e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e when I get I don't don't thank thank you many today I don't know why I don't know why too many sorry sorry um this is one you want the we good we good is the is is this [Music] there two students um Melle um yes yeah the name I apprciate oh my God you did she's and then keep good evening and welcome to the laen city council meeting today is Tuesday July 2 20244 pursuing to chapter 20 of the act of 20222 this meeting will be hyd allowing participation both in person and at the city council chambers council chambers and as well as REM The Zo link for this meeting was provided to anybody that requested through the Len city clerk city clerk this meeting is also been transmitted through the Len city council City C city council Facebook page as well as the L City Council of YouTube page Madame CLA roll call please councelor Levy present councelor llant present councelor Luzon is noted as absent councel Del Rosario is noted as absent counil Santiago present councel marmel present counil Selen Rees present Council vice president Infante present council president Rodriguez present please uh join me for M for a moment of silence and recognition of Edie Thunder Camin that passed last week please join me for the Pledge of Allegiance to the of the United States of America and to the Republic to which it stands one nation God divisible with liberty and justice for all thank you councel llan for uh having the moment of silence and recognition of Mr cinto uh now we're going to pursue with uh the minute uh to be approved that is nominated at this point uh public participation we have a few p a few people that actually sign um roll call for Castle counil Rosario Council Del Rosario we have a we have a few a few people that actually signed the public participation sheet this the rules for the public participation are as follow you have two and a half minutes to speak at the two minute at the two minute level you're going to ring you're going to hear a ring indicating that you still have 30 seconds please refer to the council as a whole not as an individual counselors uh the first person on the list is uh H Mali name and address for the record please 53 Chester Street good evening honorable members we the citizen are proud of this honorable Council and honorable mayor Brian depena for excellent job because of your hard work and dedic ation Lawrence police officers Union have contract thank you Lawrence Police with the impactable leadership by honorable Chief Mia has doing excellent job to protect our citizen we are proud to support Lawrence police officers Union senior officers Union million thanks to our DPW workers for making Lawrence a beautiful city we support our DPW Union and Leadership Lawrence Inspection Department thank you for excellent job we support inspector's Union and Leadership we must hire more inspectors Lawrence Public School with impactable leadership honorable RAF G moving forward Lawrence teacher thank you for excellent job we support your awesome Union please bring food and donation every Wednesday to bakley garage to help our homeless we the citizen demand the best contract for our brave firefighter with TR person and color ra and Hazard P Lawrence always is strong Lawrence always unite we are proud to be the best example of support of Union right we pray for the safety of all police officers sacrifice in their life Lawrence Police Officer thank you for working so hard making Lawrence a safe City because of our awesome police officers we are united to say blue lives matter we the Ian Stand United to support Lawrence Police Union thank you thank you Mr Mali the next person on the list is uh councelor uh Rich Roso good evening councils my name is Rich Russell I reside 34 Cross Street in the city I'm also a proud holder of a DD214 for those of you who don't know what that is that is a piece of paper that says I served in the US military at the fy20 25 budget hearing last week your senior advisor when asked by several positions city ordinance at 2.1 12401 21244 and 21240 50 in the veteran service office weren't being filled he gave what I considered a smart alec answer at least to me and he said with all of the veterans dying off we don't need as many people working in the veteran service office do you think that if more people worked in the office even in an Outreach capacity that some veterans might live longer if they were provided with adequate service if funded those two positions could probably be budgeted at a $100,000 but instead you're creating new positions that aren't even budgeted for you throw around $100,000 salary for these jobs like you're in a pillow fight and when it yet money for veterans get nickel and dimes thrown at them like spare change with manhole covers I went over the budgets back to 2009 online and there was only one individual budgeted as director of the vso uh in that time frame yet rumor has it that an individual who supposedly signed a never to work in City Hall separation never to work in City Hall again separation is coming back to work at a handsome salary for a job that doesn't even exist as of yet I guess the rules around here are there are rules for me and there are rules for thee and it's pretty obvious who the me and who the the is I've been observing the antics of this building and it amazes me is to how low some of these cap individuals are capable of going 56 years ago when I raised my right hand to be sworn into the military one of the things I said that I would do is defend the country from all enemies foreign and domestic to quote cartoonist Walter Lance from the 1950s one of his Co characters Pogo uttered this famous saying I have seen the enemy and it is us I'm sorry if I've stepped on anyone's toes but so be it thank you for the time all right the next person that we have is uhel Rios Rachel Rios May for the record please hang on for a minute I'm getting my questions no problem okay um hang on I'm I'm not good at reading I'm taking my time take your time what's the most important issue and what's being done and how can young people help and which branch of local government is responsible for this issue and that's it thank you very much thank you for your time the next person that we have on the list is Martha VES hello Matha valz director of Health and Human Services 155 hav Street I felt the need to come before you City councilors because of some of the words that were said at the budget hearing with no respect to Veterans I am a Cuban Refugee I am the most grateful person in the world for veterans and the freedom this country offers me and my family and the ability to live in a city where I am an immigrant and had a lot of freedom and have been able to give back and also received I am blessed there was also comment made that there's 10,000 veterans in the City of Lawrence as of the 2018 2022 uh sensus there's 993 veterans in the city give or take 20% for error the other comment that was made was Veterans not being served and not get the respect they deserve well I can agree that um there's two positions that are vacant that we can discuss and see the need for it and apply it to it I also want to make sure that we understand that as since May 27th when the last day of the uh veteran services director there's been 45 intakes put into that office with people being served um the confidential secretary being trained by the North Andover um veteran on chapter 115 input and also updating and being able to get dd214s both may and June's chapter 115s went without any interruptions and what I want to make sure that we understand is that under Mo's watch there was will not be a veteran that will not be served thank you for your time thank you the next person is uh Luis robbles for the record please L ress 183 Abbott Street um I didn't came here for the veteran stuff but I do second that just because there's less veterans in the city does it mean that the needs of the veterans has decreased if if based on how things are going right now with the econ and all the mental health problems if anything they need more help now what I'm really here for is to talk about the handicap parking um so I I reviewed the the ones that are set for public hearing today and all of them with the exception of one have usable driveways why are we approving or why is there a process where we are giving people handicap parking when they have a usable driveway if it's the landlord that is keeping them from using the driveway to a handicapped person maybe you can consider an order ordinance that requires landlords to give tenants with handicaps priority in the driveway if it's a homeowner requesting it then why aren't the homeowner just using their driveway and we're going through all this process of giving them a handicap parking um so with all these cases increasing are we having like a an epidemic in the city where people are just suddenly becoming more handicapped every day um um these are just questions and I know probably most of them are legit I'm not questioning that but did we like expand the definition of what a handicap is or what is going on I think this is something that should be looked at um because there's I suspect that there's potential for this system to be abused especially since we have a parking crisis in the city and this could be a way for people to take advantage of oh I have a mental health problem let me get a handicap just to have a parking spot and so if this continues will everyone in lawence be handicap by the year 2050 I don't know thank you thank you for your time at this point councelors we have anybody else uh with comments and we're going to proceed with the agenda uh at this point we have a few recognition that we would like to uh take a moment to call councelor uh Stephanie Infante councelor vice president Infante uh to recognize student from the greatest lawence technical school no a council plan to recognize uh it for recognition for ID on 31824 not so oh both or just one okay did you say that I said wasue they would in her District so she was going yeah what I mean she wasn't aware of that so thank you very much council president and with me is the actual the recipients District counselor because the recipient is from a district e in the mount Fon area at this point I'd like to invite Michelle Marcato to come forward please you want to say a few words to start do you want me to start so the council vice president is gracious enough to let me start and I'm sure she'll add a few words here in a moment as you know or if you've been watching any of the City Council meetings this is the time of year where we actually actually look at the best and the brightest in our city and we acknowledge what they have done during the course of their time whether it's in one of our high schools or whether it's in the northern Essex Community College Michelle Marcado is the top graduate from great Lawrence technical school um and because of that we are recognizing her achievement this evening Michelle is an amazing young woman and she is going to go places and I want her to stick around because later we're going to talk about someone else who has been to places uh but Michelle Marcato um let's start off with a GPA uh 4.5 GPA out of out of four that's impressive right off the bat you were involved you took early classes at middle sex Community College um you're a Jan Abigail's Adam scholar which is nothing easy to get um you have been involved in leadership and Community engagement you're a vice president of your class and part of and you probably a Reggie leader maybe you could speak to that uh which mentors young students and serves as a community Ambassador on behalf of the school you're member of the yearbook committee the Kaleidoscope club and what I'm impressed with is a National Honor Society as well and I know that the clerk told me this earlier this evening she's like she's going to the University of Michigan in the fall she goes that's a huge deal so congratulations on your acceptance and your and and going down [Applause] [Music] so I know I'm delighted I'm going to have the council vice president maybe do the last thing and add a few more words but I'm I'm so thrilled that you put a lot of your work in I also if it's okay I like to acknowledge your parents would they stand up please because without them Council vice president thank you Council of plant Michelle first I would like to say um I was also a regie leader and also part of the yearbook Club at greater lawence Tech and um and I actually I would like councilor marmal to stand up U fairly quick myself and councilor Marl were also great Lawrence Tech graduates so two prime examples of what can happen when you take advantage of your education from G allance Tech so I know we're very proud and and oh I think you have a committee see so uh yeah so I we're very proud of you as a whole and I know us to especially as as Regis so uh so I will close it out with with the with the ending U of of your recognition now now therefore we the members of the Lawrence city council hereby applaud and honor the academic and personal achievements of Michelle Mado extending to her every good wish on a bright and successful future hereby set our hand and cause the Seal of the City of Lawrence to be a fixed this 18th day of June 18th was originally for the 18th I'm sorry it was originally for the 18th so today is July 2nd so I'm going to say July 2nd of 2024 respectfully submitted the entire um City Lawrence lawren city council congratulations I just want to thank uh the city council for this citation and I appreciate uh all the support that I've gained from the past four years and the support that I will gain in my future endeavors congratulations thank you why you go around and sh everybody here take take we [Applause] [Music] [Applause] go thank thank you council president I do believe I have an item under Communications um if it's okay we take that off off as an item so item 31824 which is the citation honoring Ricky Rodriguez uh by councelor plant you have the floor thank you very much um it's not lost on me that today is July 2 uh in two more days it's July 4th and we all honor July 4th as a essentially a time that we recognize that this country was founded it took a war it took a lot of an not Anarchy but hostilities and a lot of people like us uh in communities near our city who got together to really fight for Freedom back um during the Revolutionary War day and we created the Constitution the US Constitution um that has become the the very Source um and the beacon of freedom for our country and become a beacon for other countries around the world why is this important