year of employment and receive all benefits provided to non-union employees regularly employed in the administrative Services of the city persons wishing to be heard shall be afforded the opportunity public hearing is now open anybody from the public that wishes to speak anybody from the public that wishes to speak all right with that said public hearing is now closed uh councelors what's the motion motion to approve there is a motion to approve can hear a second second properly second counselor's discussion discussion councilor plan thank you so two two things uh first is process if you look at our ordinances in our book this will be this is like three pages of solid language the ordinances in our book are like a paragraph for each position this is the job posting this is not I mean this is not what should be inside our ordinance book I it would be really weird if we put every job posting as an ordinance and put that inside our ordinance book it needs to be condensed to what the qualifications are education um perhaps the the salary range if there's some sort of corresponding salary range um but it doesn't have to go into every specific Det detail of what the job encompasses because we don't do that with any other position so that's the first thing and I'm not really sure how to cure this frankly um maybe we could have a discussion about that maybe I I I don't know how we how we do that but I I I I feel uncomfortable going to this much detail when everything else is much Slimmer down second thing uh this is more of a substantive Point uh this position according to letter a position established is coterminous with the mayor I know a very few positions that are coterminous with the mayor what that does is makes this position and you can understand why more and I want to say political but not in a bad way now your boss if your boss doesn't get in you're out every other position that we have that I'm aware of there may be a there may be an economic development director position it might be co- ter minist may be the only one um it doesn't have that provision I would make a motion that we treat this like every other director and not make it co-terminus with the mayor and that we make it like any other position that uh that it's five votes to get in if if another mayor wants to take somebody out it takes six votes same thing as everybody else so those are my two comments who made the motion by the way Mr I'll start as a friendly Amendment um and if not I'll I'll ask for a motion on that is there a friendly amendment to take the provision as co-term this off out of this item I accept the friendly Amendment no problem quick question on the U to you Mr chair of the ordinance committee did you discuss this at the ordinance committee level no wait was wait what was the discussion so the we never received this to do as part of our deliberation what was discussed was what was discussed we need to order a public hearing to to reauthorized the position that was what we discussed um but this actual language was never before our committee council president Madame vice president infant thank you given the recent uh Trend that we've we've had uh at this level of the body if the ordinance committee has not discussed this at all it should not be here at the full Council I that's what that's mad mad vice president that was around what I was uh talking because I mean it is it have to be discussed at the ordinance level so we can have a better discussion at this level based on your recommendation um Mr chair from the ordinance committee uh will you wish to discuss this at your committee level so I I see the direct Mr Matos you may have a comment on this but what I I I I don't what I don't want is for the this Council to think that this was never like discussed when we were looking at this item we realized that there that it needed to be reauthorized and that we needed to order a public hearing because they needed to change some of the language to reflect current the current situation so uh we as an ordinance committee sent this up to order public hearing so that we would have we were trying to move this more quickly um to try to get this to the full Council uh but this is not what I expected and I don't know what the other committee members had would expect to see at this level so unfort and maybe the City attorney or the clerk can help us understand would we need to order another public hearing on this if we send this back to the ordinance committee and then truncate it and just summarize what we have here to make it consistent with our other ordinances I might sure if there isn't Mr chair from the ordinance committee I have some notes here that he have the date of that uh that when it was presented to the ordinance committee so and that's exactly the same language I don't know if if you're familiar with these documents so again I will I will add that this information was probably before us but again I will I will add that in in looking at this more fully this is a bit much um and I don't think that it's consistent with what we have in our ordinance book so I would I would ask that we send this back back down there's two ways we can do this we could ask the administration or we could ask someone from the personnel office to provide for this body the the language that's consistent with all the other ordinances that we have for director's position that way we don't have to go bounc it back and forth and then we could have a discussion just based on that right uh what are going what we're going to do is basically we have we have some information that it was presented to the ordinance but that was not what was discussed uh we what we can do at this point is that we ask the administration or the City attorney to provide us language uh with the proper with the proper for the for the ordinance itself not the actual posting um we can we can either table at at this level ask for the city chy to send us language around the actual ordinance and then we can uh make our determination when we receive that I'd like to make a motion that we uh that we ask the um we asked the personnel office in conjunction with the administration to provent provide to this to this Council uh the language that's consistent with the language other languages for the ordinances and then following that I ask that we table this matter uh so that we can receive that for the next meeting so if the language is related to the ordinance that have the cityne need to be inol if there are if the language is around the ordinance the city must be involved so so it's not the person all yeah so fine we can send it to the city oh we got the CFO coming in for the rescue but I think what we could do is is is send it to the city ter unless the C's got a better handle I I think this was sent down it didn't go through the personnel office but if we if we get the uh the information we'll have the personnel office create the ordinance and and work with the department head to make sure it's done done Conformity with u with P practice but yeah but I mean uh excuse me guys guys the city attourney must be doing the providing with the language regarding the ordinance so in in coordination with the city with the with the department heads yeah Mr chairman and we concur with Council of plan I'm not quite sure how that got into the ordinance but that's not something that we were requesting for it to be coterminous we want this position to be um much the same as any other director in terms of its appointment uh rules and and and the other consistence with the other departments council president uh Madame vice president infan thank you according to our city Charter uh the City attorney is the person responsible for writing all ordinances not the personel director so I want to clarify that so my motion would be to send it to the city attorney's office for the drafting of the ordinance and that we take table this matter until we get it next week or two weeks or now right there is a motion on the table to uh to send it to the city Charney and to sequentially table this matter it's been properly second all those in favor please say hi hi hi there I have it all right itan 12624 uh Madame CLA please uh read the hearings for the hearing notice for the record of notices mhm document number 12624 um the purpose of this hearing is to gather testimony information and public input concerning the proposed amendment to the revised ordinances of the City of Lawrence to be further amended to further amend the following section of the administrative code section 4 subsection 12 definitions by deleting the following definition provisional appointment provisional appointment reads a non-competitive appointment authorized by the appropriate official for the for a period not to exceed 12 months when due to when due to unforeseen circumstances no appropriate eligible list is available the person appointed provisionally must meet the minimum qualification set forth in the class specifications and further by amending ordinance 002.0 4.81 temporary appointments to delete all references to the term provisional appointments within that ordinance so that the ordinance now reads as follows a no person appointed by the mayor to fill a vacancy vacant city office on a temporary basis pursuant to section 4.4 of the city Charter Shall Serve an acting capacity for more than 90 days the 90-day period may be extended by vote of the city council for up to an additional 90 days with or without the request of the mayor B all vacant positions filled on a temporary basis pursuant to the city Charter shall be posted and advertised within 90 days of the first temporary appointment unless such time is extended by a vote of the city council with or without the request of the mayor subc absent a vote to extend the temporary appointment as described in paragraph a above any such temporary appointment pursuant to section 4.4 of the city Charter shall expire at midnight on the 90th day any person temporarily appointed shall revert to employment status and pay rate of such person held immediately prior to the temporary employment if the appointee was not an employee prior to the temporary appointment then that person shall revert to a non-employee status the city council May at its sole discretion allow the appointee to continue in the position until a suitable individual is hired subd on the 91st day following the temporary appointment pursuant to section 4.4 of the city Charter with no further action temporary appointment or final appointment by the mayor the city council shall authorize the Personnel director to post and advertise the position receive applications certify the applicants and submit to the council for selection and appointment the five highest certified applicants the city council shall select and employ an individual from the pool of applicants within 30 days persons wishing to be heard shall be afforded the opportunity all right public hearing is now open anybody from the public that wishes to speak with that said uh public hearing is now closed councilors what's the motion motion to approve there is a motion to approve item 12624 can you hear a second second properly second discussion discussion councilor vice president infan thank you through you council president I brought this item before the city council after the incident that ha uh not an incident but the situation that happened with our first provisional appointment through lawren Police Department um through that uh situation we found that within our ordinance there is a confusion of terminology and confusion of text between the actual ordinance and the administrative code um through that I spoke with a City attorney and uh he informed me that the the simplest way to fix this and to ensure that everything is Unified is to delete the the definition of provisional and keep the structure that we have that every 90 days um an extension uh a vote from the city council is required for an extension if um if we do not have an eligible list of of personnel to fulfill that that position permanently any other councelor council president councel plan as the author of this motion or this item back in 2015 and 16 uh what happened was not the intent of the council back then so I welcome this of Correction or amendment to try to make sure that it's Crystal Clear what the intended the council back in 2015 16 was and hopefully with the Council of 2024 is so thank you Council vice president for um for offering this this this item so that we can remove any ambiguity thank you to the author for the support any other con wish to speak on this all right with that say I call the questions all those in favor please say I I any notes the eyes have it uh Madame Clair please uh read the the public hearing notice for item uh 3124 document number 31-24 the purpose of the hearing is to gather testimony information and public input concerning the proposed amendment to the revised ordinances of the City of Lawrence to be further amended by deleting ordinance number 02140 .240 travel policy for all city offices and employees in its entirety and replacing it by adding the following section in its place the following are the regulations regarding travel allowances and reimbursements these regulations apply to all non-school Department officers and employees a all Hotel and Convention fees and Fair will be paid by the city b a daily meal and incidental expense reimbursement will be paid for each day that a convention or or conference is held reimbursement will be in accordance with the Internal Revenue Services publication 463 using the high low method of as Illustrated in the publication daily meal allowances are updated regularly to account for higher cost in certain cities in the continental United States during certain times of the year the city's com Controllers Office will provide guidance to traveling employees in determining the correct daily meal allowance rate provided in publication 463 or any successor Internal Revenue Service publication subc fars or fares for taxis and other types of transportation between the airport or train station to a hotel or convention conference supported by adequate receipts or documentation will be reimbursed D no funds accepting the prepayment of hotel conference fees and airfare will be distributed Ed prior to the conference or convention all other reimbursements will be made after the employee or officer submits appropriate receipts to the auditor or other Chief Financial Officer within one week of the employes return from said conference or convention E entertainment costs and all other costs not directly related to the conference or convention are not reimbursable expenses business F business related tolls and parking fees supported by adequate receipts or documentation will be reimbursed G mileage reimbursements will be paid at the business related mileage reimbursement rate Allowed by the Internal Revenue code effective for the year in which the expenses are incurred the city com controller will provide notice of the latest Internal Revenue code reimbursement rate persons wishing to be heard shall be afforded the opportunity public hearing is now open anybody from the public wishes to speak name and address for the record please 19 Florence us say well I just had a little question on on on that huge bill that you passing today you're working on um is there going to be a limit on the prices of the hotels or if it's taking a private limousine or taking an U to the um airport is this going to be um are we going to have limitations CU yeah like I can are we going to pay