##VIDEO ID:zQPPeQhIeXs## [Music] welcome [Music] everyone um before we start the meeting I would like U for us to just take a moment of silence um we recently had um a death in our community of a young boy um a 12-year-old who um was killed yesterday so I just want to take a moment of silence thank you adate notice of this meeting of the Lawrence Township Council being held on Tuesday October 15 2024 has been provided for the posting of the annual meeting schedule of St Council in accordance with Section 13 of the open public meetings act said notice was forwarded to The Trentonian the times and the princeon packet on December 11 2023 we will now have our inspiration and pledge religious may we carry out our work at this meeting in a just honorable and sincere manner always bearing in mind our duties and continuing to keep Lawrence a wonderful community in which to live I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all M Mr Bob here Mr Kaki here M Perry here Mr Ryan can't be with us this evening uh mayor far here I also wanted to just add that we have um on behalf of council today Mr West Bridges is with us today president thank you and we just have a slight adjustment to the agenda um our County Clerk Paul is here to a for us if you would please come up now Madam clerk thank you mayor first I just want to say thank you for having me tonight and I want to um remind everyone it's the voter registration deadline today so our office is open till 8:00 p.m. and superintendence is open till 9: so and if people want to go online they still can so I had to mention that as I left my office to make sure I came here today that's the account count open until seven thank you so much that the microphone so that the public can also of course thank you for having me I wanted to remind everybody that today's the voter registration deadline for the upcoming election and you can register online at vote. m.gov um my office is open till 8 the township is open till 7 and the superintendent of Elections is open until 900m tonight so make sure you're registered because you can't vote unless you're registered but that that's not why I'm here today I actually am here and I thank Council to present a certificate of recognition for your recognition of Italian American heritage month which um is my Heritage and I'm from Lawrence Township and I'm really proud to be able to read this tonight so thank you um it says the office of the merer county clerk certificate of recognition is granted to Lawrence Township whereas the Lawrence Township Council and its esteemed mayor Patricia Hendrick farmer have recognized the important contributions of Italian Americans to our community State and nation and whereas October is recognized as Italian-American Heritage Month offering a chance to reflect on the enduring Legacy of italian-americans and to honor their deep rooted history V culture and significant contributions to Lawrence Mercer County and the state of New Jersey and now therefore I pa solomy cavello Mercer County Clerk you hereby commend mayor Patricia Hendrick and farmer and the Lawrence Township council members for their recognition and dedication to celebrating the Heritage and contribution of Italian Americans in witness there H hope I have here set my hand onto and fix the clerk seal on this 15th day of October 2021 thank you so much thank you thank you again and um now we will have a presentation of the Lawrence hope Trail a status update [Music] good evening good evening everybody uh my name is David S I'm the chair of the Lawrence Trail corporation which is the not for-profit that's guided development Lawrence Hile Trail for the past 20 or so past years and with me tonight is John Murray who is my vice chair and your engineers actually on our Board of Trustees so pretty well connected and I think been a trusty as well in years past other the trail um this is not easy uh doing Trails like this as you know our partnership involves over 20 different entities municipalities County private companies land trusts uh the state of New Jersey Etc so we our job is to try to facilitate getting decisions made to get the Trail built so looking at the first Slide the map which I think you've seen this uh we're down we're about 90% complete at this point so a 20 mile Loop laen towns here down the five is to other side we're about 90% done about six projects to complete to finish the 20 mile loop three of those are in helpful Township and three are in lawren townships I'm introduce Mr Murray now and he can walk you through the projects thanks David um thank you for entertaining us tonight and um it's great it's a great um time for the lht we're getting very near the end as you know it's been a 20-y year um labor of love started by uh former presidents U Becky Taylor and Elanor Horn uh when they retired a few years ago Dave and I picked it up and um we'd like to just give you an update of these six um segments that are outstanding the first is in hobell Township we call it the mount West that design is um completed it's in final review um there is uh funding for that project so uh hopeful Township will be putting that out to bid hopefully before the end end of the year um section two is Mount Rose preserve um that is in final design there has to be some soil testing that must be done to confirm um the water storm water management being handled properly um once that uh store Bings are completed um the design should be done and that will be put out to bit um number three is Cleveland roads so that is our our newest piece we've just received the license agreement with the property owner and um we are just putting that now to Big we've received funding from the ddpc to the Delware Valley Planning Commission uh for that design so we've received funding and we're putting uh putting that out for request for proposal to get the engineering completed um item four is a pre Brook uh which Jim Jim Paris will address and number five is Maiden head Meadows which is under construction and the last piece is uh a little Loop through lawrencville school which is currently under construction when they were finished with that Loop um the trail will be uh that will be connected through the school okay um maybe the next slide um this is um what we call the Cleveland Road this is the last um section in hopel Township um that will connect to PR Brook which is in Lawrence Township and as I said it's about 2400 ofar feed and um we are putting that out for uh engineering bids in the very near future hopefully this week or early next week okay uh I'll turn it over to Jim he