##VIDEO ID:Rc1ShNpxyZo## be ready with the with the personel right away I get it I get it e this 45 Norah Street okay so then that'll enable her to [Music] participate e some take you think good evening and welcome to the lawren meeting to The Lens regular meeting today is October 15 2024 um pursuant to chapter 20 of the AR of 2022 this meeting will be hybrid allowing participation both in imperson at the city council chambers and remarkly the soon link the soon link was provided to anybody that requested uh through the city clerk's office this meeting is also be transmitted through the uh through the laen city council Facebook page as well as the laen city council YouTube page uh roll call please councelor Levy Pres councel llant pres Council Luzan present councel Del Rosario present Council Santiago pres councelor marmel present councelor Reyes present Council vice president Infante present council president Rodriguez present um please join me for a moment of silence now join me for the pledge of allegion pledge of Al to the flag of the United States of America nation indivisible with andice for all there is no minute to be approved today and we're going to jump into public participation um we have a list of people that would like to speak everybody's going to have two and a half minutes and this is the rule for for public participation uh the time limit is 2 and a half minutes at the two minute rink you're going to hear a a bip that indicate that you still have 30 seconds please refer to the whole Council as a whole not to any individual counselor we were not going to be able to respond to any questions or comments that you might have at this moment we're going to read the following names with the names that I that would like to speak the first person that we have on our list is Lenin Roa name and address for the record please good evening everybody uh my name is Lenin I live at 36 Columbus Avenue um as you guys know um I am part of the school committee uh representing District C and today I'm here to urge you guys to please adopt and take very seriously into consideration the adal committee report is going to be sent over to you guys um we are in this position today um I mean we're being forced basically to be in this position um the school committee and during the years has not been supported by the city or the state is my take on all of this since I've been here since 2013 it's what I've seen and due to that fact we are in a position where barely anybody wants to run for school committee positions in the city making it um making it hard for some people to really uh even relate to what the school committee job is and what we really are supposed to do and what we do um I urge you guys to please take in into consideration the alard committee that was formed by you guys their position and their um intake and all of this um it would be whom of us to go forward and start thinking about something other than what we are uh transitioning all of that conversation is good but we're not having that because we're having this conversation so let's move forward and please take uh into consideration what I just said today thank you thank you the next person that we have on the list is uh Jeffrey Petrillo name and address for the record please good evening counselors my name is Jeffrey Patrol I reside at 341d South Broadway in Lawrence Massachusetts the reason why I'm here tonight is following a zero to five win at the September 11th planning board meeting regarding the property right next door for zoning violations such as spot zoning violations and running a illegal junkyard without a license we're asking Mr llant and the other counselors of the ordinance committee prer to the council as a whole not to any individual counselors oh I was doing that anyway um we're asking the city council is of the ordinance committee to be known that tonight we're asking them that we want to move forward and to set a date as soon as possible for the ordinance committee meeting that's coming up next and I spoke with my attorney this afternoon and he's all for going forward he couldn't be here tonight so I'm speaking for the both of us as well as my family thank you thank you the next person that we have on the list is H Malik name and address for the record please hun 53 Chester Street good evening honorable members Lawrence police officers thank you for excellent job Lawrence Police with the impactable leadership by honorable Chief Bonia doing excellent job to protect our citizen Lawrence Police this Union of Pride and honor sacrificing their life to protect and serve we support Lawrence police officers Union seniors officers Union million thanks to our best DPW employees and Leadership for making Lawrence a beautiful city we support our awesome Inspection Department employees and the union we must hire more inspector Lawrence Public School with impactable leadership by honorable rap gerrera moving forward Lawrence teachers you are number one thank you for excellent job we support Lawrence teachers union our met teachers we support you in your strive to obtain the best contract please bring hope and homeless people help the homeless people bring food and donation we demand the best contract for our firefighters Lawrence always strong Lawrence always unite Lawrence one city under God pray for the safety of all police officers Lawrence Poli thank you for your sacrifices thank you for making Lawrence a safe City we are proud of Lawrence police officers Union thank you the next person that we have on the list is uh Rich Russell councelor Russell good evening council is Richard Russell 34 cross street I would like to congratulate the city for two well-run ceremonies namely the Dominic mate dedication on the corner of our test Elm Street and the construction commencement ceremony of the new police uh station on LEL street that was held one day short of the second anniversary of the original groundbreaking ceremony as always numerous pictures were taken by me but unfortunately a Harvard Dropout allowed My First Amendment rights of free speech to be trampled on his social media site the pictures of the mate ceremony were posted and as I tried to post the police station ceremony pictures I got the message that my social media account was deleted due to violations of unspe rather unspecific Community standards I guess unnamed political sarcasm is against political standards it's a shame that all we politicians and Military who at one time or another who swore to support and defend various documents can now be ignored or circumvented by a gazillionaire College Dropout is a warning changing a lyric from the MTA song citizens of America this could happen to you kind of makes you wonder who is actually running the institution the caretakers or the inmates I will be making an attempt to post these photos by email I know that some of you do enjoy looking at these events that you cannot attend uh we will see what happens whether I get Ana uh a social media account back again up and running that remains to be seen again thank you for the time the next person that we have is uh Luis robbles Luis Roes 183 Abbott Street good evening uh counselors sorry if I offend anyone uh the ad hoc committee on on the school board modification was a disaster nothing of substance was debated the primary question was the structure of the school committee and no substantive arguments were presented were presented regarding whether an elected or appointed majority would be more beneficial for students it seems as if no arguments were made in good faith while I supported majority elected school committee I still wanted to hear arguments from the other side and it wasn't even a balanced committee um the school committee had a majority the primary arguments of the school committee were democracy and the arguments on the mayor's side was that the current school committee is not capable of handling such responsibilities these two arguments are weak and it's all we have after all these months if the adoc committee was such a disaster imagine the disaster that a hybrid model would be where elected members bicker and fight against the appointed members where political infighting gridlocks progress for our students based on what I saw we might as well just leave the LA board in charge at least they get the job done and aren't going to be a stumbling block for the new superintendent American students are behind countries like China Lawrence Public Schools doesn't even rank in the top 100 in the state Lawrence is not competitive at the state level let alone at the national level we have a horrible student to teer ratio and our students are addicted to their phones meanwhile our local politicians are playing politics with our kids and not looking at the bigger picture we have a techn technological future that is changing rapidly and our students will need to be prepared for it yet here we are months of drugging one's feet and obstruction obstructing each other so that each side can get their way instead of having constructive dialogue to address the important issues I hope and can I hope we can avoid a similar scenario when this item is taken up by the city council in their special meeting and the major issue that we will have in this hybrid model is not whether a majority is elected a majority is appointed from what I've seen it's whether or not they will be able to work together for a students thank you the next person that we have is um kimbery Barry name and address for the record please sure good evening counselors my name is kimbery Barry I'm the president of the Lawrence Teachers Union 1 Canal Street Lawrence Mass I'm here to talk about the ad hoc committee and the Lawrence change of school governance and I want to um just say