today well because it it wasn't just in 1776 that was a critical moment we have been fighting and fighting and struggling and fighting for democracy throughout the years we haven't stopped as a country and because of that we've got many important people that have carried the torch who've continued to um to persevere and continue to be able to to um to respond when our nation needs responding to and often times those are in the times of crisis and the times of Crisis are often the times of war I'm going through a pretty long preamble to get to the point A lot of times these are these are people who are warriors they military army navy Air Force Marine Coast Guard and they get involved in The Fray and we've got many people we have Flags right now outside of our right outside in the camping new and common 777 flags for those who have given their life to our country not everybody has given their life some have come back today the recognition is not for a soldier or marine or military person but it was someone who actually gave a large part of his life to be what the military would call the tip of the spear the very front lines in places that are hostile and when I met this young when I say young man CU I'm getting old he's not he's a he's a man not a young man uh um he has impressed me with his story and he recently came back from a place where there is some hostilities and I'm sure he there's things he can say and there are things that he can't say because of the position he was in so I'm GNA all I'm going to read this right now but I would I'd like for Ricky a Rodriguez to please come and join me Ricky so I don't make a mistake r I'm just going to read this all right because I know that some of the stuff that you have to deal with is is sensitive and there's um what's the right word I'm looking for um classified information that we can't go into not that you told me because I don't know what those things are but um let's go with this since the 1890s Lawrence residents have traveled to trouble spots throughout the world to safeguard our Democratic and protect our Democratic Republic and protect our way of life while many of those residents served in the military a smaller number of residents have served alongside our fighting forces as defense contractors providing logistic support to the missions at hand Ricky Rodriguez is a proud 2011 graduate of Lawrence High School and the Wentworth Institute of Technology and served as a defense contractor with north of Grumman um that's I know that's a subsidiary and the rathon company Ricky Rodriguez served with our military Special Forces in danger zones such as Afghanistan Iraq and Syria and other places and operations that remain classified for seven years and only short visits back home between those tours Ricky Rodriguez's engineering skill set and dedication to his country's Mission helped save hundreds of American lives and other NATO Special Forces let me repeat hundreds of American lives and other NATO speci Special Forces Ricky Rodriguez is an author of STEM related books on radar systems historical science and quantum physics he's established a nonprofit focus on helping underprivileged communities by providing education support job offering and job opportunities therefore let it be known to all that the Lawrence city council welcomes home Ricky Rodriguez he just got back two weeks ago now a true patriot and acknowledges recognizes and thanks him for his service we bestow every good wish in his future endeavors welcome home Ricky and thank you [Applause] I knew I was going to get a little bit emotional today um so I wrote something down uh before I start Michelle I'm super proud of you and your parents for what you've done and I'd like to offer you a scholarship from my nonprofit organization to help you in your endeavors congratulations Michelle thank you a voiceless Lawrence is a hopeless Lawrence to the Lawrence city council and to the public here today thank you for this honor to give a voice to our veteran Community Lawrence has a long history of veterans who have fought bravely for our country their story resonate all over the world and in our communities today I want to honor their sacrifice but also highlight the sacrifice of the families back home their bravery and unwavering support goes unnoticed more often than not many times I'm referred to as a hero however in my opinion my true heroes walk among you and Lawrence to my grandmother you immigrated to Lawrence in the late '90s and worked in the factories making kosher suits for Boston fruit in order to take care of my mom and I she'd never imagined that I'd receive this award as I fought for our country you showed me what true bravery and sacrifice was through your battle with cancer to my best friend Ronaldo Santana thank you for inspiring me to save the world even when I was the one that needed saving even while I was the ploy you inspired me to start my nonprofit and we managed to help over 500 families last year to my best friend Edward Perez who was a victim of done violence last Christmas thank you for always helping me deliver flowers to my mom on her birthday and Mother's Day to the city council I see your hard work our community sees you and we appreciate you I hope you inspire the Young Generation to give back to our beautiful city and finally to councilman Mar plant Mark your heart and passion for this community reminds me of why Lawrence so special and I just want to thank you for advocating for veterans and giving a voice to my family and those veteran families to come thank [Applause] you this is the FL of the city with the three rivers all right if you don't mind I think the counselor's want to meet you thank you got it [Applause] motion motion to re there is a motion on the table prop thank you parents Jim who made that motion Teresa I got Selena as a second I don't know e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e um we have public hearings council president yes could I take a document um the for a brief statement for document 31824 the citation that was just issued to Ricky a Rodriguez may I take that thank you Council Lan um as we all know wasn't able to be here this evening um I did let her know that uh we were going to be honoring Ricky Rodriguez and she wanted me to make sure that I read something into the record and so if there's no objection i' like to read this from councilor Luzan who actually f Fus on uh Ricky's um mother goes sure so this is from Council Lon as a council member for district B it is an honor to have in our district the mother of someone who prioritizing serving our country the commitment and effort of your son makes us proud we thank you ma'am for instilling in your son the values and importance of serving our nation your efforts do not go unnotice mothers like you make a difference on behalf of the residents of District B thank you to your son for his service Council Lan thank you council plan for bringing those remarks from Council District B when Theon that sent an email that she was not going to be able to be here tonight so going on top of the agenda we're going to go to public hearings uh we're going to ask the Mad clerk to uh read the notice for uh item 5 uh 1520 2024 16 20 16 2024 33 2024 and 226 2024 as well as 228 2024 Madame CLA please read the notice for the record sure um notice is hereby given that the Lawrence city council will hold a public hearing on Tuesday July 2nd 2024 at 700 p.m. in the council chambers 200 Common Street Lawrence Mass pursuant to chapter 2 of the acts of 2023 and in accordance with the recently revised city council rule 2 this meeting will be hybrid allowing participation both in person and remotely to accommodate any participant with health considerations that prevent them from participating in person access codes for remote participation are available from the city clerk eileen. Bernal cityof lawrence.com or 97862 3230 meetings also available on Facebook and YouTube the purpose of the hearing is to gather testimony in information and public input concerning the proposed amendment to the revised ordinances of the City of Lawrence to be further amended by adding the following subparagraphs to section 10. 36. 340 of the municipal code handicap parking in the proper alphabetical order document number 15-24 Bailey Street South Side from a point 145 ft east of Philip Street to a 165 ft east of Philips Street document number 16-24 Lex inton Street West Side from a point 135 ft Northwest of buswell Street to a point 155 Street Northwest of buswell Street document number 34-24 Abbott Street East Side from a point 186 ft west of shashin road to a point 206 ft west of shashin Road document number 22624 Brookfield street west side from a point 56 ft north of West kennet Street to a point 86 F feet north of West Kenneth Street and document number 228-240 90 me from a point 298 ft south of East haval Street to a point 318 ft south of East haval Street persons wishing to be heard shall be afforded the opportunity public hearings for the handicap parkings are now open um anybody that wishes to speak on be on behalf of these any of these islands uh this is is the time anybody from the public that wishes to speak I hear not so at this point I will um uh public hearing is now closed we're going to take motions for each individual one councelors we are entertaining motion for item 1524 handicap for 209 Bailey Street motion to approve second there is a motion to approve properly second discussion I known as at this point I call the questions all those in favor please say I I the I have it I am uh 1624 handicap parking for 2 108 Lexington Street councelors what's the motion motion to approve second there is a motion to approve properly second discussion at this point I call the question so please say I hi any NOS I have it uh It 33 24 handicap parking for two for AA Street councelors what the motion motion to approve there is a motion to approve uh by councelor Santiago properly second by councelor Rees um any questions discussions at this point I call the questions all those in please say I hi any knows guys have it item 22624 handicap parking for 1 129 BR uh uh Brooksville Street councelors was the motion motion to approve second there's a motion to approve by councelor Rosario second by councelor Santiago H discussion I Hear No so at this point I call the questions please say hi hi any knows guys have it um item 22824 handicap parking for uh 57 Sergeant Street councilors was the motion motion to approve there's a motion to approve can I hear a second second properly second councelor Santiago uh propose the motion Cel ccel Rees seconded uh any discussion at this point I call a question Sol please say I I the I have it any notse the I have it uh now we're going to go on top of the U we're going to go to the personal committee since we have a few items and people that are visiting us and I going to call uh madan's chair and vice president Infante from the personal committee if you can uh if you can take those items from the and provide us a a what was the findings from that personal committee thank you for you council president the Personnel committee met last week and um the first item we have is item 293-2474 federick J Diaz to the zoning board of appeals with a term expiring in January 2026 brought To Us by mayor depena the board um sends this up as a as a favorable recommendation and I make that as a formal motion second there is a motion on the table properly second discussion discussion CCC plan this is Mr Diaz correct correct yes uh would would through you Mr chair would Mr Diaz please come forward coun um address for the record Fredick Diaz uh 19 Bailey Street S Lawrence thank you m Mr pr appreciate that so um everything is here I this is the only opportunity I have to be able to express my concerns regarding things such as is housing and housing structure because your board through you Mr President the board that you applied for is critical and the um issuance and allowances and providing various per variation variances to allow for structures to be expanded to allow for that I just through you Mr President I just need to let you know uh that I do speak before that board and the planning to a lesser extent but I do on occasion speak there but it is absolutely pivotal and critical that as you make decisions regarding our city that you realize fundamentally that the growth that you potentially will allow has tremendous impact on parking congestion and also depending on what it is that you're about to either approve or grab variance for uh potentially impacts the schools and our and and there's other things as well beyond that um variances should be they shouldn't be given out freely and easily as a matter of fact they should be given out rarely but unfortunately we have have tradition in the city to try to be as as helpful as we can and we offer many of them other communities would not do what this city does when it comes to variances um and allowances so I ask you to be as strict as possible be fair of course um and please understand that the people who are currently living in the city are living here and when there's the concerns that we have and they'll be speaking out but often times they may not show up and it's going to be a burden upon the member such as yourself to remember this conversation that there's other people who are really concerned about the density and the number of people and how what impacts those have on the quality of life of our residents thank you Mr President thank you any other questions councel leing um thank you uh Mr di for apply to this is uh to the son and Bo thank you so I would like to hear from you what you explained it to us at the labor of the personal committee so the reason what made you to choose on this commission as a Mr um U Council Market plan explained I've been here 27 years and I want to see growth in the city and I I'm not just a yes person um I'm whatever decisions I make it's not just for me it's for the the whole city so it's about the growth in uh the children's and the safety of the community too so I'm not just a yes person I'm going to be looking at what's in front of me and making the right decisions for the residents of the city I'm part of the city too so it'll affect me too if I make something that is not right for us thank you thank you all right any other questions all right at this point I call the questions U all those and Fa please say I I roll call please councelor Rees yes councelor marmel yes councelor Santiago no council Del Rosario yes Council Lon is noted as absent Council plant yes Council Levy yes Council vice president Infante yes council president