##VIDEO ID:DEDQwDJ99do## councelor fidelina Santiago continue keep going chair Mark llan present councelor Gregory Del Rosario absent it'll be absent on night okay councelor Selena Reyes present thank you pursuing the chapter 20 the acts of 2022 this meeting of the ordinance committee is being conducted both in person and via remote participation a reminder that persons who would like to listen or view this meeting while in progress May either attend in person at the location listed above this agenda or use the following access locations including the Facebook Lauren city council page and the face and the YouTube lawren city council page uh we do have minutes we have minutes for uh October the 8th I'm going to look for a motion to approve the minutes is there a motion motion to approve motion motion to approve is made by Council Santiago seconded by Vice chair Reyes discussion see no discussion clerk please call the role councelor Selena Reyes yes councelor fidelina Santiago yes and chairman U Mark llan yes remember to consider all the time the councelor of Del razar's name is listed all the time okay thank you but he's noted his absent that's just the the proper format okay thank you um we have two items new business on our agenda we have um and we also have some an individual here with an document number 358 2024 that is the request of the amending the zoning map from an R2 to a B1 at 341 South Broadway let me see if I can find it on our agenda give me a second January July 16th what what day did you say clerk January July July 16th yeah I'm looking tell mean when you see it 358 got it it's on page three of our agenda and clerk is correct July 16th 2024 um if there's no objection I will take this one out of order is there any objection seeing none we'll move on with this item uh document number 35822 24 as I just mentioned is a request to amend the zoning map from an R2 to a B1 at 341 South Broadway it was put on the agenda by Attorney Peter Caruso for A&M auto um counselors uh we do have Attorney John Mahoney here I'm going to help guide this just a little bit um Mr Mo of course is is welcome to speak if you so wishes this is a decision this is a a proposal to Zone a part of the of South Broadway uh the in your packets you will find you will find a couple of interesting things one is you will find a a decision uh from the courts uh that denied this um proposal uh and you will also see in your packets a a um a notice of decision made by the Lawrence planning board by a five to vote vote uh looking to deny this um this this petition uh this has been around for some time it finally is as I mentioned received its court hearing it's opportunity to be heard and um we I would encourage the the members of the committee of course members of the committee could ask questions if they so choose um but this has already been litigated and so there's probably not much of a need for us to um to vote on it here this evening so I would I would look for a motion to withdraw this item and make that a motion to the full Council as well second motion made by Vice chair Reyes seconded by councelor fedelina Santiago discussion see no discussion I'll ask the clerk to please call the role motion to withdraw motion to withdraw a document 35824 councelor um f Santiago yes councelor Selena Rees yes chairman Mark llan chair votes yes and councelor Gregory the r he's absent no motion to uh send this up to the full council is a three to nothing vote uh to withdraw our next city council meeting I say attorney Mahoney here attorney Mahoney our next city council meeting is the Thursday after election day I believe election day is November the 5th so I am I right about that November 5th so our we anticipate that the next full city council meeting will be held on November the 7th so I would encourage you to be here for that meeting thank you you're welcome thank you you're welcome uh let's see here uh let's go to the very top we only have two new business items the first one is a handicap parking at 22 Irene Street I'm presuming uh that one is in English and the second typed in our packet is I mean is Spanish and presuming the second page is English can someone just give me a quick quick look at the page number three make sure that's roughly the English equivalent unfortunately I got to look to you councelor Santiago for a help on this the next page is it English is it the same thing in English essentially I would imagine it is right I'm guessing it's the same thing right it's a translation okay okay so we have a we have a request by a resident for handicap parking space we have U the language we have the handicap placard that's with us um looking for a motion to send this to the police department for their review so MO motion made motion made by councelor Santiago second by Vice chair Reyes discussion see no discussion clerk please call the rooll C Selena Reyes yes celor fidelina Santiago yes celor Del rosar noted absent and chairman Mark La plan yes motion is has been send up to the full Council the next item and the last item this this evening I believe we document number 50924 handicap parking at at 9 Kaye court is that in your District Council San die Kaye no no I don't even know where that is me either okay