##VIDEO ID:QfQEPkVleOg## as far as if he I have cameras around my house so if he was to go out the door I don't know where he's going I don't know where he's at or which way he's went because there's no lighting out there and this has been going on for 27 years almost one of the neighbors said she's been here in the first year she was she was there it flooded the city of nesburg know this is going on I don't want to go into my old age with my house being flooded like this I I don't want to do that I I I need for the city of leeburg to rectify this okay the damages that was done to my house I have a shed in the back of my house I have about $2,500 worth of furniture in that shed it's flooded it's no good no good I work hard I am a c and I drive school buses I've been doing this for over 25 years and I've worked hard for what I have and to have it flooded out that is ridiculous when the city of leeburg could have rectified this before this storm because they knew about this and took care of it and they didn't they overlooked it I have video from where like I say I have I have cameras around my house so when I'm notifying the the public work Department the guy when we flooded out the guy came by the house he didn't even stop didn't even look at the drains just kept going I have a video of that I am tired I'm tired of being scared whether my house is going to be here today or tomorrow I am tired I pay my taxes like everybody else and I want this to be rectified that's all I have to say any other public comment yes all right we'll move on to item five that's a consent agenda routine items are placed on the consent agenda agenda to expedite the meeting if the commissioner staff wish to discuss any item the procedure is as follows one pull the item or items from the consented agenda two vote on remaining items with one roll call vote and three discuss each pulled item and vote by roll call is there anything anyone wants to pull 5 B1 and 5 C1 5 C1 and 5 [Music] B1 anything else make a motion to approve all remaining items second roll call commissioner conell yes commissioner eeman yes commissioner Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes mayor bur yes someone please introduce 5 B1 I'll introduce nasby right by title only excuse me purchase requests for the purchase of three Ford explor SUV 4x2 vehicles from Duval Ford LLC for the city of leeburg police department in the total amount of $1,978 Duval Ford LLC is the contract holder for the central Florida region under the Florida sheriff's Association contract # FSA 24- Vel 32-0 Mo for approval second I pulled this just because I wanted to see is there not a way to get a bid from a local dealership by key scales or Prestige versus an out of town dealership Rob Hicks uh Deputy city manager there is we've they have the opportunity to get on the state contract and the sheriff's contract um Prestige did it years ago it was very difficult to get the quantity of vehicles because everybody's doing on them on both the sheriff's contract and the state contract it is the easiest way to make sure you're getting the vehicles on time and at the right price because they don't have to be negotiated out so any of the local dealers are C certainly welcome to get on there so was just trying to support local so yeah and we do too and and if there's a situation where if we find a single or a couple vehicles on the lot with a better price we absolutely go got understood thank you that's it for me sir that's it any other questions on that roll call on that commission rean yes commissioner Peterson yes commission Barry yes commissioner conell yes mayor bur yes someone please introduce 5 C1 I'll introduce be by title only resolution of the city Commission of the city of leeburg Florida approving a m mural sign for placement on the side of the building on a parcel owned by star five Properties Inc and operating as Checker restaurant being located at 2508 Citrus Boulevard in section 10 Township 19 South Range 24 East in lebur Florida and providing an effective date for approval for discussion second so I pulled this um it says the exhibit shows a typical design in discussion with a sign company a design specific to leberg is anticipated I would prefer to see the anticipated design prior to us approving this and then secondly I thought all of our public Arts have to go through the Review Committee that we assigned that didn't go through that committee the public Arts committee that we all appointed a person to it did not go through that committee and I would if they're going to put a mural up there I would prefer something that ties a little more into leeburg versus um you know what the current artwork is so I would like to see that happen Anna do You anna can you put that [Music] up okay thank you Anna this has no business on 27 in leeburg I mean I'm all for murals but this is so out of character for the middle of our town it's pitiful um the mural we have down by the I think it's the Duke transfer station or whatever by Center Street that's beautiful I mean it fits right in but this in the middle of our town I don't care if it says we love lebur this this is horrible I mean I don't think it even ought to move forward here I don't think we need to go to the the the the Arts board or whatever the committee that Allan's referring to this just needs to be stopped now I mean I don't see we can even entertain this well I think art is subjective and I I agree with you I don't really like this um but I would like to see if our Arts board can maybe work with the applicant to well if they want to come back for redesign but I don't think I don't think there's anything on here they can even work with just just as some background why this this major desk um obviously I I think the intention there was that it was going to be a we love leberg so this got to my desk on Tuesday prior to the storm from the planning and zoning department we haven't had an Arts board meeting I don't think almost since its Inception I believe you're right since we had the issue with the the Arts committee um I'll leave it at that so really in my haste to get this moving to get an answer one way or another and preparation for the storm I left it on this agenda okay so I think you have a couple options okay you can instruct it to be sent back to the Arts board