##VIDEO ID:UkH3IxTXDAg## is Wednesday September 25th 2024 it is approximately okay it's okay okay we're commencing the housing committee meeting today is Wednesday September 25th 2024 it is approximately 6:18 p.m. pursuant to chapter 20 of the acts of 2022 this meeting of housing committee is being conducted both in person and via remote participation a reminder that persons who would like to listen to or view this meeting while in progress May either attend in person um May attend in person um let me see note this meeting is also being conducted as a hybrid meeting uh which you could remotely access this meeting through the digital platforms um such as our Facebook Lawrence city council page and our YouTube Lawrence city council page um before we proceed any further I would like to stand up for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all so presid with uh with us today our voting members um to my left is our vice chair and City councelor uh for district f mark La plant um and to my right it is our um no I kind of I'm so sorry I so read that wrong I read that wrong um to my right is our VI chair and City councelor for district daid Delina Santiago um I'm looking for a recommendation for approval regarding our minutes for uh dated July 30th of 2024 okay all those in favor say I and the eyes have it um should I note for the record that uh items number 42824 and 42924 are being tabled um and cannot be addressed for uh today so the next uh item that we will uh proceed with is item number 41624 which is the Surplus Declaration of city property Mount Auburn Street map 156 lot 47-1 um oh you know why you're right okay Mo to table item 42824 are we able to do it in blocks or should we we do it it separately as a block so can I okay could you amend your motion to motion to table item 420 42824 and 42924 428 2429 okay all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it the next item um in the agenda is item number 4624 Surplus Declaration of city property Mount Auburn Street map 156 lot 47-1 we have um our director of business and economic development Francisco cillo to speak on behalf of this item good morning City counselors good it's all right good evening counselor um thank you um chair Frank Francisco fle economic development director City of Lawrence um I need a coffee this is this item um should have been before you way back in March we find out found that this was not put before the council so um we're bringing it up because we can't let things sitting down we went through a whole process of subdividing some property um in order to get this 4,000 squ feet uh in order to do a direct disposition eventually to the abing um property owner so this L is the area we're looking at is 4,000 square fet map um number 156 L 47-1 is a Ral R is a vacant lot um ass set value is 4,700 uh estimated annual taxes is 4348 and I just want to for the record I had to draw in the thing so it's not going to be accurate 4,000 square F feet if you looking at the picture but if you look at the um when I gave you from the land surveyor uhhuh you'll have the accurate footage square footage this is for one lot6 156 do you mind going into further details so where this uh land is uh located what like where is it being subdivided from Yes um so with the frost School in the back of the frost school there's a cliff on top of that Cliff is where Mount Auburn is going to be it is okay so you can see let go back just had it so you looking at this map mhm the okay so all this property on this section is [Applause] the top half of the cliff and in the bottom way down here this wave will be with the frost school is at so we had to go before so the land is the kind of like the white area and the gray area is the frost no okay the frost is over here okay way over here so this will this right here is a cliff okay MH um this dark gray one is the current property that we looking to add this um piece of parcel to um and then it will be on this section so cuz that's 156 48 okay I see 47 all right so the grade out area is the property in question the gr out area is the property that we will the ab butter that we will do the um direct disposition to okay and then the property will be right here in this corner okay are there current plans in place for this uh for this land yeah to do a direct exposition to the abutter and allow to expand our property who's the abutter don't have that information yet until we get to the director's position part portion okay anything else you want to share add um eventually on that top section we're going to see we're going to talk to the rest of the others on that section see if they will be interested as well but that's also requiring us to go back to the school department and see if they're willing to um release some of that land uh but the owner of the um a butter for 15648 they have been notified and have demonstrated interest yeah they have uh correct okay so this is coming up before because she tried to expand on her property and couldn't because of the lack of square footage okay then okay I mean um it should have been I would like to know who the who that butter is so if that's information that you could provide at a later point in time it would be greatly appreciated we have to come back before you to do the direct dispos disposition okay counselors any questions got a couple question C the plant a little slightly confused big box is what we're looking to or no no that big box is the ab property this little box I just lost the paperwork sorry oh I understood it the way you did so we're looking at the other map can we talk about this map y so 4,000 foot will be mind you very's not accurate the scale I get it so okay so there's a so there's a okay so there's a portion that's what the city currently owns what you just city owns all this city owns all that but what you're going subdivide is this you're going to is already subdivided to for we can you're going to subdivide that from the remainder of the city-owned property now this is making sense to me so you're going to subdivide that you're going to take that that small slice away from the rest of it and that you're declaring Surplus no other City departments have have a need for this which will then allow you to go and then do a direct disos to anab butter who we don't know yet and that makes sense we don't need to know right now um that we'll have a second by to the Apple later right so so my real property bless you it's okay I don't think we call it the real property task force anymore is it it's got a new name I want to make sure I use the right name the the the task force formerly known as the real property Tas Force proper taxk Force before it was disbanded way back thing we had discussed the the the what are you calling it now I have no idea okay whatever that group is whatever group is right now has not and it's the same people change anything but we have discussed this way back last year um okay that that's where I'm driving at so but but just for remind me again this is for me and my be helpful to my colleagues but remind me that the real property task force or whatever it's called now gets involved with this after the Declaration of surplus or prior to the Declaration of surplus okay so we look at what what what properties need to be declared Surplus okay um what and then we'll it comes before you guys for the decoration Surplus then depending on the property we have to also look at what kind of usage the property is going to be and based on the current assess value of the property is how we could determine the sell of of particular property and if the person is in a butter and just for your the only one who has first dibs on a property if we doing a yard sale and that's because there's a lot next to them um that's under utilized is under certain definely def under $35,000 um in a very small square footage those are sold for a dollar square foot to the mediate butter because that property needs to be merged with that property and comes with huge restrictions which means that property cannot be built on it going to be used for green space