##VIDEO ID:G3lI4uBIIh4## e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] she see most [Music] okay why [Music] we've been this building [Music] that's [Laughter] [Music] what I you like it very well you wait for hour [Music] s [Music] [Music] EX [Music] now people don't anything people understand [Music] [Music] see the BL oh okay resp yeah don't rub it in [Music] [Music] m we [Music] no so now this [Music] Street seat fantas [Music] that the you know what's fun people all time the C actually a [Music] [Music] that TR [Music] [Music] they [Music] said know inpr what [Music] food stre watch [Music] hello hello hi hi fore okay ass [Music] follow okay we you that bu s show we you for what what I I don't know heard than okay feel think [Music] [Music] good good evening welcome to the Personnel committee meeting where am I going can you am I still echoing try I just muted the the the zoom but can I can I still be heard on Zoom okay all right good evening welcome to the person our committee meeting today is Monday October 7th it is now 6:34 p.m. voting members to my right I have counselor fedelina Santiago and to my left the vice chair of this committee councelor Wendy lzone pursuant to chapter 20 of the acts of 2022 this meeting of the Personnel committee is being conducted both in person and Via remot participation a reminder that persons who would like to listen or view this meeting while in progress May either attend here here in the city council chambers or use any of our social media um Accounts at this point can you please join me in the flag and the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge of Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all all right counselors we don't have any minutes to approve so we're going straight to new business first item is item 46-24 the confirmation to reappoint to the zoning Board of appeal appeals Mr Richard Rivera brought To Us by the mayor and our City attorney Tim hoen attorney hoen you have the floor yes U Mr Rivera is the um currently on the zbaa he is looking for reappointment as part of our um yearly review what we've done done in my office is we've taken each of the boards we've discovered who has been expired who has been um removed who new people the board so part of that we place this before the B for reappointment and we bring it to you before we have um two members overall tonight two members seeking reappointment and two new members looking for appointment and I do have I believe you do have mr's application and he is here to answer any questions if you would like and I do want to State for the record if confirmed the new expiration date for his appointment would be uh will be January 1st of 2027 um makeing sure I'm not missing anything because we didn't have that on the agenda Mr Rivas hello how you doing how are you good how's it going tell us how your experience has been so far I know you've been on this board for a while you're doing an excellent job um for those at home watching that may not know you or are aware of your work on the board um we would like you to have the opportunity to so my name is Richard Rivera 8 Andover Street Lawrence Massachusetts I've been on the board for approximately 12 years uh board uh been chair for about four um throughout my gender here and my experience I've been here to help um the city the city um and the people that live in our city understand the process and when they don't understand the process we try to explain it to them and try and help them as much as we can councelors any questions or comments counselor Lon U thank you Madame chair uh and to you Madame chair I just want to say thank you to Mr um uh Riva Richard Riva for the service uh he's been serving for almost 12 years as he mentioned and thank you for doing that uh we appreciate your service thank you I do want to say one thing um for the people at home watching I bumped into Mr Rivera at one of our new establishments here at um in our downtown the new restaurant 11 and it gave me great pride as a as a counselor to hear you say how proud you were to see something that you worked on come to fruti the way that it was presented to the board and you were very proud of it I heard it in your voice I saw your face and and it was uh it was really really nice it was a refresher of why we do what we do and um I just want to thank you for that thank you very much all right any other comments or questions see and now I'll entertain a motion motion to send to the council with favor of recommendation a motion have the main properly second discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it thank you we'll see you next Tuesday next item is item 42 41-24 the confirmation of the reappointment to the zoning board of appeals of Anthony coko brought To Us by mayor depena and attorney hen hen attorney hen you have the floor um I just just to explain what we're also doing in case you're wondering why they are different dates uh we try to structure this so this will never happen again we won't have the members of the board expiring at the same time so we have three years but it's fluctuating so although Mr Rivera was is appointed to 2027 we're asking that Mr coko be appointed to 2026 that way we just we never lose the board at one time so we have keep the the the knowledge on but uh Mr coko has his application in front of you and who has certain V Mr coko good morning good afternoon good afternoon Mr C my name is Anthony coko I'm a Lawrence resident I've lived in Lawrence all my life I'm also a business owner in the City of Lawrence um this is my third year on the zoning board and uh I've been through some good things and bad things when before I was on the zoning so I like to try to help the community the best I can with new businesses coming in whether it be you know families or whatever moving into the city so I'd like to just you know new businesses I like to attract some new businesses to the city so I'm hoping that you guys consider my reappointment and I'm hoping I can do the city good I have to say I just have to shout out our school I see that you're a graduate of good alarm tax so am I so we have VG in the house counselors any questions or comments yes sir councelor Santiago thank you to Sir our community and to keep doing an excellent job thank you so much thank you any other questions or comments um Council I'm going to R um thank you Mr cooko for your service I'm also a business owner and I understand that the process is some time uh a long process but it's good at the end to see the results thank you for your services to the city of lawence thank you thank you all right at this point I'll entertain a motion motion to send to council with favorable recommendation motion has been made property seconded discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it Mr coko we'll see you next Tuesday thank you very much thank you all right last item for new business and we do have a tabled matter um counselors that we need to untable after this um item 46224 the confirmation of the appointment to the zoning board of appeals for Shayla Shayla Cabrera brought To Us by mayor paa and of course we have our City attorney um Tim hen so this would be a new person in the board we've had pus tarz who was a member of our board who no longer is on the board she expired on the U 1st of January 2023 so if um Miss Caba is confirmed tonight she her term would be to 2026 um and you see her resume in front and is right here and uh yeah I think you will like her background