##VIDEO ID:5RGiK_HNTwA## had a shirt on do over here spe iie you have to [Music] welcome to the Lawrence ordinance committee meeting today is Tuesday October 8th 2024 uh voting members that are present so far this evening are to my left councelor fedeline s Santiago and to my right uh Council counselor um Gregory Del Rosario pardon me online oh and online with us is Council Vice chair Selena Reyes welcome councelor [Applause] Reyes councilor Rees can you hear us thank you yes sweet all right thank you so much you're welcome all right so everything because counselor is here we're going to do everything by roll call vote this evening so just sure you're aware yes good uh pursuant to chapter 20 the acts of 2022 this meeting of the ordinance committee is being conducted both in person and via remote part participation a reminder that people who would like to listen or view this meeting while in progress May attend here in person or uh join us at the Facebook Lawrence city council page and the YouTube Lawrence city council page and with that I will ask you all to please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge to the flag of the United States of America and to the for which stand one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thanks councelor so we have in our audience this evening we have uh City officials whove got something that I think is going to take a little bit longer and we have National Grid with something I don't think is going to take long at all so uh if there's no objection we're just going to take the National Grid because I think that'll be I think it's going to be fairly quick um where's my [Music] notes someone take my notes nope I got them so if there's no objection I'd like to take document uh number four 9924 which is the installation of one Jo pole on Canal Street near Union Street um out of order is there any objection see no objection your name sir and address please uh vasna 1101 Turnpike Street North and NOA Mass represent your name one more time because I think did you get the name V okay how do you spell that v a SN a v a SN a v e a s n a v e a sna how you pronounce that's an I've never heard the name before vas vas vas basna basna sweet thank you welcome sir all right so um go ahead 499 24 you have the floor so um for the petition uh we're requesting to put a uh a j pole uh at uh roughly around 162 ft um from the center line of canal and Union Street but to my attention the design of this this this petition said that there's already a poll that's being that's already there so instead of the poll being placed at 162 ft we would uh like a poll be to be placed at 180 ft instead and if you need a new petition sketch uh we uh are willing to accommodate that so I think for our records I think just to be precise so um somebody says what did we approve if we have the actual ual documents as precise as as amended as you just mentioned that would be highly preferable okay uh at least to me and I would submit suggest perhaps the whole committee so the answer is yes if you could do that Y how long will it take to get something like that uh probably they can probably just re res sketch it in about a day or two not long so we we certainly could um we certainly can send this up to the full Council pending that as long as we get the information and um yeah so so if you can get that to us that would be that would be helpful if we have it we'll probably vote in favor of it if we don't have it I don't know how councils are going to vote okay no problem uh any questions for any questions yeah this this is a new poll a brand new poll yes this this poll that's supposed to be for this petition instead of 162 ft is we're going to need to uh be at least 180t feet because uh there was already a pole actually there at the location that we would like to put it so I asked the question because lately we've been having complaints of they put polls and they just leave it like that and they don't remove what needs to be on the pole or they live in also stuff dropping on the floor lights and stuff and we have to pay for it um and and we need to prevent or we need to stop those things to happen and so in the last installations I guess city lights that goes on the pole or something like that have been dropping and we are the one picking it up and fixing it cuz they boasted things break or they don't change stuff and we end up finalizing the job for you guys right um unfortunately I don't know anything of that but I do know that if there's double poles out in the same location we install them and TCO is supposed to remove them so we install they remove did you make motion is there motion to sen full coun with a favorable recommendation pending the new sketch of the with the information of the uh footage of the poll second motion's been made and properly seconded I need to and discussion so I need to read this into the record and uh and for you um this is the the um the city clerk sent me this email based on the conversation you had with the council president which I invited him to either come to the meeting or to give me something written so here's the written so I'm going to read this to you so you know this is at least one counselers and maybe others positioned on this hello chairman Le plan is National Grid has several items at the ordinance committee it is likely they will be in attendance at your meeting next week in that regard the council president is asking if you can please stress to the representatives of National Grid that after their work is done they are supposed to leave the city in as good if not better condition than they found it this relates to patching the ground and also the replacement of the light fixtures that we just mentioned when they replace a pole they are taking down the light fixture from the first pole and not installing a light fixture on the new pole this is a new phenomenon that residents are noticing Citywide um I'm including an email of a specific example of this in District e for your reference so this is the city uh this is a not my district none of our districts but um there's in Mount in Mount Vernon area District e um the city clerk has put an example of a concern that that she has spotted there to kind of illustrate the point so um why don't I do this I read what I was supposed to read that's been done Council delari made his comments and and I think there're starting as you can there's starting to be some pent up um frustration yes uh with this and that you specifically but you and others have come before and we've been very accommodated we do understand that we're also helping the rate payers who want the service we get that as well but we're trying to balance both providing the services to the people who live there as well as making sure the city has um the polls which are I potential isource or maybe even to some degree unsafe are taken care of so we want to make sure that happens so let me give this to you so you have a copy of this um and then we'll see you next week but if you can work on improving whatever you can do and talk to your management team if you have to about the concerns that we as a council are facing or seeing that would be that would be great okay I'll call the question now all in favor say I I the eyes have it thank you I'm sorry we get the roll call vote so uh Council Santiago yes Council D Rosario yes Council Vice chair Reyes yes thank you so that vote passes Council Vice chair re I if I if you want to say something put your hand up interrupt me if you need to so I I don't uh miss you so um if something comes up got it thank you you're welcome thank you so much you got it okay um stay right there we're going to get rid of two others and then we'll be finished with National Grid tonight uh if there's no objection the other two are real simple um document number 524 um I'm going to be looking for a motion to withdraw this item based on the recommendation from National Grid this is installed to J plls on the North Canal Street near Asbury Street is there a motion to withdraw motion to withdraw second motion made by uh Council Santiago seconded by councelor Del Rosario discussion see no discussion roll call vote councelor Del Rosario yes councelor Santiago yes councelor uh Vice chair Reyes yes motion carries Pat would you be willing to do the roll call vote instead of me okay excellent thank you it gives me a chance to make voice rest uh the next one again to be withdrawn this is document 50124 there's no if there's no objection I like to take take that one out and that is installing underground electric conduits at North Canal Street um looking for a motion to with draw so Move Motion made by Council Rosario seconded by Vice chair Reyes discussion see no discussion roll call vote Pat coun Council Del yes Council San Council Santiago yes president M uh you can call me chair now uh that would be yes and don't forget our friend yeah yes here you go uh motion uh to withdraw is sent up so those have to be withdrawn the full Council level let me give this to you um 2024 okay sir I think you're done go home is there anything else n the right people thank you everything appreciate that thank you all right Council we do have city employees here I do suspect this is a little more intricate and involved um they their items we'll start with the first one um it's on page two of your of your um of your agenda um Mr McCarthy do you care which one goes first do you have a preference we'll go9 you want to do 429 first if there's no objection we're going to take a document 42924 first is there any objection I don't see any objections all right this is a new so Council Vice chair ra this is a 42924 it's the new ordinance in compliance with the mgl 4A 3A which is allowing a multif family as of right and this is the otherwise known as the MBTA communities act Mr McCarthy and do I see director Pim Andel are you with us director good evening yes I am will you be speaking is are do you wish to speak or