##VIDEO ID:sV2fYAEl7gk## the public I was like I got can he's councilman de oh jeez I'm going to sit up here if you you don't mind I'll probably work how are you your hands are so War Michael it's 9 o' pleas don't be a little bit late as Su said so um we to keep things going for our first first session is going to be probably our longest and most difficult start we did allow an hour for the police department keep it under a half hour but make sure you have your morning coffee and break so so just so everybody knows we have two two sessions one in the morning starts with the police department then it goes to the court administrator municipal clerk construction official and we end the morning session with Public Works the afternoon session starts at one and that will be with the finance department and then the tax assessor and then we can also go over the tax collector's uh leg who did she give that to you she did so um and then we'll Jour in for that fantastic good morning morning thank you uh as we're opening our 2024 budget hearings for the Lambertville budget for 2025 uh these are administrative hearings only made up of administrative staff from the state of lamberville there is no governmental action taken here uh there are the mayor's with us as as a spec Ator um there will be no public comment during the sessions but they will be recruited uh recorded and available to the public as well as we move through the budget process so our our first meeting today is with Lieutenant Brown so we'll be moving through the uh the presentation Lieutenant Brown you've always come well prepared thank you um so we'll talk about salary wages their expenses and then end of capital uh and anything else on the way so if it's okay with everyone else I will just say let Lieutenant begin his presentation just one other thing I just wanted to say is that this is the staff presenting their budgets it's not necessarily what will be approved very important thank you okay thank you I provided the budget committee with the uh with the budget packet I put together um and you'll seen the packet that I I emailed out there's an additional uh newer spreadsheet had put in an Excel sheet which I thought was going be sorry so budget sheet that we put together um an Excel sheet so almost it was about a it was a day about before um before Michael you sent out your sheet for our input and to put our numbers in for the O but um so the if you look at the spreadsheet it which in what I wanted to do is perspective of putting a request in from the appropriation from last year and why the uh the 2025 request might be a little bit higher we requesting more or the same um so that to me that's um helpful when we go through this presentation so that's one thing we additionally added into the packet so by looking over initially with the uh if you want to do the salary and wage might to go over first um we I kind of love things a little bit differently than you do um it's all but but at the end the numbers are all all could add up hopefully um I did run test the numbers through Finance already so my numbers and finance numbers um pretty much add up together so um for the salary and wage we're looking at the contracted officers which are the police officers um we're looking at a total salary of U 1,398 um which is also I guess part of the 101 line item which is 20, 96146 that's for a longevity so we have the educational incentive which is line 107 um which also includes the uh the corporals pay and the detective um pay in there as well um which is $ 7,140 uh just real quick what is the educ in one sentence what's an educational incentive any college per contract whatever the any college education the officer has certain guidelines um couple paragraphs I can pull out the contract but it goes into to the college incentives to have a college degree and it's projected for the college degree has to be for law enforcement so you have members of the force who intend to take class in 2025 no no not that it's already ones that already have established their credits already okay they have their degrees already so it's Contin it's continuing longevity is continuing for the r or career or as long as in the contract so and the break down on the sworn officer salary sheets um we'll break down and show you for each officer what their uh educational incentives are from their I from from Masters all the way down to U associates degree okay okay all right moving on um 102 um we also line 102 is also I guess in this we we consider as a Sal salary and wage line um and that's the overtime line that we had so um I also put that on my spreadsheet so let's take a little bit of time to talk about the overtime um so uh projected for for this year already for and mind you it's November we could talk about this later because I have something few remarks about the budget and why we had and really we're ending our budget in November and can't spend any more for projected year but we'll move on we'll say that for later um but for for the overtime that we have now um we're projected because throughout this year we have had U had an officer out for medical leave um for two months in the beginning of the year um I've had two officers out one medical leave for for child birth and another one prolonged Medical um for other medical reasons so with that being said and we're down an officer this year which we tried recruiting for almost a year and a half um or over time has um gone over um the uh projected amount that we had in the budget for this year or will be going over with finances projections um kind of knew that coming into this a couple months ago we looking at the numbers we knew that was coming so um with that being said when we move down to some of the other line items um some of some of the items some of the line items that I can hold off for purchases for next year um I've done that I'm trying to keep a balanced budget which I believe from coming from Finance we're going to be able to do this year still not go over even though we had these additional expenses with that being said in 20122 um we have we had a projected overtime or at least in a budget for overtime um for $79,000 that was in 2022 we cut that down mind you it wasn't spent right so we we cut that down um to what we are at today rates or for this year so since 2022 we've had salary increases um we've had officers um every year with the Contracting increase but also the offic ERS have often moved up in steps meaning their Progressive step until they get back after 10 11 years whatever it might be the top step but they've moved up in steps too what that does is also move up the overtime rate and and at the same time when you have younger officers they have a choice of taking overtime they also have a choice um of taking comp time and putting that on books if you're uh we and that's contracted right so we don't have any control over that that was something that the administration um implemented in our in our contract over 15 years ago by thr own comp time we didn't have that in there before we have that in there now 15 years ago so by saying that now you have an officer been here 10 years and now has backed up his I want to say put instead of taking overtime payout every overtime Shi that he works we're not paying that money out as a city because he's taking comp time he's putting that in for comp time so it looks good in our budget because if you look at 2022 think we spent only 30,000 in overtime how do we do that because the officer bagged most of their overtime we didn't pay out that year so guess what now we're maxed these officers um are maxed out with our comp time meaning putting that on the on the books the federal guine you probably know better than I just like 480 or something like that even that that's not even mentioned in the contract um so with that being said it could be higher so we're maxed out so now officers are maxed out with their comp time so now they're taking overtime for their shifts right pleas so by all they're allowed to so anyway so these are some of the reasons why the overtime is that where and I foresee that happening moving forward because our we've had younger officers at first the the bottom two seem to be rotating in and out with officers because our sorting salary is considerably lower than most departments but I see anybody that has five years or longer are going to be staying with this C they're very happy working here but and the same thing is that they're they maxed out they're putting their comp time away they're pretty much maxed out of that so now we're looking at when anytime they work overtime they're going to be getting paid for they're putting for PA over time so these are some of the reasons why the overtime is the way it is so anyway can I move on that is a good explanation of that of the reason for the increases so with that being said um for the projective overtime this year um we're going from 71,500 and what I got a projected rate from Finance is as of November we're going to be 14,000 over to give you an opportunity thought ask question for so so we're going to be 14,000 over in over time and um I don't see that changing next year we're still going to be uh we're going to be in deficit for officer wise we're going be sending two officers to we discuss that further down the road mean in this budget hearing here we're going to be sending two officers to the academy next year um well let me let me pause you because that's that's very important information first I just want to welcome Chris heref arrived thank you for joining us good morning um all right so thank you for that very descriptive understanding and I I think that references to contract are correct in Fair cost of policing is the cost of policing that's all the way down contract can you please just give us a sense of where your personnel is in 20 currently and what it's going to look like in the 2025 budget so you have X amount of officers going to next just so in general terms we make it quick just corre right so at the end of the day it's going to be 11 officers total that includes myself yes okay and that that's not going to change we have changing is is a a possible retirement and I'm still I'm only I'm down officer this year so we was still trying to hire our officer so you have 11 positions correct and of those 11 positions how many of them are currently filled 10 and are filled currently and then you expect in 2025 you're going to have how many retirements one so that nothing changes then you're going to have nine positions filled with two vacancies at that moment correct but hopefully we have that one vacancy filled in January soon as Jan not January first somewhere within a year you f that vacancy well I'm Ming January January okay all right but you'll be funded for 11 positions that's correct all right and the um okay this year you had how often how long did you have vacancies this year we had 10 fill that was the entire year that we had yeah one vacancy that's why we would incorporate some of this overtime cost out of the cor Sal one vacancy and then you had officers who were on some type of lead corre how many officers were on Le throughout the time four four not all spray out the whole year but if you look at I can I can produce those numbers but we have I I trackify 6 time hour TR for every officer we're not specifying officers here but give be a whole amount of six time total um I can bre that but that end of the day every time somebody it's not like um working with a 50 million Department right so we're looking at at a if you're doing without me and I got 10 officers right now so down to nine officers without me in the schu myself and the schedule so so with that with that with that being said standard the policing standard nowadays um is to off first shift um and that's a standard that going out the whole state and a whole country going having one officer working and it doesn't me through any of the requirements from the A's office that having a supervisor with one officer even when make an arrest um E's AR prodction BL you standards when I take them back to headquarters how do I process them he can't be left alone so 11 officers or to two officers per shift but it gets tight and folks are sick or takes online so now looking in 2025 having one in 2024 one vacancy and four different leave events throughout the year do you expect 2025 with the hiring to have full compliment of 11 officers absolutely not because I'm sending them to the academy we're looking at um we're looking at six months send the police academy and so um at the end of the day we're still going to be support one officer the entire year if I make a hir in January police cies are already are already full because we've had influx throughout the whole state of um people retire also retiring they're full and the day of um hiring class to from the short towns um they're just not there anymore most of all departments in hun count relied on and with that being said class two you can do waiver training to cut down the train to two months inste six months okay so25 you can't really anticipate what folks Le is going to be in 2025 so 2025 and 2024 likely look the same in terms of that's correct that's why yeah that's why we kind of certain result deal me this year um for next year okay so that again we don't want to be as we we spoke previously on we all have obligations and we don't want to and say as the budget administrator um CFO we all have administrative responsibilities right and one of my and I think one of my responsibilities also is not to have a budget shortfall um when leading good Department br have a question sure so you still have not identified you still don't have candidates to fill those positions that is that correct that's correct so this could lead over to 2026 good I'm I'm I'm optimistic that um we're going to do build diligence trying to get these hes but it's just not boting it's a whole process right so we have a diversity plan that we have to follow and it's mandated by the Attorney General's office um and we have to follow that and and we'll get down to this the inline items um we're talking about um advertising now we use requirements of diverse diverse hiring we have to do a broad hiring just not posting at the leag not posting a position on on Facebook so we go through U one of the require one of the companies that meet the requirements is called police apps a compan stationwide it gets posted and the demographics that the AG's office requires it to have they take care of that for us put that in um in a format so like say this year we had I talk about probably three or 40 applicants that we interview all those applicants go in a diversity sheet into Excel sheet with all the demographics that are needed by the ag office we have to plug all that uh information by hand but we do have that information available to us through police app so then we plug that in and then and then everybody's happy the Sol is happy I'm happy um but why I bring that up is it's been free and the way this company made makes the money is the applications through the applicants the applicants pay $25 or $30 whatever it might be to pay apparently that's not um Mee the requirements so now it's $1,500 you're Charing January 1st you're Char $1,500 to have that to be able to do those postings so can I just finish my questions you yeah I just have one more followup question to that so that's even um so let's so you have a candidate then you have to still wait to make sure that there's a class for them to go to that's correct we make high we make a choice in in January um the next class might not I I know the next class is in February that class is full so now I'm looking at instead of going to mer County now I'm looking at going Mar County and that might be Mar or April you have mentioned previously comp time versus overtime if um in the contract give me but is that clearly the officer's choice or that's correct okay I think we need to all take a little time and look at that because I know that's as you mentioned it's a massing um and it is in the budget it's just not in the current year budget something that we have to deal with as part of the budget correct anding contract negotiations the city would have to agree with with the PBA to make any modifications to the contract I thought you're talking about modifying the contract [Music] I'm suggesting that that that money owed is sitting on the balance sheet of the city it's not just you know it's not just somewhere else and we do have to think about that our budget L sck time right and and vacation time so accumulated close to that all right and then as it relates to the academy where where did you put the academy charges in this year's projected so that's on our TR okay and that's on line sounds like it it's not so much the I think it's like 25 for the for the Academy it's not the cost of the academy per it's it's so 25 2500 is a lot but in perspective of normal College that's not [Music] um so but you're looking at the not the salary you're paying out for 6 months for that officer um and not getting any anything back from that you're not getting patol time you're not coverage F so um that yeah do I remember did you increase last year did we increased the size of the department we we we added one last year that was a detective and he's in that slot and it's working out very well um follow-ups are getting done um to investigations and we've had some major investigations and arrest with child born this year um and when we talk about vehicles and why I need um you know we sitting under cover onl bars um that's part of the reasons why we need it um and um but yeah so yeah it's working out very well and you know the patrols are number one but at the end of the day too that all these criminal investigations with some um feels violated having somebody dedicated that's fing up on their cases is U is very important especially to okay can we ship your civilians please all all right so how many um staying in salary wages how many uh civilians positions do you have and how many per we have we have an office manager we have a parttime secretary that wasn't filled so U we had a parttime secretary that covered the uh covered the desk when the um when the office managers out and also doing Discovery those departments have either a person dead dedicated to discoveries and that includes the video B body War camera you know between the body cameras the videos in videos for every case that we have even goes to Municipal Court um they're requesting all that information so somebody has to take right now I have and it doesn't make sense and it's not very efficient but we're P back to you any okay um what I have I have a super Garage in this right now doing all that Discovery work and Gathering it up for the the he manager send out so before that that's what we had the parttime secretary she was sh that so we left that bacon after Co um we had retired person she left so we're that position still open and it's not filling I don't plan on filling it next year so moving on to next one we have a full-time parking enforcement officer um we also have two part-time on parking officers which um cover nice and weekends and um we have also on the staff we have a crossing guard and and we have a line item for meter pick up whoever that might be right now I have one of the parking office parking offic doing that eer coin pickup but it could be for anybody if personal reason that position or being that person decid to leave add person but the hour at the end of the day it's the hours right so and it's getting paid sa the parking enforcement officers but so that's what we have in the civilian budget and we have a p for that civilian budget um it's a cheaper and for projected for 2025 it's a 2% um raise unless um we're you know the city decided to move into 3% rise forther employees um but my my my numbers are based on the 2% rate 2025 and again total civilian um budget was 1328 35.0 so we should make a note among this te that