or parking did I answer your question it does and more so and that's for a lifetime of the the property to me this this vote historically is a no-brainer vote we're declaring it a surplus because we're being told that no other City Department or agency is interested in this property and because of that we're declaring it a surplus because a city agency Department says I have a need or an interest in it I'm not sure where it goes then I'm not sure if it required to go ahead or but there it it it it stalls at at some level cor and so um so usually a no-brainer this is interesting because you brought up the frost School a couple of times and and that they're interested and so they our city agency or department so what did the school department say when and you they voted to to to they said what they voted to subdivide it if they didn't vote to subdivide it I wouldn't be able to come here because even though it's city property they still have a say so they they wanted sub they are they don't have a need for it cor so that's but and they wanted as subdivided which I don't I'm fascinated by that they I don't think they have a say in this either they could say they wanted as they a reason for they want it they they want to make this into I don't know a playground or something I have no idea but they would have they would have to vote against it um because it is part they have a vote I mean you're using the word vote a vote so I'm I'm so sorry this is very very unique help me if they didn't vote on allowing for the subdivision of this particular parcel then and mind you this is under the way back of the frost school on top of a cliff go ahead let me so let me just let me bring it back and I don't we have a meeting coming up I don't want of these folks say wait but in any vanilla Garden variety Declaration of surplus the school department is asked I don't care where it is it could be a mile away from the nearest school they are standardly asked do you have a need for this and they probably say we know of an interest when is there a vote and who's vote so this vote is because it's on school grounds um so that has to go before their board um so that's the only time they vote but if it's a property so this area right here is school grounds yes oh okay and so they who's voting they have this La board La so they voted for they voted way back in probably June of last year Surplus they and they said in addition to that or they or did you ask for to I have to ask every Department even them again what what I have to ask every Department that if there's a need for the property that carat would gr okay okay so anyway the longest I'm I'm learning so thank you for educating me so same same so so now I'm more I understand so the only reason why this is different than most is because this is actually School land which is another fascinating question because what is the difference School land and city land this I don't understand the difference both considered city land but they there are certain Parcels that are dedicated to schools um okay and both has a say I'm so sorry you have the floor correct Madam chair both have a say okay so if we would have to go before them first before we could even bring in here I'm for our purposes tonight Madam chair I'm good thank you okay any further questions okay I'm looking for a recommendation motion to send for the recomendation second all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it um is there any other items in the agenda under taed matters that need to be addressed okay I'm looking for a motion to adjourn this meeting motion to adj Second all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it thank you the next meeting October 1st or 7th for City Council next Tuesday okay next meeting is Personnel okay e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening and welcome to the Personnel committee meeting today today is Wednesday September 25th it is now 6:51 p.m. I apologize I was at another event prior to this a lot of things at the same time um at this point can you please join me in a moment of silence um we lost the mayor of Methuen mayor Neil Perry uh over the weekend and now please join me in the pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America into the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all I know this is not needed for committee meetings but I still like like to do them all right voting members to my right I have councelor fedelina Santiago and to my left I have the vice chair of the Personnel committee councelor Wendy lzone pursuant to chapter 20 of the acts of 2022 this meeting the Personnel committee is being condu conducted both in person and Via Vermon participation a reminder that persons who would like to listen or view this meeting while in progress May either attend in person here at the city council chamber or use any of our social media accounts Pages we have councilors we have no minutes to approve can I get a motion to table item 3:23-24 motion has been properly made properly seconded all those in favor say I I the guys have it our next item is item 4 51-24 to confirm the appointment of Abigail Romero to the licensing commission brought To Us by mayor depena and attorney hoen do we have any we have the HR do we have anyone do we have the individual here are you going to speak on behalf of the administration Madam here I um I would just defer basically um but I'm here to support favorable recommendation or request before the committee um a favorable recommendation for this appointment and um I would defer to the candidate there for any further information but I'm happy to relay any questions or find out more information okay can you just for the record can you just go over like the essential responsibilities of the licensing board um absolutely so um licensing board is um responsible for all licensing matters alcohol licensing um special um permits uh in the city um um large events those types of things um capacity um the fire chief I believe is here also may be able to um answer some of the questions as I know the the Fire Department direct licensing board uh quite frequently but um primary jurisdiction would be all licensing matters um I believe currently there is um two Commissioners um this would be adding another um this is um they also handle um most significantly would be um Li liquor licenses um business licenses uh food licensing um any sort of Licensing that's required for the city thank you uh Chief morard we missing any of the any any else of the essential duties of the licensing commission no I know you're just lucky jez night a teamer it's a we have a we have a captain who sits on the committee and and most of the time for the licensing for us it concerns when a a club violates the rules and then we look for that the Commissioners on the committee to uh back the recommendations of what the police of fire might might claim to be have gone wrong it's usually for overcrowding and and the police might have a who knows what they have with us it's usually overcrowding thank you um director Owens question were you were you asked to speak on on this item by the I Madam chair I was um it is an employment um Personnel you know I I have the resume and um I've spoken to the individual but typically appointments are not necessarily through the personel Department um or licensing I should say um appointments to commissions City commissions or committees um but um I am here really it's attorney hoen or someone from the administration that's not you should be here um if if if because Miss Romera was not here I I I would table I was going to table this item but I see that she's been here she's been patiently waiting and that's usually not the case we're usually waiting for for the uh the the recommended individual so I appreciate her being here um with that being said I'm going to call her up and and ask her give the committee an opportunity to ask her a few questions and you know the boards and commit I Madam shair if I may I apologize I wish I could provide more information on the commission itself licensing commission