##VIDEO ID:aQmLmzqthmc## e e e e e e e e e let roll this is City commission Monday September the 9th 2024 the time is 5:30 I'll call the meeting to order would you please rise for the invocation and a pledge Heavenly Father we ask that you watch over this group tonight that you help us to make good decisions for the city of lesburg we do that in your name amen am pledge allegiance to of the United States of America and to the repblic for it stands one nation under God indivisible withy and justice for all this evening we have a couple of proclamations so we'll start with the first whereas Childhood Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease and children one in 285 children in the United States will be diagnosed by their 20th birthday and 46 children per day or 16790 children per year are diagnosed with cancer in the United States and the average age of diagnosis is six years years old and whereas 80% of Childhood cancer patients are diagnosed late and with meta metastatic disease on average there has been a 0.6% increase in incidents per year since the mid 1970s resulting in an overall incident increase of 24% over the last 40 years and whereas two-thirds of children 23ds of Childhood cancer patients will have chronic health conditions as a result of their treatment toxicity with one quarter being classified as severe to life-threatening and approximately one half of the childhood cancer families rate the assoc the associated Financial toxicity due to out-of-pocket expenses as considerable to severe and whereas in the last 30 years only six new drugs have been approved by the FDA to spec specifically treat Childhood Cancer and the National Cancer Institute recognizes the unique research needs of Childhood Cancer and the associated need for increased funding to carry this out and whereas hundreds of nonprofit organizations at the local and National level including the American Childhood Cancer organization are helping children with cancer and their families cope through educational emotional and financial support and whereas researchers and healthc Care Professionals work diligently dedicating their expertise to treat and cure children with cancer and whereas too many children are affected by this deadly disease and must and more must be done to raise awareness and find a cure now now therefore I James a bur Jr mayor of the city of leeburg Florida do hereby proclaimed September 2024 as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and encourage all residents to support this cause that so deeply impacts families in every Community Across the Nation come on now let's go up there gu we want to get a picture everybody [Music] [Applause] our second Proclamation is the Hispanic Heritage Month whereas Hispanic Heritage Month is observed each year from September 15th through October 15th to recognize and commend the histories culture and contributions of people from Spain Mexico and the Caribbean and Central and South America and whereas during Hispanic Heritage Month we celebrate the rich and vibrant traditions of Hispanic culture honor the invaluable ways Hispanics contribute to our common goals and work toward a stronger more inclusive and more prosperous Society for all and whereas the observance of Hispanic Heritage Month is is an important reminder of the need for continued efforts to promote inclusivity uh equality and opportunity for all reflecting on the values of justice and fairness that are the foundation of our democracy and whereas Hispanic Heritage Month provides an opportunity for All American Americans to recognize the enduring cultural influences and historical significance of the Hispanic and Latino community and their contributions to the fields of science Arts education government business literature Cuisine music Sports and countless others and whereas Hispanic Hispanics and Latinos continue to enhance our City's character shape our common future and affirm The Narrative of America unity and progress and whereas it is fitting that we acknowledge the achievements and contributions of Hispanics and Latino Americans with appropriate activities and programs that honor their legacy and promote understanding of the cultural heritage that they represent now therefore I James abury Jr mayor of the city of leeburg Florida do hereby Proclaim September the 15 through October the 24th 2024 as Hispanic Heritage Month and encourage our citizens to observe this month with programs activities and ceremonies that celebrate Hispanic culture Heritage and the extraordinary achievements of the Hispanic Americans throughout our history thank [Applause] thank you okay we now move on to uh presentations uh we'll begin with uh certificates to our Miss leeburg winners got them stacked for me thank you Andy all righty so uh I think what we'll do uh if you if when I read your name if you just stand up and wave to the crowd so they know who's who and then once we've done them all we're going to get you all up here for a picture okay all righty so we'll start with uh Miss Leesburg is Madison Roland uh Teen Miss is Claire [Applause] Carlton Junior Miss is Harper Richie Little Miss is Lexi blasy and Tiny Miss is Michaela [Applause] O'Neal so if you guys are just come right up here [Music] must be just open them up so they can see more [Applause] congratul what's up okay hi I'm Madison Roland you're Miss leberg on behalf of me and my pageant sisters we just want to thank the city for um allowing us to represent our city this year it's been an honor and a privilege and just thank you so [Applause] much okay so uh Melissa Tada we have Employee Service award recognitions thank you Melissa araga Director of Human Resources um it is a pleasure always to be here here in front of the mayor and Commissioners to recognize our employees we have quite a few and some with some very long years of service so we'll get started with our five-year employees we'd like to start with recognizing our systems analyst in the IT department Mr Christopher eagle has been with us for five years [Applause] congratulations yeah congratulations Chris next we'd like to recognize our Deputy building official Mr Ricky how has been with us also five years congratulations thank thank you congratulations riy next we'd like to recognize our director of electric Mr Brad Chase has been with us for five years [Applause] and another director director of Public Works Mr Cliff Kelsey has been with us for five years [Applause] congratulations congrats now on to our 10e award we'd like to recognize a smiley face we see a pleasant person we see all the time at the front desk of customer service Miss Lisa Robinson admin assistant [Applause] too congratulations next on to our 25 Year Awards this employee has served in the police department during her entire career with the city Miss Alana Swafford is an evidence technician for the police department 25 years [Applause] congratulations Elana next on to our 35 Year Awards this employe started his career in the public works department he currently serves in the gas department for the last 19 years as our gas measurement and cathartic protection technician Mr Andrew Tim Allen congratulations [Applause] [Music] congrats another 35 year employee he served in the recreation