##VIDEO ID:z45a0j4am6E## for I does anyone want to sign in for po participation or I'm going to pick the list yeah you want no you go you're I will say some key wordss that I posted I will say them loud and clear I'm sorry thank you no worries no worries my friend I got a lot of titles I'm sorry okay no you only four L here L here y good evening to the special public meeting of the Len city council today is Wednesday uh October 16 2024 pursuant to chapter 20 of the act of 2022 this meeting will be hybrid allowing public uh allowing participation both in person at the city council chambers and remotely the soon link for this meeting was provided to anybody that requested uh through the city clerk office this meeting will be um transmitted through the laen city council Facebook page as well as the YouTube laen city council page roll call malan Clair councelor Levy pres councelor llant present councel Luzon present councelor Del Rosario present councelor Santiago present councilor marmal present councilor Rees present vice president in font present council president Rodriguez present uh please uh join me for a moment of silence now join me for a pledge of allegion PL of ALG to the flag of the United States and to the na God indivisible for all today during this special meeting we are going to allow public participation the rules for the public participation are as follows we're going to allow everybody to speak for two and a half minutes at the two minute Mark we you you are going to uh hear a sounds that indicate that you still have 30 seconds please refer to this Council as a whole not to any individual counselors we're going to start this public participation with h Mali name add just for the record please 53 Chester Street good evening honorable members in this historical moment read the lenan the best example of respect for the teachers union and the support of our teachers we demand a school committee members who are elected by our citizen not a political appointee this is a fundamental right of our citizen is to have and free and elected school committee we the Laurentian one city under God never allow our free Democratic right of election to be taken away from we are united to have a school committee members to be elected in this most important historical decision when our most important stakeholder our teachers and their Union desire to have an school committee as a independent elected body we cannot allow no one take away our freedom and Democratic right to free election we want to elect our school committee members the path to liberation of the Lawrence Public School from receivership is an elected school committee we cannot allow one interfere with the Laurentian right to free and democratic election read the Laurentian respectfully tonight request from this honorable Cil please stand up for right of our citizen allow that school committee to be an elected body because please vote for Freedom tonight vote for democracy tonight V the Laurentian want to elect our school committee [Applause] members please hold the Applause for the end the next person that we have is um anel mes name and address for the record please Angel mes uh former Lawrence High School teacher I live in Lawrence as I stated last time that I was in front of you we got to be careful with the decision that could elicit from you guys because we lost more than a decade with the state uh receivership in this city I remember back in 2011 when I confronted uh former commissioner education uh Dr Chester preventing them about coming to this city because we have a special population we we have teachers coming from different places trying their best and the state didn't know what to do with us Dr Chester admitted that they were coming to an anchar territory that res our teachers but it was dismantled people with a lot of condition they had to leave the city we have a lot of people right there that they are just roaming around we are so lucky having Felix Garcia who is in the front page of the uh Eagle Tribune working for the city of metan my former student people like Jason Caba who is here present working for the city we need to be careful politics cannot be governing everything we are supposed to be just helping the people decision so we trust you guys and I think in the Democratic way that people were elected this is a time to reflect this is not a good time for H confrontation we have the teachers union we need to see what they need and also with the new Authority we need to find a common ground how to be just regaining the trust and the best for our students be careful one more time we are observing thank you the next person that we have is uh Jonathan Gman the school Committee Member representing District f um good evening counselors thank you for the opportunity Jonathan Gman byce sh of the Lawrence school committee reside at 39 Lin Street here in Lawrence so I wanted to address that the school committee members appointed to the adaa committee came well prepared for debates and dialogue we we fought throughly and review materials before each meeting to Ure that we were ready however we faced challenges like lateness absences from the mayor's side and attempts by LPS staff to join the committee which is against city law we review other proposals line by line identify poorly written sections and presenting strong arguments the school committee has shown dedication competence and standing part away from any governing body in the city despite our efforts we have faced attacks from the administration and a lack of support from the city council it is unfair to compare us two unprepared individuals at the aad committee every meeting was recorded and I encourage everyone to watch that I address this publicly because it was unfair to criticize despite the commitment and collaboration that the school committee came to this table to do thank you all right the next the next person that we have for public participation is uh Brian laier he's the city council members from lean Massachusetts thank you Mr President thank you Council uh Lawrence city council is my name is Brian La Pierre I serve a couple of hats I work for the AFT the American Federation of teachers Massachusetts director of organization working closely with uh president Kim Barry and her uh Union leadership team which we are here tonight uh obviously opposing any change uh to what has been done um I just want to remind uh colleagues as uh uh I'm have a counselor in Lynn and the the whole notion uh of this being a a prerequisite some somehow to an exit in receivership is purely fiction I want to be really clear that this is not how other communities have gotten even further out of receivership like holy o and Southbridge while maintaining their elected capacity as school committee members so this in no way is a directive from either desie or Bessie or acting commissioner Johnston to do this home rule petition at this time rather it's like an escape plan or an end around that the mayor is able to um negotiate and uh Advocate a certain position that can go to the state house um with very little if any um input from the citizenry and I applaud the work of the council and council president Rodriguez for setting up an ad hoc and and Committee Member Guzman and his team for getting a less than perfect proposal however the best proposal comes from the citizenry of Lawrence the best proposal is a democratically elected school committee the best proposal is when one person doesn't make the decisions for the whole the best proposal is what Holy Oak and Southbridge are doing the hard work that it takes to get out from understate receivership the Exit Plan needs to come from the community it needs to come from the Grassroots not from the top down power grab that we see now from the corner office I said it back in May don't allow your elected position to do the bidding for this mayor he's wrong on this he thinks this is going to end up as a positive for the city and the community we would never get away with something like this in Lynn and I hope that you would respect the home rule petition for what it is and as it if it is to go to another level and you're going to put uh State reps and state senators at risk as well to have to take a position that is undemocratic the work should stay here within your uh committee work and and um it should really involve stakeholders and I mean the community teachers everyone we had a listening tour recently nobody's in favor of this proposal and I would I would challenge you when we do have some support in this Council but we don't know that level of support what we feel supporting means is to let democracy Prevail let folks continue to elect their school committees like every other community City and town throughout the Commonwealth with the exception of Boston which is the appointed school committee every other community elects at school committee and that's our position and we want you to stand tall with us and we know this is a difficult position that you may be in but using this as a tool is not the right approach thank you thank you all right thank you um all these names are this is the time uh all these names are going to be submitted for the record um councilors I would like to recognize the presence of a couple of school committee members tonight that are here laen school committee members uh the first one is Jonathan Gman he was at the podium a couple of minutes ago he represent District F uh Sandra Edward Sanda Edwards uh represented District d uh both of those members were uh part of the AHA committee and also we have here the the the uh the city of Len um solicitor the City attorney Tim Hilton for our assistance um with that said councilors we close public participation at this me at this meeting we have no public hearings um there is no communication from the mayor City uh City uh City officials of city of cheny uh and we have a committee report uh from the aho committee that was formed before we get there I would like to mention um the members of the ah committee committee as established by this Council uh the a committee have the honor uh of eight members uh that that were serving there two City Council Members Council vice president Infante and council at large Ana leevi as well of as well as three members from the Lawrence school committee uh councelor um I mean U school Committee