e it's just like a show me which docent talk about Oh I thought so too that's what I was told business resolution amending reur it's not we just Chang beautiful love you Su thank you hi doesn't she look great I know I'm like I have to mess up a bit first time chairing the full conso hopefully we're in and out [Music] hello acting president I guess I suppose e e e e e e e e e e so we have Forum has everyone can you grab Gregory please I don't know why the SharePoint is not working honestly we should be this a short agenda like you get out by now get a drink I think we should I think we should I what was that well I don't have Corum do we have Corum now I don't have Corum all right good evening and welcome to the full council meeting today is Tuesday April 16th and it is currently 7:06 in the evening pursuant to chapter 20 of the 2022 of the acts of 2022 this meeting will is hybrid allowing participation both in person and in the council chamber in person in the council chamber and also remotely via Zoom our Facebook page and YouTube page um cler can you do the roll call please councelor Levy is noted as absent councelor llant present councelor Luzon presentent councel Del Rosario present councelor Santiago present councel marmel present Council Reyes noted as absent Council vice president INF fonte present and council president Rodriguez is noted as absent please join me in a moment of silence and now please join me in the pledge IED to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic stand one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you okay now on to public participation our first public participation is Mr Molly name and address for the record please Mal 53 Chester Street good evening honorable members we demand the best contract for our Wonderful Lawrence Police Superior officers Union Lawrence Police with the impecable leadership by honorable Chief Bonia doing excellent job to protect our citizen Lawrence Police one of the best police department in the nation we support Lawrence police officers Union Superior off officers Union Lawrence Police this Union of Pride and honor deserve the best contract and compensation million thanks to our DPW employees and Leadership for making Lawrence a beautiful city DPW leadership and employees deserve the best contract and the best best pay compensation Lawrence Inspection Department thank you for excellent job we support our Inspection Department employees union we must hire more Spector Lawrence teachers you are number one you are the most important reason for success of Lawrence Public School we support Lawrence teachers union please bring food and donation every Wednesday to Bley garage to help our homeless Lawrence always is strong Lawrence always unite we demand the best contract for our brave firefighters Union with 3% Cola raise and Hazard pay we must impose a speed limit on aex street life of our citizen in danger Crossing Onex Street every day we pray for the safety and protection of all police officers we the citizen stand up in unity to demand the best contract for our Superior officers Union Lawrence Police thank you for making Lawrence a safe city thank you for excellent job thank you our next speaker is is Mr AB Abner mcad Merc good evening name and address for the record please my name is Abner Merced Garin uh came here for the uh uh permit for preach the word of God okay okay we will discuss I believe that is under the ordinance so once that item comes uh you'll you'll have the opportunity to to speak going if you wish all right so um I W set for today no yeah all set for for now at least until later okay M Madam Madam Madam chair may ask the gentleman what number or what his number is so when it does come up we can accelerate it the number of the permit no the number on the agenda or what is it for uh is we have a schedule for for May June July August September October and November preaching the world go around some some parks around June 15 is on the park across the street great thank you thank you our next public participation speaker is Mr former councelor Rich Russell good evening councilors I'm Richard Russell 34 cross street I hope that you all enjoyed the full Patriots Day holiday yesterday despite what the Massachusetts legislature says patriots day is April 19th the day 249 years ago that I lost my second cousin seven times removed Jason Russell at matomy now Arlington he was one of 49 Patriots who expressed their displeasure at the British as they headed back to Charlestown from getting their kick uh their butt kicking at Lexington and crin on Friday April 19th I will think of what they gave us their lives so we could have what we used to have who on the third floor is in charge of ignoring portions of public record requests I make requests and I only get half of the answers for instance no one will give me the reason why they won't answer this one for me who authorized the investigation into uh Lawrence Police Chief Roy vasque and how was ajd investigations chosen regarding the lra why didn't mayor Rivera enacting mayor quz initiate any actions allowing the L to make a land grab why is it imperative that these pels of land be taken right now the value of land is constantly going up so no one is going to lose money oh will they I am sorry to be so cynical but I have seen politicians and land grabs from Boston Cambridge Somerville Providence New Haven Philadelphia Baltimore and Camden New J New Jersey why can't the city just sit on the this land for a few more years its value will only increase due to inflation I used to try to interpers humor into my comments but lately I find no humor in the political scene anymore however rephrasing Mark Anthony's speech from uh Julius Caesar friends lenan Bay stators lend me your ear I come to try to save lawence not bury it the evil that men does the evil that men do lives after them in their bank accounts the good that the people try to do is often inred in their bones it's a sad commentary about Lawrence but as always I thank you for the time thank you all three names have been submitted and will reflect the uh the public records moving on to public hearings U Can I get a a motion to wave the Preamble of all public hearings so move motion has been made by councelor seconded by councelor U Santiago all those in favor say I I I and the eyes have it thank you first public hearing is number 18-22 resolution establishing an appropriate fee structure for utility comp companies brought To Us by Council Gregory devario Madam cler can you please read the public notice for item 18122 the purpose of this hearing is to gather testimony information and public input concerning the proposed amendment to the revised ordinances of the City of Lawrence to be further amended by deleting the following new paragraph of section 2.08 .010 of the municipal code Administration fees and fees established 17 for recording order granting local locations of polls peers abutments or conduits alterations or transfers thereof an increase in the number of wires and cables attached under the provisions of sections 22 of chapter 166 of the general laws $100 additional for each Street or way included in such order and adding the following new paragraphs to section 2.8.1 0 of the municipal code administrative fees and fees established for recording orders granting locations of polls peers abutments or conduits alterations or transfers thereof an increase in the number of wires and cable attachments under provisions of sections 22 of chapter 166 of the general laws the cost of publication in a newspaper of a general circulation as is required by law plus $100 additional for each Street or way included in such order persons wishing to be heard shall be afforded the opportunity public hearing is now open is there anyone from the public who wishes to make any comments or statements on this matter okay public hearing is seeing non-public hearing is now closed counselors I will now I will entertain a motion for this motion to approve and wait the 30 days motion has been made by Council the are second seconded by councelor Santiago discussion discussion councelor lean for you to the uh to the author um what is the primary difference between our current law and what this will do councelor the Rosario what this will do is that it will prevent the city to pick up extra charges when it comes to Publications when it comes to again asking for public hearing uh they paying a flat rate of $100 sometimes in the past uh publication and all the fees that we pay to publicize that and prepare public heent it's way over $100 so I don't think it's fair for the city to be paying for a multi-million dollar company of extra money so the changes that we making is that whatever the cost is after the $100 they should be paying for it Council so uh just so I'm clear so they're going to have to pay for the cost plus 100 bucks so if the cost is $300 for that is going to be 300 plus the $100 that's going to be that's going to be the fee for them that's correct con and I just I just this is a little different than what I heard but I still make favorite did we get clearance from the city attorney that that going beyond the the cost of it is is okay I I haven't spoke with him but I know this item has been and his agenda for for years and I think he actually was the one to prepared the language for it wasn't it I'm not accurate but I I know it's been up and down that route City attorney hi Tim hooton City attorney I actually did not prepare the language that it was $100 over at the time I the one that I looked at was that we were redeem all our costs we were adding costs I didn't know that there was $100 so no I have not looked at that particular language it's it's so long you forget um with all due respect counselor um you did you wrote the language the the 100 plus yeah it was a year ago that you wrote The Language back in May I a of 23 so that's why you're not remembering um but it was um I remember the $100 I did not know that was I thought it was a $100 fee we were trying it was a $100 fee traditionally and now the new fee is a cost of publication plus the $100 fee because the cost of publication is like $300 that's in the oh that I do understand what you're saying I apologize no putting it that way I thought we were just adding an arbitrary $100 fee we're keeping the $100 fee and adding the cost of the advertising so no yes when you put it that way I do remember it and yes I do approve it Sor thank you very much Madam chair any other comments or questions seeing none all those in favor say I I any knows the eyes have it okay uh Madame clerk can you please read the public notice for all handicap parking um item 420 23-2 -23 48223 and 12824 oh and also can you call the role for councelor Levy councelor Levy sorry document um the purpose of the hearing is to gather testimony information and public input concerning the proposed amendment to the revised ordinances of the City of Lawrence to be further amended by adding the following subparagraphs to section 10 36. 