whenever you're ready he welcome every welcome everyone and thank you for um there through this icy weather okay we have we have a lot on the agenda this evening so I just want to just make a couple of comments and then we'll get [Music] started I just want to thank everyone and especially I'd like to thank the the manager um for his updated department heads report it was most informative useful and very appreciate it thank you to council members my powers and Kati B Duff I think I forgot to say that at the last meeting and I just wanted to recognize them for their service guess there's no school tomorrow getting it down my apologies okay I just want to tap thank you Excuse me yes [Music] pleas there we [Music] go probably no school tomorrow but I can't make that okay so once again I just want you again thank the manager for his updated department heads report was most informative useful and appreciated I wanted to thank the council members Mike poers and Katie McDuff for their work service and appreciation um and I also wanted to wish um our Councilman Ryan a very happy belated birthday which he celebrated this past weekend you um and in addition to I wanted to also give a special thank you to the public works department Emergency Management Mr Jack Oakley director Whitehead manager Kevin nnsky County Executive Dan Benson for their storm management support in my second week in my third meeting as mayor um we've already had a state of emergency and some other very exciting stuff like today so I wanted to just thank them all for the support and information they provide for our Township we have an excellent team of members who um do a terrific job in taking care of our streets and in prepar ation for all of the different types of emergencies that we could have I also wanted to extend um our thoughts and prayers to our Township Clerk um Miss Tanya Clark she uh Carter she's not here with us this evening um due to uh bement so I just wanted to um extend our thoughts and prayers for her and with that um I will turn over to you for the inspiration oh I'm sorry the notice okay adequate notice of this meeting of the Lawrence Township Council being held on Tuesday January 16 2024 has been provided through the posting of the annual meeting schedule of said Council in accordance with Section 13 of the open public meetings act said notice was forwarded to The Trentonian the times and the Princeton packet on December 11th 2023 and now we'll have can may we carry out our work at this meeting in a just honorable and sincere manner always bearing in mind our duties in continuing to keep Lawrence a wonderful community in which to live I FL the United States of America stands one nation God indivisible withy and if you coulde call the Mr Bob here Mr Kaki here M Perry here Mr Ryan here mayor farer here and now we will have the oat of office administered for the new police officers Officer Enos Rob and officer Andrew zaris over excellent thank you mayor uh Council for allowing the police department to come tonight to swear in two of our new officers um before we do that I just want to introduce my Command Staff since council's new Captain Joe Le Lieutenant Mike Whitmore Lieutenant RJ leair Lieutenant Kevin reading and Lieutenant Sean Saxton uh I'd also like to recognize all the officers that are here it's been quite a while since we've had enough uh the camaraderie and unity in the police department we have a nice showing officers here tonight uh the command staff and I are proud to lead these uh outstanding law enforcement professionals and we're very proud of the work that they do so thank you guys for coming [Applause] tonight the two officers that are being sworn in tonight both graduated the K County Police Academy this past Friday January to 12 the K County Police Academy is a femon training academy it's a residential Academy which means that they live at the Academy from Sunday night to Friday night uh they have no access to their personal cell phones they have no access to Wi-Fi or outside computer access they're immersed in police training and with modern-day policing and society's expectation of police officers today uh it's important right we want them to be professional knowledgeable physically fit which they are educated and confident U and that's exactly what K May County Police Academy is trained them to be to serve here in Lawrence Township I just want to add one more thing before we swear in if I can um for the first time the director of the police academy contacted me last week and he uh he gave us a compliment about our screening process about our hiring process the five recruits that we've sent down to uh Kate May over the past year and a half uh he said have been absolutely outstanding some of the best that went through Kate May so that's not only a test to the candidates but also our screening process the leadership of the police department the investigative staff in the police department so uh again I'm very proud of that uh the first officer we'll bring up is Officer Andrew jari over you can come on up and his mom so one other thing we've hired a tremendous amount of officers over the past two years so any of the officers here that have less than two years raise your hand so less than two years uh and there's more they're just either working or or unable to make it tonight so Andrew andos will be a great addition to our young police depart um POS your right hand left hand on the Bible you could just I state your name I Andrew jars over do Solly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United un States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and I will faithfully and I will faithfully impartially and justly perform impartially and justly perform all the duties of all the duties of police officer police officer according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations you can sign that if I could just read real quick a brief bio on Andrew uh officer Jarvis graduated from the K County Police Academy this past Friday he was born and raised in Lawrence Township where he continues to live Andrew attended the Lawrence Township Public Schools and graduated from Lawrence High School in 2020 he was a member of the lacrosse and cross country track team he currently working towards a bachelor's degree in criminal justice from stock University you could face everybody prior to joining the Lawrence Township Police Department Officer jar over worked as a lifeguard for Lawrence Township Recreation Department and also a class one police officer in Ocean City New Jersey uh he was he's bilingual he speaks both English and Greek I think the first uh Greek speaking officer that we've had CFO is smiling Andrew resides with his parents Stephanie and Jim and his mother is a teacher in the L School District uh and he has a younger brother James who's currently a senior at laes high school good job [Applause] andrewk you congratulations congratulations you know conratulations that I will support the Constitution that I support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established and to the government established in the united states in United States and in this state and in this States under the authority of the people and authority of the people and that I will faithfully and I will faithfully impartially and justly perform impartially and justly perform all the duties of all the duties of police officer police officer according to the best of my ability according to uh best of my Bel so help me go so help me go [Applause] congratulations that I'll read a little bio about him uh Enos also graduated from the Kate May County Police Academy last Friday he was born and raised in Donna West Africa where he lived until 20 2013 he came to the United States the same year he came with his mother and father Mr and Mrs Seth pry his brother Charles who's currently studying at Rucker University for biology his brother Benjamin is at Drexel uh University electrical engineering his sister joyin is at Colgate University for environmental science and he has an older sister Elizabeth who's still in Ghana serving the Army there as a military nurse Enos became a citizen of the United States in 2015 he attended the Mercer County Community College he studied criminal justice he's currently enrolled at Ryder University where he's pursuing a bachelor's degree in criminal justice with dual miners excuse me in political science and Homeland Security he also intends on pursuing a master's degree in cyber security he speaks a couple languages uh English French and Ganan did I say it right and which dialect dialects sorry she and I didn't say he's been teaching all day prior to joining the police department officer Robbie worked as a Carpenters Apprentice at Princeton University he's married to his wife rosand and has a daughter Eliana so good job [Applause] [Laughter] Enos [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] thank you again thank thank you thank you so [Applause] much and officers you're welcome to stay or if you have something else [Laughter] to take pictures all the [Applause] best [Music] [Music] [Laughter] e [Music] head what's [Music] this not moving on the agenda evenings us to our next point which is public participation we ask that you come to to the podium state your name you're welcome to sign a sheet with your address and not have to say it in public um but you will have a maximum of five minutes [Music] limit [Music] hello happy New Year welcome thank you I just wanted to uh say that I did send that video Vicky uh I did send a um video of what it looked like outside um in our neighborhood during the holiday celebration I sent it to the first office yesterday so if you haven't gotten it uh take a look at it and also again if you want keep the sound off because it was like a curse word at the end so you don't want to H and and I tried to edit it but I didn't know how so I just thought i' let you know okay so take a look at it if you can because I think that will help in some you know even if it doesn't helping some decision it will make you aware of some situations that could happen okay thank you thank you appreciate a moment for che can you [Music] hear see no additional participation we'll close that portion and move on to revision of review and revision of agenda do we have anything to review I wanted to ask if we were planning on having a close session um uh well first on the possible revision we do have a resolution that I asked uh to be added for uh Mr riio as special councel for labor matters I I initially reviewed contract there were some some minor changes that I suggested and he agreed to he sent it back I guess late Friday uh obviously the township was closed yesterday but uh um I think both Mr nnsky and I agree that it's it's in proper form for adoption uh by Council uh one another call it technical matter you have resolutions on for appointment professional service agreement for the zoning and planning board attorney which Mr schme who's excellent we clerked together literally 50 years ago um but I think under the law the municipal land use law the planning board Andor zoning board actually do the appointment and the council approves the funding for that of the board uh excuse me of of the attorney so I think you can proceed tonight with the understanding that it's subject to Mr schmir being uh appointed by the zoning and and planning boards of the township of Lawrence it's it's a a technical concern but I just want to make it straight I have nothing else I I have no need for a close session either nor what one so we will have no closed session this evening um I'm moving on to the adoption of minutes of the previous two meetings from uh regular meeting October 3rd 2023 and regular meeting October 17 2023 is there a motion motion to approve is there a second second okay thank you we have a second if you could please call the RO Mr bobit yes Mr Kaki yes Miss Perry oain I was not here Mr Ryan Yes mayor farmer uh AB um next you will have the awarding and or rejection Sor move them just moving okay um if we can then have a motion to move regular meeting October 17 2023 adoption of minutes May motion move second thank you with a motion in second if you could please call the V Mr bobit yes Mr Kaki yes Miss Perry abstain Mr Ryan Yes mayor former abstain thank you now moving on to the awarding and or rejection of bids number 46 authorizing awarding a contract for traffic signal maintenance 2024 Mr manager yes this uh requests your authorization of a contract to techno Pro electrical LLC for traffic signal maintenance for 2024 in the amount of 7 ,18 is there any public participation or questions regarding this award see a none close if you can have the I'm sorry Mr I think it's a we we move and then we discuss and then we oh I'm sorry it's it's okay I'm moving yeah so it's fine so if we just move and second we've already did the other part so we can just do the the vote Mr K move I second okay the motion in second Madam Clark if you could please call the role Mr bobit yes Mr Kaki yes Miss Perry yes Mr Ryan yes may Farber yes next on the agend next on the agenda is the introduction of ordinances motion there's no introduction and no adop all right good the adoption of ORD is number there is n okay so we'll skip right Ming a like this one okay now we will have the managers report Mr nin okay thank you this is uh begins the process for you for the 2024 budget review and so I'm going to read into the record uh the recommended Municipal budget my message I've timed it takes about 15 minutes take a breath that's why I brought my big coffee with as we enter into 2024 the same Financial conditions and challenges exist as they did when I prepared the 2023 budget message however in this budget we propos no increase to personnel and we find ourselves well positioned to offset our inescapable increase to Appropriations with primarily new ratables the full balance of the Cannabis tax and a conservative approach to provide for meeting the needs of the community and supporting the Municipal Employees that provide them as a result of these factors this year's budget provides for no increase in our Municipal tax the total Municipal budget is 58 m1299 3797 what we consistently strive to do we have done in this recommended budget one maintain our fiscal strength two continue to actively and strategically improve our infrastructure three maintain and improve the services we provide to the community four grow our Surplus fund and five reduce our Municipal debt the recommended Municipal tax rate 2024 represents a0 Cent increase from last year and is 652 1 cent equals $472,500 the increase of 98,9 to10 is attributed to the increased assess valuation the levy cap Bank available from 2021 2022 and 2023 is 5,4 $65,100 to remain within the 2% tax cap tax levy note the 2021 cap Bank in the amount of $1,824 39 is expiring this year leaving a usable cap Bank of $ 4,382 72 the 2023 year-end Surplus balance is $2,638 658 38 versus a 2022 year-end balance of 20,671 3952 a decrease of $ 48,4 18114 however the Surplus balance remaining available after applying an amount as anticipated 2024 Revenue will be 12,323 658 38 this is an increase of 1,551 518 86 over the 2023 remaining balance the cash Reserve balance for tax appeals is $ 6,219 49491 18 the decrease in outstanding debt continues the 2010 closing balance was 3,797 the 2023 closing balance is 10,788 th000 reducing our debt by 2,422 $54 for this for last year and for 2024 we have budgeted a $2,433 th000 additional reduction to our debt in addition the year and Reserve balance in the Lawrence Township self-insurance fund is 1,772 445 the 2024 Municipal budget has an appropriation of $120,000 to fund this decrease in addition the municipal open space fund balance is 3,660 69178 revenue revenues that support the municipal budget have multiple sources but are placed in one of four categories Surplus miscellaneous revenues receipts from delinquent taxes and the amount to be raised by taxation or the current tax receipts the amount of revenue from each category to be anticipated in support of the municipal budget is controlled by state statutes and regulations those legal restrictions are in place to remote Assurance of the fiscal solvy of the New Jersey municipalities generally defined the statutory restrictions are as follows one Surplus is limited to the amount available from the fund balance cash two miscellaneous revenues are limited to no more than the amount realized in cash in the immediately preceding fiscal year for each individual Revenue Source three receipts from delinquent taxes are limited to the collection percentage realized in cash against receivable balance of the prior year and four current taxes are default Revenue necessary to close any Gap in revenues in order to balance the budget against Appropriations the legal Provisions that regulate the utilization of Revenue in an operating budget must be applied along with the local policy of anticipating revenues at levels that can be sustained for future budgets with the consideration of the replenishment of cast Surplus receipt of revenues in excess of what is in anticipated to be received in a budget pres is credited to Surplus at yearend simply the Regeneration of surplus the development of Revenue estimates must be approached with not only consideration of the current budget but of future budgets as well failure to craft a budget without sustaining revenues for future use will lead to their diminished support Appropriations and increase the demand for taxation this long-term approach has been applied in preparing the recommended budget cash Surplus anticipated as budget Revenue results from the fiscal activity of the immediate prior fiscal year the amount of surplus to be applied as budget Revenue comes from a known year-end balance the major contributions to generating a cash Surplus are Revenue realized in excess of the amounts anticipated to be realized in the prior budget year lapsed 2022 appropriation reserves and miscellaneous revenues not anticipated cash Surplus being anticipated at as Revenue in 2024 recommended Municipal budget is 8,315 th000 including funding of $1,845 th000 for the 2024 various capital and Road ordinances Surplus is 14 and 30 hunds per of the total budget revenues miscellaneous revenues are from known and recurring sources permit fees interest income and state aid the amount of revenue from this category is limited by Statute to not being anticipated in the current Year's budget in excess of what was collected from the same identical Source in the immediately prior year two items of note in this category for 2024 are interest income due and the 2% local tax state aid has increased due to the state of New Jersey program titled reserve for municipal Relief Fund miscellaneous revenues are 31 and 333 hundred% of the total