##VIDEO ID:yCndGdH4nfk## good evening and welcome to the December 16th city council meeting if you join me for a moment of silence and Pledge of Allegiance Pledge Allegiance hey M lovsky roll call please Michelle vul here Luke helier here John Burl here Joshua Lee we'll now move on to Citizens comments opportunity for anybody that wants to address the council for up to three minutes okay uh moving on to additional agenda information Mr Miller mayor and Council we'll have two revised consent items item six um 6B were minutes from this uh canvasing meeting we just neglected to actually put the vote in there we put who made the Motions but we forgot to say that you all voted for that so that's a revised item and then items six doubleb um as I indicated earlier today to the council this was initially a extension of a preliminary plat and a cup extension is only going to be extending the preliminary plat at this time Okie do uh all right moving on to item five presentations introductions and I'll turn it over to our fire chief for the badging of our class of 2022 firefighters good evening mayor council members good evening tonight we're going to be recognizing the class of 2022 rookie group for successfully completing two years of probation with the Lakeville fire department and I'm going to ask them to join me up here so if I could have a firefighter ERS and their family please come forward uh so the rookies that are completing their probation uh from station one Matthew Johnson and Ross Woods who are not in attendance tonight they are actually working uh from station three is Corey uh clesi and Jason weer and station four is Jacob Coughlin and Mike Parker in line facing forward so to complete the probation they've achieved uh firefighter 2 certification hazardous material operations uh emergency medical uh response or some of them have continued on and gotten their EMT emergency vehicle operations which completes about 450 hours of training throughout the two years and then there's some in-house stuff we do ice Rescue Training such like that that that goes beyond that uh so with that we are going to do the oath I'm going to swing around so if you could raise your right hand and listen and repeat after me I state your name do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and of the state of Minnesota and Faithfully discharge the duties of firefighter of the city of Lakeville in the county of Dakota in state of Minnesota to the best of my judgment and ability so help me God congratulations and family members if you want to pin their badges they've all practiced multiple times so nobody should scream h apparently didn't want to stand up front any longer yeah that's okay I just want to extend my gratitude to each of you for your willingness to serve the city and in particular thank uh your family and those L here tonight for your continued support of our city and our community by willing to support your firefighters so thank you thank you thank you if you allow us a few minutes to exit yes I hope it doesn't take a few minutes okay uh we'll now move on to the consent agenda these are more routine items for the council to discuss is there anything that you'd like to highlight Mr Miller thank you mayor besides the items that I mentioned earlier item sixh is a resolution accepting donations from the customers of Lakeville lickers last month our customers donated over $32,000 which will go toward the beyond the yellow ribbon campaign and we're very thankful for that item 6 L is our Economic Development strategic plan that came to the council during a work session and has gone uh a lot of work with u Our Community Development staff Tina goodroad and Katie bachmeier and our EDC and we're appreciative of their help and then item 6 Y is adoption of the 2025 legislative priorities there were some changes made to this based on the feedback from the council at at our work session and then we have invited our legisla delegation to come to our January work session to share these with them very good is there anybody in the council like to discuss any these items further if not I'll take a motion to approve the consent agenda they move okay is there second second okay any further discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I opposed consent agenda passes good job um we are now I'll entertain a motion to move into close session pursuant to Minnesota statute 13d .05 subdivision 3 c 3 uh for the purposes to discuss uh real estate transaction do we need do we need to mention the property ID number in the motion oh related to parcel 22- 482 00- 00-20 I'll make the motion to go on close session um as stipulated by what you just said mayor okay and is there a second second okay all in favor say I post we're now in closed session so for the audience we've got to meet and then we'll come back do we areans director ATT are we back transmitting we're BR okay very good okay now we'll move on to action items um letter a resolution approving the acquisition of real property and um I'll turn it back over to our assistant City administrator Mr Kennan thank you mayor city council so staff is just requesting approval of the resolution appr to approve acquisition of real property per the discussion at the closed session and staff is available for any