will address pre Brook okay hello everybody so we have pre Brook Road that's the extension from clev Road really into into Orange Township right to provin Line Road designed to a 10 foot wide bike and pedestrian path so these are just a few pictures along pretty Brook Road kind of give you a flavor of what the road's like kind of narrow carway you can see a lot of slope between the road and the U properties some vegetation and these are a few renderings of what the trail will look like um kind of starting in the left side there that's a view I say more up towards the province Line Road section that's the first two the one all the way to the right that's all way down the bottom of the hill going into princeon that's where we'll meet up with Cleveland Road this is more right in the middle of the project and where you have more slope between the road and the property so you'll see you know a few things like the retaining wall along the trail split rail fence to serve as a little bit of a safety barrier for the pedestrians and the and then as you go further down the hill you have the bridge across the tributary the leads of the Stony Brook so so basically this this Trail was intended to be fully contained within the public RightWay um when we did some public Outreach before construction uh there were some people who expressed concerns about the location of the RightWay so we ended up doing a title search to confirm it and it turned out there was significant irregularity in that search in the right away as it showed up so it's going to explain kind of where that's at so this is the plan view of the project starting with Province Line Road to the left if you look the red line point so everybody knows where I'm at these red lines here are the the RightWay lines one to low one to the top so on the first page you everything find is pretty much what we expected that was based on the tax maps and the survey that was done for the property but as you go along you see things get a little bit little bit funny the U the runway on the bottom of the page comes up to the center line of the road still not a problem for the trail because we're on the uh south side of the road here but as you get to the last section where the bridge is you can see what happens the RightWay that red line at top diverges all the way down into the roadway actually comes to a point inside of H Township it's a very strange circumstance uh it really didn't show up in the survey where the tax passs so for that reason you know we really you we've been kind of looking for options what we could do U but really come to the conclusion that you really can't Advance the project without trying to acquire right away from that one property it's one owner that owns all the way from the hopo border all the way to the start of this issue call the right way uh so so really you know next step here you know we originally anticipated building this project between 2024 and 25 and we'd hope to be ped out the bid now and constructing next year that's likely going to get pushed off six months or a year we'll need an extension for the grant we have a um $882,000 Grant from do that has a specific time frame to spend the money so we'll need an extension for that and then you know I think we'd like to start the negotiation process with the property owner and hopefully uh be in position to acquire that land that we need know that we're not successful we can come back and talk about other options but I think right now we really just want to start that process of reaching out and seeing if they're amenable to providing the talent that so that was I think the scope of our presentation tonight we really just wanted to let you know kind of where this fits into the big picture of the trail and if you had any questions and and I said we'll be back for those other items that we go along mayor I have a question thank you Jim that the section where um it's being proposed that we make an offer to the landowner is there a a home located on that property there is it's um I would say it's about right that driveway you see right there is would be the drive for that property the home is probably it's hundreds of feet back way back there so yeah because when I drove by I couldn't you can't see it from the road right really far back okay you don't you don't have a picture of it do you the I could I could send youand an aerial kind of show a little more perspective if you like yeah that might be helpful sure do that yeah if I could I just want of I'm sorry I was just going to say is are the Property Owners um willing to work with us you know I don't know I haven't approached them yet I wanted to kind of wait till we talk to council first and I think we'll reach out now so it is it is just one property owner for an easement the the other property owners are impacted in that where we intend to go where the trail is intended to be installed is within the right of way that's right accurate that's right and and the one property owner that we needed from when we had public Outreach that owner did not tack so we don't really don't have any say direct feedback from her you know recently either for or against the idea I I just say that one of the things that John and I and the rest of our trustees agreed about a year and a half ago now is we would like to complete the whole Loop by 2026 so there's a little bit of a a competition here the Cleveland roaded who just came into an agreement with property owner this past year early this past year we're trying to make as rapid possible progress as possible but the other thing we want to make sure is we coordinate between that property owner the municipality of mle Township in this case DPC also Lawrence Township to make sure the pieces come together as well as they can I would say just a couple of advertising things the trail hosts about 100,000 visits a year so it's it's quite an amenity we find on our website that most of our viewers are from Mera County but nearly half are from New York City in Philadelphia so people are looking to Lauren s Trails a place to come uh to enjoy nature exercise so on and so forth and the last little bit is you may have seen some the Press coverage our full moon bike ride which is quite an event attracted 540 R Riders this year which is about a 40% increase over last year is quite a thing anyway we thank you for your time tonight I have Mar man sure Cil I have one question for well any of you actually it's um as someone who's who's had to run in along Princeton Pike because I couldn't get from maen head Meadows to the Bry house yeah do you