##VIDEO ID:YDR-68jriQ0## [Music] and welcome to the December 19 2024 meeting of the community preservation committee it is 6:30 p.m. and we are meeting at the Lakeville police station at 323 Bedford Street we have Lake cam recording is anyone else recording no no one else is recording all right uh this evening we have um well first on our agenda meet with new town accountant Mike Ellis and he's here with us this evening welcome uh so he's our new Hass and um I invited him to to join us because um you know just to kind of get the ball rolling and and I was excited to hear that he has experience with CPC so is would you like to introduce yourself yeah we should introduce ourselves sure yes okay let's start over here we'll go around Bob stefanian I'm one of the newer members of the board I'm a member at large Nancy A's Conservation Commission Britney laor Parks Commission Michelle mcam planning board Susan spieler member at lodge Nancy LEF Lakeville historical commission Kathleen barck member at large yes well obviously I'm Mike Ellis the new town accountant um so a little bit about my professional background I spent 12 years in the town of born um about evenly split as the assistant Town accountant and then Town accountant um CPA from day one um millions of dollars in CPA Revenue in that town um so we had a lot bigger pot than Lakeville has um I chose to move on in August to try to be a little closer to home I live in town since 2011 with my uh three little kids and my wife and um just wanted to you know saw the opening when Todd left and wanted to jump in and and join the town I'm raising my family and nice yeah so welcome thank you very excited to have somebody especially with the experience with CPC you know right off the bat so that's excellent um so our second item on the agenda is the quarterly Community preservation committee budget report and he did print these out and bring them to us um he has uh the report that we had been getting from Todd as well as uh he was able to add to the spreadsheet that we have as well um so we were getting the reports we were getting the reports on a monthly basis but we were putting them on the agenda quarterly um because not much changed in in that um time you know within a month so um the spreadsheet is something I plan on putting on the website yearly uh most likely around September when we generate the you know the cp1 cp2 and three so that it kind of makes sense to update it and and put it post it then but I think um it probably makes sense to just add to it you know as as it goes throughout the year because we have projects coming in money going out you know because um you got to put the money back from the um the roof replacement that wasn't used and um so did you want to maybe just go over the budget report for the that you have yeah sure so um as far as expenditures go not much has changed since uh Todd ran it uh for month end October on the expense side um on the revenue side you're going to see a lot of changes and that's because we had our tax rat certified so uh Todd and I actually dropped in all the revenue numbers to munus so the original appropriation column right off the top left with 245,000 was probably not there at your last meeting now it's there um we also received our state match in the uh month of November which is 42 342 so I think Todd's Revenue number was around 107,000 ours is at 161,000 now um through November 30th and you know as I I said a large portion of that is the state match the 42,000 and the rest is uh search charge revenue and of course a little bit of Interest so far earned um in October there was $875 expended out of the um the the du's line and nothing's changed there and just a little increase in uh on page two at the bottom of page two there was a slight increase in the historic townhouse account um about $600 of expenses went through there but um outside of the revenue being posted um there hasn't been a lot of activity a lot of charges um so fairly status quo from you know in the short time I've been here um what I've research from October so okay does anyone on the committee have any questions comments yes definitely so just to clarify when we get money back like what we did with the roof yep you put it back into the accounts where it was initially taken from so historic and the um undesignated that directly yeah so these were kind of two odd amounts it was 17893 38 from undesignated fund balance and 12,166 to from historic reserves and when I closed the 30,000 I put that exact decimal back to each uh funding source okay great y if you actually look on the uh on the sheet here you can see it um down on the unspent project funds just to the left of the pink on the bottom you'll see the 17 um going back into undesignated and then up um on the top left under funds unspent returned under historic you can see the 12,16 so excellent any other questions all right so uh moving on we have agenda item number three review andoss vote regarding unspent funds and sending email to town accountant to move amounts back to CPA fund for townhouse doors project so uh similar to the townhouse roof we had a project at um the Old Town Hall that that was to replace the two doors and they had extra money from the roof and n kind of gave us the this update U they had extra money so they were able to put it towards the doors so they didn't need the full amount for the doors um which was great because we thought they were going to need well they ended up having to put different Hardware on the doors and it made it go up a little but they didn't have to ask for any additional funds so we have due to the fact that mass historical donation was not used for the roof totally so that was where that extra money came from and they didn't ask for it back which