and I think she would make a good my hi Hi how are you Hi good hi hi my name is sheilaa I am Arch from Dominican Republic and I have um a lot of knowledge and I think my experience can help like this community thank you so um I see here um miss cabar you have you have experience in design urban planning Community engagement environmental impact assessment project management data analysis and research yes is there um can you just uh for the people watching at home can you tell us a bit how your your I mean and to me it's pretty self-explanatory but it's good to have this on the record um how your previous experience or your experience today will help you as a if if you were to be confirmed as a as a member of the zoning board of appeals okay H before when I work to to my country and I work to the for the city hall we need to advocate for the for the community yeah okay we advocate for the community and uh we need to like see if he no we need to work together with then and my experience with the planning design and your department we need to try to figure out and or organiz organ organiz organiz organize the um the city and um are you aware of of the of the responsibilities of the zoning board of appeals excuse me are you aware of the responsibilities of the zoning board of appeals guys oh oh yeah yeah yeah this board oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I know I I know we need to try to advocate for the community we need to organize the the city we need to um try to make Baron Lawrence and we need to Advocate life for the city and the community thank you just before I go to you Council lone um attorney H can you describe for for the record and for people watching at home the responsibilities of the law the city of Lawrence's zone of zoning board of appeals uh basically what happens is do we have rules and regulations regarding building and structures um and what could be approved so I I always like to call it you want want to prevent the New Hampshire style of zoning which I always describe as a house a pig farm and then a nuclear power plant next to each other um so you have zoning so that people that live in residential areas only have residential beside them people that live in commercial areas only have commercial beside them and also let's take a look at what are we doing it's best for the community you know uh as I always said um it can't all be Dunkin Donuts on every corner we have to have businesses that help the city so they look review the city review the uh propose uh what would it Go does it go good in that area is there parking as believe me I do not have to tell this wood one of the main concerns in this city is parking so is what they're doing appropriate is there enough parking so it's it's enforcing the zoning regulation and it's also gives the zoning also has the ability to review the um decisions of the building inspector so if the building inspector said I don't like that it it's just not one person determining it a whole board then gets to review it and say you present your side the building inspector will present their side so that it gives the average person a way to U way to seek a higher relief but it it controls the way the city looks in other words when you see a new building you you want it to be nice you and they enforce that so you know I don't I know I'm not telling anything to business owners his but you know because we do you you want Lawrence to be beautiful you want Lawrence to thrive you want new businesses but you want the right kind of businesses in the right locations so that's what that the function of the board is thank you Council Lon I thank you Madame chair um do you work as an architect in Dominican Republic yes how for seven years can you name any project okay for my last word when I work for H for the city hall I need to design and build a part Park uh government Extrusion a stre and Community Place okay so um I'm assuming that that involves being familiar with the sunning in regulations of Dominican Republic yes okay I just wanted to um put it out there for the people that are listening so as an architect I know it's in it was in Dominican Republic uh uh she had uh some responsibilities with son in back back there thank you madam chair attorney hoen I am noticing I don't know how I would noticed this before but I have we have her application but we don't have her resume [Applause] and um also looking at we have Michael coming up next as well and I have his in his resume is included and he's also a new would be a new appointe if that's if Y in my package right here I do not see the resume but I have you have it you have it with you yeah can you not with me but I can send you to theil thank okay um any other questions or comments this is for the attorney mad sherff I mean to you so are there even um a when they apply or they get recommended to serve and they or are they given a piece of paper explaining their responsibilities or the discretion of the Jo of the of the board that they going to serve it looks like they don't get any they don't get what they what you would get is the planning director in this case with the zoning board um they are the the planning director would speak to them and tell them what their responsibilities would be what's what's going on there uh but there there's no piece of paper that describes what the what the building does usually um for instance if the Health Board we give them an explanation of of what the Health Board does what they vote on what they do but we do not have set piece and that may be a thing to do in the future we do have the planning director here so I think even last last meeting that's something that was brought up in the during the full council meeting I think it's important to perhaps put something together um on paper so they can have it they can read it review it because if something Ian you can verbally describe the responsibilities but you know we're we're adults we have 10,000 things going on in our lives and you can forget easily um what is discussed in person chair I may and perhaps uh well I'm going to ask a question do they meet with the chair of the board because it looks like they have good intention of serving but on the other hand it's like they not getting the enough information and I know it's also their responsibility I understand it completely but for us to have a more professional and to give them the right information I think it will be good to create a small package as the mad shair just suggested but also to have a meeting with a chair of the board to make sure they fully understand their responsibility I I agree that that does not happen now but I I do believe that's a great idea thank you counselors um it's really important to have have the full documentation um that we need in order to make a the best recommendation we can to the full Council so I suggest we table this item until we receive um your resume and then bring you back um and then we can send this up with our recommendation to the full Council so at this point I will entertain a motion a motion to table second motion to table has been made properly seconded all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it thank you so much counselors can I have I'm sorry councelors can I have a motion to untable item AB Sam Michael ab ab ab Samra to the zoning board of appeals with the term expiring in January 2026 motion second motion has been made properly second and all those in favor say I I I and the eyes have it okay so we do