e e e e e s I got the low down Auditorium Blues test one two okay so close pickup you're all right now better better e e e e e you for ing the e e for e for for e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e this no I yep check check test one two12 Auditorium Podium mic testing one two one two 3 e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e um um I will do the announcement of the open public meeting statement the New Jersey open public meeting law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their business is their interest is discussed or acted upon as required under law adequate notice of this meeting has been provided via email and or facts to the times the Lawrence Ledger the public library and has been filed with the municipal clerk this notice was provided prior to the 48 Hours required by the open public meeting act the board reserves the right to limit public discussion of personnel items and other matters as defined in the law and we will have our flag salute I pledge aliance to the flag the United States of America to the repblic for it stands one nation indivisible okay all right we have our student representatives and peer leaders here tonight good afternoon everyone my name is Isaac Park and I am a junior the Lawrence High School jazz band is honored for the opportunity to host our second Tournament of band jazz competition here at LHS on April 27th at 5:00 p.m. up to eight schools throughout Central Jersey will compete at this competition in addition Temple University's world renowned jazz band will perform with the LHS jazz band members ticket entry is $10 at the door please look forward for future LHS jazz band performances if you have any further questions please contact Mr jish thank you hello everyone my name is Argent tavari and I'm a senior I wanted to share insights in our school's preparation for the upcoming AP exams our teachers have been tirelessly conducting extra review sessions and providing abundant resources to ensure that all students are well equipped for their exams in May additionally teachers have encouraged a supportive study atmosphere conducting a wide variety of practice tests and promoting access to additional practice materials hello everyone my name is Rishi and I'm a junior and I'm talk today I'm gon to talk about the high school program at Princeton University which is a special program available to select LHS students who qualify to take introductory college classes at Princeton University so this year there were two students who qualifi for this program um I was one of them and I'm going to take ecology and evolutionary biology at Princeton next year and sophomore sich and theun was approved to take math 214 at Princeton um final placement into the classes will be turn will be determined by final grades AP exam test scores Princeton placement exam scores and Avail availability of each class thank you uh hi everyone I'm Keon and I'm a junior next Friday April 26th 23 students from Lawrence High School will be leaving for Anaheim California to compete at Deca a business competition at the international level they will compete against 22,000 students from all over the world and this is a very exciting opportunity for students to network in business with business EXC tives and Leadership academies wish them luck yes thank you so much and good luck to Deca um you all welcome to stay or if you want to leave that's perfectly okay you thank you so much have a good night um recognition and acknowledgements um Miss gab Harry want to come up sure good evening my name is Gabrielle ceri I am the school library media specialist at Lawrence Intermediate School and tonight I have the pleasure of reading the state of New Jersey resolution in recognition of school library month in New Jersey just going to apologize in advance for the number of times I say whereas uh so kicking it off whereas the month of April 2024 has been designated nationally as school library month by the American ass Association of school librarians and whereas School libraries strive to provide Equitable access to resources and instruction for all students and whereas School libraries provide materials and resources that reflect the diversity of our students and communities as well as honoring a student's freedom to read and whereas School libraries provide resources and instruction to assist with the implementation of New Jersey student learning standards and whereas School library media Specialists develop information literacy skills instruction so students are able to effectively locate evaluate and apply knowledge and whereas School library media Specialists assist with literacy development to raise literacy rates by inspiring students to develop a lifelong love of reading and whereas School library media Specialists create literature appreciation activities and encourage content and recreational reading to every student and whereas School libraries contribute to students social and emotional learning needs and whereas it is both fitting and proper that special recognition be given to school libraries and the role of certified School library media specialists in ensuring an environment that allows for reading and learning investigation and research and the lifelong pursuit of knowledge for all students in New Jersey now there for be it resolved that the New Jersey state board of education and the acting Commissioner of Education recognize April 20124 at school library month in New Jersey and this was signed by the acting commissioner and Kathy Goldenberg who's the president of the New Jersey state board of education so thank you for letting me come and read this uh Lawrence has a librarian in every school which is not the case in all districts in New Jersey so we always appreciate your support for the Librarians and the libraries in this District so thank you thank you and I think that I can speak for the entire board and our respect and recognition of the contributions that our Librarians do in