##VIDEO ID:G3g1ONO_b8k## e good evening and welcome to the budget and finance committee meeting today is Wednesday September 11th it is now 7:17 p.m. voting members with me to my left is the vice chair councelor Vivian marmel and councelor Wendy lzone pursuant to chapter 20 of the acts of 2022 this meeting of the budget and finance committee is being conducted both in person in via remote participation a reminder that persons who would like to listen or view this meeting meeting while in progress May either attend here in the city council chamber or use any of our social media Accounts at this point can we please stand for a moment of silence for those who lost their lives in September 11th 2001 and now join me in the pledge IED allei to the flag of the United States of America and to the for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all counselers can I have a motion to approve minutes from our meeting on August 29th 2024 so Mo motion has been made by the Vice chair is there a second second seconded by Council lzone discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I I the eyes have it all right right into new business the first item is item 43-24 the authorization to expend $1 million from the EPA multi-purpose Grant funds and it was brought to us by Lily Reyes our grant writer uh Miss Rees you have the floor good evening counselors thank youis Reyes uh 360 street so um this is a EPA Grant Environmental Protection Agency multi-purpose Grant um which basically means they're exactly what the word is multi-purpose so you could do cleanup you could do assessment you can do um planning and so we received $1 million from EPA to conduct um numerous activities on at least three Brownfield sites if there is remaining funds we can look at additional two other sites but as of right now there were three sites that were identified and I believe I attached that to the memo M CH Council L on me I'm wrong y Madam chair thank you uh are we looking into the same grant that was presented to us and the food council is this the same one Madame chair through you so there are two I'm going to safely assume you're referring to the other grant that um it's a revolving Loan in a combination with it's a grant and a loan yes this has absolutely nothing to do with that it's a completely different Grant uh through a it's still the same agency but it's a different Grant completely different yeah it it's more confusing now so we are getting money from one grand and then we are combinating another grand with the laan is that accurate so I know I'm not I'm trying to uh understand yes counselor uh so this grant was submitted last year and it was for um we were highly encouraged EPA and our our um our our Regional planning agency and uh the our QP they highly encourage us to submit for this grant Lawrence is a environmental Injustice a uh um neighborhood we have over 40 Brown fields and so they strongly recommended that we submit for this grant so that we can leverage the fact that it has multi-purpose so there's more Broad in what we can do with it but it has nothing to do with the grant that that um was out was in your presence a few weeks ago through you Madame sheer it's still it's going to go to the same site it the intention is to clean a portion of floring Street yes it's what it's it's it just so happens to be a coincident that it's one of the same sites but it's not the only site but if this is the same site that they were trying it's one of the sites yes correct one of the signs in the same lot that belongs to the city is that ACC I know okay yes Florence garage okay Florence Street Garage is one of the uh projects identified for this brand however uh that's the only coincidence in terms of or the only Sim similarity that it's the same project location but it's not the same Grant it's completely different as a matter of fact there's not even a loan comp uh component there's no match required for this grant I I yeah thank you for that clarification but it looks like it it and thank you for not using coincidence but it it it's um through you Madame chair uh so how do you determine and I know that Lawrence has different uh sites with the same situation Brownfield um sites um how do you determine which one is a priority uh for the city so we have qualified uh environmental professionals what they call Q uh EPs and these are folks who are licensed and they're they specify an environment and so they they've done assessments of the city um as a matter of fact we have like I mentioned we have over 40 Brown fields and so throughout the years I mean we we have our QEP here and he's one of our our licensed folks and he'd probably be bit more um qualified to ident to help you guys or help um understand which sites are identified uh but to answer your question uh the majority of the time they do an assessment and they they identify okay so this location has been let's say uh abandoned or just um under uh has has been identified to be a brown field for x amount of years let's look into this one I'm not exactly sure how they do the the identification but there that's the license the Q the QEP um and also our regional agency marac Valley Planning Commission helping with the identification of the sites Madame chair can we ask the uh what's this Jose Medina Jose Mr Medina to explain to us how do they make good evening coun my name is Jose can you can you please go to the port thank you good evening counselor uh my name is Jose Medina and um I am here with the Lawrence water department I am here in behalf Mr William hail uh the water and SE commissioner