um but as I said personnel I don't interact with the boards of commissions as frequently as I should thank thankk I'm sorry a question counc Lon thank you press U thank you Madame chair uh so um and through you Madame chair I just want to know and I don't know who's going to be able to answer but is the commission complete uh are we sending an extra member what is the situation with the commission as this Bor um thank you councilor through you madam chair if I may um so the this is would be adding a member um currently there's two members and then there is an administrative assistant to the to the commission um there are two Commissioners this would be adding a commissioner and I apologize I don't have the information in front of me I can look it up uh if if you give me a few Mo moments but I don't know how many positions are under the are chartered within the ordinance so I'm assuming we have a through you Madame chair that we have a chair do we have that information yeah let me um look here so um it's two currently two Commissioners my understanding um and I think that's part of the issue is that um you know to come to make decisions uh there's somewhat of an impass because you know if you have one person voting way or the other then the vote's not able to move forward my understanding speaking with the administration this morning um on this briefly that's what the issue is is so um to fill one of those additional commissioner seats would allow more of a rail quorum to make decisions looks like we have three thank you m you're welcome okay now we have Miss Romeo abigel Romeo thank you so much for your patience for being here tonight um I'm just going to open the floor to you to let us to tell us more a little bit about yourself and why you're interested in joining the the licensing commission okay I've been living la since 89 and I attend to the L high in here and I do have three kids well they are they are all now but uh I do have more free time to work more um in my community I do have my business at 361 is Extreme and I've been doing business for uh many years now and um when they they call me that this is something that I could do then I I was thinking that that I would like to try and um um help in any way with the little bit of knowledge that maybe things than that I may have you're good you're good okay counselors any questions for Miss is Miss or Mrs Rome well I'm divorced now so oh so sorry um any questions for abigo see I have a question for you I see on your application um you're your your main concern for the and and I actually like that you that you mentioned this is the alcohol licensing within our within our city and you want to make sure that that we're doing the right thing giving it to the right establishments and ensure that we're being responsible with the with the liquor licensing but this board handles other licensing issues or situations as well how will you say um maybe a friend or family a family member or or maybe you may may get a call from the administration or something like trying to get you to help an individual when perhaps it's not the best idea in general how would you handle a situation like that well if my kids were here they would able to to support me they know how I am I don't go by favor everybody has to go into the same and that's that's the way I am um my kids are 27 24 and 18 the 18 right now is in college in fish for and he was I went to that school really so he's been like an honoral and everything they it's not just talking you need to show them by your lifestyle and my lifestyle has been straight and be honest it doesn't matter if you get in trouble you you just have to be truthly to yourself and I'm not a 100 bucks bill so I don't expect that a lot of people to like me I just want to do what is right so so I could go to sleep so basically thank you councelors any other questions or comments councelor Santiago good [Music] evening I have a question because I was looking for your resume you [Music] have MH yeah F me yeah where did you do I'm sorry where where um I I I uh work in the one in meten in and I'm sorry um yeah it was a long time ago it was 18 years old 18 years old but I couldn't continue because I I do have a special child and the hours it was 16 hours and and and that's something that I couldn't go through I I did like to be working with with patients in the phatom field but I I just did the curse and then and my 30 days and it couldn't continue because of the hours right here say you you [Music] just work for one month in 2023 just July to August 2022 and where maybe I wrote july23 to a just one mon August one one month but not from 2023 I maybe I had the dates wrong because it was a long time is I I did work for one month but it was in 2023 it was uh 2000 it was 2003 maybe I I I I misspelled it wrong but it was 2003 2003 you have a nurse a yes I was working um I I I I did a course in I finished in 1993 and I work in Holio um um nursing home then after that I move over here and then I work in the rehab in meten and then after that I work in um asor too in in and over um I finished in I I couldn't work in after 20 or2 I couldn't continue working as a nursing as so I decided to have I started working my own businesses I've been working since um like in multiservices h i I used to have Santana multiservices and and 103 Jack Jackson Street and then I saw it and I was used to work in 103 Jackson Street too I used to own it and then at the end I purchase a building at at 361 and I do have J&P tundo since 2017 how you want to apply with your ability how you want to apply with the with the knowledge that I have I I I think what she's trying to so with with your experience in nursing and also as a business owner how are those skills how can you use those those that experience those skills to to benefit if you if you were to to be voted as a as a um I I I I believe that I'm good with customers I believe that I'm good with people so in communication I know said that I do have experience what I'm saying I I'm here and I and I'm willing to um to help and work for my for my community and learn if it's anything on my knowledge or whensoever I have whatever experience that I could use I'm willing to use sounds good thank you any other questions or comments thank you madam chair thank you abig for your desire to serve the city [Music] um do you know that responsibilities are going to be your responsibility as a member of the uh licensing do you know do they gave you responsibilities my knowledge is they we are supposed to meet once a month and we there are people that going to present cases and we're going to go over then if it's anything else then I will find out on on the way but my knowledge is no uh and thank you but I mean that's uh and Madame chair to you maybe like in the future they should be presented with UH responsibilities of the committee that they're planning to serve I know she has great intentions um she love the city but also looks like that she is not completely aware what's going to be her responsibility when she um join if she gets uh approved by the council um to join the committee and you mentioned that you did you apply on your own that you or somebody contacted you to apply for this I have knowledge that wasable was looking for somebody yeah mhm but you say that they call you who call you I have somebody told me that may he thought they was I was a good candidate because that person knows my history oh of it but I don't know if it since since I didn't get like the full uh knowledge about what exactly would be my job I don't think that that person knew maybe yes he just know me for a very long time for over 20 years and know how I am in in my reputation and maybe that's why he feels that I was good for it to you mad sh knowing and and and we appreciate your uh good intentions but it's also this responsibilities um and that you have to be aware it's not only meetings is is it's more than that uh and it's more than Leal licenses so in the future uh maybe as part of the um the um appoint uh the administration maybe it will be nice to