##VIDEO ID:hBHg_OLmFhg## spe your for welcome welcome to the Lawrence licensing board meeting um can we please go through roll call thank you good evening everyone thank you for coming to the Lawrence licensing board meeting on September 18 presing at the meeting are September 11th September 11 I'm sorry it's okay uh presing the meeting our commissioner Le here an Morales here and the official here tonight is uh Patrick delini welcome and meeting start thank you I'd like to make a motion to approve the minutes from August 21st 2024 I'll second that commission an Morales made a motion to approve the minut for August 21st second by Commission Le commissioner Morales how do you vote Yes commissioner Le how do you vote Yes minutes approved thank you we do not have tabled matters for this agenda on new business we have Gateway bar LLC who is applying for a new common Vic at 339 Mar Max Street hi Hi how are you good good could you please say your name for the record and the reason for the new common Vic application um Mary mosquto show and we're just we're looking to do some type of food we're going to see if we can do a um ventless air fryer just to have some type of little appetizers okay um in the past there was not a common Vic license on this premise that right okay um commissioner Le yes um I believe all you want to do is have like chips sandwiches or cold sandwiches something pre-made pizza meat PS or something like that right yeah pre-made prepackaged foods which probably like chicken wings or if we um pretzel bites things like that I don't know if chips included I mean I think all bars have chips anyways in there but um you know what time when are you going to get proof to open up yet say I get when are you going to be approved to open up well the they the inspector sign off the other day and he said up to four weeks so we're looking for the middle of October the second to last weekend of October okay wish you the best of luck thank you um Captain delini do you have any questions uh good evening yes the fire department performed 304 inspection with the building department this Saturday everything was in order they did Express you know their wish to do some cooking we instructed them to contact inspectional services just to make sure that that what they wanted to do was okay I think they wanted some sort of um fryer that was going to be internal um so we just asked them to go through inspectional services to to check the validity of it I think a ventless air fryer yeah yeah yeah cuz I see here um chicken tenders chicken wings french fries all those things need to be deep fried so I just want to make sure nothing deep fried no just the ventless air fryer okay okay ventless air fryer okay commissioner no cooking at all no oils no stove just the heating up the process right yeah no cooking just if was air fryer okay I'm making a moment uh motion we approve it I'll second the motion commissioner Le made a motion to approve a common license at 339 a my stre second by commissioner Morales commissioner Le how do you vote Yes commissioner Morales how do you vote Yes Mo pass to zero congratulations and good luck thank you very much thank you thank you the next item on the agenda we have St Patrick's Parish who's applying for a one day wine and malt beverage license hello hi um can did you state your name for the record and the reason for the application my name is Annie Santos I'm the business manager for St Patrick parish and I'm here to request a liquor license MH um you're having an event yes that will be hosted this Saturday um and we just want families to spend time together in our church okay thank you um I love that the on the agend on the um in the application I have license type liquor license and then okay subtype says wine one okay good I just want to make sure that's right um commissioner L do you have any questions no this did come before us a number of times for the same thing so I have no questions okay thank you Captain Delaney no questions okay great um i' like to make motion to approve your one- day wine and malt license second commission moral made a motion to approve one day one Mark beverage at 118 South Ro second F commissioner commissioner Morales how you vote Yes commission you vote Yes motion pass to zero congratulations and you can pass tomorrow to pick up the license thank you thank you the next item on the agenda we have the Lawrence British club who's applying for a one day patio extension at 880 campas Street hi could you please state your name for the record and the reason for the extinction uh Brian liver we're doing a little member outing for our members awesome commissioner D do you have questions yeah we're about the patio uh we don't have a Pao we're using we're closing off one of our parking lots okay so it's going to be on our Hall side it's going to be fenced off we have a tent guy coming in Omar we had Dig Safe com in last week just to check the grounds um picked up all our exit signs our no smoking signs those all be posted we have a temporary friend going up in front of the tent um we moved a couple handicap spots out there because there were a couple in the back we were R we filling in and um we're figuring about maybe 50 60 TOS for people we sold about 25 tickets so far no questions thank you Captain Delaney no questions uh wish you the best of luck thank you great um commissioner Le I make a motion with accept it and pass it I'll second the motion commissioner Le made a motion to approve one day part extension at 80 CG Street second by commissioner Morales commissioner Le how do you vote Yes commissioner Morales how do you vote Yes Mo pass to Z congratulation and you can come tomorrow to pick up the part station how's Friday uh you can come Friday I'm going to leave the the license ready there if I'm not there somebody can hand it to you thank you let you know they close early at 1:30 on Friday I know I have Friday off I don't tomorrow okay great um the next item on the agenda we have one second we have um Quality Motors okay um commissioner Le I make a motion we table this matter to the next meeting um okay I'll second the motion commissioner I made a motion to table Quality Motors at two Shel call second by commissioner Morales commissioner Le how do you vote Yes commission Morales how do you vote