good evening everyone thank you for coming close session now we come out of close session so uh we begin the public session portion of this meeting um and we will do that by Rising say Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence for all of those who believe pledge aliance to the flag of the United States America the for all right thank you to see everybody here tonight thanks again for coming uh we will begin as we customarily do with a uh participation session you ask any members in the public wish to speak if have ability issues to step up to the podium which has not been I'll do it thank you very much thank um ask step up to the podium please speak loudly are we're we're on the verge of fixing the the ad stuff here um but we' probably got one more meeting and that's where we're gonna have to speak loudly so we ask you to step up uh say your Lan and uh State your address you have three minutes of time uh to make your comments or question questions would thank you P 33 Wilson Street I was reading the u ms War ordinance today and uh in reading it I I realized it was sort of the standard ordinance that comes from the stage and I really think that given lamberville unique situation and problems that we really need to take a closer look at it for instance when you read it it says that you know for major velopment they have to disturb over a half acre of land and lamberville especially in the lower portion that's a pretty large piece of rock of quarter acre of impervious and again when I'm reading it I don't think there's any you know quarter acre for Road roadway and in reading it I don't believe there's a really a way of getting at a Redevelopment on an existing parking lot let's say you know CVS came in uh it's not clear enough when you read the section on development that would have actually because it's additional inous covering disturbance but it's already Disturbed and paved how does that been in so I really things we to take a look at because we're getting developments down here you know most new houses that are being built are on 10 of an acre or less you know and uh so you really need to take a closer look at it because if we can't capture the houses that we're building in some way to make them come in and do something in storm water um it really going to help our community a couple other points mostly deals with bmps and problem of bmps are very general and they're sort of regional wide and again you need to try to develop specific um you know criteria for example you know they talk a lot about infiltrating groundwater but if you have seasonal high water table you can't do that you have to do two feet above the seasonal high water T you can't do it in in in areas of U of also flood Hazard and then they can't do it in steep slopes because it doesn't really work in steep slopes even though they don't say that but I know that practice and then of course we have Rock Ledge so if you look at lamberville most of the land that's left is either steep slope Rock Ledge flood Hazard or seasonly high groundwater or uial land or Field Land so a lot of the things that they recommend in there may not really work in town and so you really need to do some more site specific um on it and then I was looking at the water quality it only deals with a one 1.25 inch storm over two hours which seemly small storm that's like a quick summer burst and that's for the water quality piece it really for most of the storms we have which are like a twoyear storm or even a one-ear storm it won't it won't meet it and again it doesn't really deal I mean there's some it only really deals when I look at this at this overall ordinance there's only a few sites in town that will actually buide you know it apply to the high school it'll apply you know plus Farm wasn't public it might app would apply to there probably would apply to the where the the departments were that got flooded but you know if you don't get c r development like where the lace work sces where we're CVS's we have a real flaw and so I think something you need to to look at and also just to look at developing type of criteria that will work best in this community thank you I'm gonna do I'm gonna actually answer ask mind just stand up so uh the state has asked us to introduce this and move this along um the the plan with the ordinances is descended immediately to the planning board uh it's already been sented that engineer would would be a great help it would be if you if you would consider writing down these question you mailing there to me uh and that way I can pass them right over to an engineer I me I appreciate your expertise areas if you're willing to do that for the next couple of days I'll make sure that all of the ons are addressed formally okay thanks it's open only for agenda items or Carol boys I'm here uh representing the Chamber of Commerce tonight how you guys doing um just uh we're trying to have a presentation at the meetings on a monthly basis just to you know keep lens of communication open um and I just wanted to uh bring to your attention we did we ran a survey didn't get a ton of responses we ran a survey though um after some feedback from businesses regarding the bridge construction project and how it's affecting the downtown businesses specifically specifically those on Bridge Street on the side of the road in which the traffic is not um I think I just wanted to convey to the council that they there is a feeling that they are being negatively impacted even though the walkway is open and that's been a huge Victory and we closely with the Bridge Commission to help make that happen I'm sure you did as well um the general feedback is specifically the roads on you know coming in the businesses on the side of the road coming into town have definitely seen a drop off in their foot traffic in particular but and in their in their their day-to-day business people being able to pull over do the business and keep on going so I just wanted to communicate that to you and see if there was anything