department his entire career primarily taking care of the pat Thomas Stadium Mr Michael Thompson he's our athletic fields [Applause] lead congratulations thank youat congratulations and um another Milestone 40 years we have um Mr Randy Mort he started his career with the city and the recreation department now in public works as a lead plant operator 40 years congratulations [Applause] congratulations Randy thank [Applause] you right here [Music] at this time we'll move on to uh item number four is public comment this section is reserved for members of the public to bring up matters of concern or opportunities for praise issues brought up will not be discussed in detail at this meeting issues will either be referred to the proper staff or will be scheduled for consideration uh at a future city commission meeting comments are limited to three minutes and would you please give your name and your address when you come up do we have any public comment Bill P 600 Cascade Avenue lebur Florida I just wanted to thank the city for helping me today uh big tree fell from my yard into the road in Cascade and 6th Avenue and they were Johnny on the spot getting out there did a great job and uh it looked like it was about cleaned up when I left there they worked through the rain and did a great job thank you thank you any other public comment hello everyone uh my name is Gary McKenney I live at 729 South 9th Street uh my wife and I just moved here from Mount Dora and I just wanted to compliment uh the public works and customer services uh departments uh when like this gentleman uh when the tree limbs were overhanging 9th Avenue my wife made a call and these guys were out the next day uh she made another call when the trees in palur park were getting a little bit too big they came out even before she hung up the phone and they were out there Trim in the trees uh when some of the street lights were out she made another call you notice she makes all the calls uh she made another call and just the other day the utility truck was there and those guys were replacing light bulbs um when the street sweeper is always going up and down the street it's it's incredible to see how efficient your public works department is and when we moved here the customer service people were exemplary they were great helping us because we had to get building permits uh to do a lot of the work on the house we're renovating and every single one of them they were just perfect giving us all the information that we needed uh when we'd follow up they made uh the instructions clear provided us with information what we needed to provide so uh anyway just a really good job all the way around and an especially good job on picking those Miss leeburg contestants they were fantastic so thanks very much I appreciate your work thank you okay any other public comment good evening Gary kuster 8909 East Treasure Island Avenue leeburg uh I spoke to you guys in July 2023 about Silver Lake Point and the water running out on the road it ain't any better you told me and Mr Peterson told me that it would be taken care of that you fig they would figure out what the problem is the problem is they got the drains on the outside on the entrance and the water runs down the inside the the low spot is the center the r water runs out onto 44 it floods 44 it runs down the hill and it's running into another individual's property at the bottom of the hill it hasn't improved it's still every time it rains and one of the excuses was that a a truck dumped part of its load and that's why all the sand and silk was washing down the road I drove truck for 48 years and in 48 years I never saw that happened but not saying it couldn't so that was the excuse but apparently a truck dumps part of its load every time it rains because every time it rains it washes the sand and silk down to the bottom of the hill I don't know if there's any way of fixing it we met with Kel uh Cliff Kelsey we did a a zoom meeting with him he met with the the developer and apparently um nobody wants to just shut them down and just say you got to stop until you fix the problem it's going to be an expensive fix now because they're going to have to put in another storm drain in the center so the water runs where it's supposed to into the storm drains it doesn't even hit the storm drains there's one more storm drain down the hill that they put in and that storm drain is above the level of the road no no water can run into it I mean you can look at it and see that so it's a it's a problem that needs to be fixed somebody at some point when there's a heavy rain is going to come down 44 and they're going to hydroplane and there's going to be a heck of an accident the traffic keeps getting worse and worse our confidence in the ability to solve these problems with Treasure Trove with Silver Lake woods and with orange bin coming online in those areas is minimal if you can't handle this problem what problem can you handle the city just needs to get tough with the Developers thank you thank you sir any other public comment all right we'll move on to item five the consent agenda routine items are placed on the consent agenda to expedite the meeting if the commissioner staff wishes to discuss any item the procedure is as follows one pull the item or items from the consent agenda two vote on the remaining items with one roll call vote and three discuss each pulled item and vote by roll call are there any items anyone would like to pull 5 B1 5 B1 anything else 5 C5 5 C5 any others make a motion to approve all remaining items roll call commission con yes commissioner rean yes commissioner Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes mayor bur yes someone please introduce 5 B1 I'll introduce as be right by title only resolution of the city Commission of the city of leeburg Florida authorizing the mayor and city clerk to execute a Services agreement with high performance Technologies LLC for the installation of an upgraded it infrastructure that integrates with the city's existing system and provid proving an effective date for approval second right discussion I'm the one who pulled it um I just wanted clarification the the numbers didn't add up I mean I'm fine with how it was the bid was given out but uh in the narrative it says well in the chart it has the winning it shows a lower number which would win at 580 total U and then to the right you've got the 129 which mathematically goes to 649 which is the number used to the narrative so I was just looking for cl verification what P Mike Andrew network manager my understanding is that's just the addition of the leasing fees that the 580 was the cost of the equipment and that the fees over the term of the lease are what we breaks us down to the 129 a year okay okay as long if you're okay with it I'm okay with it we're pretty happy with it okay thank you any other questions roll call commissioner Ean yes commissioner Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes commissioner pil yes mayor bur yes someone please introduce 5 C5 I'll introduce 5 C5 to be by title only resolution of the city Commission of the city of leasburg Florida authorizing the mayor and city clerk to execute a commercial lease agreement between the city of lesburg and the