##VIDEO ID:j7b031KTsP4## I call the September 19th Planning Commission meeting to order and ask you to stand for the pledge of Allegan Al stes thanks everybody um secretary Morrow will you please take the role Zac here Travis here Tinsley here Zimmer here Mike here Swanson here thanks the next item on the agenda is the approval of the minutes to does anyone have any changes to our September 5th minutes seeing none those minutes will stand and uh are uh any announce do we have any announcements from our planning department Miss Jensen uh thank you Vice chair no I do not have any announcements uh or handouts for you today thank you uh the next item of business is from the city of Lakeville we will have a Zach Johnson with the city staff uh present to us the capital Improvement plan for plan for consideration all right good evening everyone uh it's my pleasure and privilege to share with you tonight the 2025 2029 Capital Improvement plan for the city of Lakeville just a little bit of background uh this is an effort that took about nine months uh this is an annual project that we do each year and it really has three main components one is to identify the framework for the infrastructure needs to meet our city both short-term long-term and our development objectives which you see when you have your Planning Commission meeting to see all the growth that we have the second then too is it provides our policy makers and our community kind of a map or a plan to implement and administer these Capital Improvements and then finally identifies the financial resources that we use to finance and pay for these so with that today I'd like to highlight uh a couple couple of the significant projects but please note that in this 5-year plan there's over $300 million of capital Improvement projects so we'll highlight a few if you have any questions let me know it's pretty exciting for me uh I've been working on this for quite a while um but uh we'll uh we'll kind of go through it step by step uh so the first item uh is annual maintenance and Rehabilitation of our roadway infrastructure uh we have have a reconstruction project where we go through and fix roads uh either that have extended through the end of their life cycle or those that we need to extend them through we uh we calculate the those by having what's called an oci so we try to maintain an oci 75 and I really have been able to maintain that here for a couple of years uh we do have expansion with growth uh we do need to widen some of our roads uh we work carefully with our Partners at the County uh so this project here represents uh 185th Street expansion between County Road 50 and iava Avenue uh widening that existing roadway to a four-lane divided section uh we are on schedule to be in construction of that next spring uh this is a last minute change actually I had to change this uh slide about an hour ago uh we are proposed uh to partner with the county to construct a single Lane roundabout out at the intersection of Hamburg Avenue and County Road 50 uh you might remember that we worked with the county to kind of modern modernize that section A couple years ago but we did identify that with that we still have an intersection issue and uh the change here is that the county is trying to advance this to a 2025 construction versus the 2026 uh so all things are in line to be able to maintain that schedule uh they're kind of working through preliminary designs but it was initially programmed for 26 and uh as of this afternoon I think 2025 is reasonable uh one of our objectives is uh to improve safety along our uh con quarter as well and part of that is to construct a freight rail car storage facility uh which would thereby move the storage of rail cars north of con Road East of east or west of that I would say uh to south of 70 is kind of the goal there and that project is programmed for 2026 we do have some outside funds that we've secured uh so working through that process and with the real companies as well also uh with growth uh is the 179 Street Extension um you might remember the Brookshire plat uh also the Pheasant Run uh this kind of connects these two and it's a highway bridge that spans the North Creek uh we are quite a ways through design on this one but this is scheduled for construction in 2026 and longterm this will be a future extension of County Highway 9 hoolio Avenue uh North of city hall south of the water tower is programmed for 2027 modernization uh providing curbing gutter making storm sew improvements you'll see on the bottom slide there would be pedestrian underpass there as well uh and then also making intersection improvements uh to address some safety concerns that we have as well in 2027 we'd move back to the County highway system and uh we would work on modernizing that section of DOD Boulevard between County Road 50 and 210th Street too big to fit on one screen and moving that project down a little bit further south we'd subsequently program the following year in 2028 to do the same thing in modernized DOD Boulevard between County Road 70 210 Street as well and the last one uh we just had a public open house recently um but we continue to make progress on a interchange design for Interstate 35 and County Road 50 uh this project uh has been talked about for a long time we worked on the initial improvements in the early 2000s and traffic conditions and safety needs are kind of advancing