##VIDEO ID:bKjnsgXOiB8## documentation on December 16th in the computer under my address under my under my um ALT key number he's under my property report card nothing so he was upset with that he said he'd have to get back to me at the beginning of January because everybody's going in and out on vacation now I want to back check I'm going here so I have a document because I've done lots of public records requests but guess what address is on there 9500 Lake Shore Drive that is not my address now if that's the address he had how could he have possibly mailed me a 10day notice of compliance he couldn't have and the date he printed this on was 112 2022 that's the date of every print I'm gonna have to stop you now we've got three minutes um we do have an agenda well I have one last thing to say before you go if you would we have an agenda item later in the meeting where we're going to discuss um Lake Shore Drive near 561 um but commissioner Mar did you have something to add uh yes thank thank you chair I just I always appreciate the we do sincerely the uh public comment that we get but um I just wanted to State for the public record that um I know that you uh chairman have been out to Aster a lot so I know that you're very concerned about what's what goes on about that so I didn't want that I know that was something um but I know that you're you're very concerned it's been brought up many times in our meeting so um I just wanted to clear that up so I appreciate that comment and yes I have spent a lot of time there and we have been working on that particular Road and there are some legal issues that we have to work around that we can't make the rules as we go we have to follow the rules that exist and as much as it would be great if we could just kind of ignore what the law said and just get a road paved we're not allowed to do certain things because we have public dollars we're working with and so when it's a private road we're prohibited by law to improve private property so it creates a real difficulty in areas where we have private easements private roads that are being used for a certain amount of Public Access but they're not really public roads so we're we're trying we're really working hard on it um do we have anyone else online Okay so we're going to move on to the Clerk of Court's consent agenda um Mr Cooney good morning and good morning to the the commission I have three items on my consent this morning for your approval move for approval second all right any discussion all in favor say I I that passes 5 moving on to consent agenda tabs 3 through 28 do we have any items that you wish to pull and if not do we have a motion move approval second chairman I would like to pull a couple of tabs all right we have we're under discussion we're going to we may have to amend our all right I like to pull tab seven and tab 14 all right seven and [Music] 14 all right so can we just get the motion and second amended to remove seven and 14 oh I was going to withdraw my second how do we do that all you has to do is amend it I'd like to my uh motion will be to remove Tab 7 time 14 and uh the rest of it will be on consent or approval okay so we have first and second with the amending motion we'll pull tabs s and 14 all in favor say I I any post all right now tab seven commissioner Smith so chairman we can just have um Mr Ross go through all of his presentation or I can just ask questions however you like um well the presentation you can you do a cliff note of the presentation so it's out the public and then I'll ask my questions on that uh sure so this is a an an item to move to a Voiceover IP phone system um uh our current vendor for our on-prem phone system is basically pulling out of uh the United States you're not going to offer service anymore um so we have looked at some other Solutions uh we have proposed a a solution here I'm not name the vendor there's some confidential cyber security related stuff so I'm not going to use the vendor name just as a heads up but um the full contract I think is in your guys' agenda packet um so we're asking for approval to to move to this other Voiceover IP system um and I think there were some issues about or some questions about reliability and quality of service well there's more it's more than that it's you know I'm I'm pretty familiar with um vo uh I'm sorry Voiceover IP or Internet telephone whatever you want to call it um the question I have is on the agreement here you have um a 24mon agreement with uh let's see here the exess you have a 24mon agre agreement with renewal terms after the um initial 60-month period I don't see anywhere on here that there's a backout in case there are latency issues with the telephone system um currently the traditional phone line runs on DC power as you know so when power goes out you still have your telephone connectivity or you still have communications however over voice over IP as you know that will not happen but there are some latency issues um what concerns me is the lock in at 60 months with no back back out if we have a severe problem on latency so there there are two Clauses in the contract about availability and quality of service um so they the they have a 99.99% availability if they don't meet that there are some service credits that come back and if it gets to a certain point that it's so bad 99.9 um then there is a a clause in there that we can get out of the contract without any sort of penalty so it's in there prepaid fees all right the second question is is if I'm understanding reading this correctly that our current um telecommunication bill is 260,000 a year roughly and then we're going to be moving up to $365,000 3655 correct per year correct not we're going the first year because they're giving us credits of 167,000 and I'm sure that's because of the change over uh I did not notice in here any other companies other than I see County technology and it capital and I looked through my procurement and I didn't see any other companies that bid as I so this did not go out for bid um it was considered a utility so we didn't have to go out for bid and it's also cyber security related we did look at several other companies we looked at the current vendor they offer a similar solution we looked at another vendor um we looked at this vendor this one was uh we felt the the best and was actually the cheapest out of the ones that we looked at so you vetted um one other vendor price comparable two others two other vendors the current vendor offers a similar solution and we looked at a third vendor as well okay and everything's price comparable yeah this this current one they offered the six month which was so youall are the experts in in this so I want to I want to take your word on on that but I would like to see the numbers on the next one when we have something something to do okay um what are what are we doing with our old equipment I I know it's Antiquated but are we planning on just throwing it away or can we give it to like a small town in r no North Carolina that may that may use it I know the meridium phones are not being serviced anymore but the but the key system itself may be able to be used yeah that's a great Point um something I haven't really thought about but we can certainly talk to procurement maybe there's we we typically send it to a surplus and we get auctioned off but maybe there's some opportunities to maybe other people are going to be looking for this equipment since it's end of life and right right and just help out another just