##VIDEO ID:bXV2T1Qm15Q## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e are you ready good evening and welcome to the Lawrence a ordinance committee meeting let me get my screen to work properly Perfecto today is Tuesday September 10th um pursuing to chapter 20 the acts of 2022 this meeting of the ordinance committee is being conducted both in person and via remote participation a reminded that persons who would like to listen to or view this meeting while in progress May either attend in person uh here or use any of the following access locations to include the Facebook laurren city council page and the YouTube laurren city council page roll call uh Council Del Rosario presid councel Santiago present and the vice chair is absent momentarily I do expect that she'll be here and I'm the chair Mark plan would you all please rise for the pledge of allegiance to flag the United States of America [Music] indiv thank you I've surveyed the our audience this evening we have a couple of people here for a couple of items uh so because they're here I like to take them out of order um because we do appreciate their attendance uh in no particular order but number if there's no objection number 4192 far Pink bizar by lenth does that pronounce that correctly hello that you that you okay this is your time once you come up to the podium uh this is document number 419 so um and one question only in English or I can use Spanish you want you can speak in English or no I been English though why we why don't we see if we can get through that and if I've got problems I'll let you know but we'll do our best but I think we'll be okay go ahead okay so for this day um I I have a 20 people with me work together for different brand for is a come let's do this I'm looking for a volunteer who is bilingual who's may be sitting in the audience who may want to just to provide some quick translation is there a volunteer who would be willing to do their civic duty am I pulling somebody's leg a little too much we would really appre oh you would thank you we would really appreciate that and that would take some of the pressure off of you and I promise we'll take you next thank you okay thank you very much listen I do appreciate so why don't you go right ahead and this young lady right here is willing to translate so go ahead okay sorry all right did you was that it okay event that she was hoping to have all right okay by the center uh but appar they have already an event simultaneously on that day so she was told to come here so that she could have her event hosted in the common Park and another space for the common Park essentially she has 20 individuals who I guess they help like they make accessories and so she'll have about 20 20 tables each trying to sell what they have um made okay is that it okay is that it okay so um I did have a chance to talk to some officials before the meeting this evening who have informed me of this and that the recreation department has approved or said that that's not a problem however there there are another there's something else going on on the common by the way it's known as camping on common on the common and they've said that if you have it near the flag pole there's something by The Bernstein Bandstand that's occupying maybe you should translate that right now so I talk too much go ahead ahead the Burnstein Band Stand is that is it's the stage yeah so the idea was to be near the flag pole and away from the stage from like where the water correct she is aware of that she's okay with okay so what if this this committee is going to do if it finds so fitting is that we will make that stipulation uh in the permit uh we'll send it up with that stipulation that it' be in the it will be in the flag pole area away from the from this from the band stand so we don't have the conflict and do she have to make that or you we we will we will do that here so the permit that will be issued at the full Council not here we'll have that stipulation okay perfect looking for a motion or questions or comments Council Del zarel thank you through you could it be done in another day could it be done in another day she said that you know it would be ideal if she could have it on that same day because of the event that the church is having it will just kind of help bring people to the idea would be that those individuals may also come to the tables of the members um but if there is any conflict she is open to resched it for another day she'll have to speak to the team through your chair councelor Del Rosario it what it is is a now I know it's a church event also but what I what I seem to happen is and and couple of weeks ago a few weeks ago I went to the data Day event in the park and they were Shar in the park and somehow event sharing the parks it it brings conflict between the events regardless of what type of event is and and and that's why and also if if it's an issue you don't know who to blame for is two events three events sometimes in the park and and and I don't mind you know being the same or being a church but somehow we need to prevent this to happen or or try to blend in same type of event I mean this time what I'm hearing is a church it's a church to rent they're going to sell Bibles and they're going to start things that they doing and but we need to Prov EV that will happen cuz we put in too many events that day that I went to the data Day event it was a church event all over the the the stand then you had another event across the street at the center happening which is it's another location and then you have the D day with a with a stand and a band playing and was a church vanand playing and all kinds of stuff but but uh but it's okay what I what I could recommend is I mean we probably will move this forward but if she can get in contact with the church that is having the event and blend the men all together uh that would be let her oh I'm sorry yeah I'm talking too much it's it's a church on Park Street but um through you CH but I mean you sell the Bible they celebrating the uh month of the Bible at the park that's what they celebrating the month of the Bible at the park so I mean I don't have the information of the church I mean you could ask and they'll give it to you at at the recreation department to so and and what it does is basically you know they aware that you're going to be there you you already aware they're not aware that you might be there if we approve it you know they're going to be there there's no conflict at all but and again what happened in the park at the past is that too many events at the same park on the same day and it's always some type of a little conflict you know okay tomorrow you go to the recreation office for ask for so yes the recreation department office will have more information about the other um permit on the camping on common and so they'll be able to give you the contact but I think what the counselor is suggesting is it it raises an excellent point uh that I didn't consider and um you know as I'm reading a little bit more about your application you're going to be having food will be sold by vendors um Goods will be sold by product vendors and service will be sold by service providers here's the question are you bringing in vendors for this or or how is that going to work and you're also going to have 20 tables in that little area it just the the concern I'll stop and let you translate for um since she was informed when she went into the department of recreation that if there was going to be vendors selling food they would have food to a separate permit she decided to do away with that so the majority of her vendors are individuals some will be selling accessories some will be selling um Christian books so am I to hear that there will not be any you will not be sponsoring any food vendors and this she say she's only going to have bottle water for the vendors who the ladies who are selling the if we're going forward with this my recommendation to this committee would be to strike the language on here that that talks