##VIDEO ID:DRogZCO7SzE## [Music] all right good evening everyone welcome to the select board and wage and Personnel Board on Monday November 18th at 5:30 here at the Lakeville police station um Lake cam is recording is anybody else here recording the meeting okay all right if we can please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all well thank you okay we've got a few announcements um this evening uh would like to thank all the residents who attended the special town meeting which allowed us to get a quorum and we were able to start at 700 p.m. and based on the vote regarding the proposed fire station the debt exclusion vote has been scheduled for January 28th and further information will be coming the Department of Public Works is looking for snowplow contractors for the upcoming winter season although we are not getting any snow um so I have that on good authority but if we do we do definitely need some um drivers information is available at www. Lakeville ma.org or you can call 508 947 9521 for further information a reminder that you can purchase your snow person for $25 to benefit the Lakeville animal shelter the goal is to have 100 snow people decorate the townhouse lawn you can come and enjoy some hot CH chocolate and watch the judging on December 14th at 2 p.m. at the old townhouse and to purchase a snow person you can email Lakeville snow people at gmail.com or call 508 317 5241 and I believe they've sold 80 up to this point which is wonderful the Lakeville United Church of Christ will be holding their annual Christmas Fair on November 23rd from 9:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. at 1 Precinct Street the Lakeville Arts Council will be hosting All That Glitters holiday shopping event that will take place Friday evening December 6th between 5: and 8:00 p.m. and Saturday December 7th between 10:00 a.m. and 300 p.m. inside the lon Pond Lodge at the Ted Williams camp in Lakeville and a fun fact the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Incorporated Lakeville on April 6th 1853 looking forward Lakeville will be celebrating its 175 th anniversary in 2028 the 175th anniversary committee is beginning its work now to hold events to celebrate that anniversary 175 years old pretty good um any of the other select board members have anything for announcements okay all right Andrew okay so um as I'm sure you've probably seen the Pavilion projects moving right along um there's just a few things that U Paul and his um Team have to finish the project um the water main at the Clear Pond Park project is uh going to be tapped on Wednesday um they're going to send us a full project schedule and I will um disperse to out all the stakeholders once I find that out um just want to highlight Paul N has been great to work with he's been doing running around like a crazy person doing all these projects um really appreciate all the hard work he's been doing also Nate darling and uh Frank monise Have Been instrumental in all these projects um for the HR stuff the assessor position and the conservation agent um will be having interviews this week um there's a few good candidates in each position so hopefully um maybe bring a recommendation back to the board at some point um Kim in the clerk's office uh received her National certification from the iimc which stands for International Institute of Municipal clerks um it's a very impressive um feat um just want to say congratulations to her and uh Willie in in her office um and also just One external meeting that I thought was Ben official was meeting with Norm oral um highlighted many many important lak full projects U I feel like I have a better handle on some of the products that aren't in the mainstream um that might affect us um so that's been good to get good to meet with him um and just uh we're going to be talking about it later but the tax classification hearing is going to be on December 2nd anybody else um couple questions y the Clear Pond Park project is the fiber project going on the same strip of land is it going in the same ditch I don't know how do um so they they still have to get me the numbers and kind of the scope but there's going to be the trench for the water line and then there's going to be a trench just beside it for the fiber and it's going to run way alongside um so yeah okay Y and then the other one um should we look at re bring or revisiting um the town clerk had suggested at a town meeting that we vote on changing to an appointed town clerk rather than elected is that a conversation we should have for spring I would a warrant question so when we go to Warrant review that's when we would probably have it yeah I just wanted to make that was that March um May I think was it March well we have June is our annual town meeting but um you know with the schedule it would probably start to collect any warn articles uh into of February okay March um at that point so I know um our town clerk had brought that one forth before so perhaps you know that would be something that she bring again yeah okay thank you and congratulations Kim yeah it's quite the uh accomplishment anytime that you um pursue your certification in any particular areas to be complimented right anything else for okay um well at this point I would like to invite our Cemetery commission representative Deon if you wouldn't mind come on up yes come on up to the table that come on up too so on our agenda for um agenda item number four we're to meet with our Cemetery commission um I believe the chair um is unavailable this evening so couldn't be here so you're here um representing um there's a recommendation uh for an appointment uh for the commission as we had a vacancy so I believe um you had met on November 7th um and had a conversation and you voted um to accept and I'm going to say this Debbie crane fuss um as the member of