help out another municipality if they if they need help because there's a lot more rural places that rely on landline solely because they can't get the uh Voiceover IP or the fiber optic Network that we're all allowed to have here commissioner um typically when we do Surplus items we will reach out to our nonprofits or other cities ities and see if they're in need of if any of the material before it goes to auction so this is certainly an opportun there's certainly an opportunity for us to reach out and if anybody's you know in need we're happy to donate that okay so on your latency issue and the 99.9% how do you quantify that uh so we would look at the the total downtime that the vender had and compared to the total time throughout the year that's where you come up with a would you take into effect customers uh experience and if they call in and say hey I'm having a problem with I can't understand them or I've got garbled information so they have a SE a separate line item for that um it's called the uh the Moss the mean opinion score and so they have a threshold for that that they have to meet a certain value um if they what's that threshold 3.8 out of five if they go before 3.8 uh for a certain number of months then we have the back out uh clause in the contract as well what is that 79% um have to look at my calculator I don't off top it's about it's about 79% I I would like to see that a little higher uh personally because if only 79% of my conversations are being heard that's a problem for me um except if I'm talking to my lovely wife she probably won't think that's a problem but right but certain people yeah so anyway I would like to see that number up now don't get me wrong I think voice over IP is fantastic um I just know that there are there could be some issues and I haven't been in this field for about three and a half years so technology rapidly changing especially with AI and our chip manufacturing capabilities so I get all that uh I just like to keep a a strong eye on the quality of service because they can provide so much more than what are landlines can provide right now uh due to functionality I get all that um so if you if you'll um just keep an eye on the latency issue and the and the call Quality and make sure that when our customers calling to us and we call out to them that they're getting the best service possible I would appreciate it absolutely and with that I'd like to make a motion to approve tab seven we have a second thank you all right all in favor say I oh discussion sorry i' like little discussion on it um when I went over the agenda on this I had two questions was it bid and what contract will repurchase it off of I'm not an expert you're more of an expert than I am but these are the type things that I would like to see hard data on are we giving people an opportunity to do it and we're not not just picking and choosing and there's another one in here also the same way that we're just picking a vendor and saying we think they have the best we've looked at two others it's not a competitive business situation so I I mean I'm going to agree with this because I'm not an expert on it but I would still like to see more of these contracts being bid and and and have other people have an opportunity and just not giving somebody a contract correct and that was in the first part of my of my statement he's already got perfect now so good all right we have a first and a second all in favor say I I oppos all right thank you thank you Eric app right thank you and by the way you and your team are doing a fantastic job uh tab 14 commissioner Smith uh you had asked that tab 14 yeah I can just I can just ask on this tab 14 was a um Planning and Zoning request for the um adus and the Planning and Zoning requested that they strike out I'm trying to find it here um they they strike out to where we have attached adus um I'd like to keep that strikeout implemented because there are homes that are specifically a mother-in-law Suite is attached to the main house with a separate driveway and a separate entrance and with this strike through um would nullify that so I would like to just keep the attached adus everything else is the same but just instead of striking out the attached adus keep it as it used to be so I have a question because I thought that the distinction was whether there was an internal door and whether it was really part of a house uh home versus a separate unit isn't that what so so I might have read it differently um uh I referred to our attorney Miss Marsh I thought it was an exterior door so for for paragraph three that the Planning and Zoning Board has recommended that you um remove it currently says or would say in accessory dwelling unit may be attached to a principal dwelling um but it cannot be accessible from the interior living area so we would consider it an Adu if it did not have an interior connection and the homes that um commissioner Smith is talking about they generally have an interior door and an exterior door or a separate garage we don't want to assess those as adus so we need this language to stay in if it's a completely separate building from the primary structure does have an interior access that would be considered an Adu and would be assessed impact fees so we need it to stay so that those new lenar DR Horton those types of Next Generation homes they're calling them do not get assessed a separate impact fee so that's why the language needs to stay in so and could you technically like block off your door like if you hadn't or Ian is that we don't even want to go there maybe um I think the concern that staff has is that that these newer homes like the Next Generation homes have these separate living areas but they're really not separate they're still part of the house well and and I take it I take it differently if you have an aging parent that you want to have live with you but not live with you um they can have a separate entrance but if an emergency happens you don't have to run way around your house you can just go right through the door right and you can have a structure like that this is just about whether you pay impact fees or not because at some point that person may not live there and you may use it for another purpose you know that's well you you got to have faith in people sometimes so I I would like to keep that language um so so just to clarify um back to commissioner campion's point the the following paragraph um is a new paragraph four to the code and the staff is trying to identify those factors that we would look at to determine if it is a separate Adu for a separate impact fee and those would include things like separate utility meter separate addresses um there's also Pro uh a comment towards the building code because there's some building code requirements where it has to be considered as a separate dwelling so the problem has been ageold with do you charge an impact fee do you not charge an impact fee simply because the the school impact fee is pretty substantial so we're trying to identify in paragraph 4 the things that we would look at to say yes this is an Adu and you have to pay a separate fee the paragraph three is the one that addresses your next Generation homes that are under the same roof maybe having a separate door to the exterior but are still connected to the inside it's almost considering an expansion of existing house under paragraph three versus just a completely separate unit so we are trying to Define it but it is very difficult we've seen in