e e e e e e e e y'all ready over there okay we'll call the city Commission meeting for Monday June 24th to order the time is uh 5:32 uh if you please rise for the invocation and the pledge Heavenly Father we ask that you watch over this group tonight that you give us the wisdom to make good decisions for the city of lebur we do this in your name amen pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for [Music] all all right moving to item two proclamations we have a Proclamation for the city of lesburg election for November the 5th 2024 by the authority of vested in me as mayor of the city of leeburg Florida I do here by proclaim the municipal election of the city of lesburg Florida to be held Tuesday November the 5th 2024 for the purpose of electing two members of the city commission for terms of four years beginning January 6th 202 5 I specify that the office of the member of the city Commission Now held by John J canel shall be on the ballot as seat three District three and the office held by the member of the City Commissioner City Commissioner now held by James a buray Jr shall be on the ballot as seat five District 5 qualifying begins Monday jly July 22nd 2024 and ends at 4 p.m. Friday July 26th 2024 all parties interested in qualifying for this election may do so at City Hall city clerk's office 501 West Meadow Street leeburg Florida no person may qualify as a candidate for more than one public office a written resigned to run res designation must be submitted at least 10 days prior to the first day of qualifying for the office he or she intends to seek with the officer before whom he or she qualifies for office Florida statute 99.1 two the election will be held in conjunction with the county state and federal elections and all precincts will be open Witness by my hand and seal of the city of leeburg Florida uh this 24th day of June 2024 you good you need me to sign that right now good all right we'll do itward about that all right we have one presentation tonight uh this is a certificate of completion to be given to commissioner Allison Barry for completing the instit for electrical electrical elected Municipal officials you didn't know you were getting that huh we're proud you did it [Music] we appreciate you taking the time to do that Alison it's a great honor okay we'll move to uh let's see item four which is public comments this section is reserved for members of the public to bring up matters of concern or opportunities for raise issues brought up will not be discussed in detail at this meeting issues will either be referred to the proper staff or will be scheduled for consideration at a future city commission meeting comments are limited to three minutes and would you please give your name and your address when you come to the microphone any public comment move on to the consent agenda item five uh routine items are placed on the consent agenda to expedite the meeting if the commission or staff wish to discuss any item the procedure is as follows one pull the item or items from the consent agenda two vote on remaining items with one roll call vote three discuss each pulled item and vote by roll call there any items anyone would like to pull make a motion to approve all items second roll call commission canel yes commissioner Ean yes commission Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes mayor bur yes move on to item six which is public hearings and non- routine items we'll start with 6A second reading of ordinances would someone please introduce 6 A1 I'll introduce n read by title only an ordinance of the city of leeburg Florida amending the city Coda ordinances by amending chapter 15 Article 1 Section 15-16 entitled sexual offenders to to Encompass amendments to section 775 215 Florida Statutes providing for severability providing for conflicts and providing for an effective date move for approval second any discussion on this do we have any public comment on it roll call commissioner rean yes commission Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes commissioner conell yes mayor bur yes move on to uh 6B uh which is first reading of ordinances would somebody please introduce items one two and three I'll introduce 6B one two and three to be read by title only 6b1 an ordinance of the city of lebur Florida annexing certain real property consisting of approximately 40. 61 plus minus Acres being generally located north of Northshore Drive and west of Beverly Point lying in section 14 Township 19 South Range 24 East Lake County Florida providing that said property so Annex shall be liable for its proportionate share of the existing and future indebtedness of said City provided that such Annex property shall be subject to all laws and ordinances of said city as if all such territory had been a part of the city of leeburg at the time of Passage and approval of said laws and ordinances providing that such Annex territory shall be placed in City commission District 5 and providing an effective date 6B two an ordinance amending the future land use map of the comprehensive plan of the city of Leesburg changing the future land use map designation of certain property containing 40. 61 plus minus Acres from Lake County Urban medium density to City of lesburg conservation and estate residential for property generally located north of Northshore Drive and west of Beverly Point Road lying in section 14 Township 19 South Range 24 East Lake County Florida and providing an effective date 6 B3 in ordinance of the city of lebur Florida changing the zoning on approximately 40. 