##VIDEO ID:v0jAef1QcWU## [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good evening and welcome to the January 6 city council meeting and before we start we will do the oath of office to our Council members if you guys want to down there and andn will swear you in all right hi solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of Minnesota and the constitution of the state of Minnesota and I will Faithfully discharge the duties of city council and I will Faithfully discharge the duties of city council for the city of Lakeville for the city of Lakeville in the county of Dakota in the county of Dakota and the state of Minnesota and the state of Minnesota to the best of my judgment ability to the best of my judgment and ability so help me gu so help me guide all right congrats thank you raise your right hand I Dan Walter I Dan Walter do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the unit United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of Minnesota and the constitution of the state of Minnesota and I will Faithfully discharge and I will Faithfully discharge the duties of city council the duties of city council for the city of Lakeville for the city of Lakeville in the county of Dakota in the county of Dakota the state of Minnesota in the state of Minnesota to the best of my judgment ability to the best of my judgment and ability you help me gu you help me go [Applause] welcome back gentlemen you now join me for a moment of silence of the Pledge of Allegiance to flag of the United States of America na indivisible andice for okay mski roll call please Del vul here Luke helier here John burmel Dan Walter Joshua Lee Moving On to item number three citizens comments this opportunity for anybody to address the council for up to three minutes if there's issue okay uh moving on item number four additional agenda information Mr Miller uh mayor and Council there was a slight revision to item 6B of the on the agenda that was remittance uh council member Walter's name was inadvertently left out as those being present but those have been reflected in the record so very good and moving on to to item five our Public Works quarter report and we'll turn it over to our Public Works director Mr Omi good evening right good evening mayor city council members and happy New Year this is our fourth quarter report for public works so I'd like to start off with a couple uh projects that we're having the works right now the I35 and County Road 50 interchange improvements um we did hold a neighbor Hood meeting open house for that project on December 19th and um had about 40 Property Owners attend that had some great comments uh we received for the preferred layout um now that we received those comments uh we're looking at moving the preferred layout forward um and finalizing the alignment and setting that to mot for consideration um once that's completed um we're we're going to be actively um looking for funding for the project it is a $50 million project estimate right now um but hopefully we can secure some of that funding in the near term here um and then if funding does come through we're looking at construction um maybe starting in 2028 next project is the 180 fth Street project um from Kenwood Trail to ipava um Piva Avenue uh that project is um slated to be constructed this summer um bidding is uh going to be taking place early February we are expanding the uh two-lane rural section roadway to a four-lane divided highway um roadway consistent with the other um sections of um County Road or sections of 185th Street we are adding uh Trail improvements and pedestrian Trail improvements to both sides of the the road and then also um adding some turn Lanes as well so safe room for that project and then County Road 50 down by Hamburg um County's looking at putting in a roundabout at that intersection this summer uh that project will be let um or bit out um later this spring and but still construction is still anticipated to take place this summer um moving on to the street division just some highlights there um we have had a pretty slow um snow and ice control operation season so far we did have nine calls mainly for Icy road conditions um but uh kind kind of cons um consistent with the other uh years in the past um but just less snow that we have to deal with street operations we did meet our goals of our street sweeping um uh areas in the city this year um Street patching has completed this fall as well and our culber inspections were completed um as we had anticipated we are continuing our tree removal and tree trimming especially with u am ashport trees within our rway have a lot of um backed up demand there so we're going be working on that all winter long we did uh complete our fall pavment condition in in uh inventory as well as well um we inventory about 25% of our streets every year um and uh like to highlight that our our overall condition of our roads are in Fairly good condition right now um our local roads and our collector roads are between 7 and 80 which is our goal um and um we'll again we'll we'll continue have those inspections annually and monitor the uh where our oci is at for 2024 we did add a little over four miles of new streets to our system these are new developments that we added in um and those streets are once the developer and the city agree um that they're constructed uh correctly they they turn them back to the city for U maintenance and operations um this year we did add in a turn back for DOD Boulevard from Cedar Avenue to um pil road that was a County Road and previously and now the city is going to be maintain that in the future now that the road uh is completed moving on to the utility division uh we did see a um drop in our Water Production for 2024 about 20% dip from what we saw in 2023 we did pump a little over 2.5 uh 2.5 billion gallons this year though um moving on uh Le and copper in inventory uh was completed in October this is a new um requirement through the EPA um and the