##VIDEO ID:1Sj6_stIMq8## [Music] straight [Music] oh did yeah it's working now there was a red line across okay all right is it good looks like it's good you know what that red line was it was to keep it stationary and now that you turned it off I think it's going to move j or you wanted to push the button in let push the button in I think it was moving e e e e e e e e e Ryan and other Council folks have already had other things on their agenda but um so we had this picnic and the senator wanted to give us this proclamation to recognize 100 years of the park that beautiful Park and um then she sent us a letter because accompanied with it with a letter because she couldn't make it herself and she said uh dear friends of colonial Lake Park it is an honor to bring greetings to the Friends of colonial Lake Park as you celebrate the 100th anniversary of colonial Lake Park I regret that I'm not able to join you in celebrating this moment but I wanted to take the opportunity to share my appreciation for the hard work and dedication of the friends of colonial Lake Park staff we don't have any staff but that's okay makes this sound big volunteers and Community Partners um I'm going to just interject here the senator wrote this before her dear husband passed which was last week and she was in fact uh intering her her husband at that very day so uh we send our condolences there and um pause to remember him Donald and her um she had had other things on her agenda so that's why she said she wouldn't be there but then there was that I wanted to mention that for the good senator who many of us know the senator went on I know that many families who come to Colonial Lake Park who come to Colonial Lake are in awe of the well-maintained grounds shout outs to the parks department Scenic picture settings playgrounds diverse fowl and fish and Serene walking trail this is not a happen stance this gem that we all get to enjoy is due to the vigilance commitment and advocacy of many men and women who dedicate their time and talents so that countless residents and future Generations will reap the benefits of this park as you continue to fulfill your mission please know that our community supports you and appreciates you on behalf of myself and the 15th legislative district please accept the accompanying resolution to honor this Milestone achievement again happy anniversary sincerely Shirley Turner Satur 15th District um so I'll give this to the mayor I don't know whether folks wanted to come around perhaps later but you know for for the fact greet in you oh cool course the day I have my glasses so bear with me the Senate and general assembly joint legislative resolution by Senator Turner assemblywoman Reynold Jackson and assemblyman barell whereas Colonial Lake Park harly esteemed in Lawrence Township Mercer County and throughout the Garden State will Mark its 100th anniversary during a festive picnic celebration on September 21st 2024 and whereas the sen the general assembly of the state of New Jersey are pleased to recognize Colonial Lake Park upon its valicious location which Bears witness to the immeasurable contribution it has made to provide an oasis of peace and Tranquility for all and whereas Colonial Lake Park is why would we known for its vast straight array of majestic wildli and Native Flora which offer visitors a Serene ecosystem to EXP FL fish and treasure as its nonprofit organization the friends of colonial Lake Park is deeply appreciated for its advocacy to protect and maintain the park and whereas in 2018 Colonial leag Park was granted open space funding with the help of Allied Representatives which allotted additional acreage and prevented the threat of development on its landscape allowing it to continue to provide Equitable access to to Nature and whereas throughout many seasons of growth and change the colonial Lake Park has stood as a landmark to the members of the community and residents of the state and where whereas it is alog together fitting and proper for the members of this legislature to pause in their deliberations to acknowledge Colonial Lake Park and to affirm its importance to all who enjoy its precious natural resources now therefore be resolved by the Senate and the general assembly of the state of New Jersey that this legislature here by congratulates Colonial Lake Park upon its Centennial anniversary pays tribute to the Friends of colonial Lake Park for its exemplary stewardship and extend sincere best wishes for continued success in all the years to come and be it farther res further resolved that a duly authenticated cop of this resolution signed by the Senate President and the assembly speaker and attested by the Senate secretary and the assembly clerk be transmitted to Colonial Lake Park signed Nicholas P scari president of the Senate and Craig J Cochran speaker of the general [Applause] assembly so with that congratulations thank you mayor great work and now our president Tom R good evening everyone good to be here on a personal level the friends of cling Lake Park find it timely on this Centennial anniversary to recognize the Lawrence Township Council and Township manager for perhaps one of the most impactful and meaningful decisions regarding the chef marshel as it relates to colon Lake Park as has been mentioned here already on Saturday last two Saturdays ago on the 21st our nonprofit sponsored a community picnic in the park honoring the centenum and at which time we informly presented a plaque to Mayor farmer accepting it on behalf of the council and manager we would now to formally read and present this PL as a sign of the community's appreciation with this in mind I want to introduce my friend neighbor and colleague Daniel Gordon mayor members of the board um it is my pleasure to present this PL to you I will read it first and then I will turn it over it says in recognition of the Lawrence Township Council and Township manager with great appreciation for their hard work Innovative efforts and wise use of public open space funding in July 2020 excuse me to say Colonial Lake Park from development for the enjoyment of the lake and the abundance of wildlife it supports for present and future Generations um as mentioned before presented on September 21st 2024 by the friends of colonial Lake Park nonprofit on the Centennial of the creation of colonial Lake and Colonial Lake that's the way it's done all right all right um Tom why don't you come in thank you and others