who is by the way doing a great job for the Department we also have here Erica ajanel she I'm sorry Erica leet who is uh the office supervisor and who also is doing a great job for the city of I mean for the water department and uh getting back to your question um you know when we have uh when we have a heavy rain this area that we have you know we have work on I've been with the department for 24 years in this area where this flood the the flood every time we have heavy rain so actually what this money is going to do this money is going to be spent they're going to be installing devices to ident ify which area need uh now I'm more confused no no that's a different item yeah yeah that's a different item y yeah y oh no but I mean so it's that no no but I mean I thank you for explaining that and thank you for mentioning your co-workers thank you do for the city of Laurence no it's good no I we agree with you yeah thank you for what you do for the city of FL we appreciate no but my question is that the Florence uh site I see I see what you is that where the project the side that is giving you issues or is another site actually that that is the site that uh is going to need is going to need uh how you call it installation on uh on water you know on rain water stone water you know theive you know uh because it has flooded in the last uh Heavy Rain that we had so the water is you know we're going to work on that something okay so we can uh thank you thank you so much thank you may I also add just in term through you um U vice president Infante uh one one of the other possibilities of why these sites were identified um as we had mentioned in the grant was because they're in closer proximity to the lawen uh Manchester uh rail trail that we have coming in the future and so we're also targeting brownfields that are closest to the Lawrence uh Trail uh rail trail rail trail um so U just for clarification to you Madame chair so this money that this grant that we receive the city receip is going to be a spent on Florence Street and that's the one with the issue with the water no yes no to my knowledge is not I I think there was a confusion in terms of um the water department cuz there is the next item is for the mvpc uh MVP pardon MVP Grant and there was some confusion well well uh good so so it's going to be a spend between 911 Florence Street 246 Laurence Street and 140 West West Street Yes W Street so the second site that you mentioned is the uh benting triangle oh and right and then the other one is uh anchor used um uh car auto auto I think it's anchor just for the people that are watching what do we have in the venon Triangle uh so it's right now it used to be a uh I believe it used to be a a former gas station and so that that's why it's identified as a brown field all of the chemicals and petroleum that went in the um on the ground and so right now the vision is to create it into what is considered a a place making so a place where folks can come together and um bond in the community and just a free space where people can come together that's the vision and that area has very limited Green Space well than thank you Madame Sher thank you I have a question for you miss Reyes 40 140 West Street who's the owner of the Anchor Auto Junkyard I don't recall at the top of my head but I know it's a private owner so that's what I'm seeing here it says privately owned with City access agreement for assessment assessment of what so the abing property is the park the um the park I forget the name of the actual Park uh and so so it's to assess that that site and make improvements in that Park which again is close to the um the rail trail so I I understand that that is close to the rail trail but we we are so Stern with everything else when it comes to private properties that the city can't do this we can't we can't even like take take down a tree if it's on private property if it's not City owned etc etc and then something like this we have a private privately owned business as part of a city as a city Grant like that's not I'm I'm not okay with that um I think it's the owner's responsibility to get their own property assessed and cleaned up and and all of that I don't think City City Grants or any type of City money should go into any um privately owned uh properties so can I can you how how did they come about and and why are they even listed so I'll have uh the licensed professional explain that a little a little bit further cuz there's exp he has experience with how uh private properties um and these grants work got it got it hello good evening counselors how are you tonight good how are you great U glad to be here and happy to answer any and all questions that you might have about Brownfield stuff because it can seem a little complicated in I think you were on the right track uh vice president with the where you were going like a private owner wouldn't necessarily get his cleanup done through an EPA cleanup Grant but where the multi-purpose Grant has the power and where it's so exciting there's so few of these that are awarded and it's exciting that Lawrence was able to get it is that you can use two categories you can assess the owner of that property is indicated he would like to redevelop his property whether it's for sale and for a higher better use maybe not him he might sell it it might become something better or he might redevelop himself because but he doesn't want to spend his own dollars to try to figure out if there's some complication whether it's from historical contamination or from his own so so the EPA grants can pay for