##VIDEO ID:9a3L1k0EhSo## e the lesburg police department is committed to creating a safe environment for our citizens especially our ch e e e e e e e morning e so there's some Trust we'll call the city commission meeting uh Monday August the 12th 20124 it is 5:31 p.m. we'll call the meeting to order uh we're going to have an invocation and a pledge tonight uh when we rise for the invocation I'm gonna ask everybody if you would please just take a few moments uh before I do the invocation to remember um Master Deputy Bradley link one of our brave uh sheriff's deputies that was uh ambushed on August the 3 and uh keep him in your prayers if you would so please everyone rise for the invocation Heavenly Father we ask that you watch over this group tonight that you bring us good decision making and that we go forward and make good decisions for the city of leberg we do this in your name amen pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all tonight we have a uh Proclamation uh regarding the leberg lightning FC SL uh Championship whereas the lesburg lightning led by head coach Rich Billings assistant coach Rich billing senior and pitching coach Ryan de captured the fifth Florida collegan summer league that's the fcsl championship on July 28th 2024 by defeating the Dand Suns and making the lightning the second team in league history to win back-to-back titles and whereas the lesburg lightning finished the regular season in first place in the fcsl with a record of 20 and 11 and whereas pitcher Tyler Don Don uh sported the League's best ER at 1.52 in 29 and two-thirds Innings pitched with five earned runs 30 strikeouts and a whip of 0.94 and Centerfield Michael Fury led the league with a batting average of 46 and had three home runs and a 638 slugging percentage and a 1.1 192 Ops and whereas coach Rich Billings the Lightning's head coach for 10 seasons is the winningest coach in fcsl history and was named to the 2024 FCS L coach of the year his third time earning the honor and whereas since joining the fcsl in 2007 the Leesburg lightning have an overall record of 424 and wins with 293 losses have made the playoffs all 18 Seasons with 11 Championship appearances and have won the championship five times 2007 2009 2021 2023 and 20 24 and whereas the Lightning's home stadium is leesburg's historic Pat Thomas stadium buddy low field where each summer for the past 18 years they have assembled teams of the finest Collegiate athletes from across the country providing an opportunity for our community to gather with family and friends while enjoying the traditions and fellowship of our nation's Pastime and whereas the city of lesburg wishes to congratulate the lesburg lightning players coaches interns host families volunteers and Leadership on their outstanding 2024 season now therefore I James a bur Jr mayor of the city of lesburg do hereby proclaim the achievements of the 2024 lesburg lightning commend the determination and teamwork they displayed in route to winning the fcsl championship thank them for being great ambassadors for the city of lebur and encourage everyone to support our home team in the upcoming season let's go [Applause] [Music] bolts look over here you need to be in here too no I'm good I'll it we're good we'll move move on now to presentations uh the agenda has a Susan Street uh project update that we will be doing we also have a project on the new uh or a a presentation on the new uh street cameras that are in the school zones so at this point if we can go ahead and give that the lesburg police department is committed to creating a safe environment for our citizens especially our children on their way to school that's why starting in August leberg is adopting a school zone speed enforcement program at strategic locations across the city schools own speed enforcement programs have been proven to reduce speeds and enhanced safety around schools meaning fewer risk for our children as they cross the [Music] street our goal with this new program is to change driver behavior in our school zones lower the risk of accidents and keep our students safe a study of speed camera programs in four cities across the US found the program lowered the number of accidents resulting in injury or death by an average of 30% in similar programs across Virginia our partner ultimate has seen a 55% decrease in speed violations within just 3 months to me any program that keeps our kids safe is invaluable children walking to school must be protected and encouraging safe driver Behavior around all school zones is a major step our program will begin on August 12th with a 30-day warning period to introduce our community to the new system starting on September 10th we will begin issuing citations here's how the program works these new cameras take pictures of the cars violating the speed limit in excess of 10 m hour or more in a school [Music] zone our partner altimate processes the data here in the United States ensuring the Integrity of the program and privacy of our citizens altimate is one of the oldest and most experienced Eren photo enforcement providers in the United States and they launched the first school's own speed camera in our state earlier this year they take our citizens privacy seriously those who violate the posted speed will receive a citation in the mail with a $100 fine violations are a civil penalty meaning no points on your license as long as you take care of the citation within 30 days we need to keep our students safe Florida has a problem with speedy in school zones 38% of drivers admit to not adhering to reduce speeds if you think about a child walking to school by themselves what is their attention span what is the likelihood that they are always alert when a car is speeding the driver has less time to react and slow down if that child steps off the [Music] curb by adding a consequence for speeding drivers we will encourage them to follow the local traffic laws and slow down when driving around our schools it's not worth compromising child safety regardless of the reason it's worth driving the speed limit to Save a Life got a lot of speeders that create a lot of issues for our kids that are walking to school or riding their buses to school city of Leesburg has stepped up big time in an effort to keep our kids safe use some of the funds that come from these findes to invest more in technology for Safety and Security just overall quality of life it's a beautiful partnership and just so thankful for the city for their support signs will clearly alert drivers of school zones and where the speed limit is being monitored by the camera enforcement hours begin 30 minutes before school throughout the school day and extend 30 minutes after school the beauty of this program is it's completely violator funded with no taxpayer burden plus the money stays here in leeburg funds collected from violators will go towards funding City programs and school safety programs as required by state law you know speeding cars with kids walking across the street is is a dangerous thing um you know our children are the Next Generation the future of the city I have two children uh N9 and six one going into the fourth grade one into the second grade uh at lebur Elementary uh as growing up I went to those schools I had a friend get hit in the same school zone that my kids will be Crossing through now these cameras couldn't have come any sooner you know we have a lot of officers that are out and about but they can't be everywhere all the time um it gives our officers an opportunity to to police those areas without having to physically be there and it's it's comforting to me as a parent to know that that there is something being done to try to protect the kids in those school zones so knowing that this not on the burden on the taxpayers and we're still having a safety in place so it's a win-win for us all I have two kids that walk to school every day and crossing over the busy road it makes me more at ease that we will have something like this in place safety is put for the kids and for the parents as well the kids that walk across a busy highway street I'm grateful for this being place and hoping that it'll help somebody else to think like hey we need this and especially when it's a busy highway our kids got to cross every day while our ultimate goal is to receive voluntary compliance from the motoring public this new program will ensure consequences for those who choose to ignore child safety in lesburg even when an officer is not physically there we're leveraging technology as a force multiplier for our department it's going to make lebur Street safer and will encourage safe driving behavior throughout our community to all the drivers out there these are our kids that are walking to these schools uh speed is important schools back in session a slow down slow down slow down look both ways and make sure our kids get to and from school in a safe Manner and keep our kids safe keep our kids safe I'm Joe ioi your chief of police and from all of us here at the city of leeburg please drive safely thank you guys uh we'll move on now the we have a presentation regards to the Susan Street update good evening mayor Commissioners uh city manager my name is Travis Ryman director of Parks and Recreation uh we have been working on the Susan Street project as you guys know for for over a year now um and it's been discussed for a lot longer than that so um we are starting to see light at the end of the tunnel so we asked half to come in and do a brief presentation show you where you're at uh give us a little dire direction if there's any changes you'd like to see and um get us moving on to that 100% design and get the bid started so uh want to introduce Martin stefen on on behalf of half all right thanks so if you want to get right on into the presentation let's get the party started oh oh I gotta do it all right okay so um just quick overview of the design I know that we've changed the entrance a few times and now we're coming in off of sorry coming in off of um 14th Avenue or 14th Street here so this is a view of that coming in um to the main entrance here um it's completely redesigned it's a nice Boulevard entrance and then another welcome to leeburg sign there that's not the final you know vision for that sign we want to relate it back to sports I think it'll be closer to something at the Aquatic Center where there be some flashing beacons there um there are five Fields five rugby Fields throughout the complex this one is going to be full synthetic um we envision this one being kind of a tournament play um type facility here um you'll see the two buildings there at the end zone of the field one of those is um going to be restrooms the other one will be concessions ticket area um and a locker room uh to the left of the field there is going to be a grand stand and Press Box there and that's going to match the architecture of um kind of like the shipping containers if you guys are familiar with um I think it's the the crate Village down there Wesley Chapel um we're working with those guys to come up with a design here um but all the architecture all match and it'll be wrapped uh to reflect back at leeburg and then here again is an aerial shot of the parking and you can see the two shipping container buildings there um and then kind of like a a common area there with a food truck and there's the opposite angle um the main entrance