##VIDEO ID:UN8a4JqunEU## [Music] all right good evening everyone and welcome to the January 2nd 2025 meeting of the Lakeville Conservation Commission um we are being recorded by Lake cam I need to ask if anybody else is recording this evening no okay first thing we'll do since this is kind of an impromptu meeting that was arranged quickly and we don't have a name plate so we'll go around and ouce our hi John L blank Michelle bashard Nancy Joseph Chamberlain okay we're I attended a planning board on December 26 the day after Christmas a planning board meeting talking about off free Town Street better known as Rocky woods and um there was discussion of um an open space residential development versus a 40b that schedule to go there and a lot of questions came up um we have tonight some of the things that came up that night um I spoke a lot that night but I made it very clear I wasn't speaking for my board because we hadn't met to discuss it but I did bring up some questions that I thought my board would probably want to have answered um before we made any decision because it was um I think they wanted us to say right off which way we preferred or would we was kind of some things weren't clear it was a little cloudy as it like do you prefer this or that or are you open to the option of looking at the other so we're here to tonight to come up because I refus to have it all on my shoulders a memo from me about what we think it needs to be our whole board in consensus to send a memo to the planning board where we're going from here so we need to come up with a memo I would like to clarify that the planning board is not asking for a memo with a recommendation of which direction we're going they're asking for whether or not we recommend researching further the option of an open space development which would give us more clarification into what that would actually look like okay right is that correct I thought that's what I just said maybe not I'm not great and everybody goes near what you said I'm just making sure that we're clear that we're not making a recommendation of planning board 40b versus open space we are saying yes we would like more clarification and information on if we were to pursue an option of open space that we would be will we don't have enough information actually right is what we're saying we don't have enough information to whatever but we're not we're open is that what we're saying that we would be open to hearing more information and more concise conceptual everybody keeps saying I say this and they say oh it's just conceptual but conceptual is conceptual it's not definitive of okay here's the right yes okay thank you all right so so if we could can we like hold for a minute on that as we're thinking about it and go to our second thing on the agenda and talk about it all at once I think might be helpful um I had originally at that meeting when I looked at both plans thought that there was was more environmental impact with the osrd than there was with the 40b but before I said that I had called our consultant we've had a consultant and even though we've already ruled on the wetlands and the vernal pools and everything we've already done that and issued an oad um we hadn't really discussed like the other piece because we weren't looking at the other piece but when I looked at the two plans together and at the at that meeting I asked them to put it up on the up on the monitor the two plans together I really thought there was more environmental impact with the osrd on the original piece it gets confusing because now they're talking about the original piece and the additional piece but if you're just looking at the 40b and the the conceptual plan for the osrd there's more environmental impact act and I ran that by our consultant just because I wasn't going to say it if he didn't think that was true and um Brandon fanu is our consultant and he agrees with that now because what I'm asking for tonight or what I want to discuss tonight is because this is going to be this is going to go on and there's going to be other things and it's going to get narrowed down and it's going to be more definitive as we go along and because the developer did not ask for this he was approached by the town to do this we cannot put a 53g which is a peer review that the developer pays for on him because it was the town that's presenting this to the developer so what I'm asking our board to do is to vote um a portion of money out of our fees we can spend our fees that we get and we take in for for all our applications we get those fees and they're in a pot and we can use them to further the well and protection act or help us make determinations so that's another part of this is um I would like to have Brandon continue along with us and help us figuring out the environmental impacts and have a professional helping us than rather having it all on us because we don't have an agent at this time so I think that is should be part of the discussion also do we have an estimate do we know 2500 it will cost $2,500 well it that it won't cost $2,500 $2,500 I had when I talked to Brandon I said I thought $2,500 because we don't have to spend it it's just there yeah as we go along if we're going to approve this we should put a number like right $2,500 is what and Brandon said yeah he thought that would be all right um to put there and we don't have to spend it all you know he could he can help us it could cost $200 you know I mean maybe as things go along it will be clearer well let let me make a motion okay I make a motion to approve up to $2,500 for um to hire Brandon as the um peer review ongoing um as this moves along for this project for Rocky woods and throw in his last name Just For the Rest F I can find say all right so second second discussion do we want to call him a peer reviewer or a consultant for this purpose I think we to call him a consultant rather than cuz he said to just make it clear that we're not doing it under 53g yeah so so just to to amend my previous we we hire Brandon fan as the consultant for Rocky Woods as right now we