##VIDEO ID:CWsG8r4v1NQ## [Music] I call to order the January 9th 2025 Planning Commission meeting please join me in the flag pledge Miss Erikson will you please do a um roll call of members here here here draus here M here all right agenda item number three approval of minutes so November 7th 2024 Planning Commission meeting minutes and December 5th 2024 Planning Commission work session minutes fellow Commissioners any changes all right then the minutes will stand um Miss Jensen any announcements uh only that if these aren't if these items are not table they will move forward to the January 21st city council meeting right thank you all right agenda item number five the Kenrick Corner second edition this is a public hearing to consider the application of mezen brink construction and Engineering for the preliminary plot of one commercial lot to be known as Kenrick corner second edition and the vacation of public drainage and utility easement located north of 205th Street and East of Kenrick Avenue sorry I'm taking a look to see who I have is there anyone here to for that project I don't have oh I do I'm so sorry Jennifer e hi hi good evening um members of the commission it's very nice to be with you this evening I have no idea what was said before I walked in anything very short okay uh so my name is Jennifer has Camp uh I am the owner of Camp real estate and development I work with mess and Brink construction and Engineering who is the applicant this evening uh they are proposing to essentially plat and Outlaw for purposes of building and developing a uh multi-tenant commercial retail space so the property is about 1.6 acres uh the land use and the and the zoning are both commercial so from that perspective what they are proposing to do is consistent uh with what the current guiding and Zoning is for the property uh it was an outlaw that was the subject of a uh development agreement uh and a master planned area prior it never got built on never was constructed uh there were some improvements that were made uh primarily landscape buffering that was required as part of that initial uh process those trees are actually mature at this point which is great uh we intend to keep the majority of those and then add to it so uh the project itself is about a 9600 square foot building uh we are proposing at this time that there would be two users so they would essentially be on either end of the project uh each of them would have their own um parking lot associated with them as well although obviously overflow uh could go in either you can tell uh the parking lot on what would be the East is a slightly larger parking lot uh because that tenant space is proposed to be slightly larger um so with that um let's see here we skipped really quickly uh from a a construction building perspective I think that it fits uh the character that is uh in the city of Lakeville today uh especially with some of your newer uh retail commercial spaces uh the majority of it is pro proposed to be a black brick uh construction material consistent with your material requirements um and so uh M and Brink uh does quite a bit of development in this area uh and so obviously we've designed some something that hopefully fits within what you were hoping would be here so um for that very short and sweet um and I'm just glad I kind of made it was close so close thank you so anyway with that I will turn it back over thank you thank you good evening Commissioners Jack can I get my PowerPoint no not that one oh you're fine thank you all right so this is the Kenrick Corner second edition it's a preliminary pla in easement vacation uh it is located north of 205th Street uh east of Kenrick Avenue if you're familiar with the Porter House Restaurant it is just North of that location uh here's the Zoning for the area it's pretty much just uh C3 commercial the town homes to the north are the rm2 uh medium density Town Homes there uh this is the preliminary plant it's a very simple it's currently an outlaw it's being replatted just as a single lot so not a lot of change on that one uh they are doing an easement vacation the when the original uh Kenrick Corner plat was recorded it included drainage and utility easement on the outlet lot uh in order to keep the title clean as we record the new plat we're having them vacate this easement and they will be rededicated with the final plat so there's no change in easement there uh site plan Miss has Camp kind of reviewed that um dual uh multi-tenant commercial building parking lot on either side uh buffering Landscaping to the north fairly straightforward access off of the private Drive um and there will not be access from Kenrick Avenue uh grading plan uh as you can see there's they are not getting into the existing uh burm and buffer to the north um which helps buffer the view to those Town Homes to the north uh this is the landscape plan they do have plantings along the parking lot uh the foundation of the building on the side additional plantings here and then here are some of the additional trees that they are adding just to help fill in some of those gaps uh for those um as has Camp showed the building elevations talked about the materials um they do meet the exterior material cor requirements with 65% brick and windows on the site which is the grade A materials uh and then this is just the floor plan for retail and then the wellness clinic there um I did have one other item I wanted to mention the site does not show um a trash enclosure at this point if they are going to have an exterior one they need to update the plans to include that information otherwise if it's being handled interior then no additional changes are needed um if the Planning Commission chooses to recommend approval of the preliminary plat for Kenrick Corner second edition and the easan vacation staff does recommend it be subject to the six stipulations listed in the December 13th report and I will stand for any questions you may have thank you and this is a public hearing so anyone wishing to speak on the public hearing can please come forward Madam chair yes motion to close the public hearing second all right I have a motion and a second to close the public hearing all those in favor of closing the hearing signify by saying I I I all opposed all right the public hearing is now closed uh fellow Commissioners any [Music] questions Madam chair yes um are there uh are there tenants identified yet of of either of these two spaces Madam chair members of the commission so I don't believe that uh the actual