e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e great Tom ready for the rooll roll call please Mose here Mr Clark here Miss Evans here Mrs groger here Dr King miss pasculli here Mr pluta Miss Santos here Mr van heis here you have a quarum thank you Tom um we will be going into executive session um the open public meetings act authorizes the Board of Ed to meet an executive session under certain circumstances um the Board of Education uh require the open public meeting act requires that the board to adopt a resolution at a public meeting to go into private session um and the Lawrence Township Board of Education is necessary to meet an executive session to discuss certain items and involving matters which if publicly disclosed would constitute an unwarranted invasion of individual privacy and specifically tonight to discuss Hib formal action will not be taken and executive session should last about 10 to 15 minutes and have a motion to go into move second with a motion in a second who was the second please groer thank you okay it's an all in favor all in favor okay and we will reconvene um at 7 o'clock before yep great thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right like to call this meeting to order uh read the uh open public meeting statement the New Jersey open public meeting law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon as required under law adequate notice of this meeting has been provided via email Andor fax to the times the Lawrence Ledger the public library and has been filed with the municipal clerk this notice was provided prior to the 48 Hours required by the open public meetings act the board reserves the right to limit public discussion of personnel items and other matters as defined in the law and now we have the flag salute I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible Liberty and jce all right next we have our student representative report so our peer leaders can come up good evening my name is Joella adongo and I'm currently a senior and a member of the LHS musical family so this week including next week is just going to be various shows from the musical family of LHS we're going to have a choir concert this um Thursday the 9th at p.m. from the LHS choirs which is going to combine the concert magical and Ensemble choirs and then on the 10th there's going to be a gospel choir concert at 6:30 p.m. and then next week on the 16th there's going to be the instrumental concert at 700 p.m. which will combine the band and the orchestra which are just going to perform um consequently after each other and then on the 17th there's going to be a combination of the Gospel Choir and the band it's going to call it's going to be called gospel meets Jazz and basically the band's going to perform some of their Jazz pieces that they've been working on for a while for a couple months they have a small group that they have together and they perform and then the Gospel Choir will also perform with them so that's just all the musical stuff that's going to be happening over these past two weeks thank you thank you hi I'm Haley and I'm a member of peer leadership as well as Deca and I'm going to talk about the National Conference that Deca just attended we had 23 students go there and it's already a competition Conference of 23 th000 students and we had someone Place top 20 as well as someone placed top in their role play conratulations hi my name is Matt I'm a senior in per leadership here at LHS I'm going to be talking about our boys baseball team uh they are currently 18-2 coming off a win against heightstown to secure the CBC title they are currently ranked number one in the county and recently just beat the number three number team in the state that's all we have for you guys thank you for having us here this evening congrat [Applause] congratul all right thank you so much everybody uh next we have the adoption of minutes so moved second a motion by Mr van heis and that is seconded by Miss Kroger may I call the role you may Mr Clark yes Miss Evans yes Miss Kroger yes Miss pasculli yes Mr pluta yes M Santos yes Mr van heis yes this BOS is absent the motion passes all right and we have the reports to the board their superintendent report is first okay so we're going to start with the budget hearing slides that you'll see shown behind you okay do you want to begin or shall I okay I'm going to step up so I can see MH this is our second presentation we're uh this is the official budget hearing which means that we're have to open the floor up to the public for questions after we look at our budget here uh the last time we presented this to you a couple months ago nothing has changed since then so the course that we set is still the same today um there's a couple more things that we have to do after the conclusion should you pass this budget and then we'll begin the official 2425 school year U we've already done that of course you know Personnel is ready and so is our procurement schedule so with no further Ado this is where we are our goals and objectives have not uh changed we are still on path and we're exploring all of these things you reported uh we report these out at every single meeting from curriculum Pathways to preschool expansion to connections I can't hear you yeah can you move a little closer to the mic okay I will try that how's this use that booming voice is this better woohoo so we'll do that so our goals are still the same and we're marching towards them um as you've uh been informed at all of our curriculum meetings