you know any constructive ideas that we could help bring the fruition over the next month or so or a couple of months while this is going on you know obviously drag on in September so we just want to kind of get ahead of it and at Le to communicate that um and uh but largely everyone is grateful the walkway so and we hope that some of the warmer weather is going to help bring some some more you know town there was idea so around about trying to uh communicate the bridge closure more clearly the the diverted traffic you know I feel like as a chamber we've tried to do what within our bounds to do um so I don't know if you guys have any reach as far as helping communicate to how people should be getting to town where they should be parking how they should should be you know keeping our business Community Glo um secondly uh you know Andrew and I had spoken uh previously about this idea of possibly bagging The Meters as an intensive point for bringing in some business something to advertise um and I just wanted to toss out a couple of dates in May perhaps May 4th and 5th is the first begin of May doesn't fall on any major holidays um you know the idea is to to have free parking and be able to advertise that as an incentive point for people to come town and spend some time so um of you thank you very much anyone else in the room is there anyone online Margaret would you like to go ahead yes thank you um I just had um two really questions I understand that there was to be a meeting on March 19th on the uh historic certification and the ordinance Amendment and I just wondered if there was any update and then on the resiliency coordinator I know that um mayor has been working to get that project off the ground and I I didn't see anything posted I could have missed it on the website um but I think there was some information about what the process would be and the stakeholder public meetings and I didn't know if that had been released yet thank you uh for the record that was Margaret carmelli representing uh oh sorry sorry wor Margaret is there anyone else online all quiet okay you have a motion to close the public second please second all in favor please say I I I may before you councilman uh Margaret I did not meet with uh the representative the the other person who work on the ordinance yesterday she unfortunately has the flu but we set up another meeting for next week hopefully she'll feel better and I'll have more information at the next meeting about how that's going so this is about drafting the coordinates for the c um so you know we've been waiting for that decided I'm going to dive in and work with uh someone from the historic preservation Commission on that so the meeting that we had scheduled for yesterday been had PR rescheduled um in regards to the municipal assistance program uh I did write about it in this week's Lille matters we're just going to start calling it the map which is the AC the municipal assistance program it's just going to be easy for everybody to remember so um I did write about it Margaret and uh we are going to upload to the resilience page if you uh I've read memal matters today we are going to upload to the resilience page in the next couple of days uh the documents the kickoff documents and the timeline um councilwoman Kaminsky has joined the resilience team which will be one of the kind of the the key uh groups that'll be meeting with the uh uh with uh with their Consultants uh monthly um um and uh we are in the process of trying to put together that first Outreach effort and that first meeting so just have to stay tuned uh I'm having communication with them pretty regularly uh we had five people come out to Lambertville on Friday from uh the firm's clim Felder uh and uh ramble uh as a partnership between those two firms uh we did a four-hour site visit so we had a meeting at City Hall and then we proceeded to to various sites in the city to understand a little bit more about uh our our our goals in terms of resilience planning flood mitigation and so forth so uh if you're not subscribed to land Ral matters I would encourage you to subscribe to that uh there's some initial information there um just moving backwards now um councilman did you I'm just glad that car brought up about the parking because I know we talked about that before I think that's definitely something we should consider doing um I think that's a great start that weekend so I don't know what sort of time frame we have to pass something um we do but pH it's a res if I remember you said we can do this with the so I think we should do that as initi thing I think we should consider to do itout this whole project to continue to support this and then just sing off maybe we can I mean in terms of the question that you would ask Carol about you know telling people about trap pattern something really our only our best go through was always their County when they did that but maybe two we could get with them on on their St and on you know that this is like you know lamber whatever you want to call it you know lamberville free lamberville this weekend or whatever you know or or you know call it something you know it's okay you guys my email other comments I have a comment about Jeff Jeff's that's okay I have a comment about what what you said uh is that if can the planning board make edits to the D's recommendation their ordinance the ordinance the ordinance you ask Jeff to come up with some questions that's going to go so so the way I'm sorry I didn't realize that we just jumped yeah that's okay so the planning board's goingon to look at it Doug's GNA look at it we may end up carrying it you know as we did with the flood damage prevention ordinance and were satisfied that Stu you needed to introduce it Cindy there was a there's there was a deadline you know the state does give us these deadlines supposed to be to the state by May so you know but if we're in the process that's the important thing you know they do have they do show like like their recent addition