melon patch players Inc and providing an effective date for approval second discussion yeah I have several questions on this um we purchased this property three or four months ago for 2.4 million I believe and that doesn't even take into effect all the other stuff that went along with this to tear down another building and build another building and all this other stuff but anyway we just go with the 2.4 and now we want to lease it out for 50-year lease for $33,000 a year for 50 years so you're going to get $150,000 back on your $2.4 million investment over 50 years and we're we're responsible to maintain the building it's a terrible deal the outer structure I think the police called for everything in inside for the but the structure Al stuff sort of the heavy heavy lifting I guess in a sense would be the city yes sir that's right okay but so you're getting you're getting $3,000 back on your $2.4 million investment and you still got to maintain the outside of the structure I mean I just don't think this is a very good and and then tie in this building up for 50 years I mean we could never do nothing with it for 50 years I mean I mean you couldn't sell it nobody's going to buy a a building with a with a a tenant in there only pays 3, a year and they're so responsible for the outside structure I just think this is a horrible Financial deal for the city absolutely awful any comments look I don't want to yeah be the the Bastion of of the proponent here but I think the larger concept when we did the lease that's before the commission is not a surprise it shouldn't be anyway when we discussed the Tropic purchase two three months ago we talked about its use Concepts um and and the use concept was at that time was going to be three-fold with the events division the melon patch and to come the art center so we could shift things around at the other place there on Magnolia with addressing parking concerns which we talked agnosia during the budget process I don't think the commission or the community ever saw this as a profit Center I think the concept was to purchase a facility that would become a city asset that would help bolster actions and Recreation and a drawing card to the downtown so there in lies um the concept um I I won't disagree with commissioner canel's remarks as far as financially no the numbers don't add up um but I think when we endeavored into this project we weren't looking at numbers we were looking at culture arts a facility to house not for-profit organizations providing not for-profit organizations with a similar terms to what they currently have um the example would be the art center is in the current city facility for no payment um the partnership was in that facility for years with no payment um and contrary you know again the numbers aren't horrible but the melon patch is actually probably one of the first not for-profit agencies actually bringing money to the table albe it you know in the long term uh not a whole lot but it's more than probably any other not for-profit deal that we've done so again I don't think the the Judgment here is based on the financial dollars but the intrinsic value that it brings to community and the commissional vote the way you know you think is best for that that program why does it need to be a 50-year lease uh we talked in annosum about that uh at least on a staff level between myself and melon patch um melon patch has given up a current facility that there in with no cost to them other than maintenance costs it is an a bit of disrepair um they'd like a place that's larger that holds more people and that is in the downtown is attractive to them so they feel that they're they're selling their facility um it's under contract now so they wanted this long-term security of having a lease $150,000 um to the melon patch is a considerable sum so they wanted security behind the deal 150,000 but it's over 50 years I mean so that's $3,000 a year I mean I mean they're wanting to move so I I don't know why we're giving them such a sweetheart deal here on this building and you know like I said by us just buying it several months ago we just removed it from the tax roll so there's a reoccurring loss of money every year two by acquiring the building and now we're practically giving it way and we still have to maintain the exterior it just this deal makes absolutely no no no Financial common sense at all no I mean it just doesn't any other comments I I think this was part of this is part of our master plan for downtown and I don't disagree with you commissioner canell about the the cost but I correlate this to we as a city provide a lot of assets around our city whether it be sports facilities uh Pat Thomas there's multiple organizations that don't pay a fee to play there as well so I think we as a city need to be responsible and provide other um avenues for our residents to enjoy whether it be sports or the Arts whether it be the Art Center or theater I think this is going to be a huge asset to our downtown uh it'll bring even more traffic and people to our downtown to support our downtown and I think it's a great thing for our city any other comments roll call commissioner Peterson yes commission Barry yes commissioner canel no commissioner rean yes mayor B yes move on to item six public hearings and non routine items we start with 6A second reading of ordinances someone please introduce 6 A1 I'll introduce as Spirit by title only an ordinance of the city of leeburg Florida amending the city bburg comprehensive plan future land use element to establish the Sunnyside estate's objective and policies previously set forth in resolution 7158 and known as the Sunnyside Task Force study report for properties generally located in sections 19 20 21 28 29 30 and 32 Township 19 South Range 25 East Lake County Florida and providing an effective date for approval all right discussion Dan would you uh come up just give us a a brief summary of this please thank you Mr Mayor Dan Miller Planning and Zoning um you have before you three amendments regarding the Sunnyside area the first one which is 6 A1 will establish the Sunnyside estate's future land use category in the comprehensive plan text that will contain an objective and six policies and it will also EST establish residential densities that are compatible with the Sunnyside estate's area of the city and it is consistent with resolution 7158 which was the Sunnyside Task Force study originally done back in 2005 thank you thank you Dan is there any public comment on this any other comments from the commissioner roll call commissioner Barry yes commission conell yes commissioner reesman yes commission Peterson yes mayor bur yes someone please introduce 682 62 to be read by title only an ordinance of the city of leeburg Florida amending the comprehensive plan future land use map by redesignating the future land use designation of certain property from low density residential high density residential and estate residential to Sunnys side Estates s e for properties generally located in sections 19 20 21 28 29 30 and 32 Township 19 South Range 25 East Lake County Florida and providing an effective date approval second discussion anything to add Dan no sir this is just the future land use map amendment that