or you can kill it now and if you do that we'll just get back with the applicant and say we didn't like your picture and if they if they want to move forward with some other concept we'll bring back that back to the Arts well that's what I would recommend just stop this whole thing here now and let them completely redesign because there's nothing on there that I could even begin to work with for the middle of our town I'm not an artist uh I do appreciate art I I'm not sure well I appreciate art I appreciate art too mayor but this is not appropriate for the location I you know I won't go that far uh you know but I would say that we have an art board that is made up of people who know something about art well I mean art the eye of Beholder I agree but I think you got to look at you really want this we we're trying to beautify 27 not not this I mean this just does not fit into anything this is Checkers right is that up across from Walmart okay so you know uh again I would rather just see it kick back to the artboard that's their job and uh and let them discuss whether it's how they feel about it that's who I want if the artard says no Then we take it back to the appli that's correct well no I mean one way or the other is coming back to commission right correct yes I mean the Arts board is not going to approve this nonsense right no that's incorrect that's incorrect that is incorrect if the if the Arts board likes it then it would be approved then absolutely not then we we can't take that chance come on now so even though the Arts board approves it it still comes back to us for final approval just like everything else does cuz they're an advisory committee that's how the art I think the Arts is advisory historic um you know I I think Art's different but I could I could be wrong we have to double check like I said in again we put that together with the thought that they were going to approve murals for downtown and then when the art center went through the situation it we never really tested it and so that's been X years ago so I have to admit my my art board recollection is quite Rusty well do you we even know I mean that was two years ago is even anybody on the or thought were the only one that I know has some differences is really the historic because of the participation and the historic certifications and all of thatp is set up just like the airport just like the airport board just like the the recreation board they don't spend money they don't uh go out and do things they make suggestions and it comes through us that and that's what I'd like to see this I'd like to see this come through correct the art board if they don't like it maybe they can work with Checkers to to get something a little different that would be approved but that's why we have the art board a little different well you know again in the eye of the beholder uh well yes but well we always have a liaison uh to the Arts committee so I think it should be commissioner canel there you go the Lea on listen I said we're there I'm the representative on the board and we definitely have been meeting and discussing and the Arts board is different than the public Arts board just for clarification so that's why I'm sitting here listening each of us Commissioners appointed someone to that public Arts Advisory board right so it' be my suggestion that we refer this to that board looking for a recommendation back to us from them before anything correct is approved I think that's okay to certainly clarify that the commission wants to see this back and we can just check the code again and make sure I thought it was an Advisory Board as well the code doesn't say that we need to change that if we can change that yes sir we'll take a look at that so in that case uh we're gonna have a roll call a you make a motion to table you want to table the resolution that's there's a motion on the floor right now to approve it right want you make a motion to table it to time certain and that will supersede your motion I'll make a motion to table it to time certain so city manager Menor can get with the public Arts board and go from there second any discussion clarification we're going to table this and but if we find the Arts board has the authority to approve this then I'm not for it I think we just agre we agreed on that okay just I didn't hear that in the moment no it's a good point no after all that we agreed we come back here we just said amend the uh the rules or right do we have any staff members on that board no the we actually I think we made the Arts director chairman it's six people that's correct seven people I think seven total it's one I thought it was one one per commission one per per commissioner yes and I appointed Richard so okay so Al can I get a update from you though when you finally reach out to these five members if they're even active anymore since it's been years since we've utilized them absolutely [Music] okay okay so we have a motion on the floor did we get a second for that yes okay so roll call this is on theable to table it correct commissioner Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes commissioner conell yes commissioner rean yes mayor bur yes all right we'll move on now to uh item six public hearings and non- routine items uh would someone please introduce item 6 A1 I'll introduce and ask be right by title only an ordinance of the city of leeburg Florida creating section 2-8 of the city's code of ordinances entitled control of access to city-owned controlled and leased property establishing a prop process to designate facilities as public forums limited public forums or non-public forums establishing trespass notice for public property providing for severability providing for conflicts providing for codification and providing an effective date for approval second discussion questions we talked about this in depth um Grant if you would just a quick uh for anybody in the public who may not have heard sure yes sir yeah this uh this particular ordinance really is um the goal of this is to establish some limitations in terms of public property here um there are obviously areas of City Hall that are used for employment employee workspaces there are not necessarily open public forums for everyone to come to and so the idea here really is sort of in line with what the city