the commission so that's what we have in front of us this evening and very nice to meet you nice to meet you as well in person everyone here um if you wouldn't mind just tell us a little bit about yourself um I am a Massachusetts native grew up in Grafton um and lived the past 30 years um Plus in California moved back to Lakeville um last year around this time a little bit before um just because I like the small town feel of Lakeville it's very much like Grafton was when I lived there um so yeah so we're living out on Long Point Road there on the on the hill and um yeah just wanted to get in touch with um some Lakeville uh just to to know a little bit more about Lakeville I love history there's no lack of History here so um and and again I have um in my career I was a physical therapist so I am used to dealing with people who are in an emotional you know State and you know having difficult difficulty and and certainly um having to lose a loved one you know fits that bill so I'm just looking to to connect with Lakeville excellent and get to know who's who I appreciate your interest and you know we always like it when you know our residents step forward and you know dip their foot into the water so to speak um but it's it's a pleasure having you here so one of the things and this is just a funnyest side that I didn't say at the at the commission meeting but I've since found that in talking with my siblings that my father um was a right-in candidate for the cemetery Commission in grafting while I was in college I had no no knowledge that that happened so it's Apple doesn't fall family Affinity all right well this would be a joint um vote with us um and I guess I'll entertain a motion um to appoint Debbie crane fuss to the cemetery commission with the term that would expire on April 7th 2025 so move second Motion in a second any further discussion welcome aboard all right um roll please Johny h i Carboni i c i great all right and myself all right so you are official and um I believe you you will be getting some um paperwork from the town clerk's office um as you will be needing to get sworn in and okay get so thank you nice to meet you excited good to see you deonie nice thank you okay so I'm going to jump down a little bit here um we'll go to agenda item number eight um we have a set of Select board meeting minutes from number November 4 has everybody had a chance to review them I not I will entertain a motion to approve the select board meeting minutes of November 4th 2024 so moved second okay is there any discussion um if I do go through it and something is wrong wrong can I bring that up or is that finalized finalized okay all right we could do it we could do revisit them again at the next meeting okay I'm sure it'll be fine um the only I just had a couple of things um Tracy just at the Top If you can put submitted by and then the approval date um and believe it or not I mean there was a lot of narrative here so I really appreciate it it did take me a long time to get through this um and just one that came out on page five second paragraph halfway down um it just said there were a storage container if we could just change the were to a was but I'm going to give you my copy of the minutes just so that you have it um but I didn't have anything else in here everything else seemed to be spot on so if nobody else had anything um then I guess we'll do a roll call Johnny who I Carboni I can't do way pass that down to Tracy for me thank you okay we still have a few more minutes um all right why don't we go to agenda item number 11 uh discuss impossible vote to approve the 2025 holiday list so every year right around this time uh because it's on a calendar year schedule uh versus you know what our fiscal year would be for budgetary reasons um this comes in front of the board with a list of the dates um and the days the holidays that would be um voted on so I will entertain a motion to approve the 2025 holiday calendar as presented second for oh actually so move and then second okay Motion in a second discussion um did we always have uh the 24th and 25th off or was that no we've always voted that okay Madam chair yes at one point in time um the employees had half the day off before Thanksgiving and half on Christmas Eve day and we went to WAN personnel and asked if we could have the 24th off and we gave up the half day before Thanksgiving thank you okay I just hate that the holiday is called day after Thanksgiving it's a great holiday it's the best holiday turkey sandwich that's what it be called oh go turkey sandwich day turkey sandwich day T you ey oh okay oh I'm sorry carbon eye cand ey all right it is just about 545 so we'll just wait a moment okay 5:45 we have um scheduled the public hearing uh for the tax classification um the legal notice had gone into the newspaper um and I will certainly read that into the record uh but we do have a request um because there was not enough information that we were still waiting on from the Department of Revenue so there's a request um to continue it um till December 2nd so in order to do that we need to open the hearing um and then we'll vote to continue it if that's okay so let me read the hearing notice here uh town of Lakeville select board notice of hearing the select board in compliance with the provisions of law general laws chapter 40 section 56 as amended will conduct a public hearing to determine the percentage of the local tax levy to be born by each class of real property and personal property for fiscal year 2025 on Monday November 18th 2024 at 5:45 p.m. said hearing will be held in the Rita a garbet community meeting room at the Lakeville police station located at 325 Bedford Street Lakeville massachusett signed by um Mar Carboni ve Leah Fabian Brian Day Marin candido Brena Donahue your Lakeville select board so I will entertain a