340 of the municipal code handicapped parking Madam chair like to make a motion that be dispensed for the Preamble second we already did that yeah that was the first thing we did you had stepped out of the room and they did do that um document number 423 d23 Carlton Street West Side from a point 50 feet south of Everett Street to a point 70 feet south of Everett Street document number 48223 Morton Street West Side from a point 100 feet north of L Street to a point 120 feet north of L Street and document number 128-2446 West Side from a point 260 ft south of buswell Street to a point 280 ft south of buswell Street persons wishing to be heard shall be afforded the opportunity public hearing is now open anyone for the from the public wishes to speak seeing none the public hearing is now closed counselors I will now um entertain a motion for and we're going to do this individually for item 42323 handicap parking on at 86 ever Street motion to approve and wait the 30 days motion has been made by counc dear is there a second second seconded by councelor Santiago discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I any knows the eyes have it um can I have a motion for item 48223 handicap parking at 10 Street motion to approve and wait to 30 days motion has been made by councel De RAR there a second second second it by councelor the plant discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I any NOS the eyes have it all right and now can I have a motion for item 12824 handicap parking at 80 48 ETO Street I think that's Utah Utah Street motion or approve and wait the 30 days has been made by Council de rosar is there a second second seconded by councelor Levy discussion discussion councelor lzone so uh the the people that requested to you Madame chair uh apologies uh so this the people that requested this handicap parking are not here none of them are here so my question is do we uh inform their neighbors cuz we are also so asking um to not to um and I I'm forgetting the term but I mean to wave the 30 days so I'm concerned about that uh waving the 30 days my question is the the neighbors get informed is we getting so many handicapped parkings uh and I'm getting requests left and right for handicap parkings yes I'm concerned about so many handic handicapped parkings requests um councelor loone I I do know we do send the Lawrence Police Department to investigate the areas and um there Sometimes they come back to us and they they don't recommend it and I'm assuming the three handicap parkings that we have currently are in good standing and there's enough space and so the police department came back and and said that it's okay to do so so I don't think there will be any issues so we don't have a limit of handicap Park in Sp Street No No Limit not that I'm aware of so do we have a recommendation from uh front officer Cano it's in your doc it's in your packet dep yep from the police department yep it's in it's in the document we're looking for all right are youall all councelor councelor laone oh yeah can one sec can you give me one second I don't Madam chair we don't have that in the package do you want to I actually I see it right here see it yeah it's in the packet right here one yeah so we we do have it we need to move on so if if you would like um the recommendation is there by the police department and they do recommend for us to move forward with these handicap parkings um any other further questions or concerns from the council through your Vice chair Council De Rosario thank you and also uh this request Waits so long and most of the people they actually request this handicap parking they actually need it and by Hippa law if anybody knows the Hippa law we can go and knock on the doors and let them know what's wrong with these people and why they need a handicap parking and that's why it's the rush also for the 30 days cuz those request been sitting there for months so if we can move on we'll be great any other questions or comments seeing none all those in favor say I I all those any Nos and the eyes have it clerk can you please read the public notice for to remove for handicap parking um handicap Parkin signs for item numbers 35-24 12224 and 12524 the purpose of the hearing is to gather testimony information and public input concerning the proposed amendment to the revised ordinances of the City of Lawrence to be further amended by deleting the following subparagraphs of section 10. 36. 340 of the municipal code handicap parking Dr number 35-24 Hampshire Street East Side from a point 20 ft southerly of the intersection of Elm Street to a point 40 ft southernly of the intersection of Elm Street document number 122-44 ft west of Woodland Street to a point 133 ft west of Woodland Street document number 12-24 Falmouth Street North Side from a point 292 ft easterly of the intersection of Garfield Street to point 312 ft easterly of the intersection of Garfield Street persons wishing to be heard shall be afforded the opportunity anyone from the public wishes to speak on any of these matters seeing none the public hearing is now closed at this point councelors I will entertain a motion for item 35-24 delete ordinance SL remove handicap parking space at 233 Hampshire Street forun approve motion has been made by councel devario seconded by councelor Levy discussion councelor theant thank you so through you madam chair I just want to make the our colleague through you aware that we're still waiting for the language for a public hearing on a possible creation of a handicap parking commission which would deal with not only putting new handicap parking signs on but also something like this which has taking them off the books because we as we're seeing all of us have been here long enough now to see the percentages of everything they're going through every handicap parking has come before us so far this year and I would say the last few years has been yes and all the removals have been yes um they may one or two very very low number so anyway I'm I'm going to through you madam chair I'm going to ask the City attorney to if we can facilitate and accelerate bringing that before so we can formulate that that new um commission thank you okay any other questions or comments seeing none all those in favor say I I all those anyone oppose the eyes have it okay I will now entertain a motion for item 122-2 24 the removal of the of a handicapped parking sign at five plat Street motion to approve motion has been made by Council rosar there seconded by councelor Reyes discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it and the last one um for this block item 12524 the removal of a handicap parking sign at 15 pharmo Street motion to approve motion has been made by councelor the Rosario seconded by councelor Levy discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it Madam clerk can you please read the public notice uh the public notice for street parking restrictions for item 39523 11-24 11224 and 113 that's 24 the purpose of the hearing is to gather the testimony information and public input concerning the proposed amendment to the res revised ordinances of the City of Lawrence to be further amended by adding the following new paragraphs to section 10. 36.0 one0 of the municipal code no parking be inserted in the following in the proper alphabetical order document number 35-23 Bor Street Southside from Beacon Street to end document number 11-24 Bennett Street West Side from a point 117 ft south of Medford Street to a point 137 feet south of Medford Street document number 112-405 ft west of South Broadway document number 11324 is far Street souths side from South Broadway to a point 45 ft west of South Broadway persons wishing to be heard shall be afforded the opportunity the public hearing is now open is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak on any of these items seeing none the public hearing is now closed counselors I will now entertain a motion for item 39523 one side parking Bor Street on B Street motion to approve motion has been made by councel Levy seconded by Council De Rosario discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it um at this point I will entertain a motion for item 11-24 nor parking area 20 ft on Bennett street west side near Medford Street motion to approve motion has been made by counc derar is there second seconded by councelor Santiago discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it and now a motion for 11224 no Park no parking Farley Street North Side at South Broadway motion to approve motion has been made by Council De Rosario seconded by councelor Santiago discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it and the last public hearing in item 13-24 no no parking Farley Street Southside at South Broadway motion or approve motion has been made by Council De Rosario seced by councelor Reyes discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I I and the eyes have it all right moving on to committee reports first one is budget and finance committee uh Vice chair marmal we are ready when you are Madam chair we have a department head here this evening uh that is here for only one matter and this is probably going to be I would imagine a quick item could we do a Personnel committee matter first to allow the department head who's already put in a full date so we can go home moving to Personnel committee councelor Levy can you please this um report for on behalf of the Personnel committee thank you madam chair item 46223 is the approval of the appointment of Frankling Espinosa to the LA and planning board it was sended to the full council with favor recommendation and I make it as a formal motion motion has been made seconded by councilor Reyes discussion councilor the plan discussion just um I think it's important to hear a few words from the N the applicant about what he looks to do doesn't have to be long but just a few words about what he's looking to to accomplish on the planning board right my name is Franklin espinos I live in 15 W with in Ling so I apply for the planning board because I want to be uh part of the development lings where do you work now Mr espanosa I'm working I'm self-employment because I'm a hard time finding your application that's why I'm asking that question oh I give the last time I give you my resume my property manager and I'm driving I we driving it does not work for the city no thank you very much you any other questions or comments question councelor Santiago have you ever serve served for the city no are you you any other questions I have a comment I'm so sorry to monopolize the conversation Madam chair