##VIDEO ID:Fm-izKTEZto## [Music] new article for burn season our town clerk would like to notify residents that nomination papers for the April 7th 2025 annual Town election will be available on Monday January 6th which would be today um at the town clerk's office um by appointment only um so just give them a jingle the last day to obtain these papers uh would be February 12th and the deadline to return them would be February 14th uh the papers being pulled at the town clerk's office on uh during normal business hours um from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday um and 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Friday so just um give them a call at 508 94688 uh just to schedule an appointment it's a little bit of a process um you to fill out the paperwork um to get you started the fire department will be holding an open house on January 18th from 10:30 to 12:30 p.m. and I believe that's might be I think it's at the fire station if not I think it might be here more of an open Forum um very similar to what we did before uh town meeting uh just to give residents an opportunity to take a look at the proposed project um and ask any questions that they might have so it is here at the the police station I knew that we were looking to schedule but it will be here the town will be holding a special tanel in for debt exclusion on Tuesday January 28th from 12: to 8:00 p.m. regarding the proposed construction of a new fire station the voting will take place at Ted Williams camp and all residents of Lakeville 18 years of age of older um who are not already registered voters must register by Friday January 17th by 5:00 p.m. absentee early ballots for the special Town election have arrived in the town clerk's office and the last day to submit an early vote by mail application is Tuesday January 21st 2025 by 5: p.m. um all these dates and times um are posted on the town clerk's website so I'm just giving everybody a little bit of an alert on lastly we have a fun fact uh Benjamin Simons who was a member of the tribe lived on ASA wamit Pond and served as Aid to Camp to General George Washington at Valley Forge so a little bit of a history there for you madam chair yes that came from a resident really keep them coming yes like the little fun fact too oh good um anybody else from the select board have anything they'd like to announce at this time no all right with that Andrew thank you so this is the town administrat report for December 29th through January 5th um a new procurement policy um has been drafted um it's been mostly finalized um Lisa codo was instrumental and kind of putting together three or four different town and uh City uh policies into one document um I've been kind of going in every day and messing around with it um so that'll be presented at the 27th um meeting um the community newslet finally went out um on January 1st uh Lacy Marshall was um instrumental in putting that together um it's going to get it's going to evolve in the next few months it'll look a little bit different and think go a little better every single month so um that's something to look forward to um a plan for Staffing in the TA and select Board office is going to be presented at the January 27th meeting um that's about 99% finalized in my head I just got to put it down on uh paper um I'm still open to feedback from anyone on the board up until that point um I'm hoping to kind of focus the plan on uh kind of like a cross training succession planning so what you're going to see is a lot of like some departments are going to be kind of going across departments a little bit of a kind of a preview so optimizing our current Staffing to make sure we're suiting all our needs exactly um my goal is if anyone leaves there shouldn't be any gaps any gaps um I think the plan will kind of solve that um Nancy dery's first day was today um she's going to be very busy probably one of the busiest people in town um just give a shout out quickly to Kathy um Murray over the last um year since uh the last one has left she's done a great job filling in and making sure the office hasn't missed a beat um the big one that we're going to be talking about at the January 27th meeting uh potentially is the classification and compensation study um I know everyone on the board has a lot of thoughts on what that looks like and what we're going to do with it um I haven't quite put recommendations of what I think we should do yet so I'm definitely open to feedback from anyone up until that point and now obviously at the meeting um but just open in feedback on it definitely I know it's not a perfect study um but hoping to it's a start so hoping to act on it in the future um that's all I have for tonight um chair yeah through you um on the new procurement policy and procedures um do you have any specific about any type of cash handling or I mean know we do have a cash handling policy from forever ago long ago um I think it was like 2019 um that we implemented it with the uh The treasur Collector at that time um but uh I'd like to see something in there about you know how we're purchasing things and you know what mechanisms we're using to purchase and stuff like that um just all over and I know procurement really is 40b but there are other pieces and parts that kind of fall into it off of the Town um I'm kind ofis kind envisioning the procurement policy to be one of like probably 10 policies as part of a comprehensive Financial documentation I'm looking at opep funding free cash couple others cash handling would be one um peard is going to be another one yeah so and the OPB um benefits us to have a a sound policy around it because that has potential to increase our oh yeah rating right um and that's the big big thing if you want to get to the next stage you have to have all that finalized and it'll help us funding mechanisms in the future and it's yeah good for Budget planning especially if we know what we're allocating for that yeah and all those policies they're not going to be when I present them they're not going to be final the next day they're going to be just the first reading and Y yeah digesting and right Madam chair yes um Andrew were you able to find that other Financial policy that was in created in 2021 Brian do you remember that I think it was after after had gotten here and we had did you yeah I did it's I think it's like it's called a purchasing policy there are some gaps in it okay can you send that out cuz I can't find it in my email was that the one that came on during AR's time yes yeah started right after I left or was in Draft when I left something like that okay but it like enabled the Town Administrator to purchase yeah it was up toell it out specifically if it was every year on it or if it was that one time thing it was uh vague language y yeah I remember adopting it when I first came on board so so it was called purchasing not I it's called yeah I'll send it's like a two page document um like it's very vague and that's why the impus was the WR a new one yeah yeah um thank you yeah the community newsletter I think um this is great cuz this is what it is it's a community newsletter so I would like to hear back from the residents um you know through the town administrator's office um you know if there's anything that of value that you would feel um you'd like to see included uh for Town news um that's happening um it's a great start and like as you know Andrew indicated it's just going to keep um evolving and getting better every month so um I'd love to hear you know some feedback from the community you know if it's we're starting to get a lot especially from boarding committees oh good so like I said the next I think the next couple are going to look a lot different than this one yeah I think it was great anybody else have anything um we're good all right um we have select board meeting minutes of December 16th 2024 uh for approval um did everybody get a chance to go through them um yes I have couple comments um so I reviewed everything but I will honestly say that um I need to rely on maybe Brian and Andrew for the Old Colony dollar figure amounts cuz I couldn't um necessarily remember all those um so I those numbers were correct there was some change in the language I sent to Tracy as a recommendation on a couple of those things but it was uh the Figures were correct okay all right and then um the only thing I don't want us to forget was that I think we had tabled a conversation on the redhand Brewing signs mhm so I just make sure we don't want to forget that that's all otherwise good to go can we make sure we get that added to the 27th M yeah I remember when I watched the meeting and said that yeah bring it back because there were some questions okay and then there was the question on whether you know um we can say no parking in a municipal lot or something like that so I just yeah because the vote did indicate after hours yeah cuz you did um approve the no parking signs but there were still some questions thate out of it that we needed to get clarified so okay all right I'll entertain a motion to approve the sele board meeting minutes of December 16th 2024 so second I'm trying to get in there morningin motion I'll second a roll please baby and I carbon I okay um all right moving on to number seven oh well number six I think um because we have a a 6:30 but um we'll just come Circle back to that so um let's see so number six um Andrew you had indicated that this might be pushed off until the next meeting that's correct um there's a little bit of a hiccup on what the motion should say to join from the county so the county is looking at that language to see if it's legal how it's awarded M chair yes through you um what are the short short-term and uh long-term Financial impacts of this change if any um I don't think there's too much of a financial change can we get some figures around that so I yeah definitely so does this mean we have one employee that can't participate in the pension fund at the moment yeah I think that's the way okay so is that why the chief isn't here to explain it yeah so he'll be able to answer those questions yeah he'll be up the next one and this stems from our new availability of how we um hiring yeah yep all right well then I guess um I mean we don't need a formal vote but I'll take one um entertain the motion to um remove this agenda item to vote on request from the fire chief regarding pension group um for Medics um to our next meeting of January 27th so moved second um any discussion um one small item can we just make sure that this employee doesn't miss out on being able to contribute due to any delay so if we get this through if it takes another month and a half and that's another month and a half they couldn't pay in so can we just figure out how to do that with the county yeah yeah definitely yeah like a creu some funds now or no just whatever the mechanism in I mean it's not their fault that this got brought up I guess so this seems like a clerical thing more than anything but they're going to get yeah I think she's I think she's contributing right now just to a different group on on that list so oh they're in different group yeah in order to get reclassified to group four they need a vote from the slot board okay got it wasn't clear that they were in another group or I just misunderstood it all right um Ro please baby and i t i carbon I can all right um number seven um discussion and a possible vote to uh designate a representative from the select board to work with the Clair Pond um Park uh Commission on a conceptual layout um working group so if you wouldn't mind giving an update on that Andrew yeah so it's an opera project that was approved by the board um Clear Pond engineering plan um and so my thought was to have a working group um Melissa turot is the representative from the par department so I think we should have a member and it's just just part of a working group um I know um Brena is our delegate um to the parks so that was my comment as well that um in order to kind of consolidate UH responsibilities and not have multiple cross things consistency yeah is that something you'd like to do Brena sure all right so I'll entertain a motion um to designate Rena Donahue as our delegate to work with the clar pond conceptual layout working group so move second discussion who else do we envision being in the group uh it's really just me um Brena Melissa and there's going to be some just department heads that kind of have an interest or what they're going to be kind of part of it in the future makes sense excellent yeah we're probably going to meet in the next few weeks um environmental Partners is doing that and they're kind of getting everything set up for us okay that's sounds roll please B and I joh ion I all right and we're also looking for a a select board delegate um to an Employee Appreciation working group Andrew yeah so um I'm the board's