e e e e e e e e e e e y ready down there I do we'll call the meeting to order this is the Carver Heights Montclair area CRA it is uh Tuesday May 28 2024 at 5: PM uh if You' please rise for the invocation and the pledge Heavenly Father we ask that you watch over this group tonight and that you help us us make good decisions for the city of lebur we do this in your name amen amen a pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all right we'll begin tonight by welcoming our new members uh always a pleasure um if we could uh have an a motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting if everybody's had a chance to review them moved second any discussion on those minutes roll call commissioner Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes commissioner Connor yes commissioner Alderman yes commission conel yes here chairperson bur yes we also have the minutes from the uh CRA Workshop could we get a motion to approve those so moved so uh roll call commissioner Barry yes commissioner Connor yes commissioner Alderman yes commissioner canell yes commissioner Peterson yes chairperson Barry yes all right we'll move on to the resolutions if someone would please introduce uh item 3A I'll introduce as be read by title only resolution of the Carver Heights Montclair area community redevelopment agency of the city of Leesburg Florida authorizing the chairperson and secretary to execute special warranty deeds to convey Surplus vacant lots to nonprofit organizations as established by the Surplus lot donation policy and procedure and providing an effective date motion to approve can I get a second one so all right discussion uh Al could you just run us through give you a debrief okay so once upon a time the city received uh a list of lots that um were being requested by various um nonprofit organizations for us to to donate to them uh based on our inventory list at that time the commission CRA board I'm going to use synonymously did not want to continue a pattern of disseminating lots without a formal policy so we had the Quasi if you will lot Mor torium in place while we put together a policy so after some time we put together a policy which I sent out to the commission earlier today which is resolution 11372 which effectively was the more the um lot donation policy that we put in place um essentially it says that the commission may donate uh Lots you don't have to donate Lots but you may donate lots and if you do the criteria would be um set forth that have to be at not for-profit recognized by the city um it didn't specify what type of not for-profit but just a not for-profit um and that um there would be time parameters on the agency who adopted the lot whereby they would have to start construction for a single family unit within 24 months it have to be complete within 36 months um if that hadn't taken place the lot can be called back by the city or an extension can be provided to to whatever um some of the other parameters were that uh the donation of the house or the purchase of the house in the future would be reviewed by the city um and there were certain criteria put in place for the applicant to be um a certain within a certain amount of the low to moderate income levels and we would review and approve who the ultimate owner of the house would be um as long as the petitioner followed those rules then the city would set out and and potentially donate these Lots the other item of significance in the policy is that once the house is then um goes from the organization into ownership of a person that that person can't sell the property within 5 years of owning it um if they do then the city can retake some of the value of the lot back on a Prat share so you know so say the lot's worth 100 bucks you know it dinks down that 20% every I proat a share um so those are then all memorialized in the special warranty deed um so that um when the property donation is recorded the city still has some right of claim to make sure that all those requirements of the policy are in place after we got the policy in place we found out that a number of the Lots requested the city did not have clear title to um say the abbreviated version of that is um just some procedural things from code enforcement and claims that we had on properties and advertisement things little bit of different process from City attorney Morrison to City attorney Watson now that we got all those things squared away the lots that are being considered uh to be given um with your action this evening are all squared away and it goes back to the initial requests these are not new re requests these are previous requests um commissioner Barry has talked to me um and she'd like the city to consider um once I I'll let her speak for herself but once these lots are done done she would like the city to kind of consider a potential sale of the remaining inventory um pending your action tonight I will update the inventory list and get that out to you but that would be a matter I think that the the entire commission would need to talk about um in moving forward so essentially tonight these are old requests now being um worked through the new policy um and on consideration for tonight uh because the CRA owns these Lots is 706 beer Street uh being donated to the CDC of leeburg 701 cormack Street being donated to the Christian worship center 103 Georgia uh being donated to the CDC of leeburg 801 Beacher Street being donated to homes in Partnership and Alabama Avenue uh being donated to the West lebur CDC um so these are all a sweeping action and all the special warranty deeds have the reference to the policy for the city's claims do we have questions from any of the Commissioners um yes I have questions please in reference to the process after the moratorium can you hear me after the moratorium was placed we lifted we put in our criteria you're um I understand that these Lots were already put in prior to however we have criteria stating three years um three lots within a three-year period and how did these Lots get selected for the dissemination tonight for this these locations so two parts to that question a moving forward I would assume that any Lots moving forward since the moratorium the the count is on so for example in this action the CDC is receiving two lots so they're only eligible for one more lot donation in the next three years and be the location the loc they determined uh request from the the groups they petition the city we're just processing the request okay so the agreement or the understanding I thought when we put in that we would create some form of board far as doing the dis dispersement thank you giving out to where the Lots would go far as the location the um the concern I have is the we don't want to create I mean how many have actually put in for a request for the lot how many nonprofit organizations commissioner I don't know the answer to that my assumption is that what the receipt is Sandra in here um the receipts I'll answer this and if it's wrong Sandra jump in but the we have with this petition request we now have fulfilled all the requests that are on us so we don't have any Beyond this request so are are you is that you're saying that all of the yeah once once you approve and give away these lots pursuant to the new policy we no longer have any requests in process but still have lots we still have lots but no request for Lots okay that's what that's my concern because I I was under the impression that we would come up with a process of how we would distribute the Lots with the housing department that understanding is that you've done that with the policy we we didn't the policy doesn't address how the city will issue the Lots it's it's done on a a request basis yeah the criteria was set to determine who gets the lot but then who I mean who can apply for the lot of requested but all the lots that are that have been listed here how is that determined that West leeburg versus excuse me Carver Carver Heights Monclair versus leeburg City versus the um home partnership how does that determine how the request was I I hear two different questions in there yes it is too a the ownership of the lot is the city and the city could be in different ways it could be through the the Carver height CRA which is this it could be the downtown CRA it could be not in the C in a c District which then would be just the city commission so depending on the title of of the lot will dictate how the lot is given away so these lots are specifically owned by the Carver height C so this body needs to give away the lot okay so when we did go ahead the second part of your question was again how do we determine who gives it away these were lots that were owned by the Carver Heights CRA and we requesting and we are responding to requests from the organizations in this case leberg CDC Christian Center and West lebur CDC petitioned the Carver height C to ask for this body to donate that inventory to them okay maybe I understand that so now my concern is if you have two nonprofits asking for the same property how is determined who gets what we didn't have that situation if well then we would have to figure out you know flip a coin or whatever but we didn't we didn't run into that situation well that was the part of the concern that constituents calling interested in the lots and told that the Lots were already donated so my concern is there of several lots available we C created a criteria and establishment for nonprofits to how we should go about it that's established that next step far as moving forward as in handing them out is where I am and was not aware of of when it was to be done so when the the marketing piece when that was advertised in the paper the classified piece how did we do the advertisement for that to let people know that lots are available I just don't want to continue to let to see like we're causing some form of a monopoly that only certain nonprofits receive it if there's others that are interested that's what I'm I understand your concern and my only response back to you is it's really your prerogative on how you'd like to vote on this matter I think we followed the policy the new policy that was adopted to the te M I've heard your request that on the remaining inventory and I think that's something the the body needs to deliberate on is how you want to move forward there's I will get you the updated list there's still several Lots on there that are not earmarked or not spoken for so the city can do an advertisement to seek interest to try to sell the Lots or however you you may want to move forward so the advertisement though is what I'm showing here is listed so that's not all the Lots the advertisement that's not all the Lots that's the lots that are being considered for dissemination this evening okay I just I don't I'm not in favor of it and I just wanted to make sure I understood the process of how it was going after we had actually made our criteria of how to determine and then the distribution of the lots and that's where I am with this I'm going to try to help a little bit uh maybe if I understand it correctly but we have a group of lots right now there's only been one party interested per lot so this one's an easy one to me we have other Lots I guess my other comment would be we've gotten we slowed all that we slowed the process down and we're sitting on lots that are that need to be moved so I guess my you know let's let's move on I guess is my point let let's approve these and let's get the next one in the bucket and I don't I don't think there's been a big demand for them um that's not true well they said one person applied per I I don't know I'm based on the calls that I've received and people cons non for profits um some were non for some were for nonprofits but they were told that the Lots were already distributed and that's where I'm concerned at try we have other Lots we have plenty of lots they w a lot we have lots yeah but you just no it's it's not just that easy that you just give a land give a land the goal is to build the CRA that is my goal as a commissioner to build the CRA and bring in as much um tax dollars as well as um affordable homes for the community and for people that are in need so when I I just want to make it make sure that I understand when we decided in our June meeting to an advisory committee was suggested to oversee this process I don't know if that have ever taken place and I'm not aware so this is my time I can ask so I'm just wanting to be clear that if are we really being fair with the distribution of the law process CU I don't think so well other comment yes yes okay if you guys say that the carah height crra have ownership of these correct these lots are within that within within my neighborhood correct down the street from me correct and I've investigated all of them every last one of these lots are kind of like Prime Lots when I've investigated which I have not met with Miss Wilson in housing which I need to as a new member of CRA I don't want to move on anything that I don't really know I want to sit down with her and see where this goes I'm not against new homes being built in my neighborhood but we got three nonprofits with the same people on the board same thing going to the same people and that is my concern if there are other nonprofits that want to or we can sell it as a CRA and make a financial contribution to that area so that we can get other things done done in my area that's what I want to see now I can give them three Lots hold on three till I get a 90 I want 90 days with Miss Wilson so that I can understand how this housing situation and things are moving these pieces move I was installed in January and I need to meet with her so I will email her she give me a date I will spend a day with her I know you guys want to move it out the way that's all well fine and good I don't have an issue with that but I need to understand what's going on in my neighborhood I can appreciate that and I understand that I think my position is I want the houses built I want the neighborhood to get better and we are trying our best to limit who can do that we're we're putting a maximum of three in three years is that three in three years to whatever organization so that the organization can do three you're concerned that only one organization I hear I'm aware aware of that but that organization is going to build three houses they going to be three homeowners in the new neighborhood and right now everybody in leesburg's paying the mow the grass you know the tax it's just sitting on the tax rolls so you know this is an opportunity well like I say give me some time to speak with Miss Wilson I have no issue with this but my issue is because when you look at paper and I'm looking at who's all on the boards of these things it's the same people and if there's anyone else that can be you know come in nonprofit or I can sell that property to them and they put a house there I mean it's a plus for that Community as well One Prime Company we need a senior citizen building out there we don't just need houses we need other things in that community so that we can push the bad out bring in the new that is my goal so any any other comments yes sir if I may chime and um that was my I'm new to the process as well so um forgive me if I didn't catch all the details with the process um but what I observed through the paperwork was it seemed like what I'm hearing is is a monopoly you know I'm seeing the same people so one of my questions was what is the process for getting other nonprofits qualified to be a to be a uh available to be in on this this process uh have access to these properties I don't have an answer to that I mean it's an application process for the nonprofit there's not an answer to that question I think three members of the board have expressed that the city needs to do more to disseminate information about available Lots the city has not done that the city however has received request we've tabled request we've put together a poli policy we followed that policy and now we're revisiting existing requests there are no more pending after this but if it's this body's choice you know so I think the city is you know we're responsible for seeing the completion of that request and if there's a no vote on that request from this body then those that request has been processed and will function differently in the future it probably deserves a discussion of the body how you would like to disseminate the inventory so you had a pending list you had a moratorium I'm repeating myself now but you had a pending list you had a moratorium we addressed a moratorium with a donation policy we have followed the donation policy now there's at least three Commissioners on the CRA board who question that maybe we should disseminate to other organizations I understand that that is not a staff determination that's a legislative prerogative on how this body wants to donate the Lots right so if you vote Yes then these Lots will be donated pursuant to the new policy if you vote no then I would say that that request has been answered with a no vote and it will be incumbent upon this body or the city Commission on how do we want to proceed if we even want to disseminate the Lots in our inventory so the question on hand is a legislative one I think the staff function properly and it's now your turn to vote on how you want to move forward does the CRA have other Lots in the pipel what's the inventory on on how many lots are a total was it 18 18 maybe 20 I thought that was Citywide that's in the C you think there's there's a handful of inventory that still exists I don't need an exact number I guess I'm just you may not want to there's additional inventory as my question okay yes so I guess I mean I feel strongly we need to prove this we've been sitting on these way too long move these out I don't four or five lots and address the other Commissioners concerns with these future we got plenty of lots to work on we can tweak the program if they want to tweak it we're spending way too much time and overly complicating process has work pretty good for the city and I don't think people are