goes along with it gotcha any questions from the commissioner any public comment on that roll call commissioner kill yes commissioner rean yes commissioner Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes mayor bur yes someone please introduce 683 I'll introduce 683 to be right by title only an ordinance of the City leeburg Florida amending part two chapter 25 of a municipal code adding section 255-269 parentheses 3 future land use districts and providing an effective date for approval second discussion third of three items this adds the Sunnyside information into our Land Development regulations chapter 25 thank you Dan any questions for Dan on that any public comment on it any Commissioners have any roll call commissioner rean yes commission Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes commissioner canel yes mayor Bur yes would someone please introduce uh 6b1 I'll introduce 6b1 by title only an ordinance of the city of leeburg Florida amending the city's comprehensive plan future land use element Transportation element housing element sanitary sewer element potable water element Solid Waste element drainage element aquafer recharge element conservation element Recreation and open space element intergovernmental coordination element Capital Improvements element Aviation element property rights element under the procedures established in sections 163 3184 parentheses 2 and parentheses 4 and to comply with sections 163 and 373 of the Florida Statutes related to water supply planning requirements by mending the water supply facility work plan and incorporating the water supply facility work plan as an appendix to the poble water element and providing an effective date this is a first readings so uh do we have times get sent to the state and so we don't know this this does get sent to the state it's probably a little bit longer review the normal Dan you anticipate a coming back November December time frame yes sir we anticipate a 60-day turnaround from the the state and we hoping for the first meeting in December or as soon as possible thereafter for the second reading right um so obviously it's a you pretty big report it was presented to the commission a couple of weeks ago anyway and we didn't we didn't sneak in the packet on you I think it's about 800 and some odd Pages um I I will save all I will save all sarcasm because this is honestly the the comprehensive plan is probably one of the most important documents that the city works with um and obviously you guys deal with a lot of growth issues and and um so this is actually one of the biggest biggest documents we work with so it's pretty comprehensive we will probably need to get it up on the website which it's not up yet uh so we'll work with it on that uh public copies are available now either contact my office or the planning and zoning office this did go through review of the Planning and Zoning Board I believe they looked at it last month with the 70 uh recommendation to approved um so you guys have a at least a couple more months to to read the 800 pages when we go through this on second reading we'll have Dan give like a 15minute synopsis of the 800 Pages ASAP just to break down the most important things really one of the most important things in there is the Sunnyside plan uh which implements the the more the rural nature there on sunny side and it does a few other things obviously with with the water conservation is a big part we don't we don't look at that section often but cliff and and the water districts that's a that's a significant part of the plan so to the state soon as it gets back look for late November first part of December for final adoption and again any questions contact the planning and zoning office or my office and we'll get it up on the website for additional dissemination I just had two two comments for Dan or well one one comment and then one's kind of a question of the commission and now um not a big deal I did read it Dan it was a took a little extra coffee to get through this one um but on uh page 190 it there was a it was on bike it was on the uh well the bottom line is there was a box that said no designated bike trails and I just thought of our rails to Trail or no designated no designated bike pass and it talked about it elsewhere I mean I know we have the rails the trails other things going on that was just more probably a typo just want to bring that to your attention that sounds like a typo and I just want to bring that to your attention said page 1 190 yes sir okay I I will look into that and we'll have it corrected then this probably more question of the city manager but I was surprised when like in the Housing section I don't remember which page but they talk about definition of substandard housing you know inadequate Plumbing all these crazy things and we were at 5.5% the Count's at 3.5 I would just surprised we were that High um you we talked about that before I know I know we have issues getting into houses legally and things like that I just wouldn't bring that to the commission's attention that was kind of a surprise not a criticism just a surprise to me is that based on the entire city uh I'm guessing entire city we we also had a higher percentage of renters versus own but I guess that's total housing I'm sure it's both both both statistics are Citywide okay okay so when I read the definition of substandard I was just a little taken back by that one so that's all I had thank you and and just for the public uh information each 10 years roughly uh cities are required to go through this process of addressing uh the comp plan to make changes that you know they deem are necessary to meet the needs of their city so this is we're around that that time frame with this and that's uh the main purpose of it I would encourage everyone that's interested go read it if you don't like something in it because that's that is what when people come and want to develop in lebur for this is the document that you know they use that uh you know to to do that development and if if their need their uh their ideas uh are you know within the comp plan then we uh you know we got to pretty much do we got to do it got to do what what they want to do so uh this will give you an opportunity like we say you're going to have several couple of months at least uh before this gets back from the state but I would encourage everyone to read it if you don't like something in it let us know and uh you know that's how you get get things changed I'd like to add one thing I'd like to say kudos to the Planning and Zoning team the committee and the department of great work I the look of it looks really good it's very easy to follow to to acknowledge where what specifics you're looking for and um the Consultants I do would like to also add they were really good in presenting and getting everyone on board to give your ideas and everything consultant team was Calvin G ordono and associates they do a lot of local government work um Alyssa Livingstone is here representing them tonight and they did a fantastic job and my team my um project manager candy Harper and Max Van Allen who's a planner on the staff they did some fantastic work on this so I do appreciate your comments thank you any other questions or