that initial assessment to go okay there's something here that needs to be addressed as a part of your Redevelopment when it comes to cleanup that that's where it would draw the line you can't spend money on behalf of a potentially responsible party and that also goes for the city so you own Parcels you own the two Parcels that we're speaking about Florence Street and Bennington triangle you cannot spend if you're the potentially responsible party you cannot spend cleanup dollars on that but because you took both of those properties for back taxes back in the day you're not considered liable for that contamination so that frees you of that burden you said oh we're taking this because the owner didn't pay their taxes we're acquiring it and now we have to do what's right for the property and that's where the interest for both of those properties came oh gosh as long as I've been in mb working for mvpc there's been interest in those two properties and it has to do with because prior work has been spent there by the city and by EPA when it comes to Florence Street that building's falling down and they looked at it as these these two projects because they're close to the rail trail when you write a grant like Lily wrote for an EPA Grant these highly is a highly competitive grant that she wrote and um you need to Parlay your your activities of what you're going to do with something else and they already have money that they're spending on the rail trail to leverage that money that's already being spent at the rail trail on nearby other properties that could be dominoes That Could Fall as that rail trail gets redeveloped is tremendously important and U when it comes to um there's a couple things that that you should realize when it comes to uh Florence Street and I know your question is you were confused uh about whether or not like we're spending money you came to us last week and you want to spend money and with a with a sub Grant and a loan and now the EPA multi-purpose Grant can be spent there and the short answer is yes and it's because you have to layer funds in order to make these things a reality so going from go taking that initial money to bring the building down then that's where the multi-purpose Grant kicks in after that building comes down to do a little bit more assessment to understand where in the building where underneath the building the contamination is then the multipose pays for the cleanup cuz you own it you can do your own cleanup now on that property you clean it up you make it ready to go out for RFP for for for some other higher and better use in the future same goes with Bennington except it's a little different your community already wants to keep that they have a vision for that the nice thing about multi-purpose grants is the cleanup can become the park Redevelopment and by that I mean the same money you would spend on Park amenities let's say you put pavers down you put a beautiful Capstone you put a fountain in you put a a Pavilion in planters a lot of those expenditures can be paid with that EPA money because it would be considered an environmental cover system so this is where you start to layer all these things together and you start to use you start become multiple uses for your multi-purpose Grant hopefully that helps clarify things at least a little bit I understand I still don't agree with it but I I understand the I understand the process and the and thank you I I I I get that I think the logic behind helping a private entity MBP mbpc does this we do that with their assessment Grant all over the region and the reason for that is because a lot of times to get a project moving those initial dollars have to be spent so another developer can come in and say hey I see what's going on there I understand what those liabilities are now I can get my head wrapped around coming in there and redeveloping that and spending the money and they can develop a performa much easier whether you own the property already or whether you you're interested in a property that's contaminated privately owned so that's the reason why the the assessment money can be spent on private properties it can't be the entity of getting the Grant and doing it in this case it would be Lawrence that is doing the assessment they own the data they own the assessment work that's being done not the private owner in this case so so there's a little bit of a distinction yes it ultimately benefits that private owner because maybe he could sell that but the commun the idea is you spend the money on properties that'll be a win-win for the community in other words this guy gets to sell his property and gets to re and then somebody else gets to come in and redevelop it or he redevelop it redevelops it either way it's to some Community benefit and so that's the idea it's adjacent to a park and now this is cleaned up and it become safer and better any councelor marmel um so being that this oh being that this is privately owned how did it come about that they became part of this um being one of the three options did the the owner apply to be part of this grant or did the city approached the owner being that this is part of the rail trail and it was uh to the city's benefit for them to receive this grant I'm just trying to understand you know excellent question and very insightful the idea here is that uh I think that the the owner of that property has expressed interest in doing something not only to the neighborhood but to to his property and and to the to the to the city so the city was aware of his interest in doing something and I think that's