kind of entertained like an Employee Appreciation Day or of maybe an event or two um I figured it'd be a good idea to have someone on the board to that group we're kind of have an internal group planning an Employee Appreciation Day at some point in July um I just we haven't really discussed much really yet um um we have probably four or five department heads part of that group so they're ready to get going so they're very excited about it so I'd like to have someone on the board all right anybody interested in Jo that from the Sol board I know Leah is words out of my mouth all right well um I'll entertain a motion to nominate Leah Fabian as our delegate I nominate Leah Fabian as our delegate uh to the Employee Appreciation working group all right I have a motion do I hear a second second all right any discussion that was a very hesitant sure you actually she it's yeah yeah no we we we we missed last summer we definitely need to do something agreed you know yep yep all right roll please baby and i t i carbon ey good okay and that's not the end of our delegate selection here um so agenda item number nine um we're looking to designate a select board member to represent the board um on any water infrastructure discussions with neighboring communities I think Moren would be perfect actually she's the one that told me about water issues in town no the water boy the water boy oh I forgot about water boy I'll never let you forget about hoping we left that with 2024 yeah that sounds like I mean you know baring anyone else I would I wouldn't mind doing this I've been working sitting with both of the water boards for The Last 5 Years and not allowed to work on it but I know Brian has some interest I don't know if anyone else has interest so the only thing about this one is I think most of the meetings will be during the days so this would be what Taunton middleb maybe New Bedford potentially I don't really see it maybe I don't know I mean I'm happy to keep going if the board would like either way I don't think it's going to be that many meetings okay well I will nominate Brian day um as a select board member to represent the board on water infrastructure discussion with the neighboring communities all right I have a motion to I hear a second second I have a motion a second any discussion hearing none roll please baby and I I carbon I candido I I I think you would have done a great job as well Leah oh I know um there's there's there's a lot uh there's a lot there's a lot in that whole area a lot of it's going to be brought to the board anyways just if there's any changes to the imas so there'll be a lot of public meetings y so no it is and it's something that you know we've been talking about for a while now that we need to get a handle on you know like all the allocations have been done to the hospital property not in one you know they've been done pie work so we and that map that you were able to secure was you know it's still doesn't give all the information but you know really has to be addressed I mean I'm I'm hoping the new Administration in the white house will say here's something like arpa you know and if we get another windfall like that it would be nice to have a water plan for the town that we could go right to and say you know instead of losing out and having to return money um you know but there is the infrastructure bill but I don't think they've given a dollar out to yeah communities so y so it would be nice right definitely know okay number 10 um this was our regarding our purchase and sale for the uh Cherry Street parcel Andrew you had a comment about possibly putting this to the next meeting yeah I sent it out to the buyer um a few weeks ago I haven't heard back so um I figured it just delay till the next meeting until that's come back and plus I haven't given it to the board so hasn't been time to review all right I'll entertain a motion um to move agenda item number 10 uh discuss and possible vote to sign purchase and sale agreement deed and our closing documents associated with the sale of Zero Cherry Street parcel assessor map block and lot 04212 015a to January 27th 2025 meeting so move second motion a second discussion hearing none roll please B and i t i Caron I candido I right all right number 11 this is the discussion um regarding a memo to the planning board on the select board's opinion regarding a 40b um or an open space residential district for the rocky Woods uh development location um just a little background the planning board um had a meeting on uh December 26 the day after Christmas um I know Nate darling was in attendance uh the planning board uh the Board of Health was uh posted the chairman for the open space um committee was there Conservation Commission chair was there um Kora who represents the tribe was there Andrew was in attendance um I was just there in the audience um as quite a few other residents uh to kind of hear the discussion um and my understanding was that the 40b project for Rocky Woods has been put on hold uh by the developer um so that we can entertain the possibility of an open space uh residential district on that property and the question was um you know what are people's thoughts on um pursuing that um because the 40b if the if we decide not to do um the or bring the o osrd to town meeting um then the developer would then re-engage the 40b process and it would start the clock at that point um so it's in front of us this evening for discussion to have select board render some um I guess opinions to the planning board um I just a comment um when these things come before us um you had great context there in what you were saying um and I did read um the through some of the emails friend um that came through but uh now that we have a planner on staff I would love a breakdown of impacts and uh you know just bullet pointing what it is that's going on and and something like this because um this is not my this is not my jam I am not a a planner and and just looking at plans um and trying to interpret the impact is not within my wheelhouse and being to have something a lot more I don't know pointed um and uh informational uh would help not only me but the audience as well to understand you know some of the impacts that we're looking at or some of the things that we're trying to mitigate I did have a chance to talk to Nate darling a little bit about this um about the osrd um and to understand you know how it could work as maybe a uh a way to regulate um the the spacing of the phases and some of the other stuff and um yeah it was very helpful to get that con context but I don't want to rely on having to reach out for that context I I would love it as part of the packet or the recommendation to the select board yep and even with a recommendation um whether whether we go for it or not having some a little context would be very helpful okay why me I don't know whoever whoever wants to go next add I mean I'll add if you want um I mean it it sounded like looking at their agenda from the 26th it was supposed to be a discussion on the osrd bylaw itself but it sounds like it devolved into looking at Rocky Woods as you know proposed if you had an osrd versus just what could an osrd for the do for the town so I really don't want to think about the what Rocky Woods might be suggesting but to me from what I understand the concept of an osrd would give us another option where right now every piece of buildable land or non-buildable land through 40b they're going to slam as many units as they can possible and they have to do that because there's a profit cap on those projects if we can find a way to control and set aside and save land in a way where a developer can say you know what I'm going to use the same amount of space to put a smaller number of units that have no profit cap and our larger homes versus a few hundred jammed in as many as possible like I'm willing to have that discussion MH because we have no control right now we're back down to what 6% on the Shi you know far away from the 10 to get us in Safe Harbor uh and then the more units we build the further away exactly the more we build the it's a hamster wheel we're never going to catch it at this point um I mean you look at social media and everybody's up in arms and all these projects we have going on but nobody's willing to come forward and say what do we do to stop it you either go and and talk to your state legislature or a different Governor or you work on something at the local level to help drive you in a different direction you can't stop 40b right we can complain about it all we want we can't stop it but at least this is actually doing something consider something that can do something with the land that we do have because it is going to come in and obliterate it anyways I me just a comment on that I know with um the 40b it's 20% if I'm not mistaken of the units developed depends on rental versus purchase I rental is 25 right and so if it's um purchase it's 20% of the um units have to be affordable that would count to um the affordable housing inventory in reading the osrd they're saying um 10% because I was concerned that we would be losing that piece of it um because then everything would be counted toward the housing inventory versus subsidize so in this there's a 10% um in here of for Perpetual deed restriction uh for subsidized housing or senior housing so I I have a concern about that because if their density in a smaller area as you would indicated um just kind of RS away that subsidized piece I have a comment which um Brian was saying on the hamster wheel um we're not we're a rural community we're not designed to get to that 10% it's on purpose um and shame on everyone in the state that does this to rural communities it it's an absolute travesty um we're we're killing ourselves trying to get to our Shi number um in actuality I don't unless we added on 300 units of of housing we're not going to get to that number and we have units expiring as well because back in the day we didn't know to make sure they were up in perpetuity um and they expire after 30 years I believe um so we have units expiring we're going to be further and further away from that goal I think the goal is to mitigate the impact on the town I think the goal is to provide sustainable housing and try to get around it but if we're going for that 10% I don't think we ever will but I for the Safe Harbor we might be able to get to it by how many units we've built in the last x amount of days but I I just don't see it as a realistic goal it's something to shoot for if you're a a much more um densely populated area uh a Lakeville is is not going to get to it it'll get to seven and then fall all the way back down but my my key interest here is that there is affordable housing um a aailable yes but not using it as like The Leverage using it as a goal to get affordable housing for people not because we think we're going to get Safe Harbor because I really I I see that as a we're chasing a Fool's errand yeah we're chasing it yeah I mean we have I mean look at uh I forget the actual um housing name but look at Between the Lakes they can't even sell that one that's pre-planned and permited and ready to go yet we've got other developments coming in for like something's wrong we can't even get that finished and we've got all these other ones with hundreds of units coming in so I have spoken to many state folks and I say to them why on one hand are you pushing green initiatives on us right charging stations electric charging stations you know um the whole uh cars that are all that green communities everything but then you're making us tear our trees down which is the least green thing we could be doing M and I said that I know we're not even if there's a an incredible Grassroots effort to try to repeal 40b it's not going to pass but my suggestion is why don't our why is in our um Safe Harbor a smaller percentage and that's exactly what they're they're like nope we're not going to change that same conversation I had it should be five or 6% for right and it's different and they won't because they don't want you to get it right it's it's so you know it is definitely frustrating um I did have a couple questions on this and I did watch the meeting so I just want to be sure I didn't get it wrong I thought that what was said at the meeting was that there would be more houses and less space saved per the open space bylaw so that's not the point of it yeah right that's the opposite of my understanding right so you know I I guess I'm going to need some clarification and again you know the planner is who's supposed to advise us you know and let's give Nancy some time to get you know under her feet although I have worked with her on the APC for a few years now and I know she knows her stuff so I'm really excited that she's here with us um but and even when you look at the picture that we we've been given I mean it doesn't