61 plus minus Acres from Lake County C1 neighborhood commercial to City lebur PUD planned unit development for a property generally located north of Northshore Drive and west of Beverly Point Road lying in section 14 Township 19 South Range 24 East Lake County Florida and providing an effective date thank you Annie you're welcome does anyone need any explanation on this property I think we're talking about eight eight lots that that are going to be relatively similar to what's already on uh Northshore drives is that correct and these are these are right by the old softball field right across the street from the Beverly Shores softball fields so uh is the petitioner uh here would like to make any statements regarding this or right you want to you want to get up and talk sure give us a yeah if we we'll go ahead and get uh anybody sworn in that wants to talk May before we do it uh so if City staff and anybody in the audience wants to present any testimony tonight if you would please stand and raise your right hand so we can swear you in do you swear do you swear our affirm that all testimony you'll give tonight will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth okay thank you good evening mayor bur Commissioners um this project has been through a little bit of um controversy in the past the applicants did withdraw [Music] um quite extensive plan some time ago and they came back with these Eight houses that they want to do the largest portion of it is going to be conservation they can't build on it it's wet anyway so as Andy read it's 40.6 one acres and it's going to have about see if Dan put that on here anywhere eight single family detached units right minimum lot size of about 10,000 Square fet they're going to be 90 ft wide 115 ft deep dark sky lighting 35% open space totot with a playground and Equipment yeah it's about standard PUD and it is paired down from the original significantly so they did work with staff and I believe they even worked with the community thank you any questions uh any public comment on this this will lay over what do we got August 12th August 12th will be the second rating on this all right would someone please introduce uh 6 B4 I'll introduce 6 B4 to be read by title on an ordinance of the city of leeburg Florida adding a PDO plan development overlay with a waiver from section 25- 282 parentheses a parentheses 1 p do o 5 acre minimum to the existing R2 medium density residential zoning on approximately 0.70 plus minus acres to allow for an office used for property Journey located east of North 13th Street and south of Webster Street lying in section 24 Township 19 South Range 24 East Lake County Florida and providing an effective date perfect uh got got a little a little bit for [Music] sir um the background on this um as Andy just read is a request for a PD a plan development overlay in the R2 medium density residential district they want to add office space and similar uses to the underlying um R2 zoning um it is east of North 13th Street and south of Webster um just north of of the trail on 13th and across from the old bread store 75 acres and an R2 medium density uh zoning District it's undeveloped at this time and it will add uses to the property to include office which are consistent and appropriate with the overall development in the area and will not create a negative impact on the surrounding properties is mar Kirsty here I don't see okay Mr pul is here if you'd like to hear from him any questions this is district one correct district one is this in District One um I think so I think it is district one it is Webster and ser okay I'll check I think it what was the question I was asking was this district one I think it is I have no idea what district okay I don't know thank you so anybody questions for Bill nobody's going to live there so they're going to vote for y'all or against you or I'm you're fine yeah I don't have any question what type of business you office businesses did you say well I possibly have where my office is now sold so I need somewhere to go and hide and I need office so I'm probably going to build an office here I don't know that I am for sure I mean you know it depends on the economy um and all that kind of stuff and it's it's commercial across the street next door yeah it's all yeah surrounding I just I don't want to build Apartments there and that's what's behind it so I don't don't want to do that okay any other questions for petitioner but I have no idea what district is in really one any comments from the public on this okay this will layover July July July the 8th okay okay L work all right will someone please introduce uh item 6 B5 six and 7 I'll introduce 6 B5 6 and 7 do be by title only 6 B5 excuse me an ordinance of the city of leeburg Florida annexing certain real property consisting of approximately 49.1 two plus minus Acres being generally located north of Po Street and south of County Road 473 lying in section two Township 19 South Range 25 East Lake County Florida providing that said property so Annex shall be liable for its proportionate share of the existing and future indebtedness of said City providing that such Annex property shall be subject to all laws and ordinances of said city as if all such territory had been a part of the city of leeburg at the time of Passage and approval of s laws and ordinances providing that such Annex territory shall be placed in City commission District 5 and providing an effective date 6 B6 an ordinance amending the future land use map