what I typically try to do when I have someone of your an individual who's looking to serve on either a zoning or planning board is I just want them to be understand the issues regarding housing in the city and how impactful whenever we look for uh to increase housing what the impacts are for our current residents and to our infrastructure and to our school systems and all the other ways that parking for example we just talked about parking and maybe resident parking things are starting things are out of control in many places in our city so I ask you to be very of course Fair But please understand through you madam chair that that votes to try to increase more resident more residences especially in our neighborhoods is causing a greater um problems uh um for for many people who are currently living in our city all right thank you thank you any other questions or comments Council marmel through you madam chair um so under self-employed you say property manager or for what for what um you know company or not for myself I have properties okay so it's your personal properties that you own that okay yeah all right would you mind stating how many properties that that would be that you manage yeah true all right at this point I'm going to close so we can move move uh continue moving all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it congratulations Mr Espinosa thank you for serving the City of Lawrence all right going back to budget and finance uh Vice chair of the committee Council marmel you have the floor through you madam chair item number one 5624 fiscal year 22 audit of financial statements by powers and Sullivan um we have our CLE Mark anelo do we oh okay um to speak on behalf of this item which was um voted in favor uh in favor to full Council as a committee report uh I submit that as a form of a motion motion has been made by council member marmel secreted by Council Reyes discussion I'm opening discussion for sure I'm Mark IO CFO for the city I'm just here to introduce Jim Powers the principal of powers and Sullivan who uh will give a short report on the audits that uh the city's audit for FY 23 Jim thank you good evening as Mark said I'm Jim Powers from powers and solvent and um here to just go over the audit report we last week I was here we went over in detail so I'm going to keep it short but answer obviously any questions um see the council over there was giving me the thumbs up for the shot so I I know accounting is very exciting but uh I'll do my best um just as an overview um the audit went extremely well last year and it has for the last several years um um the finance team here does a fantastic job School the same uh anything that we ask for we get uh they do a good job as uh compliance not only with Massachusetts uh Finance laws but the federal government for all the funds that you Reed through the federal government uh there are three reports that we had talked about in detail last week one was the schedule of federal Awards that's the compliance report on the city's expenditures relative to federal grants it receives either through the state or directly from the federal government next one is the management letter and the thir one is the report on the financial statements we'll go over each one and and at the end or during it depending on what the chair prefers I can take questions as we go or take it at the end however you decide so councelors any questions or comments regarding the city's audit counil the plan sure so if he's not going through the presentation um I guess I have a question which is I mean we for those of us who've been around we've see these things and and there's always ways to improve so very simply what is the one place in the entire audit that you found where the city could improve upon probably the tracking and collection with some policies and procedures on outstanding accounts receivables and credit balances meaning that although the city collects I think last year it was about $82 Million worth of real estate and personal property taxes and you have water and sewer fees Etc um just uh I think documenting the process when a receivable is outstanding and hasn't been collected to document that and also to write off receivables meaning that there's some receivables still in the books going back 15 20 years which especially for a personal property tax would be determined to be uncollectible and would like to see the city clean up at books in addition to that there were um hundreds of thousands of dollars of credit balances on people's receivables meaning that somehow they recorded in alleges as being overpaid one or two things happen sometimes people overpay by mistake especially when you're getting you know quarterly semiannual bills uh and the other thing is could be a posting error because mistakes do happen and the accounts as they go through um and so just that's probably the biggest thing that we see um as for the best things that they do if you wanted to hear that as a didn't ask that question I just want to I I'm going to go back I'm going to I'm going to ask you that question later I just want to make sure that Mr Rell you heard what he said through you madam chair are we doing taking the steps now to rectify this so next year when we have the audits that we're not going to hear that's the number one is there steps being taken to make improvements Mr R it's one of the management comments or there's two management comments and management letter uh our staff has been uh accountant and uh a com controller and our treasur has been getting together to reconcile those amounts I think some of the the overpayments that date back many many years is related to when the uh system transferred uh from their legacy system into munus and the and for the Y2K so some of those uh accounts date back to the 80s and 90s so let me ask you one question if there was one sentence that you would say that reflects the audit so we're dumbing it down to one cent how would you describe the city's Financial posture in one sentence after this audit has been completed I believe the city is well managed and the the fund balances that remain from both the um Mass Municipal accounting system and for the generally accepted accounting uh practices is uh extraordinarily high and well-managed last question is that this this Council has had several discussions regarding the um elcat that's the cable access television channel and we've been been working with the with the state auditor and the state auditor has said that this is really not within her ba work to go and audit a private organization she audits government uh in your work was elcat at all addressed or is your place the same as the state auditor as far as looking at the elcat books and the fiscal relationship between our the city and elcat we audit as part of that the relationship but we don't audit elcat as part of that any particular findings from the elcat audit section um no we did not find anything that was significant relative to that thank you mat chair appreciate it any other questions or comments councelor Levy yes thank you B well if they don't out of the LK they cannot be any fine so how are you going to any fines if they don't add it that's the problem okay thank you any other questions or comments your Council delario through you thank you uh through your audit uh do you find the city being profitable sustainable for the few years uh the way we going I'm sorry is it is it being sustainable like the money coming in we sustain the whole AUD are we in good shape financially you're in actually very good shape financially um one of the biggest thing that's happened over the last couple of years to get you to you've got over 95 thou $95 Million worth of fund balance uh a significant free cash was how the city elected to use the American Rescue plan uh funds which in effect last couple of years has added to that fund balance so on a go forward basis you're in a good position to make decisions that uh um you can spend that money as you see fit and as the council uh wants to go through so I think you're in pretty good shape relative to that thank you through you manam chair counc lzone so you're saying that uh the instability of of the city financially is based on the free cash or the money that we receive from the federals is that where you're are explaining right now yeah and so you you already had uh a good fund balance beforehand but you elected to in effect use the funds that you could do in compliance with the American Rescue plan act where you use replacement U Revenue as they go through that and the city determined that the best way to go about that is to um use those funds to build up a surplus so you can look forward at least from my standpoint I don't make policy is to go through and use those funds uh as you see fit going forward I just want to correct one thing we kind of have already used them that's why we were able to approve the uh the Oliver school and the Ley school without a debt override because we had this uh 53.7 Million worth of arpa funds which were we were able to turn into free cash to support those two projects so as Jim said we do have a a healthy a free cash position but uh We've targeted that towards or already committed that towards those two new schools because we're building two brand new schools and a police station without a debt override which is highly unusual in Massachusetts yeah no we did not audit anything that happened in fiscal year 24 relative to that we're just at June 30th 23 so I apologize for not knowing what you did subsequent to the audit but thank you man any other questions or comments see and none we will now vote to accept this item as a committee as a committee report all those in favor say I I and the eyes and no and the eyes have it now we'll entertain a motion for this for this item yep yep motion to approve and accept the a motion has been made by Council dear seconded by counselor Reyes discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it councelor marmel good yeah thank you thank you so much through you madam chair item number 15724 appropriation transfer of $170,000 from salaries uh to litigation uh we have our City attorney uh Timothy huon to speak on this matter uh this was submitted to full council with a favorable recommendation I submit that in the form of a motion motion has been made is there a seconded by Council Reyes discussion any discussion councelor the plant um I didn't watch the budget committee meetings are what's our anticipated litigation schedule coming up can you speak a little can you forecast a little bit um by July of this year we have the Poss possibility of one maybe two uh matters going to court but that is about it uh but would you understand that this trans uh this transfer of funds is not just litigation it's also mediation we have to