leases have been signed but there are two tenants that they are in discussion with um and so hopefully it will be fully occupied once constructed great thank you any additional comments Madam chair yes uh I motion to recommend approval of the Kenrick Corner second edition preliminary PL and easement vacation subject to the six stipulations listed on the December 13 2024 planning report second I have a motion and a second Miss Ericson we please take a roll call vote i i i i i all right thank you um good luck on your project and it looks like this one would go to City Council on January 21st that is correct thank you all right agenda item number six this is the city of Lakeville this is a public hearing to consider amendments to Title 11 zoning of the city code and we have Tina good evening um so during the summer we've did quite a few zoning updates and then we discovered a few more and then we also had a work session and talked um primarily about parking ordinance and some changes that we wanted to make that would better align market conditions or Market needs for parking for different uses so I'm just going to go quickly through the staff memo um you received that um the ordinances and in front of you um in your packet or on your device um again anything that is underlined is proposed as new text anything that is stricken out is proposed to be removed sometimes you'll see sections stried and then moved um for just realignment um so it's not always just new text um so just a quick summary um in the definition section we're proposing adding a definition for commercial recreation facilities as one does not exist and this is a use that specifically ly allowed um in certain industrial districts we're proposing adding it to another one and it is defin definitely definitely different than what you would think of as a commercial um Athletic Club like a lifetime so we wanted to make sure that definition was created then within the parking section which is the bulk of this update um we went through and identified certain uses and adjusted the parking accordingly um based on our own research um input from our um planning um consultant Dan lick um as well as just understanding what we're seeing in the market um what the demand has been um and trying to adjust to that coordinately so that's the bulk of the changes and then um we had some amendments to the sign code um we have some major Parks um and wonder facilities being created in the city of Lakeville and they have a need for additional signage both from just a standpoint of helping people get to and understand where these facilities are located but also for sponsorship reasons so we need a little bit bit more signage allowed um so specifically um we want to add freestanding signage um in the Grand Prairie Park as well as additional wall signage for the permanent Pavilion at the new uh the new permanent Pavilion at the H Arena as well as in the Grand Prairie um um Park so the Grand Prairie is looking for a second Monument sign there's one that will be located on Cedar Avenue and they are looking for a second one to be positioned on Hamburg Avenue um that one doesn't meet the letter of the law because it's not on a major collector or arterial street so we want to create an exception because it's a community park um we feel that kind of Park is deemed um is warranted really for having that additional signage and then additional wall signage is proposed again on um the new Pavilion and then on the Grand Prairie um grand stand so that new baseball grand stand so hopefully you've all seen I was looking for one today to throw up on the screen I didn't find one late this afternoon but hopefully you've all visualized that Park and there's a um major grand stand and on the South Wall of that they want to have the sign for that as well as the sponsorship so we believe all of that is reasonable and we made these exceptions specifically to community parks and the special use Parks then within the M2 mixed juice um Cedar Corridor District um we found a discrepancy um this ordinance allows for multif family with a conditional use and then it has certain standards one of which is a standard for um area the area requirement and so right now it reads at 1,675 Square ft um per unit which meets the low density for that range but the comp plan for this um zoning area or the land use that this zoning area falls under um stipulates between 26 and 40 units so we need to address that range so we're proposing changing that 1675 to 1100 to meet the comprehensive plan um within the i1 light industrial conditional uses um we received a couple of inquiries to allow um limited outdoor storage for auto repair uses right now that use is allowed as a conditional use but all the vehicles have to be stored inside so the amendment includes quite a few conditions to really limit this but to allow some outdoor storage provided it's not visible from a principal arterial provided that it's not more than 20% or 10,000 square ft of the lot area screened and so forth so we think those are enough um conditions to allow that but on a very restricted basis in the i1 again as a conditional use and then in the I2 section for conditional uses we're proposing adding that commercial recreation facilities this is something that we allow as a conditional use in the i1 District we've received some inquiries in the I2 we've kind of held off but we do have some older buildings that could benefit from this change and so we're at asking to add that with the same standards that are in the i1 so both those districts have that flexibility and then finally in the administr in the I3 under administrative uses um the Mac has submitted building permit plans for a remodel for their Maintenance building so if you've not been to the airport um where the flight school is located there's a maintenance building the remodeling that and they need to create a sleeping quarter so we have snow events um the max staff is able to stay overnight and so that's technically not allowed currently in the ordinance so we need to add that provision to the ordinance so that about sums up what is included in this um again this kind of ends the 20204 zoning updates staff apologizes that it took so long but we've been quite busy in our office um we're need to get ready for the 2025 update um but if you have any questions I would be happy to answer them thank you and this is a public hearing so anyone wishing to speak on this agenda item can please come forward mam chair yes motion to close the public hearing