Rodriguez I vot presentent all right but motion carries congratulations thank you guys I really appreciate it we need to work together that's all about it want to do uh we all need to work as a team um and this is the right moment we want the best for the city thank you thank you so much all right uh we have Idan 29424 which is going to go back to committee uh to the personal committee Y and Idan 29 25 2 uh 24 uh Madame chair from the personal committee council president if I may and I don't know if let me know if this is in order or not but I would like to make a motion to take item n 25-24 and 29624 as as as a bul because there there are two there are two issues pertaining I mean there's an a question pertaining both items it's the same question and and yeah so I make that as as a motion there is a motion to take it as a block properly second uh discussion all right at this point I call a question pleas say I have itk Madame vice president uh and chair of the personal committee thank you council president so items 29524 and 29624 is to approve the appointment of erolina tares and Gabriella Tes to the planning board with both of their terms expiring on January 1st 201 27 um the Personnel we the Personnel sent that up as as a committee report pending um legal advice from from attorney hoen and HR advice from director Owen so I make that as a foral motion there is a motion to accept this as a committee report prop can I hear a second second second properly second discussion on the committee report thank you council president so so discussion on the discussion we we have discussion on the committee report you have the floor thank you thank you council president so uh we did the Personnel committee uh agreed that we we didn't have any like hard or or difficult or or concerning like major concerns to keep this as at the committee level so we this is why we brought it up as as a committee report however there were concerns or questions regarding uh both erolina tares and Gabriela tares being aunt and and niece and also there was a concern about them being related to an employee from the mayor's office we did receive one um legal advice pertaining uh both individuals being niece and and aunts and we did hear and I believe all counselors received this email we did hear from the city attorney that that is not in violation of the state ethics laws so we're okay with that but we did not receive um any information regarding them being related to um the mayor's assist one of the mayor's assistant assistance um if I may Tim hooton City attorney uh regarding that it it's the same situation is that it the only uh effect would be is if there was someone in control or responsible for the finances of the other person in this case it's not it's a it's a separate board it's not a board that uh as a city employee you can be a a city you can be related to a city employee there's no um conflict what they both will have to do is file that um conflict uh file that report with the city clerk just so the general public will know that they are both related to each other which I think is obvious by their last name and also related to a a a city employee but there is uh We've we've gone through numerous uh reports and with the Ethics Committee and there's no problem with them serving thank you attorney H through you council president Council vice president inant the Personnel committee does believe as a whole both individuals have exceptional backgrounds um they they spoke very highly as well and and I would like them to have the opportunity to speak in front of this board before I make a recommendation on on these items let's invite them over I guess so they both together so you yeah you guys are both together now so you guys can come together Cel right here for clarification is item 295 and 296 not 294 295 and 296 yes that's correct just for clarification yeah thank you so welcome and uh please introduce yourself tell us more about yourself tell us more about uh what your plans are when it comes to serving and why you choose to serve good evening my name isolina tavas um you'd like me to provide the address of course 8 sunra Street Lawrence Massachusetts I've been a resident of the City of Lawrence for over 30 years a homeowner for now approaching 16 years um the reason why I wanted to participate is that I'm an individual that is highly involved in community service um and I feel that my previous experience as I shared um before in organizational leadership um as a former um Middle School assistant principal um I currently am serving as as a treasurer for my local church um I have a lot of talents strengths and um confli relution skills and I'd like to be able to um offer whatever Insight I can to help um move this community in a positive direction um I feel that it's important for us to try to attract um individuals or organizations that can and are willing to invest in our community um I have previously successfully um written and obtain um excuse me um grants so I have experience in that capacity and I feel that I can try to serve in any way that I can for the betterment of my community that I know and love dealing thank you hello everyone thank you for having me I'm Gab atas and I was born and raised in Lawrence Massachusetts I do reside at 202 Broadway and I'm a recent homeowner and I've had my home for 4 years so very excited to be able to invest cuz Lawrence was always the place I wanted to make my first purchase and to be able to live uh my background is again I was born and raised here so I've always done community service and growing up in Lawrence I remember when we were very underdeveloped compared to how we are today and always looking at everything and saying there was so much potential and opportunity in the City of Lawrence and so my reasoning for wanting to be a part of the planning board is because one of the functions is to focus on identifying opportunities and presenting it to city council and really trying to forge what could the future of Lawrence be and that's something that is very near and dear to me my background is in Neuroscience so I love to understand why people are the way that they are and how that influences who we become but also I do have my Master's I have my MBA and so my concentrations were in corporate renewal corporate Innovation as well as marketing and it's all about how do we identify opportunities and be able to grow in a sustainable way and so that's something that I would hope to bring to the planning board and bringing my expertise as an entrepreneur as well who partners with small businesses through my company heads up Ventures to help them to grow and be sustainable and be able to create generational wealth for their families as well thank you uh councilors any questions councelor Santiago good evening and welcome the I have a question for andolina TAS yes you live in District a I am your celor we have recently neighborhood association and you had you said you are Community woman you like your community and you do community service but we didn't see in the neighborhood association meeting we got it recently there well I attended the previous one that was hosted in which I don't believe you were present I'm at that one however I do um participate in programs that um are affiliated more aligned with um in a religious organization fashion I am a youth leader I'm a master guide through the 7th Day Adventist Church so I have been a Pathfinder leader an Adventure Club leader as well in which we try to instill um children a sense of respect for God and man and we teach children how to learn to love nature um and to cultivate leadership skills so hopefully that helps okay to answer your question and the neighborhood association are very good for the community especially because you are homeowner that's why I was expecting to see you there and another question is can you describe when you say you are volunteer border registration door to door and election phone Drive um when I made reference to that I have assisted in campaigns um under the mayor the current mayor um Brian DEA and as well under um our former mayor Daniel Rivera I participated in going door to door to help um promote voter registration and asking individuals if they um are registered or not and I would assist them by helping them fill out forms if they weren't currently so I've done that previously and and also I participated on the phone campaign in doing that as well to encourage individuals to become um register voters and to share their voice by being active in voting and hopefully getting their views across okay I understand why you appointed by the Brian Thea the mayor for the other one is Gabriela tavas yes and I would like to know in what in what G do you volunteer ler house and when you say a small business volunteer can you describe sorry a small nonprofit organization can you describe some of them lazarus's house I volunteered mostly when I was younger so I actually have the privilege of being best friends with a woman who ran Lazarus house her name was Miriam Johnson and she since his past and so most of my volunteer work I would say was in my youth years but when I was Miss Massachusetts I did have the opportunity to be able to collab with Lazarus house on and off so that is what my affiliations with Lazarus house is and as for nonprofit I just want to clarify are you asking what kind of nonprofits am I currently working with yes okay thank you so I do sit on the board for Lawrence brosa which if anyone here is familiar they oversee the canana center and also cisu and so the canana center provides immigrant services to our community to make sure that they can ESL that they have the opportunity to practice and prepare for their citizenship exam and just guiding them through that process and then C also supports our at risk youth from the ages of 16 to about 24 and so they provide right now we're actually working on initiative to try to see if we can provide transitional housing because there are so many youth within Lawrence that are unhoused and are couch surfing unfortunately but they also work with the Lawrence Police Department and we're hoping to expand in methan to try to get the kids off of the streets out of the gangs and into our programs and initiatives to getting them into trades and also the best part about it and this is just I guess an infomercial at this point but the best part about it is is that these these children get paid to become better civilians and so I'm really passionate about being a part of cisu that's why I joined the Lawrence BR SP aboard and we're hoping that we can be able to expand our impact in the community okay when you you didn't say the DAT or the year for oh I'm currently on the board so I was voted into the board I would say about over a year now I honestly don't have my timelines correct but I'm currently a board member and can you mention your boss when you was serving for lero house I'm sorry could I mention the dates that I served at lazar's house no your boss my boss oh like I said I was working there with Miriam Johnson she used to work there thank you council president Council vice president in funing thank you before I ask my question uh I love to see your like every time you speak U Gabriella your aunt's just so proud of you she's just like there I love to see that we're all proud of you as our former Miss Miss Massachusetts um I do have a question for you Gabriella you do have a Consulting agency and um I know it's currently active um can you tell us a little bit how how you'll manage keeping that separate cuz say if you have a client that comes that comes before the board for any projects how would you manage how how would you manage both agencies and how would you keep your private relationships separate from your public duties I would say simply by not muddying the waters there's many ways that you can provide impact and you can provide people with information and I give information freely so whenever I meet a small business owner if I don't feel as though they are my client my customer someone who' be able to take the benefit of my services I still give them the guidance and the direction that they would need and just collaborating with them and then my clients are still my clients in those kind of instances I understand that it could seem like a conflict of interest and so the way that I navigate those situations is by keeping my church and state separate thank you any other questions president C Rosario thank you to you Gabriel I just want to say thank you for applying both of you thank you for applying and I want to emphasize that the third floor aisu is the best place I ever been it is a great place isn't it have you been in the recording studio I've been the recording studio the game even the barber shop believe it or not yeah they had the best barber shop ever and the pool table so you guys are doing a great job thank you for applying thank you they're doing the work and I'm just trying to help as much as I can so thank you all for being here and having us today any any other counselors no just com oh I want to follow our colleag and say thank you because uh when we see our when we see our youth and moving forward our community uh bring it out that kind of energy making me proud proud and proud and more proud thank you for applying thank you thank you so so much Mr President uh coun M um mine is just more of a comment um I like to pretty much soak in and allow others to ask the questions and I think in a short amount of time you guys have been able to demonstrate um how refreshing it is um I think um not a lot of folks come before us who I feel that have the merits and the capabilities to take on a position and I feel like just by um hearing you speak alone and and um the things that you've accomplished that uh both of you are well beyond capable of taking on this role and being able to to provide something positive for this community thank you so much Council ly okay thank you I just want to say thank you for the position that you've been taking right now to get B in the in the community and also on this commission I know your family for many many I think so that your father was one of the first person that I met when I came to Lawrence 40 years ago so and believe me or not that's a great great man I love him and he gave me the opportunity to get one of your houses so that's was this is my first house that I live here in Lawrence so and I'm so proud of you I saw you grow and congratulations thank you thank you thank you for all with you thank you so much counc thank you very much council president through you so it is clear to me that both of you are accomplished