pay for the mediators when we do a deposition we have to pay for the the person that does the deposition we have to pay filing fees anytime we do that so without this money we would not be able to we have to file an answer um and also um outside councel there's certain outside Council that we use for personnel matters and that we've been anticipated what their fees would be for the rest of the year thank you mam chair any other comments or questions see and none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it Council marmel thank you very much thank you for you madam chair document number 15824 appropriation transfer of $ 29,285 from retained Revenue fund 3590 to airport repair and maintenance uh we have our Airport Manager Francisco Ora uh to speak on behalf of this item uh which was submitted to full council with a favorable recommendation I submit that as a form of a motion motion has been made is there a second second seconded by councelor Santiago dis discussion any discussion it's a quick discussion thank you very much so the obvious question is the airport board I'm presuming is in favor of this supports this yes they are thank you we actually Council we actually had a board member speak on behalf of of uh Mr Ura because he couldn't make it so yes they definitely in favor yes uh councelor uh president uh Madame chair uh thank you um yes I I did have a conflict last Thursday during the debate I was at a a uh in North Handover at the Conservation Commission meeting which was very thorough and the timing of that meeting pred me for being here but uh the the voting member of our board Mr Bill Collins who manages our cameras here tonight uh this be speak very eloquently on the matter though okay any any questions or comments seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it thank you so much M thank you councelors councelor marmu through you madam chair on item number 15924 extension of con contract Beyond three years uh contract 7055 LHS Associates uh we have our city clerk um eileene bernau to speak on behalf of this item which to submitted to full council with a favorable recommendation I submit that as a form of a motion motion has been made there a second second second by councelor Santiago discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it Council marmal through you madam chair on item number 16124 review and approval of annual application to HUD for a Community Development block grant cdbg in the estimated amount of uh 1,551 622 and home grants in the estimated amount of $944,000 75 uh we have our manager of Financial and administrative Services uh Susan F to speak on behalf of this item which was submitted to full council with a favorable recommendation I submit that as a form of a motion to order public hearing oh to order a public hearing on May oh it said May 7th May 7 yes motion yep second motion has been made seconded by Council re is discussion Miss fake you is there anything that you would like to add no all right all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it thank you so much so we will have a public hearing on this and and the last item Council Mar through you madam chair item number 162 uh 24 transfer funds uh could say correctly 1,874 639 49 from retained earnings to Debt Service and glsd accounts we have our water and sewer commissioner Mr William hail uh to speak on behalf of this item which was subm to full council with a favorable recommendation I submit that in the form of a motion motion has been made seconded by councelor Reyes discussion hello hi I'm De le from the water and Source supervisor William hail is not here so I'm here representing him he did he did mention that during the budget and finance meeting thank you for being here any questions or comments councel the plant I just want to say that it's my obs obervation through you madam chair that the water department has done a very good job I don't often say that but I thought it's important that when I see a good job being done that I comment on that so please pass the word along to those folks in your department that from what I'm seeing you guys are doing pretty well thank you thank you any other questions or comments seeing none oh councelor love you no y all that okay the only thing that I can say to you chair is that I know that the that department is in a very good shape and you are doing a very good job thank you so much any other questions or comments no all right seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it thank you so much all right we do not have any housing committee reports ordinance Committee councelor of the plan thank you madam chair if there's no objection I I'd like to take a document that someone is here for already this evening document 14224 may may I take that out of order matter chair um yes um document 14224 preach the word of God various parks and locations between 511 24 and and September 28th was sent up to the full council with a favorable recommendation to make that in a form of a motion motion has been made seconded by councelor devario discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it councelor the P sure uh sorry from this just in uh 14524 uh raining in the valley the um if there's no objection Madam Madam chair I can take this one out of order 14524 uh the ordinance committee voted with unanimous consent to send up document 145 14524 to the full Council favorable recommendation and I like to make that in the form of a motion motion has been made properly second by Council Reyes discuss seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it councelor PL thank you I think now I can go to the very top and that's document 0823 uh the ordinance committee met on on this item which is handicap parking at for Bennington Street Apartment One and made a unanimous recommendation that this document be withdrawn make that in the form of a motion motion has been made is there a second second by councelor the Rosario discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it Dr 223 the ordinance committee met on this item which is no parking sign of 15 minutes at 104 Bennington Street send this up with a recommendation to withdraw make that in the form of a motion Motion in May properly second by councelor Levy discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it document 19423 the ordinance committee made on this this is a Hawkers and peders license Heavy Hitters marketing will send us up to the full council with the recommendation to withdraw make that in the form of a motion motion has been made properly seconded by councelor Levy discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes hobit Council the plant thank you uh 20623 uh ordance committee met this is a four-way stop on South Broadway in Farley Street this was send up to the full council with a recommendation to withraw make that in the form of a motion motion has been made seconded by councelor Levy discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it document 2624 modification of ordinance 2.04 081 a temporary appointments restricting the usage to one instance per candidate this was send up to the full council with recommendation to withdraw make that in the form of motion motion has been made properly seconded by Council Levy discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it uh document 2724 the ordinance committee met and sent this one up which is low Street a section to be designated Police Department parking to the full council with a favorable recommendation to order a public hearing and make that in the form of a motion motion has been made properly seconded by Council Levy discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it 2924 the ordinance committee met on this item this is the old golden secondhand dealer license for 333 s Street send this sub to the full recommend to the full council with a recommendation to approve make that in the form of a motion motion has been made properly seconded by councelor Levy discussion all those seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it DOC 12624 the ordinance committee met on this item which is the modification of administrative code section 4 subsection 12.1 12.1 send this up to the full council with the recommendation to order a public hearing make that in the form of a motion motion has been made seconded by councelor Levy discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it 1324 the ordinance committee made on this which is handicap parking at 356 South uni street during the hours and meters are not in effect and this was sent up to the full councel with a recommendation to withdraw make that in the form of a motion motion has been made properly seconded by councelor Levy discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it talking 13124 and this is the ordinance committee met to deal with handicap parking at 279 Lawry Department one this was sent up to the full council with a recommendation to withdraw make that in the form of a motion second motion has been made properly second by councelor Levy discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it um Madam chair number 14324 the ordinance committee met and sent this item which is a temporary public art installations at the spet river Greenway uh sent this up to the full Council uh without as as a committee report and make that in the form of a motion motion has been made seconded by councelor Reyes discussion Madam chair so um the proponents of this um wanted an opportunity to speak to the full Council and so the committee decided to send it up to the full Council so that they can give us uh either a presentation or some information regarding what it is that they're looking to do the only reason why we're doing it here this evening is because they were not prepared to do this at the ordinance committee meeting and the committee thought if they brought them up this evening that they can bring us up to speaked through you madam chair thank you you guys have the for name and and address for the record please can you say that one more time name and address for the record please just your name and address okay my name is uh Zan arua and my address is 70 Newberry Street we start yep go ahead um my name is an arua and these are my partners uh danela would introduce yourself and I'm Jose I'm a youth facilitator at I America yeah and I'm I'm the artist and Residence at um I America as well as the youth facilitator this is uh our student leader and danela and uh I'm also on the board of elevated thought um next our partners are I learn America Lawrence Public Schools La house elevated thought and our additional partners are groundwork Lawrence laf commerci S6 County Community Foundation and El compos is the title of our our public art installation it is an immigrant youth story tra that features a series of public art