for a festar hotel or we going to pay for a three star hotel like I I would like to see a limits on those things thank you I think that was a question about the hotel bills but I think in the new ordinance it would we' reimburse for hotel and and travel accommodation so unless she was looking for a limit no that she was looking for a limit yes any other questions from the public around this um this act any anybody else from the public all right with that said public hearing is now closed councilors was the motion motion to approve there is a motion to approve can hear a second second properly second discussion councelors C President counc should we take in consideration the the resident concern about a limit uh on the hotel yeah on a hotel I think is fair for the taxpayers to at least consider take in consideration a limit probably we should ask that question to the to the kafa to see if there is any limits within the federal regulations in uh if there there are um we didn't anticipate a limit for hotels and travel but uh um using publication 463 there is in there a high low method for for for municipal for cities and towns that are that are quite expensive it's roughly $74 a day for meals and incidentals for high cost areas and 64 presently for regular uh travel locations there also is something uh in that same publication uh for limits of of airfare but that not not airfare hotel accommodations uh but that's for hotel accommodations where you don't need to have a receipt um so you know the IRS allows you to just take a a deduction for x amount uh in our case we want for hotels anyway because that is highly that fluctuates quite a bit uh we require them to come in with receipts and then we reimburse them for for those hotel accommodations but we could uh uh there could be we could use publication 463 to limit the the hotel uh uh Acom the accommodations pce as well that's not in the proposed ordance have to be a friendly Amendment all right councilors uh there is a suggestion uh to what was the the publication 163 it's in publication 463 463 uh councelors there is a suggestion that we can uh uh that we can ask for friend Amendment uh to add a publication 463 uh when it comes to the limit of the hotels uh so I make the friendly Amendment it's your motion you can you can make the motion you can make the motion and I'm can I amend my own motion to include that yeah yeah so now publication when it comes to the Limit I guess the publication 463 will be used for the limit of that of you're going to add yes I appliation for to any limits that exist on there or just for that portion because that's essentially how it got managed is it usually just to add 46 publication for yeah all right so it's been uh it's been the motion is to also adop publication 463 as part of the limitations for for anything related to the publication yes uh can Council Infante um any question any other questions all right Council leing um yes uh through you council president who set the limit the publication 463 IRS IRS the IRS so we need to ask then what is going to be the limit that we're going to use it or because I know for Maya is the IRA that practically every year they they change it or they you know that's for Maya but for the hotel for travel the other kind of travel that we're going to be using or whatever who said yeah it it it's updated annually uh with the um uh the IR russle update publication for 63 annually it refers to the uh uh actually the uh uh a federal employees is what they use uh the trick is that there's a high low amount for uh for meals and a high low amount for hotel accommodations uh and if anybody's stated in Washington DC lately I'm not sure Washington DC probably exceeds those limits unfortunately uh but you know they do have high low limits for for hotels as they do meals but doesn't mean you you'll be made 100% whole um we we wrote it just we reimbursed for hotels because the administration would have obviously nobody staying in a $5,000 a night Hotel the administration wouldn't wouldn't approve that but U I wish there is yeah right all right now the um the update the updated motion will include the publication for for 63 which is updated annually uh that include the limits for anything related to travel travel expenses so I just we're clear so it's it's food it's hotel but not airfare correct airfare as well if there's cap I'm asking if if if if there's a cap on on airfare as part of this as part of this motion it's it's uh airfare is not it's not part of it the the publication 463 addresses uh you know hotels and meals and incidental expenses not not air got it thank you all right any other questions councelors I hear none so at this point I call the questions all Us in favor please say I I any notse the Ice haveit uh Madame CLA please the notice for public hearing related to item 16024 and 1 and 21424 please read the notice for uh for the for the record um document number 160-24 and 24-24 the purpose of the hearing is to gather testimony information and public input concerning two petitions presented to the Mass Electric Company doing business as National G requesting the City of Lawrence Mass by and through its city council members for permission to locate poles wires and fixtures in conduits including the necessary sustaining and protective fixtures along and across the following public ways document 160-24 is to install one Jo pole number 2500 on Abbot Street near South Union Street with a reference of 29411 1796 and document number 24-24 to install underground conduit on Medford Street near Oxford Street from pole 7173 reference number is 3085 5108 copies of the relevant plans for the two petitions are on file with the office of the city clerk and may be viewed upon request persons wishing to be heard shall be afforded the opportunity all right um my L Clair please call the role for councel Levy Council ly councelor Levy pres all right um we are open public hearings for item 16024 and um item 21424 anybody from the public that would choose to speak good evening Council Tim Williamson from National Grid here on the zoom call yes I'm here for item number 160-24 on Abbot Street yes um we'll be installing uh proposing one new poll to support the replacement of wires and to ensure uh proper proper clearance to um nearby buildings there any questions all right no problem thank you Mr Tim thank you um anybody that wishes to speak from the public any questions with that said public hearing is now closed councilors let's read a motion for item 16024 motion to approve there is a motion to approve item 16024 which is the inals one j o ball on aot near South Union Street properly second discussion I hear no I hear none at this point I call the questions all Us in fav please say yes any NOS the eyes have it Ian 21424 the installation of underground underground conduit at on metfor Street near o Street councilors uh there is any motion motion to approve second there is a motion to approve properly second discussion I hear none so all those in favor please say I I any notse the eyes have it Madame CLA please read the notice for both item 163a 24 and 16 uh 163b 24 which is the Lawrence High School civic education uh project uh please read the notice for that uh for the record document number 163a the purpose of this hearing is to gather testimony information and public input concerning the proposed amendment to the revised ordinances of the City of Lawrence to be further amended by adding the following subp paragraph to section 08.08.18 five of The Invisible code trash bins every business selling prepared or packaged Foods available for immediate consumption operating within the City of Lawrence shall provide at least one waste disposal container of at least 15 Gallons inside for use of customers in front of or near the entrance of the building subsection B violation of this ordinance may be enforced in the manner provided in general Law chapter 40 section 21d all inspectional services Personnel inspectors Commissioners enforcement prosecutors fire or police Personnel shall be deemed to enforce to be enforcing persons for purposes of this ordinance subsection C the penalty for each violation of this chapter shall be $300 to the extent that there exist any ordinances to the contrary they are hereby repealed in that respect only persons wishing to be heard shall be afforded the opportunity all right anybody from the public that wishes to speak item 163 163a and 163b name address for the record please Michelle Cario um I do not live in Lawrence I am a teacher here in Lawrence and I only have a comment that I would like to um update the city council and um that is that the students that brought forth this ordinance which I'm not sure why I'm speaking I'm I'm the one shaking and they should be out here you plaque this is your time time to shine and show okay so um the two ordinance that we have brought to you um um had great success at the Civics um the state Civics fair that we had um gone to yesterday in front of you you have young ladies that have won the presti just top high school Civics project out of 98 projects across Massachusetts wow so thank you thank you um ladies do you want to say something um about the process in the the process how would you like to address them and thank you for the um without you guys we wouldn't have won it because we talked about going to the city hall and in the ordance and I think that's what made us get to the top place and we had two of our friends that gladly presented for us while we were hosting the civic's day event thank you wow [Music] amazing so as Ki we um eloquently said they had to not only design um and present um a trifold of what they did but they also had to speak and everything they learned they learned from you all so I thank you very much for teaching them as well as teaching myself and Mr aosta um you will see us again next year well thank you and anybody from the public that wish to speak on these matters with that said counselors uh public hearing is now closed motion to approve motion to approve one of uh one of the two items so 163a 163b which are which one of the two we're going to start with the a 163 a-24 all right there is a motion to approve item 163a which is the law High School Civic project creating an ordinance this is the traffic flow at the High School uh related uh ordinance well this is uh this is the literally I remember the ordinance I mean the code I mean it's both I'm sorry that's my mistake uh this is uh the uh Ling councelors uh we have U an ordin in front of us for discussion has been U uh there is a motion on the table properly second and now I'm going to open this for discussion discussion council ofce person in thank you just a quick comment if 130 and I'm going to go by by individually if 163 a-24 gets approved by the council um I would like this Council to send a copy of the ordinance in on citation paper with all the city councilor signatures so they they could have it at the at at the at the high school sure no problem it's a suggestion from Council of Vice President Infante so we can send uh this potential law or ordinance to that uh to the school for the Civic project um perhap history uh so just well taken councilors any other questions around this specific item 163a all right uh with that said cellor I call the questions all and please say I hi any notse uh R call please councelor Selena Reyes is noted as absent councelor marmal yes councelor Santiago yes Council Del Rosario yes Council Luzon yes Council lant no council Levy yes Council vice president Inon yes council president Rodriguez of course yes uh motion carries congratulations Iran one item 163b the Lawrence High School civic education creating an ordinance this is the traffic flow related around the Lawrence High School motion to approve uh there is a motion uh to approve can hear a second properly second counselors any discussions around this item discussion Madame Vice uh Madame vice president Infante thank you similar to to the previous item I'm also suggesting the same thing uh for the ordinance of 163 B-24 you counc president thank you discussion uh councelor Del Rosario thank you through you council president I I want uh the girls to let to um hear me out after you guys came here some of us they actually visit the radio including council president uh Rodriguez and I we been mentioned the approach that you guys took the patient that you guys had to go through the process while we try to bring the community in to participate the same way you did even the radio station want you guys to go over but the radio is at 6 o'clock in the morning Monday through Friday so it's 6 o'clock in the morning but we been we've been mentioning you guys and all you guys did throughout this process and we we want you to know that we have very proud of you and I know there's people out there looking at you and maybe who for the approach that you took maybe they will take the same approach and try to change some stuff in our city that they might think it works better so congratulations thank you thank you thank you uh Mr councelor Rosario uh coun plan thank you very much so um council president through so the the the students did a really thorough job um especially on the second one where they went and they actually uh surveyed uh folks in my this is my district uh in the stadium project area um and also um met with the uh city engineer as well as the Lawrence Police Department um and with all of the work and and not just the work but the results of the work which is even more important um you know I'm going to be supporting this uh this proposal and we'll see how it goes let's hope that that it uh is positively impactful we will see how it works um and one thing about ordinances as you know council president if if things work we keep them if they don't work we change them um and so we're going to give this one a shot see what happens and hopefully we can make some impacts positive impacts in the traffic patterns as folks are dropped off and picked up at Lawrence High School thank you councelors so council president Rodriguez has now passed a gavel to myself council president Rodriguez I wanted to take this opportunity to actually U congratulate the students uh for taking the patient and actually uh doing what it takes to to take a project like this two different ordinance actually making making making things happening and when I was approached the first time about the Civic project every I I guess that everyone of us get emails related to the Civic project I get quite a few and uh and I actually was able to take this opportunity to to talk to the student to discuss different issues uh within the city and and actually the where I was able to uh encourage that the the uh the administration of the schools to bring this forward because City Council is about the people the city council is about the members of the community and once we have a young adults uh coming over that means that they might be the next city councilors because they are losing that fear they are losing that specific uh um cliche perhaps of of not coming over to city council they took the courage to actually come over to actually present in front of the members of the ordinance committee uh be able to uh get a presentation up and running to the council to the police department to the um to the uh to the to the U engineering department and push forward through emails through different uh City councellors to get an approval and that's that's encouraging like that's basically something that we need to make sure that every student should