point is just behind the bus there there's an aerial view of what we anticipate this to look like and then just another shot of the architecture that we'll be aiming for and then lastly um where we've been where we are and where we're going so just in order 1 two 3 4 um fall winter 2023 um is when we kicked off this project with you all um we've been working diligently with Travis and his staff to come up with the design um and produce something that reflects the highest and best use for the site um fast forward to spring summer now um we're continuing to refine the site just a little bit just to fit within budget new entry and evaluate additional funding sources um those funding sources will be applying for those later this year but with those funding sources there are a couple additional site requirements that we're working into the site um and then working with the city to develop some Creative Solutions for that um today half is done with the site plan we are filing for permits with the Water Management District um and FD and then once we get final plans back for lighting and the shipping containers we'll be passing that off to the city um but right now half is pencils down waiting comments back from permitting agencies and then number four moving forward like I mentioned earlier um we'll be filling out those funding applications to to help alleviate some of those budget constraints that's what I got anybody got questions thank you sweet this time we'll move on to uh public comments item four this section is reserved for members of the public to bring up matters of concern or opportunities for praise issues brought up will not be discussed in detail at this meeting issues will either be referred to the proper staff or will be scheduled for consideration at a future city commission meeting comments are limited to three minutes and would you please give your name and your address uh when you come to the mic are there any public comments [Music] [Music] hello uh my name is Casey Ross um I'm 26 years old and father of three girls one is six the other is four another baby just born last Thursday I'm a small business owner of a Welding and Fabrication Shop Lo located within City Limits uh by the name of Ross family Fabrications and I'm the sole provider for my family um every day has been a struggle with the cost of groceries gas rent among everything else but I'll do everything I can to give my family the best possible life I'm hoping that whoever is in charge of making the decision of if we can place a manufactured home and a well on our property could please allow us to have a chance to find our version of the American dream without adding unnecessary financial hardship we are already having a ult time making sure we have enough to build on our property due to the inflation of material costs and the increase of interest rates by our federal government if we are forced to connect to City Water 165 ft away from our property line along with the additional $50,000 extra we would have to pay in order to get a modular home due to the in place city ordinances it will make our Dream to have a place of our own next to Impossible I have had been told by the utilities depart Department that the best they can do is wave impact fees to connect to city water and by City Zoning that the reason we cannot get the most affordable option of having a manufactured home um on our 2 acre property uh located right up the road here Morrison Road um is because it's not in a manufactured home park our property is on an unmaintained dirt road that is on the border of Lake County and lebg City Limits located in District four our property is not visible to anyone but our two neighbors who drive through our shared easement who are both not connected to city water and both have their own well thank you for your time listening to me and God bless you got the ultimate G if you need it where's go to the end of Main Street take a right right where that curve is there's a dirt road right there you know where the minent press used to be at the end down there oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah you're coming out Sunny Side that way right okay I know where you got so so Mr Ross we will get in touch with you I got your email a week ago maybe maybe two weeks I was on vacation last week I referred to Planning and Zoning so I'll swing back around with Dan and we'll be in touch with you about your issue okay should I expect an email or you you'll get but you'll get a phone call a phone call okay did you leave your cont contact information in your email I or actually the F right behind you in the yellow tie that's Mr Miller if you can get you if you can give him your phone number he'll get back to you okay thank you thank you is there any other public [Music] comment hello my name is Joel I live at 1632 Sterns Drive in leeburg um I'm here because we've been having a big problem within the Overlook La Griffin community um as far as people being killed um gunshots drugs being um distributed and sold um in our neighborhood our HOA keeps referring us to go to the police department which we do as homeowners um contact the police department we're not getting anywhere to any Avail with anything what the police will do is they'll they'll go ahead and they'll drive by um do a quick drive by they'll see stuff going on but won't get out the car um I know on my property alone there was a gentl that was arrested four times for trespassing on my property threatening my family just out of nowhere um and I've called the police department and had them come out there to try to arrest them and I got the response that if they did not witness it um the gentleman would not be arrested even though my cam um my property has a whole bunch of cameras along with ring spoke to the district attorney about Prosecuting and they said Well if they have the video they should be able to lock them up because it's trespassing and it's getting really TI retiring um I retired out here about eight maybe n years ago and it was a really quiet neighborhood until things started to change a bit in the neighborhood but it's been left unchecked um I've personally spoken with um Chief Hicks when he was the chief about the situation I've invited law enforcement to stay on my property access to the cameras and anything that would go ahead and solve the issue um again with living there for almost eight nine years I have children my children can't go outside and play in the front if they go outside and play in the front it's a disaster or something may happen on December 13th for last year I went outside for a Walmart order and there was a gunfight right in front of me this is getting out of hand and no one is helping the HOA points one way the police department points another I've reached out to the police department recently about two three weeks ago left voicemails no return phone call no nothing and the situations are still going on it's to the point that at 2 3:00 in the morning because my property on the right side of the house is extremely elongated people will park on my lawn and wait for someone to go ahead and bring them drugs or do something along those lines and this is not what the community is about that's not what lesburg is about um and that community living there it was never like that and it's just getting worse it's not getting checked there was a young gentleman that was shot um in front of his driveway um about about a month or so ago and again if we had better police presence it probably would have never happened um so I'm asking for the Commissioners to help out with the situation I have sent emails and I came to the because the mayor invited me to go ahead and come and speak regarding this issue um because we couldn't tell whether it was in District four or five but something needs to get done before other people get hurt cuz we just don't feel safe thank Youk you what is your exact address please 1632 Sterns Drive Stern Drive The Overlook behind Walmart yes or Walgreens Ona the other way okay kind of to the on the right hand side right at [Music] Park I will reference we we did in budget this year we did approve uh six more police officers so hope hopefully that will help some 12 12 12 okay I stand corrected okay well we appreciate the fact that you guys approved it the situation is that they're going to do something because when they show up they try everything and anything not to handle a situation and that's the problem so if you have a police officer that's patrolling your neighborhood and they see something going on but they don't get out and address it and they just keep on rolling then what's the use of having them the problem is that they're not present they only show up after the events have occurred and taking place and then their investigation skills aren't up to par because they will come up to Residence knowing that they just witness somebody get shot and ask them in front of everybody in the neighborhood or can we have access to your cameras instead of doing it quietly or reaching out to them in another way so they don't put that family at risk like these are kids that live there they go to leeburg high school they go to Carver Middle School they go to um levely Shores they go to Fruitland Park you know it's not a ghetto Community but it's going to turn into that if it's not checked and the problem is that it's not checked there's plenty of videos online showing the cops just rolling straight by while a list stuff is happening you can roll by a neighborhood but unless you stop and make your presence belt or address certain situations like loitering or people smoking weed or pot outside or doing anything like that then what is there really left okay well I we appreciate you coming to the meeting the police chief is here so I'm sure he hears you loud and clear okay thank you thank you this time we'll move on any other public comment this time we'll move on to the consent agena before uh before we talk about it I would i' like to mention that item 5 C5 has been withdrawn from the consent agenda that's the Arbor Park phase one so we we won't there's no need to pull it for any reason we won't be discussing it it is no longer on the agenda uh so are there any items that anyone would like to pull uh 5c4 5 C11 and 5 C12 okay 5c4 A and C all well I don't we don't need to do all three I'm not I just want how to give have to going to have to if they're pulled we're going to address that's fine we'll then have to do a vote on each one independently okay so give me the next 5c four 11 and 12 11 and 12 okay are there any other items that anyone would like to call may I ask to um have just have questions on I think it's 5c 5 C2 so you want to pull 5 C2 pull yeah we'll pull it pull that okay all right so we have pulled 5 C2 5c4 uh 5 C5 will not be discussed tonight it'll be on a later meeting uh 5 C11 and 5 C12 is that correct okay uh if we get a motion make a motion to approve approve all remaining items second roll call commission conell yes commissioner rean yes commission Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes mayor bur yes someone please introduce 5 C2 I'll introduce 5 C2 to be right by title only resolution of the city Commission of the city of leeburg Florida authorizing and directing the mayor and city clerk to execute an agreement for school resource officer SRO services to be provided at Lake County School