knocking down the doors to buy these lots I'm not against trying to sell them but maybe that's the solution you know I think so put out there let people bid on them maybe that's the solution I um respect your comment Mr pet Peterson but I still want to meet with the housing before I make a move on this it can be 10 days 15 days or whatever just let me meet and get an understanding of how things are shifting and moving okay I think I I I I deserve that I'm new here I deserve it one more note comments from the commission yes one more note um as she mentioned earlier um I kind of took a look at some of these properties myself as well and they're they're Prime properties and for instance there's one right there where the pool that was I think they started demolishing the pool on July 29th of 2022 and I'm sure there were other properties there before that one but that one's I guess that address that I see 1111 that's the former uh ho Dabney swimming complex and the old and that's a pretty good size property so I can't see that looks like you can put several houses on that so I don't know that would have to be but I'm saying it's well I don't well I guess you haven't driven in that area no I have but Dan would have to answer okay whether we could have several houses on one of the areas or not so I mean if that's considered one lot that's a pretty good size lot so where the old swimming pool was dabing [Music] Dan Miller Planning and Zoning um on the old Abney swimming pool I would need to get a picture of the size of the lot I'm familiar with where it is and um the the possibilities there could be more than one house there but I do need a square footage and see what the surrounding zoning is and what the that may be zoned publicly public at this time so but I'd be happy to look at something if you need me too and make that determination all right so another note on that is Mike she mentioned that I think we need a a senior complex somewhere in our area I mean I thought that we have a PUD for a senior complex in Montclair okay that's on the books well monair and Carver there still a little bit of a distance so for the elderly that would be a little bit of a I get youall you know but when we talk about senior housing it is I mean well not even senior housing it could be like a a like a manyi complex like you have with a vention center right there I mean that was a public public place so why couldn't you put another public facility there to uh maybe give people in that neighborhood access to other things other than just you know I think we're losing sight of the the whole theory of a CRA you know we're trying to take vacant lots that are not generating any tax revenue have somebody put a home on them create a taxable value we build a number of these create more tax revenues to the CRA and then start doing projects like you're talking about I mean how we prioritize them doesn't matter I guess what I'm saying we can we can talk about the other ideas the CRA has but I think we're missing the boat here we're losing opportunity to create more revenue for the CRA here and we're just sitting on lots that are costing us money to clear versus you know but I mean so that's my point as may I add one more thing as my my major concern as the commissioner for the district is that we provide a opportunity for various organizations to come in and even some small investors to do something to build a CRA but right now my concern is that I I know that we're regurgitating and we're using the same process that we put in place but with the same players and I'm no no no offense to any organization trying to move forward but give others a chance so I would like to I would like to listen to the public I see two standing and then I would make my recommendations my last comment is we need to move these Lots out and apply their thoughts their ideas to the remaining 15 18 lot we got plenty of lots to work with we can tweak the program but we we're just this is ridiculous sitting on these Lots we've been I think we've been talking about this for over a year and how many is this four we got 14 more yeah and important thing to remember is what does the CRA make right now when you when you're talking about building a community center there the C I ask how maybe eight you know that was actually the next item about 8 thou $800,000 a year to build something like the community center something of that nature you you're talking about doing nothing for five years and then just doing that so I mean what what's more important getting some houses built for people or having a community center that you can't do you can't use it you can't for five years or more I think I think they're both important don't wrong so my but my goal is I mean I don't want to keep going over this but I mean I don't mind going over till I make my point if you understand where I'm coming from my thing is is that the main goal is to put some form of organization and process in place we did that now we're needing another process to put in place to distributed cuz no one can answer when the marketing should be done and if it's 30 days was no here is 30 days really long enough and then if not that should be Revisited and then also we need to consider if we do sell some of the pro land that I mean just look consider the CDC for the Cara Heights in Montclair area I don't know how many times or what was offered to them as a CDC group that could build and Grant true affordable homes as well as just projects for the CRA all it's to build the CRA that's all I'm looking for to build the CRA so that we don't have to rely on grants we can build our own Coffer get this money steady there and then use grants for like extra but if we build our CRA by doing and I'm not against building of homes please understand but it's how I guess it's how it's being selected for these to be chosen and then these are remaining and that's what I have a problem with because I know the area and if it was distributed and stated prior to the moratorium is it fair that we pick up and go back there or do we start new I mean this is all discussions that I have questions on so okay well we have a motion on the floor to approve this resolution before we vote on that we're going to allow public comment good evening Dr Eric Jasper um I'm just here to get clarity to understand I think Al kind of conveyed the point commissioner bar uh you were instrumental in making up this policy now you're questioning the policy that you implemented um when it came you know our our goal is here to serve the community you put the moratorium in it was lifted and now you made up this policy it was first come first serve from what I understand and it's those organizations problem or issue that they're not involved or connected to know what's going on in the City Council meetings that they missed the the announcements that's not the issue of of the CRA and I think we have to understand the purpose of the CRA and the purpose of building to provide Economic Development and also too um a comment was made about a monopoly the question or the problem is you have developers that have experience in building you just don't want to get anybody who don't have the funds or the resources to build or to get these lots and don't have the funds to move forward move our community for the CR the C the CDC West leeburg CDC hip and also CWC they have the track record of building sustainable houses you want to provide Economic Development economic growth in these communities so I'm just curious and also uh commissioner Connor you mentioned that you need 90 days well that's your issue that you didn't do your research before coming to the board to know what was going on yeah you're new to the board but you have a responsibility to do your research before you have these meetings and if you live in the city of leeburg you would know that versus being in Tampa so that is my question how is this a monopoly how is this Monopoly when these organizations have shown proof that they have the sustainability to move our community forward thank you let me address um I I'm not going to get personal with Miss Jasper I work in Tampa I live in leeburg let's get that corrected number one I did do my research number two we're not going to get personal here and I'll deal with you later thank you Mr chairman um Commissioners um Pastor John Christian uh pastor of the Christian worship center chairman of the leberg CDC Vice chairman of homes and partnership and I say all that because I think reference was made about some people on multiple organizations um let me go back into the history why the CR has have these Lots when the CRA did the carb Heist plan we had Greg Belo group come in that did the CRA plan we found out that we had too many renters in Carver Heights the issue then we needed home ownership so Ken Thomas then been the housing economic development director went out and sought with Cod enforcement help to acquire lots for the CRA and Cara Heights for single family home ownership that's why that's how you have as many Lots as you have in Carver height crra will provide single family opportunities because there was too many renters and Carver Heights if you can remember I was the initial person before any other organization came asked this organization for three lots for my church because if you go through Carver Heights there's three organizations who building brain housing Carver Heights the Christian worship center the Community Development Corporation and homes in Partnership are the only three nonprofits that are building new homes in Carver Heights go back three years ago you'll find homes in Partnership the only nonprofit that's building in Carver Heights so why we got this illusion that people are knocking down the doors to build affordable housing in Carver Heights that's just not the case there's a huge risk um you give a lot away some ass says Valu so say $15,000 when my church builds a house we got 200 plus, of cash on the on the ground with a $10,000 lot so we're taking all the risk so so I just encourage you you look at your other City surrounding ask them how many nonprofits are building in the blighted communities that they serve go to eustus have aest oning a wonderful job go to Mount Dora go to clar m just ask them how many nonprofits are building affordable homes in their community and let's go homegrown nonprofits remember the CDC um had us an agreement with the city which calls a federal consent decree that says the city has to work with the CDC doing their development projects so the CDC is asking if nobody else gets approved that you approve the CDC Lots because you have a federal consent decree that mandates that you work with the CDC on their development plan this is our development plan this is West leberg Community Development plan and our CDC has met with West leberg CDC in a joint meeting and and this was our proposal to them was to do exactly what we're here doing tonight so I'm not here and I understand everybody's position but I just encourage you this is I've wrote written three letters of requests three different times so this will be a four time of asking now I've done my homework because I was sitting there and probably one of ones who encourage the city to purchase these lands to be aggressive and acquiring these Lots so if it's a wait M Miss Conor that's fine um you know building a a community center we have a community center right there um right right above um I think on Pamela street so and I don't disagree the senior Senior Living Senior activities are probably CDC has a monthly brunch where we provide our our generational um talents in lesburg to have those type of activities so we think as a CDC we are meeting that need and yet it may be a need for a center but that takes planning that takes a loan because you have to borrow money to do that and if that's that this is that body's request I think we have you have a workshop and you declare that's what you want to do but not do it on on the back of because that lot won't be big enough to build a senior complex you're going to need more land for retention parking Etc uh and and a home probably brings and on Al can probably help us the C probably gets maybe $1 $200 from from a house um so your commercial this CRA is growing um because what's happening on tally box road with your commercial development that's where the growth that's where the money comes in what the homes does it helps our law enforcement helps our community get rid of crime it build sustainability in our neighborhoods so I just encourage you uh to to go forward with with this proposal from these nonprofits um homes and partnership is here um and that's on that board and we actually encourag them because the lot that's on beer and John's across from the Elks um that's a very tricky lot to put a house there across from the Elks club is a tricky somebody's got to pay the money and cross their fingers hope that someone can buy that homes and part has a financial capacity to make that happen so so I just encourage you if you really want to see real change allow these nonprofits to work and then we heard the 24 months um Dan is great he's fast but if you give a lot say the pool lot it's going to take us six or seven months to get it reson and properly ready to be built on so even that 24 months you going to need an organization that's ready to go not that's going to try to Hope get money because it's going to take you six seven months just to get those lots zon properly um and ready to build so I just encourage you allow these nonprofits to go to work and and I'm a nonprofit so I'm not a monopoly I just work real hard and I think I'm good at what I do and I believe in affordable housing that's why I serve on homes and partnership um that's why I serve on the CDC and that's why my church um started building homes because we knew the need so thank you for listening to me I went over my time I apologize but thank you very much any other public comment yes ma'am I'm Cassandra Cunningham with the West leeburg CDC I'm the face of the West Le CDC so I get a lot of questions the questions that I had for you all tonight have already been asked and answered so I won't delay your time however I think the biggest problem we have right now is the process understanding the process all we're asking is show us how it works don't bring us in on the tail end and tell us well you didn't do this and you didn't do your homework and you didn't do that we're new to this we have not gotten a lot before our organization to build one to build a house and we want to get involved in it but we need to understand the process I know for a fact and Fred Griffin is our president he's on vacation but I know for a fact I have copies of them he has sent six to 10 requests how many we got we got one we got one of those requests not that we we want 10 but we had to keep resubmitting and I'm sure there's a reason Sandra probably will sit me down and tell me why each one of them um was rejected or denied but I'm just saying if we understand the process we wouldn't have to go through that we're just asking I understand what Miss Connor is saying we're just asking to understand the process only a handful of people really understand the process so that we won't waste his time anymore thank you thank you any other public comment any other comments from the commission yes go ahead um I I would like chime in on one thing that I heard um said was that um I'm going to go back to the location where the swimming complex was I mean I'm certain you guys knew that you were going to demolish that complex in advance so I'm wondering you know now that it's been granted as to be used for a home that I mean some planning could have been put in place before then what you could do with that property prior to just putting a home there I understand I understand there's a complex over on Pamela street but you know that's kind of removed from the area in car where I'm at in Cara Heights so I mean I think and it doesn't have to be a huge complex like what's over the Venetian Center something that's modest and go right there I mean the pool was there and that was a good size place for the pool so I'm just saying some thought could have been put in place as to what other things could be that property right there could be used for maybe some I mean and I understand may you know community may not have been involved but you know here I am now so like she said we got installed in January so I'm not going to know everything right at the jump but I think something could some thought could have been put in place as to what could we put here not I understand there's other Lots there for homes but what we could put here to maybe serve the community you know a public facility since you already owned it thank you we have a any other comments we have a motion on the any other comments roll call commission canel no commissioner Alderman no commissioner Peterson yes commissioner Barry no commissioner Connor no chairperson bur yes okay so that failed uh let's move on to would somebody please introduce resolution 3B can can I make a comment on the last my item um we've been bickering about this for 18 months um I I we need to just put these damn things up for sale um or auction them off or something I want to spend another 18 months bickering over how to get rid of lots you know let's just get them marketed almost like a silent type bid let people submit bids on let's move them out just an idea I don't mean I don't want to do it right now I'm just thr out an idea we got to get these things moving and that'll make the process a little more fair you know if we put them out for a price I don't think they're going to bring big numbers but I hope they do that's what was suggested some time back so would you like to put that in the form of a motion I will make that a motion you help me summarize it there um commissioner Peterson is requesting that we do an advertisement for selling inventory so this body that motion would be for the properties that are owned by the Carver Heights you will need to do a separate motion for downtown and General on under the