where the pieces got put together um and then just to gain Clarity in terms of um the confusion that we were having ear earlier in terms of um specifically with the 9/11 Florence Street when it came before us in the last meeting that actually didn't go through so it was a two if I'm not mistaken the grant was for 286,000 which that passed that portion passed but then the loan failed which completely made the whole item this whole project fail so being um you you made a statement that with this with this grant this would be used after it's been demolished so how would that come into play if we don't you know we haven't been able to approve for the demolishing portion of that property well so if you're still going to do if you're still going to use your multi-purpose grant for three sites and the idea was about $300 plus thousand for cleanup for each of the sites and then some administrative money to to get to get you to the end um if you're still going to do that you can do you you can spend money at Florence Street but you just can't get to the end the pathway of using the the mvpc subgrant and Loan which was the subject of last week and this multi-purpose together was to get you all the way to the end and that allowed the clean up to to Bas basically get to a point where you got a blank slate now a developer can say hey this property is substantially cleaned up I know what I want to do here it makes sense these liabilities aren't going to get in my way okay and then my last question I hope it's my last I don't know um it's $750,000 right and just with the Bennington triangle alone I'm just like Curious would pretty much that project would take up the whole Grant or like I'm just trying to see how it would make sense that $750,000 is enough for all three or even two that and I guess it's a two-part question I'm going to start and Lily might finish on that part when and if this gr this item is approved or not um how would you guys the city would focus as to which project you would initiate first excellent I think I think the one the way that the brownfields arena I'll answer your last part your last part of your question first and that is in the brownfields arena we usually advise communities to do the one that's most sh shovel ready first in other words what's ready what's most ready right in the case of of Bennington triangle and Florence Street they're both in a similar position so you could almost you could start them simultaneously you really could as long as you had a good assessment of the cleanup dollars now when it comes to Bennington triangle I think you're you concerned about whether or not there'd be enough money if you started let's say you started at benington triangle would there be enough money then to move over to to Florence Street um and when it comes when it comes to we're finishing the last of the assessment at Bennington triangle using MP's mvc's money and I think in totality we just spent about 72,000 or N9 about $90,000 and there will be and there was a previously a couple $1,000 spent on assessment we have a good understanding what's there now and the cleanup I don't think is going to cost that and it may put us in a position where it may be pretty inexpensive we haven't we have not done the cost estimating it because the because the final data has just been acquired within the last few days so we don't we don't know exactly but it's looking like it's very manageable to work on Bennington triangle work on Florence Street and at least one other site maybe maybe others because you may decide that you have any number of properties that you want to let's say the city wants to acquire some properties some other properties for back taxes but you want to understand what the environmental liabilities are first you can go do phase one environmental site assessments the tune of5 to $7,000 to understand what's at those you could 10 of those to try to get comfortable should be acquire this for back taxes because just because you don't have liability for something doesn't mean you don't have to do something about it so there's that's an important thing when you take on a property like Florence Street or or bending to Triangle because there's a thing in the EPA Arena called continuing obligations which means you even though you have it you don't have liability for it you got to maintain it and you can't exacerbate the contam ination in Florence Street the reason why it's risen so high on the in in Bennington triangle to a certain extent why they've risen so high in the priority is that if the building comes down and now rainwater and other things get in and get underneath the slab they could mobilize the contamination that's under the building and make it worse and then if the if something doesn't get done about it and it's not a manageable problem the city would then be could be deemed liable for that as a part of you know not doing your continuing obligations great thank you did I answer the first part though did did he answer your question oh yeah I it just seemed like Council son had additional question so yeah oh just to L want to clarify that the grant total is a million oh this one I'm my apology and there's some money that gets spent on administrative I so that's why I was looking at like three basically we do have a million on our agenda I was looking at the all right counselors at this point I will entertain a motion for this item comment is is the question going to be quick because I I do need leave yes madame chair it's just it's not a question it's a comment so that's why U to you Madame chair that we