about having food uh vendors available so that there's no confusion as as the permit he has requested or suggested that there's not going to be any food so I if we're going forward with this that would be a recommendation um okay what was the answer to my colleague's question regarding finding another date she has said she'd rather keep the date um just because because she feels that that would help with the consumer in the purchase and selling um but if it's a true conflict that she'll be open to rescheduling have to touch B with I I will I will tell my colleagues where I'm leaning on this I I I am I am swaying toward my colleagues point of the conflict I've seen the conflict myself at a DAT Day event last year that I was at and it's un it's it's not often that we actually we have more than one event on on the camping un common but I truly think that even with the best of intentions uh things can get a little potentially the not out of hand but whether it's noise or whether it's music or or if there's a disturbance of some sort we as a city won't necessarily know if there's events properly permited who is causing the issues and I think that does a disservice at a certain level to our police and others who if and I'm not saying that this group is going to be a problem but I I'm suggesting to my colleagues that we may want to consider when we're allowing the common to be used or any place to be used that we have it for one event and one event only and once we start having separate events that there can be the potential for some conflict that if there's other days to do it we should invite them to do it on some other day so I just want my colleagues to to consider that that that was a great comment by Mr Del Rosario so through you yes Mr what it is also is that I was checking the application it's according to the application she bring in a DJ she was looking for the stage right she she couldn't get the stage because there was another event the event that is going to happen there they're not going to use the stage they're going to be in the four corners of the park according to what they say last week preaching the Bible but if you bring a DJ depends on what type of music is and it's and it's and it's and it's a a a Christian event going on praying Bible all the stuff so it again two weeks ago it was it was disturbing for me to go and church was going Extremely Loud and trying to speak on that day with two events and speakers and people talking on the speakers and you try to speak on an event it was pretty difficult um I'm always forward for all these events and you guys know that but I mean at the end of the day if like I said my recommendation would be that she get in contact with the with the church and let the church know she could even use a stage if the other church at a different day or maybe if they get together on on the same day and and the church says well suitable they can you know but I mean my recommendation would be on of the day too for her to have the whole park for herself and her event but she says something that is suitable to the church is going to bring people and she's going to have a table that's going to sell stuff so it's it's I have Miss motion okay so I'm looking for a motion I I know where I'm voting on this I'm looking for a motion or if there's any um more questions or comments by anybody okay um going to look for a motion uh we have three choices actually we got several choices we could table it which means this thing is not going anywhere because it's not going to get there in time number one number two we can send with a favorable recommendation number two we could send it with just a committee report or number three we can send it over with unfavorable recommendation I believe is what they call it um so I think those are our those are our choices so I'm looking for some somebody to make an a motion here we go the vice chair stepping up here she goes I can't wait to see what be question yes Mr delario in case that it's recommended for you to do one another day how far are you in advance with this event I mean with money invitation how how is she for for [Music] she said that she hasn't purchased any Flyers at the moment because she was waiting to hear whether it would pass she has the invested $2500 on other materials the tables um she no longer has the DJ because when she was informed that the um church was having an event she was planning to have a DJ to play Christian music but the fact that the church is having the event she's no longer going to have the DJ um many of her vendors are Christian women as well so she say she's more than happy to reach out to the church and see if they can collaborate together um she is concerned that she has to move it to a later date pray because currently the event supposed to be outside it's going to be too cold so then she'll have to strategize of finding another space where it'll be indoors okay okay um again and and the other event according to what they say brought out to us they're not using the stage so if if she get in contact with the church and the church says you know we don't mind she might be able also to use the stage well I I don't know if that's true because we're going to give a permit for a certain spot she just can't just can't negotiate with someone else cuz the permits for a certain location and we we really should be the folks that say yes you could have the stage yes you could have the thing we we as a council should have that Authority and I understand and I understand chair but we have a meeting let's say this go up oh for next year yeah let's say this go up and and Recreation she get in contact with the church the church and her go to Recreation and they can do some changes into the application and then we they send us us I mean you know I haven't Miss emotional proving this but I'm I'm all for it and and and it's a well it's it's what gots me is that she's going to sell stuff and bibles and stuff and it's the Bible month they celebrating they're not using the stage she wanted to use the stage and I still have two events and one one place that kind of bothers me a little bit um but I don't know so let's bring it up and we'll we'll see what happens but I Rec I recommend her to go and and talk to to the other uh people that have the permit and see if they can somehow regardless of what kind of permit we give her somehow they can blend in and maybe work out together what's that [Music] she said that she really doesn't need the stage she really wants like um you know cemented sidewalks or something cemented to put the chairs on she was never going to use the stage to begin with um [Music] okay and this is sorry go ahead Council Santiago and I think it is similar event because it is Christian a Christian activity I think you will be fine but we have to wait for your an for your answer about you have to talk with them but next meeting you can bring us the answer and we can take the final decision I think so okay you want to say something as well Council Vice chair no follow with my colleag uh bring the conversation with the pastor uh and thinking in mind maybe they need to use the the whole pack okay taking in mind another Choice another days uh but I think we can make a motion to to send in we fav recommendation you're taking in mind the last decision from the the P okay so there is a motion to send this up with the favor recommendations been properly second discussion I will be voting against this I would have been supportive of just a committee report but I'm not looking forward to this because I just don't know what the answers are um I just I'm I may have to say this again at the whole Council but I the comments that were made this evening have have allowed me to open up my eyes a little wider toward this issue um as we go forward and and maybe in this particular case we can make a make an exception but I think going forward I will not be supporting something like this because I think it doesn't un it's un potentially unfair for the first permite who came in