commission then all the lws so we we need to mirror that you're saying tonight we can mirror tonight all three need to mirror tonight all three okay help me remember that okay may I make a suggestion before we go is it possible that we could um table this into further discussion with the criteria that was established that I did work on and put in place as well as creating an advisory committee to help disseminate and further discussion far as two cell to have that option as well as some donations and some to sell so can we have that as open I don't really okay so right now we have a motion there's a motion with no hold on there's a motion on the floor and we're talking about it when we haven't even got a second so come on I mean is anybody going to second the motion so you will second the motion okay so we have a motion on the floor to put all Lots in the Carver Heights CRA out for public best offer offer so we've got a second on that motion is there any discussion on that now I that's not the goal for what I was looking for for the district and selling all proper property okay so no so you would be opposed yes I oppose do you have any comments anybody okay so we have I just gonna say cut it in half but uh yeah but then which ones I'm fine if it doesn't pass that's fine so we have a motion on the floor we have a second no more discussion is let's have a roll call on that motion commissioner Alderman here commissioner Peter yes commissioner Barry no commissioner Connor yes commissioner conell no chairperson B yes just sell them 4 to two 4 to two yes sir for selling them yeah okay all right so now let's go move on to resolution 3B did we get that introduced no sir okay would someone please introduce resolution 3B I'll introduce must be read by title only resolution of the Carver Heights Montclair area community redevelopment agency of the city of lebur Florida approving Home Improvement Grant award agreements for 12 recipients in the Carver Heights Montclair community redevelopment area and providing an effective date approval second thank you discussion is there any discussion on this item this is this is the this is the new home grant program that disseminates the about $300,000 that we had budgeted for the home grant program um I think the staff report speaks for itself there any stipulations on this one if if we buies given to rehab a house yes and so there was a stipulation in the program that if monies are given that the applicant has to bring I think it was 10% to the table the Grant application is the grant applicants also have partnered with Lake County Community Action Agency and they're doing various levels of other Grant improvements to the homes including our $25,000 uh those grants range anywhere from I think it was about 3500 to 6,500 in all cases the secondary Grant is being is being uh seen as their 10% match which then gets them out of the requirements of uh putting a lean on the home so they match 10% of the overall Renovations is what you're saying correct they're matching 10% of the overall City renovation project by bringing another Grant to the table so in essence the other grant money is seen as the 10% match which excludes them from the Lo requirement okay so there's no stipulation they have to keep the property for any certain time amount of time after I thought it was either either or thought was either or like 10% or a 5e phas out 10% I could be get mixed up with another I think I think if they bring the 10% it excludes them from any restrictions but but but if they don't they're subject to the fivey year sliding okay SL corre I was just trying to help commission have to be their Homestead yes so it has to be their Homestead when they get the grant but they don't soon soon as the work's done they could get $100,000 or what whatever the grant is with only a 10% no it has to remain their Homestead they can't rent is that where you were headed they rent or sell right they can sell but they can't rent it has to be homesteaded okay so they can get their house renovated for for only 10% of the improvements and then turn around and sell it yes I would have some concerns with that any other comments roll call commissioner Peterson yes commission Barry yes commissioner Connor yes commissioner Alderman yes commissioner conell no chairperson bu yes so the budget do we need to I super quick you know if if the committee wants to come back and have a discussion prior to the fiscal year 25 workshops we can do that we can do that next month um it is difficult to have the detailed conversation but essentially Anna if you would put up the slide I have prepared um just this is the the Carver Heights CRA so would be the column on the on the right so essentially the CRA brings in 117,000 we have some existing obligations that we have to do uh the housing Redevelopment uh in manager position so that's a Personnel cost some operating expenses Debt Service on the resource center and then operations of the resource center so that leaves total expenditures of about 306,000 so you have about 51,000 available so that's kind of the number that you're dealing with on what projects you want to do moving forward my recommendation to this body is going to be to continue doing the home grant program um you know you could probably increase that to 500,000 um we we had a number applicants that came in I don't remember the I want to don't hold me to this number please but they're probably upwards of around 25 I'm looking at Sandra she might remember that number probably 25ish that we received this year we were only able to fund the 12 so there's you know another 12 houses that are sitting there that are really ready to go into the next cycle so you could you could probably take that entire expenditure and and allocate it towards the home program next year um I don't know an easy way to say this but it really makes an easy you've got that money sitting there I know it's kind of a myopic project to only put it into that one uh item but that one item is a significant one to uh rehabilitate housing in Carver Heights which increases property values and that type of thing so if it's up to you all we we'll just reschedule and have a more detailed if you want to have that meeting before for um July in the workshop so we get it scheduled sometime in June I I don't need I don't need another meeting but can I ask a simple question um is this I assume this is more than last year I'm looking at the funds available you roughly what we generated last year that's a 6% that's a 6% growth okay in Revenue you know I'm I think last year we got 133% so that number is in the air I think the 6% is probably a really good uh estimate for now we'll know by the end of the week where that number is going once we get number from the Appraiser's office do I need to make a motion then is a motion needed I will for a meeting in yeah if you if you if you I'd like to move i' like to make a motion that we continue this discussion later for the fiscal year for 2024 202 so it you had that meeting before before the before the bud time yes June the second week of June second meeting that's is that just a short a meeting like this uh yeah I think we're going to have a similar motion for the next one too so we probably should schedule 30 minutes before the regular meeting and and and have it budget Centric only will be invited to that general meeting it will be a CRA meeting [Music] okay so we have a motion do we have a second on the motion commissioner Barry made a motion I made a motion a second okay so we have a second on that motion any more discussion this is on having a meeting on June uh the 2nd meeting in June the 24th it'll be a 30 minute meeting prior to the city commission meeting so it'll be at 5 o' June 10 when don't we you set it for June 10 are you on the first meeting oh you're not going to be here I'm not sure it's going to be a long commission I'd vote for I'm open what you go for I'm open for June 10th work better that's fine okay so for June 10th all right roll call commissioner Barry yes commissioner Connor yes commissioner Alderman yes commissioner conell yes commission Peterson yes chairperson bur yes okay we'll have roll call now for our new members that's an opportunity just to speak for each of the commissioners commissioner Peterson nothing tonight commissioner Barry um nothing tonight commissioner Connor nothing tonight commissioner Alderman right now thank you commissioner canel no ma'am he's not here chairperson bur uh nothing tonight motion to adjourn motion second that's it thank you e e e e we're going to call the uh greater lesburg CRA meeting to order please it's Tuesday May 28th the time is uh 5:56 uh we've already had an invocation this evening at an earlier meeting and a pledge so we'll move on to item two approval of the minutes would somebody please uh make a motion to approve the regular meeting minutes from September 14th I move that we accept the meeting minutes from the September 14th meeting of the um leberg c meeting second roll call Bar yes commiss Ponder yes commiss soos yes conell yes Comm Peterson yes chairperson bur yes could we also get a motion to approve the CRA new member Workshop minutes from February 27th I move that we accept the new CRA minutes from the workshop that was back in September February February EXC me okay February 27th 2024 second we got a second roll call commissioner Ponder yes commissioner Soo yes commissioner canel yes commissioner Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes chair person B yes so we have uh would someone please introduce the resolution 3A introduce as be read by title only resolution of the greater lebur community redevelopment agency of the city of leasburg Florida authorizing the chairperson and secretary to execute a resolution approving fiscal year 2024 facade sign and Landscape Grant Awards and providing an effective date motion to motion to approve second discussion any discussion on those items Al if you just give us the staff report is is self-explanatory this is uh approving uh three separate facade sign landscape grants for the amounts that are in there with is with the allocation I believe that that uh absorbs the earmarked monies for the fund so there's zero facade signed landscape money left in the program unless you refund it next fiscal year any other discussion roll call commissioner soall yes commissioner canell yes commissioner Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes commissioner Ponder yes chairperson BR yes okay so if you put that back up again commissioner Barry requested another discussion on future budget stuff because of the board be a new um similar to the Carver height SI the the left is is pretty much the snapshot of what the downtown or greater leberg CRA looks like um right now the CRA brings in about a million bucks again this is with a 6% increase in revenues for fiscal year 25 um a little bit more of uh a stretching of funds on this one uh the million dollars is is really split two ways the first way is half of the increment pursuant to the decree goes to the lesburg CDC um that so that's a requirement which is the 537,500 [Music] estimated at 443 insurance and Debt Service the debt services on the Main Street project the gateways um I that was a 10-year note I think it has about maybe it was a 15year note and has about four or five years left so long story short right now there's a deficit in the downtown CRA of minus $10,000 that number is not to worry about right now um I I I hope our Revenue estimate number is low uh so we can massage that more moving forward but pretty much everything spoken for is provided everybody likes this spending plan is that debt payment fixed is it one the CRA it increases over the years or no they're all pretty much they're pretty close to fixed I just got a question special events anything new added other than what's already special events are the the special events division of the recreation department not including bike fest okay um we will have a report for you on the sixth with regard to how the impacts a bike fest financially and and how we can pull that off or maybe you don't want to pull it off but we'll have a fuller report for you on on on the 10 so excluding bike fest the greater leberg C is funding all other special events yes shouldn't that be shared a little bit with other I mean the whole Community benefits from it there ought be I'm not saying equal split well technically we're saying that the CRA is the primary benefactor from it um and we did that for B financial and budgetary reasons so not to over tax the general fund You Could Kick the Can into the general fund on that next year I was actually looking at the other c financial so and I wasn't trying to split equally I was just saying I got you so depending on where your goals go in the general fund you're going to have a hard time kicking that one out of the C okay you help me thank you is it possible to Kick the Can a little harder for the general funds for possibility of some Home Improvements Comm I understand where you're headed and I'm going to say it depends on what the collective wisdom of the commission's priorities are for the general fund but they're getting $537,000 right there a year who the CDC CDC yes okay you have to do that ex understand I'm okay with that I'm saying that that's money that's being spent in that P Pine Street District Pine area well actually the CD actually the the caveat to that is the CDC can spend their money where they want to on understand I understand that but I mean I'm saying here's 500,000 right here yes plus they have other Revenue sources so are they reinvesting any of that into what uh commissioner Barry was just talking about into the housing yes I assume they were um and some various other projects around the downtown okay but just for the Pine Street location I think I'm I don't know the answer to that specifically but they they've invested in Carver Heights with that money they've invest they being the CDC has invested in Sunnyside they've been investing in in the snow Apartments so the snow so there's there's I'm going to say there's a pretty good mix of and we just put a contract on Floyd Lane which is East Street which is $280,000 great great so we are we are working so Ferguson Street as well may I ask Ferguson June Drive East Street Magnolia now we on proper on Barrett Avenue which is all R for Ferguson um East Street which we're proposing in 2025 to build a quad Plex on the back of Floyd Lane so um we have not um did any home repair um our our vision was to actually rebuild revitalized to ownership um for first-time home buyers and also the housing stock in that that neighborh Hood that's that's what we've beening thank you John yeah go excuse me my only concern is is that when we did the Home Improvement Grant introduction from the CRA for carboh height Monclair that was introduced and shared with the leberg group so there are applications sitting and waiting if I'm not mistaken Sandra that people are hoping that they're on that list for improvements on the east side of town yeah I can't speak to what we have in been waiting I know the Lion Share of applications is still in Carver Heights I don't know the spillover effect into the the Pine Street the downtown CRA or the 44127 CRA um you know and outside of those areas if you want to I think where the commi look I speaking for the commissioner I don't want to put words in your mouth I think she's looking for the commission to to fund the home program outside the Carver height CRA that is what the proc that is what has been explained and introduced to most of the constituents from this last year's CRA project and if if we're going to do that I think we have to do it throughout the entire city we can't sit here and segregate this money into certain blocks yes I think if you if you open the program up Citywide then that needs to be spread around but I was trying to make a make it a positive that we are you know we have a shortfall this CRA however 537,500 made some form of a commitment to a person and their application is in process I think it's our our duty as a City Commissioner to try to honor that in some kind of way we can't just drop them and say oh Well's no money that was part of the request for my initial project stating the CRA for Carver Montclair and it was introduced to both cras so the your question is true um it I think the goal would be to open up to all the other I mean to the city but no we can't do that now but because we have certain people that have already submitted applications and sitting there waiting I don't know how we how would you address that how would you tell them that no this is not a process or a possibility it's it's it's part of the Grant application commissioner okay the Grant application is a first come first serve as funds are available okay and so there for if you provided us an application and it's not where the funds are funded the Carver height CRA then it it you can deny that and you can have a waiting list the program clearly states first come first serve as funds are available okay and we have a similar program at the city level right I mean we we set aside certain amounts Citywide not for the home Grant the home Grant was only funded with Carver height okay my bad thank you okay any other comments on that discussion for the budget we don't need a vote on that so it's on to roll call commissioner Barry um yes you mean my okay my agenda items I'm sorry I was thinking somewhere else um I had a few agenda items that I don't want to hold too much but um our area of concern that I would like to bring up at our next meeting if we could add that for the next CRA downtown that didn't make it to this agenda and the concerns are the update on the John Lesley Park which I know that's coming let me I can answer that that's that's on Cliff's desk right now okay uh we're polish we've got a think we had $300,000 budgeted for it the initial construction reports came back around 400,000 so we're trying to polish that up and get that yes the bathroom that's the room at John El Jones Park right that's the restrooms as well