Department of Health all communities are need to have an inventory of their service Lines within the community completed um we did complete that again in um before October 16th and submitted that information to the Department of Health we do have a little over 23,000 services within our community we did find that we do have unknown Serv materials um that are 26 2600 of them a little bit over um that we don't know the materials so right now we have um mailed out notices to those property owners and have did some door knocking too so we knocked that 2600 number down to about 23 uh 2300 U 2400 um uh Service uh properties now and we did find six galvaniz services that were identified through that process um next stage is we're going through this inventory uh by November of 2027 um all those service unknown material service lines have to be inventoried we're anticipating to have that um inventory completed by the end of 2026 though a little earlier than the required um rules um once that's completed um we will need to replace those galvanized lines um about 10% per year starting in 2027 they all have to be completed by uh 2037 um but we anticipate there will be some um Grant dollars through the Department of Health that will be and through the state they available to help offset some of the costs for the for their little service line Replacements in the future so stay in tuned for that program we did finish up the Wellhead protection plan um that was approved by the primary health in October this um plan reduces helps to reduce the potential contamination path um from surface contaminantes down to our aquer um and also provides education for residents that have may have wells or septic systems to how to properly maintain those or if they're not using the well to We There are some Grant dollars that are available to cap those Wells and we also work with our communities surrounding communities that um our dsma or water management area are in some other communities to make sure that we're all on the same page of how to best manage those areas and then we do have two grants available for property owners um one is a water through the Met Council uh one is a water efficiency grant for irrigation controller sprinkler system heads and then toilets if there those are inefficient items that the residents would like to replace there's a grant up to 50% for replacement of those items and then the new um private service Grant that's actually on your um agenda for tonight this would fund 50% of repair or Rehabilitation of your SE sewer service lines to your property so it's lining or replacement of that Ser service um this is to try to reduce the amount of groundwater getting into the service lines and eventually into our system um utility did have a very busy year with locates um last year we we did locate or had requests for um over 15,000 locates throughout the community a lot of these locates are um associated with the new fiber optic um uh in uh infr structure that's going into town right now and then in December we did give um plant tours to sixth grade students at the Lakeville Public Schools 360 students um they learned about how the plant operates and then water conservation as well so it was fun um little tour that we gave them and moving on to Environmental Services Environmental Services was busy this year um with the vegetation management and we did um manage over 100 acres of um land in the city throughout the community for um different varieties of of native plants subscribe Burns and just try to get a um removal of Buckthorn in some um Native areas this is just try to help the diversity of the plant life within our community a lot of these um or some of the improvements were uh that took place at Valley Park uh Ritter farm and then Pinnacle Reserve as well and then uh our ms4 for permit uh we did meet our goals for inspections we did inspect 216 pounds on this year our annual sump and manhole inspections are on track as well and on 287 construction site inspections and we did do an internal audit with updating compliance um for our procedures in um standard method of operations for um storm water and training and then we also did update our um or coordination between staff for development reviews for storm water uh swamp issues as well um Environmental Services also um you know led the effort for recycling uh throughout the community you can see some of these numbers here um we didn't have uh a uh a record year for pumpkin composting this year but it was pretty close uh over 33,000 pounds of pumpkins were were composted this year so everything that you see on this list here um potentially would end up in the landfill we we're trying to working through these programs to reduce the amount of uh material that ends up in our landfills and for for you re use as well then moving on to forestry um we did uh complete our private ashtree survey this year um in this summer and we did send out letters to 604 Property Owners um identifying um just visually um ash trees that are infected on their properties those letters went out in October um and we have worked with about half the property owners on on removable trees and then we're going to send a second letter out in January here um for the rest of the the property owners that we still need to work with to to try to bring those properties or those trees back into compliance um for ash for ashtree injections uh we did have we did see a down tick in mono trees that we injected for this year and we'll see that number continue to go down as a remove some of the the ash tree throughout the community um residents did uh take advantage of the partnership that we have with Rainbow Tree Care um there was um 1,353 ash trees that were injected this year um through that partnership program that we have and then uh we do have a grant uh as you're may be aware um through the DNR um this is a three-year Grant um that uh for replacement of ash trees in our public spaces and specifically uh City