it doesn't look like there's a whole lot of land more land that's not you know so I I guess I I think you do have to do what Mari said you're either going to want to do this because of the type of Housing and that's another question I mean these are all individual houses I think correct that would be built but we don't know exactly what size would they be all varying different sizes I mean they do have some duplexes and part of it but most of it single in the open space plan I think I saw that the Lots were 50% bigger than what you see in learon roughly somewhere around there I don't remember the the I don't the homes were any larger though yeah but no it's still certainly not someone like when most of us moved here um you knew you were getting an acre and a half of land and I would assume there's still an HOA is there still an HOA associated with the open space I didn't see that written anywhere so I don't want to make that assumption there isn't I don't I didn't see it I don't know yeah yeah I see it so um whereas a 40b has the HOA doesn't it fee that they pay not sure I don't think I've ever seen an ho the bar's got five or six of them do they yeah yeah I just don't want to make it like we're opening housing up for firsttime home buyers and then finding out that you know cuz HOA fees so I just have a lot of questions that's all before I can get behind one or the other yeah and I think with the um the osrd the developer um had mentioned an additional egress onto County Street yeah um and I was able to watch the um open space committee's meeting too and that was they discussed that too that that that was like the carrot you know that was dangling because there was a concerned of just having the two egresses on Freetown Street um and putting a lot of pressure there um and also I believe the wastewater treatment would have been moved further away from Maro drive under the osrd versus Under the 40b um but with any bylaw um you know if the the planning board were to put this you know forward it you know anything has to be voted it you know to 2/3 vote at town meeting for any zoning change so but it's through you it's this board that has to come into the agreement with the developer if if it's an agreement but this this from what I'm reading is a special permit okay where it wouldn't be in agreement with the select board which is why I have a problem with it so just because it's 40b does not mean it's going to get in and the Conservation Commission can correct me on this but just because it's 40b they still have to follow laws they still have to abide by above regulations above them correct now I have a lot of comments on this so please bear with me because it's going to sound overly negative I think we as an entire town need to stop pretending that any variation of this project is acceptable here so they're talking about first of all when they did their studies they did not measure the vernal pools in season they measured them out of season so the measure that they got are not accurate unless they've redone those and I haven't heard any updates on that additionally I don't have any information yet no one's given me an answer as to who would be responsible for flooding damages that occur because flooding is going to happen you can't just pick up and move a Vernal pool you can't just change its location the reason that the Vernal pool is there is because that's how Nature Made It the rain fell it gathered where it is and that was the Vernal pool so you can't just manmake it somewhere else additionally because of how these are constructed all of the rock salt in the winter the pesticides in the summer and spring are all going to run directly down into these vernal pools into the wetlands they're going to kill the animals it's going to basically eliminate everything that you're quote unquote trying to protect additionally in town we always talk about this great need to preserve historic artifacts historic barns and buildings but the Native American petroglyphs that are there have been there for thousands of years not hundreds The Rock shelves were created by glaciers that's 30,000 years so someone mentioned about rock blasting and the Damage that that can cause so I looked that up and it's absolutely true it can damage Windows walls foundations it can destroy the soil it can damage water lines septic systems electric like I'm sorry Wells Wells so also there's a lot of veterans in town so we're just going to be blasting rocks for how many weeks is that going to trigger any episodes a lot of veterans can't even deal with fireworks so now we're going to be exploding rocks I don't understand how they're going to be exploding Rock but then at the same time preserving where is it preserving Native American artifacts and important spaces to them archaeologically the other thing is when we're talking about dedicated open space they're talking about turning into playgrounds Sports Fields Wastewater uh storm Water Management um outdoor recreation that's not that's not preserving open space storm water management is not preserving a Vernal pool it's just siphoning all of your dirty contaminated water into it so they're killing endangered species they're destroying protected Flora like this is not the place for this project and I think if we fight back we will win regardless of whether or not it's 40b but and I agree with you I think the OSD is a good plan to have other places but not here and if we give them the permit through the OSD we're just greenlighting the project where otherwise they might get shut down I have a huge problem with this project because it goes against everything that the state of Massachusetts claims to be in favor of and they're all talking about affordable housing and but it's not affordable it's not affordable housing and I don't trust the government that took a $6 billion Surplus and turned it into a TENS of million dollar deficit to tell us what's affordable because they can't manage their own money and they want to come in and Destroy land cause flooding here and again who's going to pay for that who's going to pay for the damage that the flooding causes this project is a huge problem and I think the town needs to fight it and not just roll over my uh my other comment too is um you know just in a very simple way um doing a lot of reading what happens is if Native American burial grounds or any found on these types of properties they're like somewhat cted off and try to be protected whatever but the way they're buried in the woods right now most people don't know where they are the second where porting them off and paying attention to it now folks are like oh what's over here let's go see so I'm kind of concerned for the history there um and either way whether it's that many people or not um I can't believe we don't have more protection against the Native American burial grounds artifacts whatever is there and in the same respect we have to say this we do know there's a housing shortage in Massachusetts but I feel like 40b is so much better for you know being able to renovate um old apartment buildings or old schools or old factories or whatever I just think that either one of these is just tearing trees down it's just not the thing that like 40b is not addressing at all is like okay I agree there's a housing shortage but it doesn't it doesn't then turn around and fix the school space shortage or the firemen shortage or the police shortage or everything else that comes after you throw all these in for better or not this developer if we're now just talking about this here they've already gotten their site approval letter from the stake for 40b yep so they've already sunk a ton of research into it whether we agree with it or not the osrd in my mind way it was explained to me in the past was what Brena touched on was you would set aside relatively healthy contiguous pieces of that parcel to set aside either Wild Flower fields or or somewhere for kids to play or whatever um where this mostly just takes advantage of the vernal pools that are already there and kind of says all right well we won't touch those we couldn't touch them anyways um but as far as osrd goes yes I would like to see one that works well for the town this one I feel like we've we don't have any saying sadly short of the select board entering into maybe a development agreement which we could entertain right and I mean we could you still can't unreasonably you know negotiate an agreement either um and it it also brings up other questions I mean I think most of us know that it's hard enough for us to have replaced the playground equipment at Ted Williams um I we don't need DPW having to be responsible for you know two or three playgrounds and I mean I is that part of it that the town maintains it after well it's our it becomes our becomes deeded as open space and that would be under the towns but I am pretty sure I think lorine and Andrew you were both there that night I thought what was said was that there's actually a little less Space by the osrd so is there something if we decide to bring that forward is there something that we can say in that bylaw that we can change that and our annual meeting will be in May sometime so that means the warrant would open February June I think June is our Jun meeting so April and it it would open March so that doesn't really give us a ton of time to even rework so I want to be clear um with what we respond to the to the planning board so if we can just maybe recap briefly um in a way that can disseminate that information back to them um so your your key was to make sure that the bylaw um would address a little more open space for sure cuz I thought what was said that night was that there would be less space than if it was the 40b so on this notice it says from concom chair there's number one there's more land disturbance shown on the osrd conceptual plan than shown on the 40b plan right so aside from the other you know nothing counts towards the housing affordable housing I mean I thought the point was to get a little bit more open space not less so we need to get that is that in fact true the map we got if it's accurate I know it had one error they already fixed it says total area 308 Acres open space area 29.6 Acres which is almost 68% open space but like when you look at it your eyes don't go that looks like 68% so I don't know exactly how that number has come up with but I had a question Brena through you madam chair um when you're saying um Disturbed are we talking about Playgrounds and stuff as part of the disturbed land is that part of the from the letter from are you ask conservation no Brena was reading off a letter from conservation from the chair um about what's Disturbed are we counting area which is being um not built on but moved and used for purposes like you had said so if you look at um I don't know how to describe so like this Bend right here Yep this one right here if you look at it on the orsd they're actually cramming about seven or eight houses where down here there's one or two got it so they're disturbing more land you can see that it actually cuts through the vernal pools so these houses are going to have vernal pools in their backyard which I didn't think was legal I thought you had to have 100 to 200 ft away from the Vernal pool and not the base not the middle of the Vernal pool but the rim of it when it's full and in season which again I don't think they measured when it was full and in season season I don't remember if that was done but I know I thought that we had an independent person who was out verifying I believe the conservation um has somebody okay I environmental we had a really rainy here if I'm not mistaken Brendon F I think that name yeah I think he's doing I think that was part of conservations vote but I mean that's just the problem I have with these projects they're not measuring it when they're supposed to be measuring it and they're doing so so that the data more accurately reflects what they want to see in their projects so that's going to cause a problem when you're actually dealing with what it is in a very rainy year if they're 50 ft forward or 100t closer than they're supposed to be the water's not going to know the water's just going to do what the water has been doing for however long it's been doing it so would you say that your comment back would be um the concern of the Verna pool um I think that the OSD is a good plan to have but not for this project because the the the measurements for this project I don't think they've been done appropriately and I I maybe missed that meeting but I don't remember getting it back where it was done in season I only remember them doing it out of season and that was the high school meeting that we had all right I mean in all honesty when you look at this right the 40b this whole section mhm is empty but yet that's all duplexes on this one so so that was the threat that