asked I asked several time if there was a plan for Florence Street and no one gave us an answer so now now uh you come to us with another project uh and and it's great I know Lily is doing an amazing job we appreciate that but also why not give us the entire plan but that was not mentioned if corre me can I ask U give me one second did you guys just find out that you were approved for for this that you were awarded for this grant cuz that sometimes that sometimes can be the the the the reasoning Council lo I and I understand Madame chair but I also uh so there was a process of applying for a grant and no one mention it uh just for the record uh just for the record to put it out there so I asked several times if there was another plan for this site and no one had an answer unfortunately uh nothing to do with your trade job Lily nothing to do with that just to the way uh things are communicated to us thank you Madame chair are you are you are you good I know you wanted to say something ask the councel a question if that's okay may I ask a question go ahead through y the vice president um my question is when you say plan did you mean a plan for all the way through because I'm in charged of that environmental part of the plan right and so I think hopefully you've heard that there's been not only a financial plan as it comes to trying to do the cleanup there all but get to a certain part where you get clean but I think maybe you were also asking and I just want a clarification are you asking for a Redevelopment plan as well I ask for any plan I asked several times what is the plan with the property so it with the site and no one mentioned cuz we were uh we spent a lot of time talking about the Grand and the LA thinking that was the only money that was coming no one mentioned this grant so now the way you explain it is that okay unfortunately the I don't di last week unless something else happened but you have a plan so you need to take the building down in order to uh see what we have there and you also have money for that so the way that was presented to us just was about the combination of the grant the other Grant and the loan so you know just for the future uh I think we have to change the way you're Department the department communicate to the city councils so the city council thank you madam chair thank you there any other questions or comments seeing none at this point I entertain a motion uh motion uh to send up to full counil oh they coun to full councel with a favorable recommendation is there a [Laughter] second I said that in the record Comm report can because I feel like we're making a habit of doing that yeah I mean it still s can you fav recation I I I don't I don't see a reason as to I mean they answered all of our questions I don't see a reason for it to be a committee report we're not waiting on anything we're not they answered all of our questions I I mad chair with uh I think we have question I do I do the second cuz the chair can second so I second I second the motion all those so all those in favor say I I I no roll [Laughter] call roll call um H Wendy L no yes yes Mo cares thank you thank you see you guys next next Tuesday and there will be more questions as as you see so just be ready all right the next item is item four 14-24 the authorization to expend $664,000 for the lead service line inventories and replacement plan Grant it was brought to us by our water commissioner William hail but we have Mr Med Dina here um to report on his behalf thank you councelor good evening everyone uh I'm sorry for the confusion earlier okay okay so actually um uh yeah uh I'm just here on behalf of William ha the water commissioner and uh it just was permission to use the two grant that was awarded to the uh Lawrence water department uh like uh coun uh Stephanie FR mention uh the first one is for Le service inventory replacement plan uh and the second one is it lead lead service Le sorry I wrot I read it as lead lead service correct lead service my apologies yeah actually uh the state uh request that uh the Water distribution system will be left free and like uh we have removed uh 90% uh or more uh of the L service assistent in the city and now they just want us to do uh an inventory at the record uh tie car to be scanned and to be uh you know organized and to uh they want us to make sure the whatever is in the car is accurate with the uh with the water service line I'm sorry you're doing great you're doing great no no no you're doing great you're doing great you're doing great excellent so um um in the second Grant at $1.6 million is uh is to be spent in the green Lawrence blue Mar ma um to conduct a city uh to conduct U the Citywide storm water model to come up with a a capital Improvement plan to help uh reduce flooding in the City especially on those area with uh we have a lot of customer complain every time we have heavy rain and uh once again uh these two uh Grand was awarded to the city uh uh no match so basically uh the state basically giving us the money to do the project so I just realized uh Mr Medina you gave us a report for both the items yeah that's but that's okay but that's okay we got the information so let's so let's take the ledge service line inventories and replacement plan Grant councelors do you have any questions regarding that item Council marmo it's pretty simple because I'm looking at the memo um is there a specific location as to where these services will be conducted or is it throughout the city the whole city the whole city actually we have to go through the whole record yeah and like uh we