##VIDEO ID:ZwSh-XmnzWQ## e e e e e e e e e e e e great evening everyone pres at the Lawrence license Ina meeting on December 5th are Commissioners Mike here Anna Morales here and the Pap Ruiz I the director Captain Patrick delin and the officer aano thank you all for coming great we don't have any approval uh any minutes to approve we also do not have old business or tabled matters uh for new business we have um I can't pronounce itent Spirits LLC who's applying for a transfer of liquor license um they're changing of location from 160 Winthrop a unit 3 to unit 1 a one and 1 a um and I have Louis a who's representing a couple thank you hello could you please state your name for the record um and the reason uh for change of location sure my name is uh jendra Kumar Patel and I'm representing sanit Spirit LLC mhm thank you and I saw the package is this a new so your trans it's a it's a it's a transfer of license and location yes correct okay um thank you commissioner do you have any questions yeah yes I do I got a couple of questions and I need some answers two years ago we approved this license for the liquor store at that location and sometime this year we transferred the license again and we gave it to another person to open up and now we're here at the same place for two and a half years no liquor store has gone there there's no um all we do is transfer license transfer license if it's going to be this way I want to see some action on this time I want to see it opened or we're going to take the license and give it give it to someone else who wants a liquor store can't just leave it there and say we're going to open up and open up and never get opened up you understand what I'm saying yes sir so um my name is Sir jendra Patel I have a liquor store business for 15 years I have location in metan also and we have a family business running for 15 years so I I'm purchasing the license from uh LL awm LLC and we have a Lee already done for this location and we are start starting to open open the new liquor store as soon as the abcc approval starts so we are very excited to open the new stores over there awesome I understand what you're saying but the prior owner same thing happened you're going to start renovation no renovation they were going to open up no opened up this has been going on for two and a half years so if I I I'm not going to stop you from getting your license what I want some I want to see something opened up there if it's not open then we're going to take it away and give it to whoever who needs a liquor license yeah so we have a prior owner I don't know what happened maybe there the the buyer no interest and then he walk out with the interest but we are very excited to open the liquor store at that place okay I have a floor plan everything and i' like to introduce the Mr Dan duam who was the previous license owner okay go ahead thank you good evening Dan Nukem I was a manager of record for lla wm1 and we we uh we were approached by uh Nik can't Inc to do a transaction they came before the board got approved and they never finished they went for 15 almost 15 months going back and forth on the license and just never closed he had some other obligations I just couldn't get him to close and finish and and move so we terminated that transaction we found and and I've done I've worked with jet in the past and his family I guarantee you that he's going to open a very very nice store in very short order and the landlord's insistent that we make make that happen as quick as possible great so she wants it done as well and we do it and I apologize I pushed I called every single day I was pushing the other the other guy to move and get it done and it didn't happen so I apologize but I did everything I could there yes there is a city audience and the rules about this um license aboard you have a liquor license you're not open you have to tell us why you are not open how long you're going to be closed I understood and that never happened but every time I go down here I never see know action being done there so that's why I'm just worried about I have nothing against your client or anything like I just want to see some action understand I guarantee you that he's going to take action make this happen all right thank you thank you officer gel good evening um I wish you the best um I as always uh think about security which is really important um making sure that everything is uh cameras and alarm systems and um just uh I wish you the best if you have any questions you need any services from us please feel free to reach out okay thank you so much officer Captain Delany good evening we wish you the best of luck doing business in the City of Lawrence if you need any services from the fire department um let us know we'll help you out thank you Captain director Ru no comment thank you so much thank you um I would like to make a motion to approve this transfer and change of location I'll second that commissioner Morales May a motion to approve the change allocation and the transfer license from WW1 to S Spirit uh 160 Winter Avenue second commissioner Le commissioner Morales how do you vote Yes commissioner leer how do you vote Yes motion pass thank you so much thank you so much thank you yeah okay the next item on the agenda we have Panos unidos um who are applying for one day all all day alcohol license at 272 Broadway Street hi good evening hello my name is Miguelina Soo I belong to perano uh we are Organization no profit uh we have an activity here in laoren and the H Brian Thea the activity is to get money to send to the more needed family in in B for the 24 dinner December okay gracias um commissioner Le do you have questions I have no questions okay Officer Caro do you have questions I have no questions thank you Captain Delany no questions wish you