the past is if it has a kitchen a a living area and a bedroom but somebody doesn't put in a stove then now it's not a kitchen and it's not an Adu and don't charge me but I'll put the stove in later and it's just it's been my entire career here of discussing adus yeah yeah but we want to promote people you know having family members live on their property we want abolutely affordable options for families to have whether it's their kids that are you know still going to school or their parents that need assistance we definitely want to promote that and and keep in mind we do that with other Provisions we do have a impact feed deferral if you're building a a separate Adu and it's 800 S feet or less you don't pay the impact fee up front you just sign a you give us a mortgage and then when you sell it in the future then it would get paid at that time so we do have other things to encourage affordable housing um again this is we need we need the descriptions in paragraph 4 but paragraph three would we need that so that we're not charging those next gen houses a separate fee okay all right and would that make a motion to approve um well I would like to how how would I so it would be approve it to advertise accepting paragraph four changes from the Planning and Zoning Board what she said I'll second that all right we've had discussion but anymore all right um all in favor say I I any oppos excellent and before we move on then to the um the next part of the meeting I did want to point out that on Tab six because we have folks from the city of taries here and we have Melissa Hill here from the Trust for Public Lands um that uh we had approved on consent anou where we would um partner with Mount D and taries um to update the appraisal on the CSX line um no we're not bound to move forward with with this this is just an opportunity to update that appraisal so that we could move into discussions with CSX about the potential for purchasing um or using the mechanism for a um a rail bed um to convert to a trail so and this is obviously a long time coming for those of us that have been wanting uh to see a trail on the um the old railroad tracks from tar to mount D Mount D out to sarento connecting to theiva Trail so it's super exciting that those discussions have reopened and we appreciate the work of um Melissa in her group and and trying to help make this happen so I just wanted to bring that up yeah and I appreciate that I appreciate them being here as as some of y'all may know I've been working this has been dear to my heart for the last 12 years so we had a little setback and hopefully we can uh rebound from that setback and move forward and I thank TP for their help this past year and then moving forward with the big uh referendum as well your input on that thank you great thank you all okay um let's see moving on then to our presentations Nikki Booth is going to give us an update on the legislative priorities good morning Madam chair Commissioners Nikki Booth County manager's office going to give you a brief overview of the approved 2025 legislative priorities um as you know chairman Campion will be presenting these to our legislative delegation tomorrow morning so we have five appropriation requests the Golden Triangle Regional Park East Campus for 500,000 the East Lake Sports and Community complex for 500,000 the South Lake County public safety complex for 1 million the workforce training and continuing education center at Kagan Crossings Community Library for 750 and the supervisor of elections building for 1 million we also have three other priorities that will be um presented to our legislatures to our legislature excuse me the automatic Road transfer to municipalities the policy ch to align licensing requirements for freshwater charter boats um with the licensing requirements for saltwater charter boats and the support for the Claremont alternative water supply study and with that I'll turn it back to the board for discussion any discussion no just go knock them dead tomorrow I'll do my best is this too many um items at one time to go ask for money I think it's I I think that's that's a kind of a short list it's the five right was it five five primary that's pry much standard what I've seen and I did have a call from one of um our Senators and he is trying to put a meeting together regarding the clar mile alternative water supply study so you might want to hit on that pretty hard all right okay yeah any other input I appreciate any suggestions I think that um I mean this is a great opportunity to have the discussion at a public forum um a lot of the heavy lifting comes after this um and falls on each of us um to you know have those appointments and have those meetings and and follow up on these requests so and if if I make a make a suggestion is commissioner Parks is well very well versed in a Wellness Way in all his nuances so I would highly recommend um talking to him about some things that would not break the Sunshine Law perfect I think he should probably take the lead on the discussion if if the board is going to uh meet with the senator um St John's and anybody else that has in the game I appreciate that and the chair can cover that I think tomorrow very well but I I appreciate you talking to I'm going to assume Senator trow yes uh and uh I have similar discussions uh as well with him about this as well as representative jakowski uh too so yeah thank you thank you pretty important down it's uh very very important because it's a limiting factor pretty much at this point water it I think somebody might be having a Christmas party somewhere in this building CU I'm smelling an aroma that I hope is not fire um and chief kilbury just walked in I don't know if he's picking up that smell just want to make sure everything's okay somebody baking cookies we want some okay all right um okay um Jeff aart Public Works uh we're going to have a presentation on the Lakeshore Drive uh situation that was brought up um morning Jeff aart engineering director this is a followup to the online call um related to um leg Shore Drive and also the a call that was received at the last at the last meeting regarding leg Shore Drive just kind of to show us all where we're at this is um you see the the impacted house is on the left it's right near um Autumn and Lake Shore and Evar if you know where those those roads are um the traffic on these roads is about 3,000 trips per day and the speed limits 45 miles per hour um this is a photo back in 2012 that kind of shows what it looked like about 10 10 years ago we've kind of pointed out the house that was um impacted by the car um and I just wanted to kind of show you what it what it looked like then and then the next one kind of shows you what it looks like now there's been a lot of um work and conversation um with them you can see they've there a lot more trees and buffering around the house that that someone else did but the road has been um it was resurfaced and um earlier this year we also added in um you can see over on the right that the the markings were were inhan with the the white and the yellow markings and they're also added the um the vibratory um raised um R RPMs in that particular area so the there has been quite a bit of coordination with the residents um we started talking with um with them back in early or late 2023 um the road was then resurfaced really as part of our ongoing program in early 24 we added those reflective markers in early 24 we we striped it as part of that that Paving Pro program