then if you're going to be INB Jim why don't you get in there and I'll take a picture with you than you I mean I can get the [Music] old I I can't see everybody so please put in that's a Christmas card on the all right thank you thank you so thank you Council counil great job [Music] nice hey mayor if I may before we move on I just wanted to also acknowledge uh now uh commissioner Kathleen Lewis and uh former Mike Powers as being members of the of Township Council when when we say col Park so I think their effort should have been right should be recognized as well so absolutely anybody else this brings us to the public participation moment in the agenda we have a five minute um anyone want to [Music] come you said to sign in on the sheet I was going to do it after I talked M as to not hold the up because last meeting was very long um hi my name is Bonnie kigo I've been a resident of Lawrence Township for over 15 years uh many of you might know me for my day job but I'm here today to discuss something that I heard at the last council meeting that was very upsetting and has forced me to speak out tonight um I've been a PR member of the Lawrence Township Recreation advisory committee for the past seven years as someone who sat on various boards I was admittedly unaware of the role of a Township advis committee but I've learned over time that what the committee provides is an invaluable service to this town for edification the Mandate of the advisory committee is to advise the recreation director who is a town employee it's a purely volunteer position with no actual power to make any decisions it's a non-statutory committee meaning that there's no Town statute that regulates or gives power to the committee unlike say a plan award the recreation director sets the budget for the year she sets the calendar of events and she meets with the volunteers and The Advisory Board once a month to update us on activities programming and events of the department the committee is full of dedicated volunteers who truly care about this town there a few here besides myself tonight the recreation department holds many programs and amazing events throughout the year few examples Community Day Memorial Day Parade Fourth of July the holiday lights contest trolley rides caral hand March Veterans Day ceremony way too many Rec Sports to list the community Gardens the senior center I could go on but I will stop the recreation department does amazing things for this town every day with only three staff members the programming Recreational Sports and community events cannot happen with only three staff members it takes a dedicated Committee of volunteer community members to pull off these events and programming as anyone who's had experience with events will tell you volunteers are essential to the success of an event the advisory committee are those volunteers we all try to attend as many events as we can to help the rec department make these events happen for our town uh a little bit of research shows the advisory committee has been around since 1956 probably older though it has n it had nine members until 2007 when it was updated to 11 members because there was a need for volunteers we have been down to 10 members this year and many of us did not know that there was a Community member whose application has been held up by this Council which I learned at the last Council meeting at that meeting Councilman Ryan indicated that he wanted to make the advisory committee smaller for reasons unknown especially to those who are currently serving on the board the idea that Our Town Council would make it harder for community members to volunteer or the Town Council Members would make it harder for the recreation department to find volunteers is beyond comprehension the idea that Town Council Members would hold up a volunteer nonstatutory committee appointment for months with no no explanation or discussion it's not standard procedure it's not very transparent and it is not in the best interest of our town all things that the current Council claim to believe in to limit these community community members who want to serve who have been recommended by a sitting council member who is volunteering for an Advisory Board position is shortsighted mean-spirited and insulting to all of those who volunteered in the past our committee is a member short we always need help and you have a Community member waiting months with no word on the status of his application as a member of The Advisory Board I object to this treatment of another Community member who wanted to join the board I object to the implication that The Advisory Board should be made smaller than it currently is and I ask that the council reconsider or to clarify their positions on both of these issues we all serve in different ways the council served in the way they see fit I serve in the way I see fit and limiting others from serving does a disservice to the town and to its residents the recreation department and the community events that they host especially the free ones are the lifeblood of this Vibrant Community the advisory committee members devote hours and hours of their time over the course of the year to help assist the recreation department pull off these events I'm proud of what we do for this town and I wish that the council would support us in our work in the future by fully filling our community with Community or committee with community members who apply for the position and by supporting the recreation department and all the work that they do thank you thank you for comments mie the agenda are there any changes to the agenda this evening are there any Chang I like to speak you like make comment short this application has been de off since April this board knew about it numerous times it was put back on the agenda and it was held up held up held up last month's meeting because I insisted on the vote the vote took place it sent a strong message to this community that Council does not care about volunteers that's the message out there right now for 15 years I served and for 15 years when a member of council a Lon recommended a person that person was appointed to that board all of a sudden a Lon record amends the person and is not appointed to the board Mr Ryan asked me to hold it up I agreed with him when he asked me to and said let's have a meeting the meeting never took place or I would have told him from the beginning I will not support loan the number of