don't have anything that requires peer review we don't really even have anything that I feel we need to escalate to him for review because there's very little but they don't have there's very little conceptual and quite honestly I don't feel there's anything that we're not qualified to review if if we were we wouldn't we wouldn't be sitting here um right now but other that's just the only uh modification I would say that we really need to do we can say about the environmental impacts by looking at the thing but now this is you know there's a lot involved here in the whole town and Brandon well you've seen him he's very fluid he explains things very well and uses the language um understood I just don't want to as we move forward I don't want to get away from you know actually having applicant cover peer review by say I if there was a way to char this to the developer I would do it yeah that's why I want to make sure that we that we're wording it accordingly well once they come back with a plan and noi it's going right back on the developer to pay for the this is an unusual large I think we need I think the money is well spent to have a professional right and we might not even need spend it all advice right yeah and he builds us as he goes along what he's doing so I would just request that we all get to discuss uh before sending anything to him that would incur any fees okay well we're going to be discussing this at many more meetings as the plan goes along so we'll say thank you okay does this amendment require a second or do we retract the original one I think for I think let's start over make a I make a motion yeah we retract the original motion to retract the original motion second all in favor I I all right now I make a motion okay to um allocate $2,500 maximum to hire Brandon fanf as the consultant in our F in our ongoing uh revie review of Rocky Woods second any more discussion all in favor I I okay half done now the memo I mean I think I think we should look at all the Alternatives I mean I think it's especially if the town's [Music] making the suggestion that that might be an alternative I do think it could result in less units in the whole thing but that really doesn't have anything to do with conservation well I guess it does actually but well environmental impact and I think in the whole concept of it you'd have more um open space I also think at the beginning we'd have more control over protecting that open space and we'd have more say in in compromise and if not we we risk giving up more space in the long run so I say asking them to research the option and putting together in our memo here a list of concerns that we as a community would like to have addressed and that's where we would like to hear from everybody tonight so that our memo says we definitely are open we would love to hear research because we are very interested in conserving our property and in preserving open space as much as possible here is what we would like you to address with this open space and then and be aggressive and over ask and then see what comes back through all this I try to stay in my Lane which is conservation and um the open space committee was at that meeting but yes I love open space but I had changed something that I had said about uh land disturbance I had said at first land disturbance and I misspoke what my main concern is environmental impact as the conceptual plan looks have Vernal pool in somebody's backyard and like I say it's only a conceptual plan and then there's wetlands in a lot of people's backyard where the original plant doesn't have that as much yes there's less units but less units you know it's one of those things as it goes on we'll have to balance because I'm sorry but I've learned over the last 20 years you have wetlands in somebody's backyard and that's where the leaves go and that's where you know Joe you can attest probably better than how many sites have we been to everybody dumped their leaves in the backyard in the Wetland and now they wonder why the yard's flooding because the Wetland acts as a sponge all for all that water and now it's all full of leaves and it's not acting like it's supposed to act it's not functioning as a working Wetland so um I think the farther you can stay away from the wetlands the better but that might be where we say the plan has 136 single family lots yeah guess what your plan is now 130 single family lots because we have six that are not going to be buildable because of vernal pools or wetlands and so that's where we can work with them to compromise and say because of the existing Wetlands because maybe it's because of endangered species that are found um when we work with natural heritage that there is that upfront compromise as we look and and resource develop around that area I'm not saying that's what's going to happen but that's the hope of working together us that would be our opinion on the whole thing but when it comes right down to or a piece of the hole and we don't have the you know this is a and I asked to make sure this was clarified that we that this open safe space residential development is a z in bylaw that the town is going to want to put on Springtown meeting for one project and I think the thing that Disturbed me about that meeting was Town Council wasn't there so there are a lot of questions that I still have that weren't answered uh is that spot zoning is that something that's even allowable that you do a whole zoning bylaw I don't think we need to get into that tonight no we don't that's not a conservation issue come up in yeah and I'm sure they'll address that stuff okay but the other thing I'm looking at these two plans Y and I wish we had bigger cies to show you guys so the first one is a a proposed 40b that has 200 units on it I have bigger plans gone well anybody who would like I'm going to share mine over here if you would like here I have an extra one too so anyway the first conceptual comprehensive permit plan is is the 40b plan has 200 units on it but if you look at that as opposed to the open space conceptual subdivision the one that