Lawrence Township I personally have had the pleasure of working in many of them over the course of the time that my kids were in this District um and they are an critical part part of the educational experience of all of our students so thank you so much I'd like to point out that there are books on her dress for dress oh the glare from the light of I cannot see anything at this I'm a bookor so I notice these we had a dayed that's great you I love that um now an adoption may I have a motion to adopt the executive session and regular session minutes from the March 13 2024 meeting so second second did you say it so I second y sure got it I'm So Far Away Mr Clark yes Miss Evans yes Miss groger yes Dr King yes Miss pasculli yes Mr pluta abstain m Santos yes Mr van heis yes Mr Bose yes motion Carri thank you um reports to the board superintendent report okay so I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to Mrs Harry um casseri sorry um for presenting the recent resolution it really fills me with immense joy as the superintendent of schools I do as you noted um appreciate that there is a media specialist and librarian um you know in all of our buildings which really makes a difference for our students um your leadership and dedication to students and the community are truly inspiring so thank you to all of our Librarians media Specialists um for everything that you do April promises to be an invigorating month the New Jersey state board of education has also declared April as autism acceptance month um a resolution we proudly support I'm thrilled to share that our district has been recognized by Nam NM foundation with the 2024 best communities for music education award this marks the 14th year we have received this prestigious honor and it is a testament to our commitment to providing exceptional music education we're on a roll with music if you haven't noticed um ltps uh was awarded a $2,000 Sustainable New Jersey for schools grants um through the njaa on March 21st this grant will enable our district Green Team representatives to further their sustainable initiatives benefiting our pre- 12 students a huge shout out goes to our remarkable students from LHS National History Day Club their advisor Miss Priscilla Taylor showcased their impressive turning points in history we got to go to the Burley house and really experience this live and they did amazing presentation they're now preparing for the New Jersey state competition at William Patterson we wish some luck and we're rooting for you I'm also excited to share some preliminary news about potential res renovation we've been discussing at Lawrence Middle School Mr vanis will also provide some details in the upcoming finance committee report I'm grateful for the collaborative efforts by our district leaders and Board of Education as we develop a vision for the future we are looking forward to presenting the draft architectural plans next month we are currently working through steps that will be the most impactful to our infrastructure and our Focus has been on designing the footprint of LMS to include our sixth graders this is just the initial phase we will work towards our operational plan which will take place over the course of four to 5 years as part of our initial um as part of our initiative the transition for Lawrence Intermediate School to that true Upper Elementary model grades 3 to five we will undertake a comprehensive refresh in the future they are not lost on us we will be upgrading those facilities and making sure that it truly is a welcoming place for our our Upper Elementary students this redesign will absolutely incorporate Community feedback to ensure the configuration optimally supports our students across all grade levels and we value of course your support and ideas we invite you to be a part of the process so please mark your calendars for a board work session it'll be incorporated into our current session that's on and planned for May 22nd at the high school library and then of course June 12th we'll have a board meeting where we aim to present a near final version of the renovation plans both of those meetings will include the Architects that we are working with to provide the community with a three to foure project um you know submission of the plans and we value your input thank you again for helping us achieve these milestones and I look forward to a very busy spring as uh we close out the school year thank you thank you Robin um board secretary's report thank you the um I want to report back that the last meeeting we submitted our budget for County review for purposes of getting it approved for the hearing uh that will occur on May 7th and our budget has been um approved for the hearing it doesn't mean it's approved in its final form but for the hearing and uh you'll see our budget will be advertised in the newspaper uh the whole userfriendly budget there it's also posted on our website so it's there for anyone who's interested in in looking at that on the evening excuse me on the agenda this evening are many professional and consultant appointments as we prepare for the 24 25 school year you will see uh Sage Thrive being reappointed next year Sage Thrive is now in our base budget and uh um they are present in our intermediate middle and high schools you will find that we have our Brokers appointed for next year both property casualty and health benefits Brokers you'll also uh find that our legal services are being appointed for next year and uh this will continue on in terms of consultants and professionals this month and next month um I've been communicating with the board and providing you with memos of these things they're coming so you should be getting them from me um in addition you'll find that we have uh preparation for our services next year for people who are providing services in addition to three Thrive rather but directly two students by way of Occupational Therapy Physical Therapy nursing Services social work uh those things are all