our finance meetings um and all of our committee meetings and since we're meeting on a regular basis you're very well informed we see each other every Friday um so and uh that's that's been wonderful so thank you for that so our initiatives are still there in terms of preschool expansion um carried over from the first slide uh our therapeutic counseling is still in our is now in our base budget so we have a counselor at the middle school at the intermediate school and the high school um and those are something that once in our base budget now it's part of a core of what we do and it's essential to our functioning we have a media specialist uh bringing equity and equality in terms of services to uh ELD Park and slackwood school and through the office of instructional Services though diligently working on the Orton Gillingham training of our staff members to achieve the the goals that are stated uh specifically not not exclusively um reading by third grade um and that seems to be very warmly received the uh we're maintaining our Police Service or presence rather at our schools so as you drive past our schools you see our students are protected uh the police officers that we have our at our schools whether sro's or class 3es are part of our staff they are welcome part of our staff and um uh I don't remember a time without them at this point so um no longer are they Oliver to The Brady Bunch nope they're at part of the crew now so and the kidss love them so our focus on parent involvement through meaningful Communications continues on through Mrs balar but yet also every office uh we take her lead we follow her messages coming from the superintendent and we convey them out and you should see them and hear them echoed in the community of course our restructuring for Dei is something that we're doing we do that and talk about it at every one of our committee meetings to make sure that we're true to it um I believe the word is uh it has um not vitality what is the word Ross used to use on a regular basis when you're true to it he had a word a specific word I'm channeling Ross here um well we're we're we're true to our our our cause there so our five-year operational plan you'll see uh routinely in our discussions of our referendum and of course we have a board meeting coming up on May 22nd where we'll be hosting our architect to talk about that very thing and answer question question the economic influences that we experience are no different than than those experienced Across the Nation certainly not through New Jersey where we have salary increases based on inflation um but we also have a shortage in our staffing pools so our HR department led by Sha and followed by his team there actively uh seek out uh our candidates for our positions one of which is in the audience tonight and it's an absolute pleasure to have her here so welcome AB board there you are so pensions uh excuse me benefits Insurance are also driven by inflation and so all of these things that you see here whether it's benefits or pensions or Transportation costs it's our job to keep them away from the instructional budget of the district and we do that from a variety of different uh strategies that we use whether it's by rebidding benefits uh minimizing our pension impacts or rebidding our transportation costs and considering different aspects of the policies there in if we look at this chart right here it shows us that salaries and benefits in 20145 were about 75% of our budget that holds close to being true today and so the slices of the pie really haven't changed we're a person intensive business um aside from our students the next valuable resource most valuable resource we have are our teachers in the classroom and so this is the distribution that you would expect to see in a business such as ours the appropriation spending plan has been condensed into these categories uh for easy consumption and so we did this we broke down approximately 600 budget lines uh and presented them in this form for you here the top table shows the program that is which program it supports typically regular education special education and things of that nature but within those programs and for the same amount of money as this is 85 million 46 85 5 million 406 down here let me draw your attention while this is the program that our funds support these are the things within the program that our fund supports so as we look here and we see 29 almost $30 million for regular education and $18 million for special education and you follow it and it totals out to 85 here what those programs are comprised of are these things here from the previous SL and again it's no surprise to see that salary and benefits lead so as we move through our revenues we have uh minor changes in our revenues where we've had some additional state aid this is the last year for us right here so this is less than uh about a half a percent of our total budget but we're grateful for the increase in state aid we're at the last year of a five-year phas in for additional state aid after this we might see a cola but we won't see a lumpsum increase here like this we okay okay so I'm looking at Jo in and then please interrupt me anytime you feel overall we're primarily supported through our tax levy so of our total revenue of $85 million $76 million almost $77 million is our tax level the increase that we show here is just over our 2% and we've used some extensions to get us beyond that 2% and 2% allows for 1.4 million almost 1,500,000 we have a growth allowance for