participate in this matter or a different matter um I'm just here to support our director McCarthy but I am available if there's any questions excellent we duly noted so Mr McCarthy we'll start with you go ahead okay thank you everybody Daniel mcarthy from the planning department um the um city um having a train station in it is has been identified as what they call the MBTA communities so there two TI of communities one of those that have an actual station or Transportation Hub within their boundaries and other communities that are within 50 miles of of such of that so the tier one communities um are required to be in compliance with this act by the end of the calendar year 2024 so that's the end of December um the city is also working to create an overlay District under a grant now that Grant runs through the through the calendar year to the end of 20125 and S and we're going to be establishing that and creating a task force and moving forward with that over the next few months but currently we're in a predicament where we need to be in compliance with this statute by the end of this year um if if if you've been watching the television you can see that the um the um Attorney General's office today brought the city of Milton or the town of Milton um before the court and there was a hearing today on their refusal to comply with this so the state is taken a very seriously and I know our mayor and um and several of our department heads have met with the housing author with the housing director for the governor and um they urge us very strongly to consider doing this so we've been working in with Mary Mc Valley Planning Commission uh to design a a district uh a short-term District to be within to meet the guidelines of the of the requirements um the mvpc representative is actually going to be at housing committee on Thursday evening this matter was referred to two committees um I I I was uh I I Was preparing to attend the housing committee and I found out last evening that we had this evening today so instead of unfortunately for at this board you don't get the live PowerPoint presentation you get the paper copy and you get me so so a couple things Mr mccarth before we get started one is I just a point I want my colleagues to know that there there's a reason why um sometimes at the full council meeting I I I urge the council president to send it to one committee as opposed to to it there's not only this but many other issues that there's a redundancy we're all going to get it eventually and if we can we should really try to streamline it to be more efficient and send it to one committee council president has every right to send it to every committee if you I guess if you really wants to uh but there's a lot of duplication and a lot of people have respect for other people's times uh and and it's been a long days here and as long as we get the information before we take the vote that's the critical component so I just want this is the reason why I sometimes have those discussions at the meetings um about this well do you want to say something on that yeah I was going to say well this is a change in the ordinance so I believe it is rightfully in front of this board that is 100% correct and it's unlike it's it's not it's little more unusual to send it to a second committee but this is the committee that because an ordinance change you should be going to so we're right the second thing is do you have this electronically because our vice chair is at home and if you have it electronically this packet like now can you zip that over did we get this before tonight I don't I can I can do it later on tonight okay that would be preferable only because we have a member that's not here I want her to to at least have the information okay um with that you have the floor okay um so the the other documents you have before you is um this document here which is the law itself and I'm going to be going through this law as part of this discussion and the Four Points that must be met to be in compliance with the law as it's stated here the other thing Doc me have before you is as in any ordinance change in the city uh dealing with with uh it must go to the um the Lawrence planning board for review um on October 2nd the Lawrence planning board had a public hearing on this matter and they heard saw the same presentation will be discussing and they voted by for to want to vote in favor of adopting this so this is a um this is just a review in in a reference to the city council um it's not binding but it is U their opinion that this should be adopted um to get into the into the into the matter itself um there's the first couple pages is own discussion about the housing crisis I don't know if I need to go into much detail to this board about the housing crisis in the state except I think we all aware of how serious it is um I would rather go to the next page where it says what does section 3A required what does the city need to meet and what is this or what is this new ordinance going to change so first of all it says that the community myself is only District of reasonable size that allows m hous by right the state has determined that the reasonable size for the City of Lawrence is 451 units of housing are permissible where does it say where does it say that I don't see that on this page on this section it says what [Applause] does you don't have pages on here what does section 3A require do you see the numbers where's the number number here what's the title say the top yeah there's no number on that sheet what's the number so I need to write it down so that's important so I want to make sure we have that there's no number on that PowerPoint slide okay all right so so repeat that again with the number so we have contexts please the 451 unit hous 4,5 And1 units of housing are required no no continue a district has to be devised that will allow okay 451 units to be built to be permanent we don't have to create them we don't have to permit them but it has to be allowable allowable so there has to be enough space so we can create that or if somebody were to ask for it so so what we did was measured the square footage of the district that we identified which is across the street from the train station yeah and we'll get to that map later okay um the second point on that says water requires the creation of zoning District not the construction of actual units got it all right um the law requires zoning to be in place it does not matter what housing units already exist or will be built all that matters that by right zoning exists that communities do not comply with this will lose access to a number of uh state grants and these are grants that we regularly utilize uh one of the biggest most important called Mass Works grants we've used those to to build streets we've used those in the demolition of the marac paper plant we've used those in several areas in the city so for the city's inability to have these grants um would be important all right so the next page talks about mbpa compliance status and Community category I already mentioned that for for first 12 that we're tier one I think the next important page is to look at is this one here you would just just for the record I I I know it's not you thing this I know if you had a number on here it would be a lot easier okay so I got it so the one with a picture of a c got it just for the record this was created by m maatic Planning Commission um and I'll talk to him see if we could put um the numbers on here help thank you no no p p thank goodness we got a lot of smart people on this committee we'll figure it out but let's not make it challenging all right go ahead so so this talks about the dimensional requirements it's got all the numbers in it that I mentioned earlier and the most important on must be within half a mile what they call our Transportation Hub the Transportation Hub city is identified as the mg govern train station [Applause] [Music] so what you got I think the next important page to look at it says appro apprach full on so I think this will go much smoother when the slides are up on the screen I got good news and bad news I don't think we have that slide if you look again all right what's it called so again this repeats what I told you earlier the city was awarded the city was awarded a grant to create a to zoning District which is Transit orientated design Y and um we're going to be working on that over the next year and coming back before you but during the interim the city had a create had a had to in fact be in compliance with this and we said felt the easiest way is to take the minimum square footage we need which is 39 Acres adjacent to the train station and identify that as the district um on the next page if you turn it over it's got a copy of the map in green where it's going to go and I know we've gotten a lot of feedback on this because 95% of that property is belongs to the Riverwalk and um that in fact was was fairly intentional one because it's next to the train station but the second part is we don't expect the owner of that property to utilize this now that sounds contradictory that we're asking for a new District but the the the transit Zone we're going to be designing is going to be comprehensive it's going to be go go go go down to the from one end of Marx Street to the other it's going to go from the river to Market Street um and based upon advice I've gotten today we're going to look at other parts of the city to include this but this District here is only identified is just to do to meet the standards of this the Riverwalk is all being is permitted on what's called a planned unit development so I don't expect that Mr lpoi will be utilizing this to do it and the the criteria to do do this is is is is is like permit by right there are no design guidelines there's no criteria there's no uh none of that information is going to go into this we're just meeting the minimum standards until we can get the overlay District