budget revenues receipts from delinquent taxes are receipts from payments of outstanding prior tax receivables and tax title leans held by the municipality the yearend tax receivable balance is $1,261 18224 2024 budget anticipates $820,000 as revenue from The Source delinquent tax revenue is one and 41 100% of the total budget property taxes are the the amount necessary to B bance the budget with revenues to equal Appropriations property taxes also referred to as the amount to be raised by taxation is the difference between the total of all budget Appropriations and the total of anticipated revenues the amount to be raised by taxation in 2024 budget is $3,785 543 an increase of $98,900 the revenue from property taxes is 5296 hundreds % of total revenues when calculating the tax rate is necessary to know not only the amount of taxes to be collected but also the value of taxable property in the municipality also known as the net valuation taxable the 2024 net valuation taxable is 4 b721 519,000 an increase of $1 15,167 500 over the previous year this is all the Assets in total within Lawrence Township that's the total the increase in taxable value helps support growth in the budget the new amount of taxable value results in one penny on the tax rate equaling $472,500 and is a 0 Cent increase a residential property owner with property valued at the 2024 average residential assessment of $285,600 120 as the municipal portion of their property taxes Appropriations while crafting the 2024 recommended Municipal budget the challenge continues to be implementing financially efficient services at an appropriate level New Jersey municipal budgets are restricted by law the appropriation cap to limit designated Appropriations from increasing no more than two 2.5% were the cost of the living adjustment whichever is less with exceptions for the fiscal year 2024 the cost of living adjustment was 2.5% below is a list of significant increases in the Appropriations and I'll just go through the list real quick salary and wages the increase is $450,000 employee Group Health $ 39,4 19433 mcia $4,355 4 PS $1,652 solid waste collection $132,500 joint Insurance Fund 86,2 56 vehicle maintenance $65,000 reserved for uncollected taxes $58,800 14 and interest on notes the recommended budget includes a funding amount 55,000 to the Lawrence Township unemployment fund $120,000 to the Self Insurance trust fund and 51,000 to the Lawrence Township accumulated sick leave trust fund these are consistent annual budget contributions Lawrence Town Municipal Employees are provided health benefits or may qualify for a cash payment in lie of receiving health benefits if the employee complies with the applicable eligibility requirements of The healthc CARE program health benefits are provided through the New Jersey state health benefits program which dictates specific benefits and co-payments employees contribute a percentage of the premium for their applicable coverage and these percentage contributions are Guided by the salary levels employees will contribute 1,898 36 towards the cost of their individual health benefits the employee group health insurance appropriation increased $339,450 33 that's a 99.7% increase the appropriation increased to due to changes in rates and participation the three Lawrence Township Volunteer Fire companies are financially supported through their fundraising efforts and the municipal government's monetary support one form of that monetary support comes from the budget appropriation that directly AIDS each Fire Company the 2024 recommended budget total $60,000 per year per Fire Company including $20,000 in utility reimbursement the direct contribution is in addition to other financial and oper Operational Support provided to the Lawrence Township Volunteer Fire Services Lawrence Township employees are members of the Public Employee Retirement System police and fire retirement system or defined contribution retirement plan participation in these systems requires contributions from employees and the employer police and fire employees contribute 10% of their salary and civilian employees contribute 7 in 500% 7.5% of their salary for purs and five and one per for DCP the employer rates of contribution are 36 and 5400s for police 70 and 6100 for perss and 3% for the dcrp participants the 2024 Appropriations for PF FRS is 2,248 258 hers 1,251 n33 and dcrp is $99,500 the 2023 Appropriations for PFS was 2,272 793 PS 1,11 281 and dcrp was $99,500 the pension systems are fully administered by the state of New Jersey Lawrence Township is build annually for the pension liability that must be paid to pfrs and PS for the employer share of the contribution the systems are valued on prior wage levels two years prior for PS and pfrs the Ying Lawrence sewage author provides or Elsa sewer treatment services to Ying Township and Lawrence Township the cost of that service is controlled by Elsa and is a portion to each municipality based on the flow levels received at the plan projected for 2024 based on flows through November 2023 is 57.2% for Yan and 42.75 5% for Lawrence each town will pay the debt service for specific projects that benefit the individual Community for 2024 the annual charge for Lawrence Township is $6,300 with no increase to the end users the appropriation is paid from collecting sewer Services fees separate from real estate taxes the appropriation for Debt Service includes Appropriations for ban interests in the amount of $ 57,6 188 $614 n424 cents in lease payments related to police vehicles statutory ban payments of 42,6 $565 and 2, 2,343 N5 and ban rollover payments to further decrease the outstanding debt of the township with anticipated settlement in 2027 meaning debt free in 2027 that's what we've been going for the reserve for uncollected taxes is a non-sp spending appropriation mandated by state law to collect adequate cash through taxes for the school County and municipality tax levy requirements the appropriation is needed to close the gap between current taxes anticipated and 100% being collected the appropriation is $4,513 30 in 2023 that amount was 4,441 16316 of which approximately 4.62% is attributable to the municipal portion of the tax rate what I've given you today for you guys to take home tonight and read through completely um is all that you've requested in in um our at the J AR 5th meeting with the schedules identified um in addition the recommended budget normally is not as as as volumous as it is that you're getting so you're getting a line by line look at the budget in total and it that those will be gone through by the department heads many of them are here tonight which I really appreciate their appearance here tonight and I look forward to their budget presentations moving forward I ask you if you have any specific questions of our department heads or myself in advance of the next meeting it will be helpful for me to receive them so we are prepared to provide answers to you you can ask your questions in public to let the public know what you were thinking but we'll have uh we'll be more productive if we have the uh answer or the questions in advance so I just ask for that to happen um next we have our CFO Peter Kiri cotus who put this all together I have to read it and I say all the numbers but Pete's the one that's been living through this um along with his work with all the department heads and he's going to take us through a a presentation to kind of summarize all that I've uh prepared in this budget message thank you so much Mr n and just you know in communication um moving forward I plan weekly to meet with you and also to speak with all of my council members and if whenever I can bring questions in a bundle to you that would be my objective EXC so thank you it's all you Pete thank you mayor and Council for having me tonight to discuss the budget um this is really going to be a visual of what the manager just read along with some other informational slides about the process so first uh we have our financial calendar most of these dates are promulgated by the division of local government services they um they release what is called the local Finance notice um they set timelines if there's an extension they let us know if there's an extension uh for example on February 10th normally our annual financial statement is due but the division came out and they they extended that so that this is how we get our dates for Budget or audit um and peppered through this is the department heads that will be coming to speak in front of council so a question I get a lot is why don't we just adopt the budget at reorg when Council forms well our form of accounting is is a modified acral as the manager said it's cash on the revenue side it's acral on the appropriation side um also known as an incumbrance system so we have to wait until we get all of our data we do all of our reconciliations we have to prove to the division what cash we brought in the prior year and they match it up against the budget to make sure we're not realizing or budgeting more cash than we realized in the prior year so we operate on a temporary budget until the council adopts the full budget this is a visual representation of the sources and the Appropriations that the manager went through on the revenue side um there's a four categories of Revenue Surplus also known as fund balance uh Municipal revenues anticipated items like licenses and construction fees