Board leeburg schools for the 2024-25 school year starting in August 2024 and providing an an effective date for approval second discussion yes I have a question please I um wanted to ask that there's four school resource officers selected and I was wondering if the Middle School Carver Middle could be considered as one additional school to be added I think the Sheriff's Office does that yes so so we split it with them yeah so all the schools are covered okay and so it's it's a historical kind of thing that the so is covered was it Carver correct okay can you explain why we've done that thanks Chief I yeah so his historically we had the schools and then there was some contractual issues many years ago and then the sheriff's office took over all the schools and then when we uh initiated working in all the schools that's when we got back into the schools and the Sheriff's Office still retained the middle schools okay so there will be someone at car middle currently they have a green uniform instead of a blue okay I was just wondering because I was looking for to prepare them for high school that would be more an interaction for the community if they knew who and what officer was in place you know I I would anticipate there may come a time that we'll be in the middle schools as well but uh retention recruiting those those are variables that also come into play there too is just my focus and you know have I've have expressed the um relationship building for the kids that they see someone that they can relate to in on campus and as well as in the neighborhood so that you can establish some type of report and know who and where lives where if there's issues agreed okay that's it thank you any other questions for that was it for me motion to approve that let's let's do one we got a we have motion 5 C2 we got right right so we just need a roll call yeah all right so roll call commission rean yes commissioner Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes commissioner conel yes mayor bur yes someone please introduce 5c4 I'll introduce 5c4 a b and c do you read by Tuttle only or do we have to do no let's do them we're going to read them all and then we'll address each one with a separate so introduce them all right now okay four 5 C4 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of leeburg Florida authorizing the mayor and city clerk to execute Amendment one to public transportation Grant agreement FM number 43844 n-1 94-01 between the city of leeburg and the State of Florida Department of Transportation for the purpose of adding additional funding for construction of phase one aircraft hanger buildings and Associated Tax Lanes project at the lesburg international airport and providing an effective date 5 c4b resolution of the city Commission of the city of lebur Florida authorizing the mayor and city clerk to execute a task order with avcon Inc for construction oversight services for phase one Hangar infrastructure at the lesburg international airport and providing an effective date 5 c4c resolution of the city Commission of the city leader Berg Florida authorizing the mayor and city clerk to execute a Construction Services agreement with bulldog site work LLC for phase one Hangar infrastructure project at the lesburg international airport for an amount not to exceed 1,849 63713 and providing an effective date for approval second I pulled this item just so could give a brief overview that we're not spending general fund money on this this is coming out of the airport Revenue things like that so so yeah this is um one of the primary objectives of the airport Advisory Board and City commission has been to build additional hanger facilities so we have identified an area in the airport roughly across the street from Jenkins and was the the Kia place um just to the east of Wilco is is it East or West willco right East kind of the center of the airport there on 441 right you all drive past it you see a bunch of cars parked there now um but that that's really the most available space the airport has for development of hanger space So the plan there ultimately is to have Hangar space where I believe we have got two tea hangers and two corporate hanger rows of facilities which is the next phase the first phase of this however is to develop the site get this the the pads ready for construction so uh the 1.8 million readies the acreage there to put in these facilities later the subsequent agreements then is a a grant agreement uh for funding uh in the what is that 1.6 mil from the state for for grant funding the second agreement uh is to have a Construction Services agreement with avcon to monitor the construction and inspect it while it's going on and then the third resolution is the execution of the contract for construction with bulldog 1.8 million uh the the rest of which comes from the city the Delta uh to get the site readed and prepped once that's done we'll then move into a bid phase to start building the facilities as grant money and cash is available at the airport excellent any other questions on that all right so uh we need to vote individually now that we pulled it Grant yes sir okay so uh We've introduced a motion so we'll start with item 4A okay uh roll call commissioner Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes commissioner canel yes commissioner reesman yes mayor bur yes uh 4 b roll call commissioner Barry yes commissioner conel yes commissioner reesman yes commissioner Peterson yes mayor bur yes and 4 C W call commissioner conel yes commissioner rean yes commissioner Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes mayor bur yes someone please introduce 5 C11 I'll introduce has be right by title only Sorry God too fast yeah yeah resolution of the city Commission of the city of leeburg Florida authorizing the city manager to enter into a loan agreement with the Department of Environmental Protection under the state revolving fund for project financing forgiveness for 19 million under the SFI supplemental funding for hurricanes Fiona and Ian State revolving fund Loan program and providing an effective date move for approval second I discussion I pulled this item so Al could give a brief synopsis on this as well so essentially the $19 million State revolving fund loan is a Grant that's being called a loan uh the money stems back to the federal government and its purpose is to uh fix infrastructure around the around the nation we found out about this program probably later uh or earlier this spring winter uh it was made uh aware To Us by duberry our Engineers who helped us uh with the design on the turnpike expansion uh as well as Rehabilitation uh so because we in vested the $40 million in that plant it made us eligible to use the state revolving funds to refund our expense there um this resolution allows us to complete the application work to put in for the grant um we are very optimistic and hopeful that this is a formality but we won't count that bird and until we catch it out of the Bush but very optimistic that the funding will come to the city um one or two other cities in Lake received the similar type of funding um in previous years uh when we did not apply because we had already already got our project underway so long story short uh very hopeful that this grant Lo loan will be awarded to the city we should know probably in the next 90 to 120 days uh if the funding is received uh if the funding is then received there's a couple of options to use the money for one would be to restructure the loan um as you you know we did a $30 million the plant uh project cost 40 million we used about 10 million in cash and we did a bank note for the other 30 million so we could restructure that bank note I'm probably going to recommend to you that we don't restructure that bank note because the interest rate was favorable and also I'm not sure of some of the restrictions that may have been in the bank note on uh restructuring that this quickly we're just about only into our first year that 30-year note but then the second option then is to be able to use that money to replenish cash uh 10 million of it is the money that we spent on the plant then that would leave available 9 million which will then be eligible for other sewer Improvement projects so that's whether we're in uh maintaining or increasing lift station sizes changing out older sewer M it it's a it's a good injection to the Sewer fund that that great news any other questions no sir all right roll call commissioner rean yes commissioner Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes commissioner conel yes mayor B yes someone please introduce 5 C12 all your is 5 C12 to be read by title only resolution of the city Commission of the city of lebur Florida authorizing the mayor and city clerk to execute an amendment to the agreement of purchase and sale between the city of leasburg and Blue Rock Development LLC to extend the the governmental approval period and closing date and reduce the purchase price by $150,000 approving certain deposit payments and providing an effective date move for approval for discussion second so I pulled this item as well um if Al could also give a brief overview and then we could get have discussion about it absolutely I'll I'll te this up for the commission's discussion so the issue probably brewed here pretty quickly and I can't remember uh the deadline on the grant or the the um the deadline on the contract I think it's the middle of this week or something like that August 15th the 15th uh so August 15th was an deadline uh the request for this started a couple weeks ago but really materialized the Wednesday or Thursday before I left for vacation uh so in essence uh Blue Rock who were under contract for 2.75 million uh to sell approximately 7 and a half acres of airport property at the intersection of college in 441 has requested a reduction in that price uh the reduction is is asked uh for unforeseen uh development costs engineering costs as a part of the due diligence period the three specific issues were Blue Rock states that they had unforeseen development issues are associated with the state and Ingress egress on 441 also the county is a little bit in there too uh because the site developed some tricky Ingress egress issues um one on that note on 441 headed I guess technically to the north but it's it's to the West there there's a there's a right-hand turnoff that took some some additional work uh but also there was some uh considerable work that we had to do with the county on the college Ingress egress and some stacking cues and um Blue Rock has also uh done some additional traffic studies trying to align the driveway of the college and their entry um so what happens then is so if you're driving to the South or which is actually the east on 441 to get into the site then you can't use that Ingress egress on 441 you would need to take a left at that light go on to college and then turn left the county has been um strict in the interpretation of their code in terms of queuing and stacking um so Blue Rock had some additional traffic uh engineering reporting to do and surveys to show the county that their concerns of stacking back into 441 in the westbound Lane wasn't a concern and and that's in their attempt to get that again that driveway of the college and the entryway of the commercial Plaza on College Avenue to line up that was unanticipated the other issue that