they're the town is interested in having them do the lot there are two lot two big passes of land here the 40b is only on one of those pass the comprehensive what I was doing we're not even looking at we had had an opportunity as a Conservation Commission to look at that second unit yeah well I'm not even saying that but I'm saying that put the big ones out you know this 40b plan is showing is showing 200 units on a section of or a big majority of it but there's still another piece of which could end up a lot more all right anybody welc and and irregardless of that the all these first of all 40b doesn't doesn't override conservation law yeah everybody should everybody should know that 40b does not override conservation they still even if it overrides Zone local zoning but it the two things it does the Board of Health and the conservation so if they go 40b it still have to come to Board of Health and conservation and it has to comply with the Wetland they still have to comply with Wetlands either direction that that they go so we're assuming that because these are conceptual plans that both of these comply because they have done a a a significant amount of wetlands resource research but we don't know that for sure they would still have to come back to us as they move forward with the project so everybody understands okay I think she was first one at a time oh John go ahead but you have to come up here and identify Yourself by the microphone and have a which is underneath which is underneath which is under the plant no Irish scanning only so name John Gregory bartelli Road the question concerns the uh the information on the Town's website where we have that side menu for Rocky woods and there's a whole bunch of documents you know anran you know this this report that report is any of that information valid under the osrd I what you just said is so you know cuz I'm I like looking at stuff in writing on the computer it's all valid we have had they delineated the wetlands all the way around we hired Brandon fanu to come in he gave a beautiful presentation I was very disappointed very few people came to that beautiful presentation and he went in with his crew and they moved Flags they found other veral pool I don't remember if it was one or two that they had certified um and then we responded there was also an addendum on that original anrad that was a question of whether that stream was intermittent or perennial which has not been settled which has not been settled because it wasn't part of the original plan the original an R was just delineate the wedland identify the vernal pools and that was done on the 40b piece not the additional piece that's coming with the conceptual plan so we answered them with an oad which says yes we agree so the wet's been delineated and the vernal pools have been identified that's all that's happened that's all done and legal and done so going from there they if they're actually going to do any work they have to come back to us and yes they are still subject to the Wetland law so the osrd is a bigger parcel of land like 300 acres yes the 40b is 185 Acres corre so the previous studies were done on 185 Acres right so they'd have to come back and identify the Wetland and any veral pools that are on the additional piece before they could go forward with the OSI Rd we've only just looked at what we were presented that's it they would have to come back which we believe was the original 40b project yes that's what we've looked at well my suggestion for what it's worth is take the the pages on the concom website and somehow indicate on those individual documents that they may not or probably don't apply to osrd so there's no confusion going forward that or so is this planed on the website I doubt it just the just the anr is yeah just just what we've approved and stuff not what we're just it probably we're looking at it at a public meeting right now this is the first time yes we've seen this so we we put something up on the website if we haven't looked and discussed it now that we have looked at it discussed it and taken votes the minutes from this meeting and the attached documentation will go up on the website but you wanted to get further clarified that's going to be that's going to be as time goes on I I don't know if that might be more confusing at this point we can we can look at a way to do that but the osrd has never been submitted to concom so it's not up on the website right and it still hasn't been this these are just con speculative what we're talking about so we we need when we put something up on the website it's got to be and tonight's meeting is a request from the planning board for us to say if it's something that we want them to look into further this is not coming from the developer that's on its own website oh okay it's on the town website yeah but not on our specific Board website uh is that on the plan boards website so must be yeah it's on they right because they've discussed it okay your turn sorry that's okay um Mary Jean liberatory I live on fre toown Street I just want to clarify and make sure that I heard you correctly are you saying that regardless of whether it's an osrd that moves forward or whether the town decides to go to the 40b that the wetlands protection is still there and conservation commission is still involved in determining where Parcels correct can be placed whether it's osrd or 40b corre because we've been LED or I was under the impression that only under the zoning board of appeals if they were moving towards the 40b that was the only time that any discussion um and possible communication back and forth that we would only have the right to do that and so far I've seen nothing from the developer in terms of yeah we would agree to we would agree to this change but you're saying regardless of whether it's 40b or osrd that the wetlands protection the vernal pools the the properties that you've identified with Mr fff's assistance are under your purview let's clarify okay all right the wetlands protection act is our job we have jurisdiction over 100 foot buffer from