the best of luck uh with your event thank you um director Ruiz no questions good luckk great I don't have any questions either um I would like to make a motion to approve this one day all alcohol license second that commissioner Morales made a motion to approve perios unidos one day alcohol license at 272 Broadway at the P hall for an event on December 15 second by commissioner Le commissioner Morales how do you vote Yes commissioner Le how do you vote Yes motion passed to zero congratulations can migina migina okay thank you that's it see thank you great um the next item on the agenda we have Deli Moore who's applying for one day wine and Mt license okay thank you have a good night thank you um um see uh okay okay Deli you're applying for a one day M mall and wine license H you're having a Christmas party on December 13th and okay okay okay um commissioner L I asked her uh if she's she had already come come the last meeting for another event she was hosting and this is for another event on the 13th that they're hosting do you have questions no I hope you the best of luck with it officer I have no questions Captain Del evening yes we've been by roses event she does a wonderful job and we wish her the best of luck no questions good luck like to make a motion to approve this uh one day wi all license I'll second commission Morales made a motion to Grant a license for one day alcohol a 420 a 420 Comm stre for a christas party on December 13 second by commissioner Le commissioner Morales how do you vote Yes commissioner Le how do you vote Yes motion pass okay congratulations graas great um the next item we have Lulu's Cafe and bakery or loots loots Cafe no there's more mhm I have two oh lose Cafe lose Cafe in Bakery yeah oh yeah yeah okay good yeah you guys are applying uh to change a location yes great um commissioner lir do you have questions no I seen you've been in business and you're moving over therec probably because of the traffic and everything else over there right um it's much larger so our old space you couldn't come inside it just curbside pickup but now we're going to have some space where he can come inside and sit down and have coffee work from home or work from the cafe so we're excited that's awesome thank you okay I wish you the best of luck D thank you officer conno I'm familiar with the location uh I wish them the best of luck no no questions yeah thank you Captain delini good evening yes it's nice to see uh that they're going to be inside they they put out a great product and we wish you the best of luck thank you director Ruiz no questions good luck thank you go ahead mik I'll make a motion we pass this I'll second it commissioner Le made a motion to approve a transfer change of location for the L Cafe and Baka to laen Street to 3702 37086 ss3 second by commissioner Morales commissioner Le how do you vote Yes commissioner Morales how do you vote oops yes motion pass congratulations and good luck in the new location we hope to all see you there we will be there okay the next item on the agenda we have passion Stak tacos who's applying for a to add two pool tables one [Music] bues you have the package there with you okay no it's okay thank you okay so you guys um [Music] umio okay they've had the business now for 3 years say mhm um do you have any questions yeah I just want to make sure you know with the pool table sometimes they bring in gambling I don't want that okay can get wow how do you say gambling okay okay okay I any more Mike no okay uh fako I'm familiar with the location and um I I don't have any questions I wish them luck um Captain Del good evening the fight department just completed a 304 inspection with inspectional Services everything was in order and uh they they do a great job over there uh dror Ru no questions good luck okay go ahead Mike make a motion we pass this I'll second the motion made a motion to approve the adding uh two pool table at 2 23 Union Street uh Paco State second by commissioner Morales commission Le how do you vote Yes commission Morales how do you vote Yes motion pass you can add two pool table to your business okay okay and the next item on the agenda we have classical Auto Sales who's applying for a class 2 wholesale to wholesale office Bas only good evening my name ja and I represent the class Corporation one to West three and Lawrence thank you commissioner do you have questions yes where about is this 134 West Street Union 4 Lawrence yes is that the Old West Street Motors or the junkyard no this Ard it's in the other side is there any body shops there second yes uh also we are uh classical AO body too same place is there is there another um wholesale dealer in that building uh yes in the front okay you know you can't keep any cars there right uh what I we should understand is that we had license for 20 car yes but we don't going to have in the same time 20 car around five six or no more than 10 car so he saids from what he understands he could have about 20 cars there no just um it that that's so this is a class two office space only you can't have any Vehicles this is just so you go buy the cars and that's it so if you if you applied for the you might have applied for the wrong license no I don't because before I was JB I would have sell what happened he switch it to us okay the the license before was JB out of sale and what happened he switched to us the license okay we only change the the name well what he's saying is that it was an auto sales before Ed car lot before and he transferred the license to you but this license can you can only have the car no car is in stock you only can sell from one dealer to another dealer mhm so going to be different license now like a wholesale Li so did the old so my question is that the old owner so the the the owner the owner has to give