parks and we did receive 300 almost $340,000 for for tree replacement and this is the first Year's um work is shown here on the on the list and we'll have more trees um to re to be removed and then replaced in the next two years and then I have to report that electric vehicle public charging stations are now operational we do have five sites throughout the community um Heritage Center City Hall Market Street parking lot um the Arts Center and then the ases arena all have um public charging facilities now the city did partner with a private company um parbon solutions group uh for the EV charging stations the company funded the Capital Improvements and the their ongoing operational cost and the users that hook up or use the charging stations pay a fee for the use of those stations those are online and that's my update um there's any questions i' be happy to okay very good thank you any questions orelle question um the lead copper pipe you sent out 2600 notices right was the citizen supposed to contact you well the in the letter it stated that um we basically the gist of the letter was we don't know what type of material a service line we have in your house um if you can send us a picture of what that service line is or if you need to um if you have any questions about it please contact us and we can we can help you identify what type of material your service line is so there is you only had 300 responses right so okay so we have a lot of work to do there okay I I just wasn't sure that I seem to remember seeing a letter but I I I don't remember that it was very clear on what the recipient was supposed to do we we've had that response there is there is certain language that was required by the Department of Health that we had include in that letter so um we're we'll definitely be re uh reconnecting with those property owners that we haven't heard from yet and um and see if we can uh figure out what material they have in their service line thank you I'm assuming it's kind of identified in older parts of the city exactly so anything it's really pre like 1980 that we don't have records for and most cities don't have records for those type of servic lines okay any other questions thank you appreciate it okay moving on to item six the consent agenda um any items you wanted to highlight Mr Miller thank you mayor just two tonight item 6D is a purchase agreement uh as you may recall the city has some excess property next to our Kook Lake Lakeville liquor store and the city council reviewed this purchase agreement and uh staff is recommending approval and then uh this time of year this meeting is always an organizational meeting for the city and several organizational items on there one of those is item 6f and that's the designation of the legal newspaper for 2025 and that'll once again be the sun this week okay any items of council would want to discuss further poll not I'll take a motion to approve okay is there a second further discussion about the consent agenda Cas seeing none all those in favor say I I opposed okay consent agenda passes we'll now move on to uh 7A public hearing on application for Farmers grants on eery for an on sale liquor license and I believe the applicant is here if you want to come and talk about your business and we'll the public hearing good evening it's uh been a while since I've been in front of some of you congratulations to all the new council members um I'm Tony donatell I'm actually the brother of the applic my brother is uh Paul donel okay um he's the the finance guy behind our Hospitality Group um we are before you seeking a liquor license for um 833 3 210th Street it's uh currently the Amico gas station um or The Outpost is what has been referred to we are in the process of remodeling the convenience store um we made a few changes to the menu in the kitchen so we're bringing in our food programs that are offered kind of quick casual style um order at the counter and either leave or very limited seating area and then next door we're um building out a bar and so we're seeking a a liquor license to be able to serve um on site or on sale liquor okay do you have a expected opening date well we're hoping for sometime in March okay all right if you want to just take a seat so this is a public hearing I'll open the public hearing if anybody has any comments about the liquor [Music] license you see now I'll take a motion to close the public hearing is there a second all in favor say I iOS okay the public hearing is closed any further comment from the council about the liquor license if not I'll entertain a motion y Dan your microphone's off S right is there a second second okay any further discussion about the liquor license okay seeing none roll call please vulk I helier I vermal I Walter I Lee I okay very good congratulations look forward to your opening uh moving on to the next item it's the appointment of the acting mayor for this year uh that is somebody that um would fill in if I or whoever is the mayor is absent so with that I'll take nominations for acting mayor Joshua well I had the privilege to do this this past year um but I would love to nominate this year council member vul to take on that role do you accept I do thank you any other nominations you see now a closed nominations uh uh and now I will open up to vote all those in favor of uh council member vul Serv acting mayor say I I I post congratulations thank you that was very easy thank you everybody for that um moving on to items eight and nine unfinished a new business for the council anything okay nothing uh announcements our next regular city council meeting is Tuesday January 21st right here at City Hall our next work session is Monday January 27th here here at City Hall in the Maran conference room and with that I'll take a motion to adjourn I'll make a motion to adjourn is there a second second okay all those in favor say I I I post we are adjourned don't get up we have our HRA meeting I will move out of my spot for that [Music]