as the gate fencing no not the fencing the just no Pavilion the fencing is already up just the restrooms two male female I mean one yes and then the next thing I'd like to add was the establishing um a neighborhood watch program in the community of the Baker Street and Crosby where we've had some major um crime issues there so that was the thing okay and is that something you'd like to pursue at the next yes that's these are the two okay commissioner Ponder nothing at commissioner so nothing at this time commissioner conel no ma'am commissioner Peterson nothing tonight chairperson bur nothing tonight get a motion to adjourn motion second second done thank you e e e e e e e e e e e right we'll call the meeting to order this is the city Commission meeting it is Tuesday May 28th 2024 the time is 6:15 uh calling the meeting to order we've had an invocation at earlier meeting along with the pledge so at this time we're going to read a proclamation whereas pride month commemorates the June 1969 Stonewall Uprising in New York City which is generally recognized as a catalyst of the lgbtqia a plus rights movement and whereas the nation was founded on the principle that every individual has in infinite dignity and worth and the City of lesburg calls Upon Our citizens to embrace this tenant and to work to eliminate Prejudice everywhere it exists and whereas the city of lesburg denounces prejudice and discrimination based on race religion color national origin sex sexual orientation gender identity age handicap or marital status and on May 26 2015 lebur became the first municipality in Lake County to pass a non-discrimination ordinance extending vital protections to lgbtqia plus individuals and whereas the city of lesburg acknowledges and appreciates the cultural Civic and economic contrib tions of the lgbtqia plus Community with strengthen our city as a whole and whereas it is important for communities like the city of leeburg to show support for all residents to actively promote the principles of equality acceptance and love and to stand in opposition to tolerance and discrimination now therefore I James a bur Jr mayor of the city of lesburg Florida to hereby proclaim the month of June 2024 as l lgbtq I A Plus pride month and encourage everyone to reflect on the ways we can all live together through M Mutual consideration respect and understanding thank you thank you so right do you want me okay so okay is that everybody there's more let them come pretty much you got half a brain room is it not too much [Music] uh first I'd like to say uh for those of you who aren't aware this is uh the chief of police badging ceremony for our new Chief ioi uh I'd like to read a little statement from a press release we we have uh Chief iosi was served as Bureau Commander for uniform services and special services and investigation and has provided dedication dedicated service to the citizens of leeburg since 1994 he holds a Bachelor of Arts and criminal justice Administration from Columbia College he has completed the FBI National Academy's 281st session the Southern Police institute's 127th administrative officers course at the University of Louisville and the Florida police Chiefs Association future Chiefs seminar as a command officer since 2014 he has provided direct supervision and management in personal matters Department training uh Department planning training policy creation budgeting and general department related functions he has demonstrated the importance of direct leadership with accessibility and accountability to all citizens his belief in community Orient oriented policing has successfully develop cohesion cohesive relationships with citizens business owners elected officials and Community stakeholders throughout his career he has a diverse understanding of policing Concepts critical to all community-driven objectives Chief iosi welcomes the opportunity to lead the men and women of the lesburg police department as chief of police and his nearly three decades of living and working in lesburg make him uniquely qualified to be the leader for this position at this time we're going to ask Andy to do a little swearing in [Music] here swear you will supported States Flor youif of St well and fath perform of the office of chief of police of city of flid [Applause] now more Applause thank you so much it's it's truly humbling the last week all the calls texts everybody that's reached out person it's a truly humbling experience I sincerely appreciate everybody certainly after the Wake tonight I greatly appreciate that that is here and thank you all for staying and being here for this special moment in my life I appreciate that thank you may illust City me the responsibility to my family here at home thank you for 30 Years love support sacrifice I apprciate to all the elected officials that are here local state federal officials that are here in the room I I could be more humbled by having everybody that's here today all our Chiefs uh all the officers are herey this is veryu people here and I greatly appreciate thank you all so much last but not least to men and women of Le for Police Department I'm truly privileged and honored to serve with each and every one of you and I no food we do have snacks they they're at your house thank you all so much I greatly appreciate it look forwarding with you in the future to congratulations stop congratulations that's what they say [Music] J yes that's why I'm going next behind me if you guys would like a seat in the back come on you know it's all right okay we'll move on uh to the presentation tonight from the Community Development Corporation Mr John Christian uh has a presentation to Samantha is good evening once again Mayor John Christian 903 cter 468 chairman of the board of Community Development Corporation here I have along with some of my board members here tonight um when I first mentioned Al Al said man we had a lot of people working um we didn't want to just make this to belittle anyone but to recognize one of Leber's finest employees which is Samantha isome in recognition of her distinguished and devoted service to the community in 2024 Samantha has um a unique um connection with the CDC we first built Heritage State she was one of the first homeowners um that purchase a home with homes in partnership with the episod of CDC Samantha works very hard for the city of lesburg and inclement weathers hot cold and we were preparing the Betty Cony building dedication um I called Tex Cliff Code Enforcement came because the property surrounding it was just terrible and leberg sent their finest and Samantha is not only did she lead her crew but on several occasions she was able to actually jump down equipment and make sure that that that property and looked well that morning we had the superintendent schools and many of our local principles um she showed up with her crew that morning um blowing off the road to make sure that leeburg represented well goes on to the resource center the other prop that are maintained here in the leberg uh we just want to recognize to the commission and to the citizens of leberg that you have a jeul and Samantha isome and so many other our our employees are are recognized but the CDC saw something very special with miss isome and want to just give her this plaque and recognition today thank you thank you Mr Mayor give it to the city maner we'll get it to her thank you sir appreciate you all right is Dan do the comp are you going comp plan update Dan Dan okay at this time I ask Dan to come up Dan Miller uh to give us a comp plan update please thank you Mr Mayor uh Dan Miller Planning and Zoning thank you for the opportunity to uh speak with all of you tonight I want to talk about three things um uh first of all we're going to start talking about the comp plan if we could go to that Anna please um we're going to talk about the comp plan what it is where we are with it at this time the comprensive plan for the city we're going to speak a little bit about some population numbers and then some changes to our plan unit developments and Land Development regulations that we're going to be making so those are the three topics I'm going to go with tonight so if we could start on that first slide next slide please thank you um I'm going to start by asking a series of questions at the top of the slides and and answering them through this process um first questions a lot of people are going to have is what is a comprehensive plan if you keep the word blueprint in mind then you'll understand what it is uh blue it's a blueprint to implement a city's vision for the future it's often cited as the comprehensive plan uh growth management plan master plan it's all the same thing it ask the question where where are we as a city where do we want to be how do we get there it guides our development actions through a 10 20 30-year period depending on whatever the time period for the plan is ours will be 20 years by the way generally they're updated every 10 years U they're based on unit US Census Data and they do per Florida law hold the full hold per Florida statute hold the full force and effect of law uh next one please Anna so the purpose of a comp plan this can be a little confusing so we just pulled it right out of the statute it's it's kind of wonky here but providing the principles guidelines standards strategies for the orderly and balanced future development of the economic social physical environmental uh and physical development of an area um that's that's the simple explanation of it next slide please in explaining what a comp plan is and what it does it's basically 14 topics that are essential to the sufficient to the efficient and appropriate growth development and management of a city a comp plan consists of these they're all state mandated topics future land use is the one you're going to be most familiar with because staff brings you maps for changes in that future land use um housing portable water where do we get it from where does it go sanitary sewer where it goes or drainage we have Solid Waste conservation Recreation a number of different topics that help us uh map out the plan for the future of the city next slide Anna please so how do we coordinate a comp plan it there are a lot of different agencies that we have to work with we coordinate Mr Mayor and Commissioners with everyone people have their concerns water Wildlife schools uh are there enough police are there enough fire you hear this over and over and over I want to show you this list because we're talking about local Regional and state a agencies from every Department in the city uh with Lake County their planning their Public Works their school board the Metropolitan planning organization of lake and Sumpter County East Florida depart uh Regional planning Council the Florida Florida Department of Commerce which is the city's uh excuse me the state's land planning agency Department of Transportation Environmental Protection St John's and even the Navy so we all these comp plan amendments rezonings and things that you see they all they they go all over the state um with with in efforts to coordinate our staff uses the comp plan as The Guiding document for the overall development of the city this is important because it is it is our guiding document on things that we bring to you and recommend you will often see me make a recommendation whether it's an approval or denial that may not be what I feel about it personally it's based it's what it is based on the comp plan and I will tell you you've seen quite a few of those but we have to recommend these actions and on each comp plan map or text Amendment each zoning case we also have to do periodic adjustments or changes to the comp plan for all of the elements that might be individually or it might be for the entire comp plan is is the process we are going through now so let's look at the revisions to the comp plan that we are going through right now first of all these elements are numbered I'll just call it out future element land use ele element number one we will be bringing to you I believe it's June 10 the Sunnyside estate's future land use map and text amendments these are the map and text amendments that are going to implement the Sunnyside study that was not implemented back in 2004 2005 we have implemented The Villages of West Lake future land use created that future land use uh category and Zoning category that's in and it is expanding as you are aware the orange Bend uh future land use so there's some new future land use categories that are being added to the the comp plan there's also the Bug Springs impact overlay that's in relationship to our relationship with the Navy um over here on Transportation one of the things that you're always hearing us have to tell you is about other jurisdictional rights away roads that are not in under the city's jurisdiction they're under the state the FED uh Lake County um so we're we're going to have a map in our comp plan that shows that we're also looking at putting in a goal objective policy of some type that seeks what we call a rational Nexus or a link between the collection of impact fees in this case Transportation impact fees and the expenditure to where those funds are being expended are they being expended where the development is located that's important to us as a city and I know that you have discussed this before uh finally the last element it's a one-page element it was required by the state it's called the property rights element um required by Florida statues we had to add it a couple of years ago uh in September of 2021 um very proudly we were the second city in Florida to have it done next one okay now here I want to basically this is our busiest slide so I'll make it as quick as possible we're going to talk about we're going to go across the top line horizont Fin and then go down here on the left the this I'm saying this because you're going to see the comp plan soon and we want you to be familiar with what it is and how it works because I'm sure um you're reading it all the time so um the comprehensive plan is essentially a book because it organizes a a work some type of work comprehensive plans have elements elements are essentially chapters of a book because it identifies the topic you keep going down the next three are are linked here goals objectives and policies goals are like the titles of the chapter because they're stating an idea or a vision an objective we could relate that to a paragraph because it clarifies the idea or vision and then the policies are simply statements they're describing the day-to-day actions that we as a staff will take then finally we have the data that data that a comp plan is based on is simply the information becomes the facts and research that is used to create the goals objectives and policies under the new comprehensive plan that we have i' like to um talk about the data that we gather staff and our consultant That's the basis of every comprehensive plan there's a ton of data that goes into that data consists of maps figures tables the text in there um in a comprehensive plan as we said earlier our current com plan we have we have it broken down with the data in the front of each element with the figures the maps the text and the goals objectives and policies in the back staff feels like in working with candy who's the project candy Harper the deputy director who is the project manager on this particular project um we have we feel that the goals objectives and policies should come up first so that you see it because you don't have a need to look at the data we do you don't but you need to see what the goals objectives you need to see what the direction of the the city is so we're going to change that and put and put it more in this order where you have the element goals objectives and policies first and then an appendix holding the data that has Maps figures and tables at around 4:30 I realized I did not have this slide in there so this is so I apologize for that but this is the draft cover for the new comprehensive plan and what it has the background is a map an aerial map of the city back here and then you have City Hall so we're going to be looking at something along that line and then I pulled out what we have is our new conservation element um it's a little bit hard to see but each element will then have a color code across the top and a symbol in terms of this conver conservation element there's a sun and some looks like a water almost like a beach just a little icon symbol so when you're looking through the document you always know where you are and we can get more into detail on that but I wanted you to see that there has been a tremendous amount of progress on on on that front so going very briefly here a sample goal objective and policy we just pulled one out of the current comp plan we didn't want to take anything and put it in uh writing for the new comp plan just yet as far as bringing it out here out of the uh Recreation open space element we took one of the goals a goal again is a overall statement a broad-based statement of which direction you want to go right so the city of leeburg shall provide open adequate open space Parks and Recreation facilities excuse me to serve the needs of all residents of the city that's all the that's the fluffy cloudy part then we move down looking at our natural resources we we will need to maintain a comprehensive Park and open space system to ensure the provision of open space which utilizes our existing resources and is consistent with the land and financial resources available okay so we have to work with the money we have and the land we have um finally the policy this is where the rubber kind of meets the road the city shall continue to investigate opportunities for public access and enjoyment of the Waterfront improve bike pedestrian and equestrian Trail systems as well as open space opportunities were feasible recently this commission has looked at opportunities for Public Access along the Waterfront and along bike and pedestrian Trails we haven't got anything on equestrian yet but but we've this commission has looked at those items so we