road 46 uh it'll be done over two years 25 and 26 uh one of the important things to note on this is this will complete the segment between the Minnesota Zoo and Farmington and then this will piece will be owned and maintained in collaboration with Dakota County um also scheduled for 2026 is um extension of the lake Maran Greenway way uh this will take us to Ritter Farm Park going east Crossing Kendrick Avenue then we have some segments we've completed along the South life side of Lake Maran this will bring us to DOD Boulevard and then we'll hop over and then we'll go to downtown we'll also improve that parking lot on 209th street and create a connection to Holy Oak Avenue and I'll show you that here added this slide uh here this used to be the Royal milk parcel if you recall uh so with that that trail will now come down or work on reconstructing this parking lot but we'll create a Greenway Corridor uh so that folks can connect over to hoio Avenue and reach our downtown businesses we also have a number of neighborhood parks scheduled for construction over the next several years uh utilities uh with our growth we do have a few items to add uh lift station 26 is actively kind of under design and construction should be operable in 2025 this is located on the north side of town uh north of 46 just east of Interstate 35 uh we have continued maintenance of our water supply uh so we'll be scheduling the mate the painting of Dakota Heights water tower in 2026 and again this is kind of a placeholder uh director Omi talked about well 23 that's actively their construction but based upon our anticipated growth rate we'll expect to uh construct Wells 24 and 25 and 20 28 again that's subject to uh population and then just wanted to highlight a couple facilities uh the first center is actively in design as well and that's programed for 25 and 26 construction we can continue to make good progress on that that's at the old Public Works site up at 214th Street just north of County Road 70 and east of Hamburg uh we also have the central maintenance facility program for expansion in 2027 and then we also have the water treatment facility expansion scheduled for 2027 as well environmental resources uh lastly we do take opportunities to partner with our Watershed districts uh we do have a partnership project scheduled for next year it's the Green Ridge storm water improvements on uh Flag Staff Avenue in addition to our annual Lake management uh and vegetation maintenance that we do throughout the city our water conservation and then also our Forestry program uh as director and we talked about with our third quarter here uh and with that uh there's a map here we'll I'll have that as like I said on the city website for folks and if they have any questions they can contact us okay and I'll pass it back to Julie thank you sir thank you multitasking one that that's it yes thank you so much so um just wanted to include in in with the packet um explaining that there's also the pieces that are going to be um levied in addition to the bonding that we'll be doing um and these are incorporated into the preliminary Levy we had some changes um in with council's direction to bring the levy down for that preliminary so a couple of these pieces are are in in flux I'll say uh the 200,000 in equipment and the 100,000 in facilities we did back those out of our preliminary Levy um in an effort to get the overall Levy underneath uh 10% when we took out the park referendum so those are taken out but um with the changes with the safer grant that we just um received there's still some things that we need to work through and and with council's Direction how we want to structure the final Levy in December um so kind of left these in as this is the planning tool so just a heads up with that but we did um we were able to there's fund balance available in those funds right now that it were were covered with those projects that are scheduled for 2025 and 2026 so with the the bonding that we would be looking at for 2025 uh the street reconstruction would be like 4.1 million and then the street collector roadways would be 83,000 the first center is the largest component and that's um at 17.8 million so the total bonding that we're looking at for 2025 would be 22,6 120,000 and I just wanted to lay out because this is a wonderful wonderful thing that we have achieved in getting the state of Minnesota money and the federal money so the project overall project for the first training facility is rough 24.7 million and um taking out the state of Minnesota grant that we got 7.2 million the Federal grant of 800,000 and then um adding in the alternative cost uh functionalities that were added to the project leaves that City contribution down to the 17.8 million and then I just laid out here for the the training facility um more detailed dates uh from what city engineer Johnson shared with you but um looking at the bidding and negoti ating to be coming up here shortly after the first of the year and starting construction in April so um so um I'll open up for a public comment and questions and also from Council they would like okay Council any uh questions or comments before we move on to the public hearing as you know this is a lot of topic conversation we've had in work session so all right this is a public hearing so if anybody in the public has a comment about the C Improvement plan and others yeah yeah if you want to um off of your name and address yep my name's Troy Fort and and what else your uh address address 20699 Hazelwood Trail so um I applaud your your uh improvements Hamburg like move that to the top that Hamburg intersection and if you could allow like I don't know higher speeds on 205th Street while that's going on that' be perfect I'm kidding I'm kidding um no I um actually um this is my first time uh talking to the city council so um good to see you all uh mayor um part of um part of what I wanted to comment on other than your use of my money great great use of federal money also my money great try to keep down to minimum I don't like my property taxes going up too high my income taxes either right um but one of the things I wanted to do to address um these all of these uh expenditures are audited on like a super regular basis right correct you I mean like hardcore audits you hire somebody outside to audit exactly okay do you know is there any section or any area of of the government that we don't audit I don't know I'm looking I don't can you think of one I can't okay do you know about um the elections so the elections are are almost completely unaudited so how much of your city budget do you audit when you when you look at it I'm happy to have the conversation the public hearing is specifically for the capital Improvement is it stuff yeah so we had our public comment at the beginning of the meeting um oh so I was misinformed I thought it was at 6:30 no six o'clock so I I'm happy to talk to you about election stuff after meeting I will talk to you yeah I'll talk to you after the meeting when it's over but I would love to make a presentation to the full Council about um audit of the elections not because I think the elections are um are loose or whatever but because I think it's important that's how you guys got here yeah if you hang out to the end of the meeting we'll connect absolutely okay but great on the on the Capital Improvements thank you being my first meeting here I'm stoked especially about some of I heard