recreation people volunteers if anything we increase it our manager made a statement a few months ago about adding another person on this committee for the study of the uh recck Center that it could be that person would have been appointed as another person on this board it would have raised it to a higher number that's all and it could have been done this gentleman could have been appointed last month and when and if somebody steps up from Edgar's Crossing because again for the 15 years I served here Terence Le stepped up for me on the planning board your brother helped out for a while Rob Mason helped out for a while and then hilly four people from egis Crossing stepped up in 15 years that I've been here and been asking we need the help come and get involved come and get involved all right I know they're busy down there and I know they have other lives too but four people over 15 years stepped up to the plate for us here thank you um councilman I just want to publicly um state that we value our volunteers and we take very seriously those that we admit to boards and committees um that's all I'm say mayor May absolutely I I what what strikes me about this situation is that we we're sort of breaking with past president and all the my time that I've served on Council we with the with the advisory committees we always deferred to the to the council WEA on always and part because that they're the ones who are working with these people and so to now are we are we going to now interview for all committee appointments that that's a question I have because it sounds as if this Council does not trust the the council liaison for different committees so just putting that out there about understanding what what we are changing and what new roles we are going to be taking on so thank you [Music] we are now at the adoption of minutes of the previous meeting regular meeting of March 19th 20124 mayor I'd like to move AA regular meeting March 19th 2024 a [Music] second second second okay um May I think we have an addition to the agenda we missed the if I may mayor u a a situation came up within literally the last day or so involving a uh a I guess it's a piece of artwork at the community center which is technically belongs to the Johnson toer hton Township um because it was originally uh there was a contract with Homefront uh homefront is obviously not there Johnson tier for obvious reasons would would like to have the contract uh with the township of Lawrence and um that is in order I've had opportunity to review the documents we've had uh correspondence with our insurance uh agent to make sure that the proper insurances are in place now for the township as opposed to Hom front and the reason we want to do this is because it's it's on the property it's not something that's going to be coming in the future and we want to make sure that we have the proper legal authority to keep it there so we're able under both our code and Robert's rules to add a resolution orally uh to the agenda it's a little unusual but but given the circumstance uh legally we we want to uh add a uh resolution indicating that we uh accept and adopt the an agreement uh with Johnson tiller to maintain the existing piece of artwork on the property uh and we have already uh confirmed the insurances are proper for it and the contract which which I have uh in fact reviewed um is in order and uh we didn't want to wait another couple weeks because it's physically there yeah and it's no longer U really uh legally in the name of home front so I I don't think anyone wants to uh have it removed uh so we're we're happy to try to maintain the U status quo with the uh piece of artwork just with a public education it's the piece with the with the young boy I think he's on the skate skateboard skate um in the front of the building he stands alone what do we know the value of it we do have it yes okay we do we don't need to see that but the value our insurance we're fully insured on it and I think it's important that we maintain the facade and the presence to to to the community with regard to it so yeah there's a history with with John yeah we want to maintain that relationship so so I think that the the the resolution would would be ation to for the council to authorize the execution of the agreement right to enter into a sewer Johnson tier Foundation add that number mayor can you can you repeat what that what that motion is or that oral resolution I'll put it under uh H9 under miscellaneous yeah it's a it's a a motion um to authorize the execution of the contract between the township and Seward Johnson atier uh Foundation to maintain the statute as it presently exists on the cite don't ask me to repeat that statute on and we should say 295 Crossing okay that's fine9 and you need spelling for I do have one question if I could ask it now or should I wait till the uh and you're com and you the town mayor I'm asking the township manager if he's comfortable with the the ability for us to maintain it within budgetary constraints of the public HS Department this is this is a donation it's going to maintain a donation and so it does not uh create a financial burden on attention yeah and the maintenance of it you asking that the cl I was asking to manager so that's okay thank you yep I'm good so um I will make a motion adding uh 9 H H uh 18 H9 I'm guessing resolution number 349 authorizing the execution of contract with the township between the township of Lawrence and Atia Johnson to main an existing sculpture on the grounds of the neighborhood center 295 thank you [Music] coun so do you need to do anything no so so we can move that in Block when we get to it okay uh point of order should we have a second on that motion so that we can then vot to this is to amend to include yes include yes and then second is who Council Ryan Mr bin yes Mr Kaki yes M Perry yes Mr Ryan Yes mayor F [Music] yes and thank you for that it's important that it does keep it's nice it's a nice addition Now we move back to the adoption of the we still have I have we um Mr Bob Bob second call okay Mr Bobby yes Mr Kaki yes M Perry abstain I was not here Mr Ryan yes may yes now we moving to the awarding and or rejection of bids mayor if I may I'd like to move 9A number 332 authorizing a contract for the rehabilitation of free alagan Avenue any public comment see none second second Council mayor can I just can I just put a brief description this authorizes a contract to unlimited