of the comprehensive plan of the city of lebur changing the future land use map designation of certain property containing 49.1 two plus minus Acres from Lake County Urban low density to City of lesburg estate residential for property gener located north of Post Street and south of County Road 473 lying in section 2 Township 19 South Range 25 East Lake County Florida and providing an effective date 6b7 an ordinance of the City leeburg Florida changing the zoning on approximately 49.1 2 plus minus Acres from Lake County cfd Community facility district and R six Urban residential district to City of elburg PUD planned unit development to allow for residential sub vision for property generally located north of Post Street and south of County Road 473 lying in section 2 Township 19 South Range 25 East Lake County Florida and providing an effective date thank you Hy you're welcome you want you want to give us a little bit of background um yes um this is 49.1 two acres so it's just shy of going to the state for review um generally located north of Post Street and south of County Road 473 um there was a lot of discussion that pushed the first meeting back and I believe it came down to Landscaping the neighbor immediately to the West wanted bamboo and a certain kind of bamboo and the story I got and I'm not sure I got the whole story or the end of the story but the soils were inappropriate for that and I think the applicants are here to talk about that part of it but the minimum Hot House sizes are going to be 18 square uh 1,800 Square F feet under roof the lot sizes are going to be six uh 6,728 400 square ft there will be 66 lots that are 50 ft 60 lots that are 60 ft six lots that are 70 ft and the rest of it is pretty standard um 35% open space um there will be a 25 ft buffer tract along the north south and Western boundaries uh split rail or solid PVC fence um and I believe believe that the applicants have worked uh with the property owner adjacent to them to try to work out how that buffer is going to be um then you're going to have the the dark skylighting and the rest of the standard PUD in there any any questions would the petitioner like to say anything thank you my name is Stephen SM the planner with level up Consulting here on behalf of uh sha Myers with bright leaf properties just wanted to confirm the the discussions we've had with the adjacent proper Mr Randy bidder we we had our landscape architect go out to the site look at it look at it for the appropriateness for bamboo and because of the the the character characteristics of the soil is very dry and the sugary sand uh we recommended an alternative planting and I think it's actually on page seven of our presentation um where we propose some native materials uh planting them at a a more substantial size and so I think um Mr Mr B was was pleased with that and so we have actually sent that alternate section um to the city to be incorporated into the approval but thank you very much any questions from the petitioner all right any public comment thank you sir thank you yes sir I miss my uh yes sir would you please raise your right hand you swear affirm that all testimony you'll give tonight will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth thank you sir hello commission I'm Randy bidder um I live out 10155 Post Street West of that property so most of what's out there now if you've ever been out there very rural in nature so lots of wildlife um for me you know huge change I've got seven acres single residents house um I had expected unreasonably that the land would stay nice and Rural it's not so thank thankfully uh the Z Planning and Zoning as well as the developers working with us on the landscaping and and what's important to me is the the developer will be gone in a matter of years and it'll be up to the homeowners association to maintain it so I'm really looking for you know as much enforceable language as we can get into the development plan so that when we get into some kind of a situation where the Landscaping is deteriorating and there's nothing left you know what what can I do as the homeowner you know the neighboring property owner to make sure that this type of uh Landscaping stays there or is at least maintained um so that that's what's important to me I'm hoping that um we can get some language into it to help me out there so I'm just going to ask you a question um do you care about the fence or not and I'm trying to help you out here because I personally don't care about a fence and you talk about you know over time the fences made to8 um I'm just thr that out trying to help you yeah the fence is not of I mean I would like the fence so we've also talked about the fences so if you're looking at to the north uh that 25 foot wide buffer zone the east side of that buffer zone will be a six foot vinyl fence which separates the backyard of the house from the buffer zone and then I have my own fence on the west side of the buffer so basically we've got a neutral zone with irrigated planted species that will thrive in the Florida dry soil environment we've got out there okay so again I was just trying to help you out uh you know I think the Landscaping be will be fine but I wish the fence is to meor the problem you know five seven 10 years down the road so I was giving you a chance to wave that if you wanted to I don't know if it's that simple but ideally the 12 foot concrete Turnpike barrier I'm all in if you can make that happen you know seriously I'd be very happy with that so that's I got [Music] Bill