##VIDEO ID:fmFzPfW8d-c## as well of remarkly that's at this level at the as well as the subcommittee levels so please join me roll call Mad CL councelor Levy is noted as absent Council plant Council Lon is noted as absent Council Del Rosario present Council Santiago present councelor marmal present councilor Reyes is noted as absent Council Vice president Infante present council president Rodriguez present please join me for a moment of silence this moment of silence going to be um to make sure that we REM we remember and remind everybody the job the the good work of the mayor of the city of mat and the pass away please join me for the pledge of allegion United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all councelor this is a quick reminder of the important work of public service that I that uh mayor peris from Matan passed away last week and it is it is a great sadness for the whole mayor M the entire the entire day of Massachusetts uh and we're going to um remember him for his uh work uh then uh the neighborhood City me thank you for the all the service that he provide to the city uh we have no minutes uh to be approved and we have public participation everybody that signed uh at the uh at the podium going to have two and a half minutes to speak at the 2 minutes Mark you're going to have an opportunity or you're going to have it a sounds a ring that going to that going to tell you that you still have 30 minutes please refer to the council as a whole not to any individual c celor the first person that we have on our list is Amita kayy name me name for the record please LA City Council my name is kyli and auste of La okay sorry um good evening Lawrence city council my name is Amita Kylie and I'm a trustee of the Lawrence Public Library I'm here tonight to ask that you approve agenda item 445-2452 from the stabilization Reserve fund to the library general fund operating accounts so that the Lawrence Public Library May exit the waiver that we've been on for nearly two decades the Lawrence Public Library is a Beacon of learning knowledge community and hope the fact that we are ver on the verge of exiting the waiver shows that when we come together and place priority on the things that matter in a city anything is possible Lawrence was recently named one of the eight great places to live north of Boston by Northshore Magazine from the library's windows we can see two new schools being built the Oliver school and the Ley from the South Lawrence branch of the library which we have exciting plans for we can also see the new construction of Lawrence Catholic Academy we owe it to the families making Lawrence their home and to the students filling up these new schools to ensure that they have a certified Library when libraries lose certification it is a black mark on the city desertification would mean that we'd lose funding and resource sources for our essential services and reduced access to library materials we would lose mamac Valley Library Consortium membership it would mean no more inter Library loan for laurentians meaning if someone needed to borrow a book at the the Lawrence Public Library and their resident of Lawrence and the Lawrence Public Library didn't have the book they would not be allowed to borrow it from another local library it would mean no ebooks no audio books and much more and we cannot let this happen the library is thriving under the leadership passion and commitment of Janella brew and her incredible staff we've seen record numbers of Library visitors and people taking out library cards the Lawrence Public Library is a vital piece of our community please ensure its success by approving tonight's appropriation trans thank you thank you the next person that we have is H Mali name name name and address for the record please 53 Chester Street good evening honorable members we the lenan are proud to support Lawrence police officers Union Lawrence Police with the impactable leadership by honorable Chief Bonia doing excellent job to protect our citizen Lawrence Police Union this Union of and honor doing excellent job with support D police officers Union and super Superior officers Union Lawrence DPW one of the best DPW in the nation working so hard to make Lawrence a beautiful city thank you for your hard work we support our DPW and their excellent leadership Lawrence Inspection Department on employees thank you for excellent job you deserve the best compensation we must hire more more inspectors Lawrence Public School with the impactable leadership by honorable rap Guerrera on the road to become the best public school in the nation Lawrence teacher thank you for excellent job be support Lawrence teachers union demand the best compensation for our awesome teachers and their Union please bring food and donation every Wednesday night to bakley garage to help our homeless our brave firefighter ERS deserve the best contract with a 3% raise and cola raise Lawrence always strong Lawrence always unite Lawrence one city under God we are the best example of respect for the Union right pray for the safety of all police officers sacrificing their lives for our safety Lawrence police officers Union seniors officers Union thank you for excellent job we are proud to support your union the next person is Carlos DEA Cruz Carlos a Cruz name and address for the record please my name is Carlos Cruz honorable City Council Members I Carlos a Cruz pro has had a lawsuit in federal court versus Lawrence and LEL since 1997 judge Edward Harrington dismissed as a frivolous case but the three judge panel at the US appeals court overturned him stating that it was not a frivolous case and it ordered a trial while sending it back to the district court federal court rules required that a case coming back from the US appeals court to The District Court needs to go to a judge other than the judge whose ruling it overturned that is Judge Harrington could not legally take this case again I am Hispanic I was Pro and Jorge Harington could care less about the rules and he took over my case and months later he dismissed the case again the case shall be reopened and of course I shall be filing more claims to my lawsuit lawsuit that I value at at least $5 million I tried several times to reach a settlement with the City of Lawrence for $75,000 and $150,000 I met with ma with major Brian depa but the answer from the City of Lawrence was no deal there shall never be any settlement talk anymore but only litigation except that I am hereby urging the City of Lawrence to make an advance to me of $30,000 I am a person of good moral character my word is good and my promise is that in return I shall make a significant discount from my additional claims should any of you seek to meet with me but videotaping any such meeting I am available to do so but we cannot talk about settlement anymore my lady friend Wendy mother of my stabbed to dead son Asiatic has been suffering miserably and unnecessarily since 1999 and so have her children and grandchildren and this situation shall ultimately find Justice please minimize the suffering to Wendy and to her children but also to me and minimize thei the financial burden that I that he shall be to the City of Lawrence and to his taxpayers please approve a $30,000 advance to me ASAP please seek a complete report from the police chief about calls from my residences seek the truth seek the common good and seek Justice thank you the next person is Rich Russell name and others for the record please good evening council is Richard Russell 34 cross street tonight's gripe night number one why hasn't the gas company been forced to fix the depression in the center of the road around one of their gas gates at 3 10 Park Street number two who's paying for the 216 1/2 ft length of sidewalk replacement on hav Street uh beside St Mary's Church taxpayers on barisford street and Ferguson Street are still awaiting sidewalk repairs that I requested a year ago in as my in my capacity as a city councelor at large three why are there lights around tree trunks on Essex Street four why is the co-mingling of City work assets with the lra being allowed five why should the lra be allowed to join the city Pension Plan six what is the lr's interest in the white fund pays seven when will agenda right on 12517 changing the city speed limit be unted and acted upon eight when will agenda item 44 4 4/23 voter ID be UNT be unted and acted upon in a fair manner I could probably find more questions to ask but I'll leave you with the above mentioned eight questions to ponder as always I thank you for the time thank you we're going to go to the top of the agenda all these um before we go there all these uh comments uh will be part of the record and um and all these name going to be part of the uh part of the record ourselves uh we're going to go to the top of agenda to the top of the agenda public hearings um we have item 123 which is Washington Street no parking anytime on the east side of Washington Washington Street Madame cler please read the notice document 100-23 and document number 25024 um one public notice say notices here by given the the Lawrence city council will hold a public hearing on Tuesday October 1 2024 7: p.m. in the council chambers 200 Common Street Lawrence Mass pursuant to chapter 2 of the acts of 2023 and in accordance with the recently revised city council rule 2 this meeting shall be hybrid allowing participation both in person and remotely to accommodate any participant with health considerations that prevent them from participating in person access codes for remote participation are available from the city clerk eileen. bral cityof lawrence.com or 978 620 3230 this meeting is also available on Facebook and YouTube the purpose of the hearing is to GA testimony information and public input concerning the proposed amendment to the revised ordinances of the City of Lawrence to be further amended by adding the following new subparagraph to section 10. 36010 of the municipal code no parking to be inserted in the proper alphabetical order document number 100-23 Washington Street East side the entire length document number 25024 Market Street East Side from a point 230 ft north of Salem Street to a point 350 ft north of Salem Street Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. persons wishing to be heard shall be afforded the opportunity public hearing is now open anybody from the public that wishes to speak I hear none so public hearing is now closed councelors what the motion motion to approve second there is a motion to approve properly second discussion no discussion this point I call the question so please say I any nam I have it uh now we go with item 10123 which is the Hillside Avenue uh one way from Hyo to Hy Street to yell Street Madame CLA please read the notice C president could we get a motion to motion to wave the Preamble a motion there is a motion to wave the pr properly second discussion I Hear n so all those in favor please say I I there have it then C you may proceed thank you um the purpose of this hearing is to gather testimony information and public input concerning the proposed amendment to the revised ordinances of the City of Lawrence to be further amended by adding the following subparagraph to section 10. 28.4 of the municipal code oneway streets and Alleyways to be inserted in the proper alphabetical order Hillside Avenue from the intersection of havil street to the intersection of Yale Street in a norly direction persons wishing to be heard shall be afforded the opportunity uh councelors I mean uh anybody from the public that wishes to speak on this this matter good evening again Council russell4 cross street I would like to see you people table this for further evaluation uh my humble opinion my years of working in and around traffic making Hillside Avenue uh one way from Hail Street up to Yale Street does not make too much sense there are three streets that lead into Yale Street you got a street you got Hillside Avenue and you've got dmouth Street my own opinion is a street from havil Street up to the bendit Yale Street should be made one way and then Hillside Avenue should be made one way from Yale Street back down to havil Street a street is a very is narrow compared to Hillside and again we know we can't mess with doas street we got some politicians that live there that are very friendly to us but again I I I would request that you table this for further study it it it makes sense thank you anybody from the public that wishes to speak all right now public hearing is now closed councelors was the motion motion to withdraw there is a motion to withdraw second properly second discussion I have no discussion so fa please say I I I any Nam there I have it so we move forward top of the agenda uh item 2824 handicap parking of 49 Bradford Street Apartment One um Madame Clair please read the notice the public notice includes document 3824 15324 27824 and 32824 purpose of the hearing is together testimony information and public so mad CL we have several handicap right I have four new ones and then some are being removed all right so let's read all the handicaps uh notice all together perfect so and then we take a vot each individual one perfect document number 38-24 is Bradford Street um the purpose of the hearing is to have the testimony information and public input concerning the proposed amendment to the revised ordinances of the City of Lawrence to be further amended by adding the following subp paragraphs to section 10. 36. 340 of the municipal code handicapped parking document number 38-24 is Bradford Street North Side from a point 122 ft west of the intersection of Hampshire Street to a point 142 ft west of the intersection of Hampshire Street document number 15324 is Bedford Street South Side from a point 73 ft east of Margin Street to a point 93 ft east of Margin Street document number 27824 is Prospect Street East Side from a point 145 ft south of Summit Avenue to a point 165 ft south of Summit Avenue and document number 328-2452 Point 244 ft west of Prospect Street persons wishing to be heard shall be afforded the opportunity if anybody from the public now public hearing is now open if anybody from the public that wishes to speak on any of these items handicap parking please now is the opportunity uh the handicap handicap parking items which is 3824 15324 17824 and 328 uh 24 anybody from the public that wishes to speak and any of those four uh I hear no so public hearing is now closed councelors are going to entertain individual individual motion for each one of them um and the top of the items are item 3824 councelors can I hear a motion for that to approve there is a motion to approve uh can hear a second second properly second that is important to recognize the following counselors uh on item 3824 there is a handicap parking for 49 BR for apartment one no handicap parking are going to be directed to any specific apartment any a specific person instead they going to be all for the same reasons anybody that have a blocker can use it and park um so Madame CL please make a notice that um on on that specific item for night Bradford that is not such thing as an apartment number any other discussions councelor all right I Hear No so at this point I call the I call the question so those in favor to approve item 3824 please say yes I I all I any NS there I have it item 15324 handicap parking at 17 Bradford Street motion to approve there is a motion to approve properly second discussion I hear known all please say I I any Nam guys have it item 17824 handicap parking at 337 Prospect Street motion to approve there's a motion to approve second properly second discussion no discussion uh I'll call the question Sol please say I I the I have at it 32824 handicap parking at 1416 cluster Street motion to approve there's a motion to approve can hear a second properly second discussion I hear no discussions at this point I call the questions all in please say I the the eyes have it we go on top of the agenda item 129 24 parking uh parking sign 15 minute parking at 395 law Street between the time of 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. uh Madame CLA please read the notice the purpose of this hearing is to gather testimony information and public input concerning the proposed amendment to the revised ordinances of the City of Lawrence to be further amended by adding the following sub paragraph in the proper alphabetical order to section 10. 