was nice so then we could use it for the things other stuff in the building absolutely so we have the email in our packet uh from Paul and uh he thanks the committee and um he says the project went well the doors look amazing and in speaking with Todd the balance amount being reimbursed is $1,718 so that would be the amount reim first going I'm assuming that means going back actually first so I make a motion that we email the town accountant to move the uh 1,718 back to the CPA fund second well do we need to send an email since he's right here while should keep up yeah yeah yeah maybe just to I can forward you this cuz when I read it just now it just had me a little confused the balance amount being reimbursed I'm assuming that's what's being put back in okay is what yeah I can verify with uh Mr KN too to see um so we have a motion and a second all in favor I I and motion passes so I will forward you that that Emil thank you um agenda item number four begin drafting warrant language for Springtown meeting budget so also in the packet we have the uh sample CPA budget article this is actually what uh we had been sent from the Coalition I just changed the date uh to be 2026 in a coule in all little areas and I don't have any amounts yet so this is what I was hoping to just speak to you about and and um see if you be able to give us um the expected um amount for 2026 yep so once we have that we'll be able to um designate the 10% into each of the buckets this past year we did you know so for um administrative expense we can designate up to 5% but this past year we only did 3% I think it was so I guess that that's another ation for our next um meeting unless we want to discuss it now I think 3% worked fine I mean we're doing 5% every time and we really not using it for anything but our dues yeah we uh we never maxed out the 5% my experience with CPA just I mean we had a lot of money coming through so 5% was was high but we uh typically stuck around the 3% range as well um but now did you allocate all the 5% and then just only use the three or you no we just allocated 3% out of undesignated fun balance and it would almost operate like a budget we would kind of open that article on July 1 and then we would close it on June 30th and we would kind of replenish it the following July 1 okay um whether it was voted to be three or 5% yeah okay so it's not unusual to do that either no no not in my experience though okay so we sounds like we'd stick with a 3% for y 2026 and so when you have the expect projected um amounts or yeah so I can I can definitely put something together we're kind of in the process of finalizing our our final commitment for the first two quarters of fiscal 26 so um by the time the first of the year rolls around I have more of an actual number but I can put together estimates um at some point next week and send those out to you guys and typically what I would do is take the previous Year's commitment and kind of add 2 and a half% because you can't tax higher than 2 and a half% and uh I'm usually fairly conservative with the state match um estimate because you know anything that comes in higher is better you know and uh but yeah absolutely that could put together something and yeah and we were very conservative I think the first couple years so far um anyways and it's it's come in over our estimates yeah each time so which is a good thing yeah we want to just keep it that way so yeah and anything extra that comes in for the state match just automatically closes up to undesignated so um you know and that's a less restricted fund so it works well so okay MH so I guess I'll put this on our next agenda in January is that safe to say by the third week third Thursday in January would you yes that should be fine open the warrant should open in March and then close in March typically so and we have a draft we basically just have to plug in the the numbers something there something that's that's why I went back to the draft from the Coalition because I think the words Appropriations and WR reserves were being used in I'd have to I'd have to refer back to the warrant articles but it looked like the words were kind of being used interchangeably res revenues or it was appropriation and reserves Appropriations and reserves okay so okay yeah that was one of the things we talked to Todd about too MH um because so we had run into it where although we were putting into the reserves a certain amount for you know the coming year and town meeting is right before that new fiscal year begins and so instead of using those funds it was actually coming out of the existing buckets so it was so then it was showing that we didn't have enough say for example in historic so then we're taking out of the undesignated rather than using the future funds which when we had Stuart from the Coalition he said you know with CPA you can spend money before you have it exactly yeah um yeah I mean we would use multiple buckets um the only constraint really was if you're going to use revenues not reserves you have to wait till July 1 so if it's a shovel ready project and you want to get started right after Town Meeting those are things you want to be careful of because you can use Reserves the morning after town meeting it passes a town meeting but revenues you have to wait um but uh no I've worked with Stuart before so you know I do agree I mean you can kind of uh spend it before you have it in the sense so right yeah and so our town meeting I don't know what it's going to be this year CU I think they moved it up oh it is June 9th okay so June 9th to July 1 you know there's not many projects that are going to be like I need my money within 3 weeks so hopefully we we'll be safe yeah no it shouldn't be an issue yeah yeah but it's it's also not