some benefits and then our bank cap that we're using to expand our 2% constraint the tax impact of this is the bottom line impact is $52 per year on an average assessed home of $285,000 767 one of the things that comes up from time to time is our transparency everything you have seen on the screen today plus probably about 20 pages of detail single space line detail of our entire budget is posted on our website it's been there since the day that we did our first uh budget uh preview uh sometime in I believe it was late February and so it still is true today and uh you can find them back all the way down and we only showed 1920 but they go back to 0809 on our website so that information is there for anyone who would like to see it I'll also say this for anyone who's interested every single month the Board of Education approves the board secretary's report that is the budget uh in action so every single month when you approve the board secretary's report you're approving the budget that you saw there in its formal construct however how much of it has been spent to date and how much revenue is also recorded on that form so with respect to transparency those are a part of every one of your agendas and those are also available to anyone who is interested so from there our next steps we'll submit our budget back to the merzer County Department of Education and then uh since if we have no changes this evening then they'll approve it as is and after that if there are no changes this evening again we'll submit our request for taxes to the Township Clerk and that's their marching orders to raise taxes for the following year and with that if there's any questions that I can answer or Robin can answer anyone here your staff is here yes ma'am the word you were looking for is Fidelity that's it I was thinking vitality but it's Fidelity you're absolutely right thankk you pepper I appreciate it because this whole time I was going what is that word I had dual processors working thank you um so it's required that we open it up to the public for any questions at this point and that's part of the budget hearing and that's your okay so if the public has any questions you may step up to the podium yes state your name address write down the address yeah right here um and then we'll try and answer and if we can't answer it tonight we will certainly get you the answer soon I don't see any takers L scen as there is none all right great that's it for me thanks thank you so much thank you for everyone in the district and Mr Eldridge for your work in developing that budget I know it's a lot of time and effort and energy and I appreciate it um so may has been quite a busy month first and foremost um an issue very close to my heart is mental health awareness month for May I am super proud to lead a district that that prioritizes mental health not only for our students um and our families but really for our staff um always looking at ways to kind of strike that work life balance give back time when we can for uh you know Educators to collaborate in the classrooms and really work together for the benefit of student growth May is also Asian Pacific um sorry Asian-American Pacific Islander Heritage Month last week our high school celebrated the contributions of aapi community with a series of fun events including pingpong and pickle ball and Tennis table tennis um Olympian uh type Sports as part of a General ltef Grant so thank you again to our Educational Foundation for these wonderful opportunities they provide our students our kids loved getting henna tattoos and tasting uh tea and they had a cultural um food and drink to go along with the Day celebration so that was really special for our families and our students they also were able to dress too and they did dress up yes and our assistant superintendent pimmy Goomer she came dressed um it was really just a a nice celebration uh speaking of celebrations this week we celebrate teacher and staff appreciation week I want to express our profound gratitude to all of our District staff and teachers this unwavering dedication and passion play a pivotal role in shaping the lives of our students I want to also reiterate that our teachers and staff are truly appreciated not only this week but every every single day of the year additionally yesterday marked School nurses day um as you know we our nurses are are highly um coveted in our district and we respect and love them and I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to all of them for their T tireless efforts of taking care of our students and Community each and every day our district began State testing this week which we will continue throughout the end of next week the New Jersey um student learning assessment um for grades uh 3 to 8 will include LA and math um that's grades 38 and 11 and science is 58 and 11 that assesses students progress towards the state learning standards so if your children are tired let's get them to bed early so they can do their best um at next week's uh next board meeting on May 22nd we're actually going to be holding an open public board work session we would love to invite all of you to get a a gander at our architectural plans that we've been working toward remember this is the footprint of the expansion of our Middle School grades to house grades 6 to 8 I am incredibly proud of the collaborative efforts between our leadership team this board and the Architects together we've been diligently planning to ensure that the expansion not only meets the needs of our