36260 of the municipal code 15-minute parking L Street North Side from a point 126 ft West excuse me 126 ft east of Warren Street to point 146 ft east of Warren Street 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. persons wishing to be heard shall be afforded the opportunity anybody from the public that wish public hearing is now open anybody from the public that wishes to speak public hearing is now closed councilors what's the motion motion approve is a motion to approve properly second discussion I hear known council president Council solution I have a question in regards to this uh request and Enlightenment it this parking 15 minutes parking will that mean that the person is not required or the business to pay there's no meters around there's not meters on on that section okay so they don't get ticket let's let's pretend that there's a meter in that section I know there's none so will that person so would that be paying in the way it work uh first of all the council wouldn't consider the the the parking at the location that that is meters that's the first thing and if the council allow it uh that doesn't mean that they're paying anybody that uh we are we are limiting the time not the payment the time according to the contract of the of that meters is they are unlimited so you can park for 8 hour 10 hours with this type of ordinance we are limiting the time to 15 minutes only so they still need to pay thank you councilor president that's if if that wouldn't be the case um any other questions councelors I Hear n so at this point I call the question so please say I have it item 14024 stop sign on wner street at the corner of East ha Street uh a stop sign to be placed on Woodland Street Madame CLA please read the notice the purpose of this hearing is to gather testimony information and public input concerning the proposed amendment to the revised ordinances of the City of Lawrence to be further amended by adding to section 10.28 100a of the municipal code stop signs and flashing red signals the following paragraph in the appropriate alphabetical order Woodland Street northbound drivers on Woodland Street at East haval Street persons with wishing to be heard shall be afforded the opportunity anybody from the public that wishes to speak on this matter public hearing is is open anybody from the public that wishes to speak I hear known so at this point I uh I close the public hearing um councelors what the motion motion to approve there is a motion to approve properly second discussion are here n so at this point I call the question solos and F please say I I any n the I have it Idan 25024 loading zone uh Heritage uh herit Heritage parking Inc 141 Market Street um Madame CLA please read the notice um council president I did read the notice just a minute ago it was it is mocked as a loading zone but when it came back from the police department it came back as a no parking area because she really isn't looking for loading she's looking for a no parking area um so it was part of the public notice that was read in with 100-23 uh Market Street East Side from a point 230 ft north of Salem Street to a point 350 ft north of Salem Street Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. can U at this point public hearing is is was open nobody's nobody talk about this item so and it was properly closed councelors what's the motion motion to approve and wave the 30 days there's a motion to approve and we 30 days um it's been properly second discussion so can can the can the committee explain a little more because it was a a loading zone and and then it changed to a No Parking Zone um are we I mean there is a congestion problem or something I have no further information council president so it was it was sent out to put a favor recommendation yes then CL can you please sure the um business in that area is called Heritage packing ink and they couldn't get at their facility to um the street is narrow in that area and with people park right across the street from it they can't get their truck in so they met with the police department and they came up with the solution of having across the street from their loading zone be marked no parking um for about 100 ft um so that is a solution that came out from the resident or it's not really resident from the business meeting with the police department the uh business was this Heritage packing ink and we do have a recommendation from um officer Cano in your packages that does recommend this um and he did give us the measurements as well so 230 ft on one side 350 ft on one other side ccor any question I Hear No so at this point I call the question Us in favor please say any n the I have it uh top of the agenda we're going to item 34224 I don't think oh I'm sorry you saw the public hearings no we closed the public hearing because we we read it together and then we and then we took the vote and the boot already passing onest so item 34224 and item 38124 the removal of handicap parking space uh one on brunfield Street the other one on 19 Logan Street uh Madame Clair please read the notice thank you council president the purpose of the hearing three three items right yes there's another item which is item 1417 the removal of handicap parking at Florence of um please read the notice the purpose of the hearing is to gather testimony information and public input concerning the proposed amendment to the revised ordinances of the City of Lawrence to be further amended by deleting the following sub paragraphs to section 10. 36. 340 of the municipal code handicapped parking document number 342-2400 ft Westerly of the intersection of Bennington Street to a point 230 ft Westerly of the inter section of Bennington Street document number 381-2020 ft easterly of the intersection of Jackson Street to a point 240 ft easterly of the intersection of Jackson Street and document number 47-24 Florence Avenue Florence Avenue East Side from a point 55 ft southernly of the intersection of Hail Street 2.75 ft souly of the intersection of holl street persons wishing to be heard shall be afforded the opportunity public hearing for those three items is now open any of anybody from the public that wishes to speak I hear none so at this point uh public hearing is is now close uh councelors what's the motion for item 34224 motion to there the removal of handicap parking at bronfield there is a motion to approve properly second discussion I hear none so at this point I call the question so please say hi hi the I have it it 381 24 the removal of handicap parking at 19 Logan Street Council what's the motion motion to approve there a motion to approve can hear a second second properly second uh discussion I hear none all please say hi hi any n there I have it it 41724 the removal of handicap parking at Florence of councilors was the motion motion to approve yes a motion to approve properly second discussion are hear none all in please say I I the I have it now malan Clair let's read the notice for item 402 2023 which is the establishment on the handicap of a handal parking commission um it was sent out under a different version to consider a friendly Amendment but before that we're going to U uh we're going to read the public not the public hearing then uh open it for the public Madame Clair please read the notice the purpose of this hearing is to gather testimony information and public input concerning the proposed amendments to the revised ordinances of the City of Lawrence to be further amended be it ordained by the city council of the City of Lawrence that the revised ordinances of the City of Lawrence are here by further amended by adding the following subsection to section 10 of the municipal code establishment of a traffic and parking commission to be added and inserted at section 10.36 345 of the municipal code section 10. 36. 345 traffic and parking Commission Section one there shall be in the city of Lawrence a traffic and parking commission TPC the TPC shall consist of the chief of police or Des Des the commissioner of the Department of Public Works or design the fire chief or design and two other members one appointed by the mayor and one appointed by the city council in a manner established by city ordinance each of the two appointed members Shall Serve for a term of two years and may be reappointed upon the expiration of his or her term any appointed member who misses three consecutive meetings without excuse shall be automatically removed from the TPC and the mayor or the city council as the case may be shall be appointed a new member to fill the unexpired term of the members so removed section two the chairperson shall be chosen annually by election from among the members of the commission upon establishment and thereafter annually by election on or before the first Monday in July the chairperson shall be responsible for among other things setting the agenda for the TPC meetings the members of the commission shall receive no compensation for their service as Commissioners but all advertising Postage and operating expenses incurred for the purpose of this ordinance shall be paid for by the city all statutes and ordinances applicable generally to the Department of the city shall apply to the TPC section three the TPC shall meet bimonthly on a day and time to be determined by the commission after its first formal meeting with special meetings to be called by the chairperson as they as he deems necessary scheduled meetings and agendas shall be posted in accordance with applicable law and all interested persons shall receive notice prior to the scheduled meeting section four except as provided in section five the TPC shall have the sole and full authority to receive applications for traffic and parking related matters in the city through an application process provided by the city council it may adopt amend alter and repeal rules regulations and traffic and parking related matters after public Hearing in accordance with the City of Lawrence Charter no not inconsistent with the Massachusetts general laws relative to vehicular Street traffic and parking in the city into movement stopping standing and parking of vehicles on their on and their exclusion from all or any Street way highway road Parkway under the control of the city including rules and regulations designing any way or part thereof under the control or thorough way under and subject to the provisions of section 9 of chapter 89 of the general laws of the Commonwealth in Mass Massachusetts as declared by vote of the TPC to be taken within 60 days after an introduction the TPC shall have the authority to post any regulation deemed to be urgently required by consideration of Public Safety or convenience or such as are temporarily or such as of a temporary nature and to be effective for a period not more than 60 days the TPC shall work cooperatively with the city Commission on disabilities in processing and deciding applications for handicapped parking signs a petition may be filed by 10 residents of the City of Lawrence over age 18 relative to any rule or regulation adopted or proposed by the proposed to be adopted by the commission which rule or regulation has not been in effect for a period of more than 90 days section five a member of the city council May file within 30 days after the passage of a rule of regulation in accordance with section 4 a motion to repeal such rule or regulation which Appeals shall be effective if approved by a majority vote of all members of the city council section six this act shall take effect upon its passage to the extent that there exist any ordinances to the contrary they are hereby repealed in that respect only persons wishing to be heard shall be afforded the opportunity public hearing is now open anybody from the public that wish chose to speak address for the record please Mr President members of the city council Madam Clerk my name is Kevin Foley I'm the first assistant City attorney and I'm standing in this evening uh for City attorney Tim hooton who could not be here this evening been asked to speak just a couple of words about the establishment of the traffic parking commission um I think the idea of this and by the way I think this was asked of our office to draft something for the for the council's consideration was really to establish a mechanism by which uh either residents of the city business business people in the city members of the city Council other public officials uh who want to make a change to uh signage parking signage traffic patterns anything like that could could bring that forward with this mechanism this traffic uh parking commission would be the entity that would handle those things the idea would be for them to meet and have it on their regular agenda um they they'd meet twice a month and they could actually decide these matters this would re relieve um that responsibility from the city council of course there are mechanisms in place that the city council did not like uh something that the uh traffic U parking commission decided they could they could change it as you just heard read by the clerk but the idea would be at least someone who who had this proposal would know that would be acted upon in a timely manner not only in a timely manner but you'd also have the stakeholders that would really want you'd want to be involved with making such decisions about parking on public streets for example uh you know uh the DPW director the fire chief who's here this evening or they designated the police chief Who would know whether there's a public safety concern about about allowing a parking spot on a certain on a certain location in order to access uh um emergency vehicles down that that street so you could feel comfortable that with the people that get appointed to this commission that they' have the stakeholders involved who would understand what they were voting on and so and of course if the city council did not like something that was voted upon they could act upon so that's the rationale I I must tell you from my own personal standpoint U that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts went the self-determination in Council of plant you can correct me I think it was in 1986 in those days I was involved with the city of Melrose and we uh we established the traffic advisory committee down in Melrose U for this very purpose because they could make decisions about self-determination Flash Forward to Mid 1990s and I was involved as a member of the board of Selectmen in north andova and we we we adopted a traffic advisory Commission in North andova because residents were making calls and getting stuff placed on the selectman's agenda and we didn't always meet every two weeks or every month and so there would be it would sort of get lost it would get tabled or something like that not get acted upon this way these these issues get acted upon it it will relieve um uh this Council from having to act upon these things or table them or bring them up later they'll vote up or down and as I say if you don't like something that they did you could always change it so with that I'll open up to any questions but I was involved actually with writing the language for this so I'm happy to answer any questions that I can about the raction now for it anybody from the public that wishes to speak I also want to say I I have Richard Rodriguez here from the this commission um thank you city council for allowing me to speak um my name is Richard Rodriguez and I'm the Ada coordinator for the City of Lawrence um first I'd like to thank the city attorning for bringing this important issue in front of the city council one the first issue to me as ad coordinator I have a lot of people to come to me asking me for help to get handicap signs in a resident and I have a lot of people come to me crying and complaining it's taking too long it's taking too long as you know it could take between 3 months to to six months sometime a year it is complication what the c is now with this task force it would do two things one will speed up the process which is great and two it will save money my understanding is under thex task force they don't have to do any public hearings as the city council so that save money and particularly that save time you know how long it take to publish something so that's my reason why I support it now I did call and speak to many other jurisdiction other jurisdiction the city council do not have the authority or the Town Council it's a independent body so I also studed the law the city council has the authority to create the own independent indep Independent party to work on traffic issue so I do urge you to support this new task force now there's only one concern that I have is related to I did read the new proposal I have a concern related to section two um it's great the city will pay for the postage and the stamp and so forth but as a former chairman to the commission disability um um it's best to delegate someone to do that work you propos to indicate they will pay for it but it does not indicate who will do the work so I'm suggesting um I took some of the language from the commission disability that could be added as amendment to your proposal you may continue oh continue Okay so as you can see this is a copy of the ERS involved in the commission disability it has a section that said the city should designate an employee to do those tasks so you need you got the money but you need somebody to be responsible to to do those tasks that's the only amendment I have to avoid conflict of who's going to do it what department who's going to pay for it so that's my recommendation overall I support this great proposal is needed and is way overdue uh U thank you for your time and I urge you to vote for this um proposal thank you anybody else from the public that wishes to speak I do but I'm not sure someone can bring that this is wrong yeah good evening thank you for hearing me um my name is Joan ficaro I'm on the lawen disability commission um but I have a few questions um with the ual proposal that I just need some clarification on um I'm sorry that I can't see you Mark um but was it was it you that put this forward Mark was it oh I can ask a question cuz I'm sorry no I mean you could speak and and talk on behalf or again the specific item but we won't be able to answer you as of yet under section four the line that says all handicap parking spaces shall expire um in April 15 2 years from the allowed um for when they were allowed would there be um a provision that if the same person lived there they could 60 days before applied for it to be renewed and if so H how um how long how many years could that carry on that's my first question we are taking note definitely and then we will uh oh so there's no answers not as of right now you can keep on asking your questions we are taking note about those questions okay um just below that um so with oh with that also with there be a form online to um proposed and written and put online as soon as the commission is established would there be um forms to to click on and apply for these things um below that I I do not understand the paragraph because it says a petition may be filled out by 10 residents but it doesn't say that they have to what how do they do that 10 PE 10 lay people get together and is it a petition for complaint it doesn't say um who they would give it to there whether there would be a uniform form also available online it has to be done within 30 days I mean um I don't I I don't really um understand if it can't be enforced for more than 90 days but then it says that um you can abolish the the one of their decisions within 30 days so does that Conflict for the average citizen was a question of mine um and and that's it other than you being able to talk with me I'm in favor of the the commission itself um I do think that there should be someone um that works administratively for them taking the minutes and doing the agendas as I don't I don't see that in this proposal and um I would hope that it would be either revised like Rewritten and offer it again for review to the public um that's what I would hope that's it have a good night thank you anybody from the public that wishes to speak anybody else at this point uh public hearing is now closed uh counselors uh I'm going to entertain a motion but before we do that um it sounds like that is a lot a couple of clarifications that need to happen uh I'll um essentially I'm going to be sending this item down to uh the committee of the hall to further the study but before we do that I going to open the opportunity for any counselors that have that have um um anything to add or to or have any questions i' like to make a motion that we adopt this matter this evening there is a motion to adopt the matters second properly second discussion what is the motion the motion is to adopt the matter uh it's been uh it's been properly second and we're going to open it for discussion discussion discussion so I what I would like to do is is answer a few of