up that license so he can get it so you can't have both there MH so did he give up the license office space only you can't you can't have cars it's it's only you know wholesale that's it you can't have cars if at that address if it's office space only no even to clean or something like that or just no all you could all you could have is an office um and you can't you can't sell cars you can't par cars you can't do anything there because it's office space only what you have to do sir is get the other owner and then come back we'll table this and file the right paperwork for for the right license this is the wrong license you don't need this license yeah so for okay I'm G to that but we already did he come he come with me uh like a two months ago okay and um I started doing what they asked me for so my my suggestion is to to table the item because he filled up the wrong wrong application yeah probably probably right okay go ahead go ahead askk U from the please the chair go ahead where where where electronic in no J&M Auto Sales no maybe JN and the it's a different one okay I'm I'm I'm not sure as to because I know of J&M they're on front they're right next to the Electrical Company they're they're Standalone and they're right behind um FY Brothers right MH uh they have a big lot cars for sale and then next thing is the uh buildings that start at 134 it goes to 138 so 134 um is all part of one building but there's like multiple shops yeah different Auto Repair um Auto Sales and things like that uh even the um the uh so anyway I'm just confused as to where his business is and I think that I'm wondering if we're using uh geoc coding for the location how is he getting that address 130 because that that really doesn't exist per se unless it's it's the junkyard in the back I'm going to look it up I just look the pictures and I see the fence of the junkyard that's what I see but uh probably I can come with the oer or the JB Auto Sell owner again and maybe we can stra it out like a see what account commissioner do you want me to speak in English or in Spanish I excuse me yeah JB is's what he's saying right JB Auto Sales right yes and you're saying J&M right J&M that's who's there at 128 two two different people okay so we're back to the same thing you have to get apply for the right license you did not apply for the right license okay when I can do that com in tomorrow on Monday tomorrow before 130 but also while you're doing it clarify the address per right you know get the license uh from J&B and look at his address so we know exactly where it is so when you come before us we'll be able to answer these questions okay okay and one second um C and just to uh just to clarify if you're looking for auto sales you have to that's depending on the dealer license that you're looking for wholesale is wholesale you have no cars you cannot have cars it's just an office space I understand okay and if you if you want something different and you want to have cars then you have to have the space so just understand that yeah but that's the Miss understand because that that was license already there JB he he is still in business into I because he switch it to me but uh that was a s JB outo sell yeah that's why he use JB aell but we switch it to classical Auto Sell in mhm and we thought that we can switch that way but I'm going to have the old license and probably count hand and that way we stra it up um Captain delini good evening uh recommendation to assist the applicant we could give him uh information he could call us early next week and we could stop by next Tuesday and Wednesday see where the location is and give them a little bit of assistance cool that sounds good U you say next week Tuesday yes officer CanĂ³ will give you his information you could schedule with him and the fire department inspectional Services would join and we'll we'll come over and assist you okay yeah now from I'm getting out it you want to transfer JB's license to you but under a new name right right okay so bring the other license and get the information from the other license okay okay and I make a motion we table this so we're going to table it till the next meeting okay all right thank you for your attention for your time of course thank you have a good night yeah um commissioner Le made a motion to table CL second by commissioner Morales commissioner Le how do you vote Yes commissioner Morales yes motion pass the B is been table for December 20 tentative until we finish the okay perfect thank you um I ask we bring it uh attorney cargan up here yes yeah okay good evening Commissioners good evening City officials hello I just want let you know I just talked to Antonio it was not tabled it was just written from thing that we would grant that license to you if they didn't do not granted but okay so I'm going to make a motion that we put this on the agenda for the next meeting all right for what do we have to what do we have to do with the next meeting though I think we already presented our just come in present it and that's it only I have to add to the next because that license is now available as of January will be available okay okay so you couldn't do anything till January anyway so so you're saying you don't think you this can be sent down to the abcc until January 1 or January 2 I the license is still valid to that well there's only one other thing we can do and we're going to act on that in a little while I think is the um de clearing three licenses abandoned and then put them back to the thing once we vote on it they're not there no more you understand what I'm trying to say and then maybe at the next meeting we could do something for you but we'll have to wait and see be you'll be on the agenda for the 20th okay is there anything else that we need to present or we' got a