this project as well this project is not fully financially uh secured yet we're still working on that uh we have a number of uh Partnerships that we're trying to work through that um but the plan is to get everything in place so that we could start construction in 2028 and this would be improvements basically between clamo Trail and um Jubilee uh on the system and then it would be basically between County 60 and just north of the uh interchange on 35 so stay tuned there'll be a lot of news on that one and a lot opportunities for public participation moving on to our Park and Recreation component of the CIP uh we have a couple of cool projects that we wanted to highlight here one is the North Creek Greenway and East Community Park uh this is an extension of an existing system that goes from the Minnesota Zoo all the way down to Farmington uh we just have a few gaps here that we need to improve and uh kind of size right size to County standards and with that we would Implement phase two of East community park and construct a trail head and that's scheduled for 2025 and 2026 then on the west side of town we have the Lake Mar and Greenway and Ritter Farm trail head uh there's segments of this that are constructed but this one has a few more gaps uh so we've kind of broken that into two different phases uh the ones that you'll see here are programed for construction in 2026 uh basically would be constructing a trail head at Ritter Farm Park and working Our Way Southeast along the lake into downtown and making a connection to Holy Oak Avenue this here provides a little bit of a schematic and cross-section what that might look like and here you'll see downtown where we want to provide some connectivity with this project we'd put a trail head uh in the green area there perhaps look at a cesac to improve some traffic movements there reconstruct that parking lot that you see kind of in the middle of the screen and then make a connection just north of the lake Val Area Arts Center with that we also have a number of new developments that you've approved recently and so we have programmed neighborhood parks these are just four of them that are programmed in the next several years Voyager spy glass rder Meadows and Grand per perie state park moving on to utilities uh again similar to the roadway we have our existing system of 300 miles with sanitary sewer and water M that we need to maintain so that we can provide our residents and business communities with stable Dependable sewer and water and then with the anticipated growth comes uh additional infrastructure needs so we are proposing um that did not get updated sorry about that um I'll have to add lib uh lift station 26 provides us additional capacity to serve folks on the north side of town that is directly tied to construction that's Northwest of uh Interstate 35 uh so we'll have that that's actually currently under design and is programmed to be operational next year uh Dakota Heights water tower again for our water supply and our water storage system we want to maximize that lifestyle that life cycle there and so to preserve the coding and to uh minimize future costs we uh have to repaint that every so many years and Dakota Heights is scheduled for 2026 again on that theme of new development is the construction of Wells 24 and 25 it's it's programmed for 2028 but it's subject to Land Development anticipated growth as well uh if we see a little bit slower rate uh we might be able to push those out or in some cases we may have to accelerate we're just about ready finishing our most recent well off on 190th Street just east of DD facilities uh we have a couple exciting projects too the first center is um well into the design that's proposed for construction in 2025 that it's located at the old public work site uh just east of Hamburg uh north of County Road 70 uh that would be a regional facility to provide our emergency service Personnel our fire and our police the ability to train uh one of the challenges for those folks is to find the opportunities to train and a lot of times having to go off site here we'd be able to bring that right into town and enhance the opportunities for our staff to have modern technology and modern training opportunities as well and that's programmed to begin Construction in 2025 might go into 2026 with that again that theme of a growing Community uh our Central maintenance facility and then also our water treatment facility on the subsequent slide here uh as we start to grow we have additional needs for equipment and so with that you'll see we have programmed in 2027 expansion to the existing facility off of Cedar as well as our water treatment facility and then we have environmental resources uh we have a number of projects here this one here is a water quality project that's programmed for kind of the central east side of town by greenidge Park if you're familiar with that area we have an opportunity to provide some additional water quality potentially some rate control at Green Ridge Park and that's a partnership with our Vermillion River Watershed sorry you see the slide uh trying to show us some examples of where we've uh successfully done some work in the past and we'll put this on on our website too as well so that this can be shared with the public annually again preserving our existing assets we do a lake Management program where we do Lake studies we take a look