those questions in the hope and the I mean I in the hope that we can maybe move on this this thing has been kicking around for some time and I think it's we would like to we have a very candid conversation now all of us are here we are the committee of the whole we can talk about it now um and we can do what we can to try to answer the questions the um the individual my constituent who had a few questions I wrote a few of those down uh the one was dealing with um the um the handicap parkings expiring after two years um I think the idea behind that is that we have handicap parking that continues on and on and on um and people aren't necessarily coming back to us and say we want them withdrawn yes they are we had three them tonight but it doesn't happen all the time and so the idea being that you would have to go ahead and like any other permit or license you would have to renew it and the idea here we're not trying to make the bar high I would expect that the the parking commission would make the bar low in other words doing stuff online to try to facilitate and make things happen fast the idea is not to slow it down the idea is to speed it up to respond to th those individuals in our community who are disabled who have a need um and that's the idea um trying to think of the other question oh the the other question dealt with the with the um the 10 person resident I'm going to let attorney Foley speak to that matter because I came from the office more I I think I know what that's about but since you authored it you probably be a better person to explain it Mr Foley Mr chairman I I think that the the idea behind that is to allow a mechanism by which you know people could either bring something forward to the commission a regulation that they want to see enacted or to retract something that the commission has already done so it it it's an open gamut so a regulation might be you know restricting access up a certain streets during during certain hours of the day because it's adjacent to a playground or a school or something like that and maybe that's not working for those hours for example so they say we want to expand the hours or we want to retract the hours that would be something that would come right to my mind but the idea of that is just a mechanism and and I think the answer to the question I think that certainly a an application for for a parking permit or for for for a signage would be available online the petition itself would probably be available online to make it easy and then you know the agenda for for the commission would have to be put together obviously and in the agenda would you know the members would have to understand what's going to be placed before them but I think that's the idea of that thank you so uh before before you continue let me quick clarify something on here this petition is only for handicap parking or you referring to this last the entire parking uh parking uh conditions and everything related to parking great question Mr chairman I understand that when it when it first came down it involved all traffic regulations I I'm not sure what the uh what it was what happened down at the ordinance committee but I believe it maybe just restricted the handicap parking now I'm not sure okay I think I could help with that council president so I think that that when this was drafted by the the city attorney's office it was very broad it had everything to do with traffic related um I I am as a matter of fact I look this right now I'm going to offer this amendment that's before us all as part of my motion and what this amendment does it restricts it to just handicap I don't want there's a lot of complexity is another part if this works out well we can add the other components but I don't want to throw everything into it I would not think it's best to put everything into it once let's start off with the most pertinent a challenging part which is the handicap parking and then if that works out well after a year however much time we deem is enough time then we can certainly consider extending it to other parts of traffic other so that's that that was the initial thing so um council president I'm going to amend my motion to insert this in lie of we all have a copy of this now in lie of uh the document that's here um and it deals specifically with um handicap parking and not with anything outside of that um I just the other point did you want to say to you Mr President did you want to say something else Mr Foley I did thank you Mr chairman through you to uh Council of plan I believe that the copy of the document that I received this evening and I I think it's the one that you're referring to that's in your possession may not be the most recent copy of this I think the clerk read read the most the most recent copy of this and your Amendment ought to come from that from that copy but I'm not sure this is at least what I at least what I received in preparation coming down here for City attorney ho so I'm sorry for that but I'm just realizing that I think what you read I think what the clerk read is the most recent uh Cy and that and that your amendment I I don't think your Amendment would change thank you no we we we definitely understand that there is a couple of documents there is a public hearing that was posted poed and there is a document that we have in front of us that uh it still has some uh some information that need to be clear up um that's why I have made the decision to to send this to the committee of the hall because in section four perhaps that is a there was the Comm the commissioner of disability the Ada coordinator that actually established uh on his comment that it is no public hearing required because it's going to advance the process but in section four we have that it says very clear that after a public Hearing in according with Section 3 section 10 C of the L City Chad so in in multiple multiple places uh on the document establish advertisement process advertisement and Postage and so far so on it is require a public hearing when it comes to handicap parking if if that's going to be part of the of the local laws um I think it is but that's why I think that we need further study on this on this specific establishment Mr President if I may respond I did not say that you heard Mr R that's what I said yeah I don't I don't agree with what he said about that so no and and and and it's not it's not about you know what I mean it's a matter of just clarify things to make sure that we have the proper information in front of us to know what we adopting I speaks for itself it does say you have to have public hearings and you have to have notice you have to follow the rules so you know I'm not sure where Mr rri set that got that from but that's not something that I said no but I mean that's fine we definitely going to clarify those we don't have to do it at this point uh we we are in the middle of the discussion Council llan have the floor yeah can I add Mr President to explain why I got the information I participate in a task force with the city attorney which involve the city council the police department DPW and myself and that issue was raised in the task force I we met for a whole year P learning was the best practice and that that was one of the information provided that if if the if the if the task go to in independent body we don't have to do a public hearing that's what I was told in that meeting so that's the sour s information yep I understand Council you have the floor now thank you so the goal here I think it's been articulated which is to try to streamline things um you know what you know what I think it's it's tonight is a perfect example we have uh one two we have like four or five different handicap parking we all passed I he up sorry there's laughing going on over there and I think I know why um so um there so there's like four or five different handicap parking that that we do and it's quite frankly we it's it's almost a matter of right it's wrote we get the public hearings we vote for it and it happens um I think this counselor would like to spend more of my time not on things that are automatic but things that are more challenging that are more difficult things that I can really take time and work on um during the both not only this place but also in the ordinance committee uh there's other things that we could be working on uh rather than something that's practically automatic 99.9% of the stuff that comes in for handicap parking it gets approved um it's highly rare that we deny it it just doesn't happen so I just trying to stream our process our time is valuable too and we're going to get to a better result at the end and a result that the constituents um maybe they can meet at a time that's better for them the traffic commission or the park handicap parking commission traffic commission I don't really care what the name is uh can meet um at a time that may be better for them but all that stuff can be handled the minutia of some of the details that I think council president you may be wanting to ask some of the minisha and the details might be handled better out of that commission once it's formed once they meet and get together I don't think we're going to have every answer for every question but we know in the direction that we we want to go in which is to uh provide some provide some um if efficiencies to the process thank you Council last and just just I'm clear this is part of the this is part of the motion now correct council president that's correct yes you you men your motion yes Council last time I hear that it's going to be an efficient process that was the when we actually send out the responsibility of the city council of providing uh the license the transient vendors to the uh food truck and at that point we have 11 now we have like 200 uh because the process have been um extremely easy now we have like tons of uh trucks I don't want to relay that but I want to make sure that we're adopting what we need to adopt so straight straight up the process that doesn't necessarily means that um the the council shouldn't be involved council president under rule four that is definitely an opinion and you definitely just issued an opinion if you really want to issue an opinion council president I'll remind you again you can CH you can certainly give the gav you can challenge certainly give the gavel to council vice president fonte because that is an opinion that you just issued you can challenge my my my opinion all right at this point uh councelors um I going to be sending this item item 40923 to the committee of the hall to further study and clarify uh this provision uh now moving on to the top of the agenda we have um committee reports and the first committee report that we have is the budget and finance committee uh item 44 44224 which is the authorization to spend council president part point of parliamentary there was a motion that was made it was properly second we did not dispose of that motion it's still there yeah and I send that up to the uh to the committee of the hall once we have we'll have an underline motion that we're going to be discussed at this point item wasent to the committee of the as a point of parliamentary don't we need to if if that's the direction you wish to go in council president shouldn't there be a motion to table the matter so it's so it's here not necessarily it will be open it's automatically table it's the automatically table provision yes I'm not familiar with that council president all right do you want to challenge my my decision Council pres uh Council u i motion to table item 40 42-23 establishment of handicapped parking commission second there's a motion to table properly second pleas say hi hi there I have it roll call please on the motion to table Council areas yes Council marmel yes Council Santiago yes Council Del Rosario yes Council Lon yes Council plant no council Levy is noted as absent Council Infante yes council president Rodriguez I vote Yes at this point I sent I will send item photo 223 to the committee of the hall going to the top of the agenda budget and finance committee under the committee report we're going to start with budget and finance committee we have item 44224 which is the authorization to spend the amount of 590 9,999 uh if female assistant to a fir fire uh fir fire grant for a new truck uh Madame Madame Madame chair and the vice president of the city council Stephanie fante please provide us with a report thank you so I'm going to repeat the agenda item item four 42-24 the authorization to expend 590,000 $59,99 wor 9 cents from the FEMA assistance to fight to fight a fight a grant for a new truck uh was it was sent up with a favorable recommendation and I make that as a formal motion there is a motion on the table can properly second discussion I hear no discussion at this time call the question pleas say I I the I haveit item 4432 24 appropriation transfer of $300,000 from the stabilization Reserve fund uh to special project act from the fire pump for the fire pump truck Madame uh chair for the buet and finance committee please provide with with the report item 443 d24 the op the appropriation transfer in the amount of 300,000 from the stabilization Reserve fund two special projects account for for a fire pumper truck was sent up with a favorable recommendation and I make that as a formal motion there's a there's a motion on the table properly second discussion I no at this point I call the question Sol please say hi hi the I have it I 44424 the authorization to spend 25,600 emergency performance Grant uh mad share from the bay and finance committee item 4 44-24 the author authorization to expend 2 $5,600 for the Emergency performance Grant which will be specifically used for the defibrator and thermal imaging cameras was sent up as a uh as a favorable recommendation and I make that as a formal motion second there's a motion on the table properly second discussion there is none all fav please say I I any n the ice haveit item 4452 24 the appropriation transfer for 269,000 3 $21 for the stabilization Reserve fund to the library Grand fund operation account Madame Madame M vice president fun item 445-4366 321 from the stabilization re Reserve fund to the library general fund operating accounts was sent up with a favorable recommendation and also with a favorable recommendation to wave the 30 day approval process and I make that as a formal motion second there's a motion on the table properly second discussion discussion council plan you um thank you so I just want to Echo uh one one of the trustees had a talk during public participation earlier this evening regarding the importance of the library and the impact that it has on our youth and also how important it is that we we were on The Fringe we were on the border we were about to be um I'm I'm trying to think up the right word here uh we were going to lose the ability to work with other libraries in the library system uh because we weren't paying our fair share uh and the state was going to withdraw the money that was going to be coming to us and that and that would have been uh horrible for the City of Lawrence not only for the children but for the adults for the residents who enjoy using our libraries and enjoy using the and the resources around the marac valley Consortium of libraries and throughout the Commonwealth um so I just I want to applaud uh the library director and the Board of Trustees for being persistent on this um and getting us so we're we're we're we we're going to be in a good place I hope for for the time for the for a long time and that we never ever ever have to have this kind of conversation in this chamber not at this count Council not the next Council or the council 20 years from now cuz we're going to be in a good place with our library system and that it's going to continue to be the gy that it started off at back in whatever the white fund started back in 18 i1 1880 70 you probably know better than me when it when it happened but anyway I just want to thank you and I'm looking forward to voting yes on this thank you council president any other councelor uh councel president C um and I I'm going to disagree with my colleague councelor lean and I'm going to make a a suggestion to the director uh the narrative that we heard today and the narrative that we heard at the uh buget and finance meeting is not quietly uh correct there's some missing information the president um the council president asked for the history of why why we are where we are and it looks like that we have two different stories going to the radio station uh creating a narrative of of of that is not completely correct and I'm not I'm I'm going to avoid using another term it's not a good practice uh the library is it's where it is now because another reason on unfortunately uh and we asked several time and no one gave us the correct answer uh I'm voting yes but I think uh the director and some of the Tres have spoke a an incorrect narrative thank you thank you council president if I may the director of the library uh you have the floor Janella bro director of The Lawrence Public Library thank you C L for your um uh mention of of the narrative I will say that this is something that my Administration as the current Administration has inherited and above that so has the Board of Trustees has inherited it is not my situation to know whether or not where it came from it is my situation as born and raised in the City of Lawrence to find out how we can get out of this current situation I have a d Judiciary Duty not only to the people that I serve but most importantly to the city that I love most and as I stand before you today I will tell you the following I have done my due diligence with the state as I have with my colleagues as I have with the administration and the counselor and before you today I thank every single one of you for breaking history this is something that's before you as I inherited so have you it is almost two decades before me and I had a beautiful conversation with Michael Sullivan when this first started that I shared in my office and we talked about it till this day and I had sever several um excuse me directors prior to that and we spoke about it and a director that was actually my predecessor who would have been today here supporting me Jessica vovas we are in this together we are here representing the City of Lawrence we are born and bred in City of Lawrence all of us committed to cons uh going ahead and seeking a secondary degree which is a master's in library information science to be before you mine that personally came out of my pocket only to ensure that that is a quarter of what's me what's needed from the city to be certified this