pul 600 Cascade Avenue uh I believe this has already been approved right last meeting I was at the last meeting they were doing all the he no we pulled it at the last meeting oh you did because they I thought there was some language that you guys wanted to they were doing bamboo stuff and all that you know I got all that but it did not actually uh no this is first reading bill this is the first reading okay okay this is just for leberg if you keep doing these 50ft Lots you know you can barely build on a 50-ft lot you can't plant a tree between a 50 foot and a 50ft lock because you got 8 foot between them uh to make Leesburg a really nice place like it ought to be uh with trees and everything consider you know only reason they're doing 50-ft Lots is to make the money work out so they either got to ask more or stop building 50ft Lots so just think about the 50 Foot lot in the future any other public comment on this okay this will lay over on this AUST 12 August the 12th will be the second reading here in the chamber uh we'll move on now to uh non- routine items uh 6 one we have none informational reports anybody have any questions with regard to the financial part reports no [Music] okay uh City attorney items no items to evening Mr Mayor thank you city manager items uh before we hit the the one that I listed under there um let me just give you a couple quick updates on a couple other things uh tomorrow we cancel the electric advisor board meeting kind of on the bubble of whether we were getting quum or not we move that forward from they meet the first Monday of the month um we moved that forward because the first Monday of the month we've got our budget Workshop meetings and so we'll end up going back into the next one on August um with that remember we got a busy month coming up in August so we've got the July sorry I'm already jumping ahead with all the budget workshops I think two 29 and 11 and then the special meeting on the 15th plus our regular meetings uh the Personnel committee met today uh I think they had a pretty quick meeting but the Personnel survey will be will be getting out I think the the the committee quasi put their impor on the survey so uh HR thinks probably give us about 30 to 45 days to get that survey out um the HR Director Melissa and Rob the deputy city manager will be going around uh to the individual departments getting everybody up to speed on it when the time comes to encourage everybody to uh fill out the survey which will be done electronically uh the next thing the reason I missed the meeting uh even though they had a quorum was to meet with Katy obviously Katy closing is significant issue um aside from the jobs and all the kind of the general fund issues that go along with that and the building not hopefully you know where where that state could be and all that kind of other stuff I think the immediate as my memos have been to the commission the immediate issue for the the city is the utility impact on us from not selling the bulk sales of gas as well as electricity to katr we have two separate agreements on that I won't give you all the details on that all my memos to you on this topic are up to date essentially where I want to drive uh the city and Katy to of course with your approval will be one overlaying agreement hopefully that we can get to where essentially a uh we stopped the bulk service for gas and um because they because our position is that Katy didn't provide us reasonable notice we shouldn't be held financially liable for any Gap they may have and trying to sell their capacity on Florida gas Transmissions line the reaction to Katy from that seemed to be to reasonable we also know that katrol is working with fgu um and they're already trying to find buyers for their capacity it should be relatively easy knock on wood especially in the summertime because the big power companies are looking for capacity to transport gas regeneration uh but in any case we don't want to be holding the bag the other issue I think is a little stickier is the electric service agreement they have a special agreement where they pay a discount rate whether they generate and when they don't generate uh it's called our interconnection service agreement um it's rather complex with Katy not doing their own generation it's really going to be in the city's best interest to see that that agreement expires uh we can call that agreement when they stop their interconnection activity or their generation activity so we had some initial conversations with them about doing that uh we anticipate and they capitulated that their load is going to be significantly of different characteristics so it's probably going to more closely match our general service C customer or commercial customer um so we want to ensure that that agreement dies we can revisit a different agreement if they ever open their doors back up we need to discuss some of the facilities that are left in our power plant their Transformer um some environmental issues um and then at the end of the day when they're on uh the city's uh normal general service customer they really need to be paying that rate versus a rate that maybe there would be argument for on staying on to uh the the special rate they're at which is not in the city's interest so uh Grant's going to be typing up some parameters of an agreement that we would like trolley to issue and any decision that's made on that will come back to you and if you guys have any more detailed questions on that and just give me a shout um those are the those