motion to open the tax classification hearing so move second Motion in a second um any discussion we'll just roll T who I carbon I and way okay so as I mentioned previously um there's some information that we're still waiting on for the Department of Revenue um re uh regarding the assessment review um the chair of our Board of assesses John Al is here we be very quick report just to update everyone um the updated valuations need to be submitted um which they have been uh before at the end of October to the do we need their approval that everything looks okay before we can move forward with tax classification hearing so we've been following up for a number of weeks with them and as of this past Wednesday the 13th um they still uh in an email from Chris Wilcock at the do um they are still um not prepared to give us our final okay uh they're they're backed up they're they have a lot of other a lot of other communities who've submitted as well we're not in a in a recertification year so we do not take priority because of that um and at that point we reached out to Andrew and we thought it was best to Contin to let you guys know we continue rather than show up and everyone be ready to roll and we couldn't do it at that point anyway so we will stay on top of the do and hopefully uh they will have something back to us well in advance um of the was it the second I think you December 2 yeah so we request to continue this hearing until the 2nd of December and um 5:45 work for you you want to do it at 3: in the afternoon L 5:45 Works sounds good to me okay um so I guess I will entertain a motion uh to continue this hearing until uh December 2nd at 5:45 p.m. so moved second Motion in second uh roll please t i carbon I do way thanks for coming um just to chair olary um because of the Thanksgiving holiday the agendas will be going out finished on the 27th so I'm going to need Tracy we're going to we're going to email the do every day to get the get the final approval done but our hands are tied so I do everything we can to get them ahead of time okay okay thank you excellent thanks for coming out we'll find the seat there too yeah okay uh let's look at Agenda item number seven so we had a few vacancies um you know in positions this year and one of them being um which was up and coming was the town accountant physician um so we are I guess I'm going to turn this over to Andrew U but there was um interviews that had taken place and in front of us this evening is a recommendation so if you wouldn't mind yes so um I think everyone was kind of nervous when Todd um put his letter in that he wouldn't be working with Lakeville anymore after I think N9 years um he has incredible institutional knowledge he can pull numbers out of his hat without even looking at the looking at anything it's incredible um so I was when I was coming on board I was a little nervous that we potentially might not having a town accountant just the salary just compete with other towns is it's very difficult um but the committee consisted of me um Todd hasset and then Chris Blanca the finance committee chairman um we interviewed two people um couldn't believe how luckily were to find Michael Ellis out of the bunch um he experienced as you can see he has about 15 years in total um working at heg sahti and Co and Company um but then the real chunk of his experience has been as an assistant Town accountant and as a town accountant inborn for total of 12 Years um he's a town resident which is um incredible he's he's invested he's very interested he's up on all the town issues um I had met him last I think Friday and he knows um all the issues all the financials he has to get on top of um and so I'm thrilled um that he's someone that can come on board and not miss a Beat from Todd um I think he's someone that can be in a leadership position at some point um so that's exciting as well um so that's my recommendation is to appoint Michael okay well I'll entertain a motion to appoint Michael Ellis um as our next town accountant so move second Motion in a second discussion very excited um to to read his resume I had occasion to watch an interview he had done online as well um CU I just spy from Google um absolute wealth of knowledge um depth of knowledge lots of years and born lots of accolades in Born um with budget presentations and so forth and and being uh being very uh a very I don't know uh leadership focused type of role um I think it'll be great support um for you as you transitioning into this role fully and um having someone of this caliber is just really great and cherry on top is Lakeville resident like that is always you know someone connected to the community is always a really great thing so yes definitely I I appreciate the work you did to get this candidate to us and and to know when to jump on it and you know not continuously interview when you when you've got the person so much thanks and I also appreciate the fact that he's mcppo certified which is the massachusett certified um public purchasing official um so that's just wrote that down right I do it's actually it's actually in his resume right out so I had to write mCP so no that's very exciting um because that that that's a position that every town needs as many people as possible um with the certification so that's great excellent um so uh I guess we'll move to a vote R please joh h i carbon eyi excellent so um do we have a a start date now that the appointment is I believe he's going to start tomorrow okay start tomorrow yeah yeah all right so um let's invite um Michael Ellis to our December 2nd meeting yeah definitely Y and we would like a full budget um analysis for fy2 and yeah all is good then yes um I don't have the contract here I don't have a clean copy so I'll get one from HR tomorrow if you guys could come in as soon as possible and sign it right it yep