is only a portion this is only a portion the administration meeting a percentage of what the municipality appropriation requirement is from a dollar amount is a portion of what is required on top of that we need to be able to be open 63 hours a week by state regulation in accordance to a degree holding positions of a masters in library information science you're welcome councelor C president may I may I have the M answer yes ma'am yes yes referred to the council as a whole thank you coun council president if I may coun let's let her finish thank you in regards to that what I have in front of you is really a library that's really thriving our our constituents are thriving we went from 23,000 populin 2 years ago to now serving 73,000 I didn't make that that number up we have a 10% increase based on a human trafficking device that we actually have called transi that's on our doors we have been supported by the previous Board of Trustees and this current Board of Trustees as you saw today spoken by uh Amita Kylie and we're moving forward and that's what I'm here for today is to move forward and I and I appreciate the support of those in front of me today president coun the only word that we were looking for sorry no wait let me open the floor when we go to the second round and then I open the floor to you C rosar thank you to you council president persistent is the word they were persistent to try to get this money to get it where we are right now but they never stop working if you haven't visited the library I encourage you to go and I'm one of those numbers that made an increase of visiting the library I went there and I told you I called you because I was amazed of what the library look like today even though I've been here 30 years and I start visiting the library about 20 years ago and I went back when you were there and I called you at your office to sell you thank you because we were going under and you guys were still working you guys were still making the library presentable you guys were driving people to come in you guys were doing everything in the meantime you were working to try to get these numbers to get us out of where we've been for the longest so to me tonight voting yes make me proud that's why know the decision that why I run for this position and I will not not let you guys go down once again either while I'm here so we all going to fight together and the library look beautiful great job guys keep it up and we we need you we need you the community needs you and you guys have done it and I know you guys are going to make it better thank you Rosario thank you for your comments um um any other councelor councelor Rees I want to follow the conversation with my colleagues uh uh conser the Rosario because I love to pass by and see what is the kind of different program you have for our little kid because the past I hear a lot of concern because we don't have program to uh to our children on two years old and less we always have over the 10 year different kind of program so I'm so happy to pass by and see a lot of little kids to join the they read the book The the sign activity it's a different kind of activity so I want to say thank you today for the hard job You' been doing to our community thank you so much thank you councelor Rus it means a lot to me and I have to say this as a mother of a 5-year-old uh one of the biggest programs we brought was reading to that Z to five age group and not only that exploring them and exposing them to montau programs and we've been funded by eccf grants uh state grants uh we've even been funded by hner Ki foundation and the thing is is that libraries right now are not as known to our community but if we start at that root of that 0o to five age group I guarantee you the curriculum of what it is to know a library and to be part of a library I guarantee you if I was in front of you 10 years from now our literacy rates will change and we need to start with that group and we need to start it now any other councelors on the first round all right councel we asked twice for the the story The Narrative and you never use Cil president the director never use uh that the situation that the library is in and I'm not putting into I'm not saying that you're not doing a great job because I think I mentioned to you in the previous meeting that we are glad that the job that you're doing but also that we recognize the job that has done be before by other uh directors because where where you are now it's it's it's not only because of the the job that you're doing now it has to do with what others have done so that's one thing that I mention in the budget and finance meeting and the other thing that I mentioned is that the political propaganda Ganda you take a narrative and and go to the radio and you're telling the community that we're going to lose that and that and it's not accurate you don't need to agree with me also you never mentioned that what happened was due to a reection you have never mentioned that here and you don't need to answer me so I'm not going to change my opinion you have your opinion I'm saying it's that we ask you why is the library in this position right now and you have never mentioned that it was due to a reection okay that was the only word that I was looking for instead you choose to create this narrative about the lra be losing this and that and and you mentioned the previous director yes she's part of your throy uh she's also a Laurentian that is that is there advocating for us too that's another point that I wanted to make clear and I'm not putting in line your work you're doing an amazing job but also recognize the job of the previous director because you're not here uh all the things that you doing now has to do with what they did in the past uh we appreciate what you do but next time as a counselor I would like to hear the correct narrative because I have a a responsibility with my constituents and you have never mention the res section just for the record thank you counil president ccil president uh yes what council L is referring to was a um a discussion that happened at the B finance committee as of why we get to that point back then on and on the 80s thank you council president I believe I should bring the CFO for that I'm not sure about a recession but if I may so is the is is I can't see nothing cons President we asked him too but he never mentioned it no he he mentioned something he mentioned something thank you just U thank youc president the CFO will give us and um and a history class about how that how we get to this point back where you mentioned at the budget and finance committee if you can add that to the as part of the record here was uh you know and again everybody knows that in the 2000s the city had uh like it's good it's good just just get closer yeah sorry uh everybody knows that uh between 2000 and 2010 uh the city had some financial difficulties and in 2010 there was special legislation to bail out the city Lawrence is it is it not coming through it's coming through yeah it's just get close to it that's okay yep I get too close uh but anyway Excuse me give it a second uh the the uh Chapter 58 the acts of 2010 was passed in March of 2010 to enable the city to borrow 27.4 million or up to 35 million to pay off all its debts uh there were a lot of firefighters laid off police officers laid off the city went through tremendous amount of turmoil a fiscal overseer was appointed to the city all those things happened here in Lawrence you know was a perfect storm perfect Financial storm if you will uh and and as the councilors many councilors recall uh uh with the state oversight came uh came sorry came certain uh certain conditions uh of which today we've we've changed sorry about that I seems like getting a frequency but yeah but you know we've uh we've come a long way from the uh from 2010 uh and with the fiscal overseer and and the financial practices we've changed over the last dozen years or so since I've been here uh the city's now in strong financial position but but with the library waiver there were some in the in those 2,000 years when the city was trying to survive one budget to the next they used a budget technique uh where they added the health insurance they took the health insurance from the on line at and added it each departmental budget so in the librar so the libraryies budget was increased by 3,400,000 for their share of the health insurance which is a $15 million bill so it looked like in the following year they took it back and put it back in the one account and took it out of all the department accounts so they'll the State Library commission thought we cut the library 300,000 or almost 400,000 we didn't cut them at all uh but that looked like they did and that has kind of snowballed into today or into the last several years where we've had to request a waiver from the library board uh um to get to get our about 300,000 state aid every year um and uh and and this year uh the last few years we've we've tried to increase the appropriation and with this uh additional appropriation that'll get us to meet the the state's requirement so uh it'll be a challenge next year to make we'll have to increase their budget next year because to maintain that that level of uh the state wants us to increase the library budget by on average one and a qu% every year so if we have another economic down term and we'll have to increase the libraryies budget but we'll be decreasing police and fire you know theoretically if there was a another recession we don't expect that to happen happen the city has a lot of financial reserves now um as as as most of the councilors know uh We've converted our our much of our arpa funds into free cash uh we have 20 million set aside in our uh stabilization reserve for Debt Service we have 10 million set aside and our stabilization undesignated which is where this 300,000 is coming and and we do anticipate uh in the next month or so when free cash gets certified we'll have anywhere you know about 15 million in free cash certified as well so our reserves are uh approximately 50 million in in total uh but that is not a lot of money on a you know roughly a $400 million budget so we do have to be uh very cognizant of that uh of those reserves uh 20 plus million has to be uh reserved for The Debt Service on the two high schools and the police station so we could we could pay that debt without a tax override uh so we'll be uh be careful in the next several years ahead but this will at least get us out of the mar get us that guaranteed 300,000 state aid to help the library um and and that's what's before you tonight I thank you so much that we have a little bit of f what was discussed and how we get to that point um director do you mind going over as of what's going to be the use of these funds as part of you you add it as part of your um a part of your memo but I would like to just rate it for the record no of course um so most of the line items you'll see that is actually towards Workforce Development so we have salaries in overtime budget um the salaries would include more positions specifically to be geared towards our granted position which is a literacy coordinator position and including also full-time Library positions and part-time Library positions uh as you guys know our hours of operations are from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. just just just focus on the positions yes sir just just read the positions there and then we can move for okay so let me go ahead and pull that up here for you just on the second page of the memo sorry I'm just pulling this up so we have currently a lit we're asking for an audio visual coordinator A literacy coordinator three uh Library assistants and uh three part-time uh part-time Library assistants in addition to a part-time cust AAL position so it's still going to be the one two how many in total how many positions uh let me count that for you give me one second four seven yes sir thank you yeah it is important to recognize as well that the salaries of the library they are not sim similar to what we used to see around so they're very modal very like low end I believe and uh and the amount of work that they they do and the type of work that they that the library do is something that we wish to see in front of the library all right thank you so much any other counselors that wishes to speak at this point I call the questions uh everybody that is in favor of this uh item please say hi hi any n ni have it now we going to um anybody else from the different committees that have um anybody here uh that is present can we do personal personal all right uh we're going to personal committee uh Madame chair from the personal committee do we have that that I ask if it is anybody on the three committees I'm I'm here with YWCA for the ordinance excuse me um not yet well you so you let's let's go to the city employees so housing and I see um director bz as well so all right let's go up to housing uh item 41624 the Surplus Declaration of a city property on M Alburn Street uh Madame chair from the housing committee okay through you council president item number 46-24 um Surplus Declaration of city property Mount Auburn Street map 156 7-1 um this uh item was discussed uh under the housing committee and um I submit through the form of a motion that this item was approved to uh come before us uh uh to city council uh city council with a favorable recommendation there's a motion on the table uh properly second discussion councilor vice president Infante thank you through you council president I have a few questions on this um this item is in my district um and I'm looking at that through you if I can to the director um sillo I'm looking at this map right here M and I see that the entire parel is 10,000 square ft um and I want to know what what is the exact square footage of of the lot that is being declared Surplus 4,000 squ ft okay so 4,000 so this little section right here that's that's cross off this right here here give me one second look at yeah okay so the lot was subdivided and can you explain why one why the lot was subdivided and two who owns the the remaining the City of Lawrence still the school department still owns the remaining part okay so the school department correct okay so that is here and this is going into my second question that's why here in the notes it says that it's O it was okay by the school department correct so let's let's clarify something let's clarify something there before we continue uh school department doesn't own the city do and then they use the buildings that's the reality okay all right so City of Lawrence owns this school department owns the other section that's not being I mean school school department uses the other section that is not being declared as Surplus correct is that does that sound correct okay all right my other question is in this diagram or this drawing I see that there's there's a word that's there's a sentence that says to be granted to Alamo who is this who SE who is this being granted to it's not being granted it will be a direct disposition to the director butter s it'll be a direct disposition to the director of other um sorry Francis Ro director we we we we haven't get to that point but I mean is the intended to direct this POS this to to the ab butter um eventually once it becomes the cleared Who's the who the who's the abut [Music] the direct oh Sanchez Jennifer Sanchez 27 Mount Alburn Street okay I'm going to councelor this is is that the last house on the street is that the last house on the street okay so it's already been declared to someone not yet because so why in order to be um to selfir this position first the city council has I I'm I'm aware of the process so I'm asking is why why on the map it's saying that it's already being granted hasn't been granted yet okay someone clarify that cuz he's just confused me more Daniel McCarthy uh orange planning department so this had come about as a result the the the owner of the property on Mount Auburn Street um it purchased his property it was it was two lots um and they had gone down to the zoning board of appeals seeking a variance to build a house she wanted to build a house for her mother um the two lots together were 16,000 Square ft uh number of the neighbors um opposed it saying that they would not oppose the building of a house if they met the standards requirements for that neighborhood district and they that it's 10,000 square ft to to do that at that point the uh owner of that house approached the city and said um you have all this Landing back behind my house that's being onus would the city be willing to um sell me a portion of that land to so that I can meet the dimensional standards and build this house for my mother the um we we then the uh the the technically the though you're correct it is a city-owned property it was in the control and custody of the school department So to subdivide that P of land we had to go to the school department and approach them uh about uh giving up this 4,000 square ft of land and they agreed to do that they said we're not using that land it's not significant to us and we'll give it up um and that was what that's how this came about okay thank you now I'm looking at this map which side of of which which side of the law are you are you referring to this side no or that side m y there's no there's no house on that side I just looked at Google Maps so who's the a butter correct so the butter is where you see where the gr area is yep there's a house there that's the house okay and then my other question is so the other side that we're not trying we're not proposing a surplus you you guys just said that it's being used by the school department but here on the map it says proposed dwelling single family 2 and 1 half story wood frame area so are you propose like is there's something else going on so why is this on the map that's let me see the M that that is not a map that's a plan that was done by a land surveyor on behalf of these people so that it's not that's on behalf of who the Miss Sanchez so okay on the side that that that we're not declaring as Surplus that's supposed to be used by by the Lawrence Public Schools that makes absolutely no sense councelor um councelor Vice person inant that sometime what you can you can actually survey a piece of property with no intent then and then they can add whatever but we we have the authority to move on or not I still want my questions answered so she is yeah so I don't have that document in front of me I've seen it before councelors I don't feel comfortable moving on with this I have more questions than answers and I respectfully ask that we table this this matter second