for the record again that the our Lawrence teachers union uh is made up of, 1500 members I have about, 1300 teachers nurses long-term Subs building based Educators counselors as well as 200 retirees I'm also a vice president of one of the vice presidents that reports to the president of the AF mass and we have about 1,000 AF Mass teachers in Lawrence so I just want to reiterate that our Union believes in full democracy we believe in the current school committee and we agree with everything Lenin said and we believe that the school committee did not get the support and right now through the transition the possible transition would be to have them have training um from the state and I understand that that's been blocked excuse me um and because of this ad hoc committee's proposal so we prefer that they got the training and then we trust in the elected school committee and that you all trust in them just like you trusted the citizens to elect you we hope that you would have trusted the citizens to elect the school committee as well so whatever the result is we hope it's the most democratic that you believe in because we believe in democracy and we believe that's the way to move the Lawrence Public Schools into a future where kids are on grade level for reading and math and they become competitive in the state as well as the nation thank you thank you the next person that we have is ma Ortiz a school Committee Member uh MAA Ortiz she's on zoom and she will speak with everybody through that uh zo um call hi good evening um School Committee Member Myra Ortiz 45 Norris Street is my sound good yes very good perfect um this evening the subject that I'm going to be commenting on is The Home Room petition um the home petition before us has its origin in 1966 and gives cities and towns the authority to enact their own legislation it is way for cities and towns to adopt revise or amend their Charters what a hom room petition was not intended for was to uphold repressive practices like the 2010 law enacting state receivership the origins of which we are here in this discussion this evening is The Home Room petition was brought forth to maintain the receivership body the Lawrence Alliance For Education otherwise known as the Lae under the cloak of being appointed school committee positions by the administration in response to this deception the Lawrence school committee as a collective elected drafted in good faith a homeo petition that upholds democracy strengthens the Lawrence School committee's ability to serve its constituency and keeps the needs of the students as its priority The Home Room petition draft was reviewed and revised by the now known ad hoc committee and it was up for cons and it is up for consideration this evening after um several passes and months of speaking and working on it to move this matter forward I would ask not only the electorate but the elected to support transparency and not tolerate performative democracy we're here together to what's in the best interest of not only our students but overall democracy as a whole in yes working together and coming to a common good at this moment in time our present Charter speaking on the school committee there's nothing to be solved but if we're going to work together and compromise then the best shot that we have is adopting the ad hoc committees um proposal that is put forth before this table um for discussion either that or vote it down because there's nothing to be fixed but if we are going to be transparent and we are going to work together and make and have this one opportunity to make what we have listed in our Charter better thank you with committee thank you thank you so much the next person that we have on the list is Pedro Pano name and address for the record pleaseed fin six Hill uh good evening everyone um I came back from retirement uh due to my concern of how the new school committee should be and I spoke to all of you and I found out that there's more agreement than disagreement in fact um when I went item by item it seems to be that the differences are not that much so um most of you agree with seven members um exception some said oh but but the majority said seven members so um I think you guys going to come to agreement um uh very fast the the other the other um discussion that we had was about how are we going to choose the six member six members three elected a large and three a CH excuse me chosen by the mayor or chosen by uh the school committee so when we come to to choose between those two that's the argument that maybe you guys want to have but if you really look into there's not really a disagreement because if you guys CH choose the new uh um the the appointee the mayor is still going to have some power it can bule anyone that you guys choose the same as if if the if in this case is the mayor that send you um the candidates you are the one that are going to elect those candidate not the mayor it's going to be you so when you decide to choose those appointees or or candidates the mayor still have a power to be who whoever candidate he thinks uh is not um it's not his of his um uh uh belief so I'm asking anyone in the in this in this uh room I have a piece of paper if you guys want to have a discussion with me or a debate about why we have to change this I'm will to do that it's it's a because speak to the mic well I'm I'm just asking you all right thank you so much years thank you thank you so much finally that we do thank you okay thank you so much time is up all right we have uh we would like to recognize uh tonight that we are we have visitors the school committee members uh from District F Jonathan Gman is here with us uh school committee member from District C lenning Roa is here in the room as well uh the school committee member from District D Sandra Edwards is here with us uh and also uh the school committee member from District a uh the previous speaker uh M Ortiz is also here with us so thank you for coming and visiting uh us today all right we going to go immediately to the top of the agenda but if nobody have any objections I would like to uh call for um the committee report from the personal committee which um if nobody have an objection Madame shair from the personal committee we have so many things in front of us tonight thank you council president through you the person now committee met last week and we have three items um before the full Council the first item is item 29424 the the approval to appoint Michael J aamer to the zoning board of appeals with the term expiring January 2026 the Personnel committee sends this up with a favorable recommendation and I make that as a formal motion second there is a motion on the table properly second discussion councelor discuss discussion councelor vice president inant thank you we do have Michael here with us tonight and I do want to say to to my colleagues um what makes this candidate unique is he as a Lawrence resident went through the process as a resident so he can um definitely talk about that experience and bring that experience to the board um that I thought was was it it will be an asset to have on the zoning board by own means uh you have the floor please introduce your yourself and tell us a little more about yourself sure my name is Michael abam I live on 12 Mount buron Circle Lawrence Mass I moved here in 2018 uh my brother and I had the opportunity to subdivide our land so we had to go in front of the zoning board of appeals um and I went through that process on the citizen side uh when I saw this opportunity to join the zoning board um of appeals I really wanted to apply and be a part of the community and help not only uh anybody looking to do any work on their own property but having that experience um going in front of the board I thought it' be beneficial to not only the board but also uh the community as a whole to have someone to represent both sides so thank you councelors any questions for the candidate uh if there is known so uh all those in favor to approve item 29424 please say I I any n they I have it congratulations thank Madame Madame VI Madame Madame vice president Infante item 46024 council president item 46-24 is the confirmation to reappoint to the Zoning Board of appeal appeals Mr Richard Vera who's also currently the chair of the board um the personel committee sends this up with a favorable recommendation and I make that as a formal motion second there is a motion on the table properly second discussion discussion Madame VI Madame vice president Infante thank you council president if it's okay with you since we do have um the candidate here if you can say a few words yes of course please uh tell us a little a little more about why you wanted to keep on serving so my name is Richard Rivier 8 and overa Street La Massachusetts I've been here all my life pretty much I was educated and raised here um I've been serving on this board I started at the bottom and I've been able to learn the process and work my way up and I'm currently the chair and um uh throughout the years I've learned both sides of the petitioners and the city side and I think that's what um I enjoy doing because I'm able to help the petitioners and explain to them the circumstances and the situations that they are in and a lot of times we're able to help them with with their petition sometimes we're not when we're not we try to explain to them why and hopefully they understand why and um they can go and move on with the process any questions councelor discussion Council lant thank you very much council president through through you I I just wanted to comment that um I've been to several zoning committee meetings and um Mr Rivera has been the chair for many of these meetings and I just want to let you know that he's a strong