at the fish the habitat uh the vegetation to make sure that they're sustainable and uh maintaining a high level of quality for recreation and also uh Aesthetics we also have quite a bit of public land uh in addition to our Parks we have City outlots that house uh existing structures like our well sites we also have outlots where we have prie preservations and Woodlands like Ritter Farm Park uh and also The Preserve at Lakeville so with that comes maintenance uh we do a couple of things with this program we try to reduce the amount of invasive species and therefore allow our existing like Oaks and maple species to thrive also we want to have native flowers and Native vegetation as well so we have a program to to address the uh invasive species weeds uh and we do a number of different uh management techniques to do that and that applies to our shorelines our rain Gardens or Wetlands as well water conver conservation is a theme uh it's been a pretty dry summer here until uh towards the end um but certainly we have es and flows with the weather we'll have dry Summers and wet Summers um but with that we want to really uh have an approach to water conservation so we do look at our systems and our city property to make sure that we're using good technology minimizing our water use and then lastly our forestry assets as well uh work to maintain that kind of similar to we talked about addressing things like Emerald ashore and Oak quilt as well so we want to try to be proactive in maintaining those assets and then lastly is the general uh equipment and Technology acquisition and replacement again to make sure we're maintaining our efficiencies to operate uh as a city uh and there's a map and what I just wanted to highlight there is you can see it's really spread out uh we have needs throughout the entire city uh and we really work hard to make sure that it's it's a it's a balance and to make sure that everything is addressed as well so uh there's a little bit of something everywhere is kind of the takeaway for that uh tonight uh this is not a public hearing um but the request of the Planning Commission is to review our Capital Improvement plan and make sure it is compliant with our comprehensive plan Amendment with that we would ask for written findings so that we can bring that to the city Council for their approval uh and with that I will stand for any questions thank you very much Mr Johnson and do we have any questions Madam chair uh just more of a statement I will not be participating in any vote on this issue uh due to my employment with the state of Minnesota and the Minnesota Department of Transportation we're a partner in that project at County Road 50 and I35 so normally I'd have other comments on the CIP this year I will not thank you thanks very much um Madam Vice chair um sure Mr Johnson the question I had um the plan is very detailed as you revise it each year uh do you have a process where you look at what happened with the actual cost and the actual budget and whether it TRS up as each year goes by uh yeah what I'd like to say is this isn't a budget so it provides the framework for the project costs and and what we call a capital Improvement plan level of estimate uh so a lot of these projects haven't even been designed so other than identifying a need we haven't done any surveying any any records research or things of that nature so we do have an estimate but absolutely as we work through the process a lot of these processes take three years uh you start with preliminary engineering you work into final engineering sometimes there's RightWay acquisition and then you have construction and throughout that entire process we do take a look at costs both uh projects that are in the work and then that allows us to kind of take a good uh quantities and costs and take that into consideration so the CIP does have a connection an Nexus with our budget absolutely but I just want to point out that the estimates the numbers you see are a lot of times without the benefit of the engineering some that are further along are a little tighter um but um just uh it's it's a conceptual cost estimate if that makes sense it it does thank you yeah any further questions Mr Johnson you've asked us for a motion yes please accepting uh the CIP uh that it's that the CIP in its form is compliant with the comprehensive plan Amendment yes please great anyone want to make the motion I make a motion that we uh the plan commission defines it in compliance with what's necessary from the city comprehensive plan Amendment a plan Amendment thank you a second okay um secretary Mar please take a role Zac I Travis I Tinsley I Zimmer I in I Swanson abstein thank you very much all right appreciate it and we'll have that prepared for you all right thank you very very much the next item on the agenda is a public hearing for the Cedar Hills North comprehensive plan and zoning map amendments uh we do have Mr Steve trosy here with lonard to present uh and I'll invite him up and anyone that is interested in coming up to speak with us please sign up at the back of the room and um we'll make sure you get an opportunity to address the group and welcome Mr trasy please go ahead oh good even evening Steve try with lenar it's great to be here it's great for lenar to be back in the city of Lakeville we've had great success here as you know you've probably seen uh my associates here a number of