are you are you motioning this I make a motion to table item item 46-24 second there is a motion to table properly second no discussion on the table matters all please say I any n the I have it thank you so much so we're moving on to another then uh to the top of the agenda um the ordinance committee report um the chair from the the chair from the ordinance committee Council of plant item 29123 and the resident parking of wner Street sure if it's all right with the council president I'd like to um if we can get the the resident from licensing board applicant here personel Comm personal committee all right we go to to the committee reports on personal committee mad vice president Infante the shair of the personal committee item 45124 confirm appointment of abigil Romero to the licensing board for the turn of six years expiring of on 531 2030 thank you council president through you item the Personnel committee Mets recently met we have item four 51-24 to confirm the appointment of Abigail Romero to the licensing commission for a six-year term which expires on May 31st 2020 20 2030 sorry 2030 and the Personnel committee sendes up as a favorable recommendation and I make that as a formal motion second there is a motion on the table um properly second discussions we're going to open the floor uh to the attorney and sequently to the applicant thank you Mr President members of the city council Kevin Foley standing in for City attorney Timothy hudon have Abigail Romero with me this evening um happy that she has applied would you step up I'm sure the council would like to meet you uh I know the Personnel committee has met you already longtime resident of of Lawrence um been a homeowner here for more than 18 years been a resident here for more than 35 years and a mother with three children happy that she's applied to be on licensing commissioner good evening my name is sa Romero and here had to answer questions just introduce yourself and and and and tell us more about you um well I've been uh living here since uh ' 89 I've been in Lawrence I went to high school too I had three kids I think um I um I've been owner of businesses for since 200 six I been owner different um business right right now the one that I own is been since 2017 sx3 and I'm here to sell my community now that I have um a little bit more time because my kids are older the younger one is is in college right now in fishmore he's 18 and um I have more time now and I would like to help my community I already met with a ship um um Bonas M Mr Bonia this morning and I met his team and we went over uh the concerns that they have um and and they give me um some pages to go over about what kind of responsibility is is is the one that if you guys allow me um I'm supposed to follow through in and how I could help the community what you said right now is that you went to the police department and and you met with them and they told you what's going to be your duty responsibility in the future no they they know that I'm not trying to to apply they want to meet me as a candidate of the to be in the licensed board and they and they told me that uh the because at the beginning the last time that that I come in um I I wasn't um I didn't know enough regarding uh about the License Board what are the exactly um the job that he supposed to be doing because my my knowledge was they was supposed to be presenting a case and in between the license we were supposed to decide if the person should keep the license or not but uh I I found out there is a little bit more into that and yes so I'll open the floor to the counselors for discussion any counselors that wishes speak councel thank you thank you for applying I think it's great that you met with the police department because I think um if you're confirmed you're going to need to work with them so it's not a bad thing and also it provides an opportunity to learn more about what the position entails uh this is probably not let me ask you the questions for you but then the other questions shouldn't go to you to should go to probably the City attorney uh your interest are alcohol licensing strength training nutrition construction Community working exercise alcohol licensing has been an interest of yours for a while can you talk a little bit about that uh I was trying to volunteer um in in the board in the I I know there was some um there was looking for some people in different areas and one of them is the license and right now my um why I'm I'm looking into this is because right now they have just two people and that's supposed to be three and they and there are some um issues they need to be taken care and hasn't been because they need three and so so far if there are two and one say yes and the other one say no then not the third person to to follow through so since looking into that there are issues that that they need to be taken care and I think and I thought that this is one of the more needed Department right now Mr Foley um can you help answer this question this is I mean I could ask the the applicant but as you know this is there are certain Commissions in our city that are partisan you need to have a Democrat you need have Republican I think this is one of those boards um that you need to have both parties represented uh what will would that we have one of each right now pardon me we have one Democrat one Republican currently serving so you're good so doesn't make a difference on the third one thank you uh the other question is is Mr Romero of the businesses that you own do you have any do you have any interests when I say interest I mean financial interest in any of the restaurants or any restaurants or any establishments that sell alcohol no okay thank you follow up on on on Council plan's questions uh what is your current body uh an independent you're an independent she's unenroll unenroll yeah it's different than an independent so you're unenroll so you're not independent okay you not enrolled in any party no is that a requirement to be a Republican or Democrat or just in a party you have to have at least one of each have that oh they already have that okay any other questions councilors yes councelor Santiago at the beginning the consul give it to you the the for introduce yourself but you never talking about what did you do for work before and about your resume I remember you said you do laboratory or CNA you didn't mention that and and I would like to know if you correct the things today MH can you can you explain it was just I I do have a copy it was a date um uh when I when I make my my curses regarding when I graduate from philotomy I I type it 2003 that I was the the time that I received my my pH license but on the bottom that I put uh regarding uh from what time to what time I I was working instead of put a 2003 I put 2023 it was your a year run in my in in my resume and then I fix it okay and how you want to implement the um your experience in your job when and and maybe my my experience regarding photomy and nursing has nothing to do with it basically is is um common sense and um and good with people um I I I be I've been working with customers since 2006 and um I'm good regarding listening and making decisions and um I think that this is basically listen to both sides because I I I know that the fire department it is invol and the police is involv and and the person that is applying for the license and basically is listen to everybody and making and try to make the best decision for the safety okay any other counselors councelor coun m going over your application I I noticed that you and and you stated just now that you are a business owner do you mind uh getting into detail as to what type of business do you have for how long you've had that business and then the last question I'm asking is what would you say would make you or why would use what makes you a great asset to be part of the licensing board um my my business is money transfer we we work with um transfer money selling money orders and uh and giving um and helping customers with with application we work with ups and we work and we work with with EH and that is um they we send documents to all countries how long the one in SX Street we open in 2017 previous to that we were used to be in 105 S6 Street and um in Santana and 103 Jack street but there was too too many businesses so I it was too much to to keep so I decid just to keep one and then I close the other ones and question is what what strengths and attributes do you bring to the table to be a good asset for this board I like it I say I want to help my I want to help lws and the I'm good regarding listen to people and and make um and trying to find Solutions I put myself out of the box and try and try to see things out of the box and know inside and when you you see yourself like at the box that you try to make it like a puzzle and trying to put things together in the best way that you could and um my experience listen to people and trying to um I may say they my I had three kids and and one is autistic um um and I been he I did the best um regarding his education and the the way that that I did it is communicating with the teachers and um I met a lot of people and and because I did that and I didn't at the end my my son I have to um taking at the District of the Lawrence and and he went on private and Lawrence was the one in charge on that because I did my job regarding I'm I I think I'm good arcate maybe I'm not good regarding expressing myself but I'm good atting when I choose something I try to see the end of it I try to make Solutions and I like to search I like to search um regarding and if a person is losing the license what happened um what that person the wrun why why he why he did it and and um why he was supposed to to use and give it the opportunity to present the case and base and listen to the other people that going to be there like the police is going to be there and the fire department is going to be there and just do the best listen to my other part partners and then make the best Sol solution I'm sorry maybe I'm not answering your question but council president um point of clarification are you able would give like a quick rundown as to what type of licenses does the licensing board approve deny yeah sure I I'll get that to an a point in a minute any other councelors councelor president uh councel um thank you for your intentions of serving I think I mentioned in the budget and fin in the personal uh meeting committee that and this is just a suggestion I think you have great intentions but I I don't think she completely understands her responsibilities and we talk about that in the last personal um committee meeting I think it would be a a um of great help if when the administration sends an appointment um an application that to also give them um information about what exactly they're going to be doing um I know she's going to be able to learn because she cares uh and she wants to serve the city but I also know that she doesn't completely understand what she's going to be doing in that commission but I I believe she's going to learn she's say uh seems like a clever woman with desire of serving uh but I mean in the future it will be of uh for best practice to give this uh appointment uh more information about the commission they are planning to serve and we don't want you to be a good person there we want you to get familiar with the regulations and do the best base and the regulations that you at some point is you're going to learn and thank you for for your desire of serving the City of Lawrence through this commission any other counselors councelor C sorry we're twins we twins so thank you council president um no questions just a comment licensing through Mr President licens boorn is really important to our city especially as it relates to Public Safety we have expanded hours now is it 1:00 is it is it bars Clos at one 2:00 sometimes we got people one or two we got people coming we're one of the last places that you can go for last call people traveling here and and some and there's a lot of good places in the city that do things the right way and I want to applaud them they got the license they should be doing it and we should expect them to do the right thing but there are sometimes uh that some some places take some risks take some chances and don't do the right things necessarily and we need a strong licensing board that's going to stand up because if you stand up you're standing up with the police and you're also standing standing up for us because when there are police officers going down to a call of something happening at last call when a bar is closing and all the police resources are going over there that means parts of our city are left without the kind of adequate protection that we want that I want in my district and so I need someone that's going to be there who is going to be looking out for the interest not necessarily and also of the of the of the of the establishments but also of the neighbors the residents the people who live in the city um and there's a tremendous impact I just wanted to make that comment because I think it's important because I'm once if you get selected and appointed tonight you've got this for six years six years and and I may come down to a licensing board and I might have an issue on something but my last chance to really have an opportunity to let you know how I feel about what the impacts are is tonight and that's how I feel and I want you to know how I feel that we need strong members of that and I know the buzzwords is Progressive discipline I know the buzzwords are we have to do things like that but sometimes things are beyond the pale and we need to crack down when it when it's required not all the time but when it's required and I'm hoping and expecting that you should take that stance as well thank you I I I understand that but the only thing is that this is transmitting in YouTube and I know that so um I don't there are things that I that I know that they are happen right right now they need they needs to be taken care and like you said the the 1:00 and the 2:00 and there there are things inside that has been going on but I don't know if you allowed just to say because it's on YouTube it's not just us if it was your us then I will go into more detail that that I know I'm trying to find out those those things like if he uh the the clubs they are serving uh battles that are not supposed to and those and there are many things that that I know but I say you I don't know if allow just to say it because just to just to tell you and I know just just to tell you a Qui things when it comes to serving the community uh on this type of board and at the council or school committee something that is that is not to be need to be uh in accordance to the openting law everything is going to be recorded you got to say everything in public and when you have private meeting you you can't do that uh essentially uh that become uh somehow illegal so just to be just to put it in perspective in case that you get selected so you got to say everything in public and got to make sure that everything you said doesn't matter if it is in YouTube or not I know that they have issues regarding uh um the the hours if everybody that's that's why I said that I I'm willing to listen both sides and then I listen to who whatever that person did wrong uh and and the things that that person was supposed to do because there is a book that I'm going to that I started to read and I haven't finished it it was given it to me just just today and I started reading it um and I'm willing to learn and Sor thank you to your Council pres president uh M chair for the personal how do we how do we determine that this item was going to go up uh with a favorable recommendation based on what details if it's possible to know so the discussion that we had and for you council president if I may respond to council the Rosario and I I I understand what this is coming from because now in my own head I'm I'm thinking about my own decision at the committee level but uh we asked several questions uh my biggest concern was the my biggest concern was the the ability to separate the work um from counselors the administration friends family I'm reaching out and trying to get something approval perhaps it may not be as as the best decision for for the uh for the community at that day I had councelor Santiago and I had councelor lzone there um present they had their own questions um and then at the end I I asked my committee well I I said to my committee I will now entertain a motion and that was the motion that was presented to me okay that's that's fair thank um resing infant you have the floor thank you I wanted to to piggyback a little bit off of uh my colleague councelor Le plant's statement about um businesses violating our laws and and Etc and I I'm curious to know as a candidate do you believe our approval process should be stricter whether if it's applying for liquor license or any type of licenses do you believe that that process should be stricter in order for to to to imply that we are trying to do the right thing here and that people should be following local and state laws that we um should be following required to follow I don't think make it a stter is the is the is the is the way I think is follow what is already establish that is the issue that we are having is is not make it a harder for them to get it the issue is that they not follow through and and and that is the only concern and I have a follow-up question with with that of part two um for businesses or individuals organizations that are found to to not be following or or be penalized do you believe that penalties should be higher in order to prevent them from doing this for doing whatever they did that they got in trouble for in the future um higher I think the punishment that they are doing is not hurting them because if you close a clock uh uh for for a week or two weeks uh what they're going to do is um they they're going to say that they're fixing things inside so is it's not then I think that maybe the punish will be reducing the hours then will really like heading um that's maybe what I what I believe because the the thing is if if if you close the the bar or or the the clock because I in the community I I I know people and that's exactly what they do they say oh no we just fix it or updating the club when what happened really is that they took the license away or or they stopped for them to be working like for punishment for two weeks and they they they beopen and they make them seeing the public they it was nothing wrong they they was closed because they was fixing stuff but if it they reduce the hours as a as as a