have the application and the full resume for Michael um Michael I do see here here I did see here on on your application that you went through the process of the zoning board of appeals so you at least from the cons I would say consumer side or the resident side you you know how that works um so can you talk a little bit about that and and your background and how your your background um will help you if you were to be appointed onto this board yeah so I moved to Lawrence uh in 2018 and with that I was me and my brother um did go in front of the the zoning board uh previously so so I did see both sides of you know having um an opportunity to do something with a piece of property that I own and going through the requirements that the the zoning board has um and you know being a current resident here I thought it' be a good opportunity when I saw the opening to apply because I did go through the process so um you know I think it'd be good to help others um and the community um you know being on the board and giving back giving back to Lawrence so thank you Council has any questions or comments um thank you thank you Madame chair just um Council so um no it's good to know that that you went to the process and you understand what our residents go through and I and Bas in your knowledge and and what you what I see in your estimate I think it it was going to be a a great addition to the sunning board um and thank you for uh deciding to serve uh the City of Lawrence through the soning board thank you any other questions or comments councelor Santiago yes I want to say thank you to S to our city and that's good to know people when they are prepared and they want to serve the community they are welcome thank you thank you thank you um quick question for Richard Richard there is uh you are the current chair correct of still can you come to the podium thank you during the process of the zoning board of appeals is there's definitely a financial aspect to the projects that you guys receive correct so most of our members receive a Sten I don't no no no no I no no I I don't mean the members I mean when when projects are presented to to the board to review is there a financial component to the to the package like to the to the documentations no just okay that's has nothing to do with our board okay in regarding that aspect I'm just asking cuz I know I see here that he has you have an extensive Financial background so I wanted to see if that that would help it anyway thank you I mean there may be some financial and the fact that they would have to prepare plans and stuff and pay pay certain employees to to prepare things for the package but okay thank you thank you there are fees that need to be brought in front of the the city for them to apply to go in front of our board but when it comes to numbers in regards the money wise that doesn't play in our in our board we just basically do the um what's in the city ordinance and whatever the um the petition is bringing in front of our board thank you okay counselors um I guess I I like that you've been through the process I see that you're my constituent you live in my district so I represent you so I definitely love that um counselors at this point there's any if there aren't any questions or comments I will entertain a motion motion to send for recomendation motion has second property second in discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I the I have so we'll see you next Tuesday thank you Council I may um as I told you before um this is an effort to fill all the boards so what you are going to see and I make a little promise to you today is that I'm going to seeing a lot of you in the next few months and anybody that comes before me I will make sure that they have met the chairman of the board and I'll will make sure we give them a little something that they have a knowledge of what the board does in writing thank you and also just make sure that we have both the application and the resume because I I definitely do not want to um delay the process cuz I know how important it is to fill these you have the full package I understand that yep and thank you yeah thank you than you thank you um at this point councils we have no further other further business so can I get a motion to adjourn motion toj motion remain proberbly second and all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it thank you so much I am can I see you for a second for e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e get I don't I don't get thisy one Cal cap get I can't afford to I got to same my of my kid I can't go apply for 000 a year for good evening and welcome to the committee of the whole today is Monday October 7th it is 7:08 in the evening today voting members we have councelor Mark llant councelor dzone council president joanni Rodriguez Council Gregory Del Rosario councelor fedelina Santiago we have councelor Selena Reyes on zoom and myself councelor Stephanie fante as chair pursuant to chapter 20 of the acts of 2022 this meeting of the committee of the whole is being conducted both in person and via remote participation a reminder that persons who would like to listen or view this this meeting while in progress May either attend here at the city council chamber or use any of our social media Accounts at this point can you please join me in the pledge United States of America God indivisible liberty and justice for all all right councils we don't have any minutes to approve so we're going right into new business we have item 42-23 the establishment of handicapped parking commission and we do have our attorney City attorney Tim hoen here um to speak a bit more about this matter attorney you have the floor um so this this came came about as a result it's almost I believe two years now I hate to say that um we formed a committee um what we what we noticed and don't speak for you but we noticed that your meetings um tended to be taken up by a lot of traffic issues particular handicap parking um Etc so it and it also the um the handicap U person in our in our city also noticed that the people were that that were looking for this were complaining the of the length of time it took so we decided to take a look at it and see if we could do a more convenient and a more easy um we are not let me straight this stfe first not trying to take away power from anybody all we're trying to do is make it more efficient for the city council if the city council wants it I'm not presenting this as my great idea this is a way to to assist the city council so we're looking is to form a committee that would be outside of the city council it would then handle and um originally we were going to have all traffic matters going to it but I I believe there'll be a friendly amendment that and what we're looking for now is just handicap items uh and kind of like as a Paca let see if it works let's see if it really helps um we also made sure in this um U I won't call it legislation but in this proposal that if this we did not want to take away all the power of the city council so if the city council saw this board do something that they didn't like they have the right kind of as a court of appeal to reverse it so that's what we're looking here this is a basically to assist the city council so that any more of the uh right now we just do handicap parking um if anybody applied for a handicap parking permit or if we wanted to remove a handicap parking permit the other thing we're trying to do is we're try to form this in more of