you've included that number in these civilian numbers so that if wey any other type of raise to other employees of the city this has already been accounted for here now end up creating a double Factor so you have to raises in that number even though they've not been appr yet that's correct okay can you explain why you're not going to fill the part-time secretary well like a good question um at the time after Co um I thought I needed to to take the it's always about where we can take the money that we have and it's always we have so much to work with and I allocated that I make two additional corpal to meet the Attorney General guidelines to have a supervisor working um somebody's got to be responsible just have few pment and that's where we ran to again through the path of policing right that there was enough supervision so to make this corporate position several years ago or couple years ago um but put that civilian staff in um position and used it there to incorporate their their um salary increases to two corporals are those corporals represent in this budget now those increases are they already that's what we were talking about back the line of 107 is corporal take okay so if we've accounted for there seems Ty almost accounting for twice by having vacancy or not film that is a negative reason why is because there's no on on the spread she I gave you it's z0 for the position I'm keeping a position on the books so when I come to you and say hey we we we haven't done away this position we don't need another resolution from the council because the position is still there um I just need the mayor to approve to have dep part my position filled and add the money amount into the budget so at the end of the day that's on the if you look on the civilian spreadsheet we have a secretary parttime secretary position with z z for current wage right so that's that's helpful so when we need be when we say we're leaving the position vacant it ALS Ur that it's funding but not vacant but you're not funding the position as okay can I make a please the $3,000 Corporal fee in our system is included in their salary line so that $3,000 should be added to thew $3,000 that's listed for Corporal fee is to their snw L because it is pensionable so it's part of their line so that 3,000 needs to be moved from education to snw I have yeah she keep her are when I start out your are a little bit different mine meaning where I put my numbers at um on my spreadsheet it's listed that way um on but at the end if you look at the grand total grandal yeah what Su was saying is very important so in 2024 money was in education saying say it again please yeah in 2024 the money is showing in the education line but in actuality it was rolled into the salary and wages for those two corporals okay because of it being pensioned all right so we're going to have to make sure that I think it is important for your internal worksheets that you note that because it is moving from an O to a salary wage item correct on my on my Express I do show that um with the marks underneath of saying detective corpal yes so then our education line we should make sure on our working documents as move on to the final version that we're not we don't have it in there twice thank you so it's not the that's it's not the um education it's the education incentive innw so that thank you all right so it's in the right it's in the right major line the right so in that education incentive line item it would be 4,140 and then the snw the 101 line item would it be $3,000 more so it's the 10 the 107 would be $3,000 less and then the 101 would be 3,000 more thank you anything else on salary Lees from Team good all right let's jump to a week to take us through sure let's start with the easy one 221 police advertising SP about that already in point postings um we have a um so we have a plus of $320 this year on that account um but when I spoke we have a the police apps coming up we're going to need a total of 1,500 additional for the yearly fee so with that being said I'm looking at a $2,000 um a total $2,000 request which last year's appropriation was for 400 the reason for that is again can additional advertising for the police positions um that so on postage 222 um so we have a so right now on posting postage um is interesting we're um currently the meters that the co meters that we have um they have we were able to send them out to North Jersey for repair we do three or four um and they're about 12 on 12 three or four times a year that can s out for meter repairs that gine retire and the make meters that we have now these no one no one in the country they don't long no longer repair our meters they have to be sent out to Canada so so our postage um were were over this year was by $17.33 the saving um the savings on that was because we had extra I know seem TR out but in this we had extra 19 me from the bank lot that we closed down or removed them so we using them fairer ones but next year we're not going to have that option any longer so um so anyway so back in postage so 2024 Appropriations for that was for 400 I'm doubling that to $800 for sending out and that includes the new the sending out the meters for repairs conr them the Canada so anyway so moving to Let's see we got here 225 this is going to be a tough one Michael yes it is so we're in shortfall of Motor Vehicle um repairs we're a shortfall 1, 2334 so uh for next year I'm looking at so this year there was appropriated 20,000 I'm looking at a request of 24,000 which should cover the uh with any vehicle repairs um some of the vehicle repairs were not done because we knew that the average m is say we should be the Transmissions will be changed once year that was not done this year anyone I knew we were already going Uber for vehicle make so there's some things that I need done additionally that's want asking for the extra money it's just preventive that preventive maintenance on the on the vehicles that um that's why I'm asking for what we are even though I'm only way over right now um $1,000 we're moving it up to at least requesting for the 24 to do that all right let's leave that as is and we'll talk about your vehicle plan in capital okay 226 that's going to be maintenance of other equipment we're up by 100 we have X we a plus of $198 so with in that line in on includes uh it is spotting more cam repairs radio repairs NVR repairs flash repairs radio repairs and certified speedometer pretty much um not keep that the same where we should be fall in for that but on the so we went to 229 other contractual items a lot of things are thrown into this right 229 so what I'm do is ask to keep that look like we are A Plus on that line item but let me show go over some of the things that are in that other contractual items it's going to be alarm company copier drug testing cost site test body warm camera NVR licensing [Music] um medical test for H interesting on on that so the PTC licensing and I don't know if you've been dealing with that so they've added some additional um things that need to be done for the uh for the PT for the licensing and um so we you know you we weren't doing full medical evaluations of the candidates that we were having now that's uh now that's required so that's an additional cost and we're looking at the the psycholog eils they used to be um be able to do them online now PPC is requiring them to be done in person so we've seen an increase on the site evals and going so the what we've seen is going from um 475 up to um 800 I don't know what's next year is going to bring but I know the EVS we have for that so we have two we know for the upcoming year we talk about new applicants we're going to have um two two digal applicants this like the medical EV valve um and so that being said we have an additional 1900 um on that line for this year but I think it's a smart move to keep that um we got the two additional Personnel coming up through the from the academy get through and then at the end of the day if they don't pass their site now we're going to another um candidate for a site so I can't guarantee that if I two people that's only going to be two sites either um so and also add to that um Car Wash are into that and so is the AL test calibrations so we don't have an the reason why we don't have an out test we're we're using the cyest I make just a long story on it but we put forth um several police departments fill in on the on the county aest right out our test failed um like 4 years ago um and it wasn't where the replace the fuel cell they call it was very about $2,000 and we knew a new one that was coming out right so why I spend the money well case law as you know is New Jersey takes forever to get through so we're we're on another an extra two years on this new um Apple test unit which we purchased um moving forward but we just haven't been able to take possession of it yet because there's the case law hasn't been set when but I from the state please um should be in this year hopefully have the case La that for us and um so with that being said there there probably some additional call to that but that's why um and with the car wash little things going on with that um the the I don't know if you want to get into the real thought of this but U one be closing down next year moving to another one which is um is the additional cost I figur there going to be additionally 1,500 for the year it's should be an extra 500 for the year which so I'd like to keep that the same fing which is going to be 2 232 um no increase on that either that the same we have right now as today we had a we had we had, 1500 still on the plus side that account so on the clothing you're going to have recruits and they're going to need you forms on they're HED so it's 5,000 with all that you have to do this year replacement that's to cover all that yes I'll good with that because I had I yeah I'll be do with that even with the the I think with the other items we're keeping the same I think if we go over with that we'll be able to incorporate that from another line at home just to go back how many candidat are exit we C this year total two the same time m hopefully not no I'm hopefully I can get one in Prior can't guarantee it but my the plan is prior I hope I have one coming out when one's going in and how many candidates do you think you'll be screening to get to one person this year I've G through 30 and and some the reason behind you know when you applic um uh it's just the if a fully certified they're coming to you there there's there's you know person has a reason why they're leaving your D and was it was it are they going to be a good fit here I'll leave it at that um and I see you know the ones that are available or ones are applying just haven't been a good fit for the city and you have to be very care again this is and you know that you got be very careful in the hiring not a good fit for the city very expensive that let's go to this is1 233 publication of books um we're uh up we're on the positive side of that count $137 even that the same and that's a a Publication books me PR updates a case La book that we get to one for new 39 2C and one for caseall let's see 2 three4 so we're in a minus right now of $145 on that account so in that 234 motor vehicle parts include light B wipers oil um an freeze vehicle batteries replaced through the year um vehicle tires is the big one so out of that we only made one purchase this year and that was a minimal purchase um and soon I got had to get S ties so we won't have any but I got be prepared for it so um meaning the tires so anyway so I made minimal purchase we have no extra tires on stock at all so that's why I asked for the for the increase on the uh on the vehicle tires vehicle um Parts because that includ the tires so on that one it was a 234 line so was um it's currently the 2024 appropriations of 1500 on 2000 so under 235 choral supplies um so keeping that the same is five uh 2024 Appropriations Appropriations was 500 um and same year bu 2 um office supplies 236 again it's pretty that's a that's an easy one too um not asking for any um any increase in that either and including with that allice supplies paper paper supplies no parking sign pen staple DVD for the Discover request um and we have an antivirus com out of there and um some of the MDT repair software any software for that that also includes the um um I've been trying to taking your advice Michael instead of using um the bonding for we're replacing um some computer in the uh um in headquarters at a slow rate like one or two a year instead of buying gold out of our budget I know it's technical it's whole budget thing but I had a plus of 608 this year and the reason why I and I try to explain I have a so I got a processor the windows 97 computer that I was ready to replace this year um um however I'm not um my concern was filling the over ships right so I wanted to make sure that my budget wasn't it wasn't going to go over as a whole not so so again some of these things where we saw um a plus in the line items it's because we're I wanted keep the first priority of covering the ships um so moving on to 242 242 is going to the Education and Training um so we have a plus in that account of 255 so um so the education and trains not a difficult one but it's going to be changing next year next year so the PTC again in their licensing requirements are requiring us um every off uniformed officer to complete um ground tackling or defensive tactics training that's four hours for each officer that will be that's overtime because I don't you can't take somebody do that you're going somewhere somewhere in the county or I'll be sending somebody to um a class to be an instructor on that but that's moving forward that's going to be an every year requirement just like Firearms um so so that's something that we going to look at so on the excuse me on the 242 line um is train so right now we're set at for 2024 Appropriations to 2000 so I'm looking at50 500 that also includes the additional cost of the academy sending the two guys to the academy so I'm rolling that all in one there's no extra we're taking the 5,500 which will also include the academy the app two individual with Academy and the increased training um for the ground packing or defensive tactics Lieutenant Brown is the increased uh training because um the officers now every year have to be licensed correct so it's U so year foure licensing I believe four year licing process U three year three year licing process so they we don't get to pick who get license when or what year the PTC um actually does not pick for so they take percentage of the department each year for that licensing um and with that LIC it goes a complete whole background check for the the off like for this year we have three officers that are up for the uh for the licensing we doing as a whole complete back so now taking an officer out complete background check on that officer um but part of that requirement is also that they meet the meet the U PTC guidelines for now this um defensive tactics every year they me the requirements for our Firearms they me the requirements for the mandatory training you'll see in the monthly um report coming out this month you see mats um it's man for agency training um you support defensive uh the boards Pursuits um domestic violence so that that training occurs twice a year so um and that's inperson training classroom setting and that's and usually um currently it's it's done by right now the prosecut office is overing that um and so we don't have to bring instructor for that so right now the contender right now for that um so and and go want to make new for the we were talking about upgrading computers we talked about this I last year for the uh car computers we call fbts mobile data terminals um prior to me taking over we were not upgrading the the cameras the computers in the car so we were in the default deficit of some computers we even had our windows that were running in there so now we're up to date with that doing it vehicle purchasing it's better to do it ahead of time than going in and replace them all one time so sorry about that so I was just about on so you update your nvrs when you buy the nvrs as well that's the that's the incart camera system um I found that that was very beneficial to us because at the end of the day in five years when they we get to that point of um the if we kept the same cameras and just transfering over we're we would be looking at the additional $100,000 to meet the cloud based system and um so they have you there as well anyone have any questions on the Le so that's right we have 22 quick 224 we have for um for professional association views U we deficit of $75 the Chiefs Association increas or rate um and also we got to do the for this year um we have an increase on that one because we also have to do the U OEM Association office Emergency Management Association they have a seminar coming they do it once year the coordinator e 24 CU credits um and just um attending the uh the class or the association meeting um you get 12 credit for that so that's something we I need to add into for this year so that's why I asked for the for the increase on the assotiation vi from 200 to 700 so on L item 24 or or um it is what these are what they are so we have two 58 major is is a big one because 258 align this other equipment that's where all our meter repairs come out of so we got meter batteries meter screes meter calibrations coin fire repair meter programming am rain supplies coin counter that's where point counter repair we had one repair even though we have new point counter just because just a service for me this and we put a lot of points for the year and um and we also add that line on we also we also do a program at school for Halloween coins and use credit cards mobile mobile right and are we still people still using coins at the same level as we we've seen a major increase in park M and in my monthly reports displays the uh what the coin counts are and um I don't I don't have my monthly report sitting in front of me the the total coin bring up bring up I think the um last deposit that I got this week was um because it's weekly was like $2,500 in coins in coins so I can tell you I can tell you right now in coins in October took $1 15,23 for the month of October uh the month of October in particular as I noted uh was uh our highest month effort for parking revenues $443,000 was in Park Mobile so you know we're looking at typically around a third uh in points every month we we get phone calls from people asking about our meters and and they you know you have a generation that really likes to use the coin great this increase of $3,000 between equipment would youbute that any going be met repairs the reason why is because we're they actually because also the packaging and cost postage cost they they also double the price for the repairs to Canada R because now we're going back right to the manufacturer where me for made and not using a third party repair individual that we were using at North Jersey so um think about I only have so we had an extra 19 meters that we've been using throughout the year I got I have $198 left in that account that so so we didn't there's we're missing two at least two or three um meter repairs that we would have set out that we were able to save by the 19 M so and screens need to be replaced in um they they they are going through replac the screens as they can um so there's a lot of maintenance on these meters they're get older and over every day um and and I don't have any easy answer for you on that one either they were used when we purchased them so is it is it likely though that the current inventory meters will function through 2025 given this plan right yes okay but how how sustainable well something that we're I think we're we're in conversation with we are speaking right now we have conversations going on right now um and moving forward how the city was is decides the city Administration decides how they want to