Yes motion pass I have a question is this the third time we're tbling it uh this is the thing uh that we waiting for a report from the state trooper okay aene Lawrence that they want to revoke the license so I haven't get the report yeah so that's a reason why he's not here today okay thank you next item on the agenda we have um jnf Motorsports LLC it's applying for dealer license at 479 Broadway Street good afternoon my name is Bianca Feliz I'm representing Jose Feliz thank you um could you tell us about um the dealership yes please so we're looking forward to getting our license because um we there was previous owners in the dealership and we would like to get the new one um in order to keep the business um a flow and we would like to have a new perspective on the business and make it fast and easier transition for people to get um cars commissioner Le a question for Mr all the paperwork in yet uh she's she's waiting for the inspection she had an schedule last Friday right yeah and they didn't deliver the inspection so they move for the next week I think it is okay uh and also the the previous owner he has to withdraw the license in the room 107 at the clerk office and then they can get it dis approved too we're in communication with them because we are in still in the process of getting it certified so I started the application and all the processes but we're just just waiting for them to sign off okay what I'm trying to say we cannot approve a license there until that license is resent uh is surrendered and expended uh expired you know what I'm trying to say that license has to come in first okay so you're waiting you're waiting for the expections to come in right yeah and after the expection comes in if you want to scheduled for next week get the get the inspection done bring the license in with you and then we could probably approve it yeah they also mentioned to me they haven't um what's it called renew it in about 2 years so they said I was okay to be in the application for um all dealer license uh they have to renew by December 31st Okay the reason why I told you to tell them to come to the meeting that they can say in front of the Commissioners that they going to surrender the license and you can apply for yeah okay see the best thing is to get him in here get a copy of the license here surrender the license get your inspection done and then we'll talk about it and approve it okay I can do that yeah so go ahead oh sorry Captain Delaney no questions okay thank you um so I suggest that we make a motion to table this until the next meeting and hopefully yeah we'll table this next meeting if there that's okay with you otherwise we're yeah I'm just trying to get in communication with them cuz they're trying to tell us no and then we're like well we need you to sign off and we need you to be here and that's what we're in the communication about or notify us that they're surrendering their license okay I going to make a motion we table this to the next meeting I'll second the motion commission made a motion to table jnf Motor Sports at 479 Broadway second by commissioner Morales for the next uh meeting yes so just taking place next week so if you can the 25th yeah okay uh commissioner Le how do you vote Yes commissioner moral how you vote Yes motion pass okay the item is table for the next meeting thank you the next item on the agenda we have Mal Malia's nightclub who's applying for an increase of capacity from 375 5 to 500 good evening for the record off the broad is 45 oood Street with th Mass on here half of mil I know last meeting uh the commission had some concerns um we wanted to wait till the fight Department was here talk about the size of the door some of the egresses and so forth so yeah thank you um before we go to that we know that we did an increase the day the Labor Day weekends did that event go smoothly did that event go smoo did the event go smoothly for you guys the day that we increased well that's good thank you commissioner Le yes um couple questions uh Through the Fire to the fire department 500 people um the door width um I see there's four exits one the front one in the back and two going through the kitchen area and one a kitchen and bar area which I don't think are legal from we had a problem with flow Lounge they were going to do it so that would be a thing we couldn't approve the second thing is the size of the doors um commissioner blanch I mean Peter blanch had talked to me today about it we talked about it the size of the doors have to be increased for 500 people and uh he look in a double width door like a 72 in door he said so I what your opinion good evening yes um I actually met with the applicant last week I believe he has some plans for some modifications which I believe he's going to pull a building permit with and the formula is stamped by a registered design professional it's out of on the building commissioner's book 780 CMR so it's incumbent on him to to check the the math and and make sure everything comes out right um I think the number is a little bit off from 500 it might be a little bit 446 with the with the new Ma so again I believe the petitioner is going to pull a building permit with the with the building department make some modifications and increase the width of the doors and he has a stamp plan from a registered design professional and get his permits and after that it's again it's incumbent on the Building Commissioner just to check the m and make sure everything's okay okay um I talked to Poli black today I told you he wants us to table l so he can go down there and look at the doors and everything so um so he wants to see the see the doors first he wants to see he's in the same boat I am okay if a fire was to happen we'd be back in the Rhode Island thing and the first person they're going to come after after the License Commission and Peter Blanchett because he's the one who approves the uh the building and he wants to look at it thank you commissioner Le um I spoke to p and he said it was okay I supped to P the BL and that he said was okay M because we have supposed to be 89 in we have total 129 like I say we agree that we will do the uh the the remot in the meantime he told me to be no problem mhm um Captain delini okay my conversation with Peter at 4:35 o00 today was with him