it'll be just an employment um offer I believe so okay thank you okay all right agenda item number nine so at our uh special town meeting um the article regarding the request to the select board to schedule a uh a special election for the ballot for the debt exclusion for the fire station um project uh passed so in front of us um we need to vote on the ballot question for the special election which um is scheduled for January 28th um and let's see so the excuse me to council has reviewed this and this is the recommendation so shall the town of Lakeville be allowed to exempt from provisions of proposition 2 and 1/2 socalled the amounts required to pay for the bond issued in in order to pay the cost of Designing constructing equipping and Furnishing a new fire station including the payment of all costs incidental and relative there to and the deadline um would have to for this question obviously would need to come into um the town clerk's office by December 23rd so we do have um some time but um wanted to get this in front of the board for a vote I had a question M sure um we're not voting the date we already voted the date we did vote the dat we did do I not remember yeah it was two meetings ago I believe okay um town clerk was here I don't think I was here that might have I was you were digital ah so I missed that okay so that P it could have been when you were actually in FL in Flight okay that makes sense so we did already vote that but we do need to vote the um the ballot question so I will entertain a motion um to put the this question forward so moved second with discussion yes I hate that everything doing having to do with the fire station makes me look like I'm against it but I hate this question I hate it because there is this isn't what was voted on and the way that this is worded I'm not saying that this is what's going to happen but the price could balloon to $28 million and there's no recourse like yeah we voted on 21.4 town meeting but it came in at 28 and that's what you voted at so so no I I want to hear your thoughts because that's where I'm right but that's what town meeting voted was that amount and that is what we would be able to borrow we wouldn't go up any higher than that so you can go lower but not higher right so that would be the max yeah you can never go higher than what was voted so at the at the meetings though they were saying that the price could still change or fluctuate that would that would be additional like meeting town meeting votes basically that would be another town meeting vote and another election if if the if it was an override oh sorry M no no I was just saying that um you know this this was the um the budget that was identified and put together um you know by um the engineers um so the 214 is the budget that they feel that we could absolutely build this project um I personally am not anticipating ever coming back to ask for additional funds for for that building you know for a build um could it happen I suppose but this is all we would have within our confinements to work with is what town meeting voted it would never go any higher unless it went through the process again mam chair I if I may So within their budget they always build in contingencies and additional fees for anything that goes over um as a general rule it comes under um budget uh if it goes over budget and we had to borrow against it any borrowing would have to come before town meeting again if we had and the only thing that possibly could be different is if we had some free cash if it was like small amounts but I I've never seen that happen um for Lakeville anyways right I've always seen anything go back with a vote um and the reason we vote a number it's an up to number and that way we don't have to spend all the way up to that number um it could be below that number but the borrowing won't be over that number cuz it's not what's voted so it doesn't matter if someone wrote in a number on the ballot here uh you know it the number won't exceed the 21 um 4 485 n yep I can't remember it but yeah it will never go any higher than that um okay it's just what you just said I don't I I'm struggling to put it to cuz you just said that we would put a number you'd put a number so that you knew what it was but this doesn't have a number yeah and again I you know I mean the Town Council you know put this together but I don't I mean we can certainly go back and ask them if it's relevant to put the number on here the only the last time we did this there was a number when we did the last when we did the golf course there was a number wasn't there there was a number on the ballot as far as I remember I could be wrong I could look yeah please because that's where I'm basing this from and if that wasn't there then I've got no I don't have a problem but it just that no I think you're think it's a good question very valid because I think that when anybody is is looking to incur debt it's very important to understand what it is that you're you know looking to um incur and you know this was the budget that was put forward this is what special town meeting voted and you know just because it's going on the ballot does not give the ballot the opportunity to go any higher okay so I know it's very it's a very valid question sorry I'm looking I'm looking clerk yeah I can't remember off the top of my head and there's probably somebody watching right now texting me right now trying to tell me yeah I mean it's always better to be safe with it than not I mean we have plenty of time before December 23rd to right so we can bring this back so um you know if you want to withdraw your your motion withdraw my motion till we get it was on I haven't found it yet okay going under the town clerk can we hold on this until sure end of the meeting maybe I'll able to I mean we can certainly you know come back at the