proceed they want to proceed with meters to have that conversation or just choses right or just proceed Park Mobile um so these are bigger conversations that the administration well you're a little further ahead than the question these meters how sustainable they are good for no we can sustain them for we can continue to repair these for the next year for the next upcoming year right um how about in 26 I say we got to do something we got to do for next year something we have a plan saying that we by 26 saying I can't sit here and say they're not the meters aren't going to currently be able to repair or repair costs continue to go up so do we want to spend that do that it seems that a third of coins you got to have a conversation about maintaining some type of mechanical meters just for the moment as other other meter companies in the country are we solely stuck with one provider just one provider with the meters that we have there's other meter um you know when we're down be down League next year or next week and we'll see that there's other meter companies out there um GB PA just replac all new new visal meters right but but they're all brand new so there's other companies but not the ones to repair the ones we have so I can't send my meters apparently this something they stick with repair meters they can't unless you have a third party provider that's when repair that's only had three years but there's no third party provider to do the repairs you rep any met recently we've just replaced them they're unrepairable no they can repair for a cost Michael anything can be fixed well I see that from seven to 10 I see that um but if we had to replace these mechanical meters you have another vendor in mind to keep not we were in the initial conversations and um mean getting the call together and I I think a bigger picture of having maybe am speak on this but we are having conversations on this and he's spoken about this at the council meetings as well yeah I just for the record I think this will be something that we'll have to make a decision on 426 uh you know there's variety of products out there Princeton has a meter that will take your credit card and coins I think um so you know it's just a question of what how we want to proceed at some point we we last replaced them in 2010 and they were used then um we investigated several different venues there's so many products out there um but a lot of them pull from you know um from the internet and when you have when you're wirless and you have so many trees they're not always effective so you know um there's a lot to really be investigated and the league is a a great you know source so thank you all right let's go to uh last page we are com to the end of the hour so you want to make I don't know that could I appreciate yes so 2020 2025 purchases right so we had a vehicle um um patrol vehicle for expor um an engine uh went on that engine need an engine replacement so out of service for approximately 3 months now um knowing that as as tight as the budget is listen um I had discussions with with with the mayor on this and to hold off until January um for the engine replacement rental repairs um so that definitely need to be done in in January um so I don't have to be able to run 24 hours a day I think it's just um it's not sustainable without that um and can we just do a quick tally just so that I can up in my records um how many vehicles are on your Fleet and just like we did with the vacancies and place right so you have a vehicle plan them so how many in your Fleet what your plan for 2020 n um and so we have six-year vehicle planed and that was no that was initiated before I even came here so we're going on the vehicles for at least 6 years those of them are longer and [Music] years so the oldest vehicle that we have right now is the 2011 um so we're getting everything that we can get out of these vehicles try to um so I can go through do you want to be go through the list no I just want to know how many of the nine Vehicles so primary so you have nine vehicles in operation the one that you need to change the engine out of is that one of the nine that's correct that's going to be one of the out of the nine Vehicles five are primary Patrol vehicles and that's one of the 12 Vehicles you take one out of that that five then you're down to four now you're that fifth vehicle that need you need to utilize now you're taking one the other vehicles and running 24 hours a day so then that vehicle gets back on the road in 2025 so you have nine Vehicles you purchase a new vehicle that arrives in 2025 you now have 10 vehicles or is one going to get so I'm liquidating the uh one vehicle um which is right now the it's one of the unmarked Vehicles we will name the vehicle using from their some undercover works so we're going to keep that on me but we're going to turn that over to the city we just and and I think the I think the conversation we've been having and I think we're in agreement if we need to utilize it for um Services I'll be able to utilize it for whatever Ser you know services that we need throughout the year it's not being run every day but the city's looking that they need a vehicle additional vehicle utiliz so that's I think we've come to agreement on that so that's where that your Fleet I guess DPW would net the plus one vehicle and they would have to maintain it no no I would be a constru potentially for the construction codent who which department would maintain it I have no idea this the first time that we would have corre vehicle I mean I don't have a problem with it's not a heavy lift where the vehicle we sharing thank you let's go on that's all here so this conversation and agreement Police Department okay so mov down so we have a new vehicle call here for a new vehicle sometime um in 2025 um we've made a commitment to um the administration's made a commitment to with the new vehicle be a highy bre so that increased the cost a little bit um and so that that's purchased in all the state bid to 81657 um but we're moving from a gas engine into and doing a little more end up researching there's only one vehicle that's full electric bar for a police vehicle and that's a it's a for pickup truck little too big for I know that I know Department would like to have the pick up because of thr cool and barricas I just feel it's a little bit too big as um vehicle to be um be driven for every day for patrol um but that's that's a fully electric vehicle um so we didn't really the next thing down to the electric vehicle or the closest thing to the vehicle is a hybrid which is made by Ford which is a police utility vehicle which is explore Dodge currently does not make a a highy r or um so right now Dodge Mak the Durango would be there it was a little cheaper for the purchase of this year 2024 we purchase a Dodge on Durango it you know I think it like $4,000 cheaper than the bo um but at at any cost um DOD make an electric vehicle for next year so in the the best practices guy there's always a question regarding consideration purchasing Hy electric vehicles and I think it's very smart that the city's conflict that and there's a a police qualified vehicle that that we could use that's greate good corre and yeah I like to see and again it's um since the hybrid um we're not dedicated at this point we we all know that in lamille we're kind the shortfall for charg station right so um we're not relying on a charg station either but looking at the spe you know you're getting right now you might be getting 10 miles gallon for for a police vehicle now you're moving up maybe to 40 these are just approximate numbers per gallon per gas so there's some savings there yes as well it help us with sustainable Jersey points as well so next thing um this is this is this is a difficult conversation to have but um we have a body warm camera system and NVR system so the NVR system the mobile um camera car system the cameras that are inside the cars right now we're on a on a server uh the inhouse server at the police station video from the body cameras where the cars get all downloaded to this server at Police Headquarters um server is probxbly four years old originally came from that's where with this yes so all the the new the body warm cameras and the server were bought on on the grant we just finished up purchasing our last camera on that Grant because the gr has to be used up in a certain amount of time per so we just made that purchase um so um so we we call we have the viral cameras and the car cameras we utilize company called safely it's it's L3 it's co product um there's a couple two other major um camera um companies out there that New Jersey use watch guard and ax think Axion is the other one the issue is we we got quot from Axion and um L3 but the problem I say problem is it's just the way it is the car cameras all operate off of L3 and safely and so if we switch body War cameras that would work then we got two systems that we have to maintain the cost so they kind of have you whatever C whatever company you have you pretty much stay with you put cheaper to go with that because you're you're not replacing the car cameras only the cars are um being replaced it's the body War cameras that because they're being used every day the there over the body War cams right now that we replace over on that granch um are just were 2 years old only 3 years about we've s two back already for the battery tol with internal batteries so um so that moving forward that you see that happen so the company now stopped any um moving forward for 2025 February 2025 they stoping all um services that um they utilize the server in health servers so we get no support um for for the and the warranties and the licenses they're no longer is issuing the licensing so with that being said body camera each MVR in the car has a license that we have to purchase every year and with that me with that license what really com with it we can act we we can make a connection to our server does that make any sense but we pay a license to connect to our own server that's how all the companies work doesn't make sense to me but that's how it works so the company 2025 is no longer supporting that and and they're moving to all Cloud it's all Cloud Bas so um we loed out for the last three I think our company is the last company that is switching to the cloudbase so we've we've held off on this um upgrade um moving forward so their contract for the body War camera moving to the cloud base which includes licensing fees and you warranties on the cameras um come to they do for 5 years the 5 years contract for $60,800 with that being said they they replaced in two years they repl ceras get cameras at no cost um and so I think one of the questions is a li is it is a leasing or is a buying so um it's a buying option there is no leasing because they aren't replacing the cameras in two years so you could say it could be a leasing program but we own the product um so is it really a leasing I think it's interpretation how you read the contract they are replacing the cameras in 2 years um but we do own the cameras themselves so if we opt out um same as right now we own the cameras um even though we have a you know license itself so um by anyway so for this for the five years it's 60,000 now they're will to um break that up pay yearly fee yearly payment or do a one month sum for five years so that's a decision that I think you know whatever I I have no feelings on either way whatever was best suited where the city of lville um but we really don't have any options I could sit here and give you additional options for this um and say Hey you know we can stick with what we have and it won't cost us to $60,000 I don't have any other option to meet the Attorney General guidelines to keeping the the cameras um we we do have one option and I I I don't recommend that and talking to the administra is removing cameras from the cars that's not to me that's not an option the times that we live in now policing this guy a certain way and removing cage from the Cars just to save us um additional um money the standard of releasing this has to be a regular consideration budget going forward G right and most of that cost is the cameras it's not the NVR we're incorporating the NVR cost the car camera cost into the the vehicle Bond so that that isn't really a it's like $150 to be a contract for each car like renewal each year for licensing for the cars chrisy are there any restrictions regarding that we have to think abouts that I'm aware of okay yeah but Lieutenant I did have a question for you is there a difference in price between um buying them in the first year and spreading it out in five years no they did we're not adding any will cost to us for that I know sometimes some of these companies they'll give you a discount if you pay it all in one lump sum as as a paent as opposed to spreading it out over five years no discount no discount no discount I asse we iume we decided there's no extra cost either to making payments either throughout years so they're eating the cost um throughout five years if we didn't if we didn't instead of charging for one long sum um yeah they're not charging anything extra to make payments each year so it's 5 years so that would be if we were purchase them based on this payment plan they're offering that would be 15,000 a year uh 15 for the first year because the docking stations need to be purchased for the to the Internet so so it's 15,000 the first year and then 11,000 whatever I gave you the um 11,000 after that each year so it's 15 for first year and excuse me 11,000 after that okay that and if we were if we were purchase them out and the licensing is included in that pricing correct years yes and any warranty on the cameras repairs as well included what about we and chair ground camera BR that's included repl then at the end of five years started getting technology changes correct Within These five years the solution is complete correct in two years we're getting a camera replace new cameras all alls as part of this program corre yes alarm so we we KCK this can down the road again um for this year we had that we talked about that the last budget um last year about it so we had a docc inspection and we about this every two years because that's when DFC comes in does their inspections so um we we're we have a deficiency in the um in our sally port area we have the Panic alarms uh we did integrate a camera system but um we don't have Panic alarms and no Interlock system for the doors so we kicking it down you know again if you can afford it that's great if now we have U so we we got the meaning the violations but we deficiency of that doc with that being said there's no additional um um I want to say penalties for us to be deficient in that it's just a report that they do in inspections required by law that they do it so the the cameras are the vendor is the alarm the cameras the same vendor they it would not it be hooked into Holly Kong we have currently our system is Holly Kong at at headquarters so that would be tied into Panic alarms looking at the wireless system user to do two wireless Panic alarms and then we have the the camera system installer also would do the key blocks at HQ um very happy with the camera system that we have at HQ um um it been very responsive for for that being that being said so the Panic alarm will be tied into our current alarm system we have at headquarters and the door locks um by the vendor that stall the camera system in headquarters if you decide to for with it great um that's all I have great have any questions yes another another thorough presentation thank you very much thank you I just have to say I want to say that the um the I I and I think I was I was talking Ryan right um before so I had one day before you sent out the spreadsheets in Excel I had done the new spreadsheet um for from for myself but it was very help for me it was very helpful that addition to that new spreadsheet that you sent out where we could add our own numbers into that spreadsheet um to me that that was helpful than doing a a worksheet that you usually send out or some type of Google worksheet saying what do you need this year but I think that that puts it together a little better with ex sheet than you that all right can I lch okay uh you kind pizzas Okay g get pizzas in a couple of anding we work through you work through lunch for you the bud committee they work you want to come back for lunch okay does anyone a three or four minute break before we start okay you come up get settled then we'll take a three break I promise what oh my God I gave you my chicken [Music] I [Music] came yesterday it didn't it just came through right and I this CU I I don't need this much I only need this much and that even incl like okay me right that comes to 893 if I keep 5, I need a part timer or something and that's 943 so I'm saving 22 mon someone's actually year thank you he absolutely love [Music] know you know what there were so many wonderful opportunities by that yeah I mean she's she's got her Doctorate in Education now but different places you know you don't need a car there's there's a lot of unknown hidden benefits in that yeah oh I this okay ready to go I'm ready that's on you just one minute please for some reason happen go back okay we're good thank you all right your microphone is still red all right let's continue if you don't mind introducing yourself and what you do for the city please this is the recording session I'm Katherine McLaren I'm the court administrator you just pull the microphone closer too thank you very much you're going to have a joy hear your voice through this so oh is it okay all right so we'll move through first salary legance then we'll go to OE and then we'll finish with any Capital requests um so if you would like to take us through you have your budget worksheet if you would like to give us the account number when you talk about the last three digits and and then a little quick description so we're all same page and then take us or I can ask you whatever is easier you ask me I don't have okay last three 00 Z well that's the first one right but then you go to 100 your salary each so1 sorry my is that okay 100 all right we'll start with 100 so I I'll just go through the document we can all have a conversation so in in 2024 there was appropriated $96,500 actually spent was 74,500 I'm lowering that okay I want to request 943 we saved $155,000 from not having a part-timer and if we I did a comparison for the West Amwell Municipal um court administrator and I would be requesting a $5,000 increase due to my increase in workload and an extra 3,000 for the judge that would come out to 893 if we kept to reserve of 5,000 for say any kind of an emergency need to get somebody part-time just to cover if I'm out that would come to 943 so you would be saving 2200 right so let's just break that down slowly please I heard everything you said um so you actually spent 74575 what was budgeted was 96 and so that less than 20,000 a part time that did not get hired she she quit yeah she worked for a portion of the Year till June okay and till the end of May okay half a year or so and you don't intend in 2025 to replace that person no okay so you're going to you're going to reduce one part- time person um regarding the increases requested by you and the judge corre my recommendation is that you if you not done so already you put that in memo to the mayor okay um and with all the justifications of what the requests are okay so this $943 includes how much of the requested increases for salary in total eight in total eight in total and that was 2,000 for the judge 3,000 for the judge and that was 5,000 for you correct all right so for our intent purposes that if we reduce that number by 8,000 that would bring us to we jump out I'm not oh that would be with a 5,000 Reserve in case I'm out if I have to have a surgery or whatever you know just to have in there for emergency so you would have a part- timer at that point no