a license than an ordinance because if it as an ordinance it's going to require a public hearing and that's one of the things that ties this up is that now you have to and increases the cost for the city so we're looking for it to be like a license for two years so the other thing that happens when we first looked at this we got a list and I know that the council president was in on those meetings uh of just one section one District in and we looked at all the handicap parking permits and signs and I think we found I believe it was 10% people didn't even live there anymore um we found people putting up their own signs that were not authorized by the city and we found signs that were missing the people that needed them so it clearly wasn't an effective and efficient City and if you that's just one District if you take that over the whole city you can imagine what's happening so that's what we're doing here it's more to assist people uh and to assist the city council and um look forward to any questions that you might have on this thank you councilors any questions or comments Council lone um so I'm assuming you check other CI other cities that have the same would you mention some of them and how effective is this in the other cities that you well if you look at the big cities they have a whole department like the city of Boston has a whole department a parking department and a so there's nothing that goes before the Boston city council for something similar to us a city similar to us havil uh V dep we I think it was I looked at LEL Hil and I'm sorry that I ly Lynn okay Lynn yes but we still lawyer's trick we borrowed a lot of the language from Lyn we didn't steal it um so we just looked at what they had and it really is you know they they don't have to go through the the ordinance process is the real kicker in this it just takes so long for something as small as this um you know an ordinance normally you think of something big that we're going to change I mean just just to have one little you know handicap space uh is to you know to to have that whole process and really doesn't help the person that needs it so yeah we looked at these towns uh and cities and saw what they did so that's what we have here is a combination we took from them what we thought were the best during the committee and you there were I believe there were what eight members of the committee at that point uh members of the city we we open it up to everybody to get their kind of input for question councelor Santiago if he did IR didn't pass what will happen with the handicap parking are already in the city well what we'd like to do is we would like to Sunset the handicap parking plets in a period of two years um we did if you notice it says April 15th as when it would expire because we talked to the the city clerk and obviously people would come back in to reapply it it doesn't cost them any money um but she she has certain times of the year like January 1st would be heck for her anywhere near the election time would be heck for her and you know certain times of the year so she thought that April 15th would be a great time so what would happen is if someone truly you know if you had your paperwork and Richard can talk to me talk to you what paperwork is required um you come back and you say yes I still live at 28 Stern Street I still need that placket I would like it renewed for two years so we want a sunset so that situation doesn't happen where um Mildred Gomez lives at this house and let's say that she was elderly and she moved to go live with her kids well now you have a handicapped parking space in front of it that no one may need and parking is so precious in the city we need as many parking spaces as we can get so that's what we're trying to do just to to make it an easier process because nobody wants to be a spy we don't want to be going out and want don't want neighbors saying hey you know that person over there they don't really need a handicap we would rather have well they have to come back they have to present their proof that they have it and they can renew their for two years and then two years I mean we're not restricting how long it's for but it gives the city a way to kind of control you you um councelor devario thank you chair so how are we going to let the enforcement know they say the people did not show up to to Renewal and the sign is still hanging there 3 years after that how the enforcement know well that's what we did just now much the same as we just did when we when we um did the review is that we call up the the DPW and say just remove the signs and the signs are removed have So you you're telling me that it said April 15 pass and it's May and this person did not command so you're going to send an order to DPW remove those signs that did not reapply well after they've got noticed that you know they will get noticed that they need to reapply but go ahead um the way it's done with Boston I had a long conversation with them and it's an independent body it's not it's not city council function they they will give a person like 60 days advanc notice telling them you you the parking lot going to complete if you're interested to apply you have to do it 30 days beforehand before expire then they will send another letter within 30 days and say if you don't respond we are removing the sign so that the DU process there they're going to be notified so they have the responsibility to come back to us and say Yes I want to continue council president thank you do you uh chair I have a couple of questions U so essentially when it comes to the appointees I was reading through and and there is a coule there's a function of for the different bodies to appoint somebody from Police Department firi Department sure the W uh City Council of the May um so the appointing process going to be in July of the of each year right according to the papers we have yes first Monday in July yeah so I think it will be more more uh leaning with that uh perhaps the mayor and the and the city council since that will change to be perhaps in January to appoint somebody at that at the at the during the the month of January so that way councel and the mayor might appoint somebody in in January so that's a suggestions to to to make uh or to take into consideration since the city council might change and the May or might change during that January it doesn't have to wait until July for to appoint somebody and therefore the other uh departments they also do it all together so the question would be those members of that commission like any other commission going to go going to come from the city council for um Comm yes all right that's one thing another thing that I would like to know uh is perhaps uh there is a possibility oh can you explain to me the between a potential license in in ordinance because when it comes to the enforcement I don't think they you'll be able to enforce a fee on a license uh if it is I'm sorry what fee I mean when somebody violate the the ordinance of a parking sign right now they got right they are not ordinances in the city of Boston they're not ordinances in l and and they have done that so we're we're trying to follow them that through a license ability um we would be able to ticket and are if somebody obviously if somebody parked on a handicapped spot was not handicapped but they don't use the ordinance process Lawrence has always used the ordinance process we're trying to get away from that so but but when it comes to the enforcement and the fee