punishment for a week or two and they have to close down they have to ask the guest you need to leave because we just open into this time then I think it will be something different council president may I thank you I I hear what you're saying um so we've had incidents I mean not just club but uh or mean let's use clubs for example shootings inside clubs shootings outside clubs um I'm not going to I'm not going to speak about the ones outside because that doesn't really you know that's outside of of the club Owners um uh thing but actually no cuz this is an example the city of Matan Elixir Elixir Lounge I think some of us may know some of us may not had a tragedy happen outside of of their of their establishment so I guess I am talking about outside instances as well the city of meu shut them down for an entire year mhm and it wasn't one week it wasn't two weeks it for something like that an entire year and they felt know the owner they felt that and they're still not recovered from that whole year so that is where my question is coming from do you believe the penalty should be stricter because they definitely learned their lesson after being shut down for a year 100% definitely it just you didn't specify what kind of scenario I like that then definitely I think it have to be harder definitely mhm thank you BR and I have a few questions now you have the go council president um well thank you for applying definitely I appreciate the the fact that you apply council president before because this wasn't just to make sure that it's on the record and that people at home can hear council president pass me the gel I am now sharing the meeting sharing the item sharing the item y definitely um well thank you for applying um I think that you know it it it will it take a lot for somebody to come over and say I want to serve um I'm seeing your resume and I'm seeing that you you business owner and I also seeing the type of experience you have um and how this this could probably relate to the licensing boore do you understand how deep this boore goes when it comes to the respons the duties and responsibilities uh of it yes I know I know that I'm going to um if you guys allow me to work I know that some people they don't going to like me because of my decisions yeah yeah I know is is is is deep yeah and I I know but um I I do work about the safety LS and there a lot of things going on and I have three kids and I want them to be safe I when my 18 years old goes goes um to the park just to play basketball I do have concern and I don't want him to go and I do have concerns and I and I believe the uh whatever happens in The Establishment is not just in in the establ and follow outside too and I do believe that and and and we need to be sure that they understand the power that they have just to have a a license and they do have have have a power because if it allows somebody to to drink too much what's going to happen with that person that person is going to go outside and and and it's going to make my Lars unsafe and so yeah so do you believe that this license this licensing B just deal with how alcohol license or there is more there is more perhaps uh is uh in both regarding the clubs the the license uh for the uh for the establishment and the and and the alcohol tool perhaps this board deal with the uh part of the enforcement of of those uh uh license holder and they hold meetings and they hold them uh at those meetings and they potentially hold them accountable so uh these board deal with licenses but those licenses could be a Economic Development uh potential to the city of Ls uh if we actually understand the the great need of of uh of what it means not NE the alcohol license but any other license that they hold so it is an opportunity to make the city better and and uh when it comes to uh a potential license that you give to somebody do you understand that level of responsibilities mhm that's why um everybody's inolved the the police the fire department and everybody is as involed than this some of that some something that you mentioned at the beginning of the conversation was that um you met with the police department that was something that you look forward uh to do or that was something that to learn more yes do you know that um sometime there is conf conflicting uh decision and interest uh with the police department and the potential decision that you make m MH yes if you if you're part of the board mhm I know so MH so essentially they are the advisors of the of the board not necessarily the person that's going to tell you what to do exactly yes I I so do you know how to differentiate those yes I I I know that I need to listen to everybody what they have to say and I have to make my own decision uh um it is it is it is it is a you know looking at the whole thing and the overall um profile that me personally as a counselor look forward to approve in in in this type of board uh it is it is kind of like you know still still look for more because I mean it is I mean these type of boards a lot more than just uh than just you know somebody that have some experience that live in the city of Lawrence that is more than that and I appreciate that you actually apply but I mean um it is it is a little challenging uh for for this type of uh you know lcy holders uh to to actually have somebody that it's a little a little bit of learning here Ling there and going to read the specifications that mean sometime doing some type of research you have a week since you come over in front of the committee but I feel like you're not prepared yet because the answers you're giving us is not they're not quite uh solid uh at least on my end M um I don't know since you to since you come to the to the meeting last time my understanding is when a person apply it it is an application and I have to go over um I have to go over the the the the application and then um based on the questions that I that I may have uh then I I that's that's why I get to meet the person and I need to ask the question and at the same time I I I meet that person but then at the same time I have to listen to All concerns that the anybody may may have so I'm going to give you some uh some key responsibilities of the licensing commission um and I'm going to read it through so you're going to have the opportunity to issue a license enforcements and compliance public hearings revoking of suspending a license reviewing a special event license uh reviewing one day license using those license for economic development and economic growth uh potential uh business growth attraction Revenue generator Community revitalization job creation uh straightening the zoning and the planning of the community so those type of things those were things that you should be uh giving us answer because you're going to be there for six years MH it's not a partial term uh I mean to me I like the intention and and I know the that requirement like how many fee the tables um how how they're going to be the clearance for for the for the fire Department to go through and all those little details I'm going through and then I've been reading it yes I I I I know regard that is more just to be sitting then not be just to be sitting and and and then they I know they the building have to pass the requirement and I need and I need to know about it too all right um I have no more questions thank you I I think that I know my vote okay at this point any other further questions or comments seeing none all those in favor say I no no uh Madame clerk roll call please councelor Levy is noted as absent Council llant yes Council Lan no council Del Rosario abstained councelor Santiago no councelor marmel no council Ares yes Council Infante Council vice president Infante no council president Rodriguez no motion fails so motion which was it count um two in favor one recommended approval did not go through thank you thank you so can you explain the decision of the board to her I will thank you thank you thank you uh let's go to the top of the agenda we have the ordinance committee now uh the chair of the ordinance committee Council lant please give us the report for item 29123 the resident parking on wner street the ordinance committee met on document number 291 23 resident parking on wall mystry this is um a motion to send it to the full Council for the Fable recommendation order a public hearing uh this is both to delete a portion of it and then of course to um expand that uh footprint for a a resident parking so order a public hearing and make that in the form of a motion we're going to let you know all right uh there is a motion to order public hearing order public hearing can hear a second properly second discussion there's none U all please say I I I have it item um 42724 the YWCA Halloween event with higher yes so with higher ride mhm hey r so the ordinance committee met to send this up to the full Council T recommendation uh this is a YMCA Halloween event with hey ride October 18th of this year from 6:00 to 8:00 pm in the campign on common um I make that that's that's the official motion I make that in the form of a motion discussion there is a motion on the table properly second discussion so I'm going to amend that [Music] motion was one second please it's a nice feature can you chut that one off shut it off all right c yeah so I was reminded after the meeting that um that we should make sure that there is a tractor pulling uh the hay the the whatever the thing is and we should hey thanks and it should be part of the um they should M stay on on the on the um on the the cement or on the rather than on the grass and doing more damage so I'm going to amend that that a permit to as long as they stay on the it's a sidewalk but it's also a trail whatever the trail is called inside the inside the park pardon me paved areas that's a great phrase in the paved areas that's going to be my Amendment to the motion to the permit there a motion properly Amendment um with the Amendment uh properly second discussion I hear known so at this point I call the question Sol please say I hi the eyes have it um the motion P if you can hear me the motion pass okay Kathy give me one second guys council president if you've got her on the zoom call you may just remind her that or let thank you thank you that she should stay within the paved area is for the for theay R machine did you uh KY did you did you hear the motion as how you went did you K did you did you hear motion yes I did we do not um last year we didn't use the grass at all thank you so much uh thank you for staying there for the lth of the meeting all right uh we going to the top of the agenda item item 43124 the removal of 50-minute parking signs at 308 even street so for this item the committee send us up to the full council with favor recommendation order public hearing to delete the ordinance and make that in the form is the motion on the table properly second discussion I hear no all please say hi hi there I have it item 444 44824 the square dedication for Dominic Marte Madame M Mr chair of the bu of the ordinance committee council plan worse a lot woman six woman uh 44824 this is a square dedication for Dominic Marte the city the ordinance committee sent this up with a failable recommendation and to make that in the form of a motion there's a motion on the table uh to order a public hearing there not to order public hearing you know rep public hear for dedication okay discussion discussion this this motion on the table properly second discussion counc Lan I thank you council president and I'm going to um mention a quote um not exactly quote um Consul plan so what is exactly the criteria to name a uh to dedic to to do an Square dedication cuz the ones that been seeing here are basically uh for um veterans the ones that I seen in at the city council and I I know about uh Dominque Mar Martis I know he's a singer uh I'm assuming he's from Lawrence but what else uh but we have to be careful I I this is could be opening a door to other people requesting the same thing so do we either um create guidelines to make sure yeah can I finish cons president no no no we're going to talk about the item item so my that is my concern nothing against uh this is a singer I think from lawence no it's the same from Lawrence but are we going to open a door for other people to start making recommendation do we going to have the city squares all over the city just for and I'm not saying that he hasn't done anything uh uh important but what else do we need to take into into consideration to start naming to start dedicating squares in the city it's my opinion council president sure uh when it comes to the the the standards and that uh for the dedication rededication and naming of any uh city city owned properties we don't have a a a well defined items but uh we have an item on the agenda that we're going to be working on some type of standards that uh that item will be uh sent out to a committee to be reviewed potentially with uh to um several committees um and essentially that the intenses to develop what we actually need at the city level there is something uh the intent of the item was to develop something there is something on writing yet no it is a collaboration effort of all of the counselors and any in in the administration to Well define those uh those guids that are going to stay uh for quite some time if we can work together to get is done without laughing um thank you cons president sure question so in regard to this item Cel Santiago yes I remember when they was talking about when they was talking about him they said he's from Lawrence but he currently live in Lawrence uh somebody can answer this is crazy we need to put this down I can't see anybody um mellis hi MZ director of Health and Human Services 155 hav Street um no he does not live in Lawrence currently he lives in hav but he I I just want to say that I didn't know Dominic until just recently I knew who he was because I've been to many events where he's been part of um a lot of the entertainment and a lot of the um community events that I hosted in the city but after speaking to him you know he has a real passion for Lawrence he really has a love for Lawrence and most importantly he has a love for wanting to help children that are going down the wrong track and he wants to give back and um he wants to provide that gateway to teaching children not to leave school cuz he did it right not to be brainwashed because someone put you know a carrot in front of him with a beautiful contract and then they basically lied to him and then he was like a slave to that contract and he wasn't making the money he was just the victim of putting him to do seven eight shows all the time um and I think that in the long run I think it shows our kids especially um kids that might think that not worthy that if they work hard as he did um and one of his dream is to hopefully graduate you know get a diploma and really like do what he should do um and I think as we all get older we start to reflect on our own lives right and what we've accomplished and what we haven't accomplished and what we can give back and I think that in speaking to him again I don't personally know him I just spoke to him uh a few few times and I spoke to his manager and um I got the story the life story and in speaking with him he has a great love for this city and I think that he would not only be good for the city but also he's good for the school department and I've made that connection and as as one of the hats that I wear um supervising the recreation department I think that that would be a big asset to us any other questions con thank you um director vas stole a little bit of my thunder here I was but I I I want to chime in um to what the director was saying um I don't I I know of him I've spoken to him plenty of times I and I've learned um what dominic maras has done for the community secretly and silently too he has donated a lot supported a lot of our Youth and he has never ever asked for recognition he has never he's never done it for like hey look at what I'm doing he does it because he cares and that I can say and from someone of this Council that that planned and executed a a corner dedication for an artist when we had Nicki Jam here Nicki Jam also does not live here but it's the story behind him it's the story behind Dominic marus that gives an inspiration motivation to our youth um just like with our fallen veterans just like with our fallen um police officers that who whose names have come through this it's the example being a model that we are giving and also that it doesn't matter where you come from you can still achieve greatness like how we're seeing with our veterans how we're seeing with our with our officers and also with these two um artists that I just named who went through challenges and look at where they are today um and that's all I'm going to say thank you I mean a kid from Lawrence is on the Latino Billboards I mean think about that you know that I mean as we Latinos come up in the United States of America some of us immigrants some of us born here um when you start making changes and you get to that level it's not easy to get to the billboard it's not easy to you know walk in those shoes and never give up and then still want to give back to the community I mean you know as councelor Infante said you know Nicki Jam doesn't live in lawence and I know that Dominic doesn't live in Lawrence but he lives in hail and he's here all the time and he's willing to give back here all the time and as you said you know he does give back again I was impressed um um and I think that he that he is a mentor that can be used with our children our high school kids with anybody that wants to listen any music thoughts and you know the the performing center in in Lawrence High he you know there's a lot of connection that can happen that I think is positive and at 319 Chestnut Street is where he started his music career in his living room coun thank you through you and and pick it back on on coun inant it's it's not just what he has done it's where he came from um you you mentioned that he would be Greatful school because the music but he has a great life stories those that were here 30 years ago and met Dominic back in those days and see the changes that he make in his life and where he's at right now regardless of the billboard just coming out of where most of the kids are drowning and be a positive impact this time and say I came out of that and here where I am it's it's it's worth to recognize thank you I plan on using his talent for the record uh uh director B do you mind going over something that is important to probably be consider uh during the discussion which is part of his