have been working on with the badges and uh setting up some restrictions to access in some areas of City facilities um is just to basically set that system up formally um this really is a copy of what the county did with County facilities so there's essentially no change or difference from what the county does and gives the city manager some authority to just sort of set up some limitations inside the buildings uh when public meetings are not ongoing so that people aren't disrupted in their work and um people can have meetings with City staff as needed and that that type of thing so that's that's really what this is about it also sets up a trespass process as well uh that would allow people to be trespass from public property gives them procedures for appealing that process as well uh if they do get swept up in that so uh they have their process to come back and challenge anything that they believe was was wrongful y done in terms of removing them from any facilities thank you grant any questions from the commission is there any public comment on this no public comment we'll have a roll call commissioner Barry yes commissioner Cel yes commissioner re yes commissioner Peterson yes mayor bur yes someone please introduce 682 682 to be read by title only an ordinance of the city of lebur Florida amending chapter 15 article one General offenses to create section 15-7 entitled public camping or sleeping prohibiting unauthorized camping at any time within the city providing for severability providing for conflicts providing for codification and providing for an effective date for approval second discussion from anyone again Grant if you give us a quick yes sir as we had talked about in first reading there was a new state law that essentially uh does not allow a county or a city to authorize or otherwise allow public camping or public sleeping to occur uh on public property uh so basically this ordinance is the the city does not currently have any prohibition against public camping or public sleeping on the books uh so the purpose of this ordinance was to essentially uh put something in the code that would allow the city to remain compliant with the new uh requirements of the law this is um a slightly different flavor than we had at first reading um the difference between this version and the first reading is this version has built in sort of a a notice warning system kind of as a first step to really try and um figure out a a way to you know deescalate the situation resolve it without resorting to any any other means um you know from there it moves on to a citation and sort of the consequences can can get harsher from there um but really the goal is to allow the city to be compliant um with the state law requirements in terms of having a mechanism to prohibit um or at least not allow or otherwise authorize public camping or public sleeping but also to give law enforcement really as many options as as we can to try and address that situation in as Humane a way as as we can thank you grant any questions for Grant on that from anybody I have a question this is on public and private property or just public um this is on public Pro not private that's that's Cor said the the prohibition is that it's unlawful person to engage in public [Music] camp once again Carmen Rogers 128 North 7th Street lesburg 34748 right at the back door once again what are we going to do to help alleviate the people who really truly don't have a place to live they have they don't have a house so they are going to sleep on the sidewalk at the park I can go to the park and take a nap right now I don't want to go to jail for it but I could do it cuz I'm tired I had a long day I've been up since for something what are we going to do what are we putting in place to change the situation as opposed to making more ordinances to make the state law happen what we need to do is we need to find a way to get the people off the street we need to put some money we need to put money to good use as opposed to what we're going to take up police um jail space now we're going to incarcerate individuals who are homeless well how is that helping us any we're still paying for this taxpayers but only we're paying more now cuz now we got to give them medical care now we've got to give them three Hots in a cot we got to pay somebody to lock and turn those keys I know they don't turn them like they used to back in the day but you know what I mean what are we going to do to alleviate the problem making more ordinances is not this is not the way to help our situation in this city this is not the way um I'm sitting here I'm trying to be nice but we have a homeless issue that needs to be addressed um let's get the organizations that's already out here feeding y'all wrap around us with salt Kelly with salt I was going to actually bring them up I was so glad to see her here so then I didn't have to talk about that I could use all my time for something else but um this is going to be a comprehensive program that's going to help get people off the street just putting them in a jail cell is not going to fix the problem when you let them out guess where they're coming back to let's talk about Miss Diane Kowski Miss gienne I took her to Orlando put her on an Amtrak train to New York City to her family a month later Diane somebody called me they said Miss Carmen you are not gonna believe it I said you know believe what Miss Dian is back in leeburg I said you got to be joking me cuz I put on the Am track personally miss my family's funeral to put her on member funeral to put her on that train what are we going to do to help because this right here isn't helping well to answer a little bit of your question what we are addressing with this ordinance is a state law into effect October 1st been in effect for couple weeks so so we are not you know we're not going out on our own saying this is what how we feel about it we're we're trying to comply I with the state of Florida and you're complying though you are not helping we need some help for the people we need to get the people some place to live well and that that's a good good suggestion because in Lake County we have no beds for the homeless that's right exactly that's my that's my point what are we going to do as opposed to just sitting here making ordinances that's not helping