the Wetland so that doesn't mean they can't go anywhere in there and if we say like we have in the past on some projects you know you have to leave a 25 fot buffer between the Wetland and whatever they could appeal and go to De as long as they can prove that they're not going to hurt or affect or fill the Wetland that they can work within that 100t buffer so okay so it's not like because the wet has identified you can't okay right and if they fill they can also fill we can um approve up to 5,000 ft of fill they have two Road Crossings I think on both of those plans maybe more with the other piece that I haven't we haven't looked at that yet um but on the original plan they have two Road Crossings and on the conception ual it's the same to Wetland Crossings where the road goes across so they're going to have to to fill we can only approve any fill up to 5,000 square ft if they those two road crossing go over 5,000 square ft then it goes to the the Department of Environmental Protection de and they make the determination on you know if they fill well and then they'll have to replicate it somewhere else but that would be up to them not us and we haven't seen any actual plan of how much Bill that's going to be and how that's going to go right right so I was also under the impression that um the ecosystems Mr fanf was going to be here tonight which is my bad um obviously you needed to make a decision about a contract with him first but I in doing some research one of the things that he did mention at the meeting that we did go to was that he had identified some Atlantic White Cedar in there and there's a mass.gov site that specifically states that um you know they identify classifications of different natural communities in Massachusetts and it's speaks directly to the great Cedar Swamp and it says on their site that um the two greatest threats are uh commerci are land clearing for agricultural you know commercial Residential Properties and it states that due to the limited distribution of white Atlantic Cedars that there's a recommen a recommendation this is on a mass.gov site that no clearing or filling is permitted in any wetlands area so I mean it's on a mass.gov site it's under a coastal Atlantic Coastal um white seedar which I realize we're not Coastal however then it has a dilation we have those communities here in town okay quite CA so but they're increasingly rare stance of Atlantic White Cedar but that's the reason we need Brandon because we can put some condition say all right we're going to make him stay away from that or whatever so we can come up with he'll do a notice of intent of what he wants to do and we will say you know we want you to stay out of this area and that area but Brandon will come up with with the legislation and he will make it okay something that you if you have an appeal that's why it's good to have Brandon because if there's an appeal he can speak for us on an appeal okay but but just so everybody is is clear again there has been no notice of intent before us of actual work we can't tell people that they can't do work that they haven't even submitted to us this is all just conceptu because he's only provided conceptual this is all yeah we're just talking in theoretical about what people want to do we have no we have no grounds to say hey we heard rumor in town that you want to do this we can't put a ceas and assist on on something that the only thing we've done to this date we is to find yeah so it's it's all important stuff and that's all information that we will definitely be gathering and use to once we get a notice of intent and then we know instead of assuming they might have done their research and and learn the same thing and say we definitely staying away from that we're going to move everything here we're going to cut our 136 to 120 because we're here the people we want to conserve this area and so we're going to take all that information and say you're you now have your 100 foot buffer is from here because of this we might extend areas we might change them um and there will be a very prolonged period of review more feedback peer review when the time comes and all those things that's when they'll come into consideration um but In fairness to um the developer and then everybody um the neighbors everyone in town everybody that's interested we don't have an actual plan to review yet to know what the actual impact would be and which way they want to go 40b or open space and which way would be better but all those things things are super vital the land the animals the plants how how we're going to truly look at it conservation the actual thing all right so let's go back to the an red where they defin the Wetland we came in with that previe or we changed some things and then we approved it when they come with a notice of intent this is what we intend to do when we see the actual work then we issue an order of conditions and that's what I'm talking about that when that comes I didn't mean to you know say that we know anything yet cuz we don't but when we do we look at a notice of int 10 for anybody for a single family house for anything this is what we want to do and then we issue an order of conditions and this condition would be stay away from the Atlant White Cedar or um it would be other conditions sites is that under your I didn't understand the question Wetlands protection is under our our our jurisdiction is Environmental Protection but what you'll often hear as part of our conditions is that we want to make sure you have contacted natural heritage that that the that the petitioner has done all these other things you'll hear us say we need a response from Board of Health we need approval from uh zoning board of appeals we need approval from everybody because we want to make sure that the town is in sync and that we are not doing something that's going to have us budding heads with planning board with okay that conditions just back for a minute the order of conditions that we issue can be appealed okay by the devel everything can be appealed everything can be can be appealed okay