are keeping up pretty well I think with our policies on a day-to-day basis um okay thank you Anna you've got you there sta wants to make the new document to be less bureaucratic less wonky something more easy to use something that the person on the street who comes into my office is not confused by um so the goals for the comp plan would be to simplify the overall language we don't want it to look like it's written by attorneys we want it to be understandable by your average person by doing that we are allowing clear direct application of the goals objectives and policy and we're creating a practical usable document which will Implement Implement an overall vision for the daytoday Community Development activities here I wanted to get into something that's really important for us what is the difference between a comp plan and the zoning and the key words here if you look at the top left where it says comprehensive plan a blueprint and that's the key word again comp plan blueprint go together a blueprint for the future growth and development of the community a comp plan divides land into the future land use categories using the future land use map that you see all the time there's really only a few actual overall land uses residential commercial industrial and open space which can you can throw a lot of things into that all development that we bring to you must be consistent with what the comp plan says for that particular piece of property and The Guiding document on this is chapter 163 which you hear over and over from us but that's the chapter 163 of Florida Statutes um so we have to keep we have to be consistent with that and the elements in themselves have to be internally consistent moving on to zoning again a couple of key words zoning is the implementing device of the comprehensive plan zoning is what we use to make the comprehensive plan work zoning is the legal Authority that separates land uses for example zoning was started um a 100 plus years ago uh one of the reasons was slaughter houses were next to neighborhoods the workers lived in these row houses walked next door to go to the slaughterous and they're bringing back diseases and so zoning separates incompatible land uses zoning does have to be consistent with the comprehensive plan and future land use map and chapter 25 is the guiding document here and that's our zoning code or as we sometimes refer to it Our Land Development regulations we need to take two actions here not tonight but we wanted you to be aware of what's coming up we have a water supply plan that we're working with uh Cliff Kelsey in the public works department on a water supply plan basically ensures consistency with the regional jurisdictional water use requirements that's St John's um so we will be amending the water supply plan adopting that first that consists of Capital Improvements uh uh intergovernmental coordination the portable water and conservation elements those four elements will come to you first for adoption and they will have been reviewed by Cliff's folks my folks and our cons consultant next following that all of the comprehensive plan elements will be adopted and again these are the same 14 elements you saw earlier with the future land use housing water Wastewater Etc to give you a status update um in 2023 uh the contract began with the firm Calvin Giordano and associates they do a lot of work for local governments in the State of Florida in 2023 through 2024 we were working compiling data meeting with City departments recommending options Calvin gordano was in this year pnz staff and CGA hosted some public workshops I know that some of you came to those one down at Venetian Center and one over at the resource center um to get citizens feedback and there were some uh they they put some um uh surveys online on the city's website and then that turned into basically the larger the word on the on the on what they printed out for us or the larger the word the more times people were concerned about it and growth and transportation were the two big words that we the two big feedback that we we got on that um so we're working on preparing the elements and data that's been compiled from the Departments the the staff the shetes and citizens and then reviewing the comp plan the existing comp plan updating goals objectives and policies as I stated here we have an almost complete um uh conservation element and several others that we're we're all working on at the same time and then um as we talked earlier we're reorganizing the look and the layout of the comp plan for ease of use um our next steps are to revise compile and present uh we'll have some timing on the next slide here but we're going to revise the language compile the data uh complete the goals objectives and policies and then present this to the Planning Commission followed by being presented to you as the city commission for your review and comment and then here's a timeline we began with number one there which was was the old comp plan we're the data Gathering and review was kicked off in March of 2023 from March until about September we're making these changes it takes a ton of data and a ton of work to put all this together we will be presenting that to the Planning Commission in we expect in August maybe September we we're shooting for August City commission reading would then first reading would go to we're we're planning for September it has to be transmitted to DCA just like every other comp plan Amendment every other large scale comp plan Amendment then you'd have your second reading and transmitt for adoption the adoption transmitter which comes after that so it should be completed early 2025 now I want to talk just briefly about some population uh issues we've talked about comp plan status but the population and growth is clearly an issue why Florida it's real easy um we have low taxes in relation to other states and if you've come from other states uh you you truly recognize that we have the warm weather we have the attractions down in Orlando with u Disney and Universal and all those things um we have low regulation in in comparison to most other states we have the beaches and there's plenty of other reasons but everybody wants to be here so you end up with some positives and some negatives um on the positive side there will be increased economic activity there'll be new businesses new jobs those are good things we'll have increased tax base for infrastructure and cultural opportunities as we grow as a city our culture will expand and we have a a wider net to cast one of the the things that we as a city um keeping the youth home and that doesn't mean making them stay home that means if they want to go off to college and come back we still want them to come home but there's negatives too there's there's increased population density there's the road congestion The increased commute times the demands on the infrastructure water Wastewater police fire gas and others things so we understand as a staff that this is very difficult decisions that we are placing in front of you we're making our best recommendations um but there are there are positives and negatives to this I want to give you a quick uh thank thank you a quick historic look at the population growth of leeburg from 2000 beginning in about 2000 our population was right around 16,000 people ending here in 2023 the last year I have good numbers for we're at right right about 30,000 so essentially doubled the first 12 years of this Century we had a two and a quarter average annual growth rate the next 10 years which BR brings us up to last year that increased to 4.2% but overall about 4% it's not um it's not blowing out the windows but we'll see we'll see okay thank you Anna um here's some population facts comparing Lake County and leeburg and what you'll note is they incline on the same sort of graph angle here in 2000 you had 210,000 po population in Lake County as you roll through it continues to grow up to 2023 where it's essentially almost doubled in leeburg we're at 16,000 here in 2000 and as you roll through the years here we are in 2023 just slightly under doubled the same as Lake County I think Lake County may be about a little bit growing a little bit faster than we are by a few per but that's where we are okay this is really a traffic slide and what I want to what I like for you to look at is the intersection of these two circles for each person living and working in Lake County okay there is one person that lives and works in Lake County there is roughly these these aren't a perfect one but this I'm trying to get the ratio across here so you have one person that lives and works in Lake County using have one person that works in Lake County but lives outside of Lake County here's the problem we have two people for each of these one we have two people that live in but work outside of Lake County that tells you that people are going outside of Lake County so they're having to take a long trip down the roadway to get somewhere that's um the solution to that the number we'd prefer to see is 121 where more people are living and working in Lake County to battle that um is a long and hard job and it and and the answer to it is jobs local jobs okay finally um last slide here wanted to bring you up to date on some PUD and land use changes that we are making um in the puds as you you will see and have seen very recently we're adding a four-year Sunset to all planned unit developments previously this was 10 years and before that it was a 4-year just a straight four-year Sunset Clause the difference here is that it will revert back to re1 zoning which is one acre one acre per unit not one unit per acre you have to have one acre to put a single house on so if they if a developer comes in gets a new PUD from from moving from the present time forward they will if they don't act within four years substantially it's going to automatically revert back to one acre per unit and they get to come back to you hat in hand okay we have added dark sky lighting to all our plan unit developments we want to add that to our Land Development regulations you'll be seeing that shortly um implemented 25t landscape buffer so when you put two residential puds side by side you got a 50- foot buffer that 50-ft buffer does a lot more than just buffer people from each other it actually incorporates uh what you might call Wildlife quds it actually allows for better drainage there's a number of things that these things do so I thank you for your support on those and then additionally requiring new trees in residential development so we appreciate your your support under the Land Development regulations as I stated earlier we're going to utilize the dark sky lighting and add that in we need to revise our mobile food vendor ordinance uh the state came in and preempted us on even allowing even requiring permits so what we've gone to doing is writing letters of location compliance saying okay you can use this location but the state has come in and said you cannot require them to get a permit so we're going to be bringing some regulation there one of the things we also like to do on number three is delete excess regulation where it's not needed we have a regulation right now that requires a limited use permit for a drive-thru the chickfila had to get a limited use permit that's embarrassing for us as a staff to say you need to get a $200 permit and we have to post it and do all these kind of things it's it's not necessary and so we would like to get your support on that we're going to add a conditional use permit for car washes we have a bunch of car washes in town and um finally one of the things we'll be bringing shortly is in order to save historic structures that are outside of the historic district if we can get a bonus density on certain structures that are historic but they're outside the historic district we already have one that's in the historic district and a perfect example of that is the 1502 High Street which is the old women's college which uh we have some serious people that are very interested in um refurbishing and turning that into a useful facility so I thank you for your time that's all I have for now thank you Dan any questions from anybody okay and uh we'll we'll hear back'll hear back yeah we don't have dates certain but we'll get get that going yeah you'll hear back in the form of the resolutions and the trans mittal okay all right at this point uh we're going to move on to public comments this section is reserved for members of the public to bring up matters of concern or opportunities for praise issues brought up will not be discussed in detail at this meeting issues will either be referred to the proper staff or will be scheduled for consideration at a future city commission meeting comments are limited to three minutes and if you would please uh give us your name and your address when you come to speak are there any public comments good evening everybody lay brother Steven Gerard sovy voting address 1109 West 8th Street Lorraine Ohio so I'm a snowbir if you will uh I would like to also mention that uh Kristen Nelson uh could not be present here she is a resident of leeburg I would also like to mention that John labriola a guest of speaker at Villages Salt and Light also knows about what I'm going to be delivering this positive message to all of you and he's giving a full thumbs up for leberg and many other cities uh and towns to move in this new Direction I looked at your wonderful leberg mission statement beloved mayor and Commissioners and citizens it says in that mission to provide effective and efficient Municipal services that promote Public Safety economic growth quality of life it probably could be revised actually to not just include to promote Public Safety but to preserve Public Safety too this is not the time in my view because time is of the Essence that you should be twiddling your thumbs and go to a stall mode this is a a time to become courageous city leaders and to guide your city manager to place the charter Amendment Preamble Covenant language on the agenda immediately the perfect time to make baby personhood an agenda item is always I feel between mother and father's day because we are celebrating our own love of life with our appreciation of mom and dad something to think about your wonderful staff has been very kind to me uh just to let you know Commissioners they just sent you my May 23rd letter addressed to all 44 one of your Florida cities and 67 counties I'm delighted to let you know since I last talk Gilchrist County actually passed a new resolution uh in opposition to the vague and the deceitfulness of Florida Amendment 4 I've delivered you the personhood resolution will which will also counter Florida Amendment 4 I encourage you to get this on your agenda because my conversation with Tina dwson at your Lake County Supervisors of election made it very clear that any resolution ordinance that's going to enable the citizens to vote this new language into your city Charter must be delivered by August 23rd happens to be my sister's birthday so please I encourage you to move in this new Direction I invite you to read your daily your Bible daily even Abraham Lincoln enjoyed reading the Holy Bible daily God bless you thank you for the time I hope I presented a nice positive message to you and you become more enthusiastic thank you thank you any other public comment all right we'll move on to the consent agenda routine items are placed on the consent agenda to expedite the meeting if the commission or staff wish to discuss any item the procedure is as follows one pull the item or items from the consent agenda two vote on remaining items with one roll call vote three discuss each pulled item and vote by roll call are there any items that anyone would like to pull can I get a motion to approve the Slate yeah motion to approve all items on consent agenda second roll call commissioner conell yes commissioner Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes mayor bur yes all right we're on to public hearings and non-routine items would someone please introduce uh item 6 A1 I'll introduce as be read by title only an ordinance of the city of leeburg Florida establishing the Grace Key Groves Community Development District pursuant to chapter 190 Florida Statutes providing for authority and power of the district providing for the Board of Supervisors of the district providing for the District budget providing for functions of the district providing for miscellaneous provisions and providing an effective date uh this item is going to be pulled from the agenda there is a uh an item that the Grace Key Grove CDD has to iron out before we can uh move forward with this so this will be reheard July 22nd 2024 uh here at the commission uh at 5:30 hopefully 5:30 so we're going to remove that uh so if someone would please uh introduce item 6b1 I'll introduce ASP Road by title only an ordinance of the city of lebur Florida changing the zoning on approximately 506 plus minus Acres from City lebur PUD to City lebur PUD planned unit development to allow for single family attached and detached with commercial and multif family uses for a property generally located west of County Road 33 north of Florida Turnpike and south of County Road 48 lying in section 21 Township 20 South Range 24 East Lake County Florida and providing an effective date this is a first reading so uh if Dan if you could come up just for a second because I think we had a couple of uh comments we wanted to uh ask about number one this is a uh a PUD that we have already introduced and is expiring and yes sir this was U originally a PUD under ordinance number 16-4 um approved in 2016 obviously there were 2,000 actually 1,999 units that were approved there and it was done under a very unique design which has some very small lots and some um I forget what I forget what they're called um find in a motor Court Lots that's the that's the name I'm looking for uh basically there were very small lots and you all all everyone would park in the back and they have very small setback so it was a very unique design um unfortunately