questions okay Council any questions if not I will entertain a motion Joshua uh move to authorize staff to bid on tax for forfeited property at the Dakota County public auction pursuant to the direction provided during the closed meeting concerning the acquisition of property very good is there a second second any further discussion uh I just have one question for the attorney does that cover everything to be able to let the public know why we went into close session then with just this action item okay I didn't know if we need to say anything else all right thank you roll call please Michelle Fulk hi helier hi burmel I Lee I okay very good uh we'll now move on to Item B which is a public hearing to vacate easements and consider the final plat of Ritter Meadows Third Edition and I don't if the applicant are Tina are you presenting okay I'll turn over miss goodroad our community development director good evening mayor members of the council twin City's Land Development um has submitted an application for um Ritter Meadows Third Edition um this is a replat of a previous final plat um of 70 attached town home units the reason for the replot is to make the units deeper therefore the town home units um eligible to be bigger along with this application is a request to vacate drainage and utility easements as outlined with the slash lines is also in the packet public hearing is necessary for this action tonight so that could take place and then the approval of the resolution for the final plat the easements that are vacated are replaced with this new Final plat and I would stand for any questions okay this is a public hearing so I'll open that public hearing if there's any comment seeing none I'll take a motion to close the public hearing I'll make a motion to close the public hearing there second second okay any all those in favor closeing the public hearing say I I I opposed public hearing is closed any further discussion related to this item Joshua uh I did have just a point of clarification uh for myself and and others about when we're vacating these public easements we are essentially saying that we don't need access to these uh these points on the plat in the future because lines are are buried elsewhere or can you help clarify why these are no longer needed certainly um um in that is sometimes the case um Council um in this case because the replat is created these are the ones that are requested to be vacated were placed with the previous final plant and now that they are replatting that plat they're being replaced so the easements will still be there it's just with the new Final plat that's sometimes they're for the purposes of not needing them we still need them but with this new Final plat got it thank you any further discussion if not I'll take a motion to approve the or to motion for yeah I uh move to approve one a resolution vacating public drainage and utility easements and two approve the Ritter Meadows Third Edition final plat okay is there a second second and any further discussion okay roll call please B hi Lee hi vul hi helier hi excuse me all right very good thank you um we'll now move on to item C report on City administrator performance and I think I'll turn it over to council member Lee yes I am very good thank you um as you all know we uh the Personnel committee as as well as the council and direct reports uh recently completed our annual performance review for City administrator Justin Miller on Monday uh December 2nd at a special close session meeting um Mr Miller's review focused on his leadership presence in the community and Communications with the council the public and employees uh as you know we find Mr Miller's performance continues to be at an exceptional level consistently exceeding expectations and delivering outstanding results for the city the council approved the Personnel committees recommendation of moving his salary from Step six of his respective pay grade to step seven which will increase his annual compensation to 2 44,6 19119 effective January 1st 2025 um so thank you to City staff for taking time to submit your feedback as part of Mr Miller's evaluation uh and particularly to our HR Director Alyssa fry for her work and preparation throughout the process okay very good and I believe there's a motion associated with that yes moment um try to see if the language is on here um move to uh make a motion setting the city Administrator salary uh effective January January 1 2025 is that sufficient all right sure uh move to approve the recommendation of the Personnel committee for City administrator Miller's uh evaluation uh including his salary increase um effective January 1st 2025 is there a second second any further discussion okay sen roll call please Lee I bulk I helier I burmel I very good uh moving on to unfinished new business doesn't look like there's any announcements uh our next city council meeting is Monday January 6th right here and our next city council work session is January 27th and the Maran conference room and with that I just like to extend merry Christmas and happy Hanukkah and happy New Year to all of you and we'll see you in 2025 and with that I'll take a motion to adjourn they moved second second all those in favor say I I post we are adjourned everything that was in that pack