just to have it in the budget in case so what would happen if you BL out how what kind of coverage would you have if you we would have hire a part-time person I would say they would I would only need a Monday Wednesday Friday for 5 hours a day so it would be well under it would be under 5,000 I just want to have a cushion and God forbid okay so then we all than that then we would not eliminate the parttime person we would bring that parttime person down to $5,000 fund it and then at the end of the year if you don't hire the person you don't hire the person yeah it would just be for an emergency purposes hiring yeah you would have I would I would have say a retired Court Administrator cover and pay her right so you have to hire somebody they have to go right so all right so 5,000 for that plus the 8,000 so I miss that wrong no no okay so if we should just our note here that would be 5,000 per part-time then reduce them before by we come to 943 that I have right so the salary would be you take out the proposed raises of 8,000 correct that braks it down to 863 and then if that would be inclusive of one full-timer and one part time do I have that right if you reduce the salary increases for the judge andite which is 8,000 it would bring it down to 813 I did 94300 minus 8,000 I got 86,000 that's with 5,000 reserve for the so let me just go through real again time so we have 94300 reducing 3,000 for the judge we reducing 5,000 for you so that you'll put those requests in the memo to man then bring it down to 86 bring it 863 now in that 863 is one full timer you and one part timer for 5,000 that number poti and the judge and the judge 86 is one full time one part time and One D okay we have what's the see now what's for the part timer do you know what we budgeted for the part timer 15 15,000 okay he was an hourly employee so it was just calculated by the number of hours estimated need times of payment okay on the salary wages anyone have any questions a lot okay postage so in postage 2100 was budgeted 1,498 was spent you reducing your ass this year to $2,000 any reason why you think that you would get the $2,000 Bing spent $4.98 is there more to go out this year that maybe we didn't account for there is more that goes out they they opened up the um proposed suspensions the state is taking over some of our um notices and Postage and I believe they will be billing the municipalities this year I have no idea how much it's kind of not really explained to us yet but a lot of our notices now go out through a central location in Trent and that's throughout the whole entire state so they'll start billing the municipality for their supplies and boost and I don't know when that's happening okay printing Bing what was the requested am I'm sorry 2000 okay thank you Printing and binding uh appropriated 1250 last year actually spent 738 reducing the appropriation by $250 um anything to share discuss reducing that uh we don't do as many um traffic tickets we most of them were done through the for the parking however now we have the electronic parking so I could reduce that right all right cleaning materials uh so we appropriated 950 actual spend was $699 6 so if you're raising by $50 your request is is there a reason I don't handle that okay says hon security oh yeah but that be something that should go to buildings and grounds it's the security system for the building we've been paying out this budget until now okay we'll make a note to look at that in our overall discussions afterwards so it's 224 security professional consultant specialized Services appropriated 2825 spent 1925 you're holding your appropriation the same didn't spend it all last year any reason this something goes up to October right yeah yeah so if we have a lot more interpreter needs the judge likes to have an in-person interpreter which is more expensive if I have one every month besides having to call in language line for say a Georgian interpreter or something other than Spanish I I believe that's a good amount money to have in that budget line okay staying the same or increasing stay the same stay the same did you happen to put your incomer in for the rest of the year did you put in the system that you would need that money for the rest of the year we just got a yes okay do you have court next month I do with The inperson Interpreter okay so that has not been incumbered yet okay all right books of Publications you spend anything there last year um you look at a hold at 500 what do you expect to spend this year I don't have we didn't have a 500 was in 23 24 was Zero okay so she doesn't see that okay didn't you have to order books I have to order one book the statute the criminal statute and the um the traffic that's $500 there it is okay thank you um all right going to computers office and supplies budet thousands spent 905 request 1,000 this year what usually use that category office supplies um ribbon general office supplies okay uh I just I see the word computer supplies I make sure that you got all you need there have to talk about that okay uh meetings off of meetings 241 appropriate 350 actually spend 60 5 and you're requesting $1,000 $650 increase what is your expectation well uh 350 doesn't I need to go to the league and that doesn't even cover a hotel besides the classes I have to pay for the classes so next year I have to keep up with my CCS so I couldn't go this year I didn't have enough money in that budget so I would like to go next year and that would be a good amount for me to be able to attend just background C at corner if you g your certification Coral association [Music] dues seems like last year you didn't spend it off $100 how many how many people are me you could you could bring that back to I would I would leave that I don't know if that um I have to be part of different um Court Administrator Association and I have no idea if that price is going to go up so I would believe that last year that was for the tri counting yeah all right looking at Travel we have a $200 budget you didn't use it last year can you just talk to me about how this category travel would be different than Conference of meetings in your mind well that's for mileage okay and I I didn't realize that I had that I did go to a meeting yeah no big deal but if I go down to Atlantic City that would go towards the mileage do you have other other meetings that you participate in the accounting Etc I do there's there's some there's one meeting every one Friday a month for our Visage all right equipment and supplies zero you may not have your sheet uh computer data processing equipment 150 is the line spent last year you had 100 you spent 162 this year requesting 150 what's in that number that was for they had to come out and fix my fact machine and that's the line that we put it in okay all right do you have any Capital requests no answer all right anything else any questions from the team no anything else you like to add no just the salary increase I have to send a memo to the mayor yes please all right well thank you very much you're welcome purp that down judge right one of B Star superar not an allar good morning everyone morning um okay so we'll start with line 100 which is snw and uh this year we're requesting a 2 and a half% increase but it's not an increase across the board it's because I'm trying to account for some overtime expected overtime in for next year and it's um for technology purposes you know C security is really ramping up and um that's really um something that is in U my assistant perview in her in her job description um and so I foresee her having to spend she spends an awful lot of time now but you know trying to make sure that we're compliant um so we get our appropriate coverage from the insurance company um making sure all the computers are you know um all the malware and everything is up to date and but that's a small portion of this the really the biggest portion is landlord registration short-term registration um it requires an awful lot of programming on um sdl as well is tracking and you've got the lead paint that she's got to track and and also we have to make sure that we now get a certificate of insurance for each one of our properties we have about 280 um that are registered I I actually expect that we probably have more properties so really want to ramp that up and make sure that um you know we're covered we also have short-term rentals we only have about 50 right now um I don't expect that to grow much because the ordinance is pretty restrictive you have to be owner occupied um but that that too requires the same same thing you Le paint certification iters Certificate of Insurance and uh it also requires is that she spent it a lot of time programming with SBO not just for those two uh things but for for the clerk clerk's office and for the other um units who use sdl if a form has to be changed she has to be the one to do it so right now she's been putting in an awful lot of time and um either taking comp time or not getting uh paid for it so I'd like to see her compensated also um when we go to trainings um Lindsay is in um training to become certified as a a municipal clerk like to have the opportunity to have coverage from our part-timer when she may not be in the office um so the windows always covered you have a part timer currently we do so um who does 12 hours a week um but it floats like sometimes you could do more um and so I just would like to have additional coverage at that window um you know Michael I think it was last year um maybe two years ago but a year ago we decided we were going to do an accounts receivable for um and so share her with the tax office um and when the tax office isn't as busy then um she works for the clerk's office and I would like to increase her responsibilities um to get her onto sdl to do some other things but also to have the the flexibility having coverage um so that's the explanation for that line um questions right so let's just get some on paper here so there's currently two full-timers in this budget L correct okay and a portion of the part-time and there's a portion of the parttime allocated here in this number as well and I believe the other portion goes to the tax okay because we had talked last year about splitting that and some of that going for the TA I guess I didn't Happ but but the but it's working in terms of where they are time wise and allocation and T yeah I mean as far as the employee allocation that's fine it's just on the paper it's all looks like that's kind where I'm going here yeah so one fulltime Clerk and what is ltle uh she is a deputy clerk clerk and also technology I think it says technology specialist okay and then the part timer is just the clerk one tax counts your SE thank you counts your SE okay so if we were to to the overtime and looking add would be applied to course the deputy clerk would that also be appli to the accounts receivable she wouldn't get over but it would be an increase in hours how much were you looking to put in your budget for over time for overtime you know chrisy it's so hard to tell because we didn't track it for this year it's just it's bad time you projected 2.5% I did I just took the budget said two 2.5% we increased it by that we could draw from it for the accounts receivable and then for Lindsay's um projected over time for landmar registration and technology so it's like what like $4,000 I can do math quickly if I took the 161 just to get a number on the page yeah you know talk about Cal time F time but we really can't if she takes that time takes her away from duties then that means the next week you're really just kicking that can down $426 so could the 4,000 round number yeah that would be great and then Chris we prob to add a line for overtime from this office budget PR okay why so I'm just making sure I'm clear so it was a two and a half% increase on your employees is that what you're requesting and then overall it was it did within that structure 2% a $4,000 overtime line item so I took the total took two and a half% thinking everybody got a 2% raise a half% would be for overtime and for extra use at the part time so over time line 4,000 should reduce your $61 by $4,000 another one so the only thing other than just said that you were anticipating that there be a raise for across the board everyone for 2.5 2% 2% yeah so the overtime of 4,000 it's too high right too high I'm looking at% yeah so let's look at that again yeah look at that number again let's go to put you um your 224 appropriation from 157 3413 yes that was just a that 2% and I guess yes it's it's uh the clerk the deputy Clerk and the accounts receivable clerk so we would want to take a half percent increase on that number of time so let's 157 134 all that would be 5% no5 134 $785 would we know time so we could put like a thousand in there okay all right so then that would mean that we would I'm wondering if that's going to be enough that's all I was asking because at time and a half it's not a straight hourly rate right so is all overtime paid at time and a half nobody gets overtime except DPW and it's a time and a half in the police that's it DPW 40 hour or 35 hour police 40 40 office far 35 or 4 32 and 32 and A2 so not to split hairs this later wouldn't be 32 and2 to 40 be paid at straight time still overtime but I don't know if that's what our policy book says I think I think it says anything over 40 hours is it does anything over 40 so anything in between yeah is a very great area and it just gets free it's free time but would should we pay a stength time until so if I work okay yes that's what I'm looking for all right I think it makes sense to start with $1,000 and to leave the salary wage line at the 2024 number anticipating that we're going to have if there's going to be increases it's not going to happen to every talk was increases in some and not others now yeah so so should leave the requested amount for S wages 157 134 add a line for overtime for $1,000 and make a note that whatever decision yeah that everybody to a 2% if or whatever the governing body gave right I don't think every Department accounted for that so okay all right so why don't we just make a standard note here that we will keep the salary wages at the 24 rate and then have a separate step to increase whatever the increase for the years okay sounds good all right so then the next line is 221 which is advertising sorry so chrisy do I have I had that on my sheet that's something separate action you go to Ence right they had that line uh yes so may with that okay Sor it's okay so the next line is 221 which is clerk advertising we budgeted 5,000 last year I'd like to leave that at 5,000 um this is really a misnomer for for next year um we have been notified that the TR times and the Hun County Democrat will no longer print their newspaper uh beginning in February of next year um which and so right now we're kind of waiting on the legislation to to make change um I don't know what that means I don't know what that will mean for our rates if they're going to go up or they down um and you know advertising is always uh linked to mostly to our the ordinances that we adopt don't know what the plans are for next year if that will increase so at this point I just would like to leave it the same what do you think the legisl going to do so I think that the legislatur will will most likely make a change so that it allows for electronic print but the I don't know what the newspapers will then charge they'll keep it the same because you're still going to need proof of service on certain things I don't the our Auditors are really very good and allow me in most instances to do a proof of s service we have to print our budget we have to print the the audit summary and I always get a proof of service on those things um so I don't I don't know um recently wrote a letter to them on the mayor's behalf requesting that they consider um the um each municipality ability to put on their website instead of paying for it because um their constituents right now in order to pay for um access for the electronic um newspaper you have to be a member you have to sign up for a membership Fe so um by making it available through our website would make it more accessible to the public so um I don't look for them to do that though we'll see what happens thank you sure so the next line is 222 which is clerk Postage and delivery charges um I believe within this you know you see I went over but a lot of that was landlord registration but I also believe in this that I'm 100% charged for the rental of the postage machine and that's used by all departments including the court so I think that um maybe that's another thing that we can consider going to buildings and GRS I would put that in admin Services if we're going to move it the rental of both The copier and the um postage machine each Department's charged for the postage that they use yes but the rental comes out of the clerk yeah um and but I do think next year we should continue and keep it at 2500 because um the landlord registration and the short-term rentals they require an awful lot of um letters that go out reminders that go out certified mail that goes out for people who uh have not registered so um we actually have about 10 um cases in court right now that we have a December 5th date they're renting their property and they're not registered so um you know I'd like to keep that at500 before we leave that yeah SU what those costs are if you get me those costs at some point for the relases yeah I'll shortly thank you then we can pull that out of this number and at least so we deal with a real number here then we're just getting a usage number I um I might be able to give you that would that be under the contractual item it's not in the postage so looking here yeah it looks like we pulled it out last year but still got charged against that line item so which is one of the reasons why if you look at 229 okay see the 3,000 got pulled out last year but it still got charged there right so what I would recommend is maybe just leave it there if that's where the charges are going to be um we didn't budget but then it still got charged there and then the clerk's line item went over yeah only those two items in that L The copier and the post Mach 229 copier lease postage machine copier copier any overages for The copier machine Color Prints so if we're going to leave it there and that's where we're going to charge it then we should just budget for it accordingly if that's where it's getting charged because we pulled it out last year I probably with the same mindset and it still got charged against the clerk budget and then that line item went in the r and I don't mind that I just want the public to know that's that that's not all me but the 2500 then is not inclusive 2500 is just the postage for for the clerk's office that should stay 2500 especially because we're ramping up heavy on on land all right so that go back over twice so then we're going to leave that 2500 and then we're going to adjust the 229 for $4,000 so that there's not the overage 4,000 is a lot more than 3196 I'm Proby two more P stock this year so goe um there has been you talk about that pain inspections you talk that those have corresponding revenues they did uh substantial um we charged $75 prior to this year $75 to register went up to $250 so um that's quite quite a hefty increase um um that increase in time for for my office increase in other fees but um no benefits to employees right so so this 2500 is has an offset absolutely yeah right and your office continues to handle these new initiative relatively new initiatives well no I mean they're not new so the pain the Le Pain is new yes and so we charged an additional $100 for that um but again Lindsay's got to sign on to the state's website and update uh we did just recently hire a vendor to help us with that but she still has to then instead of providing the state that information she's got to provided to the vendor to do so but it's it's a better process