##VIDEO ID:_klaFd1JKoA## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e um we're going to do a roll call vote um I see that the council Santiago is with us Council Del Rosario can you hear me yes sir excellent councilor Selena Rees are you with us okay so we have Council Del Rosario councelor Santiago and myself we have a quorum we'll begin the meeting every vote will be by roll call vote uh we do have somebody from National Grid I am expecting Council vice president fonte to join us soon so we will take her item when she when she arrives okay National Grid good evening sir if there's no objection we're going to write to him he's the only person in attendance this evening I believe he got two issues at the end of the at the end of the um new business document 56 566 24 install conduits underground conduits under Essex Street near Newberry Street yep go ahead uh vas 1101 what's your name vasna vasna Ang thank you NG E A NG E A NG thank you go ahead 1101 Turnpike Street represent National Grid um yeah uh we're looking to get the petition approval to install uh under under the ground uh primary cable at manhole uh 2011 to manhole 2-1 in order to provide service to be no uh commercial uh Folks at um I believe at 9094 S6 Street H conduits okay we're going to looking for a motion to send this up to the full council with a the fa recommendation order of public hearing some motion made by councelor Santiago we need a second by somebody who's thanking counc delario discussion see no discussion clerk so was counselor uh will you please call the role clerk yes Council Delio yes chair ask for councilor Rees she may be with us Rees okay Council Reas noted is absent no Chaya plan yes motion moves uh next item is item number 567 2024 install underground conduits under LOL Street near Hampshire Street go ahead Mr ing um V in 1101 uh turn turnik Street North NOA Mass uh yes for seeking the approval for the petition approval to install uh underground primary for manhole uh 914 to manhole discussion see no discussion clerk please call the rle council Del Rosario yes Council Santiago yes Council Rees chera plans yes so both of these motions Pat have been made by Council Santiago they've both been seconded by councilor Del raro and they both are sent up to the full Council to order a public hearing are you all set yes great have a good thanks you you got it let's go to the top of the um top of the agenda the first item is removal uh renewal of the old gold license at Brothers Jewelry uh there is nobody here in the audience as we typically do in this committee if there's not if they're not here to advocate for the license we typically make a motion to table is there a motion to table motion to table motion made is there a second second by Council Del Rosario uh clerk please call the RO Council Del Rosario yes Council Rees Council Santiago yes CH of plant yes motion is tabled next item is item number 55124 proposed anti- camping ordinance prohibiting unauthorized camping in public places um again no one is here to speak on this matter I'm looking for a motion to table motion to table the item five 5124 motion made is z second seconded by councelor Del Rosario discuss no discussion clerk please call please call the role councelor Del Rosario yes councilor Reyes councelor Santiago yes Chaya plant yes motion the table passes uh next is document 55224 removal of handicap parking at 30 335 aim Street this was actually sent uh in our package by a Santana who works for DPW she must have receive some sort of um she's actually supporting this doesn't say why I guess we could send this up to I mean there's no there's no I don't want this to be a long meeting I'm going to make this a real short meeting if I can but I just want to have this editorial comment to my colleagues who can hear me um this is not necessarily directed to any of my colleagues that are here but probably to the greater group our rules require that when we submit something to the city council for our consideration that we should have background information it's one of our rules often times over the course of times it's becoming less and less all we have is one line one line and we're not having any backup information we should have it preferably in a resolution format but if not at least have some sort of memo format that we know we're talking about in this particular case it would have been nice to have some sort of documentation saying why did the person leave did I don't you know I don't know did a person no longer needs it because they're whatever they're no longer need of a of a plate but we don't know um and and now we just have a request um we're presuming that it's no longer needed we're presuming that everybody's been talked to and everything's all said but I don't have that so that's that's my feeling on that so um we this would need a public hearing we can certainly send this up to the full councel without a recommendation to order a public hearing that way we satisfy this lack of information but yet we don't delay it so that might be my recommendation Soo motion to send this up to the full Council without a recommendation to order a public hearing motion has been seconded by councel Del Rosario discussion see no discussion clerk please call the