we have ordered radar signs they're on delivery they're supposedly they're on the truck supposed to be here so I did say it would be install an early 25 it could actually be um later this this month if at all possible I'm going to show you some graphics about some guardrails that we we did we did look at the potential for guard rails there's also some potential for some roundabouts in this particular area um looking at our analysis we go if we have an online database that shows us what crashes occurred um our database only showed one crash which is in on 2022 um so that's um only one since 2014 the resident did tell us and we have no reason not to believe this that there was one in 2009 one in the 2012 2013 Range then the other one in 2022 I'm looking at the the guard rail situation I just kind of the the house is over on the right you can see the the the the you see the guard rail that could possibly be be be installed um and then you see the the Blue Line kind of shows where the road where the the car would have gone off off track and the the the issue with putting the guard rail doesn't really protect the house because the the car goes off track right where Autumn Lane comes in so we really can't block off Autumn rain Lane in order to get that in there you can also see the little yellow line that's kind of where another guard rail could possibly be tasted guard rails really aren't meant to be direct impact so we really don't recommend putting putting it in that particular area but this is the one option that we we did explore and we we talked to the resident about um there is some roundabouts that are intended to come here on Lake Shore very soon you can see on the well potentially on the on the left side we're currently in in design for the roundabout at 561 in Lakes Shore so we um hope that that construction may start in the next um year or two that should be the design should be completed um early next next year as well is over to the right right where this house is you got Autumn Lane and mmar there's a development that has come in and talked to us about potentially placing a roundabout at that particular intersection if that development does come through and if the roundabout does come to fruition this will would serve to one slow down traffic and it would also right at that intersection would get that roundabout which would direct traffic in the direction we' want to go so if if that development comes through that would be a longer term solution it's everything we do we try to start with something that that that that's that's low cost that may give us some some benefits which was those markings and signings then we we go further and further and further in in our steps so um that's the uh that's the update she did mention building I don't know about the the building um issues with that but if you have any questions for me I'll be happy to answer them and Merry Christmas is there a flashing light or caution light or anything like that out there you know as far as like a solar powered the uh the well I don't think there's a solar I don't know if there's a flashing a warning light the the the radar the the speed the radar sign that's going to give your speed limit is going to go up either in December or January okay so that should be a big improvement with that the radar sign going up it'll be the one that kind of says the speed limits 45 you're going this and it it will tell you they've just been on back order commissioner Parks um sorry yeah she doesn't use I'm just watching for now we'll see he's leaning on that we have a button spe for everybody we have a little system on the queuing up of who wants to speak and and you're a rule follower so I know you wanted that but anyway I digress uh just a question here with um there's about the roundabouts again just confirming uh latest and greatest sort of uh best practices and knowledge and science behind roundabouts uh make it clear that we don't need to put roundabouts everywhere around Lake County not advocating that but they do have an appropriate place they are safer uh still safer I assume uh and they over 25 years will typically cost less for us to maintain than an actual traffic signal so that data is still there because I get asked about roundabouts and yeah we hate roundabouts they're more they're costly uh so I just I like to make sure I'm still accurate on what I'm saying and telling people we don't want to put them everywhere but they are uh safer and over 25 years uh cheaper for the county actually so you are correct yes thank you any other questions comments commissioner Smith oh she's waiting for his commissioner my button's not working is it if you just like give me a signal like go like this hey this is his deal not mine I'm just trying to follow the rules I like that I appreciate it so uh is County staff recommendation not to put up a guard rail correct yes and is it County staff recommendation to put up a flashing speed sign we are planning to put one up yes and of those ficing speed signs can they be reallocated once um the possibility of a roundabout goes in yes they can reloc need here thanks okay um I need to check to see if we have anyone online on this agenda item is someone raising their hand perhaps yes we have uh two hands raised the first is David Patrick dwey you should be able to unmute your phone and state your name and your comments for the board you you are unmuted but we're not hearing you Mr Dewey can move on to the next one um Vicky Dey Cashwell you should be able to unmute and then say your comments for the board yes I'd just like to State um for the record that there is more than three accidents um I don't know if he's referring to just my house but I actually have four police reports of accidents to my house but also I have the traffic analysis um data that the community that's um projecting to build there did that does not have some of the accidents that I have on the report that I received from FHP so none of it's actual accurate because they had some on theirs that wasn't on mine so to make a long story short there's been over 20 accidents on that that actual curve right there with fatalities and very serious injuries now I have videos that I would love to be able to show but I know you're not going to have the access or allow me to show them but a video that I take every every day here of these trucks coming around this corner and I do appreciate that they're going to put the flashing sign but the only reason that's happening is because I I contacted Mr George gadiel four weeks ago asking why nothing has been done to this day still and so he says oh nothing's been done no nothing had been done I actually have an email from uh George gat in 2023 cuz I've been speaking to him since 2022 he's been well the whole they've known about this since 2022 but 2023 he even emails to Mike Oka which Mike Oka called me the other day after I spoke to the county manager and it says have we scheduled this for design yet I'm not sure we've even really discussed it much see what that's the point I'm trying to make you haven't discussed it much because it wasn't of high importance and it's taken me two and a half years going through hell contacting every Department known to mankind try and get this done so for them to sit there and try and act like this has been in the works no it has not been this this community that's wanting to build is the only one trying to push to put this roundabout there the engineer has come out here met with me twice I've talked