complete application I think is that right Mr all right so there's nothing we need to do we don't need to read vertise we don't need to send out we already notified all the butters you already did that uh so only thing you have to do is bring you in and you here okay all right when's the next meeting December 20th tentative I'll get I I'll call you and tell you what we did after this so okay all right very good thank you okay okay um before we go into yep before we go into the next item um we can open it for public participation we are presenting all alcohol license renewals hello hello um what would you like to share with us today okay okay okay so he's saying that he was not able to sign his license on time even though he paid right he did his payment he just didn't sign it on time okay okay what is the what is the location is 271 brother Lawrence okay okay go ahead Mike I got a couple qu Whose license is it m to my company melind indri grow in me Melinda indutrial grow in all right that's your license yes who's the other guy then said man Ricardo roas is the manager yes Rico Ro is her manager let see three first mhm officer Cano do you have questions mhm uh I I don't have any questions okay um Captain Delany no questions director Ruiz no questions okay commissioner Mike you might have paid but you didn't sign because you had a conflict with someone that's what it says here you had a problem with the other guy no no well as far as I'm concerned the law says you had to sign it by the 30th so we're not going to renew it that's my opinion I'm not going to renew it no up to her now I say we were we were able to get the money yeah I got the check okay and and we got it signed did you get the check today today okay and we have been have we sent we haven't sent anything out yet because he asked whoever sign and people sign okay so uh commissioner so um we specifically received um uh an email from uh the ABC and they stated that anybody that didn't sign from the 1st to the 30th that they would have to apply for a new licens on the first okay um and that's what they you know that's what they they were like really um adamant about adamant about that yeah okay yeah and like I'm saying that he didn't sign it he didn't come into to sign it he didn't pay it or he did pay it in the check bounc and now he comes back today with a check yeah um and so I have a question so if we were not to renew it and he applied for his new license okay okay Officer can go ahead so if um if you if you have to apply for a new license is everything going to stay the same where the manager is going to be the same you're going to be the owner or is something going to change in between cuz I know that there were some issues in the past and I don't know if that's what played out with the situation today where you weren't able to take care of that or is are you going to be there present for the business running the business how what are the changes if any well if he Chang maybe I put my name in the manager too okay but I think it's doesn't not necessary right now you need to I why I don't know why she no sign the license the why I need to renew the license or or need to application for new license excuse me so what happened is for [Music] M okay my my thing is you were supposed to come and sign it not the other guy you were supposed to come and sign you didn't come in to sign it the check bounced and after it bounced you came today with a check right and so the other guy comes in with the check so as far as I'm concerned you didn't keep up with the ABC Once and I I don't see me approving this yeah I had that license for 20 20 years something you know you never die happy before they may a chance now for now you want MH mhm um nothing like that happened before let me tell you something sir you had the whole month of November to do this okay the Thursday before the end of the month no that Monday or Tuesday before the end of the month until anonio called me and I went to a number of places to tell them to come in and sign okay and pay their money I went to that Tuesday night Wednesday night and Thursday night and then Friday I called people to make sure they got the things done you had the whole month you didn't decide to come in and pay it the other guy come up with the money who's probably running the club and leasing it offw for you so it's a violation as far as I'm concerned but you were late and you know now you're coming in here I want to open up well I'm in the opinion I'm not going to do [Music] that okay well I need to go ahead I give you a only I need you give me a chance for that I make a motion that we don't approve it and then you have to apply for a new license okay if we so if he were to apply for a new license his business still stays open until the new year cuz the current license that he has on December 31st okay yeah on uh so he would be able to keep uh you know stay open till December 31st on the 1 um someone the commissioner uh would have to go and pick up take pick up the license yeah CU he doesn't have a license also he have to close at midnight yes he would have to close at midnight okay so we're not I just explained to him that remember I told you before you know I have a long time over here tomorrow year nothing that's happened before you know you give me a chance for that that moment I said so I just want to say that through the chair that the abccc the abcc is the one that they own the licenses and we have to do what they tell us to do all we do is manage the license for the abcc and they were specific um he could give you the notice we had a notice saying that if you if anybody doesn't um apply between the 1 and the 30th that now they have to apply for a new license um if we do that right now all of us will be in violation you know and we can't you know I