the certificate insurance is new as well it is that's correct re charging for that as well no that's all part of the $250 okay but the C okay thank you well we've done land registration since 2007 you had a good program good program for that okay um as far as those revenues they're just going in with the landlord registration line for all of it the late fees the landord registration the late fees and the lead Ser fees they're all being dumped in one line under land those lead fees this year will probably be much more than next year right was right because it's a twoyear cycle for the L certific just make do the revenue that we don't overstate that right and then this year the other thing too is um we implemented a um a late fee so if you don't register by one it's $100 more if you don't do it by June one it's an additional $100 July one another $100 you may not see that in 2025 I'm hoping we won't see that thank okay so the next line is 223 which is printing and binding um we just ordered our um title 40 and then um our land use so um I'd like to leave it at, 1500 though because we have a lot of new people coming in um when I talk about new people I will need new board members um who may need that as a reference and I don't want to give my copy up all right 224 thinking me buildings has been zero 225 means the vehicles been zero 226 Le about equipment is zeroed so we go now to 227 Legal Services right and I haven't used anything this year but I'd like to carry for it the B for next year just I typical typical use of this because it hasn't been used but what what would you use it so that would be like if I had an issue um and then I needed to contact the attorney or a licensing issue um and you know we still have um a couple um you know I've got 10 cases in court for landlord this year um but that doesn't mean that I won't need to have an attorney represent us for any of those so you know if anything associated licensing or registration office all right professional service consultant so um I've not used this but um I'd like to carry that forward I think that that's probably I need anything help with ordinance um things along those lines right now we've been doing things that are pretty generic but um what the typical vendor that would be in this L Beal services so bill would be our City attorney that we would contact um you know anything spe with a specialized uh Focus the contractuals we discussed books of Publications how's that different than the okay so printing binding Printing and binding I'm sorry that's that would probably be Printing and binding of any ordinances or zoning ordinances that we you have okay so they are two separate lines that mix them up so 223 reference okay the printing and binding is the not cards and um excuse me the letterhead yeah business cards envelopes that's what what's in there but also um sometimes we get printing from General code so we do that that's what that should be there a general code have it own line yes yeah but that online so they update webite they update the online more frequently than we get the print so that that doesn't fall under codification of ordinances I don't know where you charge it you could charge it there but you may charge it to the other line too that's where all the general code invoices have come out of so far is that the codification okay sorry I got a little lost so Su can you summarize what you're saying this the codification from General code the invoices okay it has its own Standalone line within the clerk's budget it's 3 300 so the printing and binding or ordinances or whatever um has been charged to that 300 line it seems that these things are all just operations and they they get charge differently throughout the year but the end we kind of net out and the the printing and binding is just the letterhead the business cards for Council okay and that that's what's in that current okay good pressure all right so Bing envelopes and then okay okay um 236 left off computer supplies computer so I'd like to leave that at three grand um we use that for um Printing and then some small equipment we're going to um here um when we do for the special paper it doesn't fit in The copier my computer my printer is now dead so I have to use Lindsay's computer to print so I'd like to leave that where as is I'm sorry go back to line 235 or ma were charged I think they should have gone to building a grounds but they were charged to make I think because linday supp zero conferences and meetings right so um conferences and meetings are the under the county Court's office we get I get cus for those um and Lindsay does go as well right Education and Training there's an increase in this one we spend it all this past year so what's what's going on there okay so lyy um is taking CL classes but you know you're at the states will whatever courses that they they make available to you um so I'd like to leave that line at um we have that at 3500 it's increase to 35 yes so um she will be finishing I believe this year her her um classes planning to take the test in April of 26 was she unable to take classes that we're not offered this year does she not you have to your classes you have to take they have take in a certain order so um and then sometimes they're online but sometimes they're during the day so she was trying to do it and still maintain her work schedule um so that's why I was asking for extra for a part-time in the event that Lindsay had to take a class during the dead she did it this year is it likely she's going to complete her license and separ a test next year uh yeah very likely all right that's the plan anyway professional association views right that's not just me I believe that um other things get charged to that Sue could you please confirm that um I have dues for both you and Lindsay right but don't do we have like the league is that charge to that account or does it come out to the administration um it's not it's not in there I just have your um membership mcj membership dues yeah it's all njra membership dues notary renewals I think the actual um the 538 The League membership is there yes yeah that's what I thought I off so that's not just me that's for the whole city so I'd like to leave it the 1300 so that we make sure we cover the league and and me to pull the league out put it into Administration so the so the court is the only one that you know of that pays for the Le themselves in their previous guest no that's the what she's talking about is the their the city for the whole entire city not for the League when each employee goes sorry that's on my brain this is the membership for the city yes okay okay so I really haven't i' I have traveled but I haven't submitted um I typically don't but I I will be this year so um that's the league that's going to the clerk conferences and going start tracking mileage okay elction expenses right so so last year we asked for 6,000 we still don't know what what the uh general election fee will be but I'd like to leave I'm requesting 5,000 for 2026 that's for the rental of the machines it's uh for The Ballot Box outside it's uh anything related to sometimes we need new signs to direct um you know people to the polls so you had you had 6,000 allocated 24 you're reducing 5,000 right because it's presidential presidential they they tend to you know charge more there's more activity okay other expense outside of G zero line clation board in leave it at 10 um but I I don't know we just recently got a new um invoice Sue could you tell me what the line's up to um there's 3,616 remaining okay in that line item so I have to I have to batch all of the ordinances from July through December and send them and so we'll get a feed for that so if if it was if I didn't go over 10,000 most likely won't go over 10,000 for next year but again that's all based on the number of ordinances that the governing body adopts there was a discussion in the pass catchup period you were catching up on are we atance mode now um you know I I will be at regular maintenance move but I don't know how they're going how they will if they're going I'll send it to them um the beginning of December but I don't know the bill is in December or the bill is in January they bill is in January you can as long as there's money available in the 24 budget we can pay it out of there the 24 budget I guess more my question was every year we kind of talk about this number yep and U so 10,000 seems to be where we're going to going forward because I'm regular Cindy that inv that I just you just spoke about the $1,100 is that going to be an annual fee in addition to their posting yes okay so that's yes they part of that 10 they charge yes they charge us um to update the website and uh then they charge us um to they charge us for just plain old website and then they charge us every time we update it so we see couple and then they should be charging us separately for the paper for the the printing and binding okay so um even though there's a balance remaining there their original proposal that they sent there's only $275 left on that blanket appr so we'll have to have a new proposal for from them for the remain remaining so that 275 I'm not sure is going to cover all the ordinances that we introduced and adopts from adopted from July to December so we may go over so we may want to up that to 12 12,000 yeah because I don't think we took an accountability of the annual maintenance fee what is I'm sorry the the codification of ordinances line 300 you want to go up to what now sorry 12,000 anything else on o no C okay so a couple things in capital I already mentioned the printers my printer that's uh that's gone um but it's it's like a $400 printer so it could doesn't have to come from Capital um we are currently using a uh Surface Pro from 2014 and it's right here for our sound system I'd like to replace that and upgrade it there are times when we come down and we can't get the turn on so um so that's an issue um we need a new laptop uh for the deputy clerk she is currently using a um go I'm with you just try to keep track um so the first item was okay that this could be duplicated if we leave them in both places so where side purchase going to be take it one or the other request that's fine okay it's the same we're asking for yes and then the laptop the laptop is that for the deputy Clerk and the same it um I didn't put that in the other line item because I figured it's $1,000 so that's probably something that would qualify from cap but that's so that laptop is different than Surface Pro talking about now it is yes so surface flow surface surface pro Surface Pro that's different that actually will is something that would stay here and connect to our audiio Sy there's also a question here for an increase to the AIO system of this the Justice Center that's correct and that would be separate of this a $75,000 Capital request right that's and that is because our speos system microphones don't work half the time when you do hear you can hear the it turns on it turns off we need to have sound machines here sound proofing on here but most of all we are not ADA Compliant so we need to put up something that is visual for people who are visually impaired and we need to fix this so that the public can hear when they're Aven if you were to if that were to happen in 2025 is the Surface Pro still a consideration or is the system poon have its own um know I think the Surface Pro would still be needed okay um and it would be needed either for the zoom for Zoom to continue because you still have to have a way of of monitoring it here from J I'm just looking at list make sure we have that so I was doing that did you mention replacing all this the whole installing a whole new sound system yep that's 75,000 because it's not just sound it's audio and visual right um and what we did is we brought Scott Elliot from the Progressive center down and he actually went through the building and um and gave us some ideas like putting up um Smart TVs fixing our sound system putting soundproofing on the wall um and doing this system called The Loop and the loop is actually something that would be run in the ceiling but anybody who had a hearing aid and had a you know a cell phone would be able to come into the to the city turn on and it would automatically connect with their hearings um and that would help us to be Ada compant I understand H County Commissioners room has that on technology a lot of doctor's offices have it now you see when you walk in they say we're part of the loop right um but the reason I we need to replace moving on to Lindsay's her laptop she's using a Chromebook that we purchased in 2020 that um does not give her the capability of logging on to a lot of different venues so she has a desktop she works full time this would be her year working at a seminar or even to take home to do her her cour work and then um if our office is reconfigured um in 2025 it's like not it's not a good working area right now I've got one person that is um has maybe two feet of workspace to move around so if we reconfigured that I don't know um don't how we would do it but I just would like to have an allowance of $500 the um also here make sure duplicated restroom yes we have a a banter on first floor that's pretty embarrassing so it does it it's functional but um they can't clean the floor anymore it's so old so every time he washes the floor pieces of it come up so it's it's time to upgrade that I think um but the biggest thing is um the ADA compliance near the elevator room if you have somebody who's coming in who's who needs assistance they have to try to open that door and get through it at the same time plus um I think the light lighting there should be automatic so that um because of right now uh if anybody comes in and you know four o'clock it starts getting dark you can't see in that room I've almost hold that F down the set a couple times does it help with the light switches at the entrance Door yeah so um so we really need to upgrade that um and built for ada8 compliance but there's no mechanical door there now no actually if you go up in the elevator to the Second Story there is a a thing on the outside for you to hit but it doesn't work they never fined so you know but there's not nothing downstairs on the on the exit so we need something there we also need them here at the Justice Center here no no and um you know we owe it to our community to to be ADA Compliant so I think that's all I have yeah that was your full was great anyone else have any questions anything else I no okay thank you well our next guest is here and I see join us as well hell um do we need to take a 3 minute break before we go on where do you want me right there right next to R yes you want us to leave no no that's fine Christie's got the laptop okay thank you all right just please in yourself into the microphone for rep other TI zoning plane sub officials in the plural right so if you would be so kind can us through because there's multiple Parts throughout the budget that you have authority so where would you like to start it it's really I think it's really a pretty simple budget we can start with salary and wage if you'd like which uh for well all I have is the uniform construction code you've got a zoning board section that was sent to me but that really under the crystals direction as far as I understand but but uh yeah we want to start of the uniform construction and salary wage I will be retiring this coming year likely May 1st is my official retirement date with the state my last day of work will be sometime beginning or middle of March depending on vacation days as soon as a final decision is made on the replacement um they'll end up being at least a couple week um transfer period between well the two of us will be working in the office same time and then whatever vacation time I have to take of course I'll be collecting my salary during that time while he's he's actually working so what I'm suggesting for the salary wage is 170,000 for the year to cover that transfer and double double work time together it may work out less than less than that but I'm thinking that if we put it in there that that number then we have enough to cover that transfer of power you might say transfer of and then the the Frenchtown salary wage line item I've suggested at 7,400 which is just a 2% increase from this year the the overlap between the the new code official and myself would be covered by the lamberville line and do you expect the same activity in 2025 that you saw in 2024 for for French toown Frenchtown well there was supposed to be some other projects that started this year in Frenchtown that did not there are there are a number of larger projects that are proposed in French town that just haven't actually H the Construction office yet so I do expect um the higher level of work there in Frenchtown it may be justified to lower it lower salary wage in Frenchtown a little bit can you just explain how this where this money goes to Etc not by name but this just an medication back it's just for employee U for the BL talking about for the salary wage yes yeah there's um construction official building subat official and inspector pling subcode official and inspector buyer subcode official inspector electric subcode official and inspector those are all of the uniform construction code the zoning it's a shared service agreement that we have with Frenchtown that's how that's how it's set up in that's Prov yes that's how it's set up in the budget it's a shared service agreement with French town so we collect their construction fees which is the revenue in our budget and then we pay the salaries for the individuals that Mr Rogers mentioned out of the shared service agreement out of the French toown budget line item so then the those employees are salary employees correct and their compensation is based on their agreement there's there's a shared service agreement that we have with French town and the salaries are based on the okay so you recommended a 2 and a half% increase 2% inre what's that 2% for there's the standard okay so what would it be with so if we look at the number from the previous year was $69,000 um of course you know the government bu make a decision about the 2% increase so is it 69,000 times the 2% increase I believe that's what I figured right now talking about it doesn't sound right in my head but I'm not great with MTH in my head all the time so but yes that's what I that's what I do okay so in previous discussions this morning we said we're going to put in the actual salaries in this document and then whenever the increases side it'll be okay yeah you $20 $20 $20 see right your head it's pretty good so all right so let's ch that number to 69,000 keep it the same do you expect any besides your retirement do you expect any other changes in your Workforce next year um currently there are nothing on the looks for any other changes right so we go to 222 change fund that's then we go to and binding 800 yep and I'm recommending keeping it at 800 and what comes up 10 form printing if we need to make copies of products that we can't make copies of like plans every once while we have to take it in have them copi in local store only only 800 Lambert build there is a separate line item down in 302 for prown office supplies want to just talk about that now then you want that right now what's yourest on that same 500 what was this year okay that's 302 that's great right let's go back to two nothing there me put um let's go to 233 books of Publications we do have code year code cycle coming up we I expected it this year in 2024 but it didn't happen so that money was untouched for this year but we the this state is in the process of adopting the 20 24 codes and that should be early next year we do have a grant in with FEMA which could potentially cover those costs for code books but it not approved yet so I want to count on that money until we actually receive that brand but it will cover our cost for code books for three