it's clear to me that both of you have a passion for the city and that you are looking for an Avenue to serve and that's the good stuff there's an extra burden on you now the burden that you're going to currently face to you Mr President the burden that you're going to be fac is that people are going to be looking at you because of the Rel relationship that you have with the mayor's office and ask are you independent are you taking your marging orders and there's going to be some doubt if you don't vote a certain way or the mayor's whatever you know the the relationship that's there and unlike others uh it's really going to be pronounced for both of you um as the City attorney said there is no officially there's no conflict of interest and may be an appearance but there's no conflict um potentially so you just I to just ask you to uh and it's going to be hard it's going to be very hard because a lot of controversial issues come before the planning board and the zoning board and sometimes um I suspect you're going to be getting the vote favorably this evening U so I'm going to presume that you're going to be there so when you are there I just ask you for I just ask you to um just be mindful of that and do what you have to do please put in the the the the um the proper paperwork with the clerk's office uh that that what's the word what do they have to file disclosure right disclosure of a disclosure disclosure of a conflict of those kinds of things the last thing council president I appreciate your um you're giving me this time which is this just like the zoning board that I mentioned earlier this evening the same thing holds true for the planning board we all want to create housing we all see our residents we all see our community out in the street looking for stuff we also understand that with that growth comes detriment the detriment meaning again to repeat um parking problems we had a resident talk about the parking lack of parking we talk about uh we even talk about the um the the the what's the the um the breathing asthma rates that have gone up because of the high number of vehicles that are in the city uh we also talked about potentials of more schools that aren't going to be created are going to have to be created to take this this Spike in in in in that so there's a lot of things that that you need to be the Protectors of well everybody wants to help the small business and developers we all want that to happen you have to protect the people are currently living in the city and say we have to be mindful of the folks that are here now and make their quality of life good and we don't want to go down the the in a in a negative Direction so with that President I thank you so much and I just I ask you for those for those considerations sure um motion to approve no not not not yet not yet not yet not yet wait wait wait uh there is a motion there is an underline motion that we haven't called a motion yet which is a a motion to for the committee report but before we get to that point I would like just to hear from you what are the main priorities uh uh your main priorities and also the mayor's ISS the main issues that you see from your perspective uh for the city of lawence both for both of you I would say right now now um attracting retaining resources and ensuring that they are distributed equi and for the benefit of the community um ensuring that whatever permits and projects that are approved it is for the betterment and as stated improving the quality of life of the residents um that we have and those to come um land conservation and the protection of it um I think those are one of the things that I'm passionate about and what are the how you see the what's the main issue that you see in the city at present I think the congestion um and how we can try to um make decisions that can help support those and the reality this is an immigrant City so there is going to be a constant influx so we have to make provisions and and whatever we can do now to ensure that we can remain living comfortably but how we can best have the um the foresight to expect those who are coming forward okay there's a lot of issues a lot of opportunities that we do have in the city I think thank you Council for saying about the issue of preserving what we currently have and I think that's one of the reasons why I wanted to be a part of the planning board I had the fortunate and unfortunate opportunity to live in Boston when my under during my undergrad where I was witnessing gentrification and witnessing the rehabilitation of Roxberry Jamaica plane doorchester and really seeing how people were being priced out of their communities and so that's one of the reasons why I wanted to be a part of this by no means am I saying I'll have a direct hand but I do have the opportunity to be an influence and making sure we preserve what we have today making it accessible to people within our community but then also finding ways to be able to grow another issue I would say that is really prevalent in Lawrence and maybe this is just because I live on Broadway but homelessness is a major issue that we're experiencing in this city I myself did experience a house fire when I was a young girl so I do have firsthand experience of what that tragedy looks like to have nowhere to go and so it's really about looking at who are the people that are within our communities that need that support and how is it that we can provide them support now again I'm not saying that we're going to start building hous houses for people who are experiencing homelessness tomorrow but I am saying that there is opportunity within Lawrence to be able to create affordable housing or to be able to create space space for all of us to exist all right um we have another line motion counselors which is to accept the committee report at this point I call the questions all those in favor please say I I uh councelors now are going to entertain a motion to each individual one uh to have an approval vote for each individual one motion to approve item 29524 the approval um to appoint erolina Tes to the planning board with the term expiring January 1st 2020 2027 there is a motion on the table uh properly second discussion I hear NOS at this point I call a question please say I no uh C please councelor Levy yes councelor lant yes Council Lon is noted as absent Council Del Rosario yes Council of Santiago no councelor marmel yes Council Reyes yes Council Infante yes council president Rodriguez I vote Yes congratulations now a motion entertain a motion to item for item 29 uh 29624 motion to approve item 29624 the appointment of Gabriela TZ to the planning board with the term expiring January 1st 2027 second there is a motion on the table properly second by councelor Rees uh discussion discussion councelor U councelor Rosario thank you to you uh councelor president once again I want to say thank you um you taken this risk to serve for nothing just because you want to served and there's one reason why prepared people intelligent people don't come to us and work on the city or volunteer on the city because some of us take that for granted but I appreciate you guys being here thank you all right this any other questions concerns comments all right I call the question please say yes any no the the bro please councelor Reyes yes councelor marmo yes Council Santiago no councelor Del Rosario yes Council Lan is noted as absent Council plant no no sorry um Council Levy yes Council vice president Infante yes council president Rodriguez yes um congratulations to both thank you thank you very all right and we're going to go um we're going to go on top of the agenda do we have anything for the budget and finance committee uh all right let's go let's go to the top of that uh to that U um committee report the uh budget and finance committee vice president Infante and the chair of the budet and finance committee thank you through you council president budget and finance committee met last week then the first item we have is item 3-24 the acceptance of a gift from Charles Dar and Commonwealth motors um forceable entry prop in the value of $865 brought To Us by uh our chief Mariotti and we sent this up as a favorable recommendation and I make this as a formal motion there's a motion on the table properly second a discussion I I mean I have one question for the city of chiny perhaps and when it comes to any gift but he's not here but uh Chief just tell us a little more about uh this gift please your question was what's councilor sorry just told us a little more about the gift sure I brought some more pictures for everybody CU it was a smaller committee when we first met [Music] forceable entry is a a te technique that we use to get into locked houses uh we need to do it efficiently quickly with as little damage as possible but as you are aware in a fire damage isn't really what we're worried about it's access getting access to the fire making a rescue and doing what we can uh there's this company in Long Island New York uh West Babylon that's invented this uh prop it's called a forceable entry prop it's built so that it's made of heavy Steel it'll take a good beating as we've been borrowing other departments for a couple of years now and uh it's set to it swings both ways it'll it'll have a rabbited way to get in rabbit is the way that the door is hid so you have to go behind the rabbit it's it's how a door closes against the jam so to speak and we you go from the backside go from the front side it's a really excellent prop teaches firefighters how to use a Halligan and an axe um better than it's it's a it teaches us Grace and technique with a heavy duty tool um um we have tight budgets here um as you know we're always in my opinion underfunded um so I have to do the best I can with the money I have and then we really needed this prop and I was out of money and uh the daha family uh Charlie D he's the greatest guy I talked to him and he didn't even think about it he says yes um so he he purchased this for us and uh it it's going to be a tool that will be use for many years it's uh it's it's solid it won't be breaking it we'll have this for the next 10 15 years easy thank you Chief uh any questions all right before we go I just want to make a a quick comment on that and when it comes to gift uh Chief thank you for doing everything they have done for the fire department any Department that is uh within the city of lawence that accept uh gift from any need any paries they should they should come in front of the council like you did so thank you uh for following the process uh we want to make sure that the administration knows that there is a process to accept gift when it comes to any Department uh properly so councelors any any questions in regard to this item at this point at this point I call the questions all F please say I any not the I have it thank you very much Council thank you uh mad Madame vice president infan item 30224 the authorization to expend Grant funds in the amount of $79,999 with7 from the Commonwealth Transportation infrastructure enhancement trust fund um brought To Us by our DPW director was sent up with a favorable recommendation and I make that as a formal motion second motion to table properly second councelor the Rosario have recused himself to conflict of potential conflict of interest um any questions in regard to item 30 uh 30224 discussion discussion councelor Santiago yes I would like some explanation how they they we can use the the money good evening councelors rosan Rosario Deputy directors for Lawrence buly Works um so this money will be used to pay paint crosswalks and double yellow lines in our streets counc president are you done which are the priority you have in the line I mean priorities base we will take care of the the the streets that have been paved recently so we will invest the money into doing the the lines of those streets because those are the ones that are we have a lot of complaint in the in my district my constituent have a lot of complaint about the sidewalk and and even to paint the line I have more than two months to request to paint the daab Veterans office in District a and nobody come to paint that and I sent a lot of email from Chala and someone else and I didn't receive any answer about it and those yes ER it was like a couple months ago and I would like to know if he they will use the money for that just H to require to answer the email and send me the day when the because my constituent I required for that and I have b list that's just one I sent it if he they don't want say just one I I think I have I lose my time to do to do the the to send the message for from my constituent thank you well I would like to apologize on behalf of our team because DPW we are a whole team it's not just the director or the supervisor we're a whole and I would like to apologize um sometimes it's difficult to get in touch with all the emails that we get but I will definitely follow up with your request I will get into a conversation once I'm done with this meeting with um Joel chalice so that he can forward the email that you sent to him and that we can try to take care of that as soon as possible okay and I have I have a little list at least I have more than 10 places they supposed to be painting and I hope to have some answers soon yeah and feel free to send it to me as well um now that we have two deputies in the department um I'm pretty sure we can help you um in all of you guys a lot sooner than probably before that it was just the director looking out into everything okay thank you uh Council infant thank you I have another uh three you council president another similar uh complaint uh as my colleague however I do understand the amount of request that you guys and this is a very minute minute thing but I did a while back mention to the director uh the Double lines on Mal Vernon Street that section that was repaved was left um for a while and I know my constituents have asked and I've had conversations about this but again compared to all the projects Mye but I do want you guys to still have that on on the list and ensure that that gets done have noted here counselor any other questions uh it is important to recognize where where this money come from this money come from that uh from the money that everybody when you take a a shair ride Uber LIF and all those sh rides applications so they we the each cities and towns in massachusett receive a portion of that and we last year receiv received 2 $14,000 13 132 32 yes 132,00 and this year we actually getting 80 um whatever 80,000 79 79,000 so that's important to uh notice for the record so any other questions in regard to