updating it if you know I know it's hard like striking it out but you know the one thing that we can do is also look at you know this is what we've been talking about do individual properties in not individual properties but smaller Lots as well because you know it's our storm order standards in all of our land use that were we need to look at so if we're going to look at the big picture you know like things that like this this is a pretty standard ordinance it's really not for you know a town one square that we really owe it to ourselves to adapt it to that and I think it the engine could help us do that as well because when you do have some of the situations that we have with smaller lot development um or you know people combining two things before the zoning you know a garage and a house and then you you have a couple of of multif family units or you know you know uh this storm or storm requirements and having storm water requirements would be really helpful okay can can I can I say we can chat a little bit more about this when we introduce the ordinance oh yeah yeah yeah okay holded off on that um do you have anything I just I just want to Echo councilman W's support and other support for um some sort of amnesty with paring with the bridge situation yeah I I agree good so think like we all agree and I appreciate your com conversation so you know we've already talked about this at the council level several times and for whatever reason I've not been able to kind of connect with um people on the chamber about dates uh and I talked to Carol today we we had a great conversation half of the life is just putting things on the calendar right I think we all agreed that this was probably a good idea um so uh I don't know that we can do it tonight but I I would I would bring It Forward the resolution April 4th meeting to uh to to bag the Meers uh start on the weekend of May 4th um the only the only concern the only thing that I would note is that on the 4th there is block party on Ferry Street which does have meters I think that that wouldn't be an issue um that Street's closed off um on on on that Saturday evening there's no parking anyway well there's parking but you can't move or you can't come or go till the block part is over so people do Park uh on the blocks where there's a block party you just can't move in and out typically so um walk okay so so that's my tenative date list if anybody has any uh any other ideas or feel like that that we need to change through the day and I'm all for you know doing a few select weekends which is pick up we'll work with Carolyn or the chamber we just need to need to get on the calendar uh and the other thing that Cindy I would ask you to just keep in mind is we need to get bags that don't say happy holidays well May 5th is a holiday some on the it is a holiday if you don't have to pay for par that's true that's true which so okay so I think that that covers everything that came up in terms of the public period which is been closed um now we do not have minutes to approve this evening so we're going to pass CL what's that we have to close the public we we already close we Clos oh we did sorry um there are no dral minutes at the moment where they're they're not completed um so I will uh ask and the council to go look at any of all the Adra reports question comments they've been done none I would ask to uh for motion to in favor please say I hi uh I just going to make a couple of notes here about the in points because I do think it's worth sharing some of these things um the accounts receivable clerk in February did 590 transactions and took in $1.2 Million worth of uh receipts so um that's a good use of the count receivable time I think um you know her short period every week um last month uh it cost us $9,000 more than $99,000 to get the trash out of the city and more than uh three $3,000 to get the uh the recycling out um would also note that the trash truck had $10,000 in exhaust news this past month I'm still waiting on the new truck and I don't have any word um hotels last month we took in uh $3,636 in Revenue that's a pretty good number uh y chill brought in uh $1 13,985 and baked by the river uh brought in $1,517 to just a few statistics the share with the hopefully an interested public about to some of our administrative reports uh we now move on to resolutions uh this is a consent agenda following resolutions uh on the consent agenda are considered routine which should be enacted by one motion if anyone on the city council would like a separate discussion of any item that items discuss separately I do have a couple things I like to point out here um and I'm be happy to have once I once I've shared a couple things I'll be happy to uh to have any other questions about it so I would just note that resolution number 58 2024 is a resolution to approve or reject the bids received for the public works project so as everybody knows we have a half a million dollars from the state to fund this project uh the bids came in pretty high both jobs both bids with seven almost 7,000 so I talked to Michael Burns the city architect um and you know and I think the best way to move forward is to award the the construction the the expand mention that the garage should itself um this evening and uh and so come up with the plan B for the balance of those funds and whether that is maybe uh you know possible change order up to 20% for additional work or you know kind of having a discussion about bonding uh the difference to put up a pole bar you know what that looks like we could have that conversation so just note that um I think we're going to see from the state how much if there was extra money that we could still yeah so I mean I don't know is the money do we know whether the money is ours if we don't spend it all I think no it's not I think we have to spend it and the reason I say that is you if we don't go to the max 500,000 we we have to amend the Grant and so I have to do a quarterly report it's not due until the end of June on it