know when the uh the maen head portion will be complete sure um you know it's under construction now uh I would say it'll be mostly complete probably by March but the final uh there's on asphalt out there that will get put down to April but the the entire Boardwalk section will be open probably in March so very very soon okay thank you right thanks everybody thank you for your presentation so the only thing that I would say to you all is is that we probably need some consensus from you as to whether or not we should at least explore engaging the property to see you know what their feelings to that and I don't know if you want to think about it and let me know um um or if there's a consensus now I think the ask is not does that I don't think that would hurt obviously to see you know we won't know how they feel about this until we ask and then then I could report back to you so is there a feeling we could take a do you want to take like a poll yeah if there's a consensus among among you where we can just engage uh the property owner just to see you know share with the plan share the plans with the property owner and and and inform them of what what our proposal is and what we would need uh in order to complete this Trail and then we can take the feedback from the property to you all and determine how we proceed next mayor if I can ask a question just for my own clarification are we talking about an easement or are we talking about purchase of property purchase or EAS well it would be yes um so I I could be um be either one uh sometimes we we do right away but if property owner prefers an easement for any reason at all that would be absolutely fine I think from the value perspective the cost will be the same I'm sure we'll have to pay something for an easement so it really won't matter with right away thank you could you explain the difference just for general information right right away implies full ownership by the township an easement would imply that the property owner maintains ownership if we have a right of access for The Limited purpose of the trail thank you okay if I think we're we're good to do a like a poll yeah I think so Madam cler and just so we understand all it is is um a consensus to uh engage the property owner inform that property owner of our plans and what we would like to to do and get a response back okay thank you okay yes Mr bobit yes Mr Kaki yes Miss Perry yes mayor farmer yes thank Jim thank you for coming we certainly do not have to stay that's okay okay this brings us now to the public participation portion of our meeting for a 5 minute minimum see none for just waiting see if anybody else wanted to speak to go last Kathleen Nora 35 H Avenue it was mentioned at the last meeting that the council was thinking on establishing a task force to consider options for the neighborhood service center an option that I feel should be considered is the sale of the center to a nonprofit for a nominal cost perhaps to Fred Marine's edg's Crossing Village as he had mentioned at a previous meeting along with a group of like-minded residents they would like to take over the operation of the center during my tenure with the township 1975 until my retirement the township has been making repairs and upkeep to the building over and above what would be required on a normal use basis and can only be considered as unsupervised abusive use of the facility and Equipment over the years the township has spent millions of dollars to make these repairs the amount is in addition to the yearly send which is currently $108,000 selling the center would definitely be a savings to the taxpayers by having the citizens group operate and provide on-site supervision of the use of the center would be a win-win situation for all residents of the township Mr marine and his citizens group would have complete control of the center the residents would still be able to use it and the overall cost to the residents would be eliminated the other subject that I wanted to mention is 3131 Princeton plake the township currently has five Pilots project Freedom until 2030 Heritage Village until 2041 Lawrence Plaza until 2048 Brookshire until 20 37 and 's Crossing Village until 2052 all are now 30-year pilots and will probably be renewed at the end of their span as they should be two started out as 40 years there was no significant outcry if any at all to these pilots and I totally understand and agree that these are very worthwhile and needed projects my personal feeling about 3131 is is that allowing this pilot is much better than potentially winding up with a property similar to the eyesore on Whitehead Road and that left vac it and possibly abandoned produce produce no Revenue whatsoever to [Music] good evening uh Nick far 116 Oakland Terrace um I didn't prepare a written speech uh this is just something that uh came to light at our last uh Recreation advisory committee meeting and I think one of our members spoke at the last council meeting so was a little troubled from what I understood happened two months ago from mayor Ryan which is absent tonight C Ryan um I think a comment was made about cutting volunteers from these boards and I I don't know I I've never thought to hear the words cut and Volunteers in the same sentence because the people that are on this group and any of the Committees that are throughout the um Township volunteered their time are taken away from their families to help out their communities and there was a statement made that there were going to be cuts to a committee that um you guys are all aware what the rec committee does I mean from Memorial Day to Community Day which we were just at the really cool one at the lake um Valentine's Day um Fourth of July I mean it's a committee of 11 where one short my understanding was there was an applicant and the applicant was denied no reason given but one short puts it at 10 and I think on Community Day given all our members I think we had about half an attendance so we were five people helping out for the whole day at Community day and we had an applicant that was denied for no reason given so if someone could maybe answer to that reason if there was other applicants considered but mostly I I would like Councilman Ryan to answer but he's not here what the significance of um his statement of were we going to cut the board committees um and if that's the case just give me a reason why these committees are being cut I mean we're we're volunteers we're not getting paid there's no financial hardship on the township the only hardship is taken me away from my family with the community