leader on the zoning board of appeals um he sticks to his guns he looks out for the benefit of the residents and I think he's very fair in his approach in dealing with with with applicants um and I just um I'm wholeheartedly supporting him this evening thank you thank you any any other counselors would like to speak celor marmo um serving as chair for as many years that you have has the zoning board of appeals have ever been sued or has um an individual um has appealed a decision that you guys have rejected and if so what is the normal process so everyone that gets denied has a right to appeal they have 21 days to appeal so they go in front of the state and then from the state they go to the planning department and the to the attorney and then they continue with the process if someone is approved and the abutters want to um challenge the decision they also have the right to appeal so then they go through that process and so on and so forth but It ultimately ends with the um City attorney and the planning department and yes we have been number of times we have been brought to court and um sometimes the outcome has changed and sometimes it's maintained on the city Side when the outcome decisions so the planning department um D McCarthy um and the City attorney and then we go through the process of um um a clerk a magistrate they ask the questions and then they take it from then they decide whether they have um a reason to appeal or they don't is the mayor also part of this process as well I'm sure he's filled in um he everything that we do eventually goes to you know to the mayor's desk be clear on litigation the mayor has no part of this this is uh it's ruled on by the court so the court either sends it back to the zoning board for reconsideration saying that we believe you're wrong or they uphold it you know the only time that the mayor would be involved is if some sort of or that the courts decide these appeals I mean most of the time be honest with they're almost dismissed because of the lack of reasons for the appeal just because you don't like the decision doesn't mean the decision's wrong and you have to show that they they made their decision based on false evidence or based on wrong decision so it's it's a hard burden to me but it it's normally the court that decides what's happening but um any any other counselors all right there is a motion to there's a motion to approve uh that is an underline motion properly second there's no more discussions all those in favor please say I I any n ni I have it thank you congratulations you uh Madame Vice President inant we have another item that's our last item council president item of appeals Mr Anthony coko the Personnel committee sends this up with a favorable recommendation and I make that as a formal motion there is a motion on the table can hear our second second uh discussion discussion Madame vice president inant council president is the same thing as the previous item just to give the opportunity um to Mr coko good even everyone my name is Anthony coko I reside at 37 East pleas Street in Lawrence Mass I was born and brought up in the city I still live in the city I'm not going anywhere my business has been in the city for quite a while I've had a lot of experience with the zoning board some good some bad but I like to be where I am now helping other businesses and helping other people in the community I think that with my experience of being a business owner and a citizen is uh of Lawrence is good for newer people coming in and wanting to construct and move to the city councilors any questions discussion Cel plan thank you I saved my more robust comments for the final candidate not because of this candidate but just because of the nature of the zba and uh through you and this is frankly applicable to all the candidates but um through you Mr President the position that Mr Koko you have been in and you're going to continue as well as your other two members this evening potential members this evening um is important Gateway as we try to determine the growth of our city and what I mean by the growth of our city I mean the the amount of housing units that we have in our city and uh it is extremely critical and oftentimes the positions that you currently hold and you want to hold for an additional period uh is not really understood very well by um the residents they see us as being the folks that do the ordinances and we're on television and we're on the radio and we're on Facebook and we're all over the place but the zba and planning and elsewhere you are working under the radar making a lot of very important decisions that impact the residents that we represent the one point that I wanted just to reach out and just talk very briefly we have a very long agenda this evening is the housing Spike that we're facing in our city we have grown approximately 4,000 new units in the last 10 years the amount of units right now at least through the last calendar year was 30,700 units and if you mult subtract 4,000 for the last 10 years that is a startling number I believe it's about a 16% increase over that time and I've been talking about not only that but with the ancillary the the the other um the other dominoes that fall when you have as many individuals as we do we also have additional cars we have a 37% increase in vehicles over those 10 years approximately 21,000 new vehicles in the city over a 10e span that is a big number we are struggling we are drowning we're trying to figure out how we deal with this the zba is an important component of what we're doing as a housing policy in our city and we need to be more holistic about it and I and it's important through you Mr President my final words are this and for all the members is that please be mindful when folks come to you asking for this a special accommodation or a special zoning or whatever they're looking for and they say they're going to be creating more housing units be mindful that one here two there three here adds up and that adds up to more um it impacts our school systems of which there are members here of the school department um and it impacts a lot of other parts whether it's parking that we're all too familiar with and it deals with snow removal it deals with a congestion and it deals with lights it deals with a lot of different things so I'll stop there you get the message and I hope the other members have gotten the message because have spoken on this but I think it's important to reiterate that because very rare that you come before us I or we usually come before you when it comes to these matters thank you Mr President absolutely motions motion to approve council president thank you I do want to make um uh say to my to to my colleague something that I believe is important to know um that was discussed at the Personnel committee meeting that that it is for all three three of the items we discussed um with and we and we were glad that we had the current chair with with us at that moment putting a binder or some type of document together for um recommended appointees so then they can know a little bit more about um the the boards and and the the responsibility of the boards um they did confirm with us that a verbal conversation happens however sometimes with so much information things can be forgotten so it was a good conversation to have at the Personnel committee and I just wanted you guys to know that that was spoken about oh great thank you um appreciate that that's very important any other questions for uh for the the candidate Antonio coko Anthony coko all right at this point I'll call the questions all please say hi hi any n the I have congratulations thank you very much thank you again all right we we have uh we have a lot of people that are here in regard to one specific item and this item is the item 4 40223 uh sorry it's the item 1482 uh 14824 uh counselors we have an special meeting tomorrow but there is items on these home R petitions that uh that are very generic and opening it and going over if it is if I just wonder I just want to know like whether or not any of those particular sections uh 1 to 11 which one of those we have questions and if we do we proceed with those tomorrow and which one of those items we don't have questions so we can put it on the side and focus on the rest of the one that we have uh some type of question tomorrow so we can advance the conversation the intent is not to discuss anything tonight unless the counselors want to but there is a lot of people that would like that are here expecting some type of uh discussions around this specific item item 14824 if nobody's objecting for us to discuss this and just go over each item to see which ones we have potential discussions uh we can leave for tomorrow and which ones we done and we can just put it on the side uh if it is no OB options I would like to u u discuss item 1 14824 which is the establishment of a home rule petitions uh defining the governing structure of the allance school school committee upon the exit of the state receivership uh councelors going over this item we have 11 different section so the first part we have the resolution uh and you have a everyone have a package uh which each section by page so the first one we have is a resolution I don't believe that we have any questions on the resolution uh and we have item number one section number one which is basically um the uh establishing that we have section five the school committee of the Len administrative code is her by amend and strien by replace within the following section one counselors any questions or any potential discussions on section one do we put it on that ouncil President Madame Vice presidant thank you before we proceed with this I do I would like to make a comment now that