who was expecting that there're just going to have the the the that Park I'm sorry go ahead for so you st with let me let me let me just finish my thought it's okay we'll give you a chance to speak one more time so um I think it's bad I think that it's a precedent that concerns me uh going forward and um I think it's it is important if you are going to be able to do this to have that conversation with the per the other permite and then I think it would be the best practice to have something in writing from them saying that they have No Reservations they W with that because if you just come back and say yeah I talked to them and they said it's okay well that's not as strong as somebody actually having something in writing to us saying we understand that there's another event going on and we have no problems with it that gives me that makes me feel a little bit better so go ahead okay okay so we have a motion it's been properly seconded I don't think there's any further discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I I post no roll call vote councelor Santiago yes councilor chair Rees Vice chair Rees yes councelor Del Rosario yes the chair votes no the motion is going up to the full council with a favorable recommendation we will be meeting next Tuesday whatever date that is so I think that's the 17th next next Tuesday and I would highly advise that you be here for that meeting she have that I I think every counselor is different I would strongly advise her to have something written and have it to us prior to the meeting earlier should she bring it to the Department of recreation or the ideal thing would be to get it to the city clerk prior to Thursday prior to Thursday noon so you got a couple of days that way the the the city clerk did I say attorney I meant the city clerk the city to the city clerk because the city clerk will get put this into our packet so all the councilors will then know that yes there's been correspondence and communication and there doesn't seem to be an issue we're good all right so we'll see you on the 17th okay thank you you're welcome thank you bye you can stay up here by the way because now we're going to take your you were so good and kind and did a great job that now we're going to take if there's no objection of course uh we take 40724 off the table matters um and that is lights on Lawrence day uh what does DV stand for what is what is DV disable the domestic violence domes thank you sorry domestic violence Awareness Month October 3rd and this is going to be at the campign Comm so you got the what you what is your name my name is arelis arelis with the YWCA North EAS Massachusetts I'm the director of Community Based Domestic and Sexual Violence services for the Y WCA I apologize I have a bit of a cold but we're here for the YWCA thank you so much for your time today and taking the opportunity to listen as we pitch this event the YWCA is the nonprofit organization that has provided free and confidential services to to survivors of intimate partner violence within the marac valleys for over 30 years according to the National intimate partner and sexual violence surveys more than 16 million people in the US suffer from intimate partner violence every 32 every minute 32 individuals experience intimate partner violence in the United States and nearly one in two women and more than two in five men report experiencing intimate parent violence at some point in their lifetime federal federal crime data showed that dramatic increase in domestic violence offenses from 2020 to 2022 in Massachusetts the numbers of aggravated assaults which included assault and battery with a dangerous weapon strangulation and assault and battery on a pregnant woman climbed from 5,690 to 6,12 murder and non-negligent manslaughter increased from 21 to 28 and our research thus far through um through homicides that have received media attention we have a total of nine domestic violence simulated deaths in Massachusetts this year seven of which are victims two perpetrators who committed suicide during the fiscal year of 2024 our YWCA safe plan Advocates assisted 66 clients filed for restraining orders and harassment orders out of out of the Lawrence District Court through our intimate partner Counseling Services we served 842 clients Lawrence has experienced approximately two intimate partner VI related death each year since 2011 we know that intimate partner violence is not just an issue here in Lawrence it's a global issue that needs to be addressed and spoken about this being said the YWCA is proposing an asking you as the city council to support our effort um any event excuse me um we calling lights on Lawrence with a support we would it would be scheduled on October 3rd at which point we were asking for the city hall to be lit purple we would like to have a domestic violence flag raising ceremony the same day and place purple ribbons on the podium with the story in the middle path of the common Park if it's possible so if it's possible that it could be remain lit through the whole month of domestic violence October that'll be great but if there's a time frame we're open to it just to create awareness within the community and kick up the month of October um creating that awareness sure so uh thank you so a few things just to before we go into the discussion so the the light on the building there's certain things under our jurisdiction and there's certain things under the mayor's jurisdiction our jurisdiction is the public park by the way if you could do me a favor my colleagues know I I always do this it's it's campaign own common that's the name of the common the three brothers that got killed during war War II was very very tragic uh we shouldn't forget their memories and what they their family went through so the campign know Common so um so the um the building lights mayor's office flag mayor's office us the use of the of the public park that's what the that's what the council does so all those things that you want to do you should talk to the mayor's office and and make that request to them there for the flags there is an application form just need to ask them and they will provide that for you and the Lights I've never heard anybody make a request for lights so I don't know have you so maybe a first time I don't know but you should talk to the mayor's office about the lights my senses they'll be as accommodating as possible it's my guess so but how about the podiums the ribbens around the podium the podiums are going to be on the on the common the yes is currently the podiums that have like the story book it's like a story yes we wanted to wrap the bottom of it with purple ribbons so that's our jurisdiction and so if you have that inside this um inside inside the application that's what we're looking for so yeah so if you have that in that that's great so I'll stop there uh let my colleagues either make a motion or or questions if they have any through Council Del Rosario I mean it's amazing to be honest it's the first time they ask for the lights they are so purple lights meaning the rence is they going to put around which is is amazing I don't know how long they can keep the rib I don't know if they can keep it for a month or no all the lights on so but it's it's to us it's to me it's the first time there so it's I think it's amazing not as small but hopefully if this get approved next year we'll get lights for the trees if and we'll bring it up to you ala and that would be us and bring and bringing awareness at this time knowing what we this city has been going through for the past weeks Al so it's it's it's good it it's great two events one Thursday coming up they're going to raise the Christian pla which it's the first time ever it's a great event because this city needs it um sometimes you can look up and say well there's hope somewhere and now you guys bringing awareness I think it's it's great hopefully you can get all that the Mayo's office I don't think they if it's if there's not any conflict I don't think they'll say no