Tod overlay District enforced in the next year and with that point we'll probably be eradicating this ordinance having this withdrawn and having the new one come in place but again we do need to be in compliance with this regardless I I did go to the state housing uh authorities and ask them if there's any way since we're doing this Tod if we could get an extension and we were told no so that is the the the reason why we're here um we this this district will be uh in place for 6 to9 months and will be in compliance with the state requirements at the end of those six to n months when the overlay district has been has through public hearings and a well filed plan designed for this new District we'll come back to you have that one established and we'll be drawing this one so that is the plan I got lots of questions so and I have two I'm on the housing committee as well so I got two bites of the Apple I got to listen to this all over again in two nights so I'll start my first round today and I'll be I'll have more questions on Thursday's probably so we said 4501 is the number of units that we're going to need to get in the area that's in scen on one of these Pages correct yes okay what is the how many units do we have there now and does that count unit count but they do count towards it so theoretically the state will will take a position that the the there's a building there with 400 units in it that Mr leoi could decide I'm going to tear that building down and build more units there using this model instead he can do that would he do that no we we but it's possible the in in the Ian Burns who works for mayfel cleaning in their housing department he um did the numbers and the calculations to come up with this District using the square footage and the zoning requirements as stated by the city so this so this is the minimum size that we could do to meet the standards all right so I just I'm just looking for a simple answer to the question help me please the bogey the target number is 4501 that's correct okay so we went all a said and done based on the calculations that mvpc has put together in conjunction with the your office that's the number so do we already count toward that number of the units that are in that are existing at this point no so the the units have to meet certain standards uh I was I have already gone to the state and argued that the city was fully in compliance with this because we have a downtown overlay District I believe the overlay District satisfies the NBTA communities they disagreed and that's we and we came up with the grant this idea of doing this can you tell me how many units are already existing in that area that we're looking to put the overlay on um on the passle the the on the on the north side of the river just that one that the one you're looking at the Target yeah is 420 units we have currently 420 units in this section right here that's all green 420 and there seems to be a difference of opinion whether or not that 420 gets us to the 451 your interpretation is that that doesn't count we got to get an additional 4501 that's what I'm hearing from you Mr McCarthy is that that's what I'm hearing give me that number again 402 you said how many 420 thank you write that down so 420 units so it it didn't make a difference how many according to you it doesn't make a difference how many units we got there now we got to get a 4501 and it looks like there are several bites of the I'm talking about process now bites of the Apple we're going to be we as a council at the full Council will have a chance to vote up or down on this if we vote it up it's then goes you you got you got into the weeds there you lost me for a little bit but what I understand is that there's going to be X number of months there's public hearing process there's months to take place and then we're going to have to have another vote after the public hearings for a final vote that's kind of what I got out of what you said am I accurate or inaccurate correct me if I'm wrong so the the the vote we we hope to take before the end of December will be just to establish this District okay then we're going to be we're going to be beginning the process of the overate Y so and and that will be doing the calendar year 2025 we'll be only having this Council will only have one vote and that's going to be prior to January 1st of this of next year this calendar year is that right yes one vote so we're voting up or down on this overlay commity Franko economic development director C of Lawrence I so your answer to your question right now is yes you'll be voting on the MTA communities uh before December to make this effective for for to for us to meet the law requirement okay what um director McCarthy is talking about is the overlay District um which will be an extension moving forward to override some of the zoning requirements that we'll we have to put in place for right now so our person who who did this has been doing um n communities throughout this Mar ma Valley um and going to all the boards and everything um so this one of the things was even I wasn't aware about this meeting on knew about Thursday and we were bringing him on in on Thursday um so that's one of the things so right now what we're trying to do is to meet our law requirements before December 31st to make sure that we're in compliance with the state law so where I'm getting a little confused I'm I'm getting it I've got I got it pretty close but I'm not completely there so what I get here is that we're going to have a vote on this NBTA communities act we're going to be voting on that but that's not going to be enough we're going to have to take a second vote for something else that deals with zoning in this area that's what I'm hearing it might for more than just this area to to extend it to other parts of the city so that's okay further down the line but it has nothing to do specifically with this they'll be eventually um before you but we putting a cart before the horse before because we this is what we so let's not even talk about the other I mean it's good to know that that there's there's a plan event to be coming for you so I mean we already did one overlay on mar mar Street um which was voted on by by the council so it be we looking at to do distri requirement to make sure that other parts of the city also covered but that's going to be a little bit further down the line so I'm going to do is I'm going to ask one more series of questions and I'm going to be quiet because I got my colleagues here and I want them to be able to ask questions or make comments we talked about in this law that you provided for us that there is a there I'm not sure what I guess the carrot and the stick is the same thing the carrot is we get money the stick is we don't get money so from these grants and you specifically mentioned Mass works and in the law it goes beyond the mass works it talks about several other uh other place such as a local capital projects fund housing Choice initiative uh Housing Works infrastructure program so it talks about some other stuff I just think we need to know at least I need to know how much money generally speaking annually do we get from these grants I want to know what we're talking about what are we risking with a vote hypothetically a no vote the last two grants that I managed were were de with mass workers grants um I believe there was about $600,000 that we used to reconstruct Island Street um and then there was another um I think almost $5 million that went into um improvements along marry MAAC Street and use including the mar MAAC paper demolition that was identified as the Riverwalk project is that just a one one time shot so so the point here is that if you are supporting this project you would make the argument we can't afford to not put this forward there's too much money on the line and we're jeopardizing potential grants in the future if we don't pass this would be the argument someone would make and the examples are uh $600,000 for Mass works that dealt with what you just mentioned which I think dealt with maybe a Canal Street which were part housing and part other things multi multi-use and then the $5 million which I'm very familiar with along marac Street which is a lot of work with the with the roads and the sidewalks and the and the the the the the power lines that go through that and the lights and the speed bumps and all the other stuff that's there and that's 5 million dollar and that was pretty significant right and we would if there's another project we would potentially not be able to access money from that pot in the if whatever that place is who knows where that would be that's the that would be the proponent right now I believe we're supporting a grant um to to from the mass Works Grant on Broadway and Harlington street that area Okay so so that one is so we are actively seeking this money and that would be in Jeopardy if we were to not support this thing this project and okay and do you have anything else just because let's let's be realistic is there anything else in the pipeline that that a that's I don't want ping this guy we're thinking about doing this what's what's in play that's jeopardized if we don't vote for it um that's the only like top of my head it's like how much was that worth uh several hundred, and that's on Broadway North Broadway that is to uh improve the theas and the structures around the um the overlay District up in near the meth line okay that's the hington Mills overlay District that's a good short hand Arlington Mills District overlay or something like that for several several thousand dollars1 $100,000 $100,000 okay Lae Community works is is the uh main applicant for that okay I as promised I'm going to be quiet um any other colleagues want to say anything on this matter yes councilor Santiago um when I see the number about the UN it will be the construction do you think about hospital because will be much people than we have it right now and the