incoming sixth graders but Fosters an environment um conducive to academic and social emotional growth for all so please come out it'll be right here 7.m on May 22nd thank you thank you and there is no additional board secretary's report cor I wanted to comment on the referendum okay so when you uh to piggyback on what Dr CL said the just to give you some foreshadowing of what you can expect as the board in May will do the things that Dr clim explained um we may update our long range facilities plan at that meeting if we do that that is not a commitment to do anything it just says we're going to update our plan the board passes a resolution to update the plan great in June there is um the opportunity to for the board to say to the Department of Education these are this is a concept of what we have how much state aid will you give us it is not a commitment that we're saying go build it it is just something that we're saying to the Department of Education okay we have an idea based on these Concepts from the V various stakeholders how much Aid will you provide us and those are the things that we see before us in the next two months having to do with the referendum which is very exciting um but often times you like to to know in advance what you'll be asked to do so you'll get everything that Dr clim said but I um just to tell you there's no pressure at that point these are the concepts with our best thinking thank you I hope I didn't I just wanted to flesh that out because sometimes people think that once we approve those things it means we're doing it seeing a timeline thank you T thank you that's it thank you great all right in the board president's report um I just wanted to Echo some of what Dr clim said uh this week we're celebrating staff appreciation week I'd like to recognize the incredible impact of our Educators and support staff our staff's dedication passion and hard work are the foundation of our students success from teachers AIDS custodians nurses counselors and cafeteria workers each of you plays a vital role in creating a nurturing environment where every child can Thrive thank you for all you do as I look forward to the next few weeks I'm excited for our students and all of the end of year activities that our leadership team have been planning from award ceremonies promotions and graduations we are excited for our students and celebrating their achievements together let us cherish these moments and look forward to the future with optimism and excitement and finally yesterday Dr clim and Miss Bose sent out an invitation to members of our community to attend our May 22nd board meeting at LHS during this board meeting we will have a board work session to discuss the plans for the Middle School expansion in surrounding campus it will be an opportunity for the board to meet with the Architects and discuss the addition to the middle school and address board questions we are confident it will be a productive session and give the public the opportunity to understand the project and how the board is approaching facility and campus upgrades this meeting will be a first opportunity for the public to see the proposed building plans and understand the process we are embarking on in the district we're excited for the future of Lauren schools and setting our students up for success I hope you can join us thank you all right and moving on to our committee reports I'll start with community relations uh community relations and legislative affairs met April 30th at 8:30 a.m. in attendance for myself Amanda Santos Joan groger Rob pluta Dr Robin clim Vanessa Barak Tom Eldridge and Jen biseri uh we spent the majority of the meeting discussing the district reconfiguration we reviewed the plans for the Middle School uh we offered some input with regards to special education station things like that um we identified potential stakeholders to reach out to um we also reviewed two policies reviewed it the student representative policy which you'll see is moved to First reading tonight um and we're working on rewarding the Quorum policy which we'll discuss again at our next meeting and that's it I have a an addition to based on an event that happened on Sunday to that so on Sunday May 5th the growth and Redevelopment committee held the 2 second lawren Township Economic Development Awards or members and attendance were pepper Evans and arell Clark myself but fulfilling afternoon of networking and sharing of stories and experience the keynote speaker was Miss whilea linski an entrepreneur of multiple businesses in Lawrence there was a post postumus honoring of for Andy Frank for his cont cont contributions there we go and inspiration to the community a series of awards were handed out to those who were recognized for making significant or unique contributions to the economic growth of Lawrence Township the following types of awards that were presented was the mayor's award for economic Community developed given to every child valued the new small business award given to Bountiful Gardens the Lawrence Legacy award given to Trenton farmers market and the Ralph Copeland environmental award given to ch Grove organic farm once again it was a fulfilling afternoon with community and congratulations to all the recipients great thank you all right uh next we don't have our student board member here tonight so we'll move on to the New Jersey School Board Association okay great uh just a quick reminder May 13th we're celebrating Juliet Le's uh as our Mercer County teacher of the year uh Mercer