Member Jonathan Guzman School Committee Member ma Ortiz and school Committee Member uh Shandra Ed and as well we have three members from the uh from the mayor's office the destine from the mayor from the mayor's office where the chief of staff Santiago Matias uh at the time we have uh the advisor of the mayor and as well as the economic development director no uh Carlos Matos and Mr spiners those were eight members uh that that formed this aho committee uh that review uh those uh proposals that were in front of them without further Ado I would like to um allow the city council's vice president to present the findings of the ARA committee on item 14825 for thank you council president item 14824 establishment of home rule petition defining a governing structure for the Lawrence School Board upon the exit of State receivership brought To Us by mayor Brian depena um is being sent up as a committee report the atoc committee had two proposals to review um the one before you tonight is is one that the adhoc committee believed that was better suited um and I and that's the committee there's more that I would like to say about the committee report but I'm going to make the motion to accept as a committee report first second there is a motion to accept this item as a committee report properly second discussion discussion uh Council vice president infant thank you council president I I want to say um within the two when we had the two proposals one of the proposals we went through it section by section um for the sake of transparency uh to keep things fair I tried to do the same thing with the second proposal and members of the of the committee were um assuming that members of the ad hoc committee were unprepared um when I was just trying I think you were trying to do the same thing yesterday council president going section by section because I think in our mind um that's the way that transparency should work so I want I wanted to make sure that that the audience and also people watching and my colleagues knew um that that's what happened additionally within the the um the the makeup um at some point um one of the mayor's appointees the former director was um accepted a job with LPS um I did not receive any communication from the mayor's office pertaining you know what to do moving forward um with the individual showed up I did ask him to recuse himself from the rest of the meetings and he did immediately so also want you guys my colleagues to know that great information thank you so much vice president Infante for clarifying uh those uh those uh pres those issues CC so uh just a quick question if I may uh to the vice chair she no no no I I I let me I can address the council president so the person that she mentioned that was not supposed to be in the meeting so stay in the meeting it's it's not are we it's start a conflict conflict of interest and uh and and yes so we started in the left yes he recruits himself once he accept the job at the LW Public School Cil president but I mean she stated that he refused to leave the meeting no I said that he once I asked him to recuse himself from that meeting and moving I mean recuse counselor um uh ccil president how many in how many meetings uh he was president before or he was a city uh Lawrence um School City of Lawrence School employee he was part of one meeting and then after that no meetings that's it it can we ask one of the school committee members cons president I I think it's it's it's looks like a conflict of interest mean Council uh the on the report Council vice president Infante just mentioned that he recruits himself out of the uh out of the meetings once he become a uh a uh a an employee from the school department consult president I I I I understand your point but I think I think he was presentent in more than one meeting that's inaccurate point of information we have attendance that is inaccurate and also you can go back to the live stream of the meetings he showed up to one out of the three meetings he showed up to one at that point he was already with Lawrence Public Schools I did not have I did not receive any communication pertaining to this individual from the mayor's office once he showed up members of the community of the committee expressed their concerned I then as the chair of the committee asked him to leave and he did not return to any and we had one more after that and that was at the very beginning of the meeting which again you can go back to the live stream and view for yourself ccil president if I may uh I think I have the floor councel L yes you have the Flor and I thank you council president I would like to see attendance if possible or hopefully I'm going to have to go back and we will provide that to you coun thank you K president no problem yeah we will provide that to you counc Lan uh councel leevy you were member of the of the AHA committee uh you have the floor thank you council president uh we only had two meetings three three meetings only oh I mean I miss one okay but he only came to just one and only and only he stay on the meeting for a couple of second because he was asking to leave he know it was no discussion while he was in there and it is important to clarify that he was that was that happened at the second meeting correct councelor VI presant correct council president so he was part of the first meeting as a city employee he did not he did not oh he didn't show up he did not show up no the only person I'm sorry uh the only person that show up at the first meeting that we had was Mr espan okay council president if I may make a comment and that's still worse than that my first question so no representation it looks like and um it looks like that the representation from the maor's office was um I mean it it it it looks like that they were not there for the three meetings and and uh having three meetings to discuss this which is basically the present and the future of the school committee that will impact the school system it worries me council president just to put it out there it's concerning yeah yeah councel Lon uh it is important to recognize that the AA committee it is an advisory committee we have uh ultimately the the decision of the city council we have the a in front of us with the package uh and I think that you know looking at the proposal that we have in front of us we have a lot of content uh to be discussed uh tonight and I definitely appreciate the work of the ARA committee also the work of every counselor tonight because we here to do what we need to do uh when it comes to uh making sure that we debate this and as well as uh make a determination as part of the home rule petition councelors it is important to recognize the following a home rule petition um is it state law that only affect the City of Lawrence and it need to be uh approved by the city council signed by the mayor and subsequently send uh approved by that uh or voted in favor voted in favor by that state representative the Senate and also signed by the governor this is a long process and uh I think that the first step we have in front of us part of our responsibility is to um take a determination whether or not we're going to send the home R petition to the state to be approved so without further Ado if it is no more questions I going to call uh I going to call a question when it comes to accepting the committee report this is just for to accept the committee report councelors at this time I'll call a roll call Madame CLA please call the roll call councelor Rees yes councelor marmel yes councilor Santiago yes Council Del Rosario yes Council Luzan yes Council llant yes Council Levy yes Council vice president infon yes council president Rodriguez yes now we have it here councilors what the motion motion to approve for purpose of discussion there is a motion to approve for the purpose of discussion properly second now we're going to open the discussion um council president Council vice president infant thank you I have some actually let me pass this out I have some amendments to recommend for uh this proposal and after speaking with the city clerk this is the appropriate time to do so um I I I are we missing one um I appreciate the the effort of trying to go Section by section but after the experience I I had about going through that I don't think that's the most um efficient way uh to go about this the first amendment I'd like to make a motion to amend section two to to amend it to seven voting members three elected at charge three appointed three appointed by the city council not the mayor um I would also like to amend this is also under section two under election in term of office with the the three elected at at large committee members to have two years terms and the three appointed members to have threee threeyear um terms and that's that's a middle ground um I I've heard that the mayor wanted four a term of four years uh counselors wanted in including myself I wanted two years I believe three years is a is a good middle ground um to to come to um additionally I would like to amend to eliminate the the the choice of the mayor having a designate um as the mayor um our Charter says that he serves as the chair and he should be he or she moving forward should be at the meetings um and that's what I have for now and I make that um the propos that I have here or the amendment that I have in front of us that's section 5.2 and 5.7 correct yeah five 5 5.1 and 5.7 of the lawren city Charter 5.2 I corrected 5.2 5.2 sorry that's that mistake 5.2 you're correct yes so 5.2 just for the record yeah 52 5.2 and 5.7 and the five uh 5.2 Madame CLA for the record and for the purpose of the motion to amend this section do you mind reading uh 5.2 and 5.7 the entire yes section 5.2 currently um in The Proposal that came from the committee um was composition eligibility election and term of office the first portion was composition this shall be a school committee of the Lawrence residents composed of 11 members who will oversee the policiy budget and superintendent of the Lawrence Public Schools six of these members referred to as District members will be nominated and elected by voters from each of the six districts with one member representing each district one member known as the mayor of the City of Lawrence or his Design One member known as the elected students representative must be elected by