Health fees uh state aid interest income delinquent taxes those are the taxes in the immediate prior year taxes earlier than that go up for our tax sale and the municipal Levy this um Municipal Levy will have no um local tax increase for 2024 I thean appropriation side it's really broken up into I call it three pieces there is a incaps appropriation there's a excluded from caps appropriation incaps appropriation is subject to the division's calculation on how much you could increase the cost or the Appropriations in a year every year they come out with a local Finance notice and they let us know what percent we're allowed to go above this year it was 2 .5% some years at zero uh it's really in between those two excluded from caps are not um subject to this 2.5% cap those are things uh Debt Service Capital grants and um other items that the division enumerates that they send out and they say well healthc care is very expensive this year we'll put a piece of that outside of caps mayor can I ask the CFO question yes absolutely okay um I noticed that the total budget is 58 m1299 3797 last year's was 61 m700 th000 can you just explain to people what drives the the total budget figure it it's it's not just more spending it's right grants and other than the normal increases in salaries and pensions really France drives that difference from this year from last year last year we had some American Rescue plan money there was um a big grant that the engineer Department got for the township so that really drove the difference here so these are the the banks the banks of our Levy what we can go up to and our appropriation they're not Banks where it's a fund of money it's really an allowance what we can what we can go up to if you don't use or if a municipality doesn't use the max they could use in the current year we are allowed to bank that difference for use in a future year that helps when costs are extremely high so we are very fortunate Lawrence is very fortunate um we have a very healthy Levy cap bank it's a rolling Bank too the the earliest year expires as we bring on the most current year and also with the appropriation bank I know a lot of townships have trouble with their Appropriations because of the the cost uh we're very fortunate that we have some cap Bank uh to draw upon for our costs major Appropriations that are in the 2024 budget salaries and wages Elsa which is offset with Revenue Capital Improvement fund the reserve for uncollected taxes is a non-sp spending appropriation that really closes the gap between what we collect in taxes and what is due to the school in the county they are paid 100% of their budget of their Levy so that leaves the township appro to appropriate the difference to make up that difference between 100% and what we collect employee group health insurance um garbage and trash is a is a is a big appropriation P could you stop right there garbage and trash um this year we had a new contract um and the it was one bidder and and they bid but um we were able to get a very good low increase because we modified the bulk collection from every collection period to the last Friday of each month that allowed us to keep costs low and it still allows the resident 36 bulk items a year to discard so we felt that that was an appropriate um um mechanism to kind of reel in some of the towns surrounding towns are experiencing major increases in their trash disposal we were able to control ours and get a really good um competitive rate right Debt Service utilities and fire hydrant service our police dispatch Social Security um our Police Department other expenses and our general liability those are the major Appropriations in the 2024 budget so these are the changes if you were to compare from last year salary and wages it it pretty much mirrors the major Appropriations because those are our cost drivers employe employee Group Health mcia is the Mercer County Improvement Authority um PS Public Employees Retirement System Solid Waste dispatch Services joint Insurance Fund uh vehicle maintenance reserve for un uncollected taxes and interest on our notes interest rates have increased since our 2023 notes were renewed major Revenue sources a fund balance Elsa which was offset by the um appropriation state aid the the state um has started rolling into phasing in um a piece of state aid called the municipal Relief Fund so our state aid has increased this year uh compared to last year UCC fees those are are construction fees interest on investment so interest was really a a double-edged sword we were paying more in um Debt Service but we are making more on our invest ments the 2% cannabis tax has been phased into four quarters last budget we were only allowed to use two quarters of the Cannabis tax cash based revenue and this year we actually have four quarters so it it has actually doubled delinquent taxes ambulance service fees and pilots pilots are payments in Li of taxes 2024 budget year the municipal rate 652 and 2023 is rate was 652 for a um Municipal increase of zero uh right now we're waiting for you uring Lawrence sewage authorities December flow numbers but as I see it right now there will be no great change for the users we currently have two outstanding bands bands are Bond anticipation notes one is owned by the Bank of New York melon $4,725 th000 at 5% interest and the other one is uh $663,000 and it was purchased by Alpha Ledger markets at 4.5% interest both of these are to be rolled over the first one in June and the second one in September projected right now is for a 2027 budget payoff the township would be debt free Capital can you can you go back I have a question about that sure so the the bonds are coming due to roll over on in June yes the first the right the first bond is is rolling over in June they're they're one-year bonds okay that was my next question so and the second one is doe in September we can't have them combined because there's a limit that the um federal government requires if it's over $10 million then they're not Bank qualified meaning that the investors these these companies will take these bonds and break them up and sell them as Investments to to people so most investors want them to be taxfree so that's why we that's why we have two separate bonds or notes excuse me thank you capital budget uh this is information that is uh currated from our department heads um it's here in a listed format I'll go through it so computer network and server upgrades this these are really contingencies if a server goes down if um we need maintenance uh equipment on a switch um so these two police and non-p police are um more more in case type items um somebody's computer in a department fails we need to purchase a new computer so that's those two uh the clerk this year is going to try to get some of her documents digitally scanned um just a portion of them just to see how it goes um see how easy it is to access see how um user friendly it is so we're going to try doing some digitally scanned items constructions I plan tables looking forward to 2024 the state will allow or is mandating that um blueprints or any kind of um approval on a blueprint will be do be done electronically so they call these I plan tables they're almost a big iPad the size of a blueprint where you can um zoom in look you can approve you can make notes and that's how the approval will go police body vehicle cameras this is a second year of a 5ye program Municipal uh building improvements uh police is are requesting a fence behind their building I don't know if anybody has driven up behind building but it it does um it's bound by the interstate fire rescue equipment personal protective equipment scbas or self-contained breathing apparatuses those are the the bottles that you'll see rescue Personnel carry with them nox boxes are a device that sit on the outside of a business where if emergency Personnel needs access to that business they have a master key to get into the business through this Knox Box turnout gear communication equipment fire Services radio and pagers and a police cat system that is their major system for dispatching um I'm sure the chief will will speak about it when he when he speaks in front of council uh various equipment police variable Message Board that's the boards that you would see on the side of the road you're going this fast it collects a lot of metrics to see what time of day people are going fast um and it could be programmed remotely and it could be moved streets and Roads uh for a street sweeper streets and Roads uh those trash cans the auto the automatic uh automated trash cans buildings and grounds police and Court generator um an EV trash truck so engineering has procured a grant for a EV trash truck and this is to supplement that it it's very expensive and um engineering is trying to get more grants for it vehicle Maintenance Shop truck this is the second year of a 2-year program Park maintenance pickup truck with snow equipment ladder truck and a tanker uh with a pump again this is more of um accumulating fund because there're such large purchases it's very difficult to do in one fiscal year and our road Improvement program with guide rails traffic signal and all the concrete needed for the overlight this is a breakdown of the 2023 tax rate uh these are our taxing districts we have the school we have the county we have our local piece makes up our um taxing entities that's it any questions councel mayor