County School boards Association will be a hybrid meeting County meeting and it'll be here at Lawrence High School in the Commons starting at 6:00 um the virtual component begins at 6:45 this will be our last County meeting for the school year and all attendees must pre-register in advance and if anyone here needs directions to get to Lawrence High School see me after the meeting a quick update for uh Project Graduation Events first I'd like to thank J Shri for her hard work and dedication that she puts has put forth this entire year in continues to do um many of you know her children have graduated I think was it four years ago and she's still volunteering giving many hours countless hours um so uh we did the Cardinal Crown event last Friday night it was quite uh a fun evening it was a huge success many thanks to all the students that participated and to the outstanding supportive parents who made the event happen both behind the curtain and in front then this was the highlight both Michelle Boose and I distributed senior lawn signs over the weekend uh the Lawrence Township police are very happy that both of us are off the road it was not fun um all seniors please take note that you need to register for the senior breakfast that's coming and the mock car crash presented by Lawrence Township Police Department on Thursday June 6 8 a.m. it's an event that brings to light what happens if you're driving impaired it it's something the seniors should not miss so please make sure you sign up for that and then keep in mind too Project Graduation is still in need of volunteers to help with the main event after graduation Tuesday June 18th 11:00 p.m. to 5 a.m. and that's my wrap for New Jersey school boards thank you Joan you bet all right and next our Student Services leison report student services has not yet met this month okay great moving on to review of communications Dr Clen would like to make a statement sure I just wanted to clarify a couple of things we had some questions since the letter went out from myself and Miss Boose uh I think it was 3 o'cl yesterday went through talking points inviting you to the board meeting I just want the clarity to go out and publicly I want to say um there was a statement in there talking about special education students possibly returning to District please I want the Assurance of our families I want everyone to understand that's an IEP team decision the district is not making any predetermination around students returning however we are planning for them we are planning the space and the availability for programs to expand as our students needs grow so I just wanted to clarify that one sentence in my letter and have families rest assured if their child is being programmed for in a meaningful way out of District there's no intentions from Miss macarak or her office you know to take children and just return them to LMS when the reconfiguration happens but I want our families to hear very loud and clear that student services is invested in all of our Learners and there will be planned spaces for all programs to extend the trajectory from preschool to 12th grade under this leadership team so I wanted to say that very loud and clear um also just very um happy to start our partnership with um Town Council um myself and Mr Eldridge met with Kevin nowinsky Our Town manager along with Chief Longo um and Jim parvis uh the engineer for the township and we started to kind of map out what our site plan could look like for the expansion of our middle school high school campus um we talked about you know all things from some traffic you know concerns to you know building and considering parking spaces for the additional staff coming up to that building we talked about um you know the accessibility in ADA accommodations for some of our Ames right to get in and out of the buildings with great access we talked about visitor parking and drop off spots so I want you to know very transparently we've begun that discussion in fact we've invited ourselves to the town council meeting on May 21st we'll have a little 10 to 15 minute Spotlight um just to talk about the why I think sometimes you know when we're thinking about going out for a referendum and we're looking to the community you know for their backing on building the footprint of Lawrence Township schools for the next 75 years it's a big ticket item we realize that so we've started these conversations early in the process and really Mr alridge and I are going to be talking about the grade level bands and how we're going to kind of set the footprint and I think if we understand the why then they'll feel more inclined to come to our board meeting which is going to be the following night on the 22nd to see the site plan presented by The Architects thank you great thank you all right now we have our technically second uh opport opportunity for public input so if uh you would like to State something please come to the podium state your name you can write your address down on the sheet of paper and you have three minutes okay seeing as there are none uh moving on to there's no board discussion and work session tonight um board discussion and action items so Personnel I think we did meet we met May 1st at 8:15 in attendance were Kevin Van heis Aaron Del Clark Robert Puda and myself um Personnel updates Tom Eldridge and Dr Robin clim went over the uh site plans for the Middle School site um we discussed as we said earlier um things that we see that are going to make everything just so much more uh flowing in