the students of Lawrence High School campus during November four members known as temporary appointed members will be chosen by the mayor of Lawrence and confirmed by the Lawrence city council the mayor shall appoint school committee members who represent the ethnic racial and social economic diversity of the City of Lawrence and its Public public school students three of the temporary appointment members shall be members with a background in education who are not presently employed in the Lawrence Public Schools and must be a parent or or of a student currently enrolled in Lions Public Schools a former educator of the Lions public schools in an Alum who attends liance public schools during the receivership tenure each member including the mayor or its design will have a full voting rights of the committee except the student representative unless the general law says otherwise eligibility a district so and then she just she just Amendment yes the composition so I would can I can I read yeah for the amendment read as follow okay because this is just a composition so the amended version would read as follows section A on composition will be there will be a school committee consisting of seven members which will exercise General management and control of the LI public schools of the city at large members three of these members to be known as at large members shall be nominated and elected by a form of Voters of the city from the voters of the city at large appointed members the city Council shall elect suitable persons of three of those members to be known as appointed members chairperson the mayor Shall Serve as the seventh member of the school committee in its chairperson with full power to vote so that's Apples to Apples Apples to Apples yes that's a b and then B so B is eligibility which currently reads A District member must be a voter and live in the district they represent at the time of their election for 6 months however if a district member moves out of the district they they were elected from they will be deemed to have resigned their position the resulting vacancy will then be filled by the Lawrence city council as outlined in section 7.5 entitled election of term and Amendment the amendment is eligibility an at large school Committee Member shall be a voter and a resident of Lawrence at the time of their election a school committee member who removes from the city shall be considered to have vacated his position as an at lodge member eligibility for appointment members shall be defined by the ordinances of the City of Lawrence all right um and then we and then the legibility right the C far election election in term of office um as for the proposal currently in the proposal that came up reads election in term of office the six elected members of the school committee will serve a 2-year term starting at 7:00 p.m. on the first non-holiday day in January after their election the term will extend until their successors are elected and qualified three members of the school committee are temporarily appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the city council for a term of four years their term also starts at 7 p.m. on the first non holiday day in January after their appointment at the end of each temporary appointment the members must be elected as an art large School Committee Member and will have full voting rights on the committee and at large member must be a registered voter and a resident of the City of Lawrence at the time of their election if an at large member relocates out of the city they'll be considered to have resigned Lawrence city council will fill the resulting vacancy as detailed in section 5.7 election and terms the proposed revision is reading election and term the term of office of an at lodge member of the school committee shall be for two years beginning at 7:00 in the evening on the first secular day in January following their election and shall continue until their successors have been chosen and qualified sub two is the term of office for an appointed member of the school committee shall be 3 years beginning at 7:00 in the evening on the first secular day in January following their election and shall continue until their successes have been chosen and qualified so councelors we have a propose uh in front of us and we also have an amendment for those sections section 5.2 and section 5.7 uh we haven't we haven't get to Seven yet uh but we will in a second we just finished with uh section 5.2 so F section 5.7 read as follow on the proposed um on the U the current uh version that we have from the Iha committee section 7 currently reads or in the propos initial proposal reads section seven location and erection of school buildings that's not no no no wait failing a vacancy [Music] Section 5 .7 of the chat currently reads filling of vacancies if a vacancy occurs in the office of school Committee Member it shall be filled in the same manner as provided in section 3.9 of the filling of vacancy of the office of a District counselor and then the new proposal is filling of vacancies at large is if a vacancy the office of an at large school Committee Member occurs in the first 18 months of the term for which an atlarge member is elected the vacancy shall be filled for the balance of the unexpired term by the candidate for the office at Large Committee Member at the most recent city election who receiv received the highest number of votes without being elected and provided that such person is willing to serve and remains qualified to do so if that person is not willing to serve or is no longer eligible to serve the candidates in descending order of votes received shall be offered the vacancy until one who is qualified accepts the office provided however that any such candidate fail to receive a vote total equal to 30% or more of the vote total received by the candidate who received the lowest number of votes and was declared elected to the office or at lodge member the city council shall within 30 days following the date of the vacancy was from the date the vacancy was declared to exist elect a suitable person from among the voters of the city at large to fill the vacancy for the balance of the unexpired term with the appointed School Committee Member there's the additional language of if a vacancy in the office of an appointed School Committee Member shall occur on the first 30 months of the term for which the appointed member are elected the city council shall within 30 days following the date of the vacancy is declared to exist elect a suitable person to serve for the balance of the unexpired term and then C in general as reading No Vacancy which occurs after the first 18 months of the term for an ATL members are elected or 30 months for the term which an appointed members are elected shall be filled unless failure to fill such vacancy would result in less than four persons serving as members of the school committee in the event of such vacancies they shall be filled in a manner provided above and final section is whenever a vacancy exists on the school committee which is not filled at the time the city election the person elected as such election to fill the seat in which the vacancy exists shall forth with be sworn and shall in addition to the term for which he was elected serve for the balance of the then unexpired term if such vacancy is in the office of the at lodge School Committee Member it shall be filled by the person receiving the highest number of votes for the office at the set election who is not then serving in the out Lodge member of the school committee replace this portion of it okay do you want just say that's that's the replacement okay in the initial proposal submitted by the ad hoc committee um the replacement language doesn't line up with the charter the charter has it as section 7 this is part of section two for replacement language but the um replacement language that council andon is recommending be replaced was proposed to read a temporary appointed member is required to be a voter in a resident of the City of Lawrence at the time of their appointment for six months no we have a proposal and an amendment and uh at this time uh counselors we also um we can motion I make yeah I make that as a motion to amend second so that's that's not president that's part of the motion and then Amendment the you amend the motion to accept this so I I I the motion that we have from Council Infante is to accept the proposal from the ad hoc committee for purposes of discussion and then she outlined several edits to that proposal which were read into the record and that's been the motion is to accept it with the amendment discussion discussion yes definitely uh Council we have that U you have the floor thank you council president ccil president if I may can I ask uh one of the school committee members uh to speak if that possible ccil president of course uh if you if you have questions for the school committee member that is here yesil president School Committee Member Jonathan Gman please after through you council president I would like to ask uh School Committee Member Jonathan Guzman uh because is in the school Committee Member his a school committee M elected by the people of Lawrence I would like to hear from him uh how do you feel what is your um opinion about the amendment that uh conso infant is proposing through you council president uh Cil vice president infant is proposing thank you council president yeah thank you for the time and um in case my colleague would like to speak in any moment um you know there a I will start with you know you can plan as much as you can and every plan that you will push through will fall through and the most unever plans will make you be proactive and instantly as I hear the proposal and I'm trying to get it in we're getting the same proposal the mayor proposed and where we just remove him in the executive office as the appointe member and place the city council you know our argument when we came before you and this proposal was here was that the Lawrence the City of Lawrence let me just read this the justice department Su the City of Lawrence in 1998 to eliminate numerous barriers of the city Hispanic citizens fa casting their votes you know what happened in 19 in 1998 it was a large seat and we were not the majority we have minority individual populations now