on the agenda this evening also uh we received a grand in excess of $99,000 for safety um It's Our intention to channel that towards cyber security and continue the robust effort that we already have put forward by the tech department led by Mr brenis in addition in new business this evening you'll find upwards of $280,000 in uh uh contracts that we're seeking your approval on for additional security measures to expand what it is we did and have done in the 2018 uh referendum those are funded through the referendum funds so when you look around you and you see the uh the clock systems that we have the notification systems that we have the speakers that we have the door access controls and many of the other things that keep us safe we're looking to enhance them with the same funds um and I'll defer everything else to the finance chair for their meeting thank you you left him two sentences what did she say you left two left him two no he's got a lot he's got either he's got the fun stuff thank you um the board president report um I would like to just sort of continu continue on what Robin was talking about um and share an update regarding the design process for the Middle School um as we meet our internal deadlines and secure the necessary approvals um I want to rest assur that this board and the leadership team are integrate dedicated to integrating careful and deliberate measures at every step um just so that the public is aware and our community um upon approval of the preliminary plans uh we will dive into what makes our community unique our objective is to establish a lasting blueprint designed to serve our district for the next 50 to 75 years currently some of our facilities like the middle school have yet to be modernized or tailored to enhance the instructional spaces these buildings have not been upgraded nor expanded to support the growing diverse needs of our learners we must have more options to build programs and innovate spaces for our students our district aspires to remain a welcoming Haven for all students and families we achieve this by providing our Educators with the fa facilities that they need to succeed we're excited to begin this initial phase of the project there will be other considerations to enhance and prepare buildings for the future reconfiguration that will include Community input as key strategies we are embarking on this 5-year journey and a commitment to remain a district of of Excellence I would like to thank Robin and Tom and the entire leadership team for all the work that they have put in so far and appreciate all the time they are devoting to this process I look forward to sharing with our community all of the steps that we are taking um to evaluate the needs of our district okay committee reports community relations and let legislative affairs relations met on April 9th at 8:30 a.m. we had quite a full house in attendance were uh Vanessa barar Dr Arin clim uh we discussed the exciting facilities expansion we got a little bit of an update on that um I won't get into any more details I'll leave that to Kevin tonight um up a bit facilities uh we got an update on the process for choosing our next student representative um they're currently working on putting together a panel of students to select there will be an application process and they're stream working to streamline that a little more effectively which was really exciting for us um Cliff Williams gave us a a an update on the restorative practice program that's uh coming to LHS uh some really wonder Wonder ful things they're doing with that and we discussed a little bit more uh went over a little bit more of our board manual um and I'll leave the rest to Joanne for the legislative affairs updates thank you Amanda um liais on reports we have our student board member report missra poock good evening everyone so first and foremost I am thrilled to share some fantastic fantastic news with you all our very own third graders Kylie Brennan and Bianca Agosto from Ben Franklin Elementary School have recently participated in the ltef Lawrence has talent event both did a wonderful job and there was a strong Ben Franklin presence of families friends and staff members in the audience also I would like to acknowledge the hard work of the Cardinal for a cure team who raised over $32,000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society by hosting parents out School coin drives and trivia night as we dive into this week I am excited to extend a warm invitation to our eagerly anticipated PTO spring Book Fairs it's a fantastic opportunity to explore new stories and Adventures while also supporting our school Community I believe that lasis is also looking for some volunteers for this book fair as well so if you are interested and available please sign up through the link provided in the most recent newsletter looking ahead we have an array of engaging events lined up for the upcoming weeks Earth week celebration is just around just around the corner promising a week filled with special activities and spirit days dedicated to honoring and preserving our planet over at our elementary schools your very own AP Chinese class is also hosting a Bop and beat Zumba with the Chinese twist event this Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 11: a.m. in the cafeteria and we would love everyone to come women's space peer educators will host a denim day on April 24th where will'll stand in solidarity with survivors of sexual assault and spread awareness within the community on April 25th we'll celebrate bringer child to workday offering students a glimpse into the professional World alongside their parents or Guardians our calendar is further enriched with upcoming musical performances including the fifth and sixth grade instrumental concert on May 2nd and Las choir day at LHS on May 3rd Additionally the L students will be taking their njsla state assessment test from May 6th to May 17th every April as Miss casseri mentioned earlier our schools