this item all right with that said all please say hi hi any knows the I have it thank you so much thank you have a good night all right Madame Madame VI person and chair of that U of that uh budget and finance committee yes item three 34-24 the authorizations to expend Grant funds in the amount of 250,000 for the community compact Municipal fiber Grant brought To Us by IT director was sent up as a favorable recommendation and I make that as a formal motion second there is a motion on the table properly second any discussions about this uh I Hear No so at this point I call the question so please say hi hi any NOS yeah have it m Vice presidant and the last item from the budget and finance committee is item 36-24 the authorization to expend Grant funds in the amount of 392,000 from the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation and this is related to the rail trail um expenses uh brought To Us by our land use planner Mr McCarthy we sent this up as a favorable recommendation and I make that as a formal motion second there a motion on the table properly second council president just for just just at a abundance and caution I'm going to recuse myself from this vote all councilor plan has Rec himself uh from this vote um council president councilor president thank you I actually I misstated the amount the correct amount is 392 I'm sorry ofor 392 392 three yep so it's three so it's 392,000 800 to with six with uh dollars wor 65 all right the proper amount is has been noticed any questions in regard to this specific item all right this time I call the question pleas any know guys have it um CC president uh okay we have one more here before we go to the one uh the ordinance committee the the same item okay it's we have it on the on the document properly uh we it went down to the budget and finance committee with the proper amount if I may counselor um only because I I take defense when it comes to the errors on the agenda when there's not an error if a department head sends me a number and that number later changes it was published as a certain number so I keep it that way but the actual vote should reflect the true number which is the number that the council read into the record so there's no error on the agenda I only can post on the agenda what is given to me by the department if they make a change at the committee that gets changed so I just want to be really clear on that thank you yep and uh follow the clarification no and and it's important to clarify that we receive the apprpriate amount and the disc caution at the budget and finance committee was with the proper amount uh that it was sent uh now we're going to go to uh ordinance committee Madame Madame the ordinance committee uh chair of the ordinance committee uh councilor District f m laan okay thank you very much Mr President uh the ordinance committee for document number 23624 sent up the home rule petition establishing credible service for police and fire as a uh as a committee report pending information from uh the Lawrence Retirement Board make that in the form of a motion a motion to accept this this item as a committee report properly second discussion discussion so um the memos have gone out to the Retirement Board um I also believe they went out to the Kappa budget and finance I did place a phone call today to the Retirement Board to see if there was any movement or any information there isn't any um the ordinance committee wanted to send this up because the ordinance committee believed that we were going to have a a discussion on this anyway but the ordinance committee I believe also understood that we needed to get all sides of the of this and get any potential Financial impacts on the Retirement Board and since we don't have that information today I'm going to be at this point um waiting to may make a motion to table so that we can get that information and bring the or bring the right people here to finish the discussion so I'm making a motion to table uh I mean it's a motion to table I'm going tow this I just asked wanted to I'm going to withdraw I'm sorry I'm going to withdraw this because somebody is saying even though I'm not saying this is from the Retirement Board is this from the Retirement Board this is no that's that's not draw my motion I'm going to draw my motion to table discussion councelor vice president deant thank you through you council president councelors you did receive uh I just want I just want to know I I do agree that that we have to do our due diligence with this uh because this is a this would be a major change however you did receive multiple um documents from from Mr Koo who is here on his own accord regarding the credible Services of Provisions that the Retirement Board currently has active um and I'm assuming that we've all had the time to review those three documents that was sent over um there was also an edit to The Home Room petition itself and I just want to take this opportunity to to publicly State um page two under section two uh otherwise it's um hold on just one second Mr Cano it's still it's still highlighted correct yes okay so uh page two section two first uh first line in that in that paragraph unless otherwise offered at no cost by law or by local retirement board regulation so that sentence that part of a sentence was added and also down below under section 4 uh but towards the end of that paragraph the following it line was added and shall not Su suceed or take away any benefit to acquire credible Service established by law or regulation currently in the place or in the future um at this point I would like to to have and and for those who don't know Mr armano does have a law background so attorney armano can you can you talk to us a little bit about the or whomever is best suitable the regulations that you did find um under the the Retirement Board pertaining to Credible Services sure hi everyone Mike Amano um so I I just I'll make it clear to this to the full Council like I did to the to the um subcommittee I'm here tonight just to comment um on a personal level as a five Fetter in the city not representing the union and not representing the department or the administration um with regards to um some of the regulations that are out there's a reserve list that municipalities can use to put police and firefighters on a list to be activated or not under current Civil Service law and I saw some memorandum from perak going back and forth on how it was interpreted but essentially fir Fighters and police who get some credible service for up to 5 years at no cost to them there's other things like veterans have the ability to earn credible service for I think it might be up to four years I I don't know if there's a cost associated with that I'm not a veteran but there's different points uh in the system where credible service is offered at a cost or no cost so U this additional language would make sure that if a police officer or fire fighter were to get credible service this wouldn't take away anything and all of the sudden charge for uh credible service that they otherwise would be able to receive I don't know if that answers your question to you council president and I was reading uh I was reading that when when I got the the memo and I got to speak with officer Caro and the cost of the city has it been never established and and by all means it still given away uh buy back time um there's there's samples here of people in the city they have officers right if I'm not mistaken they have the chance to buy back the time um and and this was never I mean it hasn't been never questioned what is the cost of the city I mean it's a great question what would it cost us but it it's it's been happening and and and and I don't want to mention name also is is an employee to the city that I heard this morning that he got he have to pay some type of a money and and he's going to get his buy back time um he's going to be able to buy back his time which which I think it's it's it's it's been it's it's been doing it I mean it's been happening in the city with our employees with our militaries and and certain people in different departments um and what I read on the petition here it's they they want it to be not inclusive I mean it seems like it's certain people that's getting it and and and the way this petition is set up is for anybody in the Departments that I mean police or firefighter to apply will be able to get be able to buy the buy back uh buy back their time which to me it's it's I mean it's just a fair game right now it's people getting it but it's it's different people getting it some people getting it some people not I mean if this go through the state and it goes through I mean just to just to clarify canel Rosario and some things that you mentioned uh whoever is getting the uh the buy back time is because it's per pered by law uh the state of Massachusetts law the Mass General law what what the home petition is doing uh essentially is providing something that is not within the law for the police and fires only so it is something that is not established on the law that is only going to it's only going to affect municipalities that adapt uh through a home repetition that is specific section of the law or that a specific allowance uh of the of of that what they can buy back uh and essentially it is and is it is it is a different implications uh to the current uh uh proposals that we have we have to hear like to be able to make a determination with proper uh data and numbers uh because a me is not one person back and the information that is provided it was a as you stated on the phone call that we we have and the information that is here there was a home RO petition back then in 1985 correct uh for 45 fires point of Cl 2000 and also 20 2 2000 yes 1999 you mentioned yes um and uh that was for four firef fires specifically the conditions and the terms of of that um it it might be different because this is going to be open for every uh police and fire and essentially I think it will be uh I think it will be essential to for us to get an input from the uh uh Retirement Board because we don't know how to how that iy manage I personally don't know I'm part of the the retirement system of the Massachusetts Council of plan is Council maral is as far as I know and uh and and and we have experience when it come and knowledge when it comes to that but when it comes to the actual law is different so it is important to get that input uh and to get the financial implication that what it what it might means to the city when it comes to all fire fire getting uh this specific um this this specific provision of the law that only going to affect the city of LW uh counc president I mean is important that we have that information counc presing in front thank you I 100% agree with with you and and my my colleague from District F about doing our dillin we did we did send an invitation to the to the chair director Gina um rizio um she did not answer from what I understand um so she that what is this s oh I'm sorry hold on just give me a second before she did not answer the request so we do have to have to reach out to her again and hopefully we can get her here uh at the at the council meeting but aside I want to I should have said this in the beginning aside from backtracking I did have minimal conversation with the patrolman uh pres Union president and also the fire Union um political director also reached out to me when it was first put on the agenda and I had very minimal discussions so far um and this is just from their eboard this has not been presented as as an actual possibility to the unions but uh as of that I know as of yet um I did receive positive comments from them so far uh and and I sent over the most recent document that we all have in front of us I I have not received feedback from them just yet but I I do want the council to know that I have been in conversations with with the unions as well okay I think councelors that I I truly believe that um the this need to take this this need to take a lot more conversations uh when it comes to the financial implication and when it comes to that the the administration of the fundings that uh of the re the retirement funds what it means uh um uh I think that you know I it will be fair to send this up to uh a committee that can discuss that implications uh that all of us are there I will I will send this item to the committee of the hall and invite everybody uh to come in front of us because that might take a little bit of time uh and doing it up there will be more essential so with that said Madame CLA I will send this over to the um to the committee of the hall council president before we send that over we're going to uh entertain what councel Infante just said uh discuss this and open the floor before we send it over to to you thank you council president so the the document that was just sent before you we had listened to some feedback at the subcommittee meeting and of course must much of which was had to do with the cost of this now the cost in my opinion would be difficult because it could be for or against the city and in some cases as we've seen with the state government we' decided to put some of these BuyBacks at no cost for police and fire and some have a cost to them so depending on U what situation it is we've gone both ways with these things the cost every individual is different so I I don't know so much as today but there was a time where fir figh firefighters and police officers paid 5% into a pension fund then it changed to seven then it changed to nine then it changed to 9 plus 2 now it's at 12 it's been going up progressively to make it as such that firefighter isn't police will fund their own pension plan because of the deficit of the past so we're now at that place where we're at that 12% range with that being said you have different firefighters who started at different times different ages what we did include here this language if the council wants to consider a plan where there's no cost to the city at all and and make sure that happens this language and I'll read it the payment including interest this is what the firefighter police officer would pay shall be calculated by the Lawrence Retirement Board and unless already determined by law in the cases where there's no cost the Lawrence Retirement Board shall select an interest rate that ensures there'll be no additional cost to the city so depending if that person was paying 5% or 12% that's going to vary but this would give the Retirement Board the power to ensure that there's absolutely no cost to the city and and then it would just be the choice of the firefighter and police officer to take