comments You' like to come up please I guess so this is the second reading correct no first reading first reading oh you're on the first reading yeah okay I missed that one okay so you got time to change it then correct yeah that's why we want everyone to read it all right someone please introduce uh 6b2 or 6b2 to be read by title only an ordinance of the City lebur Florida vacating in and abandoning a portion of the improved rideway of 13th Street located between Center Street and West Main Street in lesburg Lake County Florida providing for conditions providing for severability and providing for an effective date this is the first reading uh we will have second reading do we have time certain on that second reading is the 23rd 23rd yes sir be the 23rd uh if there is anyone commission do anyone have comment on this I just have one one question um was there any communication with the residents online Street to the no direct communication other than the advertisement advertisements and I assume signs were put up and so for no signs were put up if you would like some additional communication done between now and the 23rd we can have that done I mean I I support this I understand what the church is trying to do support this campus I just I just don't want these residents I don't know I commissioner rean commented last time that I would put words in his mouth that you know some of them could like it I mean it could stop through traffic but I I guess that's my only that's the only question I have um we can get some similar signs out like when we do the zoning stuff we we can get those signs put I think those residents probably deserve that I'd hate for them to find out after the fact good idea I I would like to add one question please so when you're coming on Center Street from the 14th Street to the 13th the only entrance and exit would be 27 right 14 to get in and out unless you turn left I mean turn left on 13 correct turn left you won't be able so those homes that are right there on Center Street they're only exit and inbound would be 27 or go around to 13th Street am I correct in saying that I think so okay which would then take them down to Webster Perkins they trying to get on Main okay basically MH and do those have those homes on so we'll get cent center to add those people on that street as well and then one more thing I just want to be clear just trying to visualize the only traffic light then would be from 14th is right at the Palm Plaza before the new coffee brewer Place correct Center Center and 27 but there no th Street go to Plaza and then yes so it's no thorough Street to get to the Catholic Church you would have to go around correct no can I get from Main Street no 14th so if you're on 14th and you want to go to where if you go there's no thorough through street from 14th now to the Catholic Church St Paul so to you could still get to the so if you're going up Center or you're going up 27 or coming off center you can still go to Center oh make a left and then you make a left and then that'll bend your around with the Catholic Church got it thank you y do we have any public comment on this abely little 600 Cascade Avenue uh also owned property on 406 North 13th Street bad idea guys nobody's thought this through uh I don't know if the lawyers has even looked it up we have the city have already closed from Line Street to Main Street that's been closed for three to four years Lon street is what she was talking about uh line to identifying those people that are going to use that room so Line Street to main Street's been closed for three to four years you mean on 13th on 13th Street yes it's been closed for three to four years the church has not done one thing to uh on their plan that they brought to the city uh this is I don't know if it's when I was on here or after I was on here but I'm very familiar with it because I had a lawyer down here fighting it because they wanted to close the whole Road I but you know we on both sides of the road on 13th Street and right now she's correct if you want to come from 27 to go to the Catholic Church the only way you'll be able to get there is come down Center Street turn left on 13th Street and go to the Catholic church and a lot most of those people do that now that's kind of become a a thing now because uh the slow traffic at by the church nobody the church has not thought this process out they've had three to five years if I'm not mistaken to do something with uh 13th Street from Line Street to Main Street have done nothing so they haven't even tried to do anything there they have this grandiose plan they brought to the city and it must have been when I was on there because I remember it like night and day and uh they have done zero I mean I agree with Mr uh Peterson there about how great the church is and all that stuff I go there so I know about the church but uh they have the traffic backs up in the morning from 8 from A4 to 8 till 8:15 every morning beyond my office which is past the bike trail all the way down to almost Sunshine Avenue or Webster tree and uh the Speeders which art has talked about are mostly the people going to to school in the morning trying to get their kid there before they're late and during the day after about 8:15 there's hardly any traffic on that road at all on 13th Street very very little traffic there the Catholic Church meets at 9:00 or something they all come down Center Street turn left and go to the church but uh to close I don't want to close from Center Street to line street because the people on line Street they use that road to come to 13th Street come down turn left on uh Center Street and go to Publix that's the only light they have to get out on the highway there otherwise they got to go to Main Street where on down 12th Street they got to turn around because there's people right there by the church they got to turn around and go backwards to get to say or any anywhere on 27 so if you want to close it you already got it closed from Line Street to Main Street if you look up your records it's it's already been done so I'm I'm totally against closing from Center Street to Lion Street I think it's going to cause traffic problems it's going to cause problems for people on line Street 12th Street and all the people that are going out to 27 when they want to get go shopping or wherever they want to go and also the people that are going to go to the Catholic church and pray every morning because they do every morning but from 7:45 to 8:15 the traffic's terrible I can't even get out of my office if I want to leave there and from about quarter till 3: till 3:15 same thing that's they're backed up all the nice vehicles are backed up there waiting for the kid to get out of there and if I'm late coming to work on down line Street I cannot get out on to 13th Street right now to get to my office so you know it's almost I have to change my schedule about every day so if you want to close it from Lion Street to uh Main Street it's already closed they they're at rest of it I understand they're going to have the um they bought the melon patch they're going to use the melon patch they're worried about the traffic they've done nothing to do anything to what they've already had approval to do when uh