years if we need that Grant and there's some other office equipment that that is included in net Grant and the money is already bonded for our our share of the cost in in the grant all right so it's a $3,000 spend not we don't get the grant um and what the last time that folks had your purchased would have been three years back so the books are now four years old they're 2021 codes so they're they're three years old right now they'll be four years old next year so make a note that that pop off the page so make a note that books are and stes decisions out all right looking at computer supplies th appropriate 66 660 your recommendation it's just keep it [Music] same conferences [Music] meetings keep that at the same well Crystal's license now is require cus she should be actually attending conference she hasn't been passed but she's been it used to be called a registration um and she's had it for many many years years but this past year got converted over to a license with the state that is that requires C to R so she'll have to go for the C in 2025 she she actually she needed probably needed to get something for this year but I'm not sure when her renewal okay comes up but it it will be so she's included in that so this was another employee that was there before who needs the conferences and meetings right and we've got an electric subcode official that has always done some things but it's never submitted for it but it should be it should be available for all there's additional in slot previous years that's why we're going to 2000 I think I kept it same right the actual right here 774 maybe week two oh yeah there there is uh the flood conference that was submitted maybe it's not showing up in there and I think it was reimbursement all for all of it was close to eight or 900 it's coming up okay all right Education and Training there was nothing appropriated but there's something spent to it $45 it seems so but we most spend in conferences and meetings we need to for that 45 probably shouldn't been put there um I think we should have money added to that we we haven't had it in there before we should have some money there we're we're going to be stepping over into fully digital electronic systems the state is working on the electronic seals for plumbers and electricians and some of these other licenses that require raise sealed currently and once that gets enacted then we might have some training that we'll need for um for these new systems that we will have some of that might be included in the grant if the grant is is uh approved but again I don't want to rely on the grant money to cover it if it doesn't come through what's the recommended I'm recommending 2,000 in there cover any classes and training education that we might have to have to that's a real that's a real new liting for the Department can I ask you to maybe put right to the mayor what that entails sure to the mayor because um just so you know Michael that $45 was um an Oprah webinar that was attended by several employees of the city okay that was just Ken's portion of that's why I was charged thank you all right Association does about the yeah keep it at 7:15 going [Music] to one I have is 301 UCC Frenchtown and I believe that's part of the payments back to Frenchtown but I'm not sure exactly I I never charge anything to that account that is you think that's something that they use in uh French Town reimbursement for the permits that we process for them the 10% have a lot of processing that does that get done in chunks because the quarterly okay so is that 8,000 number4 the number we want to keep it 25 um I would I would probably keep it the same only because it's 10% of the revenue that we collect on their behalf so obviously there's an offset right if we collect more Revenue it goes in as a revenue and then we have that offsetting expenditure so I think that's where we've been keeping it I mean unless you anticipate the number to go down or do you think it's going to be the same I mean I know it's hard to tell but it is very difficult to tell and I would I would recommend keeping it where it's at right so it's based on that number is um driven by the revenues that we collect from French town so obviously if we don't use it then you know it's when do we have all of 2024 on the books in terms of expenditure would that be the first quarter of 25 when you usually go probably the first meeting of the following quarter I just do a purchase right but you would probably do it well when um I could probably do it before the end of December at least have covered because the Construction office is closed the week I guess my question is when we do know what 2024 was complete so then we can not till the end of December because we have all the um revenue to collect for the French jum permits for the month of December you still have December so it wouldn't be till January I would say probably the first or second week in January so why don't just p a note then we'll review this after we see where 24 numbers were okay the December Revenue doesn't get turned over Finance until the bank statement which time yeah January but I based that off of your sdl reports calculation to pay them all right so we'll revisit this account let's say February 1 maybe have it before that and then great s do we have schedu no that's and Zoning I would think in HBC so the're boards we didn't do Bo just okay that's all I have health inspection there's a line it says inspection and code enforcement OE but it falls under the constru it's in line under the constru department but that's the bills by the health inspector what you looking at Food licensing 299 299 you no I here show screen Lester why in your phone well ever since we changed emails I lost all my contacts in my phone not all of them but they don't have one L and I lost the on my computer too I'm telling you so maybe because it was connected through email or something maybe that's no no but you should have your phone I didn't lose all I only lost people that I work with so it has to have something to do with that did you tell maybe we that's why we were sending stuff out saying if you if you missing your contact you have to take a have KY take a look at that for you Skippy e e e all right does anyone need a break before we move to our 11:30 I think first time in history we actually early you're always here early and you have to sit catch up right come I can go do something else real quick no you right now hey Ken not so famous [Music] Roger right all right you want just introduce yourself as the recorded here okay um Lester Myers director of Public Works city of lamberville I also brought the possible next director with me so she can understand what goes on with these budget hearings welcome this is uh last visit the high point of this year he counts down like a child for Christmas this is my last one show your so where do you want to start which whatever you are what do you have in I don't have any money left anyway so right well want start Public Works that happens first sure okay in public works we have regular earnings of 196 last year I'm sorry okay last year we spent we budgeted 196 610 we spent 187 um I think we're on track for the same number is there any changes that any retirements were H that talking about well I got I got Rob retiring inil sorry I have uh Rob I have Rob uh warington uh retire in April and I have myself in September what are those titles Rob's just a truck driver laborer okay and director CD yes how many um just just for the sake of discussion how many employees are in public works in this Public Works budget eight eight are you you including these two retirees in that yes how many full time how many part time did yeah I think it's six right uh Mr worington is all charg of solid waste yeah there's two budgets that falls under the Public Works Department Public Works and waste so um some of they're all handled by Under the department of Lester but they're broken out between the two so I believe there's eight between the two budgets right I'm so they're they they fall under like one umbrella but for budgeting purposes it's broken out you have an idea of how many does here fulltime parttime Etc you want us come back to it six six or full time two or parttime okay so they're and then six two are going to retire for R okay um I don't know there's a lot more to talk about in that number because it's between two different divisions but uh it seems that and same thing with the overtime the snow removal I guess it all be a little higher hopefully we don't have any more of that this year but then the overtime charging let's look real quick at Sol based overtime we're next year we're ready already a little overextended and we saw wasted over time and we're under the public works so okay we'll take a look at those things as chrisy explain is it is it beneficial to keep them separately in separate categories I think you charge back grants on some of these things don't Ching communities thing yeah ler usually the handles the communities and the recycling BR we did an analysis last year two years ago where everyone's labors are we maybe we should just do that again just take a look and make sure that as people take on new tasks and we have in the right departments all right let's go anything else salary wages for Public Works the team okay millions of [Music] vehicles so put the numbers for last year the budgeted amount that analis no so this year we overspent as of now they may more expense coming in on maintenance Vehicles what's in maintenance Vehicles everything from Services tires oil changes is this just Public Works Vehicles correct so this is that's it and it's not like it's for the whole Fleet you charge in House repair items to this too it's just all stuff uh mostly out of out of house and some in house whatever I can do my right and with the new vehicle purchases that we've had do you expect this number to stay the same go up up I have two old truck old pup trucks right down you got an old dump truck so the number on this report is about 9 about 8,000 900 spend what would you tag it for year for 2025 I do 10 okay just be safe all right some other equipment 4,000 spent 5,000 allocated last year what do you recommend this year should be I keep that the same okay that's for equipment like the sweeper backo skid steer equipment okay other contractuals last year 750 was budgeted zero was spent what would be under other contractuals I get rid of that anyway I don't even use it okay we'll zero that out clothing uniforms was budgeted last year 798 was spent we direct for this year the same with new potentially two new people yeah okay yeah because I have another one under Solid Waste half of it goes under solid waste the other half goes under public works all right vehicle parts accessories 4,000 was budgeted 30 3400 spent what you recommend you this year keep that at 4,000 okay and I'm gathering this is where you buy most of the items that use that repair yourself in house correct okay CH P supplies 900 budgeted 311 spent we keep that the same okay electric supplies 200 budgeted 104 SP I keep that this same Hardware minor tools war was budgeted there's an over expenditure 657 was spent what EXP just extra tools that you need okay once you buy a tool you keep a tool so i' probably up that the five just would be safe you buy that could be drills the batteries for the drills blower or electric blower now I can use an extra battery okay just in case something goes B tell machine parts was budgeted 567 was spent I keep that the same okay conferences and meetings zero line it for you uh Education and Training 3,000 was budgeted 2,000 was spent Education and Training is uh in this department uh that's with training with for uh Public Works license I just renewed this year also some other places that bery needs to go through because uh she's going to need to go through the uh recycling coordinator course also and I have a gentleman going for CDL next year association dues 90 budget 90 spent same same y right zero on public food all right equipment snowplow equipment 12,400 was bu budgeted 7,000 was spent to explain a little bit of this category equipment snow plowing equipment that does everything from deicing snow plow parts I I need for snow plow okay salt salt assets the salt so the salt purchases go correct that's we get from the county the bill correct okay so do you have an idea up to the year to date what we spent on salt um back in March um with the county yes no we have not been built we didn't use any out think we just used sidewalk salt from um local vendor hearo $365 so this $7,000 as far as Road Sal I have there's no bill there so the $7,000 is out of that nothing this year but what we did put there was the rich tree invoices for the yard cleanup we took out of there I last I think it in 23 we ended up buying we had that big Sal we had a surplus and going into 24 we did we did so was that would that be would that be $5,000 it's about six or seven okay so then being that we're at 7 2024 we budget at 124 I think 124 is a good number again just because the way the payment for the salt BS between that's on how much you get dumped on right all right so let's make a note that salt it's approximately 6,000 a year all right second equipment 1300 budgeted 1485 spent that to, 1500 what's uh just your cones barric barricades some [Music] signs other equipment supplies 4,353 were budgeted 2500 I'm sorry 2500 we budgeted 4 300 spent exp it's just other stuff like light bulbs for street lights sidewalk lights I had a lot of that replaced when you talk about street lights you mean the the ones in the central business district we have the not the jcpnl ones these are the lower ones so is that a once a year currence 35e currents just the line's overextended so if it's overextended because we have one time it's it's throughout the year I mean I replaced like I replaced a lot of the light bulbs probably replaced like 12 light bulbs over the year past year plus some of the eyes to keep them on and turn them off see any IDE um I have a sweep new sweeper signs came out of that line item okay um let's see the chain that you use for the shadfest for the barricades the the cart that you purchased for whatever purposes and shop supplies basically storm water permit yeah there's a storm water permit that comes out of there how much is that th000 50 so how much were the signs the reer signs so that was a onetime expense the 360 3 360 okay yeah they were signed cases oh plus shipping sorry so so we have $1,000 every year for St is that is that a renewable I believe so is that new to this category this year that charge is new to the category yes there's also a purch of a chainsaw that was built there too that was B that was like $600 for chainsaw so previous years we stayed pretty close to the 2500 number and a th000 more for the for the renewal we're at 3500 so we agree to 3500 but should we be breaking can is this does this St St Mort alone so we I haven't talked to them about that okay I'll just I'll talk we'll talk about it at lunch I would just make a note about that ,000 we might put it somewhere else uh I I think we will put it somewhere else but we'll talk about it all right then can I recommend for now just yes put the 3500 make a not a th that may come out so we don't use it that is account number 28 thank you okay spending category in Road repairs we budgeted a th000 we end up actually spending 576 it seems that this is this this category wasn't used before but unless there's a major repair that that's new for the season for 2014 that was mainly for black that for PES and also seal and seal crack sealing open land still do all the rental the equipment that project that do you every year every other year you can get away doing that so the $4,000 difference Sue Chris any wants I'm seeing I'm sorry uh the traffic paint traffic paint that we bought for the I guess the crosswalks the rollers to go with that the crack filler and a crack filler was the big one that was like yeah that's 25 over that was over three grand yeah the crack filler alone was three grand and then you had the um wasn't there a machine a Tamper Rental too yes so that's in here also so $5,000 for an annual Road repair budget for the whole city doesn't seem reasonable like just the difference between, to 5000 pretty big to Mo just stop doing as much of this before uh it's been like maybe two or three years since I crack sealed up there but I mean they got worse but if we do it every year won't be that bad so recommend that put money do it every year yeah i' keep I'd keep it at five at least five five got in two years so do we need five for one year are there other places where you should be doing that and you're not all the other wordss are in pretty good shapey the traffic pain every every year every other year every year I don't know what I need come out of a bond have more than enough money in the for the thermoplastic paint and the uh signs and some of this stuff should be coming out of the bonds I thought this project on Lambert Hill was coming out of a bond the Lambert Hill project did okay so this is uh just crack filler for General Repair throughout the city correct it for that job yeah that we should be using Christie that we could be using I believe that okay 2023 road work I the lbert hill stuff just was just charged there and the crack filler as well no this the crack filler came out of this line in Lester's budget I thought there was another road thing how much was that this one the crack filler was 3,13 123 that was that was it that was whole so okay this is from July yeah that was the first time I got the second the second one came out of the bond okay so there was two okay that's why there's two different there was two different ones I had finished up in a but they should both come out of a bond ordinance I'm sorry we're having this discussion now but it's important for the for the for the line because it's it's either something that we do every other year or it qualifies you know in terms of D you know longevity for Bond ordinance I thought it was going I thought all of these projects because we haven't done this since in the last three years certainly first time we've done since I've been there so should we are we able to charge back well was charg this line 24 to that ordinance yes I can do a budget transfer or not a budget transfer bu yeah a budget batch to move it okay see, around this is great okay so then if that's in case then we could probably put this to me500 give it a few extra dollars and go with two grand two grand so so what you how two get us where we need to what do you want to do with that extra black top just just like I had that emergency with a sink C popped up I needed extra equipment tamper we're going to charge up to our our Ro orance well [Music] that's I guess you can okay so let's put 1500 okay and then we'll make a note that we have to charge the RO [Music] and then soon you've got the separate action of the budget match to take it out of yeah I wrote the um 3,123 and the purchase order number and then there's a 865 rental fee that'll also be moved into the road job what the again 3,123 32 and then $865 and4 thank you all right so the expenses that's where the road thought came out for 2024 and that's okay so we have uh well road salt should have been charged let's stop about a second so 250 said we're going to charge a road salt to count 250 but has charg 2024 it was charged to 260 which is why that Line's over okay so so what we want to do in the future do we want to charge it to 260 or we want to charge it to 250 all the same money uh it doesn't it doesn't it's important for track purposes so at least we know we have an ere expenditure on one line we have an underere expenditure on the other so might as well I do 250 then that was the question put in 250 okay so put in 250 expenses could be other things except salt correct yes all right so do you want me to moove that as well switch it I recomend that so next