Lawrence and it's not us accepting anything like this like the ma what the mayor proposed and what the fellow counselor is proposing you're putting the city in danger once again to go through a lost suit as in the immediate release that happened in 2002 by the justice department and where you are having our large seats all across you know the particular proposal that the school committee put in it went through a process it got to the a committee keeps the six elected seats of the Lawrence school committee per District as many of you we have particular schools in each district we need a representation at the table that can quickly be able to engage as we have been doing every single day since we lost power at the same time it allows what the mayor wanted and appointed three membership that goes through a rigorous process of a board of citizens particular in education to rec recommend who those three individuals should be that process then in four years goes into an large decision a well-rounded comprehensive piece and where the mayor still sits on the school committee and by his senior through his senior advisor requested that the Desy had voting power and that was the amendment that was provided my recommendation is that that this particular amendment is not adopted because we're back to the same proposal just removing who is the appointy authority the president I think I have the Flor cons CC still have the floor uh CC pres I can hear from uh School Committee Member you don't have to hear if you're if you're all set no I want hear from through you cons president I want to hear from thank you good afternoon everyone or evening by now I would uh piggy back on what my brother Committee Member just said and state that I would also be in opposition to the seven members uh particularly because I don't see the parody with seven members is and if if I heard it correctly because honestly this is the first time I'm hearing it I don't have a written copy of it all I have have as clerk Bell reading to the best of her ability what there is but I I did not see this in preparation for tonight's meeting I was here last night I didn't know this was going to be presented tonight and I I I'm at a disadvantage because I don't have a copy so I was feverishly writing notes as committee woman on font was speaking but what I understood and please correct me if I'm wrong is that the proposal is for 7 members three appointed three in the mayor is that the breakdown three elected at large all right three appoint confirmation of those appointees going to be by the city council so I guess my my difficulty with that is that it almost begs um the issue of possible ties that have to be broken by the mayor I'm assuming and that that's problematic to me for many reason reasons because it seems to be set up for a tie and to be broken by the mayor so I have a problem with parody with that the proposal that we very conscientiously figured out and made in the ad hoc committee and are presenting to you this evening is for 11 members the parody with 11 members makes much more sense there are nine of you there would be nine school committee members appointed as well as elected plus the student and the mayor that's my understanding that would give us the 11 there's a reason why there are nine of you I just think that that makes more sense it also gives the majority of the power to the elected school committee members I'm appointed and I still think it's more important to the community that the majority of school committee members are elected it's not likely that there'll be ties and again it mirrors your makeup so I I I would be vehemently opposed to uh that proposal and I think for for very good reason any questions of me at least and how uh through you Cil president uh so chief we also mentioned the counil councelor infant mentioned uh time and am I mistaken you mentioned from two to four years can you three elected two years El yeah elected two years and appointees three years three years how uh through you council president how do you feel about that uh School Committee Member Gman so this is uh one of the things that again we are as we're hearing this so we are writing down and trying to put our heads around us as we're speaking and what we heard was an appointed three the appointed are three years and the alarge or two so this is a sincere question you know I don't know if it's not it's like those that are are large right now how difficult it is for you to run every single year you get an office then you go out again basically it's it's crazy to to do that right and coming from a seat on the school committee level in where every single day we're trying to get people involved to give the majority years of a committee of somebody being on the committee to the appointee where we're the ones where the elect individuals are the ones going out there and door knocking and going through all that work are the ones that are getting less time to be at their seat this is something that we myself and my committee members defer I asked when we were on conversations at the school committee level to increase it to four years for for members right just to ensure we have good retention and we have individuals in the space that because we heard we heard a lot from people saying you know I'm not a politician like I want to be in the space I want to work with people but I don't want to be doing this whole campaigning ever again and again and again that's also why why they like the appointed piece because they don't have to do that we all know that when people put the work in it's because they want to do this work and they're going to their people are going to hold their feet to the fire every single step of the way so you know when it comes to the you know the committee woman Ed and myself have said already that we don't support this particular Amendment which effectively then delivers a trump for the other amendments because they're connected like SE I believe it was Section 5 S lays out the the particular vacancy process right not supporting the first section I believe was 5.2 that we heard uh automatically moves us to remove the idea that the other one will be concise um but my personal opinion I don't know if the committee woman has a different one is that with the with the ARA committee proposal the uh per District school committee are two years right now I believe that should be increased the appointed individuals by the mayor right and it has a process that comes before the city council have a four-year term and after that is done those specific position go into an a larg position which is also I believe two in the outa committee proposal which I also said that should be increased right to ensure that people are able to run be in office for a while and do the work because I A True Believer that it takes more than two years to see its effective change and policy and go through that process I don't have committee woman Edward has anything to add on that thank you all right any other councelors council president before we go to the round let me go to the round councelor leant thank you very much council president let me just start off by saying there's an awful lot to like about this proposal and um right off the bat I don't there's there's points on here that I'd like to see change or tweaked a little bit to to uh for reasons that I can express um as we get to them but I like the fact that it is a seven member school committee I like the fact that it's a manageable number I think it's very appealing I think um just because you have a lot of members doesn't mean it makes it better what you want to do is you want to have solid members good members who are working hard toward the end which is let's not forget what this is all about this is all about making sure that we have a topnotch Lawrence Public School System that's educating our children to the very best of its abilities that is what this conversation tonight no matter which way we go should be about so I like the fact that it's at large I think that's powerful I think that's strong I think you're allowing more Choice across the entire city we keep talking recently we're one city right we let's let's let's put that let's put that Axiom to to play here glts we don't say the same thing about them we don't have districts we have it Citywide glts we select from across the city for a great allence technical school so we already have in place right now I'm sorry did you want to forget I even said that um so I just think that that having the at large members provides a greater breath and opportunity for all of us to select across the entire city the individuals who we believe to be I agree with the folks who say that we want to have local control and we want the power of that control to be with the people I agree with that I agree I I'm also believe that um and this is where we could probably tweak it a little bit in my opinion that the appointed members I like to actually see four like to see four electeds across the city and two appointed m members I'd like to see it be a little bit stronger on the elected side than on the appointed side that's what I would like and at some point I might offer and see if the uh if the author would accept some of these as a maybe as a friendly amendment that would be helpful but let me get to that point soon um this whole discussion about and and again if I'm hearing the undercurrent it is not lost ony council president that that there is an undercurrent let's just be very Frank of mistrust of this Administration it's it's out there it's palpable I hear it I see it I I can I know it's there and I think having more people elected than appointed does that but I also think we have to get past a little bit past that and understand that whether we like this Administration or any mayor there's still a partner in government and that person should still have some sort of role in this and so I think well we would have control when I say we as elected as we as individuals as uh residents can vote for four at large that that there would be some put together that we're comfortable with that make sure that there are qualifications to the appointed individuals that make sense whether by experience or by education because I think that we have we can have an we can continue to have a professional school committee organization and