present to you or to any other possible candidates the responsibilities that is expected from you uh thank you Madame chair thank you councelor Santiago before we send to do the recomendation I would like if she go for full conso to fix the the resum what sping is not really quite by order and she confused me when she was that she was telling me about what she did it she the same day over here okay I age okay well before we move on I just want to say I also say on your resume that you you had some time at the west west over Air Force Base I want to thank thank you um for part for for your time at the Air Force Base I know that's not that's not an easy thing for an individual to do so thank you for that and also thank I want to thank you for for your interest because uh positions like this are volunteer based they're not you don't get anything out of it besides helping your community so so I appreciate that um counselors at this point I will entertain a motion motion to for for for full cons foration and to fix motion has been made is there a second second properly seconded discussion all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it thank you so much so we so we will have the full council meeting October 1st um I would recommend for you to be there in case other counselors um have questions for you okay all right thank you so much councilors at this point I will a a motion to adjourn motion has been made properly seconded all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it thank you e e e is any of ch you good evening and welcome to the budget and finance committee meeting today is Wednesday September 25th it is now 7:14 p.m. um a few days ago and I'm going to do this again a few days ago we lost uh mayor Neil Perry from the city of methu I asked if you stand with us for a moment on silence in his honor and now join me in the pledge FL United States of America the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all all right all right we have a large from the library so Chief Mariotti you're first on my list but we're going to go with the library first to get them out um can I we're going to go down to the last item item 445-4366 321 from the St stabilization Reserve fund to library general fund operating accounts and we have have with us director Janelle AB Abu director thank you vice president fonte and I want to thank um Chief majority for giving me this opportunity um and and for all of you for being here today most importantly to the supporters that we have currently in this room in front of you we have presented a sound budget in order for us to exit ourselves out of the waiver as promised by this Administration and in the support of and the great work of the CFO to find solution to this and of course um by the continued support of your [Music] inquiries counselors thank you any questions or and I know I'm sorry someone else on behalf of the the library board would like Tok we have the opportunity presenting Amita Kelly one of our Board of Trustees um if she can step up if you don't mind Amita good evening budget and finance committee my name is Amita Kylie and I'm a trustee of the Lawrence Public Library I am here tonight to ask that you approve agenda item 445-2452 from the stabilization Reserve fund to the library general fund operating accounts so that the Lawrence Public Library May exit the waiver that we've been on for nearly two decades 20 years almost the Lawrence Public Library is a beacon of learning knowledge community and Hope the fact that we're on the verge of exiting the waiver shows that when we come together and place priority on things that matter in a city anything is possible Lawrence was recently named one of the eight great places to live north of Austin by Northshore Magazine from the libraries windows we can see two new school schools being built the Oliver and the Ley we owe it to the families making Lawrence their home and to the students filling up these beautiful new schools to ensure that they have a certified Library when libraries lose CER C ification is a black mark on the city there's no other way to put it decertification would mean that we lose funding and resources for our essential services and reduced access to library materials we would lose meramac Valley Library Consortium membership and it would mean no more inter Library loans for laurentians meaning that if a Laurentian needed a book not at the Lawrence Public Library we would not be allowed to borrow it from any other Library we would not be able to access the book it would also mean no more audio books or e books among other things so we cannot let this happen the library is thriving under the leadership passion and commitment of Janella brew and her incredible staff and we've seen record numbers of Library visitors and people taking out library cards the Lawrence Public Library is a vital piece of our community please ensure its success by approving tonight's appropriation transfer thank you thank you councelor is any questions or comments uh councelor Mar oh you know before sorry I just realized before I did not read the the um let me do this real quick pursuant of chapter 20 of the acts of 2022 this meeting of the budget and finance committee is being conducted both in person and Via Vermont participation a reminder that persons who would like to listen or view this meeting while in progress May either attend here in the city council chamber or use any of our social media um pages and now Vice chair councelor marble um if you don't mind going over uh how the 200 and um $ 69,3 21 how would they be appropriated I know I know it's listed here but if you don't mind briefly just going over it absolutely thank you Vice chair marmo I appreciate the question uh so what we have done is that we've actually examined with the the help of the Board of Trustees in addition to the massachusett board of Library Consortium to see where our needs are and the reality of it is that the great thing is it's a combination of Workforce Development so you see that both of our lion items and distributions actually go towards salary which are positions and overtime uh our institution has become very popular and has always been popular but I think that we can share that our events spaces are crucial to the information that's being shared in the City of Lawrence not only to our nonprofit communities but also to the partners of the city and what we noticed is that we need Staffing we're the only institution besides the police releasing the fire marshal which I highly respect and have been allies to us we're open from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and we'll also have hours on the weekend so Staffing is really where we're focusing on most of our areas regarding that line item thank you councelors any qu any further questions or comments see councel lone so basically hi uh thank you madam chair so you guys going to raise salary is that it no councelor we're actually increasing the amount of increasing increasing the amount of uh uh bodies we have on so we're increasing the am position we're hiring for more library assistant in part-time library assistant position in addition to a part-time custodial position so it's basically now you mentioned that your introduction was very uh um different so in planing English you're going to have four new staff four or three four I actually give you the total right now so in addition to that we'll be adding two full to two full-time library assistant position and and adding one part-time Library System position we're going to reclassify the AIO audio visual coordinator position and then in the memo introduced we are going to add a add one part time cust sodal position and then uh we're going to classify A literacy coordinating position that's currently funded by a grant thank you for uh the explanation thank you councelor thank you Madame chair any other uh council president Rodriguez thank you man sh you I want to I want to I mean during the budget season we we discuss a little bit of this and um I wanted to have a m markelo if if possible to just talk