year we we see it the way we did all right so we're going to move 6, 6,242 39 that okay good anything else on DPW we go Sol for solid waste salary wages and over time I recommend we just again move the numbers from the 24 budget 25 and then we'll review it as we move through the Personnel review okay so same over time zero accounts include postage of delivery Printing and binding and let's go to main vehicle and budgeted 20,000 this is ere expended by about 15,000 total 45742 so this accounts always 15,000 you tell us a little bit about this one lesser a break D what's what are the vehicles that are in this my big trucks garbage trucks the two one garbage truck the one recycl truck and the uh small garbage truck and also the backup garbage truck how many total that now there's a of those are any of them new for this just received so it's of those four one is new and did that replace an old one yes okay so these major repairs with this number 457 with one new vehicle in 2025 three old Vehicles you expect same number for 2025 I already have to get my small garbage truck up to be looked at for next year I'm hold until temporary budget comes in that's going to be an expenditure right away uh there's stuff I need to do to the backup garbage truck little repairs here and there can we get an estimate of what it would cost to overhaul the small TR so that we know going into 20 it's not really the body part it's the the motor part I'm having trouble with okay I I get mice in there to chew the wires and the whole system goes a wire that's what's happening now is that L1 Lester uh that's no because there was a lot of repairs for L10 in this category that's the small who TR L10 had a lot of repairs because that's a 2009 recycl Truck youing Capital any vehicles5 true well that's tell what's the place what's the cost probably another 32 yard 32 yard the last one cost 260 you're probably saying 280 to 300 for next one if not more all right I'm going to suggest that we take a deeper dive suggest when you get some estimates together because the numbers too range is too great decision I feel so let's tag this one to so I have a question um so if we do put a recycling truck in the capital budget uh what is the turnaround time for recycling trucks if they're it took almost three years for TR truck that I got so that's what I thought I don't that was even I'm sorry but it could be another three years before you see another one I don't know so yeah I mean that's kind of the issue that I think you're seeing Statewide with with getting garbage and recycling trucks is the time out is so long so you know you have the repair budget almost looking double what it is but yeah if we put something in it's not like we're going to have something you know immediately so that's just going to be kind of banding something probably until it it gets here right I agree with that 100% all right so let's say add recycling truck to the capital review list and the number we targeting was 28,000 for person on the page and to do some research the other two vehicles are theying be repaired and maintained or they life uh they can be repaired what what's the year of the recycling truck do you know it's a 2009 and also the backup garbage truck is also 2009 all right yep okay uh other contractional items $180,000 a budget at18 B was spent Su do you have a handle on where the overe expenditure came from oh it's just a basic the only thing that goes in that category is the waste management and the Colgate bills which is the recycling and we did try a different uh recycling location this year also it's the only thing in there so should we offline take one of those invoices in Project 25 2025 yeah so Colgate is your recycling where years you know you go back maybe two three years ago uh towns and municipalities were getting paid for their Recycling and now the cost of the recycling is probably more than what it is to actually dispose of trash per tonage not close mine's still under is it still under I think it I think it varies from County to County right I know cam County we're at like aund $60 per ton when we're only doing like $90 a ton to dispose of trash it's yes so those costs you know just to give you different ideas you know throughout the state but and you know so that's one of the reasons why those is there you know sometimes you you read where they they put out a trend what they're expecting for 2025 have you seen anything or we just don't know I don't know I co K goes by market value to whatever they're paying I mean I think the cheapest we paid was like 48 a ton not sure I don't this past year I think the highest was like 68 paper still a market base you can still sometimes see fluctuations andly that on paper everything else is just Prem pricing all right we'll get the invoices in and we'll put our heads together again and figure out what the right number is vehicle pars accessories 15,000 was budgeted what was spent was 58 or 5900 why would this be underexpanded didn't need that any parts okay good okay so supplies skip clothing 232 thank you so $1,000 was budgeted 360 25 to spend what's this year I keep that the same now I get it this year shirts jackets okay one year I do shirts and jackets the other year I do boots they be boots right generat supplies 350 is budgeted zero spent but for this year minor tools one expenditure there there's expenditure 2234 seem like a single expenditure do you differentiate these accounts when you're buying things or is all in the shop I usually look at it it depends on what it's for it's for my trans trucks I put it toward Solid Waste for my other trucks I do public parts so if you put $100 in this category then you remove it all right what's in the 22 what's $22 34 it was a Finkles bill for nuts and bolts I'm sure we could have got that out of vehic and accessories all right so let's plan then to zero this out for next year again General machine parts zero and then other quickness supplies let's in here [Music] $2,877 me please um hydraulic oil mattress bags oil drawing okay 5500 is the number from last year you extend it all would you like to do with that I keep it the same okay just in case and then miscellaneous another question there's no expenditure there Sue it's 2320 in the page 650 was a budget what's that that was from sersi County for the cbls was it no that was last year uh it looks like the some R ruers classes oh okay um the drug random drug testing for the employees physicals uh the new registration for the garbage truck but that's not lot of money most of it is the drug testing expenses so it looks like we do not have a Education and Training in the solid waste budget but we do have one in the public work so maybe we should look at changing that line item title to Education and Training as opposed to a miscellaneous because I'm assuming is that the what she off is that all education train um for the it was all made out the rers so that's probably Solid Waste employee training yeah so you want me you want us to change that line the Education and Training and where would we put the uh drug testing Education and Training it's fine there or we can add a line for Education and Training you know we can leave us as a miscellaneous and admin cost at a minimal and then I can add a line for Education and Training that makes sense because the drug testing really add okay and how much the drug test it VAR but how many they did who tested right so we have to we have to break it out do you think 500's good well no because there's one here just alone was 5 $40 that was a physical and Drug Testing so I ate a th000 just for that because I got 540 I got 80 I got 30 you just had a test we haven't that all right so we're going to add a line for picking up on the label of Education and Training but with that solid waste and then we're going to break this out so recers there's several different charges okay all right so we'll make a not to go back and look at this look at the rec charges there okay anything on buildings and grounds we should be talking last about because I those you us well just maybe every once in a while buing like we had our fire inspection here and I needed to put CO detectors in every room all that stuff comes out of that right and we have that and then you know we're going to have um like the annual reporting does that come out of buildings and grounds I don't I don't really know what comes out of that um I mean all the all the elevator stuff the generator stuff that all that should come out of that second sorry all right so what's we got generator elevator fire inspection right and we have the fire extinguishers fire alarm system need be certified every year yeah then some of that may be ad too yeah so take a look take a look it should all come to one out of one place you have your boiler inspections cleaning comes out of there fire extinguisher inspections the maintenance to all the generators any repairs that are needed to any of the uh furnaces or any of that the annual maintenance agreement for the elevator that's all that's all building Scouts yeah security fire alarm system secure um yeah so and we're going to transfer the security system from here I believe into this category as well any uh any other Capital requests a replacement uh Public Works Pro what size 350 Pi what G when are you replacing L2 how is L2 2011 L2 2011 okay how many [Music] miles so that mean we're going to attempt to replace two of the four in that Fleet this year right recycling recycling sorry W how many how many vehicles are in Publics three four five anything else well I hope this is not your last any any questions for him maybe last sharp sharp [Music] pcil seil VI so please I do want to just um sure thank Lester and and and uh recognize his uh award fromer who that one goad tell us more about it it's a American Public Works Association the New Jersey chapter it's some guys leadership award Mr did you get that this year a couple weeks ago we get a good down here on the fourth DEC congratulations well sir and then uh Britney has taken the test for Public Works um so she's waiting to hear the outcome good thanks yeah so uh really uh Lester has fostered the the whole department well and has made sure people are trade which is good we moving forward all right anyone have anything else before we take a break all right so we're scheduled for our lunch break yep and just for the anybody who's uh tuning in i' see that we have well I guess they're all employees but there is an afternoon session so we'll sign out of this one and log on to the other one just before one thank you Cindy all right all right well then we'll uh take motion here we'll pause and then we'll come back so thank you --------- ##VIDEO ID:KxgzKA--r7s## and M be on but this one may for some reason the batteries didn't charge so this not working I think we should Capital spent a whole new sound system that's in here I know 2023 if I had a vote it would Happ the chairs are due too pizza too much one for every they're not great but we can live okay okay your pillow feel like sit down and just kind of off walls prop you just have the just switch out that's the council president's chair so this is the afternoon session of the budget hearings just like to welcome everybody and for the afternoon the following people are on our agenda Finance which is era Richard Carino the tax collect assessor and Jessica Craig tax collector each of them have ating and with that right over to mik thank you Cindy just a reminder these are administrative hearings U there will be no public comment in these hearings uh there is no decisions no votes the mayor is is with us um but this is not a governmental meeting not so with us we'll begin with our salary wages in the finance office um so Chris you'll take the lead on this one sure you want me to ask or do you want to just take us through I can take you through um so we don't really have any we have any changes to um the finance salary and wages currently we have a part-time CFO of part-time qpa and a full-time uh treasure so um there's no need there's no changes in the finance Sal um department for salaries the only thing that we would be asking for is the cost of living that um Council mayor and Council decide on can we Circle back to discussion had earlier about the uh allotment for sary Wages that's in the clerk's office but there's a shared employee is that is that all in finance is that no no tax collector tax collector okay so we'll do that next okay thank you okay um unless anybody has any other questions with that move on please okay um so for the first line item is the postage and delivery cost uh last year we budgeted 600 we did go over we're at 800 and that is just postage going up we mail out all of our uh all the checks from every Bill list get mailed out um is there anything else that we nailed I mean that's usually the we have a bill list every month or is it twice a month once a once a month so that's just the increase in Postage and just mailing out the checks um from the bill list so I'm actually going to because we're don't I don't know what postage rates are going to be um and I'm assuming they're going to go up again so I'm um requesting that to go up to $1,000 because we were at 600 we're already at 800 we still have two more months of checks to be um mailed out so I'm requesting $1,000 for that um Finance uh Printing and binding I'm going to leave that the same at at $300 that is all of our year-end reports are W2s for our employees our 1099s for our vendors our 1096 which are our health insurance forms that go out to the employees they're pretty standard uh forms that we do every year so that should that can stay the same I know any increase there um miscellaneous other I'm going to drop that down to $100 we didn't really use that last year there was one charge there last year was for a return wire fee didn't really Fallen anywhere anywhere in the budget so just leave it there just in case something comes up unexpected throughout the year do you recall why we put it to 900 that was a we must have had something in mind because I'll pull up last year's I'm not sure why it was a th the year before that we dropped it to 900 but in both those years we didn't get close to spend yeah let's wonder if an expense is booked other way other way yeah so I I don't see a need to keep it high like that so we're just you know drop it to 100 um so office supplies I'm going to keep a 3,000 even though we went up we went over just a little bit the main the main things that we bought out of that line item the most expensive thing is the ink for our printer we do a lot of printing in the finance office because we print all the purchase orders and all the checks not only do we print um checks for the vendors but there is also payroll reports that are printed checks you know I mean most of our employees are direct deposit but there still are some checks for payroll so all that printing is done in the finance office and that's probably the biggest you know again miscellaneous office supplies you know paper or things like that but probably the biggest thing is is the ink for for nurse okay so we'll leave that um conference and meetings I'm going to increase that um I'm going to ask for $400 that's what we spent last year and I think for some that wasn't budgeted for last year but St attended the tax collector and treasures conference um and we didn't budget for it but she did go to the conference she did write um a memo to the mayor you know saying what she learned at the conference and her being there on a full-time basis me just being part-time I think it's great for her to know um you know the ins and outs and Law changes and things like that just to stay up to date and it is a really good resource um because they're only tax collectors and CFOs and treasures at that conference so you get some networking and things like that so the conference is $400 um so I'm just requesting that budget $400 for for her to attend next year um we we talk offline about is there any other Education and Training for pursue and regarding anything else that sort of thing okay so the Education and Training are for miscellaneous webinars that's where where I would put that um most of them are $50 there is a webinar that I asked Su to attend I don't know if you signed up for that it was for um perk and it's basically to they're doing a webinar basically so you can learn how to um fill out the comparison with the employee contracts that's a $50 webinar so that would be for two webinars a year I think that would be a great you know especially as the police come up it's just be a good resource for her to to do so I put two webinars throughout the year for for her for that so there's no plan for any rers uh courses in terms of okay um the dues I'm going to ask for $150 and again that is for the tax collector and treasurers so if you pay for the dues then you can get a discount on the conference um gravel I'm going to and again Sunday these are over expended from the prior year because they weren't budgeted for last year and then after the budget was already introduced um the decision was made pursuit to goes to to to this conference so I am going to increase the travel line item to from 100 to 700 because that was overspent also um because I believe in our policy manual there are um the employees are allowed to stay at a hotel and um for uh travel expenses tolls mileage things like that so that would be what that increase would be for zero for equipment zero for furniture and then my data processing equipment and that is I'm increasing that to $9,250 and that's an actual number that we already received the Bill the contract from our edmin software that is our software that we use for our finance and payroll es and Es from requisitions does that require a resolution of the governing body um I don't I don't know if we've ever done one before have we SP had yeah we just have it recently okay so I don't want it to you know become coming an issue if it needs to be if it needs to be I'll add it to the January one agend okay yes need the information do that okay and we split the bill and you'll see um some of that is for the tax software which is charged to the tax office so this is just the finance we've already got the bill that would be paid out in 25 so that is an actual number so that's what what it will cost is it go up yes it did it was um 8,500 last year this year it's 9, is just increase in cost yes so and that is all I have let's um let's jump down what well anyone any questions forting on salary wages and other expenses while you're here let's just look at lot of services um so we'll plug that in when we get our RFP responses back yes all right so flag that for February 1 nothing that process all right well our tax assessor is not here and I understand I do have some Capital if you want oh no fin Capital there's not even a tab for that what are okay let's make a new tab that's okay you're the CFO you tell me um and I I don't know we didn't get prices on anything yet but what the only thing that we would like to do so before I was hired um Sue was in the office by herself I come up once a month and we share an office um right now she's sitting at like a card table when I come and I'm sitting at her desk um so I the office is small and I'm not really sure how we would do this but maybe possibly new furniture and I'm not really sure how we would do that and um we definitely need a new bilateral cabinet in there so that would only be the only thing that we would look at um cuz right now she has a table kind of in the back and and there's some shelf um files on top so get rid of that and get some more filing cabinets in there so you you'll get us a number in time yes yes we would have to look shop around again and again I'm not even sure because the office is really small and we're basically like sharing a desk when we're in there but I am only there once once a once a month I mean we make get work but um I mean I do feel bad she's sitting at a laptop