was made is that because they're two separate Parcels of land the 40b map has the 40b there and then they'll put more 40b on the other parcel that was the threat that was made if you don't do the orsd which encapsulates both parcels and that's why I have a problem it because it's all threats it's not right this is I I wouldn't take it as a threat I mean they've got their 40b plan they're going to execute but they can't if they don't have the appropriate guidelines for the environmental regulation just because the state said EPA like this was on the last conservation meeting that I watched they said just because this it's been issued they still have to go through all the hoops and I remember it cuz someone someone said on their way out you know make him jump through every hoop make him spend every dime that we can mhm um and then other another person said what would a buyback be but just because the state approved the 40b doesn't mean it's going to happen they still have to match and there are endangered turtles there are endangered salamanders there are endangered you know there's protected what is it Cedar the White Cedar there's protected and endangered things here and don't think that they don't already know that they spend millions of dollars looking at these before they even submit and that's what I'm saying is if they're willing to measure a Vernal pool out of season I don't put it past them to start killing the animal that they see that would stop their project that is going to be conservation and everybody else not us I think what's I think what's in front of us mad chair is you have a preference over any project 40b or osrd and to me it would be osrd whatever that is because that means if we have come up with a bylaw we feel fit with the town not what the state is shoving down our throats and we but we have to do that sooner than later because the warrant we need to but this right now is for this property this osrd is just for this property which I don't know how that would got to start somewhere yeah yeah I thought when you created an osrd that it was over the town or over particular Parcels um it's so large it wouldn't be considered spot zoning or anything like that but it's the chair of the planning board started off saying it wasn't spot zoning but you know these These are the kinds of things where we probably in the past because we're constantly reactive could have said well this an osr could have been on the hospital it could have been on this it could have been off the 600 acres off Highland it could have been on the country club but here we are again trying to be reactive so M chair to your point for summary um can we put language in there that says it has to be less IM land impact than A40 b or is that like you know what I mean like if we're saying a qualifier on what an O orsd is um and we're really measuring it against putting in there uh against a 40b because if you really if that's the the measure well my my gut check would be we're making an assumption that every developer wants to do the 40b where if there was an osrd right someone's going to say oh he's for the Developers but if an osrd at the end of the day puts fewer units and disturbs less land and there's no profit caps then that's actually a benefit air quotes to like developer an Town well so they might just say I'm not even going to do the research on a 40b I just want to do what you have there all right but pure units and less land is very subjective without criteria like so like how how would you go about that's that's on planning yeah not me but that's also not the case here like I get what you're saying but that's not the case I don't know how this ended up with more units is that even like that's they talked about 214 I I mean each one of these dots is that a 4 unit townhouse which one are you looking at so on the 40b one each one of the circles there with the number on it is that does that represent I thought that single single family single family buildings there 136 single family hold right here it says single family building okay that's on the osrd on the 40b plan each one of the circles the numbers in the circles is that represent four units of housing let's say four tow houses connected so I think these are duplexes and then these are the buildings the0 so these are single family these are duplexes it's on the darker shaded one jez yeah look at page 31 it's like duplexes and counts everything mhm well because the first sheet is the by right plan that's what they can do by right right so I'm looking at the 40b as the maximum amount of housing cuz you shift from our page 31 in the packet you go from four looks like 44 single families to 136 in the OS s Rd version but remember they're combining two Parcels for the osrd the 40b is only the one parcel so they can come back with the second parcel for 40b I thought they had said they were holding on to that second parcel for potential commercial development down the road that's down by County that's the other piece yes am I think a different one yes come on up Bard from uh conservation M from conservation if it adds any Clarity the 40b plan only contemplates 185 Acres the osrd includes that second lot which brings it to 308 Acres so it adds 118 acres and that's how they can combine and pull in 136 single family lots um and then 68 duplexes so that's how that's a significant chunk 118 Acres that's why we saw significant more land disturbance not necessarily because it's 200 versus 204 which doesn't sound like a lot more development but a lot more land disturbance because of their plan for open space development wasn't actually open space or land preservation it was you know dog parks and other things versus natural walking paths or just conservation of the land as it was but that's 118 Acres Madam chair though what would stop them from coming back and using that second parcel for 40b and I get 40 BS on all of them as a different phase right phase six I I would probably look at like how much is Disturbed on the the first parcel I for because you said that was like cuz now now we're now we're doing apples the oranges that's not really fair to anybody that's up that's up to you guys they have to come to us to conservation with either plan um they have not come to us with uh an anrad on the whole property only on the original um piece that 185 Acres whether they go osrd um or they go 40b and this is something that we clarified at our hearing on Thursday for everybody they are still Bound by the wetlands protection act and they still fall under the offices of conservation so either way they will have to come to us to meet all of those regulations five for Board of Health Title Five for Board of Health though depending on the which way they go and once they get over a certain threshold D would take over depending on the the size and the volume I mean it still looks like thank you a big absorbance of land um with all the wet lands on here so okay so that would that Revelation I feel like I can't even compare the two y if it's not the same Parcels I almost feel like we should look at the actual open space bylaw itself without looking at this plan and see if we can live with the bylaw um it feels backwards yeah feels punitive I think they did I I don't know for certain with the developer but I think they did the concept plan as kind of like a just a benefit to everybody to see what it would might look like I think it kind of just muddied the bylaw so I think we kind of should be looking at the bylaw it's something we should be even entertaining a lot of what the concept plan will look like will be based off of the development agreement that we would enter before to meeting so it sounds like there there's a little maybe a little bit lot a bit work to be done um to fine-tune the the bylaw itself um I mean I would not want to you know stop progress from happening um with regards to that development of that bylaw but only if it's a benefit right that's the well the benefit of the town is more open space absolutely buildable if that was the case here it would be easier right yes but you know it's this is using this as a unintended use to put in more not less well the well because the example we now realize is not comparing Parcels to Parcels so if they came back and slap a 40b on the other parcel later you might have even more Disturbed and higher densities so that makes it really hard to compare I think that's where Andrew's point to go back and just start with the bylaw Pretend This doesn't exist and so allow just say just pursue the 40b and then we dig in and work on the byaw for open space across the town is that what I'm hearing I would say on the property so I mean I I do have some questions it's like as part of an open space bylock Wetland supposed to be included in that I mean I I guess I just have a lot of questions here but it's also 630 by the way thank you for that yeah right do we have enough comments to go back to the planning board I mean yeah and I mean when you actually look at it it says prior to the submittal of the preliminary subdivision and osrd concept the applicant shall have any Wetlands delated on the site and resource area approved by conservation so I mean that means they can't build on it right does it mean they can replicate it and you know so again another question it says the burden of proof shall be upon the applicant to prove that all the proposed lots are suitable for building um the board reserves the planning board reserves the right to challenge the status of any lot not allow such to be included in any definitive plan so I feel like we really need to digest this as an actual bylaw and then make a decision I do agree with Brian that it feels like it's backwards so the planning board is meeting when the 9th January 9th um and this will be on the agenda I'm yes for discussion so um is the select board available on the night there was discussion of potentially having a joint meeting on the 16th of January um either way I'll be in attendance on January 9th I can't really do Thursday nights okay um and both of those are Thursdays yeah all right they might be open to another joint meeting date I don't know I think that the the for capable yeah I'm available yeah I think we need to get some questions so can we try to coordinate um I think it would be beneficial if the planning board conservation water of health and open space were in the same room yeah and perhaps through that discussion will'll have some kind of direction as you know the time is of to to work that into so is everybody okay with that I am yeah and this osrd is not new I mean it's been a year and a half or so at least I feel like I've been hearing about it this is different than the other one um I'm I'm not sure all the different points but I know there was some cross outs and stuff that changed over time all right okay and um Nancy probably needs time to come up to speed on true true okay all right so we move that um it's a little after 6:30 so I apologize um for getting back to um let's see agenda item number five so this was a continuation um of a public hearing for 160 Bedford Street uh for unregistered Ungar uh vehicle permit um and I know that this has been I guess going on and on and on um in my understanding is that conservation is waiting for a final set of reporting um on this and once we know what that is then we can make a determination on the area in which we can allow a permit for or not allow a permit depending upon um the discussion um so um I hate to do this again for our um folks here but I think that that critical that we have that information from conservation so um I'd like to um entertain a motion to continue this until our next meeting which is the 27th of January at 5:30 uh 6:30 here at the police station um and I believe conservation is meeting I know it's coming up the 11th it's the week of the 11th so whatever the yeah Thursday is second with disc discussion all right so do I you the motion I thought you made the motion no I'm entertaining it so is there 27 um to table is that what we're doing Contin to continue um yeah so moved second discussion um this is the longest Story Ever Told at this point um I'm I'm hoping to find out why this is taking so long at this point um any insights from from the gallery on how why this is taking so long at this juncture delays from getting test samples or some of the the samples we' asked for resamples from some of their test pits um at the last hearing when we went through the checklist uh they promised water um sampling had that so that was requested um we haven't had a meeting since for the holiday period so would do to provide those next test results at our next hearing that should be noted in the record I'm sorry so the applicant is holding up providing the samples that are requested uh they are the ones that are responsible foring this have you had meetings since the request like