our who was the manager of the Public Works back then DC DC DC was here he explained the whole thing he went through the whole thing the uh vaguely we'll we'll have to double check the you can look back up when DC was here and he I remember that we had the conversation and you may be right we may have closed it big conversation we'll double check it I don't know if the time frame if there was a time frame on it and it ran out but they they never did any of their plan they went to California with three people to look up this grandio plan and had somebody come up with a great big plan they put it up on the board and showed everybody the plan everybody's excited about it nothing ever happened so now they want to do this that's fine but it's going to cause traffic problems uh right there to get to to 27 you know I don't care if you know you can't even go down there when the school they got cones out and the kids are crossing the road and anybody with the brain is not going to go there anyway but most of the uh people that are uh driving down uh 13th Street uh the Speeders are the people that go to the church I hate to say that but uh they are the people go to the church cuz there you can look at the moms and their faces are like eyes about to bug out and they're going to church trying to get their kid there before he's late so you know uh think about this there's no plan right now so to just say we're going to close it is there's no traffic plan even if you close to Center Street it's not going to solve the problem of the traffic they have no traffic pattern plan for anybody that wants to go to school there you know it's kind of like the airport and you build a house next next to it you know they built a school but they didn't have a traffic plan there and they still don't but I'm all for the church cuz I attend there occasionally I was there Sunday but uh anyway uh you I wouldn't I wouldn't approve this or I wouldn't even bring it a second reading or anything until somebody comes up with a new plan and shows you their old plan that they already had which was great big plan and I'm sure Art's got something to say about it but uh find and dandy I'm just telling you what's happening I'm there every morning okay most of the time thank you Mr may may I ask a question please with with the with with this request for change would this be a step towards getting the Center Street and 27 light I know that's highway to be a turning lane put in because that's where the traffic is that's the backup it's not necessarily the school yeah we're not going to have any are you talk a turning lane On LAN on 27 and Center that's where the issue is it's not the electric station right there no no no it's no turning lane a left signal on either direction on Center Street to if you're coming on Senator 27 either way there's not a turning lane to turn left turning lane there's no excuse me thank you there's no signal to turn so anything we do in that intersection even on our streets because it intersects with 27 we'll have to get work through do on that that's what I'm asking is that something that could be considered we we would need to get through through at D okay wait wait I want one more so you're going to close that road maybe I own on both sides of the road to Center Street to the trail will y'all close that for me think about that other public comment go ahead well let me say first of all I'm sympathetic to Mr PK's position um he's both a neighbor in a friend too so I'm very sympathetic that position we're in a very difficult situation because one thing when I talked to the city about the melon patch when they said they want to make a move downtown I said I'm open to that but I said the challenge is we're moving further up the street and we already have 600 kids going across the road so we have to do something to restrict that traffic I I remember the event three weeks uh three years ago but I don't remember signing a vacation or anything for any utilities there so I don't know that that was followed through I remember we had the conversation okay that's my recollection you wouldn't have had brought a presentation to us I was I was on the maybe it was the year before I got on the commission so it had been about three or four years ago where you talked about a a large campus yeah the the the problem the problem is like on Sundays and I'm going to say that it is a safety concern I saw it happen yesterday uh when we purchased the Christian Science building we have turned that into like a weight Athletic Facility I saw somebody yesterday they what happens is the people get up there by Beth Shalom or get there by a melon patch and they start coming down that road they just pump the brakes at the uh the traffic light I mean at the stop light I mean the stop sign and just keep going going I have twice seen kids almost get splattered by cars so it is I agree with Bill it's very crazy at 8:30 and 3:00 we have a problem there that we need to address I don't disagree with that at all but I do disagree we have problems all throughout the day and if I were to bring the preschool people here I've got the school here we have people that just come barreling through there at all kind of times of the days now we do what we can to get the kids across there but we do have a safety issue with that thing and if we don't close it then we need to do some major restriction but we do have a problem a major safety problem there I don't have a great idea on that but I it when we bought when we made a contract on the melon patch that changed everything and I never had the melon patch until just a few months ago so now we're going to make a different plan now if we do go through with buying the melon patch so I'm willing to work with Bill willing to work with the city but we need to do something because it is a major safety concern there so currently uh just as Mr pul was indicating that from Line Street to Main Street that technically you has been closed and you you could have I've never signed a vacation EAS well no we did because when we yeah but there there's utilities on there when we bought when we got the High Street section that goes up to the brick wall we signed a bunch of stuff on that that so two different cases you wouldn't have had to sign anything just like in this situation this ordinance doesn't require the First Baptist Church to sign off on it because you own the property or the the church owns the property on both sides right so the law is that when that RightWay is is vacated the owner on it split down the middle I got so you you automatically get that so so that's silent in the ordinance so if we did that in the past you wouldn't have done that what we would have done in that ordinance was create a utility easement or existing Utilities in are protected so like I say I remember the conversation I remember the the displays we'll double check the record to see what we did do um and go from there and we can modify the ordinance on the 23rd um accordingly and and that may be uh we only need to vacate the Line to Center um I also talked with Mr Aris so he's going to make a presentation to the commission about their plans which was going to be for second reading so that was the public hearing and that's when