I think we could add value and add professionalism to the organization and the two places that I would add that would be the following I would submit to you council president that we look for someone with a legal background of some sort and someone with a finance background so there's two backgrounds and here's the beauty of this not only did the ad hoc Committee in their proposal actually bring it brought it out give me a second and I'll find it section uh five if you look under Section if you look under section three under the ad hog committee's versions first the first one talks about the appointment of a superintendent of schools the second one talks about all budgetary and financial decisions associated with the public schools budget and financial so I think someone if they have if they have some experience in education and finance could be incredibly helpful in making sure that the decisions that are made at that body are the best decisions for our students and our parents the second part is the formulation of all reasonable policy rules and regulations for the administration of the city's public schools and for the conduct of the school committee's business as may be deemed necessary or desirable that smacks that tells me that at some level somebody with the with some legal background and education if they were on this board can help the board in the decisions and the discussions doesn't mean everybody's going to follow what these people say because there's we're all individuals but it does help provide that kind of context because I think if I understood the original proposal it was we were looking not me I didn't put the proposal together but what was told to us was that we want to get people on there that that can essentially fill in some of the blanks and help get that school committee to a place where the decisions that are made have been well vetted thought through and argued and all sides are being considered and I think that if we were to do something like that um that would be good I can go into more detail regarding you know I I have no dog in the fight on the three years four years two years I kind of like the fact that you could have it more than I like the continuity aspect of it I like the continuity of it going Beyond um Beyond two years but but I I miss this important point and and I'm I'm carrying on but the important point is this is that if we as a c if we get the mayor the opportunity to send to us the names as he does for a department that that we do today what we do is we craft what we want for the qualifications we want this experience we get to say we want this experience we want this education we want this this and this that we're looking for then like anything else if the mayor sends a nomination Down To Us by the way I would offer this amendment that they would not only send his preferred nominee but also the other candidates as well so we know who that top person is but we know who we who we chose over right that way we would have just like any Department in we could vote for it or we could vote against it and if we don't like that person at the mayor Cent down it goes back up to the mayor and just like a department at today just we do what currently do he's got to send another name down to us and he does it until we he gets the five votes or we provide the five votes because we like that person so there's a few items I'm happy to go through this um through you Mr President to the vice president um on some of these let me know when I can offer these a couple of these as a friendly Amendment and I'm not sure right now is a good time for that yeah right now is a good time right now okay so so um seven individuals my my with with the council vice president as a friendly Amendment um go from four elected and two appointed four elected at large and two appointed uh Madame Madame vice president inant do you accept that as a friendly Amendment no right Council councelor llant you have an option to bring it up as a as a um as a motion sure so and no offense to my colleagues I think she did a lot of work here and I really do respect and admire a lot of the work that she's put into this but I just think for the for do with purposes I I would no offense I would like to offer that as well and there's a couple of others as well that I'd like to offer so I'd like to make a motion that um that we uh make the composition of the school committee composed of seven individuals four four elected at large and two appointed in a mayor uh there is a motion to uh to to have a has a composition for six electeds and two appointees four elected four four elected apped two appoes and the mayor is still there as mayor as so that is a mo there is a motion on the table can hear a second I I'll second the motion okay uh discussion discuss so up to you council president can I'm going to ask my colleague coun lean so it's basically three votes for the administration and three cuz the mayor keeps the vote president uh let's let's go back is no that's my question those are appointees not three votes for the administration well that's what I just said I'm going to keep that you want me to answer can I answer the question okay thank you so there are four electeds uhhuh four four two appointments mhm and the mayor and the mayor okay so whoever it is the four elect is going to over Trump two and one if it place part L cons president to you I I misunderstood your thank you so it's it's four elected two appointees and the mayor that have the obligation to be part of the board uh any other any discussion um councelor councelor coun M so just to go over everything um with the Amendments that our Madam Vice chair just made I given given those amendments I think um it is important to state that section section three in the ad hoc committee version so again based on those amendments um certain terminologies need to be eliminated so so in reference to all powers and responsibilities will be carried out by the hybrid elected slash temporary so the word temporary needs to be eliminated and just State appointed school committee there should be a period there and then eliminating um everything else um after that so councilor so the part go ahead go ahead so in terms of what's uh what I'm recommending as a friendly um um addition to the amendment is eliminating eliminating the following in that paragraph So once again is the word temporary and then including the student member upon the expiration of the term of office of the temporarily appointed school committee members all such powers and responsibilities will be transitioned to each member of the school committee who is elected at large I'm also um reviewing uh this version um I'm requesting as a friendly addition to uh to the amendment already made that section five be eliminated in addition to section six um yes councelor councelor M okay yes those two that you just mentioned uh once I'm not sure if that had to be stated for the record um yes uh once we can actually have because what we're doing is we adopting the AHA committee uh aha committee Proposal with the Amendments at that moment the amendment going to the amendment going to trumpt everything that is on section three perhaps and section five and six need to be eliminated to to a to a motion subsequently because it it it are automatically uh those Amendment uh trumped those sections as well so it will be uh reflected on the amendment uh that is been proposed by vice president Infante it is important to recognize councelors that we have a motion that change uh uh councel president Infante proposal if that goes through by the configuration as follow four elected two appointees in the mayor's in the mayor's presence uh as as per the councelor um as per the councelor the plan just propose and have a motion on top of the original motion that we have any discussions on the motion that councel plan have proposed yes councelor statement Council okay councelor um and just to add for the record um because I'm seeing a lot of discussion in regards to appointed members and how appointed members are being referenced as um I am a product of being an appointed member to the school committee for Great allance Tech um I believe that the city council did an amazing job in appointing Miss Sandra Edwards um as a school Committee Member representing District D um I think that we also did an amazing job uh appointing um at one point Senator Pano Pano um as a school Committee Member so these are three separate products of being appointed uh to which I would speak for myself I'm not going to speak for Miss Edwards but you know had it not been for being appointed um running as we've previously talked about that topic is um sometimes could be hard for some folks especially when politics is not your Forte it's not something that you had envisioned doing so being appointed especially when you have the qualities to bring about positive changes uh creating a positive impact doesn't necessarily mean that being appointed member would be a disservice uh as as a school committee member um so I just want to make sure that we are being reminiscent on the fact that um the city council has done an amazing job thus far um uh in appointing certain folks to be in certain positions such as school commit um and I I just want to make sure that um that that that that is not being taken away like that vision is not being taken away that we have not done a good job in in appointing amazing people um that would that would create an amazing impact to the school committee council president president point of information council president I have a point of information thank you um to add councelor councelor marmal to your list um school committee woman Pat Mariano originally started as an appointee as well and look where she is today consel president if fine before before I give you the floor councel Lon we go into the first round and we have councelor Santiago just I have a question about the motion and my college Mar La plan did it he proposed four a large two appointee and the mayor the appoint is if by the mayor by the city council councilor La plant thank you so um the appointees it's direct the direct answer is the appointment is going to go before the council but the mayor is going to send the name down to the Council of the two appointees so it's the mayor appoints council could reject or