other comments or motions motion to send to the full council with a favorable recommendation second motion made by Council Del rosaro second by Vice chair Reyes discussion just one thing on the application it says here uh I just find it fascinating um and trash no cleanup necessary you don't think there's going to be any after take out the ribb um and that was another question will we be allowed to put the ribbons on is that something that the department ofation is responsible well I mean I think that we offer the permit we don't have a ribbon budget no so it'll be on you to to provide for that so um talk to us a little bit about the ribbon because that might be asked of the full Council and if I didn't ask some going to say why didn't you ask at the coordinance committee meeting so why what kind of ribbons are you looking to have on the on those the ribbon would be essentially like you know those big ribbons that you put on presents um like the big bow ties and then it would be wrapped around the bottom of the podium so it wouldn't disrupt the story book that's on there um we would just wrap it on the bottom of the podium okay so the the only thing that I would add to that if you're going to put the ribbons up and I if this Council has no full Council and this committee has no objections I I doubt that we do um it's equally important to take it down so at the at the end of your event it's not it shouldn't be on there for uh for beyond the extension of that event so that's part of the cleanup okay so so it would only be that one day on October 3rd I would think so I mean I mean we we offer the per we offer a a a permit for the use of the park for the reasons that you have it once that use is completed you've got a permit for that day um that it's done right you don't have a permit for the month you're not asking for a permit to use ribbons for each of those poles uh that would be highly unusual we have not seen anything like that we we are just used to seeing a permite come and say we're going to do this in the common and this and this and that's it for that time and then the expectation is you're going to return the common to the condition that it was in previously the flag may stay up for longer than one day the lights might stay longer for one day that's a different story but we have other thing other people and events who're going to be using the common and and they're going to get it like it like it looks now not with ribbons on stuff cuz then once we go down that road who knows other people I'm just going to put this on there now we got to deal with that go ahead may have a question now that you said that may answer my question but in the future if we change the language to express well like the ribbons to remain on the podiums for the entire month or for a week would that be allowed or given what you just stated that there may be a so it's not a decision that one individual counselor the chair can make so that's going to have to be a decision by all of us to make so I would highly recommend this year you go with the one day in the future if you want to do something I think you will want to have that and then I think we will have to have a conversation is this something that we want to allow or and we need to listen to the pros and cons of it I think we understand why you would want to do it but there's also some reasons why we shouldn't do it and so um but I would recommend that we just go with one day this year and then maybe you you could pursue that maybe next year and see how this Council decides okay so the motion did I did I call the motion yet yes I did then we're Al then you're so motion has been passed yeah we did okay so we're good so we're meeting next next Tuesday that's what I asked we to vote okay all in favor say I oppos no was there a motion I was want okay it was a great motion all in favor s guys have it um we're going to send it up to the full council with Fable recommendation we'll see you you next week on the 17th Maxim thank okay you're welcome counselors um we do have some city employees here and as you know we we try to get them they they're usually here starting at 8:30 in the morning and we try to get them out because they got lives too and um I believe they are here for uh page two I'm looking uh this is dealing with the um the the the right WR grant writer and um see if you can see this before I do here it is document 34724 there's no objection I like to take 32 34724 it's in the bottom of page two um before us this evening see no objections the director of personnel who have yet to meet firsthand who I've only met in the back but at some point we're are you're going to have a meeting so welcome your name for those of us who I know you now but absolutely thank thank you Mr chair uh Michael Owens personel director for the city um good evening Mr chair counselors um coming before you tonight with the um draft ordinance um that's before you to amend um section 2.7.2 180 of the municipal code code um that is currently the grant writer position and um we are requesting that we change that position to um the director of project management and development the purpose behind this is that um the um currently um the way kind of grant writing works as you may be aware in the city is each department um pursues grants or initiatives um that they want grants for um and there's where' you get that individuals responsible in those departments or the individuals in those departments are responsible for working on those grants um but the the city really saw a need um to kind of have more coordination and oversight over that process so the idea behind this position would be um adding the additional responsibility of this person to kind of coordinate those efforts of Grants um and um and uh some other project management that's necessary uh particularly within the uh Department of um the office of Planning and Development so uh this person and uh this position would have that um responsibility of coordinating those grants some oversight and um additional project management duties Mr Owens before we get too far into this conversation I just want to make sure that we have the right document what we're looking for is the public hearing essentially the public hearing notice or not the public but the but the ordinance itself draft language is it look like this no if I could just stop sure please yeah I don't we it's not in our package I think what that is is that's the job description got Prov we can take a cof yeah you want us to do you want us to go in a brief recess so we not missing anything we can go in a recess okay um I'm looking for a motion to table for stars motion to table is there a motion Move Motion made by Council Rosario seconded by councelor Vice chair re all the favor say I oppos no the eyes have it I'm looking for a motional Recess Recess motion made by Council D Rosario second second by Vice chair Rees all in favor say I oppos no the eyes have it we are in a brief recess while we making copies of this and we'll be back should take it just a couple minutes okay thank you very much Vice chair for e e e e e who is this guy who's that guy guy in the middle do you know his name no on the screen oh you know his name no sorry no one does on it's May eaten we have no idea why he's up there I think he got that commissioned on his own what an ego give us the biggest picture you have and then someone says put in the middle of the room anything you want to comment on that Council before I back Gavin motion to come back out of recess motion by Council to come back out of recess second the vice chair discussion see none I'll call the question all in favor say I hi those know the I have special thank you Vice chair above and beyond the Call of Duty thank you for making the copies Mr Owens you're back all right where were we um good evening um for the record Mike Owens a Personnel director for the city um so um we were just discussing here the um the the request is to replace section 270. 