I've talked to him about five times and you know this something just needs to be done and not just because now you're going to try and look good and say oh this has been in the works no it hasn't been in the works the only reason it's ordered is because Mr gadiel told me that he had actually just ordered some oh I didn't realize nothing had been done so yeah you'll be the first on the list well thank you for being first on the list after two and a half years of hell and one day I'm going to speak it every meeting until I get every bit of this other part of this out because it's not right what has happened here they the they've known about this too because I have an email right here that I've actually sent back in 20 January 2023 asking Mr gel can you see this building department case on my file yet he refuses to answer to that but then I have other emails right behind that where then all of a sudden he's sending an email hey what are we doing about this have we got this designed yet that I mean they've done I've already talked to youall last week about that but I'm not going to go off the agenda this was on that tab I'll speak again next time about the rest of this agenda that I have with the building department till something is done all right thank thank you for that information and thank you for that additional information about the crash history too I think that's really relevant that you got to look at the whole stretch right there you can't just look right at that one house and I think that's important um but if we could just keep um if we could be updated when that sign is uh installed so that we know that that's being addressed and any updates on what's happening with that potential development and the roundabout design commissioner Parks yeah and just to emphasize and I um I do hear what the caller said and I know this area and I know there's accidents and it is dangerous um but I think I said this the last time speed is a very big factor in this too and um you know we always ask for more enforcement um and I'm sure these will help these improvements even if they are late to the caller uh will help but always remember too that um we have to get people to slow down and actually pay attention uh in those situations because I think there's some crazy crazy speeds that are clocked on that road at times and that will definitely contribute that contributes to that uh being very dangerous as well and I don't know if there's a speed limit I mean you can lower the speed limit but um you can only do that so much and they still speed the roundabouts will certainly slow that down in between and it be as you get the feel of it being see this this was uh you know 20 25 years ago I mean this is way out in the C the country you know now there wasn't that kind of traffic load on it and you know you might get somebody going by there 80 90 miles an hour but it might have only been once a day now you have more people doing 80 90 miles per hour as they're cutting through from Tampa um but I think you know some of these improvements long term will definitely slow it down and make it more of a um I don't want to say a Suburban feel but it'll it'll definitely break it up where it's not wide open out in the country um so I think that'll help as well but we could look at speed speed limit I don't know if you're doing that Jeff but looking at speed limits as well and again it comes down to enforcements to talking to the Sheriff's Department you know please we really do want you to write tickets for people that are speeding and that'll help as well okay well thank thank you for the update and yeah just keep us Continue to update us as new things happen um other business uh we've got tab 31 this is appointments to the board of building examiners um there are four members seeking reappoint ointment um one of those George Merrick requires uh an ethical waiver um so we need um move approval I'll second that with the understanding of the ethical waiver okay and that also included adjusting the term that's fine adjusting the term for one of the members Jeremy Shan wisman okay good yes okay all in favor say I I any oos all right moving on then to tab 32 this is appointment to library Advisory Board the library Advisory Board um we've got district one and District 4 um I'm in agreement with John Nystrom seeking reappointment he has served for a number of years and has been very much engaged and appreciates his uh we appreciate his service and I know he appreciates the chance to do it um we have City of taries Lawrence Ross um would fill an unexpired term through 2 28 26 and then district one there are two applicants Adam Graham and Tom Vil discussion discussion oh well I would recommend Tom Vil he uh sufficiently adequate for the job he's got a law degree he's been a treasurer for many years businessman longstanding member of the community um who I believe will do a good job reading through all the statutes codes and ordinances making sure things are in place and that is district oh one my my district yeah your District okay do we have do we have a motion yeah I'm I'm good with District three I like a motion to approve okay your motion is to approve all are you going to I'm sorry I'd like to make a motion to approve the library board uh with um commissioner sapa's recommendation of Tom Vil and then district four um reappointment in city of tar Lawrence Ross yes yes okay all right do we have a second second all right any further discussion all in favor say I I I any opposed all right passes 5 board discussion on pnz appointment um this is district one to fill expired term on pnz uh ending January 31st 2025 plus an additional term ending January 31st 2029 um the following individuals have applied and that's Don Bailey a district one resident and Joseph de prola um a district one resident um just making sure I understand um we're filling an unexpired term plus an additional term through 2029 same same appointment um but it extends to the the rest of the term so this is district one um usually we defer to a district commissioner on their request both are great I would recommend them but um one District whichever district one is open now one begins soon correct okay so I would recommend Don Bailey for the immediate one and then we can just reappoint him because he's a former County Commissioner here did a great job in the 1980s and 90s for us uh here in County and uh very very skilled and and ready for the job on day one so second uh I would move to approve Don Bailey for the uh um remaining part of the existing term and then Mr deera for the uh new term oh Hardley second okay so we have a first and a second everybody understands Mr Bailey to fill the the one and then de perola to then um extend out to 2029 all in favor say I I any opposed all right thank you very much um now we have tab 34 um we have two positions on the tourist Development Council um with a term expiration of December 1 2028 um so so I'm on the TDC board um I would like to uh recommend uh David Perry um who is a phenomenal businessman business owner and just a great guy all around and I would like to also um have GG lman um come back onto the board for reappointment as she has done a fantastic job understands Economic Development and understands this for everybody in Lake County not just for a single entity so um I highly recommend those too okay with that recommendation too I want to point out GG filled out a card GG do you want to speak or are you okay yes good morning my name is GG lemon