are the lingering items uh the specific reason I wanted to to to get some Direction from you tonight was for bike fest I think I think the the general consensus seems to be that perhaps you all want to move forward with bike fest in doing so we do need to visit and I provided the numbers to y'all last week gave you a couple weeks to kick around the concept of how we want to move forward with alcohol sales um I think essentially there's two ways to do it if we contract out alcohol sales go with a private vendor we think maybe the Delta on that is about a 50 Grand Savings or potentially to to break even um with bike fest maybe shift some liability uh to do that though we feel like we need to do an RFP a formal RFP to request the service provider to provide that alcohol service the other option is to do it like we did this year maybe with perhaps a couple of modifications which is to partner again with the chamber um as far as a loss the the number showed you a loss of about 50 Grand ish I'm talking round numbers here um and I think there's probably a couple of different ways you can skin the cat on is that a loss uh remember the the the two big payout items in that was uh $50,000 to the chamber which is you know using those bike fest Monies to support the to support the chamber and we also just a little bit South I think it was about 36,000 and some change we paid to Civic organizations so you know almost 90 grand of the the budget was going to Civic organizations and for the longest time you know the the concept of bike fest was to capture the money and keep it internally um now confuse matters a little bit um the city has pretty much always had a loss of at bike fest for what I'll just call in kind Services there were some mechanisms where the partnership paid the city Al some fee to help us with the the inine services we provide the specific in kind services that I'm that I'm referencing now is the overtime expenses that we have it it it costs about 70 grand to pay folks overtime that cost however I'll go as far back and out on Limb and say since the Inception of bike fest the city has always absorbed those overtime costs in the general fund budget and may leak out a little bit the solid waste and some of the other budgets but typically it's cleaning up and the public safety aspects with bike fest so those numbers are all have been and have always been in the budget and and and we've kind of lived with it at the time you know the partnership would give us 40 Grand back uh to quas cover those costs um whether that you know that was a a deal that actually covered our costs it's arguable with the rents and utilities and those type of of thing so you know I mean we can skin the cat a million different ways but that's a pretty high view of it so really what we need from you and what Maggie needs effective pretty much immediately to get started for bike fest 25 is yeah we want to do bike fest and here's how we're and here's how we want to do it I don't think you need a formal vote but if there's just a a general consensus on go with the chamber or start a new that's kind of the direction we need from you this evening uh so me personally uh I I think bike fest has always been our local event and I would encourage everybody to continue to allow the Boy Scout Troops the the local rotary clubs whoever it is that uh we determine who should be a part of it I think maybe we ought to have a little more hand in determining who who's going to Ben fit you know and and give everybody an equal you know opportunity for that but uh you know I bip Fest does so much for Lake County just in general uh I I think you know we got to be behind that and if we're going to do it I want I want our local folks to have have a a good cut of it rather than just farming it out to uh Wayne bench or whoever you know I don't even know who it would be but that's just my opinion I agree with you uh mayor um I would just add that I noticed there's other groups like churches and other groups around town um around downtown who are parking bikes and we're not even seeing those numbers so I'm just pointing out there are other groups um uh that are making money nonprofit groups making money on bike fest as well I think Maggie and her team and the Chamber did a wonderful job last year um I would agree with you like keep the organizations that can profit local leberg organ gations um I did talk to city manager about this earlier my only concern uh with the 50,000 is I'm not opposed to the 50,000 if bike fest we have rain and it does horrible God forbid there would be a sliding scale so depending on how much money we make the chamber will make this much and if you know they'll get a set amount no matter what but then and I would leave that up to Al's discretion and if we hit certain numbers they get certain thresholds but I think the chamber and Maggie and Miguel and their team and CH Chambers team did a wonderful job any other comments on it well I would not be opposed of a third party coming in but what that party would look like that's my questions and what would be offered and if possible could we do one tent with chamber with like a main tent and then let the other other T other locations be third party bar that's what I'm thinking you know I I I'm going to say that's possible I I think it makes it cumbersome um because I think if we it makes it cumbersome both ways I'm going to kind of pontificate it makes it it makes it difficult because a I think the an outside professional agency is going to want all to take