installations at Immigrant Place Park and in campar park and we have updated we would like to update our permit application to no longer include O'Neal Park and uh in the on the greenway and the Immigrant Place Park we will install marine plywood candle murals to the dock fence also write experts excerpts of stories by local immigrant youth using highgrade chalk to the Past excuse me you excuse me for one second coun need to leave Council lone will be recusing herself due to a conflict of interest okay thank you thank you you can continue uh in campon park and immigrant Place Park we hoping to rig a rope between six to eight pairs of trees in order to hang vinyl banners featuring portraits and stories by youth storytellers from Lawrence Public Schools as well as many candle murals by Phoenix Academy students uh creating using yard signed materials and the purpose of this project is to uplift and Empower youth voices stories and artwork here we have some reference of our project and the wi way duck mirors that's the example how it will look can we have some posters these are the posters that we wish to hang up M next can you bring can you bring up the thank you yeah we weren't sure if you had a a slide presentation so we want to came we do we do actually but oh W thank you for letting us know time um that is going to make copies okay so we have the the murals these candle murals were made um by Daniela and her team of students they each have a question that they then later asked other students to respond to and they're in Spanish and in English and those we have some of the those examples right there and those are the ones that will be uh bolted onto the green w dock that is in the Immigrant Place Park we also have included um yeah we have some story exerpt examples that we're going to be using for um and for example one quote is like with new generations come new thoughts and opinions I want to encourage and protect and these all come from like students and Lawrence and next on our on our slides is our Madam chair Madam chair can we either go into a two-minute recess or can we um ask for some question in the room please well um I'm hearing the presentation Madam chair I I I don't want to have someone kicked out over over a baby because it couldn't be that so continue okay thank you so next on our slide is our project sites we like we just said we would no longer like to have uh any of our arts in the O'Neal Park we instead would like to have the candle murals uh by the Lawrence Public School students and the story excerpts by the elevated thought youth apprentices in the Immigrant Place Park and we would like to have the hanging vinyl posters of Lawrence Public School students and yard signs by Phoenix students in the campon park and we would like to now instead uh ask for permission to use highgrade chalk uh to write the quotes and to make uh an event a chalk event and at at the rink that is located and campanian park that's is a small rink where a lot of the the the kids of and different ages come to come to play when it's sunny outside and we would like to make uh not an event just to have the students that we have worked with and and to to open it up to other students from the programs such as Phoenix Academy elevated thought and iar America we would like those same students be able to have the opportunity to write their excerpts on that that Circle in the camp y park that's an additional uh subject that we have not put onto the papers there but we would like to add and what else we also included the we recruited like letters of support from our um Partners such as groundw Lawrence and they said and then also from enance Academy and now known as unidos Academy at Lawrence public high school and uh to let you know a little bit more about the fabrication and installation plans uh all the wooden kendle murals are 2 ft x 3 ft and they are created by marine grade plywood sealed with grai proof sealant and they will be uh sandwiched to the dock using nuts and bolts by uh our professional Artisan residents who has prior experience such as uh shown on the reference photos and we also the yard signs murals are approximately 1T by 2T and they're sealed with graffi proof sealants also they will be installed into the grass and will be taken out afterwards uh the vinyl posters are 3T X 4T and are D double-sided English and Spanish and they will be uh rigged between the trees using rope and we the our artistan residents has uh experience with this as well and all the story excerpts will be written with high-grade environmentally friendly chalk that dissolves between one week to two to three weeks so it'll be Max 3 weeks there and then it it washes away on its own and and the installation we would go up on the on the 18th of May and come down on August 17th and based on the lifespan of similar projects by Mentor artists we do not anticipate any maintenance needs but we will do monthly checks for damage and complete any repairs as arise and we also expect delays for our vinyl posters that we have ordered and we would like to uh install those on May 25th instead of May 18th and the and and the the the chalk will also be installed at at a later date as well thank you and that's that yeah thank you thank you counselors any questions or comments councelor the Rosario thank you guys for for coming in and search a sure notice I know you guys were or you were trying to get them here and we would try to propos a later day and the the I know students there are other students here who have come from from Lawrence high school and with the the public schools are on vacation so these students are here on their own will so question question that I have I know you have a a a big agenda yes can we as consors if we ID any parks or anything that needs mural can we contact you guys I've been trying to get a mural on on one of my parks in my district elevator t I'm going to say it publicly it's telling me that they're busy for a couple of years I don't know how a nonprofit is busy for our city when they need something they come to a city but it's a small thing but I'm just in general if any of us need anything I mean we need art and our Parks uh we we will provide the paint and stuff like that you will uh we need yeah I definitely we will I mean well or at least I know I I will that's why we did the truck because we don't have I know I will in that Park that I need it I will I will provide whatever materials they need cuz it's not a big mural there so if eventually what I'm asking is if we can contact you guys how your agenda is can we add into your project some stuff to do you can go take a look at the park how the wall looks and you can come up with your idea that it fit that Park so but again I'm going to say it out loud elevator TOS kick me out a couple of times telling me that they extremely busy they didn't even took a look at the wall you know they didn't even say let me take a look at the wall and see how big it is they they told me no that they w we we too busy or whatever and I appreciate that cuz they doing a lot of things on our city but I I'm still looking yes for art I'm a I'm a youth board member the first uh and I will talk to this uh to to Maris uh who is the head of elevated thoughts if um we could leave a contact information with somebody uh we would appreciate that and I know we Al elevated thought has a um um elevated spaces that they did a art installation the first one last year and so we're hoping to make that a bigger project for the city this coming summer as well I appreciate it one more thing I want to ask you guys I don't know if my colleagues are okay with that can you email us I know you have it on your computer can you email all of us or at least me uh this package because it might get lost but if we have it in our system we might be able to see it and go through it if you go to thank you Council sorry if you if you just go if you search on Google Lauren City C Lawrence Mass City Council our page will come up and all of our emails are on that on that page okay we will send you an email with this packet of information as well as with more information from elevated thought any other questions or comments councelor Levy thank you so for how long do you say that you would like to have this it'll be from uh installation process will start the 18th and we will take it down on the 17th of August so it'll just be for this summer so you're going to do it on different places or all the places at the same times um so most of the art is already pre-made in in spaces in private spaces like the schools or the um nonprofits and the so the the we don't expect much time for the installation process because it's like it's like the yard signs that go in the grass like this and the vinyl uh posters which we have experience with um and we only have one person our artist and residence Ruth Henry who will be doing uh the adhesion to the fence with the murals yes but this is my question so the exhibition that you're going to do okay so you're going to have like the camp on Park so you're going to have an specific day for the park or you're going to use it all the different places at the same time so you have you're going to have exhibition on all of the parks or places at the same time we will do the installation all at the same time at the at the Immigrant Place Park and at the campan park we will do it as a team together we will go from one park to the next Park and evaluate um the space we also hope to get the space cleaned up before we do it uh because there are some safety hazards for Youth and um but we but we hope not to have an event at the park we we we would like to have the event at eler during the summer and then have the group that comes to the event we're going to walk them through the campan park and then walk them to Immigrant Place Park so that they can see all the the art and then come back and come back M all right and from what time to what time um I don't have that information available but I do believe that we have um in the permit process for special events I believe we had a couple hours for the installation process okay thank you thank you any further comments or questions councelor llan you had a list of amendments that you wanted that that were different than what the applications can you slowly go through each one of the changes that you have in the application absolutely so the first change is that we will no longer be asking for permission to put up anything at O'Neal Park the second um the second change will be the that we will no longer be using the vinyl stickers we we had that as an option and the hydrophobic paint because we wanted to dis first we wanted to have all the quotes written on the road on the on the sidewalk but when you have vinyl stickers it'll go away fast and that could create pollution