but I'd have to upload what we paid you know the resolutions of award it's all it all goes through their Sage system yeah and then I did I was playing a little bit just to see and there is a tab to amend uh so we would have to amend I don't think they're just going to give us 500,000 I think we have to go through the process like any other Grant I know Karen you're looking at me funny but it's a new system addons like that they like send you check like like is but you know it are Ed for I'm sure there's equipment that we need and things that to be able to include to the project you know I don't think they used to use the sage the sage system used to be for there was a sage blue and a sage green sage green was for um one thing and the other was for road projects they're doing away with sage for the road projects and now they've turned it over to these other grants it's their way of tracking you know because they give away some money when they add on their budget literally and they put a chapter the well we have access we can start using it right away 146 or whatever 59 159 159 right absolutely we just have to figure out how to fund it you know and and I don't know when in the amend I was afraid to hit the tab see what it did but uh certainly I can you know investigate and see if maybe we can request more but I have a feeling we can't because I think that was from last year's Appropriations yeah right we don't hit any tabs until you talk to me okay okay um so I just wanted to point that out um the other one I wanted to point out especially was resolution 65224 was the resolution to hire stino to serves as a deputy Fire official starting April 1st and ending June 30th for 10 hours each week at a rate of $25 an hour so just to bring everybody up to speed uh we are meeting with the State Fire Marshals uh this coming week uh the ordinance I think is ready to you know that my goal here is to shift the responsibility the lead agency which to the fire the fire district um that would happen now July 1 we're still really behind the gun uh and they withdrew our um first quarter payment because we're not work you know we're not working to the maximum efficiency there right so you somebody working 16 hours a week there's almost 400 uh different sites that have to be inspected so um we have already budgeted for a full year of the uh of the Fire official salary even with this uh additional commitment we will still come in uh as long as we're able to transfer the the Lea over to the fire uh District on July 1 we will still come in under budget on this particular salary um and everything that I highlight um were there any other things from the council uh hearing none I would ask for a motion to uh adop that agenda so Mo second all in favor please I I I thank you uh first reading ordinances ordinance number 05- 2024 this is an ordinance commend salary range for officials and employees in the city of lamber field County f00 State jersey um so this is uh really just be as I said the oing to amend salary ranges for the position solic we tend to do some of these every year uh and we batch them in groups uh part of the reason why we do this is because uh when we have uh we proposed 2% raise for example it might actually bump somebody up into a into a place where they where they're not in the range anymore so we we we typically do this every year we did it last year for other uh um other positions as well so um I don't know if counc has any questions about this pleas standard okay hearing that I would ask to approve ordinance uh the introduction of ordinance number 05-22 24 first reading with the public hearing and second sorry the public hearing and second reading U scheduled for April 18 so Mo all in favor I I okay uh moving on to ordinance number 606 2024 the ordinance commend the land used ordinances section z- 1500 storm water management specific to the provisions for storm water control for the city of lamber Fel so um do I didn't mention when we were talking about this a few minutes ago was that it had been already been reviewed by the County planning board um they they looked it over and didn't really have any remarks right no I mean so just just so you all know I started with our ordinance as a base and then I I amended it was some of them were silly little things like section the name the titles you know they wanted to have changed and some of it was adding additional um descriptions uh definitions and then there were some whole sections that they took out and whole sections that they wanted added I do have a markup but I'm GNA tell you you can't read it so um but it did go to the County planning board they did look at it I'm sure they they'll look at it again if if we amend it it went to the city engineer who was away for a couple of weeks on vacation so he's back um so he'll look at it he'll go to planning board planning board amends it eventually it comes back we just carry it until it comes back and then bill I guess it would depend on the type of change as to whether we reintroduce or we amend right okay but we're showing that we're working on it I guess is the thing this is this is the D right so yeah I just think it's important that we take a look take this opportunity we're doing this as Doug what else we can do I me there's just so many different land you know because we're a tiny place and we have folks you know like some of these cases that you know that go before the zone and people combining backyards you know we have these C you know I don't to repeat I always thought that from every meeting but there are there were sites that you know didn't have a lot of storm water review and wor you know take care of storm water we have to have standards for for these folks because otherwise we're kind of shooting ourselves in the foot yeah best water in that building without storm water control so that may be the question asked dog is not only well I understand the's model but what can we do for okay go ahead yeah and the question I had earlier that was are we how