should know about that when we talk about the city of L open for business This Is What It Takes It kids coming from of Us coming in front of the public And discussing what a potential solution is for the problem that we face in the city of Ls I say thank you you all for for doing what you did and and and to teach us a lesson and to actually be able to uh find common grounds around what you believe is a right thing to do for the City of Lawrence so thank you thank you council president any other questions or comments seeing none at this point um all those in favor say I I any knows seeing none the eyes the eyes have it congratulations all right councelors we're moving forward with the agenda we're going to go to the budget and finance committee um item uh 76 a24 which is the resolution to amend uh resending and reimbursement requirement for the creation drift Len Grant awareness of the for the amount of $400,000 Madame VI uh by Madame Vice chair M chair for the budget and finance committee thank you through you council president item number 76-a the resolution uh amending and receding the re reimbursement requiring requirement for the creating of thriving Lawrence grants awardees in the amount of four $400,000 to the feder Hispana was sent up to the full council with a favorable recommendation and I make that as a formal motion second there is a motion on the table properly second discussion discussion uh councel Rosario thank you through you um council president um how are we going to fiscalizacion to get the the money the name of the business and also the amount uh that's a question that it's on the air how many business are going to be beneficiary of this amount of this money and how many what is the amount po business okay okay Sarah Perez 19 M the afrian um the amount that we given now is between five and 15 and and can can you stay your position at with organization the executive director thank you so it's between five and 15,000 that we're going to be um giving out our away um for business in Lawrence we've been working in a survey that's asking the specific questions so the business have to be less than three years they cannot have more than five employees and it's a fut line know things that they have to go through and when we give them the money yes they have to give us receipts and we have to send it to the city as well saying where we spend the money so it's not just business it could be any business that actually apply for the money through you guys and and and and if they comply what you're asking for they'll they'll receive the money they don't have to be members of the Federation they don't have to be members but they have to be from here right they have to be a Lauren yeah have to be laen thank you councilors any other questions around this specific item president councelor Levy uh as far as I know and I would like to call uh the director Carlos mat uh because I had in here an email that was send for withdraw this item to just to explain it yes so uh thank you uh counselor so the administration had requested for uh 76a and 76b to be uh withdrawn well of clarification thank point of clarification councelor vice president Fant the day of the budget and finance meeting I did speak to Mayor depena he asked me the the state of this of of of this item um asked me what was going on I gave him full details of what happened with both items and he asked me if there if there's any possibility of that we will finally move this forward I told him yes and he did not say did not state to me otherwise to continue with the withdrawn so I continued with normal processes at the budget and finance committee level all right all right no problem so uh thank you for the clarification Madame vice president a couple of options that we have here uh we have the option of um take the suggestion from the administration and withdraw the item approve the item as it was uh as is in front of us and allow the mayor to be to it or uh just table the item at this level so three options we have we can take either one or any other suggested options that we might we might not we haven't we haven't have in front of us council president uh Council vice president inany I'm not for I am not changing my my motion due to the conversation I had with the mayor um it appeared that he was frustrated that these items were taking long for the city council to to move um that they were they want to move this forward they were trying to find other ways because the city council could not come to an agreement so with that I am not if the mayor chooses to V our vote he has that power to do so but I'm not changing my motion no problem we have a motion in front sorry council president we have a motion in front of us which is to approve um now you can you can you have the floor uh council president address for subsequent to the address for the record I'm sorry Octavian spanner Senor advisor to mayor depa uh council president through you City councelor uh uh Vice chair um Vice council president um infant Infante subsequent your your meeting with the mayor the mayor um had a uh a conversation with the city attorney the City attorney advised the mayor to withdraw the item because of uh uh Prejudice consideration you're separating two items that is one number two you also have the um we have advertised and it is um that would be Prejudice because you're changing the rules now while previously the uh other other organization applied under the assumption that there would not be any um uh under the conditions of reimbursement so my advice uh to council president through you is to table the matter again uh have the opinion from the city attorney and to get clarification councilors we have a motion in front of us to approve uh is been properly second the discussion is around uh uh the approval obviously I can entertain any other motion council president Council vice president inant I do want this to reflect on our minute that um the Administration has made comments about why hasn't the city council um divided this this item and now that we did at the the advice or or the the comments of the administration now this is um coming up yes so uh I do want that to reflect on the record and if there is if there was a a conversation with the city attorney once I I called the administration it should have been mentioned to the chair would have we would have tabled it at the at the committee level but obviously there's many games being played at this moment options we have uh mad Sher is that if we approve this item the mayor is on his hand and he can beat it with an explanation as of how he beat it as of why he beat it he can explain that it was divided uh and he want both uh for the record uh the items that they the they referring to is the $150,000 uh 100 gos $100,000 going to that uh um to the uh to the clinic which is the greatest l u uh clinic and the $50,000 going to the L General Hospital we have that item U as as item uh 76b uh we can we can uh we will continue the discussion around this around that a specific uh section or that specific item but in the meantime we have a to approve and the mayor have a choose have a choice to either be it with an explanation for the public and explaining that uh the the association for commerci anes uh as of why he's be on it uh that's an options that we we have and that's the that's the motion that we have in front of us councelor Levy uh through you council president on we had the determination of what is going to be uh doing because it was for with rocks I would I would like to make a formal motion to table there is a motion to table properly second no discussion on the table matters all those in favor please say I no Roco please point point of parliament this is a motion to table correct she made a motion to table okay thank you um motion to table can hear a second second properly second I hear a second that's why I call the question no discussion on the second matter you asking no discussion on the second matters I just made a motion to St second the motion no discussion on the table matters okay all please say I roll call please Council Levy yes Council llant yes Council Lan no council Del Rosario yes Council Santiago no council AMU no council Reyes is noted as absent Council vice president no council president no what's the call motion fails motion fails and councilors we have a motion to approve motion to withdraw second second there is a motion to withdraw properly second second discussion on the withdraw matters no discussion on the withdraw matters all F police sayi no Roco please Council Selena Ray has noted as absent Council M no council Santiago no council Del Rosario yes Council Lon no council leant yes Council Levy yes Council vice president presid no council president no what's the count I'm going to defer to you 3 to motion fails councilors we have a motion in front of us u i call the question at this I like to discuss that motion now council president the motion to approve I like to discuss it motion to approve it's open for discussion council plan thank you very much so I just want to read into the record am memo that was sent to you council president by the City attorney Tim hooton on May 1 2024 number the third point of that memo to you was I this is regarding this item I think there was a problem with document 7624 these grants were advertised as reimbursable you now trying to remove that condition which affects anyone who would have had the applied for the grant but could not pay for the money up front you are in effect changing changing the rules for a select group of people I can see that this might cause a problem with any review of the grand program council president I've got no problem with the group and what they're looking to do my concern is regarding the process and how we're changing the rules Midstream and I don't think that's fair to several people one to the people who are the applicants who decided to go forward with the put up their money up front number one for the people who looked at the program and said I'm not going to I don't have the money to put it up front I'm not applying for it it's unfair for those two groups of people and I just think that if we're going to do this this group is probably a very good group and they probably have a very good idea of how they want to spend the money but we need to do it the right way and I think what the administration is is suggested to do was to reput something out so everybody knows the rules rather than to change it according to the City attorney and from the administration I think that's the way we should do it so I would I would encourage my my colleagues who are not voting against the program but rather voting against voting against the process and redoing the process and maybe they reapply for it and maybe they decide that's they're going to want to do but it doesn't shut them out going forward under a new a new a new set of circumstances thank you council president council president no problem uh it is important to recognize that these these items came from the administration that was not from the city council they they they ask us to vote to change this from uh a an expenditure to reimbursement from um uh from actually the changing the the way of getting the grant or getting the money perhaps now it should be a grant that's that's what the administration is saying so we're not putting anything in front of uh in front of the council the the administration send something to us and that's good to know for the record uh councelor vice president infan thank you through you council president one as the chair of the finance the budget and finance committee I would have appreciated if attorney hoen would have sent me that as well because I'm the one dealing directly as the chair um with financial items secondly um counselors from my understanding with the conversation I had the frustra there's a frustration within the administration and they are looking for alternative ways to get this money out without Council approval that is my understanding through the office of Planning and Development so if the intention is to get legal guidance or legal legal aid or or make things right then that should have been clarified to the chair of the budget and finance and that was not that was not what was said to me and I want that to reflect that on the record thank you for the for the for your opinion mad vice president infant councilors we have a motion in front of us any questions in regard to this motion at this point I call the questions all and please say I no I I Ro call please Council no council no council Lon yes Council Del Rosario no council Santiago yes Council Mamu yes Council Selena Reyes is noted as absent Council vice president yes council president yes motion carries five votes five 53 motion carries okay council president next item next item is item 22924 which is the transfer from Capital Revenue funds for the amount of 1,243 910,000 Madame Vice Madame chair from the buam finance committee council president item 22924 transfers from Capital reserves Fund in the amount of 1,243 n10 uh was sent up to the full council with a favorable recommendation and I make that as a formal motion it is a motion to transfer this amount of money can you hear a second second properly second discussion I hear none at this point I call the question so all fa please say I hi the I have it any knows the I have it uh Madame sh Madame Madame Sher from the B finance committee item 2324 council president council plan uh I'd like to recuse myself as a potential conflict of interest for document 23024 uh Council has recused Council have recused on the for the discussion of this item Madame Madame shair from the B finance committee item 230-4 the authorization for compliance with the Massachusetts clean Waters act projects was sent up to the full council with a favorable recommendation and I make that as a formal motion second there is a motion on the table properly second discussion I hear none so at this point I call the question all those in favor please say I I the I have it item 23124 madame chair from the B finance committee item 23124 Lawrence Police Superior officers Union collective bargaining agreement and fund transfer approval in the amount of $540,000 was sent up to the full council with a favorable recommendation and I make that as a formal motion there is a motion on the table properly second discussion discussion Madame vice president um infan thank you I know that we have the mayor's senior advisor here and I and I would like to make a comment to to be sent up to the office please um when we had the patrolman's contract Union uh contract here before us uh the the administration made that a big deal they sent out a press release with prior to the council vot uh the provisional Chief was here supporting their um their employees and for this contract in particular I'm seeing none of that we are now if approved we're now at 100% contract bargaining which is which is a huge deal it has not been done and equal treatment to both parties should should have been shown and I want and I want you to relay that message to to the to to the third four please yes uh counselor through the president the mayor did support the uh the contract uh and have forwarded to you that's the reason why I presented uh yes dur during the deliberation uh it was kind kind of tough because it's uh going to have certain implications so this is not going to be easy it's not as if it's a given uh but it's a sacrifice that uh not you know you as a body that represents the residents is going to go