have they had an opportunity to drop off their the samples that you requested oh they've had plenty yeah they are the ones that are having a test uh done and the sample the samples done provided to an independent taken by a scientist Prov by testified lab they've gotten the other test results back that they've done the water um testing has not been has not been done okay we requ we requested that at the last meeting where the representative for the owner was um and told them that needed to be presented to us before our next meeting which is Tuesday the 14th I believe is the that's a huge problem because they're the ones that are subject to the fine and they're the ones that are able to put off their fine by not providing the samples that's a problem well I do we know through you madam chair back to Michelle do we know if they've it's a third party that has to perform these do we know if it's a whole on the third party I don't want to just the applicant she said the applicant I'm not talking to her please I would I would not believe so I would just I I cannot presume but I would not believe so just based on the other delays that we've seen again this is I agree this is the the longest story uh told and we've had other significant delays and had a number of postponements um that were stories about why previous ageles I have one more question um is there any punitive action that your board is able to take based on the delay yes the the massive delays that are aside from the the ceas and assist uh not until we finalize having a bylaw ourselves um very little Catch 22 there's very little additional um we do at this point time Madam chair so can we find out if we can um turn down the application for what they're asking from us because they're not responding to the Conservation Commission I mean like we'll have to do we'll have to discuss that on the 20 on the 27th in our next meeting I mean if we say listen you had two months to get out to get us a couple of samples and you haven't done that why do we have to keep continuing there obviously don't want the permit bad enough if they're not going to follow through with what the conservation is asking for it's not even just that they could still be operating there's no there's no indication of whether or not they're still operating their illegal business and the reason that we couldn't find them was because of this but if they're the ones holding up the process then they're the ones that are continuing to operate while holding up their own fine I think we need to talk to Legal before the next meeting the reason we can't find them is nothing to do with con our bylaw didn't give us a method to find them collect the F okay bylaw is not written so that should be a policy that's looked at because you're placing the power all of the power in the hands of the people who are the problem right it's not fair to these folks and they could still be operating their illegal business which by the way was very shady so I don't think it's good for our town and I don't think it's right and that is definitely something we should address at the fall town meeting this whole why do we have a bylaw that doesn't allow us to actually enforce right so I don't want to go too far off topic because this motion was just to to continue but I think that you know the 27th I think that the um hearing what I'm hearing the select board will so if we can make sure that the applicant um knows that we will be will be discussing this on the 27th two things eming and um for the contaminated soil that was um was pulled from the ground was put in a transport container and we are waiting uh proof that it has been delivered to an approved um landfill that can take the appropriate contaminated soil there are a couple in the area um and we required legal documentation to say that it was accepted so those two things have to be so Madam chair can we ask the Town Administrator to follow up and get all I was going to go um if you wouldn't mind if you could reach out to um the conservation chair the that the chair of the Conservation Commission um requesting um that information so that we are in preparation for our meeting I don't know who made the motion but Le made the motion noring seconded right I believe that's is there any do you want just close the hearing and make a decision next time this that's why I'm saying I withdraw my motion I'm withdrawing the motion to continue so what happens if they don't show up next meeting and we don't approve the license what happens if they're still moving and still operating and they they can app they can apply later if if we deny it and they'll have to reapply but what asking is okay it's the 27th they don't show up there's no evidence there's nothing they don't have a license they're still operating what do we do we fix our bylaw the town meeting so there's nothing we can do well I think there is a way we can do it by sending a constable or something to court every single day but I thought there was that cost us and again this is question for legal yeah it is but I thought there was a bylaw against having more than one unregistered car vehicle on your property at a time you're correct so if they have that then why can't we act it's the enforcement of the fine that is unclear bylaw we can send a strongly worded letter that's that's the power that by law ends up giving us this is all right so um I'm trying to remember Robert's Rules so we had a motion in a second to continue you withdrew your motion yep do I have to second I don't think so no no okay yeah so at this point are we saying that um I don't think it can be constructively done because of the wording of the motion cuz it says continuation of the public hearing of the public hearing for the permit yep so well it's just a continuation right from the original Reed the permit we had the permit so there could be a motion to not approve the permit so I will say that you know um there is no vote on it tonight but if there was I'd be ready to vote we can just we can close the hearing and have a determination at the next meeting have to all right let's throw caution to the wind here well hold on hold on we talk about being reactive so can we close it at the next meeting and make a determination yes yep okay then let's just do that can we also make sure um council is on hand yes 100% okay so are you going to withdraw withdraw your motion you going to restate restate restate I'll res um let me think for a minute um um How do I I will make a motion so I'm going to leave the original withdrawal okay so I will make a motion to continue this public hearing for 160 Bedford Street unregistered on garage vehicle permit um until July 27th January January 27th 2025 sorry guys 5:30 p uh 6:30 yeah 6:30 p.m. here here at the Lakeville police station at which time time um we would like to see a record of testing samples being delivered I think I'm going to leave it at that being delivered to Laboratories however we or results or results provided to the select board for that meeting through con um because it's one thing to have the testing but we want to see the results okay so by that discussion um by a second second second for discussion okay um by that motion are we Heming ourselves in yeah probably no because I don't know that you can do that just make a motion to continue it for the final time yeah I mean the the stuff you asked for which I agree I think that would have to be presented as evidence during the the hearing great yeah I don't think and then once we have that during that discussion then okay we would be able to close so I don't know if it's a good motion or not um I just want the applicant to know that we're tired we've been continuing this we we started this in August or September right we want to right all right so um I I thinking the motion's good and we have a second so let's just go with that Tracy if you wouldn't mind for the record read the motion back to continue the public hearing for 160 BFI Street unregistered and garage permit until January 27 2025 at 6:30 at which time the board would like to see a record of testing samples being delivered or results being provided to the select board okay okay all right maren made the second yep so um I would like uh roll please Fabi and i t i carbon I I okay come back I one question um to the board I got one response to one of the questions combined and no one else has responded how do I get a response from you guys um we go through our Town Administrator so um I'm going to have to go back and and look through the emails but what do you mean like I sent it directly to the board and I copied the Town Administrator so what did I do right so unless you know I don't know that we're if I remember correctly because I'd have to go back and read it but it had something to do with zoning is that correct well there was a b there was a bunch of questions the first question was on the zoning I've been zoned for 24 years as residential the business that you have is own business is a 40 fo setback and you're not enforcing it um can we go back and yes someone's got to answer I mean I can't be sending emails and coming down here all the time and just just getting ignored it's just it's not fair this is I understand so I have it right here if you'd like me to read his bullet points there's five of them I would I would um I'd like to at least go through I'd like to get them right but it's I think it's unfair when did I send the email December 18th so it and it's now January 6th and it was completely ignored except Brian responded to one point um and I don't think when did response was accurate what was the date on that again December 18th okay so let's I'm going to what do I follow up with Andrew yes and when should I follow up with him can follow up with him at any Point well when will I have an answer I'll answer tomorrow morning my understanding has a lot of the questions have been answered he just doesn't like the answers what's that my understanding is that all these questions have been answered you just don't like the responses the town is giving you they that's my response all right I'm going to just they have not been answered let's just go back to the you know Andrew we'll go back to that email well it's got to be put in writing I have nothing in writing that they're saying that there's a problem with zoning I've been paying for 2 straight years is a residential Zone there's nothing in writing that says there's a problem or no I'm thank you for bringing to to the attention of the board I know that we're trying to get better at response um to Residents emails but I know that we're trying to have everything go through the Town Administrator so that there's a response and he respond so okay may I ask one question who do you see to have bylaws enforced that would be our zoning um enforcement officer okay and who is that n darling is our zoning enforcement officer but I have a question for you if the mechanism is for you to send a constable um I why would we do I'm not yeah we still have a lot of questions on that bylaw and with any bylaw um we find as time goes on that we have to revisit so this is something that we're going to have to revisit because it was bright to our attention through this process that there's an issue with the bylaw like I mentioned the junkyard thing that has not been addressed we're still on the unregistered cars and we're allowing a junkyard to operate and I this is something that I don't want to get further into this but um we we hear you and this board is trying to rectify the situation the best we can so um I apologize for you know us not responding to the to the email but I know that we are trying to get better um our administrator completely non seor but um you have a typo in mind you didn't send it to me so no yes I got bounced back so I didn't have your problem not saying that I I'm like this get you I just want to let you know no I got a bounce back right away from you and I didn't have the correct one but I figured I got it to enough people that I should be get like we were talking like if the bylaw is the problem put it in writing what the problem is with the bylaw do you know what I mean if Nate saying that there's a problem with zoning but so andw we got to look at that tomorrow and the bylaw can only change at town meeting town meeting yeah but what is you know around 24 years of a residential subdivision that was approved by the town and I've been paying taxes for 24 years so as far as I'm concerned I'm a current residential zoned house and you have him zoned as a business the I law states to have a 40 foot setback and we're not doing that we're not enforcing that that's not something that's too complicated thank you thank you thank you thank you Andre we'll get to I'll connect with you tomorrow and be sure that we respond MH okay okay where are we 12 12 okay um discuss and possible vote to approve a change