can I can I ask sure ask one question um that small sliver um I don't know if everyone out there could see that um can you just let them know what that 3% sliver is that 3% sliver is our Municipal open space tax that little tiny sliver of the whole pie pie thank you thank you are there any other questions on I mean you know this was just meant to just set the table and then we're we'll dive into the details as the department heads start to present to you and people will be available as well thank you very much this is fabulous thank you I appreciate it thank you for having my number and thank you yeah for the timeliness app appreciate [Music] that next we will have the attorney report thank you uh mayor um very briefly uh two things uh one uh which we we can discuss uh when resolutions are uh at hand resolution number 68 was tabled and uh I I provided some information on that with regard to the closed session taping uh we can address that at the time of the resolution second I was asked to make inquiry with regard to whether or not the municipal court judge uh should properly appear at any budget hearings I I had occasion to speak with the presiding judge of the municipal courts for the Mercer Vonage judge Harold George uh at length and uh he indicated uh that it varies from municipality to municipality the uh New Jersey Supreme Court chief justice rner has issued a document indicating that that the Judiciary uh on the municipal court level cannot give any uh information testimony as to anticipated Revenue that can only be done through the tri Court through the court administrator uh so it's really up to council but I do not think the information that you need specifically uh revenues or anticipated revenues would be forthcoming from the uh judge but from the court administrator uh and that's probably the way you would want to go uh to uh with regard to any budget hearings it's your call though and the other thing you know we can discuss at time of resolutions would be a legal issue involving resolution 68 it is not there's no necessity for us to go in the close session on that okay thank you thank you Mr C any questions for your attorney no okay all right now we'll have um mam Clark your report no report no report okay unfinished business I don't believe we have any no and new business okay this is uh the appointments of uh to boards and committees for 2024 just there with [Laughter] I have to thank the um Mr nsky your office for getting us a iPad yeah for Microsoft yeah I just have to make sure I know work okay one technology is great when it works therey can we get a a uh the mayor and um councilwoman do don't have a key for the building sure thank you I think it's addresses yes I had put on envelope with their names on it might be the key [Music] yes all righty there it goes here we go thank you for your patience had he okay so um the way I would like to proceed with this uh first I would like to um do the assignment for the um council member lay on to each of the Committees and we could have discussion and um I believe we have the chairs for each committee as well and then we will go into the members of each committees that have agreed to serve on the Committees and then there are there are still applications that are coming in um just received a couple this evening so they're with us as we um continue to appoint and fill all of our committees and Boards okay beginning with affordable housing we have councilman bobit as a Lis on Mr van Heist as the chair returning chair for the cable committee we have Miss Perry I mean councilwoman Perry just um for the Dei committee we have myself M farmer and returning chair is Mr Fort environmental committee is Miss is councilman bobbit uh for Elsa we have uh Mr Ryan serving as the uh contining the mayor's appointee and Min Kaki for growth and Redevelopment we have councilwoman Perry and returning chair of Miss cor for the historian we will continue with Miss Hunter Dr Hunter for the historic um committee we will have myself mayor farmer and continuing as chair Mr McDonald for the municipal Alliance we will have Councilman Ryan and continuing as shair is Miss line for the planning board just U make sure I read these correctly we have class one would be myself as mayor farmer class number two appointee by mayor will be Mr Ryan Councilman Ryan class three appointed by council is Mr nnsky moving on to Public Safety we have councilwoman Perry for recreation we have councilman konaki for seniors executive committee we also have Mr Kaki and chair is Pickering for Shay Tre we have councilman bobbit for trails in open space um we have uh myself mayor farmer but I'm willing to discuss this with councilman bobit if he um has a strong interest do that and I believe those are all of the Comm IES and LS on from Council and they're all totaled up really nicely we're all um Boba has three myself I have four Mr Kaki is serving on three councilwoman Perry is serving on three and Councilman Ryan is also serving on three Madame mayor yes uh just a clarification uh for a planning board would it be Mr nsky as class two and then Mr Ryan as class three yeah I so class two appointed by mayor would be Mr ninski class three appointed by councel thank you thank you for that collection and then okay and I at this moment I can just leave those who have agreed to continue to serve on the Committees in the public and also any new applications that uh we can vote on as Council um but as I as I State as I stated earlier we are still receiving applications and we encourage the public um for their participation so um okay does everyone have the list for to read down or familiar mayor if I could if I could start sorry mhm um as Le's on for affordable housing I'd like to make a motion to approve uh reappoint uh Mr van heis Mr frone Mr Philip um as well as move Miss Scott from a alternate member to a regular M and I apologize if if you wanted to do this separately I just figured I'd get the ball rolling by um making a motion for that thank you if I could get a second for my I second thank you m Ryan you call the Mr bobit yes Mr Kaki yes Miss Perry yes Mr Ryan Yes mayor forer yes thank you you um so we also have for cable telecommunications we currently have vacancies if there's anyone in the General Public is interested in serving on this committee I just want to bring that to everyone's attention um but councilwoman Perry do you have anything for people no I'm at at this time okay we don't need to vote on that it's good good there um the construction board of appeals um does have existing vacancies but there I don't believe there are any here this evening that we need to add correct no not at this time all right and moving right along okay for um diversity equity and inclusion committee um we have uh Mr Joe for who is interested in continuing on his chair and we have received three applications I believe we may need to um we need to interview anyone but I will read the names of those who have um expressed interest in serving on our diversity AC inclusion um we receive application from shahen Oar who wishes to serve um from Andrea Allen and from Jing Zing Zang who also like to serve do I have a motion to approve I first motion a second second thank you madam you call the RO Please Mr bobit yes Mr Kaki yes M Perry yes Mr Ryan Yes mayor former yes this brings us to the environmental resources and sustainabil sustainability green committee Mr Bobby would you like to I'll make a motion to uh reappoint Miss p second the motion is second quote you please call the RO Mr bobit yes Mr Ki yes M Perry yes Mr Ryan Yes mayor farmer yes okay next is the Ying Lauren sewage Authority if I can have a motion um Mr Ryan for reappointments uh motion to uh appoint uh James Kaki I'll second that M CL if I could have the RO Mr Bobby yes Mr Ki yes Miss Perry yes Mr Ryan Yes mayor former yes this brings us to growth and Redevelopment um councilwoman Perry at this time uh we have to review the applications on growth and Redevelopment for um a class one representative and planning zone board representative and planning board representative may I table that till the next meeting yes you may Madam mayor if I may typically those are those are chosen by the the boards themselves and you just you just um you get who you get so and you don't get okay thank you for that clarification Mr bobit so we will have a motion then for growth and Redevelopment a second I need I need is the motion sorry point of order what is the motion of for growth and Redevelopment of reappointing no those they will be selected by the the actual boards those um those representative the representative but for the other members of the uh good we have no applications at this time um I'm sorry I believe we need to um vote on the reappointments is that correct okay so I'll just go through okay I don't have any applications for grow and okay so there are um existing class three which would be um John Brum stavos Papa Philip pacis um we have Edward Freeland Alan DC and those are the existing um reappointments if I can have a motion to approve may I have a motion to approve the reappointment of the existing members second I make a motion okay Madam CL if you could please call the role this is for growth and Redevelopment Mr bobit yes Mr Kaki yes Miss Perry yes Mr Ryan yes mayor farmer yes okay and if I can have a motion to reappoint our historian Miss Brook Hunter mayor I'll make a motion to