how much uh um can we amend the de to address the city's needs or what do or do we go into our ordinances change our ordinances to reflect additional storm water management in our codes that was a question that I that I had uh uh uh um thought about last week that I shared specifically the amount of disturbance this and to Caren uh point is that it we're not a cookie cutter here and some of the although some of the uh restrictions or uh or things that we have to do within the D don't affect that many properties in lamberville and can can we add Lambertville needs into this ordinance or do we start conversation with the D like we had for historic preservation where we had we're not allowed to do that or do we just go through our current zoning and make sure that whatever disturbances there is address things going on currently in L forville so I I don't know if you can roll it all into one I think if we're exceeding the D's standards I I don't want to say this with certainty but if we're exceeding what they're proposing I I think we should be fine but I I I it's definitely something that we can bring back DP after we incorporated what you all find acceptable bring it back to them just to just to make sure that let know that we have deated somewhat from their standard ordinance but we F this better better needs of Loring I think that's totally appropriate yeah I agree yeah and and and really when they you know the department puts out this thing and says here you know this is a doesn't say you have to do this you know and and also too just the side comment it's like the county plan board appr approves these things but they just make sure that you're doing the thing that you have to do they're not going to advise you to do anything you know differently they're kind of a you know just saying oh yeah you did it the way the department told you and you know minimum right we did have to have sign off we from the County planning board before we send to the state that's that that was the only message that we really received with so I have a couple of thoughts here um councilman I don't know if you would be interested in kind of help move this process through um or even having inut for members in the public this is this would be a great place to have a few meetings with Doug and this would be a great use of our water to your your board Grant you know we could have Doug have a few meetings right and uh and you know people who in the room who are smer than me about land use and and so we need an engineer advise us you know well basically gon have to go through our ordinances for sporm water management and go through them all and then see what we want to put in this let's start with this and I mean because I I understand yeah but I yeah that's that was my point is that we may not be able to get everything we want in this right and we may not be able to but we certainly can go through and I think Doug has already talked about some of these issues you know we can go through our ordinances and make sure that we address our problems and our concerns about disturbance and when when the management comes in for uh um uh uh run off yeah so so given it seems as though this is going to be uh eventually require some conversation with Doug um Cindy is there any issue with not bringing this to the planning board initially does I mean what what in terms of process you know I don't want to bring it to the planning board if nothing's going to happen at the planning board level I mean you know maybe we do have at planning board level to in terms of sort of process right and Doug is there and we identifi three or four things and then we kind of talk about the fact that we need more time for him to view it and and make well listen maybe you don't introduce tonight and maybe the thing is that you slow down the process we notify the county that we're going to put this in a committee to work on it and then bring it to the back to maybe it start then starts with planning board so and then us so that when we do it we have the final product I think that's a great idea like if we need it you know for movement yeah problem you know because you don't know what you're to come out and maybe dou will say well you really should do something over here Le you know or something so I don't want to impede the yeah do I I don't want to slow down this process if we can introduce it and then have like in a couple different paths working through this yeah so then so let's move forward uhul for just the planning board yeah Paul for has scheduled the second meeting of the month which would be you know 17th right so you know I don't know if that gives you enough legal room depending on what happens yeah well we were going to bring it to the planning board on the first meeting uh of April whatever that was the third right third that was the reason why we the meeting was only going to be to discuss that so what I don't want to do is is call everybody in the planning board for something that I'm not ready to talk about so I think maybe we introduce it you can go to the planning board at the second planning board meeting right if we're if we're ready we'll let you know then we just carry it at the 18th meeting mention give the update yeah so let's uh so so playing by the rules so my suggestion process is is that we introduce the ordinance uh and then we begin having this maybe a committee meets with d uh and then we will uh get back to the planning board uh chair about whether second whether we're ready to bring it to the second meeting or even you know the first meeting in May right so that sound good everybody sure okay if I can clear up one one one procedural point and maybe bill you can weigh in on this is I I'm under the understanding that the city can write its own uh it can write WR its own uh storm order management plan or uh and or revise the existing zoning to take that into consideration and and because we're on top we're more stringent perhaps they in the D plan then you we we're able to write our own