okay and that's part of the reason we want to make sure that you know that we're reaching out and working with with our boards um because it can be we want to make it simp and streamlined but it it can be confusing um and so it is and I don't know other residents were under the same impression I was but this 180 days that initially was out there I understand that the developer has agreed you know for yes this extension yes but we're already you know we're a year into it almost with all of this and I just keep wondering does the 180 day Mark begin each time there's a new delay or are we still like within that that would My worry is it's going to get shut down our that question is for the planning board or zba or the zba yeah for the 40b yeah yeah yeah or the planning board cuz we like I say I've been trying really hard it's so multifaceted I'm trying to yeah no I understand I just wondered if you knew I mean you deal with so many developers I just didn't know if that was strategy that you've seen before from developers of of parcels so I'm guessing he doesn't want to lose his line as a 40b in the event that none of this works out I don't know okay all right thank you very does that help yes as much as it can yes thank you Noel rillo Lakeville um so it's well documented the Cedar Swamp the ecological environmental impact of that and the Native American significance of it and I heard Brandon's presentation he's wonderful what he did has he did defer when he was asked about blasting operations and I just want to make a notation of that that we keep that in mind as we go forward because I'll tell you I lived on the cape when they would do the shelling over no man's land and I'm telling you it is traumatic to be on ground that is being under explosives it's it's it's it's not good and um Brandon deferred he he said he would defer to a geologist so I would encourage us to keep that in mind as we go forward to get the input and I know it's going to cost money but that land has rock all through it and um you have to ask also what will the impact be to the wetlands not just the building but if they're doing blast and and I I I do have to also mention the effects of human health on human health uh from blasting operations it's it's it's very easy to find information about that and I I I don't know if that's a board of health issue or what but it's it shouldn't go without our our our thinking about it so I know there's a lot in play but I just wanted to make a little flag there about the geologist input thank you you yeah I would bring um those to Board of Health and planning board as well for the human for the yes please thank you thank you Noel all right would that would that also uh the question at the presentation um by ecosystems He also mentioned um the ivw protectable Water Act which was a state law that had to do with the I I believe it had to do with Wellhead protection wellhe heads for the school for the school is that board of health is that planning board is that zba who do we that was I think that was in the conver right that was Rie of the stream right which we never we hav resolved it yet so that would be something that would be further discussion since we're fortunate enough that you're willing to pay to have him as a consultant and also a water quality certificate which he also mentioned in his presentation and something about ISF flood is subject to flooding flooding so okay so you guys are on top of this then you've got this all you heard the presentation we did too the ancient glacial Lake we're just trying to or I am not sleeping because this is just it is just so overwhelming it feels like David against the liath only this or that and that cannot be true it cannot be that there's only this or that there have to be Avenues where there's still opportunities to um make choices that are beneficial to the land to the animals to the people that live in that area so I think what I'm hearing from you is that we're not done yet and we're not pigeonholed into either or yet there's still room for discussion still a chance for hope we still need to come up with a memo for the planning Sor that's okay I'll stop tring okay we get it believe me and any anything that's water supply um that's going to be ultimately drinking water is going to be overlap between us and board of hell so if you're trying to keep track of who is in which lane there's often overlap so if that helps with that as well that does um so perk tests um water quality for water supply is going to overlap with Board of Health so if you're you know in your little table of who who covers what who's doing what yes okay okay you right and as you well know we've all asked many times where they getting the water from where so that's still an outstanding and when right depends on which plan they end up submitting to us as well well on the 40b they're they showing a wellsite on the osrd unless you know I always say this is not a test but I didn't did John did you see a Well site on the osid um I see a cell tower but no I haven't I haven't looked that closely I mean there's wastewater treatment plants are both right yes extension okay so what are we going to say what would we like to say in the memo about no go pick on another town well I think we need to look at all the options I would say we need to look we need to look at all the we are interested in looking at all the options and we clearly need more information because they did not provide an actual plan with any factual information um something about um how about we say something like we are offering to be part of the discussions I mean they this well that should be the closing part of the the memo absolutely okay yeah it's showing a community well it is okay on the 40v I can't even see this way exploring the Conservation Commission is interested in exploring all of the options yep that would involve conservation of more open space however we need wait a minute say that again that would involve conservation of more open space and protection we natural resources we can fill in words and type it up a little later