reappoint uh Dr Hunter she's been an excellent historian a second with a motion second M Mr bobit yes Mr keki yes Miss Perry yes Mr Ryan yes mayor farmer yes mayor tell the help you sure corre yes so just for help that um councilwoman lry the help we have one existing vacency and we've had three applications for the health Advisory board so we are going to hold interviews at this time we're going to table um the appointment for help but we will have that by our next meeting we just had a recent addition very popular okay next we'll go to the historic preservation I okay do I have a motion to move Mr Joseph sone who is interested in his reappointment motion v i second with a motion in second Madam clerk Mr bobit yes Mr Kaki yes Miss Perry yes Mr Ryan Yes mayor farmer yes this brings us now to the municipal Alliance on drug and alcohol abuse there are currently two existing vacancies we have received interest Michael Panella um councilman um Ryan the motion to second second with a motion second Madam clerk Mr Bobby yes Mr Kaki yes Miss Perry yes Mr Ryan Yes mayor farmer yes all right this brings us now to the planning board class one um myself is Mayor class two appoint is um Mr nowinsky and class three appointed by Council um Councilman Ryan we have uh two existing vacancies with interest uh I think we are still in interviewing we will need to interview there are currently three four six seven interest in two current vacancies so we're going to table that portion to our next okay will we are we going to re are we going to Mayor are we going to are we are we going to um uh reappoint the existing uh members who are interested in reappointment or are you going to uh interview all all uh applications for for planning board um it was my intent um in the for fairness and uh what you call transparency that I believe that we should interview all this is a very important year on our planning board process um in renewing and reviewing the master plan so there the interest that has been expressed I think we owe it to our residents to do a full um interview thank you ma'am you're welcome any other question okay so this will bring us to May uh we do have to I'll make I'll make a motion to move uh Mr Ryan as the class three appointee for the planning board thank you D have a second second Madam cler Mr robobin yes Mr can yes Miss Perry yes Mr Ryan yeah yes but I have a question for the attorney mayor ask a question um the planning board meets on the 6th on that or no council meets on the 6th I believeing is on the fifth fth yes how are we going to interview good point good point in order to I don't know if it's really a legal question is a practical question as to how you want to handle any interviews between now and then correct because we don't have meeting in between you w have a plan board won't have a Corum that's correct right so to me you should reappoint to two that's up here and then hold your see I disagree because you don't know whether the planning board um whether they moved or there's conflict of interest on it so they should have filled out an application one moment I think um Council we need to vote on yeah Point can we finish the the vote on on Mr R and then we can have conversation thank you do we have our motion and our second for Mr Ry yeah motion to Second Mr kak okay all right we call the RO please thank you Mr Bobby yes again Mr Kaki yes Miss Perry yes Mr Ryan Yes mayor farmer yes now we can do the um class two the appointment by mayor by myself for Mr nowinsky do I have a motion so moved second yes second okay have a motion in second do we go in the right order yes y okay Mr bobit Sure Mr Kaki yes Miss Perry yes yes Mr Ryan Yes mayor farmer yes okay I want to do myself [Music] to I'm in okay there we go um if we so let's talk about the existing vacancies and how we can resolve this um because there is such an a significant interest and as you as was stated the planning board will meet on the 5th which is a Monday and our meeting is on the 6th so we would be behind um in interviewing uh does I hate to say this but do we need to do anything special I I would assume I would assume that um you probably could call like a special meeting you know with proper notice and everything and and let them know a time and date and come and meet for you to do the interviews it's up to the yeah it's up up to what you want to do can I ask a question um if I could ask Mr nnsky or possibly uh Mr pares who's in the audience uh whether there are any pending applications that would be heard on that first meeting um or whether it's simply just swearing in Kim good point with me right now I could go give me that answer I don't have it my head okay that would be helpful we're here we're not going anywhere we'll move on to the next appointment thank you but um let's just um if everyone on the council here could think about um a resolution for that because we we don't want to hold up a process with the planning board and we also want to be respectful to the there are six potential applicants applicants all right may can I ask a question yeah how many open seats are there on the planning board that you need to move on two two and there's presently nine serving on the planning board 11 to two voting no no first off second so if there's if there's two an issue just something to consider is that you know um you still have a quorum and you could you could decide on the the two open seats at instead of calling a special meeting to interview I think there is enough members to conduct the business that we need to conduct on at the planning board level something to think about I mean if it was five or six open spots then that would be a different story but it's two and and I think that you would easily get a quorum to to handle whatever is on the agenda he would we only need five for a quum okay and we have the reappoint we wish to R we have four there are four that um have not expired that's not a quum though four plus but I'm not vot I don't vote Yes you do yes you do plus me you and Mr so we have a so absolutely let's just see what the Mr cores comes up with I just wanted to throw that out there that I don't think we're in a defon three situation we could wait till the six what you're saying we wait till six yeah I just want to make sure I want to be fair to the applicants best interest yeah okay so while we wait um we'll move on to Public Safety and they're currently two uh vacancy vacancy so I would like to make a motion to reappoint um councilman Kaki second you have a motion and second M Mr Bob yes Mr Kaki yes Miss per yes Mr Ryan Yes mayor farmer yes we are [Music] now so there is there's something on Chick-fil-A okay can't I know is important to a lot of people but I think we have enough to so so what I'm understanding is that we can um take this action at the plan board meeting on February 6 all right if we all show up we all show we will all show up do we need any additional on this at this moment I think we've passed everything yeah no I I think that you could do your interviews on the open spots at the next council meeting and if they're filled by the next planning board we're good to go with the full panel sounds good sounds good all right Madam mayor I have one more motion for Public Safety okay there is an interested party um from a resident John Clark I would like to um make a motion to appoint him to Public Safety you have a motion is there a second second okay thank you with a motion and second Madam clerk if you please call the RO Mr bobin yes Mr Kaki yes Miss Barry yes Mr Ryan Yes mayor farmer yes okay we are now at the recreation advisory do I have a motion there are two interested parties there's uh William Chester and sigma zagari and we have received um two applications one application for um for recreation advisory and that is from uh Cindy zagari is there a motion so moved second a motion in second Madam clerk you call the RO Mr bobit yes Mr Kaki yes m har yes Mr Ryan Yes mayor farmer yes okay um I have a question for Mr nowinsky um the rent stabilization um say that one more time for the rent restabilization can you tell me a little bit about that um committee I know it's been dment it's rent control okay right and so we do have several um um apartment complexes that fall within the rent control parameters and it's controlled by maximum increases are controlled by a table that we follow that's an imp index and so if there are is ever a situation it's actually kind of active the board itself it never gets to that point so so there are tenants that at times feel that the rent was increased beyond what is allowable by law they contact me as the contact Point uh I gather the information and if it comes to a situation where the parties cannot resolve the issue um or the renter is unsatisfied with um my opinion in terms of whether the increase was allowable or not then it goes to an impanel board so it's not it's not very active in terms of the board but we do get frequent inquiries into it so um my sense is that we should probably keep it um um because I think the next scenario would be the uh Council becomes the rent stabilization board if and when necessary and so if if it's a problem with getting enough uh people then then that may just have to be the case but um over the last six years I don't think there's been a hearing okay yet it's just a matter of I gather the information I look at the index I communicate with the renter and it's more