280 of the municipal code which is currently the grant writer um placing with the director of project management and development and um what was just provided to you is the the draft ordinance um which lays out it establishes the position and lays out the responsibilities um just give a brief um overview of the responsibilities um essentially they uh entail a serving entails um serving as the project manager on all Grants awarded to the city um this person would also internally collaborate with um other leaders department heads and appointed Grant coordinators uh they would identifying funding needs and assist in securing grants and in conjunction with the lead coordinators for the city Department um a number of um other uh requirements um including maintain cultivating and maintaining relationships related to Grants um and development in the city as this position would be within the um office of Planning and Development um a example of um of kind of the need for this and uh I was in a meeting today where um there was a tech grant that I think the librar is was talking about pursuing um but the school department also has an interest in that that Grant um I think the police department as well um so this is a this position is you know the perfect kind of um solution to to um navigating that you know all these departments have a need for this Grant and uh we need to kind of coordinate with all those apartments get them at at the the same table um and collectively kind of apply for that grant instead of one applying you know this way the other applying that way if they can kind of be coordinated um and Make a Better Effort they have a higher chance of securing that Grant um so that's just one example um as to the need for the position as I mentioned the other night but for the record here um another reason that um the another need another um kind of um reason that we believe that this position is needed is because of the in in the past with lack of coordination um and where uh things have kind of fallen through the cracks for lack of a better term um you know people that are uh that are working on grants within specific departments they're often doing many things um writing a Grant application is one of the many things that they're doing uh in addition to their other job duties so you can imagine um how uh if they're responsible for this on top of their day-to-day job um they could miss a deadline or forget to submit necessary materials for the Grant application those types of things so um when that when those things happen when we miss out on opportunities we're obviously leaving money on the table and taking away opportunity from the city so it's really important that we don't miss Grant application deadlines um and that we have um we have a strong approach um when pursuing funds through Grant applications so this position would help oversee all of that okay I'll open it up for either a discussion uh we at just we're all aware um the clerk successfully was able to get this on our next city council meeting for public hearing so it's almost a matter of what we do here this evening there's still a public hearing but uh if there's questions comments or emotions this is not a bad time to ask it pardon me we've already ordered a public hearing at the full Council level at the last meeting so we're just this is essentially to to check off the Box the reason why it's before us again is that this document that we have in our hands now was not here when um uh when they give the initial presentation first Personnel had it sent it up and so the council president decided to send this down to us for our review but again um it's I'm not a huge fan of this but uh we've already public hearing no matter what we do here this evening uh it's more informational for us so if we got questions or whatever we will have another B of the Apple the full Council of course after the public hearing but it's here now Mr Owens we have his time and his attention so we can certainly ask him now and save us time with the full Council counc areio I mean what kind of motion are we going to any motion would be in order a motion to send a committee report favorable recommendation I mean if if we don't like it the committee says we don't like it I mean that kind of sends a signal to the full Council but and to be honest with you Chad asking a question right now I mean we've been dealing with this for months so so I mean I think all kinds of question I've been asked so motion to send the full counil with a favorable recommendation second motion made and properly second is there any further discussion on this matter I just have whenever I listen to you speak Mr Owens and Mr spanner speak that you guys always um like Council Delver did earlier this evening sometimes when I hear things it kind of Spurs the thought in my head so so in this particular case you mentioned that there were very there different departments who were doing their own grant writing and sometimes that wasn't their sole responsibility but one of many responsibilities that they would have and often times I think that was your words things may have fall between the cracks um I guess the so I guess the good news is is that we're going to take that responsibility away and let that individual be more focused on their other duties that's I guess a good thing um but in some of these areas the subject matter expertise is in that particular department and not with the potential grant writer can you speak to that absolutely so just to clarify um this would not take those responsibilities away from those individuals in the Departments that are doing this this would just provide some oversight for um to have a central person in the city to be tracking all the different grant opportunities that are being pursued in the city and following up on them staying on top of them and and you know um making sure the deadlines are met um that type of thing so you would still need the person in the department of the subject matter expertise to participate in much of that process process um but in terms of making sure that all requirements are met for the grant uh the grant is written in a particular way and that it's submitted properly including on time the responsibility would really fall on this position so it's it's providing assistance it's not replacing those subject matter experts in those okay positions and the and my last point just start I think the maybe the first time or I think the first time you come before this committee so a lot has happened in the last few years when it comes to Employment Practices and hiring there seems to be a push right now that formal education um requirement of college uh used to be one of the principal requirements for any kind of job and from what I'm in the stuff that I'm reading and listening to there seems to be a trend away from that where you're looking at more at experience um rather than the actual formal education this I don't know where I fall on that I'm I'm a product of let me see how many years probably the same number as you because I do my lawre degree so it's probably the same number of years whatever that number is um so it just I'm just so I'm a little biased but I guess I want to know where's the on this particular issue I'll ask because that's for us but what's the city's position on on educational requirements when there seems to be a move toward less important for traditional yeah great question um and you're absolutely right you're following the trends in labor and employment uh and hiring and recruiting it's which I like to hear um but um you're absolutely right there is a a trend in the market um to get kind of um put less emphasis on education um and more emphasis on actual experience for Technical Training um there's a lot of jobs now that um especially with um um kind of um growing uh Community College programs or training technical training programs there's a lot of um positions that you can be trained for that you don't need to spend four years getting a degree for uh I think employers have recognized that um and also with the cost