I am with the big house Sports Complex as of January 2025 we've been open 12 years we're excited to be in the city of taries and in Lake County we bring a lot of economic tourism to the county each weekend as a matter of fact we have a free camp for kids this weekend for baseball so anyone that's available Saturday mornings um we're really excited about being a part of it and I think with commissioner Smith um heading up the tourist Development Council we have a lot of work to do between now and 28 in order to try and um really establish oursel as a basically a player in the State of Florida so far as tourism coming here I thank you for the recommendation and hope that you'll approve it thank you very much thank you GG all right so do we have a motion was that a motion you going to turn it into a motion that was a motion yes all right do we have a second second second all right any further discussion all in favor say I I I any oppos that passes my vote Madam chair we made a I made a mistake on the last appointment and I just spoke to our Council and would like to amend it um I made a mistake I thought there was actually two different Reigns these are two consecutive ones so if you don't mind I'd like to move to retract the original vote and then choose Don Bailey for both the unexpired term and then the following term which can starts at the end of the expired term so it would be for a month and a half then another I read this as you know I just sort of forgot that we only get one one appointee for each board so it was my mistake I apologize and just to ask the County Attorney is from the standpoint of so can we just make a recommendation him that that he would just appoint um Don Bailey for the next term yes so what I would do is just one motion to resend the appointment of Joseph uh D perola and appoint Don Bailey to fill the um the next term so I move to resend Mr deola um for the term which he was just appointed and instead a name Don Bailey for that position all right all in favor say I hi hi and just for the record I'll reach out to Mr deagol because I'd like to have him you know serve the county in some capacity so excellent okay so and we got the vote all in favor say I did I everybody okay that was 0 and um and then commissioner uh satini will reach out to Mr D perola um and we appreciate folks that will put these applications in and want to serve and sometimes we can find other places where they can serve as well so that's great okay moving on then to reports County attorney uh County Manager uh I just want to remind everybody that county offices will be closed next Wednesday for Christmas Day and then January 1st for New Year's Day and I'd like to wish everybody a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year thank you all right commissioner satini any report uh let's see no report I went to the uh with you we both went to the no um nothing really that new or interesting there I'm sure you can make a few remarks about it um but obviously we want to make sure I'd like to make sure that Highway 19 in South Lake uh going south through Groveland uh is prioritized so that's going to be something I'm pushing in the future um and then let's see last month we did the medical board so you know I'm sure we get our appointments next month I I'll have a lot more to say but for now not too much so merry Christmas everybody commissioner barks uh yes um I've had the uh distinct honor to join our County Manager in the Christmas decorating judging contest that's currently going on right now we have seen some absolutely fantastic Christmas spirit going on in the county so it's nice to see um I had a visit with Hawthorne answered a lot of their questions um Hawthorne Community there in South leeburg they had a lot of questions with the county I answered a lot of their their questions for the for the county and um I meet with them once a quarter so it's it's nice to have be able to to do that I met the new mayor of asula very nice guy I would uh recommend every one of you to reach out to him um he he's new he's new but he seems genuine to me and I really enjoyed uh my talk to him uh so uh very nice to to meet him I met with Lake Tech and D um Deanna Thomas and a private business on enhancing uh technical studies as you know I'm a big Tech guy so I'm always looking for ways of an opportunities to enhance our technical schools and I believe that we um are well on our way to um absolutely do that and that's all I have right at this second all right thank you Comm Parks oh one more thing Merry Christmas Merry Christmas it's Bardon um thank you chair so I got back uh last week was at the Florida Association of counties um where some legislative policies were formulated by over 375 um well at least hopefully 375 County Comm Commissioners from around the county the State of Florida had input um I think our two new Commissioners were there so I it was good to see them there as well as the county manager maybe for a day at least was there so I appreciate you all being there and uh I'll have a summary uh instead of going over that right now um I'll just give you all we'll make sure that you get a written summary of that and that's important for people to know because they as a county they uh organization representing all counties around Florida um will put forward uh important policies that affect us especially when it comes to government closest to the people works best as we know uh policies of home rule and our relationship with the legislators is very important and so those policies come together and now as we go into session uh we act as one voice uh maybe not agreeing with all the policies but most of them uh and uh and work with our legislators moving into the the coming session so I'll make sure you all get a written copy of that as well um so that you're you know what's going on um other than that uh happy to announce that January 22nd we will be having a a meeting a workshop meeting in um Ferndale it's the first that I can tell from any in the history of Lake County uh and I'm not sure if ferndale's grown that that much in maybe the last 30 years although it's growing now um but they do have issues and concerns and we just went through the isba uh three or four months ago as you know um past year dealt with that um and we got that uh that agreement formalized for another 20 years uh they're very happy but they also people residents of Ferndale wanted us to come out and uh maybe just talk about what the county does so we're going to have some staff out there for that and then talk about long-term planning to keep Ferndale rural uh that's obviously on the be of its importance being on the um west side of Lake aapka and the wildlife Corridor and the agricultural lands that are still there remaining uh we want to protect that so looking forward to everybody to write that down on the calendar hopefully you all can be there on January 22nd other than that um commissioner Smith I really appreciate you started a wonderful tradition getting the t's choir out that was uh very beautiful um there's nothing like hearing that in the round the round building here coming in and uh and then hearing them this morning so thank you for doing that and I hope that we do this every year so uh I I really appreciate them and doing that seeing those kids do that is just wonderful uh other than that um also enjoyed a lot of events is probably all you have around the county in your various cities they're all doing a great job all the cities do a incredible