emergency at the hospital are very busy when we are if we are going to the hospital if we have more people in the city what what plan do you have for the hospital as well um well no direct plans for the hospital as it is um I am I was glad to see that the uh the holy family and hospitals of methun and Nao have come under control of the Lawrence General Hospital so they're increasing the capacity of the Lawrence General Hospital to serve more people so that we we do get overflows I don't if you've been to the launch General recently but it gets extremely crowded uh on weekends and it's very busy they've been able to transfer some of that overflow to the other uh hospitals in the community so that would probably be now that they are no longer in the steward uh family they are now going to be part of the the Lawrence General um group so that will take care of some of the U volume of that contition is good but we have to make a plan for that one because if we have made we have we have found a solution for the problem that we have but if we found another problem to solve the first one I think it's not working mhm say ccar thank you to you chair it the only thing that I don't like it's when we are put in a position to rush rush rush I've been waiting for an overlay at the Alon neighborhood for two years and we don't know how long it's going to take to happen but we pushing this one and we're going to get it done by January and and it's been two years McCarthy and and every time that we come here with a project is a deadline to me but the alingon neighborhood doesn't have a deadline and and now said it publicly I'm going to say here for the record they don't want it uh they don't want it uh do the alington project due to the fact that the alington project is the way to bring negative grants to the city due to the drug hects due to the homeless due to the needles so they don't want that area there um to go up and you guys haven't done nothing to do that overlay to help those developers there uh with the Tift and we've been given Tift at the South bar like crazy but that's okay and I just want to put it out there and I'm still waiting for the overlay to be done and they asked you a question the other day or two days ago because I have conversation and you said you were waiting for the mayor and I was there with you when the mayor says they go ahead and try to get the overlay so they can get a tiff but we can develop the South we can you can get all the housing on the south that's okay and we're going to still get in the negative money from drug hats and we're not going to develop the AL neighborhood because it's not convenience for a lot of people and we know that with that said here we go now we against the wall with this proposal right uh for my colleagues the vote at that meeting that they had was four against one right and you know why that gentleman voted no on it cuz he asked me has the same question and colleag fidelina has a had Santiago has a a concern but we also have a concern let's say that we pass all this and all this contusion go through how we thought about the underground um W and S why the city is getting overflowing while we convert all this in 4,000 more units but are overflowing underneath and the water sewer is still the same way that has been for all the years that this city has been built do we have any Improvement on the Underground that way let's put it on your District Grafton Street doesn't get flooded 10 Grafton Street every time a little rain is that first floor get flooded um and we going to continue growing and again I'm not going to fight for the AL neighborhood to be growing anymore because you can have all the housing and all the flooding on your City on your side but can we change the idea of pinpointing us against the wall because this been doing this been going on for the longest if I'm waiting for an overlay for two years this has been around longer than two years or it just come up two days ago and now we need to vote on it and and and go with it because we're going to lose money and and remember a couple of years ago I told you that Lawrence was The Prostitute of the state everything we do I said it and it's somewhere there everything we do is cuz they're going to give us money everything we do is because they're going to give us money but it's it's a money worth it for for improving the living of our city I'm not against it I'm not against it I just need to say those things and also I hope in the next presentation we have a plan of if we eventually develop all this we have a plan to do something on the ground so that way 10 grafting Street and the people that live there doesn't get flooded cuz it's going to be I mean flushing 4,000 toilets again at it's not going to be at the same time but it's the people are going to flush it people going to use the water so I our our underground system of of I never seen anybody come here and talks about that we're going to build 400,000 houses but we're going to go on the ground and we're going to upgrade that system of the water and sewer there that it's not going to be floating anymore nobody talks about that we talk about what are we losing what are we losing uh $6 million but every time it's a flood in the city it's more than $6 million down the drain basically for our people they they don't get it back never ever again and I'm not against it I just want some ERS this gentleman they voted no cuz he asked a question he said what are we going to do with the water and are we going to improve it if we approve that and nobody answer him that so he he asked me to ask that question be uh and also uh the overlay for the for the alington ne it's okay we can do this one now and we can wait four more years to get the AL neighborhood and we can get the negative money out of there hopefully the mayor is listening and he can he can see that the people from the FIA are putting their own money uh the own money right cuz nothing has been done 5 million $5.5 million to develop that area they own money and they're not looking for a t they're not looking for anything you know what they looking to do improve that area and we waiting on anov for two years but you got an overlay you're going to get an overlay by January do I have a choice huh do I have a choice no you don't I don't have a choice you don't but it's okay so I me and I'm not against I just want to put that there for the record and and everything that is and again we're not going to develop the Alon neighborhood for 20 more years because it's a common money for the city negative money and it's still stuck and you know that you you can look at me cuz cuz it's still Stu you haven't done anything to try to get that overlay going and we were waiting for it for two years and then one day that you needed a vote when the danielito issue happens then you come up to me and say the mayor needs to sign on it two years after we were talking on it but that's okay I'm not against this issue I just want you to know that every time that you bring an issue this way or a proposal this way it's a Time limited it's sensitive time and everything on that area even though he doesn't like it and I will want it for my district and my district is never going to happen because it's not in your interest it's not in it's not in the development interest let me have a chance to respond go ahead the law only requires the creation of a zoning District not the construction of actual units one two I don't disagree with you on the over there in the Aron District I was just made aware of that a lot of those issues especially when you talking about um um recently and it was thank to you counselor from that District um one of the things we talked about that they were applying for a tip they never applied for a tip a different person was trying to apply for a tip so one of the things and remember Staffing in this department has been to a bare minimum which is probably one of the worst things that we can have in the office of Planning Development is is short staff when we have so many major projects in the city councelor derosario I'm going to promise you one thing it's not going to take 4 years to get overl District in arton District take um so as I'm here working with my team we're going to make sure that there is an overlay in your District as hard as we've been trying to work to make sure we gain every major project across the line one of the worst thing we could do is lose this at the state level because then Council derario I will guarantee you that a lot of the funding for a lot of things will start losing how many let me finish let me finish let go back to you so and I'm grateful that that you're on board with this but we got to start looking what is the future looking looks like for for the City of Lawrence um as a matter of fact when we look to when this came before me and we looked at it with mvpc uh when he came to the office I said I need a plan B because we need to expand um but we also I need to get this past the threshold which is December 1st I found ad Minister McCarthy had said we were at at meeting with the secretary Augustus at at housing and Lial communities when I re when we realized that our deadline was not December 25th 2025 our deadline was December 25th 2024 so we got right on the process to getting this here so I apologize for the lateness of this coming before you it wasn't it wasn't is not done intentionally by our department but we're here now to get this to where we need to be to make sure that we're not losing valuable resources and valuable time or Worse getting Su by the state um as other communities are doing or losing funding so over there in your district will be on top of my priority and go ahead counc I just want you're you're going to get the floor here like 3 seconds but um you made a great point on your District in Arlington I think they got it this is about this project here so just if you can go ahead go with that okay I've been sitting here