this or not some of the things we talked about at the subcommittee meeting the most important aspect of a a law like this would be give would to be give a firefighter and a police officer that chance to manage their Health and Wellness as they get older and age as we all get older and age things are everything's difficult more difficult on our bodies just getting out of bed sometimes it's the same thing for a police officer a firefighter climbing upstairs with gear ripping down ceilings um carrying someone out it takes a tremendous wear and tear on the body we're very proud people just as we all are in our jobs um some of us have those phys physical jobs that we don't want to give up and sometimes if we have a couple extra years six extra months it gives the opportunity to bow out gracefully in our Prime as opposed to push it and push it and push it and wait to a point where we go out injured in the line of duty which then cost the taxpayer more money and unfortunately cost the firefighter and their families the health and wellness that they deserve from their their member um so this does give an option I'm not saying again if you want to do it as a cost or no cost but we wanted to give an option we wanted to make sure we were transparent with you and with the city that it's more about health and wellness to us and quality of life and performing at a prime than any cost thank you so much at this point I will send this over to the committee of the hall uh to further discussion thank you uh this item has been referred to the committee of of the whole so now uh going to we are people from where Council council president just a parliamentary there was a motion how how are we dispensing with the motion there was a motion as a committee report do you want to but we didn't accept the committee report yet there's been no vote on the committee report uh I call the question to accept the committee report for this item item U 236 2362 24 all those in favor to accept the committee report please say I I the I have it now we have it here and at this point I will send it over to uh the committee of the home no move there's not a motion second it's not a motion no no uh all right now we going to there is there is here so at this point I'll pass theab to council Infante and she will take care of that housing committee okay for the record council president has recused himself and I believe councelor llant is also going to recuse himself for the following two items under old business and that's because of possible conflict of interest so the first item under old business is item 16824 approval of taken at 606 Canal Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years and a permanent easement brought To Us by our land news director Mr McCarthy Mr Mr McCarthy you have the floor good evening uh Council uh Daniel McCarthy uh acting planning director for the City of Lawrence um I have two matters on tonight these were documents that were heard by this group in a whole um um five weeks ago uh these were a series of easements for the rail trail uh after uh after the vote was taken we noticed that there was two mistakes two errors in the um I identification of two of the pel easements um I do have some documents to pass out that might illustrate this so the two pro two Apostles that were mentioned were uh approved as permanent easements um the the both of these uh Parcels are located at the intersection of Canal Street and Broadway and they consist of a of a uh crosswalk area with handicapped accessible ramps um under state law the um a ramp cannot be on a permanent easement it has to be on a a fee taking a fee taking is where the city takes custody of the property this was the understanding uh when the plans were done we were we were working for these as um as takings uh as you can see in my letters it was misstated in the original application that these are permanent easements but they're not they're actual fee takings the appraisals the engineering all the work that was done was based on the fact that these were takings not permanent easements the only time I was identified as a permanent easement was when we sent this over as a document uh so I would call it a typo more than anything um it was submitted by uh so these two ones were asking for reconsideration to uh amend the vote and change the takings from the one the from a permanent easement to a to a taking in fee so that's a terminology that we're asking they it won't change the design the value of the appraisals or anything else it just changes the nomenclature that we identify that will be recorded with the registry Deeds consideration thank you thank you Mr McCarthy can I have a motion to suspend our rule to suspend our rules which is specifically rule six to allow for the reconsideration of item 16824 thank motion motion to approve motion motion to reconsider has been made by councelor Santiago Ed by councelor Levy discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it okay and now can I have a vote to to am to amend our prior vote from May 20 from May 21st 2024 to change the form of taking from a permanent easement to a taken in fee for the parcel 2-c motion has been made by councelor Santiago seced by councel Del Rosario discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it all over again so now counselors now we're we're doing the same thing for item 19124 which is the approval of taking at three Broadway by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years and a permanent easement can I have a motion for this item to suspend rule six to allow for re reconsideration motion has been made properly seconded discussion Mr McCarthy is there anything before anything it's the same argument okay all those in favor say I and the eyes have it can I have a vote to amend the prior vote of May 21st 2024 to change the form of the of taking from a permanent easement to a taken in fee for parcel 3- C motion has been made by Council De Rosario second by Council Levy discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it m thank you thank you Mr McCarthy can you let can you let the council is is the director for ISD here for something the director of I he has something going to committee I don't know if he thinks he has to be here maybe he have something to go to committee yeah he has something new business like going to committee but he's going to committee so he doesn't have to be do you have any specific item the new bus okay new business all right we're going to to top of the agenda uh public hearings uh now we have a public Hearing in regard to item uh two 11 and 21124 and 23524 Madame CLA please read the notice uh for the record get a can I get a motion councilors to weigh the Preamble motion to weigh the Preamble second there is a motion properly second all those in favor please say I I any notes yes I have it CL document number 21-24 and 23524 the purpose of the hearing is to gather testimony information and public input concerning the proposed amendment to the revised ordinances of the City of Lawrence to be further amended by adding to the section 10. 28.1 100a of the M of the mun iple code stop signs and flashing red signals the following two paragraphs in their appropriate alphabetical order document number 21-24 is Newbury Street northbound drivers on Newbury Street at Elm Street and document 23524 is Osgood Street northbound and southbound drivers on Osgood Street at Bailey Street persons wishing to be afford persons wishing to be heard shall be afforded the opportunity public is now open for those two items all um any any questions in regard to this anybody that wishes to speak all right uh public hearing is now closed Mo councilors what the motion to approve second motion to approve what item uh 211 motion to approve 211 uh 24 uh properly second all please say hi uh any nose the eyes have it uh motion for item 23524 the stop sign on Oscar Street can hear a motion motion to approve there's a motion to approve item 23524 can hear a second second properly second discussion I hear no so all those in favor please say I any nose the I have it mad CLA please read the legal notice for item 21524 document number 25-2 4 is the the purpose of the hearing is to gather testimony information and public input concerning the proposed amendment to the revised ordinances of the City of Lawrence to be further amended by adding the following subparagraph in the proper alphabetical order to section 10. 36260 of the municipal code 15minute parking Lawrence Street East Side from a point 20 ft north of Fern Street to a point 40 ft north of Fern Street persons which to be heard shall be afforded the opportunity councilors uh I mean public hearing is now open anybody from the public that wishes to speak uh public hearing is now closed what's the motion motion to approve and wait the 30 days there's a motion to approve and wa the 30 days can hear a second second second by celor Santiago um discussion all those in FA please say I any El the I have it uh Madame CL please the notice for it on 23 2322 24 and 23323 I mean yes 2 um 24 that's all right 24 sorry that is a typo on the agenda the purpose of the hearing is to gather testimony information and public input concerning the proposed amendment to the revised ordinances of the City of Lawrence to be further amended by deleting the following paragraph of section 10 36.1 0 of the municipal code no parking document 23224 lands down Court West Side from a point 48 ft Northerly of the intersection of Blake Moore Court and then further amended by adding the following new paragraphs to section 10.3 6.01 0 of the municipal code no parking to be inserted in the proper proper alphabetical order document number 2 32-24 lands down Court East Side entire length lands down Court West Side from Blakemore Court to a point 73 ft north of Blakemore Court Document 2 33-24 Blake Moore Court Southside entire length Blake Moore Court North Side entire length persons wishing to be heard shall be afforded the opportunity all right my public hearing is now open anybody from the public that wishes to speak public hearing is now closed uh I I understand a motion for for item 22224 motion to approve there is a motion to approve properly second uh discussion there's none all those in fav please say I I any knows ni have it item 23324 motion to approve there is a motion to approve uh no parking on blore court uh properly properly second discussion I Hear n so all those in favor please say I are the eyes haveit Madame CLA please the notified on 22 27724 document 27724 the purpose of the hearing is to gather testimony information and public input concerning the proposed amendment to the revised ordinances of the City of Lawrence to be further amended by adding the following new paragraphs to section 10. 36450 of the municipal code daycare drop off Zone to be inserted in the profer alphabetical order the city council shall designate drop off zones for licensed daycare providers upon the application of the provider and the positive recommendation of the chief of police or his or her design together with the DPW director and the city engineer review criteria of the proposed location shall include but not be limited to the location on Street other possible zones in the area and or accessibility to the driveways and parking lots said drop off off areas shall be between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday to the extent there exists any ordinances to the contrary they are hereby repealed in that respect only persons wishing to be heard shall be afforded the opportunity any uh mean the public hearing is now open anybody from the public that wishes to speak public hearing is now closed councilors was the motion there is a motion to approve yes motion to approve police second by councel Levy councelor Santiago you have the floor yes I don't know if I he wrong about the time will be the ordinance okay let's read the time again the the time is from 7:00 a.m. the 7 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. for the morning and from um 3: p.m. to 500 p.m. 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the afternoon and we have here the item 27724 yes that's the item a 8 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. yes I mean for the ordinance it's been um takeover which is the time on the ordinance which is the 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and anybody that requested and had to be approved by the chief of police and also approved by the uh DPW director if I may yep the the council requested one set of times you requested 8: a.m. to 6:00 p.m. the police and the City attorney after reviewing it felt that that was excessive and for for publication they gave me different time so I published what the draft is given to me that's also what went to the committee and that's what the committee sent up to me to publish in the newspaper so you have the ability now to change the times that's something you could vote on as a body but the times that the police and fire um police and the legal department are recommending is the 7:00 a.m. to 9: and 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 although the original proposal made by The Counselor was 8: to 6 like the entire day so however you guys choose to do that it's up to you I published based on the advice of the legal the the ad is actually drafted by the City attorney so you know he put those times in with the advice from the police department however the councel suggested different times at the beginning of this item when it came first from the when she presented it to the committee versus how it came out of the committee so that's why you see a variation I understand so uh if I understand what you're saying the committee sent a a report in the public hearing based on the the entire day no I don't think so no and they so and then essentially at the committee level when you guys discuss it and when the councilors discuss this uh the resolution uh of the committing was the entire day uh weate but um the recommended time was as recommended on the ordinance okay so we have a recommended time for the committee from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and from 3: to 5: p.m. council president uh councelor counc infant I mean councel Santiago you finished not yet okay and if some organization or another organization or another commercial business owner can come into require that the parking because we are short with the parking and those are entire day no but I mean uh to you uh this is this is not the entire day and this going to be I mean what you trying what you what you're saying is if any other uh group of group of of business owner perhaps