times not an educational situation and they are satisfied by it so and that is for both like private um rentals as well as um complexes right well it's it's complexes for for for us for Lawrence Township um I think it's 10 or more units okay joined together so there's about six or seven complexes within Lawrence Township that qualify under our rent control okay right thank you for that clarification um we currently have existing vacancies in that committee if there is interest from the public and that's our um through rent stabilization all right we have next our senior executive committee can I have a motion excuse me I make a motion to put the two incumbents back on that were interested in it and then I have three applications uh for I know there's two more vacancies okay but can we hold off till I talk to these so we can table that for now and then we'll um let for you to have an opportunity to meet and thank you very much lot of Engagement from our communities good thing um now we have Shay Tre and Mr you I'll make a motion to reappoint Mr bostad and Mr sprs okay thank you is there a second a second Madam clerk if you could please call the role Mr bobit yes Mr Kaki yes Miss Perry yes Mr Ryan Yes mayor farmer yes prise there now we're at trails open space and stewardship we currently have one big see and two [Music] applicants I'm CH say so with that we will um you have two vac you have two or One V two two oh okay so then we can fill them with the existant with the incumbent Mr James cooker and we received an application Matthew Sheldon H so uh can I have a motion please I would like to make a motion to U reappoint James hooker a second a second okay a motion a second Madam cler Mr bobit yes Mr Kaki yes Miss Perry yes Mr Ryan Yes mayor farmer yes okay and we have our Zoning Board of adjustment Mr PX I'd like to make a motion Madame mayor to um appoint Mr Matthew Sheldon pots to the trails open space and stewardship yeah second with a motion in a second call the RO Please Mr bobit yes Mr Kaki yes Miss Perry yes Mr Ryan Yes mayor farmer yes made it through that thank you for the whisper okay and now now we are at the Zoning Board of adjustments there is one existing vacancy and four mayor I'd like to make a motion to reappoint miss holol Mr blankley blank me and Mr comco to the zoning board I have a second please a second with a motion in a second uh Madam clerk if you could call the RO Mr bobit yes Mr Kaki yes Miss Perry yes Mr Ryan Yes mayor Fara yes okay that completes um our 2024 appointments of vacancies on the boards and committees um there are still some additional action on those that we stated that we will need to review and do interviews and we'll do that at the per time okay this brings us to our second opportunity for public participation um if there is any we ask that you come to the podium you will have maximum of three minutes at this time see you none we'll move on to [Music] resolutions yeah do we want to yes so who's who's the council person that does the group stuff now is it who moves it in a group I think it should be one of our senior counsil people I'm looking at Mr Bob Mr Bob you thought you pull me back in I think Mr cek wants to uh have you separate 18.3 yes number 68 68 and also if you could I just want to be able to comment on um 18 G1 is 65 18 G1 we can pull them out separately just a brief comment we're and we're adding R we're we're adding also the resolution authorizing Mr reio a special counsel for labor what number that that would be so that would be we'll just make it G8 the professional services5 I got I'll just do F16 does that work for everyone F16 all right okay all right let's see if I can get this mayor I'd like to make a motion to move 18 C1 through uh F16 and then H1 to four five and six in a block I see the head nauy yes thank you and if I could have a second second okay we have a motion in a second please call the roll Mr Bob yes Mr Ki yes Miss Perry yes Mr Ryan yes mayor farmer yes okay now we are going to go to um mayor I'd like to move uh 18 G1 uh number 65 authorizing Grant agreement for supplemental Green Acres funding for Chef property acquisition yeah I just wanted to just highlight a second second want to highlight uh just for the Ben of the new council members as well as the public uh this has to do with uh grant funding that we continue to receive to offset the costs in the sheft acquisition the colonial Lake uh which we completed several years ago but we continue to obtain grant funding to offset our costs as a community with regard to it and so this latest round I think we're coming to an end um but it's for $272,100 I'll give you guys a snapshot of what actually ended up being the total cost to the community to purchase that land um to stop the development along the lake so we're getting close to being able to do that and I just wanted to highlight that because it's thank you for that we're very fortunate yeah and and the work is wonderful you know it definitely I spent some charm there okay so Madam clerk Mr bobit yes Mr Ki yes Miss Perry yes Mr Ryan yes mayor farmer yes mayor I'd like to move uh 18 H3 number 68 authorizing resolution supporting the audio recording of executive Clos session meetings of the Lawrence Township council do I have a second second okay is there any discussion I know we wanted to maybe talk about this or yes okay Mr thank you mayor thank you as the council may recall this was subject of some discussion at the last regular meeting and I was asked to do a legal analysis I supplied that memorandum to council and and the manager and the clerk's office uh including a uh a legal summary uh extens of legal summary and came to a a conclusion that that the best scenario um would be to have this only deals with closed sessions obviously only best scenario would be to have the handwritten notes as of the clerk as the official uh document official business formal m minutes of the meetings would be the official business and the audio tapes would not be a public record but they would be uh we would have audio tapes of all closed sessions only to help the the clerk prepare the official minutes of the meeting uh in writing this this comports with the holding in a a Supreme Court New Jersey Supreme Court case Atlantic City Convention inray Atlantic City Convention 153 New Jersey 53 uh and I guess a concern and Mr nnsky and I had some uh emails back and forth dealing with well you know what would happen if somebody wanted to get these audio tapes uh what you know they could go to the G GRC to try to get those and I I would simply say that under the under the law uh there would have to be the court would have to look at balancing the interest in relation to the specific materials and uh would most likely result if there was some particular area of concern there would be a limited disclosure and I'll quote the court necessary to indiv indicate vindicate excuse me vindicate the public interest so basically I don't know if this is more of a burden for the clerk but but it would be handwritten notes and an audio tape but only the handwritten minutes would be the public record available when appropriate for the for the public now I'm aware that there are two GRC pending cases involving the uh possible release of audio tapes uh although we filed the substitution of attorneys the the cases uh we're in the process of obtaining them from Mr Rosco's office uh I don't know when they will be decided but but um that may be dispositive also but for the time being uh that would be my recommendation subject to to you know council's uh approval and uh uh I think you know the there there it's all over the lot you know I talked to some people at the New Jersey League of municipalities some of the attorneys there uh who are familiar with the situation probably the majority do not audio tape but the the trend according to them unofficially is is it's it's uh it's moving that way the county the County Commissioners only use uh audio tapes U so it's it's it's really a decision you would have to make uh I am comfortable and I I provided a lengthy legal analysis I'm comfortable that if it's challenged we could defend it uh but uh it's it's really a a decision Council uh Council needs to make uh based on uh you know my recommendation that we in essence do both but only only the handwritten uh minutes would be what would eventually be available to the public subject to the granting of a court order otherwise which which I think would be in all cander difficult to obtain but but you know that that's that's it in a nutshell could I could I ask the um I don't if I use this ter the senior council members on the board on on the council their experience or um have they found it helpful or just to get some history on because I know there was a time when recordings were happening and then they ceased to happen and just you know to get some background if you how you feel about you uh mayor for me I don't think it was ever an issue until the last year so um that's kind of where I I I always I always defer to the clerk and and their professional experience so uh uh Miss norio before and Miss Carter now so um and I I appreciate Mr C uh lengthy uh email that he gave us I think it was really clarifying for me so I I I agree with his sort of course of action so that's why I stay thanks basically same thing mayor the years I served on here was this within the last year that we started getting the requests