we're advertised so I just I assume that there would just be more people here so we've got a little bit of homework so we'll double check th those issues um and report back on the 23rd accordingly that sounds good I was on the commission when when Arc did the presentation I remember well um I am perfectly fine with line Street to Maine I think the commission gave him the knot on that we did have some discussion on the Line to Center we you know nothing binding but um just my recollection of that so who's doing a presentation art did Art the the church WIll doation on their plans on the 23rd but I'd just like to add I'm I'm in support and I just would hope that we contact the residents there like we stated do that as well before the 23rd that's good any other public any he's coming to the microphone one more comment is is there I looked at the maps is there any way to create a a new road or route something through there I mean I know that's not as near as easy as it sounds but is there I I'll just throw that out for an idea I'm gonna say no I know it's complicated I just throw that out as an idea to to because all that's private property around there so well I realize we okay okay I just an idea to accommodate the church and keep the peace with everybody I before speaking may I add on to that that one light at the at Auto Zone and that little shop next to the thing that's used to be a thorough Street back in the day and that's been closed off to property so that's just something to think about that's a traffic light is sitting there to take you right into palm blaza and if you go straight you're only in the Auto Zone you can go straight to 13th Street and that was it just a thought pet boy excuse me thank you good evening my name is Greg feskin i'm the principal at First Academy and I've been there this is my 32 year when I came in 1993 we had 165 kids and there were probably about 50 or 60 in the preschool and now we have 520 students in the school and 120 in the pr school so Mr pul is right it does get very congested in there in the morning and that's why we wanted to present this project because with our acquisition of the adjacent properties to First Academy um there was a house that we bought that we tore down and with the recent acquisition of melon patch I think we can address a lot of the concerns that Mr pul has in trying to create new traffic patterns because of the land that we now have will allow us to do some better things with that I was unaware that line to Maine had been closed I was not aware of that um in the mornings it does get very congested um but the the speeding is also bad during the day and the there are people that come from Main Street down 13th and we often see here see people um as kids are crossing the crosswalk coming very fast through that area um I met with a representative of the leberg police department they were not able to put a camera up for us to keep that speed down because they did traffic studies and because we have stop signs at either end of the block they slow down to the stop sign but then they speed up in the middle and then slow down at the next stop sign so right in the middle where the kids are Crossing in the crosswalk becomes a very dangerous area um but it's not fast enough to Warrant a camera apparently the speed does not raise get raised up high enough so for instance some schools got one camera like St Paul's because in it goes directionally and in One Direction the speeds were bad the other direction coming off of 27 it was not so the other and some schools got two cameras because both ways were um very very fast but first Academy didn't get any cameras and I am concerned about the speed of people coming down that road during the school hours was there a a reason again why you didn't get cameras they said that the speeds did not reach high enough to each each school zone had to do a traffic study and they they didn't in order to by the to qualify so you didn't qualify correct correct okay any other comments I don't I don't have a solution I'm sensitive to the camera because we put cameras or we voted support cameras on every Public School in the city we did every there was nine schools I believe Chief correct and every school I'm just looking I guess I'm looking for looking for creativity to help uhop ID I yeah the state statute has a threshold that we did a test on last year year so that particular area did not meet the threshold required by the state statute is why they're not there gotcha okay any other public comment any other comments from the commission we get as the uh other current uh person that is on 13th Street I am Dustin Levine the executive director of the melon patch players I want to back them that that is a very dangerous area it might not have shown in the tests that were done but I watch people go there and I mean they zip through I watched one that may have been drunk going like opposite sides so there is a definite concern on safety I think the only reason it didn't go to Center the last time was because we were there but without us being there I I would say that it's something to very consider I mean I I worry about the kids that are there so just wanted to put that out there that it wasn't just the church saying that but you know someone else as well so uh on the if 13th 13th is the north south so on the east side of 13th at the corner of Center and the church owns all the way to Center Street that's the Jewish synagogue so you don't own all the way to Center Street but we are talking to the Jewish synagogue okay but you don't we do not we do not own that but we own everything up to that up to that and on the west side all the way up to my to your to Bill's property okay okay so this uh this will come back to us the 23d the 23rd uh personally I want to want to think a little bit about this I I'm not so sure given that I'd like some more information if we were if we allowed you to close 13th three or four years ago and yet you didn't I'm not sure that I want to close more road now I I you know I'm not but I'd like some more some more detailed information on that any other comments uh I mean I'm completely completely comfortable closing line whether we have to reapproved or not completely comfortable closing from line to Main Street the question done that well whe yeah whether it was done or whether we vote again but right I there is some issues on Line to Center yes so Grant will get back to us with the the legal standing of that if before the yes sir we'll we'll check into all of that stuff and uh be able to address that when we get back okay thank you thank you any other questions any other public comment all right again that'll be on 923 uh someone please introduce uh 6 B3 I'll introduce 6 B3 to be read by title only an ordinance of the city of leeburg Florida amending the city code ordinances by amending chapter 5 Section 5-6 consumption of and open containers prohibited on public property exceptions amending section 5- 6.2 consumption of or possession of alcohol in open containers near stores selling alcoholic beverages amending chapter 18 streets sidewalks and other public places providing for severability providing for conflicts providing for inclusion in the coda ordinances and providing