they had was some some diff differences on Direction after initial work from the Water Management District on dry retention versus rat retention um but then finally probably the biggest uh engineering issues that they had is really associated with the FAA and as you know that property is is kind of on the edge of the rpz there for one of our runways and has some site issues so they went through a number of hurdles uh to get that done um so they have requested the reduction of price to cover some of those costs uh they have also uh asked to push back some of the closing dates and I don't remember specifically what that what that number is I think was another Grant yeah I think the closing would move as proposed to January 15th or so of of next year that allows them to finish up mostly I think the issues with the county and and making sure that they can get their driveway and the college's driveway aligned on College Boulevard the problem and the reason that that is a critical juncture is obvious that those those entry points are close to 441 and because of the the height restrictions they have to push some of their buildings back so if they have to push their driveway back to the north on College closer to Silver Lake Drive then they they lose the ability to put in facilities because then that triggers some height issues so there's there there was some complications there that arose as far as specifics you know I can't speak to their costs I don't have those on a high level I would capitulate that I think there's a a few issues that they ran into that they didn't have um commissioner reesman contacted me earlier actually later in the day um and I and again I was playing a little bit of catchup from vacation so we teed this up uh to go on the commission agenda um late in the week um before I left for vacation and I got out correspondence to Tracy to to Grant um to get this teed up for you all and then Tracy took it upon herself which is exactly what you want in your department heads to do in this case to have some discussion um with the the airport Advisory board on the matter to get you a little bit of input from there so as I was going through my emails this morning I got some of that input so I think there was some concern from the airport Advisory Board I don't know if there's any members from the airport Advisory Board here who'd like to speak or if you all spoke to your member about the board and some question on more detail of where exactly those developer expenses were um so I would would I would say it's fair to say that the airport Advisory Board probably from my interpretation of the emails and talking with Tracy today um was wondering whether you should reduce the price um I will I will advise you that I think that this is probably a reasonable reduction um and the reasonable reduction is because uh and it's really you know for lack of better analogy it's really kind of the burden Bush versus burden hand type of situation you have an asset that we did an appraisal on that was valued at 2.55 million um we hired um grisard uh commercial realy uh we worked through Dan Tetra as a primary agent on the deal um and Dan worked the deal to get us I'm want to say almost two offers uh we had an initial offer or we had we I Dan could probably talk to you about this better but unofficially as Dan was marketing the property for us he had two significant developers interested in the property one was blue Rock and one was uh a company called bright Works um Dan leveraged the best deal for us he could um and while we only received one official offer Dan used his skills and networking and leveraged a potential offer which again this is unofficial it was not provided to us um but we might have gotten an offer two for 2.45 million from Bright Works um bright works is a developer for Wawa since the time we went into contract on this I'm not sure if it's bright works or another developer but a Wawa closed on a deal which is now in DRC which was in your monthly report so there's an a Wawa that is in DRC which is the review for the city uh to be constructed at the northeast corner of 468 better known as Red Road and West Maine so whether that deal is out there in the future or not I don't know um and that's really why uh I think this this question becomes difficult um do do you stand firm you know a deal is a deal 2.75 million is what they signed up for um nine months into it they're asking for reduction so I just I I sent out a quick email to y'all I gave you all a heads up and a and a phone call conversation to look for this data because it did come late in the day so let me just let me just read off these numbers to you and I think these are kind of the important numbers that you want to keep in mind as you determine whether or not you do want to um accept the offer or counter offer or how you may move so again we got got an appraisal for 2.55 million from Market connections we got an offer a Bonafide offer that we put under contract about nine months ago for 2.75 million from Blue Rock and we had that unofficial uh kick in the tire so to speak at 2.45 million um from brigh work we know um that due to circumstances here in the the um due diligence period uh that Lake Sumpter Community State College was upset with us over a historic 40y old deal where when that property was given to us uh we promised we would never sell it and could never sell it in restrictions in 40 years later FAA regulations changed that opened up really the window for us to just sell this property probably in the last three years where the faa's inventory regulations have been significantly laxed and their and their position is as long as you're getting fair market value for property you can sell it um I've been a city manager for 30 years and I can tell you that that is a new policy so in the past trying to sell your inventory of airport property was a difficult Endeavor with the FAA so when we made that promise uh 40 years ago I understand it and and I I've I've been in that side of it and I've also seen how the FAA has changed the rigs in the last three years um so I think a couple of meetings ago we endeavored to try to make good with the college and we put out a resolution that said we would Endeavor to work with the college the county and the mall uh to relocate the bus stop as a as a good token effort and I believe you all passed that passed that resolution which kind of laid out how we would move forward so all that story to say 50 Grand we knew was going to come off the top uh of this deal um so if you put in the 150 out of the deal that's about 200 um as far as then just for comparison purposes to look what you kind of what you walk away with from your asset I think then there becomes three numbers you need to look at two 2.75 million which is the the agreed upon contractual that blue rock is asking you to change if you do that change you're now 2.6 million and then do you want to consider you know just for sake of argument you know is there something out in the bush that you may get and so well maybe 2.45 is a good comparison we know our closing costs are going to be a real estate commission doc stamps and title fees and while it's not an official transaction it is needs to go in your equation the bus stop which we have an estimate from the county at 50 Grand so if you say no to the developer we're not going to lower your price you would walk away with about $2.5 million net the question becomes is does the developer walk away um as a side note you're sitting on about $75,000 in escrow money the City attorney and I have talked today we think that there's probably 40 to 45,000 of that escrow that if you don't close doesn't go back and we also think the second payment the way we structured the escrow payment of 30,000 probably we're going to be in an argument about whether you pay back so I think we're comfortable to say that if the deal doesn't close you're probably going to get 40 to 45,000 and we might have to argue about 30 so that means yeah some of the escro money probably stays with us if the deal doesn't close but maybe not all of it to be determined um but that I would remind you that that escrow money is a pretty small number in this deal I think it's important to point that out but I wouldn't let that escrow money be a factor in how you make a vote on their request to reduce the price of 150 all in so if you do with the the bus stop and the other closing costs if you do a deal at 275 assuming uh Blue Rock doesn't walk away you pocket 2.5 million if you do a more secure option and you and you and you lower the price to 2.6 well you you walk away with 2365 live in your pocket and if you go back now and then tell Tetro go back to the drawing board and come up with a deal at 24 five you walk away with 22 so I think the two numbers that you want to keep in your head is the 25 which I may be in Jeopardy maybe not I think if you all need to push back on that which is your prerogative this is where you do that um if you want to take the secure route it's 2365 um we might be able to even beat up Mr Tetro on his commission a little bit um we can figure that out after the fact which will keep a little more coin at you so long story short do you want to end up with a 25 as as a gamble play a little roulette with the developer or do you want to take what you know you're probably going to close on in the last few days I think Blue Rock um and the county I think that I would say that the last big hurdle in closing this deal is getting the driveway approach for the development and the driveway approach for the county lined up Blue Rock is very confident that once they have um their traffic survey in that they'll be able to convince the county to to agree to align those um driveways so that's the last big hurdle um so with 2.3 maybe a little bit more 2.36 maybe a little bit more closer to 25 you're now you're kind of in the ballpark of what the apprais value is and you're still netting above by hundred or so thousand probably almost 200 Grand uh what maybe an offer in the you know a potential offer that never came in um so you really have a difficult question on you have a good asset uh we have no cash investment uh it's it's pretty much for a lack of you know in a vulgar way to say it it's pretty much gravy um and so it's an asset that we're not going to develop airport wise with uh because uh as on an airport side it's across the street from the airport so that that doesn't have significant airide airport value to us we're not going to put a hanger over there in other words um it's a difficult site because of the fa restrictions it's a difficult site for Ingress egress because of stacking um and I will say I think blue Rock's done an excellent job to stay with it um I think some of the other developers would potentially probably have already let this expire and not closed on it because of the amount of work that had to go on with Blue Rock and the additional Transportation studies uh to get their their driveway easements lined up so I would recommend to you to to capitulate to the agreement um and and approve the resolution that's in the packet um Mr tet is here representative from Blue Rock is here if you have specific questions for them and this is really now at your discretion on how you want to move forward Ellen you I I pulled this um when I first got on the commission I asked Al to Market this property because I knew