about little bit of what we discuss at the at the U The Bu I mean at the budget and finance section for the uh for the budget and just to you know you provide us with a a good um history of how we get to that point uh of having to uh rely on a waiver for over 20 years and uh what happened back then uh when it comes to allocations and then that become a general budget of the U of the library and then how we get to that point I mean what was that what would happened back back then in like 20 something years ago that impacted this I can I guess I can just speak to the I think you're talking about the uh formula that the state uses to distribute state aid uh they have a the board of Library Commissioners at the state level I can't remember what they're called but they get a an amount to um from the legislature each year to give the public libraries and to get that money you need to uh uh appropriate a certain amount of money in your budget every year so we've be we've been allowed to get a waiver because of uh the situation here in Lawrence we've uh the amount that we had in we increased their budget substantially over the last several years but to do it in one year would have been impossible uh I think some of the years we would have had to give like6 700,000 to get out of the waiver so this year it's an additional 2 70,000 bucks um uh in and we think we can fit that into the budget but that will enable us to get out of the waiver now we've meet uh we meet the libraries uh uh the state libraries standards uh for for appropriation and then next year we'll have to increase their budget again a certain minimum amount uh every year thereafter to stay uh uh stay without a waiver so next year to be a smaller amount it be roughly 1 and a qu% increase to their appropriation every year so next year we it will be it will add to the general budget uh 1 million no I mean 1 Point 1.25% of the 1,678 3% of the a it's a it's it's the the average of the prior three years budgets times a a two and a half% which equivalent to about one and a qu% increase every year so that's what we have to plan on coming up with you have the calc I Janelle has a calculation in your in your papers there I remember but then in the budget you also mentioned that back then like 20 years ago it was like a mistake or something it was one year it was they had something and I was I think it was the retirement or something was there was a in in sometime in two I think 2006 or 7 one of those years uh which is in the state's paperwork they have they have the history of the city's budgets one year the uh I think it was a mechanism to uh kind of move things around but they took the health insurance is out of the you know we have one uh one number in our budget roughly 15 16 million that we appropriate out of the general fund they took it out of there and put it a piece in every single department so for the was like 300,000 so they added 300,000 and then the following year they took the 300,000 out so it looked like we cut the school depart the library but we never cut them uh we just put them back in the other account but that still remained in the library system or that's the history you have they had an appropriation of x amount and it looks like we cut them so we had to keep filing a waiver every year to kind of get out of it so now we're we've been slowly increasing their budgets so this year is a uh we have the Reserves to pay for this the mayor's making a made making a commitment to add this to their budget next year uh and uh and we'll have to increase the budget a little bit more next year to stay out of the waiver I just want to get the history of it and how we get to that point and if I may just for clarity for the vote I just want to hand this to Maria this is the lot that we're asking for a transfer into two line items Janelle mentioned it but I have the amounts here I just total them up just to help of the recording of the vote but it's a it's a transfer 269,000 uh and then 254 is going to go into their salary and wages line item and the overtime is 14,900 can can you make sure that our clerk has that as well Mr now any other questions or comments Madame chair just a comment thank you uh the way that director um AO explains uh and asks for this item to be approved it looks like like the previous any other previous administration uh or people that work as director of the library have done something out of place but it sounds like it's a financial uh situation because we still have the same person that is in charge of the finances in the city uh he's been here for years so it looks like that in the way that she presented and I and and I appreciate the work that you do but it looks like that the previous people that work at the library did something wrong so let's to put it out there this is has nothing to do according to the explanation that we just got in the history uh that was explained to us that it was basically Financial issue that the library went through so nothing to do with a any one that worked there before as a director or in any other position so you guys are doing wonderful job but every time um we have the honor to have you here it seems like a little a political uh propaganda and but and and instead of uh highlighting the work that you are doing all of you so just to put it out there so it's good thing that we as a city and the librar is in the position that is right now but just not forget what the others have done other the people that hold the position that you have now uh just to put it out there and thank you for the great uh work that you do every day thank you thank you councelor I will say this is something we have inherited but what we want to do for the City of Lawrence more than anything as you see a room full of people that are genuinely passionate concern and driven is to find a way to move forward and by doing that I I advise you and I ask you again please come to us with your concerns and we'll make sure that we make sure that it aligns with the mission of the library today do you Madame chair uh do not uh my comment and you don't need to respond uh uh it's so you can uh know that we see what you do that what iss of you are doing at the library but also we understand that the previous people that were there they also did good things for the city so where you at right now it it also has to do with the history of the library so keep doing what you do you're doing great thank Council thank appreciate that at this point I will accept a motion or entertain a motion motion to send to the full council with favor of recommendation there a second properly seconded discussion councelor Infante if my ask vice president fante if I'm going to ask for a waiver of 30 days due to the submission of the financial report to the mblc do I do that now or after the that would be at the full C thank man' no problem uh can we include the 30 the 30-day waiver to be included in that in that motion for the full yeah for the full Council thank you discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it thank you so much all right back to the top of the agenda we have item four 44224 the authorization to expend in the in the AM to expend in the amount of 500 59,99 with9 from the FEMA assistance to fighter fighter grant for a new truck um Chief Mar you have the floor thank you for seeing me tonight we've been lucky in the grants for apparatus this is our second year in a row with a truck Grant um I'm leaving on the 7th for the uh Quint which is going to have its final inspection coming up this month so or next month so I'll be going down for that but this we were able to land another just shy of $600,000 towards a a new pump which will uh is because we have the airport we'll have some form on it and uh it's just another of our process to keep our equipment updated get rid of all our old stuff get new stuff and we need the mayor has asked us to accept the Grant and next step is for you guys so I'm here for that that's number one thank you council's any questions or comments motion to send it to for counc with K discussion I actually have