second all right I have a motion in a second to close the public hearing all those in favor please say I I all opposed all right the public hearing is now closed H commissioner um good road uh just for the public can you kind of like outline what some examples of the commercial recreation facilities might be yes so some of the um we've received some um proposals for indoor playgrounds um indoor pickle ball courts um there could be an indoor any kind of indoor um training facility for um Sports so youth or adult um there's facilities across the cities that are geared solely to baseball or solely to hockey um so it's really focused around those kinds of uses and amenities great thank you just oh you continue well yeah um just I think that all these changes are great I'm supportive of them all um I am especially kind of excited about that one I hope that we do get more uh uh people wanting to come in and uh develop that stuff I know there's definitely a um desire amongst members of the community that I've talked to for more indoor options during the winter especially for for young children so thanks to the staff for all their work on this any additional questions comments that looks like we're ready for a motion make a motion to recommend approval of the amendments to Title 11 of the zoning ordinance of the city code second I have a motion on a second Miss ericon we please take a roll call vote i i i i i and this goes to city council too right January 21st all right awesome all right agenda item number seven we have some very special guests with us tonight um we were not able to have the Planning Commission have an opportunity to celebrate the retirement of Frank Dempsey so he is here come on up Frank and we have um here um and we've asked Daryl to make some comments um on behalf of Staff in the city and then um welcome any of you to to make any comments that you would wish and then on your screen is a map that Chris um prepared along with our GIS team to represent all of the projects across the city that Frank touched um it's overwhelming the amount of impact that he's had on this city that we all love um I think Daryl can probably jump into this and explain this map a little bit more but um we are thrilled with um all the contributions that Frank um provided over his 35 plus years thank you oversight good evening uh it's good to be back not as a staff person but as a former staff person for the new uh Planning Commission member and I use the term new Loosely new to me uh I'm Daryl Mur I am the former planning director and I worked for the city for 35 years 30 of which were with Frank and so I just wanted to say a couple things I'm going to keep it short I'm sure all these folks over here will be glad to hear that but uh it was a pleasure working with Frank for all those years uh I thought of three words that described Frank during his tenure here uh on my way in and they are dedicated hardworking and patient especially patient Frank dealt with so many people that had problems or complaints or issues or didn't agree with the ordinance or didn't agree with staff and he was immensely patient with those folks and as his supervisor for all those years I am forever grateful for that he did a great job city is losing a lot of institutional knowledge with Frank uh retirement I know these guys can to ATT test attest to that as well so uh we worked together really hard I think what we did here I'm very proud of the work we did together and I'm sure Frank is as well uh we had a lot of hundreds of Planning Commission meetings public hearings the time when there was five or six public hearings on an agenda and it was basically just he and I making the staff reports and presentations and we survived it and I think the city has turned out really well so I'm very proud of the work we did I was very happy to work with Frank and even though I'm not his boss or a coworker anymore I'm still Frank's friend and I'm very happy for his retirement welld deserved thank you Frank [Applause] got it getting out of bed I'm serious and it happened yesterday but it goes away rather quick any I didn't expect this it's nice to see it you know this chance to to see everybody again and I really didn't maybe it's good that I didn't have any prep preparation to share my thoughts but Daryl kind of mentioned a little bit what My Philosophy was and I I do I always enjoyed and I guess I do take pride in working with in difficult situations with people that are difficult in terms of um have expectations or trying to understand how things are planned and this is a growing city it has been the whole time I've been here and I I always went out of my way to uh you educate people on what we do the purpose of the of planning and in today's you know epidemic world we live in with misinformation and how things are done and very strong opinions I always try to get people people to understand the role of things and I do take some pride in in um bringing people along um different parts of the city neighborhoods people that were willing to learn be involved and understand um and so that as darl always said we work for good outcomes and involving people not ignoring them not returning calls not returning emails was something that we never did um and I got to tell you when I've had dealings with other with other cities that's not all always the case you know sure we're always busy and they're busy too but we always made an effort to make sure people are heard your calls are returned and so that's I hope that's sort of the Legacy I left with the Department is um is is is making sure the public understood that we're working on their behalf and it's important that they're involved so anyway thank you it's been really nice working with everybody every one of you and I know planning Commissioners over the years through neighborhood interest situations land use questions projects building additions all that kind of thing that goes from the neighbor the the mayor on down you know the um different project they've worked on and I was like that never know what's going to happen when you walk in one day and what your job's gonna be dealing with thank you everybody [Applause] anyone else well I do um agree with the patient part I feel like you're always very patient with all of my questions and I really appreciate that so um sad that you're leaving sad that you left it's all changing I guess that happens um but I think that's it unless anyone has anything else they'd like to add no all right then the meeting is adjourned [Music]