such as litter litter littered vinyl stickers that could go into the river so that's not a good option that's why we we like we change it to the chalk the high grade chalk that will be at the campon park and um Al also as well at the at the Immigrant Place park that's the only changes you have yes and and then the the third one was that we H sorry thank you for um that we are changing the the installation for the vinyl posters because we ordered them and there has been a delay so they won't be ready for the 18th but they'll be ready for the weekend following the 25th got it no O'Neal using vinyl stickers and your vinyl posters are going to come later than you expected those are the free changes got it uh did you go to the recreation department before and you're asking for two different locations immigrant Park and and camping new common are those places free for your for you not free it's monetary but available for you to to utilize did you get the clearance on it yes we have um clearance on it we got a special paper and I don't have it available right now now but I can email it to you promptly your application form inside the packet is pretty thorough but unfortunately because the technology has been cut off on some of the things so um it's not so I don't have a complete I've got a truncated application form uh there was one here that we were going to talk about the artwork U and then I it got cut off so what kind of artwor I'm looking for it now but here it is uh you're looking put featuring portraits of and it got cut off what portraits are you looking between six to eight pairs of trees pairs as in not Apple repairs but P RS can you repeat the question sure so it says along the Green Way near inan place we are hoping to write excerpts of stories by local immigrant youth by applying vinyl sticker letters and transparent hydrophobic paint to the path en camping and I guess no longer onal we're hoping to rig a rope between six to eight pairs of trees in order to hang vinyl banners featuring portraits of and story excerpts by youth storytellers from Lawrence Public Schools we are also hoping to install many candle Mirrors by Phoenix Academy students created using yard sign materials it's on on page three yep under what is you appreciate thing as well this is a second time that this organization has come before the council looking for this proposal I remember this distinctly there was some concerns the last time it came before the council I so I think this is your first time actually doing it um I see that you got groundworks Lawrence on this but one of the things that came to at least to this council's attention were the trees and utilizing the trees and whether or not the trees could take uh the whatever you were going to place on them by weight or whatever and I just want to know have you had a chance to talk about your proposals with anybody who has jurisdiction over the trees which is our DPW department has that conversation taken place no we've only had conversations about cleanup um we I I live right um next to campon Park and I have seen also the um falling of trees uh but the the trees we are hoping to get are on the corner um the where um near Summer Street Jackson Street uh Hail Street in that corner and those trees I've been alive for a very long time and they've they've stayed up those those trees been there the whole time so coun regard regardless what they put there they not coming down coun continue but uh I do we we will not I can assure you we will not be posting any of these posters on any of the the trees that have been planted recently those are way too small and young and we will be making sure that none of the um there's only a certain amount of tre in the campon park that are not um going to be in the way of traffic of of pedestrian traffic so we will only be expecting to hang up a certain amount thank you madam chair just my last comment and so the picture that that's inside here is a true representation of where we're going to see the the art work yes roughly speaking uh I think that this is worthy of us giving it a shot my former colleague Dan Rivera used to say let's give it a shot and see what happens we can always take it down or remove it or not have them happen next year so I'm going to use the Rivera um Credo I think on this um and and let's say let's let's go with it and let's see how we'll be watching but please I just I know you got some really good strong and and conscientious backers you mentioned a lot of names that I think most of us I feel very comfortable because I think they're very good organizations that mean well for the city so um because of that and you're teaming up with some good people I'm we I'm willing as for one vote to give this a shot and see how this works out so thank you madam chair and I want to make sure that this the motion I'm going to be making a motion here shortly will incorporate the changes that were made the Amendments that were listed thank you for your presentation and for and and for providing us a a copy of your of your presentation so two things uh before we move on don't forget to contact councelor delario so you guys can see what can have can make something work uh in his parkas and and make sure to email us the the presentation as well all right counselors now we are voting to accept this item as a committee report all those in favor say I I I and the eyes have it Madam chair I like to make a motion that we approve this document with the following um amendments to the proposal which is that O'Neal Park is stricken from the application that there be know I don't know how important this is but we'll have it as part of the motion no no vinyl stickers and that and again I don't think this is critical that the vinyl posters will will be presented later but I don't again I don't think that's that that critical I also want to keep in U that's the motion that we approve and I want to comment one more thing that's my motion Madam chair motion has seconded by Council De Rosario discussion discussion so one thing as well uh you're situated very close to Jackson Street and havil Street we are really dissuading people from bringing Vehicles onto Camp Inon common we spend millions of dollars to make that Park look good and I think as being good stewards of our Park system uh please uh respect that I think that you will do all the stuff from the street or at least on the on the cement way so you're not on the grass uh and and doing some damage either on the grass or on the curb work so thank you mam chair any other questions or comments seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes all any he nose and the eyes have congratulations thank you so much counc the pl uh document number 144 um your housing committee sent this document up which is the Earth Day Citywide cleanup May 4th 2024 again a campaign on commment um make make send that up to full Council favor recommendation make that the of a motion a motion has been made properly seconded by Council Reyes discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I and the ice have it Council the plant document number 14624 the ERS up which is three on free basketball tournament on June 8th uh 2024 sco Park up to the full council with the favor recommendation to make that in the form of a motion motion has been made properly seconded by councilor Reyes discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it document number 14724 the ordinance committee met for laest at delmario for June 8 2024 at spray park at the point send the subs full council with a recommendation to approve and make that the form of a motion second motion has been made proberly seconded by councilor Rees discussion see and none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it so I'm gonna have some help on this one uh document number 15024 the ordinance committee met and send this document which is thank you on August 31st 2024 a campign un comment to the full councel of the favorable recommendation make that in the form of a motion motion has been made properly seconded by Council Rees discussion I have a question the question is how long and where can we go get the permit how long and where uh the permit to use the Park yeah is to use the park so that would be the recreational huh oh Clark you have what happens is day or two um we will send all the votes from tonight up to the mayor's office and he will sign them and send them back so we probably won't see those till Monday say do not go to Recreation before Monday okay then we scan them and we send them out to each department so the recreation department should have by like early next week but you get it from the recreation department but don't go tomorrow because he won't have the backup paper work yet we won't thank you thank you any other questions or comments seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it thank you bless God bless thank you uh document 15224 concerns regarding Staffing uh This 15224 concerns regarding Staffing in the veteran services office as according to chapter 2.24 was sent up to the full Council as a committee report and make that in the form of a motion second motion has been made properly seconded by councelor devario discussion the plant no discussion okay um all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it uh I like to make a motion that on this particular item let me make the motion I'll explain the motion to send correspondence to the mayor encouraging the administration to fund at least one positions within the veteran services department that's the motion motion has been made proberly seconded by councelor Reyes discussion discussion so uh the the quick story on this is that Mr Collins who is here with us had two issues that he brought up this is the first one the first one is that because of the workload of the veteran services office that there is a need to have additional um Personnel to complete the mission and so um the ordinance committee um made a motion that we send to the administration um approval a recommendation that funding be brought to uh to the in the budget to fund a position and then the committee also thought that we would send this up to the full Council and if the full Council wants to mirror or to do the same thing we could do it under the opes of the council as opposed in just the committee so my proposal which was seconded was to send a motion to the mayor requesting that he his administration uh add one more position to the veteran services offices and I think it's the assistant director's position I think it's what it is so that is the motion and that's the Reas that's what we're doing so you're looking to make sure that I understand you're looking for the full Council to also send correspondents in addition to what the ordinance committee has already okay all right any other questions or comments seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it 15424 this is the creation of an ordinance regarding the the coun on the council agenda regarding uh no wait a second concerns regarding the Staffing in the veteran service office this is dealing with um this doesn't seem right we just did that one uh document then document 15424 the creation of an ordinance regarding the council agenda an automatic withdrawal of documents after 2 years uh this was send up to the full Council for withdrawal make that in the form of a motion motion has been made properly seconded by councelor devario discussion real quick I I thank you madam chair so U I think the world with the I'm going please pardon me for speaking on behalf of my colleague from District C but I do think there's going to be a potential rule change that I'm going to support um and that's going to come rather than having an ordinance to get to the same spot I I I am supportive what the what the district council is looking to do and I will support that uh if it becomes a proposed rule change thank you any other questions or comments right seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it 16024 install 1j poll at 25 number 2500 on Abid Street near South Union Street send this up to the full council with a favorable recommendation to order a public hearing and make that in the form of a motion motion has been made properly seconded by Council Rees discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it uh next document is was separated into two parts this is 163a 24 a creation of a new subsection to ordinance 8. 