approve the appointment thank you council president president uh yes that um before I go to the second round any other counselors have any questions that haven't speak yet okay then uh councelor Lon uh thank you to you council president we have also to keep in mind that uh that what we have in front of us is also an attent to democracy just uh before uh putting your nice statement now uh think about your own position and think that it could be the school committee making a decision about you being elect elected or being appointed so just to put it out there through you council president I would like to hear once again from the school Committee Member Jonathan Gusman and a school Committee Member uh Sandra because they us and also I want to hear from from Sandra uh in reference to my colleague's statement of being appointed uh please to you cons president uh school committee members do you have any any U any comments on these on the current proposal no I feel like thank you again I appreciate when council members bring it back to the people right and and reference the voice of the people that firstand will be impacted by this right we we got elected to do a job by our constituents the first thing I want to acknowledge is the large thing the large thing is the jail jail the The Vocational High School it's one school one school makes sense why it's a large we have 20 4 3 what it keeps moving right 25 increase because we keep restructuring left and right our school district um one day one this one one year we have these many schools and next year we have more schools or less schools so overall C uh a few things you know I want to mention uh going back to this whole a large appointed person I'm so grateful that the councilman you know spoke about who is the appointed Authority you know and and the adha committee proposal allows the mayor right essentially when you take this proposal I want to bring it to the public that is watching us and where there's a section that provides particular members of the LPS joint parent teacher organization Lawrence education Justice Alliance LPS special education parent advisory console CPAC the LPS English learning parents advisory console LPA the Lawrence teacher Union the Lawrence Public Schools uh the of the Lawrence Association of school administration supervisors the Lawrence city council the Lawrence school committee the mayor this particular body that works to get application have appointed individuals to interview them to have discussions to pick the right individuals to put before the mayor for him to then decide to send back to you to make that determination and where on the proposal of the mayor when it came before you it didn't even have the language of you being the stamp on that and we make that statement and make you aware of that when it comes to the uh commment and appointees I don't think anybody here has said and and my colleague can speak more that we feel any type of way of appointing individuals and when we look at some history of appointees some of those appoes were there when the receivership problem happened so throughout the process we need to be really Mindful and clear when we're saying these things right who was there right going back to the well-rounded individuals that I keep coming back to because when we hear statements like we want these type of individuals and the only way that we can get that is through an Appo process all the committee members that I sit with bring death of intelligence that I will put on side of any governing body in the City of Lawrence from budget analysts that works for the one number one organization in Massachusetts that everybody including senators and rep call them for B budget analyzations we have an attorney to we app the process that we're so grateful to have because we have never had those resources because it has never been given to us by this body by the mayor or receivership to individuals on Administration process teachers administrat TR from policy individuals that write policy daily and support body of government from parents that support dis uh students with disability you know and that's through just an elected body and where again the yha committee has proposed a well-rounded six elected members per District three appointed through an amazing process that provides power to people to the to give recommendations to the mayor right and and to be honest every time that I hear let's eliminate that I would love I think anybody would love to hear why why do you want to strip that type of power away two people um son any other questions uh I through you council president I would like to hear from uh school committee Sandra yes thank you I just uh attorney by the way I should be calling you yes attorney attorney Edwards Atty if I could take personal privilege I wanted to address my esteemed Council woman Mall's remarks I don't think that what you may have been s Ing and please correct me if I'm wrong was coming from the community but I will admit perhaps to some degree everything you said I I really could relate to and I was heartened by and I want to thank you for saying it and for for taking a point of personal privilege yourself to share your journey with us and I think that maybe what you may have sensed is perhaps I was going through the same Journey you see my background is in criminal law but I have always had a passion for having children myself Etc and being an American woman the quality of our schools and the quality of the students that we are producing have always had a natural inclination and a passion for that so when the president called me councilman Rodriguez I jumped at the opportunity and will be forever grateful for that but at the same time I don't have at this point being so it the level of knowledge of the practices and procedures and the regulations Etc that my colleagues have so when I say I'm just an appointed member I think that that probably that little bit of inferiority may be showing through in that way than what you sensed trust me six months a year from now I ain't going to be feeling that anymore so for now that that may have been it on the second issue I just wanted to say that I think that getting rid of the nominating panel seems to dis disenfranchise the community in some way and and maybe if I could ask I don't know if I'm out of order but why would we want to disenfranchise our own Community I guess would be the question that I would be asking council president uh councilor presid thank you through you council president um my understanding from the prop and first I would like to say I would have loved to bring this up during the ad hoc committee but and don't take my word for it go go watch the second the second live stream I I um I I was bombarded about not being prepared for wanting to go through this proposal um section by section but uh uh the reason for how I'm reading it at least the reason for eliminating five and six was because of the mistrust of the mayor so if the mayor is doing the appointment M that's how I'm seeing and I'm assuming I mean this is mar um council's maral's Amendment but at least me that's how I'm reading it um that was the need for the panel but my proposal suggests that we follow the same process that we use for example when you were appointed that the that the U applications go through the city council from the subcommittee and then a final vote through the through the council and essentially um for those concerned about the mayor's Appo mayor's suggestions and everything the mayor still has the power to veto a city council decision so he is the executive branch so we're not essentially taking anything from the mayor we're just changing the process a bit at least that's that's what my proposal um reflects and the but the mayor does assemble the nominating panel so the mayor puts the nominating panel together so in a way he puts the panel together so he still maintains that level of control I think so so the so I guess so maybe perhaps I'm reading it wrong which is why I would have loved to go Section by section when we had that meeting um so I the way I'm reading it is and and some of the feedback that I got was again because there was a mistrust through the mayor they wanted specific people with specific backgrounds that would reflect what a school committee's job would be or or has a more educational background could be a parent alumni Etc um that's that's how I read it um that's how I understand it and again I wish I just had the opportunity to to um go through it when we when we were initially discussing this thank you vice president Infante so councelors we have a motion an underline motion to accept the proposal um as amend as amended by by the Council of Vice President Infante and also we have another motion on top of the motion that is uh to change uh section one and two um section one and two of the of council pres Infante uh that change the section one at large member to four uh members um in section two of the U of the of the proposed by proposed amendment by Council vice president uh to be proposed by the mayor uh and confirmed by the council correct Council PL on the appointees the appointees so this amendment to repeat my Amendment it's very simple I wasn't going to make it this complex if we get to step one then we'll go to step two if we fail step one we're not going to step two so Step One is seven members which is already there 4 two and one four four elected two appointed one mayor and that's the that's the current the current motion that we have in wrong of it was presented by Council lant it was second by council president Rodriguez council president can I make an councelor Le plan uh we can accept another motion on top of the motion if if he accepted as a friendly Amendment and then we continue with that is it friendly friendly it's not friendly if it's not friendly he have the choice to accept it or not accept it uh what is your your Amendment my amendment is to have nine members six elected to appoint it and we'll still have the mayor as with his vote all right uh so that's that's a currently a friendly Amendment president but they have to be elected by uh District not at large all right so the the current friendly amendment is to have six District uh school committee members two appointees and and the mayor so do you accept the friendly amendment I I