for four years with the same situation same issues we got to approve this we have a deadline this has got to rush rush rush four years none of those rushes has been for my district none of them all of them for the same area same area and in Samaria and I'm I'm and I'm going to say the name he said something at the beginning just to make his or make me happy and then at the end he said something to make me happy saying that they rushing to get money somewhere up in the alington neighborhood and that gentleman across the bridge is is not looking to build but he could make those 420 units into 2,000 units if he wants to and he's allowed to and that's why the introduction begins right it begin with that int and again I'm not against it at all I just believe that we should develop evenly and we should believe in the progress of the city evenly evenly and it hasn't happened it it hasn't happened and you tell me you promise me it's not going to happen you know why because after this overlay something El was going to come up by there and we got to rush into that one but I'm but again once again I'm with you guys with this I'm not against it at all and thank hey once again and I think my record has spoken for this when when I say I'm going to do something I make sure it gets done thank you for the support counselor and thank you so much so what I think it may be important and this was lost and it doesn't cut at all to the counselor's point he has he has got a point he's got a point that I'm not going to argue um he's not he doesn't I'm not going to argue that um what I'm going to suggest though in this particular scenario this this was a proposal that was frankly developed by my good friend who was the former Governor of Massachusetts who decided to put the NBTA communities act as part of the process that he wanted to go forward L the man an awful lot didn't agree with this particular maneuver because of the impacts it would have on our city I'm not going to tonight I'm not going to rehash all the arguments as to why I think that we have unsmart growth in our city and this is going to let lead to that but now under the current Administration with the current attorney general's office things are now I think part of this and I think you can rightfully stand by this they have decided to put the heat on now communities were purposely delaying so that they wouldn't have to have this deal to see if things would happen in court and see what other dominoes would fall so while I may agree with my colleague's underlying point which is why are we always waiting to vote until the last minute which happens far more than it should and he's 100% correct in estimation 100% correct in this particular situation I don't think that it was because of because of of this office and because of this Administration that we were delayed the delays were taking place across the board for many communities and you started your discussion tonight with the town of Milton with their court case that's that was heard today excuse me today we don't have a ruling on that Court Cas yes we don't know what's going that court case may over turn not saying that it will it could overturn the requirement that Lawrence and all the other communities that have an MBTA structure in it a a train station that goes through it we have one if we didn't have this train station the McGovern train station we wouldn't have this requirement but because am I right no that's the reason why we have it we would have until 2025 because methan is an ad Junction to the mgov train station so they have to 2025 to put their NBTA Community into effect but the reality is that it it's the the condition is that there is a MBTA related corre element we are direct it's right in our area and it's right there it's not in the Arlington neighborhood it's not in near the hospital it's there trust me I would rather for this purpose that it not be there CU my neighbors are telling me we have enough we have enough we don't want this that's what I'm hearing MH we we have packed schools we have too many cars on the road we have Apartments all over the place things are growing we just don't have the we don't have the capacity and this is forcing our hand so I would love to see this somewhere else but I but that's not the cards that are dealt these are the cards that we're dealing with correct so and once again it's the creation of of a zoning District correct not the actual constructions of units I understand and and I'm sorry I me one last point is this you you and I'm glad you mentioned this because it's important for us to know the current owner of the properties has uh apparently according to your um assessment was that has no interest in expanding at least the housing over there that's refreshing and makes me feel a little bit better but I do one thing I do know is that things and times change this law is going to last longer than potentially that owner may be there I don't know how long he's going to be there but there could be a sale that things can switch I see it all I see it happening and that could happen here so the next owner may say you know something I have the ability to put 4,500 new places I'm going to put 40 I'm going to do it and then by right they're going to have a chance to do that and then we don't have any recourse that's my concern not so much in the current owner which I feel good about it's the next owner potentially that comes in and decides they're going to go ahead and do it that's my concern I I'm going to stop talking there uh we can do one more round of questions or comments if we do if we want to if not we can uh I'll entertain a motion this is also before the housing committee but we should have a motion at some point pardon me just yeah for those who won't be attending the housing committee I suggest my my request would be to either listen to the housing committee uh meeting um Thursday um and you get a better presentation than what I we could put together here huh the half of us are half of us are going to sayare it again sorry Council like to go ahead motion to Senator full counc favor recommendation second motion made and properly second uh discussion on the motion see no discussion I'll call um I'll ask Pat Miss Waters to please call the role yes no yes Vice chair R isair she said yes she said no she said yes yes yes you said yes yeah uh the motion is sent up to the full council with a fa recommendation by a 3 to one vote thank you you're welcome you have one more item yes okay thank you so counselor said there's no objection this is the next item which is 42924 there's no objection we're going to take this document which is new ordinance in compliance with mg GL chapter 4A section 3A allowing multifam as a right I'm sorry let me recurse that this is 42824 accept the amended recordable easement and layout alteration plan for Asberry and Lawrence Street good evening me I I I called an audible we're back if you do recall um approximately two two and a half months ago I was before this committee um with a similar set of plans for the layout of the existing Street as we know it as Asbury Lawrence and it's ajining streets this is all part of a Redevelopment project we're converting asur street from a one-way to a two-way street um this is to to improve the traffic flow on the North part of the city and primarily to um uh ease up on the traffic on Warren Street in the downtown area around City Hall so current as you as you all know currently when you cross the central Bridge you'll come to a point where you can't drive straight any further must take a left or a right to go to Hampshire Street or to Lawrence Street to still proceed North uh in the next year we're going to be converting this this is going currently going forward um the plan that is before you is actually also at housing and there's 30 other documents at housing um for the easements that are in this so the the plan that's before you is the alterations of the street by the way of the easements for construction on the on the new layout of uh of ASB street so and I and I apologize I thought this these documents have been sent to you um two weeks ago uh I want to find out why they you didn't receive these and okay all right so we have plans in front of us we need and this is essentially to we need to accept these changes is what the what what you're asking this committee and the full Council to eventually do yes and to accept these all of these plans yes and I then I I will be recording those at the registry of deeds and that will go in prior to the beginning of the construction the mass do will be the uh will be constructing the street is one of these deal with the with the with the Buckley garage is that in this any of these at all that street it does which which which plan is which page is that the one with commment sheet on it it is panel number glasses not very good it's sheet for got it okay and and the idea here is to all right so just one more time I'm sorry you probably said it just one more time because I was looking through the stuff real quick the purpose for all of these changes is what again it's it's to identify and recognize the construction easements that are going to go in some of these are going to be permanent easements many of them are just temporary easements but they're going to affect the properties along this street and there's individual documents at that are all at housing for each one of these so if you want to take a look for an example let's look at at panel 4 where the Buckley garage is the the Buckley garage is in the lower right hand corner of that intersection you can see a a a line that runs along the interior and that is says passel E4 the City of Lawrence Department of Public Works that's a permanent easement where we're going to be enlarging the sidewalk along that way okay so so the purpose of all these changes is to go ahead and to make the changes that are on here in this example an increase of the sidewalk yes and