08.19 regulating the waste disposal containers for establishments that self prepare or package food this was sent up to the full council with a recommendation um we were looking for legal language uh pending legal language from the city attorney I don't know if that's been do you send it which item you want s request Teresa send a request she sent a request we haven't received anything back so we have not received that okay is there anybody here from the school that was here oh good there was somebody here so uh so the motion here I think and we're in the middle of this is that this was pending a um pending the language from the city attorney at this point I'm looking for a second and if there and we can have discussion if that's okay with the chair I'm I'm sorry something the clerk was informing me what what was the motion I made a motion just I made a motion to be approved for discussion purposes okay motion has been made seconded by councelor Reyes discussion councelor the thank you so the the way the discussion took place in the ordinance committee was that um is that we wanted to make sure that there were some legal aspects of this particular proposal I think the ordinance Committee in general thought the proposal was good and looked upon it favorably but we wanted to make sure that there were some elements of it regarding the placement of trash receptacles requiring that within a business establishment and we wanted to make sure that that there were no legal conflicts with respect to that and so a letter was sent to the City attorney requesting his opinion on whether that and there may have been a second element too but the that was the big one that I can remember that we get an opinion um and I'm I'm not sensing that we received that opinion from the city attorney um so that's where awkwardly we sit right now because we have students here who have a who did some work and I don't we don't have the legal opinion so Madam chair that's where we stand so I think um I don't I don't I don't see I don't see why it would hurt to move on uh to order the public hearing because by then we should have a legal opinion um we can get a a legal opinion on this and then at the public hearing we can make the final the final uh Vote or decision on that but we do we do have you guys here in front of us today um but I'm only one person depends on what the full Council decides on how to move forward so my motion is to order part of the motion if it's unclear was to order a public hearing and I'm not sure I made that clear in the motion okay the only concern that I have Madam chair is um so we have two conflicting elements here the council president wishes that we have this thing done before they leave school we're already in April and um every time we miss a marker for a council meeting is the is a a missed opportunity for them to get it before they complete their studies that's one the second thing is is that if the City attorney comes back and and thinks that this is a um an unfavor writes an opinion that would dissuade us from doing it um for maybe legal reasons I would hate to spend the money on an legal advertisement that we we have so I'm I'm in a bit of a conundrum as to how to go forward on this the other element is that if we were to delay on this uh part of the process for many of our residents when they come before us is not everything happens as quickly as we wanted it to before the city council sometimes things are delayed and that's a reality that we all face um and doesn't mean that we're not going to potentially not support this but if this is a part of a process to learn how the sausage is made how ordinances are created often times this is an important part we don't get things as timely as we want and sometimes get things get pushed a week or two or a month depending on schedules timing Etc so um as I'm speaking more and more on it I'm GNA I'm wait I would love to hear what my colleagues seem to think on it but I would I would think I would make a motion not now to table so we can get that opinion but I'm eager to hear what others have to say any other questions or comments how the plan so um based on no input I'm going to make a motion to to table this item um and part of the motion is to and to uh to send to the City attorney that he send this to Us in time for the next meeting so there's no further delays on this cuz I I would love for you to be able to have this before we leave for summer break so I'm Mo I'm making a motion to table with the motion a letter to the City attorney is there a second seconded by counselor Levy cler can you do a roll call on a motion to table here uh Council Levy yes Council plant yes Council LAN yes Council Del Rosario yes Council Santiago yes Council marmel yes Council Ares yes Council um vice president Infante no um council president is noted as absent okay item 163 coun Council the plan okay this is part of process on this so we're going to City attorney to fin us a letter we've asked the City attorney more officially to send us presentation in time for the next meeting when is our next Mee Madam chair May 7th May 7th I would encourage you to come back on May 7th um and hopefully that well we're going to if we do anything we will order a public hearing we will not adopt it there's one more step before final passage they had a section B to this and I I think that the ladies didn't realize what that was the traffic one and you had given them some recommendations and so they had come up with that yep that was this was A and B's not on our so I'm being advised to you madam chair thank you for letting me monopolize the conversation that second element remains in the ordinance committee that's what I'm told so um you're welcome to come back I don't look if I look at the calendar I can tell you what may when when is the last day of school around mid June I think it's June 15th B Council Rosario the other item which Just a Part B on it we send it we table it but we send it to the police station so they can do what they do on that street street that you looking for for the traffic so they will come back with a recommendation of what we can do in that area they had it why they had come up with a new plan and amend oh they would need to bring that to the ordinance committee I'm sorry mam okay no not a problem so yeah so next probably next week sometimes if we have an item so right it looks like we'll have it next Tuesday so you can tally schedule it for next Tuesday we'll definitely find that out and Teresa will probably let you know at the end of the meet or next week if if we have if it's Tuesday going to be Tuesday okay that's great one last thing you said that we can project it would that be best instead of the diam yes please thank you um counselors I I would like to ask a member of the prevailing side to please reconsider tabling this item because the last day of school is mid June and seniors graduate the week of the 21st and I was speaking with the clerk uh she doesn't believe that is necessary to table she she does believe that we can continue order the order the public hearing and still have the required documents that we need uh for the next meeting so I am asking anyone who I voted against tabling but someone from the prevailing side to please reconsider tbling uh this matter if that's the case I I will I will reconsider the vote so motion has been made by councelor R seconded by councelor dezario there's no discussion on this right so or is there a discussion on this this V well you're not table any okay discussion making a motion to take it back off the table see a none roll call councilor Rees Council M take it off on table Council Santiago yes Council Del Rosario yes Council Lan yes Council plant yes Council Levy yes Council vice president fonte yes and council president is noted as absent okay the eyes have it at this point now I am looking for a motion to send to order a public hearing on item 163 a-24 believe that's already on the floor Madam okay so so the motion was made by Council of plan believe it was seconded by Council Reyes discussion seeing none uh should do a roll all those in favor say I I and the eyes have it roll call this item is this is the ordering of a public hearing um Council Levy yes Council l plant no council Lan yes council do Rosario yes Council of Santiago yes Council marmo yes Council Rez yes Council vice president fonte yes council president is noted as absent that motion carries thank you so the motion passed to order public hearing so the public hearing will be next meeting uh May 7th so be prepared to present us your amazing presentation and at that point we will make a final decision on on this matter thank you so much can um the teacher's email address oh can we havea can you get the teacher's email address please [Applause] y okay moving on um no Public Safety Committee report no Committee of the whole report or old business item 70 item 76-4 resolution amending and receding the reimbursement requirement for the creating of thriving Lawrence Grant awardees brought To Us by um mayor depena and his senior advisor counselors I am looking to have a vote to take this out of the budget and finance committee uh last time we did not have a