it's um now that we're on the item and I believe it's it's appropriate to bring it bring this up now um the comment that was made during public participation pertaining to the ad Hol committee um as the chair of that committee I can attest that many of the things that the young um the young man the of citizen of the of the City of Lawrence stated is accurate um many times the three meetings we've had I left very frustrated I also have um through my my city email statements where I am pleading with committee members to make sure that we come to these meetings to work um and not bicker and not go back and forth it was a very frustrating process and I'm I'm not afraid to publicly State this I've also publicly stated it during the adhoc Committees um and I believe the I the first time we spoke about this not just me but many of the councilors heard the plea of wanting to work together between the city council the school committee and the administration and unfortunately that was not the case when provided this providing this opportunity and I just wanted to to to make sure that my colleagues knew U councelor Levy sat on that ad hoc committee with me as well so um she's also witnessed the back and forth and and and just the very unproductive time that we had and um that is what I want to say about the ad hog committee no problem so it is important to recognize that the ARA committee was formed um and the composition of the ARA committee was uh eight members three members were from the uh mayor's office of the administration three members from the uh from the school committee and two members of the of the city council so a total of eight members uh were appointed to that committee um but going back to the discussion councelors and that way we can close this out for the day um I would like to know whether or not councilors have any questions on section one only uh section one there is any questions on section one cc president uh councelor uh d r I mean now that we're discussing this item I don't have a question on on section one um if we tonight discuss this item and we amend or fix or change things and we agree to move forward tonight are we're going to be able to do that and then I mean up an agreement of all of us here going through this document we might be able to make a decision and we don't have to have a meeting we all here today so that's that's something that we can consider if we amend and agree on the amendment and anybody they have questions and we answer the questions uh it just some people that here today sitting here they're going to make the decision as sitting here tonight so well we have alone agenda celor the Rosario tonight uh I think that if we have discussions on one of the items it might take quite some time that's why I have it uh in today partially and tomorrow that we're going to have a full discussion on it um because I I believe that there is some items with that that might take some time and we have a full agenda so that's why I wondering to see if councilors have questions on specifics and the questions we and and discussions we're going to leave it for tomorrow there is other sections that have no people might don't have questions even though we might not have questions tonight if a question arrived tomorrow we also going to be able to discuss this uh at any time during the discussion so any questions on section one uh if there is no question on S one I would like to ask councelors for section two which is the composition eligibility and elections and and turns of that uh of the school committee members that is question on section two a lot of people might have questions on section two I have questions on section two so this is one session that we might be able to discuss tomorrow council president Madame vice president thank you I actually for section two I have some amend Amendment amendments to propose to section two um Council inant the amendment we may proceed with this tomorrow I mean the discussion is just to see whether or not uh we have questions on on on one of two if we have and then we do it tomorrow because I mean uh unless the councils want to make a decision today yeah the intent is not to discuss it tonight if if councilors want to make a decision tonight by all means yeah councelor Rosario Council VI president has vice president has the floor and then I mean we're discussing it and she can she can express what she wants to discuss I'm assuming because that's what we arguing on right now regardless of what the expectation is for tomorrow so why are we discussing it now if you're going to prevent all of us or some of us to speak what we wanted to speak speak so we should just leave it there and leave it for tomorrow if she has something to say we should let her say whatever she need to say and then we decide amount our where we want to go with this discussion C are you we out of order uh councelor inant and council president they having a discussion if we are going to decide to have a discussion on this if the councilors prefer to have it tomorrow we we have it tomorrow if he not we can have the discussion tonight we're going to approve section by section and if we make a determination tonight that's not a problem we can we we don't have the meeting tomorrow there is a lot of people that are expecting to be here tomorrow because we call for a special meeting today the intent is not to make a decision because we already call for a meeting tomorrow that is going to be more people coming tomorrow if we do that today and then that's that's not necessarily going to look like we are making a transparent process and that's exactly what we want to avoid council president for for thank you for for the sake of of keeping things cord Ral this is an important topic I I don't think I think if if if we're going to review this it should all be in one setting I I think it's confusing because this is just going to open a open the opportunity for counselors to want to ask questions um make comments so if if we're going to review this if if if the attent is to really debate this through a special meeting then let's just keep the whole thing for the special meeting I don't I don't think we should entertain it tonight no problem councelors we in an agreement that we're going to have this discussion tomorrow discuss I agree with that no problem we're going to we're going on top of the agenda counselors uh we're going to have this discussion tomorrow anybody that was here for this for this matter uh please uh everybody's welcome tomorrow to be here since we call for a special meeting for tomorrow and in regard to this item only so thank you everybody uh going on top of the agenda we have uh going on top of the agenda we have no public hearings uh we have no communication from the mayor or from the U uh City officials or City attorney and we're going to we're going to go straight to the committee reports we have uh bu and finance uh committee Madame vice president and shair of the buet and finance committee estepan Fant thank you council president the first item from the budget and finance committee is item 4 52-24 the authorization to ex to expend two $240,000 from the mvpc EPA revolving Loan Fund to demolish Florence Street Garage that is a city-owned property and we sent this up with a favorable recommendation and I make that as a formal motion president there is a motion on the table properly second council plan have frequency Sol do uh due to a potential conflict of interest um councilors any discussions on this there is a motion on the table Poli second discussion discussion councelor uh councelor Lon to you council president can we ask uh Mr McCarthy to explain this revolving Loan Fund if can you go over yes I'd be glad to do that um the Environmental Protection Agency provides money to communities through the the regional Planning Commission um in this case we have a mer marac Valley Planning Commission which oversees the 15 communities that make up the marac valley um they have a sum of money they get every three to five years and that is part of the revolving Loan Fund so part part of that money though it says it's a loan part of that money is a grant and the way the breakdown in the grant is usually 40% of the money is a a grant that the city gets to take and the 60% is a repayable loan in this case the loan was given to us at at 0% interest the money that we're talking about is what is called petroleum funds um the EPA no longer distinguishes between hazardous materials and petroleum it's all hazardous materials now but back in five years ago they separated it so this is the last amount of petroleum funds available and the in the EPA was willing to give it to us uh for the purposes of demolishing this garage um usually they don't give us money to take care of buildings but in this case there's a lot of of oil and petroleum below this garage and the EPA wants us to tear down his garage which is a very dangerous building I might add and to get to that so that's the purpose of this loan and the EPA revolving Loan Fund they'll be coming back with more money um probably the next round but it won't be petroleum funds this money will be no longer available yes I have a question yes um thank you for coming in fre refresh the mind of so many people in here on this regard but the tank that is in there is inside the building or is outside so this is a garage that is this is a garage yes that's been City owned since 2010 yes yes and but I just he that there is some like some tank with oil in there yes so so it's inside of the garage that was an auto repair shop and and and the owner of that property had been pouring oil and gasoline and other fluids into holes in the ground into into sink pipes and it all soaked into the soil so that that