of doing business as name for the back n club or the B9 Club Inc from doing business as the back n Club to doing business as Heritage Hill Golf Course and the back n Golf Club so so 90s again it's yeah so this is um a little confusing but this is um for a name change on the license if I'm not mistaken that we just need to um vote the change requested and chair I have one question yes if we change the name on the license they have to go through it again to get all the alcohol or they still cover under the other one it looks like they have to go through the whole process again for no chair this is just a change of a DVA um that will just um basically the local L Authority the board approves it and it's just basically stamped by abcc that okay it's just the change of the DBA not thing that shoot right through okay Madam chair I just like to make a comment completely nothing to do with this other than it's the same subject matter a selectman for six years and in the last couple years we've had so many more of these changes and everything else so we are turning into a busy little municipality here um name changes sales um you know we wouldn't do very many of these and now it's like you do the sale pop up every meting y they do pop up so we're we are definitely getting busier here in Lakeville I'm still waiting to get a nice Mexican food place in town so just to be clear this is It's one business with the full name it's not two businesses correct okay thank you yep so it's going to go um The Entity would be B9 Club Inc doing business as the back n Club so that would be the like make a motion to approve the change of doing business as a name for the B9 Club Inc from doing business as the back n Club to doing business as the Heritage Hill Golf Course and the back nine Club second motion to Second discussion hearing none R ab and I Donnie I Carboni I I oh that includes like at the last meeting we had the one or the change so we can do brunch so I mean which they're already advertising yeah I know but it's just you know more and more changes and getting a lot of work done in our little uh Town Hall yeah all right iend to item number 13 um in front of us we have an application for a uh con coin operated Amusement license for Subway at 330 Bedford Street so this does have to get approved by the select board uh so I will entertain a motion um seconded motion and a second any discussion I hope it's one of the big ones like the fun stuff in it the big stuffed animals yeah I was hoping for Pac-Man myself Motion in a second um all those in favor roll please um oh or do you just want to vote you're all in favor cuz I'm a nay why no that's why I'm doing we're still in discussion so roll call V no no discussion baby and nay Johny youi carbon I and D I do motion carries okay all right so the planning board has a couple of things in front of us um for comments um agenda item number 14th these um comments are for site plan review for 10 Harding Street uh they will be discussing this at their uh January 9th so um a memo would have to go to them um rather quickly so that they could have it for their discussion mam chair question even though this is 10 Harding Street is this actually considered part of the millennial cirle industrial park and is there any zoning around that that's specific to marijuana isn't this the um Warr article that we voted at town meeting to change the zoning so this could be accommodated wasn't that that was the other side of the street but let me pull up the assessment yeah I'm trying to look at the Locust on this too cuz it it does come up looking like it's dead in the center of Millennium Circle which makes right it's that's why it's very confusing the one at town meeing was across the street okay next to Mony closer to Taunton so this is this is zoned um resident uh commercial this is this is business business zone so not industrial no it does have a does have Frontage on Harding it's just not much of it yeah so does that make it part of that area because now it's been a while but when we made the zoning back in 201 19 which one the marijuana overlay the marijuana overlay 17 19 was 17 18 yes all right did we say specifically that it had to be the industrial properties yes or did we say that it just had to be those addresses nope it was it was very specific and it had to be the in within the industrial because our bylaw original bylaw um had any industrial had to be any would be in any industrial so we added the marijuana District overlay yep to both industrial parks Millennial and that's my point is this actually part of it that I that I can't answer is purple in the zoning map so that makes it industrial okay so in my mind that makes it eligible it won't it won't zoom in anymore but it's that little purple triangly piece thank you it's hard to like visual the way that it's written to update the map pareles across the street now so yes so um so there's already water I'm assuming at this location it's hard they got a proposed building no so this is just for our comments right correct and maren what is your question exactly about the overlay I just didn't know if this was going to be a marijuana related business there is's water on the street H who is water on Harding yeah 44 four yeah so there would be no water allocations needed if it was well I don't have any looks great bring in more New Growth okay more New Growth bring it in uh so any any comments from the board if not we can just say there's no comments with regards to yeah no I mean they have their checklist that they always run through so okay I do like know that know that knowing that these are coming though yes I agree okay agenda item number 15 um looking for comments um for a subdivision plan for 43 Main Street and they'll be discussing this at their 20 third meeting so if we have any comments this is Fox Hill Road definitive subdivision plan and this is on the this is the independent living on the um Hospital property the 55 this is just a subdivision plan itself though so they've got the three parts all cut out it looks like I'll be honest I don't have a clue what I'm looking at some of these diagrams are very confusing yes I agree it's very small where you're older like where it actually is on the hole so like that what page is it 75 that like c201 c301 that's going out to Rhode Island Road y as you make your way down would be Main Street um I'm just not sure if this looks like it would be the the cottages and the 40b I don't think they've got the last parcel here the this is Bridge assist living and this is Main Street so this so if you're looking at the hospital it's to the right there um straight back coming off with Island Road so oh right no I'm looking at it there okay yeah on that side okay so this is Bridge Street which but it looks like I mean based on what the original proposed this is you know what I recall yep what I kind of expected to see sorry I just had one comment has the landfill been remediated not yet no when they when they start I didn't know if they were um one of their proposals said when they start the uh site prep that's one of the first things is they'll carry that out and get rid of it because I know they had talked back and forth on it a few times in some of the meetings yeah okay I think if I might be wrong but I think where they're planning to put the waste uh water plant is basically right on top of where that was in the future will have been so they're going to remove that and the treatment plant over it okay anybody else have any comments no I mean at the beginning they said this might be the 55 and over portion might have been what changed but it kind of looks like it didn't change very much unless I'm remembering incorrectly but I don't see much change so these all three these are all three so they really cramming the 40b and the other buildings together that's parcel closest to Main Street okay anybody have any comments for the plan board no comment okay now moving on to 16 um looking for more comments but this is going to the Commonwealth Massachusetts um regarding the new accessory dwelling unit um draft regulations uh there is a P public comment period uh that they're looking for I guess they're hosting a public hearing uh on January 10th it looks like um this is the executive office of Housing and liable communities EA e o LC um Madam chair can we ask the Town Administrator to post this on the website um not on the website on the uh the Facebook page to share out yeah community members and they if I'm not mistaken they can submit their yes comments directly to they could even sign up if they wanted y true are we collecting comments ourselves back to them tonight well that was why it was here yeah one one thought I had because I believe I've heard otherwise is that I'd like to know and again if I'm wrong correct me why does each one of these things not count towards like Shi same come on that would make sense Brian we can't have that like right yep I think that would be a great idea trying to find a way to make it um whether it's a grant or whatever so that people who have an Adu could apply to put it on that and then that way that could count towards our Safe Harbor whether it's half a point or a full point or whatever something if they can put them in their yard and put them up for a pro prog that makes them affordable housing then I think that would help the town meet Safe Harbor without all of these 40v projects if we can't count that as a affordable unit what can we count right well we wer a we weren't allowed to when we tried to force it we weren't allowed to count Clark Shores either we're not allowed even though they were at the time um 40 and $50,000 um Cottages that winterized Cottages um I mean it fits the very definition of what was affordable in Lakeville in the 9s and early 2000s thank you state I'm with that comment though I mean my when I think about this I mean I come up with a ton of questions but it's not in regards to like the town itself but it's more like in my head you know how are we tracking this but we have you know it's the impact on our resources here in the community um you know like anything once somebody dips their toe in the water and even though it's freezing and that person runs in others will follow so right we just have to be able to keep track somehow um well and I mean the affordable rent isn't like it's $500 or something so technically someone with a big enough piece of property they can do one by right and then they can go to the zoning board for approval right so they could put four units and they could charge an affordable rent which is uh 80% of what the average rent is which still isn't nothing right and they could have four rental units and we get no credit for it so I just think it's I think it's just not fair to the communities either well any more than one they need a special permit right right right and I saw this thing in California um where there was a tiny little lot and because they were allowed to build I think it was one or two units with a development he was able to shoehorn like 10 different properties on this tiny little lot and he was arguing that because it's California and it's young people they don't have cars so parking isn't an issue but with that regulation I think that would control so that someone couldn't just put up a mini little Resort on their yard right right I mean it does indicate in here that um that it maintains a separate entrance yeah it does have to have um a separate entrance and I think an egress too another egress right um yeah that's building food I mean my my comment again would just be like the should count on Shi and he's also like I don't know I don't know what it would be but in my mind I think of like the 40s money right it's like you have all these Parcels that we all planned around being single family homes but now they're multi in some way it's like there's you know it but that's the way they're going it but that's probably not the way they use it cuz they're so small what they're going to do is the owner will move into the Adu and rent out the four bedroom but you're still providing an extra un housing and you know what I think that should be our formal comment I think we should ask Andrew to write up a letter and sign on our behalf or whatever to make it easier authorize them to sign the letter on our behalf and just say in a community like ours where it is a minimum acre and a half lot size requirement we're anticipating you know uh potential for a lot of these units we would like to get credit for that y whether they do it or not we've said it yep agreed and send it to all your ta friends we used to do that all the time right we'd all hop on a nice letter they're not going to reach affordable housing if it's only developers that can contribute private people no you're right but you know at least which begs the question because that maybe one of you know do these units