if they come and request the sent to the council we can say we're going to have to say yes yes if we if we approve this that's what you mean okay that that's that's up to the that's up to the board to discuss that one is allocated for family share educ only no what what uh councelor Santiago is saying that mean another another thing yeah once we approve this if if we get approved if any a group of uh any other organization come in front of us that they have the need of 100 parking space for an specific time we won't be able to say no because we did it for the uh daycare providers entirely okay so that's that's the discussion that that's something that is fair to discuss yes I think at this body um any other questions councel in thank you through you Cil president I actually I have a question for my colleague councelor Reyes I I recall when I was co-sponsoring the Gold Star Family parking with Council the plant that we we had to talk to director himing about specific new signages designs for that have have that discussion has been has been made have you had those discussions with DPW not yet not yet okay and also my second question is would this process be similar to like the handicap parking like it would come it would be submitted to the city clerk and no I think it's the same when we do for uh minutes but that one is allocated for family CH they need to request we can put in the agenda also we can refer to officer Cano and then his review if he approve we can move on forward so yeah so so it is the same same process as handicap parking 15 minute and then we have the last say we approve or not yes thank you okay okay wait a second if if does a proposed change to the order ordance we can entertain that but that's not what what's been proposed what's been proposed is that the city council is out of the equation on this on this proposal is chief of police and and and and DPW director not the council so if we add in the council and we we can actually at the council without the public hearing which is one One Step less uh of the regular parking request for the daycare providers that's that's something that we it could be add but it's not here right now through you Mr President councelor uh Rees our request was uh everything is supposed to be through our Council okay perfect so uh as per request of the auto and the and this body agree is that we should add on that paragraph that the request should be should come in front of the council as well Council Lan in my reading of the public hearing notice of the city council is not retains the ability to do it third Parra the third paragraph says the city council shall designate drop off zones for license daycare providers upon the application of the provider and the positive recommendation the chief of police and her designate and the DPW director and the city engineer so the city so before it gets to the city council we need the chief of police the DPW and the city engineer then we have to make either we want it or we don't want it so I I don't think in this language has before us that we we we we we've lost that yeah you're completely right council plan um yes because the thing is it was it's a little confusing because at the end it says uh the chief of police the DPW and and and stuff like that uh well essentially the process stay the same so what's the point of the ordinance to be honest with your councel reges so we avoiding because I want to I want to be able to clarify everything I don't want I don't want this to just we pass this and then we going through the same process later on so I want to make sure like what is it that we avoiding or not doing once we pass this Ord us are we not going to do the the the public hearing that's what it is well no you create so people that just want it for daycare providers can get this um this isn't limited to 15 minutes so it's not like 15-minute parking um it's a drop off zone so similar to at dayc carees for those specific restrictions so yeah you're basically creating a new section in your ordinances is to allow for a new kind of drop off Zone okay almost like a loading zone but now a loading zone for little little people yeah all right no problem I just want to make sure that we clear with the process I mean essentially everybody that requests one they're going to have to come to city council request normally go to the the committee go to the police department go to the PW and then come to in front of us yes uh council plan thank you I I council president my my good friend and colleag who's my at large counselor I think is an endless and tireless advocate for those who are either less fortunate in our city or those who have special needs or those who are smaller who have families uh who are looking to have their children taken care of and it's been a huge advocate and she's been council president all over the country advocating in State House and Boston and the corridors of Congress trying to make an impact and I want you don't know council president I've got nothing but the deepest amount of respect you know where I'm going with this now that I've said all that right so um all right so but but I do have an overall concern um in going forward with something like this which is we are now opening up a new box we're we're struggling with handicap parking we're opening up permit parking for residents throughout it's it's blossoming and burgeoning and now we're going to have a third big ticket here I don't know how many child care providers I don't have a number on that you probably do that's going to be helpful and and then and then my I know how we work as a body I've been doing this for a while once someone shows up and we pass this thing and they say I really want to have it on whatever you name the street how am I going to say no to that person they just had it and it's going to be very difficult we will automatically be saying yes because we don't want to say no to someone I'm I'm eager to hear what my colleague has to say thank you respond to absolutely yes you know when uh I know what is the concern but uh the last time uh Mr H uh provide we have a 300 family child care educated in our system in our city but about 300 300 but I mention it again is the same protocol we can send it out and the officer can decide if the family CH educated had driveway they not allowed to request the sign it's the same protocol we need to offer some uh s spay for our small business in our community we cut the family child educator also pay a lot of taxes so and also they need uh they have the right to request what they need to provide safety when they receive pick up and drop off our children so I don't know what is the confusion for this point because it's not every person decide I want to have one side outside my house I can request it it is supposed to approve no if to the descrition is to the discussion of the three bodies the DPW the DPW director the chief of police through the officer the the Des officer as well as the city council um it is important to recognize that we have approved uh previously the drop off and pick up uh time for different uh daycare providers throughout the city uh different timing this is a 2hour gap um in the morning 2our Gap in the afternoon uh but just just for that uh for the record that we we we clear on that councelors any other questions or concern just to clarify the process is still the same we open up we open up the ordinance so the the daycare providers can come in front of us and do the petition uh if they need to uh any questions in regard to this item at this time I call the question so in fav please say I I any knows Roo please councelor Levy yes councelor llant no council Luzon is noted as absent Council Del Rosario yes Council Santiago no councelor marmal yes Council councilor AES yes Council vice president infon yes council president Rodriguez I vote Yes what's the count um 621 all right motion carries congratulations councelor so now we going to excuse me 621 sorry one absent yeah two NOS six yeses and one ABS you you know it's recorded to to the no no no celor celor let's go to the top of the agend let's go to the top of the agenda councelors we are my thought is because I want a fair with every constituent in my district that's why Santiago I got you um all business all business must take care of us uh now we're going on top of the agenda which is uh the housing committee uh Madame Madame Madame chair from the housing committee Council marmo and by the way they asked to this item to be table um councilors can I get a motion to I got a motion to table item 29724 uh before we do that councelor let's accept the uh the item here and then we we can go back to the to the motion so Madame Madame Madame chair from the housing committee Council marmo through you council president um item number 29724 declaring the property surplus of 389 Water Street map 204 lot 22 uh which was discussed in the housing committee and was voted in a favorable recommendation to the full Council I submit that in the form of a motion second there is a motion on table uh properly second discussion uh um before we actually uh that's the motion to accept the committee report present it as a committee report or just to send it up with a f recommendation it was a a motion to send it up to a recommendation yes all right uh discussion on that uh the recommendation from the uh from the from the Department from the planning department is to table we have an underline motion but we can we can entertain another motion as as they request a recommend or a motion to table I make a motion to table there is a motion to table um properly second all pleas say I the eyes have it um now we going just to I me I apologize to clarify on that last one there is a motion on the table right now to approve that item yeah there was another motion made by Council M and seconded by Council sanago thank you yeah there's an underline motion and then it was a motion to table table matters anything from the table matters councelors that we would like to uh to discuss um all right we going now to new business em uh counselors we have em 39 okay we have item we have item 3 1924 which is the Day Dreaming based mod family uh event which is going to be taking place on July 13 2024 at the Howard Park uh it was put together by Sam samel Rosario he's here with us councelor I would like to declare U if if if the if this Council decide I would like to declare this this um this item as an emergency to be able to U uh not to send it to committee and and discuss it at this level to approve uh there is a no motion to declar us an emergency there is a motion to declar us an emergency uh can hear a second for the purpose of the convenience of the public uh properly second discussion I Hear No so at this point I call the question Sol say with that say councelors I would like to I would like this Council to uh treat this item at this level so we need to suspend the rules uh not to send it to committee can I get a motion to suspend the rules not to be able not to send the committee so all right there is a motion on the table properly second discussion uh all pleas say hi hi any notse the I have it now councelors we have this item at this level uh the uh the daydreaming uh baseball family day um have an event on July 13 2024 at the Howard Park um we have the uh the person that is representing Day Dreaming uh in a nonprofit organization uh based here in Lawrence um and they putting this event together if it is any questions in regard to the uh to the event uh now it is the time but before we do that we need to entertain a motion uh to be able to this there is a motion to approve this item uh properly second discussion ccel plan thank you very much council president I'll take you open in your off off so um I just my questions are are regarding the process is the the applicant is here yes the applicant is here U may I ask the applicant to address the council sure Mr Mr Rosario so just uh Mr rosar just tell us a little more about the process how you went through the process and uh do you have any anybody that help you through the process um the whole process I make it by myself and uh I was a visitor to the recreation uh department and I make an application for for the events so the process supposed to be cross here and uh I don't know how long it's going to be but uh nobody help me about that okay canel thank you so um what I'm hearing is somewhat different from what I'm led to believe and I think it's Recreation or at least with uh director Vala's organization where they have like a terminal there where if if any applicant needs assistance to apply for a permit they actually provide assistance am I through you Mr President in I understanding that that that did not take place you went down to Recreation I just want to make sure I'm clear no no no what he's saying is uh he went over to the senior center uh to the center and somebody there helping but he did he did the application himself with the help some from somebody up there yes um yes I make the application by citizen the yeah exactly and um this this is the the process that uh somebody told me that I supposed to be do and uh they send over here so to approve for uh your guys uh Department police uh the fire the fire department and and uh that's and the recreation department too so that's good news I I misunderstood thank you for the CL clarification the second thing is when did you go down there when did you start the process for applying for the permit uh last week like uh 18 uh since 18 I make of that process I got so the council president is being very magnanimous I think and trying to and I saw some invitations as well for the event coming up I think on the 13th I think yeah um so I we have a process here in our local government where we actually look for to there's a process that includes the council approval we are going to skip a lot of those steps tonight and in the future the idea here is don't skip the steps because if you're skipping the steps and everybody's going to step step then everything's going to be an emergency and then we're just going to be doing we don't need committees we'll just be doing everything right here in the full Council and so I think it's important um in the big picture that if you decide to do this again next year don't wait the week or week and a half before the event please give the process the respect that we need to do what we need to get done in our rules time so that we can issue the proper permit I suspect this is going to pass tonight because I think people we have we have a very big heart in this Council we want to help people we don't want to say no we want to get you there