which we try to teach our kids to be involved in the community and to volunteer and somehow we want to cut committees when we can barely get enough people to be on these committees something to consider and I would like an answer as to why that statement was made to cut committees volunteer committees no financial burden on anybody thank [Music] you I see no additional comments we will move now to the next item on the agenda Rie and revision of agenda I don't believe there's there are any revisions to the agenda for tonight okay and now um if we can have a motion for the adoption of minutes guess I will do it uh like to move uh 8A regular meeting of April 2nd 2024 have a second second M you call the Please Mr Bob yes Mr Ki yes M Perry abstain I was not here mayor yes mayor I'll move 8B regular meeting April 16th 2024 have a second second Madam clerk if you could call the Mr Bob yes Mr Kaki yes Miss Perry yes mayor fer yes awarding and or rejecting of this anything okay and then we will now go to the introduction of aanes and okay ction avoidances this brings us to the manager's report uh yeah I just have one item um just to provide an update to the community and to you all is that um we have um we've committed to transitioning from um utilizing an outside company to do our 911 emergency um call center to to in-house that process has begun um we have ads out for um interviewing and the vetting process that is going on in addition um Chief Longo is is the point person with regard to this he's taking on the project uh he and I are working together on it and we have a meeting with Mercer County officials um who are undergoing um um working on a new um equipment for 911 dispatch and we wanted to connect to see if there's any opportunities uh among uh Lawrence Township and the county to um enhance both of our systems that have them work together for present or in the future and to discuss any sharing opportunities as well that's scheduled for I think two weeks from um today um I'll certainly report back to you whether or not um it was fruitful but we hope so that's all I have okay thank you quick question uh are we still on target to transition for March 2025 yeah it's it's it will be April 2025 [Music] April okay do we have anything on the attorney's report not no Madam cler do you have anything to report just a little bit about the elections we know that's coming up by the next time we see each other will be after the election so uh October 15th with is today as reported is the deadline the early voting period is October 26 through the November 3rd um we do have U our location here is in at the merer county I mean Le Library deadline to apply for mailin ballot October 29th deadline for in-person um valid applications is up to 3 pm. um November 4th and election day is November 5th so we hope to have a great smed election yes okay thank you m CL do we have any unfinished business new business this brings us to the next opportunity for public participation this is a three minute limitation not to include any um if you sign the sheet I had to sign okay you got same question as support Council people um is there in fact any consideration being given to cutting the volunteer committees I don't like the deer and headlights there with your elected officials I expected answer mayor R councilman Ryan's not here to back his question up that he stated two meetings ago I would like an answer today however it works you guys pull yourselves whatever you do I want to know if in fact there's any consideration being given to cutting volunteers from all the Committees in LS Township so what's your name again sir I'm sorry Nick Spar Spar how are you um yeah um unfortunately the rules of procedure you can make your comment but the council is not obliged to respond to your comment they may have someone reach out to you to answer the question but they're not well I would be um very considerate of the council if they could reach out with an answer because it seems that this is the second and third time this question's been asked and no answers have been given I understand so I I'd like to see some validity behind the statement that was given if there's in fact reasons for why the statement was made as a taxpayer I'd like to know why these decisions are being made so if that's the case thank you someone can reach out to me that would be great if you could um provide me with your email address and then I'll give the council do Council as well as we have you have it yeah understood thank you and I I understand um but I'm very disappointed that nothing can be said here I understand your [Applause] process thank you everyone for your time I will say that uh for my my affordable housing uh shade tree and uh Environmental Green advisory committee there are no planned reductions thank you I will just say ditto for Public Safety and growth and Redevelopment thank you councilor from a senior center no no cup for recreation being L on I don't want to see it CAU thank you coun so we are up to any other any other public comment see none we will close public comment 18 resolutions a bon acceptance any objection to accepting 18a through 18h excuse me so I would like to make a motion to move in Block resolutions 188 through 18h is there a second I'll second moving 1881 through H BL Please Mr B yes Mr Kaki yes M Barry yes mayor farmer yes okay this brings the council initiatives on reports very okay see none moves us now to written communication I'll just um share with the public we received an invitation to join at an open house to celebrate the 100th birthday of Veronica and picking we we have quite a few centurians in our Township I uh I'm looking forward to having conversations with them and seeing what their secrets are I know that least uh I feel like close to Six or in the township that are celebrating 100 100 plus so um her event is happening Sunday November 24th um at 1 to 4 at Veronica's house um everyone on Council should have received a copy of the invitation that is my share amazing yeah she looks great I mean I recognize it from around town um also uh we receiv commity from the league of municipalities regarding the annual leag conference in Atlantic City with regards to ADA compliance and I believe everyone again has received a copy and if necessary will submit any Ada compli means okay at this point we are going to go into executive session if we could have a motion like to make a motion to go into executive session and if I can have a second you have a motion a second we thank the public for attending tonight's meeting and um have a good J C