shockingly I'm not going to accept it can I can I just make a point real quick if you don't accept that I I I I don't accept it was my friend I do like you too counselor um I I think I think she has every right to make that motion I would recommend council president that we vote on the motion that I have here if it goes everybody knows what she's going to do if it if it doesn't pass so we can have this and then the council can make her motion after that if my if the motion that I the 42 and one doesn't pass then this could be a logical yeah option we we will go that that route uh with u councel son you can definitely make that as a motion we we're just going to call the first motion that we have which is um which is that the motion on top of councelor person infant this motion which is uh four elected at large uh two appointees and the mayor so on that motion there is any other question all right at this time I'll call the questions all please say I call any Nam R call please do you Mr President can you we call We call we call in the vote at this point the BR for the council plan proposal 421 that was councel plan proposed on top of uh councelor vice president infant yes four large two appointees and the mayor so on that motion uh we calling a Rocko um and then Madame Vice Clair is calling the RO call at this point councelor Levy no council plant yes Council Lon no council Del Rosario no councelor Santiago no councelor M no councel Reyes no councelor Infante no and councelor president um Rodriguez yes fails so motion fails see I support him for the record for the record uh well we're going back to the underline motion which is the following Madame CLA what is the underline motion the underline motion is to amend the um gosh um the school committee proposal that it will be modified I'm Sor the ad hoc committee proposal that is correct language the ad hoc committee proposal to um have it be three members elected for two-year terms and three members appointed for three-year terms um with the mayor also still serving as a voting member all right we have the underline motion now we have coun luson that he was asking for a motion so C I entertain your motion thank you council president my motion is to have uh I'm sorry can I interrupt point a parliamentary inquiry yeah so just help me understand what we just ruled there so help me understand so I made a motion amendment to what was the underlying motion which now is the is the Infante motion yeah the under so she her motion is still in play M and okay thank you yep that's correct so uh V you haven't proposed anything yet we're waiting for her okay so thank you council president my motion is to have nine members six um Committee Member elected by District two appointees and one uh and the mayor so it's it's nine members nine members of school committee school committee members keeping all right we have we we we got the numbers so any questions on cons solution proposal is it being no it's it's it's going as a friendly Amendment do you accept the friendly Amendment no okay so it's it's a motion itself um councelors any questions on the one councel on proposal they can hear a second second it's been second by canel Santiago um any questions on this all and please say I Roo please um sorry councelor Selena Rees no councelor M no C Santiago yes C Del Rosario no Council Lan yes Council plant no council Levy no council vice president in fonte no council president yes there is U there is any other motions just to be fair I'll open it up and then I will call the questions underline motion that we have we have an underline motion that which is from Council vice president infant Council counc leing who is with we uh talk about the motion or just the motion is uh three appointees three elal large three appoint for three years three letter Al large for two years and and uh and the mayor as with voting power so three and three three and three in the appoint is for three years the appointe will be for three years as the as per the propos on that I continue it you know uh for two years so that are you making a friendly amendment to have it as two years each yes all right we can oversee the city council regarding the terms that these people is going to Ser all right and Council Levy is making a friendly Amendment councelor vice president Fant do you accept the friendly Amendment yes okay that is a friendly amendment is been accepted the the underline motion for uh this um this uh proposal is to accept the iho committee with the amendment of having three at large for two years three school committee members for for two years uh three appointees for two years and the mayor that serve as a body member of the committee any yes the the the friendly amendment was accepted by uh council person Infante and the composition is as follow there's going to be three uh three school committee members out large for two years three appointees for the term of two years and the mayor with voting power and as a serve as a Ser as a member that serve at the school committee no appointees not the signes no the need got it yeah you it's open for question so so the real simple part of this is there's three individuals are going to be elected that's the simple part so there's three appointees for two years for two who's making the appointments the is as as per the composition Amendment on the proposal it's the city so section two it it says appointed member of the city council should elect a suitable person for the three uh for the three of those members to be known as an appointee members that's how they it's going to be appointed yes following the city CH that is currently what we have for the school committee so how so through you what what is what is the change between the amendment and what's in the F am change of the original the regional change was the council infant proposal was that the appointees was going to be for 3 years now we reduced to two years so that's it that's the only change that's it that's the only change years was accepted as a friendly Amendment everything else stays at large two years each the and the mayor as a as a member as a member of the school committee president okay ccel Le so the appoint is not going to continue being doing in the same way that as right now like is when we have somebody for one of the commission is coming from the mayor but at the end we are the people who no it's not like that we and the way that it is is following what is on the on the city chel when it's in a in a a vacant on the school committee when there is a vacant at the school committee uh uh the application goes out people from that specific District at this case from the entire city going to be able going to be able to apply that person is going to be reviewed by the personal committee and come in front of the city council to be appointed that's how the city chart read we clear so this uh council president Fant house accept Council Levy's uh propos to be uh appointed for two years Council Council councelor vice president Fant do you mind going over section two of your own proposal please yeah appointee members the city council should elect a suitable person for uh for three of those members to be known as an appointee uh do you do you believe that it should set a city of La resident there because right now it could be any section two mm subop session to should be at city city city of L resident there something related to that it's not it doesn't say there so just to be clear I'm okay yeah because I mean no I can't make the proposal but I cannot I cannot make the change but I mean there is cases that people doesn't have to be from L to be able to serve an an a board like a a um yeah do you mind updating changes for the for the purpose of the motion so do I so just to reflect to reflect in the minutes I'm okay with saying the appointed members the city council should elect should elect suitable person suable persons from Lawrence so you want to add some clarifying language that it's going to be a Lawrence res yes all right Council have a question question regarding now this amendment are there any besides being from Lawrence is there any other qualifications needed to be an appointed you want to make a friendly Amendment well that was my question like right now there it just seems like it can be anybody that can be appointed no I accept the fly amendment I mean you can propose it and councilor vice president might accept it well I'm not I'm I'm right now I'm trying to think in my brain what I what should the qualifications be and I'm racing through you know education I'm racing through experience I'm trying to find something I it could be multiple what I could do is this I I had my own Amendment earlier I I didn't offer that throw that out there see if that got any wings so um one of the department will have education hold on hold on just let's wait for something Council Council BL you have the floor I'm going to ask the vice president for this friendly Amendment once I get her attention I me MERS I'll wait patiently yeah I'm we ready okay good yeah I don't have a third one but I got two y so one of the appointments will have an will have uh ex education and experience on the law the second one will have U education and experience in finance and I don't know what the third one is yet um any but I'm willing to listen to anybody else if they have a suggestion on Au thir that is that is a those suggestions those are two of my suggestions any other suggestions for Education purpose um is this something no because sections 51 of the Shadow specifically said talk about the compensation not necessarily the education P okay well being that I still have the floor um and um hopefully I'm still in time uh I'm noticing that there was an amendment to the term limits am I able to offer uh an amendment or an option um yeah it is is that related to education it's related to the amendment that we have on that we're currently discussing because right now council llang is offering an an amendment related to ucation portion so if it is related to ucation he's looking for more suggestion he just suggest education in law and finance so any other suggestions when it comes to educations and uh he will propose an amendment educator General I I have a third one okay third one would be somebody with some uh an educator some what some education experience so