RO councel Del Rosario yes Council Reyes Council Santiago yes chair plan yes so that was a motion Pat to send it up to the full Council without a recommendation but to order a public hearing next item 55324 oneway beac canav um councelor Infante uh wants to speak on this matter but she did text me about a half an hour ago I'm still waiting to see if she's going to join us um if there's no objection I'd like to push us to the side at this we can looking for motion to table if she comes up we'll take it off the table is there a motion to table 55324 some motion made is there a second second second by Council Del Rosario clerk please call the role Council Del Rosario yes Council Rees Council Santiago yes cha plant yes we may come back to that later uh the next two are for her as well um we will come back to this we I I do want to let the counselor have an opportunity to speak on this matter if she shows up if not we'll untable them and then we'll send to the police department next document is 55424 four-way stop at intersection of jese and Madison Street I'm looking for a motion to table motion table motion made a z second second seconded please call the RO Council Reus councelor Del Rosario yes councelor Santiago yes yes same one for this item this is 55524 stop signing the intersection of Carver and Mar ma street I'm looking for a motion to table motion to table to 55524 there a second second second uh clerk call the rooll council Del Rosario yes Council Reus Council of Santiago yes CH La plant yes okay uh next is 5562 24 four-way stop sign intersection of Mount Vernon Street Mount bur in circle and Sparkle drive I'm looking for a motion to table motion to table motion made second seconded by councilor Del Rosario clerk please call the rle councilor Rees councelor Del Rosario yes Council of Santiago yes chayla plan yes um my goodness she's got the entire document here okay 555 5582 24 proposed ordinance you know I'm going to do let's just skip maybe should show up if there no we're we're not going we're going to skip to document in hopes that she shows up to 56124 handicap parking Sunday's only at 290 Water Street um looking for a motion to send this to the police department for their review this is 56124 five top of page two let me know when you have it pat yes no parking Sundays only 290 Water Street no parking Sunday that's the one um looking for Mo um looking for a motion to send this to the police department for their review s motion made is there a second second discussion c n clerk please call the rule uh this is the order of public hear uh no this is I'm sorry to the police department go ahead Council Del Rosario yes counc counc Reas Santiago yes yes next is 5622 24 handicap parking 120 High Street looking this in this just take a look at this for one second 562 what's that department I just want to make sure the uh yeah wow the young kid we want to make the motion counselor please for motion to say the no I'm not they're only going to give you two minutes and I'm going to riddle it off they may not understand e e e e e e e [Music] [Music] I'm doing okay myself I've got look like for [Music] here e you e e ready you find yourone [Music] spe know I [Music] [Music] call for e for good evening and welcome to the regular meeting for the laen city council today is Thursday November 7 2024 pursuing to chapter 20 of the act of 2022 this meeting will be hybrid allowing participation both in person in the city council chambers as well as remotely anybody that request the zoom link for this meeting was provided uh through the city council through the city clerk and this meeting is also been transmitted uh uh through the laen city uh laen City Council of YouTube page as well as l City Council uh Facebook page roll call Madame CLA please councelor Levy pres councelor llant pres councelor Lon present Council Del Rosario present councelor Santiago present councel marmel present Council Selena Reyes is noted as present via remote participation Council vice president Infante present council president Rodriguez present please join me for a moment of silence in memory of the singer songwriter and producer Ailes uh knowledge 2K5 Espinosa please join in on the Pledge of Allegiance PL of to FL of the United States of America and to the rep stand Nation indivisible with and jusice for all councilors we have a few minutes to approve today and those minutes are as following uh we have uh the special uh minutes from meetings on uh October 28 and October 30 and we also have a meeting um the minutes for the regular meeting from uh April 30 2024 all special meting all all special meeting April 30 October 28th and October 30 uh can I get a motion to these minutes uh there is a motion on on the floor properly second discussion I hear no all in favor please say I I there and now we're going to proceed with public participation the rules for public participation are as follow you have to refer to this Council as a whole not to any individual counselors you're going to have two and a half minutes and at the 2 minute uh mark You're Going to Hear uh sounds of something indicating that you still have 30 seconds seconds to speak uh at the 230 at the two minute and 30 seconds you your time have ended we have a few per a few