back to the taxpayers and that would be reflected in the budget however the mayor uh knowing that the uh police department including our Superior officers are protecting and serving our community and this is long du this Administration and the mayor has taken the courage to to give it a green light this contract a green light that is before you and he supports it 100% thank you for your comment um Mr adviser Mr kafo you have the floor can you explain that a little bit about the contract I just want to take one second uh uh I think we reviewed this contract uh at the budget and finance chair but I just want to take one one second to introduce our our new Personnel director because I don't think all of you have met him and he'll be doing these presentations going forward so Michael if you could just come up uh this is Michael Owens he's our new Personnel director uh he he comes with a he's he's an attorney and comes with a background and in labor relations so I just wanted to introduce him so you'd know who it who he is Michael just thank you Mark name address for the record and welcome thank you uh michae Owens Personnel director uh Mr uh president president and Madame vice president counselors thank you for inviting me and having me here um just got started a few weeks ago so uh my focus now is you know to meet the employees uh to meet all of you to meet uh Personnel throughout the city um kind of Take A needs assessment of uh where we are in terms of policy and protocols and um you know uh the next phase from there is to develop uh policies and protocols according to best practice train on those policies and protocols and then work with management um to ensure compliance uh with those policies and and uh protocols um you know my uh commitment to the city and my uh commitment to all of you is that my advice will always be based uh on the law and best practice and uh in addition an additional commitment is that um I am always available uh to all employees to all of you um to all Personnel throughout the city um way I do business it's very very important to me to be available to be accessible um um so that's uh that's a Cornerstone to the way I operate so um I just want to pass that commitment along to all of you tonight so thank you so much for having me and uh you know the city has been more than welcoming to me and I'm so grateful for that thank you thank you and welcome thank you um all right we have we are going now thank you for that uh for um for that introduction and now we're going back to idon to 2124 uh I think that is should it should be important that we get a summary of that um of the entire contract perhaps it's it's included in I know I know I know council president Council leby yes I would like to take a item 121 no we're still discussing this item we're under the discussion of item 23124 yes anybody that wishes to um comment on this on this um on this U matter good evening thank you Mr President um Madam vice president City councilors my name is SJ Mike samat I am the President of the Lawrence Police repair Officers Association I represent 36 um sergeants lieutenants and captains I'm here with two fellow executive board members Captain Maurice agulara and Lieutenant James Razo uh I'm just here to say that um we we appreciate um this contract um and we look forward to moving forward and we're glad that this Council supports Public Safety and we appreciate that so um Chief Bia did extend his uh um the fact that he couldn't make the meeting tonight but he did want to attend I just want to make sure the council was aware of that so but I'm here to answer any question if anyone has any um or myself or captain or Lieutenant so thank you thank you for that uh for the update about about the chief and about uh the contract and willing to work with that um with the the administration and us when it comes to supporting the public safety thank you for for your willingness councelors any other questions around uh this item there is a transfer of 450 $540,000 um any questions in regard to that I Hear No so at this point I'll call the questions all in please say I hi any knows that I have it thank you so much thank you very much all right uh housing committee there is no report even though we have a few things on the all business um counc president yeah we do M counc counc Lev uh can I take a item 12124 outo table and out of order as a formal motion second out of table page five at your places counselors we have item 12124 there is a motion to take care out of table matters 12124 can I hear a second can I hear a second properly second um all and F please say I I all and please say I counselors I the I have it any knows the I have it it just yeah all right item 12121 which is the coming from books is on the table you have information on the on your table regarding this item it looks like this is yellow councelors is this yellow package council president Madame v share from the budget and finance committee item 12124 thank you item 12 21-24 the appropriation transfer in the amount of 7 750,000 among arree cash allocations was sent up to the full Council uh to the full Council as a committee report and um I no and um the I wanted to say that we were waiting to hear from director Matos on the process on how the for on how the $500,000 for small so for small businesses is going to be distributed if approved thank you Mr director M thank you Vice chair um we did address that question already uh as to how the process was and we provided a sample of the methodology that we would be using so we did actually address this question can you repeat the process uh for the record here the so what we intend to do do is uh apply a process of decision- making called the Pew Matrix which is basically where we would set up a criteria for each of the businesses to be able to uh Target the the types of uh things we would like to see so for example we target things like geography we target things like blight we target things like iconic properties and we would set that up in the scoring system and then uh the have a application for the businesses to be able to apply for the funds uh and we uh and at that point we we be able to figure out who the highest score is based on the criteria that we've set up um given on the example we provided to you all right then what do did you set up the criteria for this Fone for this fund to be um released not currently that's the methodology we're going to do we're going to work internally to figure out what that criteria is in terms of the specifics of it but that's the methodology that we would be using for that I think that will be important for the council to know like how we going to distribute the funds that's that's the methodology you're going to use but what's CRI to distribute the funds that's That's essential as well I believe councilors any questions around this uh according to the conversation that I had um before I came in here with Mr uh OT and AA Martin but they what they would like to approve today is the $250,000 that is part of this amount for the rental assistant correct that's so this is divided up into two two components one is the 250,000 for rental assistance which is a criteria that's been established prior and the other 500,000 as I mentioned to the council when we spoke on this was we wanted to uh have outdoor seating uh signage and really uh help businesses to be able to uh beautify their outdoor space uh Frontage and provide them with the opportunity as in the past to actually expand their business capacity through outdoor seating all right councilors we have um I guess that we have two separate item uh 121 which is U A and B perhaps one is which is 250,000 and the other one which is 500,000 uh are we ready to approve both council president we haven't split the item I just saying that we we have two situations within the item uh ccel councilor pres inant thank you um listening to your suggestions I suggest not to split the item um the only reason why it was tabled at this matter was because our our director was not able to to be here to answer the questions um and when it comes to the criteria I mean once once that comes closer they can send it to the full Council we did have a discussion at the budget and F you it was a meeting that you weren't you weren't able to attend council president but we did have a discussion um we did ask our questions and I I I don't see the need to to divide I think we should just vote it as as as is all right there is um the the item is related $500,000 for the small business uh with that criteria to be defined and the $250,000 for rental assistance which the criteria has been defined already discussion uh ccil plan so you're we're decreasing money from the cemetery that's where the money if I'm reading this and it's been a while since I read this this uh $750,000 was directed to the cemetery we taken that money away and rep putting it for small business assistance and then I see some scribbling on the notes here that say not to include radio stations and provide the criteria to the full Council um is that part of the of the motion yes point point of of clarification to may I answer Council pres thank you through you council president Council theant you are correct and that that was part of our discussion at the budget and finance committee that I did bring up to both director Matos and Senior advisor spanner it was one morning that I was listening to the radio and uh the mayor was asked if radio hosts or shows can be included um the mayor said yes and I just wanted to make a point that that could be a a political conflict if radio hosts uh are are included however the administration did clarify I did I did speak with them and it was just you know the the hype of of the conversation was just the moment but no but originally they they're not including radio show holes but I wanted to make clarify that and so through you again Mr chair Mr President so we're talking about the small business assistance for half a million dollars I I'm just going through this quickly I see where the rental assistant money is going to but I'm unsure about the small business assistance for half million is there any clarification on that uh as far as I remember the discussion um the the criteria should be uh part of the discussion at this level um we send it up we table of this matter but that was that was the suggestion that we Define the criterial as of how the money was going to be given and I also would be curious as to what the initial plans for the cemetery what are they foregoing there was clearly a plan for money to go there for a purpose so what was that purpose and why and why are we not fulfilling that purpose I'm not sure if we have an answer to that so I have just questions regarding this before I can cast a vote uh I believe that um they didn't need the money anymore do you have an answer when it comes to the uh the money that was supposed to be used the the what was the purpose that the money was supposed to be used at the cemetery and now no councilors I believe that you had vot voted on that we did we did on the arpad yes as the as part of the package the funds for the cemetery yes M Mr Matos there is a couple of things here um you asking us to take this vote and I think that it will be important for the purpose of the discussion that we have some answers when it comes to because we I know that we voted on this we bought on on the arpa fund uh $ 4.77 million and then we also voted on a couple other things that we don't have in front of us sure so if you remember it will be nice for you to provide it if you don't remember that's fine sure council president I'm not trying to say I just don't have that knowledge I wasn't here at the time when you voted on that so I don't know what the original purpose of the funds were for at the cemetery I'm perhaps the CFO who's here can answer that question but but I am not aware of it that's all that's fine that will be better yeah the not exactly sure but I thought it was to repair a maum I think uh and I and obviously the cemetery has uh trust funds uh they they have certain funding available so I'm not sure what they they had but I think the uh there was an opportunity to uh uh to repurpose this money back into something the city could use yes I mean we have that the senior adviser he probably have that answer do you remember as of why we actually it's um allocated $750,000 for the for the cemetery can you uh give us some clarity on that if you have that answer yes yes I remember when I came before you there were three three requests I think the water department was one airport and also the cemetery and those funds as we explained were and I came back before you that the mayor indicated that those funds were going to be allocated for um the home buyer program uh but once and and it had to return to the to the arpa funds because any changes we would have to come before you for the approval um does that answer your question uh through you so it does but I guess the the was there any specificity somebody mentioned mazums I don't remember mums but it's been but do you recall what the money was being spent on you of course well those funds has not been expended the idea was that the the cemetery if that's the question uh was that the question uh through you uh regarding the 750 allocated to the 7 and I'm sorry uh through you Mr pres that was allocated to the 7 and now it's being splitted so like it uh 5,000 500,000 500,000 ,000 is for the small business and the 250 is for the rental assistant correct so what I wrote to the table is like you looking forward to approve just only the 250,000 because the other part is not discussing no they are both okay that's one item yes all right uh the W up pel she's online I would like to open the floor for her so she can U explain a little more when it comes to uh this item a Willa pental you have the floor thank you council president a Willa pimental 360 Mar maxre and Lawrence and thank you counselors um I believe just to answer the question for the cemetery that was to repair the maum then it was decided that they no longer needed the funds so just to expl explain that um and as you guys all know I did forward the application for the Emergency rental assistance um which I believe is one of the requirements that you guys made you guys wanted to see the applications criteria um and any data as far as what the small businesses and how they were going to be selected as well as the application we were going to use for the Emergency rental assistance and I have submitted that to the console as far as for for the part of the rental assistance um and as you know this rental assistance program will support our families individuals single mothers elderlies and veterans are that are in need and we're in a housing crisis and I am asking you to approve this rental assistance fund so that we can continue to get the work done since we are not finished thank you uh thank you AEL for the clarification councelor there is there is a motion to approve both the 500,000 and the 250,000 for rental assistant on the Small Business Council president uh U Madame vice president Infante thank you I want to make I want to amend my motion so it could be clear that the $500,000 allocated for small business cannot go to any radio station or any radio host and I want that to be part of my motion the motion is excluding um to approve excluding radio shows from the small business fund there is a motion on the table it's been properly second uh Madame Madame vice president uh do you mind taking U taking motion a and be and