Builders Construction LLC in amount of $27,600 and it's for the rehabilitation work for a qualified property and it's paid for under our foodal housing program thank you Mr B yes Mr Kaki yes M Barry yes Mr Ryan Yes mayor fmer yes introduction of ordinances adoption of ordinances with public participation mayor if I may I'd like to move 11a ordinance number 2477 d24 ordinance amending ordinance number 2394 D21 by the township of Lawrence County of Mercer state of New Jersey in order to revise the description of the Improvement here in have a second is there any participation from the public syia K good evening um I would just like to suggest that um the money that is being um approved tonight for improvements of the parking lot is that that's the ordinance if I'm not mistaken um Chief um Longo had um asked for better uh fencing along 295 ramp and a um gate I guess because people tend to drive around uh the building the police department getting in the parking lot for the police cars and um if there is extra money I think that should go uh towards the Improvement of the police department parking L thank you yes I I believe we we Mr didn't we approve that for the fencing for the police department that's that's all been approved it's encumbered in our budget it's it's a project when is it gonna start you know I don't know when it's going to start but I know that the engineer it's one of the projects that they're going be working on thank you ready call Mr Bob yes Mr Kaki yes M Perry yes Mr Ryan yes yes mayor farmer yes mayor I'd like to move 11b ordinance number 2478 d24 an ordinance amending ordinance number 24282 an ordinance of the township of Lawrence regulating residential rental units any questions from the public see have a second second you be called Mr bobber yes Mr Kaki yes M Perry yes Mr Ryan Yes mayor yes now uh we will have the manager report if I could just just for the Public's uh edification that ordinance that we just passed that's to amend an ordinance to comply with state law um that landlords now presently uh renting must provide proof of registration within the town and proof of liability insurance uh to uh to the tenants this is an additional obligation that the clerk will have to undertake in her office I think there's approximately 3,000 rental units in Lawrence Township this is an annual registration also business and and Commercial as well I I don't have uh any report okay thank you and Mr uh I don't have any actual report I think we're going to have a discussion with regard to one of the resolutions but that that'll come later and then Madam cler is there anything you us uh just a little bit about early voting as you see we got signs around the building we do have it up on our social media sites um our electronic board over at the senior center and our vote by mailbox is opened now for anyone that want to utilize that it opened on 9:23 um early voting will be October 26 through uh November 3rd uh Monday through Friday 10 to 8 Sunday uh 10 to 6 uh let's see election day is November 5th so we're gearing up for that uh the deadline for the voters to register is October 15 and we'll start just preparing for for um uh for the uh boards and committees list getting them all ready and everything like that lot of work ahe thank you um and then un finish business um Mr I just ask you one question so um regarding the light on federal City Road do we know where we stand with that we we finished the design work for for the light that we've committed to which is the one on at Federal Point with the uh other side being was it Woodmont and hopwell yeah so we're advancing on that the design work is almost completely done when it's done it gets submitted to New Jersey DOT in the county for their review and approval and then at that point we're ready to go oh okay thank you for that anything else okay new business may I have two two items for new business right uh first I'd like to uh get a sense from Council about uh resolutions and proclamations it seems as if some of them have been coming in um very quickly and sort of um being at odds with the uh Clerk's staff and their sort of statutory duties right and I think it might be time for us to sort of maybe have a resolution that sort of delineates to all of us or maybe we can talk amongst ourselves but it seems like that's not hasn't been working this year um about what the how what the timing is what the purpose of the resolutions are sort of the cost of Staffing and the materials involved and sort of who we give sort of ground rules I I understand in the past you know there have been lawsuits throughout the country where if there're not standards if it's kind of everyone gets to to ask and then you deny someone that that can lead to trouble so okay um that that's one and then the other piece I had was uh Communications by you of all things um I understand that you sent out a letter last Friday to the county executive asking for funding for the community side yes I C on yeah I understand that you cced me on it but it seems in our form of government the council acts as a body and I don't believe that we ever talked about the funding or asking the county executive for an amount of $100,000 to facilitate the repairs to the center um and so it it would seem appropriate that Communications by the mayor the mayor is merely part of council right absolutely um and so if we could have more conversations in in public to be open and transparent about these things so that we can we can Advocate effectively we have a we have someone who helps us write grants we have someone who asks for money who's been quite successful in this um and so to see a a your letter was very troubling in a way because it was it didn't have much to it um just for explanation and for public um how do you say transparency um that was something that was discussed with the um Township manager as well as um the other me there I believe we had a discussion about the community center and funding this wasn't the first time that funding was requested for the center we requested funding earlier in the spring I believe in March and we actually had the townships um the the um a lost the word the person who writes the grants the grant writer actually did submit um some information and I think you recall I also um testified oh with um Council ninski um at the state house with regards to funding for the center earlier in March so this was just a continuation of that request and it