a question for you meeting so um huh what meeting Miss neighborhood meeting but he explain oh no he explained it in my neighborhood meeting too but I just I I can't hear you I'm sorry no no I just for I want the public you know for the record yeah um here in the award letter says as a condition of this grant you are required to contribute non-federal fund funds equal or greater than 10% of the of the federal funds awarded or $59,000 $90 with 91 for the total approved budget of six of $650,000 can you just well the next my request next line item is is covers that perfect that's I have for three in a row so perfect okay all right all those in favor say I I and the I have it next item item 443-4300 th000 from the stabilization Reserve fund two special projects account and this is for a fire pumper truck M uh Chief Mariotti you have the floor so as you had just brought up the the grant amount of the 10% we have to but they greatly underestimate how much a truck costs nowadays as you can see by the amounts um but we I have been working with some uh manufacturers and we can get a truck fairly soon instead of the um proposed 3 thou threeyear weight um which I find unacceptable we're going to get one much sooner than that um but the trucks now uh with a motor that is is what we want without before it goes to the new one we're we're looking at an additional 300,000 so we're be need just under uh 900,000 for a pump today which I know is a tremendous amount of money never thought I'd see a pump cost that much but that's the way of the world today so um the recommendation from the uh cafo is to take uh 300,000 from the stabilization Reserve fund and put it to the special project of this fire Tru and that's what I'm asking for is to 300,000 match the just under 600,000 so we can get this new pump so essentially the city will be paying for onethird of the truck awesome qu any questions or comments counselors see n entertain a motion motion has been made properly second in discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I the eyes have it thank you counc and then you have one more item 44424 authorization to expend $25,600 for the Emergency performance Grant which is for def F liberators and thermal imaging cameras Chief you have the floor that's correct council is uh one of the we we get these smaller grants annually and uh I put a lot of thought into this one the defibrillators they age out they get too old we've replaced them similar to just two years ago we replace the ones here in City Hall worked with with the administration replace those ours are getting older we have just a few left that we're going to replace but that last fire we had in January on Salem Street where my firefighters uh became in lost in the in the Thick Smoke uh the the non-permitted apartment that was put in the third floor uh caused add added confusion um so we've been investing in getting firefighters better safety equipment and I would like to buy some more thermal imaging cameras my goal is that every firefighter that goes into a a structure that's on duty if structure fire today on duty will have a thermal imaging camera with them now we don't rely 100% on that it's just another tool we still train blacked out and feel your way to get used to it but that tool is another added layer of safety for for my firefighters awesome and that's what I want to do with it this year any questions or comments counselors I have a question counselor marmel so out of curiosity you said not every firefighter has one of these tools um how many do you currently have I I'm going to buy another 15 I just bought 10 and and these are small handheld ones so so another 15 we have a Min minimum 24 on on staff on a shift but we also have I in the past when I purchased cbas I made sure the office's SCBA when the gauge panel that they lift read their gauges also has a tick built into that a tick is just short for thermaline camera and then we have some bigger ones so we'll have enough for everybody on a truck will have one which is a is a big step and safety there aren't too many departments that could ever say that and of course we all know why the ticks can't so big in Massachusetts back in Lista so any other questions or comments see n entertain a motion to the full coun with a recommendation motion has been made properly second in discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it thank you all much all three thank you hold on are you are you here for for specific which one personel Personnel you said for the Personnel it was It was supposed to be I got call yeah I was not informed that we had no I'm not in Personnel we don't have I was not informed that you were so this is this is what we're going to do luckily we have the council president here can we um motion to take out that I'm not part of the person now there's no it's table if we open that meeting it's a new meeting no no I'm not talking about that I'll talk to you offline all right uh can I have a motion to adjin motion tojin thank all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it --------- ##VIDEO ID:lCqRwc8VCG4## thank you good evening here present at the meeting commissioner Mike Le yeah commissioner Morales here and the official Captain Patrick Delan and official officer Cano welcome to the meeting meeting start thank you thank you we don't have approval we don't have any minutes for approval this meeting uh we we have we don't have any old business we do have tabled matters um but we'll take care of those um as we go through the agenda and for new business the first item on the agenda we have groundwork Lawrence who's applying for one day wine and malt license for glow Gala November 21st hi could you please state your name for the record and the reason for this one day application absolutely commissioner uh good evening everyone my name is jge Hernandez uh representing groundwork Lawrence uh and the request is for the one- day wine and malt um license uh to be held at 15 Union Street for the glow Gala event it's a fundraiser uh an annual event that we hold uh this will be the 25th anniversary celebration for groundw Lawrence great thank you um commissioner Le um the only question I have is about the needs and insurance policy I guess you guys have taking care of that so yes sir yes uh Mr Rosa in our office is in contact with Mr Lopez uh regarding the needed paperwork I have no more question good luck to you thank you thank you l no offic officer Koo I have no questions thank you Captain Delany uh good evening a question to the chair um where in 15 Union is the event it's on the space for ydo uh uh Youth Development organization it's going to be on the uh the sixth floor the sixth floor the new space yes okay thank you you're welcome thank you what time is the event taking place at it begins at 6:00 p.m. okay to 10 you're welcome thank you um I'd like to make a motion to approve this one commission Morales made a motion to approve grw lawence for who's applying for one day one Mar license at 15 Union Street for the charity event GL Glo on November 21st from 6:00 p.m. to 10 10 p.m. commissioner Le commission Le second the motion commission Morales how do you vote Yes commission how do you vote Yes motion pass congratulations and good luck thank you very much I'll be waiting for I'll make sure he gets it to you all right thank you thank you the next item on the agenda we have St Joseph's chch St Joseph's Church who's applying for one day all alcohol license for 241 Lawrence Street okay um we'll make an amendment to move this item towards the end of the agenda um okay the next I um do you want to do that formally or could we just can you make I'll make an amendment to move um this item towards the end can you second it yes uh just anybody who not here right now we'll just move it to as we go along to the B the list okay thank you um the mvcc Country Club good evening members of the board hello Commissioners um tell us about your event please yes um so this event is um a a Youth Organization by the name of mindes with purpose uh is hosting a uh their first annual uh music