okay does that sound good okay want your input so no want to speak for everybody however not having and in order to do so correct thank you Mr English do we require the services of the additional information paid for by the Conservation Commission now this is just the mem we need to get this done if you have a qu I'm going to stop the questions so that we can get this done and I'll take it up again a request for this memo you're writing can you add a statement that you request whatever you need from the developer so that the developer pays for bring no we can't in this no we can't for this well once they submit a notice of intent then the developer pays for peer rev the developer is not asking for anything it's the town that's asking the development to consider the osrd the developer asked for osrd earlier it didn't it didn't get voted and approved at town meeting developer went 40b the town took exception to 40b for some reason and now they contacted all these other boards to offer to the developer so the expense to the John yes stop right the first time osrd went to town meeting it was pulled by the planning board it did not have to do with Rocky Woods at that time it was for the entire town that was for a a cluster Zone byock was a cluster Zone byock law for the town since that point the 40b came in after the 40b came in now the town has asked him if he'll reconsider if we do an osrd for that project that's how it is well I just I object to taxpayers paying Brandon for work that's going to benefit the Builder the developer we don't know what it is well so that's what my okay you y okay cons we really need to finish this so when we close this meeting tonight we can have her type it tomorrow so I missed the part where the Conservation Commission is exploring all is interested in exploring all the options okay all of the options what was the next part you said that I totally missed that would allow for conserving open space and protecting natural resources would you with that would you include like the um Wetlands or the if you want to speak you need to come up to the microphone I will take your question but you need to come up here and say who you are okay if you could just give us a moment to put all that down and then we'll we'll make sure that yeah Joe what was your opening to that next sentence that in order to do so in order to do so do so okay so I have that for that would hello for protection of open space and natural resources in order to do so we require would require some additional information on the proposed osrd MH to includ and then a list of our questions and thoughts yeah I guess this has to be a very short sweet memo it does not right no no no to include and then a bullet point of our outstanding questions how about the some of the ones from here you mean you can include some of those yeah yeah uh include number one including what is the source of drinking water for the homes what is the thank you what is the source of water portable portable in otherwis perfect okay thank you that's one next is the conceptual plan um in in compliance with the wetlands Act because I don't know that it is does not appear I can't imagine they would submit something that isn't but we've already approved the W line we piece of it right so are they designing this in compliance with what we've already approved but they're doing it in a part that we haven't even looked at yet cuz it's w you see the Wetland the finger of wetland on the other one right yep they would actually do you plan to submit an anr for the full okay that's good that's good submit an andr for the full 300 and I think they're trying to gauge interest before they spend more money on engineering and whatever well we can still ask some yeah uh for the additional piece yep okay next protection of vernal pools in people's backyard I mean that can be part of an order of conditions can it mhm yes yeah was you just say put up a fence or something well we might get help on that from natural heritage because that would check off on the no uh have you contacted natural heritage about the um threatened and endangered species on the on the complete site yeah oh on the complete on the complete site not just the not just the um 185 on the full 308 CU we want to really make sure that we've opened the door on this full if they want to go osrd greater setback from a wetland consider additional uh open Recreation space for that's one thing I did say people versus dog that's what I said at that meeting because that in that um conceptual on the osrd that was proposed there's a lot about Playgrounds and this that the other thing and I was like you know natural yeah yeah let's keep our open space well you said encourage passive walking trails rather than playgrounds do p right I I think that's that's what I said yeah I think I just read what I said try to say it again okay cuz I think in our order and conditions we have every right to say that the dog parks need to be way far away from the they want to draw a certain family profile to the neighborhood and that definitely it definitely does that the disease um provide more clear uh topographic overlays that identifies areas of concern um that's I got to say when I talk to Brandon that's the first thing he's doing I want say I just want right but say it again say it again provide more detailed provide detailed topographic overlays that outline areas of concern for the entire 308 Acres encompassing the osrd and just areas of concern so that that covers provide detailed top R overlays for the entire 300 and how many eight Acres that identifies all areas of concern so that would cover conservation native lands natural heritage okay oops so that's one two three four five six bullets I'm not fishing I'm casting this wi of the net yeah I can here all right doing good so far everybody okay John I think that's covers most of everything they're going to have to do much more they're going to have to do the wetlands delineation on that second lot that's not even something we need they have period they have to do it so we don't have to put