already done that I mean we have done the most we can but uh the state want us to do an inventory now and to make sure that we inspect and verify the all of them uh live that was it any other questions or comments seeing none I'll entertain a motion for item 44-24 motion to approve item number not approve uh motion to send item number 41424 to full council with a favorable recommendation second motion has been made properly seconded any discussion further discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it so now we have item 45-24 and it's the authorization to expend 1,600 61,800 for the MVP storm water res resilience Grant brought To Us by the Water Department as well we did hear a little bit about it from Mr Medina councelors do you have any questions regarding this particular item councelor maral the same question is this throughout the whole city or is this at a specific location like I mention like I mentioned earlier um we have a specific location where uh we have complaints uh you know uh when we have heavy water uh Heavy Rain uh the Water you know uh have you know slow uh it doesn't you know it flooded the area so those are the places that we're going to concentrate to do most of the work I mean not that I have an issue in moving this item further but I would like you know um at our next meeting if you're able to provide us with details as to what are these affected areas that way um you know if there's counselors um that I believe this information would be uh you know beneficial for them to know and be able to communicate that to their uh constituents sure we might have I just saw our grant WR in the back she's like I might have it so we might have that information um but either way I'll also send an email to commissioner hail so we can have the only thing we have is the memo so we don't have a breakdown even though you're here presenting it's still good to have it on the record just in case um so I'll let him know so that we'll have it for next for next meeting um I think she's looking for it I don't know either way want to see it writing yep flood yeah okay so any other questions or comments see entertain motion motion to approve item 41524 um motion to send a full Council uh council with a favorable recommendation second motion has been made properly seconded any further discussion seeing none all those in favor say I and the eyes have it well we look forward to seeing you [Laughter] boy thank you for um Jose Medina counselor can I have a motion to Oh Mr Medina the reason why I laughed a little I was sharing with like say that after we adjourn okay I'll say I'll say it after we adjourn okay okay don't leave yet don't leave motion to adjourn motion have properly seconded all those in favor say I I the eyes have it now you guys thank you thank you thank you --------- ##VIDEO ID:ybGe7_MUXUI## says has May properly seconded all those in favor say I I the eyes have IT director welcome Chief bon no it's it's okay um the director he mentioned it and I apologize truly I did we did speak this morning and I told him 7 that was my I was at ordinance committee last night at 700 p.m. and I just no worries no worries whatsoever you were we heard you were on your way and we wanted to make sure that you the opportunity so we went into recess and I know one of the counselors definitely wants to hear from you so um you have the mic you have the floor counselor Fel um Santiago was want to say Santio hello hi Chief we would like H can you give us a little background what do you do you do in the last three month we gave you the extended 0 day in the last 90 days I've been just on commanding the uh Lawrence Police Department running the department and and waiting for the new Chief to be appointed just regular police business some of my some of the things that I've done you have read in the paper okay oh might on social media Council man coun Santiago still has the you all set councelor or you I would look at at that's fine okay councelor Lon no I just wanted to uh it's just if you can to you m if he can explain um a little bit of not everybody has social media access and not everyone reads the newspaper and I know there's people watching and I understand you've been very busy I know and available too uh I have to mention that uh he's been available uh to us but I know that there's things that you would like to share and I want to mention a few uh we uh the the police department was involved in the a a community engagement uh District C District B would you mind sharing that with the audience yes about maybe four weeks ago five weeks ago there was a homicide at 91 on Ben Street and uh as as a result of that and Council called for Community engagement activity in the alington district and half alington district half on District B and where you are city council sitting at this time and uh we gathered together all the resources of the city the mayor's office DPW inspection of service of police department and some members of the city council and we went knocking on doors to uh engage the community and let them know that we're here that you know we we pass out our information you know business card and we listen to some of the complaints some of the complaints for example this particular individual approached me about uh uh handicap parking luckily I have councelor um L with me and I think you talk to this individual and talk about the process of how to get it done so things like that it's important the communi for them to see us you know not only will something bad happen but something good too so it was a good event well attended um