festival it will take place in the the auditorium of the Lawrence Public Library and what they would like to do is for the adults that are participating in the festival they would like to on the 28th continue the festivities over at the location okay um they are very professional group of of people and I've had the privilege of working with them in the past thank you commissioner Le I have no questions I've been here a number of times we should get to know you by now so officer Koo I'm familiar with the location as well um and the establishment I have no questions thank you Captain Delaney I have no questions thank you um I like I like to make a motion to approve this license I'll second that commissioner Morales made a motion to approve one day alcohol license for 62 Hire Street for for minor purpose event on September 28 second by commiss commiss Morales how do you vote Yes commission Le how do you vote Yes motion pass congratulations and good luck thank you good rest me too the next item we have um elevated thought for one day wine and malt license okay not here yet um the next item we have Pascal Ruiz um Quality Motors I didn't get a Trooper report okay and he asked to table the uh this item pasal R is asking to table the item um um do the commission we have not got a report this the second time on it not from the trooper and not from squ or anybody else I'm asking to suspend this thing and if they want to reissue it reissue it yep um officer conel do you have any thoughts on this at this time um I kind of I'm going along with with um Mike with Mike with Mike's uh well you know should we this is going to be go ahead I I think that maybe if we give him another opportunity to come forward we've gave him two opportunities already this is this will be the third time the third time yeah if they want to reissue it they can reissue the complaint put on the table next month next month they don't show up again we're in the same boat again they want to bring the complaint again within a couple weeks next Mee they can do it I um I understand that's fine thank you Captain Delany I have nothing to add okay um I'll make a motion uh to dismiss this matter um until further notice I second that commission moral made a motion to dismiss the request by Pascal Ruiz and Eugene Lawrence the state trooper second by commissioner Le commissioner Morales how do you vote Yes commissioner Le how you vote Yes motion pass case dismissed thank you thank you the next item we have jnf Motorsports LLC they're applying for a dealer license hi welcome back Hi how are you guys good good um commissioner do you have questions yes I have a couple questions did you get the license yes we did okay it now um they have um re uh re like they dismissed the license and were able to apply for one now okay they theyve dis renewed their license so now we're able to apply for a new one the previous owners they have signed off they have sign who to who to we have a paper copy saying they have it stamp saying that they no longer are owners of the business and no longer have active license yeah thank you put see um I thought they had went to you that's why I thought did do you know if they mailed it in no they came here today they came here to give the it's already signed and sealed you saw a copy of it yeah on my phone cuz they have sent it to us okay okay so that was the main question because you have two licens at the same location you understand that right yeah so if he send to the city and he already surrendered to the city give copy to to Antonio right so we can have it for our record okay okay it doesn't have to be right now but get to yeah definitely Antonio do you have any comments concerns BR me the letter the letter from him okay but it was a issue early today that they don't want to sign up for them to get the new license so I asked them I asked them to come in front of the licensing board to explain the situation because we cannot issue a license if there is a license active yeah the license is still active up to December 31st yeah okay and so we talked to them and they said before they close they have it sealed because they did send it to us saying that it was approved that they disproved their license that it's no dis renewed dis they need to come to a meeting or sing us yeah how do you want the letter cuz we don't have it physically but I know that they have you can make make copy and bring to us that they can put it together for them okay I can do that thank you um go ahead commissioner l no I have just wondering the course of action if not come back yeah officer conel I I have no um I have no questions Captain Delany good evening uh just a question through the chair it appears somebody's still operating at that location of the last couple days yeah were there physically you know in case of anything because we did have the inspections and things to get approved so we've been there physically but it's not like officially running exactly okay the motor vehicle doesn't have the license active so the license is not right that's why she's here yeah okay you any questions I don't I don't know um I'm going to make a motion that we approve the license depending on when we get the old license back okay you bring that you bring that paper to to Antonio and if it says they surrendered the license then we're going to Grant you the license but if you don't get that Antonio isn't isn't happy with it you'll have to come back in front of us again okay okay I'll second that motion commissioner Le made a motion to approve a class two dealer license for 479 Broadway second by commissioner Morales commissioner Le how do you vote Yes commissioner Morales how do you vote Yes motion pass I'll be waiting for the paperwork I'll bring it tomorrow morning okay thank you thank you um the next item on the agenda we have malaya's nightclub who applied to increase the club capacity to 375 to 500 Hi how are you how you doing hello good good hello um I don't have any questions commissioner Le I spoke to to Peter Peter this afternoon again oh I did really okay and it was cuz he gave a letter and he um he said he okay for 446 okay okay but I have to stress to you 446 means all the people in the club that means the band your help your security Etc okay and there might be a problem with your doors there may be a problem with your doors and Peter I'm going to address that thing and if there is he'll let us know okay okay thank you officer cono I have no questions Captain delini good evening wish you the best of luck if you need any assistance from the fire department let us know we'll help you out thank you for all your help thank you thank you I'd like to make a motion to increase the capacity to 446 I have to think about that just kidding I'll second at that okay commissioner Morales made a motion to approve the increase capacity for malayas at 24 Newber street from 375 to 446 second by commissioner Le commissioner Morales how do you vote Yes commissioner Le how do you vote Yes motion pass thank you very much guys thank you okay great so now we'll go back um through the items that we did yes thank you in one second yeah yeah thank you m motps go ahead yes yes yeah would I be allowed to ask a question of course so going back to which one number five so how does that how does it how do we work at making sure that this space this in this license m is not are they allowed to continue as as resume normal or yes they can yes they can operate as normal it's like going to court you don't show up the judge says dismiss the case we're dismissing the case until you guys meaning the police department Pat Ruiz and the state police get together and bring them complain to us we haven't so the issue is it's been it's now close to 2 and a half months and we haven't had any updates on this so so it's not not up to the individual to bring forth information regarding the space and how it's not complying with the license K we approved this license right and I'm am not going to suspend the license or revoke a license without somebody being here to tell what the charges are against the guy all I