##VIDEO ID:Ig-QMF4UX34## do you want to say something oh okay is there a motion anything I can wait second motion made by the Vice Chair seconded by councelor um Del Rosario discussion so I'm very I asked this at the last meeting for I think it was the poor person who was giving the presentation was who was it that was um Frank Mr cillo was here and so I asked him a very unfair question and so I think it's only right that I would ask you the same question sure um which is this what is what is the mayor's criteria for sending people's names now this is his I think he's pretty much having a record here I think i' I've served a lot of Mayors and I don't recall this many that a mayor has been s has sent down to us other than this mayor so this is a lot and in a short four year threeyear term so far and maybe there's more coming do you know what the what what he believes the criteria what is what is it about these individuals that rises to the level so in in sitting with the mayor and having conversation with the mayor and as Mr Octavian Spaniards nicely said uh I think the mayor wants to really recognize that there are Lawrence people that are out there in the world making changes making music to make people happier whether it's music whether it's something that they've done in this country I think that his criteria is that they love the city they want to give back to the city and that they really truly love the city that they were born and raised in I mean he was born and raised in Lawrence Massachusetts so I think you know if you if you look at you know people that this young kid at 16 was probably you know just having a dream um of making music and making it big like you know everybody else his Idol was um Michael Jackson actually um and he wanted he thought in his mind that if he signed with someone he would make it big and I think that in recognizing someone like this and having the ability for him to speak to students it it actually does change how kids might think if you touch one two three people it makes a difference you want to add to that yes I um I just wanted to and I'm looking at for instance Wikipedia it's a universal uh encyclopedia on the web that people look for if we want to highlight uh the City of Lawrence we have to also highlight notable people if you take for instance the our if you go on Wikipedia you have a lot of people that are not here that really have made uh are making the difference because they are not basically recognized night like for instance this case Nicki Jam is not in here if you have this person uh Dominic Marte is not in and so you may have other talents that are not even being recognized and the reason for that is that we're not even recognizing them and these are Talent talented people that are outside uh they may be in the music or art industry but if you have to go in other communities and research you will will find that some of them are recognized by their own people um in addition as I mentioned before the criteria is that we want to highlight positive information people that are making the difference people that want to become a role model it could be not only musicians it could be teachers the people that are making substantial uh difference uh so much that it could be um you know younger the younger generation can aspire to be one of those people based on on the example that they're setting okay that ask you a question you know it does because it does because the answer is very subjective we don't have an objective criteria there is no you've got to do this you've got to whatever there's no there's nothing that says it's really mat there's no Matrix is yeah so what council delario may think is worthy may be completely different than what the vice chair which may be completely different than what council Santiago and may be and I may agree or disagree we our our our values of who we think deserves some sort of recognition at this level really varies behind the experiences of the city councilors who are going to saying yes or no to it you know when we look at artists in our city we haven't had a lot of artists prior to Nicki Jam there was two artists that come to mind and I say artist because in a very broad sense tell me if you heard the name Robert Frost or Leonard Bernstein of course those I can't think of any other artists that we have so my question for you if if we if that's the standard that we have as a city does Nicki jam and Dominic Marte at the same stature as Robert Frost and Leonard Bernstein if that's the standard we're looking at well I think and each one has their own gender right like I mean sure you know poet the other one yeah but it's but they're artists in a very broad sense they're not Fighters they're not military people they didn't they didn't make something they're not they didn't discover anything they're artists with words or artists with music right right so and and again each one of us could have different points we may say yeah that's fine but this guy right here measures it up for me I think this person is I want I say good up but that sounds kind of bad meets my requirements that's probably a better way of saying it um did you want to say I think you want to say something go ahead yeah but it when it comes to that it's it's not a fault that we are recognizing these people now so I should blame the people in the past that never recognize their own artist or they never brought it in to recognize their own artist um a year ago I recognized a football team that did great even though they lost right and somebody told me well but they didn't win well but they had a great season and I think they should have it should have been recognized so it it our sensors or whoever was here at first never took the time to recognize those artists or those members of the community doing great in what they do and and and it's grateful that we're doing it now not just because it's Domin Mar it's it could be anybody else that we start recognizing from now on I mean back in the days they never did it I I think it was wrong not to recognize in them back then that today we have a history of what a great artist they was or what a great painter they was so I I think it's a good path that that we we taken now and we should take in consideration all kinds of artists that we have in our city and start recognizing them that's that's what I think I mean I think it I should I we we should blame whoever was here in the past and never recognized those great talents that we had in the city okay so I don't think there's a right I don't think in this particular discussion I don't think there's a right or wrong I think the counselor that's an opinion I've got my opinion and there's nothing right or wrong about either opinions what our values or whatever values that that's a loaded word too it's it's whatever we think measures up in our minds as to what would be acceptable for this kind of um demonstration of acknowledgement right and oftentimes in our city oftentimes