it would be some good revenue for the airport and it was not usable like he said for airside I'm a little taken back by this is UN known territory for a developer especially for someone like Blue Rock um you made an offer we accept did it we need to stand our ground on this I'm fine with moving the closing date and then I think the obstructions that they say they're running into with the fa I think our staff did a probably did a good job explaining the process and um I can't support lowering the price of 150,000 you signed an agreement you agreed to the contract you need to stick to it other comments I would agree with commissioner reesman uh and that's where I was for a while um and when Al called me I probably had the same reaction at first but then the more I thought about the FAA and what that's brought you know the additional work that's created uh that tugged at me a little bit um the other thing as great as this property is the FAA has height restrictions on the property which is negative for the developer I think the big one is when you look at the property on the side street uh College Drive uh that they cannot do resid presential which would to me would be the highest and best use next to the college so the property is a little bit unique um so I've come from agree with commissioner rean I've come full circle now um I would support the reduction uh Blue Rocks invested in other properties in our city I think they are a sophisticated developer who understands this I don't take this lightly I but um yeah the 2450 I don't really weigh that um and I but I think we went back to Market I don't know especially after this conversation right here in the public if we're going to do much better and we've got time value of money we got a buyer who seems committed um I would support it may I ask again what was the recommendation of the board again what was stated what the board say I don't believe the board had a recommend I was not at the meeting Tracy Dean was I don't believe Tracy you want to give your summary on the board discussion which was Thursday last week it was Thursday good evening I I don't know where the on is Tracy de Airport Manager um so I brought this up just under the manager update as an informational um to give to The Advisory Board we did have a quorum of three um but again they didn't make a recommendation one way or another it was just a discussion because I wanted to bring it to their attention that it was on tonight's agenda um one member who was present at the meeting um mentioned that he was going to try and make make it here to speak his opposition on it uh one member who I debriefed after who didn't make it to the meeting um also said that he may be here and neither of those members are here tonight um but again it wasn't a formal recommendation one way or another and I think ultimately they wanted more information on the number of $150,000 where that came from I didn't have those details for them okay thank you any other questions for Tron I with my Appo de I was there as well and he Byron old him he was against the proposed any other questions for Tracy do we have any other uh thank you Tracy yeah do we have any other public comment uh anyone would like to come up and speak [Music] [Music] hello I'm Joe Schuman the president of Blue Rock and I appreciate you guys taking the time to discuss this um I think Al nailed everything that's going on here with some of the additional studies that are being required but let's keep in mind that I've been very Cooperative on some of the cleanup issues with some of the Deeds with the property of which the College Drive seems to be a private road that we've been willing to work with you know it's not in my DNA to retrade and we do new proper due diligence but when we first contracted on the property one we were not able to do the uses which are the highest and best uses to some of the other uses that were not in favor of the city like car wash we agreed not to do but the the main cost here and if I drop it anyone else is going to uncover this is It's heavily wooded so we have additional Landscaping buffers that we're having to put in which is a cost that we didn't anticipate and then we went to go and ere excavate the pond because the site drops off tremendously and it's a low grade so when you do a development you OV excavate a pond to use the fill now the Water Management said they we have to do a dry pond so we're going to have to import a bunch of extra cost in order to do so to be honest with you my price was a lot higher than 150 I think from Consulting with Dan we had said 100 I said let's go for 150 just because I mean there's so many variable cost with lining up of the curb cut and dealing with the college Etc that I mean there's so much risk that we're taking to take a site that's irregular shaped restrictions FAA I mean I had to spend a fortune with extra Consultants with FAA Tracy's been amazing to work with but we're not there yet with the height so that that kind of clamps down on the uh the cost I mean those power lines we're going to be putting those underground in order to create that access so I think you know as a partnership I would say Blue Rock has been very handson deck and willing to work with the city on those deed issues and extra legal costs etc etc but I mean it's a low site heavily wooded with tons of with deed restrictions or you know use restrictions so I thought 150,000 was a fair deal I'm not a big Trader but the numbers don't work they don't work I mean with that intersection who knows how many extra Lanes we're going to have to put in I may have to put in another turn lane there to relieve traffic I'm not asking for any money for that so I think it's a fair ask can I EST understand a question the landscape buffer what are we doing there what's what is the requirement for a landscape buffer it's additional because of the amount of trees we're taking down we're having to replace uh Dan Miller Planning and Zoning off the top of my head I believe we had a 15t on the 441 so but down the rpz and all that stuff we're not doing it no it's standard so it's just the standard along the highway and then obviously I'm not trying to be rude or anything but you knew what the property was it was wooded um and then Tracy can you answer um the height restrictions for the FAA did they decline any of those points or are those still under review um they're still under review right now so the fa hasn't declined any of those yet uh well it's been a little up and down there was there was a couple of hiccups um just based on the accuracy and that might not be the right word but of the survey um the airspace study program will default to um a certain type of survey which puts these imaginary surfaces even farther out to allow the higher up um but blue rocket actually gotten uh a 1A survey which is will bring those minimums um a lot closer um and allow to build a lot higher um the last look at it I think there was maybe one corner of one building out of uh six structures um that maybe needed a little bit of tweak but um I I believe that they anticipate the determinations any day and I I don't see anything getting scrapped thank you Tracy if anything they might have to light uh with a red light on you know a corner similar to what Jenkins didor similar to what Jenkins Auto Group did with their building okay thank you any other questions regarding Rock do we have any other public comments on this dan t Gard commercial I just want to point out on the development side guys I wish it was as y'all all know I've done a lot of devel elment in this city and in this County this is probably one of the more complicated sites I've seen in quite a while especially from a commercial standpoint the FAA actually has a height restriction which starts on College Drive and goes straight down like that which is going to render part of the property on the airport side pretty much useless other than for retention and stuff like that it's a the low areas the dirt being brought in dirt cost four times as much as it did five years ago you can ask any site work excavator any site work contractor that they'll all tell you the same thing most developers in my opinion would have run already they would have run six months ago it got complicated College Drive was nobody could figure out who owned College Drive for a while which Joe mentioned it was a oh it's the counties oh it's the cities oh somebody private owns it then there's a private sewer line that was running down College Drive which nobody could figure out initially there's been a lot of extra stuff on this deal that's not it's AB it's abnormal so we're getting there I think Joe's done a great job he's developed in the city of lesburg already in the past we've dealt with him I think a lot of developers would have run especially with the FAA stuff not having approvals yet any questions for Dan any questions for Dan I would just point out we're still above a praise value which you know we sell a lot of properties around in you know through the city at a praise value I want to make one other comment guys Mr Men brought up that beating me up you can beat me up I don't mind on my side to help with that reduction I have no problem with that which we'd have to determine but I have no problem with that any other comments from MCM just just one uh one comment if if you know this is you're saying you ran into unforeseen problems so therefore we should give you a a uh reduction on the price so if you didn't have those problems were you going to pay us more I I you know the numbers barely work at that I mean when when you like I said there's W land on the property so we're encumbering you knew that nobody would know that no we didn't know that until you get into it it was a small pocket of wetland that was unforeseen so you bought a prop you bought a property that you didn't know there were Wetlands on no we do the due diligence numers and then the numbers will dictate whether or not we proceed or not and as far as Grant looking at the timelines this contract was very tricky in that we had to base it on FAA approval and so forth so I believe we're still in the contract due diligence per period of which I was trying to uncover the cost associated with doing the development the unknown still is College Drive and what we need to do to that intersection to improve it the cost of the fill you know we were going to dig the pond on site and take the fill and move it if you can't overe excavate and you have to have a dry Pond you can't get that fill there that's a deal breaker and like Dan said I mean if it doesn't work for me it doesn't work for the next guy it's not like people lined up to be right across from the airport with height restrictions and you also have use restrictions no residential on the backside we put additional use restrictions on there at the request of one of the Commissioners for no car washes no Dollar General stuff like that that's in the Pud right right any other comments from the commission it's a tough one I I I respect all the commission questions um my my concern is you know we don't give him what he wants he walks and you know are we going to be you know 3 six n 12 months before we get another contract running you know maybe at this price I don't know I guess I'm just looking at the time value of money I see a chance to put two and a half you know 2.4 million uh in the airport