all they U is an enforcement and a fee of to to an ordinance so if the signs are not ordinance how that work it would be it would read like per the traffic commission and its violation would be so and so like any like the building commission has fines Etc but um I'm not positive I have to work that through it that that's something I could work out it because could we could we ordinance the fines probably U but it would not be a violation of the ordinance it would be VI violation of the license yeah that's what I'm saying so basically what I'm what I'm trying to say is like something need to be worked out cuz it's kind of the same way like right now if you park there is no ordinance for parking for a parking space but you can get a ticket for yeah there is an ordinance for parking space there's an ordinance for the the company to have the parking spaces but there's no ordinance that says that you will get a ticket it doesn't say no parking in any place it's it says there is meters on these fall streets well maybe something that we can look into it sure because I mean the contract may become an enforcement uh statute uh perhaps that that's why they actually give up ticket I will research that for I think that we need to research that a little bit just want to make sure like we we do it uh the proper way and we Pro we put the proper language in place so we can be safe so when it comes to to the household by law each household that apply to a handicap they're enti to one one hand assigns per household they're not well not entire but I just want to make that no one's entitled to no no no one's entitled but I mean by law they actually have perhaps the right to apply they have the right to apply and the second second point I I like to State because when people come in and apply handicap spot is not anybody's it does not belong to one person even if it's in front of your house if I'm handicapped and I live in L and I park in front of your house I have all the rights in the world to do that it's a handicapped spot for anybody so so too many people think um that this is Mrs Lopez's spot it's not Mrs Lopez spot it's a spot that it's convenient for Mrs Lopez because it's in front of her house but anybody can all by state law all handicap spots are open to any handicap park by the way yes we have discussed this several time before uh and we asked for a memo from the office to be to actually post it on the website did that happen no no I if it doesn't if it haven't happened please that statement that you said that need to be um I think that we asked for before to be posted on the website so everybody can have access if it's if it haven't happened let's let's let's no problem and another thing that I would like to ask uh so handicap parkings they are regulatory signs uh not temporary so how we going to work this out on the war or the within the commission Waring that uh since handicap SI are not a temporary signs but the the fact that we doing a license it become tempor it becomes temporary it's a two-year sign it's a twoyear reviewable sign something need to be work out on that because I just look at that the the difference between regulatory science and and and permanent science M and uh and there is difference between the law and between the mutcd the regulates regulate signs uh at the state level and also at the federal level so that's something that is worth to look into it because it could be it could become a little bit of an issue that we need to deal with that eventually that doesn't mean that it's not a solution but I mean no I understand perfectly you want your Bel and suspenders yeah and another thing that I would like to know so essentially um when it comes to the signs the notification was clarified so everybody going to get a notification with 60 days and then 30 days notification uh and and and uh what about the assistant that those handicap people that might not able to fill out that application are they going to have what type of assistance they going to have well we you know eventually that's kind of in the weeds where I don't but I'm assuming that uh it would be able to be done online that you would be able to submit your information because Richard would be able to tell better like what the information is and is it easily scan I believe um it's going to be implement online so all information will be there and we also have a commission on disability that will be helping out too so there's resource and manpow for that perfect another question that I would like to ask and that's a common problem that we have uh now a lot of people use handicap lockers when they assist a handicap person is that something that is going to be uh clarified for how we're going to deal with that stuff I I don't know what you mean so the rule but the rule is that you have to have the person in your car when you use a handicap Placer if somebody an able-bodied person puts the handicap pler up and parks there uh and doesn't have the handicap person and they are subject to fines and ticketing so that means that if somebody's using a handicap locker and park in a place and and perhaps leave it overnight but the the Placer doesn't belong to the owner of the vehicle that person is subject to get a a $300 ticket well the owner of the vehicle the Placer doesn't go with the vehicle so if I have a placard and I get Richard to drive me I can put my placard on his car as long as I'm in the car because I'm the handicap person it it's it it doesn't have like a VIN number on it or anything like that so I can it's me that use it it's it's particular to me it's not particular I mean some cars do have the disabled uh license plate but mostly it's all plets now I think I'm I'm GNA try to cloudify mind standing speaking with VNA speaking different nurses or PCA the way when a person dis a the person may not drive but she still be able to qualify for the pla card so when the NSE come wherever she could give that nurse her her her pler to park you know for for her to get proper Services okay so another thing that I would like to add and word out something within the within this this ordinance uh creating this commission is to uh sometimes there is people that get temporary like temporary plers based on the disability they have they go through the rehab and there a a year pler that areb provide uh um so I think that that if that person applies for a two years two years license to get a a signs uh that license perhaps specifically should be expiring with the potential applicants that also have a pler that is expiring uh is that Mak sense I understand what you're saying I mean for the most part temporary I I know what you're saying I I understand if I broke my knee tomorrow and I could get a temporary placket if I applied for the state um I don't know that we would be issuing a handicap parking spots to those because the process takes probably longer than you know my 30 60 90 days I need to recover but um you know most people that apply for it they've got a permanent disability but I suppose that's something that could happen but yeah um I think in that case the commission would have to look at it and say okay it's kind of hard to I mean you're you're changing the parking of a particular place for for something that's temporary that doesn't seem like a good use of the city's time and effort but yeah but I mean it happened it happened within the council and that's something that if we're going to change something I we need to into every aspect um or at least if we