end of the the evening or we can put it on the second M do you know when that happened it was June of 2022 I want to say on the town Clark site and I don't see it I think you're right maybe July June 28th that sounds close I left the B question there we go teamwork yes uh required to pay the $1,725 th000 principal amount was on the ballot principal amount together with the amount necessary to pay all Associated interest on the bonds issued in order to blah blah blah blah blah okay so that's where that came from but I have no objection waiting and getting Council to write it up in the way that satisfies B board okay I'm sorry don't don't ever apologize no don't ever apologize okay so the motion has been withdrawn and the second and we're going to put this on this in on the second okay actually all right no I'm sorry V can you withdraw your second please oh withdrawn thank okay I thought you said the second as in the that's very Buzzy so um Tracy can we put this back on um the agenda for the second um and Andrew if you wouldn't mind sending this to uh Town Council um to include the um dollar amount that was voted in the special town meeting revisit 122 I can't believe we're getting into December that really just upsets me okay all right and agenda item number 10 um in front of us uh we have a request uh from the council and agent director for an extension of the 24 of 24 carryover hours um we do have a policy the handbook states that the employees may ask their department head or elected official to carry over 5 days of unused vacation time um which shall be used within 6 months of the start of the new fiscal year any request for carryover which exceeds the 5 days of vacation time allowed by this plan must be approved by both the department head and the wage and Personnel Board which is this board here um and we have it in writing so the council and aging director who's here this evening hello Lori FY hello um is is requesting um so it's it's almost a carryover of the carryover I apologize because carryover needs to be used by the 31st yep yeah and I have three days that I just don't know how I'm going to squeeze in so I'm kind of asking for carry over of carry over all right so it's 3 days yes and I have something planned at the beginning of January it's not coinciding with anything else so I kind of tried to tried my best to get it used up at the very beginning of the year if possible can I make the motion you can make a motion I make a motion uh to vote and approve request from the Council on Aging director for an extension of 24 carryover hours motion uh seconded and seconded discussion um did we want to make it uh specific to Jan 89th and 10th no you can if you want to I'm telling you how you listen I'll Trust you I'm going no I think it's understandable why you're asking it was an exous circumstance you were busy you're very busy you just got a food pantry um so it's crazy but fun it's always good I hope you have a great trip thank you right anything else all right R please Johny h i Carboni I Andy thank you have a good night everyone good night and if um you picked a good meeting L thank you very much all right have a good evening all right what is this called skoter Subway SK skirt ye agenda item number 12 my daughter's cringing somewhere I know with all these crazy acronyms so in front of us this evening we um are discussing and possibly voting um to approve a common Victa license um for srk DP in Cincinnati no just kidding for 3:30 Bedford Street um this is an there's an application included in your packet for a common AIC license uh which is for 3:30 Bedford Street which is Subway okay um the business had changed hands um and was issued the board of health permits that were required the new owner was unaware that there was also another license um that needed to be included um with a uh restaurant which is the common vula um all the necessary information has been provided um a public hearing is not required for this particular um change of ownership typically the licenses um expire on December 31st so um coming up in the next month or so um we'll get a list of all of those renewals um for other businesses that carry this license um so we can actually um extend this particular expiration date through next year December 31st 25 um so that we don't have to revisit this in four weeks Madam chair yes um under um the signature on the first page of the license does not have a signature a date a phone number and there is no policy number um for insurance or an expiration date uh I think that's workman's comp insurance for expiration date um at the very least there should be a dat in a phone okay mam chair yes um I did not I don't believe I include did I include the certificates of insurance certificate the September 11th 2025 it's on the certification on the Certificate of Insurance um so my only concern is um going through December 31st 2025 that this particular insurance is carried through September 11th 2025 which means that there would have to be when that it comes to expire they'd have to have another one um to cover that the Gap but um so it's just going to I know you probably deal with that on you know a few others too but we just have to make sure that they stay on top of that but I I would tend to agree that um there is no signature on here um and you didn't get a a copy with a signature correct the application has a signature but the work is comp affidavit he didn't sign it he just missed it is that something that I guess viability wise I mean should that be on there the signature um I can get it from him it's really not a big deal though because he did provide a Certificate of Insurance shows that he has it make a motion contingent on uh all signatures okay um being complet so make your motion sure I'd like to make a motion um that we approve common vict license for S