you couldn't do this now because of the current plans and this required that we go ahead and make some alterations on all these panels 12 of them part of the reasoning for doing this is to is so that when record the the easements written documents yeah it'll reference this plan so that you go to look at it the again this this plan is also at housing it it would probably be easy for me to explain if the easements were in front of you as well as the plan so every one of there's 30 documents every one of those documents identifies to one of these Parcels identified in a plan so this plan is is a reference it'll get record at the same time as the there easements okay back to the Buckley just because that's kind of like the Buckley went to the McGovern to make one more point for my colleague this this delar and more things are moving over to the South including the McGovern so what has happen is this going to at all deal with the one-way configuration is this a configuration issue or is this strictly just easements and then just changing the the footprint uh or the of of the various sidewalks versus streets those kinds of things no the the primary reason for doing this is if like like that the example good example is that there's a section of roadway between Hail Street and conman Street and it is a varying number of lines at some points there's two lanes at some points there's four lanes and some points this goes to three lanes and the car is jocky in a one way when this is done there just going to be two lanes of traffic one going north one going south the car is going to pass regularly and it's going to be all controlled by lights and by a rotary at the end of this project one going north and one going south but that would require a City Council vote correct for for that and that hasn't happened yet and there's no proposal for that because that would probably come here to this committee we haven't seen that yet I I think it was approved years ago before my time to make a two-way street to make it a two-way street it was approved it we didn't do it how does that make sense so Felix Garcia was a city engineer was handl this before myself okay um you can understand why that's confus I know and I and I remember having the public hearings on this that I attended so we approved it three or four years ago but we didn't implement it yeah so this do this this Project's on on the transportation Improvement plan so this was probably designed and and approved seven years ago because that's how long the tip is it's a sevene cycle so this has been on the state plans for doing this for seven years and and it's a 2024 so so K so like we just we just put Arlington Street we're going to redo Arlington Street from Broadway to lawren street that just went on last year at 25% um and that probably won't get through the cycle for another three years so so that's that's how the these projects work slow and then no one implements it sounds like to me slow and no Implement no implementation I'll be quiet I talked a a lot the last one any councils have any comments or questions regarding this all right there's a proposal before us how am I wording this how how's the motion how should the motion be worded to accept the improvements that are included in to accept the layout plans as preped accept the layout plans and how many of these panels do we have nine nine nine the nine layout plans the before us I'm looking for a motion to send to the full council with whatever recommendation you want to give to send this up uh to uh for the nine layout plans is there a motion Mar understand full coun with a favorable recommendation the fav recommend ation for the nine plans is there a second second second by the Vice chair in nick of time uh discussion seeing no discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I I I oh sorry I'm sorry I I was just practicing Pat please call the role now I know how I know if re is going to vote go ahead councelor Rees what's your vote Yes Council yes Council Santiago yes chair yes very good uh motion carries okay thank you Council you're welcome cu you'll be giv the presentation of this at the full council meeting right you got this you got this all clear you ready to go good cuz I don't good no I I I have enough I have enough to be there dangerous okay I know and it took and we still didn't happen Okay so is there anybody else here you're good all right we're going to go to the top of the page I guess oh and the first one is going to be table so um the first document is 4932 24 that's the creation of a city council policy regarding dedications and namings hold on I've been asked well I've been asked but I've been told what is the item that's the first item 493 here it is 4932 24 uh council president Rodriguez has asked the table item 4932 24 table motion made by Council Santiago seconded by Council Del Rosario all in favor up sorry Pat Waters please call the RO the table I'm sorry I speaking with Mr M so just just call this is 493 24 there's a motion to table need a roll call vote see you I Bo [Laughter] yes you going to call the rooll oh I'm sorry okay Council re voted yes she said yes said yes yeah yes yes yes motion to table next document is 494 24 no parking at 160 uh Garden Street looking for a looking for me see this no parking ah so it's it's a it's a handicap parking if you look at the if you look at the letter I think Park not handicap I'm sorry okay I'm confused I'll be very Frank with you counselors I'll read this letter we are requesting a sending a request for a quote no parking sign in front of our residents at I can't ner panales although he is not an owner of of a vehicle the entrance to his home prohibits family Andor medical transportation to to allow him access in and out of the residence I have attached his handicap sign for proof please contact me the number you have any further questions I'm going to I don't see seees the confusion I don't know if they're looking for a handicap parking or they're just looking for a regular no parking sign which means that even the medical transportation technically unless it's an emergency could not park there technically anybody have any ideas no matter which way it goes it's got to go to the police department um I guess we can have them sorted out motion to send to the police department by counc Del Rari that's a motion is there a second second by Council Santiago thank you um Pat Waters please call the role to send us to the police department for their review counil Rees councilor Reyes yes okay coun yes chair yes yes Pat you might want to put the mic if you you don't know a lot of space there if you put it closer maybe coun Vice chair R could hear you better if you put the microphone on and closer to you maybe I think that's the issue okay the next one is definitely handicap parking uh this is for 514 havil Street looking for motion to send this to to the um Police Department for their review s motion made by councilor Santiago is there second by Council Del Rosario discussion see no discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I I oppos no I I oh I'm sorry I'm such in the habit you great job uh Pat will you please call the role sorry I'll get used to it Council Rees yes thank you councelor s s yes ch yes Del Rosario yes a motion carries to send this to the police department the next one I put on uh 496 uh 24 this is a speed limit pilot project act the details are in your packet um I guess I'll give the presentation so uh the speed limit is an issue throughout the city of course um there is no cookie I don't think a cookie cutter approach to it uh there was a um proposal at the that's been tabled for the entire city that hasn't moved in seven years um but the people in my district have uh have been asking for it and I I thought that uh it would be um if you all know where I live in the Colonial Heights area it's a kind of a it's a not it's more of a controlled closer close closed uh area and there's an opportunity there to actually see if something were to work if we were to reduce a speed limit I'm not blind to know that without enforcement nothing is going to work we need the enforcement mechanism however um I wanted to have a pilot project there see how that worked we could report back to this Council how that worked what went right what went wrong what kind of streets were problematic or advantageous and then the idea I had was I mean I I can't deal with anybody else's District I can only deal with mine but if somebody another District counselor thought this could work in their area after they saw what happened and might and learn from that then maybe they could go ahead and do a proposal for another area of the city or a multiple areas if they felt that strongly about it so that was the idea behind the speed limit pilot project it lists in the resolution that you have I've listed all the streets I will tell you though that the streets that are not impacted because they are State the one State Highway uh but even in that it doesn't it made it State Highway stop is is 114 win RAV um so not the section that is the state highway because we don't regulate the state highway but I also don't want winra B to be a part of that nor do I want South Union Street I want those two streets to remain at 30 but it's everything within that neighborhood go down to 25 so that is the that's the proposal that's here um my recommendation would be to uh send this proposal for the police department to get um their review of The Proposal see if it makes sense to the police department and then we can get some sort of report back from them that would be my recommendation chair yep Council Del RAR even though I'm not against it but I believe the Colonia High even though is affect the whole city why don't we try to do a a pilot project with they really speeding out there um they miss where they really speeding out there uh I mean you have the registered motor vehicle giving the test on the back people actually