job of just that extra special Touch of celebrating the season so thank you all for doing that and Merry Christmas to you all happy New Year look forward to working with you in 2025 thank you um just a couple things um um I was able to have a couple more meetings on Lake Amos and the um Round Lake Road Wolf Branch area um appreciate Carl Carl Bersa and Jordan Salinger um attending those meetings and explaining the drainage situation to Residents we have a few more of those meetings coming up um this is followup on our you know our our town hall meeting that we had out on Round Lake Road at uh real life church so we're working on that um also had a chance to go out and tour the Brit road collapse um and it's just completely amazing it's like 100 F feet wide itting yes it's just uh apocalyptic looking um like right out of a movie or something um staff is working hard trying to uh secure other rideway if it possible to be able to reroute that a little bit so that we could have that north south Connection open um it's difficult it's complicated um I'm doing my best to try to get that information out to the public so people understand it's not it's not like Wolf Branch where we had the ride away and we were able to go in put a CT in fix it and get it up and going within almost 3 weeks um this is a major major project if it were to be undertaken in the same location um you would almost have to have a bridge and as we all know that would be extremely expensive and at some point this just may not make sense to have that north south connector if we can't get right away at a reasonable you know price um so that's that's being worked on um and um um a lot of effort is going into that um at the no meeting um I brought up the fact that uh State Road 44b is in a horrible uh condition right now as far as the number of um cars that are using and trucks using that north south connector that's been exacerbated by the Brit road collapse we have so much more TR we already were over capacity and now it's it's untenable basically you have three or four Cycles at each of those intersections and then people that live in neighborhoods along 44b a lot of them have difficulty just getting out of their neighborhoods um so around 2010 there was a design and there was engineering done by the state to widen that road and provide for additional turn lanes and some U-turn type scenarios all along that road um that has not been funded so here we are in 20 2024 um it's on the no top list top priority it's a $28 million project um you know we're it's like so many other projects in Lake County I there's a huge huge need um but we rely upon the state to work with us on these things um and there hasn't really been money for new projects coming in in the last two years on the no list so um we just have to continue to um speak with our Representatives at District 5 fdot um there is and I think I'm going to put this out on social media just to see if residents would weigh in on the fdot website on their public hearing for their work program um there's a plan to actually resurface that road um it's like a three or $ four million do project um that's going to happen at a time when the road is over over capacity so that could actually make problems worse if they're working on the road I'd rather see that money go towards the long-term improvements that are needed um so I'm just going to ask residents to weigh in and let dot know how bad the situation is I know staff were working on a meeting to bring the district um the secretary out to have him take a look at it I know the city of Eustace and mount D have also done that we've asked um sent a letter um we haven't done the letter yet to City of usus and outdo but I think that we need to send a letter ask them to adopt a resolution um that would support getting um those 44b improvements in place um so that's something I could put on the agenda if I need to do that to ask you all for your support you know from from those two cities um we could the resolution could go to the no so that we keep that up on the list you know as a priority and then also to reach out to do and try to get their help so um the other thing that I did was um had a meeting with City Mount Dora officials along with our legislative delegation about a smell problem um the city Mount door now has data that shows that the smell that is occurring in and around um serrento Avenue Old 46 um as well as reaching into downtown Mount Dora and then going really into the Sullivan's Ranch area um they were able to capture air run test and it's related to items that are in the uh cndd landfill there and it's mainly related to the drywall although some of it is chemicals and things like acetone things that get in the air irritate people's eyes bother people that have breathing conditions and so they were reaching out the city to the legislative delegation to try to get some help with fdp um this landfill unfortunately has been given an extension to add more um capacity upward capacity like another 100 feet um so the request is that FD would really take a look at this and their concerns about the Wolf Branch sink is immediately adjacent and our staff had collected water samples that did not show that they were contaminated um but there may be um evidence now that there's some contamination so we really want to stay on top of this and and pursue this with FD and ideally I mean it's just really really a shame that we have a c and d landville right next to one of the most um you know pristine and vulnerable um water features in Central Florida a direct connection at the Wolf Branch sink to the Florida aquifer so so I'm going to continue to stay on top of this and I appreciate the support of the board if there are things that we can do as a board to try to get um this situation address commissioner satini I mean I'd be open to making a motion right now directing staff to draft a letter immediately to DP especially going into the legislative session saying please do not let them expand or inform us what the reasoning is here not just the waterways but one of the most iconic cities in the entire State of Florida which of course it's it's um externalities are affecting so um I mean I would move to do that right now obviously I want to hear from you guys first I want to be too abrasive here but I would move that we immediately pen a letter to DP and tell them to please brief us on what's going on and what we can do to stop it and why they think that's a good idea because it's no longer a good idea probably was maybe years ago when they approved they weren't thinking ahead but right right no and I don't know whether we have to put that on on the agenda actually do a letter or whether just having a consensus that I send the letter as the either the district commissioner or the chair I don't know Melanie if if for both I like that idea I think the more I I really would like to see us be able to achieve a positive result here because this is this is very very serious so you can add it to the agenda as an emergency item and then you can vote on it from that point okay I would move to add it as an emergency item and uh directing staff to pen a letter to DP um reiterating our public position that we've all cons on a consensus basis have uh made public here and uh and I move to do so do we have a second I'll I'll second and I have just all right so this is to put it on the agenda um all in favor say I I now it's on the agenda and we can have some more discussion about what the letter