to refinance law uh legal finance and education those are the three um that we would look for in the appointments all right and any other suggestions if he not Madame Vice person infant do you accept that as a friendly Amendment for the appoin only I I accept C uh councelors councelor vice president have accept uh the requirement for Education when it comes to the appoints only council president Council vice president inant thank you just quickly um going back to the to the the suitable persons from lawence I just want to say um the my first section subsection B does does refer to does refer the following eligibility for appointed members shall be defined by the ordinances of the city of lawen so that covers um the question before at hand yeah council president my my amendment was for three not for one it was for uh legal finance and educator was all three accepted all three all three were accepted oh no okay never mind then thank you yeah so the underline Motion in front of us three three elected at large three appointees with uh experience on education Finance or either or education Finance or an educator uh the terms is two years for both of them both sections and the mayor should be part of the committee uh and counc Lon I mean Council maral you have you have the floor um Madam Vice chair would you accept um an amendment to the terms to be flipped um in regards to those elected should serve a term of three years and those appointed should serve a term of two like write my M no uh councelor marmal she doesn't accept it but you also have the choice of uh have that as a as a as a actual motion if your motion goes over it change automatically counselor vice president infant's uh proposal so do you want to offer that as a motion I just want to I just want to be fair to uh to the process I I could offer it as a motion and then let everyone uh decide yeah uh there is a motion on the floor can hear a second properly second second discussion on the on the on the motion that is to change the school committee to three years appointees for two years correct um it has been to have a special election just for your school committee every every third year yeah because we vot on a twoe cycle just if you want to have a it makes it challenging financially yeah okay it is that that in takes and a special election for the school committee that's what that's what it intakes but I mean it it is you can do it it it is part of the process we just need to have an special election that's that's all um motion okay no problem so councelor marmal um uh remove her motion so the underline motion counselors and we're getting close to take a vat is to have uh three large school commiss CH objection um then Chad objection will be once we take the vote not at this point the discussion continue yes it is the chat objection is to so president please you can consult president if I make and I conso the city clear give me a minute let me explain let me explain let me explain now right no no no it is it is to it is the chle objection is to a vote we haven't take a vote you call for a vote you call for a vote no we're not yet not yet we were still on the discussion we still clarifying call for a vote I'm going to keep call Shadow objection yes at the moment that we call for the vote you call for the shadow objection councelor Lon it is within your rights thank you yes and I will recognize it because you have the intent uh but at this point we're still on the discussion of the matter thank you council president I appreciate it yep so the motion is the underline motion that we have from C presid Lon is to my apologies president Infante is to uh adopt the iho committee Proposal with the amendment present in front of us the amendment later on was re uh friendly amended by having three counselor three school committee members at large for the term of two years three appointees for the terms of two years and the mayor uh serving on that committee seven member total is that correct Council council person inan that's correct we also uh uh she also accept uh the education component of the appointee member numbers which intakes illegal experience or Finance experience or an educator is that correct mad CLA correct that's that's not what my motion my motion was to have three boxes not or it's one for the legal one for the finance you think they going to find somebody like that of course we have very we lot do you accept it like that Madame vice president inant I accept Okay so the appoint have to be an attorney or somebody with legal experience uh with somebody with uh Finance experience and also an educator all three together or what or either or so explain so there's three there's three appoint there's three appointed positions what did I say so there's the one position that is an educator so if you are a anything but an educ educator CU I'm not going to go here you're not qualified for that Educator's position there's one that's the legal so if you have any kind of legal law background as it deals with the ad hoc the third one is the finance if you have business finance some sort of financial background and we can determine what that means how that's defined but those are the three boxes uh so each appointee going have to have one of those experience so that but it cannot be repeated IDE we want to have a breath of breath of experience on the board so we want to have one with each one of those so you have a a wide breath of experience and that was that was accepted C president all right counil Rio um through you ccil president Madame Clerk and and and counil plan can you guys clarify why are we continue to discuss in this this meeting while the colleague from this be call Shadow objection why we continue with the discussion is she have been stopped right away as soon as she called The Shadow objection can we clarify that please okay the chle objection is a a CH objection to a boat we haven't take a boat yet that's why we continue with with that uh with a with a discussion once we going to take a vote are going to recognize the shut objection right away and we're going to stop the discussion at that point so that's that's what happened I would like to see viol no it's it's a CH objection doesn't matter it's a vote we CH objecting a vote that's what she's doing we're not we're not discussing that any other discussions on this before we take we before we take the vote uh attorney Hilton is here and we would like to clarify that and that way everybody's clear Council Del Rosario just to answer your question mad CL is clarifying on the Chanel adj section 3.8 of the charter subsection C outlines a charter objection and it does say on the first occasion that the question of adoption of any measures put in the city council except an emergency measure in accordance with 37b if a single member objects to The Taking of the vote thank you the the vote shall be postponed until the next meeting regular or special so I think the council president's point is we're still having discussion prior to the calling of the question prior to the vote so he's allowing the conversation to go on but when the vote is called he said he will recognize her CH objection thank you mad c c pres thank you is that clear on the T objection I just have a question because when I was sitting over there we went you and I went around and around on this and you were in a different position saying that once a charter objection is made at any time the conversation and debate stops when you were sitting here not as the council president you were very clear that that is the way that you wanted to go and and and and the council agreed that we wanted to allow for that kind of discretion and openness and that from that point going forward because that's the way it has been for a while and you didn't want to see it you didn't want to see it close down you wanted to do it at any time during a debate to to uh to object to the taking of a vote and that objection can be done at any time the counselor just took an objection earlier than the vote was going to be but we can all anticipate a vote taken place tonight there's not a big secret coun Council I remember that we have that argument and I also remember that we have at some point we have the same argument and you recognize child objections doing the vote taken not during the discussion and that's what we're doing we have difference of opinion all the time we all I think that we allign only on me earlier tonight Rio you have the floor thank you through you I mean even even though I I'm you know I'm not in agreement with the chatter objection why are we having a discussion if this is going to stop and we're not going to take the boat why not just recognize a shadow objection at why is it you know you know it it isn't then you're right to continue that if we're going to know that we're not going to take the vote why just continue prolong the meeting when we know what the end up instead of just recognize it even though I'm not in agreement with the chadow objection but I mean it's it's Cel Rosario I going to respond to you we're respecting the law uh if it is no disc if it is no discussion Council vice president inant thank you council president U quickly I I don't agree with the I mean Char objection is a Char objection but either way a vote is going to be taken regardless eventually and I and what I don't agree with is just because members don't agree with what the motion is they go and Charter reject sotion next meeting I I know I know it is but what next meeting it's going to be the same motion so what are we going to do Charter je again and keep Charter je Cel councelor Cel we're not going to get any one yeah councelor vice president Infante uh the the the chle is very clear when it comes to chle objection uh we just need to do whatever we need to do and that's part of it thank you I recognize that at this point councelors if there is no more discussions I'll call the vote and before we call the vote I'll recognize uh the chadow objection chadow objection thank you council president chadow objection has been taken place at this point this discussion stop and we will proceed uh on the following meeting motion to adjourn second there is a motion toj properly second uh all please say I I have it thank you call for special meeting for Friday okay special meeting time what time is it on Friday e