do not speed as much as all the streets in the north side when it comes to Colonia High like you said colon high is a little compacted close area it I mean the speeding I don't think it's is not affecting your area but it's not as bad as all this areas if you want to try if you want to do a pilot project I I believe that we should do a pilot project on those those areas where they actually the speed is is noticeable on an everyday basis uh and and it should be more I mean even if it's on the south it should be more towards the bridge or where it's across the bridge on the North side when most of the speeding is happening uh not against the pilot project but I believe that I mean if we're going to try something we should try what is actually affecting the area to see if it really works um I don't know how much speeding is happening in the district but people actually respect that area more than any other area and if we want to implement a a pilot project to see if it's working we should put it in an area that is actually 100% affected by the speeding all the time um that's that's that's the only issue I mean I I I like the plan but I I think we should be more realistic and put it where the actual problem is I don't I don't this is my opinion and I don't think Colonial height is as bad as as let's say prosit street that area Prosper Street by yeah it's not as bad it's not as bad as as alington Street and also in those area there's schools uh nearby that we need to try to control if you do going to do a pilot project why not do it there to see what the impacts bring and see if we can actually bring down this speed in one side but at the end of the day what this this body would like to do that's that's my point anybody else wish to speak on this matter um Santiago yes I think that is not fair because why just for one District the other night we was talking about the city and now you are agree with your district and I would like if we have H to do the the speed resolution I would like to put in my district because it's affect it is one of the most affected right now like he said the prospect three highest three fous three yeah so okay let me do the um let me do this I just didn't feel very comfortable going to other people's districts and saying this is going to be there I didn't feel that comfortable but if there's a desire for other people and other districts might I would I would I would I would um welcome an amendment if you find I I what I wouldn't want is the entire area so I would narrow some streets down so you can see how they are um in in your district and in your District if you if that's what you want and then um we could we could expand this a little bit I just didn't feel comfortable goinge no and that's respectful but I mean and and but we got to be more realistic people go to your District to learn how to drive you know why because there's this people drive like they should drive back there in colonial highs there's people that take classes to learn how to drive right behind there so I mean I'm not saying the are is not effective but I believe if we're going to do Implement a pilot I mean a pilot project we should put it in the area in an area regardless is with the district that just really affecting the area to see how effective this pilot program is I mean you might do it in your district and you might don't get anybody so what will be the recommendation uh when nobody's speeding in that area you know what is the recommendation after you do the pilot program and nothing happened in Colonial Heights what would be the recommendation coming back that it works in your District but you didn't get a ticket for speeding uh so we need to put it in in places that where it's more active as as traffic goes up and down on those areas like I said I mean I put Prospect Street as an example but there's more streets I mean East H Street people fly Park Street people flying Broadway people flying I mean but if you put it if you locked it inside Colonial High how effective that's going to be when I can tell you that I drive through your district oh that's you yeah I I drive I mean I drive through your district and there's there's no issues when I used to be a bus driver for for the mea company I used to have that route and I we never had issues with traffic back there so but again it's what this body needs to do you I mean you you will you said you accept a friendly amendment I mean we we could amend it but I mean we we just we just need to ID we just even need to bring the police and ID what the most area that is affected when it comes to speeding and I know for a fact that they're not going to say the colonial High area it's one of the more effective when it comes to speeding okay so so what we do this um I'm not sure I mean I I appreciate the critique um um I'm paid the big bucks to represent my district I don't I don't micromanage District see and say that's not true in your District this is where it's true and I it's a it's a six mile it's a six mile whatever affect you it will affect me it's a six mile radi City I mean where the where's the R&B at if I need to go to the R&B where do I to go I need to go to your District so I'm not micromanage your District I'm not I'm not micromanage your District that wasn't that was the wrong word we use I mean you don't need to look for anything coming down this way I mean you don't even go to Lawrence High School you're not going to go to alington school you're not going to check that area you're going to check from from when you when you get out of your house you get out of your South Union and that's why you that's what you pay the big bucks to do but at the end of the day it's only one city and a lot of people doesn't understand that it's one city if you prevent if you prevent traffic on the North side and you make it better on the North side your traffic will be even better on the South Side okay uh councelor ra you wish say something my colleague Rosario cover what I want to say when we prevent from the north we also prevent to the South but I think we can when we Implement a pilot program we need to include the whole city because we have the same issue with the whole city I received a lot of phone call from from District e but I receive it from another District too because uh speeding is uh is not one issue for one district for the whole city we need to include the whole city uh in any kind of uh pilot program okay excellent all right so loud and clear thank you you're you're welcome loud and clear so I I I like working with people not against people so if there is we can so we I'll be looking for a motion to table this if this committee wishes to go ahead and members wish to provide some streets however they decide to do it it's really up to your individual counselors I embrace that I welcome it I will support it I'm not going to say this is this is a great Street that's if you want that street God bless you we'll support you so why don't we can we can we can we give ourselves till the next ordinance committee meeting and maybe we can we could R table this now and then come back and then we can say here are the streets in my area that I'd like to to see how that's working can we can we do that yes so we can put it right now we can include ever ever 3 and South Lawrence you want to do every street in South law that's not really a project project that's more of a a comprehensive project um so Council Vice chair if you have I mean you were an at large counselor so I mean you can go anywhere you want um certainly you can pick yeah as you know um you can pick whatever streets you want so so what so why don't we do this as an action item can everybody agree that we can come back and talk about additional streets when we come back in a couple weeks head head okay the idea okay super so let's let's that's let's I'm looking for motion to table and we'll talk about it again in two weeks sure motion to table second motion made by counc seconded by councelor Santiago I'm going to ask Pat to please call the role coun Council Aras yes Council Del gorio yes cha plant yes Council of Santiago yes thank you the motion passes and it's tabled and we will revisit this issue in two weeks or whenever the next comme meeting is so if you if you um yeah we'll just do that that way okay super thank you next item Oh Park naming act another one this is me this is a um a resolution that deals with uh naming of parks um I'm just going to read what the resolution says that's in your packet this whereas the City of Lawrence has approximately 30 30 parks within the city limits most of which have been dedicated to the memory of special individuals with a direct connection to the city and there are whereas a few remaining parks that have not been named after individuals and whereas there will continue to be special individuals with Lawrence connections where the city council determines merits a park naming and therefore the Lawrence city council limits the naming of a park to no more than one park from each two-year Council session in order to allow future city councils the opportunity to honor an individual or individuals that the current Park names uh that that's that and that current Park names must not be removed or altered um so I guess I'll that's what the resolution says in in simple terms um the idea here is that we have we have a few Parks left that don't have names uh they're like West Street that don't have a name after somebody so there's a few that are left um there's there's still some streets that don't have necessarily a name of an individual right uh but has of a location those may or may not at some point get a name but what I want to do is I I look at this thing as a big picture we're only as my old colleague Joe Cordon used to say we're only p passing through all of us are here for a short amount of time I want to be able to make sure that future city councils also have the same ability to to do a park naming um that we have now