it in and they've asked every other commission for their input as well this isn't just us that's giving ours so I would say that's a pretty so how are we going to say we are um are we hap happy with I mean wastewater treatment is also going to from Board of Health so they're going to put there well it's probably not probably going to go right to D 10,000 so we don't have to really worry about that because they're going to have to meet right Wetlands anyway y but they were saying in the osrd that cor could you please thank you I know who you are oh forers naraga Indian tribes historic preservation office Deputy Tipo um they said in their osrd that they would not be performing perk tests and that to me is a real concern um on because they've expanded the number of lots um on on their roadway which isn't even cleared yet um so you know it's it's concerning that um oops hold on of course my daughter calls it exact moment I get up here um you know so because they haven't clarified that and we have so many concerns with the Wetland crossing the perennial um stream or or you know seasonal um and without the expansion of the the anrod um to include the the newer areas that they want to have to access County Street I just feel like there's still so many open open-ended potential impacts to the environment you know I always tell people you know the moment you you know put your my w you know my laundry soap might be you know green and somebody else's isn't and you know we've all seen Wetlands totally destroyed you know because of of you know faulty septic systems or um you know or or numerous reasons you know and I just feel that this is such a a fragile you know ecosystem that's vitally important to to Lakeville um overall and and to the of Long Pond too and in the Cedar Swamp across the highway too um that I think that what you're asking for is is great but you know they're trying to by you know if we were to accept the the osrd as it's presented to us without doing further homework um you know the the lack of per tests on each lot that they're proposing is is concerned to me I think the Board of Health has already said that um the on there yeah and we can okay knows you know if the Board of Health determines it has to be a perk test on every lot on there then the Project's dead because they said that in their memo right right you know so so you never know either or so even though we're you know we're daydreaming about getting 128 Acres it's still not cleared as to where right you know um and you know what's the impact on that Wetlands that's preserved if you've got something you know with 18 homes right above it that you don't know what's going out their backyard you know never mind into the vernal pools that are in their backyard and we want to keep it clean as opposed to trying to clean it up afterwards right been there done that and it doesn't work it it's absolutely astounding to me if you had to guess the year just the year not the month the year that Boston stopped emptying all its sewers into Boston Harbor what what you do you think that is 1991 you're thinking just they had the giant Gates and everything all the everything went into Boston Hara and then then you have the giant cleanup which took decades so let's keep it clean to start with exactly go ahead I won't yell at you I promise but John was saying things that weren't right and I had to stop them before the at the planning board meeting I got the distinct impression from the Board of Health that they were hands off on this and did not feel that it fell under the Board of Health it doesn't it doesn't the capacity is way more than they're responsible for it goes right to the that's a big concern when they said that they that or the developer said that perks on all the duplex area was a deal breaker they were not going to do it on the osrd plan John they're proposing perks I I mean um septic systems on the duplexes they're only the big one on the conceptual plan I think is for everything support that's got to be approved by D okay the big one so if the town approaches it would be different than at the planning board meeting where everyone was just sharing ideas oh so the Board of Health made a comment the duplexes should be tied into the wastewater treatment system yes so Board of Health is still giving plan board their input and everything but if depending on how how the developer moves forward if the capacity is over a certain size then they would be overseen and regulated by D not by Board of Health because of the size and capacity of the Wastewater um so once it esates it hits a threshold and then it's larger than a local Board of Health is responsible for overseeing and then D takes over so that's why the developer doesn't want to do the larger or possibly talk to the people at learon about the wastewater treatment over there yeah there's all sorts of reasons they could go one way or the other but but even if they get to that point that they trip that threshold and DP steps in to be the ones to be oversight regulating and monitoring Board of Health would still be involved in but conservation isn't but conservation is not it really has and it's the threshold is 10,000 gallons gotcha okay thank you uh Drew Elder uh I live on Freetown Street uh I have a I need a point of clarification the stream that you talking about that is still hasn't been decided if it's seasal or perennial yes where is that one there it's on the top of the yeah John show you having walked it I can't show you in the in the rain in the rain that walk this okay I can tell here it's it's definitely a stream cuz I live right there okay yeah yeah and the guy uh the guy that put the development down PE Brook Drive had to put a calt and a and a bridge concrete bridge down for the water to fall under there's tons of water there um my other point is and I'm going to the open space meeting at 6:00 but the open space um idea is to Cluster the cluster the residences right and provide recreational yeah well it seems to me if you've walked this property and I've been over there myself anything that's