most of the stuff you see around here are are or military because they've most not all there's nothing absolute in this city most but not all have given their lives and so we've done it but the many more gave their lives and they don't have anything named after them many many many more most most don't have it um and and we're at a different place now where thank God there's less people giving their lives for this country thank thankfully thankfully so um and then we look to I think places that we can acknowledge folks for excellence that's what I'm looking for and I think it's a lifetime for me it's more of a Lifetime Achievement Award because and and and Mr Marte I know him not as well as others I I know him I don't know his music I know him through his children you can try to listen to music it's amazing what makes you think I haven't heard it Council Vice chair what makes you think we jump to a conclusion just got to go I have them on my I've got them on my tracks I I can invite you for the next yeah so so the point no I got you so so the point is the point is that the point here is that we're is that I'm as you can tell by this debate I'm very much struggling with a lot of this I am being very candid I'm very open I'm very transparent I am struggling with this because most of the folks that we see not all again no absolutes most of what we've done in the city has been folks who have had the lifetime of doing something and then near the end or after the end we have acknowledged wow that was an amazing life they Liv now there's a there's a thought coming in now that why wait I also have of the opinion if we have under whatever the the the pop warner team did I was happy to sign on to that resolution we acknowledge them we have tools in our toolbox that we can do to acknowledge people for what they have done when we go to the extent of naming a park or naming a square that is a whole different level it's a whole different level and I'm still struggling I be candid with you I'm still struggling as to where that is because I know things are changing and I'm trying to figure out when that change where does where where do I where do my what I think fits in that change because we're not talking about military people much anymore we're talking about residents hopefully residents but there's not always residents either that that we got things named after them but yeah so yeah so I'm going to be I'm going to tell you how I'm going to vote on this if this a fable recommend as I'm I have every right to change my mind at the full Council and I might I'm going be voting no tonight I'm not voting president I hate I'm sorry I'm going to editorialize I hate when people vote pres take a freaking decision stick by it make a decision stick by it that's my that's my that's what I'm passionate about is when I hear president at the full Council level make decide you know take a stand I'm going to vote no tonight on this but I'm I'm going to reserve my right to maybe change that mind at the full Council let me think about it some more so anyway is there any more discussions you sh thank you for taking on consideration for our next meeting because when you Lear more you know how important is for our community to recognize the people born in our city and they do something different and good through the year so I'm so happy to see this kind of item in the agenda because I want to recognize our people born in our community because sometime we have a lot of comments because a lot of Youth give you comment we don't have the opportunity we know offer the same opportunity to our you in our community uh so I love to see the kind of item and and recognize our arit because Mr Mar uh he be a part through different stages and it represents all as a lawence and I'm so happy to see that okay any other comments on this for before we take a vote no comments I'll call the question all in favor say I post no no roll call vote Council Santiago yes Council Vice chair Reyes yes Council Del Rosario yes and as been advertised the chair votes no but it could change his mind of the full Council there you go all right so this is sent up to the full council with Fable recommendation thank you very much and just just for the record he's had 28 songs PE from one to 10 on the billboard so I mean from one yeah from 1 to 10 on the uh Spanish billboard so that's something pretty big in the United States that is big that is excellent point thank you I'm going to stick around with our our Mr Mr spanner are you are you done or do you have anything else you want to bring because you're here we we we try to take our city employees out first okay okay okay are you sure you all said Mr um you're all set okay thank you thank you thank you um police officer CanĂ³ sir sir we will ask you just um it's a public meeting you feel free to stay here and listen public I'm looking for a motion a motion for a mon minute recess so we can clarify this motion motion to recess made by Council Del rosaro second by Council Chas all in favor say I those know the eyes have it thank you are we safe to go back is it safe to go back in the water again motion to come back to recess motion to come back out of recess for Council Del Rosario seconded by Council Santiago all in favor say I I oppe no the eyes hav it okay back where were we officer Cano so I think this gentleman I we could take his you want to do that one sure it's part of what you're doing sure so the first document is document 14019 where's my b um nine Saratoga Street um they're looking to it's going to go back to you officer CanĂ³ I I don't um so so this is a little bit different but we're going to send it back to you so you're just looking to relocate where the where the sign is by several feet or something that we're doing so it's okay actually present uh it was ordinance many years ago yeah and upon speaking to the petitioner he requested to have it moved because he's having issues with vehicles parking in front and behind his vehicle so all we're going to do is re assess and relocate that uh handicap parking either uh beyond the driveway or right at his driveway the issue that we were having is there's water lines and gas lines MH so so um we we had the gas company well uh what a Dig Safe go out and also the water department to Mark the spaces and then we're going to determine where exactly we can put that sign here do you think and this is a question that's unfair for me to ask you will this do you think this is going to require public hearing we're going to change the ordinance on this we're changing the ordinance or yes we're going to move it since technically a change it's it's just the the actual location but it's going to be at the residence it's either going to be a few feet before a few feet after we'll figure it out later so we're going to look for a motion right now to send this to to you for further reviews is there a motion so Mo motion made by Vice chair Ray There seconded by Council s uh Del Rosario