and they're not going to want to give up part of the take and part of their give up of the take is the the 30 put you know we're using the the 30% number we came up with was from a provisional um concept that was provided to us in the 11th hour last year so our assumptions are based on what that company did that's how we would kind of formulate our RFP going out so my guess is that you know there's going that's going to be a cumbersome because there's going to be well what bar are you taking away from us where is it going to be located is this the top sales producer and then I think kind of that argument goes both way so then if it's on the chamber so then I think the chamber's position is going to be um well we don't want that spot because it's not the greatest spot um so I think it's doable I would really prefer to go A or B okay I think it that will that will just it's not saying we can't do it but it makes our it makes a tough job harder it I my question about that would also be what how does the liability you know Comm we pay we're buying Insurance we're liable or they're liable you know and if we're both in there who's we both and then and then if there is an accident where did the Alcohol come from so I appreciate the creativity I'm just trying to think of a better way of of control although I do um like the fact that I do like the fact that other organizations benefit but how are the organiz organizations selected it's just the same same same each time and if you don't open it up to a time in which someone has a bidding process or to allow a lottery of some kind um it's it's just not open to all and when people come to ask afterwards all of the main spots are taken and there's no availability so you're exed out and you have to go park cars to try to make some extra and that could be I mean that's good but it's not the main dollar yeah in years past the event was larger and we probably all the nonprofits got involved because it was larger uh the event has shrunk a little bit so I'm sure we can work through that make everybody happy well that that brings up a good question are we going to keep it the same scale this year or are we going to go bigger I think probably same scale you know we'll have some nips and Tucks in there we'll talk about that in budget time because we will be drafting that bike fest budget we'll re we'll unveil that for y'all in the workshops um but I think too you know if we if we partner with the chamber you're going to have another agreement coming back like we did this year I would suggest that if we go the chamber route that we have a multi-year deal with the chamber and I think the chamber's probably going to be open to threshold Concepts and and giving the city some input on on who the beneficiaries are um and you I would suggest that you probably keep that at the city manager's office so you don't you know we don't get bogged down at this level picking what groups you guys can always yell at me at the end of the day if the wrong groups you know get picked but I think if we enter if you all entertain who the groups are that's just going to be a cumbersome process but an yeah but we can get oh you'll hear from me um but but I think but I think also you can weave it into the agreement so we have a little bit more hook than we did this year so I I mean we haven't looked at the I mean in detail I guess the budget line how we're rolling it in this year no you you saw the detail so that detail would just get weaved into the overall bu so what was the total price for the insurance again it was about 48 48 that would still come from City that would that's the city would be responsible we pay chamber 50 and then we be able to disperse based on sale I mean dividing with organizations and the tips like we do okay okay I would on I would caution having a new organization run one of the big bars uh I think having an organization experience is huge on the big bars I think if we're going to open it up to new organizations they start with a smaller bar on a smaller scale rather than one of the bigger bars but that's a good concept my thought was the chamber run the big tent and the other third parties run the outsides the beer the specialty drinks and then whatever goes around to the other six any other [Music] comment I think so just let me the general consensus is where you know a is outside vendor B stick with the plan that we have this year and we're going to go B stick with the plan that we have this year so your direction now has launched me into getting in touch with the chamber and we'll put the form you know put the the basis of an agreement together which will come back to the commission probably next meeting or two so we're not voting not on not I got your general direction I think your direction is to to go with the chamber so where you'll get the vote is on the chamber agreement that's not where I was going but okay I'm not it's not it's not by for cating it like you wanted to do I understand I think that's just going to be too diff just be clear it's not a vote now we're going it's not a vote right now I mean if you have nonprofit groups that want to get involved you just need to bring them you know get them introduced to Maggie and get them in the loop right away we used to have a lot of groups I remember one year we paid out it was in the newspaper Joe ran an announcement we paid $176,000 to about 15 or 18 nonprofits I think that's great I mean I'm not against it I'm just saying I was asking so this is going forwarding it I hate to put