there were no developers who were interested in designing in in going by that code so basically what is happening here is we've got a a standard Builder who has come in giving a new site plan the old ordinance um expired and they're taking it from 1,999 to 1,500 they're reducing the units by 25% throwing in a variety of different units from single family um some some apartments and then some live work units along Highway 33 and live work being you might live upstairs and work downstairs so you could have a retailer an office um so the request is simply to change that if I'm not mistaken this is a this is a second reading first read I'm sorry Mr chairman that is first reading Mr Mayor so if there's any questions I'd be happy to to um answer those and Mr Scott glass of shoots and bow is here as well I believe okay I did have a question uh on the new PUD okay we would be requesting the dark skylighting yes sir that's that's in there okay uh the fouryear needs to be added the 4year expiration we would like to have I would like to not speaking for the board but I would like to see that and the reason it's not in there is that they we originally started working with them before that was discussed so we brought the Pud forward but it's fine from staff standpoint we'd prefer to have them all consistent okay and then also one thing that wasn't mentioned was the roads interior roads built to the standards of leeburg that's that's a standard in the P that is a standard in the p there's language that requires all utilities to be built to City of leeburg Standards okay so that would uh also yes sir a part of that's in there now so does anyone have any other questions for u i do um Dan the U so the Pud on this is expired or will be expiring I believe it expired um several years ago okay so if the if a new PUD is not approved for what what does the zoning go back to the one to one you're saying no sir um that would only be if the new PUD was approved if this PUD was approved and four years went by right now we do not have a reverted clause in anything okay uh we simply have an expiration and they would have to go back do a redesign on something and then come back before you okay so the the Pu the proposed PD if it's not approved what What Becomes of the property it just stays vac goes back to where it was to where it is right now with the an the Pud from 1640 on it but you can't do anything with it because it was expired so they would have to come back through with a new design significantly redesigned from whatever you disapproved here if you chose to disapprove it okay and the access to the subdivision to the off of 33 the off 33 and 48 yes sir so multiple multiple um so two two lane roads that is correct now Lake County in their comments will require widening of those loads roads and adding turn lanes and signals or anything anything that they normally require they're going to definitely put get in and out but it's not going to really help some of the intersections at the intersections that's that's a long-term issue I'm afraid the intersection of 33 and 48 is awful yes and my understanding there's not any nothing planned in the county to address that intersection it's absolutely terrible at this time I'm Lan that intersection no no no I mean there's no signal lights as far as turn lights nothing I mean it's it's a bad intersection to continue to put more and more development on that road understood and I know we you know it's just first reading I understand but you know as as I spoke before I mean I I really think we have to take a look at this development here I mean all development from here on out I mean you've got a tremendous amount of lots already been approved in the city already out there I don't know we can need to continue to add more and more when the roads can't keep up the school system's not keeping up our infrastructure not keeping up and we have to pass you know to try to get the state to approve to you know approve our to pump more water every couple years we got to look at adding capacity to our Wastewater system I mean I really think you know we really need to to take a look at Future development and and I would agree with you on that and I think the comp plan you know that's that's what we're trying to accomplish well I understand that but I mean you know here's a thousand something more units being proposed I mean so so my question also is uh we just went through a lengthy uh fight over a PUD that was that was wanted on a piece of property and we said no we went to the arbitr you know went through all the steps and we lose because it's part of our comp plan so what's the difference in this this piece of property well I mean I mean I would think the the ped's expired so they have no they have no the Pud on the other one was expired and we said no to the new PUD I would say they can come in present a new PUD as they're proposing but we don't have to go along with the density of that PUD I mean that that's all rural property out there I mean I really think it should be acreage to to units I I understand my concern is I don't want to go down another road where I have another developer suing me because my comp plan says he can do this and well we're not saying you can't develop it we're just saying I I I think this is too many units that the density is too high for but what's the current comp plan on it Dan the current comp plan is aate U I believe it's a state residential it's either and I forgive me it's either State residential or uh res uh residential mixed use either way it's four units in acre Max the current PUD as it sits is almost 2,000 units which maxed out the four units an acre this new one brings it down to under three and this commission has proven around two under three you've you've proven or or stated that you're comfortable with that level of density in the past um I do respect the comments that are being made here and understand um the only from staff perspective only okay the only way to get the roads widened is to put the houses in because there will be the taxpayers will be there in order to widen the roads as we sit right now that problem will sit there for the next 20 years because there's not enough with respect and not to disagree with with what you're saying because I I understand it's it's I go through that intersection daily um until the density and the number of houses is there there will not be a road widening when the development comes in they have to widen the road along their boundary along 33 and 48 that leaves less for the county to do and less for the taxpayers to do down the road and I know this is a difficult subject and I respect what you're saying but that's that would be staff's opinion on it and questions for I mean we don't have any control what when the county decides to do anything I mean correct or you know do for that matter it's not on the our our our our control device is to slow the development down I mean that that's the only mechanism we have we nothing we do with the county or the state on doing anything with these roads out there right and this is this is only a first reading understand that but for my from my perspective the the road at at 1500 having the roads having the trees having the dark sky Lighting on a PUD for that property and also having the reverter Clause that if this developer does not do it in four years it goes back to and then it would be one one per acre per unit yes um and in addition finally um Mr Mayor Mr Scott glass of shoes and Bowen Law Firm is here if you had any further questions for him and he will be at the next reading which should be June 10 any me yeah do you have a question for Dan or did you yeah I do have I do have one question um got kind of embarrassed to ask it um the I've heard the complaints about the intersection of 33 and 48 um I'm not asking this developer to you know completely redo it but would do we have a right to at least ask the developer to consider some turn Lanes I mean that that is a I'm trying to keep it simple but help traffic flow that is a I believe contribute and and and I need to be checked on this so I will contact Lake County um if you contribute to the capacity of the road you you are required to expand the roadway where where it is adjacent to your right right I understand that in this case there will be an impact at 33 and 48 generally offsite is not something we can do I don't know the legalities with that and if the developer can be made to do anything with that that's my question it's not fair to try to put this on this one developer either I wish we had talked about this ahead of time number there's a number coming it's just throwing an idea D because that intersection you we've heard the complaints there and staff gets them as well and I will check with Lake County and find out about and I can work with the city attorney just to make sure just an idea okay thank you any more questions for Dan any questions for the petitioner or would the petitioner like to speak good evening sorry I didn't uh don't want to keep you hanging there but I had a question for Dan I think the questions I have I'll be able to address and Dan will be able to answer them okay but uh give us your name in yeah uh yeah actually it's Scott glass uh my business address is 300 South Orange Avenue Orlando Florida 32801 and it's shuts and boen Shoots and Ladders shuts and Bo um so I'm available to answer any questions we have representatives from the developer here as well we know it's first reading and we still have some things to work out we just got our uh traffic impact analysis submitted I'm sure staff will have some questions on that which um you know there are going to be questions and I appreciate that I live in West Orange County I know crowded intersections I know incredible growth rates um so we'll be happy to work with the city attorney and staff to interesting I'm sensitive to bringing it up in front of you after we've approved two others right in front of you so you know it's a sticky situation but it was just an idea I I understand so any question other questions Mr Mayor yeah um I think I I think I misspoke there this is the second ordinance we had on this property I think we had one before 2016 um I don't see the expiration on this and I was sure that I there was some expiration here I apologize for that error I'm not seeing it I'll get back okay and double check and be 100% sure I was 100% sure when I walked in so obviously I must have missed it if it's there at all but we did have an ordinance previous to this one on the property and I think that's what was in my mind so there are entitlements for 1900 on it but it's the micro and you know has to be built to those stands it has to be built to those standards I will go back and double check I apologize for Miss speaking but that's I'm afraid that's what I did okay but Dan I thought all the we amended the code a while you maybe a year or so ago to the 10 years I thought I thought they were all four or five before that I'm just trying to help you out prior to that mostly they were four years okay occasionally there would be a two or a three U but most of them were four years they none of that's ever been in the actual code those have been request of the commission as the commission sees fit at a given time and we've operated with that uh do we have any public comment we'll throw that up for this you don't need to swear anybody into you grant for first reading I be okay for tonight Mr Mayor George Waters 3810 West over Circle leberg in the Plantation uh this proposal was not approved by the Planning Commission as I recall due to traffic and I thought at that time I heard that it went back automatically would be at the 1999 thing because that had no expiration date on it if I remember that meeting correctly yes yeah um as noted Route 33 is a mess it's become increasingly busy uh with hundreds of large trucks using every day and the speed limit in that area is 55 mil an hour and the area I'm talking about is where our west gate is out of the plantation and it goes out right to um right to where I think the main entrance might be to this I don't know where the main entrance is for sure Manor Oaks Road and comes in right to where I believe the entrance is and I would suggest that if we are going to move forward with this we put a traffic signal there because that's a very busy that's our second busiest gate mostly with exits uh denim denim Village has four exits on Route 33 one is just 2/10 of a mile to the north of Manor Oaks Road I would suggest that be reduced down to three entran and exits and if we they need another one that could go over on 48 somewhere because they're awfully close together and given the other development Cedar Creek and the rest of them that's going to put a lot of entrances and exits on that little two-lane Highway the city expects villagers to come into town for food and entertainment as noted that intersection with 48 and 33 is an absolute disaster they're going to come down from the village and say I don't need to deal with this turn around and go back to the island so we want to do something that's going to help us at that intersection um couple of questions will the community be gated with gate guards and if so that's going to mean more backup of people trying to turn in to get into there uh if not will kids going to ride their bicycles on 33 to get to the little convenience store there at the corner or elsewhere is that going to pose a problem on a very narrow road that is so heavily trafficked um so those are questions I have uh I'm not in favor of it obviously I kind of like looking at the cows but I know there's development I know it has to happen somewhere but if you we need to mitigate the impact on traffic going in and out of 33 and make it safe for all of the residents and people who use it those are my comments thank you thank you any other public comment I just want to add one thing for his clarification that uh soor sure you understand that the city has no Authority on red lights I don't think yeah yeah we have no Authority on red lights we have no Authority on the intersection of 33 and 48 that's an no and I would encourage every one to attend the no meetings and let them know how bad it is because that's the only way you get anything changed and I can tell you right now there it's not on the radar so to speak so uh so this uh do we have a second reading June 10th this will be June 10th second reading here at the commission Chambers all right would someone please introduce item 6b2 I'll introduce go introduce um 6b2 by title only please an ordinance of the city of lebg Florida correcting a scrier eror on ordinances 24-4 24-5 and 24-6 Village Palms annexation large scale comprehensive plan and PUD resoning pertaining to the legal description for a property consisting of approximately 316 Acres being generated located south of State Road 44 and west of Whitney Road as legally described in section 19 Township 19 South Range 24 East and section 30 Township 19 South Range 24 East Lake County Florida and providing an effective date so this is a first reading also uh when on the second reading on this June 10th this will be June I said 610 610 uh here in the city commission Chambers at 5:30 was there any comments for anyone have any all right let's move on would someone please introduce 6 B3 four and [Music] five I'll introduce 6 B3 four and five be read by title only 6 B3 an ordinance of the city of leberg Florida annexing certain real property consisting of approximately 0 434 plusus Acres being joury located south of Griffin Road and East of County Road 468 l in section 21 Township 19 South Range 24 East Lake County Florida provided that said property so Annex shall be liable for its proportionate share of the existing and future indebtedness of said City providing that such Annex property shall be subject to all laws and ordinances of said city as if all such territory had been a part of the city of lebur at the time of Passage and approval of said laws and ordinances providing that such Annex territory shall be placed in City commission District Five and providing an effective date 6 B4 an ordinance amending the future land use map of the comprehensive plan of the city of lesburg changing the future land use map designation of certain property containing 0.434 plus minus Acres from Lake County Urban high density to City of lebur en commercial for a property generally located south of Griffin Road and East of County Road 468 lying in section 21 Township 19 South Range 24 East Lake County Florida and providing an effective date 6 B5 an ordinance of the city of lebur Florida changing the zoning on approximately 0.434 plus minus Acres from Lake County RP residential professional to City of lebur Spud small unit development to allow for a salon use for a property generally located south of Griffin Road and East of County Road 468 lying in section 21 Township 19 South Range 24 East Lake County Florida and providing an effective date thank you Andy you're welcome so this is a first reading also uh Dan if you would come just give us a quick synopsis of that please this is a half an acre on the Southeast corner of Griffin Road and Thomas Avenue um it's a currently a house there over time we're anticipating the staff is anticipating that corner to go commercial so this is one step for the existing owner of Miss leonda Bernard and her husband to uh create take it from a single family house to uh Salon type use there is something uh across the road there Griffin on the other side of the road with a PUD there too so this is just the beginning of the commercialization of that corner that's all it is any questions for Dan I have a question Dan can you maam can you I'm trying to look at the area can you tell me exactly where the home start from this location where the home area when you look at the aial that's probably County access yeah it's it to the left to the right of 468 though I can't tell just asking can you it's on the east side east side of okay I couldn't it's Southeast poter yeah it's actually one lot in I apologize One lot in from the southeast Corner uh