##VIDEO ID:ty2dsTWjsRs## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ready welcome to the Lawrence licensing board meeting uh could we please go through roll call good evening everyone welcome to the last licensing board meeting of the 2024 uh 5:45 p.m. presing of the meeting are Commissioners Mike Le here Anna Morales here and the officials P Ruiz Lieutenant captain delini and liening culu thank you all for your support through the year thank you and welcome on everybody great uh we don't have any minutes to approve for this meeting or old business or tabled matters for new business number one oh oh it's under new business but anyways um it's okay so for tabled matter that's Now new business we have erol's lounge and sports bar good evening Commissioners hello good evening attorney Brian cargan 122 Chestnut Street Andover uh on behalf of Aros uh Sports Bar and Lounge LLC uh uh to be located at 21 Newberry Street at the corner of uh Newbery and Common Street uh been before you a couple times uh initially on the uh the matter involving the previous leny uh so uh uh my client Mr Gil Raphael Gil the uh principal and manager of the LSC is uh taking over the old El Haro location uh got all sorts of uh great plans uh to renovate The Establishment and open up a sports sports bar and lounge okay um and uh we're uh hoping that the board will uh will grant him the approval on this and send the application to the abcc so have Mr Gil here if there are any questions about his plans and uh The Establishment we're here to answer awesome thank you I don't have questions at the moment commissioner Le my questions are going to be short in a few that place that was there was a nice for everybody for the police department for the fire department have nothing but complaints give him a fair Shake renovate the place do a good job so they don't have to come out there and you don't have to come back in front of them because if you come back for us you going to see how fast we're going to act because a lot of people don't want that club open so Lieutenant s I don't have any questions I'm very familiar with Mr Gil uh he's been around the club uh venues for many years he's always done a great job and Al always very respectful so I expect nothing but uh the best from him so thank you good luck Captain Delany no questions wish you the best of luck great director Ru no questions good luck great go ahead Mike I'll make a motion that we approve this I'll second the motion motion commissioner Le made a motion to approve Eros lounge and Sport Bar at 21 n stre second by commissioner Morales commissioner Le how do you vote Yes commissioner Morales how do you vote Yes motion pass congratulations and we got to be working on it to send it over to the abcc congratulations have a good holiday thank you by Merry Christmas I'll see you guys okay um now we have St Joseph's Church who's applying for one day all alcohol license uh is that yeah is stepen CFI good evening good evening everybody gentlemen welcome we're just uh having our annual uh call it a huffle which is like a just like dinner dance in our church Hall it's on a Sunday January 12th from uh after our second uh Mass there from 2: to 7: p.m. that's awesome usually we have about usually around 100 people maybe a little more it might be but it's most it's mainly parishioners maybe a few friends of there that's it cool pretty straightforward I'm not sure if anyone has any questions no I don't have questions commissioner l no Mr cfor you've been here a number of times no problems with you so I'd be glad to make an endorsement that you get it thank you lieutenant Sello no questions Captain Delany no questions director Ru no questions great I don't have questions I would like to make a motion to approve this one day all alcohol license second commission Morales made a motion to approve one day alcohol license for St Joseph Church uh 241 Hire Street second by commissioner Le commissioner Le Morales how do you vote Yes commissioner how do you vote Yes motion pass congratulations and happy holidays thank you mermas appr I'll see you okay the next item on the agenda we have classical AO Sales Inc who's applying for class two retail license good evening commissioner good evening ja and I present classical out of seven compress yes thank you I remember you from our last meeting do we have the right application now okay okay give us one second okay um do we H uh commissioner Le do you have questions the last time you came before you was we were talking between 130 and 136 West right4 okay we have now there is a going already a business there now JVS right yes that was used to be JB and he passed the license through our TR M what's the other one starts with J2 over there there another one right I'm sorry there's another use C law a little further down right in the same complex what's that one uh yeah this 12 all right I have no more questions uh Lieutenant cillo so the the permit is for 12 cars on the lot correct that's right okay you understand that 12 is the maximum they have to be on the lot not Street yes okay cuz we'll be checking that okay all right thank you Captain delini yeah the fire department will be stopping by to do an inspection to help you out okay thank you director Ruiz uh no questions okay great thank you I don't have any further questions commissioner Le yeah just remember just keep the uh the number of cards that's very important right and as far as the street goes there's a lot of people Park their cars out there with no plates on them everything else I make sure that don't happen okay okay thank you I'll make a motion approve I'll second the motion commission made a motion to approve classical Auto Inc at 130 West Street where JB AO used to be second by commissioner Morales commissioner Le how do you vote Yes commissioner Morales how do you vote Yes motion pass congrat congratulations thank you thank you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you okay um I have a question do we I think you're all set um okay Antonio does he have to come to you at all or he's yeah okay okay so when the EXP expension okay okay uh yes I have it I have it yeah thank you okay gracias okay um do we have to yes I was going to ask so we are approving these four licenses okay explain why this okay yeah business the mayor us sign in yeah so yeah so what's the yeah so what happened I made some calls um to different cities and towns and they've done they they've know they've done it in the past so because um most of them did pay already um one was sick the other one had uh something else happened so they said that it was okay for them to to sign okay and question maybe to commissioner leair did we connect with abcc is this this is fine we could okay okay go ahead Mike my only question is about one of them um I guess the sports club 2 254 that's going to be approved right okay Bernie pris at the liquor store that's going to be approved right um this 282 that is that the uh that the nightclub across the street Gateway no that's no that in Far restaurant L the only one I really concerned about is the one on Union Street South Union mdan Street where he uh paid with a check at at bouns they pay again they okay they paid okay online online okay and you and um and I'm got to wait for tomorrow to see if okay okay make sure U the money's in there okay my thing is if it didn't if they didn't pay I'm not I don't want to approve it yeah that's your prerogative what you know they they've paid yeah today okay okay so it I just want to make sure it clears right make sure it clears like the check they gave us before boom boom boom boom so well online it wouldn't have gone through if it was not cleared if it's an online payment it wouldn't have gone through depend you give your check account number and it's if you give you your checking account in your bank runting number in your checking account it could still bounce M only one come to sign because he has a issue with the person who running the now andom because she doesn't want to have in the bus anymore so going to let go and apply new license okay yeah that's the best thing to do just um they haven't done anything um I wouldn't approve it and then just let the course run itself and then they could um apply if they want they could apply on their own you know in January if you know if it's okay with you he's been notified they have to close down New Year's Eve at 12:00 yeah I and before they open when they come in here we have to talk to them about these things they're doing over there cuz I already spoke to the other one I told you mama and this one here promoting um what do you call Happy Hours and stuff like that and bringing girls in there doing their thing so these things have to be addressed to when they come in I should we approve them change the day of the next meeting in January first off we have to approve them right we have to approve them I'll make a motion we approve them I'll second the motion commission Le I made a motion to approve the last four business to renew the legal license second by commissioner Morales commissioner Le how do you vote Yes commiss Morales how you vote Yes business approved um we're meeting on a Friday on it's going to be the 8th but it should be Wednesday Wednesday not Friday okay January 8th January 8th we can we can do the we you want I can do either do you want to do the following week okay the eighth is fine let's do the eighth then can cillo and um Pat do the okay the eth or the 15th what would be better okay let's do the a okay and again uh Commissioners and officials thank you very much for your support through the year it was a tough year but we we got it we got did we got it true and 2025 is going to be a great year yes yes it is I believe that okay I'll make a motion to adjin the meeting second commiss made a motion to ajour the meeting second about commission commission Morales how do you vote Yes commission how do you vote meeting thank you very much e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e