and so if we are more measured in which Parks we name I have one per Council term that way eventually there'll be other opportunities for future councils to have that Park naming ability so um I kind of wish that councils before us did that they didn't um they did a lot of parks and we've got Park names now that some coun counselors we we don't some of us I don't know all the stories yet myself but there's stories that are there we don't know all the stories so that's what this proposal is it does two things one it one Park naming if we if we we don't have to do but one per session and two we don't duplicate a part name so if somebody already has something named after them we don't do a second naming or any additional namings if it's a square it's a corner it's a park bench it's once you get a name that's it so we can say it again so that's that's the park have two name Park yeah no no the camping not is a good one because it just has one no one else says camp in your own Square it's just one that's a good that's a good example so that's the resolution that's the proposal it would be an ordinance change that's what this would be questions like to like to move this up to with a to the full council with a favorable recommendation order public hearing ultimately I want to make a motion to send to for for for recommendation there's a motion to send the motion has been properly made by Council Santiago seconded by councelor Reyes discussion discussion councelor Del Rosario if if there's a councelor like you that's going to be in the city council for 18 years there's only four parks on his district and people usually look to the city counselor to try to make the changes what will happen then um changes or nameing the park let's say this celor has been here like you said you've been here like I said you've been here for 18 years now we do this resolution and there's another councelor that decid to stay as a city councilor for senors with four parks with no names or two names on on his district and people are looking up for him to change the name what's going to happen under this proposal regardless of how many years I'm here it doesn't really make a difference but under this proposal this proposal would I think I think it's pretty self-explanatory but I'll say it again this proposal is to limit ourselves to one I don't know all the park names necessarily there's plenty there's not plenty there's a few that are left but what my fear is is that if this year we decide that we're going to finish that naming all the parks we're going to finish that before the end of this twoe cycle that leaves nothing for any other City councils to do um and I to me that doesn't seem fair so the answer to your question I think is we would have one there's nine people if your biggest in this in this scenario if it's all going in one District councilor's area that means eight other six people or five people voted for that and I don't think that's going to happen this question he's got the floor right now I'm not sure if he has any followups or anything okay okay Council Santiago and according with the chair said to preserve one name for the part H I think it's good idea because we have to preserve the history if he we have if we show for H if we show our children they're coming we have to show what happened before they have to know the the history if he when when the people know the history can can can prevent something coming and they can be a strong that's my understanding history is written history is written on an everyday basis every day we creating history today you're creating history tomorrow you're going to create history we have history there for long but the point is that I mean not against it to be honest but people look up to the city councilors to to for the ideas or changing removing limiting whoever is running and earning the city or the people's vote I think it's also limiting in the city or the people's to sometimes bring their suggestions to the celor uh that's how I see it uh you also limiting the people that come to that cons like you like been there 18 years I mean I'm going to go to but I can't do it anymore let me just let me ask my colleague and lately we've been seeing that some colleagues here said well that's my that's not my district you know they don't believe Lawrence is a city as a whole some counselors believe that Lawrence is just a little piece of District so and some councilors sit here and they don't want to do anything on your District cuz they don't belong there but I'm assuming the Lawrence there's only one city and they say that Cil will stay there for longest and then one constituents or two constituents decide that this park should be named a name of of of an EXC Consul and it comes to that consel and say well I already name one Park I can't do anything else and the other consors also want to get involved because they they part of one District so that's that's the only concern I have about this resolution okay okay so I think there's a motion has been made is there any further discussion is made in properly second any further discussion on this matter see none I'll ask the Pat please call the role this is the Senate up to the full Council this is an ordinance to order a public hearing roll call Council Reas yes all right Council Del Rosario obstain chair yes yes uh three with one exstension this is going to the full council with a favorable recommendation to order a public hearing all right I'm on a roll I got one more document 498 uh this is a annual Department reporting requirement is the title I'll read the resolution uh it's in your packet I receiving regular reports from City departments are an important tool to Monitor and better understand city government operations currently reports are required quarterly these reports understandably take time to draft and take time away from staff to conduct their core Mission and the council traditionally review City operations during their annual budget process so therefore the city council amends the quarterly requirement to an annual requirement the reports will be issued to the city council when the mayor offers the yearly City budget the scope of the reports will be from April 1st to March 31st and City councils continue to have the authority to request information from the Departments as they see fit without limitation so counselor all that is in a nutshell is very simple when I was here the other night sitting over there and we had a remember that vote that we took and I made some comments and then the vice chair said why don't you just put that on the agenda so I said oh okay I can do that so I did uh so the idea here and the reason why I voted the way I did that that evening was based on the experience that I have here it the um the time that I see that councils really start focusing in on the entire city operations as at budget time when the numbers come out and the and the questions are asked that's the time I I know that requirement right now is for them to do quarterly reports I don't see the advantage I don't I'm not I'm not casting expir on any City councilors now or in the past but I my observations have been that I don't see I see that the most impact is once a year so if the one if the impact is once a year I don't see why we are requiring the Departments to do things quarterly but rather we should have them at the time that we're really focused on it which is annually the blessing of the whole thing is it doesn't stop us if there is an issue that we have with any department at any time we still can ask for that information we can still be very precise I want the number of parking tickets that have been issued or an inspectional Services thing or whatever it is that we're looking for we can certainly make every effort to make that request this is an and this and and if a department wishes to give us a quarterly document it's up to them not going to stop them but this idea here is to make it the requirement that they do it and they do a good job of it annually so that's the purpose question so I would this is an ordinance change um if the if the committee approves I would ask for a motion to send this up to the full council with a favorable recommendation to order a public hearing so Move Motion made by Council motion made by Council Del Rosario seconded by councelor Santiago discussion see no discussion I'll call the question I'll in favor say I oppose no the eyes have it all right I'm done with my stuff let's from this evening we're going to continue roll call oh sorry roll call that's why the vice chair is here please Pat roll call I miss you Council Vice chair I need you here go ahead Council Vice chair how's your how are you voting on this yes thank you yes CH plant yes yes uh that that passes that I think Council am I missing anything I think that's it tonight I don't see me just check out our front page here real quick we do have minutes Pat you didn't tell me about the minutes we have minutes right okay so we have a copy of the minutes in the front of your binder um did we did we approve these already accepted it says accepted on oh ignore that okay gotcha so I'm looking for a motion to accept the minutes from September 24th is there a motion so move second motion made by councelor Del Rosario seconded by councelor Santiago discussion see no discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I I oppose no I I'm sorry a roll call vote councelor Rees yes thank you councel Del Rosario yes yes ja of plant yes yes motion carries who's got the favorite the favorite motion for the evening motion motion made by Council delaro second by Council Santiago discussion see none call oh I can't call the question please call the role councelor Rees yes yes yes yes motion carries no brother good night I'm fighting I'm fighting for your distri I want to see I want to see more stuff there more housing I'm trying to get more housing here e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e