was um the count who who asked for us to submit something in writing because it was time sensitive with regards to if there were any funds available that they could consider us especially with the work that we're doing with the community center and all of the the um the rehabilitation and the extensive cost that we're looking to incur the township we're merely looking for opportunities that were presented to us for uh funding and um we submitted a brief description again with the knowledge of the township manager who runs the day-to-day operations and he is the person that I go to with regards to anything like that so it was you know so I I don't think you should be surprised by that that's been a long I guess I guess what I'm surprised about is typically all powers of policy are vested in the communication goes both ways you could also reach out to me at any time because I'm always gonna reach out to you either by a phone call or through email and that is what I did I'm sorry for this being in public I did try to call you earlier today um and and so again it's just it would have been nice to see this before it went out that's all you're morning wel and your help is always welcome as well your opinion counts thank you mayor announce yes okay pleas good so I would like to make a quick announcement on you buiness business let us wish the mayor a happy belated birthday another year wiser okay thank right this brings us now to uh public participation 3 minutes [Music] you good evening Jim CL um I sort of rise in support of what the lady said earlier about the recreation committee I was fber active at the end of the last meeting because when it was brought up and I find myself tonight in in in disagreement with people that I'm usually in agreement with because uh it when that was brought up and it made the rounds and there was a motion and an accept and a second and then to uh you know preferring not to vote and then the May cast the deciding vote to kill it it was all uh Greek to me and and then when spoke today I felt the same way she did but I still was confused and then afterwards I got a little better feel about what seemed seems to have been the reason for it and it's I don't still don't know if I'm right but I get the feeling that there's a feeling among with the mayor uh and perhaps others that it's more desirable to have a certain ethnic break uh among these these uh well you're shaking your head but maybe I'm wrong tell me not not that that the uh among on these committees and uh and I can understand that it's like teachers in schools not being all one razor eth is but if you do I just I just for the record has nothing to do with race or well the area where the neighborhood or something any any that is diverse neighborhood does not have anything to do with rais to ethnicity I I know I'm somebody who talks a lot and doesn't volunteer very much so I probably should but I do appreciate those that do and I take I you know really enjoy coming to a lot of those things that the recreation department hold on like I can't understand why there's and it seems to me not reasonable to try and make it smaller and on one hand and on the other hand I don't if nobody had any particular other volunteers uh and somebody who has been on the Committees for 15 years uh recommend somebody I I just for one don't understand the reason for rejecting it and and lastly because I know I must be ped my three minutes already but when do we go uh will there be further discussion about this um in L of taxes for 31 31 PR and Pike yeah thank you thank you okay is there anyone else for public participation closing public participation moving on to any resolutions have a motion to move yeah mayor I'd like to move 18 A1 through H4 than H9 h8 and H9 in BL okay we have a second a second Mr Bob yes Mr Kaki yes M Perry yes Mr Ryan Yes mayor farno yes mayor I'll move 18 H5 345 authorizing the municipal clerk to solicit applications and advertise for the deputy Municipal Court position I believe we need a second need a second second okay we have second second and then I believe the Mr yes thank you um this is a uh resolution with regard to the appointment of a deputy municipal clerk uh I thought it was going to be relatively innocuous I was wrong U there seems to be a a difference of opinion difference of legal opinion between myself and the township manager as to the authority uh for this uh appointment uh I certainly respect the you know his ability to uh question some of the legality of it I do not feel at this point uh right now that I have the uh proper background to present to Council in terms of the legislative history and and other areas that I think would be persuasive towards my argument and uh would respectfully uh request that it be uh tabled uh so that I can have a formal opinion issued to Council of my research on it and certainly Mr nnsky could can have an opportunity to uh issue his thoughts on paper on it and then council could decide U because it is uh obviously a uh change in the uh clerk's office and should be uh thoroughly discussed and researched before we move forward that's my recommendation it's up to you whever you want to do mayor my question to you are is even with your research you're doing uh got to do more research is it going to go above the 2% cap that we're stuck with if it goes above the 2% cap that we're stuck with and you want a deputy clerk are we getting rid of the three fireman that we promised to hire in January all that has to be in don't with your paperwork to tell us what is and what is the cost of it all well that that would have to be ascertained through the CFO but I understand your request I I I cannot do the calculation but that certainly manag to have it ready for we can have we can have the CFO I guess listen uh Mr cyc and I have discussed this earlier today I'm satisfied that I think it's appropriate to table it at this time we can continue with our uh discussions um this this resolution broke with precedent and a on a lot of different levels uh one being you know adding a new position to the municipal government um without without discussion um at all is um is uh I don't I I think it requires more than what happened in this situation than just putting a resolution and saying let's hire a deputy municipal clerk um and I think that the clerk should have an opportunity to weigh in on the needs of of an additional person as well as thoughts on who that person should be and