Awards nominee nom ations and so far so on yes of course people can have it on for the public give me a minute I have it here cuz I walked out of my office for the and of course left it on top of my desk council president before can I something sure thank you council president through you this is um just real quick I just want to say to my colleagues um just to put things into perspective Shakira we all know Shakira right Shakira's Hometown gave her an entire St statue like a whole statue as a thank you for everything that she does for her for her hometown so I just want to you know put things to perspective so I mean Dominic Marte um does Bachata in a pop version so he put his own flare into his music and he's actually out of 28 songs that he wrote himself um they have been on the Billboards between 1 and 10 so I mean he's writing his music he's producing his music and he's on the Billboards um he's been he sung the star spangle Banner at the Red Sox game at um Florida let me just get to it here of course I have to Str I'll help you I promise I promise I promise listen it's 9:00 60-year-old bastard bed time um so in in 2018 he was number one position on the Billboards achiev second number one in BDS um tropical music number one with single toan an album in October of 2026 he released his second single form I mean he's just he's just like you know he's continued to do something that he loves although it's been very very hard right cuz it's not easy you could hear that from every single person that has made it up there it's not easy easy um all right I'll hope you a little bit here nominations Awards awards nominations Awards Golden Circle Awards so nominations Awards the first one premro the 2005 to 2010 nominations for Sons of the year on male artist uh of the year uh traditional tropical uh tropical of the Year billbo Latin music award since 2005 in 2005 ARS of the year uh Latin Pride award 2008 ARS of the year uh New York start award uh chos award Golden Circle award uh Guinness record 2021 partici uh participation arest on the mango most served uh in the world with over 1,00 pounds lawren Mass mayor proclamation in 2022 uh first edition Cuban Latin Congress in Lavana Kuba and na Aron he was uh able to performed at the Boston reox uh at the Latino days in 2015 uh at the New England Revolution in 2017 Boston r sox again at the Puerto Rican day in 2021 and also at the Tampa Bay Rays in 2021 thank you I got there you started reading yes just to put that in perspective uh councilors any other any other questions councelor councelor Rees also we need present alos Bo so as Loren we are so happy to sitting down every Su waiting for our artist from Lawrence making us proud so I want to mention that part too she's part of the Laos that's the the yeah okay interesting um councelors any other questions councel plan yeah uh through you Mr chairman Mr President so we we spent a lot about Mr Marte I happen to know him as well like like the gentleman um can you just for us for me just tell me his direct Lawrence connections not what he's going to to do but what he has done or what he is doing currently or in the past was he did he go to school in the city was he born in the city did he did he work in the city talk about what his direct connection is with Lawrence okay so he was born in the City of Lawrence to a Dominican and Puerto Rican parents um he was raised in the school system he went to high school and in high school is where he got um the contract offer and he dropped out of high school Lawrence High School yes okay um um he does a lot of things I don't know what he's done like that he's given back but you know he helps a lot of the kids that are in trouble um he's very humble he doesn't really talk a lot about like what he's done for himself um but I can tell you that when I spoke to him he spoke a lot about his love for Lawrence the history of Lawrence and how he loved this city and he just he just has a really big place in his heart for the city he loves where he grew up and he'll never he doesn't his wife is from Tampa originally she's Cuban of course um and she's trying to convince him to go to Tampa he's like no no no I love the mar Valley I love Lawrence I will never leave this area I just and you know when I was speaking to his wife who I also just met um she's the one that started the conversation with me and put a a lot of lights in my head about you know how he really loves to um encourage kids he produces some of the singers here in Lawrence he gives back like there's singers here that he's helped show them how to produce music make music write music um those kinds of things if you're asking me what you know he doesn't the City of Lawrence as a living I don't know I'm going to be very honest I know that he travels and he still performs out in you know a out he was supposed to be in Florida this weekend this past weekend but because of the hurricane they canceled it he was in Texas the weekend like two weekends before that all right any other questions celor at this point I call the question Sol please say hi hi any n guys have it thank you thank you just one more thing yes today's Breast Cancer Awareness Day October 1st I wore my pink please get your mogs love you community bye thank you all right councelors we're going to the uh item 4502 24 the food truck business lunch October 26 2024 Council La plan the chair of the ordinance committee yeah ordinance committee sent this document up which is a food truck business launch um to the full Council for a recommendation to withdraw to make that in the form of a motion motion to withdraw properly second discussion discussion Rosario just a little uh point and that we actually call uh the owner and she she said that she wanted it to be withdrawn due to the fact that the date did not work for her so and this is why we we're withdrawing it at this time all right any other questions comments All fa please say I I any Nam the ice have it now we going top of the top of the agenda old business um item 1524 handicap parking at two uh 209 baile Street um this item was uh request to delete ordinance and and we might want we might we would like to order a public hearing uh councelors what's the motion M to mtion motion to order a public hearing second there's a motion to order a public hearings properly second discussion discussion plan I'm just this is with under roll business so I'm reading very quickly the um the able Cano's memo and I'm traveling right to the highlighted portion of it so maybe CL you can help me out because you may have talked to him receive a complaint from the traffic control VI the handicap petitioner no longer lives at this address um and it was advised that the petitioner requested have the handicap Park andon removed in front of 209 Bailey Street and no longer lives at the address so they're looking instead of ordering a public are we ordering a public hearing to remove it or to put one up to REM to remove remove the request to delete got it I'm I'm all set now thank you um so motion on the table properly second question there is no no please say hi to the public I have it it 9723 the south side of Elder Street no parking at any time from Len Street to Spruce Street uh parking allowed on the north side of the of Elder Street um this document was withdrawal and for 1823 uh now counil Rosario would like to order a public hearing at this time correct so if that's the case now we need to um we need to make a motion to reconsider the pidan side can make a motion and assuming that since everybody V vote Yes on the on that U on that item anybody can make the motion to reconsider so there is a motion to reconsider motion to reconsider there's a motion to reconsider properly second discussion discussion um on the reconsideration on the reconsideration looking to reconsider because honestly speaking we don't know when it was withdrawn and it it was on the works at that time um honestly I wasn't I mean was withdra for for 18 yeah but it was on the works the report never came back till till we got it from the engineers of the police department and and when we when that report came back that's when we find out that the island was actually somehow withdrawn so that's why the motional reconsider all right no problem there's a motion to Recons properly second discussion there's none all in fav please say hi guys have it what councelors what's the motion motion motion to order a public hearing there's a motion to order a public hearing properly second discussion discussion very quickly so just I'm looking at the memo again and the memo just to I think reiterate through Mr President what the what the counselor was suggesting is that the the engineering office suggest that this is looked upon favorably to go ahead and to have the oneway streets in this in this area not allow allow parking on the South not one way yet on the southide okay that's all I needed to know thank you all right there is a motion to have item four 34324 the removal of handicap parking space uh Delete ordinance on ha Street on on ha Street um we border to we voted to withdraw the document back then and now actually you voted to order public hearing but there's no ordinance in the book that lines up with that sign so you really don't need to pay money to order the public hearing so that we can delete it from the book all right so what happen is there somebody just took a sign up maybe I don't know butal signs that we have bunch you just need to withdraw the document you don't need to all right there is a motion can I get counselors we get that we we everybody got that this the history behind it there is no ordinance on these signs and this is an illegal sign with no ordinance so we looking to withdraw the item since there is no need to actually post an an item that doesn't have an ordinance so motion to withdraw SEC there's a motion to with can I hear can I hear a motion to withdraw can I hear there is a motion to withdraw properly second discussion discussion council plan this is not maybe Apples to Apples but it's apples to oranges so one of the things I just heard the clerk advise you council president that this is there's no ordinance on the book for this we should simply withdraw this item which makes perfect sense I'm going to be supporting it but I think this is a very good time to to at least make you aware council president that it's been over 20 years or even longer since our ordinance book has been um been checked U by a company to make sure there's no in uh what's the right word conflicts uh there's no um duplications um to make sure that things are are are in are in are in um struggling right words that's a good word in order right and so what happens over time council president 25 years or more whatever it's been is that we keep adding more ordinances adding more ordinances adding more ordinance and we're not checking what the other ordinances are and then at some point things get convoluted and some point they become a real nightmare for citizens to understand the law and for our attorneys to defend the law when they're when they're sometimes in Conflict so I I I'm going to be making I'll send you an email perhaps on this but I would like to see some money being spent on that purpose so that our books uh for first time since forever um make sense so that we don't have these ridiculous uh conflicts in our laws no problem thank you for your comments you're absolutely right uh councilors uh we have a motion to to withdraw the item properly second at this point I call the question in fav I the I haveit item 394a 24 uh this is the authorization the authorization to spend fund for the amount of $111,000 the uh the grand portion of the mbpc EPA uh revolving loan funds for the demolishment of a Florence Street Garage uh this is a city owned property uh these uh councelors these um this funding will not be allowed without the corresponding borrowing uh portion of it the land planner um or the city of lens have um another venue uh that potentially might be able to get these loans uh in the grant uh at the same time um and the administration is looking to withdraw uh the portion of the uh of the grant which is item 394a 24 that's correct so correct uh councelors at this point we're looking to withdraw the portion of the loan that we discussed the prev the other the other portion the portion of the of the grant uh for this item as just for the record as we all know the loan portion of it was denied didn't go through and now the the grant uh the the administration is looking to withdraw looking to with draw this or have the uh vote rescinded um there's a new document will be moving that forward okay um counc I'll re recusing myself from this discussion no problem councelors uh that uh we looking for a motion to withdraw for item for uh 39424 there's a motion to withdraw can hear a second so motion to withdraw C raes councelor uh manal second the motion discussion any discussion all right at this point I call the question to withdraw the portion of the the grand portion of this uh project um please say any n the I have it thank you thank you so councelors any item from the uh from the table matters that we would like to discuss I'm looking to actually the um I'm looking to REM if if the council wants to discuss item 12517 which is the establishment of that U maximum motor vehicle speed City wise to 25 miles hour request to amend chapter 20 uh chapter 1026 um of the of amend chapter 1026 so C counselors if it is a motion to remove from the table we can Pro motion to un table there's a motion to un table properly second uh discussion on the UN table matter um no discussion on the table I got just a point on that yeah once we remove from the table um all please say I hi the I have it now why spoke oh there's no discussion on the you unted it we untable it so now we are we have it ready for discussion so we have I I believe we have an underline motion on this do you have the documents previously I have this document but we have all the cable matters I just don't have it not this I don't have it with me noce all yeah it's council president yeah yeah let's we can I we can uh have if it is an underline motion we can have another motion on top of it and we can establish a potential discussion so but I just need a motion if there's no motion we can table it back if it's not interested to discuss do the motion motion for yeah motion to motion motion to motion to motion to approve for the purpose of discuss purpose of discussion there is a motion to approve for the purpose of discussion properly second now we can open a a discussion Council fund thank you actually um Council council plan um expressed first that he wanted to so okay coun one the process and the second one is the is the actual material so one of the things I would love to do if anybody wants to join me on this there I'm looking at this document which was done in 2017 not on the council not on the council not on the council not on the council not on the council not on the council there only two of us that were on the council that are sitting here tonight that it's on on this things get stale we need to what I want to do is at some point I want to look at our tabled matters and say everything at some point needs to if it's not done within a two-year period needs to get kicked out and councilors can reput it on if you've got a desire to do it but I don't think it's fair for the public from the M of transparency we pull something out of table Matters from 2017 and say yeah we're just going to talk about it now I've got stuff on there too I'm happy to take it off anyway that's a process question I'd like to change the rules if someone was willing to join me on that I I'll I'll put that I need someone else's signature but I just think that we need to make things more current and not not make things stale so that's one um the second thing is um I I I've put on something on the agenda this evening it's different than this but similar in some ways so I don't know if the 25 mph is going to solve our problem S I don't know if it's a good idea um but what I put on the agenda as new business in this on this agenda I don't want to be I don't want this to be out of order counselor we discussing the this item I understand when we get to the uh new business we can uh uh do something about your item but I mean let's keep the discussion around this please sure so let me council president I'll I'll take your advice so what I think we should be doing is doing a pilot project on this rather than going Citywide which is what this is looking to do this may or may not be the right thing but it may be the right thing we just don't know so I think what we should do is is take a portion see if it works find out make it better maybe it works maybe it doesn't work maybe it doesn't work for the whole city maybe it works for part of the city so this bigger let's do it for blanket I'm not sure I'm there yet but I might be but I would like to know more about let's try it out so I've got some concerns about the overall universality of this proposal U doesn't mean I'm against it I just right now I'm not necessarily for it only because I'm not sure how it's going to work so that's my comment on this matter all right councelor uh let's let's go to item 12527 to respond councilor lant's uh questions that he have around this back then in 2017 I put this on the agenda uh the intent of this item is not to have the entire city at 25 mil hour is to uh have portion of the city that allows uh in in restrict some areas when it comes to speed at that point the item was sent out to be reviewed by an an outside agency and the report come up and a specific recommendations come up we can have that opportunity now the intent is not to vote tonight on this at all the intention is to work at a committee level to be able to understand what was put on the agenda back then the reporting that come up out of that the adaptation of a law mjan law that allow cities and towns to reduce the speed to 25 miles hours in places that the city have the side it is a state law it is not a local law with this law at least the city going to have an opportunity to have a specific shape and signs that goes through different places other CI and towns around Lawrence have adopted I believe North Ando already adopt one of those two towns uh and essentially some places might not work we exemp those from there some places wwor minor Street we doesn't absend those from there there is locations that are less than 20 M 25 miles an hour perhaps school zones those are going to be absent as well because that's how the law it's written we need to have an opportunity to study the law and to be able to understand the intents of