srk DP Corp for 3:30 Bedford Street uh for an expiration date due December 31 2025 contingent on the signature date and phone number being filled out in the uh Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit okay second Motion in a second any further discussion thank you for making that motion okay roll please donq I Carboni i k all right okay agenda item number 13 um so we have formed the information technology subcommittee and we um did vote all of the at large um members I believe there were five and we changed the charge to support the five new members yes however we still need to vote in a few of the players um Brian Day who we already determined would be our um candidate or Delegate for that subcommittee um Robert mcnell who is our it uh professional consultant and we also had on that charge uh a representative from the police department for communications purposes and Steven lenus is the name that has come forward so we need to um vote these three individuals into the um Information Technology subcommittee with term appointments that would expire July 31st 2025 um make a motion to appoint Brian Day Robert MCN and Steve um lus to the information technology subcommittee terms of the appointment to expire July 31 2025 second Motion in a second discussion hearing none Ro Don I Carboni I candy I all right sure they have some good stuff coming out of that too okay um moving on to the uh subcommittee updates uh select board policy subcommittee we have not met yet Madam chair okay so um I believe Leah said beginning of the year is probably where she was thinking so okay excellent we will shoot for that all right fire station building committee um we did have a meeting scheduled last Wednesday um and we canceled that meeting and scheduled it for this Wednesday so um will be meeting here um no actually I'm not sure where we're meeting yet um we were looking for for space but we'll be meeting at 6:30 and um at this point we are going to be looking toward the um the ballot election or ballot election um and talking about uh ways to communicate the message out to the mass um I did want to bring to the attention there was some confusion and I guess um it was kind of a bumpy ride with the uh tax calculator on the website um which I had anticipated something a little bit more smooth happening so we're going to be taking that down um and I've been working with Christina in our office uh to come up with a a schedule that people can actually look at and determine where their um assessed value lies and what their like a general guideline yes okay very general and we'll spell that out and um we'll get that up there in the next week or so great so M yes you're meeting at the library we are meeting at the library on Wednesday at 6:30 so yes thank you very much for that um so that's as far as um information that I have for that um the Old Colony Regional Vocational uh technical building committee uh they're actually meeting this evening that's why M member day is not here um he is actually at that meeting so on December 2nd um there'll be I'm sure a report out on Mr day let's drop in and see what's happening and uh I'm sure that there'll be a you know quite the report okay cuz they'll be um making recommendations this evening if I'm not mistaken that have to go back to um the state it was a big meeting yeah they were doing building layout weren't they choosing what the layout is the footprint the footprint um and then we know where the it subcommittee is so now that they have full full compliment I'm sure that they'll be scheduling something in the future communication and community outreach subcommittee do we have any um interest or yes um but nothing to speak of right now I'm going to talk to Tracy tomorrow um if you're available I am available fantastic available excellent um I'm leaving 1:30 okay I'll come before then okay um very good and the Citizens Academy subcommittee um that is Moren and I are on that um subcommittee and we I guess we we're thinking more of it's going to yeah get together and and start to put something together for for January in preparation um Madam chair did I I can't remember if we said we were going to ask for people to join first or if we were going to meet first when we talked about it well we have um Christina I believe is uh our delegate um with I thought I can't remember yeah I believe so um working with the Town Administrator um so we'll just schedule meeting and bring our information together and try to come up with um you know our plan of execution and when we'd like to kick it off um probably beginning of year yeah that'd be awesome okay all fantastic all right um any new business what we have a old business other than I if you can provide an update on our ARA yeah so you I handed the charts out to you guys last week um I got these from Todd hasset um I'm not sure if you guys have seen these before um that was probably just going to every meeting kind of update these mhm um the big ones that are going to be coming in are the ones on the uh Federal side the irrigation system for both of those locations the security system and the engineering at Clear Pond Park those are like the four big ones that are kind of coming in um fast so those have to be signed by the end of the year um and there's something going on with all of them so so I think I'll probably have a better update next meeting in December but those are all getting worked out at the moment I think that these are substantial projects that we were able to identify um I think that the Departments and you know boards committees and commissions had come together to identify projects and improvements that they wanted to see and um I think you know looking at that Pavilion you know right now oh yeah it's it's quite the site sure mam chair if I may this is about six years worth of capital plans that