fund uh January 25 we still have some ways to go but obviously I support it and like to see this thing done and convert and convert this land to cash I wna I want to bring up one other quick thing when we did the Wawa on 468 which Mr mener brought up private sector deal all all the way around but we had to have a meeting with the county and the city because the county jumped in the County engineer jumped in on the road situation and wanted us to line up with a traffic count of a building that had 20 cars coming out of it it ended up shifting everything further what would that be North on 468 and my client had to they came back with an ask I'm not going to give the number because it was a private sector deal similar to this and my client ended up giving that number off to make that WWA deal work which is a combination of why I'm telling y'all I wouldn't do it on my end if I didn't think this was the right deal to make because otherwise you're starting the process over again and the process for development is complicated I have one question for Grant so so the contract date expires 8:15 uh hang on one second let me look at the um the due diligence date yeah there were two there was the initial inspection period and then there was the additional uh the governmental approval period sorry sorry I'm just looking through the the recital here real quick I'm just getting at when if if if you government approval was August 15th if the commission says no does developer have to give us notice to back out of the deal or does is it just go silent and then bam cont 85 if they don't get their um extension here then they could terminate within the governmental approval period and then in that case we would be sort of in that battle of what's the governmental approval period a that's that expires the 15th correct so that would you know again Mr Miner talked about the initial deposit the 40,000 so that one is is nonrefundable at this point the 30,000 is somewhat of a conflicting Provisions in the contract so it's unclear what might happen to that um the additional 5,000 for the extension of the governmental approval period so if that's not extended then that deposit would never really be due um so the 40,000 I think stays if they were to walk um the 30,000 is [Music] unclear look I just obviously this is a difficult one for you I I feel your pain um I think I think the points that you have to look at um I think as as as elected public officials I think there's a a want to live up to the letter of the contract this is what we did this is what we signed we're stewards of the public money I feel your pain on that but then I think you also need to put on your business hat and there and I would say to to Mr tatro's story about the Wawa you know that was a closed business deal but on the business side those same business people who yell at you for your fiduciary responsibility also going to judge you on your business Acumen and that business person cut his price to get a deal done so I'd remind you that this is an asset it's sitting there it stinks that you have to cut your price but you know you're going to walk away with considerable cash which is going to help airport goals and then on a personal side you know if you're if you have a property if you have a a facility that's just an asset sitting there for you but it's got some it's got some pimples and it's got some issues and you know you're going to be put it into just a context of a of a residential issue you got a house that's worth 200,000 bucks maybe and you got to cut 20 grand off the price to get 180 clear in your pocket are you going to give up that 5% I mean I can't answer that question for you I think it's a difficult question I understand the the the situation you're in um again my recommendation is Take the Money and Run I want to point out one last thing guys any any contract that comes back if for some reason that's the way it went and another we go out and we hunt for other contracts they're going to ask for a long time they all do anymore they all asked for 12 to 16 months on average the Wawa deal took us 16 months to get closed so you're saying regardless that it's going to be a time frame that you're going to start the process over looking for a new buyer then you're going to have to negotiate a contract and that contract will have the same provisions and they're going to go through the exact same process because every developer would attempt to do the same thing some won't last as long as others though because they'll get scared off by certain things sooner than others it just depends on the situation and who it is and and I'll just point out too there was something in the memo here about uh Blue Rock having not or owing some deposits and they have actually paid that uh additional deposit and the extension deposit which is technically not even due at this point so um our escrow account does have all of those deposits paid at this point they had asked for it or I think we had written in September 15th um as a due date for those those payments but we do have those payments in hand now it's my opinion I I disagree with my city manager uh I think we have a contract I agree with Allen on this that uh we had a willing buyer that negotiated a contract with us and and we need to live up to that contract I correlate this to like something in our business when we bit a government contract say for one of our helicopters for 5 years at like 15 million or so pricing for fuel can be $2 a gallon now and it could be $7 year four and five I still have to eat that cost because I'm contractually obligated at that cost so you have to factor that into your bid and I think that was part of this you have to factor all these things into your bid that they made to us and we accepted it I repeat myself but I think the what what moved me over you know to switch my opinion on this is is the FAA um the the additional due diligence I I can only imagine um and then all the restrictions on the property that that's what swayed me uh in the end here any other comments any other public comment roll call one more thing so either way we go if we decline this off this res this agenda item we need to make a motion to give the due diligence period extension yeah you could certainly do that um you know you could approve a portion of the ask here and and disapprove of the rest of it so you could um we may need to amend our motion I don't recall the motion that was was on the floor this is just an up or down of whether we're just okay so there's no motion at this point okay just but yes you could you could specify that if you would like to once we vote do we have a chance to come back and talk about different price reduction or is it done I mean I guess I want to get a pulse from the commission if so if I mean if it's gonna get voted down I'd like to at least talk about a different price reduction versus voting it down and being done I guess I'm not clear procedurally on that I mean so so really what this motion says is we're just reducing the purchase price no there's the reducing the purchase price pushing not the closing date to January whatever and extending the government approval so my guess would be is if you vote this down you could make another motion and continue the discussion on the topic thank you my question okay make a motion oh we already have a motion a motion yeah before you any other comments roll call commission Peterson yes commissioner Barry no no commissioner conel no commissioner rean no mayor bur no I would like to make a motion to extend the due diligence period of the contract for what do they need six months uh September let's see the um September or I'm sorry November 15th was the requested extension date with closing extended to January 15th so the detal approval the request was to extend that to November 15 and request to extend closing to January 15 25 as Mr Grant stated I have a question before is a motion on there no I made a motion yes we have a motion let's do this when we discuss the motion you can ask your question how about that okay so we have a motion to approve the extension period as stated by Grant as stated by Grant yes sir and I give us that again please yeah I'll just clarify that again so the motion would be to extend the government Al approval period to November 15 2024 and extend closing to January 15 2025 okay okay do we have a second on that second any other discussion you had a question Alis yes I had a question if that any of that could be changed that's all I was trying to ask the extension could we move it up or extend it back or that's all know that is as is I mean correct me if I'm wrong if the approvals come back sooner they'll move quicker so this is just this gives them enough time to do that's what I was asking that's right closing date is always honor before so if things wrap up sooner we could Tech theoretically do that sooner yes ma'am okay any other questions roll call commissioner Barry um yes commissioner canel yes commissioner rean yes commissioner Peterson yes mayor bur yes all right moving where I all right we'll move on to public hearings and non routine items someone please introduce I have 6A uh one two and three actually before we introduce those uh do we need to introduce on first grant before you swear folks in or do you want to um uh I we can do it however you want to Mr May swear every go and swear everybody in okay yes sir I'll be happy and four five and yes sir all right so if anybody here is uh planning to speak on item 6 A3 the NorthShore PUD rezoning or 686 the Post Street PUD uh rezoning if you would please stand and raise your right hand so you could be sworn in do you swear or affirm that all testimony you'll give tonight will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth all right thank you all thank you gr okay so if someone would please introduce 6A one two and three I'll introduce 6A one2 and 3 to be read by title only 6 A1 an ordinance of the city of leeburg Florida annexing certain real property consisting of approximately 4.61 plus minus Acres being generally located north of Northshore Drive and west of Beverly Point lying in section 14 Township 19 South Range 24 East Lake County Florida providing that said property so Annex shall be liable for its proportionate share of the existing and future indebtedness of said City providing that such Annex property shall be subject to all laws and ordinances of the said city as if all such territory had been a part of the city of leeburg at the time of Passage and approval of said laws and ordinances providing that such Annex territory shall be placed in City commission District 5 and providing an effective date 6 A2 an ordinance amending the future land use map of the comprehensive plan of the city of lebur changing the future land use map designation of certain property containing 4.61 plus minus Acres from Lake County Urban medium density to City of lebur conver conservation and estate residential for property generally located north of Northshore Drive and west of Beverly Point Road lying in section 14 Township 19 South Range 24 East Lake County Florida and providing an effective date 6 A3 an ordinance of the city of leeburg Florida changing the zoning of approximately 40.6 one plus miles minus Acres from Lake County C1 neighborhood commercial to City of leeburg PUD planned unit development for a property generally located north