these back in 2017 80% of of the council we're not here that's why we bringing it up today to send it to a committee to be able to study to be able to read the report and to be able to read the law and listen I removed my name from there I don't care I don't care about the name I care about the concept and what can come up out of there I don't care if I was there or wasn't there I don't care who put it on at the end of the day we have an item here we have an stud done and we can give us an opportunity to discuss council president point of parliamentary council president parliamentary go ahead so I believe that rule four again is governing council president I let you continue on so you can get your entire thought out there but you're an advocate for this and I don't blame you for being the advocate but if you're going to be the advocate you're supposed to be neutral and make making sure that the meeting is going without uh flowing and not provide your position on certain things I would encourage you if you and you have every right to do it but please give the G to the vice president so she can allow you to go ahead and give your opinions as right or wrong as they may be before so we can all listen to them but there's a right way of doing it council president okay that is a wrong way for you in the meantime we have we have an important item that we need to discuss here and going to go into your into your back and forth Council pres inant thank you so one thing uh I want to reiterate cuz I I think we just missed something important uh from this little back and forth but council president did just just state that there's a bigger issue at hand and sometimes a name attached to an item does make an influence and I think um it's important to recognize that that he's saying there's this is bigger and if you guys if I'm saying us like the council isn't going to take it seriously or or or you know because of my name I'm I'm willing to remove that and and what not but aside from that um I'm actually I'm glad that you untable this item because I was going to untable it tonight um to request that we send this item back to the Safety Committee because of the two safety items that we already have pertaining to similar to the similar topic um of the same topic um and also from my knowledge that a captain within the Lawrence Police Department does have have a a drafted ordin potential ordinance for speeding and I just don't know where that so there's there are three things trying to do the same thing I think we should bring all three things down and invite the Lawrence Police Department to join this conversation and try to get something done for our city um I'm sure some some of you or maybe not I don't know uh saw two social media post that I posted on Sunday I've been very frustrated um we had two ACC residence um three that that I found out about in District e pertaining to speeding motion 10 second a motion to pass 10 properly second please say guys have it sorry and aside U we we need to figure something out and aside from that we also need to figure out how the communication um how to improve communication when when stuff like this happens because it's not okay to find things out to that I mean I there was a car that that crashed into a a a business and I got no word of it I found out because I went on Facebook so this this we need to figure something out and I think all all three all three items should be moved and um we should figure the intent is to send this item to the Safety Committee for sure council president counc and big back right in through you ccil president and and I agree we need to sit down and and and talk again but from 2017 to now the city had changed so we need to do a brand new they need to be a brand new study so it need to be a fresh idea and go out with that idea of of bringing the speed down but with a brand new actually study because the our city had changed in the past five six years and and I agree with you I mean but 2017 it was 7 years ago and and we have grou and and there's all kinds of stuff out there that that we need a brand new study we cannot just rely on the study that that was done in 2017 coming into now but I agree that we should bring that to the committee and bring that conversation forward but I need a brand new study needs to be done and not we cannot rely on the one I'm assum I mean like this is my opinion I don't think we should rely on the 2017 um uh study that was done but we we should bring that up and brand new study should be ordered yeah the intent is to send it to committee to be study and to do whatever whatever we need to do at the end of the day what we saying is that we if we have a report that not necessarily we're going to rely on but it's if if the stud have important important sections and chapters uh that we need to amend that we don't have to Reed the will I mean we TR we what we're trying to do if we want to accomplish something uh is to make sure that uh every step of the ma law and the local laws are in compli with what we want to do I'm not planning on sending this out just because we want this story to be adapted I'm planning to send it this out because there is important item that are beneficial that if we remove you know whoever whoever did it back then that was one of the reason as of why I didn't bring this up because sometime names affect the optimal result and we're not looking forward with with what is on top of our heads which is the city of lence uh and we need to make sure that we we we do that I mean sometime this is like it's frustrated um and I I have you know this item on the agenda for quite some time with the intent of adting it is very I'm very passionate about this because counc president back on this is President give me one minute council president pass the gav pass the G please this is the coun president this is I have a master degree in transportation engineering and and and trust me this is my passion at this point I'll send this out to the Safety Committee uh to potentially be discussed council president I'm not going to you do the rule for council president something else council president I'm going to encourage you to send this to to the committee on the whole we got three different proposals on it we already going to meet on the committee and whole anyway this is an issue that's going to impact the entire city uh we're always going to be already on the handicap I'm sending this item to the Safety Committee okay so any other items from the table matters council president Council of Vice President Infante thank you through you I would like to ask my my colleague um Council the plant a question if I may council president through you I mean we have no items at this point but I mean we haven't we haven't reted that that item so we're still on the it don't matter it's on the Safety Committee already we don't have to retable it but but as a courtesy I can allow you to continue the conversation thank you Council the plan you didn't mention earlier that the what you have in on under new business has some similarities to to the proposal of 2017 for the Safety Committee can you make sure that you have um highlighted or or the points that are similar to The 2017 that way I can well we can cross reference and sure if you Council through your council president if you look at what I submitted to the to the council I put in a resolution that highlights the the not only the the mile per hours but the streets and the fact that it's going to be a pilot project and that's all that's really critical that's the only difference between I think what is the 2017 proposal and the 20 24 proposal which is very local as opposed to larger so you should it should answer your questions if you look at the resolution thank you and also I ask um and we did a little bit before um well you know I'll make a motion to invite LPD so they can bring um to councelor delaria point a more recent draft the what LPD has worked on is more is more Rec it's recent um and I think it'll be beneficial for all of us to see that as well good can move forward all right any other items that would uh that we would like to on table all right we going to on top of the agenda new business uh item 45224 the authorization to spend $240,000 mbpc EPA rebounding loans funds demolition of Florence Street garages or building uh this is City own property this is going to the uh to the B finance committee item four uh 45324 authorizations B $300,000 Municipal clear uh or efficient energy initiative uh of the mar mar body renewal from the uh from the massachusett uh from from renewal from the massachusett generals this is going to be refer to the budget and finance committee item 45424 the authorization to spend 6233 se1 Grant award to the mayor's Health task force uh Lawrence reach from the center this is control this is going to be to The Bu and finance committee item 45524 payment of pre years in invoices for the amount of 9447 uh this is going to The Bu finance committee item uh 45624 appropriation transfer of 1,266 836 for the capital reserve funds to the DPW Capal Improvement uh this is going to be to the this is going to be going to the B finance committee uh item 45724 the authorization to spend 187,000 161 161,000 17,1 16111 11 under the P the psap 911 training Grant this is going to the V finance committee uh authorization to spend item 458 uh 24 authorization to spend 52373455 committee Ian uh 459 24 business district uh safety initiative Capal uh Captain mace Aguilar uh and uh Lieutenant flemens this is going to be to that uh to to the to Public Safety um business dist safety initiative this is related to safety all right uh 4602 24 confirm the reappointment of the to the Zoning Board of appears uh Richard Rivera this is going to the personal committee Ian uh 46124 confirmed the reappointment to the Zoning Board of appearer of Anthony coko uh this is going to be to this is going to be going to the uh personal committee uh item 46-24 confirm the appointment um confirmed appointment to the zoning bard of AIA of chayla cabera this is going to the personal committee so we have a few items here that are going to all all of them are going to go are going to be going to the to the housing committee and uh essentially we're going to be referring all those to the housing committee item 46324 uh tanking by eminent domain temporary easement 7882 Amber Street uh item 46324 taken by eminent domain temporary eement 7882 amberry Street item 464 4642 24 taken by aming in the main temporary Eastman 100 ansberry Street um item 46524 taking by Amin and domain tempor Ean 101 um anber Street item 466 taking myam and domain temporary ement 100 uh 120 anber Street um item 46724 taken by eminent domain temporary eastment 122 amberry Street item 46824 taking myin and domain temporary ement 125 oun Bar Street uh item 469 taking my 46924 taken by Amin and domain uh two temporary eastment one 30 uh 256 umber Street uh 47024 taken by eminent domain temporary Eastman 141 ansberry Street 47124 taken by eminent domain temporary Eastman uh three Bradford Street uh 4 4722 24 taken by am and the main temporary Eastman 400 Canal Street 47 324 taking Miami in the main temporary eastment 401 403 Canal Street 47424 taken by eminent domain two temporary eastment 417 Canal Street 4 7524 taking miam and the main temporary eastment 18993 chesner Street 476 24 T Miami and domain temporary Eastman 415 Canal Street 47724 taking by and domain temporary Eastman 335 Comm Street 478 8 24 taken by & and domain two temporary Eastman 456 uh 356 360 Comm Street 479 24 taken by eminent main temporary Eastman 361 u x Street 4802 24 taking by am in domain temporary Eastman uh 362 366 s Street 48124 taking by eminent domain Perman permanent hen 363 uh 373 X Street 48224 taking by m and the main two temporary Eastman uh 370 386 s Street 48324 T miam and the main temporary Eastman 6 uh 267 269 H Street 484 taken by iminent domain 48424 uh take taken by eminent domain Perman utility eastment 273 ha Street 485 24 taken by Emin and domain temporary Eastman 7D Len Street 48624 taken by and the main two temporary Eastman uh 109 laen Street 48724 taken by & and domain temporary East 13 L Street 488 uh taken by & and the main two temporary Eastman 131 131 and 135 L Street 189 924 taken by am and the main temporary Eastman 170 L Street 490 uh taken by am and domain temporary hman 61 mipo Street 49124 taken by and domain temporary hman 189 Maple Street 49224 taken by eminent domain temporary easement uh 235 Mean Street uh 493 24 create creating a city council policy regarding the dedications and naming this is going to be referred to the ordinance committee 49424 no parking area 160 Garden Street Apartment 4 uh referred to the this is going to be referred to the ordinance committee 495 uh 24 handic parking uh 514 H H stre hro Street uh this is going to the ordinance committee 49624 spit limit pilot project act uh this is going to go to the ordinance committee 49720 this is going to go to the ordinance committee and the Public Safety Committee uh 49724 Park naming act Council plant uh refer to the ordinance committee 4982 24 annual Department reporting requirements this is going to the ordinance committee 499 499 install at J pole Canal Street uh near Union Street uh this is going to the ordinance committee uh 524 installed at tool J on nor Street uh near ansbury Street uh this is going to be referred to the ordinance committee uh 50124 installed and under ground electric conduit north north three uh this is going to the ordinance committee item 50224 doation to spend 19729 91 uh borrow of Justice assistance and Grant for bullet proof best um councelors uh this item come a little late and we need to declare an emergency to be able to add it to the agenda and subsequently be able to refer this item to the budget and finance committee at this time I'll entertain a motion to declare this item as an emergency there's a motion on the table to declare as an emergency properly second discussion discussion council plan this is truly an emergency someone from the police department would be here advocating for it seriously if this is an emergency this is really critical we'd be having somebody saying this is important we need it done right now there's no nobody here well plan if we if we if it is not an emergency tomorrow we got we got some other police get shot probably it become an emergency so let's be proactive so councelors it is your desire to declare the S an emergency so there's any any any any other questions all those in favor please say I I any n broco please you're taking this as a joke you know council president I don't think it's a joke but I do think our rules are serious and if and it our what I read today regarding this thing it said that it could wait into the next next meeting so let's let's be honest all right mad CLA please call the role Council Levy is noted as absent Council plant no council Lon yes Council Del Rosario yes Council Santiago yes Council Mamu yes Council Rees yes Council vice president Infante yes council president Rodriguez yes what's the count um 711 yeses one no and one absent all right and now we have we we add this item to the agenda so let ask we have it uh 5224 on the agenda and I'm going to refer this item to the budget and finance committee uh any other uh items that we need to discuss good all um a committee meetings before we get to the committee meetings U uh the chair and members of the city uh of the U ordinance committee we have a little bit of an issue that uh I would like to bring it up good I'm sorry I'm referring to the chair of the bu of the audiance committee you want to know what our next meeting is next Tuesday no what's your question I'm I'm turn to you so there is some issues with National Grid when it comes to ja PS and all the permits that they are uh asking National Grid when it when it comes to our plls or their plls they not putting it back in the way that they find it and how what I mean by that is that there is some occasions that there is street lights um that are posted on the polls once they remove it they don't they don't put it back the same place once you ask once you have the National Grid asking for a permit make sure that you mention those specific suggestions and a potential uh economic impact to the city of lawrens because once they just drop it and tie it up on the bottom of the pole we need to come up with the money to reinstall those street lights and that's harming the city when it comes to those specific issues so we need to bring them up next time that they're in front of us sure council president two options I think one is you are very articulate and eloquent in what you just stated if you're you're definitely welcome to come to the ordinance committee meeting and make that point known number one number two if you wouldn't mind as a particular if you want to just write that email to me and I make sure all the committee members have it so I have exactly what your wishes are and we could articulate that to the National Grid members we could have that there so I make sure your message you have is direct directed to to the right people Madame CLA do you mind sending an email to further clarify the chair of the committee of the of the ordinance committee to to put that on every record all right counselors any other item that we should to to be discussed tonight committee meetings uh budget and finance budget and budget and finance will be Wednesday the the 9th at 7 p.m. ordinance Tuesday seven um housing Thursday same safety Wednesday at 6 you have only one hour one hour there like four items items and long items probably you want to take your own day yeah you want to do Monday justd Finance at 6 and then do the safety at 7 Monday that makes sense yes we're going to stay longer um Economic Development okay um personal person is to be Monday at 6 all right we got all the days and committee at the whole Committee of the whole is going to be Monday at 7 p.m. let's coordinate around the committee of the whole make sure that all the counselors can come can can make it I'm telling them right now Monday at 700 p.m. is is going to be the committee of the whole meeting person six if it's noar I mean I suggest you to First coordinates around all the counselors at least to have cor so Council marmel can do Monday who else can do Monday is she the only one so we'll we'll have quum then from what I'm seeing you have quum okay yeah all right Committee of the hall uh on Monday all right any other any other um discussion all right I'll a motion tojin motion toj come on we waiting for you motion to adjourn there a motion to adjourn for Poli second uh discussion there's none please say hi hi guys have it