studying or research and the change of this we need to look into that something else that I would like to add to this to the language uh if that's going to be withing the trans to be approved is [Music] to to to have a section within the orance that anybody that covers the the the pictures on the temporary bler is subject to get a ticket can't because sometime I I don't know if you know me that people just block it no because when you get the pler they Department m v give you a sticker to cover it yes to do my wife had plaque so I know yeah I mean I you know I I don't know the law but not experence to my wife the department vehicle give the plaque then it give the sticker so you have the option to cover it I'm yeah thank you Council of plans do you have any any questions or concerns comments I just got a process question so and I don't have an answer to this so uh this is at the full Council right now and would we need to order a public hearing on this or can we just vote on it simply at the when it's at the full Council level I think we're we're creating an ordinance I think we have to have a we would need to order public hearing at the full Council level okay that's I wasn't sure thank you thank you and I think I think quite frankly you'd want to affects the [Music] city have you do not have the Flor have the floor you don't have the floor hold I'll go back I'll go to you for coun do you have any questions or comments I want to make sure that every counselor gets their questions and comments and first before we move forward councelor reesus Council Rees all right go ahead council president on clarification parliamentary procedures you proceed sorry Madame chair I had difficult uh I don't have question right now thank you so much thank you thank you attorney uh the council plan just stay that this item is at the full Council and uh it wasn't the full Council was sent down to the committee of the whole so we don't have it at the full Council I'm sorry it is not at the full Council we sent to the the council the whole so it's here now right now I believe you have to send it back yeah I just want to clarify that the item is here and before this committee yes properly before this committee thank you uh attorney I have a question one one thing under section three it says that the TPC shall meet by monthly knowing how many requests the council currently gets for handicap parking is a bimonthly schedule enough to get through this process officient offic L if this was to be approved by the full Council okay and this is where I'm going to the language that's I assume that b monthly is twice a month okay is that what you so we would have to it would be every two weeks there would be a meeting cuz I read it B monly every two months so that should be if if you if it's meant to be every two weeks and that should be yeah my my old days of of an English major I remember that b monthly and that it meant something different than it appeared to but it was every two what what we mean is every two weeks okay no you are correct if it would me you couldn't do this every two months because the purpose is to take this off your table and to get it done quickly and efficiently we you know we don't want to make the proc process longer I mean Richard will tell you the people that talk to him all the time to try in the back I mean all you have to do is look at your own agenda and you know yeah Council the plant thank you so I just little clarification uh we're working off of the sheet that looks like this and then article three or you just reference M paragraph three section three the first time I'm working off the public hearing notice so we at the full Council level substituted to this which is more streamlined I just want to make sure everybody's reading off the correct version so uh there is the TPC reference is not in um that of course the I believe the city attorney's explanation is is is correct but I just want to make sure we're correct the right the word in the thing I'm working on is commission I just interposed TPC and commission but it says the commission shall meet on a by monthly on a day I just I TPC the TPC is not I don't think mentioned in this substituted Amendment the new version in front of us thank you madam chair council is on um thank you madam chair I have a question about salary it looks like I have a question about salaries and let me explain myself so it looks like and I'm checking other commissions and bstone sumerville it looks like that they meet after 5:30 and you have a represented from the police department uh well not over time for some of the something or an stien uh so you have a representatives from uh the police department DPW um people that are they get paid are the meeting are going to happen after work are they or they going to be Happ during work but it looks like that the responsibilities are going to we're going to add more responsibilities to some of this people that already work uh regular hours um and and then I see there's two other people uh one appointed by the mayor and one appointed by city council so are we going to give them an stiping it looks for me from my point of view having this and they're going to meet twice during a month is that accurate mhm okay uh it's a lot of responsibilities for the for the appoint other the people that are going to get appointed knowing that we already have issues with the boards that we have some of them are incomplete uh and we know that we have difficulty in some of the boards uh in the city so are the people from the city that already employed uh are they going to get an Sten are there their job responsibilities are going to change or are we planning to give stiens to the two people that are supposed to be appointed one by the city council and by by the mayor by the mayor uh office of by the mayor I I had in this we have no intention of paying anybody um there there is nothing in this that again once we formed the board there's nothing that says that they meet after 5:00 if you look these people could meet from 9 no I'm saying that the on said I checked not the ones the boards that I check in Somerville and Boston they usually meet up 5:30 right but they they have a whole budget yeah they're a whole department I we're I don't know how to phrase this but this is kind of a work in progress we're looking to see if it works see how it goes see if it works for this city with the results of the you know the city council is the Arbiter and they say hey this is helping us or you know what we don't like the way this is going we're going to cancel this so I can't give you all the answers because uh I really don't know them I'm just we're just trying to set it up and see does this work for the city and you know who gets appointed can they meet during the day I mean the people we named it's because it's a part of their job anyways the parking person it's a part of their job we have a police officer right now that looks at all the handicap parking he's not getting paid any more money the fire department's already getting paid for it you know um the DPW person's already getting paid for it so that's we kind of Envision that these people already work with say again when I say the the city council could appoint someone and I'm not suggesting this I'm just saying I mean you could appoint a member of the city council you can appoint anybody you want that was my my my interpretation of that I thought it was going to be a council again I'm I'm not as my kids would say I'm not the boss