for recording or no recording for recordings okay they recorded but it was strictly for the clerks yeah I think it and that's how they minutes yeah yeah I I think it's it's helpful you know just in terms of going back for clarification and as Mr um cyc has stated that it's very difficult you know the the written minutes which are public record um once the executive sessions are no longer holding um confidential information are released in any event corre so it's more used as a tool to assist the clerk so that that person is getting the facts and things of that nature yeah that that would be my my understanding it would just be an additional tool for the clerk who has a you know extensive burden to produce these minutes uh but uh it's really you know it's up to you as to procedurally how you how you want to proceed yeah and and as a body we I know in my mind I would think that things are not really confidential you know you were always sh should behave in a fashion that is professional and um if knowing that one day it could be made public you know I don't see why a recording to assist the clerk would be um looked upon poor Madame mayor may ask a question so in cases of um NE contract negotiations Etc so those that could be proprietary or private would remain private yes okay that's what I just want Clarity for all individuals involved yes okay great thank you I have y first of all I want to um for everyone's purposes I have a voice but not a vote and I'm fine with that and I've expressed my opinions with regard to this and and I do appreciate the ability to exchange thoughts and opinions with our Municipal attorney who has provided a memorandum and is offered his POS legal position to to everyone so I'm satisfied that the process is the process and you guys set the policy with regard to it there are two pending cases that have requested the production of the audio tapes if the court comes back and and and compels the production of those audio tapes I think another round of discussions needs to be had because we're right back where we kind of started um the concerns are potential additional liability to the township for our free flowing conversations that may result in information used by outside persons to file litigation against the township for whatever reason they had Faith or whatever in terms of contractual negotiations labor unions we have seven of them and if if if audio tapes come out and we're having conversations of how we handle particular groups if I'm a labor president I'm asking for those tapes you you know you're going to provide the minutes and then the next request will be well I want the tape because obviously that's more it's more accurate the the recording is more accurate than any minutes more comprehensive so and the concern also is the in knowing that we're recording knowing that maybe eight months or year from now somebody is going to request that the conversation that's going to flow that's going to allow you to make the most informed decisions isn't going to happen I'm going to I'll tell you that in terms of collective bargaining negotiations I don't know if I'm going to say everything that I would normally say in the course of it and it's not hiding from the public it's basically someone gave me this scenario if if we were football team and we're huddled together it's like letting the other team join our huddle for the next play and and so that's the concern I have and finally the additional cost to the town if audio tapes are going to be requested then they're going to have to be reviewed by an attorney to determine what should not be produced in the auto redacted on the audio in terms of confidentiality and things like that and then that is going to have to go to a company that's going to have to provide the technology to redapt whatever audio recording so those are the three concerns that I've had as long as I've got them out there and for your consideration I I think you know I'm satisfied that you guys have the benefit of everything that you need and I do think that those two cases that are coming down are going to be something that we could reflect upon because this is a resolution this isn't an ordinance this isn't something set in stone that future councils will have to abide by it's your policy as you exist today so and I defer to the municipal attorney with regard to his opinion completely just for clarity this was a practice that was in place prior to just the past year oh it it absolutely was but it only became relevant recently like the council member set with people asking for the audience I don't know if anybody even knew there's a person that knew that we audio tap and they made their requests I think like I said I think most towns like 80 80% or so in Mercer County don't record so there's no there's no request for recording they request the minutes but we we did record and now it's out there for the world to know that we are going to pass a resolution potentially that we're recording so have every expectation that those requests are going to be made and we're going to have to deal with it and then but is it Mr cek is it my understanding that because those are closed sessions there's a time period before they can be requested not until the matter has to be resolved before before they can be released and and the mere request I understand Mr nnsky uh position and and and I appreciate it U uh but the fact that you have a recording and someone requests it under the scenario that that I have proposed doesn't mean they automatic excuse me automatically get the recording quite contrary there would have to be a process that they would have to go to court they would have to show a balancing in the interest as as to why that would have to be uh uh released and I don't think that's going to be an easy burden for for a citizen uh to do uh and I I appreciate the fact that there's two pending cases they may they may greatly affect uh decisions of this uh uh Council but uh as as as I said my memo and I tried to say tonight this is just another tool to allow the clerk to have a backup not for public consumption I'm not saying that these should be released uh quite the contrary it would have to require a court order to do that which which is which is the mere fact that you file and request it doesn't mean you're going to get a court order I'll tell you that but that's that's a decision you have to make it's a resolution it's not an ordinance you can be changed and if if if the GRC comes down tomorrow or a month from tomorrow or six months from Tom you know there may have to be a change in that policy but that that's you know that we'll have to review and and it's a it's a fluid situation which which may change according to the law but it's whatever whatever you want to do and and that's where we are right now we had we had the request for an audio the town made the decision with the prior Council to say you're not entitled to it and we're now defending that position in court on two matters with and so the very nature of having the audio is going to put us in litigation more often than not potentially and and that's that's it's just a cost concern on that part of it but I'm sorry are there other areas um in our town form of government that weord for instance at the Municipal Court of course the municipal courts the uh zoning board planning board you know those boards all all record are required by law okay okay um do we have any additional questions or okay if I can have a motion then there is a motion on the table right now I you have to you have to have a motion to remove it from the table so you can vote if I can have a motion to remove it from the table so we can vote so move need a second second okay thank you madam clerk if you could call the role Please Mr bobit yes Mr Kaki yes Miss Perry yes Mr Ryan Yes mayor fer [Music] yes yeah I'm sorry procedurally that was excuse me that was a motion to remove it from the table there's a pending motion with regard to the approval or disapproval of number 68 H3 so you need another vote Mo to approve okay so we we have a motion and do we have a second we moved a second point of order I thought I moved uh I thought so too this and then we had conversation about it so well we did but so I'm sorry no mayor please let the no it's just procedurally it was on the table we probably reversed the the process was probably my fault uh had to remove it from the table which we did now the there is a pending uh motion to allow the to vote on the actual substantive nature of the resolution so if we can we'll do claric apption so we are now voting on 68 68 number 68 H3 H3 which says authorizing a resolution supporting the audio recording of executive close session meetings of the Lawrence Township Council correct motion to approve I second Madam Clark would you call the Mr bobit yes Mr Kaki yes Miss Perry yes Mr Ryan yes May farmer yes I'm sorry you're any confusion on that not a problem we work it out okay now we have um number 19 Council Council initiatives and lay ons I don't believe we have any at this point or do okay seeing none um do we have any written communication Madam CL no we do not I I okay you the and we will not be having an executive session this evening oh we did good on time okay so now we have a motion for adjournment don't [Laughter] up okay we have a motion in a second all in favor thank you so much to the public for coming out on this jury I pleas drive home