I'm just going to remind him of the few things that that the police department have done also they attended uh the neighborhood meetings uh we had a madame chair we had a neighborhood meeting in District B and uh the chief was there uh engaging with the with the neighbors and it it it it was well attended so I would like to say thank you to the Chief and to the other members of the police department um but I think it's good that the um audience uh is aware of of that they are well some of these Community meetings are are very important because it was a while before you know the district B got organized in District a so I know there's another one coming up and believe it or not you know it takes a lot of my time because I have a lot of questions and the reason is because we haven't met in a while so I got to go there take notes see what they need what we could do the last meeting we had I had a lady who I invited to my office and she brought me food we talked you know I saw that on the police department social media it oh I don't have social media in my phone I don't know what happen but she came to see me we talked and she was there for an hour and there was a lot of things we talked about and that's what I want to see the it was funny because the other day I invited one of my officers to my to my office regular officer I said I haven't seen you in 3 weeks go to my office and he sits there and he's looking up he goes you know I've been here 10 years I never been to this office sham whoever was there before me this is the office of the of of the people my office if you want to go see me and talk to me bring me a coffee more than welcome to come see me you don't need an appointment if if I'm there I'll take five minutes and talk to you what's a big deal people are afraid to go to the police department and talk to the police chief I'm just a citizen I live in the city and I know you you're my neighbor come see me and that's was important I think thank you and to you Madame chair we also would like to say I would like to say thank you uh to the Lawrence Police Department and with the leadership of uh uh Chief uh Bonia uh with the incident that we had um um few weeks ago last week with um thank you for doing and and and leading that investigation and I know uh others uh members of the police department were involved we would like to uh on behalf of the community and thank you for taking the lead in that investigation unfortunately the results were not the one we expected um C is no longer with us but uh at least we had a I mean the community is pleased with the results of the investigation so on behalf of the community thank you for your leadership I just wanted to add that I have a great team of detectives young guys they know how to do their work and uh you know people get desperate wanted to know why we couldn't find her so I just want the community to know that our Police Department as silence Heroes and not everything that we do we could let you guys know yeah but you saw the results nobody slept you know my guys I had an automate go home and take a nap you don't look good and said we can't I want to find this lady you know why because Carol is my sister she's my neighbor you know she's my daughter she's one of us I live here and it you know it hurts me when a family can't sleep because a daughter's not home so I took that to heart and with those guys you got to give them credit they did a good job nobody slept for those three days thank you and also Madame chair to you Madame chair I would like to mention that on behalf of the Lano uh the YWCA um Genie gerer and other organizations that work dilig diligent to prevent and create awareness again violence against women uh thank you for the support that the police department offer during the visual thank you to lyette peris uh thank you thank you to you you did a good job thank you uh unfortunately it's one of the things that you don't want to do is hopefully we don't the idea is not to have other visuals uh but unfortunately we were um we had one unfortunately so on behalf of all those organization uh thank you for uh being there the police department uh being part of the Vil it was uh um great work great work appreciate I'll let my guys know thank you so much thank you I want to add something councelor Santiago yes H I would like to say thank you as well but H I think you need H the the extra day because we we need more stability in this city H you you are doing good I want to congrat congratulate you because that's the H struggle City and we need somebody has H bring a give us more ER safety Community established and and that's good the to do the community service that you do going to Neighborhood H explain give us the the athetics about the the problem happening in each district and that's good to know the the constituents are happy and they are waiting for you for the next oh good I'll be there all right thank you so I I hope to see you in December in the South Lawrence West neighborhood association meeting will be there I promise um we meet every 3 months and we we had our meeting Monday and it was actually their 15th year anniversary for the for the uh Association one of our longest standing associations in the community um I loved the the community event that you guys held in District B and and C was it c c no no no I'm talking yeah that I I spoke with lyette Perez and I would like to have one and actually it was her idea let me not say me but um we would like to have one in the district in like the riverfront um Park area that there's a lot of activity there and um I