discussion see no discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I oppose no the I it that matter will remain tabled right here until we get the report back from from the uh from that is there any I may want you to stick around for a little B I may not want you to leave so quickly are you on the clock right now I yes okay is there any other items that are yes I do I have one which is 29123 and this is a relatively simple item okay in that it it's just an amendment so basically it was originally done and granted back in December 10th of 2023 it was for Walnut street where the petitioners had requested uh Walnut Street to be resident parking between at that time my belief was Myrtle Street to bramfield but through discussion with the counselor as well uh councelor Gregory De Rosario and also the petitioners they were looking to have the street completely residential parking between Myrtle Street and Park Street so this is the amendment at the end at the bottom it says amended president parking Brownfield street from uh east and west side both sides of the sidewalk from Myrtle to park that's it 7even days a week from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. as ordinance and this is the our old number so this is actually very good so Council delar I think this is this is your District right councelor that's okay so I think the best course of action on on this would be to delete the current uh ordinance and then amend that ordinance with the broader with the bigger including that and then adding to another one so that that was the advice that was given me by the clerk it makes some sense so um I don't think we need to send it back to you I just think we need to send it to full councel so I'm going to look for we can have more discussion but I'm looking for a motion to do this to send this up to the full Council to delete the current ordinance and then to amend it with this new ordinance which is broader um is there a second to that amend to that to that motion second moot did you make the motion motion made by Council delar seconded by the Vice chair discussion Council Del no no one okay so we're going to order a public hearing on this at the full Council all in favor say I I post no the have it so Pat that's going up to the full Council we're deleting a we're deleting the current ordinance that's there and we're amending it with this broader ordinance it's got longer Street anything else that's all can you stick around for a few minutes just kind of go nutty all right all right um Mr spanner here sir you're all set now okay you're good super you got it you got it ma'am oh my gosh okay that's interesting thank you well you're a good woman thank you okay um if I could see you on here I I can't see you now cuz you're here I'm not I'm not going to press any buttons so uh you're here what item are you here for and I'm sorry about the inconvenience um I am 42724 427 the next one okay okay yes thank you for coming so go right ahead you have the floor okay so um we're here to request permission to use part of the Lawrence um common Park to um to facilitate a ha arriv what is your name I'm sorry my name is Kathy Ruiz last name I'm the administrator of children family services for the ywc Miss Ruiz yes thank you welcome I'm here representing lisis Martinez okay who's in Greece right now well um so lucky so we have been um running this um function for many many many years uh last year we um we were able to collaborate with glcac and YCA um to run our event um so that we can expand it last year we were able to use part of the common park for a hay ride which was um sponsored by Stephanie and fonte and we're just asking permission to use it again I don't know if you guys have a copy of the map that we're looking to use it's only until the monument um but Louis told me he submitted it I have a copy just in case you need to see it so we Clos down the street um right in front of our our buildings from um commet Street to L Street and we shut it down and we just run a whole event we have trunk or treek at Asberry 101 Asberry street parking lot and we you know run a lot of fun events for them so last year our pay ride was a huge success so we're trying to get it happening again sure and and the date is O so you have not a lot of time but you got a little bit of time and it's I I will let you know it's not a money maker everybody's shocked that you know we we literally 100% sponsor it for the community thank you for doing that yeah that's not really a question that we typically ask it's it's no it's just yeah again I I get a lot of people shocked um okay when we say because it because it's such a huge event that we run every year so the most important part that I'm looking for maybe my colleagues are looking for it as well just making sure that there's no conflicts on that date yes you want to you and I don't have a map here I don't see a map do you have a can you just give it we don't have a map so that would be good I think for us to get a visual Pat can you just gra that that's a good idea we'll Mar that let me just sh it my colleagues here so we can all see it so it's on Warren Street and you have essentially uh everybody's going to have a chance to see this before we give it back um the hay ride is going to go right to the right to the Civil War Monument yep and that's so you're just going to be using and that's all you're going to be using in the com only place going near any other part of that it's just right in that front it's going to be like a storytelling and we go we'll have a few staff that you know certain locations um it starts right there again like I said the street is closed it starts there it loops around and it comes right back so it doesn't right inside the park right it wres inside the park just for that just for that portion okay and that's the only thing that we're looking for so you have horses any no no no it's it's it's a tow truck that we use a tow truck okay a no manure no manure no no animal no nothing it's just a tow truck we put guard rails around it we fill it with hay um and we use that street piece that the road that we come around it well that's what we used last year I I'm talking like we do it all the time no it's what we used last year and I'm just looking to make sure that any talk to Recreation or I can't imagine that part of the park being taken but I have to ask is that do it get clearance by by Recreation Department yes it did looking looking looking yeah okay I'm not seeing is anybody else seeing that Recreation approval sign off because I'm not seeing it quickly I'm not saying it's not there just not seeing it no I was told by um our coo that it was approved by um all she too is in gree um so they sent me here okay so you you were told that it was approved by the recreation department yes and I don't have I she didn't give me anything that's no I understand so we do have a paper copy and we do have some sign offs and that's the most important one and