buildable which is negligible will be built upon and then there'll be Vel pools bogs and and the largest outcropping of ledge in the state which is in the town documents all over the place so there's not going to be ballparks and and walking trails and what have you um I haven't talking talked to anybody uh yet that is is for this project um so i' just like to put my point out there that I'm adamantly against it I think it's disgraceful the way they so it would if if if it does if it goes the O the osrd is that what yes if that if they're interested in doing that that goes to town meeting has to be voted by what 3/4 of the 34 3 of town meeting oh I'm sorry 2/3 right here 2/3 vote for zoning would require a 2/3 majority vote and if he doesn't get that he's going to ram the 40b down on and then do another 40b on the other half of his property so we're caught between a rock and a hard place so I enourage every board to make them jump through every hoop you possibly can and make it cost them as much money as possible so that you pulls out doesn't do it yes thank you good job Drew I just mention something um on Chris sargo Baker way um on the blasting that they have to do if you look up if you Google the uh Big Gig in Boston there were people who lived 20 mil away away whose um foundations cracked and they sued this they sued the state um and they were just digging through dirt and they weren't digging through ledge so you just have to make sure that your people around the area before they start blasting take pictures of their foundations their walls their take a water test do all that because it's going to affect everybody including the school have to do is go over the highway at the oh I live up there when AA will was Saturday morning yeah they were blasting away yep you can feel it Y and that's that's something that needs to be brought up to and AA will owned that property his sister-in-law owned that property and they couldn't perk that's why I was told that's why they sold it because they couldn't I I've talked to my husband's talked to many um developers in the town and they also have said that doesn't perk doesn't perk you know when Karen put her big sign up that said for sale people would come in and they'd say it doesn't perk so how how is she going to sell it so I don't know how this guy is going to do that but Money Talks unfortunately and I think a lot of the boards of uh Lakeville have a tendency to just just I don't live in the area and be happy with it I'm sorry to say that but I've been here 40 years me too so yeah it's changed 40 years so you're a newcomer yeah exactly exactly but I live in one of Leonard's old houses that that there you go so that's just my suggestion is if people if they're going to bless people need to take uh cautions and just you know cover themselves because they're going to be Su along with everybody else in aan uh developments okay has a lot of lot of lawsuits against him just something to be aware of and I don't know why that I don't know why the planning board or the zoning board even let him I know it's 40 big but even let him suggest to build anymore look at learon my son has friends who live over there that they used to um pump the water the Water Treatment Center once a month now with all the housing they do it every week so those people who live there pay used to pay once a month now they're paying for four times a four times a month for the water treatment so I don't know it's not good for Lake though well as a as a Conservation Commission we're trying to stay in our lane and we're trying to do the best we can and we need you're doing a great job thank you we need a closing for this somehow saying that we're willing to you know send me as a representative or somebody to the closing is that the Conservation Commission would like to be appreciates having input and would like to be actively engaged in further research and discussion as this project slow slow slow input and why is she writing it why don't me just write it cuz I'm almost done this just the last thing and I'll make sure it gets typed up tomorrow because I'm the one who does it I like to stay in hiding soad how about instead of would like to be how about request um you want to be involved you want to be a part of every phase Conservation Commission would appreciate wishes to be appre it's nice appreciate okay remember demands I'm not exactly the honey and you know type but yes appreciates our the opportunity to be actively engaged yes oh that's good yeah in all discussions in all discussions pertaining to conservation well it doesn't hurt to hear all the rest of it that's going on pertaining to the further development of this project environmental paining to thought you were trying to stay in your lane I do when I speak I stay in my Lane but there's no harm in listening to what everybody else is saying we're all Town we're all Town residents yeah yeah right pertaining to the further development of this project of the osrd no just this project as because we want whether they go or love the Conservation Commission Conservation Commission would appreciate the opport Unity to be actively engaged in all discussions pertaining to the development of this project perfect thank you for your time and attention don't be too nice thank you for your consideration just thank you CU we don't want thank you for consideration because we're going to do this thank you I'm sorry I'll stop being nice do you need a motion well somebody needs to be nice cuz I'm not yes get this you need a motion okay my motion to approve you want to hear the whole thing I we just did like four times from the beginning okay all right so if it makes you feel better to read would you please read a send a draft To Us by email before we send it okay thank perfect okay but I I make a motion to approve the memo as written ish is is okay second run by Joe he's the yeah well that's why we okay so I have motion is second any more discussion anybody else have any comments thank you thank you all right all in favor I I thank you motion to adjourn second all the favor for