rules as a city somewhere in the back of my mind I remember hearing I think so I I we have the ms4 requirements tell I had I don't want to give an answer sorry well if you could look if you can look into that because then we can put this through uh and not really but it make this ours but have our go through our what tug's going to do is going through our ordinances see if we can change our ordinances for a smaller Community rather than you know we know this covers certain level of of development because we have certain Parcels that will meet these requirements but the the majority of them of the properties don't so we can configure I don't want to do double work for everybody and if we can't put them in the do in the D's paper or if we can work on our zoning to to uh uh have our own plan that duve Tails into this one yeah I I think this is a baseline but I think yeah I I I think we start here and look there and I I see what doug comes back with on this form of ordinance and see if that takes care of everything and then I think address those issues if we can okay that's good asking all right so I'm gonna ask for motion to introduce ordinance number six 2024 on first reading public step second favor um so just before we move on I don't know uh councilwoman uh would be willing to meet with Doug and me and maybe Jeff if he's available to to meet Jeff would you consider meeting and one thing since I can now speak we wrote a law 10 years ago to allow towns on ms4 specifically more stringent than than the state so that was because of Christie's cutbacks on the state programs that's great proba won't get much argument from the Council on more stringent on storm water thank you good so I will work with the Jeff and Doug will set up a meeting and see where this takes us okay mayor can I can I be involved in that as well of course thank you yeah yeah sorry well you're involved in everything start me in at nice asked but she said no you the second reading ordinance number 04224 an ordinance of the city of lamber County of H New Jersey providing for various Capital Improvements of and for the city appropriating 1 1, 14333 therefore in authorizing the issuance of 1,361 538 in general Improvement boms or notes that the city finan the same so um this is I read the ordinance into the title uh this ordinance will fund the following items the have road projects budgeted in 57276 the Franklin Street um the actual the actual what's the actual Cindy um is 347,000 yeah is that the is that the grant uh no that was the award that was the award okay okay thank you the grant funding so the total award was for 347,000 the total of the grant was for more than that which was $365,000 yeah no worries um so the library refunded $320,000 including lead paint batement repainting of the exterior the repointing of the brick the repointing would be before the repainting yeah um the parking lot at El field uh partially funded upgrad The Joint project with the school um I am going to take a minute to talk about that in a second um the Public Works Yard Bush improvements funded at uh $729 with f of that funding provided dur an appropriation for the state of New Jersey we may or may not need that now but it we be ordinance um and I'm gonna open up the the public hearing but I just want to Ju Just clarify one thing about the parking lot at elely Fields um so there's been a little bit of a change here we had a termination letter from the DNR Canal commission that is requiring the city provide additional information before it will consider an application um it's a it's a five-page letter from the DNR Canal basically the long and short of it is since 1980 the city has done the number of projects have da fielded without uh permission from the DNR Canal commission so we are now going to be required to provide a survey for the entire uh the entire park with all uh improvements since uh 1980 uh even though the parking lot is going to be um changed from per impervious to perious they are still requiring this um I talked to the engineers today uh school is paying for the bulk of this project it's $150 $175,000 to do this project um talk to the engineers today uh we had we had allocated or we had $25,000 in the grant we were going to pay $155,000 for the permitting fees uh and then kick in $10,000 for the school just to you know show some good good fate though for such a valuable project uh now looks like uh all of that will be uh used potentially in surveying the field and uh kind of making up for uh Sur past a little bit so for the council the letter the termination letter we got from the DNR Canal commission and uh we'll move on we'll we'll get this fixed uh and hopefully we'll be able to get the the parking lot taken care of before school open um but there's been a little bit of shift in the financing on this I've rified the CFO she's fine she says it's perfectly appropriate within the language of the ordinance to uh do the survey instead of giving the school just a little bit of money sounds like it's time for the state to read take a look at the anarch algorthm the perview really seriously because I mean some of the things you know have to do I yeah yes I I'll forward the letter to the council um for their for their review um and I will now open this up to uh to to the public for uh public hearing on this ordinance number 0424 any members of the public who wish to speak to this ordinance any members of the public online wish to speak to it yeah are there any comments from the council one question yes um and Cindy was kind enough to uh propose a letter uh about perhaps getting some grant money for the library end of it yes and and uh so I thank you both for doing that and if if it comes through then we'll be able to uh spend less taxpayer dollars yes yeah yeah and just one more thing about especially since Carolyn came too is that we were also talking even though it's not in here about um making good on our discussions about downtown improvements you know I don't want to be you know talk about