anybody okay so I I appreciate you all trying to obey the state law but I don't appreciate you not fixing or giving us a solution the homeless need a [Music] solution my name is Linda gallet and I have spent seven years working with the homeless of our community we have done feeding programs we've done showers we've done clothing we've we've gotten many hundreds of them immunized against hepatitis against tetanus against flu covid all kinds of things with the help of of Lake County and um I'm just very concerned about this law and and when Governor Dukakis first signed it it was to provide for help and there was supposed to be a camp site within each town where the people could go they could put up their tents and they would provide mental health assistance drug assistance they would have Porta Poes for them whatever and they would set up this camp and they could stay in this camp Camp well it seems like Leesburg is tweaking the rules a little bit and I don't know if any of you have been camping with your families before but when the day comes to pack up and go home it takes more than the 60 Minutes that we're going to give the homeless to move to put away your sleeping bag your air mattress your tent your cooler all your belongings and move to the next place you just throw it in the trunk and go home while they're doing this they're thinking where can I go where can I go and it's said in that report that leberg does not have any public spaces that they can set up a camp type setting for them to be to so when the policeman comes by and says excuse me when the policeman comes by and says okay you have to move you can't stay here you're on public property you have to move where do they go if everywhere there's not one space that we can use for a camp for them where do they go leeburg is a big big town I know because I've fed people as far away as hannes Creek I've fed people down to 27 and 48 I've fed people up to Fruitland Park it's a big city and where where are they supposed to go we have fed up to the record right now stands at 94 people in one day I mean there are a lot of homeless people understand I don't know what your point of of service number was for last year but those are never really a good sign of how many homeless there are but and they're not all scary drug addict freaky people there there's some really Charming people out there there are people who have worked hard jobs and their wife gets breast cancer and they leave their job they lose their job they lose their house they end up on the street no spouse no job no home on the street yes' it's it's just it's really really sad so I don't know 60 minutes to move on to nowhere I think it needs a little bit more thought thank you I'm not sure how this works do I have to say my name your name okay it's Kimberly de Roch and um the law you are referring to is HB 1365 yes yes okay it does say that I'm sorry I can't read with my glasses on uh reach that age um it says that you have to provide temporary shelters monitored by law enforcement agencies um homeless shelters will require the occupants to not use drugs and they will also receive Substance Abuse and Mental Health treatments that's what it says if you set up the shelter It also says that as a city if we set up the shelter it cannot be contiguous to a neighborhood right any housing and it cannot devalue anyone's property in that area that's specific to the law right so those two things preclude leberg we don't have unoccupied space yeah that meets the criteria to even have a camp I I understand that and I hope this doesn't sound cold because I I have also helped some homeless people as well but I also have a lot of problems with homeless people because I live somewhere inside the city where when they're kicked out of one place they like to come hang out at my house and I usually take care of the problem myself I've only ever had to call the police once um that's the other thing you guys want to charge them a $500 fine every time correct there are different enforcement mechanisms in there the $500 fine would come after you've you've not complied with a warning after you've been cited and after you've returned after that to the same exact place so it takes a little bit to get to that point um because again it would be the same exact location I mean they they likely don't have the ability to pay for $500 fine and our police really do not have the time to keep spending on this problem either so I think I understand what you're saying but I think this needs to be taken to a bigger level to the county or something um where we have to you know everybody has to get together and figure out of proper facility a place where we can all help and not hurt it's it's not going to help anyone what you're trying to do isn't going to help anyone I understand the businesses are going through some things and that's unacceptable but I mean I just I don't know what the solution is but I know it's not pushing them outside the city and causing more problems for your residents and for them as well so that's all thank you uh Kelly veu again just really quickly I just want to tell you about two names and I wish that I could have brought them both tonight so they could tell the story but one of them is David he's a man that comes to the little house every week to receive the services that we provide there and um you know David's already suffering from anxiety that's part of what's contributing to his homelessness and he told me last week when I saw him there that he said I just can't sleep I'm I'm just over the top with my anxiety because I know that it's just a matter of time I'm going to get a flashlight in my face and told to move and where do I go just like we're saying where do I go and um and that's sad it would be sad for any of us to live like that another young man that I met his name was Mark and uh him and his partner um are going through a similar situation um he said you know it's interesting that they want me to work but they don't want me to sleep so put that in perspective because it's like you know if a person is trying to hold down a little part-time job where are they supposed to sleep just like where are they supposed to clean up hence the reason why we feel the shower trailer Ministry is going to be a great asset to the area but um it's hard