should say and what it should address I mean I'm supportive of the letter definitely getting involved especially with the health issue um just a question is it so this is it the Chinese drywall that was dumped in there gypsum and drywall coming from south Florida probably from places far beyond Lake County um coming to this landfill and as you know that material smells really really bad yeah exactly it's unfortunately it's going to be really hard to get that out but um yeah let's see what they can do for sure and you know they unfortunately you know when this was permitted it wasn't lined so that's that is a issue to water now the land know that for a fact do we know if it's an old CN landfill when was it permitted oh a long time ago it's pre de the pre new rule there would be no way that it'd be lined it's probably it may have a clay layer at the bottom a small clay layer but we would have to pull the files on it there was also a consent order years ago with d that Lake County was involved in so we'd have to go back and pull all of that yeah yeah it was an old bar pit um as you know years and years ago um but it's been expanded and expanded and then it was annexed into the City of Mount Dora um I believe that they were looking at it as an opportunity then to Annex properties contiguous to it the city then proceeded this is a couple years ago they proceeded to Annex the Wolf Branch sink um this was before the water authority was um switched over U according to the legislation to the form that it is in now that doesn't change the fact that the wol Fring is still owned by the Lake County Water Authority annexing into the city just yeah means that you know any improvements and things that are done out there would go through them for permitting but um but um the fact that it's been enlarged and expanded and right after the hurricane um uh Bobby and I went out there because we we were really concerned about what was happening with runoff and so we have a lot of pictures um a letter was sent by staff to D um and I think the Water Authority about their concerns um they went out looked at it and there's really a lot of evidence that water could be leaving that site or it could be seeping from that site so um following up I think is is something that we absolutely have to do and I think this should just be a huge priority we can partner you know Mount Dora can do their part and and approach it from the city's standpoint but I think the county um you know this is a this is a water source this is the surrounding County residents uh even door residents or County residents Sullivan's Ranch uh unincorporated residents it affects that entire area well to to your question you know the it's if it's not lined and it's an old landfill um it's not permitted like it would be today why are you going to permit another 100 feet of airspace on it that was a good question and then now they have this this data they've collected that's showing stuff in the air and and and potentially in the water sure yeah so and then of course you know if you know we could look down the road for a legislative appropriation to get that fixed because that's something that you know you look at our legislative Appropriations they things we really want but they're not always things we need this sort of thing in Tallahassee can be very much expedited people think it's a real environmental hazard and serious issue and they can get that in last minute easy secondly on the policy side if we find the DPS telling us well there's nothing we can do blah blah General law can change that so you can there's always going to be a d package in Tallahassee we can do a last minute Amendment saying landfills of the side need this much approval from these years that they were approved blah blah blah and you can get it done in tasse so we can we could do something during session to stop this expanding if we don't want it to uh as a priority and we could talk about that later but and in third note I would just say Yeah in terms of the contents of the letter obviously you've been on a point person on this and you're on top of it so I would just say um you know I would move that our County attorney and our chairperson work together to formulate the letter and get it out as soon as possible and I think you know I think all all the points were made and it's going to reflect what we talked about so right I really appreciate the support and um we'll we'll bring you updates as we receive them all right um so do we don't we we have a consensus to send the letter now that we got it on the agenda so we don't have to vote on that all right um and those were my uh that was my report and um I again want to thank the tar high school and the choir it was amazing and and commissioner Smith for making that happen um I think it's a great tradition um want to wish everybody a Merry Christmas it's hard to believe what is it eight seven days oh it's getting really really close lots to do between now and then um and wish everyone a Happy New Year and I really truly look forward to the things that we'll be working on in the coming year together and um appreciate staff and I just hope everybody enjoys this time as an opportunity to kind of get away from work and enjoy their families and their loved ones and just a reminder you do have a closed session at 11:00 and that will be across the hallway okay all right so 11:00 we will um have our closed session just a reminder so with that I'm going to adjourn the meeting wait did oh we went down this list and I just skipped right over you look how big I am how can you skip over me well see what happened is we started to explain and then yeah we started going this way and we should have started with you all right can I speak speak now yeah okay uh boot camp we went at boot camp at fac the good part about it is I knew about 90% of everything they were saying because I've done government work before uh I met with habitat this morning um director got got to tune up on that uh commissioner Smith was lucky enough to introduce me to Mayor terer and his wife at asula uh the no I asked him to get a better owl because I'd like to see everybody in the meeting when I was online but uh good information there's a lot lot of uh that's a really hard one to do it is zoom if you can be there it's that's what I will try to do next time I'm sure um other than that I wish all a merry Christmas and uh Happy New Year and we're going to have some good things coming in 25 absolutely thank you very much commissioner Morse um and with that we stand adjourned oh wait you but you went no you you told me you told me to wait till the end I'm waiting for it oh for our today today the day today's the day all right this is is this going to be a really good one is it worth so this is a good one and it Segways uh what you were saying today is uh say it now day and it is say it nowaday it is to reach out to your friends and family and people that assisted you to tell them that you appreciate everything that they have done for you is to show your gratitude for the human beings around you so say it now it's say it nowadays so call up your friends and family and call up a stranger and just say hey I certainly appreciate you and we can make that uh say it now all the way through Christmas all the way through Christmas this is a chance to let those people we we love that know that we appreciate them thank you commissioner Smith We Stand adjourned boy I was really trying to journ that meeting I'm congrats Don thank you