can't do it I can't say you know none of us I you know I don't think nobody wants to be in violation with the abcc um but they they own the license the abcc so they the ones that put all the conditions on there and we just follow what they want okay and then yeah okay so we're not going to renew it but you need to reapply okay the motion is that not that pass a long time you coming this maybe how long you think that Li that new license coming back when he can renew he's asking me when he can renew M that's what I was trying to avoid avoid because I was calling September to everybody and last last three weeks so uh just through the through the through the chair so you know I'm the director of inspection of services and Tony works for me I instructed andt you to call every other day everybody and we we know we and most other places don't even do that you know we did it as a courtesy to help people out um you know and still we have like five or six people that didn't you know it's it's licenses their livelihood they should be responsible make sure they come in and do it you know what like what they're supposed to do I mean we can't be babysitting you know 90 establishments you know it's crazy you know if if Antonio didn't do his job I could see something but he did it in September I know he notified clubs in October and he sent a letter out for the whole month of November and he sent me out so as far as I'm concerned he did beyond what he should have done and I'm just still my motion is not to approve it me and the next meeting is December 20th right so you could he could come in front of the board then right M December 20 uhuh [Music] doesn't matter through the chair it's it's up to the to the board memb whatever they want I guess said the motion's on the floor yeah well where we I I just I want to help him out but I right right now we can't do that and we're not going to be in agreement so he's not going to get his license I'm trying to figure out a way for him to know what he's going to do a long time for coming sometime couple month three month four months no coming see um so the um so what he could do is tomorrow tomorrow he should come in reapply right away and then you know he could go to front of the board on the 20th and as soon as that happens he could send it right into to Boston and you know and hopefully you know it might be closed maybe one or you know one week two weeks hopefully they'll do it right away we could put a you know talk to them to um the abcc and see if they could you know FastTrack it I don't know so help me in that moment maybe later you know help me about that situation but listen I know now I know that's know you I know whatever you need I understand that but you don't understand it's the law okay and if he didn't do his job and I didn't do my job I could say helping you but did his job I went out and to talk to all these clubs I don't think that you know I don't want to be the one that says I'm going to sign my name and let you do it and then have everybody come down all the other ones who didn't do their job come back well you did it for him do it for me I can't do that it's against the law okay yeah okay well I'll second the motion commission moral made a motion to no uh approve the renewal Melinda's industrial second by commissioner Morales commissioner how do you vote Yes commission Morales how do you vote Yes okay disapprove okay okay okay okay okay okay see okay yes okay okay okay thank you okay okay through the chair down let's just get this St um there's total eight left here okay and instead of going to each one individually um we wipe out three or four of them right away the CL has moved out of Lawrence they have a place that we call the fire side that's where they are now so they don't need their license M Lobby here did not apply for the license did not uh give any money or date or anything their license expires at the end of the yearh um they're not going to be open elaro is the same thing and Club 254 uh 168 Broadway didn't sign or pay and the club was closed for more than a year I say we don't renew those four right off the bat okay anybody over there uh off or sorry go ahead offic the last four on that paper you get the paper there the last four number five six seven 8 and N we're going dis approve them all right I concur I agree um with what you said Captain delini good evening yes everybody who has applied for the 304 inspection in a timely manner um inspection services in the fire department have went out and conducted the inspections there's been some late applicants so we'll still need to go out and do the inspections in the 304 the recommendation would be to we pass them with the you know with the stipulation that they complete um the 304 inspection by inspectional services in the fire department M thank you um Dr Hu um yes the the the license that's on Broadway Street 268 Broadway so that one should be um um terminated um because it's he it's like a pocket license I think this is like the second year that he does it and he he never opens up so um I don't think that you know I think we should uh revoke that license or not not renew it it's 168 yeah correction if I might say this in order to put in this abandoned property has to come before us we're just not going to renew the license so okay great um make the motion I'll second I agree with you I make a motion that number six the club 254 al jaros la here and Club the license not be renewed I'll second the motion commissioner made a motion to now approve the renewal for El Haru laa Clara and 26 254 sport bar and 168 Broadway second by commissioner Morales commissioner Le how do you vote Yes commission Morales how do you vote Yes motion pass and before the next one H number five the lady called me and the reason why she didn't show up to