of you um you can do what you like whoever you wish to appoint um it's up to you you're you're the city council uh what I'm through you m chair if I made uh my concern is how sustainable this board is going to be hopefully well not if maybe we can add to this document that they're going to be meeting during regular hours but if not it looks like that and an stien after 530 is going to be a point of conversation because it's more responsibility to the responsibilities that that they already have just to put it out there I'm sry again uh that may be how you change it in the future may want to but in the beginning we we weren't envisioning any s we W envisioning having any money matter of fact the only money we ever talked about was maybe a for a secretary uh to ex to receive um so we going to this is contemplating a new position or a part-time position a part time and it could be somebody's employee what we need is someone that assemble I mean someone does it now it could be someone in the the city clerk's office but we're trying to get rid of all the information but someone has to receive the application someone has to put together the meeting package and that time so there has to be someone but we have to have a committee in order to form that so I'd like to add to that um as the city turn as the city indicated we don't have to do a public hearing which mean we are going to save money so the money we save we we could pay a part-time worker to help with the implementation process if if it transitions to a licensure correct process yes okay um thank you Madame chair but I mean just in order for this to be sustainable I think it's meaning language just to make sure that when it begins if it gets approved by the council uh we don't have loops uh especially when it comes to spending more money and stien cuz it it it it looks like it it's going to add if it happens after 4:30 it's going to add more responsibility uh to the people that are already working you know I'm not suggest when we had the meetings we had pretty much representatives from everybody named here and we met during the day and we didn't have any problem I I understand because I'm assuming it happens during work hours and and it's just a simple something to take into consideration but I mean if you add more responsibility to my job I will going to I'm going to ask for uh more uh for an stien or something that's the way that I see it so just to put it out there sure uh time to make sure that it happens between work hours that way we don't get into spending more money and first and and I understand the cler the person that you mentioned that it it may be uh a necessity to make this commission more sustainable Madam Madam chair thank you madam chair just before I got to you um councelor the Rosario attorney you when you were answering to council lzone you mentioned something about how we already have city employees getting paid to check the parking and traffic and stuff like that um my concern with this or that statement is we're having issues with people enforcing as it is how are we going to ensure that this will be forced enforced with the Personnel that's supposed to be part of this committee when that's already becoming a bigger issue by the day in our community I am unaware that there's a problem in forcing the handicap parking at at this point okay I know that we are well I was talking in general so okay so maybe this doesn't apply for handicap okay all right councelor the Rosario thank you you mad chair thinking of what councilor lzone said but going back to the licensing board right we have firefighters coming in we have a police officer coming in are they getting pay overtime when they come in for those meets no but much the same as again excuse me but currently when you do a handicap parking you you have a police officer that gets paid regular that does the inspection on it you have a firefighter you know in certain circuits look at it you have the DPW look at it anytime um anytime I get something from the city council that involves parking or oneway streets or any of that I send it out to the I mean they're not part of a committee but I send it out to the people who are responsible for it and they give me a report the city engineer and they tell me whether they think it's appropriate not appropriate so they they are not paid overtime this is not taken after their hours they do it as part part of their job thank I mean it's it's I've been seeing again going back to a licensing board where inspectional Services here on the licensing board and and tons of employees sit here so now makes me wonder I mean if if they get an extra pay just to sit down and it's after work and it's all the meetings are after works not doing working hours because then we've been pulling people out of are they supposed to do on a daily basis to to run a meeting so how do we run a city basically but I'm assuming the meetings will be afterwards like all all the meetings uh can be on work yeah I mean I know but thank you I mean a solution it could be held on Tuesdays we are open until 7 7 o'clock 7 7 o'clock could be held every other Tuesday uh before the city council meeting or something um and I I also was under the impression that some individuals or Department repres representatives of departments do get paid overtime so can we can we get like a a a clarification on that can you look into that and see if they getting paid overtime for when they when they attend uh these meetings the night meetings again if I'm saying if it's during the normal working hour I mean currently if you again I could be wrong when you order um uh information about a new road or closing parking on one side of the road no one's getting paid over time to research all that the police department sending someone else fire department sending someone else Parking Department the DPW they're all sending someone out to check that out nobody submitting a bill for overtime that's part of their job that's what they do for the city okay any other questions or comments any other questions com council is on and I understand that what you explained that they are doing something that is already part of the job this is going to be new that's why I'm asking and some of my colleagues have the same concern I'm with you I think this is a kind of a flowing thing we're going to see what works best for the city am I going to tell you that the meetings are definitely going to be during the daytime you know this committee might get together and in 3 months come back here and say we can't meet during the day it has to be night and maybe they come back and say hey you know what I want $50 a meeting again I'm not going to say that I'm just saying Our intention today is not that but again we we just want it to work for the city whatever the city council wants thank you than president um essentially there is one thing that we miss and we need to research yes when when it's after of the work uh people don't necessarily get over time but they do Cal time they they do get coun um at least one case that I know that some people do some for instance I'm not getting calm time right now I'm here after work not everybody gets I I agree 100% some people do some people that make those deals to come to these boards they do get C time um and another thing that uh we need to evaluate and and take a look at it is that this whole whole commission came out of uh perhaps easying the the city council's agenda I think it will be worth it to compare uh the