when you when we're looking at the whole picture and I know you guys are looking at the whole picture but we expect them to somehow you know be responsible in society but yet we take away whatever little bit that they may have um with you know being able to like Linda said pack their stuff up and leave and go we and go we so thank you for listening thank you my name's Elizabeth Vernon and I I do have a a a Ministry that tried to take care of some of the needs of the homeless but I'm sitting here listening and I and I'm an animal lover and many of you probably are too we have provided for the animals in our County and for in our in our area we if there's an animal that's in need we do have a shelter for them if we can do this for an animal why couldn't we do this for a human being these are people that are human beings that somebody gave birth to them there's a mama and a daddy that was cons that was there in the process there's brothers and sisters there's children many times many of them have much things in their life we only have a very small mental health clinic or or thing here in in our area live streams and I've I'm a retired nurse and I have been in live streams they're overwhelmed it's a Band-Aid we need more help for the people we need a wraparound service where we can reach out to them but just to close the doors of our city is not what we need we need to really We Care let it be known that lesburg is a loving Community it's not only a beautiful community that reaches out to everyone but it does something more than just what we're doing right now let's give them someplace a safe place to go either a parking lot where they can if some of them have many of them have went and and are working three jobs and did buy a a vehicle to live in they have no place to par Market they have to keep moving that around so please I just beg you to think about how much you love your animals love your human beings that are our neighbors that they are our neighbors thank you hello my name is Bonita nestler I'm at 1431 Beverly Shore a Beverly point and I am a taxpayer here in leeburg moved here small community thinks it's beautiful and love it and love that uh atmosphere um and the homeless uh situation is heartbreaking it's a a horrible thing devastating for anyone that has to have that to happen to them but because I am a taxpayer and because this is a community um the unfortunately what's happening is the degradation of our lifestyle so I am in full support of what you're doing and what uh the governor DeSantis has put in place um it we provide so much with Liv stream I I was surprised at how much live stream there is here life stream everywhere um and if people choose to do drugs and alcohol and not make lifestyle choices by changing their lives I do not feel like I am responsible for those that choose to not go to a place where they can get help and we do have Ministries here that do provide help so um unfortunately we had someone swimming down uh in Lake Griffin um totally dazed could have been alligator bait um because and there's all kinds of trash everywhere um it's it's a heartbreaking situation but I don't believe it's the right thing for us to condone this behavior and by feeding and housing and not giving giving them resources to change it's the wrong Avenue so that's my uh say as a uh taxpayer here and I don't um I'm I'm sorry a Ministry of Jesus Christ change your life that will do it and that's all I can say so there you be thank you any other public comment any comments from the Comm roll call commissioner conel yes commissioner reesman yes commissioner Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes mayor bur yes uh moving on to item 6B first reading of ordinances we have none 6C we have no routine items uh informational reports any questions from anyone no uh how about City attorney items uh no reports Mr Mayor thank you and that would come to city manager items well I'll be as brief as possible um obviously uh let me let me update the the commission and the public here this evening on the efforts uh in recovery from Hurricane Milton I would say in the almost 11 years that I've been in leeburg Hurricane Milton was obviously the biggest storm that we have seen in in my time here and from some of the longtime employees that have worked with us hurricane Milton is the big biggest storm that they have seen as well in the region um it's obviously uh the the next significant impact that we had was probably I would I would say hurricane Irma which was September 2017 uh so there's really no way to underscore the storm that Milton was for leeburg um I think it was clearly a 500-year storm uh we sustained significant winds uh flooding in some isolated areas um and a lot of different issues so let me kind of run down the list a little bit um and and and I'm going to start obviously it came up this evening the the flooding problem in tadan Alabama in that area obviously that was a very critical area um we have worked in that area I think it was back in 20 in 2000 uh far before my time in Leesburg we did do some initial work in there we got a cdbg grant and so the reason with the start of when you have a storm that's a 500e storm building a drainage system to a 500-year storm is Not Practical and so that's why when these type of situations arise it becomes so catastrophic that doesn't underscore the Calamity that the families feel or see or the fear or the damage that's a result of that but what it is is in our business and municipal government it is Impractical to build a system that's going to absorb damages that you receive once in a while and once in a while even the speaker said they've been here for 20 some odd years and this was the biggest storm that please hear those words we're all struggling with that so really the the the first thing that we will be doing as a result of of Milton is going back to our Engineers trying to figure out how we make a better solution excuse me solution for that area so those issues did not go unseen the city invested in that property obviously with the home Grant we want that area to be successful we know it has issues I don't think anybody suspected that when you get 12 Ines of rain in six hours that we're going to be Problem free or see and and on the same token see damage in in a particular area that that's