and if we think there's a chance for us to help you cut if few cut cut cut a little bit we'll do that and we're going to do probably do that tonight but if everybody does it we're just going to be we're just going there's no sense in having committees there's no sense in doing the work that we're supposed to do so I just ask you in the future all back to that point in the future please be mindful that get that done earlier that's so thank you council president thank you yes uh no and just to clarify a few things on the C plan the the event that he's holding was a it is an an sport event uh a baseball event so tend to believe originally that it was not a need for permit since every event any softball game any baseball game or any any related uh any related uh sport event uh it's been it get done uh through the uh recreation department and that was the that was the thought behind it originally obviously when he went to the recreation department they told him they told him otherwise and that's why he's here but it happened to be that um it is it is short amount of time when it comes to uh getting the perits council president I think that's a great point and I and the council president will let you speak here in a second but um I think that's a great point I think that when we have where the city council's Authority is and where the recreation's authority is there is a line sometimes it can get a little fuzzy but the line is that that there is a league if there is a football league a little league a whatever the league and they're going to be doing or soccer you name the sport over the course of time and they're going to need to field over the course of time our ordinances say it doesn't have to come before us it just comes before the recreation department and they issue the permits for leaks to utilize the Parks when there is a one-time event uh whether it's a sporting event or whatever the event is a musical event it doesn't make a difference what the event is if it's a onetime event that is where this body issues the permit and this appears to be a one-time event and so sometimes people are don't fully no offense don't fully understand the laws because it's confusing to many people but that's the bright line between what's go before the council what we have jurisdiction over and what we don't have Juris ition over thank you council president thank you so much sure I have a argument for about that because uh that process I started in 18 but before the 18 I started like a May 30 The thing is the process everything change in the recreation department because uh they try to change the ru and try to get get something different because some people before like I get a the per like uh by B you know people take the permit for any park and everything about that I try to make the process like a the right way but everything change is new for me and uh I don't know about that so the by 18 that's why they got thank you any questions any other questions in regard to this event colie this event sport event is going to happen in one of the best park in this re and you are invited in my district and you are invited please please come it's not the best part but it's a good event all right just so I'm clear Rees uh thank you for for TR submitting every paper on time but we're here to find out the moo solution to moving forward our youth our event that one that one we here that's why we here to moving forward our event thank you thank you councelors any other questions uh Mr Rosario can you tell us a little more about your organization what do you guys do um you know we are nonprofit organization 51 C3 so we working for recre uh recovery you know family and children and uh we provide uh uh baseball uh sport Recreation and education fi trade that's what we doing every single day and the year whole year and uh everything the process that we do we we provide free for the community and uh we try to be allowed to take the kids out of the tree because I'm going play professional for 10 year baseball and uh I try to give my experience to the family and the kids and and try you know to to get us something good for the community from Lawrence because Lauren right now has a like a uh like a ugly face in the you know in the in the other the city but we try to say to the other City K laoren is the best because we have a good kids we have a good family and uh that's what we promote the most important um and and thank you for giving giving some some feedback of the organization uh er uh Mr Rosario uh he was a a professional baseball player that he he played for the best team in the world Las AAS and I want to I want to disclose that for the record thank you Mr Rosario for for everything you do for the kids thank you um H councelors what the motion motion to approve motion to approve properly second I all the questions all in fav please say I hi any notse council president any he knows wait the the eyes have it so M carries the best thing ever the best thing [Laughter] ever see you the uh see you on the 13 Mar plan is invited I am I invite everybody here baseball player from I'm not going there you're not going oh I'll go with my's hat my all right thank you councelors so any new business here that we need to take care of first any other new business so for me to read it all right so we're going to new business um new business read as follow item it yes councelors there is one more item that I would like to uh also declares an emergency and to add this item to to the agenda it is up to the council if we want to add it now or we can wait till next week but I think that it is it is um it is important for us to start a discussion in this matter and this is item 33 um 33324 which is the review of the real estate uh property Dash Force ordinance uh and uh and I haven't I didn't add this I item to the agenda on time but uh if if it declares an emergency we can uh send it to committee for for review so I would like to ask for motion to declare this item as an emergency to add it to the agenda only and uh and be able to refer to a committee so move motion to uh to declar an emergency properly second discussion discussion council plan so with all due respect council president um I I we're going to pass as I know we are um but I I don't see this as emergency I do think we could wait two weeks I don't see the great urgency i i as we can all know if anybody knows me and watches a council president you know that I'm real hesitant about declaring things emergencies when they really aren't so I'm going to vote no on this I mean I understand your concern but that's okay I understand you're concerned the reason why I put it up on the agenda uh as an emergency to declar as an emergency is because we have an item on there on the housing committee that is pending this ordinance so we can discuss it at the same at the same uh during the same time because the item that we just table uh at the housing committee level uh the item 29724 says uh that the planning department uh need to confirm questions around the housing committee and those are the questions that they're going to be discussing so that's why um I I'll um I'll ask the council to consider um adding this item to the agenda so we can move forward at the same time uh and respond those questions appropriately to that uh uh to the planning department so with that say councelors uh if there is any other questions to declares an emergency uh all in please say I I any notse um BR please it's the last item on the new business you should have got a revised agenda we should get a Revis agenda it should be at the front of your book and also on the table that one with the holes in it is the not it it's not last the last item all right the item is 33324 which is the review real estate Tas force uh ordinance that's the name of the item all right uh if there is no further questions all those in favor to declare this is an emergency to added to the agenda please say I I any not roll call please councilor Levy yeah Council plant no council Lan is noted as absent Council Del Rosario yes Council Santiago yes Council amam yes Council Reyes yes Council vice president Inon yes council president Rodriguez yes what's the count um 711 yeah with motion cares uh now we have this item to the um on the agenda and this is going to be uh sent to the ordinance committee Ian 31724 the propos you want to send it toing because yeah let's send it to to housing as well let's let's send both to housing and and the Ordinance do you have any just not not be a stickle here do you is there any background information on the item besides just the title we'll be sending that over to that um to the Committees to both committees and the and the back and the back information as well item 31724 The Proposal of new ordinance for licensing board administrator Pascal Ruiz uh the inspectional service director this is going to uh the ordinance committee so no item 220 24 mine with purpose August 11 2024 uh the corner Park on South on South Common this is going to the ordinance committee item two uh 32124 first and F uh first of the three F of the Three Saints face of the Three Saints August 30 20 August 30 and August 31st and September 1st 2024 this is going to the ordinance committee Ian 32224 Chico Summers uh shoutouts uh August 24 August 23rd 2024 at the O'Neal Park this is going to the ordinance committee it and uh 32324 the propos of new ordinance man uh manager of Financial and administrative Services uh this is going to the ordinance committee itan 324 32424 propos a new ordinance for the sanitation and hazardous materials program manager this is going to the ordinance committee it 3252 for 50 minute parking at at 29 294 uh Prospect Street this is going to the ordinance committee Idan 32624 uh stop sign four-way stop sign at East Pleasant intersection with Cal Street this is going to the ordinance committee Idan 32724 One Way Hillside Street uh starting at hver Street uh to Hill Street this is going to the ordinance committee I 32824 handicap parking 14 1416 uh CER Street this is going to the ordinance committee I 329 at 24 aing Avenue one way from Hampshire to satatoga this is going to the um ordinance committee ID 33024 15 minute Park in 241 South Union Street uh this is going to the ordinance committee ID 32124 handicap parking at 4 44 peries of this is going to the ordinance committee item 32 item 33224 new meters agreement this is going to be referred to the budget and finance committee and we just refer item three uh 33 324 uh to two committees so counselors any item from the agenda that we haven't discussed from the table matters or anything on the agenda that we need to discuss if it's not I'll entertain a mo I'll I'll entertain any comment when it comes to the uh subcommittee meetings subcommittee meeting for the ordinance committee next Tuesday 7 o'cl next Tuesday at 7 uh and we have budget and finance committee we do not have budget and finance committee there one item the meters over the meters over I I thought I I thought I had I had the week off um I'm not available Wednesday so Monday's out let's let's send item 33224 as well to the budget uh the budget and finance as well as the ordinance committee there's two components on it um let's do Tuesday at Tuesday at the 9th at at 6 so on so so Tuesday at 6 p.m. Tuesday ACC for the budget and finance committee um we also have Committee of the whole now however for the committee of the whole I do want to give some time to the to the Retirement Board uh to do their to do their work on their end but I do want to schedule it now um I'm looking at the week of the 22nd um no oh thought so I'm thinking Tuesday July 23rd at 700 p.m. for a committee of the whole that'll probably be the same night we're going to have ordinance committee I would think because we're going to have our next meeting on the 16th and then we typically have a Tuesday meeting we do have the the two weeks that we do have a two we time um window this this month why don't you go to August July is going to be uh very challenging for anybody that you know they wanted to take some vacation I mean the committee of the whole this is not this is not this is something that we have we need information from different departments to there's only there's only one department or two departments and if there's a conflict we have enough time to change that but I do want to get something on the calendar yeah you can go to AUST so what I'm saying is I'm I'm going to still propose July 20 23rd and if the caffle or the Retirement Board cannot make that date we do have we can we can push it back but I want to get something on the calendar that's the ordinance committee day on the 23rd well I just I I just told Council the plan that we have two weeks for you or for me all right July 30th such a big deal July 30th 7:00 p.m. July 30 for the committee of the home housing another Tuesday I was going to propose Tuesday so our no cuz budget and finance at 6 housing at 7 no the budget at ordinance is at 7 orance Finance is at 6 you can propose at a five you can do Wednesday I just I can't do Wednesday that's why I'm not with okay I mean um the housing the housing members I mean you're going to be an ordinance are you willing to come on U Council you willing to come at 5 on Tuesday 7 just do five Tuesday yeah let's do Tuesday at 5 six fine it's right after housing so one after the other one as far away pass the time that we can we can do one day we can do one day all right uh those three committees are in Tuesday so any other committees um all right uh at this point Council vice president before thank you before we conclude I I do want to make a motion to send an another correspondence to the director of the Retirement Board and also to our CLE for the July 30th Committee of the whole meeting all there is a motion on the table properly second discussion please say hi hi before we join um Madame um Madame um Madame chair from the housing committee do you want to send correspondents to the committee uh to the Community Development to come and discuss the this item regarding the new item regarding the the item they have a housing yes item 33324 you want to make that as a for motion yes please second there is a motion on the table properly second to send correspondence to the economic devel economic um to the what's the me director econom the director of not Economic Development community and economic development uh properly second discussion I Hear No so at this point I call the questions all those in favor please say I I the eyes have it motion to adjourn motion to adjourn properly second uh discussion all please say I guys have it Council Del area [Music] always e