sign there know it was because that's what [Music] she so we just have to I'm going to come back to that one okay the next one on the list is faras they paid but didn't show up to sign all right and it's the same thing they've had a number of time to come in and do it uh yeah I mean we have we are we are not renewing it so I make a motion that we do not renew that one I'll second the motion I mean sorry wait officer Koo sorry sorry sorry I agree okay Captain Delaney thank you nothing to add thank you uh director Ruiz uh I get they had they had plenty of time to come in and renew and they didn't um and you know like we stated um they had to do it between the 1 and the 30th for the abcc so uh I recommend not not to renew it okay um I'll go ahead I'm going to V on then okay the next one's atlantico they didn't pay sign um there's a problem with the managers the one his name on the license so again I'm going to say we don't approve that one okay um officer Koo um I I concur with with the decision at this point um I have I do have a question did uh did the owner not want to come in is that what it is from my understanding but I want I understand the owner wanted to come in but his mother wouldn't be the manager and refused to sign come in last man tried to convince her to sign again but she said I'm no part of the business I'm not there I'm not operating so somebody somebody El is there I'm not going to sign anymore and she came to the office and talk to me and I explained to him he said let me try she's my mom but let me keep trying and they never come and don't pay also they didn't pay Captain Delany nothing to add Dr Ruiz yeah I agree okay thank you uh go ahead Mike number four capaca now whatever you want to call it um didn't pay a sign but I guess he's trying to get pay now and sign a sign and the answer is going to be for me to you didn't do it when the time we shouldn't do it pay on the second and the check bounce to a to yeah and answer my question okay uh officer Koo I concur with the decision Captain Delaney nothing to add director I agree thank you last but least is bradies Enterprises you paid but didn't sign you promised to show up a sh I'm this I'm not sure to do and they have a transfer license already in process the abcc has done transferring their H open but like do you even need to quarantine anymore if you have Co yeah that's the one go ahead officer conell I I I don't think I should say this but I'm not familiar with this location I know the building but I didn't know that they had a uh license uh I if she didn't she wasn't able to come in I I'd have to concur with the decision just not renewing it unless unless the uh commission decides otherwise thank you Captain delini what's the address of this one beraldi is 280 maram Street were they ever open open I think that the thing just come down that they haven't got approved by the ABC yet okay got nothing to add director T um the same thing I agree that it shouldn't be renewed question now and that's why I want to get some thing on this um since haven't been opened and they haven't they're in the process of open which signing hurt them since they're not going to get their license until after January anyways yes so I think it's if it's uh it's a transfer right so it's in the ABC so they're not going to get a license until so it doesn't really matter right now right if they don't sign let me explain something they do have a license in Trans in transfer right is on the process but if they don't renew the license that license can be open for granted is if somebody else has a is in a waiting list that license can move to somebody else through the chair but isn't there somebody transferring isn't a process somebody right now is trying to transfer yeah they did so they submitted the light the application to the abcc through us but it's not under the new person that's transfer right it's the old person that not renewing yeah the renew is on the old person yeah yeah so the new person that's renewing right I'm sorry the new person applying for it yeah so the new person that's applying you know her has preference because they're already in the abcc right oh yeah new person is applying for could be like that could be like that that's the way that's the way I interpret it okay so it could be for the new person because the guy who had the license didn't open up and he closed up the place and it's been closed for over a year and then they came in front of us and applied for a new license and that's what's going through now the process of the new license may I ask a question as far as you know Antonio did did they present like a lease that they're actually leasing in that space and it's open for one year I believe we did this a couple months ago like maybe September around there maybe a month before that they came in applied for a new license the mother and daughter came in they gave us a copy of the lease the guy who owns the property he gave all the things what they have to pay for and everything we CU we're looking at it that's not the one he said but like oh okay look getet it I thought it was the uh Gateway I thought it was the Gateway I thought it was the Gateway okay then my aners changed and uh this is the one in that's inside the that little mini mall okay I recollection now it's coming so I yeah they they were open I went there uh yeah for a few I mean they were they were doing well I think and then all of a sudden they just closed down so I don't I don't I don't know if they're going to be back but it's a shame but you know like like you know through chair like I said so somebody already already applied so you know so we just got to wait to see if they get you know if they get approved in you know in January so no one could open the place or operate it until the new people you know