celebrate autism acceptance month and during this month we amplify the voices of autistic individuals to share their experiences living with autism and celebrate their accomplishments alongside Spirit Week Lis will also be selling pins and having and have a big sell during conferences with all proceeds going to autism NJ last but not least I am also Bittersweet to announce that applications for student representative for the 2024 2025 school year will soon be open I'll be working with both staff at LHS and the uh Council of class representatives to make sure that uh this transition transition goes smoothly this is an incredible opportunity for our students to take on a leadership role within our school community and I really hope that our students will use this unique role to make a positive impact on our district so if you are interested please keep an eye out for any updates thank you you set the bar High I have to say boy s you've packed a punch with your report thank you so much um New Jersey School Board Association here we go dueling mics okay unsung hero student recognition ceremony was held Thursday March 21st at West Windsor Plainsboro South 20 students were recognized throughout Mercer County Nathan gray represented Lawrence High School His Kind supportive K do personality which is so evident in everything he does his proud parents were there to support him and I'd like to thank Dr CLM uh Miss Brenda eka the high school uh counselor and please forgive me if someone can tell me which counselor nominated him I didn't write it down Miss Gonzalez Miss Gonzalez thank you I wanted to applaud her because she took the time to write up the form um that nominated Nathan also Michelle Bose and pepper Evans were right front and center for the ceremony our future is in great hands if Nathan represents our current senior class and how fantastic our students are at Lawrence High so we are blessed on April 9th 11th and upcoming tomorrow I have sat and will sit in attendance for resolution subcommittee meetings um several resolutions have been submitted enough to have three sessions to go through them um resolutions that will be moved forward will then be discussed and voted on at the next delegates assembly May 18th 9:00 a.m. it's a Saturday to the TW to noon um anyone interested in seeing any of the submitted resolutions I have them here happy to share them with you um this Friday there's a women's leadership conference um from 9:30 to 3:00 we have some people attending that from Lawrence e e e e e e and serve the community a word on our summer programs with Summer slowly approaching Staffing is currently taking place as part of the continued preparation of the extended school year esy and connect programs more information will be presented in the next couple of months this ends my report great thank you um I just wanted to uh just share I was I am the liaison for the Lawrence Township growth and Redevelopment committee I went to a meeting on April 9th um and I just wanted to share that there will be an award ceremony on May 5th uh recognizing four top businesses in our community every child valued Bountiful Gardens Trenton farmers market and Cherry Grove organic farm there are some tickets still available it's a free event um it can be used for networking it's going to be at the venue by P um on brenwick Pike uh and you can get tickets if you want on the Lawrence Township growth and Redevelopment committee Facebook page um so I just wanted to share that with our community um as that is a liaison report um review of communications no nothing um this is our first opportunity for public input if somebody from the public would like to come up and make a comment please state your name your address and contain your comments to three minutes please is there a pad there to write address down great you could just write your address down you don't need to say it Martha friend sorry sorry okay thanks so much so first I just wanted to I didn't realize that it was school library month I apologize um but how important especially in this time when there are still people who question um our important resource in our libraries and their um professionalism so I think it's really important that we acknowledge thank you for all that you do for our students and staff um actually I was just making sure all of you lovely folks know that this Saturday from 9: to 12 12 the Edgars Crossing Civic Civics league is hosting a scholarship breakfast for so many of our Lawrence Township or Lawrence High School kids who are graduating and moving on to whatever it is they're moving on to um I have some flyers we're going to get it out on the Lawrence Township Public School um email blast maybe but if you don't know about it this is important um and some really wonderful work is done by Edgar's Crossing Civics leagues so I just wanted to make sure you all are aware thank Youk thank you okay board discussion and action items um Personnel committee report okay Personnel met April 10th yes it's me again 8 a.m. in attendance Dr Clen Sean fry Kevin Van Heist Arend Del Clark Robert paluta and me Joanne grer um we will be recommending several positions including a um psychologist for Lees um District nurse health and PE teacher for the high school we have SE a special education vacancy at Lees Dr Clem discussed the district reconfiguration which Kevin is going to share with us um as you see there are two director appointments on tonight's agenda the district will be reviewing applicants and interviewing for slackwood principal position we'll be uh review job descriptions for district data manager Staffing updates for our uh the staff meetings were discussed for 2425 school year all policies were moved on for second reading on tonight's agenda you'll see two retirements both of these outstanding people are speech therapists first being Denise martinis a speech therapist at eldrid Park Elementary School for 15 years and the second retiree Jill Schulman is a speech therapist at