work basically on a card table so would it make it easier uh to have a screen a second screen where right yeah I mean we would have to look at it because the office isn't very big I don't even know how we would um work it I mean years ago when I first we had the two Des we did have two desks in there at one point but we didn't have all so I don't know we'd have to look at it and see what we want to do I mean I'd like to just put a number in there so if we do can figure out a way to make it work it it works but who knows might not be able to so so and that's all we have okay definitely want the lateral cabinets the assessor wasn't do until 1:30 may we could do the collector yeah let's do it so um Jess isn't here but I did go over everything with her and she was not requesting any changes she was happy with the way things worked out all right so the 100 will put in for the 18973 point0 two so I just have one question though before we um sure um so I know last year we put money in her Education and Training and that was for I was for you to go take the past Lector is that still um I'm currently in class now and the reason which to us because I got the grant but so we did money we did budget money for Su but she got a grant from New Jersey League of municipalities or tax the tax collector Association she got a grant from them to pay for her class so that's why the money's still sitting there so are you going to take another class probably not so that could probably be reduced so I think we have we should talk that we don't want to go into too many employee matters in this hearing um but it it was a it was a grant you said yeah so it was just for this year so that Grant we still do we still have it or it'll be spending it now it is being used yeah and it was if you look in the finance budget it was I charged it to finance and then the money I reimbursed the money Happ instead of charging to The Collector I just charged it Finance it was an in and an out we pay the class and then they reimburse the city yeah all right so so do we you want to take that out or yeah I don't I'm not planning on moving forward with it all okay so then um but then also the tax collect so the tax collector the previous one used to charge us for some ceu course they took sometimes that's not the case here well that would probably that would go up in the conference and meetings I think the Education and Training was for for that okay all right so then let's zero it out should would leave something in a small balance in the event because I'm sure the bulk of her stuff is being charged to where she is the tax collector but like there could be something that she takes that benefits us so even if we left any 100 has 100 in conferences okay yes she has 100 in conferences and 100 so but moving forward um the that dues will be charged to finance and so in the the dues was my annual membership to the tax collector Association oh I put it into my budget yeah so this here came out of tax the 24 it came out of tax and 25 will come out of Finance I'm sorry I've got lost so what are we doing so I put a I put $150 in my line item for the dues for her but last year she paid it out of the tax collector line item probably because there was a budget there so this year there won't be that g to charge it this year unless the current fin yes why would we not charge a TA tax collector because is no longer doing correct long doing tax work but you are you still going to have a membership to the organization yes but it's it's the it's the tax collected treasur organization oh so it's a treasur side of that that you do I understand okay okay but now J I wouldn't wipe that out completely in in case the current tax collector wants to split her dues between her full-time I think if her full-time organization is happy to pay him we're glad to accept it absolutely so see I didn't look at see what her um her uh tax computer and data processing is over no that yes it is over but that's all the um expenses actually that's her Edmond's portion is charged there and then all the expenses for the um tax sale cost comes out of there the annual tax sale cost still in electronic tax yes but we still get invoice by um the company that does it in the previous year we had to it was her the tax assessor had the increase in the change of the third party vendor for the mail Assessor accessor oh wait I know the assessor had a change in the computer software being used right from vital to brt but we've used this um tax sale company okay for the last few years so we can I can get you a number we have the invoice for edans it's on Sue's desk so we didn't get you a the actual number for that thought I brought it with me but I did I didn't bring it for the mail for no for the admin software for the tax collector portion oh oh that that goes in the um the 259 account but I don't know what last year it was 2583 when I did the budget I only put my portion there I didn't put all right so we need to so right now we didn't see that P went up as well you're just you're thinking yeah all right so we need to highlight that item as further further follow you there's actually two charges of the billing maintenance program and the whd maintenance and I will point out that if you look at her Postage and her Printing and binding the reason why it's more money she budgeted more money than what she spent was she budgets money for um if we needed to do estimated tax bills this year we did not do estimated tax bills but um there is a possibility that we could have to do them next year so to leave those numbers where they are would be recommended just just just in case we need to do another mailing for to see thank you do you think the number that she budgeted given the increase in postage would cover I think it should be because yeah because it's almost like double what it what's there so I think leaving them the same would be fine um use she she budgeted she she on office supplies I don't know why she bought a PR oh okay so that won't happen next year so we can leave that the same yeah her printer um Smoky so then we're taking out everything staying the same we're taking out the training making that zero the dues making that zero and then I will get back to you with the data processing equipment number so the wait the liquidation yeah I was just going to ask about that oh yes but does that really fall under the tax collector yeah but but I mean isn't that that's GE isn't that geared by the number of individuals he might know I'm not sure so so what do we have in that from what's at 273 I'm sorry legal bills for tax appeals and foreclosures that we have to be the attorney yes sir it's geared by the number of appeals or forclosures that he receives correct he has a legal budget with nothing so we you might want to check um so it is what it is for this year right should we make a note when the assessor comes in to talk about maybe he has an idea of how many does a tax collector have interactions with the attorneys on the matter the bills just show up I don't believe so so it would' be the assessor as those discussions I'm not sure who yeah we got to figure out who authorizes who's authorizing the payment so I mean the bills just come in and that's and they say foreclosure or they say appeal and that's how they get dumped in this category and who's the attorney that's been doing that Mr opal okay we make a note when we get to the 229 from assessor 299 so 299 tax vers 229 assessor okay and he is planning on coming yes I just so then we have a few more moments if if he will be our last appointment of the day do we just want to do a quick pass to see if we need to do anything else before he gets there and then we're done with him we're done okay well we do know Public Assistance will be zero this year yeah that's important or unless there's something yeah may not be zero okay so um but it will be not a lot so we're currently looking at um that that position is salary position we're current currently in conversation with the current director to potentially extend um her her retirement date till until March and for that position to be filled with a six hour work week so to to reduce the number of hours so so the reasoning behind this is because you know all of the clients have been transferred over to the County you use the oh yeah than you sorry um so the reason for some kind of consideration currently the the director of social securities was slated for complete retirement at December 31st um for various reasons I'm not going to go into uh it was uh well I in conversations with the council and director this the city is considering extending um that position until March which is a better time for the director to consider retiring um even though the services have been shifted over to the county there's a sense in the city that it would be very helpful at least for the first three months of the year to maintain some some part-time presence in City Hall for those residents who are used to coming to City Hall for social services um and so as a as an effort to determine kind of whether that's something the city wishes to do in the long term um we we're likely going to propose was a thre Monon um six 6 hour week extension of that position um and I on salary wage yet but um the employee question has to retire in March for other reasons so it would just be January through March if it was determined that uh you know there was sufficient need and the govering body wanted to continue that position uh it would not happen for a period of at least 6 months um at which point unit May Rec consider or considerably High r on a parttime basis that time enloy play full time yeah how many hours part time um it's a salary position because of call call outs on weekends and nights and whenever there's an emerg but Tuesdays and Thursday and 16 hours L than that is yeah work is done all right so this this person will be fewer hours yes have yeah effectively and not for the year right really just for only for the first quarter okay and do you want to leave maybe a small amount maybe $50 or something like that in the O and E budget just in case there have postage or whatever Ju Just in case at least that gives me a uh the ability to transfer to or from if I need to talking about any o o just like $50 maybe in the office leave where they are because a new person if there's a new person they may want to order things and you know it's not that much money what's the $530 total talking about she talking about director social services department will not be that yeah I think $50 $50 would be fine yeah so office supplies just do office supplies $50 and then zero and everything else okay why would you do itage she does mail stuff she doesn't have a post she has $200 we be back who are you seeing that soon public assistance to oh okay it is 236 sorry I just saw the vend I was looking at the vendor not the line item all right there any other ones want to go over what about all right we have a salary and wage that's a partial employee Bo there part time oh yeah I guess consider it part time it's part of the it's part it's all rolled into one individual it's portion of in place yes yes all right so that would that would stay the same 84 4.5 um the advertising nothing was spent well that um just does not include uh any that salary number does not include any adjustment potential increase none of the salaries haveen today okay in this box okay and just just so that we're on the same page the idea is that when we do it once we do it for everybody and don't don't do twice by accident got advertising zero is spent but I think that's still an important depending on topic right still still have to do decisions has to do an annual yeah so advertisement of meetings and just nothing was charged strange I think it was all charged to um zoning no office expend escros that would make sense some of the advertising was charged to escros on all right well we'll leave it there just in case we have a city me well you would have the annual meeting notice okay uh other $500 nothing's been spent there unless Chris that's been helpful and sue for other bills that come in but zero that app I don't know what she would she hasn't H she's used that last couple years okay so books and publications leave it at 100 office computer supplies 150 Education and Training and who's new on the board but uh I think 540 this is adequate it looks like each um training sessions about 136,000 right some we have more members new than others as keep going to zoning you that should yeah5 all right zoning salary wages 4265 69 say the same all right here we are with the French Town zoning 5,000 was last year that's all based on Shar service okay is that any another look like that the sh service will not butal how we advertising 150 other yeah I don't know that other is for so let's uh let's Z it out and make a note to follow up to find out what that's for 5150 makes sense depending on the activity of the local an association does put at 450 with a note to follow up on who's coming that all right hello sir here this sure you speak into the mic here think you're doing pretty good you walk at exactly 1:30 all right if you could just because we're on a recorded message you just give your name your title and what you do uh whichard Department you tax assessor city of Le thank you all right so we'll go through line by line um if you like I could I can leave the discussion based on the papers in front of me so and start with salary wages there is a in is there any major changes you expect this year in Personnel at all not particularly this only me in the office okay he'd like to give half of his salary to the clerk's office no I don't 50% increase in salary I think we supposed to discuss that last year yeah thing it's gonna happen so yeah we didn't I don't think C got happen we can still talk about it though all right the uh Postage and delivery charges last year was 20 2,600 um Mid by October of this year you had spent 1,914 with that 2600 number too much enough I don't know what postage is going to be next year because I do two two mail I do my chapter 191 income letters and I do my reassessment uh I guess the 1900 was okay let's keep it to 26 all right just in case okay Printing and binding was 600 last year you spent $452 what's in that what's in that category what would you expect it to be this year um who's the cards that you sent out maybe that comes from the county oh okay come from the county that charges for the uh brt labels that's the only thing in that category right now okay like keep do you have anything for the rest of the year that yeah I don't know I can't see in the future I don't know what's going to happen with mailing or that category okay what's mostly um lately we have been just copying rather than sending things out to print for I think in the past you used to get envelopes are you still getting and okay postage on them okay all right professional consultant and special services last year the budget was 4356 $75 was spent now does that include my legal legal you have zero line would be for my attorney for tax appeals so that that was the line I don't know we were talking about before with it okay so the tax appeals we've been charging up to the tax collector's office up to $2,732 for this year and last year re budget is 4356 so 4356 see for next year give yourself a little cushion just in case you have any big any big appeals I think that should be okay was that 43 4356 let's keep okay so how do we want to handle do we want to move this year's expenses to that line or leave the Alan and then do no so it looks like we pulling up from what we spent that looks like there Printing and binding from last year there was a um assessment yeah the reassessment through Springfield was charged in the printing and binding in 23 that we did not have in 24 well we're going to have a charge this year again for the printing of the letters in the mailing for okay so we have not we haven't encumbered that in yet not yet so the prin enironment at 600 right okay and then the Professional Service the Professional Service that's legal we should probably start using that line I don't again that's something I don't know if my tax appeals I could have tax appeals is should right increased values considerably to two I expect F right the the point more is that we not really use the legal line prob we should start using that line if the professional service is for legal yeah are there any Professional Services I haven't had to use it again I may have to use a City attorney are there any other Professional Services that you use besid okay second expenses we need an outside appraisal or something so that Professional Service is your vital bill so I don't know why are we still using you vital there is no vital anymore so oh okay that was what that line item that's what the professional service and conso was was what's legal what is legal so legal that that line item is actually the reason why it's separated out like that is because you're allowed to put the appeals outside cap okay that's why it's separated um so that's why it's separated out like that okay so are being charged in the correct location it is but when you look on the actual budget document it's outside cab so do you have any computer software anymore that you're that it's all covered under the county so that's what that that's what we were using that line for was for his computer software and then if now it's being handled by the county we might not Needum there's no charges in brt right I have not seen any see the County's picking it up how long has the county been doing we just convered last year you a bill coming for 2024 and 2025 looks like the Count's very behind in Billing so I don't I don't know and I think that might have been why if if my memory is correct I think we might have not been sure whether or not we were going to get a bill from the county and we put it in the budget last year just to be on the safe side but we still haven't gotten a bill so I don't think the county is there way yes well why don't we finish what we're doing here and we can do that but I think we should leave it in there particularly to because other County we may be get yeah and and the other thing too is there are things that this new software pack doesn't do that we may have to Outsource a way to so what do you want to we're gonna let's leave it at 4356 at least in the moment and as we move through this document in months ahead we can always move so the note here is to uh review replacement cost some the count some some things the city be responsible contract or we may have to find another way to do certain things this software package is not compar all right so under legal 229 we're going to note that that's actually charged to the 299 for the tax collector allation zero office computer supply zero association dues last year budget paid 175 what do you expect to your Association do okay Education and Training budget is 600 last year spent $58 58 what do you expect this year that's going to go up you didn't expend it yet did did you expend it in 24 this is not on his worksheet no not I didn't okay it's go out because there's the courses are becoming harder to find okay did you take courses this year I required to take uh cus every year it's 30 credits over three years three years okay I just started my next three year turn okay but like I said it's very hard to find courses now County tax just right now they found they can't make money that's going after window the same yeah 600 zero computer data equipment zero phone charges communication zero so that's everything under the assessor is there any Cal yeah I requested a new printer last year we never got it okay that's a list din right now okay any other questions all right well let us know t with the county but if not not overly busy I can see if I can reach Tony right now okay Cindy I think we're done right we go ahead and adjourn yes okay well thank you all for joining us staff member thank you thank you