it lately like flower pot but you know it's some putting some money is it that just because it's not here mean that it's fallen off of like our to-do list they haven't fallen off our to-do list in fact it'll be uh we finishing up the kind of the budget process so we have we don't have the uh ready for the the the next Bond ordinance but it will include uh you know probably something like $50,000 for improvements to the cental business district they both place the Planters in the parking lot around around the trees and we've got some we're we're definitely putting money into lot another we'll have ordinance obviously smaller than this one coming up in the next month or two and and talk and include y all plan absolutely happy to do that um so thanks for mentioning that any other questions and thank you councilman for for noting noting that we had requested that uh Library Bond Monday um so we'll know that by July 1 um which is good so we can get some of the work started yeah and you know even if we do most of the work and and it comes through we can we can use it to pay down the pay down the all right um hearing no other comments may I have a motion to adopt ordinance 04224 to close public in first oh I'm sorry that's right we have a motion move allv please say I I I thank you um and I would now have a motion to adopt ordinance number 04 2024 second reading Grant and final second okay say I that was unanimous thank you cares uh correspondence um jcpnl BPU docum number e0 p200 zc recovery charge this is a public uh notice if anybody's interested in it there will be a public hearing regarding Jersey Central Power at night's CC recovery charge filing um this will take place on April second one second we could shut the lights off it's in the folder yeah yeah I've got the letter here um well if anybody's interested in this oh the date is April 4th uh 2024 4:30 and 5:30 uh attending please uhu see me or Cindy and we'll get you the information uh H counties sent out their pesticide control regulations this this about mosquitoes principally so if anybody's interested in that we can certainly provide it um we have a couple board appointments this evening uh to the LMU board um do this just as kind of as a slate uh jacn Middleton to a term ending to 126 Holly Havens moving up to alternate number one with the term ending 2126 and uh have a vacant alternate to that I need to fill or that we need to fill in February of 2027 any questions this have a motion to approve these appointments second favor please I thank you um just a few uh announcements I don't really have any uh updates at the moment um did want to talk a little bit about Sparkle week it's coming up so on the city website uh Lindsay thank you uh very much for your comprehensive um information about Sparkle week uh and thank you Council uminski for th in the last meeting uh so the way we're doing Sparkle week is uh has really been just kind of streamlined um basically everything that you would need a bulk permit for you will need a bul permit for uh and everything else can be put out so I'm not going to go into all the details but uh you can take a look at it online and we certainly talking about it and matters uh it begins the day after shadfest um on um April 22nd uh speaking of April 22nd I just want to give uh the public a heads up the um Wells Fargo has terminated their lease agreement with the city for the parking lot at the Wells farer Bank um the the termination date I believe is April 22nd yes so uh I have been in contact uh a number of times with representatives from uh well with with the uh the group that's selling the bank uh there is a contract purchaser it's my understanding uh and just today I heard from somebody on the bank end that uh they will put me in contact with the contract purchaser to see whether Arrangements be made to you know consider by keeping that lot so that's extended the announcement I have now um and I will keep everybody advised about what what happens next with that um just wanted to walk everybody through the budget timeline one more time so uh budget uh I'm not sure if it was actually sent to the audit today was was du go but I D this um to introduce the budget a couple counil people have have seen it already a couple more will'll see it uh the 1 of April uh contend to introduce it on April 4th uh we will have a additional time at the April 18th meeting for uh public comments and questions about the budget uh the adoption date scheduled May second um so that's that uh landlord registrations are due by March 31st registrations received honor after April 1 will be assess to late fee um convenience hours as noted in the agenda April 6 April 20th from 9 to noon and Wednesday April 17th from 3: to 5 I'm have one other uh announcement um U the city as everybody knows has been the C the the governing body has been talking about uh hul Park and uh what to do with various elements of it for the better part well for the entire part of my uh mayorship so far um and uh without going into too much detail I will note that we have had an offer pishman Mark purchase the farm market um we have had several appraisals done on the property those will remain kind of out of the public realm until a little bit further down uh the tyght with uh possible conversations and anybody else have any announcements or anything that we now own caval Park oh my goodness yeah we find this in the mail we got registered right yeah that just happened it just happened in 10 years that's it 10 years 10 years 10 years the three administrations later um all right at this point I would open the meeting up for the second public participation s and everybody was here before so you know the you know the expectations and the requirements anybody like to speak uh anybody online all right have a motion to post public so move second all in favor I I and I would entertain motion to adour time move okay all in favor Jour to 7:51 thank you everyone thanks for coming y my water froze all right I'm gonna a little end this