slackwood elementary school in that position for 13 years I don't know if they met together and said let's do this together but we all want to take this moment to thank These Fine outstanding Professionals for their out endless hours and dedication they've provided for our students in both of their schools and I'm sure they've earned every minute of a relaxing retirement we wish you many healthy good happy years in your retirement you will also see several appointments um an assistant for assistant start dates staff members for destinations Eagles positions staff and substitute positions due to background clearance checks bridge to algebra program jump start to K program summer flight program summer honors prep program subs and sub floaters Lots going on here folks you'll see resignations sidebar agreements for summer hours with appointments approvals for unpaid leave um attending responsive classrooms and professional developments adjustments for Mentor payments transfers resolution for positions of District data manager with all of the above in mind I'd like to move P1 through P38 please second Tom for a motion in a second Mr Clark yes Miss Evans yes Miss groger yes Dr King yes Miss pasculli yes Mr pluta yes Miss Santos yes Mr van heis yes Miss Bose yes motion carried could I pause for one second for an announcement with from Dr Clen can I have uh Miss film and Miss mzy just approach the table quickly you didn't know you're performing no I just wanted to formally welcome them to central office [Applause] a mixed motions for sure we're happy you're there we are so fortunate in this District you really are okay um CD report and uh student services um that would be on April 5th uh we met uh in attendance with me were Robin clim pimmy Goomer Sarah Foster Moren Hayes Diana pasculli Michelle King Michelle Bose uh we met for two and almost two and a half hours we discussed the I ready winter data we registered growth across the board through fifth grade with Orton Gillingham implemented in first first and second grade sixth grade had the most growth and high performing students the committee approved two books modern world Civ it's a new edition of the current book that they're using and an AP Bio book I don't know but I hope these kids don't get any homework because that book weighed about 15 pounds um weight training we talked about AP econ micro and macro split into to two classes this change should benefit students preparing for the P exams uh there was a crosswalk of the old pacing guide versus the new pacing guide which means that we can better address the concepts that students are struggling with the current textbook is appropriate for both classes currently 41 students have requested micro and 12 have requested macro double the number of students in AP E con this year um it was brought to our attention that studies show three to four AP classes hit the sweet spot for those looking for college credits and showing aptitude that's three to four not the six to 10 that some of our energetic students take um with prek um ignita Paro and Dana schidler jumped right in with e EPS prek classes started on April 8th ignita and Dana will present to the board in September will put a screener in place to Baseline student abilities and support teachers in preparing individualized Pathways of instruction for preschool Jed preschool 2425 registration is full with a wait list uh instruction we're moving to unify schedules and programs across the Four elementary schools um we had a district performance report demographics the um English as a second language Learners did not meet the goals but many new students are coming into the district and it's challenging for those students to keep up student growth we are showing progress across the board high growth in math with brid the program bridges in place in K through five and Desmos program in place 6 through 8 for professional development tools of the Mind refresher course will be for uh Preschool teachers and admin in October out of District professional development imse sending staff April through June and in the summer tools of the Mind training will be encouraged for new prek staff occurring next year because that's the next time it's offered um and when uh we look at diversity Equity inclusion and belonging Gan m is to assume duties alongside pimmy effective of July 1st already putting forth ideas for intentional and sustainable School culture changes and with that I would like to move o o i uh one through 7 and osss one and two second second I hate to the mic I know it doesn't show Tom Mr Clark yes Miss Evans yes Miss groger yes Dr King yes Miss pescoli yes Mr pluta yes Miss Santos yes Mr van heis yes Miss Bose yes motions carried thank you finance committee report kination on that was that motion through OS s two because I have an oss3 on my agenda which is not included can I have a motion to move OSS three second so somebody has to make it though who's the oh then I'll do first I thought you were moving it sorry okay Kevin I'll second there you go this is just for three yes OSS three right Mr Clark yes Miss Evans yes yes M Kroger M yes all right Dr King yes M pasculli yes Mr pluta yes Miss Santos yes Mr van heis yes Mose yes finance committee report uh thanks with all the leadup uh Finance had a good meeting nothing further to report so um no I you know as I was um sitting here it's kind of a reminder this time last year we were a district uh in transition and uh coming out of the pandemic and looking at the you know scores and performance data um with a superintendent that had announced his resignation the board sat here and started planning for our future um and we as a board collectively looked to make transformational changes to set this District up for the next half of a century uh what Finance uh looked at on Friday was essentially the start of that um we hired a superintendent with the intention to make transformational Chang changes um we are prioritizing student performance and one