and we try to I I think I think I can speak on behalf of the committee we try to be consistent about this we're not pulling one out and applying different rules and so we want to make sure it's it's very unlikely that anybody else wants that part of the comment on that date but we still in the worst case scenario we don't want to have a conflict and have someone say oh I I got that part of the comment I thought we had the whole common and there's a hay ride going on near the YW so I would recommend that this committee uh I would recommend this committee send this up to the full council with a favorable recommendation and I would also ask that it'd be contingent on just formalizing and making sure that we have something in writing that says that the recreation has okayed it for that day so there's no confusion now should I reach out this is my first time doing should I reach out to the recreation department that okay yes please do because I you're the you're the applicant and so um we we want you to do that and then we want you to send that to you can send it to um make sure you send it to the city clerk okay clerk Eileen Bernell um sure sorry we have plenty of pens you want one all right thank you counselor am I missing anything on this by the way am I okay CL who was that eileene Bernell Eileen and her name should be on the website if you're looking for clerk you'll you'll see her name and website address do you know who the contact person of the recreation department would be adly Gonzalez and I would and that's the person who you should be speaking with and if it's not him you can direct you to the right person okay and then just send a copy to Eileen Bernell and who was the other person what we wanted uh I think that was probably be good uh if you want to send it to all of us on this committee you you can just in case one of us whatever it's it's good for the committee to be aware so you our names this is Council Del Rosario I think I I think I have we're all on there yeah on the website that's me Reyes Del Rosario and Santiago yeah there you go got the list okay so that's it the only small thing I want to mention I always have this and please don't take this personally um I always when I hear Camp I when I hear common Park I always we just talked about people naming of stuff and it's kind of a big it's a big deal for all of us especially big for me as well it's camping known common for the three boys that died during World War II and we named the common the reason why I didn't refer to that is I have a hard time pronouncing it it's a tough name and it's it's for me it's like rather than saying it wrong okay don't but that's you do it with respect and I can appreciate that so yeah okay very nice looking for a motion Mo s full call of faor recommendation motion made by Council Del Rosario seconded by councilor Santiago and this is with the caveat that we get some sort of written correspondence as part of the motion all in favor say I I always know the eyes have it thank you for your patience and thank you for coming so once this um oh yeah you need to come next Tuesday go ahead once I get this um do I do I come back is that how it go yeah so we're just the committee that yeah so next Tuesday is our regular city council meeting as our regular city council meeting this entire council is the council provides the permit okay for it we just provide the recommendation so we've recommended that you we get it and we're and we're asking for some that backup documentation and there should be no problem but you should be here you should never take anything for granted so you should be in case someone has a question about it no okay are they to do Zoom yes I we should be doing zoom and I and I'm sorry I didn't see you on there or else I would have definitely put you on so all right you're welcome thank you all right I guess we're going to go in order document 428 24 oh wait a second um that is um I think we all got an email on that hold on I think we wants to U wants to table that hold on McCarthy here it is plan Department I got a a memo and I think I think all all of us did good uh good morning all good afternoon all the plan department has two items scheduled for this evening's Committee hearing document 428 which is this one 24 and 42924 uh document 429 must be reviewed by the Lawrence planning board first and is currently scheduled for an October 2 2024 hearing before that board mil Sal second unable to attend the meeting I would ask that these two documents be tabled to the next committee meeting so I'm looking for a motion to table document 42824 second motion made by Vice Chair seconded by councelor Del Rosario all in favor say I I post no the eyes have that matter is tabled same thing for document number 42924 looking for motion to table so Move Motion made by Council Del Rosario second by Vice chair Reyes all in favor say I IE no the eyes have it let's talk about the next one document 43024 is do is child care parking at at 1:40 East holl Street number three uh Council can we can we talk about what we talked about you and I the other day at the at the fire station I thought that was really a good conversation so I think what we're doing is the right thing with making sure these are sent to the um to the um ISD inspectional Services Department to make sure that they're that they are properly credentialed um the other thing and I I never even thought of this until the councelor mentioned it to me but that we also have various whether it's this or other items when we have uh that we should be checking with the city clerk's office as well for business certificates and if we're going to be consistent we should be doing that as well for for businesses that are asking for other um other permits and making sure that they're properly permited this is a child care um and I would think that they are permitted with the city clerks we is that right okay so if if we all make the decision on how we should go with it but that would be my recommendation that we would um that we would take 40 30 24 and that we would send it to the we would send it to the um ISD Police from beats and Bounds meets and the measurements and also to the city clerk to make sure that they're properly um they properly got their business license with the city city clerk's office so that would be and it's it's a different change on what we did a couple weeks ago because we didn't send it to the clerk's office but I think that was a good point in our discussion so I'm looking for a motion and we can talk about it some more if we need to but is there a motion for that so Move Motion made by Council delario seconded by the Vice chair is there any discussion on this seeing no discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I I opposed do the eyes have it pat did you get all that that was an awful lot it's going to three places police ISD insal services and the city clerk for their business certificate to make sure they all comply and you're