is what's below that garage so for us to get at it we've got a a million dooll Grant to clean up the soil uh at various locations in the city so once we can demolish that building so we can get to the soil we'll then go in there and clean up that soil and remove that but the building has to come down first and we plan to do that within the next two months why why why they has to come down first before taking out the RO the roof is collapsed the the building is in horrible shape it's a danger there's a big red x on it because a fire department will not go into that building to rescue it cannot be this building cannot be saved it's beyond repair okay thank you thank you yes and Cel finish C sanago and I would like if you can remind me how much is the loan and interest for how long so the loan um the loan portion of fund will be 60% of a 240 loan the 0% um it'll be a 0% interest for the first two years of loan after that if the loan still exists it'll be 3% perom um the city's in intention is to pay that back within two years though to get that money back to other for for forces so we're working with EPA to find other funds open to it so it won't cost the city anything but again even at 3% it's a very um a very um good loan but but it's going to be 0% for the two years that we have it okay so we have um councilor I have question Council lby I heard that this is another Grant uh that we can get it without no loan without no interest excuse me I hear y that there is another grant that we can find that we can get it without no interest another garage that we do that the city owns Grant gr another gr that we can get more so so we we just received a grant for a million dollars yes we we have which is know that we have to pay 3% but I heard that this is another grant that we also can get it without paying interest yeah aware cancel L that this this grant that is this grant is 60% yes the 40% of the the entire amount is a grant and the loan is 60% with 0% interest for two years this one the one that we have in front of us give me one any other the counselors C you need an extra minute yeah give me one from EPA yes that we can with no interest which Grant is that this is a 1 million EPA multi-purpose grants that we can give without so so we received that Grant we received a million dollar Grant from the EPA for what's called areawide cleanup and and use so we can use that on any property in the city when we applied for that grant part of that application said that we the planning done using um revolving loan funds to demolish this and then we're using part of that million dollars will be used to clean up the soil beneath that and we also I think there was a couple other properties Bennington Street triangle was one the other one we put in the grant but that can be used for a variety of things typ for what so typically this you cannot use this the money that EPA gives you is to clean up the the soil and the land it's not to demolish buildings so we were able to get a waiver of that condition specific spefically for this building specifically to use the petroleum funds because they were going to run out these funds were going to disappear this $240,000 we we we have a bid on this to to demolish this building um if we don't use this funds on the on the on the bid on in the next two months then this that demolition won't occur will be back to spr and more more likely than not the city will have to pay for the demolition out of our own pocket so City funds um the $1 million that you're referring to that money cannot be used for demo only can be used for I that yeah I understand that but I want to know you know because I this is something that somebody sended to me to ask yeah regarding the1 million from EP M thank you thank you so counselors we are running into the same situation as before we have a grant that we can accept and uh in a loan that we need to authoriz uh two different still in the discussion uh two different uh uh two different situations but both of them work together if we don't if we accept one and not the other one neither one works uh but to do the to do this properly we need to have the grand authorization uh with six vat the long authorization with six boat got to be on the affirmative um and the and they Grant only five boats um to accept the grant but councelors both of them need to be working together um otherwise they're not going to be able the city is not going to be able to use these funds and uh and the and the building won't be able to to be demolished so with that said councelors would like to um ask for motion to split this item into uh 45224 a for the Grand and uh 4522 24b for the loan two different set of uh two different set of uh boats so councelors can I have a motion to split the item into two there's a motion in the table properly second discussion on the split sure is the I I don't know he left uh but Mark is here he can tell us a little more about the about the grand other the CLE council president ccil I'm getting questions on whether now we're able to split this item so if we can have I mean I think the our City attorney left but we do have Mr ielo here no only because last time yeah I mean it's it's a risk but I mean we have to do it I I don't have the document in front of me but uh I'm not sure why it's is it a grant and a loan or is it just a loan it's a grant and a loan both so the question would be uh to you if we if the city ask for Grant we need to have it no if the city ask for loan we need to ask we need to have a loan authorization from the counc that would be that would be a whole loan authorization I don't think that's in front of the council I think they're this is a grant I believe is that correct I mean Dan do you have a loan uh because a loan authorization would have to be the specifics of the loan and it would have to be usually we draft it with this is this is B Council would draft it yeah this is a loan basically in front of the city council but if it doesn't come from Bond Council it's probably not a a proper loan authorization okay I just want to make sure so uh director can you clarify whether or not this is Al loone or a grant this should be voted on as as a loan um the grant is contingent upon the loan okay so if there's if the loan is not accepted the grant money is not given so taking one vote as a as a loan will be enough yes I think one vote will be enough because because re votes for the loan and if we get six votes I assume that the grant six votes yeah all right since this is a uh a loan authorization and depending on that we we will receive a grant um and then we will go for the wor scenar which is the the the six vote for the loan that be correct yes um counselors there is a motion on the table properly second discussions any other rounds of discussion uh at this point I'll call the questions all Us in favor please say I I any n the I have it BR call please councilor Rees yes councilor MMO yes Council Santiago no council Del Rosario yes Council Lon yes Council plant is recused himself Council Levy yes Council vice president fonte yes council president Rodriguez I vote Yes so this this vote was to um authorize the city for loan and subsequently accepting the grant seven votes you have yeah we have seven vote the motion carries thank you thank you so Madame vice president fante uh 45324 which is the authorization to spend $300,000 Municipal clear f f effici efficient energy initiative uh this was a hpo this item is currently at the U um at the budget and finance committee it will be discussed at the next uh budget and finance meeting uh item 45424 Madame vice president thank you council president just for more substance because we do have our city engineer here um the item that he put on the agenda he did not appear in front of the budget and finance committee so this is uh tabled it's been stable at the the Comm so it was not supposed to be on the city council agenda tonight T tonight yeah okay so item 4 54-24 authorization to expend $623,500 there's a motion on the table properly second any discussions councelor uh councel this was probably vetted fully so I don't want a long conversation about this um very when you said the word nutrition can you just I could we can talk afterwards about this but what do you mean by nutrition and what's the impacts going to be to our residents what do I need nutrition what do you so one of the things it says it talks about nutrition Street design connectivity physical activities and continue with care for lactating mothers I want to know what you mean by nutrition is are we I know that I know what nutrition means but what does it mean in this grant okay and make it make it concise so purposes of of this grant CDC has asked us to look at Food Service guidelines within charitable organizations and other large public facing companies that serve food to the public and we're also asked to look at fruit and veggie incentive program lifting those up and making them more accessible to the residents question so we've got programs like this in the past everybody knows eat your fruits and vegetables we got it right but when you go to the store I'd rather have the chips and and the and the cake and the doughnuts and whatever I don't want that how do we switch the mindset to get to people to where they're going to eat the right food so they can live a long and healthy life so um historically uh fresh fruits and vegetables have always been thought to be expensive uh the state we know fund um purchasing of fruits and vegetables through the hip program and that's what we're we're targeting we're going to be uh lifting up through through public campaigns as a way for people to be able to purchase more fresh fruits and vegetables if you're a snap recipient you have you have the hip