count as a housing unit and if we get for every 10 of these do we need another Shi un I'm going to say yes no no but if this just counts as a regular housing unit it pushes our percentage of affordable housing it increases the denominator I haven't I haven't heard one way or the other but I'm scared of it now but you can only do an Adu on a single family residence so they're I know I get what you're saying but they're adding a building on an established residence so it's not a separate it's not like a separate address it's the same address no but it is in here um there is something in that it would be a separate address is a separate address so it's an A or a rear yeah like an A or a b or something they're not paying individual property taxes the Adu is not paying property taxes no it's probably going to get taed on to right cuz it's it's in his Zone single family residence right no but that's the same for a rental building they're not only the owner is paying but and that's considered another property that's different zoning isn't it mostly well it's a good question a residential building so yeah it's a question to ask you can put apartments on residential Zone Parcels because it's the use of the property not the the use of not that it's owned by Corporation Good Times y but that actually get more it says something on the back I didn't even see this uh to assist eoh LC and we all know I hate Acron acronyms in the administration of mgl chapter 4A Section 3 paragraph 11 municipality shall annually submit a report to eohc not later than March 31st containing the data collected under 760 CMR uh 71.0 4 during the prior calendar year said report shall be filed on a form as prescribed and shall contain all data so they must want some sort of a report on this stuff yes it's an unfunded mandate the number yep the number of approved Adu permit applications yeah so data collection y so they want us to submit all this information the number of denied Adu permit applications the number of occupancy and this is where again um when Amy qule was with us several months ago I had said asked her are we going to have to establish some of our own like bylaws or are we going to leave it all up to the zoning board so someone comes and they have three acres they have their primary residents they can do one by right does the as the town of Lakeville do we want to give the zoning board some direction as to how many we would like maximum so you know cuz they could approve one person for four of them and someone else for only an extra one one by right and then you know so do we need to come up with some of our own guidance for the zoning board how strict can we get with the guidance as long as we're right we're following the regulations how much stricter can we right and if we're you know not getting credit for any of these houses what we are doing though is increasing the size of septic tanks and you know everything else so it is going to have an effect on again surrounding I could put two in my backyard and put a whole other septic system and that could affect my neighbors's Wells and septics so okay and again this is something that they used to do in the olden days and they did away with it remember it's like you can't have two dwellings on one y one piece of property well this will be nice for um from our new planner I'm sure she's she's super excited listening to this meeting right now oh I'm sure what's your favorite line there it's a blast it's a blast okay so did we agree on that to send that we were um the Shi and um how strict can we get with our permit y yeah we definitely need the state to know we want credit they're going to be like no but well that's where we can all talk to our our our folks right and just say we want credit and so that's going to be the buzz word up on Capitol Hill like those Lakeville people yeah want credit they want they want credit they want credit those units all right so agenda agenda item number 17 um so we have a resignation from Joshua farity from our Conservation Commission um where that's an appointed board we have to vote to accept reluctantly his um resignation and it would be effective as of December 31st which means we will have an opening I make a motion that we accept um the letter of resignation from Joshua farity um from Conservation Commission effective December 31st 2024 um and someone second with discussion yeah so one thing it's always nice to send folks anyone that steps up especially conservation is not totally has my respect there's nothing easy about conservation um so you know but I think that's leaving us pretty low in the numbers on the conservation board five members I believe yeah that's some conversation around that uh this is the third resignation in the last 3 months from conservation oh second second and I know we are losing another member um for sure for April they're stepping down July July um this seems to have a lot of turnover I have some concerns about how much turnover we're getting on there if there's any insight I'd love to to know why this is happening if anyone feels free to say why it's happening um if not uh I'm going to make a recommendation to the board um and hopefully we can get it on another agenda I'd like to make a recommendation to combine the open space and the Conservation Commission um I never understood why we had two for boards doing a lot of duplicative work um and I know there's some State statutes around it but at at the end of the day they're doing a lot of the same work and they're you know of the same stuff it I I I think it would be of value to consolidate those two boards don't need to discuss it today it's just of my opinion and I'd love to have it on another meeting um I'll I'll share the charge of both committees um just for everyone to look at but it it just feels duplicative and I didn't know if we knew the original reason why we had both for such a small small town so I will say that the conservation subject matter is always maybe not so much with corporations but with residents like residential housing it's very personal and people do get upset and they make their opinions known in many cases and um it's and it but it's something that has to be done no one likes to be told what they can and can't do on their property but I agree it's an integral part um I'm just I struggle to see a town this size needing two boards to do some really similar work where the expertise could probably be Consolidated and have less um what I like to call it swirl where someone's working in One Direction over here and someone's working in another Direction over there but really if they were all together in one place they might be able to accomplish a little bit more with a little less um you know segmentation or or being in silos but it's just something for um people to consider but uh I am concerned with how many people we don't have now for conservation um and I'm hoping people will step up uh and and fill the remainder of the term well it was a SE seven member board and I believe that there is an Al an alternate member um so that would be you know seven plus the alternate um maybe there's a consideration to um you know go down to five members versus seven there's that consideration too so I think that maybe there's um for the discussion CU I'd like to understand a little bit more based on what you're you're indicating so could we get some feedback from the chairs of the board absolutely and just see what they think of it we'll send a note okay you got all that Andrew yep okay Andrew is great so there's a motion in a second um to accept uh Joshua's and we will be sending a letter correct thank you for service um all right roll please baby and I T Caron I thank you Josh okay subcommittee and select board delegate updates um so I add the I added the delegate updates because um now we've got delegates for quite a few things but um so firstly we'll just run right down these uh select board policy subcommittee any updates on that uh nope except for um we've lost the person that was helping out so I'll have to discuss that with Andrew I think I'm just going to go to the office do a whole bunch of work myself and then coordinate with maren and we'll figure it out with Andrew sounds good y okay um fire station building committee uh we are just working on marketing and community outreach uh for preparation of the Deb exclusion vote on January 28th so that's kind of where we're at so there's really not much more to report Old Colony uh no updates other than the preferred solution was submitted to msba last month in the next meeting is on the 13th next Monday okay it technology or information technology nothing on that yet uh we're still waiting on the cyber security report to be completed by cyber trust did they have a time frame for that I'm going to Ping them because it's now we're beyond the time they said but the person that was working on it left the company and handed off to somebody else which could have introduced some delays okay all right communication and community outreach no updates at this time okay I actually had someone call me about that so I'll give you really yeah okay excellent and citizens I know we just have to schedule some time yep and we lost our extra yep so we'll have to revisit and yep okay we'll meet with go through y yeah we're down number two we got that one thanks um delegates um nothing yet so that'll be on there for next time all right any new business for the select board to be discussing yes Mr um not for tonight but just newish I think it'd be nice if the board considered um perhaps an executive session with Council to talk about this appeal and pending um litigations coming in from twin boys LLC regarding their appeal of the planning board decision like that idea like to get council's thoughts on what's happened so far all right so the 27th perhaps or maybe we could do that one during during the day I mean we can schedule if try to coordinate whenever just thought it's a might be a good idea to get on top of it it looks like there was some time that passed from when that appeal came in first when we already when we got it so there we already lost a week or two on that all right so Andrew would you try to work on scheduling um a time with the select board um for executive session with Town Council to discuss yep discuss that we've been doing some kind of background work to try to get an answer from Town Council on the whole issue so we'll have an update when that time comes all right thank you y any anybody else with new business old business um I have two things sure uh the open space plan where are we at is one of them I think we're about 99% of the way there um I think there's a few more maps correct me if I'm among Tracy that need to be finalized but it should be I think any week chair um the um Karen Porter at surfed is um reaching out to bill napalitano because she thought he had already started working on some maps and so she was trying to verify with him um if he'd already done some of it um and then she had a question for open space if they wanted a map the way she described it to me was um some of their that would show like areas that they thought should be protected reone you know the things they want to see happen um some communities put that type of a map in their open space plans some don't so um I will reach out to Joe Morton and ask her um she can bring that to the next open space meeting so they can discuss whether they want that map included as well we also are having an extreme difficulty finding the flora fauna appendices that is included the one that we have has been copied so many times it's unreadable we can't even retype it it's so unreadable um so she is also trying to track down where the source of that floral list came from was it in the last open space it wasn't it was unreadable very very blurry we can't even like retype it because we can't figure out the Latin names um so she's on that she's looking for that as well so um it's just with the holidays um she last one if anybody can find it Karen Porter from surf she will find it she is she is diligently working on it um but right now we just have to make sure that we don't want to put maps in there that are old that have been updated by surfed but they're just sitting in a file somewhere because Bill retired so that is the that is the driving force right now is to make sure that we have the most accurate maps in the plan um because putting maps that are 10 15 years old that have been updated is useless so we need to just get a handle on that does can Nancy help with that does she ever worked on open space plan I'm not certain on that I okay um as long as I cut you off Brian I'm just going to keep on going um I thought we were just down to formatting that sounds like a lot more work than formatting well that's where we were it was the formatting but when they got to the form in and then they were