going to keep me this committee on the fire when other businesses come up and say hey what about and then we'll we'll make sure we're on that thank you document 43124 remove the 15-minute parking sign delete the ordinance at 38 Avon Street well you usually there's something here that like a letter from the it's from Council Lon usually there's like a petitioner that says the person who had it has moved out we don't have it anymore but there's there's nothing here yeah the the person living there before is the same person moving to 140 E W Street uh it's not reason to maintain the sign there oh they they're moving to a different place yes where where are they going to I'm sorry uh the person leave on uh 38 a uh they I believe they moving to 140 East Hy restri do you see that address on here so that is the reason they request to remove the 50 Manu oh so the 140 and the 140 East T and the 308 and the 38 Avon Street are they're connected is that what you're suggesting and so we're moving we're taking out the uh we're putting a child care parking on his T and we're taking out a handicap parking no it's 15 minutes 15 minutes 15 minute Park I'm so sorry you're right so sorry you're right yeah please help me they were here there was a gentleman that Comm me to have a removed okay then we send it somewhere and then the lady came back asking not to be removed cuz she still have a child care there okay and we battle here a little bit and and we end up leaving the 15 minutes so I'm assuming that she moving her business now to 140 yes her own house so she bought a house she moved in the business which is a child care business and now she's requesting a child care okay at 140 East havo and removing the 15 minutes from street because she's not going to be longer there okay and we already have an ordinance on there so we're going to need a we're going to need a um so so are we feeling comfortable about just sending this up order of public hearing we feeling good about that okay so I'm looking for that motion then motion resend to the full Council fedal recommendation for removal to public hearing public motion made by Council delare Z who seconded that Council Council Vice chair Reyes discussion c n I'll call the question all in favor say I I OPP no the eyes have it all right 43224 uh resident parking this is probably should go to the police department looking for a motion motion to send police for review second motion made by Council delar to send this document over to the Police Department for their review properly seconded by councilor Santiago discussion see no discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I I pose no the eyes have it 43324 stop sign at Center Street Council Del Rosario and to the council's to my right this one all right so what are we doing we send it to the full Council a fav recommendation Kapur hearing second don't we usually Police Department police department I caught that I got a little we might skip as part uh motion to send to the police department for review motion made by Council Del Rosario seconded by the Vice chair Reyes discussion c n I'll call the question all in favor say IE no the eyes have it 4342 24 Council Santiago yes motion motion to send for the police department and F councel for favor of recommendation why don't we send it to the police department first and see where the report is yeah okay motion to send it to the Poli Police Department for their recommendations there a second second seconded by Council Del rosari a discussion see no discussion I'll call the question I in favor say I I poose no the eyes have it that's to the police um 43524 One Way Josephine AB councelor Santiago Mo for Police Department forther recommendation motion has been made by councelor Zer second second second by Vice chair Rus discussion discussion councilor delario this should also go to the um engineering uh Department oh yes just for good call are you amending your motion motion to send to the police department and city engineer so the motion has been made for the police and and the engineer Department it's been made by Council Santiago properly seconded by Council Del RAR thank you for the catch any further discussion see none I'll call the question all in favor say I I POS of the Ice haveit uh 436 24 handicap parking at 303 Prospect Street looking to send the the police department for their review motion made by Council Del Rosario second by councilor Santiago discussion c n will call the question all favor say I I oppose no the eyes have it 43724 handicap Park and a 219 Prospect Street looking to send this to the full to the police department for their review motion made by Council s Santiago seconded by Council Del Rosario discussion see n I'll call the question all in favor say I I hose no the eyes have it pat are we going too fast you keep it up you got it all right compl Bingo all right 43824 Child Care parking at uh 2115 Prospect Street looking for a motion to send this to the police department for their for their review ISD department for their review and the uh city clerk for their business certificate for their review is there a motion motion made by Vice chair R second by Council Del Rosario discussion see none I'll call the question all in favor say I hie no you guys have it 43924 childcare Park in 220 Sunray Street a motion to send this to the police department I'm being very repetive Police Department ISD and city clerk is there a motion so Move Motion by counselor Vice chair Reyes seconded by counselor Del Rosario discussion see none call the question all in favor say I I oppose no the I have at 440 Child Care parking 6 Knock Street looking for a motion to to the police ISD spal services so and the wait a second the clerk's office motion mayor council Del rosardo seconded by the Vice chair discussion c n I'll call the question all in favor say I I post no the eyes have it uh 44124 uh fourway stop low Street and corner of Milton Street Council Reyes Vice chair Reyes um motion to send with officer second police department motion made the police department has been made properly made and properly seconded by councelor Del Rosario discussion seeing seeing none I'll call the question all in favor say I no the eyes have it 44624 handicap parking um at 76 Inman street I'm looking for motion to send this to the police department for the review motion made by Council of Santiago seconded by the Vice Chair by Vice chair Rees discussion see no discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I oos no the eyes have it next document is 44724 status uhoh yes here we go I'll slow it down status of the maintenance of historic Rollin School Clock Tower uh councelor um Santiago this is your motion what do you wish to do with it I'm looking for an update because we send a email for do you wish to speak on this okay Madam chair why you having a flashback thank you is is there so there's a do you want to make a motion or do you want to have Mr Colin speak for us up to you