and separate that uh that the funds and that way we uh we we know what we're voting on specifically all right motion for I make a motion to to separate item 121 d24 to item 121 a-24 $500,000 for small businesses to exclude radio hostes radio shows from from the pro from the process and then 121b which is that 250,000 rental assist right yeah all right now the mo the the motion is to split uh discussion yeah I just one more time on this what's again I haven't gotten a clear answer yet waiting small business assistance what exactly we're going to discuss both individually what the rental assistant if if this motion goes through we're going to in this motion just just to split them just to split uh motion to discussion on this motion to split uh I hear non so at this point I call the question Sol please say I I any he knows the I have it Madame baser by Madame vice president from the ordinance committee Madame Vice chair Madame vice president from the council and chair for the ordinance committee you have to items now and now this is okay motion to approve item 121 a-24 $500,000 uh going towards small businesses excluding radio um programs it's been the motion on the table properly second uh discussion councilors Council councelor in councelor Lon so uh to you uh council president so when Madam uh Madame vice president Infante mentioned radio program she refers to advertisement or to consider the radio program uh producers at business owner please clarify through you council president uh Council infant Council F thank you your your second statement is correct to consider radio host radio programs as small businesses um eligible for for these funds all right so my my question then remains which is councelor llant thank you so my question remains which is this we have a half a million dollars some small business is going to say hey I could use some money and they're going to apply to the city where do they apply applying for what is the city saying is the criteria by which any money can be provided to a small business all right we're going to we're going to open that a specific question to uh the members of the administration the staff that are here please I believe so as I had indicated before the subcommittee in here the intent is to assist businesses in Frontage signage and also outdoor seating so for example a business needs uh wants to do outdoor seating they need assistance with uh parklet uh funds to create a parklet outside we would assist them with that similar this is very similar to the funds that you have currently approved the $400,000 for the Federation for example and this would go out to a variety of businesses um to be able to help them to improve their their Frontage their perfect beautifications of streets uh sidewalks uh visibility so this would not go to radio stations all right we have the criteria set and we're going to add a little a little more to the to the discussion on the criterias yes um through you uh council president uh just as a reminder when I came before you to talk about the arpa funding which the previous city council uh requested details which was presented to to to to this body back then uh um I've indicated that we're we're going to focus on ways that we going to leverage private sector funding meaning financial institutions and right now we are having conversations with different financial institutions that are interested in helping small businesses why because you know you can't rely on only on taxpayers funding this is just uh funds or seed money to boost the economy but then uh we are uh uh contemplating based on the on the private sector initiative to leverage These funds to make it to to have uh to cover more other businesses than whatever we can expect thank you council president can I follow up on that which is this so when we when when the word is mentioned leverage that tells me that an other entity is going to be putting some other monies as well call it matching or another contribution so if somebody says I want to beautify my front my my my front of my business uh is that so they're going to come in asking for money are we going to insist that they put some of their own money up front as well is that what the leveraging means what do we mean by leveraging well leverage can happen the contingent upon what the requirements are from financial institutions uh some of them are becoming very creative uh recently we had conversation with with one of the banks I prefer not to mention it because uh is irrelevant uh for now uh but they want to contribute because uh it's just like the Main Street program uh I don't know if you recall how the Main Street program works you have a storefront that needs uh funding but if you have a business that does not own the property then you have the landlord that needs to give permission uh that has other implications what are the how is the structure uh do do they want to go to the private sector to a lending uh uh A lender to probably make some certain repairs because if you put a uh a sign in which the structure is not uh strong enough then you're going to waste the funds so there's certain responsibilities and accountability on behalf of uh whether the property owner or the business as well so let's say a cost is going up if a sign cost $50,000 I mean uh let's say more than $50,000 say $60,000 and the program let's say the department uh approves $30,000 then the business can can apply for loan as well in order for the program to be [Music] successful all right any other questions it functions L you have a followup question L plant's good thanks CC lant you didn't hear me uh councelor thank you council president same thing as the other as the other money I I would like to see how many business will be a water of this amount I mean Award of this money what's the amount and how many businesses if you guys can if this gets approved and you guys get all that I mean sometimes we don't get that info so let me use this word that is it's it's trendy now for transparency so I would like to see all that coming through I mean eventually once the money run out they said we gave out $500,000 and I want to see every business they got a piece of the pipe and we can add it up and made sure that is $5,000 going to all those businesses thank you do you have an answer for that Francisco cillo um business economic development director and yes you will be getting a number of how many businesses are been held what was what was the amount um in order to be completely full transparent and making sure that the council is getting what they also require and to approve this one of the other thing is also to make sure that we also providing some kind of technical assistance to to whatever small businesses are applying to make sure that they are receiving the help they need to be self- substition as well just to add council president um we have indicated during our presentation last year that we would have to submit a report to you uh at the end of the fiscal year um uh Miss um Susan Frink uh at the end of the fiscal uh fiscal year we'll be presenting a document so you can see how the funding has been used uh for each organization each department how they spend the money and uh and to what and remember I brought to you the outcome measurement that we indicated or we presented to you it's not only about receiving the money and that includes also the rental assistance program because we need to be careful we do understand that the uh that our people are suffering based on the uh cost of living increase but that doesn't mean that every applicant is going to be receiving funding because it doesn't make I give you a good example and so the public can also know and so they you know people are are can understand and you as well that for instance if a case is in court and it's lost case what sense does it make to give an individual funding for that funding to be lost so we're only focusing on families that are at the verge of losing uh their um their residents and that's a major factor so this would not be a free-for all it was a tendency before in it's in in the same Department of Business and economic development that we have seen uh when we came on board uh uh when the administ ation came on board there were funds that were basically gifted but there were no justifications and and that's a diservice to the community and the use of funds so yes through you council president Council L I just want to know if they sent a a letter to the attorney in regards to this fund Mr Matos just refer uh to the money um that the council just approved to for the feder isci I would like like to not if you also sent a letter to the attorney with a legal concern that you expressed as that one of you expressed for the previous item thank you there was there was go ahead Mr I believe the councilor of the plant read the attorney I do not believe that we have sent any letter regarding that just to uh clarify from this a little bit um the 500,000 that we we have we discussing um for the small business uh the criterial on when it comes to uh granting the funds is going to be as a grant correct um and what counc Lon is referring to that it was a concern that uh the send U some funds for $100,000 discussed previously and approved by the council um was going to have the Cent Up of gral to give the money as a grant correct and it was a concern um that the City attorney have Express anded and the ministration want to withdraw the reason was so what is the difference between the difference council president is that when the funds for the Federation and that group of funds was put out to the public uh the criteria was not as a grant this has not been put out to the public so there isn't that concern in terms of switching criterias after the fact so the concern that the attorney that Council of plant read was that this could cause uh an issue with applicants who would have applied had they known that it was a grant rather than a reimbursement structure in the case of what we're talking about right now no notice has gone out with a different criteria do you cons president give me give give me give me a minute c l let me let me just um go back on this very quick so what you're telling us is that these 500,000 haven't been defined as so how they're going to be they haven't been published perhaps correct it has not been published it has not been sent out for anyone to be able to apply it as because the council hasn't approved it okay so the question would be uh if we already if the council and the minist already um approv an a specific amount of money through the arpa fund that is not if it's not used go going to go back to that uh to the free cash where it come from why why don't we uh actually allow this 500,000 or 400,000 of these going to that uh to the Federation because this is haven't been a haven't been uh advocate I'm not in going the regulars president you just voted to allow the ARA funds for the Federation to be issued as a grant you just voted on that tonight yeah we did these funds uh we would not put out a notice of availability of funding until the council makes it available you council president my point is that the administration intentionally made it made an made it intentionally they sent a memo to the attorney about this conflict uh in the process they did it intentionally that's my point and I want that record I want that in the record so they have different rules from different items give minute C uh I don't think we have that memo that could not be included into the record because we don't have that information cons president I want the community to know that the administration intentionally made the money for the Federation is the commes they intentionally Target the item that's that's that's out of order uh and we are going to proceed with the item 12124 which is the appropriation of transfer for the 500,000 for the small business the same through you cons president the money comes from the same from the same funding that's out of order thank you uh so that's the difference between the the the criteria one was already sent to the public and a criteria of reimbursement was stated when it was when people were told that the funding was available this has not been approved by the council no one there's no notice of funding until the council approves so no one has applied for this there is no no expectation of reimbursement or Grant and that's that's the distinction between the two situations all right now councilors we have a motion to approve the $500,000 going to small business business with the uh with the criteria that is been defined as to help the small business with Frontage signage outdoor seatings and technical assistance council president Council Lev thank you council president um I think that everyone who's going to be receiving so uh maybe one of you Carlo please for transparence you know to be transparent to be clear in all of this I think that people who receive after you have a criteria of how this is going to be given is whatever the way that it's going to be given anyone should sign a form that is called release or information and I say that because sometimes you want to know who received the money and because uh they are not allowed or you guys are not allowed to give it the name sometime we don't know who receive it yes that is subject to a public record request if anybody wanted to know like who appli for that that they can def they could definitely through you sometime you know they say that this is confidential that they have signed a relief forms you know that said that they can give it to you the name sometime you don't know if one person having been received one two or three times what is is that the case with any type of fund that from the a okay go ahead so they can receive more than one fund from Mara but if there's a different criteria though yeah it's I understand uh through you uh council president I understand um councelor Levy's concern but it does not apply to to businesses but it does apply let's say a nonprofit organization that is dealing with uh let's say social services to Human Services or maybe you can help me um yeah you all that have been involved with with the nonprofit world that there's certain information that requires uh privacy so there's let's say name Social Security or other documents cannot be revealed or if it's something that it has to do with a let's say a hospital uh that that may participate or uh uh Human Services that in that case yes there's some information that that that uh what do you call it hippo hippo but I don't I don't think this items be for the individual this doesn't apply to businesses so that's why I said no this is not something that would apply no but but the question that I believe that the arpa funding yes there might be clients and I want to say it very clearly that uh applicants let's say nonprofit organizations that are dealing with the the type of uh uh services that I just mentioned yes but not with this one not with this the specific program for small business all right thank you so much thank you for the clarification counc I guess that that that repes that actually applied to um individuals not necessarily for businesses okay council president CC Le okay so one things that I also would like to see is that before anything going out to be bring to the council just to make sure that we are agree you know that we agree on whatever is going to be the way that we're going to display or given the money yes Council L me uh as they stated that the money is going to be given to small business for I see in writing