voucher dollars on your card um a lot of folks don't know they have access to that and so that's one way that we're promoting it for folks who don't have hip what we're going to be doing in the future is looking for um ways to fund them also being able to re receive dollars to either through um prescription programs through through the the medical centers or other ways of funding it but so but so they're able to also have a way to pay for fresh fruits and vegetables just like Snap recipients thank you very much council president I'm not going to well let's talk tomorrow or later this week about more of the questions about that thank you councilors any other questions in regard to uh this item so I hear no not this point I call the questions all in fav please say I I any names there I have it next item is item 45524 Madame vice president item 45-24 payment of Prior year invoice in the amount of $944 and7 cents from Amazon was sent up as a favorable recommendation and I make as a formal motion there's a motion on the table properly second discussion I None all please say the I have item 45724 45624 sorry item 45624 appropriation transfer in the amount of 1,266 1836 from cap from the capital reserve fund to the DPW Capital Improvements um account was sent up with a favorable recommendation and I make that as a formal motion there's a motion on the table properly second discussion discussion Council thank you thank you um earlier this evening counselors we did receive um an additional document had that further explains how this how this money will be used for the um for the project which is specifically for downtown not sure if everyone had the opportunity to to um take a look at this but it was something that the budget and finance committee did request and and they did provide for us any questions councelor any counc Council I think it's great that parts of our north side of our city are getting some of the resources to make some improvements there and I I fully support uh this project and other projects that are going to be making an impact um throughout the city especially on the North side thank you council president all right any other questions uh council president Council Council Lon I do would like to hear from DPW because they sent uh this um information uh and they me mentioned that they did a compressive analysis of the existing challenges but who is really in charge of of doing this I don't see any right we open the floor for the DPW representative thank you name and address for the record please good evening um honorable councelors so um we have conducted a very comprehensive analysis uh just uh just your title so people in the TV knows who you are AR city engineer thank you yeah so um actually we have um conducted a very comprehensive um analysis and assessment on ASA Street and then we have um hired a traffic engineering company to conduct the the study and then they come up with uh what you have there uh to actually enhance um that road so the enhancement of that roads including you know allowing left turns at the inter intersections of Hampshire and asex with uh Jackson streets and installing a bike lane on both side parking reorganization because we're going to lose some of the parkings um specifically where the left turns is going to be allowed repaving of the road basement markings and signage according to the m mutcd and sidewalk repair and then we're planting some trees where kned that's that's a general highlight of the scope of work that we're going to um Implement if you guys approve this c u thank you counil president um and for future reference I would like to read your compressive uh analysis and mean for future reference I would like to get the complete uh package not only the pictures uh thank you uh Mr Rosario yeah you're very welcome C that's interest that's something that you are interested on because we can request it now and then they can send you the the full scope thank you con president if possible please if you can share oh well we would like to share you know the general scope of of the word Cu uh that's just like very technical and uh I don't think it's it's necessary but if you want it I'm inan it's it's her District so and everybody would like to see it for the public anybody that requested it become public record so maybe maybe uh and if I may cons president my concern is that and I know some of the districts had major major changes like they went from one weight to one weight and and unfortunately for some of the um in my neighborhood some of them they don't work uh it it takes and I don't know who actually uh put this analysis together that's one concern that I have and I trust I trust uh the work of DPW I know that you doing the best for the we hire environmental planers yeah I would like to see it uh and I understand it could be Technical and all that but if if you can share that um please do thank you Mr rosad so it's a it's a formal request uh to council Lon and to the members of the city council to acquire uh this specific document uh councelors any other questions around this item councelor Vice presid infant thank you I just want to say s city engineer what you may think may not be like that we may not need when it comes to the city council the more information we have the better um so just moving forward just send you know just send it all because I have extracted like everything and then just make it you know easier to understand I just highlight it like you know the most important items no you send it all I mean uh we have been we have Engineers here too so we're going to fully understand trust me uh all right councilors any other questions on this I hear no all please say any Nam there eyes have it next item Madame vice president Infante item 15724 item 45 457 item 45724 the authorization to expend in the amount of 187,000 $161 with 111 under the PAB 911 training Grant was sent up with a favorable recommendation and I make that a formal motion second there is a motion on the table properly second discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I the eyes have it um Vice chair marmal can you can you take I have the G can you take it from here thank you item number 4824 authorization to expend $ 52373455 [Music] yes director you have the floor sure my name is Rosa sheeper director of support service at the Lawrence Police Department um the Lawrence Police Department uh has applied for the mun Municipal Road safety program Grant uh and we were awarded the amount of $52,750 from the eops um from the eops this is basically for uh traffic enforcement for the City of Lawrence uh the primary goal for this for this grant is for uh for the road safety for all residents whether they are driving riding a bicycle or you're walking um we are planning to fund this um this grant for safety enforcement basically on speeding impair driving and pedest and pedestrian safety as well we will be using these funds to for non enforcement activity and Equipment as well for the uh for the traffic thank you discussion discussion councelor the plan thank you uh one of my priorities during this two-year term is Five Corners that's win bav South Union Cambridge exitor where the water fountain in Stockton Park is are you familiar you madam are you familiar with this area a little bit a little bit so it's one of the gateways to the city we had a fatality there about three or four years ago now it is extremely dangerous it is the police tell me it's the most dangerous city in the the most dangerous intersection in the entire city so I'm making a huge plug whenever I can this is not the first time my colleagues have heard this um about putting res resources toward making that intersection safe I don't want it to be the most dangerous anymore I want it to be the safest intersection in the city or something like that so I wanted to get off that list um because it's really really important thank you madam chair thank you I can definitely bring this up to the uh to the chief of police and uh Lieutenant Sero thank you director any other questions or comments seeing none all those in favor say I I and he knows the eyes have it Council I think that's a three is it five sorry right at the item number 502 authorization to expend $1 19,7 29.91 Bureau of Justice assistance BGA grant for bulletproof vest bpv um this was submitted to full council with the favorable recommendation and I submit that in the form of a motion we do have our director Rosa Shepard to speak on behalf of this item Mo subm properly seconded by Council Reyes discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I any knows the eyes have it thank you thank you director moving on to the housing committee Council marmo okay I will be submitting the following items as a block um please bear with me item number 46324 taking by eminent domain temporary easement 7882 amsberry Street te 48 for a term of five years um item number I what's the second one I it's for there numer so it's 463 24 46 463 it's just duplicative 463 is on there twice I yeah no no no it's just repeated by act like it's 463 is one just put a line through it's exactly the same thing oh yeah so 463 464 okay um Al that was a repeat never mind okay item number 46 424 taking by eminent domain temporary easement um 100 amsberry Street te 12 for a term of 5 years item number 46524 taking by eminent domain temporary easement 101 ASB Street te-13 for a term of 5 years item number 4 6624 taken by eminent domain temporary easement 120 Asberry Street te14 te14 um for a term of 5 years and a permanent uh easement E-5 item number 46724 take making by eminent domain temporary easement 122 amsbury Street te23 for a term of 5 years item number 46824 taking by eminent domain temporary easement um 125 Asberry Street te-5 