yeah let me let me allow him first you want to him speak first all right why don't you speak first Mr Collins and then we'll entertain a motion go ahead thank you Mr chairman members of the audiance committee go cins one flat Court um this is uh has to do with the Rollin School the city cler toned down the language it wasn't the way I worded it the clock has been totally neglected for the last 6 months uh as you can see with the handout I gave you the dial that faces East has a tree growing on it trees been growing for over 5 years uh school's been notified DPW has been notified leadership at DPW was notified nothing's been done with it the clock itself occasionally is not working the entire clock like today sometimes it's lit sometimes it isn't lit there's a handout I gave you about the clock I'm going to leave here if you don't mind um just a couple of brief facts about the clock City alarm requested a museum quality restoration of the clock in 1992 the clock was completely neglected for many years badly rusted covered with droppings from Birds it's actually 93 in three short decades what a 100 years took to to uh ruin that clock has has occurred in three decades under the uh maintenance of the Lawrence School Department or DPW either one and I wonder why they're not here tonight I wonder if they were notified to be here cuz they're in charge of that clock that clock the Rolland School clars of the National Historic register Charles B the great Charles B the B family were big backers of the uh renovation of the clock in 93 along with people like Ray de fiori a lot of the prominent uh citizens of Prospect Hill David Bane and I'm sure uh former counselor uh can't think his name right now Dow was involved with that also a lot of us gave money for that restoration a lot of those prominent families from the hill the city has neglected to do their job taking care of the clock and it's a shame so I wanted to bring it to somebody's attention because for the last 6 months nobody in the leadership of DPW has done anything about it so once again here's a write up with a lot more facts than what I just gave you about the detail of the restoration of that Quark which is amazing it's one of the most uh celebrated clocks in New England probably in Lawrence it's only second to the great AML clock which is lit up like a a bordello if you look at it doesn't look like a historic clock with those garish colors so I hope somebody will look into the fact that the Rollin School clock is not being maintained as it should as a National Historic register landmark and it's an insult to the people that donate money to fix that quad to the citizens that live a prospect till any questions are there any questions for Mr Collins you chair Mr delario and you said they they Tred to the um restoration on 1993 yeah it's in your handout that I gave you the clock was built in 1892 I believe was the year the Rollin school was built right after the firehouse next door same project more or less so the clock worked for probably seven decades up until the 60s when I was a kid it fell into disrepair and then a group of citizens like some of the names I mentioned previously got together and uh did a fundraiser and got the city to get a grant and I don't know what it cost them but it was a really a museum quality restoration you could see the details of that paper and uh you know it's to be expected to be maintained at the very least they do hire a gentleman from Maine who winds the clock I don't know why he hasn't been down maybe they haven't paid him I I shouldn't speculate I don't know but that clock ran all the time since they fixed it up until about this year it consistently ran it was wound consistently it was lit properly and it was a symbol of the neighborhood as a matter of fact it's on the fire engine across the street it's one of the symbols that's painted on so hopefully uh somebody will pay attention to that and uh you know instead of people mocking time until they retire in City leadership around here maybe they'll get off their ass and fix that clock and maintain it the way it should be maintained and something I would like too go ahead and something I would like to add it is the clock is the pieces of the clock it is broken and getting down the kicks are in in classes we send you some emails in in summer because H we we tried to get their repair before classes get started and the pie is getting down frequently and that's dangerous for the kicks and there are small kicks and they go everywhere the pieces when they broken out that's why we are looking for to repair as soon as possible as well yeah I know the building supervisor did reach out to the fire chief and they investigated using a fire ladder to get up there or some kind of apparatus but with the high power wires on Plat Street how it was a little difficult but there is a hatch above the clock for a steeple Jack to come down if it need be and work on that clock but the point is it shouldn't be in that condition if there was any preventive maintenance whatsoever in that building which there isn't so the question now is um no pun intent I guess there is a pun here we can't turn back time uh it it is what it is and now all we can do is what what are we going what are we as a city going to do now that is an historic structure that is I think a lot of people from that area really identify with that clock uh many of our neighborhoods have things Tower Hill for example it's got the tower that people identify with the tower and then and Prospect Hill I would imagine this particular building is something they identify so it's important it's important to the fabric of our city and for the people in that neighborhood uh one of the recommendations I would make to this committee if it chooses is that um there was also the airmill clock tower remember Tom Caffrey Tom Caffrey many years ago spearheaded thank you I'm sorry I omitted that name no that's okay but but keep in mind the air Mill clock is also a private yeah clock and that took private contributions this is different because this is owned and maintained by the city so what I would what I would recommend to this committee is that we sent a letter to uh both the cafo and to the mayor uh requesting that this item be reviewed for the next Capital Improvement budget because this is a capital Improvement expenditure um and it's all about money it's all about making a priority um that's the best suggestion I can come up with this time short of I don't know what else but I appreciate what you're saying but but what so that's a great idea but I don't like it why go that's that's a solution but you know what it's been going on 6 months this occurred before the end of the fiscal year okay nobody planned for it they kicked the can down the road and now there's a clock it's like having your teeth out when you look at the clock so let me ask you I'll ask you this question what do you recommend that this committee and this council do well I