the parking lots and students moving it's exciting to look at it so I'm eager to have everyone's eyes on that we discussed a revised 2425 school calendar we looked at vacancies for the 2425 school year we discussed updates pertaining to staff for the next year we discussed updates for the vacancies for two Elementary School principal positions and we moved two policies for a second reading or first reading rather and decided to hold two policies for future review and if you'll look at the agenda for tonight you will see two retirement ments one Kathleen Clawson a lunchroom assistant at slackwood elementary school this kind person has served in this position for 23 years this is a lot of lunches spent opening mil cartons and juice boxes and the second retirement you'll see is Carrie Fitzgerald she currently holds a position as ASI at Lawrence Intermediate School uh Carrie's also worked at LMS and has been a staff member for 21 years we wish both of these women a healthy and enjoyable retirement and we thank them for their years of service and dedication to our children you'll also see um approvals for resignations sub teers School nurses assistants a few resolutions amended 2425 school calendar staff training for curriculum work staff to prepare and present professional development trainings you'll see transfers and amendments and several appointments for Jump Start program M staff Subs due to clearance checks physician appointment Summer Staff our staff listed tenured staff listed non-tenured staff non-certificated staff secretarial staff it's a big agenda maintenance and custodial staff stiens tenured for lapta staff non-tenured lapta staff represented staff uh designations and Eagle staff summer case and evaluation staff esy connected program staff and nurses for summer programs phew with all of that I'd like to move P1 through p59 please second no motion a motion in a second Mr Eldridge if you could call the RO the second was Miss Evans I think thank you Mr Clark yes Miss Evans yes Miss Kruger yes Miss pasculli yes Mr pluta yes yes Mr van he yes Miss Santos yes motion carried okay next we have our uh CIA APD and student services okay CIA APD met on May 1st in attendance were pimmy Goomer Michelle Kos Michelle King and myself and we had a special presentation by Steve Apprentice who runs our tech department does he have a title supervisor of AR Tech and it was a fascinating uh fascinating presentation he talked about Ai and how it's going to be uh used in the classrooms going forward and we talked about how quickly things have changed in AI said reminded us that our first exposure to artificial intelligence was clippy remember clippy the little paper clip that was that was our first Expos exposure to artificial intelligence and now we have chat GPT and every day there's something else and uh what we're trying to do is make sure that chat GPT which is not uh cheating per se because it is original words just maybe not yours but um but we want uh students to be able to use it we do have in place uh uh programs on our on our teach on our staff computer that can pick out plagiarism and artificial intelligence uh what's happening is that it's so chat GPT and the likes are still very new and it's mostly inaccurate and um as better tools become available for staff to work with students using AI will improve our tools uh our focus is continue to be Project based learning and creating critical thinkers our meeting was so fascinating it went over and we had to meet again today so today in attendance uh were pimmy Goomer Diana pasi uh Michelle Bose and myself oh and Amanda Santos pitched hit um and we talked about the road forward and the leadership team engaging in an activity to determine the initiatives and programs that are happening in each school this will be used used to ensure cohesiveness and consistency of programs and initiatives across district and buildings as well as to build a professional development and programming vision for the district we're looking at all programs and initiatives through an equity lens of access for all and the whole child on this agenda you will see items to approve staff to write curriculum prepare and present professional development and provide translation services for the 2425 Academic Year you will also find items to approve all certified Math teachers for option two math testing scoring placement and LMS math challenge math placement packet testing scoring and Grading for the 2024 summer the 2425 District calendar was reviewed by personnel and his on the agenda for approval the district has moved staff professional development days to provide students and families time off for diali and Eid alpher this also this is also reflected in the 2526 calendar which the committee reviewed uh the district is continuing to trained staff in IM Orton Gillingham the agenda reflects third through fifth grade teachers attending training this spring and summer to implement in the fall and with that I would like to to move ois 1 through 5 second the motion in a second Mr alridge if you could read the role Mr Clark yes Miss Evans yes Miss Kroger yes Miss pasculli yes Mr pluta yes Mr van heis yes M Santos yes motion carry and right okay uh so moving on to the finance committee report uh yes thank you finance is actually on weekly meetings so we've had uh tons of guest speakers uh everybody cycling in and out as my waist and blood pressure will attest to from the unlimited coffee and uh breakfast that we're enjoying um but it has been essentially um a lot