the the actual southe corner is owned by Lake County for retention so if you'll look at this map which there we go it's right there you can see it that's what highlighted where it says subject property there's one more lot to the left that's basically a depressed area a depression area that's owned by Lake count yes sir right okay so the goal will be to the whole area going Griffin Road I guess thatth side there on the North will be all business yes ma'am what we're anticipating if I can find my pointer here overtime this is not going to be an overnight thing she plans to leave the house as it sits it'll still look like a house it'll it will have just a salon there this property across here was rezoned in a small PUD um year or two ago and for storage units and office units um back over here is Tera Oaks so this makes a a very good commercial corner to serve the neighborhoods back here down here uh the folks up to the north and Tera Oaks eventually it's not going to be an overnight change but over time we feel like that's the way it'll go okay we've added a number of things into that PUD so that once she if if she owns it for 5 years and wants to sell it there will be other uses that are possible there that won't require rezoning thank you thank you any other questions for Dan on this this will lay over uh and have second reading on 624 is that yes sir yes sir here at the chambers someone please introduce 6 B5 oh wait a minute we did that ex me we're going to C1 Excuse Me Turn the Page hi my name is m Hussein um okay you might want wait to you introduce it hold on we got to introduce it here first someone yeah introduce 6 C1 please yeah asset read by title only resolution of the city Commission of the city of leeburg Florida extending the electric meter connection deadline pursuant to the charges in Aid to construction agreement with is developers LLC and providing an effective date this is uh also on the first reading or no need this yeah this is a non- routine need a motion I need a I need a motion to approve okay motion to approve did you make we second I need a second yeah okay so we have a second sir all right so discussion just are there anybody need explanation on this or uh do you want to give a I mean has everybody I'll take 30 second I'll give you a 30 second section 25474 I believe is the correct uh reference number that governs how we do uh development agreements in the electric Department uh we entered into an agreement with Venetian Isles about four years ago June 1 uh 20 20 uh they were required to make certain improvements and to um certain improvements uh the hotel um different commercial sites about it was about 27 buildings in all uh that they were required to build pursuant to the development agreement that we executed um if they did not execute uh th those developments they uh put up a shity bond uh in the amount of $230,000 uh at this time time the electric department has spent uh about $870,000 uh readying uh the Venetian aisles PUD um to date only one meter has spent so pursuant to that agreement they are they have not lived up to the expectations of the development agreement and the city is now in the position to call the shity bond um code that I reference requires the commission to make the determination on whether to extend uh the development agreement or to call the bond our recommendation is to call the bond uh We've we've met with Dr Hussein on Friday he's here today probably to give you some more information uh but essentially because this is a high visibility area there's a commercial subdivision that had some issues during development because of the considerable investment the city has put in uh to the subdivision without return on our investment we're recommending that you pull the bond in hopes that it Spurs on development of the Pud any questions for Al all right public comment thank you okay come so I'm gonna start first so thank you very much Al and thank you for meeting with me on Friday and today so um the plan really we have I I work in lesburg I've been living leberg since 2006 and I actually one of this one of the areas that I encourage some of my colleagues to invest in it so we can like because I love the city and I feel I'm part of it um even Co soccer as you know like in the city so anyway U we had issues I don't deny that we had the CID first the start 2020 so that delated a lot of of projects and we successfully even with all the obstacles have the hotel going and we are work in the apartments and we had other issues with the manager who was managing the project unfortunately some bad things happen and U I honestly wasn't that involved because we had other people involved but U you know it's kind of embarrassing to be here because really we did promise a lot and it it does look U that we have to do better work what I'm asking for I didn't know about this Bond till like last month or so uh we a lot of stuff we discovering now that you know lot of promps made to the city uh but now I'm getting more involved getting more people involved what I'm asking for we still are um we put a lot of money in this project and we still they want to make it like a successful project so the apartments actually uh then can uh Mr Parker can give you update we should be closing soon on the apartments I think we have like 12 meters already in those apartments we have another meter for the water pump so we are working on this um and U you know we are going to work like to have like Office Buildings and Al so all these projects are things that we're working on what I'm asking for is because this is something we just found out it's not easy to get cash and pulling the money from the bond the bond will affect us negatively in a credit report and it will make us look bad um if the city if the I'm asking the commer to kindly like extend for us the bond um I mean I don't know how long maybe six months a year but if if this is something u i mean we are again can you give him just update what we're doing so this is update I didn't know when we met but I asked what's going on and he has more updates about what we're doing right now what's going on Adrian part leaders Land Management um the biggest update uh is going to be on the apartments they have been working with the city for other off-site uh utility infrastructure upgrades um that's going well um that is as stated 12 meters um we have an additional meter on the site because we did a Florida waterwise project where we're actually pulling from the wet retention Pond um so that way we did not reduce the resources for reuse of water for the city of leeburg um um the apartments are going through HUD funding we the last hurdle that we had with that was FEMA there was a flood plane on the site we were going to do a letter of map Amendment they came back and wanted us to do a revision which is the difference between 3 months to a year process we actually have the approval from them now of the new map and we did the publishing this week as approved by FEMA so that would be the last steps so we can actually start getting those Apartments going vertical and seeing some type of infrastructure back out there and going um the the doctors you know would like to ask for at least a year extension of the bond or if the commission so chooses to pull the bond uh to at least extend it to a time give them a month or two so that way they can pull their liquidity and pay the bond instead of the bond being pulled yeah I mean I I think we can do I mean if we extend it so we can put more investment in the apartments and other things but listen I understand we messed up I don't expect like you know the city to go out of its way uh but I promise you I'm going to be more involved in it and I'm going to make sure that this thing uh work very well to make the city proud well I mean I I would support I would support a couple months to let him yeah just unwind it I mean if it benefits him com that yes sir Mr Mayor what's your question so uh can we extend the the time period yes sir the the code allows the commission flexibility to extend up to a period of two of two years you cannot exceed a two-year extension so if if there's an extension though the shity would need to be involved with that also so it would be sort of a three-party kind of deal right so if the commission were to approve an extension it would need to be subject to the bond company you know extending their bond as well agreeing to extend that time period or alternatively you know the developer could put up the cash in lie of the bond because originally they had an option to bring the cash to the table and then receive reimbursement out of that cash that was paid to the city or provide the insurance policy basically and then get a reduction on the liability of that insurance policy as the meters are all turned on so you know you could sort of um if the developer were to come up with the money to pay a cash Bond then that would solve the city's problem from the security standpoint because you'd have the cash in hand um if you you know are inclined to give an extension uh in and allow a bond then the bonding company would need to participate in that so I would just suggest that any approval of that nature would be conditioned on the bond company providing an extended or a bond to cover that extended period and I'm okay with that for 60 days I mean to give him time we're not damaged we have a am I missing something we have a bond in place we have a bond in place we're not losing it long story short there's there's a bunch of sticky wickets in here um the 60-day extension the a a 60-day extension in my opinion won't help the developer a bit the requirement and and so let me clarify a few things it's it's not meters we reference meters in the agreement it's buildings each building will have multiple meter sets for them to get their full deposit it of $230,000 back or not call the bond it was required that 27 facilities had to be built so that's a uh an Al with multiple meters that's apartment complexes with multiple meters so we we Speck out in the agreement that they were required to build 27 facilities and we called that a meter it's a building there is no way on God's green earth that the developers are going to live up to the development requirements in 60 days running the two together buildings no no what I was trying to accommodate him only to give him time to create the cash in L of the bond that's all I was trying to do and he said that benefited him that's all I was trying to do yeah I think the other moving part is sort of a bond claim deadline we have we're sort of up against the ball well that changes there's a way to maneuver I'm just trying to so you know there's maybe some flexibility I guess that increases the quicker the developer might be able to come up with the cash so which which would be today's May 28th right so he's he's got three days to provide another shity he or come up cash or come up with cash and if he provided another shity which would be at your discretion you know he a $220,000 shity for two years or one year fill in that number he needs to do that by June 1 B he needs to provide the cash by June 1 then we don't call the bond June 1 comes he needs to we need to call the bond if the bond is then called we hold that cash they still move forward okay and then we would pay the shity back not the developer we would pay the shity back the money not not not the insured which which is that's spelled out in the which is slightly different than we discussed on Friday we looked into the legalities of that we went through the code and so so the the code specifically requires that at the end if the bond is called you can still extend for two years you're holding on to the cash but then that cash is paid to the shity not the developers and I may so what's the benefit of extension then if you're going to take the cash from the bond if you live up to the development requirements then perhaps you're sure you got their money back and your credit won't be hurt but wouldn't be hurt once you take the money out is that and all I was trying to do is I heard I heard a request that you let me put up cash it would benefit them from a credit standpoint that's all I heard and now we have three days to do it I'm saying I make hard to get that much money I'm sorry I mean three days to get that money it's hard to 20 investors so okay if it's not possible I was just trying I was going off your comment trying to help I have a question so with the extension for two years does the developing still stay the same far as the same building or do you I mean what the development stays the same as what was approved in the original PUD and we don't need two years I'm not asking for two years extension I'm just ask for enough time like to collect the cash from the investors basically at the Dr hin please understand that the extension means that at the end of of the clock whatever it is 60 days 12 months 24 months the entire PUD needs to be built out to avoid the same situation in 12 or 24 months you may have one building built in 24 months but then you're only going to get $8,500 back right your entire subdivision but you will have the cash at least no we wouldn't depends on where they go and depends on what they do whether you provide another shy whether you provide a cash deposit at the end of the day the requirement is the entire PUD has to be built not a portion yeah think I was misunderstood all I was trying to do think at this stage the developer is going to build 27 units I'm not saying that in 12 month so we're going to be back here with the same problem again he kind of answered my question he kind we we we said we have three days to to do it he basically implied enough time so I don't think we have many options I just I I I would take cash and a little of the bond but if you can't do it he can't do it he's got three days to provide 200 and it's 220,000 bucks but what was this so was the idea of the extension I mean look the commission you all can do what you want okay you the the best gift to the developer would be to not call the bond extend it free for nothing he's got but then you've got no teeth okay and you're not assured anything you've got an $870,000 investment from the city it was supposed to Roi return in of in return in investment in four years so we have four years a million dollars out we are not returning on investment we have those years years it's not like it was or one year hey drin let me let me address the commission yeah so we have a million doll investment and the electric fund is not returning their investment the developer said in four years we would have 27 facilities we have one the sweetest deal that you can give the developer call off the dogs don't call the bond let it expire let them extend for two years for nothing and you you you have zero teeth you let them off the hook that's that's that's what he wants no that's not what I want okay that's not what I asked for okay that's that's the alt that's what the developer wants that's not what he's asking for but if you gave that to him today I'm sure he'd get a ni Christmas that was his first request he a second request next is the next worst case scenario for him is you call the bond give it to him all the B okay the derivatives of that are you give him some sort of grace period to Prov provide cash until June 1st you know if he provides that then you extend till such and such a day so he can provide cash he can get another shity he needs to probably do that by the end of the the week whatever would make Grant happy in terms of his process and calling the bonds so you want that the middle ground is you give the developer some sort of wiggle room to provide you cash or another shity to buy a 24mon extension okay started as Fiasco I apologize but all I was trying to do was come off at his comment as he said it would benefit us from a credit standpoint if we could give you the cash and not call the bond that's all I heard that was I was trying to accommodate that I was not going beyond that to give the cash basically I mean I don't need two years I don't want you to have no teeth I definitely how long is going to take to call the bond Grant well you know that I think that it's it's kind of hard to say um we have a paper deadline that could be argued June 1st or June 12th or June 14th so we don't like to argue deadlines right so there may be a little bit of of leeway in there um you know another option would be I guess basically you could um you could perhaps agree to extend the bond for or extend the agreement for some period of time and be agreeable you know basically to accepting either a new shity an extension of the current Bond or replacement of the bond security with cash security um and just kind of leave that to the developer right now as it stands it's sort of moving down to get the money from the shity on the bond claim pathway but if we got that money back and the developer came with cash and said here I'm going to give you the 225 ,000 cash if you'll send the bond company their money back and we can make nice and you know maybe that's that's something that's possible I don't know right so how much wiggle room do you need um when you spoke you were very concerned about the June 1st I am concerned about yeah so I mean I think that basically we have to continue down the pathway we're down of calling the bond or he provides cash or a new shity in three days which may not happen um you know but you could perhaps um and that's all I'm asking for I'm not I'm not I do not want to create risk to the city yeah and so trust me me neither I don't want the city to take unnecessary so then so then your motion would be to instruct Grant to call the bond right and give the developers X months extension to complete the project pursuant to the developer's agreement and if he provides a new sh or c cash before he calls the bond now that's an open day that could be three days it could be a month but then Dr Hussein needs to get you know you get on the horn to his shy companies and he's got some work to do pretty quick before it's basically the developers need to go get us cash or