amount of handicap we have uh every year and how much when it comes to timing and money how much that means uh since I become the council president something that we do is that we post uh all the all the handicaps together one publication which save a tremend tremendous amount of money I think it will be worth to find out and do a visibility study perhaps not a visibility but just a compare numbers to numbers how how much that might be when it comes to uh easy and agenda and how much like that truly means when it comes to timing uh and if that's the the case perhaps whether or not the council wanted to to do that because it could be a situation that the city council might want to bring down later on and that will become a a another set of timing that perhaps uh could be avoided I'm just saying we should check into timing uh on on the city council agenda but also uh what's that going to mean when it comes to one representative from the fire department one representative from the police department a representative from the council a representative from the from the city from the mayor's office and also a representative from the DW so it's it's five people that now going to have to meet just to reduce timing on the city council's agenda that's some time uh we don't have many um lately has been and perhaps not as many at the beginning of the year it was a little bit more uh but that's something that to be to look into it to make a comparison so just to be just to be clear I can get you the numbers of how many these are before you but quite frankly as you know um you could have an agenda item one agenda item that could take 3 and 1/2 hours or an agenda item that takes 2 seconds I would have no way of knowing how long that particular agenda item took but I can tell you there there were 10 handicaps on January 17th there were 22 handicaps on for March 1 I can tell you the number I can't tell you how much of your night was used on that because to do that I would have to go back and look at the meeting and put a much on we all like how much of a time and handicap will take okay I'll just give you I'll give you raw numbers is what I can do yeah any other Cil the point sure I just want to make we keep talking about the mayor's appointee there is no mayor's appointee uh on section one that was the original this is the amended document of course there is no amend I just so we're all clear on what the commission is as amended commission consists of the chief of police the committee member of the committee on disabilities replace the um mayor's um a resident a resident who's a member of the committee on disabilities thank you for DPW is design chief of police and design parking director is design a member of the committee on the disabilities and a member of a member appointed by the city council could be city council or somebody that we appoint so um I just want to make sure we're we're clear on that that that's that's and the other thing that we're talking an awful lot and I it's well stated and I I I embrace the discussion uh we need to listen and need to talk about the stuff we're talking about but we also have the other side and that's the folks who are disabled and we need to talk about Clarity for them we need to talk about how we're able to get them a much quicker result you know there were times and I think unless you were in this me membership you may remember how difficult it was before this Council showed up to get a quorum how we had a cancel meetings um and that there people were waiting and waiting and waiting uh to get handicapp parking and they weren't able to get it and so this is a kind of an opportunity here to really look at and deal with and try to provide assistance to those individuals in our disabled Community who are requesting this and they don't have to be waiting and I I Mr Rodriguez can speak better than I can because he represents the the disabled communities but um I just think that this is while it's important that we talk about this process it's also important to know that we're trying to serve a population here um and it's a population that when it comes before the city council it's almost unanimous we almost always vote in favor of it it's rare that we say I I can't remember us ever saying nope we're not voting for it the only time that would happen is if it came before the police department and there was a driveway for example in the police department we don't recommend that then this Council usually will follow the what the police department recommends that element remains will will likely remain unchanged before a commission so I just wanted to make sure that those thoughts were considered by this membership as we discussed and if there's nothing else I we can certainly continue to talk about this I do want to put a motion on the floor and we can still talk about it i' like to make a motion that we send this up to the full council with a recommendation to order a public hearing motion has been made a z second properly seconded discussion discussion council president uh so in case that uh something next in the favor happen at the food Council we don't know but just looking into the process that we have currently uh we have an ordin process you mention that other towns they have licensing proces um there is a way to change the process that we currently have in case this doesn't go through uh for any particular reason there is a way that we can change the process instead of having an ordinance parking that we have the license and and and and that way we uh solve the problem of the publication because the publication is the one that's only the publication is the one only things going to change it costs money and yes exactly I I can look into that yeah because I mean if we look at both process right now one process is is is adding uh more people that as C mentioned they have other function in the city and the other process that change is the the the the ordinance process which become a license so if the city council process which basically is basically is is similar go to committee come back with a recommendation when a recommendation uh based on the police recomend based on the police observations if that process instead of going to an ordal process going straight to a licensing process and we adopt an organ that perhaps change the change the the time period of the license uh to two years or similar whatever is recommended that improve the city council process as well sure I'm here is to assist you whatever the council wants to do that's the way I want to go I'm just yeah I just want to make sure like perhaps I mean in case something like this doesn't go through or something happen like we have a sec a plan B that is changing the process we have to make it as a license transformation because it sounds like a good idea I'll have my office search that simultaneously as we go through this all right no problem thank you all right any last comment last question seeing none we do need to do a roll call for this since Council Reyes is on Zoom so we'll start off Council l plant yes Council lone yes Council um Council councelor Santiago yes Council Del Rosario yes council president Rodriguez yes councelor Rees yes and the chair of votes in the affirmative thank you very thank you so much thank you for your time this evening thank you all right councelors at this point I will entertain a motion motion or motion has been made properly seconded all those in favor say I I and the I have it thank you so much counselors