get approved okay I make a motion that we just disapprove all five nine of them to make it easier I I second that motion commissioner Le made a motion to this approve or n license that mix to renew the to sign the renew form for the abcc second by commissioner Morales commissioner Le how do you vote Yes commissioner Morales how do you vote Yes motion pass question there's also the TNS Club 416 Park street sign they did sign but they didn't pay and also they have a $600 balance from last year she promised to pay that and she pay promis to pay over the weekend and nothing nothing happened um through the chair so um we you you know you what you could do is I think my my suggestion is uh approve it pending they they pay their you know all their fees everything all you know you know zero balance well here's my thing is that in 2023 they didn't finish paying they owe us money for that and now they just gave us a check for 3,000 and that bounced I think they should I I think that they okay I make a motion we approve this license only if she pays everything up for with a certified check I'll second the motion commission made a motion to approve the TNS license at 416 parus Street second by commissioner Morales uh pending of the to clear out the balance with a certified check with a certified sh commission Le how do you vote Yes commission Morales how do you vote Mo motion pass thank you thank you go ahead also I want to say something we have to get a letter from the police department for all these clubs here saying that U from you from the licens and have the police department deliver them or I deliver them I don't care how they get out but they got to get out and they said they can't open up after midnight on the 31st all the liquor store cannot open up that one liquor store that so after the 31st day can open and notify the police department and give each one of these the letters like the the last four or five don't need a letters but I mean the first five or six do need letters okay okay and before we leave any problem with extending for Christmas hours like we usually do officer can you have an issue no I don't okay [Music] Captain I understand it but we can let the let mayor do it but we say we approved it in case it doesn't have to come back to us at the last minut yeah same as we did last year just approve it now let the mayor send a letter and say it's open an extra hour M um make the motion I'll approve it make the motion what to approve licenses to be open to approve uh clubs to be open um I make that extra hour for Christmas holiday Christmas holiday and New Year's Eve and day okay I'll second the motion commissioner Le I made a motion to approve one hours uh on the Christmas evees Christmas Christmas Eve New Year like we do New Year second by commissioner Morales commissioner how you vote Yes commissioner Morales motion pass okay thank you and then we need to make a motion to approve all of the renewals we do that are they all paid for and everything yeah before we approve them um I think about half have have done their uh three or four inspection through the that is combined inspection through the fire department and the building 39 yeah they yeah so so there's 39 so far so they still maybe about 25 then right 23 more that haven't done a 304 inspection so I you know my suggestion is that if you do approve them that um approve them on the condition that they get their 304 inspection the people that haven't got it yet because they can't operate without that that's that's what that's what certifies the building to be open and it's safe um that that inp what is that with the fire department I concur um the fire department will work with the with inspectional services to make sure that everybody gets an inspection uh um everybody who has has applied in a timely manner has had an inspection the fire department wants to thank um Mr Lopez for the assistance and having everybody else assisting everybody in applying and and making all those calls it's appreciated and we'll we'll make sure that anybody who has applied and has paid um that gets the inspection I'll make a motion that we approve them on the stipulation that those who haven't been approved by 30 or four year inspection they have if they're done they get open I'll second the motion commiss Le made a motion to approve the legal license renewal with the condition that those business that has to do the 304 inspection they need before to issue the license to them second by commission Morales commission how do you vote Yes commissioner Morales how do you vote Yes motion pass thank thank you very much all for coming and then our next meeting is happening on FR right Friday Fray so could we do it on the yes on that Wednesday do but I'll be back on the 1 what do you mean you'll be back is there someone in the office that could do it you could work with somebody in your office um to post the agenda okay just make sure they have all the information they you know make sure that they post it the right way they you know they know all the I do that but I remember last time that I was trying to do that and Matia said no he don't let me to do it from there to put the agenda together even working with Johnny he said no you cannot do that from outside the office uh um let's just uh let's talk offline about it okay all right make a motion to Jour in um the meetings right now is for December 18th the 18th or the 20th it doesn't matter the 18th because the the the 20th of Friday so the 18 could be better yeah yeah Frid half day what holiday do you have on the 18th you do the okay um 18 18 make a motion that we have the next meeting at the 18th the 18th okay yes and a motion to a journey 18 meeting to Jour I'll second both motions okay everybody in favor yes Mo pass okay thank you I was see on the 18th for