people that have request for public participation today and the first person that we have on the list is Jessica Anders name and address for the record please good evening counselors uh my name is Jessica Andor I live at three Jackson Terrace in Lawrence and I'm here to speak to you today about um item number 50624 which is the appropriation transfer to support uh Lawrence Community Works die Works project um I uh just want to tell you a little bit more about this project I think there was some information in your packets um I'm actually not here to talk to you about housing today this is a complete economic development project um it's a 100% commercial and community space it's going to be um an expansion site for Lafia Supermarket which we all know is a locally owned uh grocery store that caters to our our um awesome City of Lawrence it's going to be an also an expansion site for the greater Lawrence Family Health Center uh bringing um some uh needed services in um dentistry and Optometry to the community um in an area that's like a burgeoning residential neighborhood and most exciting for us um I think is that it's also going to be a new home for the movement City youth program um which is our own youth program that has a long track record of success and a waiting list and we're going to be able to expand into the building um and I just want to let you know that after me in public participation are several youth members of movement City who have come to speak to you they did come to the budget and finance committee meeting um and speak to the counselors who were there but they wanted to present to the whole Council and let you know about um how they feel about the project so that will be happening um they'll get up after me and then they have to scoot because they actually have to get back to their programming um I just want to say a couple of things that are important about this project um as you know although lcw is a nonprofit We Do pay taxes to the city on our real estate projects and this um project is no exception it will be paying more than $50,000 a year into the tax bace of the city which within 5 years time will more than repay the investment that we're asking for and then will continue to generate income for the city it will also bring um probably close to 40 new jobs um possibly more than that into the City and jobs that are uh accessible for our residents and so um we're very excited about this um we really hope that you will approve it tonight and um I just want to thank you for all the city support of our projects in the past and this will be the last piece of redeveloping that area of the mill District so thanks thank you the the next person is Marcelo Perez Gman name and address for the record please address name and address for the record my name is Marcelo pisman I live 41 Ohio Avenue here in Lawrence um I immigrated about six and a half years ago and I've been a part of women City around six years ago now I'm a teaching assistant at the program um and being an immigrant I was very sad by leaving my country and really leaving my friends and my family behind so when I came here to Lawrence I felt frankly apathetic for you know wanting to get involved and calling this city my home right um and once I moved I went into movement city um they provided me with a space where I could let my frustrations out and kind of express myself creatively and this made this they've made me feel heard and comforted um which allowed me to kind of integrate myself into the community more and now that I am a teaching assistant I am able to see this a lot with a lot of the kids that come by like for example a kid that came in around two years ago um he had just moved from the Dominican Republic as well and he was very very shy didn't really want to talk to anybody and he kind of gravitated to me for you know having similar experiences than him so with him I um had a lot of conversations with him and I made sure that you know his feelings were being heard and I even helped them write a song about all the things that he was feeling growing up and moving to the US and now he is a very big social butterf fly in the space and we all love them and long story short I just think that movement city is a place where youth that are not willing to be in the community um call Lawrence their home um and yeah that's it thank you thank you uh the next person that we have from public participation is uh Kiara Gutierrez name and address for the record please hello my name is Kaa Gutierrez and I live in Lawrence I love movement City because it offers a place for kids from the ages of 10 to 18 to express their creativity and it Al it also offers the many opportunities like this one to become a leader and build a resume this this new building will provide a safe space for this for every member who joins one of who joins for the ones who need to occupy their time and for and to keep um other children off the streets who obviously need a place to go or to feel that they need to express how they are and with this new building we will build a legacy and a community of successful youth youth through academics and a sense of belonging thank you Justin Bor name and address for the record please um hi my name is Justin B um I live at