for an effective period and effective date this will lay over 923 923 also uh any comments from the commission I do um this is our Entertainment District that's downtown and um from talking to the city manager I don't think we've had any issues in the past year so I was going to see so this doesn't have to come back but we can always Pull It in a future date if we could remove the sunset provision in the ordinance if the commission would be in favor of that or at least make it more than one year I mean we can pull it any time if we have an issue the commission at any point can pull it but this way it doesn't have to keep coming back to us on a yearly basis if staff or commission SE I would support that okay so I would is this for this is a downtown entertainment downtown only it doesn't apply to other areas of the correct the downtown Entertainment District and me personally I I would rather uh have have the sunset clause in there and that way makes it a little bit easier for us if this doesn't work out for what for some unforeseen problem that it's I I'd rather approve it every year personally and I just say the alternative would you be comfortable with two or three years at a time or do not not change your opinion in reality it just saves staff from having to do this every year and if staff sees an issue whether it be their Chief or city manager it can always be pulled up put on the agenda for us to discuss and terminated or to adjust that's do you have any comments about no I don't I think um either way you want to do it would be fine you know as commissioner reesman saying if you remove the sunset then the city can always change the law and pass an ordinance to prohibit the downtown entertainment you know get rid of the downtown Entertainment District for open containers and that kind of thing so um however you want to do it I think is fine mechanically um but as commissioner reesman said it um it's something that could be pulled and sort of terminated if the city believes that that law is not going well wouldn't it have to be an incident or something that would CA something to didn't we already vote on this earlier this was approved last year and has every year term come up but any incidents that happened from last year to this year none none of significant MH the sunset just allows if we do not say yes at a official meeting then it would go away so we have to look at it once a year the way it's set up right now and personally I I just like that Avenue so it'll come back to us so 9:23 yes or we would make okay or you can uh make a motion a motion amend so I'll make a motion to amend it and remove the sunset Clause okay second okay so discussion on that Amendment anybody got comments okay so we're voting now to go forward and not have the vote so what what what we're saying is that if we change the sunset L we're going to take the sunset out so this just is we have an Entertainment District and and you can drink in the Entertainment District okay removing the Suns set just means that we would have to bring it back in full and vote against it if we wanted to not have the commissioner this is a procedural vote I'm with you any other comments okay so you made a motion we have a second we have a motion we have a second to remove the sunset Clause from from this ordinance uh roll call commissioner Peterson yes commissioner Barry yes commissioner cill yes commissioner reesman yes mayor bur no so this will come back to us on 9:23 for a a second reading yes and that will be the amended version where there's no Sunset yes okay James hopg good 112 South F Street I guess my my confusion is is I've W I've looked at all the zoning Maps I don't see the terminology Entertainment District anywhere on that um so I'm asking it says Central business district it's it's labeled in pink is that what we're referring to I'm just for it's clarification I just don't know what the limitation what is that start and stop Entertainment District is is uh also known as there's a map that's it it refers to the CBD only and then there's a map in the ordinance that further closes down the area in the C dbd where open containers can be had and by memory it was roughly Main Street Meadow to Magnolia Canal to 9th gotcha that box went a little deeper on second maybe down it did yeah that's all just it's just a clarification question yeah I mean there is an existing map um so the map will be made part of the ordinance okay yeah I'm just I'm looking at what's available on the general GIS map on you know on the city on County and I I don't see it so it's all I just ask clarification and I'm full support of it so it's okay we'll move on to item uh 6C non routine items we have nine informational reports we have nine City attorney items no reports this evening thank you city manager items I have no items for you this evening call commissioner Peterson nothing tonight commissioner Barry um I have one question I have one thing I'd like to ask I just want to be clear on this that I think was in our packet last month of the listings is this from you and Andy can you tell ma'am I I'm not sure where I think it was in the packet for proof of publication was this the listings and a I think there was that properties yeah the properties and this is district one so are they have they been listed I'm just not clear nothing's been listed I'll look at that after the meeting that's all I need to ask sorry I could ask that and just again and um I just would like to thank everyone for came out to the hurricane preparedness um last week no week before last it was a great success lots of information was provided and I thank thank all that participated thank you commissioner canel nothing commission reban a couple things um when will the cdc's be doing their presentations we have the lebur CDC I think schedule for the first October meeting and we're still working to get uh coordinated with c um I want to thank Andy for getting the Haley Strong shirts for all of us um reminding everyone the blue 5K for the lebur police department is on 921 at the airport if you don't come out and walk it or run it you can still come out and support it and then if anything tonight shows just how great our staff is from all the way from the top all the way down to the people down the line is just the public comments just goes to show how hard our staff works and then a lot of times we get calls people blow up our phones and if we can't handle issue then we blow up City manager's phone and then he blows up Deputy the department heads phone and the staff is always really quick to address the issues and I think that just goes to show how great our staff is here in the city of lebur and just want to say thank you for all the hard work they do and thank you to Deputy City Manager for your monthly report that is very informative thank you that'll be it for me mayor bur yeah one thing tonight uh we have had uh on several occasions uh people come to the mic during public comment uh wanting it to know what the plan is for the homeless situation in downtown and in the city of leeburg and I uh I would encourage folks to come out uh at the next scheduled meeting uh we are going to address that uh and uh come and listen that's all I got motion motion to adjourn