please for the record according to what they State the the the criterial to give out the money was is going to be for the frontage the signage the seating of the outdoor setings and also for technical assistance uh could you m do you the could you please send those the report as of what the criterias are going to be within the next two three days yes council president thank you so much uh any other councilors that wishes to speak on behalf of of that $500,000 going to the small businesses councelors any other questions around these at these sure of course Council councelor councelor marmo um has the city done any Outreach or um any sort of um analysis of the businesses that would stand gain the most from these grants um and would stand to benefit the most in terms of you know the facades um and the outdoor um signage um I just wanted to make sure like if we are is the city doing anything to make sure that these businesses are aware that these grants will potentially be available to them um that way um they're able to apply Council we will make them aware of that if and when the council approves These funds prior to that it would not be a good idea for us to to say that funds that are not available you can maybe someday apply for so what I would say is that once these funds are available to assist the the local economy that we will do every effort to outreach and that we will uh definitely provide them with the information that they need to be able to uh access these funds at through you consult president yeah that's not wa counil councelor you still have the floor celor thank you I I just want to say this for the record when I'm going door too and I'm meeting with my residents the people that I represent you know what they're looking for often times a sidewalk in front of their house that needs to get repaired no one's telling me about we need a change of the facades and our buildings and our storefronts need improvements they want they want they're concerned about speeding they want to know why we're not putting speed bumps on or why there are speed bumps there and they want to know why they this the conditions of their sidewalks are in such poor shape that and that's what that's what I'm hearing and so when I'm when I'm when I'm reviewing All the arpa Monies that we're getting and I know that we're leveraging and I'm knowing that we're doing some things I'm thinking to myself as we're approving these things am I really doing what the people that have elected me really want to see happen the I call them the bread and butter issues the very core of government services we're putting the police station we're doing the fire we're doing the things to make them safe we talk about public safety and now we're talking about rental assistance fixing storefronts and we're taking money from the we're taking money from the biew cemetery so I just I just let me just wrap up my thought here council president which is this it it I'm not sure I'm going to vote on the small business assistance because it makes some sense at some level to me that we should be doing this this word leveraging to me is a little fuzzy I understand what leveraging means but it seems like it's a morphous it seems like it can be shifted around as to what that means and I I the explanation that was provided was a good explanation because but it doesn't give me as we're going through how many millions of dollars it was millions of dollars that we spent through ARA monies that weren't through our various either nonprofits or through our city agencies and I just don't know if they're truly addressed what the people in Philip street osid street Colonial height South lawence East you name the street that I represent is what they're looking for so that's that's that's the challenge council president that I'm facing right now is is this the money where we should be going I'm want to listen wait wait wait point of clarification Council of Vice President inant thank you through you council president I do have additional information uh councelor of the plant I am aware that the administration is working with the DPW Department to to present to the council a a very um um uh uh uh needed Capital Improvement plan which includes sidewalks Street pavings parks and this information came to me today so that is going to come before us um in in the near future hopefully sooner than later additionally um my we're speaking districts now my district is similar to you to yours and um I have spoken to business owners in addition to single family venters and all that uh residents in in my district and the business owners I do I do hear this um obviously every district is different the needs is different but overall and overall for the city I am hearing that this is this is needed all right uh counc Lon uh for the record the mayor has visited different radio station announcing that the money is coming uh so it's not accurate what uh director Matos had uh just said also in terms of what the district my district needs Capital they're looking for uh they looking for Capital they also need help with even paying uh the electricity I don't know if if you live in Lawrence but they are having a hard time paying for um electricity for gas so different district with different needs but then business and my districts and and I know ex street is part of my district but the business owners on EX Street are in a different situation than the one in Jackson Street so some of the concerns that I hear from my constituents is business owners is capital they need capital thank you council president thank you so much c i answer some questions these are legitimate concerns in terms of the the constituencies and your concerns but I would argue that the city needs all sorts of functioning components not only sidewalks but they also need small businesses to provide the majority of the jobs for Lawrence residents primarily Lawrence residents having jobs and employment provides them the ability to pay their electricity provides them the ability to pay their rents and as such a business that is actually thriving gets more clientele and becomes more profitable because of better marketing or better uh facilities or the ability to expand beyond their footprint through a parklet for example I believe that is a good thing for the business it's a good thing for visitors it's a good thing for your constituents that also are concerned about the the uh the sidewalks I don't think it's a pitting of One Versus the other all right thank you so much councilors I think that we have enough enough discussion for this item uh at this point I'll call the questions all those in favor please say I I any NOS the I have it uh councelors we have item 1212 uh 121b which is the $250,000 for the rental assistant can you hear a motion for that motion to approve second there is a motion to approve properly second discussion discussion at this point I call the questions all in fav please say I hi any no roll call please Council Levy noted as absent Council plant no council Lan yes Council Del Rosario yes Council Santiago yes Council am Mamu yes Council Reyes is noted as absent Council vice president in fonte yes Council Rodriguez I vote on the affirmative carries motion carries uh going to the of the agenda the Committees from the ordinance uh from the ordinance committee councelors thank you uh ordinance committee uh M uh C Lan the chair of the ordinance committee a document number 14124 this is a document that declares The Hanger at Lawrence municipal airport as a school this was sent up to the full council with a recommendation and to make that in the form of a motion second there's a motion on the table properly second discussion um there just a point of clarification this is the hunger that the city of lam had purchased uh with the intents to be used for the for school purpose only right so this is a two-step process the council president the answer is correct this is what the we're looking to work to to merge with the greater Lawrence technical school to have their ARA notics portion of their curriculum uh this is the there's two steps to this the first step is to once there's a school we have to we have to declare it as a school for that purpose and that's what this motion is and the next motion at the very end here is going to be for potential funding for Bond purposes all right Council m not for this is to order public hear number 1419 141 I attach the proposed 239 the9 says to order a public hearing on it no 239 is to um there's no public hearing on 230 where are you seeing the it's on the committee report uh I think that if it is an ordinance we should order a public hearing you have to order public hearing on this one yeah I believe so all right um counselors to a public hearing I mean is this is an ordinance coun plan it was discussed as an ordinance we're it's a declaration it's not an ordinance it's a declaration I I don't know the the language what was provided before I didn't create the language package in the package that the City attorney sent to you there's an ordinance language it's to be ordinance by the City of Lawrence that the revised ordinances by adding the following subparagraph to section 2.13 2.14 of the municipal code airport The Hanger purchased by the City of Lawrence at the Lawrence municipal airport is to be used as a vocational Tech high school and is here declared to be a school like this that's an ordinance we have to all right counselors there is a motion to order public hearing that is the motion to order a public hearing you can understand the confusion in the in the minutes and the mes thank you can I hear a second second properly second discussion I hear no at this point I call the question so please say hi hi any knows I have it um I on 222 24 it on 222 24 I Mr chair from the B from the ordinance committee I'm going to make the motion that came out of the committee and then I'm going to make a motion to withdraw the ordinance committee sent this document which is a request for Hawkers and Peddler license for Mass saves assessment to the full Council uh and make that in the form of a motion there's a motion to withdraw no that was a motion that came out of the committee I feel compelled to get what the committee said and now we'll make a motion to withdraw if that's seconded so what was the motion that came out of the motion came out was with a with a fav recommendation oh the motion is came out with a favor recommendation yep at that second and then I'm going to make a motion to withdraw right after that all right there is a motion to um the motion was to to to approve right correct now I'll make a motion to withdraw so so there is a motion to approve properly second uh discussion I'll make a motion to withdraw there is another motion uh to withdraw second properly second discussion what was the what what was the intent of discussion I was informed by the city clerk that the individual who proposed this has decided that they no longer wish to get the permit so they are asking for withdrawal all right there is a motion to withdraw properly second uh any discussion I Hear No so at this point I callor question all those in favor please say I the eyes have it um item 22424 ordinance committee met on this document which is to install one Jo poll on West Street near handland court that s set up to the full council with a favorable recommendation to order a public hearing and to make that in the the form of a motion is a motion to a public hearing properly second discussion I hear none so at this point I call the questions all those in favor please say I hi any not the I have item 22724 orance committee met on this item which is an authorization to fill the enforcement Prosecutor's position which is ordinance 2 uh. 72.5 in inspectional Services um and to amend the non-union classification plan to include this position was sent up to the full council with a favorable recommendation and to make that in the form of a motion there is a motion to um to fill this position and also to add it to non- classification to the non classification plan non union classification plan uh prop it's been properly second uh discussion council plan uh the discussion was around to add it to the nonunit classification plan under what segment a b or c d d under Section D do you have the salary range for that for the record 63,600 to 104,000 what was that $63,750 th000 all right it's been uh uh there was a motion and properly second discussion counselors I Hear No so at this point I call the question so fav please say I I the eyes have it any he knows the eyes have it uh item 23824 I'm going to do the same thing we did earlier I'm going to make a motion to approve and then I'm going to make a motion to withdraw document 23824 is a 3K walk and cook out of Connell Park the committee met and sent this up to the full council with a favorable recommendation second um there is a motion on the table properly second council president I'd like to make a motion to withdraw the the individual the the applicant has decided they wanted to do something in the fall and wanted to remove it for this time so I make a motion to withdraw second motion to withdraw properly second discussion I hear known uh at this point I call the questions all those in fav to withraw please say I I any notse there I have it item 23924 okay uh this item 23924 is to approve the amendment to The District agreement for the great allor technical school to include the airport Hangar and they send that to the the committee send this up to the full council with a favorable recommendation and make that in the form of a motion second all right there is a motion to approve amend amend the district agreement for the greatest La technical school properly second um discussion could you just this is just to approve yes this is just to approve and not to our public hearing um councelors any questions uh Mr chair from the bay and finance committee can you actually specify a little more for the record as of what the intent of the item so the intent of the item is that because there are more than one Community that's involved in the technical school each Community needs to go ahead and approve their portion of it this is Lawrence's opportunity to approve its portion to Grant the permission that this thing be turned into a school and I also think this allows for the bonding authorization because all the communities need to be need all the communities need to vote favorably or else it doesn't happen okay uh that has been there for the record councilors any other questions um at this time I call the questions all and say hi hi any not the I have it um Madame chair from the personal committee um vice president Infante thank you the personel committee met um the first item is item 24024 the appointment of Cara Garcia as the second assistant City attorney and the committee send is sending this up with a favorable recommend recomendation and I make that as a formal motion second there is a motion uh to approve uh Karen Garcia as the second assistant for the City attorney of the City of Lawrence it's been properly second um any discussions councelor discussion councelor plan um thank you council president so I do want to hear from the nominee I I will just say that I'm impressed with the resume I'm a little partial that we went to the same law school he probably did better than I did um but um and and he had a very good profession profor from my all L to believe as well um and and you also went out into the private sector as well and you had your shingle for a while so you understand the