necessarily uh shovel ready um if it's you know you don't have the money in your reserves then maybe you're forced to use your future Revenue so obviously you want to be careful if it's a bigger project versus something you want to uh start on right away but like you said June 9th town meeting I wouldn't imagine there's any issues we'd still have to you know send out a grant agreement or so we have the grant agreement and then the um Municipal Municipal agreement as well so you know we have to send those out get it back designate um a member of this committee to be the Lea on and all that as well so but so this year we'll only have the one project it appears so far we haven't voted on step twos yet but it does okay appear that it'll be one yeah not stupid all right so I'll put this on next agenda and and number five was a discussion regarding State matching funds for 2024 I just printed this out from Coalition website and that shows right at the bottom that we got $ 42,3 42 from the state matching funds what was it 18% was it 1806 so that goes in to our fun not a bad thing still better than nothing but not not quite what it was the first year around but not bad but um does anybody else have any other questions comments anything for Mike if not I'll tell him he can okay depart if he so chooses thank you for having me all right thank you for joining us appreciate [Music] it all right agenda item number six review meeting date schedule for 2025 uh so far I just stuck to the third Thursday of the month um all the dates are listed I was able to reserve the police station down uh up till April so far um can only go out so many months in advance but um if these all look good to everyone we can move forward and reserve the police station meeting room or if it's available for those y all good all right we need to vote on it or um oh I didn't put vote oh okay but as long as it's all good I think we're not really changing anything oh but you know what I did want to so the thing I left in at the bottom was a step one and step two because um our plan it has dates specified and we kind of wanted to line up those dates so they made more sense with our meeting dates so do we want to to just revise those dates in the plan when we revise the plan and maybe make sure that those dates time with our meetings instead do don't we do it twice a year did I hear that no it's just once a year yes so we wanted to get onto this the schedule for Springtown meeting okay instead of you know two twice a year is way too much too much yeah um and and we shouldn't be doing it more than once a year unless there's something that you know needs immediate attention because even the Coalition they were like what what are you doing what are you doing to yourselves get excited about spending yeah so so I guess we can um leave the meeting dates as shown and we will when we deal with the plan revisions we'll look at those dates and revise the dates based off of our meeting dates then okay all right number seven review and approve meeting minutes for November 21st 2024 motion to approve we have a motion second have a second all in favor I I motion carries minutes are approved number eight old business uh we have a status updates on approved projects from Project Liaisons does anyone have an update they want to provide I do I'm the museum okay um Jo is saying that the um man will start early January working on the building he's been pulled away for a family funeral so he's going to start it next month plus he took home louvers to work on before so okay I'm sorry what you say the louvers uh that were up in the belfrey he took those home to work on because he couldn't work on them on site okay so what is what is it that he's going to start in January just out of curiosity is it the flashings themselves um he's bringing a machine of yeah Joan told me the machine that he's bringing there in January I don't remember the name yeah there's he's going to have a like a crane or something there so that's that's one of the big parts of the expense right yeah absolutely I mean I just I worry with the weather hopefully it yeah is cooperative for that to get that done yeah you never know if we had this bombing November so who knows what'll happen in January right exactly you never know any other updates Park Department I did not talk to Melissa she said um she hasn't met with them she's going to do it January or February she's got to Mark meet with Mark and Jamie she knows she's got 12 months left Maru I mean I know Jamie's from he must be from there too cuz I know she's was waiting for their schedules to open up because it you know it's the busy season for them all summer but Zenith is um Jamie I don't think there's anybody there named Mark I deal with them on a daily basis just about it's what I wrote down it's possible I wrote it down wrong oh well that's what I've got she's talking about the Old Town planner that's what I thought of huh that's what I thought of it first I doubt it I know me too that's why I just wonder one of the softball people that's what I would okay all right that's who that would be it would be one of the softball people okay okay that makes sense yeah CU she wants their input instead of you know you know what I mean all right but I can tell you the one thing that concerns me is that that season went so long they weren't looking at it because it was still the season and they were still playing and they were still playing and they were still playing now you saying January February hopefully something happens no they will cuz I know she the season will be starting again in the spring right she had said I think that they didn't get the go ahead until like April or something so it was already too late for everyone to get together was like in