at 4:35 o00 today we talked about the four exits two of them are not going to be allowed because you can't have 500 or 400 people running through that door and through the bar and through the kitchen they're not going to allow that to so you really only have two ex uh exit the front door which is like 36 in wide 36 which is 36 in wide and you have 400 people we say half of two two of them going through the front door 200 go to the back they're going to be a congestion at the front door there is where your problem is you know you have a b right now create a table and you can work building inspect so Mr chairman we I think it makes sense if you would talk to Peter Blanchett we'll have to meet with him get them all to the site and and fix the doors that are concerned um I have no problem that I'm just saying what Peter said he would like to see it he talked to me tonight at 4:00 he wants to see it he does not want to be in the position of a fire happens that he's going to be number one out the to hang out the dry and I don't want to be hung out the dry it's a major concern of what happens I I hope him the best of luck with his business you know he's I would easily approve 400 than people but you got to come back to the thing you know what I'm trying to say you got you got to plan excuse me Captain Delaney uh through through the chair um to the applicant I'd suggest that we meet with uh Peter blanch at The Building Commissioner tomorrow and we could get together and just see what you have to do and we could we could help you out again what it it may be possible that you need a 72in drawer but I know what whatever it is that needs to be done I we talked last week I know you're going to uh pull a building permit and you're going to get it done so I suggest that we sit down with the Building Commissioner tomorrow and able to uh assist you through this anything that you guys ask me I've been doing that and still get run around here yeah you were there two weeks ago you me was no issu to you I I want what you guys tell me if you're tell me to do something and I do it yeah then you know I would uh and I thought you ran a nice place okay I'm I'm just saying I thought you did a good job I saw the building plan and then I saw there was only two doors that we could really accept as exits okay the front and the back I remember we to another loung Mr cap Delaney told us you could not use the kitchen as an exit and that comes through the kitchen in the bar area cannot be used as an exit the size of the door Peter says it's going to be wider right I know you can pull your permit right get that done and talk to Peter tomorrow and if the next week if he approves it then you're all set I'm not giving I'm not trying to give you a hard time on this I'm just trying to protect us as the city and Peter as a person and Anna and myself it makes sense Yeah question if we were trying to give you a hard time we wouldn't okay that one day license for you you know what I'm trying to say we approved that and we shouldn't have really done it for one day but we did do it to help you cuz you were in bind okay and that's my opinion on it thank you I go to tomorrow and hopefully we can get this by hopefully end of this week or next week whatever yes um Antonio you were yeah yeah cuz I think we definitely could move this process along um we can get the meeting tomorrow go ahead if I through the chair um one you can call my phone tomorrow and I'll make an appointment with Mr Bland chat we'll sit down with them and figure out what you have to do sounds good call you first tomorrow morning yeah thank you sounds good thanks you know thank you I'm sorry you guys have to keep coming no no like I said I just want to whatever you tell me I do it but I just don't want to keep you wasting your time and your time and his time you know you guys have been very Cooperative your lawyers been very cooperative and everything else and we're trying to help you cuz if we didn't want to help you we would deny the the permit the last time you know yeah so just one more week I hopefully it's settled by then thank you thank you thank you good night okay I make a motion we table this until next week I second it commissioner Le made a motion to table malayas for the September 25th meeting second by commissioner Morales commissioner how do you vote Yes commissioner Morales how do you vote Yes okay the item is table for the next meeting thank you the next item on the agenda we have atano dominicano who's applying for one day wine and malt license good afternoon my name is wifredo Peralta I represent uh ATO Dominican we are here uh looking for a license for one day like you WR mhm in your in your agenda and explain the activity it's a social meeting with uh things relate with Dominican culture like coffee and tobacco we have an exhibition but we have a jazz band and uh it's a meeting it's a social meeting uh for our organization it's a second season of this activity we got it uh the first one the last year and it was a very good uh location awesome thank you commissioner Le thank you yes I remember you last year but I don't think it was the same place was it yes in the Heritage Park and I wish you the best of luck again good luck to you Captain delini good evening we wish you the best of luck at your event thank you so good luck I'd like to make a motion to approve this license thank you second commissioner morali made a motion to approve one day wart license and one Jackson Street for ATO dominicano for an event on night 22 by commission Le commissioner Morales how do you vote Yes commissioner how do you vote Yes motion pass to zero congratulations thank you you can pick out your license tomorrow we'll be here tomorrow thank you okay good luck going to we got it we need it Ando when's the next meeting 25th oh okay our next meeting is September 25th at 5:30 I'd like to make a motion to adur this meeting made a motion to adjourn the meeting I'll make a motion you make a motion approve a motion to adjo the meeting yes yeah second you second oh my goodness Mike make Anna made a motion commissioner Le second the motion Anna Morales how do you vote Yes commiss how do you vote Yes meeting a jour thank you very much next meeting on September 25th thank you very much for coming thank you that was a great meeting Amy