we have a break in our understanding of the law so we have to resolve that first first and foremost please clarify for me was not there a deputy clerk prior to this I was the deputy clerk for 16 and a half years okay hold on so you know just so you all understand in an organizational chart there there are at times vacancies M and you know so that happens um but the work of the clerk's office is being done so there's no deficiency in terms of um a deputy municipal clerk needed and that work is not being done the work is being done and there are plans in place to fill that vacancy that's we've been discussing it for months now and that this resolution just came on um I think Mr Ryan was the one that put the resolution on we need to pump the brakes we need to pump the brakes on it because adding $90,000 which would be the cost of salary and benefits to someone that fits that title in that salary range is significant in terms of our Municipal budget but Mr milinski there I guess there are members on this Council who feel that perhaps there are some deficiencies that aren't being met because of the an absence of because the historical as Madam clerk just stated she was a deputy clerk for 16 years prior to becoming the clerk so there it's a significant position and it you know it has responsibilities that maybe there are those on Council who feel that you know um you should you know and listen be that's the discussion that's the discuss right and and so it should happen more than just a resolution and and having it go out there's different layers to it and so we're GNA get clarification clarification on the law so that we're work you know in accordance to what is the correct procedure we're we're going to follow procedure mayor and then Council just just a quick months ago we we had I had brought that up also and you were going to get look into it and we haven't heard anything about bringing that back about salary and stuff like that so so what this is done this is what is to the point well we're going to have the discussion and we will you know move forward in the best interest of council and mayor if I may absolutely I had I Mr cek just as a reminder I also sent you an email asking questions about this the legality of this very resolution so I hope you can get back to me on that as well when you um oh no I will I will prepare a document for the attire councel apprciate that thank you um and one of the questions I also had about this resolution was that it seemed like there's a there's a very quick rush to to uh put this out forbid to to interview and hire someone does uh does the mayor the manager is this do we have the funding available to to pay for someone if we said hired them no knowing that the 2024 budget has been adopted back in the spring a budget we're in a I'm not going kind of turn but I know that this is a time of the year where there are things that um can be adjusted or change in the not until November 1 November brand new it is not brand new it's an existing position it's in the administrative code you shall have a deputy I don't want to get into the that's in your code that it's not you may that you must have a deputy municipal clerk I think yeah no I have not said anything against the idea of having a municipal clerk it is very clearly in a separate section for municipal clerk that it is part of our Township Code the questions I have are are the appointing authority and whether that's the manager of the township Council and that to me is unclear and that's why I reached out to side and so that that is the piece and then and then I think from our fiduciary standpoint understanding what the cost ramifications are whether we have the funding available to hire someone in let me finish please in this budgetary year in this budgetary year um and so to me it seems as if there might not necessarily be a rush to do this before the end of the year I understand that there is concern amongst some of council that the clerk's office is overwhelmed um I think if if you talk to the township manager you might find that there are plans in place um and I'm sure you know that mayor so not exactly I didn't know no I would say I would say I would say this public this is a personel that so we really don't need don't worry I got you cover all I would say is if you had asked if You' ask Township manager or the clerk about sort of what the the status of of that department and and how they're planning on moving forward you would have gotten a plan because I did when I asked them so I'll leave with that thank you thank you Council may I just make one comment may I make a comment no council our clerk has been working very hard and diligently to assist us again I am sad to say that miscon communication is something that we all have to work on that's the reason why we serve the public to communicate to them the purpose of this resolution is to make our Township better and that's it may I speak our office um has been through some challenges this year healthwise death Family Matters however my staff hasn't hardly and yes we're a little bit behind but we will catch up we made plans and Provisions and I go I went to the manager we have a part-time in that's helping us now uh we also had um I made some administrative changes where we have a person that's dedicated to doing our minutes to getting them caught up we have our other person that's back now um and our office is getting back to our Rhythm we do almost 2500 dog licenses a th000 uh cat licenses we do many many duties in that office and my staff even with all the challenges this year having Miss to beat so some I mean we we step up to the plate we get the job done and I don't appreciate here in say we got deficiencies in our office we have had some challenges this year but that's every municipality that's every municipality I went to our manager I had a um this we had to put our budgets in for the 27th um in my budget I asked for a part-timer to come in uh to help us next year I also asked for one of the people that's in my office to move into the deputy position she is taking the courses um and then I think we we're going offline um no one's asking to do I'm just saying that I don't publicly that is discuss okay I'm just I'm just stating you put the resolution forth and I'm just stating that your opinion okay thank you yes okay we're closing that I just point of clarification mayor uh you know Mr Bob did ask for an opinion the legal opinion with