of the ways to do that and that we've looked at and embarked upon um is trying to realign um our grades where they make the most sense um and in order to do that we need to make an investment in facilities we have kicked around a lot of ideas uh both through the administration through finance committee um and one of the most effective ways um that I believe we believe to do that is to do an expansion of Lawrence Middle School um that is certainly one of our um older buildings that presents some unique challenges on uh being able to move students through that building and what we are looking now at is a two-story uh essentially expansion of that facility that will give us the ability to expand classroom spaces preliminary right now um you know essentially from 25 to over 40 classrooms allow us to create small group instruction spaces uh expand those which gives us great flexibility now and into the future uh small class rooms make them larger Custom Tailor them to whatever the needs are at any given moment um this project also involves uh new science classrooms uh art rooms music rooms um so that we can continue our investments in there new technology as we're seeing and as the board received an update on our technology initiatives that's only going to be more and more important as we go into the future we're going to be able to set our students up for that so as they embark on on careers into the future um we're going to have improvements to the physical education facilities um so there are lots of things that will come on that and we are at the very preliminary stages that just you know all the little itty bitty things about you know how are we going to get people around and just cars through the parking lot um so there's a lot of work to be done so for all of you that um either signed up or Vol told you are on the finance committee uh we are now going to a weekly meeting schedule for the foreseeable future um to try to make this project you know to bring this to fruition but what this will really allow U for the members of the public uh us to do is bring sixth grade into the Middle School uh it really will facilitate access um students being able to get the classrooms easier and those types of things um we have new uh just even cafeteria spaces um that will be able to serve the needs of those students that are there as that grade moves up that frees up space in our elementary schools to allow us to actually focus on the elementary students uh and bring in as we integrate the preschool expansion so um this saves us kind of the cost and investment in multiple buildings and really consolidate our investment in one facility uh which will enable us to deliver better more cognizant instructions at that Middle School level which sets them up for high school and Beyond so um there's a lot of things again I you know the plans were literally I think they were still warm from from The Printers Inc that came in on Friday uh and we will be uhu bringing those out to the public very shortly but it was an exciting kind of time to be on finance committee um and uh so that is my report on that uh for any member of uh finance committee that cannot make uh a Friday meeting just shoot me a a message a little in advance of that if you could and then we'll get a substitute as we again try to get out and integrate members of other committee um so that we can continue to get the instructions and Communications back and forth um but really is an exciting time and the members of the finance committee were uh joined by uh we had several guest members essentially our central office staff uh because we were at that preliminary of a stage but bringing just in um which is even educational for them as they get to see kind of how finance committee meets um kind of what we talk about the um you know the bonds and you know contracts and doe approval and those types of things that will um all going to get a crash course in very shortly uh so with that uh I will move spbm 1 through 26 uh with one noted Amendment uh and that's anbm 19 policy number 6162 Tom I did let you know on that um that is our policy for corporate sponsorships which does allow the district to um have if corporate sponsors wish to approach us um to consider consider those uh I think there's a typo in the policy page two U which is paragraph two uh it reads all corporate uh sponsorship proposals in excess of $2,000 are required to be approved by the board upon the recommendation of the superintendent but then sponsorship proposals less than $5,000 may be approved by the superintendent so there's kind of a mismatch in there um and I think that it's just a typo that that first 2,000 needs to be amended to be 5,000 so that the superintendent has otherwise as it says says right now anything over 2,000 must have board approval but the superintendent can approve anything less than five which still means that anything over two needs board approval so um so with that correction I will move spbm 1 through 26 second second okay Tom second by Miss Santos yes all right Mr Clark yes Miss Sans yes M groger yes Dr King yes M pasculli yes Mr lud yes Miss Santos yes Mr vanis yes Miss Bose yes motion passed thank you okay okay so next up public yes our next opportunity for public input okay okay seeing none uh new business okay under new business you'll see an account adjustment to reflect the title one funding a nurse appointment for Lis substitute appointments leave of absence resining of an appointment summer work destinations I guess that might have a comma where it shouldn't be and a couple of resignations with that I'd like to move nb1 through nb9 please second Tom with a motion in a second Mr van high seconded and Mr Clark yes Miss Evans yes Miss groger yes Dr King yes Miss pasculli yes Mr pluta yes Miss Santos yes Mr vanis yes Mr Bose yes motion carried okay and I have a motion to adjourn so moved all in favor thank you very much everyone thank you you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e