times over the years so we're back with the first of what will be several requests and tonight we are seeking a comprehensive plan Amendment and a rezoning for a community that we are calling Cedar Hills North it's on Cedar Avenue and 200th directly across the street from our Cedar Hills Community go out there it's under construction right now beautiful homes there's Model Homes open if you're so inclined so we are planning Cedar Hills North to have approximately 88 single family homes and 144 Town Homes we really want um folks customers have told us that they want more options in Lakeville people want to be here they want to move here you've done great things and so we want to provide a number of options folks to move into Lakeville so I know Chris Jensen has a lot more technical details with the presentation she'll give but uh I'm happy to answer any questions you may have right I think we'll probably call you back up for questions thank you Mr tresy and ask Miss jenssen to come forward thank you good evening Commissioners evening all right as we've said this is a public hearing for a comprehensive plan Amendment and zoning map Amendment for Cedar Hills North as Mr trosy said it is adjacent to to Cedar Avenue um so it's east of Cedar north of 200th and west of our city boundary with Farmington directly north of Lenard's existing Cedar Hills uh development as he said it's 88 single family lots and 144 attached town home lots I will note that this public hearing is strictly for the comp plan Amendment and the rezoning uh we will see the preliminary plat at a at a meeting in the near future um probably the second meeting of October um but we're just advancing um this as we've done similarly Lord of Life at our last meeting where we had that in advance of the preliminary plat so that having said that I I did include where we've what we've got so far for the preliminary plat just so you can kind of see um how the the properties proposed to lay out because that's going to uh play into our these amendments uh so this is this street here here is essentially dividing um the parcel it's an extension of a existing Street within Cedar Hills it's called galif Fray way um and so the single family is typically on the east side of that except for this portion over here that's proposed south of the creek the remainder of the site generally on the west portion and north of the creek is the attached Town Homes um this is subject to change we are still um working with it but I wouldn't expect any major changes um uh at this point so moving on um we've got the two land use designations up there the on the left the mhdr which is medium high density residential that's the area shown in Orange um that area then has a has a correlating zoning of rm3 which is a uh medium density residential district on the East half of the site we have the lmdr which is low medium density residential and its corresponding zoning district is rst2 so the medium high District allows for the attached Town Homes it does not allow for single family and the rst2 district um on the East half allows for single family uh detached town homes and Twin Homes it does not allow for the attached Town Homes of of four or more units in the building um as you see so this slide is about the comp plan Amendment I'll try and guide you through it here so this area in light orange here is is no there's no change proposed for that this line represents um this essential same line which is how we divided it on the map when we were doing the comprehensive plan we did not know how this um you know property would be laid out keep in mind we were doing this plan five six seven years ago so we just split it down the middle so this is the this is kind of the dividing line so this area in light orange stays remains as is this portion in here is is currently guided the low medium density residential that's proposed to change to the medium high the the the spine street through here the gala Fray becomes kind of the new divider through the site um this area over here these single family are currently guided the medium high that area would change actually to lowd density residential not low medium and then the r Main of this area over here would change from low medium to low density residential that's because the the density as proposed doesn't quite meet the requirements for that low medium and so we need to drop it down to that low density residential and staff has uh spoken with our sector rep from U met Council so they're fully aware that we are proposing these changes and and have kind of given us a preliminary uh approval on that um to be the zoning has to be consistent with the uh land use designation so um again this portion I list my mouse here this is the area that's rm3 it will stay this portion in this area will change from rst2 to rm3 again this area down over here uh will change from rm3 to rst2 the rest of this site does not need to be rezoned we can remain at that rst2 zoning um so it's just these kind of two areas that have that are involved in the rezoning so that's the summary of what I've got for you um I know it's a little confusing but hopefully the the different Maps helped um lay that out for you um staff is supportive of this request um if approved by the city council the uh request will be submitted to the Met Council and they must uh approve the comp plan Amendment before it can actually be put into