the middle of the Season okay that she had mentioned so but she has plans to meet with them January February and the off Seasons all right good they have what two years is it she I wrote down 12 months left so she knows that the time is taken okay all right any other updates that's it okay um we have B photos of completed slash ongoing projects there is one photo that was included this was sent over from Kathleen uh showing the sign for the community preservation dollars at work in front of the Historical Museum now do we want to start posting these to the town website yes I think so even even if it's like just the phot of the sign yeah yeah yeah I think a good idea I feel like you guys need a new Lakeville Historical Museum sign you got that nice new sign and then right behind you've got that one it's a score yeah exactly it's not even compliant with our current sign bylaw maybe we shouldn't post it then yeah once they take it down they'd have to replace it with something compliant yeah so all right so you do I'll I'll try to find figure out a way to start posting some pictures to the website and is there anything that you want me to call it picture ongoing project completed pictures dollars at work dollars you want me to use the the wording off the sign okay that's good yeah all right our next meeting date is January 16th 2025 at 6:30 p.m. oh it at the police on Aging oops noticed that it's going to be at the police station yes sorry you adjourn can I just go back to one thing sure on our meeting schedule should we be picking our um public heing date yeah especially since it it takes some notice did in February last year right was it I think it was CU people didn't want to do in FA thought it was going to be cold blah blah blah but I don't think it was our Winters really haven't been that I well I think my concern I wanted more people to come I was hoping better weather earlier you know brighter not so dark might encourage people to come out but yeah I think January is too quick no February yeah no but I mean I'm looking at the schedule I think if we don't want to do it January it would be too quick after holiday is March too late or I mean should we look at fabc I mean we don't really have the meaning so we every year this committee must hold a public hearing okay to get input from the residents and then we take that input and we revise our plan so we have a yearly revision of the plan based off of the input that we get from the residents and when do we have to revise the plan by just before it opens September it's not a Time bound item because because if if we said you know if we had people come in we had the public hearing every everything seems like it's you know in place we don't really have to revise the plan then that's it but because we're still working out little hiccups as you know with the the schedule the the wording the things we found along the way so we do need to revise the plan but we want to get that public input see if that makes sense to make any other people had good idea the people that came one guy had a really good idea about the waterbased um you know that's why it's a committee and not just one person but it would seem that we should be consistent if we did it they know we going to do it in February and then we have time to adjust and whatever in case something changes when we'll start looking yeah I mean we only have the major thing on our agenda for next meeting is reviewing the step two which I haven't seen anything come in yet but um I guess it can't hard to do and publicity we need to do publicity and get in the paper and get people to show up give we only have one meeting to discuss that and get that done before February though so do we want to um God bless you thank you do we want to put that on the next agenda we can discuss the Avenues we want to pursue I mean it's going to go in the paper as as as a public hearing notice over two weeks but do we want to do anything else like do we want to have see if you know bless you see if somebody an maybe wants to write a little snippet about it or blast it out on Facebook we can have the town uh town of Lakeville Facebook page bled as well um what other avenues are there like should we put that on for our next meeting to discuss these Avenues or yeah we can put on it but then we'd have to do it right away like do an article for the paper and that's still you only need two weeks in paper for public hearing so we could discuss it at our next meeting okay you know talk about getting in the paper getting on the website you know what date do you remember did did we do it this past year H I don't know my memor is that good I know it was February February yeah but I think it was like to was the end I don't think it was in the middle of February I think it was like the 20s something in the 20s I don't even remember if anyone came from but does it it doesn't have to be on our meeting date yeah yeah then we don't have to do two right okay and if we don't it like it's not like we're looking at a very heavy schedule until once we get those revisions then we have to start working on the plan revisions so I can put it on for me post this schedule on the website yes then why don't we put next to put it right on there public hearing yeah yeah for February 20th then yeah and we'll just hop to it we'll talk about it again in January and hop to getting the information out there okay that's all sounds good yeah so I just I know I won't be here at that time just so just just want to make sure there's a quum okay for February yeah okay um anyone else no of any commitments all right well we only need five people for cor so hopefully we're safe anything else before we adjourn no all right do we have a motion to adjourn so move and a second all in favor for