catastrophic so we heard the speaker we'll address it the first address is um getting with our engineer which we'll be doing this week Cliff if you haven't talked to Keith riddle yet I'm sure it's next on his list so that that process will be we will contract with Keith riddle if that amount is under 50 Grand you won't see the contract come before you because I will just approve it if Keith's design contract is over 50 Grand you will see that contract become for you we will go right to Keith riddle on that one because he's our design consultant in housee it will we'll save time and we can get a design started upon completion of that design we'll be back with you trying to figure out how we pay for the improvements don't know what the improvements are my knee-jerk reaction from experience and from talking with Cliff is probably some sort of expanded retention area that we have to design um the the lakes in Barry Park typically were designed to hold this type of water as well as the Lakes that's behind the trail those were designed for this type type of water but they were they were overwhelmed with the water um so we'll have to go back and look at different designs and ways that we can move out massive amounts of storm water it it may be absorbing some of those empty properties and turning those into retention areas and the like um so we're that's really job one post storm is figuring out a solution for that um other flooding around the the area in the community wasn't as significant as that and and and other than that area I think we probably would have a pass um as far as flooding goes probably the next significant issue uh that we had uh her saw a lot about it about Facebook uh spent uh probably about an hour with reporter last night was the situation at the canal treatment plant um and I provided the commission a detailed report on that I think I did that Friday or Saturday night so let me just talk real briefly about what occurred there again I can't underscore how significant Milton was 12 Ines of rain in that 4 Hour span that's a lot of rain you guys um that's a catastrophic storm that's a 500-year storm 500e storm meaning you only see that once every 500 years um so having said that uh the situation at the plant was twofold uh it just took on too much water too fast um that plant's capacity the canal treatment plant plant is capacity of 3.5 million gallons a day uh we typically process in that plant about 2.2 million gallons of water a day um so obviously our operating norms and the capacity are significantly under so that means the the plant operates correctly in normal times Milton again not a normal time um so what happened about midnight the power went out the generator kicked on um I I put together in that report there's a picture of kind of how everything flows um so water comes into the plant at the head wall which is really right off 441 so when you drive past it and you see that little place that makes the cemetery Stones right next to that to the West that's where the head wall to the plant is so all the Wastewater from uh core leberg and the west side of Leesburg goes into that plant about 2.2 million gallons a day at midnight the power went off and the generator kicked on but by midnight we had received so much rain that groundwater inundated under underground electric cables and those electric cables go from the generator to the the switch box which is in the building in the basement and where we sustained flooding so what happened was the the switch gear the underground wiring sustained mass of waters so the electric current from the generator couldn't get to the switch so we couldn't switch from online power to generating power because of II inflow and infiltration so you're going to hear me say II a couple more times tonight so that is why the plant kicked offline so when the plant kicked offline the water built up the water breached okay it wasn't somebody pushing or pulling a valve and saying ah we got to get water let's just dump it water breached at a peak I think we hit about 7 and a half to 8 MGD so let me say that let me run these numbers past you again the plant took in seven and a half to 8 MGD at one point when the power was off and we processed 2.2 with the name plate capacity of 3.5 that means over three times the amount of water hit the plant at a critical Junction so Wastewater spewed out credit goes to our our our Wastewater folks because they were on the issue as best they could and what and and as that water breached out of the head walls it flooded the building then it moved to the north into a ditch and then that ditch line carried it to the east towards Lake Griffin the guys immediately got out hoses and pumped and we tried to pump that water back into the headworks kind of to to repeat this so there's a cycle so pump out back overflow and that cycle repeated in that process we probably saved a couple hundred thousand gallons of waste water from going into the lake but um about 1.9 million did by about 8 in the morning we finally got power back on and the the the breach was stopped it was cleaned up on the ground we put out lime um the water that got into the lake we couldn't do a whole lot with but then we immediately self-reported we immediately self-reported um there's state regulations from d and I don't know what the litus test on it is they changed those probably about three or four years ago to a certain gallonage where you have to report obviously we were way above that so it's an sop we self-reported the next problem that happened is as uh the crew started going out collecting waste water getting our lift stations back online many of our major lift stations have generation power so they pump and they turn on but many of our other lift Stations don't um again to build to this level of storm you know you We complain about the price tags that we see now so if we were build into a level of a 500-year storm your hair would really be on fire so long story short we go out though and rotate part of the standard operator procedures in an emergency situation like this is is we go from lift station to lift station to lift station around the community and we pump those down um as far as I know Cliff we had no lift station spillages um so that's a good thing because I you know I I colloquially call it the