incorporating all the maps they were like wait a minute we can't incorporate this because it was just it was a copy and yes the the plan is completely formatted it's completely formatted and ready to have the maps inserted thing I've ever seen as far as just the inefficiency of government I mean that that's that's not formatting that's substantial didn't have yeah content ready to go it's substantial to the project I'm GL I didn't respond to somebody the other day because in my mind it was oh there's just some formatting left no it's it's almost four years over there like that I the the fact that that happens is kind of mind boiling mhm um so for the time uh from last April to now is the time that's the time it took to put the whole thing together the last time so it was a six-month project tops so putting that into context is just Insanity yeah but um either way um let's get it done because it's precluding us y from doing lots of things for the town and you I did have one other thing uh I wanted to know where we are with the executive session minutes that we are uh out of compliance for so we have five on the executive session agenda tonight for me meeting next week to go over the plane to do all the rest I know there's at least two or three that are kind of ready to go um but we have to kind of see what is needed what we've done but we're meeting with that next week yep um and Madam chair I was hoping we could get back to the once a year schedule of doing them where we had voted that back in 2020 2019 yep that we do around November once a year once a year near the end of the year beginning of the year to stay Cent every year so we don't get this four years back back chair yes I do have the floating clerk coming in tomorrow I'm giving her all the listings of executive session minutes or meetings and she's going to go through the binders and the records to verify that those are correct that we have all the executive session um meeting dates so she'll be working on that tomorrow and I want to call them also and this is part of our discussion when we get together next week um uh Town Council um redaction or review yes yes in important part of we don't we'll know and but that list that we have is going to be the ongoing list so what we start now is something that we'll be able to add on to add on to see Madam chair since we're talking about minutes I know the clerk is technically in in charge of ensuring minutes are approved and such but like I just picked a handful of other committees out here Parks say nothing published since September of 24 planning is nothing published since October sorry August 24 and somebody else would just like like it's all over the place like we really need to we we did project we did a project in 2020 to you know same thing everyone had to submit and that was kind of a priority um to get it and I think obviously it should be a priority again are you asking where it was Ides why aren't they here as a resident why can't I get them maybe they've been approved but not published right well that think that this comes in front of the select board like regularly um and I because I remember every year it would come up that you know why are these not getting published they need to be available I mean you can go to the town clerk but it's not but that's not the point yeah you know we have been on Tracy y for our own for our own board and what happens they're getting up there so what we approve tonight we'll see tomorrow or the next day we'll be up there in 48 hours well and you know correct me if I'm wrong I've sat through enough open meeting trainings to know that if somebody walks into the office tomorrow and says to Andrew I want the minutes from the select board's meeting last night you can't say to them they haven't been approved yet you have to give them whatever draft draft Tracy has been working on during the meeting so you know folks are like well we don't have to give them out if they're not approved no that's not the case that's not true at all it may have been at one time but it's not anymore you have does this sport have any desire to get AI uh minutes well that was part of a discussion that we've had before right cuz there is um they're darn good these days there is a highly recommended one that I had tested out um based on my favorite LinkedIn blogger uh there are you talking about pla no it's Civics Civic notes I think it's called um but it it's really it's summarizes it does it you know it slices it dices it it's it's really pretty significant um I'd like to help facilitate I don't you know I'm not into the punitive stuff I'd really like to help facilitate and get going I think one of our challenges in the past has been not every not every meeting is recorded like we're we're used to being recorded and available right well like sure but then people forget or I know we had talked a while back you get more of those little recording devices and handing them out but something something has to get better I don't know what but like I I'm equally frustrated when I go to like oh well we have a topic some boards asking for some comments or something let me go back and see what they discuss and not there yeah it's we all have to be held to the same and I mean you know occasionally I'll come across where there'll be minutes under the agenda section or the agenda under the minute section but at least it's there so I know to look for it and then whoever it is I'll say hey by the way send a quick email you yeah and it gets flipped around whatever so and I mean you know what everyone's doing a lot of work we like I I've always said we're two people deep in most of our offices absolutely and that's why I thinking maybe AI would be a a helpful hand in order to do that for people that are short staffed and and moving forward how about this um Andrew would you U be able to send um just a memo to all the boards committees and commissions chairs um just as a reminder that in you know our efforts to be able to reach our residents um with information to to check in with their clerical support who actually the recording secretaries or whoever is recording um to please make sure that their minutes are up to date on the website mam chair if I might add it's not just for reach out it's a legal requirement yeah it's a legal requirement that they do it I believe it's the third meeting or 30 days whichever is later Y and we've got plenty out here that have if someone came if someone just wanted to like a misery project right now and come in and be like Lakeville let's see let's see how many we we look really poor why are you giving them ideas cuz I know no one watches care um part of the problem is is that the recording secretaries are not that's not their job to post on the website they have zero training on the website it's not in their job description they're outside employees that just do it remotely um some of the board's committees and commissions have designated staff but for the volunteer commissions they are not train to post right but they do have somebody that will post we we really should look at a designated part-time employee to Simply do agenda management and minute management especially getting it on the website other towns have departments that just deal with posting things on the website his historical data and stuff like that we don't have that we are relying on you know people incorporating it into the daily work or volunteers who are not trained in the website and at that point the board recognized that we can't make volunteers be trained on the website um a lot of them didn't want anything to do with it um so that that's part of the problem is we're missing that link we're missing that person that will be a a deposit one stop and then we'll just get them all up so who is the person that or who is the the body that is supposed to be in charge of making sure that minutes are available I think it's the town clerk town clerk's office no I think it starts there it starts okay so we just I know that we've we've we've set the bar pretty high here at the select board and you know whatever we unravel as to why we need to fill it and the more that's on there and available the less people have to call and interrupt staff to find them not to mention it's just one of those things that just really turns people off when they can't find stuff or they can't find it easily I know a lot of us know where stuff is and know where to look it's it's less intuitive um for someone that isn't part of it mhm did you want to talk about arpa um yeah just um we've kind of reported everything um to Plymouth County so that was a big stress for the last month and a half or so getting that done um and then a lot of the big projects are just finishing up which is the COA um Edition and then the water line at clearon Park is ongoing all right okay yes I forgot to ask one thing under I guess it's new maybe sort of I know the wind took down some poles at John pwn Park and damaged a building there but it's I know emails have been flying I'm still not clear to me who owns That Snack Shack if softball does or the town does I thought mik just said softball yeah one email says the shed is ours another email says softball put it there I don't know if we ow softball a shed yeah here's the thing like if if it is theirs they would have to carry insurance on it is my understanding and not the town but if it is ours um sorry Mountain chair um if it is ours we had had a policy of not insuring buildings for basically more than they were worth if you had to replace them um because we were having you know we're insuring for $500 a year a shed worth $700 back in 2019 it was like oh no let's get rid of that and let's get rid of that so we had moved away from that but to your point we're insured I also think that some of those old practices are well our old practices where you know a lot of these deals were just said oh well we'll build it and you guys just you know whatever I don't think we're negotiating that stuff like that anymore where softball's like well we want a shed and so we'll just give you the we'll build it and whatever I think now it's a whole different I think everything sort of goes through this board as far as property and buildings and whatever is concerned so yeah um this this would be uh on us because of it our poll so it it we're insured for it we're sh for all the what didn't you present a project an arpa project to replace light posts at Ted Williams Ted it was just the lights themselves the post and it didn't get approved though right we ran out of funding there wasn't enough left in the bucket we needed okay cuz they wanted like 200,000 for a very small project or something crazy yeah look like johnon they were rotted in the ground so you really could tell maybe that'd be something people should look at for the rest of them as well water table thank next meeting July uh J July January 27th what's going sounds good 5 take a break schols out till summer um there's one piece of Correspondence we received from uh Bristol County Agricultural High School I don't know if you had a chance to read it uh but they're working on a project there um about Civic engagement and they're looking from a flag to display a flag from um the uh municipalities that participate um in Bristol Aggie so I don't know who well would would be the town clerk maybe with you yeah she gave me the she gave me the flag about a week and a half ago so I'm working on getting that over to okay so they'll we'll be represented yeah when you walk in my office there's like a big like cranber looking thing that's what that is oh yeah it's a big it's huge um it's big I I didn't think it'd be this col it it's a cranberry color to it but it we're trying to decide whether we're going to give that flag or replicate it excellent well that's good I'm glad that we were able to participate um I don't know if you've ever been up to the state house but if you go into the to the flag room all the flags are in there it's pretty impressive yeah so 300 and something communities yeah okay um at this point um I think we have concluded our regular um business and um so it's 7:41 so I would entertain a motion to enter executive session pursuant to General Law chapter 30A sections 21A um Section 3 to discuss strategy with respect to the collective bargaining with Educators Association of Freetown Lakeville if an open meeting uh may be detrimental have dep dep deal effect on the bargaining position of the board and the chair declares and pursuant to General Law chapter 30A section 21 A7 to comply with the open meeting law Mass General law chapters 30A sections 22f approval of executive session minutes for April 9th 2024 May 2nd 2024 July 8th 2024 September 9th 20 24 November 4th 2024 and November 18th 2024 and not to return into Open session so move motion and a second second roll please Fabian I Donnie I carbon I ky I entering at 7:43 p.m. e