for a term of 5 years item number 46924 taking by eminent domain two to two temporary easement um 130-24 Asberry Street te-2 and t-38 for a term of 5 years and a permanent easement e-6 and a permanent utility easement p-3 item number 47024 taking by eminent domain temporary easement 141 Asberry Street t-24 for a term of 5 years item number 47124 taking by eminent domain temporary easement three Bradford Street t-16 for a term of 5 years item number 47 224 taking by eminent domain temporary EAS mint 400 Canal Street te- 42 for a term of 5 years item number 4732 24 taken by eminent domain temporary easement 401-403 Canal Street te-1 for a term of 5 years item number 47424 taking by eminent domain two temporary easement 417 Canal Street te-2 and te- 49 for a term of 5 years item number 4752 4 taken by eminent domain temporary easement 18993 - 1993 Chestnut Street te- uh 30 for a term of 5 years item number 4762 24 taking by eminent domain temporary easement 316 Comon Street t-9 for a term of 5 years item number 47724 taking by eminent domain temporary easement 335 Common Street T-10 for a term of 5 years item number 4784 taking by eminent domain 2 temporary easement 356-360 comment t-3 and t-4 for a term of 5 years item number 4792 for taking by eminent domain temporary easement 361 estic Street te- 46 for a term of 5 years and a permanent easement e-11 item number 4824 taking by eminent domain temporary easement 362-366 S6 Street te-5 for a term of 5 years and a permanent easement E-2 48124 taking by eminent domain permanent e 363-373 sx3 e-10 item number 48224 taken by eminent domain two temporary easements 370386 S6 Street t-43 and t-45 for a term of 5 years and a permanent easement E-3 item number 48324 taken by eminent domain temporary easement 267-269 havil Street te-2 for a term of 5 years item number four 48424 taken by eminent domain permanent utility easement 273 hav Street p-8 item number 4524 taken by eminent domain temporary easement 70 lawen Street t-26 for a term of 5 years and two permanent utility easements p-6 and p-7 item number 48624 taking by eminent domain two temporary easements one9 Lawrence Street t-28 and t-39 for a term of 5 years and a permanent utility easement p-4 item number 48724 taking by eminent domain temporary easement 123 Lawrence Street te- 31 for a term of 5 years item number 48824 taking by eminent domain 2 temporary easements 131-135 lawren Street t-34 and t-35 for a term of 5 years item number four 8924 taking by eminent domain temporary easement 170 Lauren Street um te- 36 for a term of 5 years and a permanent easement E-8 item number 49024 taking by eminent domain temporary easement 61 Maple Street t t-32 for a term of 5 years item number 49124 taken by eminent domain temporary easement 189 Maple Street t-33 for a term of 5 years and lastly item number number 492-2419 [Music] submit that in the form of a motion motion has been been properly seconded um can you please ensure that um the council president this is reflected in the minutes the council president recused himself for this vote yes thank you um motion has been made properly seconded by councilor reya's discussion discussion councelor lean thank you I think um do you want to speak I was going to just comment I was going to say some nice things about this process so um I I think that this is a a a lot of improvements that are going again on the North side really important improvements that are there uh sidewalks and moving the streets and trying to make some infrastructure improvements that are always critical um and it's good that we're doing this throughout the city and especially it's good to see that's happening uh primarily in the north side putting a lot of attention and time and effort there so uh we're one city and we're we're working hard together to getting a lot of stuff done and um I'm really happy to see this and I'm I'm looking forward to supporting it tonight thank you thank you thank any other comments or questions seeing none all those in favor say I I any no know the eyes have it we are I don't see the council pres so where we are where we are all right councilors we go on top of the agenda which is uh the committee from the ordinance committee uh the chair from the ordinance committee Council of plan thank you council president um document I think we've done this 42824 the ordinance committee sent up this document which is accept the amended recordable Eastman and layout alteration plans for Asbury and lawren Street area uh that sends up to the full council with faal recommendation as did housing make that in the form of a motion this this is uh this is the same item as as that uh he sent both committees right not done it through housing yeah then is just St committee so I'm sorry what I'm saying is that this is the layout for that uh for the same project yeah bamberry Street reconstruction layout for the masot project yes it is at myself there's a I put a motion on the floor saging you want this okay motion has been put on for it's been properly seconded discussion see no discussion I'll call call the question all in favor say I hi um let the motion let the record reflect that Council Rodriguez council president recused himself all in favor say I the eyes have it thank you no not the MBTA I don't work for the MBTA all right we on top of the agenda um Mr chair from the ordinance committee item 42924 uh document 42924 the new ordinance in compliance with mgl chapter 48 Section 3 allowing multif family as a right of way as a right excuse me otherwise known as the MBTA communities Act was sent up to the full council with a favorable recommendation and I make that in the form of a motion second discussion there's a motion to accept properly second discussion discussion I think um I'm not going would you like to ask to table this meeting tonight it's up to you um the the mbpc had asked if they could be available to be here when the vote was taken um I don't if have objection to it being tabled but if it's a favorable vote tonight I would probably take that as well so table table this matter will not affect the timeliness of this we've got a year to get this done um we're working on the ordinance language with it so I think in the bet in the to have the uh the full um Staffing here to answer any questions any of the board members have I think it would probably be preferable to have this tabled until the next meeting all right there is um councelors uh there is a request to table this matter uh until uh next meeting uh I entertain a motion to table at this point motion to table there a motion to table properly second it is important to recognize also that that uh the housing committee also have the same item but it was a typo on the agenda uh and we're going to have to uh table this the item uh both committees it wasn't a typo what happened is because of the Monday holiday we had to print the agenda on Thursday was required for the open meeting law but we didn't have the committee report back so I had to kind of guess what was going to come out I I didn't yeah all right that U but we we have this this item was discussed at the housing committee and at the ordinance committee uh and it is a request to table the matter at this at this level so councelors uh there is a motion to table that was already second improperly second all those in favor to table the matters please say I I ni have it uh Madam uh Mr chair from the um ordinance committee 49724 this item is the park naming Act was sent to the full council with the favorable recommendation to order a public hearing and make that in the form of a motion second the motion on the table properly second to order a public hearing U all those in favor please say I hi there have it item 4982 24 this is a 4982 24 is the annual Department annual Department reporting requirement this was sent up to the full council with a favorable recommendation order a public hearing and make that in the form of a motion second there is a motion to the to order public hearing properly second discussion are he all guys have it item 4924 install this is install in one Jo poll on Canal Street near Union Street this was sent up to the full council with a fable recommendation to order a public hearing and make that in the form of a motion the table second discussion so council president you asked specifically if we would uh remind and encourage I'm not sure what the right verb is um National Grid to deal with the second polls and the redundancies and the and and the blight that it's causing and that message was sent Not only was it sent verbally but was also spent sent with the written correspondence highly appreciate it thank you uh any discussions councelors uh all please say I I have it the next item document 524 install two Jo polls on North Canal Street near Asbury Street this was sent up to the full council with a favorable recommendation to order a public hearing you me that in the form of a motion there a motion on the table properly second discussion all those in fav please I have it item 50124 uh this um 5124 zo install underground electric conduits at North Canal Street this was sent up to the full council with a favorable recommendation to order a public hearing and make that in the form of a motion second uh there is a motion on the table properly second discussion I Hear n all hi there I have it so going on top of the agenda we we have a um old business that is none uh now we go to the table matters councelors coun we do a committee on the H this even sorry sorry we need to go to the committee of the hall uh we have item um 40223 uh Madame vice president Infante from the committee of report can you present it the the report the result out of the discussion item 42-23 the establishment of handicapped parking commission