think there should be uh money a grant or just it's an emergency more or less to get that clock running because it's it is on the National Historic register it has been neglected now for 6 months nobody has a plan there's no plan so I understand what you're saying set money aside but that's just shouldn't cut it because we shouldn't wait for that it could be more damage done while it's in disrepair waiting for the capital approvement budget to uh fix it so what I doubt what's going to happen is that they're going I think the money that we have in the budget is is already allotted for certain things what we're trying to find is where is there money because I have no IDE how much this going to cost do you have any estimates as how much this is going to cost how much did it cost back in 93 or I don't that's a great question I don't think it's in this handout I gave you but um I don't know I don't know how much it cost so I don't either yeah I mean in this case it's a simple fix everybody knows what needs to be done a steeple Jack they have steeple Jacks could come out of the hatch come down take care of that growth that was neglected it should have never occurred what is that this is the as you can see there's a tree growing in the clock is that oh that's a tree and that didn't grow yesterday it looked like okay I'm sorry I thought that was something else I thought six years of neglect and they knew about it I've sent emails other people have mentioned it it's been that's a tree you know so they know very well that that thing just grows and grows and now it's grown to the point where the clock doesn't work anymore well is a it's still a capital expenditure what do we want to do Council I mean obviously we can use our positions to to bring to raise us up to DPW for their for their awareness uh and ask for them to I mean what do we I mean we can tell them what to do but they're in no authority to do what we tell them to do it's the mayor's prerogative we can ask we can instruct we can do a lot of things but we is this what it's come to in this city that when something is neglected and something isn't fixed it's on the National Historic register to shame Somebody by coming here and putting it on the city council agenda and wasting your time because people just aren't doing their job I I I get that frustration Mr Collins and I understand why why you're saying understand frustration it's it I I hear frustration in your voice because you you the frustration is because you shouldn't have to be here and that's frustrating and you should people should be proactive and that's frustrating so I hear the frustration so councilors I I I mean I look to my colleague who represents this area my if I if this was in my district I would be looking at two or three different things one I'd be looking at sending it to DPW for their review getting some sort of answers and saying what can be done to to make this improved what can be done to make this back to it was a year ago which it was working and or before a year before the trees started growing make it back to where it was presentable over five years ago what whatever it is five years fine I would be asking that question I would also um and I think that's the first question I'd be asking and then if we don't need if it's about money this potentially would be a capital we there's different places we can go to try to find the funding for this I don't we can ask if they have it in their operating budget I don't know what this cost but I would go through a lot of different ser series of places let see what we can do to try to make it happen so I hear what a with a city that creates jobs out of thin air that didn't exists before with a city that buys vehicles for everybody that works at City Hall now I'm sure they can fix this clock on the National Historic register you know we see what's going on around here and we have to live with a broken uh beautiful Landmark up there when people are just uh you know you get the picture what's going on here so thank you yeah all right so I said my piece but I don't represent the area so uh Council what would you like to do and I think it is the problem about money I sent the email to Glen and he told me he has to move a company from I don't not remember the name the the club company from New Hampshire no Massachusetts and the other thing he have to to to go to electric company as well because the tree is in the clock and they have to put it light off when they are repairing the clock they have to move the the people uh the people getting out electrician and and they have have to to announce the they have to mob mob they have to notify many people around the the the the the place and that cost a lot of money does they say did they say how much money counts them no okay have they have they done an estimate uh do they plan on doing an estimate no I don't I don't have I know you don't but I'm just wondering if they're are they did you get the did you get from their discussions that they are looking forward to they're going to be making a good faith effort to restore the clock did you get that sense or not no you don't get the sense you don't think it's going to happen Okay because after that I send another email to get some update what is going on with the information he has to to looking for in the company and the and and and the budget about how much the cost and I didn't have any answer so I I guess I guess it's here before us right now I guess what I would be doing I would want to find out I would want an estimate as to how much that would cost and that way we know what we're talking about or I mean there's so many different ways to approach this you can send it to DPW saying that we want to see this thing fixed uh we can and ask them um to give us uh we could ask them to what plans do they have for the clock and put a little bit of put put the responsibility on them to provide a response to the committee as to how they what they're looking to do to proceed um uh it's ultimately it's all like anything else ultimately this is going to be about money this this is what this is about it's not they probably don't have money in their operating budget for this they order they plan on it and that's why I was going to the capital there's another budget which the the mayor provides every year to the council for Capital Improvement budgets and to be at least on that list is a start is how I would look at it I'm not saying that you can't do it earlier but yeah uh are you done yes Vice chair what do you think I think our colleague need to take in consideration your suggestion sending to the DPW to the C and also to the maor because uh at the same time you request the estimate through the conus or renovation uh we need to identify where or come from the fund we need to repair uh these are there's a few suggestions right there so I'm not sure how you how what direction you want to go in um yeah like like she said what the motion you mention so uh so if I