think it's important to do something like that in that area as well well I live in District D so I'll be there one thing I do want to say um uh I what I would like to see uh moving forward is a bit more communication um from you with the city counselors um I was a bit frustrated when one morning I you know opened Facebook and I saw the the crash that happened on Parker Street in my district um I before the the whether they were acting or or the permanent Chiefs um no matter what hour of the day or the night anything major like that that would happen we would receive a a text message an email or something just informing us um hey this happened and and I think we all we all understand that there are certain things that you guys can't say but just like a hey heads up like this this happened so you guys so adding to that you're right so I didn't get that message like 3:00 in the morning and I was sleeping so I got up at 5 and I seen it and uh by the time I went to work I don't have Facebook somebody told me it was all over Facebook so I feel bad for that but if you want me to send you a text message at 5:00 in the morning please do hey don't power to you I just don't want to bother you besides that that incident didn't didn't start in law I know we they we just assisted them y but you're right I keep be more informed I didn't know you want to be bother 5 in the morning yeah you know sometime it's weird because some of the people send they send me email or they send me text some of the conditions at 2: in the morning I said I going to answer them may to see in the morning and they'll see me what are you doing awake at 2: in the morning I said I'm reading reports I'm doing police work you know if I remember something like if I don't write it down at that time no way I'm going to remember in the morning yeah you know I'm past 50 now so so that's it if you see an email from me at 3: in the morning I'm I would love that but other other than that Chief I I I also think you're doing a good job I've been asking around to see how how the Department's environment and and morale is doing and and I haven't heard anything negative so um thank you for your work and and thank you for stepping up when when when we needed it so that's thank you that's what I'm here to all right this yes before I made the motion I just want to add that the community engagement uh that we had at District c and b um it was also a respond to a violent incident it was a respon to a violent incident if uh if I may Chief uh happened that happened that took place at vinington Street and I spoke with the chief and he immediately agreed to coordinate something besides having all the uh other departments like inspectional Services uh recycling uh we also distribute information on uh violence prevention domestic violence I didn't see you I stopped by you guys you guys had already left to go door knock but I went and and I and I went door knocking with with councelor Santiago you guys went to I went y yeah so it it I just wanted to put it out there it was a positive respond uh from the police department with the leadership of CH Bonia but also the um how quickly he responded to my call and yes we agreed to do something to Target that issue but also doing it in a way that was not going to be destructing uh the community uh so I need to congratulate the police department and chief Bonia for agreeing and of doing that also the mayor's office was there I thank to Mayor Thea but things like that are the things that create community and uh that incident that that event made that uh Community District CNB made it better so thank you on behalf of my constituents and I'm assuming on behalf of the constituents of District C and the community in general cuz I had I had one of my constituents she she went she saw it on on social media and she went to that event and I was happy to see her there so it wasn't just you know the the two districts so it was it was good all right we have an underlining motion and it's to send this that was made by councelor Levy before she had left is to send this up with a favorable recommendation is there a second for that oh Madam chair I I don't know if uh the committee uh this is just a short memo was submitted on the last extension I just updated it with the dates I don't know if the it's just asking for the request I don't know if I can submitted to can you make sure the the city clerk also has has it pleased for for next week okay can I get a second on the on the motion to sign up with a favorable recommendation second seconded by councilor Santiago is there any other further discussions or or questions seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it thank you so much Madam chair and I know in the interest time I just want to make one quick comment about um the confidence of the search committee um you know I would encourage anybody that is um not uh confident in the process to put their name in to be considered because um you know um I think you know it's important for people to be involved and um anyone that's doubting the process the best way to you know to um to get involved believe in the right you know um be at the table see it for yourself um have the discussion just help participate um so I would really encourage people to to sign up nice all right well we will definitely continue to relay that message thank you appreciate it thank you so much counselors at this point we have no further new business can I have a motion to adjourn motion has been made properly seconded all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it sure sure