of Education many people you know they they go four years for a bachelor's degree and they don't actually apply um that degree to the field that they end up in so um I think people are more realistic about that employers being more realistic about that from the city's position um you know I think that education is absolutely necessary in some positions right education licensing all of those things are necessary but um you know I think that uh experience it matters and um I think what's most important for the city is for us to um respond to Trends in recruiting and hiring and if if that's the direction that the job market is going towards if there's less emphasis on education more emphasis on training or on experience and I think the city needs to to go in that direction as well you know we have to we have to remain competitive in the market um and if you know we're if we're um having these heavy requirements for degrees for our positions and other employers are not um obviously we're going to miss out on the best candidates um so I think um my personal opinion is that you know I'd like to see a mix it really really depends on the position um but uh absolutely we need to respond to whatever uh the job Mark is and in this position just to close that Loop in this position you're looking for traditional bachelor's degree in management public administration or social sciences or related field that's really open to almost anything focusing on project management public administration or related discipline so a bachelor's degree is going to be required I don't care if you spent 25 years writing doing grant writing for another municipality if you don't have that college degree you are not going to be considered for this job yeah um Mr chair it's a great point and I think actually um you know looking at that I think we could probably refine that language a little bit um in full disclosure this ordinance was drafted by the city attorney's office the job um the job description that you saw was also drafted um by um not by me it was drafted by the department um going forward I want to provide more assistance in drafting our job POS job postings but right now they're handled at the department level so if it's DPW DPW is kind of the primary source to draft those positions going forward I want to create a template and kind of get give some guidance for department heads to draft job postings but um right now that's how they're drafted so um I am more than open to altering that language a little bit to allow some flexibility because if if you have 25 years experience or even 5 years experience doing the job to me personally I think that's more valuable than somebody that got a four-year degree yesterday right with no on the job experience so um you know at at the at the end of the day um especially um you know Lawrence is a big big city it's a busy City there's a lot going on and um what I can see from serving in the in this position as Personnel director is that you very much need people to hit the ground running on day one you know you need people with EXP experience you need people to just pick up the job and and run with it so um there I really do value experience um in background training so um I I think we could excuse me absolutely change the language to um say something like you know bachelor's degree or the equivalent in experience which is what you're seeing now you're seeing a lot of postings um allow that option you can you can have the degree or you can have the uh equivalent experience so my only my my last point on that and and you can decide what you want to do on this but is that I think it has to be tailored I I understand why you want to have some flexibility but with the flexibility is the loopholes and all of a sudden um I I can see in the future I'm not saying this Administration but and some sort of administration down the road where if you put this experience and all of a sudden um if it's Loosely defined mind I could see how that could be abused and I just and that's a concern that I have and we have to be we have to have some forethought as we draft these documents and I'm hopeful that you with your experiencing with the city attorney that there can be some thought on that I don't know where this goes on this particular item uh but um we're probably going to amend it anyway at the full Council level because that's going to transition to and I'm not going to go into a lot of detail I've got concerns under responsibilities under B the second to last uh bullet point that deals with the LR I made mention of it during the full city council meeting um um I can't make a motion here I don't know if anybody else wants to make a motion here regardless um my my intention at the full Council was to make a motion to remove that Clause from this um from this um um ordinance uh proposal uh because of the reasons that I already mentioned and I'm not going to repeat myself because we have things to do tonight so um so there you go I just want to make sure I'm I'm on the record for saying that and if I could just follow up on your point about um you know where it's if it's too vague that opens up sure you know I absolutely agree with the point um I think it's important that when you I think it's important to be specific about what type of experience qualifies for a position you know um often now what you see is you see a listing of you know um three or four options of what would qualify as experience um for a particular position you know you'll see um experience in ABCD related positions um that would qualify so I think you you you want to allow for experience but you do have to be tailored in terms of what would be considered P past qualifying experience because sometimes you'll see especially in the past you see these broad um you know five years experience business administration I mean anything could be business administration you know um so if you if you tailor to what type of specific positions would qualify as past positions that equal that experience I think that's a better way of doing it okay so uh I guess we can leave it there we have other stuff to deal with it tonight and you guys should get home anyway so um there is a motion it's been properly second there's no fur is there any further discussion hear me none I will call the the question all in favor say I hi Poe no the I have it so you know the drill so what's going to happen is I think we we've ordered a public hearing that public hearing will take place next Tuesday so you you should definitely be here for that absolutely okay thank you you're welcome uh no this is an odd one Pat we've already ordered a public hearing at the full Council level which is a little backwards uh but we did that at the last full city council meeting so this is just a favorable recommendation from the committee that's all this is you don't need to order one's already been ordered yeah thank you that's a great question all right uh we do have one other individual who's here this evening uh on page four of your U agenda document number 18-24 one way on Orchard Street if there's no objection because the the the the young woman is here and it's your item I like to take this uh like to to take this up is there any objection for us taking this up tonight hearing no objection please come up give us your name again again and your address please Sandra muan I'm at 14 Orchard thank you go ahead you're here so you've got the floor we have table this I believe the underlying table is probably a motion to approve but it's it's sitting here right now so go right ahead right I'm just here basically for a followup um it was a couple of weeks ago that we initially came with the request and we had a couple sign offs I think we were waiting on the DPW did sign off already but you were waiting for the City attorney um Andor the engineer so I was just wondering if you had heard from both or either will you allow me to look in my phone and see if we got something let me take a let me do a word search for Orchard Street I love technology and