pressures and the Dynamics of being an attorney uh both in the private and now in the public sector so um and you're also in my district so there's there's two very good things right there so um I I want to hear a little bit more we want to hear your voice I mean I want to hear your voice here publicly um about what it is that you're looking to accomplish in your position and uh I'll let you take the floor thank you Mr President Mr President if I may I'm Kevin Foley I'm the first assistant City attorney and uh I'm pleased to be here I'm freezing but I'm pleased to be here and I'm particularly particularly pleased to present to you Carol Garcia for her appointment as the Second City attorney for the City of Lawrence and uh as you heard Council llant mentioned uh attorney Garcia has had uh quite a bit of experience both in her own with her own law practice here in Lawrence she's from Lawrence uh since 2017 and she has just the type of H qualifications and skills and experience uh that we need in the city attorney's office so and on a personal note I was fortunate enough to have her as a student of mine at the mass School of LA and she was an exceptional conscientious and excellent student and that she'll be a welcome addition to the city attorneys office so miss thank you I do have a few words for you uh good evening uh Mr President which just walked out Madam uh vice president and the esteemed members of city council uh my name is Carol Garcia as you've just heard and I honored to be here today as a candidate of the City attorney position I am the founding member of Garcia Law Offices where I have built a strong background in litigation and real estate law my journey into the legue of profession began when I was in high school I took an elective course which was called uh law in society and the analytical uh thinking and application of the law absolutely fascinated me thank you I'm just short guys absolutely fascinated me and ignited a passion that has guided me my whole career ever since one of my proudest achievements was becoming a law school professor at the tender age of just 24 recently had just graduated and passed the bar this experience along with starting my own Law Firm has equipped me with the skills and knowledge necessary to serve our community effectively as someone who is bilingual of Dominican descent and a resident of the City of Lawrence I believe I can offer a unique perspective and connect with a diverse range of community members throughout my career I have worked as a bar Advocate dedicated to helping Indigent IND individuals navigate the legal system system the work has reinfor reinforced my commitment to Justice and Equity if appointed as City attorney I am committed to Bringing Integrity commitment and passion to the role I'm eager to contribute to the city council and to serve our community with dedication and respect so I thank you here today for your consideration and I look forward to the opportunity to work with you and to make a positive impact in our city come to vice president counc council president through you madam chair I I mean I I heard comments and then I went back to see the whole the whole interview here and I was amazed with what you brought up and and I know the attorney H and and and first assistant I better relief if we add you to the performance they do try so hard I was there in the office the other day and gentleman was bringing a check and it was all in Spanish and Mr uen attorney hon was trying you know a thousand a thousand no divided by two he was saying in Spanish right luckily I was there said well this is divided by two but like Mar plan says we we had the chance to actually I got the chance to see the interview and pull out your resume and we we amazed it's something that we needed it for so long hopefully our legal department is complete now and we not like bad pedaling into all the works that we have and now we'll be smoothly running into what we need to run so hopefully I'm going to say it but welcome the board thank you Council any other questions yeah any questions uh council president Council Council I know u i I hear my colleagues uh comments and they're all positive but I I do want to let them know there was a question regarding the ordinance and if anyone has a question or concerns about that we do it it wasn't included at the Personnel committee level but Madame clerk did provide a copy of the second assistant um ordinance uh so you know that it's it's everything is all set so I just wanted to make that clear all right councelors any other questions or concern about this uh appointment yes welcome Bo congratulations all right uh at this point I call the questions all those in fav please say I I any notes that guys have it thank you so much welcome thank you I may please apprach please thank you thank you Mr President thank you council members council president uh the next item Madame Vice Madame Madame vice president infant the next item is item 241-242 asset uh second uh Pascal ree the director of inspectional service is properly second discussions can right we open the floor for that uh for that U that Mr Mr pasal Ru uh uh good evening uh council president Madam vice president and counselors um uh I'm here tonight because uh I'm here for the second time I was uh uh the director inspectional service from 2014 2018 um I decided to um to um retired from the fire department and come back as the Director of inspectional services um I know you know there's a lot of a work to be done there we already started um um reorganizing um you know know the department the staff and you know working with um with dph u there was some issues with dph we started working with them um but um I'm just uh glad to be back uh if anybody has any questions all right Council lant through you Mr President uh I'm going to give you the five letters you probably will hate to hear munus what is up with munus are you really going to keep that are we going to change it what's going on with munus and your that munus or uh citizen serve citizen serve citizen serve so don't be scared by munus then citizen serve the two words you would hate to hear as far as I know with keeping it um I don't know if you know that um I was one of the um when we first got the system I was in inspection of services I was one of the um person that worked a year and a half organizing all the applications uh organizing um you know how to use it and training everybody on it um the system does work really good the the customer customer service is excellent um the only thing is that the tra the staff needs to be trained on how to use it again because there's a lot of new staff and they're not really using it the proper way um you know you could create all kinds of reports uh we you know we we sat we sat together before we you know we I you know I showed you how the system works it's a very powerful system it's a very it's a very expensive system um and um I believe that you know we should stick with it but you know that's just my opinion I don't want to take a lot of time inspirational Services is a huge issue and we're going to have a one-on-one conversation but for today's purposes not a long answer give me the three when you leave your position whenever that time is give me the three things that you want to see change while you're in this position well the main thing um is customer service um that's the main you know the main thing um and leaving the department better off than you know than when I came in um and um having the staff trained uh as professionals um having them um you know do their job like this you know like they're supposed to um and uh yeah that's basically it that's three things right any other questions for um uh Pascal R Ruiz ccors all right uh at this point councelors I'll will call the questions all please say hi hi any NOS guys have it thank you congratulations and have a good night [Applause] [Music] council president through you real quickly all business uh counselors we have all business is Francisco here okay councelors we have old business uh that we that the council will take on uh do to a potential conflict of interest I going to uh recruit myself from this discussion uh since I work from mot and this is a potential pro thank you okay okay so at this point counselors I'm looking to have to to get a motion to take the following items as a block now give me some time to go through this I'm sorry oh to toe to pull it off I'm sorry a motion to pull the following out of committee items 41 items out of committee you do and we only have to read them once so the following 41 items out of committee bear with me item 16424 approval of taking at Water Street by em eminent domain of a temporary easement in public utility easement for a term of 5 years item 165 d24 at Railroad Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a five for a term of 5 years item 16624 at Broadway by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years and permanent easement item 167-20 taken at 621 X stre by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years item 16824 at 606 Canal Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years and a permanent easement item 16924 at 598 xas Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years item 17-24 at 413-415 havil Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years item 17124 at 6008 exist Street by eminent domain for a two for two temporary easements for a term of 5 years item 172-a 468 Canal Street by eminent domain of two temporary easement for a ter of 5 years and a public utility easement um where am I just lost track one oh 1 17324 at 140 West Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years item 17424 at 138 139-143 ma stre by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years item 175 -24 at 130 D through 136 West Street by eminent domain of two temporary easement for a term of 5 years item 17624 at 1 to 123 Main Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years item 17724 at 885a Manchester Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years and a permanent bike path easement item 1 8-24 at 55 rail Railroad Street by Eminem domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years item 179-22 at 41 Railroad Street by eminent domain and two temporary easements for a term of 5 years and one permanent easement item 18024 at 138 D through 142 West Street by &m do eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years item 18124 at 125 Main Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years item 182-8585 the staple give me one second bear with me counselors one item 183-202 71 Railroad Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years item 184-pin and domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years item 1852 24 at 33-47 Morton Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years item 18624 at 32 West Street by eminent domain of three temporary easements for a term of 5 years 17-24 at 26 window Street by &m domain of a temporary easement for term of for term of 5 years item 188 -24 at 20 Broadway by eminent domain of a term of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years item 9-24 at 10 Broadway by eminent domain of a ter of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years item 19 0-24 at 6 Broadway by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years and a public utility easement item 19124 at three Broadway by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years and permanent easement item 19224 at one Water Street by eminent domain of two temporary easements for a term of 5 years item 19324 at 27 Winter Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement for for a term of 5 years item 12 19424 at 25 rail Road Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years a permanent bike path easement and a public utility easement item 19524 at 19 Winter Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years item 19624 act 8 South Broadway by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years item 197-203 3-3 through 5 Wi uh Water Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years item 19 8-24 at two South Broadway by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years item 19924 at zero Broadway by eminent domain of two temporary easements for a term of 5 years two item 2-24 at 619 ex Street by eminent domain of ATT temporary easement for a term of 5 years item 201124 at South Canal Street by eminent domain for a temporary easement for a term of 5 years item 20224 at Parker Street by eminent domain for a temporary easement for a term of 5 years item 203- 24 at ex Street by eminent domain for a temporary easement for a term of 5 years and this one that's okay and item 2 you're not committee so another item if you get to that like I think a block so this is a a motion to take these 41 items out of committee you need someone to make a second uh I need I would looking for a motion motion motion made by councelor Santiago there second second seconded by councel lone discussion councel leant did the committee meet on this did did the committee meet I know there quum issues did they no because you were oh yeah so there the committee did not meet who's on the committee that wasn't on the that was not on the agenda the committee didn't meet the committee went for a sidewalk but this wasn't talked about during the sidewalk agenda for the sidewalk was all these 41 items that is that was what was posted as an agenda was there votes at the sidewalk votes I don't no I don't we just posted it as a public meeting because in case it was any deliberation or discussion okay but we posted it as a public meeting got it we need six votes for this right yes you need six votes to close you only have I don't know councelor marble appears she might we got six you know sometimes you guys so the first the first is to pull it committee all right so the motion has the motion to pull these 41 items out of committee has been made by councelor Santiago seconded by councelor lzone any further discussion see and none because we do need six um Madam clerk can you call the rle sure uh councelor Selena ra is noted as absent councelor M yes councelor Santiago yes Council Del Rosario yes councelor Lon yes councelor Le no council Levy yes councelor Enon yes and the council president has recused himself pass so motion carries motion passes um councilor so now the motion will be to approve them as a block appr councelors at this point I am looking for a motion to approve the 41 items as a block so move motion has been made by Council delario second by coun councelor Levy any discussion discussion um councelor Del Rosario I mean just to clarify com that my colleague uh C of the plan said I think I don't know if everybody got the chance to go to to go to the meetings that we went we went individually we would walk through uh with with a a u a presentation that they had it it took a while I don't know if you have the opportunity and explanation so I did so I don't know if my colleagues did but I know I was there with councelor Selena reges and that's why probably why we're discussing this at this level already just ready to vote and councelor Del RAR to add they also provided the opportunity of a walkth through last year as well for for those I I did it last year which is why I didn't attend this year but yes last year because I didn't see him any other comments or questions seeing none all those in favor say I I any knows the eyes have it this point counselors I am looking for do you guys you have one other item that go um item 259 D 24 approval of