of Northshore Drive and west of Beverly Point Road lying in section 14 Township 19 South Range 24 East Lake County Florida and providing an effective date thank you for approval second all right so uh Dan if You' please come up thank you Mr Mayor Dan Miller Planning and Zoning um this is a Northshore Drive project known as Kisco it's a request for an annexation large scale comp plan and re small scale comp plan and resoning of the property consist of a proposed PUD on 40 acres strictly for residential development properties currently under Lake County jurisdiction is basically surrounded by city of leeburg uh property the future land use is County Urban medium density um and they'd like to go to City estate and conservation which uh the majority of property being in Wetlands would go into conservation uh the current zoning is under County C1 their neighborhood commercial and the zoning would go to PUD again 40 acres with majority of that in Wetlands um only the far southern area of the property fronting Northshore Drive is useful or Andor proposed for development there would be eight single family detached units no other uses allowed within that property minimum lot size of 10,000 ft Lots would be 90 by 115 there are design and Architectural standards dark sky lighting 35% open space which they'll clearly meet a small Tot Lot is required site access will be by each unit along Northshore Drive um obviously we've put in protection for the wetlands and flood zones uh via the conservation uh future land use there'll be no Wells or septics and um no St Augustine grass I believe Mr Jason Lee of H2O development is here along with Mr Jeff Summit of uh GL Summit Engineering to answer any other questions you may have thank you how many unit stand eight any questions for for Dan any other you got any questions okay any questions for the petitioner would the petitioner like to speak at all or all righty no Dan what's the uh I know we're just talking about eight units but what's the lot sizes the lot sizes would be 90 by5 which works out to around uh 10,000 square feet okay so 9 90 foot wor L yes sir 90 by 115 okay and that's pretty standard for the rest of the neighborhood community yes sir uh this one was pushed back by Planning Commission some time ago and they wanted us to go in and look at the Lots in the area and match that up and that's what we did y is there any uh public comment on this item no public comment we good Grant okay roll call what's that separate votes we're gonna vote on that's right yeah yeah we're doing 6A one first yeah roll call commissioner rean yes commissioner Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes commission conel yes mayor bu yes uh roll call on 682 commissioner Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes commissioner Cel yes commissioner Ean yes mayor bur yes and roll call in 6 A3 commissioner Barry yes commissioner cell yes commissioner reesman yes commission Peterson yes mayor bur yes someone please introduce 6A four five and six I'll introduce 6 A4 five and six to be read by title only 6 A4 an ordinance of the city of leeburg Florida indexing certain real property consisting of approximately 49.1 two plus minus Acres being generally located north of Post Street and south of County Road 473 ly in section two Township 19 South Range 25 East Lake County Florida providing that said property so Annex shall be liable for its proportionate share of the existing and future indebtedness of said City provided that such Annex property shall be subject to all laws and ordinances of said city as if all such territory had been a part of the city of leeburg at the time of Passage and approval of said laws and ordinances providing that such Annex territory shall be placed in City commission District 5 and providing an effective date 6 A5 an ordinance amending the future land use map of the comprehensive plan of the city of leeburg ch ing the future land use map designation of certain property containing 49.1 two plus minus Acres from Lake County Urban low density to City of lesburg estate residential for a property Journey located north of Post Street and south of County Road 473 lying in section 2 Township 19 South Range 25 East Lake County Florida and providing an effective date 6 A6 an ordinance of the city of leeburg Florida changing the zoning on approximately 49.1 2 plus minus Acres from Lake County cfd Community facility district and R6 Urban residential district to city of Leesburg PUD planned unit development to allow for a residential subdivision for property generally located north of Post Street and south of County Road 473 lying in section 2 Township 19 South Range 25 East Lake County Florida and providing an effective date move for approval second righty Dan thank you Mr Mayor this is the Post Street PUD subject property 49 plus or minus Acres again off north of Post Street and south of County Road 473 it's an annexation small scale comp plan and PUD under the county the property is currently Urban low density they requesting a city of State uh which is equivalent uh future land use category under the zoning it's currently County R six Urban residential and Community facilities District they're requesting to go to PUD on this one the partitioners bright leaf properties um and they're requesting 135 single family residential units gives them a gross density of 2.75 units per acre this what we've used often no of the uses are permitted uh three lot sizes 50s 60s and 70s uh the majority of them are split half and half into 50s and 60s and then there's a a few 7s with some of the leftover Lots all lots are 120 ft deep so they have sizes of 6, 7200 and 8,400 the minimum house size is 1,700 Square fet we do have the standard design and Architectural standards dark sky lighting 35% open space uh 25t buffer tracked along the exterior um split rail solid PV sense fence along along some of the exterior property lines um and then site access will be two points on PO Road one of those has to be a Boulevard access type so you have the larger area with the landscape in the middle um again protection for wetlands and flood zones prohibition on St Augustine we're using other types of grasses now all development will have to be on City Water and Wastewater there will be 62 acres in recreational uses including a trail around the dry retention flood compensation areas and an amenity Center at the head of the trail uh Lake County will require the developer to improve po Road in by widening the road creating some turn lanes and things um pretty standard PUD I did have a couple of uh issues that I spoke immediately before the meeting uhu we found a typo under Section 7D Landscaping buffers it says the north south and Western boundaries of the property shall contain 25-ft buffer that instead of Western that should read the north south and Eastern so it was just a a flip I need to make that change please and then on 7e we put some language in regarding the buffer to the West uh the gentleman Mr Randy bids who lives immediately to the West has been working with uh bright leaf properties and they have worked out some agreeable buffer changes our current wording States uh addition of noninvasive clumping bamboo within the required buffer and given some acceptable species um since they've been working with Mr bids and they've come up with a drawing and everyone has agreed to it and staff is fine with it it certainly meets our uh codes we could either change the wording or if I just wanted to let the commission know there is a standard under o under Section 7 that um the planning director can make variations to the landscape requirements when they're in keeping with the Pud it's kind of a weasel word in case we can run across and so I'd like to be able to use that section let you know just in case um that way we can either change the wording in here or not but um it will still meet with the agreement with Mr bids I don't know if he's here tonight oh thank you sir and um with bright leaf properties uh beyond that uh that's it for staff questions for Dan you have a couple under the present zoning in the county Dan how many units would would would it be allowed if it was developed in the county Lake County R six Urban residential if I'm not mistaken their Urban residential allows six units an acre um obviously they can't get that because but you can't get that right you could get with their Lake County Urban load density I think that matches up with um they'd get closer to six than they would under this zoning if I I understand their their future land use which is urban low density and their R six which I don't have that documentation in front of me but they would get at least what what we've got in here probably more to be honest are they is this is this development going to have City Water and Sewer yes sir and what was the what was what was pz's pnz recommended approval 100% mhm uh what you had mentioned the case before that that they had on the 90 foot Lots they wanted to make sure they were consistent with the way the rest of the area was developed did they is this consistent with the way the rest of that area was developed with 50ft wide Lots there are a number of subdivisions out there that have different lot sizes so I would say from a cons from a planning standpoint it is consistent but is it it's consistent with the way the rest of this I would say yes [Music] yeah I think you basically have a couple of big trailer parks that are much more dense and down the road there's some other subdivisions as well that have different lot sizes right when you ask a planner about consistency that's it's I'm not going to tell you that 50 foot lots and 50 foot Lots I can't do that because it's single family to single family is U you know how we have to look at things but I appreciate question sure any other questions for Dan do we have any questions for the petitioner anybody want to ask them any questions would the petitioner like just yeah we're just here to answer question we'll give you an opportunity to speak if you'd like is what I'm uh think I think we've had discussions with with him directly and and Dan as well I think we're in agreement on the revised planting yes I think yes yes that's the only the thing is I mean I really think we should really start taking a look at these 50 foot wide Lots I mean I just I think they're too narrow I mean I mean I I really think we should push them up to more of a 60 70 standard I mean we're letting 50s come through here left and right and I I don't know I just don't think they're wide enough Lots any other comments do we have other public comment hey there uh Randy bidder 10155 Post Street I'm the land owner of the property to the western boundary so commissioner comment conel to your question about the Lake County zoning so on my fence line 10 acres of this 49.1 to is actually Zone cfd not R six so I I presume that you know would suggest that if they were to go under the county guidelines that there wouldn't be six houses per Acres there with that cfd zoning what do you know what that what cfd community facility designation used for a big wide set of choices it could be a Gun Club you know a hotel something like that you know I don't know all the uses but it's it's very wide and Broad that was one of the reasons that we bought it our property because a church owned that property we anticipated that a church was going to be built