see if we got anything it's not ringing a bell but it doesn't mean we haven't gotten something okay okay Wednesday of last week [Music] um uh last Wednesday we sent this to to Theo Rosario and Jorge haime for their review okay that was last Wednesday that was on September the 4th okay continuing on let me see what this is same thing I do see some Communications from police officer Canó I'm waiting for it to open okay on that was sent to us all of us on August the 29th so bear with me and if somebody else has a faster phone than me we all got this okay um so according to officer Canó he reminds Rems us that this line item ordinance was submitted on Monday for the ordinance committee meeting referred to the city engineer for guidance and recommendations that's true and on September 4th on September 4 Teresa sent out to officer Canó engineer Rosario DPW director haime and City attorney hooton um an a essentially to the City attorney to provide legal City attorney to provide legal language followed by the request of the ordinance committee and I have not seen anything else hold on I don't can we request an update we don't have anyd yet I'm not seeing anything so what do you want to do we submitted last weekend so we need to give you some time to the the whole team because okay we we send it to DPW officel on September 4th and so I think it's too soon because was last weekend okay so so I thank you for coming here this evening unfortunately I don't think we have anything to really share with you as far as getting the proper reports we're still waiting for the city engineer most specifically um if I dig a little harder we probably got something from officer Cano though I'm not seeing it quickly but we probably did get something we'll double check on that but the city Engineers were looking for yeah so um I refer to uh to the city here uh so they me some time do you want to just leave it leave it alone like this or do you want to do something it's up to you uh we can send another request but uh we submitted last week okay so uh if if we need to give you some time to okay to them so is there a motion to table uh motion to take motion made by the Vice chair R there second seconded by Council Del Rosario all in favor say I oppose no the eyes have it so you heard the discussion so we're the vice chair whose petition this is has uh said that we need let's give we just did this last week from from our from our from our secretary to the DPW we do need to give it was a holiday as well we need to give a little bit of time to get a chance to respond we don't have anything now but uh with with the with with the with the vice chair here I'm sure she'll be on it and we'll see if we can get something soon from them okay okay I can go dat there you go so should I come back you said your meeting next week should I come then or is that I no our our meeting next Tuesday is the full city council this item is in this committee so um it would you can certainly are invited to all our meetings you can come to next but it won't be it won't be brought up it won't be brought up okay so your next meeting is it's probably going to be two weeks from today two weeks we'll make that decision next Tuesday to see how people's schedules are but probably two weeks from today okay and I can find that meeting date on the city website oh God bless you um I don't know where where can I find I've got zero confidence there uh yes uh will we post the meetings as by law required to do okay um um you can you can you can you can contact our office okay uh ask for Teresa who answers the phone and and she's got a pretty good handle about our agendas okay um but and I I I won't know probably until the day or two before this meeting meeting if we have some some some something but okay I just don't know when they're going to send it so it's hard to say okay sorry I'll keep my ear up okay okay appreciate your patience thank you all right you're welcome okay councilors let's go in order I think that's it right for people here um document going to the top document 41724 removing hand have parking space deleted the ordinance and Florence have um that we have a memo from an email from officer Canó in our packet who is saying that the person who request of this has moved and it looks to me as though uh he he had he um Mr Canó uh uh not approves but uh recommends that we remove the handicap parking sign so looking for a motion to send this up to the full Council to order a public hearing to remove this item so motion by councel Santiago seconded by Council delario discussion see no discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I poos no the I have at Pat did you get that so we're sending up to order a public hearing to delete for REM moove correct document [Music] 418 uh remove handicap parking sign at 45 Bigalow I don't have any supporting documentation on this um I don't know if the person's moved out did you want to send that to officer Canó like we did I guess with the last one and see if he can confirm that looking for a motion to send this item to officer Canó to confirm or to the police department I'm sorry to the police department to confirm uh the need for handicap parking at 45 big Lo stre is there a motion Mo motion made by the Vice chair second by Council Del Rosario discussion see no discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I I pose no the eyes have it skipping to 4224 Child Care parking signage at 159 uh High Street that's Locum um now this is I think did we do these already before one of these no our first one okay no that's the is the first one this is our fourth one okay so this is at off so um that's certainly we can make that a motion I would also include in in the motion counselor I did have a chance to talk with inspectional Services um and there's not necessarily this item but there's a couple of items where there's not business licenses um and so they need so we would need to send this ISD because to to confirm that there that they have the proper licenses so and they have the proper licensees well we need to get we need to do it the right way for all of them cuz I know a couple who don't so we need it for all of them so I'm looking for it would part of your motion be to send ISD as well to confirm that yes I can send the copy with a licensing for the those individual or all individual request so send that so you're going we're going to send that to the ISD Department because they need to have that so you think it's more better when they submitted the request uh they submitted the copies of the licenses do they have it do they have it here no we don't have it we don't do in the P but we can we can do uh we can have the whole documentation for the for and also send uh what is the department you request ISD yeah we can send the so so we're saying this to the police department and ISD or what's your what's your it's your motion so I want to make sure I can send both TD and to the police department so there's a motion to send this to the inspectional services department to check on proper licensing and to the police department to check on I guess the meets and balance that the where to place it um there's the motion is there a second second second by Council delario discussion see none I'll call the question all in favor say I I oppos no the eyes have it I think that at this point the rest of should go a little faster uh the next one is for child care parking at 46 Bennington Street looking for motion to send this both to the police department and ISD for their review so Move Motion made by councelor Del RAR second by Vice chair Rees discussion see no discussion all in favor say I IE no the I on these Child Care on Pat police and ISD so that was an ISD one um now document 42224 handicapped parking at 38 Ducket Street looking for a motion to send this up to the um to the police department for their review so Move Motion by Council delaro second by the Vice chair discussion c n I'll call the question all in favor say I oppose no the eyes have it document 42324 resident