uh we made a discussion we sent it up as as a committee report and I make as a formal motion and then I'll go into discussion there's a motion to accepted as a committee report properly second discussion councel La plan so um I my understanding is that um Mr hoon is working on some information that you've requested council president that's not yet been um completed um and he just needs need a little bit more time so based on your request and making sure that you and others have the right information to make an informed decision I'm going to be asking that we table this matter until the next meeting all right there is a motion to table properly second no discussion on the table matter all those in favor please say I I there I have it uh going on top of the agenda we have all business we have none uh we go to table matters councel there's any table matters that we would like to discuss tonight all right now hear known so we going to new business um 533 all right counselors we're going to read the new business um item 50324 the fiscal year 2025 property tax classification public hearing um this is going to be referred to the budget and finance committee item 50424 appropriation transfer of $40,000 from the stabilization Reserve fund uh res stabilization Reserve to judgment act for litigation settlements this is going to the budet and finance committee item uh 50524 appropriation transfer of $350,000 from the stabilization Reserve to the legal services legal service account this is going to The Bu and finance committee item 50624 a population transfer of $250,000 from the arpa free catch uh to a new account to support lawen Community work Redevelopment and uh and and their work building this is going to The Bu finance committee item 5072 24 the acceptance of that U voluntary eastment from the exess company to the mass do ansberry uh Street Redevelopment project this is going to that housing committee item 5082 24 the handicap parking of 22 uh Irene uh Street and this is going to the U ordinance committee item 59 24 handicap parking of nine kingl Court this is going to the ordinance committee it item 51024 uh film and uh Motion Pictures industry development this is going to the economic development committee item 5124 that uh Economic Development creation of a city uh Citywide master plan this is going to the economic development committee item 5224 uh Business Development and and economic vision uh this is going to the economic development committee item 5324 authorization to spend 400 uh 45,3 77,000 uh psap 911 support uh and initiative Grant uh this is going to uh the budget and finance committee we need to add this item to the agenda before we do that counselors so we need to um item fight uh 5324 so so this is a lay file counselors we need a seven vote to be added to the agenda uh and um and then subsequently uh probably be able to refer to the budget and finance committee so councilors can to get a motion to add this item to the agenda uh to declares an emergency to add it to the agenda um just delete file just delete file yeah some mov there is a motion on the table uh can hear a second properly second uh discussion I hear none all those in favor please say I I I so now the I have it now this item is been added to the agenda and is going to be referred to the budget and finance committee itan uh 51424 the so tournament on October 27th 2024 at starting at 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. um this is also a late file counselors these need to be declared an emergency uh we need three separate vot vote uh for this item and then subsequently added to the agenda uh and suspend the rules to be sent to a committee uh to not not to send to a committee and then subsequently be able to discuss it at this point um councelor at this point I would like to ask if the council I would like to add this item to the agenda we need seven vote um can I get a motion to the uh added to the agenda first motion to declare as a as an emergency and to add to the city council agenda there's a motion on the table properly second discussion discussion council plan sure uh is the uh petitioner here this evening sure um if the petitioner is here May the petitioner um approach the uh the council man address for the record please Rec 79 law all right Council counc you have the floor my name is uh yuria Lopez I'm from Lawrence 279 irav so so thank you so what we're looking to do here there's a couple of things one this was our rules require that this be filed at a certain time and I'm going to say it and the second point is that the vice president is asking that we take this up as an emergency this evening have have you I just want to get some a track record have you done this before there program before the soccer program before yes I we have done like couple of years already and so that that's a and did you come before the council before asking for permission or for a permit no that's the first time I'm here because the last times when I went there which is Supply over there next I not address of the name of the place and they give me a permit the O'Neal yeah okay so they're actually doing things the right way uh currently I I Parton me wants to change the ordinance on this so we don't have to deal with this stuff in the future but they are currently doing things the right way where if it's a one-time even if it's sporting event onetime sporting event a special event it does come before the council for a permit so that's the right you're doing it's coming to the right place for the permit so that I I agree with um but the concern is that there's when did you start the process for this what I'm trying to get at is did you do things in a timely manner so that's the question when did you start the process on trying to get this permit um kind of confused uh can he translate for me because always over there for the application two two weeks ago when did he file the application online and thank you I I don't want to yeah and I get that but in in in in many municipalities when you there's an obligation from all our residents to to to understand what our rules are for permits you're going to the right place but you should have started earlier on it the bigger question that I have in addition to this is did the did the recreation department do they have a conflict on this day I don't know if they do do can you clarify from that please um based on the calendar that I keep with the recreation department as well as the notes and citizens serve there's no conflict conflict at that PK on that date last question before I I don't want to Badger this into the nberg trials but um don't need translate that but um do we if you were to delay this for a couple of weeks and I don't know if the recreation department has availability for a week or two after could you do that Pro probably not because as you could see um the weather is changing to very cold okay I think I made my point Thank You council president Council Levy yes Council plant no council Lon yes Council Del Rosario yes Council Santiago yes Council marmal yes Council Rees yes Council vice president fonte yes council president Rodriguez yes so now uh counselors we need to add this item to the agenda and we need s vote for that can I had a motion to add it to the agenda so second so there is a motion to add it to the agenda properly second discussion discussion what did we what was the first what was the just so I'm clear I thought the first vote was added on the agenda and to declare an emergency I thought that was the original motion just deare as an emergency it and then now it's there was two points of the original motion is what I heard so the was to add the agenda so y clares an emergency and add to agenda okay perfect motion to approve there's a motion to we have another we have another we need to suspend the rules to be able to discuss it at this level yeah and for that we need to a mo uh we need a motion to uh not to send it to the committee therefore we need to suspend the rules I make a motion to suspend rule six of the city council rules second all right uh there is a motion to suspend the rules uh properly second discussion I here known uh all say now we have it here so we can discuss it uh R please for the nose no um Council Aras this is on a motion to suspend the rules y yes Council mammo yes Council Santiago yes Council Del Rosario yes Council Lan yes Council plant no council Levy yes C vice president Infante yes council president Rodriguez yes all right now we we have this item at this level motion to approve there is a motion to approve second can I hear a second discussion discussion I say hi any n no uh broco please Council Levy yes Council plant no council LAN yes Council Del Rosario yes Council Santiago yes Council marmo yes Council Rees yes Council vice president fonte yes council president Rodriguez I vote Yes uh motion carries so congratulations H see I so canc let's go to committees um see yeah just stay for a second uh committees counselors the ordinance committee next Tuesday October 22nd 7 p.m. budget and finance committee budget and finance next Wednesday the 23rd at 7 p.m. uh housing committee Wednesday 6:30 p.m. iomic development committee Wednesday 6: p.m. Public Safety Committee we have um items that are tabled and I haven't heard back from so I'm not going to schedule anything for now okay personal committee there is nothing we do have an item um a tabled item that we got updated so Personnel we'll do Tuesday at 6:30 all right the committee of the H we have nothing and uh I entertain a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn motion to Second say counselors please if you cannot make a committee meeting please let the chairs of the committee know on time please because I get for