uh this is a um a request a handicap sign at that location Kaye have you heard of Kaye Street you're in a so there where is that is it is it okay is it District B District B I'm presuming okay I'm just curious It's not in counselor Del it's coun in Santiago's District okay it is be very very tiny Street I would think okay okay what do you think man it's tiny that's really tiny yeah it is that's at your area no okay well anyway um looking for a motion to sentences to the police department for their review so motion made and seconded by Vice chair Reyes discussion see no discussion call I'll ask the clerk to please call the role councelor Selena Reyes yes councelor fidelina Santiago yes councelor Gregory Del RAR is noted absent chairman Mark La plan yes MO motion is sent up to the Full Count uh motion is sent to the police department these two items will remain on our tabled matters counselors that is it for new business um is there any other business that any other councelor wish to take off the table this evening yes okay councelor Santiago the item 2 [Music] 11219 traffic East H Street speeding and traffic control I would like to get an update from the city engineer if there's no objection we'll take document 11219 off of the table matters on April 2nd uh for those who are following with their agenda is on page seven the very last item on our agenda seeing no objection go ahead councelor Santiago I have another one is that do what do you want to do with that 112 you want to send that what to send it for the city engineer to review this the traffic and E hav there's a motion to resend document 11219 to the city engineer for an update on the traffic study on East havil Street is there a second second seconded by councelor Reyes Vice chair Reyes discussion see no discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I I I'm sorry my bad clerk please call the rule bad habits continue sorry councelor Selena Reyes yes councelor fidelina Santio yes coun Greg Rosario Nots chairman Mark yes thank you the motion carries and this will will remain and taed under the committee committee matters Council Santiago you have another item yes I have 27821 this is one way street on East H Street in front of Bon school so if there's no objection we'll take 27821 out of order that the counselor just read out is there any objection hearing no objections councelor Santiago what would you like to do with this item to say for the city engineer I remember last H last three months ago H we refer for the city engineer make an study uh in the front of the school but I don't have any answer about it okay so you want an update on that yes I want to update from this item and to resent for city engineer same thing as the other one okay so uh I believe there is a help me if I'm wrong there's a motion for document 27821 to send uh requesting an update to the city engineer for this item uh is a motion made by councelor Santiago is there a second second second Vice chair Reyes discussion see no discussion clerk please call the rule celor Selina Reyes yes celor fidelina Santiago yes councelor Gregory De Rosario not abson chairman Mark llan yes thank you motion pass motion carries thank you is there any other items that councelors wish to take off the table I have another one but I can find the other is by Consular Vice chair but I don't not remember the item number is the one way B Street what street I'm sorry bour Bourne was it a handicap or was it no one way one way no I I believe uh the conselor Santiago is looking for one way uh one way street I think everything is uh offet is in DPW right now I think it's not in our agenda anymore because was pass couple months ago oh so we've adopted it is that what get day am I understanding correctly Council Vice chair that this has already been removed from the committee and is and is already been voted on by the full Council or is it at the full Council level right now no we already voting uh so we waiting to to implement so the full council's already voted on this matter so it's already I think so we're just waiting for implementation all right oh I I see so it's not you can double check and then come back to our next meeting any kind of dating so we should not have this item on our agenda since we sent it up already to the full Council so I would I would as as the vice chair rightfully points out just making a phone call to DPW I've had similar issues on other signs and I've got to ask them where are we on it and and and I've been patient and they finally get to it um so I would recommend doing the same thing just get in touch with DPW it's got to wait 30 days so I'm not sure when we passed it but you can't do it it has passed three okay so there you go all right so we really can't there's nothing here for us to discuss on this matter it's not it's not before us okay anything else no council Vice chair anything on your agenda anything else for you no okay I'm looking then I'm looking for a motion to adjourn is there a motion to adjourn the mo motion made by councelor Santiago seconded by Vice chair Reyes roll call please councelor Selena Reyes yes councelor fedina Santiago yes councelor G not abson chairman Mark llan yes motion carries our evening's work is done thank you