if I understand this so you want to send a a a letter a motion to send a a letter to the DPW requesting them to fix uh to give a response as to to to please fix this and if not why or what's what what's stopping them from not fixing it maybe that's you want to get an answer and then at once you get the answer you can figure out how you're going to deal with it if it's about money the answer that the answer that I received from from the the guys Glenn they don't have the St Glen Gary yeah the stair they don't have it the the fire fire doesn't have the stair to get in the clock because it's too high okay yeah and maybe the DPW doesn't have it so they have to contract the work out which obviously more expensive than keeping it in house right so M it it's not just money it's also expertise um if you see the structor or DPW I don't think they will be able even if they get a lot I would take care of that I mean it's it's it's a historical clock honestly speaking we don't know what's in the inside we just looking at the outside so I'm assuming that we need some expert to go out there to restore or make that clock work the way it used to be so but go go on DPW send it from here in my letters now also we can we can do those two things you said we can send it a DPW to see what they said and also send it toel also at the end of the day they have it in there so when we get the money we might be able to fix it they might have money we don't know but unless we get an estimate from an expert that says we can do this for this much and we we can't we can't pull the trigger from here so we got to let the ball roll and they have them make decision on it so I think I think what your colleagues are saying to you as far as a suggestion is essentially and I think you agree to this which is to maybe make a motion to DPW and have them review this issue and report back to us their findings uh and then we can keep this it's it's not going to happen overnight I don't think uh but if we keep on it with your with your assistance if you're on it they're going to be on it so if you start if we start the ball rolling right now with that begin that conversation and make sure they're aware that we know about it as well and that collect I'm not sure how this committee is going to vote but if the committee votes this is a good idea I think that helps your cause all right it's started for the beginning we can I mean if you wanted to we could always ask I mean if you wanted to engage and I'm a little shy about doing this but you can always ask for a representative of the department or any representative to come here and explain to us to us directly what the situation is here I mean we could listen to what they have to say and ask questions that's another option if you wanted to do that yes so so there's a lot of things soig what would you like to do okay I would like to send I would like to send to the DPW and CF and and to get the notice back with the update with the with the with the the status of fixing the clock yeah and and we need to we need to know the cost because it's about money we think it's about money right and that's Council delar it's about expertise as well we don't have the capacity to do the work the equipment and such okay all right so there is a motion that we send correspondents to Mr ranell and to the um DPW director uh informing them of uh that that the committee would like to um would like to see this clock fixed um and engage in a conversation did you want to so are we or did you want them to respond with a with an email with a letter did you want to invite them here to to further have a discussion with them on this some which one that's a choice the email the email doesn't matter okay so looking for a response from the DPW and the cafo on on their plans on restoring the clock Mr Mark so that's the motion is there a second to the motion seconded by Council Del Rosario no I'm sorry I heard you first Council Del Rosario any further discussion on this question see none I'll call the question all in favor say I oppose no the eyes have it and thanks for bringing that to our attention that that should be that needs to be fixed so okay um next we did the square dedication um no parking on Bradford Street um at Asbury Street looking to send that seems really weird is that the entire we looking at the entire Street or just at the corner was she clear no parking no parking on Bradford Street oh at Southside at Asberry Street the entire south side of Radford Street I guess didn't they just convert that into two-way I don't know y we can send it we're going to go to the police toar anyway they can come back and say we've done something so is there a motion sent us to Police Department for their review motion made by Council Del Rosario second by Council Vice chair Rees discussion c n I'll call the question all in favor say I I post no the ice have it I think our last document something like this food truck um I got a cryptic message this is 4524 food truck business launch and so what is it okay that's the message and that's and that's why it's on the agenda okay oh so they already have a permit for this hold on there's more to this we have stuff here what are they looking for what day I wonder if that's Warehouse Park where the um um the Dominican Sunset music is that I yeah I wonder if that's that area let's take a look at this okay so they have a a food truck grand opening on October the 6th it is at a 10 near 10 ateno Dominicana at 15 Union Street but I'm confused by the phone message someone is taking her spot yeah there another another truck another food truck uh Bing but they're not if you want to you want to yeah that'd be great if you mean another person take there's a uh they got a portal poy it's the big deal what approvals did they get whoa look at this pass do not necessarily unclean hands denied um that you see that it's the last page right there guess what we just saw take a take a look at this we draw no take a look at that do it how much money they owe yeah well she said she told me something else she told me that that that day was so she's not she's not interested in any of the date okay and she would like to have a withraw to withdraw okay well that's a super easy one to do so I'm looking for motion to withdraw second motion made by counsil Santiago second by Council Del Rosario all in favor say I no the I Sav counselors is there any other business we wish to take off the table this evening we have minutes thank you [Music] Pat okay council's we have minutes for the September 10th meeting looking for a motion to motion approve motion made by councelor deliv hour second by Vice chair Rees discussion c n I'll call the question all in favor say I I oppos no the eyes have it minutes are adopted for September the 10th anything else motion to adjourn motion made to adjourn by Council Del RAR second by Vice chair re discussion you see n I'll call the question all in favor say I I no the eyes have it right thanks Pat