Tak of 425 havo Street by um imminent domain of a temporary easement and for the term of five years for the term of five [Music] years so so item 2 29-24 approval of taking at 425 havil Street by eminent domain of temporary easement for a term of 5 years it's under new business and we're looking to take it on tonight um to include this um as part as part of the the the package um counselors at this point this does require uh six votes so I'm I'm looking I'm looking for a motion so motion to take it as add it to the add it to the agenda as an emergency can you state it for the record please councilor marmel okay um motion to approve item number 29-24 to add it to the 41 other items um that has already been approved correct is that the um sure but you adding it as an emergency as an emergency for the public convenience for the public convenience there you go is there a second second by councelor Santiago discussion councelor the plant sorry this is where I become even more of a stickler so um so why do we have to do this as an emergency why can't it go through the normal process I'm a bit of a conservative when it comes to this through you madam president vice president which is you know I I I don't I want to keep emergencies as really as emergencies do we really need to have this done tonight and put over there can it go without jeopardizing anything if we send it to the committee through its normal process through you director EXC it should have been part of the original packet we noticed that it wasn't added um so yeah it would jeopardize the whole project of we don't add this as an emergency item right so through you again Madam vice president so so if we don't adopt it this evening then you have to wait for the other ones and the other ones are under is there a time crunch I think now that I'm thinking about a little bit more there's a bit of a trium crunch right we're on a huge time I'm sold thank you thank you very Madam clerk can you call the rule as this needs six votes sure Council this is to add it to the agenda as an emergency item for public convenience councelor Levy yes councel llant yes councelor Luzon yes councel Del Rosario yes Council of Santiago yes Council of marmel yes Council Reyes is noted as absent Council vice president yes and the council president has sorry the council president has recused himself he need some suspension right item 5 25924 is officially added to the block at this point motion approve motion to motion pass sun has been made by councilor ly sign by councelor Santiago discussion see none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it now motion to approve has been made by council derar is there a second second by councel Santiago discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it thank you so much thank you everyone can someone please tell council president that he can come back uh thank you vice president infan um so going now to U Iram councelors give me a minute counselors we have a few items as a from the new business that need to uh uh actually Tak us an emergency I uh 25124 which is the family tournament event that is going to take place on June first uh councelors can can uh can we get can I get a motion to declare this item as an emergency due to the date that is going to happen for the convenience of the public motion to declare item 21-24 as an emergency for the convenience of the public there is a motion on the table can you hear a second discuss properly second discussion so you may have through you Mr President you may have heard the earlier emergency um so my my question is you're asking this Council to do something that it goes against our normal protocol which is send it to a committee then sends it back up and that's our normal way of doing things so people have an idea why this is a tough question why didn't you send this and do this thing in a more timely manner why did you wait until tonight's meeting and maybe there's a good reason so why why did this happen council person uh Council council plan uh this is going to happen on June 1st uh due to the date uh it is council president I'm asking the the folks here who are I think are able to answer so so can you answer the qu do I need a mic a plan I can translate yeah a plan okay to English okay okay I didn't know [Music] okay name and address for the record please Michael Jackson 1699 fer street street 169 F Street and Michel Jackson when I went to put on these permits in the building cross all right councilors we have we have the response when it comes to the emergency matters so thank you so you have a question I do through you okay C plan when did the when did the transaction take place was it last week was it a month ago six weeks when did when did this take place [Music] all right thank you councelors uh no problem for the clearing the emergency uh we this is this requires six vote uh counselors any other questions on this matter I Hear No so at this point I call the questions all us and Fa to declares an emergency please say I I any no the um we need a roll call please uh roll call Madame sh uh coun mad CL councilor um Reyes is noted as absent Council mam yes Council Santiago yes Council Del Rosario yes Council Lan yes Council plant yes Council Levy yes Council vice president fonte yes council president Rodriguez I vote Yes uh councilors we have these uh these item in front of us now motion to approve there is a motion to approve properly second discussion CC plan so do we uh do we know if that's even free that day the park so I just want to confirm we are thank you very much I'm good no problem is any other questions I Hear No so at this point I call the question please say hi hi there I have it thank you so much guys all right we have another item with the same situation item 25724 which is the activity activid communia on June 8 2024 at the companion Park going to meet on June 4th [Music] vo Adent to the LA Manchester rail cor Trail that's going to the housing committee council president quickly thank you through you I I just want to for if anyone's still watching at home or or we we did have a counselor recused himself for the fact that he a family emergency uh came up so I just want you know the public to know that that it wasn't anything thank you council president item 220 24224 is going to housing item 24324 the fiscal year 2025 um budget is going to the vet and finance committee item two 4424 the transfer of uh 33 Millions 648 5519 uh from free cash to various uh various uh Reserve funds this is going to the budget and finance committee item 245 uh 24 bone authorization loan uh loan order for appropriation of for the amount of 13,45 uh for uh for various water water and sore infrastructure and Rehabilitation this is going to The Bu and finance committee item 24624 the transfer of $440,000 from free cash to special project uh this is going to the budget and finance committee right on 24724 Resident parking 73 I Street this is going to the ordinance committee right on 24824 one side parking Fon Street uh coming down from Prosper Street this is going to the um ordinance committee IID on 24924 uh soccer tournament on June 15 uh this is going to the ordinance committing it on 25024 loading zone uh Heritage uh packaging Inc uh 441 Market Street this is going to the ordinance committee item 251 24 was just uh was just approved it on 25224 no parking area uh 20 402 low Street this is going to the ordinance committee it 25324 evangelization June 15 uh August August 31st and um this is going to be referred to the ordinance committee item 25424 the transion V vendor license uh for maab boy tacos this is going to the ordinance committee item 25524 transient vendor license Deli Moore this is going to the ordinance committee item 25624 transion vendor license Mal Mal maltas hog dogs this is going to the ordinance committee itan 25724 activ communia June 8 at the compon park this is going to the ordinance committee item 25824 Hire Street sections to be designated for the police department parking this is going to the ordinance committee itan uh two itan 25924 approval of uh of the taking of 425 he he we just did no we just did that uh item 26024 Health and Wellness faar on July 18 at the companion common this is going to the ordinance committee item 261 resolution honoring the sylvus family as a recipient of 2024 uh Ela Ela deel history award this is going to the ordinance committee uh item 26224 the authorization Grant to Assurance um to Assurance with the m and and weather cameras FAA network connections uh this is going to the bu uh budget and finance committee uh we need to declare this as an emergency to be added to um to the agenda councellors at this point I'll entertain a motion to declare this is an emergency to add it to the agenda and be able to be sent to the B and finance committee councilors there is a motion to declar us an emergency there is a motion to declar us an emergency this requires six vote uh can you hear a second second properly second discussion I hear now at this point it 26224 262 all in fav please I I uh any nose the I have it uh now item 26224 is going to The Bu and finance committe item 26324 the authorization Grant to insurance with mot and installation security uh gate operation uh this is these need to be declared as an emergency to be added to the agenda councilors can h a motion motion to decare an emergency motion to approve motion to declare an emergency motion to to deare as an emergency number3 all right properly second it's been there's a motion properly second discussion councel this require six vote um at this point I call the questions please say I hi any NOS you Ro call oh no you didn't do all right uh let's do a rock call just for the s for the sake of it Council ly Council yes Council plant yes Council Lon yes Council Del Rosario is noted as absent Council of Santiago yes Council marmal yes Council Reyes is noted as absent Council vice president fonte yes council president Rodriguez yes now this item will be going to the budget and finance committee councelors subcommittee meetings can uh Mr President can we can we start with budget and finance sure budget and finance thank you um to the new members of budget and finance I I want to make it a point that next week on Wednesday we're going to have two budget and finance meetings one as regular budget and finance and a second as the budget hearings which are two completely separate things um so the first budget hearing do I have to yes first first budget hearing is going to be Tuesday uh May 28th at 7 p.m. this uh the the nor the the normal budget and finance committee meeting will be Wednesday the 29th at 6:00 p.m with the budget hearing proceeding at 700 p.m. the third budget hearing will be Thursday May 30th at 700 p.m. and I do I do encourage uh my committee members it will be especially Wednesday it will be long meeting so if if I I'm allowing if you want to bring a snack or whatever please come prepared because it it could be a long evening um okay we have two meetings for The Bu and finance committee three two three three three uh the four four including the the regular so next week will be four meetings for buan finance all right um ordinance committee uh seeing that we've got a full week of budget committee meetings we're going to have to meet at 6 o' on Tuesday uh we will try to expedite it is ordinance usually long but I understand there's a 7 o'cl so I ask the ordinance I'm sorry the budget finance committee to please be patient we'll try to be as efficient as possible and if we can show up on time that'd be great too I know we all do on the ordinance you want of earlier no I just people got to 6 is what I'm saying cuz they're 7:00 budget no I'm saying if you want to do earlier than 6 no no I think people have got jobs and other things so we should can ask the Mee member to see it's okay same thing that happened last year sometimes meetings run it's we we went through this last year we'll do the best we can all right personal we have we have no housing there's no item for housing there's one no we just took it 242 the very top item on the agenda 242 it's his uh approval of the street except yes I you hous have one item okay so uh 6:30 or 6 p.m. 6 what day you can do it on Tuesday I mean Tuesday at 6 is is ordinance oh no no no hold on W Wednesday at 6 no Wednesday Sunday at 6 we have the regular budget and finance meeting at 6 at 6 so Thursday th Tuesday I mean so Friday there's Thursday and Friday all Thea just for one item could have up apparently that's not I've done it from one item it happens by that is not oh a safety item eom development Ecom Dev all of these things that we talk about today they were supposed to be I no I'm sorry uh I wanted uh just a comments regarding the budget so last year for the school committee so for for the school the budget that was presented to us was not like a clear and we asked today to present something different inclusive they mention that they going I I don't know if you remember that they said that they do some changes and they going to bring you know uh information that never uh it was brought to us do you remember Council ly through you council president if it was the Lawrence Public Schools or G lawence Tech Lauren public school okay thank you yeah there so uh the Lan public school I the whole thing came around just for you guys to know back in 2013 the receiver back then they actually um add the budget as the city budget very similar excuse me uh but uh yeah they said they they change it and now last year they were uh we were encouraging encouraging them to go back to the same format of the city I don't know if that was the case so practically it was not through you council president practically it was not too much information of the way that they spend the money how many you know like it uh we can talk about it but um the way that how many uh teachers they were how much they were paying who was on label one two or whatever that they say so a was Nole or the LPS councelors um I would like to thank you councelor Le I would like a meeting for the Iha committee on the housing on that uh on section five of The Shadow for next week can we do Thursday for that no I I disagree with that we need to move on that okay can it be the following week because next week is going to be Thursday is no much no only one meeting no you have hearings do you have hearings on on Thursday last next week oh we do yeah on Thursday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday okay yes all right for the following week then we can uh we can have a a meeting on that and can we set up a date so for the following week we have hearings on we have a can I schedule those now too yes uh budget hearing uh June 3rd at 700 p.m. and we have two extras as it just in case Wednesday June 5th at 7 p.m. and Thursday June 6th at 700 p.m. and then Tuesday I believe that's a full council meeting so there's nothing sched so council president we can do at 6 if I mean I highly doubt let's start the conversation at 6 no problem and then we the conversation might continue so on what day I'm going to suggest one of the makeup dayses June 5th because last year we we did not need the makeup dates it was we we ended up figuring out scheduling and I'm I'm going to assume the same is going to happen this year I'm going fible with the Department June 5th for the committee on the section five of The Shadow all right uh thank you councelors entertain a motion toj motion to adjourn second there is a motion to adjourn 6 6 p.m yeah properly second all please say hi I have it thank you councelors