have is a complaint okay a written piece of paper no report to it no police report no state Trooper nothing from inspectional service from nobody it's just a piece of a couple of lines on a piece of paper putting it on the agenda I want more than that okay okay thank you okay the next item will go back to the beginning like in the Bible just kidding new business are we on number two and item number two St Joseph's Church okay the last one under the new oh I didn't see that one the new the new agenda yeah oh the next item we have mv23 Mt motor sorry okay um commissioner or do you want to go ahead take this okay can you guys please state your name for the record Sam Flores hello evening guys how are you hi good Morales you don't have a business any more hours so we have a complaint that we don't have a business name or hours of operation at the office um yes we're trying to relocate with a bigger space okay it was my fault um responsibility m um I am working on getting a bigger space bigger office mhm putting those things giving more time at those hours there um learning from those a mistake okay aware of that um but I really want to focus more on these on the part thing um I enjoy it um i' like to help my community I love it um I do electrical I'm electrician M um I told my wife that I wanted more focus on the cars and helping others moving on forward okay and I apologize for that won't happen again okay commissioner L thank you uh start off the C first were you able to take care of the uh fine that you had from inspectional services I didn't get to do that but I would do that I mean for the yes well actually all right I'll I'll keep that separate um so and as far as the location um you have to be specific as to following the rules of what the actual licensing requires the actual space you have to have the name of the business you have to man that business based on on the hours you have right um did you get a chance to review what is required of a class says hours give it 20 hours a day at least even if it's like 11 to 12 whatever weekly week weekly week weekly yeah it's yeah I seen it um hours in the name got here I think it was that and brought it down a piece of paper I got it 20 hours it was something else too I know we got to telephone it requires a telephone number um the hours in the name of and notify if I do any changes mhm which I will get better at overall so which one of you are going to man this space like who's who's the title under who's the license okay I'll we'll guide each other you going to help each other each okay so someone has to be there when the hours say you're going to be there because when you buy a vehicle or you sell a vehicle right whoever the customer needs to know where you are how to get in touch with you and be able to rely on you if there's an issue otherwise they come to City Hall to complain because of the service so they'll come to the police department and that's what we don't we don't we don't want people to be unsatisfied with the legitimate business if you're going to if you're going to be running a legitimate business right so you have to help us with that that's if you have any questions you need to come to us any one of us to be able to help you if you don't know something please reach out I will I will thank you okay cuz this is something that shouldn't be happening happen yeah I got I take responsibility for it was my fault now I know and um I'll get better I'll be better thank you yes you can thank you um commissioner Le yeah I received a complaint from the police department from offer CLE um um Antonio received the same complaint I went out to that location you have left that location six or seven months ago you never notified anybody here that you left this location corre there was no signs the doors about you uh prior to that I asked the bu building manager he didn't even know you were in the building right all right there was no signs when you come into the building that Mt Motors is in local works at room sweet 13 right there was nothing like that okay now you're asking us just to forget about it and not do anything to you right no no I'm not asking to forget about it I'm asking to give me the opportunity so I can become better and and and and let me prove you guys that I could be better and it will be better what location you going to be at at 439 South Union same place same place just a bigger like another bigger sorry sorry bigger maybe like the hall all right I could proove that um bring you give it the sign I'll make it now all you have to do is go back at the local go into local work and put the sign on the door your name of your company not only the name of the company but your hours of operations your phone number and you have to spend at least 6 hours there during the whole week right be one day it could be what want but the rule says 6 hours and you cannot have any inventory you know that right yeah yeah I know I got that one thank you thank you mik appreciate it yes Antonio for a new location they need to reapply and come back in front of a licensing board for a new location same location 439 yeah same location 439 439 oh okay okay uh commissioner if I may mhm um another thing that's really important is your license you have to be like if whoever's going to to is it online right or are you doing wholesale or retail you doing wholesale okay um remember I've I've gotten reports before of some issues that have come up just make sure that you're following the rules all right please okay commissioner Le yeah I'm going to make a motion if any else has something to say just to give him a warning this time the next time we're going to revoke your license okay thank you mik appreciate it sorry about that it's okay I'll second the warning commissioner I made a motion to give uh empty Motor Sports Inc a ver Warning Second by commissioner Morales commissioner Le how do you vote Yes commissioner Morales how do you vote Yes okay you got it thank you guys I appreciate it sorry thank you commission no problem this still a pending issue which there still a pending issue that they have for this agenda okay ins we don't do we don't do uh we don't handle that you guys do thank you um we do not have St Joseph's Church here I don't think no this is for elevated thought please come up if you can thank you um could you please state your name for the record and the reason for the one day um wine and malt license yes hi my name is Michelle Garcia Fresco um my apologies for coming in a little bit late it's okay um so we're applying for a one-day permit so we can have like a fundraiser um with a few of our donors okay um yeah it's going to be from 600 to 8:30 on October 24th 6 to 8:30 thank you commissioner Le no I'm familiar with this um I have no problem with this thank you officer Cano I have no questions Captain Delaney good evening a question to the chair where in 15 Union will the event be uh it'll be on the sixth floor um right across from Yo okay I wish you the best of luck thank you thank you I'd like to make a motion to approve this one day wine and malt license I'll second that commission Morales made a motion to approve one day license for elevated to uh 15 Union Street second by commission L commissioner Morales how do you vote Yes commissioner Le how do you vote motion pass congratulation they can come tomorrow to pick up the license okay thank you thank you so um our next St Joseph's didn't come so I want to make a motion to table this item for next meeting I have no problem with that the events not until so I I'll second that okay to table and Justice Church uh for the next uh meeting that is going to be on October 9th second by commissioner Le commission Morales how do you vote Yes commissioner how do you vote Yes item stable for great October 9th thank you the next meeting will take place October 9th at 5:30 I'd like to make a motion to adjourn this meeting second Mr Morales made a motion to adjourn the meeting second by commissioner Le commission you vote Yes commission you vote Yes meeting a j thank you very much everybody for coming thank you for