place um this is a public hearing if you have any questions I will stand for those thank you excellent as we said this is a public hearing and is there anyone that would like to address the group seeing no one come forward I'd be willing to take a motion to close the public hearing motion to close the public hearing any discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I I opposed the public hearing is now closed planing Commissioners do you have any questions for Mr trosy or Miss Jensen go ahead commissioner M Miss Jensen quick question on the ghost plot is that going to stay consistent with uh the land around it uh the ghost plat is is is something that we just add develop ask developers put there more to look at can the necessary Street connections be made um any any inclusion of a ghost plat with a adjacent to a preliminary is is is not considered a part of that approval um it's just a showing how the property potentially could be developed yes the um the commercial or excuse me the comprehensive designation um this area north of the low medium density is is uh currently low medium and then the area uh to the north of the medium high is actually uh a corridor mixed use um in the keep in mind our comprehensive plan was 2017 to 2019 um the county had ident has identified 195th Street as a a potential future stop for the red line um and so as a part of our comprehensive plan we were required to have a certain higher density development um set for around that 195th Street location so that area above the medium high density residential is just kind of The Fringe of that Corridor mixed use that we were that higher density area we were required to have we are um have been discussing with met Council in Dakota County potential changes and you know what's the feasibility of the red line um as we move in to get closer to starting our comprehensive planning process again so okay um yes I would say it is consistent looking more at the at the white carveout of this development oh I'm sorry are you talking about this one I just want to make sure that was sorry that's all good on the other side too there that is an existing uh there is a single family home on that parcel um so that parcel is not included with this plat um again the ghost plat is just showing how it potentially could be developed if that property were to ever be sold is the zoning consistent with what's new yeah okay yes they they were not part of the the comp plan Amendment because they're obviously not part of the plat right um it may be that they would need to do a comp plan Amendment not a rezoning um at the time if that property were to redevelop in the future uh mam Vice chair please go ahead commissioner traffas um so miss Jensen as I look at these these changes within Cedar Hills North um do they necessitate any changes on the border around Cedar Hills North as as we've made changes inside do the immediate bordering areas stay the same correct yeah if if I mean the areas to the north and to the West are are not yet developed so if at those the times those develop if um there are considerations for amendments based on what what's being proposed there that would be addressed at that time and we would look at the existing developed areas around that as a part of that review thank you commissioner Swinson thank you madam chair um as I'm looking at this this kind of reflects the reality of trying to actually develop the land um you know we start with these nice rectangles of 40 acres approximately um and they look like nice shapes and they make the map look nice and pretty when we put the comp plan together um but there's always obstacles in the way and so as I recall on this one you've got a a fairly large natural gas pipeline that runs to the uh west side of the site y um we've also got a a drainage way that runs kind of through the central portion of the site as well that kind of dictates where the roads go um how this all Lays out along with all the storm water management requirements and everything else that comes into play here so I appreciate having kind of a draft of what this plat may look like in front of us um that really helps me formulate and see why we're creating the shapes that we are and trying to balance this out so this is one of those things that happens as we actually get to the level of trying to actually develop the land so I I I see this as being a reasonable request to put things into a developable state thank you I I would like to say Kudos Miss Jensen for your use of uh color layovers in order to lay that piece out and explain it in such an easy a lot of playing around in [Laughter] Adobe so do we have any other questions looks like we're ready for a motion Adam chair commissioner move to recommend approval of the Cedar Hills North comprehensive plan Amendment and zoning map Amendment and approval of the findings of fact dated September 19th 2024 second thank you very much um secretary Mar take the role please Zac I Travis I zmer I Ike hi Swanson I excellent thank you so much for your presentation uh Mr Johnson or excuse me Mr trasy and when will this come before uh city council please uh at their at their October 7th meeting October 7th okay excellent uh do we have any staff notices for tonight just what was included with the memo that was with the agenda or with the agenda yes okay think there's anything before us motion or we are adjourned 30 [Music]