quorum to fully discuss this I'm looking to discuss this at the now at the full Council so move motion has been made by councelor marmel is there a second seconded by councelor Reyes uh do discussion on discussion uh CLA can you do a a roll call for we need six votes for this this is a motion of committee Council Levy noted as absent council plan no council Lan just to pull it from committee yes also Del Rosario no I like um councilor Santiago yes councelor marmel yes Council Aras counc vice president fonte yes Council Rodriguez is noted as absent it last six votes so so it's not pulled from committee okay all right so counselors we will not be discussing this item tonight I ask that the budget and finance members please be present because counselor lzone does have to recuse herself from this item which was why we could not uh discuss this at the budget and finance committee level so thank you so much any items from the tables matters anyone that would like to untable seeing none new business all right bear with me here item 16424 approval of taking at Water Street by an eminent I always have hard time with this word eminent domain of a temporary easement te-20 and public utility easement p-4 for a term of 5 Years From uh our land use planner Mr McCarthy that's going to go to the um housing committee item 165 5-24 the approval of taking at Railroad Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement te22 for a term of 5 years brought To Us by Mr McCarthy that's going to the housing committee item 16624 approval of taking at Broadway by eminent domain of a temporary easement t-32 for a term of 5 years for a term of five years and permanent easement e-9 going to the um housing committee item 167-20 approval of taking at 621 exas stre by eminent domain of a temporary easement t-9 for a term of 5 years going to the housing committee item 16824 approval of taking at 606 Canal Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement te-2 for a term of 5 years and a permanent easement 2- C going to the housing committee item 16924 approval of taking at 598 ex Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement te-8 for a term of 5 years going to the housing committee item 17-24 approval of taking at 13- 415 havl Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement te16 for a term of 5 years going to the housing committee item 17124 approval of taking at 600a ex Street by eminent domain of two temporary easement te- 6 and te-7 for a term of 5 years going to the housing committee item 17224 approval of taking at 468 exas Street by eminent domain of two temporary easement te-1 and t-33 for a term of 5 years and public utility easement pu-1 going to the housing committee item 17324 approval of taking at 140 West Street by eminent domain of a of a temporary easement t-56 for a term of 5 years going to the housing committee item 17424 approval of taking at 139-143 Main Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement t-24 for a term of 5 years going to the housing committee item 17524 approval of taking at 130 136 West Street by eminent domain of two temporary easements for a term of 5 years going to the housing committee one item 17624 approval of taking at 123 Main Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years going to the housing committee item 17724 approval of taking at 885a Manchester Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of five years and a permanent bike path easement going to the uh housing committee 17824 approval of taking at 55 rille Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years going to the housing committee item 17924 approv of taking at 41 Railroad Street by eminent domain of two temporary easements for a term of 5 years and one permanent easement going to the housing commiss item 180-4 approval of taking at 138-142 West Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years going to the housing committee item 181 d24 um 173 is that a typle okay okay approval of taking at 125 Main Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of five years going to the housing committee item 18224 approval of taken at 87 Manchester Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years and permanent easements going to the housing committee item 183-202 d71 Railroad Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years going to the housing committee item at 45 Railroad Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a 5-year term going to housing committee item 18524 approval of taking at 30 at 33-47 Morton Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years going to the housing committee item 16424 approval of taking at 32 West Street by eminent domain of three temporary easements for a 5year for term of 5 years going to the housing committee item 18724 approval of taking at 26 window Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years going to the housing committee item 18824 approval of taking at 20 Broadway Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years going to the housing committee item 18924 approval of taking at 10 Broadway at 10 Broadway by Eminem domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years going to the housing committee item 19024 approval of taken a six Bradway by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years and a public utility easement going to the housing committee item 19124 approval of taken at three Broadway by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of five years and a permanent easement going to the housing committee item one 92- 24-24 approval of taking at one Water Street by eminent domain of two temporary easements for a term of 5 years going to the housing committee item 193-20 approval of taking at 20 27 Winter Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years going to the housing committee item 19424 approval of taking at 25 Ral Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement for term of 5 years a permanent bike path easement and a public utility easement going to the housing committee item 195-43 by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years going to the housing committee item 19624 approval of taken at 8 South Broadway by eminent domain of a temporary easement four term of 5 years going to the housing committee item 19724 approval of taking at 3-5 Water Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years going to the housing committee item 198-202 South Broadway by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years going to excuse me the housing committee item 19924 approval of taking azero Broadway by eminent domain of two temporary easements for a term of 5 years any public utility easement going to the housing committee item 20024 approval at taken at 619 ex Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years going to the housing committee item 20-24 approval of taking at South Canal Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years going to the housing committee item 202- 24 approval of taking at Parker Street by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years going to the housing committee item 203- 24 approval of taken at exas stre by eminent domain of a temporary easement for a term of 5 years going to the housing committee item 20 204 d24 payment of priye invoice in the amount of $468 United construction and Forestry LLC um rocked To Us by the Airport Manager going to the budget and finance committee item 205- 24 Amendment to the nonunion class classification plan add assistant Commissioner of Health cold services to grade is going to the budget and finance committee item 206- 24 the authorization to expend Grant funds in the amount of $ 42,552 for the marac valley renewal fund from the Attorney General's office is going to the p uh budget and finance committee item 20724 the authorization to expend Dona funds in the amount of $5,000 from half to half from halfers a kicks Foundation is going to the budget and finance committee item 20824 authorization to expend ground Grant funds in the amount of 22,000 for the library Initiative for teens and twins from the Boston Foundation is going to the budget and finance committee item 20924 stop sign at warrant in L Street to create a four-way stop is going to the ordinance committee item 21024 handicap parking at 343 South Broadway is going to the ordinance committee item 21-24 stop sign at Newberry Street corner of Elm Street is going to the uh ordinance committee item 22-24 disclosure of conflict by City employee is going to the ordinance committee item 23-24 application for Hawkers and impellor license is going to the ordinance committee item 24-24 install un Underground condu on Medford Street near Oxford Street from poll number 7173 reference number 30855 1 z108 is going to the ordinance committee item 25-24 15minute parking at 271 laen Street castio Food Market is going to the ordinance committee item 26-24 annual community resource Fair September 7 2024 at campon Park is going to the ordinance committee item 27-24 Family Day June 22 of 2024 gagman Park is going to the ordinance committee item 28-24 3 days of Warship August 23rd 24th and 25th of this year at O'Neal Park is going to the ordinance committee item 29-24 Hoops for Christ basketball tournament for May 25 at o OK Canal okano Park basketball Park OKO uh basketball court is going to the ordinance committee and the last one item 220-24 confirmation of appointment of Carlos Matos as director of Planning and Development um will be going to the Personnel committee to the Personnel committee and this does have a 30-day time restriction um so all right with that being said now committee committee uh assign committee dates committee meeting dates let's start off with housing can we shoot for Wednesday the 24th um 6 p.m. Wednesday the 24th at 6 p.m. ordinance 23rd 7 p.m. Tuesday 23rd at 7 p.m. um Personnel councelor Levy would you like to schedule that Personnel are you do we have a vice chair yes okay um councelor Lon so again a date for the Personnel committee meeting councelor lone there I thought you were asking me okay that's at s all right personel is is Tuesday the 20 23rd 20 the the what 23rd the 23rd at 6: p.m. budget and finance councelor Mar Wednesday the 24th at 700 p.m. Wednesday the 24th at 700 p.m. for budget and finance huh what oh housing you guys have yeah you guys have a lot so but this is the same thing 40 times it's really not you have always 40 but it's the same thing 40 times I don't know if he's going to do you want me to switch budget and finance for six and housing at 7 sure budget and finance at 6 housing at 7 Public Safety we have none Committee of the whole we have none okay at this point I motion to adjourn motion has been made seconded by Council Reyes all those in favor say I I the eyes have it thank you so much bless m jennan is that e e e e e e