of work and a lot of um just brainstorming on the referendum project um and a lot of what uh Robin was talking about um are actually coming through the committee so as we are looking at um you know not just the physical facilities expansions but what we can do with that how that really sets us up um for a lot of the programmatic things because at the end of the day this is all being program driven so if we can expand the spaces to to meet those needs and then all the things that then go along with that traffic storm water management um just access circulation pedestrian vehicle um and it's been a great kind of um for those that are not normally involved in this it's it's a fantastic learning experience as everybody is kind of chiming in and saying hey I'm I stand out in the buses in the morning and this is what I see or as the parents are driving by and so we're bringing all of those um so that the public is aware all of those are being uh discussed on a daily and and certainly at the board committee level uh weekly basis and then those um issues and kind of flags are then being given to the professionals who then start to incorporate those into the plans they come back with the change and um so it is essentially that has been piing up our Friday mornings um and then to not let normal business go by the wayside we also had a very active um uh meeting on Friday so the first half of that was actually um about the referendum um reviewing site meetings uh talking about uh a lot of the other um things that go along with that improvements to um both uh the PE and athletic uh facilities that we have um also talking about just the nuts and bolts how does this process work uh and it was alluded to earlier that we will have certainly Community involvement in this we have also a legal team that will help uh guide our way through the bond referendum process as we get to that there doe approvals and submitt uh so a lot of that started to get discussed uh and we are also uh not one to ignore our other facilities we are also looking at projects for instance over at Lis uh on tonight's agenda we also have uh rooftop top uh HVAC units that will be going in uh both at Lis and at the high school um we're also Thomas continuing to coordinate uh as everybody sees the uh clocks and PE systems as they continue to be deployed uh districtwide to make sure that all of our facilities are up the high school was done already and and we are completing or working to complete that project um again we're also going to be continuing to make improvements at our other facilities so we have Paving projects uh at Lees and Ben Franklin planned for this summer uh certainly our buildings remain in use over the summer so some of the logistics that go into uh coordinating um even things like Paving projects to make sure that they do not impact uh the programming that will be going on on those so we covered uh and discussed those um while all of that is going on we are still continuing the transition to our Genesis software which will allow us to have kind of an integrated um systemic accounting budget Student Activities roll Personnel software so um any of those software rollouts are always very involved there are cross check quadruple check you know uh to make sure that all the data is going in and so it's a slow process but it is continuing uh on track and and so far without issues knock on wood um also on tonight's agenda we have bus route renewals uh the business office has been work been working very aggressively over the last several months has been reported out um to try to get uh those renewal rates in as best as possible for the financial stewardship of the district uh and they are on this evening's agenda uh we are also uh undergoing a food service audit uh and again they uh we're not expecting any uh significant or substantive issues um and then lastly in great news um the state has approved I guess the formal budget approval for the preschool expansion program so that just came in this week and uh was referred to and then the committee also had several policies that are on this evening's agenda so do we need to look at that one with that one uh scholarship or is that because if we're going to vote on sbm1 18 yeah is there amendment tobm 18 only only a voice Amendment so we can need so if if you call it an yeah SPM 18 which is for scholarships which one is it Chris chamorus it says two at 300 it should be two at 500 two at 500 okay so with that Amendment I will move spbm 1 through sbm 29 second motion of second Mr Aldridge if you could call the RO Mr Clark yes Miss Evans yes Miss groger yes Miss pasculli yes Mr pluta yes Mr van he yes Miss Santos yes motion Carri great all right next we have our final opportunity for public input if you'd like to speak please come to the podium state your name write your address okay see none we'll move on to new business okay on tonight's agenda for new business you'll see approvals for resignation purchases sub teachers maintenance ground staff summer temp Staffing Le replacement lap to staff pending background clearances lap to support staff appointment for Jump Start program and esy connect programs and with that NB I'd like to move nb1 through NB 13 please second motion second Mr alridge if Clark yes Miss EV yes M Kroger yes M pasculli yes Mr pluta yes Mr van heis yes M Santos yes motion carried great and do we have a motion for adjournment so moved second second all right all in all in favor I I I great thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e