lift station Rodeo because you know we go around the horn and pumping pump so we did that successfully but what that did was as what more Wastewater came in everything's kind of a delay like a flood if you're if you're Downstream the flood's up and it works down to you the same in the plant so we got in more water and so um we had a we had we we balanced out at a at a peak capacity that was going into the plant at 7 MGD 7 MGD which we held for a couple days so even though the plant got back up and we didn't breach the headworks anymore the plant continued to process waste water water and when when it works that fast we can't get to what we call a reuse quality of the ReUse water and so we have what we call a reject water so reject water is pretty close to the quality of a reuse water but not quite there yet so in a normal time what we do is we take that reject water we put it in a big pond and we feed it back into the plant and so then it clears it and then that clears out and then we can then we can shoot shoot move it off um and so now how we how we move it off is to through our reuse process and most of it now goes to the Villages but that's I digress so that's the process in this process because the plant got so much waste water in it our reject Pond began to build and so what happened is the stor there's a blowoff Inlet that's in the pond it gets to a certain level and then the reject water comes up in the pond it goes in that Inlet through another pipe into the same ditch that I mentioned earlier and then out to the West um so as as that water as as Waters continued from the system to come in and be processed we had excess reject water again we reported it to D um I would argue like I said in my report that reject water is really equivalent to probably even better to regular storm water that's hitting the Lakes um so again reported that to D I think it was about 1,400 hours yesterday that the plant settled out started hanging around 5 MGD and at 5 MGD still double what we normally do all the breaches all the issues were stopped all the things were cleaned up um and overall I think we lost about 1.9 million gallons of Wastewater uh we saved a couple hundred thousand and then we lost a couple hundred thousand gallons of reject water that went in the lake again rep reported um Let me throw a couple more numbers out at you um because uh I think one of the most important questions that the the um the media asked me was is is is Wastewater contamination a problem and the obvious answer to that is yes waste water is you know contamination is a problem that's why we treat rest water uh but at this level I I'm going to I I don't anticipate that we're going to see any punitive damage it was a cataclysmic storm and it was an act of God um and really our crews did a great job balancing the emergency and keeping it as minimal as possible but then at those levels of of Wastewater that got out of the plant no I don't think you're going to see any contamination it would be equivalent to your house you have a 2,000 foot house um and you spill chocolate milk on the brand new carpet you clean it up it's not an issue and it only hit a couple of square inches of your 2,000 square feet if you continue to spill chocolate milk on your carpet then yeah you got a problem so the lake is the same way you know in small incremental levels mother nature takes care of itself uh if we were spill in 1.9 million gallons of Wastewater every day 247 365 it would be a problem but the level of contaminant that got into the lake was I'll throw out another number for you we we estimated that Lake Griffin is 3.8 billion gallons of water okay and we put in about 1.9 million so that that's 0.65% just if you wanted to do another math um I think that's important to bring up because I think again the guys did a great job I think there's always alarm when those type of things happened but again the Calamity of the storm it was a big deal let me finish up I don't mean to be going all but those were two important issues that I think needed to get covered properly and it and uh I think at the end of the day we'll probably work with the EP you know if we got to find some other areas um we are receiving hopefully hopefully $19 million of funding uh and so I'm sure we'll probably spend some of that $19 million at the canal plant not that it's not functioning properly but um there's always things to do so uh again I think a lot of credit to the guys and again the Calamity of the storm and PLO threw out a lot of numbers at y'all but those those are important for reference points um then the third thing I would point out um is the electric recovery um again another again the size of the storm I I think too what makes uh Milton special in a bad way is how many onesies and twoes that we got um so long story short at about 7 o'clock we were down to 150 customers out a lot of credit to the electric department for getting everything back up we will continue to keep in touch with with you um a lot of credit to some of the resources that we got in from Mutual Aid um and so if you're still out we're very sorry um but uh I will say 57 hours into the event we were 90% up and that that is a significant uh sign of a great operation so a lot of credit to to Brad and his guys out at the electric Department guys and ladies finally debris will be getting picked up if you have debris get it out to the rideway if you can get your stumps and big trees that might be in your backyard if you can get those out to the rideway we will get whatever you pick up some of the extremities have already been picked up in the town the extremities uh like I spoke with commissioner canel earlier like Arlington Ridge Legacy those areas some of the newer subdivisions around town have been picked up up in the uh Silver Lake Area um down south leeburg are being picked up so our focus is going to be be kind of Center core out um we started those operations today we'll get everything picked up that first pass and we will continue to pick stuff up so just encourage everybody to get your debris please keep your debris pile segregated so if you've got that damag couch or whatever you're going to throw out on the street we prefer you not do that but if you do at least keep everything segregated um other than that I can't think the department heads