##VIDEO ID:90YMmmFP-qA## e e e e e e speech speech [Music] ready good evening and welcome to the Personnel committee meeting today is Wednesday September 11th it is now 6:32 in the evening voting members to my to my left I have counselor fedelina Santiago and counselor Anna Levy pursuing to chapter 20 of the acts of 2022 this meeting of the Personnel committee is being conducted both in person and via remote participation a reminder that persons who would like to listen or view this meeting while in progress May either attend here at the city council chamber or use our any of our social media Accounts at this moment I would like to um take uh for us to take a moment of silence for those that for the lives that were lost in September 11 2020 2001 and now join me in the pledge to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all councilors we have minutes to approve from August 29th 20124 can I have a motion please motion has been made seconded by counselor Delena discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it today we only have one new business and it's item 42-24 to extend the 90day temporary appointment term of police chief milx bonja and we have Personnel director um Mike Owens with us this evening director good evening M chair counselors U Michael Owens personel director uh good evening uh Madam chair and Council Personnel director Michael ens uh for the city um I am uh before you tonight with this extension request for uh police chief mil Bonia um uh Mr Bia Chief B excuse me was first appointed on March 22nd 2024 uh in a temporary acting capacity that's in accordance with Lawrence Municipal Code chapter 2.04 08 1 um uh that uh 90day appointment was extended by a vote of the city council for a period of 90 days on June 18 2024 um which would uh cause it to expire on September 18th 2024 so before you tonight asking the council um asking the Personnel committee for a favorable recommendation to um extend this appointment for a period another period of 90 days um and as I've mentioned uh in the past um we have began the process um we're in the initial stages of police chief search for permanent Chief to hire a permanent Chief um so the purpose of extension would be to continue Police Operations uninterrupted uh until a permanent Chief um assumes the role right thank you Council has any questions or comments yes councilor ly thank you um M here um how the process to to hide the new police she is going right now I know that we are looking for people to be part of a committee so so um yes counselor um there is a um volunteer interest form that is available to the public and I would encourage all counselors um and everybody in the community to share that widely on social media um so that we get a you know good pool of um applicants that are interested signing up um that is for the um the committee is will be made up of seven members that includes a mayor's appointment city council representative appointment um three Community representatives and two IND uh two appointees from the police department um I will serve as chair in a non- voting capacity except for the case of I vote um and um the three me the purpose of the sign up form is for anyone that's interested and serving in as one of those three Community Representatives they would go on the city website they would fill up the form um the deadline is September 16th so at that at that time I would um give all of those names to the mayor and he would choose out of that pool of applicants he would choose three um to be appointed as Community Representatives so the form I just answer your question in terms of where we're at of the process the form is out there um I have sent a letter to the city council president um for him to select the city council's representative um and I've asked I believe I've asked for uh that information by September 19th um they're uh and I'm working with the police department on their appointments um so hopefully by you know some September 19th or around that date we should have all the committee members named um shortly after that date um we should have the committee members named um the committee will will be assisted by a professional Consulting uh professional recruiting consulting firm that that um compan is called MGT Consulting um so the consultant uh will be visiting uh the city on the week of October 7th through the 11th um the purpose of that visit um they will the consult the consultant will um conduct um 12 stakeholder interviews uh the purpose of those interviews is to hear from from stakeholders in the community members of the community about what's important in a new police chief what the community wants to see in a new police chief um after this those stakeholder interviews are done uh the consultant will then draft the position announcement which will be the job posting essentially that will go out Nationwide um that same week of October 7th to the 11th if the logistics work out we're hoping to have um the committee as I said named by that that time and hopefully the consultant can do a training or an orientation with the committee that week as well um so the the consultant um will be here that week October 7th and 11th to do those stakeholder interviews and to train the committee and to do an orientation with the committee um and then from there uh you know we'll the the posting will be out there for a period of time I have to check with the consultant but I think it'll probably be about 6 weeks or so initially to get the you know the initial pool and then the committee would start to meet and do its work from there thank you so much how many uh community members have we have we received applications from to this today as of today I think it's about 16 or so I would like to see more um but I think it's 15 16 somewhere in there okay I've have been receiving I've I've shared it multiple times cuz I think this is important uh but I have been seeing and receiving feedback and concerns um of community members not having faith in this process given with what happened with the search committee for the uh superintendent's position and um I I try to to respond in a positive I I have trust in this process and I know and I know you're doing everything possible to to ensure that this is successful so I do communicate that but I wanted to let you know um that that is is being said and and I can understand that I mean I'm not too familiar with that process I think you know a lot of that occurred right before I came to the city I think it was pretty much done by the time I came to the city and um you know I for that reason I not not too aware what occurred but I know that there is um I I've heard the same thing that you of course people are um there's a question of confidence going into this but I'll do everything I can um to ensure confidence for the public um I think it's really important that this process is transparent that it's out of the open the meetings are out of the open to the extent possible in accordance with open meeting law um and um you know that that's how we can try to build confidence is by um being as transparent as possible and um everything that we know I think the public needs to know and the public needs to follow the process the meetings need to be televised all of those things awesome councilors any other questions or comments seeing none at this time at this point I'll entertain a motion Mo to s to the full counc with favor recommendation motion has been made is there a second I would like to add the motion something else what would you like to add counselor committee report so that motion is to die one made can I ask why as a as a committee report I would like to and the chief police to be here yeah he was supposed to be here yeah and I I okay he just texted me um I think I it may have been my mistake I may have told him seven I may have had the meeting time confused but um he he just uh said he said he's coming over right now so that may have been my mistake I apologize I think I I think I did when I spoke to him my M can we take a recess instead of doing another motion to we can take a recess okay my apologies so I I so I I know counselor Levy has a personal matter to attend so counselor at this I will have Quorum if if you need to leave um so can I can I get a motion for to to go into recess motion to recess motions been made there second seconded by councelor lzone all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it P this one