new shity for however long that you want it before Grant gets the bond called that could be June 1st or June 30th and I'm okay with that I don't I don't know the timeline yet I I don't know if Tommy I don't know what his projections are so so what you would need to would be very hard look my my suggestion would be is if you want to give the developer some wiggle room give him a two-year extension because we're talking 27 buildings it's still not going to happen but go ahead and do a a 24mon extension order grant to get the bond called and if the developers intercede with the require cash or the same amount in assurity then will extend for 24 months with one more condition I want the grounds better maintained they're mowe right now they look good right now but they can look they can look bad with all due respect don't put any condition on there that just confuses the matter that's a code issue let enfor cover he heard me that could be he heard me too on Friday so good with calling the bond by June 1st and give me twoyear extension so three days you're good with okay so actually what we have though I mean we need a motion to to meet that criteria I would think I think that that Mr Miner gave a a pretty good summary of what it sounds like the commission's interest was at least in terms of making a motion um so I would suggest basically tracking you know if somebody was in favor of that General concept the tracking the the motion that was suggested by Mr Menor would be actually actually if you approve the resolution that's in the packet and add a second Clause that says that the developer by June one will provide a new shity or cash in the amount of 221,000 oh there's another meter though he said so two meter it's it's in it's it's in it's oh does go okay sorry read read that grant grant re read that that that the city commission will extend the connection deadline to June 1 2026 provided that the developers post A Renewed surity Bond acceptable to the city or cash in the amount by June 14 yes sir June 14 does that work June do you can you still call 14 change the date to June 1st I mean I mean if you change June 14th will be easier definitely I mean I'll try to do it before but I'm just saying three days sometimes I well all we need to do is change that date to June 1st that's what the commission decided and then you approve the resolution was written yeah I think so I think so June 1st is the day I think June yeah so you want to make them so you want to make a so make a make an amendment to amend the resolution to June 1st 2024 so that needs to be amended could we get somebody to make a motion to amend it to June the 1st so moved second any other discussion roll call commissioner Peterson yes commissioner Barry um yes commissioner conell yes mayor bu yes okay so now you have the motion on the floor which is the resolution and the resolution continues to instruct to call the bond but if the developers provide us $221 $884,000 in cash or a sh a new shity by June 1st that will stop Grant if if we don't receive that Grant will still move forward and call the bond so moved with do we need date certain 24 months it's in there okay so you got the 24 months in there okay so so moved yes can we get a second second any discussion roll call commissioner Barry yes commissioner canel yes commissioner Peterson yes mayor bur yes thanks thank you okay so uh informational reports uh we have anything provided to us no questions from the commission uh City attorney items uh no sir not this evening thank you city manager items I don't I don't have any items however in reflection on this evening's discussion during the CRA meeting and our quickness to go through the consent agenda item 5 C1 hold on 5 C1 on the consent agenda approved granting three lots to West lesburg CDC home and partners and the CWC my inclination is that that was not your intention no that wasn't so therefore you may want to repeal that call that that resolution are those different lots are they same they're different Lots but ones that the city owns so why are we torpedoing that you I would like to you had an hourong discussion in your CRA capacity not to do lot donations Speedy through so you're you would be a no vote so commissioner Barry may want to make a motion to resend the approval of item I didn't realize 5 C1 I didn't realize 5 C1 was i' like to make a motion to rep thank you I'd like to make a motion to repeal um item five approval of 5 c-1 till no in denial in denial and but it'll come up in discussion with our next it will yes and to be discussed further in our next meeting a second okay so we have a second on that any discussion roll call commissioner conell yes commissioner Peterson no commissioner Barry yes mayor bur yes okay so so those lots are not donated they're not donated we get everybody happy thank you and move forward with Harmony how about that thank you okay uh where are we city manager items you did do that you got anything else for us no sir okay roll call commissioner Barry um yes I have one item I'm sorry I think well I think he had a question okay I have one item that I'd like to bring up from our last meeting and when we voted on having um a staff meeting to discuss further with agenda to be determined um it was brought to my attention that maybe we should have a facilitator and then maybe not so I just want to put it out there that um our meeting will be scheduled um sometime in June to have our discussion and if I could provide further details of the agenda and everything um further details by the end of the week but I just wanted to put it out there to get your understanding of where you all stand well I'm not sure what you're asking of I'm bringing up the meeting from last meeting that we the meeting that we have scheduled there hasn't been a date yet determined right we hasn't been it was suggested that we have a facilitator but it that hasn't been determined but I just want to put it out there for the commission to think about the meeting that we're scheduling to have that if I could provide you further details by the a date that we come up with that a consensus based on the email that we received earlier commissioner Barry is referring to the special workshop on commission manager relationships that we determined with it was considered whether I should be terminated which I voted against at that time the vote was three to two to have a workshop right in a private conversation with commissioner Barry I encouraged her to come back to the body not to have the meeting because I don't think that it was going to serve a specific purpose that we didn't have an identified agenda and that if we were going to go down this road to discuss commission manager relations a you can do that during my evaluation or B maybe we should have a facilitator to lead us through such a discussion otherwise I was concerned it was unfruitful I did take the Liberty to contact a facilitator they wanted 7500 bucks commissioner Baran thought that that was too expensive I will concur that if you do a workshop you should not have a facilitator we have tried to contact the Commissioners to schedule this meeting as part of uh an extension or before regular meeting commissioner Barry has sent an email requesting that that not occur that more time than a half an hour be presented I suggest to the commission that we move forward as directed with a three to2 vote that we have a workshop I don't think it appropriate for commissioner Barry to make the agenda I think it should be open if any of you have input please send it to me individually and I will collectively put together an agenda I think Pam should continue to schedule this and we will try to find a mutually agreeable time for everybody is that satisfactory to the commissioner um no because the vote that took place was a um 32 if I'm not mistaken and the vote was to have a meeting with discussion of the agenda in which I was asked at that time to create so my understanding was it was on me to create an agenda I don't think that's the cas case do you Rec Andy and based on our I don't I don't believe that that's Cas Bas on our conversation look at the minutes hold on based on our conversation um um city manager we I thought you said you asked me for my agenda and that's what I've been working on to prepare I don't think it's right for you to have to come up with a agenda matter but I would be open for other Commissioners to have discussions to put their input in I just want to be fair across the board then that way we can have a conversation and a meeting which we could discuss respectfully with one another to whatever decision discussions there will be and if a facilitator is involved then they would handle everything and it wouldn't have to come through any of us I think one of the difficult issues with the agenda or one one reason maybe uh Al was suggesting that he handled the agenda is we we want to be careful about where we're not you know I guess having conversations about trying to develop an agenda outside of of where we are right now oh I'm with that yeah so I think maybe if if you use Mr Miner kind of as the the central point there to kind of round up whatever feedback comes in and and develop an agenda that that might be better just to try to avoid some of you know the collaboration issues that might unintentionally come up I don't I don't think we should have any collaboration in issues and if I'm not mistaken the request was I requested the meeting so I thought I was given the opportunity to create an agenda for the meeting I'm I'm reading the uh I'm trying to read the minutes right now just because it was asked during the meeting that time what is the agenda and the topic at the time was relationships and if not if I'm clear I st this would be one of the agenda items that I'm discussing that we would like to be discussed I'm not trying to create for the record please understand the intent is not to create any kind of animosity or Discord which I said before my goal is to be able to discuss to come to an agreement so that it's we can respectfully agree not to agree and be able to work accordingly a facilitator was suggested I didn't think the expense was needed but if that's the case I think that's fair all across that would be completely Fair across the board someone that doesn't know just come in and facilitate the items the issues based on the agenda now are we opening up the floor to create an agenda for everyone however they need to state that agenda item will be commissioner Barry said when when is the proposed meeting we haven't set it up yet we're still pulling everybody to get dates say I haven't I haven't been consulted so I I don't know I saw the email this afternoon it just came out this afternoon there was like much like eight or 10 dates so uh I don't did so the minutes don't specifically say who calling so with all due respect commissioner the motion that was approved by the body was to have a workshop with regard to commission manager relationships that will be what the agenda is a discussion item on that amongst us I don't think at this time we should have a facilitator it was directed three to two by the commission to have such meeting and that's how it will be agendized Pam will get with everybody to schedule it based on on your availability and we'll try to get it set up ASAP okay again again my conversation with the commissioner Barry was to bring some order to what I was concerned was going to be a disorganized meeting that wasn't going to be fruitful I regret that conversation I should have left it B and gone with the direction of the 3-2 vote and we'll get it scheduled if anybody has an agenda concept please contact me I will call collectively put that together I will share the emails but I don't think commissioner Barry barring the direction which is not in the minutes should establish the meeting agenda okay well I can recall that the meeting you asked for my agenda right then and there that that was an our discussion but that was not at the meeting on the at the commission's meeting you asked for my agenda right there and said I could prepare it for you but I didn't have one then and then we continued the discussion and the subject came up and I said this would be the agenda item here and it was based on relationships yeah I I just think you know we had three three Commissioners that voted to do this two that didn't vote so everybody that voted for it needs to bring their agenda I mean why they voted for it I hope that's fine I'm open to whatever but I just I just know what was stated and that's what I was going through and our vote was for a staff meeting based on the city's um um oh my gosh I can't to our policies and procedures and then when talking with Al um the city manager excuse me I said a workshop because I do want to be able to for us to bring something in a positive direction from our meeting granted um not a Kumbaya moment but something that would can move us forward so that we can continue to move and continue the business of the city okay okay so you know I just went read through all the minutes of what what was saying and it really doesn't doesn't say that we're going to just follow your agenda or anybody perfectly I'm perfectly okay with that but that was but I would certainly in we're going to have the meeting because we voted three to two and at the meeting I would say you should come with your agenda Jay should come with his Allan should come with his those were all people that were for that meeting and and let's hear what it's about and then how would you suggest that we facilitate this meeting when we're bringing various agendas from different Accord I mean each person each commissioner well there there's there's five of us I mean it's I said like I mean so how would we move the meeting would you be would you as mayor conduct the meeting as moving forward would that be fair for you I I don't mind at all okay I mean because we're just going to vote you know it's not I mean we're going to make a motion we'll get a second if there's some policy we want to introduce or some behavior that we want to address or whatever it is that is on your agenda and on each person's agenda I so I would bring an agenda each commissioner would bring a agenda I just want to be clear of where we're going cuz we're changing I mean it's turning the direction as far as I just I just want to know what is expected from each commissioner the three that voted well that would you would have all voted we all voted two of us voted not excuse me so the two that didn't vote so you would not bring an agenda or you would bring agenda item that's what I'm trying to get clear will every commissioner bring agenda I won't say what I'm about I think I think every commissioner needs to bring their comments yes on how they perceive commission manager relations and we move from there we'll have Grant at the meeting and deare will act as the mayor always does yeah and and please respond to Pam's email and we will get the meeting set up ASAP okay okay all right that was under commissioner that was under my comment I'm just trans I'm just shifting gears to transition to where we are and I'm open with that um unfortunately well we don't have all parties to weigh in with um commissioner reesman out but I'm I'm open to yes well there's an email to you that to tr the dates so we'll you know we'll work all that out we're moving forward with it everybody should bring their agenda for what they just we voted to have the meeting so you know bring what you got then my next question please while it's up on Dex are we going to are we going to have the meeting the day of a commissioner meeting or are we going to do a separate date because I don't think time will allow um 30 minutes for us to be productive I'm thinking that's my thoughts I'm thinking to separate date myself I didn't do that separate date so like uh so Pam will be contacting you please give Pam some dates of availability will string them all together yep that didn't ask answer the question of the same date of a commissioner meeting or a separate date the response that the Commissioners provide Pam will determine the date you're obviously a commissioner that wants it on a separate date commissioner canel is a commissioner on a separate date there's three other schedules that we havea but the email from Pam didn't State I talked to Pam today another one so she should be sending one out okay I'm basing it on your dates and specify whether you want it on the same day or a different day and we will accommodate everybody's schedules okay do the best we can we have to work collectively great sounds good I'm I'm for all of that I I just felt that the agenda was placed on me in that meeting so I just took the lead to move forward to go forward based on the conversation that we had in there but if we ours was a separate conversation in the minutes let you off the hook oh Excuse me yes you're right um correct excuse me but going forward I am willing to do and work with each person and welcome the idea for everyone to bring their own list of items to discuss and I think that would be perfectly Fair okay done commission canel no commission Peterson nothing I'm gonna bite my up mayor bur well I see we have progress moving on Lee Street I did the project but we still have the south building did they stop tearing that down or are still moving progress I would I would not walk out onto that site okay yeah and that's just a yeah I Mr Mayor U my understanding is that they're going to continue with the Demolition the North building is down south building is scheduled for either this week or next I believe they're going to continue on I know the Historic Society is also collecting bricks for those folks who wanted bricks from school trailer out on Sixth Street I think it's okay to grab if you want for your own um John o' Kell put brought me too I think he brought Andy some for the vault yes so so there was lot of people in the public that wanted that so just trying to get that information out there and that's all I've got tonight can we get a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second