there not having you know somewhere between 10 and 15 houses down our fence line so just just sharing a different point of view on how to answer your question question for you the uh you're good with you know because on record we're giving Dan some Le way on the uh Landscaping so with that clumping of bamboo you're good with that that's well I think we've taken away the bamboo or and the yeah we're going to use some Florida native species now that would serve the same purpose but that's a your yes you're in agreement that you just want to make sure we were all clear on that before we did something that uh any other public comment any other commission comments all right let's do uh roll call on 6 A4 commissioner Canal yes commission rean yes commissioner Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes mayor bur yes uh 6 A5 roll call commissioner reesman yes commissioner Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes commissioner conel I have a question on this one real quick is on 685 Grant we're we're approving to Future land use map the comprehensive plan yes sir is that in essence the uh PUD plan uh the Pud is on the rezoning so that yes sir this is the future land use sort of the broader uh category that within which the different zoning classifications are permitted okay so what what what are we changing the future land use map to to show for this estate State res estate which is Essence going to allow with the Pud is it going to allow for yes sir the estate category allows a maximum of four units an acre the Pud allows 2.75 so it stays within the estate category the future land use is more of the broad category of residential industrial commercial open Green Space like that and then the Pud narrows it down to then I'm I'm a no because I don't prove the density I think it's it's too it's too dense I don't I don't like the 50 foot wide lws and mayor bur yes okay so we'll move on now to 686 roll call commissioner Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes commissioner cill no commissioner rean yes mayor bur yes would someone please introduce uh 687 I'll introduce 687 to be read by title only in ordinance of the city of lebur Florida consenting to the inclusion of the city of leeburg Florida within the countywide municipal service taxing unit for the provision of ambulance and Emergency Medical Services as adopted by the board of County commissioners of Lake County Florida providing for the city to be included within said mstu for a specific term of years providing for conflicts and providing an effective date for approval second uh discussion am I got any comments this is Al if you just this just an extension of an existing agreement Yep this is the extension of an annual agreement that signs off on the County's implementation of the municipal service taxing unit for ambulance services and the rate that they are adopting is4 4629 Mills that allows for uh Ambulance Service and uh um patient trans transport to [Music] facility any other questions roll call commissioner Barry yes commissioner conel yes commissioner reesman yes commissioner Peterson yes mayor B yes uh item 6B is first reading of ordinances we have none uh 6C is nonroutine items and we have the city manager evaluation uh not sure exactly how you guys want want to proceed with the the uh the process that was included that I think we established back in May or April to review the city manager performance pursuant to the employment agreement between the city and the city manager uh and then we adopted uh a new form which was issued to the Commissioners the Commissioners uh four of the five of you mayor bur filled it out I've received it uh there's my self evaluation as well that I issued to you uh maybe two weeks ago so um baring any comments that you may want to have I would say that the evaluation would be a satisfactory uh result there was uh the new section of that was um some goals um so um pending any input will sum up some of those goals and bring back a resolution which will establish uh goals for me and the organization for next year any other comments regarding that are the goals all reasonable in your mind yeah I think they're all very good okay and most of the goals that were provided on there we've discussed uh through the budget Workshop or um so nothing on there was a surprise okay thank you all right let's move on to uh six let's see this is 6C is that where we are y 6C non- routine items was the city manager evaluation so now we'll go on to seven informational reports uh we included in the packet were some Financial reports do anybody have any questions yeah I would like to see if we could change the way we do with um when we an event person contracts with the police department there's a lot of pass du balances there can we request that they pay those funds ahead of time versus after the fact so we're not holding on that money I know we pay the officer already but then we have to go collect that money or I think there's a couple people that still owes money you'd be shocked by the names we'll look into that I would like to see if we could have the fee paid ahead of time that's a good catch and not and no credit cards and no yes so that way our officers are getting paid but that way we're not having to go back and collect that money yes a very good idea I have a question how does the one column I mean I'm sorry L can't see it the the housing [Music] the rent just because of was it a move out or just changes for 013 fund I don't know but let me get with you after do you yeah I'm just say so they have to be they were put out okay okay collecting well yeah it I'll just say that collecting unpaid rent is a difficult thing unless they pay the money into the court registry in connection with and are those fees that are charged as well to what is already due there would yeah there would you know with lease agreements there is a provision in the leases that allows recovery of attorneys fees and costs by the prevailing party statutes allowed in residential as well um so you would have a claim under statute or contract for those fees yes [Music] ma'am any other questions all right [Music] any City attorney items no items this evening Mr Mayor thank you city manager items uh no items for you as well uh roll call commission Peterson nothing tonight commissioner Barry um yes I have something tonight I'm sorry um I'd like to make um a recommendation to add a new person on to the public Rex um board because one of the members is relocating um Deborah Dabney will be leaving and I'd like to recommend deanii Nettles if I could he was here earlier but I don't think yeah that's one commissioner one person like that's and that's your that was her appointee but I thought I would bring it to you all have to know and have an idea and Travis knows and I also I have another one thing okay um district one will be providing um neighborhood preparedness for hurricanes and just dis um any type of um disaster that might strike um deputy chief Henry and Captain Stevenson will be with the Lake County um emergency office manager which will be M um Megan melanes will be providing a presentation on August 29th at um a church that's located in off of um Pamela Street on 11-11 Pamela Street DF hope Industries I'm asking if everyone could would attend if they would like in the area for district one uh my sponsors were the um East lebur CDC and the West leeburg CDC for the expenses so really excited and it's just awareness so that um the constituents will know where to go what to do and just provide just information only for what to expect and I think that was yeah that would be it I'll give more information but it's just an after work from 6:00 to 8 on August 29th and just come in and get information on just do commission conel no commissioner rean just just a couple things um can I get clarification on the security upgrades downstairs for customer service are we putting up the windows for all the all the customer service ladies no I think the the upgrades are pretty much done at City Hall um there's a couple of doors that still don't function properly so we need to tidy those up most of those doors are private individual office doors um and I I believe the elevators still aren't working yet uh downstairs uh everything is in there uh if there's any other additional security measures that yall think are necessary just let me know know um I believe um probably are you thinking about the the the AG I come in and pay all our bills for our company back the back row extending that glass up the glass uh the couple times I've been in here uh residents have gotten very aggressive with our customer service staff and they handled it really well but I asked them I said does this happen a lot and they said it happens all the time um so just to make them feel a little more comfortable if we could look into adding some kind of protective barrier that they can't you know res residents can't just get right up there plus we're dealing with a lot of cash and things like that I think that would be good um and then on the my other ones would be um the chamber put on the back to school bash this last week it was a really successful event so I wanted to say thank you to them it's a great thing for that we do they do for our community last two things uh we have on the 24th it's in your packet Andy gave everyone is the first annual food truck and flying at the airport we're going to pull a couple of our aircraft out I think the sheriff's bringing his over medac airplanes uh we'll have five food trucks so you can crawl around the aircraft get up in them with your kids it's open to the public and then people can fly in as well and then you can have some food trucks while you're there those packets are done by Pam okay Pam so thank you Pam and then the last one uh that's on the 24th and the last one which I'll say it again at another meeting is the uh lebur Blue Foundation 5K at the airport on September 21st hopefully we'll see you all out there if you're not running you walk it so I know commissioner Barry came out last year so hopefully we'll get to see you all there and support our blue and I think that is it thank you okay mayor bur yes uh I do have one thing uh we got a proclamation issued to us uh from the county and I just wanted to read this to you guys says whereas hurricane Debbie impacted Lake County causing damage and uh disruption to essential services and whereas during the critical period Lake County's 9 911 dispatch experienced a significant service outage and whereas the city of lesburg respond responded promptly and decisively providing indispensable Public Safety support that allowed for the continued coordination of Emergency Response Services during this challenging time and whereas the dedication professionalism and selflessness demonstrated by the city of leesburg's leadership and staff exemplifies the highest standard ards of public service and partnership now therefore be it proclaimed by the board of County commissioners of Lake County Florida that section one Lake County does hereby extend its deepest gratitude and heartfelt appreciation to the city of leeburg for their emergency assistance during Hurricane Debbie section two a copy of this Pro Proclamation will be spread upon minutes of this meeting and section three this Proclamation become effective upon adoption it's a way to go guys and that's all I got tonight Mo to