enough I think uh again I think we were very well prepped Joe did an excellent job with us as our Emergency Management director I'm not going to mention everybody's name but everybody I think did a fantastic job recovering of course I'll answer any questions y'all have and formalize stuff up I don't have any numbers as far as costs yet uh I I understand the president declared that we will that we were a disaster area so we will start working next phase is to start working all the paperwork to start getting the fem of reimbursement and we will report accordingly any questions for Al roll call commission canel nothing tonight commission reesman couple things obviously Echo city manager with all the thank yous um our staff and department heads did a really good job um any updates I know not we don't to talk about it tonight just can we get an update on what we requested for the security upgrades for the customer service downstairs in floor one we they're super quick there we are putting a glass wall up there I think it goes up you know it doesn't go all the way up to the ceiling but that's in the works okay perfect um thank you Pastor John and the CDC for that informative update I think us as a city all the way everyone we can do a little maybe improve on how we get so many good things happening in our city and all over our city out there I think we have so much good happening in our city and I think we could do better getting that information out there because there was a lot of things that I had no idea that you guys were doing so very job and I think we can get some of those things on your list pretty quickly and then um we have a football game after this that we are the sponsor so if you have the availability to come at halftime they'll be recognizing us and we get to go out and accept the plaque with all the team and then lastly uh this Saturday at the college is The Walk For Freedom walk to uh bring awareness for human trafficking in our country with that I'll end it there Mr Peterson I just want I just want to thank all our city staff for all their efforts uh specifically uh Public Works uh and electric Department commission Barry um yes I'm going to try to make it brief actually I had three things but I'm just going to make two um first I'd like to make a comment on the meeting that I met missed um last month September 23rd when there was a discussion bought up about the CRA money owing to the electric company I truly appreciate it with the not knowing anything about the subject manner totally nothing about related to district one in my absence that that was discussed I don't think that was the best practice I I know this is my only opportunity to share my feelings saying that there was a discussion made without the CRA Commissioners or myself being here um not knowing about it I understand that it was a note from some time ago for the building of um the resource center and I realized that it's important but I didn't realize it was a an emergency or something that we needed to do to replace as soon as possible because that's been how many years I mean Allen for resource center being built five more than that it's more than five six yeah well anyway I just felt that the I'm read it through the notes and the discussion I didn't think it was a good practice to be discussing processes and means of maybe re I mean amending our budget that we just approved and voted on that maybe go back to without giving the C and myself as a commissioner an opportunity to discuss or even share the desires that we have for developing the community I think it's important that I share this because I believe in working together and I think we're a great group but if I didn't say anything you would never know where I was and I can't do it one onone so I have to do it public I hope that this won't happen again and and I would never do it to any one of you all if discussing something with your District without your presence so just in a lighter note I had to let you know where I'm standing with this I know that I'm a team player and I'm still learning and I appreciate each one of you all because you helped me for as things that I need to know so um just wanted to let you know where I was with this and I hope that this doesn't happen again on a lighter note I want to say kudos to again all of the department heads and their staff and a special thanks to the two cories in the gas department for assisting me with a issue on Saturday after hours so thank you again AL I thank you for the updates that you provided from the minute on from 700 a.m. I think I was talking to you Thursday on till I probably worked your nerves but guess what we got it done and I was getting responses from residents and constituents saying thank you our power is on like I didn't have any control but I was tell letting them know what the city is doing the process how it worked explain it to them I still would then share that with Al he'll say done done everything was like a check mark done so I want to say great I've never experienced this before um this was a learning process and I can say it ran pretty smooth I don't know of any hookups and the updating that the Commissioners had the information to get out to the community was perfect and thank you mayor bur nothing tonight can I just say I just say one thing to Alison Barry that was me I brought that up and I know we can't discuss it um it was a last minute thing because we we're approving the budget and when I talked to the city manager about that so I do apologize because I know you weren't here at that meeting but we did decide to table it for a future discussion with the CRA and the Commissioners so thank you and I do accept apologies but we are allowed to discuss issues we're elected by District but we represent the entire city so there there's a fine line here we can't talk individually but we can talk here but we have a right to talk about issues that are Citywide with Mr missing and I and but I respect her her opinion on that we did table it for a future discussion so but I see her point I'm going to leave it there it's not a right or anything it's just a level of respect I think that's where I'm coming from so I accept the apology sorry thank you sorry mayor that's all right nothing from me motion to adjourn got football game okay e e e e