regard to the appointing authority I intend to do that not just for Mr Bob for everybody uh including obviously the manager uh but as to Mr kak's question I'm not finance officer I will gladly refer that question to the finance officer uh to answer but uh I will give a strict legal opinion on the appointing authority under the New Jersey statutes and the LGE Township MRI code any Financial issues decisions will have to come from the CFO thank Youk you mayor I'd like to make a motion to table this uh resolution we have second second second the second to [Music] coun Mr yes Mr Kaki yes Miss Perry yes Mr Ryan I mean M when are table M to okay uh I would say until the our Township attorney comes to uh I November we have the 17th and then 17th be glad to talk about it I will be in Norway glad to come fly back it's my 50th wedding anniversary trip thank you a year late so mayor I think he needs to go I really got to go a little behind but uh now in all seriousness um I'm very happy to celebrate that but I I think at you know hopefully our first meeting in November which I think is the seventh because the 5th is election but but U you know I'll communicate obviously with the uh board with Council on that and um it's on my wife I got a round of applause for that she's watching thank you call please Mr Bobby yes Mr Kaki yes M Perry yes Mr Ryan Yes mayor farmer yes may I'd like to move 18 H6 346 authoring it authorizing a mayor's task force to provide a report to the governing body on the continued operation of Lawrence Community Center second second mayor I'd like to uh make some changes to the resolution if I may let's take a look I'll wait till you ready yes thank [Music] here we go yeah all right for to change all right I would like to uh I would like to strike uh in the third paragraph it says whereas recently the transition of Lawrence Community Center daily operations from Home Inc Lawrence Township based nonprofit organization that provides shelter food clothing and other services to families in need has prompted the need for and I'd like to strike the mayor of Lawrence Township to ask and just to have it read s prompted the need for the Lawrence Township Council to create and again strike Mayors to Citizens task force to provide information to council with regard to the continued operation of the community center I think that's more inclusive of of us as a as a govern I specifically wanted it to be May okay I would like to then go therefore be it resolve that the township Lawrence Township Council create a Citizens task force to do the following and then I also wanted to um I would like to add that Council would uh interview the the members of this task force that uh all meetings would be held in public and noticed that the um the members represent the geographical and socioeconomic diversity of the township um those are those are amendments I'd like to make uh to this mayor I'd like to keep them i' like to keep them okay intervie the members what I'm concerned about is is you took the words right what are you concerned I'm concerned about the fact that um that this this task force is not including I I I what is the criteria for the seven members not less than five is it just I don't know right and so that's why I wanted to ask that Council interview these members so that we would understand who they are and I thought you just made the argument that we shouldn't interview everybody who volunteers the townships work this this this ad hoc committee I think is of Greater importance in a way that we are talking we are taking the role of Township C setting policy by the five of us here and moving it to the task force I don't agree so just for clar just for clarification Madame mayor please tell me um if I'm correct this task force is really to bring in um seven five to seven citizens of Lawrence Township to just review and discuss that the preservation of the um Community Center is going in the right direction that we're Ser that it is serving the community as best as possible and that everyone in the township ship with the um the members that are on this uh mayor's task force are expressing the opinions and it will be a cross-section of the Town members is that correct yes is there policy or anything that no and you will present to us what they suggest similar to the I even want to go there but yes I think we can vote and so as as point of order I believe as the one who made the motion to introduce this I I get to in debate correct cor right thank you so I just want to be clear then is is this is this task force going to look at the memorandum from uh the superintendent of recreation to the municipal manager dated July 31st outlining what her vision was for the recreation center are we just putting that aside and starting a fresh we are not um the adoc committee is not making any policy changes or dealing with the regation but but what I'm asking I'm not asking policy changes I'm asking so they're not going to look at the recreation Department's recommendations the this task force will not take into account what the recreation superintendent recommendations were for the usage of the neighborhood center is that correct is that what I'm hearing the township manager in my discussion in our discussions and anything that we've done here publicly has stated that what Recreation does is what Recreation does this ad how committee is merely in the interest of the vence community center looking at its history the importance in the community of which it served for the since 1969 making sure that residents of the township are not are having an opportunity to voice their concerns or um provide any guidance to the council about changes that are occurring that may impact the residents in our community as was discussed in our last meeting for example a food bank or things of that nature that the recreation department you know I don't know all of the recommendations of the superintendent but that is something um that we are looking forward to I can tell you that as a community well it was with all respect that was an email that we that the manager forwarded to all of us on Council um on Council yeah yeah Monday August 5th 2024 at 12:47 p.m. mayor and council members please call the memorandum prepared by superintendent of recreation Hy Bergen Council has that information that is correct but will the what what I'm asking is will the task force know that so I'm on that it's the mayor's task force and that