we got from arpa funds um that means 6 years worth of money that um that we weren't spending from our our free cash um year over-year and it allowed us to have free cash sitting in an interest bearing account um making more money for the town at the time so we're very fortunate in order to to be able to use these funds to especially uh for the park uh the park seems to have got a lot of like the lion chair of the funding um and I'm very pleased that we were able to to do this uh for the people of Lakeville and for the parks department yeah um the food pantry addition I happen to be over at the the senior center today um the salt or the Triad um the annual where the Plymouth County um DA office and the uh sheriff's department they all come together with the seniors um and we had a a great presentation from um one from the sheriff and I had a chance to just walk around a little bit to to look at the you know the addition just from the outside and my goodness just this is going to be wonderful for the um I know she's not here but um Lori was here earlier but uh both may uh member Fabian and Lori did such a great job reconfiguring what it is that they wanted to do with that project um people at home if you didn't know it was originally going to be like a $3 million addition um and they shrunk it down to a $250,000 bump out um because it was going to be able to serve uh the same purposes and they just got Smarter with the Cas um and made sure that we are being good stewards uh with the money um uh that we're allocated each year to make the COA run so uh this will be a great uh if anyone was here through Co you know how much the senior center played in getting our seniors through that time uh and so getting us prepared to have it with the way it's structured um and being able to to service like that it's it's a really a big step forward for the seniors and for the people who like them read I know that our facilities um they've been really busy um you know managing all of our offer projects and oh yes um tell Paul and Nate and Frank thank you okay so um our next scheduled uh select board meeting is December 2nd um here at the police station at 5:30 um we do have a couple of um well we do have a a correspondence in here um notice of filing in a public hearing from NSTAR Electric um that more information will come I guess this is just a a normal um you know protocol for them that if there's any change in uh service or cost structure I believe that they they have to hold a public hearing so there's more information to them on that um so we um we have we have to wait till 6:30 um for the so is there anything else um under old business that the board needed to discuss should we appoint a park liaison under old business can we do that um we actually need to we're going to put that on the agenda for the second okay um and it didn't make it this one but there's and there's another um agenda item that we're going to be putting on um the second that didn't make it animal shelter yes the animal shelter that was a carryover from last meeting that we had there was some questions that we had oh yeah um and that will be coming on the second so we were un able to get that together for tonight so but yes we'll make sure that that gets on there as well I just don't know what constitutes old business sometimes go ahead um that's a good question I would say that it's anything that we've discussed um you know previously if you know one of the meetings um that we needed to bring back up and like for example um I would have brought up tonight I know member Fabian was unable to be here this evening so now that we have our um New Town Administrator we have a subcommittee um that was formed uh to do that search and um I believe that they will have to schedule another meeting um to approve their minutes and then it'll come in front of this board to dissolve that meeting that committee so they will have to they meaning me as well um Regular minutes and executive session minutes right right right yes y um which mam chair if I may m Brena I think I'm with you here I think it constitutes old business um for the liaison but I know maybe the whole membership wants to be here for a liaison uh conversation but I would I would say it would fit um I mean it was May right May it's pretty old yeah it is that's old that's old business it is good to have everybody here though yeah um cuz Leah has been doing it and where where Brian um not to point Brian out but you he was the one that brought forward the D enterprising it might be worthwhile for him to be if he has time to be the liaison because then he can be involved in the conversations that they want him to hear um but I would do it anybody can do it so it's worth having everybody I absolutely agree um but now that we're talking about old business um and I totally use yours your old business as a segue to my old business which is uh older um we have executive meeting minutes that need to be um approved uh a lot of them yes yes we do and I'm glad you brought it up um I'm glad that Andrew is now here um I did apprach the the conversation with um Mr no um when he was here and with Tracy um and we're putting together the list from the time that we last voted our minutes January 2020 um so we have to go through each of our meetings um that we did have executive and make sure that's a conclusive list um and then the minutes that we have um that need to be voted and then instead of bombarding us at at an executive session meeting we'll probably do the a little bit at a time um so that we can get caught up so that we can um send them to Town Council uh to review and then they will come back to this board and then we would vote to um um make them public make them public correct mam chair if I read um with the executive session minutes we don't make anything public that's a Personnel