okay thank you perfect uh okay any other C Improvement public hearing comments okay ca I will entertain a motion to close the public hearing on the capital Improvement program so moved okay is there a second second all those in favor say I I I all opposed okay the public hearing is now closed and with that I believe do we have to have three separate motions or can we take it as one motion three separate motions if you would please okay so I will entertain um the three separate motions John I'll make a a motion here I move I motion or I move to approve the resolution adopting The Five-Year Capital Improvement plan 2025 to 2029 and approving the issuance of General obligation Capital Improvement bonds okay is there a second second okay any further discussion about the five-year Capital Improvement plan Joshua just uh a comment and an acknowledgement to our committees as well who even though this is not a budget it it did have an impact on the financial long-term planning that is also simultaneously happening and so for residents who are following along to these processes as they're moving along um may want to also tune into a work session where we talked about that long-term financial plan um and I think uh many of us were we uh pleased to see where we're headed long term even amidst many of these improvements that are substantial for the city so thank you to again to the staff but also to the Committees that are are working on these uh projects behind the scenes and and the work that goes on uh months ahead of time before we see these uh in its final form so just want to acknowledge that process that's also going on adjacent to this thank you any other comments or questions okay Cena on roll call please Michelle v i Luke hi vermal I Walter I Lee I okay now I will take a motion on the five-year Street Recon plan okay I don't want to hog I don't want to hug the motion so uh I mve to approve the resolution adopting the fiveyear street reconstruction plan 2025 to 2029 and approving the issuance of General obligation Street reconstruction bonds okay is there a second second okay any further discussion about fiveyear Street Recon plan okay seeing none roll call please helier hi burmel hi Walter I Lee vulk I okay and finally I'll uh entertain a motion on the resolution declaring the official intent of the city on certain expenditures Joshua move to approve the resolution declaring the official intent of the city of Lakeville to reimburse certain expenditures from the proceeds of bonds to be issued by the city is there or second second any further discussion about the motion okay see none roll call please burmel I Walter I Lee I bulk I helier I very good thank you both very much um moving on to Item B the Cedar Hills North comprehensive plan and zoning map amendments and I don't know Mr trosy are you kind of good evening welcome good to see you good evening Steve trosy with lenar Holmes happy to be back in Lakeville we've had great success here we're excited for the opportunity to provide more housing options for families that can't wait to move into the community you're probably going to see a lot of me in the coming months as this project progresses so tonight I would just ask for your support for a comprehensive plan Amendment and a rezoning and after miss good road gives you a few more details I'm happy to come back up and answer any questions you may have very good than thank you Miss good road good evening welcome thank you mayor members of the council um um as Mr trusy stated us homes um lenar has applied for comprehensive plan and um some zoning text amendments so we've been working with um lenar on a preliminary plat um right now it's it's named Cedar Hills North that name might change but for now we're working with that name um but this is um the layout that we've been working through and we're anticipating this being in front of our Planning Commission in November and then in front of you um as well as in November and so part of this application has been working through some um what we really consider very minor changes to the land use and underlying zoning so on the slide in front of you is the existing conditions the west side of the site is medium high density residential and then Zone rm3 and the east side of the map is um low um medium density residential and then zoned rst2 and so we have a couple minor modifications and a lot of this was driven by the pipeline that exists um that is get the mouse to show up um this line as well as the channel um realignment we wanted to minimize the um Crossings of this Channel and lenar has been working closely with us and so this area here is being changed from medium high density residential to low density residential and then this portion of the site is going from that low medium to the medium high density where the town homes are located and then this area is going from low medium to low density residential and so it's really the the mech Council gets very precise in its land use and also its density calculations and because of these modifications that we asked the applicant to make um regarding the overall layout it really shifted the density on this portion of the site driving the need to go to that low density classification from a zoning standpoint we are at rm3 in this portion of the site and rst2 on the um majority of the um single family site so again a very Mo small modification made in this area to go from the rm3 to the rst2 and then the remaining um this little corner again I'm going from the rst2 to the rm3 and then the remaining of the site will be the rst2 that does not need to change because that falls that zoning District Falls within the low density residential land use category so hopefully that makes sense um again A lot of it was driven through um working with the applicant on the needs that they had um from um the type of development that they wanted to bring um which will include 89 single family lots and 144 town home lots um again um this will be coming to you in November the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on the land use Amendment and the zoning Amendment um on September 5th there was no public comment during the public hearing and the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval and I would stand for any questions okay Council any questions or comments okay um I will just say I mean it seems like a pretty reasonable request that we're just doing a little swap so with that I will take a motion do we need to have four fifths on this yes okay looks like there's yeah John I I move to approve number one a resolution amending a 2040 comprehensive land use map and number two an ordinance amending a zoning map and Adoption of findings of fact for Cedar Hills North okay is there a second second okay any fur discussion about the motion okay with that roll call please Walter hi Lee hi bulk hi helier hi burmel hi very good we look forward to seeing more about the project in the coming weeks thank you very much um with that unfinished and new business seeing none just quick announcements our next uh city council meeting is here in the city council chambers on October 21st and the next work session is Monday October 28th here at City Hall in the Maran conference room the new Marian Conference Room and with that I will take a motion to adjourn so moved is there a second second all those in favor say I I opposed we are adjourn [Music] 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