Sandy on the spot I mean Sandy do you want to split the tents are you right you also have an issue with liquor Li [Music] hi Sandy mole burgary Chamber of Commerce um I think the other issue that you would have is liquor license because in order to pull a liquor license for the event so that people can walk from venue to venue you have to get one license that goes over the whole venue I don't know if you would be able to just kind of say this is one license for this tent and this is another that's kind of the tricky thing with with the licenses when it comes to um splitting up I do think we would be definitely open to talking to uh you know you know entertaining other groups to run the the tents for sure and have an input from you all I think um commissioner reesman for what he had to say about it is tricky you know you have people like for example the mil the military vets that run Town Square they've been doing that for so many years they have it down to a science um they're really you know they just know what they're doing and it's very and it's hard because I know um commissioner reesman and I have run a number of them as just the chamber you know that aspect of the actual tent itself and it can be it's helpful the more you know to be able to be really efficient and be able to do the best that you possibly can for your organization and also for the event in serving alcohol as well so I guess there's no further discussion if we're not going to vote we're going to go with what the general census that's what you're stating yes okay and then we'll bring a contract back to you that a partnership contract between the city in the chamber and we're doing this for how many years going forward I don't know oh to be determined all right okay if you'd like to provide some feedback on ter feedback is I thought we would have a say I'm saying that I I know what has been in the past and I know how successful the bike fest has been for many years I think last year was a great year and I like that organization's benefit from the tips and the feed that's the purpose of it but I also like the fact if we we don't know what will happen with a third party cuz we never tried but I don't know where else I can go with that but just State my the concern is with a third party there is no money going to the local Rotary Club I understand so we have to be a little more creative to come up a way for those organizations to be a part and not just for pouring but doing something else my thoughts that's all I'm just saying but I'm not opening up that get creative what that stopped there I mean you I mean not to be argumentative commissioner but you heard the chamber director right there tell you she doesn't like the concept of splitting the CH understand so so that's so if we go with the chamber you know she she wants one t or all the T I understand well get all the money well okay I'm going to defend okay I'm just dating if it's not a vote it it does it it's just my opinion that's all I'm saying well one thing I just want to point out um Sand's number one proved herself last year but secondly Sandy used to run the event or ran the events for the partnership so she does have a lot of experience which I think reflected why it ran so smooth if we just do a new group in there I'm not sure what we would get I mean it went it went smooth last year whether we give it to another nonprofit group or give it to a for-profit it went pretty good last year I was out there working so I would agree and we my organization benefit very well very thankful but I still feel that if it's not a vote it's just no need in but what would you like to vote on what I was saying to stay with outside or I mean to use a third party or use um chamber you can okay so we can have a motion somebody would like to make a motion I'm just asking that why aren't we versus you're just we got three okay that's say you why don't you vote on it if somebody would make a motion to go with the chamber under the perimeters discussed with a contract that's brought back before the commission so good second any other discussion roll call hold on hold on on just a second Sor you're good you're good see commissioner Peterson yes commission Barry no commission conell yes commission Ean yes mayor bur yes all right so that is bik Fest in a nutshell we'll go to roll call commissioner rean good to see everyone out at the Pine Street ribbon cutting it's beautiful if you haven't been out there it was windy and tly clean it was clean we should have brought a video of the ending yeah um and then I also hope to see everyone out at the Star Spangled spectacular on July 4th that our special events department is putting on and the baseball game starts at 5 see you there commissioner kill no ma'am commissioner Barry nothing commissioner Peterson nothing toight mayor bur yeah I got one little thing uh we received in our emails a uh monthly activity report that uh uh I keep W to say Chief Hicks but got Deputy manager Hicks uh put out and I wanted to compliment that I I like that and I would also question whether is we could make that potentially part of our website where the General Public Mike can you know if they're if they're want to know what's going on it was it was concise it you know didn't get too in in depth but it gave you an idea of where you were with things and hit all the Departments and I I thought that was a nice nice touch so that's you know is something I'd like to see go on the website and that's all I got motion to adjourn motion to adjourn we're done