record um if anything's like uh collective bargaining where it's a strategy we don't make that um and we don't disclose um privileged information but if it's like if it's if it's something we can disclose we do if not sometimes it's just redacted the the personal part but the overall meeting gets gets pushed forward um it's a it's a real Step Up in transparency and it was a new law enacted in 2019 I want to say um and the select board had made a policy that they would review it at least once a year um and that just didn't happen okay so um you know I figured until you know my term um as chair would be up in in April that was my commitment um to this board to make sure that we can at least get them clean clean up until you know till the election M when was the last minutes the last time we met on it was January of 2020 I believe okay so I'd like to schedule some time with um with Andrew and Tracy to sit down and you know put a game plan together and because I think that there are still some minutes that um we might have to get our hands on so have and plus we've gone from a couple of different town administrators at this point so we just need to make sure that we and then establish some kind of a system going forward to make sure that we don't fall behind so um okay so we do have a few minutes um actually we have three minutes so how is everybody doing this evening good yeah yeah right yeah um any travel plans actually maybe so I have a Marriott card a Marriott one of the things and one of the perks is that you get a free night um at any Marriott Hotel so I'm thinking I might use that um cuz you have to use it before the end of the year so I'll just drive to New Hampshire or something and do that it's about it yeah New Hampshire's beautiful don't forget Vermont is also beautiful there you go yeah I can go to Vermont I haven't been there in a while maybe you got to stop in and see your your friends Ben and Jerry make sure you tell them I said aone we on a first name basis so B do you have the best ice um you know what I had actually one other old business um if I'm not beating a dead dog um um uh we had talked um gosh back in April and then in June and then in July about having an Employee Appreciation Day I know that didn't actually come to fruition it's very much top of mind for me to make sure it does come to fruition um whatever it ends up looking like um you know that's up to everyone else I want to make sure that we're showing our employees how much we appreciate them and um you know and being able to to do that with the um the gift funds that we were allocated is really important so I want to make sure that that ends up coming back up um and I know it seems like a small thing but it's not a small thing it's a big thing yeah I've kind of had a few small discussions with people and I think it's definitely a priority yeah I don't know if it's going to be in July or June yeah not quite sure yet yeah if we have to vote on it I would vote Ellie's treats again uh we had Ellie's treats and it was uh Sundays so it was basically make your own Sundays and uh I have to say the guys from the DPW were the happiest people that day on a on a hot July day make your Sundays but I know it was a really big hit so I'd love to see something that you know people want I mean we do we totally appreciate thaten like snowman or something yeah that's part of it I was thinking doing it twice a year but not quite sure on the you know one definitely in July but maybe one on the fall or the spring not quite sure yet yeah we also had some good holiday parties I don't know if that's continued yeah there's uh December 13th I believe yeah December 13th we're having our our holiday lunch in at the seaa very cool it's my last one so we're going big they see end of an error all right it is 6:30 but I just have to find Mya item here I think I clipped it to one of my others here guess I could do it all from memory if I if I must that you handing in yours what are you looking for um the other have yes there you go both okay um so it is now 6:30 um at our last uh select board meeting we had voted to continue the hearing for 160 Bedford Street until this evening at 6:30 p.m. so um I will entertain the mo do we have to open the continuation it was already opened originally so it's still in session all right so we are still in session um their part of our discussion that we had at the last meeting was um the collection of information from other entities in town um that were involved in um 160 and and those would one of them was the Conservation Commission I believe they were looking for um soil um tests and those are not in and I believe the commission is meeting on November 26th so um per Town council's recommendation that um you know from our discussion that we would continue until December 2nd at 6:30 p.m. um and hopefully have all that information so that we can continue our hearing so I would need a motion to continue the hearing until December 2nd at 6:30 p.m. okay I'd like to make a motion to continue the public hearing for 160 Bedford Street until December 2nd 2024 at 6:30 p.m. second motion and a second any discussion there can't be any discussion so um roll please Johnny h i Carboni I okay all right last on the agenda I think this is the quickest um board meeting we we've had up to this point this is wild um so I will entertain a motion to actually I need to find my page thank you go into executive session pursuant to General Law chapter 30A s section 21 A3 to discuss strategy with respect to the collective bargaining with the Educators um Association of Freetown Lakeville if an open meeting may have detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the board and the chair so declares not to return into open session so move second a motion in a second roll please Donnie who I Carboni I way okay 6:30