communication will happen I am just I am fascinated that that the state statute says that Council needs to act as a body and here we are creating a mayor's Task Force and and and I also I my last thing and I I promise I'll stop because everyone's I think ready to go go move on from my my um concerns but I don't understand why the reluctance to add that members represent the geographical and socioeconomic diversity of the township to this I don't think put it w okay you have a motion is that that all Council yes okay Madam clerk if you could call the RO please who did the second I'm sorry k not I'll second yes okay Mr bobit no Mr Kaki no M Perry yes Mr Ryan Yes mayor farmer yes along to the next item mayor I'd like to make a motion to move 18 H7 347 authorizing the township attorney to prepare a request for proposal regarding the consolidation and or centralization of the fire and EMS Services I second there any discussion the second the second is Council woman we can call the r now okay Mr B yes Mr Kaki yes M Perry yes Mr Ryan Yes mayor yes8 n 19 okay those are the do we have any Council initiatives as report see none mayor um Councilman Ryan as uh R Lea's on to Elsa do you have any news about the sewer ban um any updates I did not go attend the last one but I didn't update councilman Kaki kak last I spoke with Bob filler D has responded to our fiveyear request to upgrade the pump station over time uh that paperwork had to be in by September the 30th was Monday our engineer That was supposed to come up with the design didn't have it for us so it was more or less a letter that came to Bob that Bob read to almost every uh board member of what this engineer saw again D accepted it it went back to them now we're just waiting for them to give us the final okay sign off on it and then we'll be a to start moving forward can I add something to that uh there is a significant decrease if this goes through that they applied for where they're going to put to get the nitrates down and it's well below what it is other towns have been using it from I want to say it's air this compressor is going to go back into the final and that's being proposed right it's compressor going into compressor going into the final clarifiers which are paddles from the 1950s that don't work right so there's four tanks all four have to be retrofitted and it's going to cost money for but it will take the problem out for us but you do one tank you might do the program is a five-year program so it's going to take us 5 Years From when we start the program to the end to get all four tanks done and meet the requirements of the mayor I have one more question for Mr Ryan as elsis on um I was just going to ask did you have a chance to talk seeing Mr hooker out in the audience did you have a chance to talk with speak with him about the the trees in colonial Lake and the the potential of the new pipe runs um I have not okay so uh I'll just I'll just Mr hooker uh grabbed me when I walk in talk in Columbia Lake Park um and and he he kindly and gently told me about the his understanding that that the that new sewer line you know was going to go across the the lawn but then it was unchanged and it was but it was unclear whether that pipe was then going to go all the way to the Street up to Lake Drive and then go up to Winchester or whether it was going to go through the the stand of trees and within the park so I just wanted to I'm sure you're on it but I just wanted to Mr hooker to no my understanding um correct me cman that it was not going through the park now the new pipeline is going up your street up the street it's not going through the park at this time right now that's changed to me no because that's the pipeline we got to look at to see what kind of damage is done blood correct all right if that pipe could be repaired we will sleeve it or line it uh if it can't be repaired then you got to look at putting a second pipe in somewhere with with the upgrades from Fourth Street uh s way lower ferry from Ying it's going be sending a lot more flow to us and also hopeful what they're doing because youing benefits from it so it's going to be a lot more flow coming into the plant these pipes been in the ground since 50s they're terra cotta we know there's leaks in them we know there's other problems with them too uh my suggestion and ignor it when Bob was here that night was shut the flow down stop four Street you could back up for four hours it will not affect people send the cameras down there shoot it real quick see if there is damage that they're talking about then you know they don't want to hear that they want to put the pipeline up the street for right now but it's not over we don't know until further down the road if that has to go in so at this time it would not with the trees okay great news thank you councilman okay I have some communication um from Senator Turner mayor former L Township Council thank you so much for your expression of sympathy I greatly appreciate your thoughtfulness it is reassuring to know that I have so many caring people in my life I am so grateful for you sincerely show with thank thank ful with a thankful heart lawence Township Council thank you all for the beautiful snake plant and for thinking about me during my recovery mayor I have one question it's it's it's now October um I know many out there are very curious about the um no the master plan and do you have any updates as or or does Councilman Ryan have any updates on when when the next open houses might be we do not have any updates on the ti board um and I think we just receive a cancellation but next week's can yeah next week is cancelled um I don't have my notes with me but uh I don't believe that a date has been set yet but there should be two additional meetings this fall coming so keep an eye out that will be um publicly um noted on our website and everywhere that we um communicate thank you anything else okay we have a an application for zoning board mayor I'd like to interview that person that's that's just um we don't have we don't have any positions yeah but we will have one that's January coming up um yeah in January that's alternate to so I just put it on there as an advisor thank you will make sure included in that process well not just me all of council I hope okay okay um we are going to have an exective session and we want to thank the public for coming out this evening for your comments and your participation thank you so very much