parking at Tremont Street near Hampshire Street who do we know whose District that is and it was uh I can't read the uh the application as as a courtesy to the chair um we need to get these things in also in the English language so I can read it I can't put my phone to this and get the translation um but I think it's I think it's self-explanatory they're looking for Resident parking on Tremont near Hampshire Street but I don't know anything else so looking for a motion am I is that what they're looking for Resident parking yeah is that what they're looking for yes resident parking okay looking for a motion to send this up to uh send to the police department for their review motion of senat police foreview motion made by Council Del Rosario second to Vice Council Santiago discussion seeing now I'll call the question all in favor say I I oppe no the eyes have it okay okay um 4252 24 put on by counselor Lon this is looking for a resident parking from albian Street to Avon Street I'm looking for a motion to send this to the police department motion to S the police department for the review motion made by Council Del Rosario seconded by the Vice chair discussion see no discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I pose no the eyes have it we probably need to go down to the next we need go to the next one as well are we all done with did we do these already I wasn't here I don't I was here 20 so did we do these help me I think we did these right new business for August 20th we work the lights all these childcare parking ones we already did on August 7th oh yeah I saw those thank you I will I will get them yep so thank you we won't adjourn till we get them done thank you pull those out uh there are some documents here for child care from August the 7th that were just referred to officer Cano but not to ISC Department um I based on what we just did earlier a few minutes ago I would like to take those off the table matters and also send all of those to the ISD Department starting with document number 369 is there any opposition to that uh no I'm be in charge to uh bring them the license so we need to send those to ISD because I I think that's the council needs to hear from the department whether or not it has it I think that's the best practice Yeah so you can see there's Child Care stuff you can send the whole block as a block okay I'll have to read them all is there any objection for me reading these all as a block is there any no opposition so I'll read these quickly we're sending this as a block with the goal for a motion to send to ISD here we go I'll do it quick 36924 childcare parking at 38 corner street second floor 37024 childcare parking paring 106 Berkeley Street 371 childcare parking 112 Park Park Street first floor 372 childcare parking 59 Fern Street 373 24 childcare parking 245 Bruce Street 374 here's one that I've got a note to withdraw I'm looking I'm looking for motion to withdraw number 37424 handicap parking this is per counselor Levy's request so move second motion made by councelor Del Rosario seconded by councelor Santiago discussion see no discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I I oppos no the I have it pat 37424 withdrawal continuing 37524 handicap I'm sorry childcare parking 11 Saratoga Street second floor 37624 childcare parking 113 Saratoga Street second floor 37724 child care parking 205 Ferry Street 38024 Child Care parking 7 lenck Street 380 I think that's it that's it so all of those items that are in Block I'm looking for a motion that we send all those items to ISD for their review of the LI proper licenses so Move Motion made by Council Del Rosario seconded by Council Vice chair discussion discuss all those the motion we're going to have a discussion all of those the Motions made to send those to ISD for their review counselor Santiago some of them have dry weight and I don't know why they request Child Care parking if they have driveway so I don't have an answer that's a if you're making a point that's a very good point I think what this motion is looking to do is to see if they if they got the proper licensers uh to conduct their business at that location you will have the opportunity at any time frankly to vote to ask that question you may want to ask it now um before it comes back to this committee it's still going to stay at this committee it's not being moved up so we'll have you'll have a chance to ask that question for each of these if you've got that concern so motion's been properly made you want to comment com yeah coun chair some sometimes the school boots don't have a no spay to use the driver because sometimes the driveway is aside and the school boost is so be especially the yellow boost so sometime you need to take in that in mind okay any other discussion see none I'll call the question all if they say I I pose no the I have it did you get all those numbers if it say child care except for that one they're all going to ISD okay as Pat mentioned to us we have a couple sets of minutes Council if you wouldn't mind I'm looking for we'll do it them individually first one is on July 23rd looking for a motion to adopt the July 23rd ordinance committee meeting motion will adop the minutes second motion made by Council Rosario second by the Vice chair Reyes discussion see no discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I iOS no the eyes have it second set of ordinance committee meetings is August 26 looking for motion to approve so Move Motion made by Council Del raro seconded by Council Santiago discussion see no discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I I oppose no the eyes have it um give me one more second we're almost out of here okay um if there's no other business before the council I'm looking for a motion to adjourn motion made by Council make a motion I haven't make a motion what's your motion I haven't made a motion what you got I wanted I want to get some uh items out of table matters sure go right ahead what number do you have thank you through you I have um on page six right on top of the page April 4th 2023 I have three items on that top it's 10223 10323 and 1042 23 yes if there's no objection there is there any objection to take them off the table see no objection and that uh so ordered and talking page six top of the page y thank you go Council are when you are we wait for Pat you got it pat top three yes yes goad counc and and I mean all I want to do is on those those three items and if I need to divide them in and outd do so it's just to send um uh correspondents to the city engineer to get an update um that's all we're waiting for to move with with everything that is there and is they've been sitting there for for quiet some time so looking for a motion to send correspondence to the city engineer for 10223 Howen and a one way from havl Street to the Yale ter is there a motion so Move Motion made by Council Delver Ario second by Vice chair Reyes discussion see no discussion call the question all in favor say I I oppose no the I have it 10323 Congress Street one way from all of ab to havil Street looking for a motion to send this to the city engineer for an update motion to send to the city engineer for an update Council Del AR's motion seconded by the Vice chair Reyes discussion see no discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I I poose no the eyes have at last documents 10423 Congress Street no parking anytime west side of Congress Street from all of a to hail Street Council lario motion to sent to the city engineer for an update motion made by Council Del Rosario seconded by Council Vice chair Reyes discussion see no discussion I'll call the question all in favor say I I pose no the eyes have it all three of those are the city engineer to request um anything else on the table matters looking for a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn motion made by Council D rosaro second by the Vice chair Rees discussion see none to call the question all in favor say I I oppos no the eyes have it we are adjourned e e e e e